The head of the empire is his location in Skyrim. Skyrim Imperial Army (walkthrough)

Tactics in the Imperial Legion are in charge of Legate Rikke, a middle-aged northerner.

The Imperial Legion is an expeditionary army fighting rebels for the good of Tamriel, which is now under the rule of the Thalmor elves. The credo of the legion is law and order, and General Tullius, not without reason, believes that a separated Skyrim will not benefit either the Empire or itself.

Missions for the legion largely repeat the tasks of the Stormcloaks - only in a “mirror” form. However, there are differences in the plot. We'll briefly describe the "duplicate" jobs and tell you more about the discrepancies.

Joining the Imperial Legion

The leader of the Hragstad bandits is so enthusiastically admiring the map that he has forgotten about everything in the world.

You can receive the task to join the ranks of the legionnaires at the very beginning, if you select the legionnaire Hadvar when escaping from Helgen. At the exit from the cave, he will invite the hero to go to General Tullius and enroll in the army. If you did not receive this quest or chose the rebel Ralof when fleeing, just go up to any legionnaire you meet (they often roam the roads accompanying prisoners) and take it.

General Tullius lives in the Dark Castle in Solitude. When you enter the legion headquarters, the general will argue with Legate Rikke. Since communication with Tullius under Helgen was, frankly speaking, short, he will immediately send us to the legate, and she will offer a test task. We need to clear the Hragstad fortress from bandits so that the legion can establish an outpost there.

This task is much more difficult than the Stormcloak entrance test. There was only one monster, albeit a strong one, but here there was a whole fort with a dozen bandits. Some roam outside, some in the courtyard, some on the castle walls, one on the tower, and the rest in the main and prison rooms of the fortress. There are no special puzzles here. All enemies are indicated by arrows on the compass, so you won’t be in danger of missing the “last sectoid”.

Return to the Gloomy Castle, listen to the conversation about the Jagged Crown - Legate Rikke persuades the general to send troops (including the “auxiliary”, that is, us) to capture the crown. After the conversation, Rikke will rejoice at our successes and send us to Tullius to take the oath. Taking a solemn oath will mean failing the quest to join the Stormcloaks, if you have one.

Serrated crown

“And here is your Panama hat!” - Legate Rikke hits the next Storm Brother with his shield. A real Valkyrie!

This quest mirrors what the Stormcloaks give you if you choose the rebel path. In the ancient cairn of Korvanjund, the Jagged Crown was found - an important symbol of the supreme power of Skyrim, and now the first to enter the dungeon were no longer legionnaires, but rebels. General Tullius does not understand why the crown is needed, but Legate Rikke convinced him that it was impossible to give such a valuable thing to Ulfric.

Before going to Korvanjund, take the legionnaire's kit from the blacksmith Beirand - light armor, heavy or medium (it’s also light, but with a heavy shield).

The place we need on the map is north of Whiterun and east of the Lorey farm. A group of legionnaires stands in a small forest near the cairn and listens to Rikke’s instructions. After the conversation, the whole gang will move to the burial ground, where the Storm Brothers will meet us.

You don't have to fight at all - Legate Rikke is indestructible, and the accompanying fighters are reborn. But there is nothing wrong with helping your own people. Several soldiers are on duty outside, the rest are hiding inside and are not waiting for us yet. When Rikke announces an ambush, go up one level and bring down burning lamps on the rebels standing with their feet in the oil.

At the secret door, pick up the ebony claw and use the wolf-butterfly-dragon combination. In the hall with the coffins, go up to the upper level and, by turning the lever, help Rikka and the legionnaires get rid of the draugr. After this, all that remains is to remove the crown from the draugr, who is sitting on the throne in a relaxed position. To do this, you need to kill him and a couple of his assistants from the sarcophagi on the sides.

Take the crown, the word of Power - and return to Tullius. You can also give the crown to Ulfric - then you will go over to his side. This is the last opportunity to change faction.

