Sourdough bread in a bread machine. White bread with bran on sourdough Sourdough for bread in a bread machine

For quite a long time I set myself up to learn how to bake bread without fermented yeast, using sourdough. It seemed to me that I would never master the process of making the sourdough itself. It seemed to me very labor-intensive and complex, I thought that I would be attached to this leaven because I constantly need to do something with it: feed it, warm it, cool it...

In fact, as my mother liked to say, the eyes are afraid, but the hands do. It’s a good saying, I use it very often in everyday life. And most importantly, she helps well.

So, where did I start preparing this very sourdough: by studying the Internet. I watched several videos and read a lot of recommendations on various sites. The process of preparing and maintaining the sourdough starter in “working condition” began to take shape in my head. And then I just started doing it.

The starter is prepared for three days; on the fourth, and in some cases already at the end of the third day, it can be used to make bread. I adopted a recipe for the so-called “eternal” sourdough. So the recipe itself:

Take 100 g of flour (I took 50 g each of premium white and rye flour) and 100 g of water (maybe a little less), stir thoroughly, but do not beat, until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained. Cover with a towel or gauze and place in a warm place without drafts. Leave for a day until small bubbles appear, stir 2-3 times.

On the second day (i.e. a day has passed since the first mixing of flour and water), we feed the starter: add 100 g of flour and water to obtain the consistency of market sour cream. Cover again and put in a warm place for another day. My starter was in the kitchen cabinet with the door closed.

On the third day, the starter should already be bubbling, bubbling and growing. We feed her one more time and put her in the closet. If we want to bake bread on the third day, then we put it in good warmth. For me it was a central heating radiator. Only I didn’t put it on the battery itself, but next to it. And we don’t go too far, we look periodically. When the starter doubles in size, this will be the peak of its activity; at this moment it is at its strongest. We divide it in half. We put one part in the dough, and feed the other again and after an hour, an hour and a half, put it in the refrigerator until next time.

When it’s time to bake bread again, we take the starter out of the refrigerator, feed it and put it in a warm place. As soon as the starter rises and doubles in volume, repeat the procedure.

Recipe for sourdough bread in a Panasonic SD-ZB 2502 bread machine

340 g sourdough

200 ml water

10 g (2 tsp) salt

1-2 tbsp. spoons of butter

1.5 tsp. Sahara

We put everything in a bucket and select menu 08 - “French bread”. In exactly 6 hours, hot, fragrant, ruddy bread without fermented yeast is ready. We take it out of the bucket, let it cool for an hour or an hour and a half and enjoy eating delicious, healthy, crispy sourdough bread, prepared with our own hands.

The picture shows bread made from white flour with the addition of rye flakes, on the 3rd day after baking. When baking it went a little crazy.

We offer a recipe for sourdough rye bread in a bread machine. By following simple recommendations, you will get a fragrant, rosy and undeniably useful product with a crispy, delicious crust. The absence of yeast in its composition and the predominance of rye flour gives grounds to consider such bread dietary and low-calorie, which will be especially appreciated by supporters healthy eating and those who watch their weight.

Rye yeast-free sourdough bread in a bread machine - recipe


  • rye flour – 480 g;
  • wheat flour – 220 g;
  • purified water – 500 ml;
  • vegetable oil without aroma – 55 ml;
  • granulated sugar– 65 g;
  • rock salt – 25 g;
  • suitable yeast-free starter – 200 g;
  • cumin or (optional) - to taste;


To prepare bread according to this recipe we will need rye sourdough for bread without yeast. You can find a lot of options for preparing it, you can use absolutely any. As you have already noticed, the ingredients include wheat flour in addition to rye flour. This is necessary so that the bread machine can handle the kneading on its own. After all, if you prepare 100% rye bread, the dough during kneading turns out to be too viscous, and the device will not be able to collect it into a solid lump. You can either help the device during kneading, picking up the mass from the sides using a spatula, or prepare rye-wheat bread in a sourdough bread machine, replacing part of the rye flour with wheat. IN the latter case The device will handle the batch on its own and your help will not be needed. When making bread only from rye flour, the amount of starter must be increased by about one and a half times, reducing the amount of water accordingly.

