Construction standards are in effect. SNIPS, GOSTs and urban planning norms

Before you start building your future home, you need to try to study as fully as possible the requirements of SNiPs and GOSTs that regulate the process of constructing individual housing construction structures. Of course, you are unlikely to be able to thoroughly study them all; for this you need to be a specialist, but this is not necessary. It is quite enough to get a general idea of ​​the basic laws governing the entire process of building a house.

Who controls compliance with construction standards for private houses?

Compliance with general construction and special standards and regulations governing the construction of individual households is controlled by various local licensing authorities. The main document defining the sequence of development and approval of the entire package of construction and design documentation in individual housing construction - Republican Building Codes RSN 70-88.

It is RSN 70-88 that prescribe the rules for developing a private housing construction site, the layout of your house, the location of utility and technical structures such as a bathhouse, barn, cellar, etc.

The layout of the planned house and the entire farmstead must be thought out as carefully as possible already at this stage, since after approval of the construction plan, any changes in it will be considered a violation of the law and will be subject to correction, and illegal buildings will be subject to demolition or additional legalization.

What documents are needed to build a private house?

Based on the “Code of Rules for Design and Construction SP 11-III-99”, it is possible to clearly determine what documents need to be prepared to begin the construction design process.

Quite often, impatient owners of individual housing construction plots do not wait for the entire package to be issued permitting documents in hand and begin construction. Such haste in most cases leads to additional headaches for the impatient developer.

The first step towards starting the cherished construction of a house will be to write an application for a building permit, supported by:

  • By resolution of the head of the local administration to provide you with land plot Individual housing construction or documents confirming ownership of the plot in case of its acquisition,
  • master plan of the site,
  • site passport,
  • an act on the full-scale establishment of its boundaries and the breakdown of buildings, red lines and axes of the building.

Based on the package of documents you provide, you will be issued a Decree on a construction permit and a “Passport for the project of a private residential building” will be drawn up, which will include:

  • administration resolution on issuing a construction permit;
  • a document confirming the developer’s right to use (own) the land plot;
  • copying the relevant urban planning documentation from the master plan;
    situational plan of the individual housing construction site;
  • technical conditions (TU) for connecting to engineering communications with a diagram;
    floor plans of buildings, facade sections;
  • an act concerning the in-situ establishment of the boundaries of a land plot and the breakdown of buildings (with a drawing out scheme).

What documents are included in the “Project of an individual private house”

The package of permits “Project of an individual private house” includes:

  • situational plan on a scale of 1:500, representing the placement of all construction projects in connection with the nearest settlements, infrastructure and communications: electrical networks, heat and water supply networks, sewerage networks;
  • printout of topographical survey images of the individual housing construction site with the adjacent part of the street (M 1:500);
  • master plan of the site with vertical layout and linking the construction project to the area (M 1:200, 1:1000);
  • basement plan of the house under construction (technical underground and ground floor);
  • floor plans of the house (M 1:100, 1:50);
  • main and side facades of the building (M 1:50, 1:100);
  • characteristic sections (M 1:100, 1:50);
  • plans for floors and coverings of non-repeating floors (M 1:100);
  • plan of the roof truss system (M 1:100);
  • roof plan (M 1:100, 1:200);
  • foundation plan (M 1:100, 1:50);
  • cross-section of foundations, characteristic architectural and construction units and details (M 1:10, 1:20);
  • general explanatory note and technical and economic indicators;
  • financial estimates of construction costs;
  • engineering support drawings (as per design specifications).

At what distance should the house be located from other buildings?

The requirements for the location of buildings on a site in the legislative framework are inextricably linked with the concept of “Red Line”. The red line is a conventional line that runs along the border of the site and the roadway of the street, as well as the boundaries of neighboring sites.

According to fire safety standards, the distance between residential buildings located on adjacent areas must be at least 6 (brick structures) or 15 (wooden buildings) meters.

Fences installed around the site must be indicated in the project; their location should not go beyond the red line established by the plan.

If you plan to raise pets or poultry on your property, it would be useful to inquire about the requirements for the construction and location of structures for keeping livestock and poultry. For example, the height of a poultry house and barnyard cannot be less than 2.4 meters from the floor (or ground, if the floor is earthen) to the ceiling.

