The main characters of "Mumu": brief description. A written story about the characters living in the house of a lady from “Mumu” ​​by I. Turgenev. Appearance of Gavrila from the story of Mumu

When retelling any work, you should give brief description, name who its main characters are. “Mumu” ​​is a story by the famous Russian writer I. Turgenev, which was written by him in 1852 and published two years later in the then popular magazine “Sovremennik”. An interesting fact is that this is one of the author’s most famous works, created during the period of his arrest. He had difficulty publishing and including the story in his collected works.


The success of the work largely depends on how well the main characters turned out to be lifelike and truthful. “Mumu” ​​is a story based on real case in the writer’s family, or rather, in his mother’s house. Gerasim had his own prototype - the servant Andrei, nicknamed Mute. The same story happened to him as with his literary incarnation. This hero is a closed, unsociable person who, however, is distinguished by his hard work and efficiency. On the estate he is considered the best worker, his work skills are appreciated by everyone, including the old lady herself. This outwardly unsociable man had one weakness - he had sympathy for the maid Tatyana, whom he even wanted to marry.

Dog story

In many ways, the course of development of the plot of the work determines how the main characters behave in various situations. “Mumu” ​​is a work whose meaning depends on the characters of the characters. Gerasim suffered his first loss when Tatyana, on the orders of the lady, was married to the drunken shoemaker Kapiton. After some time, he found some consolation in the fact that he had rescued and released a small puppy, whom he named Mumu. She was a very smart and devoted dog, whom everyone loved, but she was especially strongly attached to her owner, who was in her. The blow was even stronger for him when the old lady ordered to get rid of the dog because it once ruined her mood without obeying her. Gerasim carried out the order and drowned the dog, but after that he left his mistress’s Moscow house for his native village.


Half the success of the work is provided by the main characters. "Mumu" is a story that presents all the types of characters that were observed in a typical Russian estate of the mid-nineteenth century. The image of the young woman Tatiana in this regard is no exception. She is a poor, downtrodden servant who constantly suffers humiliation and mockery, from which only Gerasim’s protection saves her. In the lady's house she works as a laundress. The poor woman is so downtrodden that she unquestioningly follows the butler’s orders and pretends to be drunk in front of Gerasim so that he himself will abandon her. The trick was a success, but the janitor still retains sympathy for her and, when she leaves for the village, gives her a red scarf.


In the author's work, the main characters present a striking contrast to each other. “Mumu” ​​by Turgenev is a story that is interesting because it presents a complete gallery of characters. The butler Gavrila is a simple, roguish man who is ready for any trick to achieve his goal. He is not an evil person in himself, but at the same time, in order to maintain calm in the house and please his mistress, he is ready for any tricks. So, it was he who came up with a trick, thanks to which he was able to separate Gerasim from Tatyana. He orders the janitor to drown the poor dog. These actions make him appear in the eyes of the readers.


It was a shoemaker on the old lady's estate. He turned out to be as colorful and vital as all the other main characters. “Mumu” ​​by Turgenev is a story in which each character is remembered by the reader thanks to carefully written characters. Kapiton is, in his own way, a smart person; at one time he was even considered an educated person, but over the years he became an alcoholic and turned into a bitter drunkard. The lady tried to somehow rectify the situation by marrying him to Tatyana, but this does not save the situation. Kapiton finally becomes an alcoholic, and he and his wife are sent to the village.


In the work under consideration, the main characters play a large role. “Mumu” ​​by Turgenev (the characterization of the story must necessarily include psychological portraits of the characters) is an essay that is based on the gradual disclosure inner world characters. In this regard, the old lady causes the most criticism, since her whims became the cause of the tragedy. According to the author, she was capricious, quick-tempered, and in addition, she had frequent mood swings. At the same time, she cannot be denied some thriftiness and management. So, she recognized Gerasim as a capable and hardworking worker, tried to somehow correct Kapiton, but her despotic habits did not lead to the desired result, since she was too stubborn and willful.