We also note that to prepare sourdough bread you need one that allows you to customize the mode individually, since standard programs are only suitable for classic yeast baking.

Pour purified water, vegetable oil and suitable sourdough into the bucket of the bread machine. Now sift two types of flour, add salt, granulated sugar and, if desired, cumin or coriander. Add the dry ingredients to the liquid ones and place the container in the device. As we mentioned above, we will choose an individual mode. To do this, set the first kneading time to 15 minutes, the rising time to 4-4.5 hours (without kneading) and the baking time to 1.5 hours. Now we turn on the bread maker and wait for it to prepare us a ruddy, fragrant bread.

Immediately after the signal, remove the product from the device and from the bucket and let it cool.

Sourdough bread in a bread machine.

We didn’t like bread with dry yeast, and besides, my husband periodically raised the question in the family about the dangers of yeast and that we should switch to bread made from natural sourdough. To be honest, I’m still not sure that yeast is so harmful, but still, the information that you need to bake bread with sourdough is firmly stuck in your head. Therefore, now I bake bread only with sourdough, it is very tasty and has a pleasant aroma. This bread has only one drawback - it crumbles very much.

I first scoured the forums and found a recipe for “Eternal Sourdough”. I quote further:

“It doesn’t matter what kind of flour you make the so-called “starter” from: wheat, whole, rye... And it doesn’t matter what kind of sourdough you bake for which bread: from rye - wheat, or vice versa. Therefore, don’t bother making different sourdoughs, just one - more than enough. However, there is a nuance: it is easiest to grow the right culture from rye flour: it retains the most beneficial microorganisms and bacteria. There are almost no of them in refined wheat, so it is very difficult to grow sourdough from it: it constantly deviates towards pathogenic flora. Have to throw it away.

In short, to put it briefly, the recipe is this:

Eternal leaven

1 day
100 g flour and 100 g water (maybe a little less)
Stir well. You should get a pasty mass, like thick market sour cream.
Cover with a damp towel and place in a very warm place without drafts (I put it in a cabinet, it has a radiator instead of a back wall. The builders - bastards! - screwed it up. Nothing can be stored - but the dough rests perfectly!)
The starter should ferment for about a day. Until small, albeit rare, bubbles appear. It makes sense to stir it sometimes.

Day 2
Now the starter needs to be fed. To do this, add 100 g of flour again and add water so that its consistency returns to the original state of market sour cream. Cover with a towel and leave in a warm place for another day.

Day 3
As a rule, now no questions arise: there are not just bubbles on the surface of the sourdough: it grows greatly in size and all consists of such a foamy cap. We feed her for the last time. And again in the warmth. Here is a very important point: the leaven is already quite strong and we need to catch the moment when it will be at its “peak form”: i.e. it should double. At this moment she is at her strongest. We divide it in half.

The first half is our eternal leaven. We put it in a jar with a plastic lid with holes in it (so it can breathe) and put it in the refrigerator until next time.

And let's put the second half to work... "

At first, my starter did not raise the dough well. It took me almost 12 hours to proof. And the dough tasted sour. But after about a month of regular use, the sourness disappeared, and the bread rises in 3-4 hours, depending on the temperature in the kitchen. This starter makes not only bread, but also pies, sweet pastries and pancakes.

Here's my recipe wheat bread with bran:

You will need

Bran - 4 heaped tablespoons.
Sunflower oil - 2 tables. spoons.

Granulated sugar - 2 tablespoons.
Water - 250 gr.

Note: Regarding the exact quantities of ingredients, slight deviations may occur. For example, it is difficult to calculate the exact weight of flour, down to the gram, since it varies depending on many factors. And not everyone has scales. For example, I don’t have one; I use a measuring cup that has measurements for flour on it. It’s even more difficult with sourdough, because I always get it of different consistency, sometimes liquid, sometimes quite stiff, like dough, so I no longer count the spoons, but put them on my eye. Salt and sugar, if you do not use the special measuring spoons that come with the bread maker, but ordinary tablespoons, need to be taken under a knife. Those. pour a spoon full, perhaps with a heap, and then run a knife along the edges of the spoon so as to cut off the “heap”.

