Turkish cloves grown from seeds. Proper cultivation of Turkish cloves from seeds

Turkish Carnation is a perennial plant. with straight and strong stems, which are crowned with umbrellas of flowers of various colors: white, red, pink, cream. The shape of flowers can also be different: simple, double, semi-double.

The height of the plant depends on the variety and can vary from 20 cm to 60 cm. When purchasing a new variety, pay attention to the height of the bush to find its rightful place in the garden.

Growing from seeds does not present any difficulty. The main thing is to adhere to certain rules for growing and subsequently caring for seedlings.

Preparing for landing

The soil can be purchased ready-made in a specialized store for seedlings it will already have all the necessary elements.

But if necessary you can compose it yourself, taking sand and leaf soil in equal proportions.

The soil is sifted to remove everything unnecessary and superfluous (pebbles, twigs), and calcined in the oven at 200 degrees for 15 minutes.

Sowing of seeds is carried out in early March on the waxing moon. and you need the following tools:

  • priming;
  • container for planting;
  • ruler;
  • seeds;
  • expanded clay;
  • manganese.

The container can be any - plastic or glass - it doesn’t matter. Drainage holes are important, through which excess water will flow out after watering.

We sow Turkish clove seeds for seedlings:

How to plant in open ground

Seeds are sown in open ground in early May.. For this purpose, a warm, sunny area is selected and dug up onto the bayonet of a shovel. Mineral and organic fertilizers are applied.

Then they make holes in the soil and sow Carnation seeds. The soil is well moistened with a watering can so as not to wash out the seeds and covered with film to create greenhouse conditions so that the seeds germinate together without loss.

It is important to remove the cover when warm weather sets in, otherwise the seedlings under it will be able to dry out.

How to sow seeds in containers

Expanded clay is poured onto the bottom of the container, then nutrient soil, and moisturize it using bottom watering with warm water. Manganese should be diluted in water until it turns pink, since potassium manganese disinfects the soil.

Using a ruler, we make shallow depressions in the damp soil and seeds are sown in such rows. In the row, the distance between seeds should be 2 cm.

To ensure that the seeds germinate smoothly, the moist soil with the sown seeds is covered with glass and kept at a temperature of 17 degrees Celsius.

When most of the seeds have sprouted, the glass or other covering is removed, and further care of the seedlings consists of timely watering and rotation in relation to the sun.

By turning the seedlings to the sun in different directions, the seedlings grow more even and stocky.

Care and requirements for watering, temperature, light, fertilizing

When friendly shoots appear, the container with Turkish Carnation seedlings should be move to a bright place, but without direct sunlight. Direct sun can burn young shoots.

The temperature in the room should be at 13 degrees Celsius. Such conditions will allow the seedlings to grow low and viable.

If there is too little sun in early spring, then the seedlings should be provided with additional lighting so that they do not stretch out.

Watering is done as the soil mixture dries using a tablespoon so as not to wash the immature seedlings out of the soil.

When the majority of seedlings have two leaf plates each, they are dived in separate 200 gr. cups.

There is no need to add fertilizer to the purchased land., but if you made the mixture yourself, then the seedlings are fed twice at half the dose with nitrogen fertilizer.

Seedlings are planted in a flowerbed after hardening, and when the threat of return frosts has passed. In the southern regions of Russia this is the beginning of May, in the Moscow region the beginning of June.

Vegetative propagation

This Carnation has a remarkable ability to reproduce vegetatively. The procedure is carried out in early August.

We bend a healthy shoot of the desired color to the ground and secure it with a wire bent in the form of a hairpin (you can also use it if the shoot is not very tall).

At the beginning of September it will no longer be a cutting, but a separate plant from the mother. At this point, they are planted in a permanent place where they will grow next year.

When transplanting young bushes, it is good to water the soil with warm water.

Diseases and pests

In open ground, Turkish Carnation gets sick very rarely. But if it is planted within the boundaries of an industrial city, then some complications may arise.

Fusarium– destroys the plant from the inside. Diseased bushes are urgently removed from the flowerbed and destroyed outside the site. The place where it grew is treated with any fungicide twice with an interval of 15 days.

Rust– rusty convex spots on the back of the sheet plate. This disease manifests itself in high humidity and at the same time overfeeding with nitrogen fertilizers.

The plants are treated with the drug XOM, and diseased leaves are removed mechanically.