So, the main characters of Turgenev’s “Mumu” ​​turned out to be very truthful and lifelike. The peasant has always been at the center of his work, and this work is the most convincing proof of this.

Characteristics of Gavrila from Mumu


Gavrila carried out all the orders of his mistress and handed the muma to Stepan. I was drawing up advice on how to make Gerasim fall in love with Tatyana. All her slightest whims were fulfilled. He is quick-witted, organized, responsible, obedient to his lady. Stepan is merciless, cruel and unable to understand all of Gerasim’s deep feelings. He is like a traitor towards the dog: he sells it, helps and tells him how to get Gerasim out of the closet. Cunning, arrogant, that's all. I don't like him.

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The lady's most faithful servant was the butler Gavrila. He tried to fulfill her every whim in order to please the wayward mistress. His job is to keep order in the house, and the other servants are obliged to obey him unquestioningly. Every day at the appointed time he came to the lady with a report.

ABOUT appearance All that is known to the butler is that he has “yellow eyes and a duck nose.” He is characterized by such qualities as cowardice, obedience, cunning, resourcefulness and at the same time stupidity. At the same time, he does not tolerate frivolity, for which he scolded Tatyana’s husband.

This minor character is portrayed as a rogue and slippery character. Currying favor with the lady, he thinks only about his own benefit and secretly steals everything. He doesn't care about the feelings of others. When the lady decides to marry her washerwoman Tatyana to the drunken shoemaker Kapiton Klimov, knowing full well that the janitor Gerasim is in love with her, Gavrila came up with a cunning way to make him disgusted with his beloved. The butler knew that Gerasim did not like drunk people, and forced Tatyana to pretend to be “drunk” in front of him. This vile act broke the janitor's heart.

After some time, Gavrila, fulfilling another order of the lady, again hurt Gerasim. He secretly sold his beloved puppy named Mumu, who annoyed his owner. But the dog returned. Then the butler began to put pressure on the janitor. Unable to bear it, Gerasim decided to drown his pet himself, and then left this house for his native village. This act of the butler angered the mistress, because she ordered to simply get rid of the animal, and not kill it. Gavrila, because of his stupidity and fear of not pleasing his mistress, took this order literally, which led to the tragic end of the story.

Despite this, Gavrila cannot be called evil, because he did not deliberately want to harm anyone. He simply tried to do his job well and listened to the mistress who intimidated him and the other servants. He can only be called a coward, because, unlike Gerasim, he could not resist her arbitrariness and did not dare to contradict her, even realizing that by his actions he was depriving other people of happiness and ruining the life of an innocent dog.

The story “Mumu”, which belongs to such a direction as critical realism, presents a variety of heroes, with the help of which Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev demonstrates and exposes the main vices inherent in serfdom. The author boldly condemns this way of life, so the work was forbidden to be published for a long time.

It is believed that this tragic story is based on real events that he saw in the Moscow house of his mother Varvara Petrovna Turgeneva. She became the prototype of a lady who unceremoniously interferes in the lives of her servants, bringing the situation to the point of arbitrariness, and at the same time firmly believes that she is doing good.

Essay on the theme of Gavril (Mumu)

Turgenev paints in his story the image of a typical butler - Gavrila. He is a little servile with his mistress and quite strict with the rest of his subordinates. Such people love hierarchy and obey this order, so Gavrilo Andreevich accepts his own role, which he corresponds to both externally and with all his heart.

Gavrilo seems to me to be a rather unhappy person, although he himself does not understand his own misfortune. He is genuinely cruel to others and seeks his own gain, often by creating misfortune for others. Of course, he is a simple man, of which there are many, but he is clearly not a moral ideal, and on the contrary, he is the opposite of this ideal.