Message for Whiterun

There is a military council in Dragonsreach, and meanwhile the Stormcloaks are already approaching the walls of the city.

This task is also “mirror”, but this time it is not Ulfric who asks us to take the ax to the Earl of Whiterun, but on the contrary - the Earl of Whiterun asks us to take his ax to Ulfric (and gets just as irritated if we ask: “Why the ax?”). True, first, on the instructions of Tullius, you need to come with a message from the legion to the Dragon's Reach and listen to how the jarl consults with his entourage.

NOTE: The quest will not be completed until the plot task “Dragon in the Sky” is completed - the jarl will simply refuse to accept the message.

Then we run with the ax to Ulfric, and after that the differences begin: we do not take Whiterun, but defend it. The council of war in the room above the throne room is held in the company of the imperial legate. He accepts the task “Message for Whiterun” from us and gives the following - “Battle of Whiterun”.

Battle of Whiterun

Hadvar can easily see the speck in his neighbor's eye, but in his own he doesn't even notice the arrow.

Flames pour down from the sky onto Whiterun - the city is being bombarded by catapults. Legate Rikke is waiting outside the gate. When she sees us, she will make a speech to a handful of warriors who are about to fight another handful of warriors.

The battle of Whiterun follows the usual template, which was already described in the walkthrough for the Stormcloaks: there are weak fighters on both sides, they are reborn, and dead enemies are noted on the percentage counter. When it reaches zero, we win. The only difference is that here we have a couple of side objectives: protecting the barricades at the gate and protecting the drawbridge if the barricades fall.

Keeping even a bridge or a gate intact is a difficult task, since there are many enemies and they can demolish the flimsy “goats” in a couple of blows or shots. You can break through to the stables where the Stormcloaks are reborn and try to distract them. Or you can take advantage of a bug.

One way or another, you do not have to complete side quests, or even participate in the battle. When it's over, check in with the jarl (he will come out of the gate to make a speech) and return to Tullius, who will give us the title of quaestor.

NOTE: the remaining quests are collected under the name "Unification of Skyrim".


“Is the Storm Brotherhood fleeing?” - “Everyone is running!”

Our new mission is to regain control of the White Beach. In the White Bank camp, the hero will be met by Rikke and given another “mirror” task. Like the Stormcloaks, you need to track down and kill the courier. To do this, check out the Night Gate tavern or the Windhelm establishment Hearth and Candle. The bartender will tell you where to look for the courier - for money, for threats or persuasion. After this, an arrow will appear on the map indicating our goal. Kill the courier, take the documents and deliver to Rikka.

The second part of the task is to take the documents to Dawnstar, a commander named Frokmar Torn Banner. After a normal conversation (“why not in the form?” - “so that the enemy doesn’t guess!”), the task will be completed. Return to Legate Rikka.

Battle of Dunstad Fort

The most peaceful place in Dunstad is the Awkward Sabertooth Tavern. Above the fireplace is the saber tooth itself.

To finally recapture the region from the Stormcloaks, you need to storm Fort Dunstad. This is not a quest, but a battle - the enemies here are weak, constantly reborn, and the percentage counter shows how much more hacking and stabbing is left before victory.

After the battle, Tullius will promote the hero to prefect and send him to the Rift.

War booty

The target is a sentry. A volley of two arrows should take him down.

Rikke will give out another “mirror” task - with blackmail. Our goal is Anuriel, the ruler of the Jarl of Riften. She is doing business with the Thieves Guild, and the incriminating note will be found in the chest of drawers in her office. Wave a note in front of Anuriel's face, and she will lead you into the office and tell you about the cart with valuable cargo. The carriage travels from Riften to Windhelm - it travels slowly and is poorly guarded. The information is very useful.

Return to Rikka and she will send you to meet the scouts located north of Riften, at Shor's watchtower. The scouts are led by Hadvar. As in a similar task of the Storm Brothers, the cart broke down, and we have two options: attack the guards ourselves or with the help of scouts (they will help with fire). The scouts can be persuaded to wait until nightfall, but there is no point in doing so.

