The main temples of world religions. Around the globe - temples of different religions Religions and their temples

Temple of All Religions (Russia) - description, history, location. Exact address, phone number, website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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In 1994, an architectural structure, unusual by all standards, began to be built in Kazan - the Temple of All Religions, as its author Ildar Mansaveevich Khanov called it, a man of amazing spiritual and creative talent, “blessed” in the best sense of the word.

With the help of the personal financial investments of the artist, architect, sculptor, poet and public figure Ildar Khanov, an amazing Ecumenical Temple, as well as an International Cultural Center for Spiritual Unity, appeared in his home village of Staroye Arakchino. This is a relatively modern landmark of Kazan, which is nevertheless worthy of close attention.

The Temple of All Religions is an architectural symbolic symbiosis of religions, civilizations and cultures. The temple does not act as a religious building; church and ritual services are not held here.

The temple is a unique architectural complex in world practice, combining Orthodox and Catholic churches, a Muslim mosque, a Jewish synagogue, a Buddhist temple, a Chinese pagoda and many iconic elements of various world religions, including the symbols of vanished civilizations.

Construction of the Temple of All Religions is still ongoing. The already open pavilions house an art gallery, an art school and a concert hall; creative master classes and concert events are held here.

Temple of all religions in Kazan

Ildar Khanov, being a highly spiritual person who comprehended the religious practices of different countries, conceived his Temple of All Religions as a cultural center of Kazan, in which lectures on ancient history would be given, musical performances would be played, and puppet shows would be staged. The temple of all religions was supposed to become a temporary refuge for people being treated for drug addiction or just wanting to overcome this disease.

Unfortunately, Ildar Khanov did not have time to complete his project, as he died on February 9, 2013 after a serious illness. Currently, construction continues with the help of his family and like-minded people.

  • The address of the Temple of All Religions is st. Art. Arakchinskaya, 4.

As well as their classifications. In religious studies, it is common to distinguish the following types: tribal, national and world religions.


- the most ancient world religion. It originated in the 6th century. BC e. in India, and is currently widespread in the countries of South, Southeast, Central Asia and the Far East and has about 800 million followers. Tradition connects the emergence of Buddhism with the name of Prince Siddhartha Gautama. The father hid the bad things from Gautama, he lived in luxury, married his beloved girl, who bore him a son. The impetus for the spiritual upheaval for the prince, as legend says, was four meetings. First he saw a decrepit old man, then one suffering from leprosy and a funeral procession. So Gautama learned that old age, illness and death are the lot of all people. Then he saw a peaceful beggar wanderer who needed nothing from life. All this shocked the prince and made him think about the fate of people. He secretly left the palace and family, at the age of 29 he became a hermit and tried to find. As a result of deep reflection, at the age of 35 he became Buddha - enlightened, awakened. For 45 years, Buddha preached his teaching, which can be briefly summarized in the following basic ideas.

Life is suffering, the cause of which is the desires and passions of people. To get rid of suffering, you need to renounce earthly passions and desires. This can be achieved by following the path of salvation indicated by the Buddha.

After death, any living creature, including humans, is reborn again, but already in the form of a new living being, whose life is determined not only by its own behavior, but also by the behavior of its “predecessors”.

We must strive for nirvana, i.e. dispassion and peace, which are achieved by renouncing earthly attachments.

Unlike Christianity and Islam Buddhism lacks the idea of ​​God as the creator of the world and its ruler. The essence of the teachings of Buddhism comes down to a call for every person to take the path of seeking inner freedom, complete liberation from all the shackles that life brings.


Originated in the 1st century. n. e. in the eastern part of the Roman Empire - Palestine - as addressed to all the humiliated, thirsting for justice. It is based on the idea of ​​messianism - hope in the Divine deliverer of the world from everything bad that exists on Earth. Jesus Christ suffered for the sins of people, whose name in Greek means “Messiah”, “Savior”. With this name, Jesus is associated with the Old Testament legends about the coming to the land of Israel of a prophet, a messiah, who would free the people from suffering and establish a righteous life - the kingdom of God. Christians believe that God's coming to Earth will be accompanied by the Last Judgment, when He will judge the living and the dead and send them to heaven or hell.