Perhaps even this hero represents the opposite of Gerasim, who can feel, has a heartfelt responsibility to others, and is sensitive to this world. Gavrila destroys Gerasim's happiness for his own benefit, he separates Gerasim and Tatyana, and orders Mumu to be drowned. Such actions can even be called sadistic, but in fact, such behavior is typical of many “ordinary” people, and Turgenev talks about this in his story.

Characteristic is the fact of the difference between the positions of Gavrila and Gerasim. On the one hand, Gavrila is quite accomplished (by the standards of a common man), and on the other hand, poor Gerasim, who is at the same time quite rich spiritually and Gavrila will never gain such wealth.

The butler is afraid of his mistress, he has small and yellow eyes - a mirror of the soul, probably also petty and sick. After all, yellowness is the color of melancholy and illness. This hero is clearly not spiritually healthy, although, in general, he seems to be a normal part of his society. Thus, the character is clearly negative and through him the author reveals the vices of many people, negative character traits that often manifest themselves in ordinary people: anger, deceit, servility.

Gavrila accumulates only material wealth and does not think about her own soul. He stores various supplies and items in chests in the room. He gets all this from the young lady, whom he fawns over, but at the same time he carries out various frauds with his companion Lyubov Lyubimovna - by the way, a characteristic name that indicates the opposite, because there is no love in this person.

Option 3

Gavrilo Andreevich is a minor character in Turgenev’s story “Mumu”. He is the old lady's most faithful servant, serving as the butler in the house. Judging by his yellow eyes and duck nose, he is the mirror of a soul, most likely insignificant and weak, fate itself determined to become a person in charge. He, like other servants, is afraid of the old lady, does not argue with her, listens to everything and tries to please, and also goes to her every day to report. His job is to keep order in the house, and the rest of the servants, whom he does not treat in the most affectionate manner, are obliged to obey him unquestioningly. Together with the hanger-on Lyubov Lyubimovna, they keep track of the products and steal them behind the lady’s back. Gavrila Andreevich’s room, located in the outbuilding, is all cluttered with forged chests, in which, perhaps, there are things that he acquired from the young lady, together with Lyubov Lyubimovna. The character's wife's name is Ustinya Fedorovna.

Gavrilo has such character qualities as humility, timidity, cunning, savvy and simplicity. At the same time, he does not like carelessness, for which he scolded Tatyana’s husband. Turgenev portrayed him as a swindler and a deceiver. While currying favor with the lady, he does not worry about anyone but himself. When the lady gives the washerwoman Tatyana in marriage to the drunkard shoemaker Kapiton Klimov, Gavrila knew that the janitor Gerasim loved her, and forced the washerwoman to pretend that she was drunk, playing on the fact that Gerasim does not like drunks. Some time later, fulfilling the next order of the lady, the butler sold Mumu, the favorite puppy of the janitor Gerasim. However, when the dog returns, the butler began to put pressure on Gerasim, and he himself drowned the pet and returned to his village. This angered the owner, because she wanted to get rid of the dog, and not poison it, but Gavrila, out of stupidity and fear of not pleasing the owner, took the order literally, and brought the story to a tragic end.

However, the butler cannot be called evil, since he did not want to harm anyone consciously, but simply wanted to carry out the order well and obeyed the mistress, who intimidated not only Gavrila, but also all the serfs. However, Gavrila can be called a coward, since, unlike Gerasim, he is not able to resist the mistress’s arbitrariness and did not dare to contradict her, even realizing that he was destroying the happiness of other people and taking the life of an innocent dog. Material wealth is more important to him than his own soul. Gavrila is a negative character through whom the author shows the vices of people and the negative traits of their character

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Numerous servants live in the lady's house. Most During this time, the servants sleep, drink, gossip, hang around the yard, or fulfill the whims of their mistress, trying to curry favor with her.