Mole crickets are pests for this plant., which, living in the soil, damage the root mass of the plant. But the only way to fight these insects is to collect them manually when digging.

Diseases of Turkish carnation - rust and fusarium, pests - mole cricket

Varieties and their features

Turkish Carnation has many varieties that differ in flower shape and color. The most popular are varieties with double flowers.

Turkish terry clove

This type has many well-known varieties, including:

Macarena F1

A popular mixture with double flowers of various colors: Fuchsia, White, Burgundy. The flowers are bicolor with a contrasting border. The height of the bush with optimal care is 70 cm.

Dynasty F1

Double flowers are collected in inflorescences resembling a ball. Various colors in all shades of red. The height of the bushes is not very large, only 40 cm. Moreover, the variety has excellent winter hardiness in central Russia.

Moulin rouge

The Moulin Rouge variety of Turkish Carnation has an unforgettable aroma, reminiscent of the southern shores of the sea. Beautiful flowers of various colors seem to be spinning in a delightful dance.

Flowering lasts a very long time. The bush grows to a height of 20 cm.

How to collect seeds

This bright plant looks good planted near the border and on alpine hills. But in order not to buy new bags of seeds from year to year, It’s worth taking care of collecting seeds from your own flowers.

To collect your seeds, select a healthy flowering sprout and mark it so as not to remove dried buds when cutting.

When the bud is almost dry, it is cut off in dry weather and put to dry on a white sheet of paper.

The place for drying is selected so that there is no sunlight and there is good air circulation. In this form, the seeds are dried until completely dry for two weeks.

When placing seeds in a paper bag for storage, you must sign the year the seeds were collected.

How to grow seedlings in the garden

Seeds in the garden can also be sown in October, but this is done with dry seeds and in dry soil. In winter, such crops are covered with slate to prevent them from freezing.

When planting Carnation seedlings in the fall, the first shoots will appear only in the spring of next year.

Spring planting provides shelter from return frosts with any covering material that allows air to pass through. Grown strong seedlings are planted at a distance of 15 cm from each other.

Further care includes timely watering, loosening, and removal of weeds.

What is the difference between growing seedlings at home and in the garden?

There is no difference in the technology of planting Turkish Carnation seedlings at home and in the garden. The difference is that, growing seedlings in the garden significantly saves space on southern windowsills.

In open ground, seedlings turn out strong, stocky and do not suffer from “blackleg” and other diseases that arise when growing seedlings at home.

This wonderful delicate flower deserves your attention to plant it in a flowerbed, creating a unique southern flavor in your garden plot.

When planting it, you need to take into account that it can reproduce by self-seeding and therefore the site is selected for a long period of time.

Why did Turkish cloves gain such enormous popularity? It turns out everything is simple - with its unpretentiousness, beautiful appearance and long flowering period .

Turkish carnation - planting

There are several ways planting Turkish cloves:

  • seed - in open or closed ground;
  • cuttings;
  • layering.

Planting Turkish cloves with seeds in open ground

Turkish cloves are grown from seeds in the spring. Flowers can be planted directly in open ground or you can first grow seedlings and only then transplant them to the site. Carnations are not afraid of cold and can bloom for a month and a half. But if you still prefer indoor plants, plant physalis.

Planting of clove seeds begins in May or June. Before sowing the seeds, prepare the soil. It is dug up to 25 centimeters. The loosened soil is watered and covered with polyethylene. After two weeks, the film is removed and planting begins. The seeds are sown in rows, maintaining a width of 15 centimeters between them. The grooves are made 1.5 cm deep. The crops are sprinkled with earth and covered with polyethylene. When all the shoots appear, the cover will need to be removed. The emerging sprouts need timely watering, weeding and loosening. Somewhere in August, the carnation will need to be thinned out a little, by transplanting some specimens to another permanent location. If desired, you can replant all seedlings. In the first year, the carnation only forms a rosette, and it will bloom in the second year. Another beautiful perennial is the aster.

Planting Turkish clove seeds for seedlings

Cloves can also be grown as seedlings at home; for this, the prepared soil must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. Sowing takes place in March month or at the very beginning of April. The seeds are planted one centimeter deep and lightly pressed with soil. The soil is sprayed with water and covered with polyethylene. On the twentieth day, young shoots dive, leaving a distance between shoots of 7 centimeters and a width of 15 centimeters. They pick carnations on a cloudy day after six o'clock in the evening. Cover the seedlings again, allowing them to breathe fresh air from time to time. As soon as the seedlings become large enough, covering them is no longer necessary. At the end of summer, the carnation is transplanted to the site, choosing the most suitable permanent place for the flowers. If you grow Turkish cloves from seeds in this way, you can achieve flowering in the first year.

