Play is an active method of teaching German. Active methods of work when teaching the German language Active methods of teaching in German lessons

Application of technology of active and interactive teaching methods in German lessons and outside of class hours.

Chalenko E.S., German language teacher

The great goal of education is not only knowledge,

But above all, actions.
N.I. Miron

NOW is the time of transition to the second generation Federal State Educational Standard (FSES), which is based on a new ideology. Reproductive training is outdated. A transition to innovative methods teaching. NEAR me are my students. Everyone needs certain thinking skills and personality traits: the ability to analyze, compare, highlight the main thing, solve a problem, the ability to self-improvement and the ability to give adequate self-esteem, to be responsible, independent, to be able to create and collaborate - this is what a child needs to enter this world with. And my main BUSINESS as a teacher is to create an emotionally comfortable, motivating and creative environment in which there is no coercion, and there is an opportunity for each student to find his place, show initiative and independence, and freely realize his abilities and educational needs. The inclusion of technology of active and interactive teaching methods in the educational process allows you to create such an environment both in class and in extracurricular activities.

1. Educational game is able to ensure a high degree of motivation for students to learn a foreign language and their involvement in the process of active communication. It is similar to an entertaining game: fun, entertaining, and contains elements of competition. But an educational game has two purposes: gaming and linguistic. We not only play, but also practice. One of the main advantages of this teaching method is that the educational game helps to createpositive emotional attitude, an atmosphere of psychological comfort, focus on the success of each student, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the lesson. Depending on the age characteristics students and lesson objectives I use grammatical, lexical, phonetic, spelling, role and creative games. In the process of working with children, we come up with our own games. For example,


Class: 2

Target: memorizing letters of the German alphabet.

Necessary materials: cards with letters.

Technology: Cards are displayed on the board. The student names the letter shown. The teacher (strong student) controls the completion of the task. When saying “Richtig” the participant turns the letter over, “Falsch” - the letter remains open.

"Find me!"


Target: consolidation of vocabulary on the topic “City”, repetition of the grammatical topic “Prepositions”.

Necessary materials:cards with a city plan.

Preliminary preparation:students prepare a city plan and repeat the grammatical topic “Prepositions”.

Technology:Students are divided into pairs. Before them lies a city plan. Students agree on a starting point. Then one of them voices his path, the other follows him mentally, and at the end of the path the command “Find me!” is heard. The second student points to a specific location on the map. Then they change roles.

2. Cool correspondenceModern forms of student correspondence are E-Mail, SMS, chats, blogs. Digital communication does not carry the same charm that the old classic letter on paper has. A letter, an envelope, a surprise inside, waiting for an answer. There is a mailbox in our class. We receive letters on Fridays. There are personal letters, there are letters from class to class. I use this method of work in class and outside of class time.

For example, a lesson in 8th grade. After repeating the past tense 10-15 minutes before the end of the lesson, I divide the class into groups. Strong students receive an assignment - to write a letter to 11th grade about how they spent the weekend. And the rest of the students perform training exercises to determine the results of mastering the material covered.

In a group of strong students, I observe the following division: one writes down, another works with a dictionary, two draw “photos”. And each student dictates his mini-story about the weekend in three sentences, using the past tense form.

3. Six Hats MethodI use it in high school for a comprehensive analysis of prose texts or a problem situation. We all perceive the world differently and think accordingly too. We can think in six different ways, that is, in six “hats”. The famous psychologist Edward de Bono introduced the “six hats” metaphor into the practice of thinking development. Each student is asked to present their impressions and thoughts based on the color of the hat.

White hat – we think in facts, figures, without emotions and subjective assessments.

Yellow hat - positive thinking, only positive sides(it is necessary to prove why it is positive and positive).

Black hat – the opposite of the yellow hat. Finding everything negative and problematic in a work.

Red hat – this is an emotional hat. You need to connect changes in your own emotional state with the moments of the phenomenon under consideration.

Green hat – this is a mode of creativity, generation of ideas, non-standard approaches and alternative points of view.