And now the process itself, in pictures:

In the evening, I take out a jar of sourdough from the refrigerator, pour in 3-4 tablespoons (with a large heap) of wheat flour, pour in water, and mix the flour, water and old sourdough with a wooden spoon (I read somewhere that sourdough should only be stirred with a wooden spoon, I don’t know if this is true, at first it worked well for me with a regular spoon, but a wooden spoon is more convenient - it has a longer handle).

Since I bake bread almost every day, and the starter needs to “rest” in the refrigerator for some time (after such a rest it usually rises faster), I have 2 jars of starters, which I use in turn. At first I stored the starter in a half-liter jar and fed it in a bowl, but then I got tired of constantly washing the dishes from the starter, and now I store and feed the starter in the same two-liter jar.

Experts advise “feeding” the starter at a temperature of 27-30 degrees. I didn’t immediately find such a place at home (I actually put the first starter on a convector, where it was cooked). Now a nursery for chickens has been adapted for this purpose (we bought it complete with an incubator, we didn’t use it anyway), which sit on the refrigerator.

In the morning I put 500 grams into a measuring cup. flour, sift it.

I pour 4 tablespoons of bran into the mold, then half the flour, then the leaven, then the remaining half of the flour, salt, sugar, sunflower oil, carefully fill everything with 250 ml. water. It is advisable to pour it so that the water covers the entire contents - this way the flour generates less dust during kneading.

I put the pan in the bread machine and start the “pizza” mode. After 20 minutes, I look inside to see if there is any flour left on the walls; if there is something stuck to the walls, I rub it off and push it into the dough (the instructions for the bread machine say that this should be done with a wooden spatula, I do it with clean fingers).

When the dough is kneaded, I turn off the bread machine, after 3 hours I look inside, if the dough has risen enough, I start the “baking” mode for 1 hour and 20 minutes.

And here is the finished bread. Now you need to remove it from the mold and put it on a wire rack to cool (so that the bottom does not fog up).

If the dough is “not enough”, then the bread may “break the roof”. Like this:

And this is my Panasonic SD-255 bread maker:

Let me tell you, a bread machine is a thing! She makes my life a lot easier. The time spent on making bread with my personal participation, thanks to the bread machine, is 10 minutes a day. I didn’t buy the cheapest one, I spent a long time choosing it, and read reviews on websites. I settled on the Panasonic SD-255 model, although now I understand that I don’t need the 12 programs that it provides at all, because... they are designed for dough with dry yeast.

In truth, if you have an extra hour of free time and energy, then you can knead the dough by hand and bake it in a regular oven.

From the editor ( Vitaly):

The bread turns out very tasty.


I promised to post a recipe for sourdough sweet pastries.

So, Easter Kulich.

We take an already known recipe and modify it a little: remove the bran, add another 8 tablespoons of sugar, replace sunflower oil with the same amount of butter, and instead of water prepare a mixture of egg yolks, butter and milk.

You will need
Eternal leaven - 9th table. spoons
Premium wheat flour - 500 gr.
Softened butter (but not melted!) - 50 gr.
Rock salt - 2 teaspoons.
Granulated sugar - 10 tablespoons.
Raw egg yolks - 3 pcs.
Milk - a little less than 200 g.

All ingredients should be at room temperature.

Place half the flour, sourdough starter, remaining flour, 2 tablespoons into the bread machine. spoons ("under the knife") of softened butter, 10 table. spoons of sugar, 2 teaspoons of salt, put 3 yolks in a measuring cup, the remaining butter and add milk so that the total volume of the mixture in the glass is 250 g. Place the resulting mixture in the bread machine. Launch the "Pizza" mode. After kneading, leave the dough to rise.

