Storing carrots on the balcony. Carrots Are vegetable crops afraid of frost?

Apples and pears

Many summer residents store their harvest on their balconies before the cold weather sets in. But when exactly should potatoes, carrots, beets, onions, apples and pears be moved to a warm place so that they do not spoil? Should I do this immediately at the first frost or can I wait a little longer?

If the balcony is not insulated, then as soon as the thermometer begins to show a negative temperature, apples and pears need to be moved into the apartment, because they will spoil, says Vitaly VASEKHA, senior researcher at the RUE Institute of Fruit Growing. - You can put a jar of water on the balcony: as soon as you see that the water has begun to freeze, take away the fruit, otherwise they will freeze and become loose and lose their taste. On the insulated balcony, the harvest can be stored all winter. The optimal temperature for storing apples is +2 - +4 degrees, for pears +1 - +3.

In an apartment, it is best to store apples in the refrigerator, separate from vegetables, but since most often there is no room for them, place them in boxes or nets that allow air to pass through and place them in the coolest place, away from radiators. Never store apples and pears in plastic bags, as this will significantly shorten their shelf life. In an apartment at a temperature of +18 - +20 degrees, fruit can be stored for about a month. Some apples can be frozen by cutting them into pieces to make compotes from them in winter.


One of the most convenient options- make an insulated box for storing potatoes on the balcony. If it is not there, then in the absence of a basement or cellar you will have to look for a place in the apartment or on the corridor.

Potatoes need to be removed from the balcony when the temperature drops to zero degrees, advises the Deputy General Director for scientific work RUE "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Potato and Fruit and Vegetable Growing" Ivan Ivanovich KOLYADKO. - Potatoes should be stored at a temperature no higher than +10 degrees, preferably +4 - +5.

Do not put potatoes in bags or bags that do not allow air to pass through - they will spoil, and do not place them in the light - they will begin to turn green.

Onion and garlic

The most persistent vegetables are onions and garlic. They can be stored on the balcony even after you have already moved the rest of the harvest into the apartment.

The optimal temperature for storing onions and garlic is 0 - -1, but they can easily withstand frosts down to -6 degrees, says Nikolai Petrovich KUPREENKO, deputy director for science of the Republican Unitary Enterprise "Institute of Vegetable Growing".

When storing onions in an apartment, you can braid them and hang them in a dry place (diseases will develop in a humid environment and the onions will begin to sprout). Part of the harvest can be placed in boxes. But just don't use it plastic boxes- onions breathe and release moisture, but plastic does not absorb moisture, so the harvest will deteriorate.

Check the contents of the boxes periodically: remove softened bulbs from the box immediately so that they do not become a source of infection for others. And do not store vegetables affected by pests and diseases - they quickly spoil.

Beetroot and carrots

They need to be taken away from the balcony at zero temperature - they are afraid of frost. The suitable temperature for storing carrots is +2 degrees. If there are only a few carrots, you can put them in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator: there are ideal conditions for them.

There are usually no problems with storing beets. Before storing, the tops are cut off, dried, put in boxes and periodically checked how they are stored. If you notice rotten fruits, throw them away immediately.


Cabbage will withstand a slight frost of -1 - -2 degrees, but it is not worth keeping it on the balcony for a long time in late autumn. To keep it well, choose late maturing varieties - their heads are denser. Cabbage is stored at a temperature of plus 2 - 3 degrees and high humidity.

Root vegetables must be stored so that they do not wither, rot or sprout., otherwise carrots will lose their taste and beneficial qualities. Effective ways and recommendations from summer residents will help preserve the juiciness and freshness of the vegetable. Let's find out how and where to store carrots correctly.

In a private courtyard (dacha) there is most often the basement is the best place for storing vegetables.

Knowing the subtleties proper preparation, carrots can lie inside the basement until spring. Some manage to keep it until summer.

It all depends on the variety and preparatory work. The degree of preservation is influenced by the fact whether purchased carrots are stored in the basement or grown in the garden.

In apartment conditions, the root crop retains its qualities if place it on the balcony, where it is not cold, in winter or in the pantry. It also requires preparation and the right location.

In addition to preserving at home, options for storing root vegetables for future use are suitable here. For example, canned, dried or frozen.

A small amount can simply be placed in the refrigerator, where root crops can lie and not spoil for up to 2 months.

In the cellar

Traditionally, containers were not used to store carrots; they simply poured a bunch of sand and buried the root crops in it. Nowadays, this method is often abandoned, using plastic or wooden containers.

