Name day February 13th. Angel Day: women's name day in February

Children born in February are naturally harsh and sometimes even cruel temper. And even babies are not without a “hardened” character. In fact, winter, leaving its positions, leaves a harsh imprint on the babies born in the last fierce winter month.

Therefore, a name for a girl in February and March should be chosen soft, affectionate, so that it can “soften” the harsh features. After all, it is thanks to the correctly chosen name for a girl born in February that parents will help emphasize the tenderness and kindness, calmness and obedience of the baby.

Children born in the year of the pig in February - character traits

What name to give to a girl born in February if the horoscope promises a slightly simple character for the baby. What parents should be careful about and protect theirs with the help of a correctly chosen name.

What are they, “February” children?

Their character is as unpredictable as. Outbursts of stubbornness and perseverance can quickly give way to capriciousness and isolation. But babies are able to control their nervous breakdowns, unlike their friends born at the beginning of winter.

They are absolutely not afraid of difficulties or obstacles along the way. Their courage and perseverance help them achieve their goals.

They do not need much time to make responsible decisions, which often leads to rash and reckless actions. Counting to 10 - this advice is perfect for “February” girls. They need to stop to cool down, think and only then make decisions.

Quite often they attribute failures to weaker, unlucky “friends.” They are also no strangers to rancor and even vindictiveness. Nobility and generosity should not be expected from winter children.

Their cruelty is amazing. They simply despise weaklings.

Straightforwardness and selfishness confuse parents and educators. Little revolutionaries are capable of rebellion.

When building their careers, February rebels do not shun impartial actions, gossip, and manipulation. All goals are good for these narcissistic natures.

Family is of great importance to them. They often have large marriages. And in the house there are constant gatherings of relatives and close friends.

It is worth highlighting the creative principle. If a girl born in February becomes interested in any craft, her work will be completed at the highest level. But the goal can quickly change; accordingly, today she can embroider a picture with a cross, and tomorrow she can write poetry.

Lucky names for girls born in February

When choosing a name for their child, some are guided by the church calendar, others by the combination with the surname and patronymic, and others by personal preferences. If you decide to choose a rare name, think about how your daughter will live with it in the future when she grows up. After all, someday she will become an attractive girl or a female leader.

Popular and fashionable names are another extreme. Imagine that 5-7 more Len will study together with your Alena, and Maria will simply get lost among a dozen Mashas in the yard or at the institute.

Look for a happy medium when choosing girls' names in February. But consider also complex nature crumbs that need to be smoothed, softened.

Among the beautiful winter names, consider the following options:

  • Albina, that is, white-faced;
  • Blessed - happy;
  • Zarina, Zlata – golden;
  • Safura is a twinkling star.

Such names sound tenderness, kindness and gentleness. But the winter name Snezhana is not entirely suitable for February babies. Cold, white as snow - a bad choice for the end of winter.

Once you have chosen a suitable name, try to deflect it, use affectionate and diminutive forms. Imagine how you will lull or calm your baby with that name, praise or scold.

Consider these name options for February babies:

  • Anna,
  • Milena,
  • Zhanna,
  • Alice,
  • Svetlana,
  • Natalia,
  • Irina,
  • Rita,
  • Faith,
  • Emma.

But you should not call the baby by harsh, harsh names. The names Ekaterina, Tamara, Veronica, Zinaida, Margarita will not suit her.

Lucky names for girls by month: February

If you want a name for your baby that is not only soft and gentle, but also happy, consider these options:

  • Anna,
  • Agnia,
  • Agafya,
  • Aksinya,
  • Anastasia,
  • Valentina,
  • Evdokia,
  • Inna,
  • Ksenia,
  • Christina,
  • Maria,
  • Marfa,
  • Svetlana,
  • Pavel,
  • Theodora,
  • Christina.

If you couldn’t find a suitable name from our list, get acquainted with beautiful or unusual names for girls. The main thing is that it is in tune not only with the winter cold, but also with the patronymic. Agree, Apolinaria Bronislavovna will not have an easy time in life.

Names of girls in February according to the church calendar

The question of how to choose the right name for a child has always been relevant. Parents are also concerned about whether newborns can be named after relatives or parents. In some families, quarrels even arise on this basis.

The church provides answers to many questions. Since ancient times, the Orthodox tried to name their child in accordance with the church calendar of Christmastide. After all, not only her character, but also her fate depends on the girl’s name. And it is already predetermined from above what name a person should live with.

By giving the child biblical names, the parents wanted their baby to become closer to holiness, to the destinies of saints and characters from the Bible. In Russia, after accepting Orthodoxy, they always tried to give the newborn the name of a Saint who would later patronize him. To do this, they adhered to the church calendar or Christmastide.

How to choose Orthodox names for girls in February

Almost every day of Christmastide has the name of a Saint. It is on this day that his deeds are honored. It is from this calendar that the name for naming the newborn is chosen. If the girl’s name does not coincide with Christmastide, the name day is celebrated on her Saint’s day.

