And he didn’t bat an eyelid. “I didn’t even bat an eyelid”: Valeria told how her ex-husband, a tyrant, hit her with a knife

and he doesn’t even bat an eyelid Razg. Disapproved Usually in decree. f. Does not pay any attention, does not react to anything; does not outwardly show his attitude towards anyone or anything. = And he doesn’t even move an eyebrow, he doesn’t even blow his mustache, he doesn’t even move an ear, he doesn’t pay attention. With noun with value faces: a boy, a young man... he doesn’t even look at it.

Her father had to cut her barbed wire with scissors to get Lenka out, but he didn’t bat an eyelid. (S. Baruzdin.)

“Marina, Marina, come here!..” But the girl didn’t bat an eyelid. (B. Polevoy.)

“Stop mocking me, Serpilin!” – Baranov shouted nervously. But Serpilin didn’t even bat an eyelid in his direction. (K. Simonov.)

  • Educational phraseological dictionary

  • - and Razg didn’t even raise an eyebrow. Usually in decree. f. Does not pay any attention, does not react to anything; does not outwardly show his attitude towards anyone or anything. = And don’t blow your mustache, and even>...

    Educational phraseological dictionary

  • - and Razg didn’t even bat an eyelid. Disapproved Usually in decree. f. Does not pay any attention, does not react to anything; does not outwardly show his attitude towards anyone or anything. = And even>...

    Educational phraseological dictionary

  • Educational phraseological dictionary

  • - and Razg didn’t even move his ears. Disapproved Usually in decree. f. Does not pay any attention, does not react to anything; does not outwardly show his attitude towards anyone or anything. = And even>...

    Educational phraseological dictionary

  • - imperative...

    Educational phraseological dictionary

  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - imperative mood...

    Dictionary Ozhegova

  • - LEAD, sya, led, led. past vr. from the story, to the story...

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - imperative...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - AND DOESN'T LEAD WITH THE EYES. AND DIDN’T BLIND AN EYE. Razg. Express Doesn't react to anything at all. - Marina, Marina, come here, you vile one! - the old woman hissed on the stove. But the girl didn’t even bat an eyelid...

    Phrasebook Russian literary language

  • - AND THE MUSTACLE DOESN’T KNOW who. AND WHO DIDN’T BLOW. Simple Express Doesn't pay attention, doesn't react to anything. It began to get dark for the third time. The younger one needs to get ready; He doesn't even move his mustache, he sings on the stove in the corner...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

  • - AND DOESN'T LEAD WITH THE EAR. AND DID NOT BLOW MY EAR. Razg. Express Doesn't pay attention to what he hears. - Stop! Don `t move! Occupy the trenches! - The soldiers didn’t even listen. - Don't make too much noise, Mr. Colonel! Is this a position? ...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

  • - NEITHER EYE OR EAR LEADS who. NO ONE WAS AN EYE OR EAR. Simple Reprehensible Doesn't want to look or listen; doesn't pay attention...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

“and didn’t even bat an eyelid” in books

“Even these steps, even these footprints on the carpet...”

From the book Between the Closet and the Sky author Vedenyapin Dmitry Yurievich

“Even these steps, even these footprints on the palace...” Even these steps, even these footprints on the palace, Even this landscape with the flowing birch forest, Everything that was and will be stood then on the terrace In the triangles of the sun fluttering under the ceiling. Man in a boater with a suitcase in the desert

Crow's Eye Poisoning

From the book Drugs and Poisons [Psychedelics and toxic substances, poisonous animals and plants] author Petrov Vasily Ivanovich

Crow's Eye Poisoning Crow's eye is a plant found in the forest. It has a long creeping rhizome and a low stem (13–30 cm). At the top of the stem there is a greenish-yellow flower, and later a bluish-black four-locular berry, resembling

Your work colleague did not behave in the best way

From the book The Ideal Syllable. What and how to say so that they listen to you by Bowman Alice