The bottom of the box is covered with paper or cellophane to prevent sand from spilling out. Paper will be preferable as it allows air to pass through. Pour a layer of sand on top, level it, if stones come across, remove them.

Lay the root vegetables in an even layer, leaving small gaps so that sand can spill in there without any problems.

Sand is sprinkled on top of the carrot layer. so that it is well covered. Everything is thoroughly leveled for the next layer of root vegetables.

Advice: Instead of sand, root vegetables can be sprinkled with sawdust or onion peels.

Alternate layers as much as the height of the box allows. If necessary, you can store several boxes, it all depends on the amount of carrots.

There is no need to cover the boxes with anything other than sand. Read about how to properly prepare root vegetables in the material below.

On the balcony

Before the onset of cold weather, the safety of vegetables can be ensured even on unglazed balconies. However it is better if there is a balcony protected from moisture and sun, where the temperature in winter is - 0 - 1 °C.

You need to store carrots in boxes, layering the layers with newsprint.. Cover the top of the box with cellophane and cloth; the root crops will have enough moisture and coolness.

Tip: instead of paper, you can use sand as in the basement version.

Freezing in the freezer

Almost all vegetables are preserved by freezing. carrots are ideal for this purpose. This method will save time on cooking, because the vegetable will be peeled and chopped.

Before putting it inside the freezer root vegetables need to be peeled and rinsed under running water. You can freeze carrots in different ways:

  • cut into cubes, rings or strips;
  • grate or chop with a food processor;
  • use a Korean carrot grater;
  • cut into cubes or whole.

The cutting method is selected individually based on personal preferences. For example, grated is suitable for frying, and in cubes and whole for carrot puree.

Chopped vegetables are placed in plastic bags or airtight containers for freezing. Placed inside chest freezer or freezer compartment. The only disadvantage when frozen is that vegetables lose 65-80% of their usefulness.

Important: you can store this way until the next harvest; this method will never let you down.

Is it possible to store it in an apartment in the refrigerator?

Inside the refrigerator Root crops are able to retain their value and shape for quite a long period.

Carrots will feel comfortable on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator if you follow some rules:

  1. Prepare root vegetables correctly; do not wash them under any circumstances.
  2. Washed carrots are not suitable for long-term storage. If it is washed, dry it and place it in a plastic bag. Close it hermetically, then moisture will remain inside.
  3. In the case of unwashed vegetables, they need to be dried. Sort through to avoid rot and damage. Put it inside plastic bag and tie it to prevent air from entering.
  4. A special niche or shelf at the bottom of the refrigerator is usually used to store vegetables.

When you need to take carrots out of the refrigerator, open the bag, take as much as you need and close it back. At the same time, you should look to see if there are spoiled root vegetables inside.

If everything is fine, there is no need to worry. If putrefactive damage is detected, it is better to process or freeze such carrots.

In bags at home

If you place root vegetables inside a bag and store it in an apartment, if the vegetables are of high quality, they can stay like this for 2-3 weeks.

However There is no guarantee that they will not start to deteriorate. Everything may look good on top, but the inside of the carrots will begin to rot.

With this method, you need to regularly review the packages for putrefactive changes.

How to prepare carrots for storage

The preparatory moment is the most crucial, the shelf life of the vegetable depends on what and how the vegetable is stored.

To prevent mistakes, you have to adhere to strict rules:

  1. Never wash vegetables before storing them. The exception is freezing vegetables.
  2. Each root crop is carefully inspected, the slightest damage is rejected. It is better to use such root vegetables for preparations.
  3. The sorted vegetables are lightly dried in the wind. There is no need to over-dry or keep it in the sun for a long time. In this case, the carrot can be turned over from one side to the other.
  4. Store as described above with sand or place in bags.
  5. If you use bags, they must be strong and airtight. The bags can be tied or secured with tape.

Cleaning and preparing carrots for storage:

The quality and conditions under which the cultivation took place influence the quality of the food.. If the season was rainy or it was watered heavily, it may rot.

It happens that purchased vegetables are heavily treated with chemicals - this also affects their safety.

The best varieties for storage: Shantane, Moscow Winter, Vitaminnaya, Karotel.

Storing carrots causes enough trouble for summer residents. However, without proper conditions, this is difficult to achieve. If you do everything right, it will remain juicy and fresh until the next harvest!