The sentry wanders along a high rock - if you accept the help of Hadvar's group, they will “take down” him with their bows.

The cart is guarded by several Stormcloak fighters. If you don’t want to fight, you can run in circles from them until the immortal Hadvar finishes off the last one. Don't forget to empty the chest on the cart. Talk to Hadvar and return to the legate.

NOTE: if you completed the story quest “Endless Time” and Riften went to the Empire, you will not be given this quest at all.

Battle of Fort Greenwall

Fort Greenwall has strong walls and a small courtyard.

The Battle of Fort Greenwall is another typical battle. The fort is located north of Riften. When ours win and the enemy counter is reset, return to Tullius. He will say that the legion is already on Ulfric’s doorstep, and the decisive battle is coming soon. And we are going to Winterhold, to a secret camp.

Fort Kastav - saving comrades

They shined torches everywhere, searched everywhere, but no weapons were found.

The legate will give a new situation: captured legionnaires are languishing in Fort Kastav. Hadvar's sabotage group has taken refuge in the hills below the fort, and she will be happy to send us forward to save the legionnaires.

Unlike the “mirror” task for the Stormcloaks, here you won’t have to look for the secret entrance for long. The hatch is right under the wall. There are several sentries inside the fortress. You can steal the key from them, but this will not bring much benefit, so it is better to free the prisoners by removing the keys from their bodies. The prisoners will return the armor, but weapons are tight, so they will have to help in battle - they won’t fight much with their fists.

Find Hadvar in or near the fortress, give him a report and return to Tullius, who will promote the hero to legate and give him heavy Daedric armor.

Battle of Amol Fort

Quite unexpectedly, Fort Amol, along with legionnaires, was attacked by an ancient dragon. They finished him off only in the morning.

Our next stop is a camp in Eastmarch, from where the hero will be sent to battle for Fort Amol. This is a classic “percentage” battle - the last one in the plot. After him, Legate Rikke will immediately send him to Windhelm, where the final act of the drama about the struggle between the “reds” and the “blues” is about to take place.

Battle of Windhelm

"We meet again, my old enemy!"

Fire charges from Ulfric's catapults are flying from the city, but General Tullius and his soldiers are already standing in the “dead zone” at the very gates. After a short speech, the group will enter the city.

The main task is not to destroy the enemies, but to go through the entire city and get to the royal palace as quickly as possible, where the Earl of Windhelm is holed up. The main passage to the palace is blocked with barricades (this time - real ones, which cannot be penetrated by either a sword or an arrow), so we will have to immediately turn left, go down to the cemetery, go through the narrow streets under figurines of ravens, turn right under the high walls and thus find yourself at the entrance to the palace. Enemies will respawn on our way, so if you are not confident in your abilities, stick to the main group of legionnaires.

There is no need to do anything inside anymore. If you want, help Tullius and Rikka deal with Ulfric and his faithful dog Galmar. The final choice is to deliver the final blow to the defeated jarl or to give the honor to the general.

In any case, the war has been won, and all we have left is to destroy if we want separate groups Stormcloaks hidden in the hills!

A slow and exhausting war engulfed all of Skyrim. The Imperial Legion is trying to become more influential and force the Nords to obey the laws of the Empire, which includes Skyrim. And the Storm Brothers are trying to defend the independence of their region.

Note: none of the warring sides can be called right. Each has its own good and bad sides, as well as its own secrets.

How to join the imperial army?

Find a house in Solitude called "Gloomy Castle" (however, in appearance it is not a castle at all). You will continue your passage of Skyrim with the introductory task from Legate Rikke (she is in the house).

Joining the Legion

She will ask you to destroy all the robbers in the fort. This task is not difficult at all. You must get to the fort (will be visible on the map) and kill all enemies. Then return to the customer and take the oath. Now you can go to the blacksmith and pick up your imperial armor. Congratulations, you have joined the Imperial Legion...