Characteristics of Kapiton Klimov in the story “Mumu” ​​by Turgenev

Kapiton Klimov is one of the brightest representatives of the lordly servants. He's lazy. He serves as a shoemaker for the lady. By the fact that he himself walks around in holey boots, one can understand that he is a bad craftsman. Kapiton is a “bitter drunkard.” He explains his behavior by saying that he is not appreciated by his lady. Kapiton has a very high opinion of himself. He considers himself an educated person, and the work he is doing is unworthy of himself. Through the eyes of other people, he appears as a degraded creature, loitering around idle, in a shabby, tattered frock coat and “patched trousers.” Like the rest of the courtiers, Kapiton knows how to flatter and please those who are higher in position than him. Having married Tatyana, he remains indifferent to her. His character and lifestyle do not change. Kapiton finally becomes an alcoholic.

Characteristics of Tatyana in the story “Mumu” ​​by Turgenev

In complete contrast to Kapiton, Turgenev shows another man living in the lady’s house. This is Tatyana, a twenty-eight-year-old woman who is a laundress for a lady. Unlike the servants loitering around idle, Tatyana, one of the few, is distinguished by her hard work. She is so skilled in her work that she is assigned to wash only delicate linen. Once upon a time, blond Tatyana “was reputed to be a beauty,” but hard work and constant humiliation lead to the fact that “her beauty slipped off very quickly,” “she received the smallest salary,” “they dressed her poorly.” Tatyana is a downtrodden and intimidated creature with no self-esteem, trembling “at the very name of the lady.” She is so indifferent to her fate that she endures without words when she is humiliated and spanked. At the request of the lady, Tatyana meekly agrees to marry Kapiton, a man who is completely indifferent to her. She doesn’t even have the thought of disobeying the lady’s order. Tatyana herself makes sure that her possible happiness with Gerasim does not take place.

Characteristics of the butler Gavril in the story “Mumu” ​​by Turgenev

Maybe the person looking after the servants will have high human qualities? In the lady’s house, the chief butler is Gavrila, a man “who, judging by his yellowish eyes and duck nose alone, fate itself seemed to have determined to be the person in charge.” Appearance betrays the insincerity inherent in Gavril. Although close to the lady, Gavrila, like any other serf, is afraid of her, never argues with her and obeys her in everything. Afraid of losing his place, he constantly curries favor, humiliates himself in front of her, speaks in an ingratiating tone, using words such as “okay,” “maybe,” “anything,” thereby showing ostentatious servility. Gavrila never does anything without her own benefit. And since his responsibilities include accounting for products, he takes the opportunity to take part of them for himself, which characterizes him as a fraudulent, dishonest person. And in relation to Gerasim and Tatyana, Gavrila does not show himself in the best way. He is cowardly and indifferent to their fate, does not bother to tell the lady about them, and makes every effort to make this wedding take place. The resourceful Gavrila is so inventive that he comes up with a way to get Gerasim away from Tatiana.

The lady's most faithful servant was the butler Gavrila. He tried to fulfill her every whim in order to please the wayward mistress. His job is to keep order in the house, and the other servants are obliged to obey him unquestioningly. Every day at the appointed time he came to the lady with a report.

All that is known about the butler’s appearance is that he has “yellow eyes and a duck nose.” He is characterized by such qualities as cowardice, obedience, cunning, resourcefulness and at the same time stupidity. At the same time, he does not tolerate frivolity, for which he scolded Tatyana’s husband.

This minor character is portrayed as a rogue and slippery character. Currying favor with the lady, he thinks only about his own benefit and secretly steals everything. He doesn't care about the feelings of others. When the lady decides to marry her washerwoman Tatyana to the drunken shoemaker Kapiton Klimov, knowing full well that the janitor Gerasim is in love with her, Gavrila came up with a cunning way to make him disgusted with his beloved. The butler knew that Gerasim did not like drunk people, and forced Tatyana to pretend to be “drunk” in front of him. This vile act broke the janitor's heart.