And the preservation of vitamins (after all, everyone knows that winter vitamins sold in supermarkets differ from summer ones in vitamin composition). And there will be constant access to supplies.

About whether it can be frozen, and whether it is lost beneficial features After defrosting, we'll tell you further.

Benefits of freezing

It is customary to store in a basement or other cool place. If certain conditions are met, the vegetable can grow until spring. However, if the temperature is too low or high, it becomes stained, moldy, dries out or freezes. It is especially difficult for those who store carrots in the apartment. After all, not everyone has a basement or a balcony equipped for this. That is why the ideal solution in such a situation is frozen carrots, which can be stored for a long time.

Moreover, it is not at all necessary to have a separate freezer, because all modern refrigerators are equipped with spacious freezers. Therefore, this type of preparation does not require any additional costs or extra effort.

For all housewives, this method of preparation has another big advantage: you don’t need to spend a lot of time. When cooking, just take out the bag and add the required amount of carrots to the dish.

Selection and preparation of carrots

Before freezing carrots in the freezer, you need to take a responsible approach to the choice of products and choose only high-quality material. It’s better if these are vegetables from your own garden.

So, young, juicy, whole, not rotten ones are selected.

Important! Overripe root vegetables should not be taken for freezing.-there is minimal benefit from them.

Choose You need a medium sized carrot. It is better to set aside small specimens - when frozen they lose their taste.

Before harvesting, vegetables are thoroughly cleaned of dirt, washed, the top layer is thinly trimmed, the ends are cut off and laid out on a towel to dry thoroughly.

Suitable container

While the vegetables are drying, you can choose a container for freezing.

These could be:

  • small plastic trays (containers);
  • disposable cups;
  • special bags designed for storing frozen products;
  • molds for ice or baking (for mashed potatoes or grated carrots);
  • polyethylene bags with a clasp.

You can also use ordinary plastic bags, but they must be durable and always new.
Using plastic container You should remember that you need to leave 1-1.25 cm of empty space before the lid, since when frozen, vegetables expand and need free space.

Freezing methods

Before you freeze carrots for the winter in the refrigerator (it doesn’t matter whether you store them in bags or in containers), think about their purpose after defrosting. The shape of the cut and the degree of processing depend on this.

Important! It is not advisable to freeze carrots whole.-it takes up a lot of space.


For many dishes, it is better to use carrots in sliced ​​form, cutting them into circles, thin strips or small cubes (about 6 mm).


The carrots, chopped in a convenient way for you, are dried and placed in bags or containers in single portions. In this case, you need to ensure that there is as little air left in the container as possible.

To make it easier to navigate, you can stick stickers on the containers with the date of packaging and purpose (for soup, roast, etc.), and place them in the freezer.

You can freeze carrots in two ways:

  1. Chopped vegetables are laid out on a board or tray and placed in the freezer for 1-2 hours.
  2. The frozen pieces are packed into containers, the air is expelled from them, hermetically sealed and hidden in the freezer.


Since carrots require a long cooking or stewing time when cooked, it is advisable to blanch them for several minutes before freezing. Then - pour over cold water. This will improve the taste and reduce cooking time later.

For this type of preparation you will need a large saucepan, a container of water and ice.

Ice water must be ready before blanching begins.

Blanching is done in the following way:

  1. A large saucepan is filled 2/3 with water and placed on fire.
  2. After the water boils, add prepared chopped (or whole) carrots into it.
  3. After 2 minutes, take out the vegetables and quickly transfer them to ice water.
  4. The carrots are allowed to “cool” for the same amount of time (2 minutes) to quickly stop the cooking process.
  5. Place the carrots in a colander or sieve to drain the water. You can remove the vegetables from the water with a slotted spoon and place them on a paper towel.
  6. After the carrots have dried, they are laid out in a thin layer on a tray. In this case, you need to make sure that the parts do not touch.
  7. Place the tray in the freezer for 2-3 hours.

The prepared vegetables are placed in portions into prepared containers (it is better to remove them from the tray with a spatula) and placed in the freezer.


Most often, raw carrots are frozen after grating them. There is no special technology for this: vegetables chopped in this way are laid out in portions and placed in the freezer.

It is better to freeze grated carrots in baking molds. After the carrots are frozen, they are simply transferred to a bag.


Moms who don’t know how to freeze carrots for the winter for their baby can use this recipe.

Boil carrots in unsalted water for 20–30 minutes, chop them using a blender, package them in bags and place them in the freezer. Such frozen puree can be successfully used in the form complementary foods for babies.