Serrated crown

Legate Rikke will again provide you with a new task. You need to find the legendary Jagged Crown. You must reach an ancient burial place for the Nords. It's called Corvanjud. However, upon arrival you will be informed that the Stormcloaks have preceded you. Playing through Skyrim is not complete without a fight. Destroy them all and make your way to the entrance. You will then be forced to take a detour because Rikka suspects a trap lies ahead. The bypass is located above your head. So find the stairs and hit the road.

Note: By going around, you will have the opportunity to throw a jug at the enemy to ignite the oil at the feet of the Stormcloaks. This will help you finish them off. For all of the above, use a spell or arrow. For Skyrim walkthroughs After eliminating all opponents, go to the next tier in the burial. Almost at the entrance you will see a door, which can only be opened using a claw (it is located near the door). The puzzle can be solved like this: first the wolf, then the bird, then the remaining picture. Ahead of you is a room and a grate, which you will have to open again somehow. Climb the stairs and make your way to the other side through the platforms. To complete Skyrim, press on the handle that appears. This will open the grate, but then four Draugr will emerge from their coffins.

Note: After going up the stairs, you can find a dagger (on a tile). Take it. Then you will see a secret passage that has opened. However, be careful with the chest - it will trigger a trap.

Ahead you will encounter a dead man with the same Jagged Crown on his head. Kill him and take the crown. Now return to Tullius. By the way, at the very end of the corridor you will find a wall on which a new word of power has been applied.

Message for Whiterun

Next, General Tullius will continue your passage of the game Skyrim with the next task. You will need to deliver Tullius' letter to the Jarl in Whiterun, and then give the ax to Ulfric. Note: If you have not yet completed the main quest, you must first go kill the dragon in the dungeon.

The Jarl in Whiterun will direct you to Ulfric (give him the axe). And this is a sign of the beginning of the war. Having reached it, you will be informed that Ulfric is already preparing to begin the assault on Whiterun. Therefore, you urgently need to inform the jarl about this. However, when you get to it, the fight has already begun.

Battle of Whiterun

You will go to the front ranks on orders from Quentius Scilius. Then join Legate Rikka. Once you reach it, you will listen to an inspiring speech and enter the battle. Here, the passage of the game Skyrim does not pose any riddles - just kill all the Stormcloaks. You can see the degree of your victory or defeat in the percentage of enemy health. The more you destroy them, the lower the percentage will be. You need to reduce this number to zero. Another of your tasks will be to control positions. Guard the barricades at first and don't let the enemy cross them. In the event that the enemy does advance through the barricades, you will retreat. Then the new goal will be to protect the lift bridge. However, these are not required tasks. The main thing is to kill as many Stormcloaks as possible.

Note: Your partner (if you have one) will not join you in battle, but will wait for you in the city.

Having destroyed all the enemies, either go to the city gates to listen to the jarl give his speech, or go straight to Tullius. For completing this task in Skyrim, you will become a “Questor”, and you will also receive a good blade.

Unification of Skyrim

General Tullius will ask you this time to ensure the protection of the forts and carry out all orders coming from Rikke. This mission is a unifying mission for a couple of side missions, but your main goal will be to defend Skyrim to the fullest. This task is also closely intertwined with the main story quest called “Endless Time”. Passing the game Skyrim in it gives you the task of persuading the Stormcloaks and the Imperial Legion to negotiate and conclude a peace agreement. According to the decision made, the warring parties will exchange cities and, thus, begin to introduce their command there. In the event that you have already completed this mission, capture the Reach, and if not, then head to the Rift.

Regain control of White Beach

This mission is a continuation of the previous one. Here you need to follow the orders coming from Rikke.

Tullius will ask you to go to a meeting with the Imperials at their camp, which is located on the White Coast. And you will again join the legate of Rikke. The plan is this - you must plant misleading documents on the Stormcloaks. But first find their original. It is kept by the militia, who frequent a couple of taverns in Windhelm and outside the city. Of course, it is easier to take the second path. Go to the tavern and persuade its owner to assist you.