Likewise, there are location rules garden trees and shrubs on the site. The minimum distance from trees to buildings is 5 meters, and from the boundaries of the neighboring plot - 3 meters. In addition, trees cannot be closer than 4 meters to load-bearing supports electrical networks and closer than 1.5 meters to laid underground utilities. For shrubs, the maximum permissible planting distances are 1.5 meters from buildings and 1 meter to the boundaries of the site.

Requirements for the height and area of ​​an individual residential building under construction

Restrictions on the area of ​​the house being built relate, first of all, to the minimum areas of its living rooms. SNiP 2.08.01-89, , RSN 70-88 are responsible for determining these standards.

You will not receive a building permit if you indicate the estimated living room area is less than 12 m2. For a bedroom this limit is 8m2, for a kitchen – 6m2, toilet – 0.96m2. Exceptions to the minimum area of ​​rooms are the requirements for attic rooms, here minimum area bedrooms are 7m 2 .

The legislation does not provide for maximum premises sizes.

Based on SNiP 2.08.01-89, the minimum height of rooms in the house is clearly defined - 2.5 meters, except for attic rooms (2.3 m). In addition, there are many more requirements for the size of functional structural elements of a house under construction, for example, the width of interfloor stairs and corridors of the house cannot be less than 0.9 meters.

How many floors of a house are you allowed to build?

In an individual private house, it is allowed to build no more than 3 above-ground floors. Ground floor is not intended to accommodate living rooms if the height of its upper ceiling is less than 2 m above ground level. If its height is higher than 2 meters above ground level, then such a base is equivalent to above-ground floors.

Attention: do not confuse the height of the upper floor above the ground level and the height of the basement floor itself!

If the basement floor ends at a height below 2 m above ground level, but its height exceeds 2 meters, it can be used for economic and technical purposes. If the basement floor is used for a garage, its ceilings and walls must be made of fire-resistant materials.

Often the developer himself cannot accurately calculate the area of ​​the house being built, then it is determined using SNiP 2.08.01-89.

Errors may occur when calculating the total area of ​​the house. It is worth remembering that an overestimated building area will result in additional costs in the future - inflated property taxes, excessive payments for utilities.

It is worth remembering that when determining the total area of ​​the house, the areas of balconies, loggias and staircases are also summed up. But the area of ​​unheated utility rooms, underground and attic is not taken into account.

SNiP- stands for: " Building regulations", which includes regulations in the field of construction, adopted by executive authorities.

As a rule, building codes consist of 4 parts:

  • general provisions;
  • design standards;
  • rules for production and acceptance of work;
  • estimate norms and rules.

GOST- a regional standard adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

In this section, we have collected current SNiPs and GOSTs for the design and construction industry, which we follow in our work, which you can also download for review or print.

GOST R 51872-2002 “EXECUTIVE GEODESIC DOCUMENTATION. RULES OF IMPLEMENTATION" was developed by the Central Research and Design-Experimental Institute of Organization, Mechanization and Technical Assistance to Construction (F.V. Andreeva) with the participation of...

SP 42.13330.2011 “URBAN PLANNING. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT OF URBAN AND RURAL SETTLEMENTS.” Developed by a team of authors: topic leader - P.N. Davidenko, Ph.D. architect, corresponding member RAASN; L.Ya. Herzberg, Dr. Tech. Sciences, corresponding member. RAASN; B.V. Cherepanov,...

SNiP 11-02-96 “Engineering surveys for construction. Basic provisions". SP (Code of Rules) dated October 29, 1996 No. 47.13330.2010 SNiP dated October 29, 1996 No. 11-02-96. Information about the set of rules DEVELOPED by Production and Research…

CODE OF RULES “ENGINEERING AND GEODESIC SURVEYS FOR CONSTRUCTION”. Date of introduction 1998-01-01. DEVELOPED by the Industrial and Scientific Research Institute for Engineering Surveys in Construction (PNIIIS) of the State Construction Committee of Russia, GO "Rosstroyizyskaniya",…

SP 47.13330.2012 “Engineering surveys for construction. Basic provisions." CODE OF RULES ENGINEERING SURVEYS FOR CONSTRUCTION. BASIC PROVISIONS Date of introduction 2013-07-01 DEVELOPED BY NOIZ (L.G. Kushnir, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences B.S. Sokolov,…

The primary function of the state - protecting the life and health of its citizens - must be carried out unconditionally and strictly, ensuring all processes of the functioning of society and social procedures with absolute safety and strict compliance with the requirements of current legislation.