Basic Christian ideas:

  • The belief that God is one, but He is a Trinity, i.e. God has three “persons”: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, which form one God who created the Universe.
  • Faith in the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ is the second person of the Trinity, God the Son is Jesus Christ. He has two natures at the same time: Divine and human.
  • Belief in Divine grace is a mysterious power sent by God to free a person from sin.
  • Belief in posthumous reward and afterlife.
  • Belief in the existence of good spirits - angels and evil spirits - demons, along with their ruler Satan.

The holy book of Christians is Bible, which means “book” in Greek. The Bible consists of two parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament is the oldest part of the Bible. The New Testament (actually Christian works) includes: the four gospels (Luke, Mark, John and Matthew); the acts of the holy apostles; Epistles and Revelation of John the Theologian.

In the 4th century. n. e. Emperor Constantine declared Christianity the state religion of the Roman Empire. Christianity is not united. It split into three currents. In 1054, Christianity split into the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches. In the 16th century The Reformation, an anti-Catholic movement, began in Europe. The result was Protestantism.

And they admit seven Christian sacraments: baptism, confirmation, repentance, communion, marriage, priesthood and consecration of oil. The source of doctrine is the Bible. The differences are mainly as follows. In Orthodoxy there is no single head, there is no idea of ​​purgatory as a place of temporary placement of the souls of the dead, the priesthood does not take a vow of celibacy, as in Catholicism. The head of the Catholic Church is the Pope, elected for life; the center of the Roman Catholic Church is the Vatican - a state that occupies several blocks in Rome.

It has three main currents: Anglicanism, Calvinism And Lutheranism. Protestants consider the condition for the salvation of a Christian not the formal observance of rituals, but his sincere personal faith in the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Their teaching proclaims the principle of universal priesthood, which means that every layman can preach. Almost all Protestant denominations have reduced the number of sacraments to a minimum.


Originated in the 7th century. n. e. among the Arab tribes of the Arabian Peninsula. This is the youngest of the world. There are followers of Islam more than 1 billion people.

The founder of Islam is a historical figure. He was born in 570 in Mecca, which for that time was a fairly large city at the intersection of trade routes. In Mecca there was a shrine revered by the majority of pagan Arabs - the Kaaba. Muhammad's mother died when he was six years old, and his father died before his son was born. Muhammad was brought up in his grandfather's family, a noble but impoverished family. At the age of 25, he became the manager of the household of the wealthy widow Khadija and soon married her. At the age of 40, Muhammad acted as a religious preacher. He declared that God (Allah) had chosen him as his prophet. The ruling elite of Mecca did not like the sermon, and by 622 Muhammad had to move to the city of Yathrib, later renamed Medina. The year 622 is considered the beginning of the Muslim calendar according to the lunar calendar, and Mecca is the center of the Muslim religion.

The Muslim Holy Book is a processed record of Muhammad's sermons. During Muhammad's lifetime, his statements were perceived as direct speech from Allah and were transmitted orally. Several decades after the death of Muhammad, they were written down and would compile the Koran.

Plays an important role in the religion of Muslims Sunnah - a collection of edifying stories about the life of Muhammad and Sharia - a set of principles and rules of conduct obligatory for Muslims. The most serious ipexa.Mii among Muslims are usury, drunkenness, gambling and adultery.

The place of worship of Muslims is called a mosque. Islam prohibits the depiction of humans and living animals; hollow mosques are decorated only with ornaments. In Islam there is no clear division between clergy and laity. Any Muslim who knows the Koran, Muslim laws and rules of worship can become a mullah (priest).

Great importance is attached to ritual in Islam. You may not know the intricacies of faith, but you should strictly perform the main rituals, the so-called five pillars of Islam:

  • pronouncing the formula of confession of faith: “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet”;
  • performing daily five times prayer (namaz);
  • fasting during the month of Ramadan;
  • giving alms to the poor;
  • making a pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj).

Currently, the problem of developing a tolerant consciousness has become especially acute, and textbooks on the humanities in elementary schools contain a minimum of information on this problem and a minimum of material for work, which, in my opinion, indicates the absence of a system in solving this issue. Therefore, in the classroom, the teacher should use every opportunity to instill in children a sense of respect for other people's way of life.