This dough takes a long time to rise. If usually my bread took 3-4 hours to rise, then the cake took almost 12 hours to rise. It is important that there is no draft in the kitchen during rising and baking, otherwise the dough will either rise poorly or fall.

Bake for 1 hour 20 minutes.

Christ is risen!


But here, on the contrary, we only eat whole grain bread, I love the smell and taste of this bread. I didn’t have to get used to the taste, I had never eaten store-bought wheat bread before, but my whole grain bread felt somehow real and therefore immediately appealed to my taste)))

How does this dough rise? My sourdough starter cannot rise bread properly if it is made entirely of whole grain flour. Small buns rise, but the loaf doesn’t rise at all.

I remember that you use the sourdough starter straight from the refrigerator for dough?
I noticed that the starter immediately after refrigeration is not as active as if you give it a day to “come to its senses.” Perhaps this is the reason.

I take mine out of the refrigerator the day before baking bread, let it warm up for a couple of hours, and feed it for the first time that day, then I manage to feed it one more time that day (before putting the dough on). And in the evening, when the sourdough has arrived, I put a dough on it (so that the dough would be ready for the morning overnight), feed the sourdough again and put it straight into the refrigerator.
I have the starter in a half-liter jar, and I don’t have any leftovers. By the evening, before the dough, after two feedings, you get about half a jar of starter.

And I mainly bake rye bread, pure without any admixtures of wheat flour, and still everything works fine for me. And rye dough is considered heavier and has poorer rising properties.
I give a photo of the crumb of rye bread
I don’t have a photo of the wheat one because I rarely bake, but one of these days I’ll try to bake it and take a photo.

At one time I was baking a loaf of wheat bread and a loaf of rye bread at the same time, they fit equally well and were baked together in the oven.

Another option: my sourdough is rye, maybe it’s easier for it to live on rye (IMHO)

I remembered when I was baking a wheat loaf and a rye loaf, I kept two sourdough starters, wheat and rye. And for each bread I used my own starter.
So it’s still not a matter of wheat flour; the sourdough doesn’t care what kind of flour it lives on)))

Olya, you are right, indeed, I dispersed the starter, fed it 2 times - at night and in the morning, and after lunch I put the bread in, and it rose normally. Thank you!

I still understood what I was talking about.
I did not immediately “separate” from my rye bread, and looked at it from my bell tower. It is very suitable for rye to be baked from whole flour, so it is just real and the structure and taste and crackers fried from it are awesome - everything is in its place. And wheat in this case turns out to be close by structure to rye, but wheat in this role, perhaps due to habit, looks less attractive( I really thought that it was my aversion to wheat bread that didn’t attract me personally.).
At first my husband was more of a fan of wheat bread, but looking at me he gradually switched to rye bread. Now, occasionally, if he asks me to bake something made of wheat, it’s pitas* and he explained: “Pitas are one big crust and not enough crumb, but a large wheat loaf of bread is a lot of crumb, with no pronounced taste, and a little crust around the edge.” ". And indeed, the pitas seem to be tastier, even I eat them, and they fly away in one evening, although it would seem that it makes no difference, only the shape has been changed....

*pitas are small hollow flatbreads.

I baked whole wheat bread and took a photo, so to speak, for statistics

By the way, I liked having them for breakfast; unlike rye, wheat has no acidity and is perfect for the morning stomach. I fry it lightly and make it like toast.
I didn’t understand the joke with the toasters before, but now I think I do. Because wheat bread is tasty only when it is fresh, and heat treatment refreshes it and the bread becomes like fresh

I baked whole bread with store-bought yeast. I just used apple cider vinegar on yeast and there was a lot of it left, so I decided to experiment with bread; I’ve never worked with store-bought yeast in my life. I decided, what’s the difference, the principle is the same as with sourdough.
And I was inspired to bake two loaves.

Firstly, no matter how much I baked it, it remained very wet inside. Well, that’s okay, I decided that this is a matter of skill, and although the principle is the same, it’s probably a matter of practice. But the first impression in the mouth is that it seems delicious, and when it fell into the stomach, I felt the same as from store-bought wheat bread, which is why I don’t like it - it feels like I’ve eaten, but there’s zero satiety, plus after a few minutes 5 a terrible desire to chew on bread with something meaty. And if you tighten it and don’t chew it, it will start to shake (like when you’re chilling).