Blue hat - This is the moderator's hat. This is a mode of observing and managing the thinking process itself (formulating goals, summing up results, etc.). Those who think in the blue channel try to generalize the statements of other “hats” and draw general conclusions.

4. Station-by-station training.I usually use this method in lessons of consolidation, generalization, systematization and control of material. "Station training" requires great preparation on the part of the teacher: development of stations, selection of tasks, preparation of accompanying cards for students. Therefore, lessons of this form are not held often. But this also increases the interest of students. I try to offer stations with different social forms so that tasks are completed not only individually, but also in pairs and groups. Assignments may be required or optional. I usually mark this with color. Judging by practice, the children are happy to go through all stages of the lesson. And even if they get an undesirable result, they are not very upset. After all, they evaluated their work THEMSELVES.

5. Project work.This is my favorite method. Its principle is learning by doing. Theory is very closely related to practice. Project work prepares students for lifelong independent learning. This method is characterized by focusing on life experience and interests of students, targeted planning, focus on an accessible product, and not on a vague theory, promoting self-organization and responsibility for the work performed, social practicality.

During the lessons, students are happy to perform creative projects. For example, in the 4th grade a zoo is being built, in the 5th grade an exhibition of pets is organized, in the 6th grade a dream school is being designed, in the 7th grade a correspondence trip to the cities of Germany and Russia is carried out, in the 8th grade collages about summer are made, in the 9th grade advertisements for future professions, in the 10th grade, the stand “Germany and the Germans”; in the 11th grade, the presentation “Great People of Germany and Russia” is made.

Research projects take longer. Therefore, we most often do them outside of school hours. Best projects We present “Eureka” students at the annual meeting of the school scientific society.

So, active and interactive teaching methods German language contribute to:

  • formation of positive learning motivation;
  • increasing the cognitive activity of students;
  • active involvement of students in the educational process;
  • stimulation of independent activity;
  • development of cognitive processes: speech, memory, thinking;
  • effective assimilation of a large volume of educational information;
  • development of creative abilities and innovative thinking;
  • development of the communicative-emotional sphere of the student’s personality;
  • revealing the personal and individual capabilities of each student and determining the conditions for their manifestation and development;
  • development of universal skills.

Systematic and purposeful use of active and interactive methods in lessons and outside of school hours allows us to ensure the effectiveness of the educational process and guaranteed achievement of the planned goals of training, education and development.

The word “interactive” comes from the word “interaction” - interaction (teacher and students, children with each other, etc.). In modern practice of teaching a foreign language, a number of personally oriented technologies are effectively used that ensure self-determination and self-realization of the student as a linguistic personality in the process of mastering and using a foreign language. The technology of interactive learning (learning in interaction) is based on the use of various methodological strategies and techniques for modeling real communication situations and organizing the interaction of students in a group (in pairs, in small groups) in order to jointly solve communicative problems. Of course, such forms of learning in interaction as:

dialogical, pair;

political science;


These are traditional forms of education. However, I would like to dwell in more detail on the technology of learning in cooperation and the options for the method of such learning. Collaborative learning has been used in pedagogy for quite some time. The idea of ​​learning in groups dates back to the 20s of the 20th century, but the development of technology for collaborative learning in small groups began only in the 70s.

The main idea of ​​collaborative learning is to learn together, not just do something together!

At the present stage, there are several options for the collaborative learning method:


This option was developed by Professor Eliot Aronson in 1978. Students are united in groups of six to work on educational material, which is divided into fragments (logical and semantic blocks). The whole team can work on the same material. But at the same time, each member of the group receives a topic that he develops especially carefully and becomes an expert in it. Meetings of experts from different groups are held. Then everyone reports to their group about the work done. Everyone needs to listen carefully to each other and take notes. At the final stage, the teacher can ask any student in the group a question about the topic. Or students take an individual test, which is assessed. The results are summarized. The team that scored large quantity points is awarded.


This approach to collaborative learning was developed at the University of Minnesota in 1987.

The class is divided into heterogeneous (according to level of training) groups of 3-5 people. Each group receives one task, which is a subtask of some larger topic that the whole class is working on. The basic principles - rewards for the whole team, individual approach, equal opportunities - work here too. Within the group, students independently determine the roles of each in completing the common task. Thus, from the very beginning the group has a double task: academic - achieving a cognitive, creative goal; social, or socio-psychological - the implementation of a certain culture of communication during the execution of a task. The role of the teacher is control.