Your work colleague did not behave in the best way. Despite the fact that such situations happen with enviable regularity, they still cause a strong shock. Hopefully you never have to try it, but just in case, keep something ready in your

Myth No. 30. During the war, Stalin did not spare even his favorites - “Stalin’s falcons” - he exiled them to penal air squadrons specially created for them, and some even to penal battalions

From the book Towards Decisive Battles author Martirosyan Arsen Benikovich

Myth No. 30. During the war, Stalin did not spare even his favorites - “Stalin’s falcons” - he exiled them to penal air squadrons specially created for them, and some even to

Where did Tsar Paul I lead Russia?

From the book Palace Coups author Zgurskaya Maria Pavlovna

Where did Tsar Paul I lead Russia? Paul I reigned for 4 years, 4 months and 4 days. Russian historians evaluate this reign differently. For example, N.M. Karamzin, in his “Note on Ancient and new Russia"(1811) wrote: “Let conspiracies frighten sovereigns

Chapter 62. How Conrad led the pagan nations against his nephews

From the book The Great Chronicle of Poland, Rus' and their neighbors in the 11th-13th centuries. author Yanin Valentin Lavrentievich

Chapter 62. How Conrad led the pagan peoples against his nephews So, Conrad, coveting the possessions of his nephew and considering his exile a disgrace, often led the Yatvingians, Scovites, Prussians, Litvins, Zhmudzins, hired for money, to the Sandomierz lands of his

The Man with the Glass Eye

From the book Myths and mysteries of our history author Malyshev Vladimir

The Man with a Glass Eye However, let's take a closer look at the subject of the Greek billionaire's ardent passion. Sergei Danilovich Kauzov was not at all handsome - he was not tall and even somewhat bald. Moreover, he had one eye of glass, he

Crow's eye poisoning

From the book Emergency Care Directory author Khramova Elena Yurievna

Poisoning with four-leaf crow's eye Symptoms Poisoning with the fruits of this plant occurs more often. After consuming them, vomiting, loose stools, and abdominal pain occur. Then symptoms similar to poisoning appear

Let's work on the other eye

From the book Effective methods of improving vision. For those who work on a computer by Schneider Doris

Let's work on the other eye Change the starting position and close the left eye with the palm of your left hand. Take the calendar to right hand and do the same movements with it as described above. Blink frequently, breathe deeply, evenly and without strain. Each of these

Look at the world with your third eye

From the book Losing Weight in Your Sleep. Biorhythms of slimness author Klimova Veronica

Look at the world with your third eye Firstly, this amazing substance melatonin It is produced in the so-called pineal gland, or pineal gland. The functions of this organ, located in the brain, are still shrouded in darkness even for scientists. Some

Promises were broken, obligations were not fulfilled - the person behaved unacceptable

From the book Serious Conversation about Responsibility [What to do with disappointed expectations, broken promises and inappropriate behavior] author Patterson Kerry

Promises broken, commitments not fulfilled - a person behaved in an unacceptable way When we talk in this book about the discrepancy between expectations and actions, we mean serious, confusing, constantly recurring problems that are difficult and sometimes even risky

You won't even have time to blink an eye

From the book Change yourself. How to find your unique path to success and happiness by Gebay Jonathan

You won’t even have time to blink an eye. Today, the age of a star is extremely short. Gossip reporters almost unanimously write that even the biggest celebrities, having achieved fame, continue to strive for self-renewal, desperately trying to predict the next

Kurginyan led the sheep to vote for Putin

From the author's book

Kurginyan led the sheep to vote for Putin. For the last couple of years, I have been constantly interested in the question: why is S. Kurginyan given the opportunity to publicly express his pro-Soviet position on anti-Soviet Russian television? Why, in front of millions of television viewers, did he

Chapter 11: That it is dangerous for a believer to break even one commandment, because the fulfillment of all the others depends on it; and that even small evil brings great harm