After some time, Gavrila, fulfilling another order of the lady, again hurt Gerasim. He secretly sold his beloved puppy named Mumu, who annoyed his owner. But the dog returned. Then the butler began to put pressure on the janitor. Unable to bear it, Gerasim decided to drown his pet himself, and then left this house for his native village. This act of the butler angered the mistress, because she ordered to simply get rid of the animal, and not kill it. Gavrila, because of his stupidity and fear of not pleasing his mistress, took this order literally, which led to the tragic end of the story.

Despite this, Gavrila cannot be called evil, because he did not deliberately want to harm anyone. He simply tried to do his job well and listened to the mistress who intimidated him and the other servants. He can only be called a coward, because, unlike Gerasim, he could not resist her arbitrariness and did not dare to contradict her, even realizing that by his actions he was depriving other people of happiness and ruining the life of an innocent dog.

The story “Mumu”, which belongs to such a direction as critical realism, presents a variety of heroes, with the help of which Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev demonstrates and exposes the main vices inherent in serfdom. The author boldly condemns this way of life, so the work was forbidden to be published for a long time.

It is believed that this tragic story is based on real events that he saw in the Moscow house of his mother Varvara Petrovna Turgeneva. She became the prototype of a lady who unceremoniously interferes in the lives of her servants, bringing the situation to the point of arbitrariness, and at the same time firmly believes that she is doing good.

Essay on the theme of Gavril (Mumu)

Turgenev paints in his story the image of a typical butler - Gavrila. He is a little servile with his mistress and quite strict with the rest of his subordinates. Such people love hierarchy and obey this order, so Gavrilo Andreevich accepts his own role, which he corresponds to both externally and with all his heart.

Gavrilo seems to me to be a rather unhappy person, although he himself does not understand his own misfortune. He is genuinely cruel to others and seeks his own gain, often by creating misfortune for others. Of course, he is a simple man, of which there are many, but he is clearly not a moral ideal, and on the contrary, he is the opposite of this ideal.

Perhaps even this hero represents the opposite of Gerasim, who can feel, has a heartfelt responsibility to others, and is sensitive to this world. Gavrila destroys Gerasim's happiness for his own benefit, he separates Gerasim and Tatyana, and orders Mumu to be drowned. Such actions can even be called sadistic, but in fact, such behavior is typical of many “ordinary” people, and Turgenev talks about this in his story.

Characteristic is the fact of the difference between the positions of Gavrila and Gerasim. On the one hand, Gavrila is quite accomplished (by the standards of a common man), and on the other hand, poor Gerasim, who is at the same time quite rich spiritually and Gavrila will never gain such wealth.

The butler is afraid of his mistress, he has small and yellow eyes - a mirror of the soul, probably also petty and sick. After all, yellowness is the color of melancholy and illness. This hero is clearly not spiritually healthy, although, in general, he seems to be a normal part of his society. Thus, the character is clearly negative and through him the author reveals the vices of many people, negative character traits that often manifest themselves in ordinary people: anger, deceit, servility.

Gavrila accumulates only material wealth and does not think about her own soul. He stores various supplies and items in chests in the room. He gets all this from the young lady, whom he fawns over, but at the same time he carries out various frauds with his companion Lyubov Lyubimovna - by the way, a characteristic name that indicates the opposite, because there is no love in this person.

Option 3

Gavrilo Andreevich is a minor character in Turgenev’s story “Mumu”. He is the old lady's most faithful servant, serving as the butler in the house. Judging by his yellow eyes and duck nose, he is the mirror of a soul, most likely insignificant and weak, fate itself determined to become a person in charge. He, like other servants, is afraid of the old lady, does not argue with her, listens to everything and tries to please, and also goes to her every day to report. His job is to keep order in the house, and the rest of the servants, whom he does not treat in the most affectionate manner, are obliged to obey him unquestioningly. Together with the hanger-on Lyubov Lyubimovna, they keep track of the products and steal them behind the lady’s back. Gavrila Andreevich’s room, located in the outbuilding, is all cluttered with forged chests, in which, perhaps, there are things that he acquired from the young lady, together with Lyubov Lyubimovna. The character's wife's name is Ustinya Fedorovna.