Propagation of Turkish cloves by cuttings

From two-year-old plants (in early summer), you can take cuttings that need to be planted in an inclined position in loose soil. The plant should be planted in its permanent location in August. However, flowering can only be expected next summer.

Reproduction and planting of Turkish cloves by layering

Reproduction by layering is a fairly simple method and, at the same time, very reliable. In mid-June, the stems are bent and sprinkled with moist soil. The usual technology of propagation by cuttings in this case is modified by the fact that the tips of the shoots need to be pulled to the support so that they are in a vertical position.

Reproduction and planting of Turkish carnation by division

Dense bushes of Turkish carnation successfully reproduce by division. Carnations are best propagated by division in the fall.

Evergreen shrub oleander
Viola: planting and care

Plant care

Basically, the rules for caring for carnations come down to timely watering, weed control, fertilization and loosening the soil.

Water the plant twice a week, and more often in hot weather. If possible, try to water a flowering plant without getting water on the flowers themselves. The first feeding is carried out when the clove reaches 12 centimeters. The second feeding is carried out during the formation of buds. And the third time the carnation is fed during the period when it blooms.

The origin and properties of the Turkish carnation (Dianthus barbatus) are surrounded by many legends and beliefs of different peoples. After all, it grows in the mountains of southern Europe and in many places in Asia in the wild. Since the 16th century, Turkish carnation has spread widely as a garden plant in Europe. Compared to wild plants, cultivated varieties are superior in their diversity and decorativeness.

Flower of the gods, divine - this is how the name of carnation is translated from Latin. It is also called the flower of Zeus, the highest deity of ancient Greek mythology. For the inhabitants of ancient Hellas, the carnation symbolized a piece of the human heart, love, loyalty, constancy, goodness, and justice. They believed that cloves brought victory in battles. Christian legend says that during the execution of Jesus Christ, the tears of the Virgin Mary falling to the ground began to grow into wondrous flowers.

The Russian name “carnation” comes from the Polish word “carnation”. The last name was borrowed from the German language, which reflected its aroma, reminiscent of the smell of oriental spices - dried clove buds.

The British call this species Sweet William for the sweet taste of the inflorescences. In France in the 18th century, the carnation became the flower of the revolution, and those sentenced to death kept it close to their hearts even on the scaffold. In the USA, this is the main gift for Mother's Day, the embodiment of fiery maternal love. In many countries, these multicolored flowers are considered healing, talismans for travelers.

Dianthus barbatus is a member of the clove family and enjoys temperate climates. Unlike the Chinese carnation (Dianthus chinensis), the Turkish carnation is a frequent inhabitant of flower beds and front gardens.

She, like her Chinese relative, in the first year of life forms only bushes with rosettes of leaves. From the second, it begins to simultaneously throw out flower stalks and additional rosettes of leaves. This allows it to bloom in all its glory for up to 4 years. However, flower growers, summer residents, and residents of private houses often grow these cultivated garden varieties as biennials.

The small flowers form umbrellas with lush, fragrant, bright inflorescences up to 15 cm in diameter. They are located on each stem. The flowers have 4 bracts with a hairy border similar to a beard along the edges. It was they who gave her the name “bearded”.

Turkish carnation has a huge variety of colors of single and double flowers. They can be red, crimson, burgundy, pink, white or variegated with different shades, patterns in the form of borders, spots, and strokes. The inflorescences with a very delicate aroma resemble large caps on stems with leaves, which can also be painted in different colors. Probably, this bright color scheme of petals is also associated with the patterns on Turkish carpets...

Types and varieties with photos

There are about 400 different types of carnations growing all over the world, with inflorescences of varying complexity. There are about a hundred garden forms alone that can be named. The conditional criterion for determining a variety is the height of the stem, namely:

  1. Low-growing - up to 20 cm. Most often used as ground cover and balcony plants. Look great in rock gardens and bouquets.
  2. Tall - up to 80 cm. Thanks to their strong stems, they are often used for growing in beds and storing as cut flowers.