So, when studying history in the 4th grade on the topic “Adoption of Christianity in Rus',” it is necessary to acquaint students with the content and essence of three (of the four main) religions of the world: Judaism, Christianity and Islam, which allows us to more fully substantiate the reason for the adoption of Christianity in 988 by Prince Vladimir “ Red Sun."

Getting to know these religions can begin by identifying the architectural features of the temples.

Primary school students are fertile ground for international education, which is very important nowadays, so it is important not to miss the time when you can convey to children the idea that people of different religions complement each other and enrich their inner and outer world.

Lesson objective: give children knowledge about the similarities of the religions of the world, about the common source of their origin.

The purpose of the lesson: patriotic education, instilling a sense of tolerance in children.


  • images of Orthodox churches, Muslim mosques, Jewish synagogues;
  • set of postcards “Cathedral of Christ the Savior”;
  • textbook E.V. Saplina, A.I. Saplina “Introduction to History”, 4th grade M.: “Bustard”, 2002;
  • notebook of creative tasks E.V. Saplina, A.I. Saplin “Introduction to History” 4th grade, M.: “Drofa”, 2005; atlas “History of the Fatherland” grades 3-5, M.: “Drofa”, 2000;
  • Holy books - Bible, Koran.

During the classes

1. Setting the lesson goal

Today we will take you on a short trip. We will visit different temples. Which temples have you already been to? We will begin our journey from an Orthodox church.

2. Reporting new material

Architectural features of Orthodox churches.

The teacher shows an image of the Orthodox Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

What is a Russian temple?

What geometric figure does it resemble? (Square.)

From the point of view of ancient peoples, a square is a symbol of what? (Symbol of earth.)

What completes the temple? (Domes.)

What geometric figure does the dome resemble? (Circle.)

From the point of view of ancient people, the circle is a symbol of what? (Sky.)

What conclusion can we draw? (The dome is also a symbol of the sky.)

How many domes do you see on the Cathedral of Christ the Savior? (5)

The number of domes can be different: one chapter - in honor of Jesus Christ, three chapters - in honor of the Holy Trinity, five chapters - in honor of Jesus Christ and the four evangelists, seven - the number of church sacraments: baptism, confirmation, repentance, communion, sacrament of the priesthood, sacrament of marriage, unction.

The teacher shows images of temples with different numbers of domes.

It is very rare to find churches with 9 domes in honor of the meeting of the soul of a deceased person with angels of 9 ranks. Such a rare nine-domed one is the Dmitrov Assumption Cathedral, built at the expense of the Dmitrov prince Yuri Ivanovich, son of Ivan III in 1509-1533, and the Moscow St. Basil's Cathedral (Cathedral of the Intercession on the Moat), built under Ivan IV in honor of the capture of Kazan on October 14, 1552 . Children look at images of temples and their domes.

There are 13-domed temples in honor of Jesus Christ and the 12 apostles.

We will find an image of such a temple on page 3 of the atlas “History of the Fatherland”.

What is the name of this temple? St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv.

What are the domes topped with? (Cross.)

Even in pre-Christian times, the sign of the cross in many religions was a symbol of the divine and a symbol of eternal life, and with the adoption of Christianity, the Cross of the Lord includes these meanings and is for Christians a sign of the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Working with a notebook. In your workbook on page 11, find the Orthodox church.

How did you determine that this was an Orthodox church? It resembles a square and has a dome topped with a cross.

What does an Orthodox church look like inside?

Postcards with the interior decoration of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior are hung on a board or stand.

The main part of the Orthodox church is altar.

The altar is the most important part of an Orthodox church. The word "altar" is Latin. The altar existed in pre-Christian times. In early Christianity, the altar was the table on which the sacrament was prepared. Only clergy or men can enter the altar during the rite of baptism. The altar is separated from the rest of the temple by a wall with icons - an iconostasis, which allows the clergy not to be distracted during the ceremony.

There are 5 rows of icons on the iconostasis. In the center are Royal Doors. From the entrance through the entire church to the royal gates there are royal way, which is marked on the floor with a different color or carpet.

