Herbarium made from natural material. How to make a herbarium with your own hands? Herbarium on biology

Do you know how to dry blades of grass? "Certainly! What’s so difficult about this?” Mom will say when she sees the entry “Bring dried leaves and flowers” ​​in the diary. We went outside, picked up anything, ironed it - done! Hold it, daughter, take it to labor class. Stop! Not everything is so simple, let's figure it out without haste.

What is a herbarium?

Since childhood, the familiar word “herbarium” literally translated from Latin sounds like “grass” and means dried plants. Wikipedia also considers the broader meaning of this word - it is a building in which collections of dried plants are stored, or even an institution that organizes and processes dried collections. The largest herbariums in the world are located on the basis of museums and botanical gardens.

We, of course, do not always collect plants as required by a classically compiled herbarium (all parts of the plant, along with the root and withered leaves), and only avid botanists make albums with the names, place and date of collection signed on the sheets.

Most mothers and fathers in childhood probably dried plants in books, calling it “...we collected a herbarium,” meaning drying individual parts of plants in a flat form. In fact, the herbarium method of drying plants (under pressure) is far from the only one, and depending on what we want to use herbs and flowers for in the future, we can use other methods.

Herbarium method (pressing)

Herbarium method Allows plants to dry flat. Dino has prepared a special detailed master class on how to do it right. See.

It's simple. We take a thick book and put the plants in it, skipping a few pages. We put the book under the press and after a couple of days we transfer the material to dry pages so that mold does not form.

IMPORTANT! Take a book that you don't mind spoiling, because... the pages will become stained with plant sap and subsequently become wrinkled from moisture. If you go for a walk, take the transport book with you, so the plants will not wither or become wrinkled. At home, you can place them in another book or under a special press for final drying.

In order for the plants to completely dry, it may take from 2 to 4 weeks, it all depends on the thickness of the stems and buds, and on the presence of moisture. In the future, it is convenient to store them in a dry place in books, sorted by type. If you put them in boxes, then over time they may shrink, reacting to the humidity in the apartment.

There are also faster ways to dry plants for a herbarium - using an iron or microwave. They should be used in rare cases when you need to save time. The main thing is not to overdry the material, otherwise it will become brittle and brittle and lose color. When drying with an iron, be sure to iron through the paper.

Rules for collecting plants for herbarium

1. You cannot collect plants for a herbarium in the early morning when the dew has not dried or immediately after rain.
2. Do not uproot the plant, take only a few leaves and flowers so as not to damage the entire plant.
3. Do not pick rare plants listed in the Red Book.
4. Don't tear more than necessary.
5. Collect leaves and flowers of different sizes so that later, when making flower arrangements, you have a choice (small, large, open flower, bud).

  • Remember: the “younger” the flowers or inflorescences (1-2 days), the more stable their color. Taken at the end of flowering, they, as a rule, disintegrate when dried, lose their petals, and the color becomes dull.
  • If plants are collected away from home, they are immediately placed in a book or newspaper. If you did not have time to process and lay the flowers for drying, then put them in water and start drying them the next day.

  • If some flowers had to be picked after the rain, they are placed in water and allowed to dry, and then dried.
  • You can collect wilted flowers: dried, they give a graphic and picturesque composition.
  • Petals, leaves, stems are dried separately. You cannot put tender and rough parts of plants together, since they require different loads: for tender ones - 8–16 kg, for rough ones – 20–40 kg or more.
  • For lush flowers such as aster, dahlia, peony, rose, the stems and leaves are dried separately. All green parts are removed from the flower heads, except those directly holding the petals. Using medical tweezers, lift the petals row by row and place thin layers of cotton wool between them. The processed flower (or 3-4) is placed in a bookmark under the press. Some of the petals are placed and dried separately under a load of 5–10 kg.
  • Peonies are cut (torn) into 4–8 parts, lined with cotton wool and dried. In the future, whole flowers can be easily and quickly assembled from such parts.
  • When drying autumn dahlias, you need to take the most blooming specimens. The middle of the flower is removed and filled with cotton wool, the petals are raised in rows, laid with a thin layer of cotton wool and the entire flower from the front and back is covered with cotton wool.
  • Tulips can be dried individual petals (removing the middle), and then mount the flower. If you dry a whole tulip flower, then you need to let it wither.
  • Chamomiles, gerberas, annual dahlias, marigolds and other similar flowers are placed on newspaper with the stem up, the petals around the stem are completely covered with a cotton wool roller, dried in bookmarks with several pads under a load of at least 15 kg. Delicate white and pink petals are especially difficult to dry. They are placed in a white bookmark or paper napkins without a pattern and often change newspapers, which act as pads.
  • Small flowers, necessary for creating miniatures and landscapes, are dried entirely. Forget-me-nots, buttercups, hemlocks, yarrow, blooming rowan, jasmine and bird cherry flowers are placed in a newspaper bookmark along with a twig, covered with newspaper pads, cardboard (plywood) and dried under a press of at least 15–20 kg.
  • Roses are also dried individually or as a whole - well-withered.
  • Don't throw away wilted bouquets! Some of them can be taken for future panels.
  • In summer and autumn, try to stock up on a variety of seeds, fruits, poplar fluff, cotton grass fluff, fireweed, coltsfoot, dandelion, and thistle. This is an amazing "white paint".
  • Be sure to dry bright autumn leaves. Before putting them to dry, clean them from dust and dirt with wet cotton wool or a soft cloth. The leaves of silver poplar, autumn raspberry, coltsfoot, Norway maple, and elecampane have a white, gray, gray-bluish color on the underside. Common maple leaves come in different colors and shades, which makes it possible to create beautiful backgrounds for compositions.
  • In order for succulent stems (tulip, narcissus, dicentra) to retain their color, before storing them in the herbarium, they must be cut lengthwise with a razor blade or a sharp knife and the core scraped out. Thick or woody stems (onion, carnation, gerbera, rose) are simply divided in half.
  • It is good to dry dense, leathery, juicy, and bright autumn leaves by ironing them with a hot iron through paper. Flowers are not dried with an iron. The exception is cornflower, which can be dried with an iron.