Among tall Turkish carnations, the following varieties are very popular:

Thanks to the efforts of breeders, new varieties are also appearing, hybrids with variegated colors and monochromatic ones. Among them, it is worth noting Scarlet Queen, Bayerre, White Queen, Vice-Rizen, Red Monarch, Kupferrot, Summer Beauty, Mirage, Newport Pink, Color Pattern, etc.

Growing Turkish cloves from seeds

Growing these flowers is not difficult, especially compared to the joy of contemplating them in your garden beds or in your home. It is grown most often using seedlings. The main thing here is to choose the right soil mixture and place for planting seedlings. We suggest first getting acquainted with the main points of preparing the soil for growing seedlings and providing care for them before planting them in their permanent place of “residence”.

For repeated, more radical steaming, a grate with frozen and still wrapped soil is hung over a bucket of water placed on the fire. This procedure lasts at least one and a half hours. After the contents of the bag have completely cooled, you can begin to use it.

This simple process is almost similar to sowing seeds of many crops. For planting, a container with holes in the bottom is prepared in advance, into which a drainage layer of fine crushed stone or river sand is placed. After this, the soil is placed in a container, slightly moistened, and seeds are sown in rows. They are deepened into the ground no more than 1 cm. The distance between them in row spacing should be 15-20 cm.

The entire planting is lightly sprinkled with sand, sprayed with water at room temperature and placed under film or any non-woven material. The optimal period for this is March-April in the evening.

Sowing clove seeds for seedlings: video

Successful cultivation of Turkish carnation seedlings requires the following sequence of work:

  • Place the container with future seedlings in a semi-shaded, warm place (up to +18° C).
  • Moderate watering.
  • Move the container to a lighter and cooler place (up to +12° C) when the first shoots appear after 10-14 days. If necessary, additional uniform lighting must be provided until mid-March.
  • Diving when the first pair of true leaves appears into separate containers. If you continue to grow seedlings in a container, then the distance between seedlings should be at least 7 cm, and between rows - 15 cm. This is done approximately 20 days after planting the seeds in dim light, on a cloudy day or in the evening. After picking, the seedlings are covered again with the same materials as when planting the seeds.
  • Pinching at the growth point of seedlings when there are 5 “adult” leaves.
  • Hardening of seedlings from mid-April (periodic placement in the fresh air in the absence of frosts and drafts).
  • Planting mature seedlings from the end of May into beds with a distance of up to 30 cm from each other.

It is interesting to know that seeds that can tolerate winter well can be planted even in winter. The plants grown at this time are stored in separate pots, and in the spring they are transplanted into open ground at the right time.

For transplantation, sunny or shaded areas with fertile soil are selected. Super-sandy or loamy soil is fertilized with rotted humus, compost, ash, etc. This is done on the eve of digging to a depth of about 20 cm a couple of weeks before the “relocation” of the seedlings. After this, it is loosened, leveled, watered and covered with thick plastic film for 14 days until planting.

There is a classic planting pattern for Turkish carnations between plants and rows: 20x35. It allows the bushes to take root in the first year of life even before the cold weather, and after the onset of warmth - to grow evenly and luxuriantly. Neglecting this scheme can cause the death of plants and not see them bloom in the second year of life.

In order to admire this beauty, it is also very important to properly care for the plant during summer development, wintering and in the second year of its life.

To achieve the desired results, it is important to follow several rules of agricultural technology for Turkish cloves, namely:

  • Watering carried out no more than 2 times a week. After all, carnations of all types do not tolerate waterlogging or stagnation of water. During drought, however, the watering ratio should be increased by checking the condition of the soil. Watering is not done from above, but only at the root. If moisture gets on the leaves, the inflorescences can fade in the sun and fade irrevocably.
  • Loosening should be done regularly after each moistening to avoid crust formation and cracking of the soil
  • Weeding and weeding important for the full development of young plants. They are carried out both during loosening and in the intervals between them when unnecessary vegetation is detected. This is especially true during the initial growth of bushes. As they grow, the cloves, creating their own dense carpet on the soil, will be able to restrain the development of weeds.
  • Top dressing held 3 times per season. The first, in the form of nitrogen-containing fertilizers, is necessary in the spring for the active growth of young shoots. The second, with the help of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, is needed during budding. The last feeding is required upon completion of flowering.

Growing Turkish cloves: video

Despite its unpretentiousness, Turkish carnation, like other garden crops, is exposed to unwanted external pests and soil inhabitants.