Demonstration of a model of the iconostasis with the Royal Doors.

Working with the textbook.

Page 25. Top drawing. What is shown? Royal Gates.

Prove, confirm your words with lines from the text.

Bottom picture. What is shown? Orthodox church and bell tower.

Why is a bell tower built next to an Orthodox church? Christians are called to worship by the ringing of bells.

What does an Islamic mosque look like?

Working with a notebook. In the workbook on page 11, find the Muslim mosque.

The teacher shows a picture of a mosque.

How did you determine that this is a mosque? Mosques have a crescent moon.

The construction of Islamic religious buildings is based on a rectangular courtyard (similar to the square shape of an Orthodox church - a symbol of the earth)

What completes the mosque? Dome. (Similarity with an Orthodox church: the dome is a symbol of heaven.) What is the dome crowned with? Crescent. (For Christians - with a cross)

The word "Islam" means "surrender to God." In Arabic it sounds like “Muslim”, which is where the Russian word “Muslim” comes from.

What architectural similarities do we see in an Orthodox church and a Muslim mosque?

Quadrangular shape, dome with a religious symbol of a cross or crescent.

IN difference from Christian churches, in mosques there are no images of living beings (animals and humans). This has a deep religious meaning: not to be distracted from prayer directed to Allah.

The mosque is decorated with geometric and floral patterns and inscriptions in Arabic script.

A minaret is being built next to the mosque. Muslims call for prayer by singing from the top of the minaret. (For Christians - ringing bells)

Religious similarities in Christianity and Islam.

Do Christians have a God? Yes. Muslims? Yes. What is the name of the Muslim god? Allah.

Do Christians have a holy book? Yes, the Bible (Greek – collection of books). The holy book of Muslims is the Koran (Arabic - read by heart, recite).

Display and viewing of sacred books - the Bible and the Koran.

Arabian and biblical holy books have common roots. (Adam, Eve, Abraham - Ibrahim, Moses - Moussa.)

Do Christians have angels? Yes. Muslims? Yes. (Archangel Gabriel, in Islam - Jebrail).

Differences in Christianity and Islam, Judaism.

Christianity recognizes the trinity of deity: God is the Father, God is the Son, God is the Holy Spirit. Islam recognizes monotheism and considers Jesus to be the penultimate prophet. Jews consider Jesus Christ to be the last prophet.


Working with a notebook. In your workbook on page 11, find the Jewish synagogue. What architectural features can we identify in a Jewish synagogue?

The basis of the temple is a quadrangle, like an Orthodox church and mosque. The synagogue is also topped with a dome.

The teacher shows a picture of a synagogue.

There are no images of living creatures in the synagogue, only floral patterns and inscriptions (just like in mosques)

Judaism is the oldest of these three religions. The holy book of the Jews is the Bible.

Judaism was the first to proclaim monotheism. Judaism is the source from which Christianity (the most widespread religion) emerged. Based on the ideas of Judaism and Christianity, Islam (the second largest world religion in terms of the number of adherents) emerged. That is why these religions have so much in common, which means you can always find a common language when resolving any controversial issues.

3. Generalization

Images of temples are hung on the board (stand) for comparative analysis.

Which architectural similarities we see in an Orthodox church, a Muslim mosque, a Jewish synagogue?

At the base of the temple there is a quadrangle. The dome is a symbol of the sky. Cross, crescent, star are religious symbols.

There is no image of living beings in the mosque and synagogue, so as not to be distracted from prayer, but in a Christian church there is an iconostasis that fences off the altar from the rest of the church, so that nothing distracts the clergy during the ceremony.

Arabian and biblical tales have common roots. (Adam, Eve, Abraham - Ibrahim, Moses - Moussa.)

The main holy book: the Koran for Muslims, the Bible for Christians and Jews.

4. Summing up

What new did you learn today?

What conclusions can we draw?

People of different religions complement each other, enriching their inner and outer world.

Judaism, Christianity and Islam are religions close to each other, because have a lot in common.

5. Homework

Textbook, pp. 24-28, workbook, pp. 11.