I have NEVER felt this from wheat sourdough, I’m just indifferent to it, but if I eat it, I feel full(!) I used to think it was because the flour is whole, so the satiety is more complete, but it turns out... the point is, how the dough is leavened.

No more yeast, it’s still unknown what will come out with vinegar, also before, only I used it with sourdough

Many years ago, in villages, the day began with preparing bread. The dough was kneaded in the evening, and in the morning it was sent to the oven. Time passes, technology develops. Now in the store you can find such a device as a bread maker. It allows you to prepare homemade bread quickly, adding whatever you want. And what a smell afterwards!

You don't need any special products, just sourdough. You can buy it at any supermarket. It will take about 10-15 minutes to make the base, which will then be baked; the equipment will do the rest itself. The bread will be fluffy, soft, with a crispy crust. You will never find one like this in a store.


  • Sourdough - 260 g;
  • Wheat flour - 525 g;
  • Water - 300 ml;
  • Salt - 15 g;
  • Sugar - 20 g;
  • Oil - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. First you need to warm the starter to room temperature. To do this, place it in a warm place for a couple of hours before use.
  2. Add salt and sugar to slightly heated water. We send the liquid to the bread maker. In order not to dirty the dishes, you can put all the food there at once.
  3. Pour oil. The quantity and type of oil is at your personal discretion. The taste and structure of the bread depends on how much of it is in the composition. The type of oil has the same effect: refined or not, olive, vegetable, etc.
  4. Add flour. If desired, the contents can be mixed a little, since not every technique is capable of breaking down all the components well and making a high-quality homogeneous mass.
  5. Now we set the kneading mode. It all depends on the device model. The simplest one will do. It is advisable that the temperature is not too high, otherwise the starter will lose some of its properties.
  6. Once the dough is ready, you can shape it with your hands and only then send it to bake. This way the shape of the bread will be more even. In this case, the stirrer must be removed from the bottom of the bowl. If desired, you can cover the dough with a bag and place it in a secluded place so that the dough rises better. But if it is not possible to monitor him, then this is not necessary.
  7. Let's bake the bread. To do this, select a mode based on the variety of functions of the equipment, and wait.

Before it’s ready, the house will be filled with the pleasant, appetizing smell of fresh baked goods. Cool the finished product and wrap it in a towel or bag to prevent it from airing.

Sourdough rye bread

Varieties of bread are prepared almost identically. So it is here. The main difference from the first recipe is in the flour, which changes the color and consistency of the dough. Here is the correct and complete recipe for sourdough bread with rye flour. The product will be similar to the store bought one, but at home it will be healthier and softer. You can add peeled seeds or nuts to it, then the bread will become even tastier.


  • Sourdough for bread made from rye flour – 4-5 tbsp. l.;
  • Rye flour - 300 g;
  • Wheat flour - 300 g;
  • Warm water - 500-600 ml;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Peeled seeds - 10 g.


  1. The starter needs to be warm, so place it at room temperature and wait for a while.
  2. Mix all bulk ingredients into a homogeneous mixture. You can also place seeds and nuts there.
  3. Pour water into a bowl, add oil. Now add the flour, stirring a little, otherwise lumps will form, which will spoil the structure of the bread, or it will not rise properly.
  4. Let the dough rise in the device at the desired setting. After this, put the bread to bake.

Sourdough rye bread is ready in the bread machine. A very healthy product that is pleasant to eat even on its own.

Yeast-free rye bread in a bread machine

The beauty of the recipe is that you don’t need to waste time raising the dough, but you can immediately bake it. It takes less time, but it turns out even better. It is not necessary to add sesame seeds, seeds and bran, but with them the product will be spicier and more satisfying.


  • Kefir - 300 ml;
  • Rye flour - 600 g;
  • Bran - 50 g;
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • Vegetable oil - 1/3 cup;
  • Sugar, salt - 15 g each;
  • Flax seeds, sesame seeds - 20 g each.