Shlomo Sharan, Tell Avina University, 1976.

The emphasis is on independent activity. Students can work individually or in groups of up to six people. They choose a subtopic of the overall topic that is planned for the whole class to study. In small groups, this subtopic is broken down into individual assignments for individual students. Everyone contributes to the common task. A single report is jointly compiled, which is subject to presentation in class in front of the whole class. More often this option is used in design technology.

The basic principles - one task per group, one incentive per group, distribution of roles - are observed in all cases.


A class (group) usually consists of twelve people, who can be combined into three subgroups of four people, i.e. two pairs each.

First, new vocabulary is introduced frontally. Then work begins in small groups. In each group, students receive cards with the task of translating phrases. The card must contain a key to check the correctness of the answers. Students work in pairs. First, one of the partners gives tasks and checks their cards using the key. Then students change roles. After this, the pairs form fours and practice spelling new words. A strong student dictates a word or phrase, the rest write, then check. If someone makes a mistake, they must write the word (phrase) several times before memorizing it.

The group is then given a written exercise to report on their progress. This task is performed “in a chain” (one person starts, the rest continue one after another).


When studying grammar, either the “Learning together” option or the “Openwork saw, machine hacksaw” option is often used.

For example, when studying the topic Futurum l und 2nd grade, the class is asked to fill out a table with the columns: “Cases of use”, “Indicators” and “Schemes”. The class is divided into three groups. Each team performs its own function.

Option “Learning together”: each group is given cards with typical sentences on the subject being studied, arranged like this. so that the first group identifies the main cases of using time - describes the actions; the second found pointers, words - helpers; the third made diagrams of affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences. Thus, the table is filled out, and a ready-made rule is obtained for memorizing at home. At the next lesson, you can offer various exercises and tasks to test each student’s knowledge on the topic being studied. In the “Openwork saw machine hacksaw” option, all groups fill out the tables entirely. Each team has experts on “use cases”, “pointers”, “schemes”. They meet, consult, then bring information to their groups. As a result of interaction, students systematize knowledge on the topic being studied. Usually, after such work, everyone is given a test individually. The results are summarized and the group is given a score.


For group work, task cards are usually prepared:

find in the text;

find errors and fix them.

Various reminders are also used in the work (see Appendices 1,2).

Non-traditional teaching methods in German lessons.

German language teacher

Shaposhnikova L.V. .

Non-traditional teaching methods are based on the activity and intensification of students' activities, based on the principle of student activity in the learning process. Any technology has means that activate and intensify the activities of students. Such methods include game methods, problem-based learning, and the communicative method.

Interest in active learning methods is caused by the need for changes in the didactic system, aimed at reducing the teaching load of students due to the skill of the teacher. New non-traditional methods find a special place in teaching foreign languages.

Active methods include those that allow students to be involved in a specific situation, “to immerse students in active, controlled communication, where they express their essence and can interact with other people.”

Modern educational technologies They require the teacher to have the ability to design not only a lesson, but also to create a special pedagogical environment in which the implementation of active teaching methods is possible. Special attention focuses on interactive methods - teaching methods carried out through communication. Interactive learning relies on personal experience, independence in decision-making, change of activity and independent search for errors and answers, the opportunity to realize one’s own experience.

Active methods allow students to be immersed in controlled communication and allow participants to become involved in real events. Active methods allow the teacher to create conditions in which students are forced to operate with concepts of different scales, to include in solving a problem information of different levels, knowledge related to different sciences and school disciplines. Connecting events in a person’s consciousness that were previously unrelated requires new principles and teaching techniques. Teaching understanding is a new task and a new priority modern education. Active methods help create an educational environment in which it is possible to achieve understanding of the problem.

Interactive methods allow you to evaluate communication as the language of education, teach listening, transmitting and structuring information.