Note: the easiest way to convince the innkeeper is to inform him of the danger threatening the militia.

Find out the road along which the messenger will travel from the owner of the inn and find him. Select the documents and go back to the legate. In the papers found, you will read that Fort Dunstad is asking for support. The legate will falsify the document. This will deprive the fort of help, and the Dawnstar commander will be misinformed. And you need to deliver fake papers to the Dawnstar militia commander. Frockmar, named Torn Banner, will easily trust your assurances that you were forced to change your clothes in order to sneak among your opponents unrecognized. Thus, the false order will be accepted. And you will also be grateful for their delivery. To complete Skyrim, return to Rikka and listen to her praise as well. In addition, you can take your well-deserved gold.

Next you will be sent to assist a detachment of legionnaires in the capture of Fort Dunstad. After all, thanks to your efforts, he is without the support of the militias. As soon as you get close, your squad will begin an active attack on the enemy fort.

Note: you are not required to follow the indicated beacon exactly. You can only get closer to the fort. And the battle will begin on its own (legionnaires will appear immediately).

After the battle is over, go back to Solitude to meet with General Tullius. He will tell you that if the Imperial Army captures the White Coast, they will be much ahead. Successful completion This mission in Skyrim will allow you to become a prefect and receive some kind of weapon or armor (the type will depend on your level).

Note: here you will notice a minor bug - Tullius will inform you about the promotion of rank and the issue of a blade to you. But in reality you can get a shield.

Take back control of the Rift

You will again obey Rikka.

Note: If Dawnstar served the Empire during the mission "Time Without End", this mission will be removed.

To complete Skyrim, you now have to conquer another city for the empire called the Rift. You will rejoin the legate of Rikke on the orders of General Tullius. On the spot you will be sent to Riften. There you will try to find out whether it makes sense to start blackmailing the commander, Jarl Anuriel. Rikke is confident that the commander often interacts with the Thieves Guild, which can serve the legion well. After all, he can make some of her “sins” public. Here's your task. Steal the letter from the chest of drawers in Anuriel's room and tell her about it. Then she will get scared and ask to meet with her together. Anuriel will tell you that a very important caravan with militias left for Windhelm. It is loaded with a variety of weapons and gold and can greatly influence the course of the war.

Note: if you have a high level of the Speech skill, you can persuade her to give the gold to you.

Go to the legate, then tell Rikka about the news. She will send you in search of a detachment of legionnaires, controlled by the already familiar Hadvar. This group was sent to reconnoiter the situation in the area that the militia caravan was supposed to cross. Together with the legionnaires, you need to rob a caravan and kill the Stormcloaks. Then return back to Rikka and collect the gold for completing the quest in Skyrim.

Note: in the cart, don't miss the chest (rummage through it).

Returning to the Empire Camp, you will receive another task from the legate. It consists of capturing Fort Greenwall with the help of a group of legionnaires. This fort, after the robbery of the caravan, is without weapons or any support. Having joined the legionnaires, begin to storm the fortress - you will take your enemies by surprise. You can capture the fort by destroying all enemies.

After completing the task, go to General Tullius. He will grant you the new title of "Tribune" and send you again to the imperial camp in Winterhold to Legate Rikka.

Regain control of Winterhold

On the spot you will be informed that the militia at Fort Kastav captured a group of Imperials. You need to sneak into the fort, release the prisoners, and then capture the fort. However, first, talk to Hadvar and find out from him where the secret hatch is located through which you can get into the fort.

Note: Be very careful. You need to get through unnoticed. Otherwise, you will immediately enter into battle and fail the secretive penetration mission. Inside the fort, find and free the prisoners. To do this, find the key on the table (if it is not there, then search the Storm Brothers). And then, after freeing your brothers, begin to storm the fort. Kill all the militias. In the courtyard, Hadvar will catch up with you and thank you for killing your opponents.