Technical, legal and economic activity citizens, legal entities and government agencies must be carried out at a level that guarantees safety and highly effective results.

Safe construction and general state buildings and structures(especially residential buildings) refers to sectors of the functioning of society and citizens, especially in need of control by the state and compliance with established rules and regulations.

The norms and rules that all stages of construction must meet (abbreviated as SNIPs) are a set of legal acts regulating certain sectors of urban planning, engineering surveys, design work and direct construction.

SNIPs for construction, developed back in the days of the USSR, were successfully applied and observed during the implementation of construction projects and other complex activities related to the construction of buildings and structures.

However, the law on technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures, adopted on December 30, 2009, established only some SNIPs are mandatory for implementation by persons participating in the construction process.

The list of standards and sets of rules is determined by acts, the implementation of which is mandatory and ensures compliance with the requirements of technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures.

Codes of rules are documents containing technical rules and describing the procedures for design, as well as production and construction, installation, operation, transportation, disposal and sale of the product. This document, within the meaning of the law, is applied on a voluntary basis. and carries the purpose of complying with the requirements of regulations.

At the same time, the legislator classified as codes of rules those norms and rules that were approved before the law on technical regulations came into force.

At the same time the organs state power carry out a process updating those SNIPs that are included in the above list of sets of rules and standards. The update must be completed no later than July 1, 2012.

According to experts, updating SNIPs should not lead to the loss of quality developments of the past, but at the same time must take into account the requirements of modern economic processes and features latest technologies construction of residential buildings and other structures.

August 15, 2012 Ministry regional development The Russian Federation issued a letter explaining the status and status of the updated SNIPs. The said letter stated the fact that the safety of structures and buildings in Russian Federation is ensured on the basis of the application of the requirements of a list of standards and codes of practice (on a mandatory basis), as well as a list of documents in the field of standardization (applied on a voluntary basis). In addition, the Ministry of Regional Development reported that the process of updating SNIPs continues.

Many construction-related Internet sites offer a list of updated SNIPs required for each organization or person involved in the construction of residential buildings. The particularly important SNIP for the safety of buildings and structures can be downloaded from specialized websites.

Having decided to download lists of updated SNIPs, as well as SNIPs for the safety of buildings and structures, you should first make sure of the proper reputation of the site offering the service, as well as the relevance of the information they provide.

Despite the ambiguity of the current situation in the field of regulation of construction and related processes and procedures, building codes and rules are quite capable of ensuring the safety of designed and constructed real estate. Conscious and conscientious market participants strive to comply with current and recommended building regulations and standards.

The construction of a private house, as well as its design, carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory normative and technical documentation, is the greatest resource for saving costs!

Because, firstly, by complying with standards and technical regulations, you reduce to a minimum the possibility of making construction errors, the correction of which always costs many thousands of rubles. Secondly, a lot of defects committed during the construction of a house can only be revealed during its operation. Alterations building structures during your stay, cause the greatest inconvenience and force you to incur significant unplanned expenses. For example: a damp wall, a leaking roof, overheating electrical wiring, an icy floor, etc.

If you want to achieve maximum savings, then you need to competently control the progress construction work. To do this, you need to know the key control points and quality assessment criteria. This section contains a brief selection of the main regulatory documents necessary for the design and construction of a private house.

1. Design, preparation for building a house

1.1. Architectural and general construction standards.

First you should familiarize yourself with the Code of Design Rules SP 11-III-99. After reading this document, you will know exactly what papers are required to begin construction on your individual site. During the construction of a residential building and various outbuildings There are standards for their location on the site, according to the following documents:
- “Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2004 N 190-FZ;
- “Planning and development of gardening associations of citizens, buildings and structures” SNiP 30-02-97;
- “Residential buildings” SNiP 2.08.01-89 * and SP II 106-97;
- “Single-apartment residential houses” SNiP 02/31/2001;
- “Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements" SNiP 2.07.01-89;

This is the approximate layout of buildings on the site according to RSN 70-88.