Experts in active learning methods do not clearly assess their effectiveness. The result remains undeniable -

new approaches to teaching make it possible to more effectively assimilate educational material. Active learning methods not only bring pleasure from the learning process, but also open the way to solving a problem.

As you know, the main problem when learning a foreign language is that outside the classroom students have virtually no opportunity to speak English. foreign language, i.e., use the acquired knowledge. Therefore, the use of a project methodology that allows you to apply speech skills and abilities in practice is very important. Completing project tasks goes beyond the scope of the lesson and requires a lot of time, but often the efforts are worth it, since a number of important tasks are solved:

    classes are not limited to the acquisition by students of certain knowledge, skills and abilities, but go to the practical actions of students, affecting their emotional sphere, thereby increasing the motivation of students when learning a foreign language;

    students get the opportunity to exercise creative work within given topic, independently obtaining the necessary information, including linguistic information, not only from textbooks, but also from other sources;

    the project successfully implements various forms of organizing educational activities, during which students interact with each other and the teacher, whose role changes: instead of a controller, he becomes an equal partner and consultant;

    V project work the entire educational process is focused on the student: here, first of all, his interests, life experience and individual abilities are taken into account;

    the individual and collective responsibility of students for specific work within the project is enhanced, since each student, working individually or in a microgroup, must present the results of his activities to the whole group;

    joint work within the framework of a project teaches students to complete a task; they must document the results of their work, namely: write an article for a newspaper, a message, collect and work out statistical data, design an album, collage, wall newspaper, exhibition, organize an evening for parents and classmates .

Work on the project has the following stages:

    Preparatory: planning by the teacher of a project within the framework of the program topics, putting forward an idea by the teacher in class, discussing the idea with students, putting forward their ideas, arguing their opinion.

    Organization of work: formation of microgroups, distribution of tasks in microgroups, practical activities of students within the framework of the project.

    The final stage: intermediate control, discussion of the method of designing the project, presentation of the project results to the whole group at an evening, at a plenum, etc., summing up the results of the project; discussion of results, grading.

    Stage of practical use of project results /as visual aids, reports at other lessons, exhibitions, etc./.

Depending on the duration of work, projects are divided into mini-projects and large projects.

The “Schuleralbum” project, for example, fits organically into the “Die Schule” theme. In the first lesson on this topic, the teacher puts forward an idea for a project. This idea is then discussed by the students. Groups are formed, roles and tasks are distributed in groups: who does what. Students are asked to think about a project and offer their ideas. The next lesson discusses ideas and what difficulties were encountered. The form of presentation is also discussed, for example, comments on each page of the album. Various sections are selected for the album, for example: from the history of the school; our school now; our school in the future. The presentation of the album takes place during the final lesson on the topic “School”. Students themselves analyze their project, draw conclusions: what was successful, what was not so good, and why.

The project method can be used quite widely at any level of education. It's all about choosing a problem that requires certain language tools to develop and solve it.

Games have been used as a teaching method since ancient times. The game is an effective teaching tool that activates the mental activity of students, makes the learning process attractive and interesting, and makes students worry and worry. This is a powerful incentive to master the language. D. B. Elkonin believes that the game performs four most important functions for a person: a means of developing the motivational-need sphere, a means of cognition, a means of developing mental actions, and a means of developing voluntary behavior.

The game always involves making a decision - what to do, what to say, how to win. This sharpens the mental activity of students. It is through play that children learn social functions and norms of behavior. The developmental significance of play is inherent in its very nature, for play is always emotions, and where there are emotions, there is activity, there is attention and imagination, there is thinking. So the game is:



    individualized activity, personal;

    training and education in the team and through the team;

    development of mental functions and abilities;

    learning with passion.”

Passov identifies six main purposes for using games in foreign language lessons:

    Formation of certain skills, for example:

    Guess where we'll go?

    Will you go to the cinema? - No.

    Will you go to the park? - No. Etc.

    Development of certain speech skills, for example, after completing the topic “Apartment”, you can play the following game:

    Vanya received new apartment/ there’s a diagram of it on the board / let’s help him arrange the furniture.

    Training in communication skills: competition for the most polite interlocutor, say hello and give a compliment, etc.