From the book Evergetin or the Code of God-specified sayings and teachings of the God-bearing and Holy Fathers author Evergetin Pavel

Chapter 11: That it is dangerous for a believer to break even one commandment, because the fulfillment of all the others depends on it; and that even a small evil brings enormous harm 1. From the life of Saint Pachomius Pachomius the Great said to his disciples: “Imagine, brothers, there are a hundred rooms in the house,

From the book Meditation. First and last freedom author Rajneesh Bhagwan Shri

LOOK WITH THE THIRD EY Understanding that between the two ordinary eyes there is a third eye, usually closed, is one of the gifts of the East to the world. It is necessary to work hard, to raise - against the force of gravity - all of your sexual energy up and when the energy

AND DOESN'T LEAD WITH THE EYES. AND DIDN’T BLIND AN EYE. Razg. Express Doesn't react at all to anything (usually what he sees). - Marina, Marina, come here, you vile one! - the old woman hissed on the stove. But the girl didn’t even bat an eye(B. Polevoy. A Tale of a Real Man).

  • - and Razg didn’t even raise an eyebrow. Usually in decree. f. Does not pay any attention, does not react to anything; does not outwardly show his attitude towards anyone or anything. = And don’t blow your mustache, and even>...

    Educational phraseological dictionary

  • - and Razg didn’t even bat an eyelid. Disapproved Usually in decree. f. Does not pay any attention, does not react to anything; does not outwardly show his attitude towards anyone or anything. = And even>...

    Educational phraseological dictionary

  • - and Razg didn’t even move his ears. Disapproved Usually in decree. f. Does not pay any attention, does not react to anything; does not outwardly show his attitude towards anyone or anything. = And even>...

    Educational phraseological dictionary

  • - imperative...

    Educational phraseological dictionary

  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - imperative mood...

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - LEAD, sya, led, led. past vr. from the story, to the story...

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - imperative...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - AND DOESN'T LEAD WITH THE EYES. AND DIDN’T BLIND AN EYE. Razg. Express Doesn't react to anything at all. - Marina, Marina, come here, you vile one! - the old woman hissed on the stove. But the girl didn’t even bat an eyelid...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

  • - AND THE MUSTACLE DOESN’T KNOW who. AND WHO DIDN’T BLOW. Simple Express Doesn't pay attention, doesn't react to anything. It began to get dark for the third time. The younger one needs to get ready; He doesn't even move his mustache, he sings on the stove in the corner...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

  • - AND DOESN'T LEAD WITH THE EAR. AND DID NOT BLOW MY EAR. Razg. Express Doesn't pay attention to what he hears. - Stop! Don `t move! Occupy the trenches! - The soldiers didn’t even listen. - Don't make too much noise, Mr. Colonel! Is this a position? ...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

  • - NEITHER EYE OR EAR LEADS who. NO ONE WAS AN EYE OR EAR. Simple Reprehensible Doesn't want to look or listen; doesn't pay attention...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

  • - adverb, number of synonyms: 4 and didn’t turn an ear, ignored, didn’t pay attention, didn’t attach any importance...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adverb, number of synonyms: 1 I didn’t even bat an eye...

    Synonym dictionary

“I didn’t even bat an eyelid” in books

How many galaxies are visible to the naked eye?

From the book The Book of General Delusions by Fry Stephen

How many galaxies are visible to the naked eye? Five thousand? Two million? Ten billion? The answer is four, although from where you are sitting now you can only see two, and one of them is the Milky Way (in which we are located). Considering that, according to experts, the Universe

Crow's Eye Poisoning

From the book Drugs and Poisons [Psychedelics and toxic substances, poisonous animals and plants] author Petrov Vasily Ivanovich

Crow's Eye Poisoning Crow's eye is a plant found in the forest. It has a long creeping rhizome and a low stem (13–30 cm). At the top of the stem there is a greenish-yellow flower, and later a bluish-black four-locular berry, resembling

Your work colleague did not behave in the best way

From the book The Ideal Syllable. What and how to say so that they listen to you by Bowman Alice

Your work colleague did not behave in the best way. Despite the fact that such situations happen with enviable regularity, they still cause a strong shock. Hopefully you never have to try it, but just in case, keep something ready in your

Where did Tsar Paul I lead Russia?