In Christmastide there are names of Slavic, Greek and Hebrew origin. There are also unusual and rare names. In total, there are more than 1100 names in Christmastide. So you can choose a suitable name with deep energy and protection from above for your child.

Christmas time in February: girls' names

We offer a list of the most successful names for girls in February during Christmas time:

  • February 1: Feodosia,
  • February 2: Rimma, Inna,
  • February 3: Anna, Agnia,
  • February 5: Militsa, Ekaterina, Evdokia,
  • February 6: Oksana, Ksenia,
  • February 8: Maria,
  • February 10: Olga,
  • February 12: Chrysa, Pelageya,
  • February 13: Evdokia,
  • February 16: Anna,
  • February 17: Ekaterina, Anna,
  • February 18: Alexandra, Agata, Vasilisa,
  • February 19: Martha, Dora, Christina, Dorothea, Maria, Martha,
  • February 23: Valentina, Alevtina, Anna, Galina,
  • February 24: Fedora,
  • February 25: Maria,
  • February 26: Vera, Anna, Svetlana, Arina, Zoya, Irina,
  • February 28: Sofia, Euphrosyne

Choose interesting and beautiful names for girls in February, and your baby will be immensely grateful to you when she grows up.

Video: Angel Day

What's the difference between Angel's Day and Name Day? Archpriest Andrei Fedosov talks in the video

On February 13, name days are celebrated among those people who were given male names Ilya, Ivan, Victor and Nikita. No women's names have been submitted to date.

The church calendar for 2019 indicates that on February 13 a prayer should be offered to Nikita of Novgorod.

In Rus', name days were one of the favorite holidays for girls and boys. Birthday people invited only those who could be called close people and treated them delicious dishes, entertained in every possible way, and at the end of the feast they gave gifts.

For many, name days were much more important than birthdays, because on this day one could turn to one’s patron, as the connection with him became more tangible.

Now on name day it is customary to thank your angel by sending him a mental prayer. Only the most sincere words will be heard and used for the benefit of the ward.

From an early age, Nikita showed interest in Christianity and love for God. After serving at the monastery, the young man decided to indulge in solitude and become a hermit.

The abbot was afraid that the decision was hasty, because Nikita was too young, but the young man was adamant. He withdrew from people, and soon, at the instigation of the devil, abandoned prayers and concentrated on reading the Holy Scriptures.

Nikita memorized Old Testament, leaving the New one without attention. Many began to come to him for advice, but experienced people realized that this was the suggestion of the devil.

Prayer and fasting helped Nikita regain his true faith. He arrived in Novgorod, where he was appointed bishop. The saint died in 1108.

The very first thing a person is given at birth is a name. This is not just a word that a child will be called. The name determines character and gives a person special strength and skills. For centuries, parents have chosen a name for their baby using Orthodox calendar. In the church calendar you can find information about what day and month the saint’s name corresponds to. This calendar is a good help for parents: it allows you to decide on a name that may bring good luck and happiness to the baby.

Name days, small name days and birthdays - is there a difference?

Unlike birthdays, Angel Day has a fundamental spiritual meaning. The day of remembrance of the heavenly patron whose name a person bears also has other names, for example, namesake day. Often in the church calendar there are several days of commemoration of named saints. For example, Pelageya’s name day is honored nine times! Not only Porlyuschi can celebrate several name day dates. several times a year with Maria, Anastasia, Ekaterina. Galina's name day is celebrated twice a year.

Determining one name day can be difficult. However, church practice implies that Angel's Day should be the day that is closest to the date of birth ahead of the calendar. The days of remembrance of other saints with the same name are called small name days. It is worth noting that these are recommendations rather than rules. You can choose any saint with your own name as your patron.

Sweet daughter: what to name a baby born in February?

If you don’t know what to name a daughter born in February, a church calendar with information about who celebrates women’s name days in February will come to the rescue. On the first, Theodosia (God-given) and Louise (smiling) celebrate Angel Day. On the second of February - Karina (impeccable), Vasilisa (princess), the "Roman" Rimma and the waters "Inna. On the third of February, Agnia (immaculate) and Anastasia (resurrected) are celebrated. By the way, Anastasia can celebrate her name day on the fourth of February. The fifth is the day of remembrance such saints as Evdokia (benevolence), Agatha (good) and Catherine (pure and great). By the way, Evdokia’s name day can be celebrated not only on this day: in the church calendar, women’s name days in February are celebrated for girls with this name on February 13 and 14.

On February 6th, Ksenia and Oksana celebrate their name day. These two names have the same translation - "guest". Ladies with the name Felicata (lucky) can celebrate Angel Day. The eighth, seventeenth and twenty-fifth of February are the name days of Mary, whose name means “stubborn.”