    Development of necessary abilities and mental functions, for example, the game “Snowball”:

1st school I'm going on a trip and taking soap with me.

2nd school I'm going on a trip and take soap and toothpaste with me. Etc.

    Knowledge in the field of regional studies and language: quizzes, lotto, travel, competitions.

    Memorizing speech material: rhymes, accompanying words with facial expressions and gestures.

Mastering the material in the process of using problem-based teaching methods becomes a consequence of search mental activity student, since problem-based learning is a system of student development in the learning process, which is based on the use of educational problems in teaching and the involvement of schoolchildren in active participation in solving these problems. An educational problem is understood as a task whose solution cannot be obtained according to a ready-made model based on methods already known to students; here the decider is required to demonstrate independence in the approach to the decision itself. This system covers all main types of educational activities of students and determines the optimal conditions for organizing their work in each of these types of activities. In other words, the problem method is understood as such an organization of educational activities that involves the creation of problem situations under the guidance of the teacher and the active independent activity of students to resolve them, as a result of which the creative mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities, and the development of thinking abilities occur.

Problem-based learning can be used in various types academic work in the subject: when studying new material, when students perform independent experimental work, and do homework.

Problem-based methods are methods based on the creation of problem situations, active cognitive activity of students, searching and solving complex issues that require updating knowledge, analysis, and the ability to see phenomena and patterns behind individual facts. These methods presuppose their own structure for organizing the educational process and purposeful activity of students.

Any language teaching system must involve the integrated use various methods, however, this does not exclude the possibility of promoting individual methods as leading ones.


Berezina Inna Valerievna
Educational institution: MAOU "Secondary school No. 122 with in-depth study of foreign languages" Perm
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Publication date: 2019-12-04 Game - an active method of teaching German Berezina Inna Valerievna MAOU "Secondary school No. 122 with in-depth study of foreign languages" Perm The focus of modern effective forms and methods of teaching is the independent educational activity of students and intensive group interaction.

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Game - an active method of teaching German

Equipment: computer, projector.

I.Presentation of teaching experience

As the Chinese proverb says: “Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, let me do it myself and I will learn.”

The focus of modern effective forms and methods of teaching is the independent educational activity of students. current and intense group interaction.

According to the Federal State Educational Standards of the new generation, in order to form and develop communicative and social competence, the ability to listen and engage in dialogue, and participate in collective discussion of problems, students must be able to integrate into a group and build productive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults.

The main task of the teacher in modern conditions is the ability to organize educational activities Thus so that the student has neither the time, nor the desire, nor the opportunity to be distracted for a long time. In this teacher can help active learning methods.

The founders of the ideas of activation include Ya.A. Comenius, J.-J. Russo, I.G. Pestalozzi, K.D. Ushinsky and others.

Active learning methods are methods that encourage students to be active in thinking and practical activities in the process of mastering educational material. Active training involves the use of a system of methods that is not aimed primarily at the teacher presenting ready-made h knowledge, their memorization and reproduction, and on independent students' acquisition of knowledge and skills in the process of active mental and practical activity. According to the nature of educational and cognitive activity, methods of active about drilling share into imitation and non-imitation. Imitation methods, in turn, are divided into gaming and non-gaming. Them Itational gaming methods are divided into: business games, didactic or educational games, game situations. Imitation, non-game: analysis of specific situations, acting according to instructions, solving problems, and so on. Non-imitation: discussions, active problem lectures, solving problem situations.

II.Activity Presentation

Playing games enrich children with new sensations, emotions, ideas and concepts. V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “In play, the world is revealed to children, the creative abilities of the individual are revealed. Without play there is not and cannot be full-fledged mental development. A game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around us flows into the child’s spiritual world. Play is the spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.”

Game as a means of guaranteeing positive emotional condition, increases the ability to work and interest of students, which is reflected in the quality of learning the educational material. Depending on the age characteristics of the students and the goals of the lesson, it is necessary to use grammar, lexical, phonetic, spelling games, and warm-up games.

III. Imitation game with listeners

German teachers randomly divide the class (using colored candies) into groups of five. Each group gets their own game with detailed description progress of the game and the process begins.