From the book Palace Coups author Zgurskaya Maria Pavlovna

Where did Tsar Paul I lead Russia? Paul I reigned for 4 years, 4 months and 4 days. Russian historians evaluate this reign differently. For example, N. M. Karamzin, in his “Note on Ancient and New Russia” (1811), written in hot pursuit: “Let conspiracies frighten sovereigns

Chapter 62. How Conrad led the pagan nations against his nephews

From the book The Great Chronicle of Poland, Rus' and their neighbors in the 11th-13th centuries. author Yanin Valentin Lavrentievich

Chapter 62. How Conrad led the pagan peoples against his nephews So, Conrad, coveting the possessions of his nephew and considering his exile a disgrace, often led the Yatvingians, Scovites, Prussians, Litvins, Zhmudzins, hired for money, to the Sandomierz lands of his

The Man with the Glass Eye

From the book Myths and mysteries of our history author Malyshev Vladimir

The Man with a Glass Eye However, let's take a closer look at the subject of the Greek billionaire's ardent passion. Sergei Danilovich Kauzov was not at all handsome - he was not tall and even somewhat bald. Moreover, he had one eye of glass, he

Crow's eye poisoning

From the book Emergency Care Directory author Khramova Elena Yurievna

Poisoning with four-leaf crow's eye Symptoms Poisoning with the fruits of this plant occurs more often. After consuming them, vomiting, loose stools, and abdominal pain occur. Then symptoms similar to poisoning appear

Can a stroke happen to the eye?

From the book Oddities of our body. Entertaining anatomy by Juan Stephen

Can a stroke happen to the eye? We all know that a stroke can happen due to damage to the brain, but what about the eye? The eye itself is not susceptible to a stroke, which could well threaten the optic nerve, and this often happens. If the optic nerve is paralyzed, it occurs

Let's work on the other eye

From the book Effective methods of improving vision. For those who work on a computer by Schneider Doris

Let's work on the other eye Change the starting position and close the left eye with the palm of your left hand. Take the calendar in your right hand and do the same movements with it as described above. Blink frequently, breathe deeply, evenly and without strain. Each of these

Look at the world with your third eye

From the book Losing Weight in Your Sleep. Biorhythms of slimness author Klimova Veronica

Look at the world with a third eye First, this amazing substance melatonin It is produced in the so-called pineal gland, or pineal gland. The functions of this organ, located in the brain, are still shrouded in darkness even for scientists. Some

Promises were broken, obligations were not fulfilled - the person behaved unacceptable

From the book Serious Conversation about Responsibility [What to do with disappointed expectations, broken promises and inappropriate behavior] author Patterson Kerry

Promises broken, commitments not fulfilled - a person behaved in an unacceptable way When we talk in this book about the discrepancy between expectations and actions, we mean serious, confusing, constantly recurring problems that are difficult and sometimes even risky

You won't even have time to blink an eye

From the book Change yourself. How to find your unique path to success and happiness by Gebay Jonathan

You won’t even have time to blink an eye. Today, the age of a star is extremely short. Gossip reporters almost unanimously write that even the biggest celebrities, having achieved fame, continue to strive for self-renewal, desperately trying to predict the next

Kurginyan led the sheep to vote for Putin

From the author's book

Kurginyan led the sheep to vote for Putin. For the last couple of years, I have been constantly interested in the question: why is S. Kurginyan given the opportunity to publicly express his pro-Soviet position on anti-Soviet Russian television? Why, in front of millions of television viewers, did he