Gavrilo has such character qualities as humility, timidity, cunning, savvy and simplicity. At the same time, he does not like carelessness, for which he scolded Tatyana’s husband. Turgenev portrayed him as a swindler and a deceiver. While currying favor with the lady, he does not worry about anyone but himself. When the lady gives the washerwoman Tatyana in marriage to the drunkard shoemaker Kapiton Klimov, Gavrila knew that the janitor Gerasim loved her, and forced the washerwoman to pretend that she was drunk, playing on the fact that Gerasim does not like drunks. Some time later, fulfilling the next order of the lady, the butler sold Mumu, the favorite puppy of the janitor Gerasim. However, when the dog returns, the butler began to put pressure on Gerasim, and he himself drowned the pet and returned to his village. This angered the owner, because she wanted to get rid of the dog, and not poison it, but Gavrila, out of stupidity and fear of not pleasing the owner, took the order literally, and brought the story to a tragic end.

However, the butler cannot be called evil, since he did not want to harm anyone consciously, but simply wanted to carry out the order well and obeyed the mistress, who intimidated not only Gavrila, but also all the serfs. However, Gavrila can be called a coward, since, unlike Gerasim, he is not able to resist the mistress’s arbitrariness and did not dare to contradict her, even realizing that he was destroying the happiness of other people and taking the life of an innocent dog. Material wealth is more important to him than his own soul. Gavrila is a negative character through whom the author shows the vices of people and the negative traits of their character

Numerous servants live in the lady's house. Most of the time, the servants sleep, drink, gossip, hang around the yard, or fulfill the whims of their mistress, trying to curry favor with her.

Characteristics of Kapiton Klimov in the story “Mumu” ​​by Turgenev

Kapiton Klimov is one of the brightest representatives of the lordly servants. He's lazy. He serves as a shoemaker for the lady. By the fact that he himself walks around in holey boots, one can understand that he is a bad craftsman. Kapiton is a “bitter drunkard.” He explains his behavior by saying that he is not appreciated by his lady. Kapiton has a very high opinion of himself. He considers himself an educated person, and the work he is doing is unworthy of himself. Through the eyes of other people, he appears as a degraded creature, loitering around idle, in a shabby, tattered frock coat and “patched trousers.” Like the rest of the courtiers, Kapiton knows how to flatter and please those who are higher in position than him. Having married Tatyana, he remains indifferent to her. His character and lifestyle do not change. Kapiton finally becomes an alcoholic.

Characteristics of Tatyana in the story “Mumu” ​​by Turgenev

In complete contrast to Kapiton, Turgenev shows another man living in the lady’s house. This is Tatyana, a twenty-eight-year-old woman who is a laundress for a lady. Unlike the servants loitering around idle, Tatyana, one of the few, is distinguished by her hard work. She is so skilled in her work that she is assigned to wash only delicate linen. Once upon a time, blond Tatyana “was reputed to be a beauty,” but hard work and constant humiliation lead to the fact that “her beauty slipped off very quickly,” “she received the smallest salary,” “they dressed her poorly.” Tatyana is a downtrodden and intimidated creature with no self-esteem, trembling “at the very name of the lady.” She is so indifferent to her fate that she endures without words when she is humiliated and spanked. At the request of the lady, Tatyana meekly agrees to marry Kapiton, a man who is completely indifferent to her. She doesn’t even have the thought of disobeying the lady’s order. Tatyana herself makes sure that her possible happiness with Gerasim does not take place.