  1. When adding seeds and other ingredients, first fry them lightly in a frying pan without oil. A golden color will indicate readiness. All supplements are very good for digestion.
  2. Let's get down to the basics. Pour the kefir into the bowl of the bread machine, add flour there, stir a little and add the contents from the frying pan if available.
  3. We set the appropriate mode and wait.

Simple, fast and useful. The bread will decorate the table, and the recipe will definitely be included in the list of favorites.

Sourdough bread recipe in the oven

There are a lot of options for creating sourdough at home. All of them are prepared for several days and infused under certain conditions. You need a minimum of products, in most cases only flour and water.

Sourdough from rye bread, as one of the simplest, is prepared from the flour of the same name and clean water. The ingredients are mixed and then infused for three days in a warm place. On the second day you need to “feed” the mass by adding 100 g of flour and a little water. The consistency will resemble low-fat sour cream. On the third day, do the same procedure and let it brew for another day. The starter rises well, so it will last for several times.

Other options are based on ground sprouted grains, raisins, rice and other cereals.

Sourdough is not only very beneficial for the human body, but is also the basis for delicious homemade baked goods.

Due to the widespread consumption of bran, especially for weight loss or a healthy diet, it is worth understanding why it is so beneficial. It is worth learning about the properties of their specific types, the advantages of their use, but also the disadvantages. It is often recommended to buy several types of bran and mix them. Each one has something unique and adds variety. For those on a diet, however, it is not advisable to purchase granulated bran because they contain a lot of sugar.

What is bran?

Bran is the residue from processing grain into flour. This is nothing more than the shell of cereals, such as wheat, rye, oats. In weight loss, they reveal their properties, first of all, due to their high fiber content, which allows them to provide a feeling of fullness for a long time and regulate the digestive system. They act as an excellent cleanser that cleanses the intestines of all residues, thereby preventing foodborne illnesses. They also contain B vitamins and minerals and the mineral salts selenium, zinc and chromium.

What are the contraindications to using bran in your diet?

  • anemia (anemia);
  • diseases of the skeletal system (osteoporosis);
  • diseases gastrointestinal tract(eg, gastritis, pancreatitis, intestinal cancer, hyperactivity of the colon, gallbladder and biliary tract, liver, stomach and duodenal diseases, gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux, vomiting, nausea and diarrhea);
  • kidney and urinary tract diseases;
  • infectious diseases (including influenza and colds with fever);
  • chronic respiratory diseases;
  • recovery period after surgery.
The above side effects Fiber problems can occur in people who consume it in excessive quantities, especially in its unprocessed form. The daily dose of fiber for a healthy person is from 20 to 40 grams.
  1. Wheat bran contains 42 g of fiber / 100 g of product,
  2. Oatmeal contains fiber 15 g / 100 g of product,
  3. Rye contains 39 g/100 g of product.
What are the indications for using bran?
  • hyperlipidemia (high blood cholesterol) and atherosclerosis;
  • constipation;
  • intestinal diseases;
  • weight loss;
  • diabetes.
What are the disadvantages of using bran and what can be done to overcome them?

The harm of bran is mainly associated with excessive consumption in the diet, but susceptible individuals may experience unpleasant gastrointestinal symptoms (irritable bowel, diarrhea) and may occur with smaller amounts. Most important issue Bran contains phytic acid, which interferes with the absorption of calcium, iron, and zinc. The cellulose and pectin they contain also reduce calcium absorption. Therefore, it is recommended to increase the amount of calcium in the diet to prevent deficiencies that may lead to osteoporosis in the future. When it comes to iron absorption, it is worth making sure to have foods rich in vitamin C and protein (preferably animal) in the food we eat bran with.

Bran – best friend waist

This product contains everything that will help us lose excess weight.