How to store carrots for the winter? Among, each gardener will find his own, the one that is most preferable to him. But first you need to prepare for this and decide, adhering to the right technology. First, we decide on the timing of cleaning.

Despite the fact that this root vegetable can withstand light frosts, you should not overexpose it in the garden. However, harvesting vegetables too early reduces the consumer qualities of the root crop, preventing it from collecting enough sugars.

And vice versa - staying in the garden for too long allows for the accumulation of sugars in large quantities, which makes the root crop very attractive to rodents during further storage.

Therefore, harvesting should be scheduled at the time when the lower 2-3 shoots of the tops begin to acquire a yellow color - such root crops already have good consumer qualities, but will be the least attractive to pests.

Before harvesting, do not water the bed with root vegetables for several days, and when digging, use a fork that has blunt teeth - this way you will avoid damaging the vegetables.

Basic Rules

How to properly store carrots for the winter? There are no specific recommendations on how best to store carrots for the winter and where. The determining factors for long-term preservation of the crop are compliance with:

  • choosing a variety of root crops;
  • compliance with preparation technology;
  • humidity conditions;
  • lack of excess oxygen supply;
  • pest protection.

For long-term storage throughout the winter, late-ripening varieties show the best performance. These could be Moscow Winter and Chantane. But early ripening varieties demonstrate poor keeping quality.

At what temperature should carrots be stored in winter? Temperature is very important. At temperatures approaching zero, metabolism will slow down up to 10 times, which guarantees long-term preservation of root crops. The best temperature should not exceed +10 degrees Celsius. However, it is better to maintain it at a level of +1 - +2 degrees - at a temperature of more than +5 degrees, buds that have not been removed may begin to grow.

Equally important is maintaining the humidity regime in storage areas. It should be at the level of 90-95%. Lower humidity will lead to premature withering of root crops, and higher humidity will cause them to rot. What is the best way to store carrots for the winter?

Shelf life

How long to store carrots? in different ways classified like this:

  • in plastic bags, subject to storage in a refrigerator - from 1 to 2 months (?);
  • in the cellar in closed boxes - up to 5-8 months;
  • in a cellar or in a clay shell - until the next harvest;
  • in the cellar - 6-8 months;
  • - until the new harvest.

This is in conditions where the pests will have limited opportunity to feast on root crops. To prevent them from having this opportunity, the following measures should be taken:

  • set traps with bait;
  • place repellers;
  • treat vegetable storage and storage areas accordingly.

As another tip, avoid storing carrots in the same room, this will preserve the root vegetables longer.

It also remains controversial whether carrots can be stored together with potatoes..

In order for carrots to retain their quality for as long as possible, it is necessary to adhere to storage rules. Many gardeners doubt: root crops before harvesting for the winter. We recommend that you look at the advice of our experts on how to properly store vegetables in,.

Reasons for damage

Why do carrots rot during storage? There may be several reasons why carrots rot during storage.:

  • bookmark for storage of damaged copies;
  • sharp fluctuation;
  • excess humidity;
  • non-compliance with storage technology.

That is why you should extremely carefully adhere to the technology of preparing root crops for storage, starting from the moment you dig up the vegetables. Since this type of root crops is very easily damaged by any blows, you should not knock the vegetables off the ground or throw them from place to place.

Such damage will be barely noticeable, but subsequently it will become the site of the beginning of rotting of the root crop itself and the infection of other root crops nearby with fungal diseases.

Abrupt change temperature regime during storage it leads to the formation of condensation - this gives impetus to the rotting of root crops. Storage areas such as bags made of polyethylene are especially susceptible to this. To eliminate condensation, it is necessary to provide holes at the bottom of the bags.

Even slight freezing of root crops, which can occur already at a temperature of -1 degree, will lead to subsequent rotting of the root crops.

Excessive, as well as insufficient, humidity reduces the shelf life of root crops. Therefore, it is important to maintain it at the proper level - if it is insufficient, by additional humidification, if it is excessive, by transferring it to another room, but avoiding temperature fluctuations.

Often, non-compliance with storage technology leads to excessive formation of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide has a negative impact on the storage conditions of root crops, so it is necessary to follow the storage technology chosen by the vegetable grower as closely as possible.

carrot fly

How to preserve carrots damaged by carrot flies? The carrot fly is one of those pests that damages root crops even at the stage of their cultivation. It is a real disaster for all gardeners. Unfortunately, storing root vegetables that are damaged by carrot flies is only possible in processed form.