1. E.V. Saplina, A.I. Saplina “Introduction to History”, 4th grade M.: “Bustard”, 2002;

2. O.A. Andreev. Spiritual revival of the individual through the analysis of world religions. Rostov-on-Don: “Phoenix”, 2003.

3. T.D. Sholokhova, G.N. Podshibyakin. Shrines of the Dmitrov land. Photo album. Moscow: Zhizn Publishing Group LLC, 2005.

Let's go through the temples of different religions or, as it is correct to say, denominations. In the review I didn’t mention Orthodox churches for obvious reasons, and I didn’t even get to the new mosque near the Prospekt Mira metro station - I just took a photo of it from the outside. But in one day we managed to get around a lot of other temples, and even visit a little inside. Let's start with the synagogue.

The Moscow Choral Synagogue is located on Bolshoi Spasogolinishevsky Lane. Opened June 1, 1906. It has four prayer halls. Tours can only visit the second floor, where from the balcony you can watch and survey what is happening below. Women can also be there on the balcony. Downstairs, they are not allowed to enter the prayer hall.

In general, strictly speaking, a synagogue is not a temple, since in Judaism (unlike, for example, Christianity) there is only one Temple. It is written with a capital letter, but, as you know, it is destroyed. The temple was located in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount.

The dome of the synagogue was restored in 2001. It was demolished at the beginning of the 20th century by order of the Governor General of Moscow.

The Moscow Choral Synagogue was built almost 120 years ago at the expense of the owner of metallurgical and sugar factories, Polyakov. His brother built the same synagogue in St. Petersburg. Of the 18 synagogues that existed in Moscow, the choral synagogue was the largest.


05 The second floor is called ezrat ours.

Usually, any synagogue also holds Torah lessons, so the walls of the synagogue are usually lined with bookshelves with prayer books and books for study.


08. Books lie here and there on the benches.

09. In the middle of the synagogue there is a bimah - a raised platform, and on it there is a table on which the Torah scroll is placed for reading.



12. We leave the synagogue and move along Bolshoy Spasogolinishevsky Lane towards Lubyanka.

We cross two streets: first Maroseyka, then Myasnitskaya, and after walking along Furgasovsky Lane we turn onto Malaya Lubyanka.
And here is the goal of our trip - the Cathedral of St. Louis of France on Lubyanka - one of three operating Catholic churches in Moscow.

In 1789, the French living in Moscow submitted a petition for permission to build a Catholic church. After receiving permission from the Moscow authorities and its approval by Empress Catherine II, a small wooden temple was built on the site between Malaya Lubyanka and Milyutinsky Lane. The consecration of the church in the name of the French King Louis IX Saint took place on March 30, 1791.

In the 19th century, the construction of a modern church building was carried out on the site of the previous one. Construction began in 1833 and was completed two years later. The temple was built according to the design of the famous architect A. O. Gilardi.





18. Stained glass with the image of St. Joseph. 1883 The only surviving stained glass window from those times. There are also new stained glass windows, they are on the next walls in the altar part of the temple.

On the altar of the left nave in the center there is a sculpture of St. Louis, to his left is a sculpture of St. Bernard of Clairvaux, on the right is St. Francis de Sales. Slightly to the right, on a separate pedestal, is a sculpture of St. Anthony of Padua. Also in the altar of the left nave are small sculptures of the patron saints of France: St. Joan of Arc and St. Therese of Lisieux.

The sculptor S.P. also took an active part in the construction and decoration of the temple. Campioni.

And if, standing in the park facing the temple, you turn your head to the left, then you can find an interesting detail on the facade of the house.

Malaya Lubyanka street, building 12, building A.
Sundial on the orphanage building near the Temple of St. Louis. The motto from Psalm One Hundred and One is translated “like a retreating shadow.” The entire line is “My days are like a retreating shadow, and I am withered like grass.” "sicut umbra declinaverunt" - "Dies mei sicut umbra declinaverunt, et ego sicut fnum arui." The dials are slightly turned around so that the watch shows the time correctly.

Mystical stories are associated with many sundials in Moscow. The most famous of which tells about the magic clock of Jacob Bruce on Spartakovskaya Street. I heard a legend about this watch. Allegedly, under certain conditions, they show the time of the remaining life, and allegedly in 1938 Genrikh Yagoda looked at them. Anything is possible, Lubyanka is a two-minute walk from here.