Love looks with one eye

From the book Articles and Lectures author Osipov Alexey Ilyich

Love looks with one eye Speech at the Christmas readings in Tyumen, February 5, 2008. Source - website "Policy and Discussion" (Osipov's page - What are we talking about when we say “spiritual and moral values”? We are constantly

From the book Meditation. First and last freedom author Rajneesh Bhagwan Shri

LOOK WITH THE THIRD EY Understanding that between the two ordinary eyes there is a third eye, usually closed, is one of the gifts of the East to the world. You need to work hard, raise - against the force of gravity - all your sexual energy upward, and when the energy

And didn’t bat an eyelid and he doesn’t even bat an eyelid Razg. Disapproved Usually in decree. f. Does not pay any attention, does not react to anything; does not outwardly show his attitude towards anyone or anything. = And he didn’t even move his eyebrows, and he didn’t even move his ears, . With noun with value faces: a boy, a young man... he doesn’t even look at it.

Her father had to cut her barbed wire with scissors to get Lenka out, but he didn’t bat an eyelid. (S. Baruzdin.)

“Marina, Marina, come here!..” But the girl didn’t bat an eyelid. (B. Polevoy.)

“Stop mocking me, Serpilin!” – Baranov shouted nervously. But Serpilin didn’t even bat an eyelid in his direction. (K. Simonov.)

Educational phraseological dictionary. - M.: AST. E. A. Bystrova, A. P. Okuneva, N. M. Shansky. 1997 .

See what “and didn’t even bat an eyelid” is in other dictionaries:

    And didn’t bat an eyelid

    And he doesn’t lead with his eyes- AND DOESN'T LEAD WITH THE EYES. AND DIDN’T BLIND AN EYE. Razg. Express Doesn't react at all to anything (usually seen). Marina, Marina, come here, you vile one! the old woman hissed on the stove. But the girl didn’t even bat an eyelid (B. Polevoy. The Tale of a Real Man) ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    And Razg didn’t even bat an eyelid. Disapproved Usually in decree. f. Does not pay any attention, does not react to anything; does not outwardly show his attitude towards anyone or anything. = And he doesn’t even raise an eyebrow... ... Educational phraseological dictionary

    And Razg didn’t even bat an eyelid. Disapproved Usually in decree. f. Does not pay any attention, does not react to anything; does not outwardly show his attitude towards anyone or anything. = And he doesn’t even raise an eyebrow... ... Educational phraseological dictionary

    Didn't turn an eye or an ear- NEITHER EYE OR EAR LEADS who. NO ONE WAS AN EYE OR EAR. Simple Reprehensible Doesn't want to look or listen; doesn't pay attention... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    Doesn't lead with eye or ear- Who. NO ONE WAS AN EYE OR EAR. Simple Reprehensible Doesn't want to look or listen; doesn't pay attention... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language- and Razg didn’t even move his ears. Disapproved Usually in decree. f. Does not pay any attention, does not react to anything; does not outwardly show his attitude towards anyone or anything. = And he doesn’t even raise an eyebrow... ... Educational phraseological dictionary

And didn’t bat an eyelid AND DOESN'T LEAD WITH THE EYES. AND DIDN’T BLIND AN EYE. Razg. Express Doesn't react at all to anything (usually what he sees). - Marina, Marina, come here, you vile one! - the old woman hissed on the stove. But the girl didn’t even bat an eye(B. Polevoy. A Tale of a Real Man).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

See what “And I didn’t even bat an eye” is in other dictionaries:

    and didn’t bat an eyelid

    and didn’t even bat an eyelid- and Razg didn’t even bat an eyelid. Disapproved Usually in decree. f. Does not pay any attention, does not react to anything; does not outwardly show his attitude towards anyone or anything. = And he doesn’t even raise an eyebrow... ... Educational phraseological dictionary

    AND DOESN'T LEAD WITH THE EYES. AND DIDN’T BLIND AN EYE. Razg. Express Doesn't react at all to anything (usually seen). Marina, Marina, come here, you vile one! the old woman hissed on the stove. But the girl didn’t even bat an eyelid (B. Polevoy. The Tale of a Real Man) ...