What is a herbarium for?

Children love collecting herbariums. Teach them to do it right. At the same time, you can repeat the names of plants, compare the shape of leaves and flowers in different specimens, find similarities and differences, talk about how the plant has adapted to the place where it grows, what helps it survive and obtain the required amount of moisture, how it reproduces, when the seeds ripen, etc. The information that a child can receive while collecting plants for a herbarium will be remembered much faster than that read in a textbook.

Before the Indian summer and frosts set in yet, you can make your own herbarium as a souvenir of summer! More precisely, pick flowers from flower beds and lawns, dry them, and when the mood strikes, make a beautiful picture. If you didn’t have time, it doesn’t matter, the trees before the snow are full of beautiful leaves of all colors and sizes! Now you will learn 3 ways to make beautiful paintings from flowers, both dry and freshly picked! And how to make a herbarium for school or kindergarten.

How to make a herbarium with your own hands

Traditional option.

1. Dry everything that we picked.
Important: you need to pick dry flowers, not after rain, wet ones can rot.

In my personal experience, it is best to dry in cardboard! I had thick cardboard packages. I didn’t like it in the newspaper, the thin flowers were simply imprinted into the newspaper and it was impossible to tear them off) It was better in a thick paper napkin. But I still liked it better in cardboard - even thick plants dried perfectly in it.

Place each flower so that it does not interfere with its neighbor, lay it with cardboard from below and above and press it with a heavy press. Encyclopedias and shelves with a bag of plaster on top worked for me. It dries for at least a week.

2. Making a background - the children themselves will be happy to paint a thick sheet of paper with watercolors or gouache.

Also, even the little ones can paint the frame with a brush or sponge. It is better to paint it with acrylic. If you paint it with gouache like I did, it’s better to varnish it later.

3. On a separate sheet of paper, I advise you to lay out in advance what your future painting will look like.

4. To glue, a regular glue stick is enough. You need to smear the background, not necessarily everywhere - so that only the flowers and leaves do not crawl.

6. After gluing, cover and press with glass or plastic, which was in a frame (like mine in a small IKEA one) and you can rejoice - admire! Naturally, glass or plastic must be wiped in advance.

DIY herbarium with children is ready!

You can stamp the not yet dried leaves onto watercolor paper using a hammer!

How to make a beautiful picture of flowers
Choose flowers of bright colors!

Place it face down on watercolor paper, cover it with a napkin or paper towel and hit the flower with a hammer until the outline appears.

We remove the broken flower and a watercolor print remains.

And one more idea of ​​what to make from a herbarium
You can make a herbarium in a “vase” of fresh flowers and then dry it under pressure.

Happy creativity!

Our set of exclusive furniture to order)

Still interesting:
  • Autumn is a very beautiful time of year, golden foliage, deep blue sky, dried flowers and leaves. I want to save some landscapes and place them in my home so that they give warmth and please the eye on long winter evenings. Autumn is the best time to collect and make a herbarium of flowers, spikelets and leaves.

    To make a herbarium with your own hands that will last a long time, you need to know several nuances and rules for its collection and design. Firstly, it is better to collect materials and plants for a future herbarium in dry weather, because wet flowers and leaves are more difficult to store. Secondly, in addition to standard plants that are usually used for flower arrangements, you can also select whole buds and individual petals, spikelets, seeds, etc. Thirdly, it is better to collect already fallen leaves and dried flowers, rather than plucking all the plants in a row, destroying nature. And it’s easier to dry dry materials at home.