  • Wheat bran have an exceptionally high fiber content, therefore, first of all, they help to activate metabolism. You can toast them in a dry frying pan or oven, which can give them a nutty flavor.
  • Oatmeal differ in that they dissolve in water and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, since they absorb fat, which is removed from the body with them.
  • Rye help with fatigue, loss of efficiency, heart problems and circulatory system, allergies, metabolic disorders, liver and kidney diseases.
It's best to eat a mixture various types bran. Too much bran leads to stomach pain and bloating. With their introduction into the diet, you should also drink more fluid: at least 1.5-2 liters per day.

Benefits of bran:

  • may slow down sugar absorption
  • will reduce the absorption of cholesterol and thereby prevent atherosclerotic phenomena,
  • increase in good cholesterol levels,
  • cleanse the body of toxins and heavy metals,
  • regulate blood pressure,
  • prevent the formation of blood clots,
  • regulate digestion, prevent constipation,
  • provide faster satiety,
  • improving memory and concentration,
  • preventing excessive feelings of fatigue, reducing the need for sleep,
  • slow down the aging process,
  • has a positive effect on appearance skin.
This product can be added to various dishes. It is very useful to eat bran bread.

Bread with bran - benefits and harms

After the publication of popular diets, for example, in diet Dukan bran bread plays an important role, you can get the impression that the more you consume whole grain flour and bran bread, the better and healthier it is for our bodies. Unfortunately, this is not entirely true. In the wake of propaganda about the role of fiber in our diet, we find in stores a lot of bread of dubious quality, but with bran or whole grain flour. Meanwhile, it is worth understanding that excessive consumption of fiber is harmful to the gastrointestinal tract, can cause restrictions in glucose absorption and reduce the activity of some medicines. Bread that is cooked incorrectly not only does not provide our body with the necessary minerals that you would expect to eat with bread, but simply removes some essential micronutrients.

Recipe. Wheat-rye bread with bran sourdough and sunflower seeds

This is a very good bread made from wholemeal flour. Bread with bran in a bread machine will have everything beneficial features, therefore, what to bake it in - in the oven, slow cooker or bread machine - is a matter of each family’s preference, as well as the desire to tinker with the dough and free time.

Thanks to rye flour, this bread is a little heavier, more durable and smells very tasty. This is an intermediate version between rye and wheat. Sunflower seeds and wheat bran will give the product a special taste. Below is bran bread recipe.

Sourdough ingredients:

  • 80 g active starter made from coarse rye flour,
  • 250 g water,
  • 130 g rye flour.
The evening before baking, stir the yeast ingredients thoroughly and leave them covered at room temperature for about 12 – 16 hours. You can leave the starter in a regular plastic container with a lid, keeping in mind that the starter will expand.

Dough ingredients:

  • 500 g wheat flour,
  • 20 g wheat bran,
  • 2 teaspoons salt,
  • 100 g sunflower seeds,
  • leaven,
  • 350 g of water.
How to make rye bread with bran recipe

Mix flour with bran, seeds and salt. You can also add wheat instead oat bran in bread. Then you need to add yeast and water and knead the dough. It should be well mixed, but at the same time quite moist and almost smooth. The dough should be able to be poured into the mold.

Ready dough Transfer to a 35 cm x 12 cm mold lined with baking paper. Upper part bread should be sprinkled with seeds or bran. Cover the mold with film and leave to ferment for several hours (3-5) in a warm place.

If after about 2 hours the bread has grown a little, you can put it in the oven, preheated to 40 ° C, and leave it in a warm oven so that it grows.

Wheat bread with bran and rye flour - baking process

Preheat the oven to 220 degrees. Bread with bran in a slow cooker You can also bake using baking modes; it is especially good if the multicooker provides the ability to adjust the baking temperature of the bread.

Place the risen bread in a preheated oven and bake at 220 degrees C for about 10 minutes, then lower the temperature to 190-200 degrees C and bake for about 1 hour. During the last 15 minutes, you can remove it from the mold using baking paper and finish baking without the mold. The finished bread will make a dull sound when you tap the bottom.

Bread maker bran bread Baking is much easier. You just need to select the appropriate mode, and the bread maker will knead, proof and mix, as well as bake on its own.