IV. Modeling

Students are invited to independently familiarize themselves with the list of games and think at what stage of the lesson they can be used.

After completion of the work there is a discussion.

V. Reflection

Using games in foreign language lessons makes the learning process more fun. During the game, the child feels emotionally liberated. He can show his creative abilities without restrictions.

Play is the most comfortable way of learning for a child.

, . .

In foreign language lessons, all teaching, education and development are carried out in line with a personally oriented system-communicative approach.

At the center of the pedagogical process is the student with his capabilities, needs, requests, and difficulties.

The entire educational process is focused on the formation of communicative competence, both advanced in reading and elementary in speaking, listening, and spelling.

Each student has his own pace of progress in the educational process, and the teacher needs to take a differentiated approach to students, helping some to catch up and stimulating faster progress for others. The success of this process depends on the teacher’s ability to create motives for learning, promote the development of independence of schoolchildren, encouraging them to self- and mutual learning, organizing individual, pair and group work.

The latter is especially significant, because Each student performs his own function in the group, solves a feasible problem, turning to other group members for help.

The best motivation is self-motivation. Independence, in my opinion, develops self-motivation.

It is very difficult to master communicative competence in foreign language lessons without having a foreign language environment. Therefore, it is important to consider the following points in teaching a foreign language:

The teacher must create a favorable psychological microclimate when the democratic style of communication with students prevails; this helps to remove psychological barriers, language barriers, and the fear of saying something wrong;

When teaching schoolchildren the German language, I rely on their experience and knowledge of their native language;

I place special emphasis in teaching on mastering reading skills and abilities and understanding what is read.

This is a big problem now. Children practically do not read books, do not know how to read (they do not follow punctuation marks, experience phonetic and semantic difficulties, and as a result have a small vocabulary).

When teaching children, it is necessary to take into account the innate characteristics of a person, namely, the child’s way of knowing, which can be determined even in infancy. Considering ways of knowing can help a child whose individual way of knowing is inhibiting progress in some areas, such as math or reading.

Knowing the way of cognition, you can select and use in teaching those methods and techniques that will be most effective and efficient for a particular group of children.

There are 3 ways of knowing and, therefore, 3 types of people: visual, auditory and kinesthetic, or “viewers”, “listeners”, “doers”.

It is no secret that in German language groups there are mainly weak children with a low level of training, and therefore there are most of all “doers” and “spectators”, although there are also “listeners”.

A brief description of:

"Viewer" has a medium-sized vocabulary, only answers when called, has good hand-eye coordination, produces excellent written and artwork. Motivation is not social, but individual, likes to work alone.

"Listener" has a large vocabulary, listens and speaks easily and willingly, constantly talks in class: reads a lot, likes to talk on the phone, visit friends, excels in his native speech, foreign language, social sciences(humanities), he works better in a group, written and classroom work is mediocre.

"Doer" tongue-tied, avoids looking the teacher in the eye for fear of being called out, has a small vocabulary, loves playing games fresh air; written and artistic work is below any criticism, shows outstanding achievements in any sport, is irritable, expresses feelings through actions, remembers actions better than written or spoken words - learns better when he himself is an active participant. All academic subjects are difficult for him.

Based on the above, I try to take into account the individual characteristics of students.

Therefore, I use the following methods in my work:

- verbal - visual(when studying new material) a story, conversation, description, explanation, I try to support (if possible) with visuals: tables, pictures, map, alphabet, authentic materials: sound recordings, texts, videos, films)

- practical method while studying grammar, I use exercises to train the grammatical phenomena of the language, independent work, test tasks;

- reproductive method(I use it at the stage of generalization, repetition of the material covered)

- which accustoms students to independent thinking and creativity (in high school - writing essays; middle school - small projects: make drawings with descriptions (7th grade topic "Animals"; control of home reading - make drawings for your favorite episodes; 5th grade - draw your pet (pet), talk about it based on questions; 6th grade - make a drawing for the text with a comment in German.