    How to make a beautiful herbarium

    If you can find several leaves or flowers that are similar to each other, this can result in a very original symmetrical composition. You can collect everything you catch your eye in the forest, with a little imagination, and every piece and element will take its rightful place in the future herbarium. The best helpers in collecting materials for a herbarium are children - they don’t think about where and what can be used, but take everything in sight. Then you have to invent and find ways to attach all the collected plants, but the result is amazing.

    Leaves and flowers are stored best and longest in dried form. To dry plants correctly, you can use one of the proven methods:

    1. Use paper and a press. A stack of books or several planks can serve as a pressing material; they will fix the drying of the leaves and level the materials. Each leaf or flower is covered with a piece of paper, newspaper or napkin, and a heavy press is placed on top. If you have an old, heavy book, you can dry the leaves between its pages, but you need to understand that the pages of the book will most likely be damaged. It takes 10-14 days for the herbarium materials to dry. If you need to get them dry earlier, you can constantly change the leaves to dry ones, they will quickly take moisture from the plants.
    2. You can use paper and an iron to dry the leaves. The heating temperature should be minimal; the plant is placed between two sheets of paper and ironed several times. This method is suitable if there is no need to preserve the beautiful natural color of plants.
    3. Lately, some creative people have been using the microwave to dry plants. But this method has a significant drawback - the leaves are no longer even after microwave.
    4. Glycerin is another effective method for drying plants; it will keep them in beautiful shape, but will turn brown. To dry the leaves in this way, you need to dilute glycerin in hot water one to three, pour the composition into a container where the plants will be lowered. They should remain in such a vessel for several days. When they darken, you can take them out and dry them.
    5. In addition to the means of drying materials for the herbarium, you need to remember a few more little tricks that will help in creating an original composition. For example, if the plant is dried correctly, it will be level and the top will not tilt down. The leaves can be slightly strengthened to make them denser using a solution of water and PVA glue, which are mixed in a ratio of 1:5.

      You can add any dried flowers to the herbarium, but delphinium and dahlias retain color best and look best in the composition. Flower petals, dried separately from the bud, will last a long time and will decorate the picture.

      Herbarium in the interior

      A herbarium is a flat bouquet that can be stored in several ways: as a decorative panel, in an album, in the form of bookmarks, in a photo album, as a three-dimensional painting and many others.

      Decorative panel of dried plants

      For this option, you need a base, the material of which can be fabric, canvas, or cardboard. The herbarium materials are laid out with the picture that you want to create and preserve, then each element of the composition is glued and left to dry for a day under heavy pressure. The herbarium can be laid out from painted plants and elements, or it can remain in its natural color. After all work is completed, the panel must be inserted into the frame.

      The herbarium on album sheets is a mini-guide on botany. A separate plant is glued to each individual leaf. Instead of glue, you can use tape or thread with a needle. The latter option is guaranteed not to affect the evenness of the flower or leaf, and so that the stitches are not so noticeable, you can then carefully tint them with a similar color. To preserve the herbarium for a long time, you can put thin tracing paper between the pages, or even better, place each leaf with a plant in a transparent file. All files can be collected in one folder - it’s beautiful and reliable.


      In order to make bookmarks, you need 2 strips of cardboard, which are glued together, and the ribbon of the future bookmark remains between them. A small composition is laid out on the surface of one of the sides; flowers or spikelets are better suited for such a small area.

      The mini-herbarium is covered with tracing paper on top (parchment paper is also suitable) and greased with a mixture of PVA glue and water in a ratio of 4:1. The composition will be visible through the translucent paper, and the edges can be secured by sewing on a machine with thread of any color.

      A painting using plants is a whole art that looks very unusual and beautiful. Part of the picture needs to be drawn with paints or pencils, and some elements should be laid out with petals, grains, and twigs. A little imagination - and the masterpiece will delight you with its originality.

      Look how many different options there are for designing a herbarium. You might find something you like.

      How to design a herbarium

      Photo album - this will be a mini book with a herbarium. Very similar to the way of storing a herbarium in an album, only the pictures and compositions will be small.

      There is another type of herbarium - a clamshell. Sheets of paper are fastened together in a row, and the desired compositions or simply individual plants are laid out on them. When folded, it will be an ordinary notebook or book, and when unfolded, it will be a long strip with mini-pictures of plants.

      Such a miniature composition looks very beautiful on the cover of a handmade postcard or on your favorite diary. It is best to secure the herbarium to the surface using self-adhesive film, which can be purchased at almost any stationery store.