Having carefully studied RSN 70-88 (republican building codes), SNiP 31-02-2001 and SNiP 2.08.01-89 (Building Norms and Rules), you will learn what restrictions apply to the areas and heights of premises in a residential building.

There are minimum restrictions on floor heights (SNiP 2.08.01-89). The house may be declared unsuitable for permanent residence, if the height of residential floors is below 2.5 m from floor to ceiling. In the attic floor the standard height is 2.3 m. The number of storeys of a house is usually determined by the above-ground floors, which also includes the attic floor. Living rooms are not allowed to be located in the basement or basement floor. The basement floor can be equated to above-ground floors if the top of its ceiling is at least 2 meters above the planning level of the ground. If it is decided to place in the ground or basement floor utility rooms, then the height from floor to ceiling must be at least 2 meters.

The area of ​​a residential building is defined as the sum of the areas of all rooms on the floors. Balconies and loggias are also included in the total area. The areas of stairwells at the level of a given floor are calculated.

If you are planning to build a house on the territory of a gardening association, then you must take into account the requirements of SNiP 30-02-97 “Planning and development of gardening associations of citizens, buildings and structures” as amended in 2011.

1.2. Concrete structures.

1.3. Thermal technical standards. Resistance to heat transfer of enclosing structures.

1.4. Engineering Communication.

Electrical wires from a street pole to the entrance to a residential building must pass at a height of at least 2.75 m from the ground. If the diversion is carried out on the other side of the street along which vehicles are moving, then the permitted height is 6 m. The length of the branch line from the main line to the residential building should not exceed 25 m; if it turns out to be more, an additional support is installed. All places where the cable comes into contact with the surface of the building and passes through the walls must be fireproof and reliably insulated, and at the entry points the outer end of the insulating pipe must look down to prevent precipitation from entering there.

If the rules for installing sewer networks are violated, the developer faces regular clogging. He is doomed to frequent cleaning of drain-clogged pipes. According to standards, daily sewerage costs per person are about 200 liters. Smallest outer diameter sewer pipe should be 100 mm, with a slope to the common collector of at least 8%. The minimum depth for laying a pipe in the ground is 0.3 meters. If there is no centralized street sewage system, then the construction of filter wells and trenches is allowed with the obligatory installation of a septic tank (industrial treatment device) in front of them. The base of artificial filters should be 1 meter above the groundwater level.

If you have the appropriate knowledge and experience, you are allowed to independently install utility networks, with the exception of gas communications. There are very strict requirements for the acceptance of a gas supply system. Only a specialized organization has the right to install a gas pipeline and connect gas appliances.

Gas pipes can be introduced into a residential building only from the furnace or kitchen side. If the house is old and has a heating stove, then it is allowed to enter communications into the living room, provided that the disconnecting device is located outside the building. Under no circumstances should a gas pipe be inserted into the house through or under the foundation. If the pipe is laid along external wall at home, then its nominal diameter should not exceed 50 mm. It is not permitted to install detachable pipeline connections under window openings and balconies. In general, all connections must be welded, threaded connections - only at installation sites shut-off valves and gas appliances. If the gas pipe according to the project passes over pedestrian paths, then it should be mounted at a height of at least 2.2 meters from the ground.

You cannot install more than two heating devices in one room. It is strictly forbidden to install a water heater in the bathroom, otherwise you may end up with a wonderful gas chamber.

The room for a gas boiler and water heater must be at least 2 meters high. When installing one device, the room has a volume of at least 7.5 cubic meters, and with two devices - at least 13.5 cubic meters.

2. Construction of a house.

2.1. Foundations and concrete structures

2.1.10. The rest of the necessary information for building a foundation can be found in: SNiP 2.02.01-83; SNiP 31-02; SNiP 2.02.03-85; SNiP 2.02.04-88; SNiP 2.02.01.

2.2. Walls of the house.

2.2.18. GOST 24454-80 – Softwood lumber, GOST 9685-61 – Blanks coniferous species.