The 10th is the day of remembrance of “bright” Olga, and the twelfth is the name day of Pelageya (sea). Theoktists (created by God), Athanasia (immortal) and Theodosia (given by God) Angel Day can celebrate the Sixteenth - the day of remembrance of the prophetess Anna, whose name is translated as "grace", and the twenty-third - the blessed princess Anna of Novgorod. “Chaste” Agafya celebrates her name day on February 18, “protector of people” Alexandra, “follower of Christ” Christina and “noble” Martha on the nineteenth.

On the twenty-third of February, girls named Bella (beauty) and Valentina (strong) can celebrate their name day. On the same day Galina's (calm) name day is celebrated. The 26th of the last winter month is the name day of the “cheerful” Zoya, the “peace-loving” Irina, and the “bright” Svetlana. Women's name days in February church calendar Euphrosyne (joy) and Sophia (wisdom) are celebrated on the 28th.

How to celebrate women's name days in February?

Name day is a very personal and spiritual holiday. This means that a feast and meeting of guests is not enough. The main place of celebration is the temple! On Angel Day, it is recommended to go to confession and communion. If you don’t want to give up your holiday meal, you should follow a number of rules.

Of course, you should avoid drinking alcohol on your name day. There is no place for strangers at the celebration. Communication should be close, filled with bright joy and spirituality. It is necessary to invite godparents - they must certainly share the joy with the birthday boy!

Name day in Lent

If Angel Day falls on Wednesday, Friday or Lent, you should think carefully about the menu. The table must be lean. Lent also introduces certain restrictions. At this time, it is better to postpone the name day celebration to the next weekend.

Gifts for women's birthdays in February

Of course, gifts on name day are significantly different from what we are used to giving on birthdays. You should not bring cosmetics, alcohol, dishes or other household items to the birthday person. A cash gift is also not the best option.

What to give a woman for her name day? The most suitable gift is a personalized icon. Moreover, it is best to order it from a professional icon painter. For the celebration of the soul, you can give beautiful candles, books, vessels for holy water.

Analogue of Angel Day

One of the biggest holidays in Serbia is the Glory of the Cross. Indeed, in this country, every family has its own. The inheritance of the saint comes from father to sons. Daughters inherit the patron only if they remain in the family of origin.

On this day the whole family goes to church. Communion is followed by a festive dinner. Serbs have two responsibilities on this day. The first is a prayer for all relatives, living and dead. And the second is treating guests. The feast can last up to three days!

A similar holiday in Bulgaria is called Svetets. On this day, the eldest representative of the clan visited relatives. Raising the ritual bread up, he wished happiness to the family members, after which he broke the bread and distributed it.

Men's name day on February 13 according to the church calendar

  • - from the ancient Greek name Athanasios, derived from the word athanatos - “immortal”.
  • - from the Latin word victor - “winner”.
  • - from the Hebrew name Yohanan - “Yahweh is merciful” from the Hebrew John - “merciful of God.”
  • - from the Hebrew name Eliyahu - “my God is Yahweh.”
  • - from the ancient Greek name Niketas, derived from Niketes - “winner”.

Falling in love in a dream on the night of a name day means that the dreamer will find a lot of troubles in real life, hugging - to misunderstanding and cessation of communication, kissing - to separation.

Name of the day February 13 – Ilya

Dreams come true for Ilya.

If Ilya dreamed of meat on the night of his name day, this is an indicator of illness. Pisces predicts problems with sons or grandchildren.

Name of the day February 13 – Victoria

This name means "victory" in Latin. Vica in Roman mythology is the goddess of victory. It’s not easy for Victoria as a child - her parents only expect victories from them. But childhood passes, and Victoria quickly turns into a real winner, burning out with fire and sword what prevents her from winning. Victoria is endowed with talents for music, painting and various “feminine” activities, while life often presents her with tasks that even men cannot solve.

On February 13, Victoria needs to do everything related to struggle, fights, trials and a real feeling of victory. Regarding getting rid of negative magical influences, then one one-time exercise will not help her - she needs to systematically attend yoga classes.

Coins on a red ribbon will bring good luck.

To ascend to the winner's podium is to enter a streak of achievements.

Name of the day February 13 – Victor

The Latin name Victor means “winner.” Victor is doomed to win, because it is in his name. He will be able to take the most impregnable fortress and conquer the most impregnable lady. He is a reliable friend and always achieves success.

Meditation on name day with the help of the constellation Aquarius will help Victor get rid of tense situations. He needs to imagine this constellation. You can take the constellation from the atlas of Jan Hevelius as an example. Victor can feel how the rays of the constellation destroy bad energies and impart good powers. Along with inhalation, light rays penetrate the soul, and with exhalation, dark rays leave. After a 15-minute presentation of the constellation, you need to return from space to earth.

A keychain with an image of Aquarius brings good luck.

Seeing spaceships in a dream - fortunately, rockets - means victory over enemies. If you fly in space, expect changes for the better.

Dreams come true for Vasily, Peter, Semyon, Timofey.

Sailing with a group of people in a boat on the water means getting an advantageous place or meeting fun people. Swimming alone in a boat means there will be a period of solitude. Sailing in a boat in the fog means solitude and weakness of spirit.