25. Another Roman Catholic Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Malaya Gruzinskaya Street. Neo-Gothic.

The main volume of the temple was built in 1901-1911. Money for construction was collected by the Polish community, whose number in Moscow at the end of the 19th century reached 30 thousand people, and by Catholics of other nationalities throughout Russia. The cathedral fence was built in 1911 according to the design of the architect L. F. Dauksha.

In 1938, the temple was closed and was in a dilapidated state for a long time.
Restoration began in 1996, ending on December 12, 1999.

27 St. Andrew's Anglican Church is the only Anglican church in Moscow. Located in Voznesensky Lane, built in 1882 - 1884.
28. Angels at the entrance arch.

30. Lowlighting the face always looks quite dramatic.

31. Through the tower there is a passage to the temple.

32. Vault of the first floor of the tower.

33. Church furniture is installed in the vestibule.

34. The service is going on, today is Sunday, there are a lot of cars in the churchyard, some with red embassy license plates.

35. The wooden vaults of the temple create a feeling of moving back in time to past centuries.

36. Let’s take a look at the tower again and continue the journey that we interrupted at Lubyanka. Now we will move from Malaya Lubyanka Street to Milyutinsky Lane.

In Milyutinsky Lane there is another church, or rather a former Catholic church of the 19th century. works by Gilardi, now here is an institute.

The Catholic Church was closed in 1937. The priests were sent to camps, where they died. After the church closed, the building was turned over to a cinema, which never began to function. During the Great Patriotic War, a bomb hit the former church. The destruction was so great that the house was practically rebuilt, incorporating what little remained.

From 1946 to this day, the Giprougolmash Institute has been located here. He also rebuilt the building for his own needs.

We walk to the boulevards, pass Chistye Prudy and turn into Arkhangelsky Lane. There is a narrow passage between the buildings, and the Menshikov Tower opens into view. This is an Orthodox church, but is closely associated with Freemasonry, which is why it took its place in our review.

The church was originally built in 1707 by order of Alexander Menshikov. This is the earliest surviving Peter the Great baroque building in Moscow.


Today, not much remains of the Masonic symbols, for example, this angel above the entrance. Why does he have one wing down and the other up? Some see this as some kind of secret sign.



44. Church Theodore Stratelates.


In 1723, the tower was struck by lightning and the fire completely destroyed the upper wooden part with the clock. The bells fell, breaking through the vaults and (partially) destroying the interiors of the naves. For half a century, services were performed only in small chapels (in the choir and refectory), while the main tower stood beheaded until 1773. In 1773-1779, the tower was restored by the freemason G.Z. Izmailov and acquired its current shape: instead of recreating the destroyed upper octagon, new architects replaced it with a compact but complex dome in the Baroque style.


Meanwhile, we left Chistye Prudy behind and the dome of the tower disappeared behind the houses. This is Starosadsky Lane.
The Cathedral of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul is one of two Lutheran cathedrals in Moscow, the second is located at the Vvedensky cemetery in Lefortovo.

Parish of St. Peter and Paul was the largest among the Protestant parishes in Moscow. Among the community there were many wealthy industrialists, financiers, and representatives of the noble family.

55 The chapel at the church was built in 1892 according to the design of the architect F. O. Shekhtel for funeral services for the dead. During the Soviet years it was closed along with the cathedral.

Khokhlovsky lane house 7-9. Bas-relief with an Assyrian deity. This deity is called Nisrokh. Anyone interested can google it, but I’ll tell you briefly.

This image is well known and is in museums in many countries around the world. In terms of genre, it belongs to Neo-Assyrian art (IX-VII centuries BC), which is considered the highest flowering of Assyrian art in general. There are quite a few variants of this relief, but the fundamental aspects of the design are preserved everywhere.

The main location of this character's finds is the razed city of Kalah (modern Nimrud in Iraq). In 1845-51. English archaeologist Henry Layard excavated the entire palace of the mighty Assyrian king Ashurnasirpal II there - and there, on the northwestern wall of this palace, a strange winged deity with the head of an eagle and obscure objects in his hands was discovered for the first time. It is dated to 883-859. BC.