From early spring, a young flower runs the risk of becoming prey for rodents, and in summer it can suffer from root-knot nematodes. In the latter case, the defeat is accompanied by tarnishing, deformation of the leaves, and stopping the growth of the entire plant. This problem can be eliminated by destroying the affected bushes and disinfecting the soil.

Untimely control of fusarium leads to damage to the carnation, starting with withering and death of the stems, up to its complete destruction. This disease, which can be caused by fresh manure, has no cure. As a preventive measure, you need to disinfect the soil three times a season with a solution of potassium permanganate.

The formation of yellow pads on shoots and leaves signals a fungal disease - rust. Treatment of the soil with solutions of lime or homa helps to cure it.

To combat insects (spider mites, horned elephant, aphids) that gnaw leaves and suck juices from stems, folk remedies are used. To treat the plant, infusions of onion peels and potato tops with the addition of liquid soap are often used.

The variety of flowers with stems of different heights allows you to “play” with these features when creating landscape design. Low-growing Turkish carnation is widely used in the design of bright, spectacular borders, alpine slides, sidewalks, and garden paths. Tall flowers decorate the retaining walls. Variegated flowers with single-color scarlet geranium add variety to landscape compositions.

Variations in the combination of a short divine carnation with other flowers are also interesting. For example, its bright pink and red tones look elegant together with graceful gypsophila, prickly cleome, and pyrethrum. And the light colors of low-growing carnations harmonize with sage, Carpathian bellflower, and Damask nigella.

Tall varieties of various colors seem to set off the tenderness of eschscholzia, scarlet lychnis, and lupine.

Floral arrangements of Turkish carnations of different sizes look very impressive surrounded by other hydrangeas, nasturtiums, and marigolds, rich in inflorescences and colors. However, this beauty is less suitable for proximity to dahlias, gladioli, and tulips.

However, the use of Turkish carnations in the design of living space can only be limited by your imagination. And understanding the basics of its cultivation will help you get a taste for this creativity.

Turkish cloves are very popular among gardeners. This unusually bright flower is famous for its long flowering time and unpretentiousness. Turkish carnation is an ornamental plant. which means she needs special care.

Growing Turkish cloves from seeds through seedlings

Turkish cloves are grown from seeds using the seedling method. Growing Turkish cloves is a fairly hassle-free task that even a novice gardener can handle. The main thing in this is the correct choice of soil and place for seedlings. It is these factors that influence the full development and flowering of Turkish carnations.

Did you know? Each flower has four bracts with a shaggy border around the edges, reminiscent of a beard. Because of this feature, the plant acquired another name - “bearded carnation”.

When to plant seedlings

Growing Turkish cloves through seedlings depends on weather conditions. If you plan to plant seeds for seedlings, it is best to do this in March-April. If you plan to plant seeds directly in open ground, then the best time will be the end of spring - the beginning of summer. It is best to wait for cool weather, when the sun is just starting to get hot, because Turkish carnation does not like heat. Evening hours are the best time to plant seedlings. Growing best in light partial shade.

Soil mixture for seedlings

You can easily prepare the soil mixture for seedlings yourself. To do this you will need the following components:

  • 2 parts peat;
  • 2 parts of turf land;
  • 1 part river sand.
It is recommended to freeze or steam the soil immediately before planting.

To steam, place a bucket of water on the fire, and place a grate with soil wrapped in a fabric bag over the bucket. Steam the soil for one and a half hours. Let it cool and it's completely ready.

Also, do not forget to lay a layer of drainage (sand or small crushed stone) and make holes in the bottom of the container.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

How to sow Turkish cloves? Sowing seeds of Turkish cloves is not much different from sowing seeds of other plants. Take a container with prepared soil and deepen the clove seeds into it. Do not plant too deep, the maximum depth should be one centimeter. Usually the seeds are planted in rows, 15 cm apart. If you don't have that much space, you can group the rows closer together, but then don't flood them with water. The distance between seeds should be at least 1.5 cm. After sowing, firm the soil over the seeds and lightly mist it with cool water. Cover the seedlings with a piece of any non-woven material.

The seeds of the plant can survive the winter, therefore they can be planted even in autumn. But if the question of when to sow Turkish carnation seedlings is urgent, you can keep the plants in indoor pots and transplant them into open ground in early spring.

Important! The first shoots appear after 10 days if sowed in spring. When sowing in autumn, the first shoots will appear only the following spring.