Characteristics of the butler Gavril in the story “Mumu” ​​by Turgenev

Maybe the person looking after the servants will have high human qualities? In the lady’s house, the chief butler is Gavrila, a man “who, judging by his yellowish eyes and duck nose alone, fate itself seemed to have determined to be the person in charge.” Appearance betrays the insincerity inherent in Gavril. Although close to the lady, Gavrila, like any other serf, is afraid of her, never argues with her and obeys her in everything. Afraid of losing his place, he constantly curries favor, humiliates himself in front of her, speaks in an ingratiating tone, using words such as “okay,” “maybe,” “anything,” thereby showing ostentatious servility. Gavrila never does anything without her own benefit. And since his responsibilities include accounting for products, he takes the opportunity to take part of them for himself, which characterizes him as a fraudulent, dishonest person. And in relation to Gerasim and Tatyana, Gavrila does not show himself in the best way. He is cowardly and indifferent to their fate, does not bother to tell the lady about them, and makes every effort to make this wedding take place. The resourceful Gavrila is so inventive that he comes up with a way to get Gerasim away from Tatiana.

The serfs, who differ in character, occupation and position, have in common the lack of their own opinion, the desire to curry favor, cowardice and laziness. They do not have that core that every free person should have: self-esteem.

When retelling any work, you should give a brief description and name who its main characters are. “Mumu” ​​is a story by the famous Russian writer I. Turgenev, which was written by him in 1852 and published two years later in the then popular magazine “Sovremennik”. An interesting fact is that this is one of the author’s most famous works, created during the period of his arrest. He had difficulty publishing and including the story in his collected works.


The success of the work largely depends on how well the main characters turned out to be lifelike and truthful. “Mumu” ​​is a story based on a real incident in the writer’s family, or rather, in his mother’s house. Gerasim had his own prototype - the servant Andrei, nicknamed Mute. The same story happened to him as with his literary incarnation. This hero is a closed, unsociable person who, however, is distinguished by his hard work and efficiency. On the estate he is considered the best worker, his work skills are appreciated by everyone, including the old lady herself. This outwardly unsociable man had one weakness - he had sympathy for the maid Tatyana, whom he even wanted to marry.

Dog story

In many ways, the course of development of the plot of the work determines how the main characters behave in various situations. “Mumu” ​​is a work whose meaning depends on the characters of the characters. Gerasim suffered his first loss when Tatyana, on the orders of the lady, was married to the drunken shoemaker Kapiton. After some time, he found some consolation in the fact that he had rescued and released a small puppy, whom he named Mumu. She was a very smart and devoted dog, whom everyone loved, but she was especially strongly attached to her owner, who was in her. The blow was even stronger for him when the old lady ordered to get rid of the dog because it once ruined her mood without obeying her. Gerasim carried out the order and drowned the dog, but after that he left his mistress’s Moscow house for his native village.


Half the success of the work is provided by the main characters. "Mumu" is a story that presents all the types of characters that were observed in a typical Russian estate of the mid-nineteenth century. The image of the young woman Tatiana in this regard is no exception. She is a poor, downtrodden servant who constantly suffers humiliation and mockery, from which only Gerasim’s protection saves her. In the lady's house she works as a laundress. The poor woman is so downtrodden that she unquestioningly follows the butler’s orders and pretends to be drunk in front of Gerasim so that he himself will abandon her. The trick was a success, but the janitor still retains sympathy for her and, when she leaves for the village, gives her a red scarf.


In the author's work, the main characters present a striking contrast to each other. “Mumu” ​​by Turgenev is a story that is interesting because it presents a complete gallery of characters. The butler Gavrila is a simple, roguish man who is ready for any trick to achieve his goal. He is not an evil person in himself, but at the same time, in order to maintain calm in the house and please his mistress, he is ready for any tricks. So, it was he who came up with a trick, thanks to which he was able to separate Gerasim from Tatyana. He orders the janitor to drown the poor dog. These actions make him appear in the eyes of the readers.