Note: Captives do not have to survive. And Hadvar and his people may hesitate or disappear altogether (another bug). Then return to Tullius, who will make you Legate and give you armor or weapons.

Take back control of Eastmarch

Even though you have received the same rank as Rikke, you will still continue to be under her command. Your goal will be to clear a fort called Amol. This will be a normal easy battle. Then return to the legate, and from there go to Tullius. There you will fight the final battle. Head to Windhelm's city gates.

Joining the Imperial Legion

To join the ranks of the Imperial Legion, you must receive the appropriate task. If at the very beginning of the game you escaped from the burning Helgen together with the legionnaire Hadvar, then when leaving the cave he will advise you to join the imperial troops. This task can also be taken from many other legionnaires located in various imperial camps throughout Skyrim, as well as from imperial officers in cities that are under the control of the legion.

When you receive information about the civil war and the Imperial Legion, the quest “Join the Imperial Legion” will appear in your diary. You need to go to Solitude and talk to General Tullius.


If you join the Stormcloaks, the quest to join the Imperial Legion will be considered failed. However, the final decision to join the ranks of one side or another will be made by you at the end of the quest “The Jagged Crown”.

General Tullius can be found in the central hall of Castle Gloom in Solitude. You will find him and Legate Rikke discussing the current situation during the civil war. After you announce to the general your desire to join the ranks of the legionnaires, he will send you to discuss this issue with Legate Rikke. In turn, the legate will show a desire to test your combat abilities, instructing you to clear Fort Hragstad from the bandits entrenched there. Fort Hragstad is located northwest of Solitude, on the coast of the Sea of ​​Ghosts. Your goal will be to destroy all the bandits in the fort, both outside and inside. interior spaces. This is quite easy to do, since each bandit is marked with a separate marker on your compass.

Serrated crown

After swearing allegiance to the Imperial Legion, you are tasked with meeting with Legate Rikke near the Nord ruins of Korvanjund. Your goal is to find the Jagged Crown - an old Nordic symbol of power. Rikke convinced Tullius that the crown must never fall into Ulfric's hands, and that the soldiers of the Imperial Legion must reach the crown first.

Message for Whiterun

Having received the crown from your hands, General Tullius will thank you for the successfully completed task and give you the next assignment. You need to go to Dragonsreach and deliver a secret message from Tullius to the Earl of Whiterun: the general tells Balgruuf that Ulfric has gathered enough troops to capture Whiterun.


The jarl will refuse to accept a letter from you if the quest along the main plot of the game “Dragon in the Sky” is active. In this case, to continue, you will need to first complete it, and only then continue to carry out the general’s instructions.

Having handed over the letter to the jarl, you listen to his meeting with his entourage, at the end of which Balgruuf asks you to carry out an assignment - to take the ax to Ulfric Stormcloak on his behalf. This is an ancient Nordic custom: if Ulfric takes the ax, then there will be peace, but if not, battle cannot be avoided.

Battle of Whiterun

Quentius Scipius sends you to the front line under the command of Legate Rikke. On the road from the Dragon's Reach to the city gates, you will see how the guards disperse the townspeople to their homes, and Whiterun itself is bombarded with projectiles from catapults.

Legate Rikke, along with a detachment of city defenders, is waiting for you near the outer city walls. When you approach, she will give an inspiring speech and send you along with other legionnaires to fight the invaders. Your goal is to destroy the attacking Stormcloak soldiers. Their number is measured as a percentage, and you must kill rebels until their number drops to zero. The soldiers themselves are periodically reborn as new batches of attackers as you destroy them. Similar “percentage battles” will occur more than once during the Civil War campaign.

Unification of Skyrim

This task combines several others, the common goal of which is the complete and gradual reconquest of Skyrim, possession by possession. This part of the Civil War campaign is directly connected to the main story quest "The Endless Time", during which you need to negotiate peace between the Stormcloaks and the Imperial Legion. Depending on the decision you make, the factions will exchange cities and, accordingly, take control of a new possession.