Picking up carnation seedlings

Picking seedlings of Turkish carnation can be done 20 days after planting the seeds. You can leave a number of sprouts in the container, but remember that the distance between them should be at least 7 cm. Picking Turkish carnation seedlings should be done in the evening or on a cloudy day, in weak sunlight. After picking the seedlings, they must be re-covered with non-woven material.

Important! Some varieties of Turkish carnation are capable of re-blooming in autumn.

Planting Turkish carnation seedlings in a permanent place

It is extremely important that the distance between seedlings is 20-30 cm, since if planted densely they will lack nutrients. Unfortunately, it will be possible to admire the splendor of blooming Turkish carnations only next year, since in the first season the plant bush is forced out. For the winter, young carnation bushes can be covered with spruce branches (the lower branches of evergreen trees, such as fir trees or pine trees). Under good conditions, Turkish carnation blooms in June next year.

The best time to plant seedlings in open ground

It is best to plant seedlings in a permanent place for the future flower garden in the second half of summer. Experienced gardeners recommend doing this in July-August, since during this period the plant receives the greatest amount of nutrients for future growth.

Did you know? The Russian-language name "carnation" comes from the Polish word "carnation", which the Poles, in turn, borrowed from the German language. And the whole point is that the Germans called carnation flowers this way for their similarity with the smell of cloves-spice (dried buds of the clove tree).

Selection and preparation of a landing site

Experienced gardeners, before growing Turkish cloves, begin to carefully prepare the planting site. Turkish carnation prefers open sunny areas, but can also grow in light partial shade. To grow Turkish cloves, you need a plot of fertile soil. If the planting area consists of loamy or sandy loam soil, then it must be treated with fertilizers. Fertilizers are applied before planting and when digging the soil. To do this, you can use humus, compost, ash or any mineral fertilizers. You should not dig the future bed too deeply; 25-30 cm is enough. Next, the soil needs to be leveled and moistened. Cover the prepared area with thick cloth for two weeks, and then begin planting.

Scheme of planting seedlings

Before planting Turkish cloves, you need to choose a planting scheme. Use the classic pattern for Turkish carnations: 20 × 30-35. This scheme allows the plant to take root well before the onset of cold weather, and when the weather warms up, the carnation will grow quite luxuriantly, but at the same time evenly.

Important! For novice gardeners, it is especially important to follow the correct planting pattern, since neglect can lead to the death of the plant.

How to care for Turkish cloves

As already mentioned, Turkish carnation needs proper cultivation and care. The young plant is very sensitive to temperature fluctuations, especially in winter. Turkish carnation is at risk in early spring, as temperature changes are common at this time. During the day, the plant heats up in the sun, and at night it cools down and freezes. To prevent the death of the carnation during this period, it must be covered with spruce branches. You can remove the spruce branches after the frost ends.

After the carnation has faded, it is necessary to trim its stems and re-fertilize the soil. This will allow the plant to grow new stems within a month or even bloom a second time.

Watering, weeding and loosening the soil

Turkish cloves, like other types of cloves, do not tolerate waterlogged soil and stagnant water. Watering carnations should be done 1-2 times a week. In dry summers, the amount of watering can be increased. You need to water the carnation at the root, because drops of water on the flowers can cause them to burn out and wither in the sun.

Weeding and loosening the soil must be combined with weed removal, because they prevent the plant from fully developing. Only young carnation plants need regular weeding. An adult carnation can inhibit the growth of weeds by covering the soil with a dense carpet.

Did you know? In Germany and England, carnations have long been considered a symbol of love and purity; references to this can often be found in numerous legends.

When and how to fertilize

For full growth and development, Turkish carnation needs feeding. As a rule, fertilizing is carried out in 3 stages:

  • First feeding. It should be carried out in the spring, during the active growth of shoots. It is recommended to use any nitrogen-containing fertilizer (one tablespoon of Agricola Forward diluted in 10 liters of warm water).
  • Second feeding. It is carried out at the moment when the buds are laid. Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are used (one tablespoon each of potassium sulfate and superphosphate, diluted in 10 liters of water).
  • Third feeding. It is carried out after flowering (one tablespoon of Agricola for flowering plants, diluted in 10 liters of water).

Secrets of long flowering

In order for the Turkish carnation to please the eye with bright and abundant flowering, you should adhere to three basic rules: Water in time, carefully weed and feed the plant properly.

Carnation bearded ( Dianthus barbatus) is a herbaceous plant of the Clove family.

Stems: non-flowering, creeping along the ground.