Sometimes they use a method of removing damaged areas and then keeping vegetables in the air until the area becomes covered with a crust. However, the shelf life of such vegetables will be significantly reduced.

Therefore, it is better to immediately process such root vegetables - drying, drying, or canning. Moreover, modern technology, which is used at home, allows this to be done in the best possible way.

Storing in vegetable storage

How to store beets and carrots for the winter large quantities. Vegetable storage facilities are used to organize the storage of large quantities of root crops. And since large batches are delivered to vegetable storage facilities, as a rule, after mechanized harvesting, the most careful sorting of root crops should be carried out.

Storing beets and carrots for the winter with the greatest efficiency will help to ruthlessly remove damaged, broken, uneven or depleted specimens from the total mass. Modern vegetable storage facilities allow you to maintain the required temperature and humidity conditions.

How to store carrots in winter in storage? Typically, carrots in vegetable stores are stored in bunches or in special containers. It is advisable that the height of such edges does not exceed 2-3 meters.

If storage is organized in special containers or pallets, then the stack height should not exceed 5.5 m. In this case it is necessary:

  • carry out constant ventilation of the room;
  • cover root crops with burlap;
  • implement measures to maintain high air humidity.

To increase air humidity in the room, containers with water are placed; they also use spraying of the upper layers of root crops located in the open air, flooding the passages with water. However, the best results are shown by vegetable storage facilities that are equipped with refrigeration equipment.

Unfortunately, such equipment has a high cost, so the organization of storage of carrots is still limited to modern technologies carried out on very few farms. The rest will have to come to terms with the loss of the harvest, up to 30% of which does not reach the consumer due to spoilage.

Now you know how to preserve carrots until spring. Root vegetables such as carrots are considered the most difficult vegetable crop to store. Therefore, it is extremely important to follow the technology of all stages of storage organization, and then for a long time this delicious root vegetable, grown with your own hands, will be on your table.

Carrots are an irreplaceable and popular root vegetable in the world. Consists of vitamins and minerals essential for health, as well as fiber. This vegetable is indispensable for preparing soups and side dishes. There is an opinion that storing carrots all year round It’s pointless, 50% of the stored crop will rot. This is not true.

Experienced summer residents know that a properly prepared vegetable for storage never spoils in one year and carrots will not change their taste. It is important to choose from many methods one that is suitable for high-quality storage of the product. A balcony is suitable for good preservation of carrots. Most apartment residents do not have their own basement for storing vegetables. For city residents, the apartment balcony has long become a place to store food in the winter.

At what temperature can carrots be stored on a balcony or glassed-in loggia?

The temperature at which carrots retain vitamins, minerals and taste is from 0 to + 1 C with a humidity of 85-90%. Make sure it doesn't go any lower. When frost sets in, bring it indoors. The permissible temperature when storing on the balcony is from + 1 to + 8 degrees. If the temperature on the balcony is sub-zero, the carrot juice will freeze. After the temperature increases, all the juice will begin to flow out through the cracks in the root crop formed due to ice. Through the cracks, all kinds of infection will penetrate into the vegetables, which will lead to rotting of the carrots.

If the temperature rises above +8 degrees, the carrots, due to the acceleration of metabolism, will begin to sprout or rot. At temperatures above + 8 degrees, the vegetable will begin to dry out and simply wither. must be weak, because together with fresh air bad microorganisms that cause disease will enter. When the humidity percentage changes, the carrots will quickly dry out and wilt.

Vegetables with thin skin require more careful handling. It cannot be washed or cleaned.

Methods for storing carrots

Storage in clay

You will need:

  • boxes;
  • cardboard boxes;
  • water;
  • clay;
  • garlic;
  • polyethylene film.

Clay protects the surface of the carrots and prevents them from withering. There are two ways:

  1. Fill half the bucket with clay and add water, stir and add water. Leave the mixture for 3-4 days. It will infuse and become similar to sour cream. Place film on the bottom of the box and carefully arrange the vegetable. When the clay dries, add another layer of carrots and fill with clay. Fill the box to the top this way.
  2. Collect carrots, dip in garlic solution, then in clay solution. Garlic solution: mince 200 grams of garlic and stir in two liters of water. Clay mortar: the clay must be diluted with water until a thick mixture is formed. Spread the root vegetables out and let them air out. Place the carrots in boxes or boxes.