    and doesn't even lead the eye- and Razg didn’t even bat an eyelid. Disapproved Usually in decree. f. Does not pay any attention, does not react to anything; does not outwardly show his attitude towards anyone or anything. = And he doesn’t even raise an eyebrow... ... Educational phraseological dictionary

    and doesn't lead with his eyes- and Razg didn’t even bat an eyelid. Disapproved Usually in decree. f. Does not pay any attention, does not react to anything; does not outwardly show his attitude towards anyone or anything. = And he doesn’t even raise an eyebrow... ... Educational phraseological dictionary

    NEITHER EYE OR EAR LEADS who. NO ONE WAS AN EYE OR EAR. Simple Reprehensible Doesn't want to look or listen; doesn't pay attention... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    Who. NO ONE WAS AN EYE OR EAR. Simple Reprehensible Doesn't want to look or listen; doesn't pay attention... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    and didn’t even raise an eyebrow Educational phraseological dictionary

    and didn’t raise an eyebrow- and Razg didn’t even raise an eyebrow. Usually in decree. f. Does not pay any attention, does not react to anything; does not outwardly show his attitude towards anyone or anything. = And he doesn’t blow his nose, and he doesn’t even move his eyes... ... Educational phraseological dictionary

    and didn’t even turn an ear- and Razg didn’t even move his ears. Disapproved Usually in decree. f. Does not pay any attention, does not react to anything; does not outwardly show his attitude towards anyone or anything. = And he doesn’t even raise an eyebrow... ... Educational phraseological dictionary

A strong woman, mother of three children, People’s Artist of Russia and singer Valeria came to the studio of the “Secret to a Million” program. The artist’s entire past and present came to life in the program’s studio.

The conversation began with a question about the singer’s first husband, Leonid Yaroshevsky. The artist honestly stated that she is currently not communicating with him. She remembered how their relationship began. They lived together for four and a half years. But the first husband is still offended by the artist. And she has no desire to contact him. The People's Artist of Russia made shocking confessions in the studio of the program. In particular, she stated that she now perceives Leonid Yaroshevsky as her first mistake.

Valeria's second marriage was also unsuccessful. Alexander Shulgin is the only one of the singer’s men who was not approved by her mother. The star openly spoke about how she was a victim of domestic violence for many years. Valeria explained why, after the divorce from Shulgin, she was in constant fear for her life and for the lives of her three children. And for Alexander Shulgin, questions about his ex-wife are a taboo topic.

Valeria: “I later regretted that I got in touch with Shulgin at all. I understood that, of course, there was nothing good in my life with him except children.”

Valeria said that she was unhappy with Shulgin even when she received the offer. But at that moment the singer was pregnant.

Valeria: “He already raised his hand to me when he drank heavily. I chalked it up to this at the time. I thought: “No, we will do everything, we will win.” But it wasn’t about alcohol or anything else.”

According to her, her husband not only drank, but also used drugs. Valeria recalls that “it was scary to be at home.” One day, the artist was stabbed in the leg by her husband.

Valeria: "Never. We just sat. And at some point something just pissed him off. I swear it was just a harmless conversation. I didn’t even have time to get scared. He didn't even bat an eyelid. And I jumped on one leg. Anya (daughter ed.) was two weeks old.”

The singer hid what was happening even from her loved ones. Relatives guessed that she had been subjected to violence, but could not imagine how terrible it all was. The husband did not stop beating, even when the artist was pregnant. Then Shulgin began to abuse children.

Valeria: “The middle one, Tyoma, especially got it. He threw it into the dog's enclosure. That was all."

As a result, the singer had to take the children away when she decided to separate from her husband.

Valeria also spoke about how her life developed after this difficult breakup. TV viewers will be able to learn about this from the second part of the program “” with singer Valeria, which will be shown on NTV and NTV.Ru