Peduncles: straight, strong, knotty, 20-60 cm high.

Leaves: sessile, lanceolate, located opposite. Depending on the variety, they can be light green, dark green or reddish.

Flower color: white, cream, pink, red, burgundy, variegated, often with an eye and a border. Velvety flowers, emitting a light aroma, consist of 5 petals, the size of an individual flower is 1.5-2.5 cm. Simple or double flowers are collected in apical dense shield-shaped inflorescences with a diameter of 8-12 cm.

Bloom: begins in late May-early June and lasts 1-1.5 months.

Fetus: cylindrical box. Seeds remain viable for 3-5 years.

Where is the best place to plant barbatus?

Barbatus prefers light, non-acidic soils rich in nutrients. It is cold and frost resistant.

Requires good drainage and does not tolerate stagnant water.

Unlike other types of carnations, it is undemanding to light and can bloom in partial shade, but in shade the flowering is less abundant.

The plant is perennial; in cultivation it is bred as a biennial - in the first year it forms a rosette of leaves, in the second - flowers.

Methods for propagating Turkish cloves

Turkish cloves are propagated by seeds, green cuttings, layering, and dividing the bush.

Seed method

Seeds are sown at the end of May, seedlings appear in two weeks. At the beginning of August, the developed rosettes are transplanted to a permanent place at a distance of 20-30 cm.

In July, you can sow the seeds immediately in a permanent place, thin out the seedlings, and cover the young plants with spruce branches for the winter.

Our advice:

When propagated by seed, double varieties produce some plants that are not double, and low-growing varieties produce some tall plants.

Propagation by green cuttings

Therefore, it is better to propagate especially valuable varieties of Turkish cloves using green cuttings.

They are cut in June, rooted in the garden bed, sprayed periodically.

The cuttings take root after 3 weeks and can be transplanted to a permanent location in the fall.

How to propagate by layering?

It is even easier to propagate barbatus by layering. At the end of July and beginning of August, the creeping stems are sprinkled with earth (shallow cuts can be made on the stem for better rooting).

The top of the stem is tied to a peg to keep it vertical. After 5 weeks, the rooted cuttings are cut off from the mother plant and planted in place.

Our advice:

In order for this carnation to develop as a perennial, you need to sprinkle all young shoots with long bare stems with nutritious soil.

With this method of propagation, carnations can live and bloom well in one place for up to 10 years.

Easy to care for

In order for the carnation to bloom profusely and for a long time, the soil is fertilized with rotted manure or compost. Fresh manure can be applied in the fall.

Turkish cloves are responsive to fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

Lack of nitrogen causes yellowing of leaves and stunted growth. With potassium deficiency, the stems become weak and flexible, and the leaves die. With a lack of phosphorus, seed ripening slows down.

Decorative use

Barbatus is planted in garden beds, in flower beds, and used as a border plant. This carnation looks good in separate bright groups on the lawn and in containers.

Low-growing varieties add charm to rocky gardens.

Variety of varieties and types

At the bearded carnation ( Dianthus barbatus) there are many varieties of different colors and heights. The most famous:

  • Schneeball - bushes up to 40 cm tall, double flowers, white, with a jagged edge, inflorescences up to 11 cm in diameter;
  • Diadem - bushes up to 45 cm tall, dark crimson flowers with a large white eye, inflorescences up to 10 cm in diameter;
  • Heimatland - 45-50 cm high, shoots and leaves are dark green with a red tint, flowers up to 2 cm in diameter, dark red with a pronounced eye, inflorescences up to 12 cm in diameter;
  • Kupferrot - 45-50 cm high, copper-red flowers with a jagged edge, inflorescences 9-10 cm in diameter.

Old varieties are also popular:

  • Mazurka - with white single flowers with a pinkish ring;
  • Fiery heart - with bright red flowers;
  • Midget is a dwarf variety with dark red flowers;
  • Ember - with black-raspberry-violet flowers with white stamens.

Among the new products of foreign selection, it is worth noting the English variety mixtures Wee Willy, Rondo, Roundabout, they are distinguished by their dwarf growth (15-20 cm).

Tall, up to 60 cm, the Holland variety is notable for its two-color flowers with rings or colored edges. Dutch breeders also developed Turkish carnations of the Noverna series, which blooms in the first year and can be grown as an annual plant.

Tina Simkovich
© Ogorodnik magazine
Photo: depositphotos.com