-elements of the problem method(6th grade: formulate the main idea of ​​the text and write it down; 10th grade - select characteristics of Russians and Germans from the texts read, draw a conclusion: what is typical for Russians, what is typical for Germans. Draw up a table according to certain parameters, write down conclusions.

What techniques do I use within these methods:

Description of the picture using supporting words;

(11th grade Topic: “Art”)

A story about yourself (your friend, pet) according to the model;

Statement of assumption, doubt, agreement/disagreement;

Reasoning (according to the scheme: thesis - argument - summary) based on the text read;

Role-playing within a certain life situation;

Ball game to reinforce grammatical forms

Keyword search;

Search main idea in the text;

Division into semantic parts;

Drawing up a retelling plan;

Collective retelling;

Asking questions and answering;

Make it like this

Insert in place of blanks (words, letters, etc.)

Repetitions, paying attention to:

a) – pronunciation

b) - on intonation

Separately, I would like to dwell on control techniques when checking homework, current, final control:

Interrogation (work in pairs) recite a poem by heart, retell a short text, describe a picture, etc.

Gentle survey to a friend; in pairs, groups)

Exponential (reference) answer, “strong” student describes the picture; retells the text; recites a poem by heart; 2 students stage a dialogue; (homework)

Delayed reaction, children have different speeds of the thought process, so I give it 5-7 minutes. to think about it

Chain polling




Parallel poll

Through joint efforts (together with a school psychologist), I study students in our school in more detail from the point of view of ways of knowing in order to be guided by this in the future, selecting the optimal combination of methods and techniques to improve the quality of students’ knowledge, as well as to help them in their learning, Based on the individual characteristics of children, develop a program to help children who require special attention from both teachers and parents, as well as other specialists: speech therapist, pediatrician, psychoneurologist.



In foreign language lessons, all teaching, education and development are carried out in line with a personally oriented system-communicative approach.

At the center of the pedagogical process is the student with his capabilities, needs, requests, and difficulties.

The entire educational process is focused on the formation of communicative competence, both advanced in reading and elementary in speaking, listening, and spelling.

Each student has his own pace of progress in the educational process, and the teacher needs to take a differentiated approach to students, helping some to catch up and stimulating faster progress for others. The success of this process depends on the teacher’s ability to create motives for learning, promote the development of independence of schoolchildren, encouraging them to self- and mutual learning, organizing individual, pair and group work.

The latter is especially significant, because Each student performs his own function in the group, solves a feasible problem, turning to other group members for help.

The best motivation is self-motivation. Independence, in my opinion, develops self-motivation.

It is very difficult to master communicative competence in foreign language lessons without having a foreign language environment. Therefore, it is important to consider the following points in teaching a foreign language:

The teacher must create a favorable psychological microclimate when the democratic style of communication with students prevails; this helps to remove psychological barriers, language barriers, and the fear of saying something wrong;

When teaching schoolchildren the German language, I rely on their experience and knowledge of their native language;

I place special emphasis in teaching on mastering reading skills and abilities and understanding what is read.

This is a big problem now. Children practically do not read books, do not know how to read (they do not follow punctuation marks, experience phonetic and semantic difficulties, and as a result have a small vocabulary).

When teaching children, it is necessary to take into account the innate characteristics of a person, namely, the child’s way of knowing, which can be determined even in infancy. Considering ways of knowing can help a child whose individual way of knowing is inhibiting progress in some areas, such as math or reading.

Knowing the way of cognition, you can select and use in teaching those methods and techniques that will be most effective and efficient for a particular group of children.

There are 3 ways of knowing and, therefore, 3 types of people: visual, auditory and kinesthetic, or “viewers”, “listeners”, “doers”.

It is no secret that in German language groups there are mainly weak children with a low level of training, and therefore there are most of all “doers” and “spectators”, although there are also “listeners”.

A brief description of:

"Viewer" has a medium-sized vocabulary, only answers when called, has good hand-eye coordination, and produces wonderful written and artistic work. Motivation is not social, but individual, likes to work alone.

"Listener" has a large vocabulary, listens and speaks easily and willingly, constantly talks in class: reads a lot, likes to talk on the phone, visit friends, excels in his native speech, foreign language, social sciences (humanities), works better in a group, written and classroom work is mediocre.