Thus, based on the results of the exchange, you will have to capture one or another area of ​​Skyrim. For example, if you have not yet completed the main plot of the game or have not reached the peace negotiations, then Markarth and the entire Reach are under the control of the Imperial Legion, and the Stormcloaks, in turn, control Riften and the entire Rift domain. In this case, if you are fighting on the side of the Imperial Legion, your goal will be to capture the Rift. If the exchange took place, then instead of the Rift you will have to capture the Reach.

IN take back control of White Beach


If Dawnstar was handed over to the Imperials during the quest "Time Without End", then this quest will be skipped.


General Tullius will inform you that it is foolish to use you as an ordinary soldier, and will send you under the command of Legate Rikke to the secret Imperial camp on the White Beach for a special task. The Legate will share her plan with you: she wants to plant fake orders on the Stormcloak commander in Dawnstar, but to do this, she first needs to get the real ones.

IN take back control of Rift


If during the quest "Time Without End" Riften was handed over to the Imperials, then this quest will be skipped.

War booty

The next possession that must be returned to the rule of the Empire is the Rift. The general once again sends you under the command of Legate Rikke to the imperial camp in the Rift. Upon arrival, you will be instructed to go to Riften and try to find out how much the steward of Jarl Anuriel is susceptible to blackmail. Rikka knows that the Altmer are quite closely connected with the Thieves Guild, and the legion can take advantage of this by threatening the manager with declassification of her dark affairs.

Your goal is the Riften Mistveil Fortress. Immediately behind the central hall, on the right, is Anuriel's room. You need to find a compromising letter to intimidate the Altmer with it. The letter is located in the chest of drawers, and it is not difficult to find it, since the marker on your compass points to it. The only difficulty can be caused by the guards who will follow you and inform you that you cannot be in this part of the fortress. The easiest way is to quickly run past them and pick up the letter.

After you have the letter, you should show it to Anuriel. Such evidence will quickly intimidate the manager, and she will want to talk to you alone. Follow her into the room and demand information about the rebels in exchange for silence. Having agreed to your terms, Anuriel will inform you that a strategically important caravan of rebels with gold and weapons has set off towards Windhelm. It moves very slowly, and is guarded by a small detachment of Stormcloaks. Also, if you use persuasion in a conversation with the manager, she will give you a small advance in the form of gold.

Returning to the legate, you will tell him about the information obtained. Rikke will send you to find a small group of legionnaires, led by Hadvar, who were sent to reconnaissance just in the region where the rebel caravan should pass. Your task is obvious: you must attack the rebels and rob the caravan.

The cart with gold and weapons stopped near the settlement of Kamen Shora. It is guarded by a small group of soldiers, and several more rebels are nearby on patrol. Having reached Hadvar and explained the task to him, you will have a choice: invite Hadvar to wait for darkness and quietly remove the sentries with the help of bows, or go forward yourself. In any case, killing a squad of Stormcloaks will not be so difficult, since there are not many opponents, and Hadvar is not killable in this mission.

Having captured the cart, you can profit from the contents of the chest standing on it, after which you need to return to Legate Rikka.

Battle of Fort Greenwall

Upon returning to the imperial camp, the legate will entrust you with the next task - together with a detachment of legionnaires, to capture Fort Greenwall, which, due to the capture of the caravan, was left without support and weapons.

Fort Greenwall is located south of the settlement of Stone Shora. Once you reach the waiting legionnaires, you will move to attack the unsuspecting Stormcloak soldiers. The already familiar principle of capturing a fort awaits you: you must clear it of enemies until the counter showing their number shows “0%”.

IN take back control of Winterhold

Fort Kastav - saving comrades

Legate Rikke is waiting for you at the imperial camp southeast of Dawnstar. She will inform you that a detachment of your Legion comrades is being captured by the rebels in Fort Kastav. Your goal is to take the enemy by surprise and free the prisoners of war, and then capture the enemy fort.