On the bucket of the bas-relief in Khokhlovsky Lane there is the inscription: “My name is Space.” Nobody knows where it came from and what this inscription means. It’s not on the old Google and Yandex maps; it appeared a year ago.

And here is Maly Trekhsvyatitelsky Lane, this is the end point of our little journey today.

Here is the Moscow Central Church of Evangelical Christian Baptists, which is one of the oldest and largest churches of the Evangelical Baptist brotherhood. In 1982, she celebrated the centenary of the evangelical movement in Moscow.

The Moscow Central Church of Evangelical Christian Baptists is one of the oldest and largest Baptist churches in Russia, located in the White City (Kulishki) - a historical district of Moscow in building No. 3 on Maly Trekhsvyatitelsky Lane.

The church building was rebuilt in 1865 by the architect Hermann von Nissen from an 18th-century residential building and was intended to serve as a Reformed church. In 1917, the building was transferred to the Evangelical Christian community.


The Great Hall has been preserved completely in its historical form. The benches, except for the last 3 rows, were made of oak in 1867 and are still preserved in excellent condition. The pastoral pulpit is also made entirely of oak.

The church has a unique organ equipped with 38 registers. The instrument was made by the German company Ernst Rover in 1898. In 2012, the organ was reopened after a major overhaul.

You can listen to the organ for free :)

Temples of different religions Prepared by Liana Vitalievna Vasilyeva, a 4b grade student.

It is a separate building with a gambis dome, sometimes the mosque has a courtyard, for example the Al-Haram Mosque. Towers-minarets numbering from one to nine are attached to the mosque as an outbuilding. The prayer hall is devoid of images, but verses from the Koran in Arabic may be inscribed on the walls. The wall facing Mecca is marked by an empty niche in which the imam prays with a mihrab. To the right of the mihrab there is a pulpit-minbar from which the preacher imam reads his sermons to believers during Friday prayers. As a rule, madrasah schools operate at mosques. Mosque Islam Sign of Islam

The Mikdash is a religious building that was the center of the religious life of the Jewish people. According to the Bible, the portable Tabernacle of Meeting served as a temporary temple after the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt and before the construction of the Temple in Jerusalem. The Jerusalem temple was a building and in this way differed from the altar and the open sanctuary (bama). In the Temple there were objects symbolizing the presence of God (the Ark of the Covenant with the Tablets of the Covenant and cherubs), as well as utensils for sacred service. The most important items of temple utensils are: The large altar of burnt offerings, on which animals dedicated to God were sacrificed, as well as grain offerings and wine libations. The golden altar of incense on which incense was burned. The Golden Menorah, which illuminated the Temple with its light. The Golden Table of Showbread, on which the sacred “showbread” was placed. Mikdash Judaism Sign of Judaism

Treasure Tower is a Buddhist or Hindu building of religious character. In different countries, different types of buildings are classified as pagodas. In Nepal, northern India, Tibet, China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, as well as in Western countries, multi-tiered towers used as temples are called pagodas. It is believed that the first pagodas of this kind appeared in Nepal, after which Nepalese architects spread pagodas throughout the Far East. The prototype of the Nepalese pagoda is the Buddhist stupa, which in Theravada Buddhist countries is still called a pagoda; in other countries, pagodas and stupas are distinguished from each other. In Nepal, Hindu temples are built in the form of a pagoda. Pagoda Buddhism Pagoda at Kiyomizu-dera Temple in Kyoto (Japan) Yakushiji Pagoda near the city of Nara (Japan) Sign of Buddhism

The main church of a city or monastery is usually called a cathedral. A cathedral is usually called the temple where the chair of the ruling bishop (bishop) is located. An Orthodox or Catholic church consists of at least an altar section and an adjoining room for worshipers. Each church has golden crosses and golden onion-shaped domes. And on the walls there are various icons and gold patterns. Of course, a church cannot do without candles, and that’s why there are practically no chandeliers or lamps in churches. And the ceilings do not go unnoticed; angels or the Virgin Mary can be painted on them. Church Orthodoxy Sign of Orthodoxy

Buddhism Islam Judaism Orthodoxy

Thank you for your attention.