It was a shoemaker on the old lady's estate. He turned out to be as colorful and vital as all the other main characters. “Mumu” ​​by Turgenev is a story in which each character is remembered by the reader thanks to carefully written characters. Kapiton is, in his own way, a smart person; at one time he was even considered an educated person, but over the years he became an alcoholic and turned into a bitter drunkard. The lady tried to somehow rectify the situation by marrying him to Tatyana, but this does not save the situation. Kapiton finally becomes an alcoholic, and he and his wife are sent to the village.


In the work under consideration, the main characters play a large role. “Mumu” ​​by Turgenev (the characterization of the story must necessarily include psychological portraits of the characters) is an essay that is based on the gradual disclosure of the inner world of the characters. In this regard, the old lady causes the most criticism, since her whims became the cause of the tragedy. According to the author, she was capricious, quick-tempered, and in addition, she had frequent mood swings. At the same time, she cannot be denied some thriftiness and management. So, she recognized Gerasim as a capable and hardworking worker, tried to somehow correct Kapiton, but her despotic habits did not lead to the desired result, since she was too stubborn and willful.

So, the main characters of Turgenev’s “Mumu” ​​turned out to be very truthful and lifelike. The peasant has always been at the center of his work, and this work is the most convincing proof of this.

(Drawing by I.I. Pchelko)

The simplicity and irony of the images of Turgenev's heroes almost immediately reveals to the reader the character of each - be it the main character or an indirect one. One of the minor, but quite prominent characters in I. S. Turgenev’s story “Mumu” ​​is a certain Gavrila - the chief butler, proudly commanding all the servants, a faithful subject of his mistress. The old lady, before whom almost all the servants were in awe, trusts her butler in solving everyday issues. But the butler, in turn, treats her, like everyone else, not without timidity. Her first dialogue with Gavrila clearly indicates this. She orders and commands, not without the quirks inherent in old age. He is certainly discreetly submissive.

Gavrila Andreevich as the image of a crafty butler

(The butler Gavrila on the right in the illustration)

In all the appearance of the serf one can read his destiny for managerial affairs. The author created him as a classic image of a servant with high responsibilities - a thin duck nose, yellow eyes with cunning. An arrogant attitude, which, however, hides the cowardly and indecisive character of a simple peasant. And yet Gavrila “Andreich” is quite strict with his subordinates. He has to weigh where and how to act profitably, where to prove himself to the lady, where to use his powers. But, unfortunately, they let him down - the death of the innocent little dog was, to a greater extent, his fault.

In one of the episodes, he cunningly gets out of a situation when, on the orders of his mistress, he solves the dilemma of marrying a servant - the meek washerwoman Tatyana and the drunkard shoemaker Kapiton. Gavrila understands that the mute Gerasim is not indifferent to the poor woman, and this task turns out to be difficult for him.

Negative and positive traits of the hero

(Soviet filmstrip "Mumu", 1949)

When solving economic issues, Gavrila is very practical. He has a wife - Ustinya Fedorovna. They live in a separate outbuilding. Taking advantage of his rights, which also relate to food, he simply provides for his family beyond measure, stealing “... tea, sugar, and other groceries” from the kitchen. In his room in the outbuilding there are forged chests, which probably contain his mistress’s things; he carefully looks after them. This character is diligent in everything, reports daily to the bored lady about the affairs in the house, and goes to her on time to report.

Compared to others, of course this hero creates a negative impression. However, even in this negative image, human soulfulness easily, barely noticeably, shines through. His experiences are deeply hidden from the reader; one can guess about them only by looking between the lines. Initially, Gavrila was entrusted with all the household affairs. He has to solve many matters alone, without asking unnecessary questions to the old lady, indulging her in everything. And not every case he manages everything smoothly and well. He is mainly responsible for the result, for order in the entire yard, and, perhaps, this is primarily for his own peace. By sacrificing the feelings of others, the butler decides the fate of the servants, often resorting to deception, but this is his role, which fate has predetermined for him.