You will meet with a small group of legionnaires, led by Hadvar, near the fort. Your old acquaintance will suggest that you sneak into the fort unnoticed, since he knows where the secret entrance to the fort's prison premises is located. The hatch leading to your comrades is located directly under the wall, opposite which Hadvar shared his plans with you. Finding it will not be difficult, as it will be marked with a marker on your compass. However, you need to move carefully, because if you are noticed, the secret penetration of the prisoners will fail, and you will have to take the fort by storm with little support from Hadvar's detachment.

Going down through the hatch into the prison, you will find yourself in a small room, through which you will exit into a large hall. To your left is a staircase leading to the second floor, where the guards are stationed. If you go forward, you will come out to five prison cells in which your legion brothers are sitting. Your goal is to free the legionnaires by opening the door. You can kill the guards and take the keys to the cells from the corpse of one of them, or you can pick the locks yourself, since their complexity does not exceed the level of “novice” and “adept”.


The liberated legionnaires will quickly change into the armor that was taken from them, but not all of them will find or pick up weapons from the corpses of the guards. In this regard, in the future they can attack armed opponents with their fists, which will lead to their quick death. However, to successfully complete the task, keeping them alive is not at all necessary.

Now your task is to capture the enemy fort. The exit from the prison to the courtyard is on the second floor, where the guards stood. The liberated legion soldiers will follow you, and when the battle begins, Hadvar's squad will come to the rescue. Unlike previous captures of forts, in Kastav the Stormcloak soldiers are not reborn and their number is limited. Each enemy is marked with a marker, so clearing the fort from rebels will be quite simple.

  • Next quest: Serrated crown
  • Reward: Get acquainted with the Imperial Legion and receive Imperial armor
  • ID: CW01A
  • Guaranteed level: 6
  • The gloomy castle where the Imperial Legion is based

    Brief walkthrough

    1. Will go to Solitude.
    2. Talk to General Tullius.
    3. Talk to Legate Rikke.
    4. Clear Fort Hragstad of bandits.
    5. Return to Legate Rikka.
    6. Take the oath of the Imperial Legion.

    Detailed walkthrough

    Solitude, Dark Castle

    "I'm telling you, Ulfric is going to attack Whiterun."

    When leaving Helghan's cave, Hadvar, if the player went with him, will offer to join the ranks of the Imperial Legion and in the future, every time they meet an Imperial patrol, the legionnaires will invite the player. A task will appear in the diary: Join the Imperial Legion.


    One achievement is awarded upon completion of this quest:


    • Completing this quest results in mandatory failure of the Join the Stormcloaks quest.
    • You can still join the Imperial Legion after completing the Dark Brotherhood quests. When you take the oath, you omit the phrase about “Titus Meade the Second,” but say “Long live the Emperor!”


    • You may encounter a "No active quests" bug/message, or when you get close to a fort, the nav marker simply disappears. Go ahead and clear out everything around and the bandits in the prison first. Then the navigation marker will appear again and point to the bandit leader. Now you can completely clear the fort and complete the quest.

    Quest stages

    Any text within angle brackets (for example, ) is a parameter set by the Radiant Quest engine that will be assigned a value when a quest is received.
  • Not all of the specified entries may appear in the game log: which entries appear and which do not depend on how the task is completed.
  • The stages are not always listed in the order in which the task is completed. This typically occurs with tasks that have multiple possible outcomes or where certain tasks can be completed in a random order.
  • If an entry is marked as " Completing the task", this means that the task is removed from the list of active ones, but new records of the stages of execution of this task can continue to be added to the log.
  • When playing on a personal computer, you can use the console to progress through a quest by entering the command setstage (((ID))) stage, where quest is the in-game identifier of the quest, and stage is the number of the stage to which you want to go. However, it is not possible to move on to uncompleted (i.e., skipped) quest stages. However, with the help console command resetquest (((ID))) can reset the quest stage.
  • Join the Imperial Legion (CW01A)