"Doer" tongue-tied, avoids looking the teacher in the eye for fear of being called out, has a small vocabulary, loves outdoor games; written and artistic work is below any criticism, shows outstanding achievements in any sport, is irritable, expresses feelings through actions, remembers actions better than written or spoken words - learns better when he himself is an active participant. All academic subjects are difficult for him.

Based on the above, I try to take into account the individual characteristics of students.

Therefore, I use the following methods in my work:

- verbal - visual(when studying new material) a story, conversation, description, explanation, I try to support (if possible) with visuals: tables, pictures, map, alphabet, authentic materials: sound recordings, texts, videos, films)

- practical methodwhen studying grammar, I use exercises to train grammatical phenomena of the language, independent work, test tasks;

- reproductive method(I use it at the stage of generalization, repetition of the material covered)

- elements of a partially search method,which accustoms students to independent thinking and creativity (in high school - writing essays; middle school - small projects: make drawings with descriptions (7th grade topic "Animals"; control of home reading - make drawings for your favorite episodes; 5th grade - draw your pet (pet), talk about it based on questions; 6th grade - make a drawing for the text with a comment in German.

- elements of the problem method(6th grade: formulate the main idea of ​​the text and write it down; 10th grade - select characteristics of Russians and Germans from the texts read, draw a conclusion: what is typical for Russians, what is typical for Germans. Draw up a table according to certain parameters, write down conclusions.

What techniques do I use within these methods:

Reading to yourself;

Description of the picture using supporting words;

(11th grade Topic: “Art”)

A story about yourself (your friend, pet) according to the model;

Statement of assumption, doubt, agreement/disagreement;

Reasoning (according to the scheme: thesis - argument - summary) based on the text read;

(Grade 10 Topic: “Nation. What is he like, a typical German / Russian?”)

Role-playing within a certain life situation;

(5th grade Topic: “Acquaintance”, “Meeting”, “Conversation about the weather”)

Ball game to reinforce grammatical forms(5th grade – verb conjugation; vocabulary review; 6th grade – basic verb forms, game “Translator”; modal verb conjugation)

Keyword search;

Finding the main idea in the text;

Division into semantic parts;

Drawing up a retelling plan;

Collective retelling;

Asking questions and answering;

Make it like this(for example, compose a dialogue based on the model)

Insert in place of blanks(words, letters, etc.)

Repetitions, paying attention to:

a) – pronunciation(work on phonetics: practicing sounds, combinations)

b) - on intonation (V complex sentences; in sentences with a question word; in sentences without a question word)

Separately, I would like to dwell on control techniques when checking homework, current, final control:

Interrogation (work in pairs) recite a poem by heart, retell a short text, describe a picture, etc.

Gentle survey (before telling the teacher, tell a friendto a friend; in pairs, groups)

Indicative (reference) answer, “strong” student describes the picture; retells the text; recites a poem by heart; 2 students stage a dialogue;(homework)

Delayed reaction, children have different speeds of the thought process, so I give it 5-7 minutes.(depends on the task, situation) to think about it

Chain polling(retelling the text in a chain; collective story; game)

Dictation (vocabulary, alphabetic, text, mini-dictation)

Test (lexico-grammatical 10 – 11 classes)

Cards (differentiation by complexity; give the child a card so that he can complete the task; grammatical conjugation; composing complex and complex sentences)

Parallel poll(student - performs a small written homework exercise at the blackboard; the teacher and the rest of the students check the work from notebooks (front mode) Students read out the sentences they have compiled, correct mistakes, complete what was not completed at home. Then the class checks the exercise completed at the blackboard. Students read the sentences, correct errors. The exercise was worked twice. Students corrected the errors independently)

Through joint efforts (together with a school psychologist), I study students in our school in more detail from the point of view of ways of knowing in order to be guided by this in the future, selecting the optimal combination of methods and techniques to improve the quality of students’ knowledge, as well as to help them in their learning, Based on the individual characteristics of children, develop a program to help children who require special attention from both teachers and parents, as well as other specialists: speech therapist, pediatrician, psychoneurologist.