      If the herbarium is made in an album or photo album, the plants can be labeled: names, a short description, medicinal properties (if the plant has them), where and when it was found. Signatures are best done on small labels, which are then pasted in the lower right corner of the page.

      To interest a child in herbarium, you can offer him to buy a special bright album for this activity and an encyclopedia, where he can find all the names of leaves and flowers. You can search for information about plants on the Internet; here you will need the help of your parents. If a child knows that mom or dad will help in compiling a herbarium, the child’s desire will only increase.

      Children are often asked to prepare materials for a herbarium during the summer holidays. A walk through the forest looking for leaves and flowers, and then working on a sketchbook on a quiet evening is a great time for the whole family. When collecting and forming a herbarium, the most important thing is not the end result, but a leisurely process that will bring pleasure and joy to all family members. And the original composition of flowers and leaves will delight you for a long time and remind you of warm sunny days.

      Video about herbariums

      In these videos you will not only learn how to beautifully make a herbarium, but also learn about unusual types of herbariums.

      Adults and Children


      Herbarium sheet How to beautifully arrange a herbarium in an album? We offer you the easiest way using herbarium templates.

      We will need:

    • A4 folder with files
    • A4 cardboard
    • universal glue, or regular PVA
    • Printer
    • set of templates from our website
    • dry plants
    • colored pens and markers

    Print out a suitable herbarium title page, a blank sheet with a frame (for sticking the plant on) and a lined sheet (for brief information about the plant). First, lay out the composition of plants on a sheet, and then carefully stick everything onto the sheet. The sheets should be placed in the folder so that on the spread on one side there is a sheet with a pasted herbarium, and on the other side there is information about the plant. In each file, insert a sheet of cardboard between the sheets of herbariums to make the pages tougher and our herbarium more durable.

    Another option for designing a herbarium album. Insert a blank sheet of paper with a frame into a Microsoft Word document as a background and write information about the plant on top and add a photo.

    Also, using these templates, you can create not only a beautiful album in a regular A4 folder, but also make a stand from herbariums in a school or kindergarten.

    To download the template for the herbarium in good quality, you need to left-click on the picture. The picture will open. Then click on the right mouse button and select the option: save image as.


    How to design a herbarium title page

    How to make a herbarium for school? This question arises among parents of schoolchildren who want to help their children with the preparation of a herbarium.

    In the summer, children collect various herbs and place them neatly between the pages of thick books. The result is beautiful specimens of plants, but not everyone is able to arrange them correctly and beautifully, and not everyone is able to complete the job; difficulties arise.

    The very first question: How to design the title page of a herbarium?

    The title page can be formatted as follows:

    Everything you need to design a herbarium can be bought at a stationery store.

    1. Folder - file
    2. Binder folder
    3. Adhesive tape or transparent plaster 1 cm wide
    4. White sheets of paper

    It all looks something like this:

    We file individual sheets in a binder folder.

    Folder file - in it the plants are clearly visible and protected from external influences, which is essential for schoolchildren in grades 6-7 and for elementary schools.

    This is what the tape or patch for our craft looks like.

    The next stage of designing a herbarium for a biology lesson at school is inscribing the names of plants. We print on a printer or write beautifully by hand. Each sheet must be signed. It’s good if you know what the plants are called, so it’s better to dry the herbs that you know, because finding the name by appearance is quite problematic, although you can actually use the image search. Drying fruits is strictly not recommended, since teachers are critical of such herbaria.

    We glue our plants with narrow tape or adhesive tape - it is invisible and flowers or herbs stick well to a sheet of paper. We put the sheets into a file, fasten them in a binder, and our herbarium for school is ready.

    I hope your herbarium will be rated 5, and the children will learn a lot of new plants.


    How to make a herbarium for school

    Collection of samples. To make a herbarium, you will need to collect the necessary samples. This can be done in a forest, park, or vegetable garden - it all depends on the topic of the work. It is important that plants have something in common. For example, a herbarium will be dedicated to garden flowers, forest trees or fruit plants. It is necessary to decide on the topic in advance, and then go in search of samples. They must be fresh, not wilted; dry leaves are also not suitable for this purpose, because during gluing they will simply crumble in your hands.

    Drying. To make a herbarium, the collected specimens must be dried. A large, thick book is suitable for this purpose. You should open it to any page and place the plant, having first straightened its leaves. After 20-30 pages, you should put another sample and so on until the space runs out. In order not to spoil the volume, it is recommended to first put the plant in cloth or paper, and then in the publication. Also, this measure will help quickly get rid of the moisture that is present in the samples; you just need to change the fabric every 3 days.

    Express drying. To make a herbarium in this way will take at least 2 weeks. If you only have a few days left in stock, you can express-dry the samples. To do this, place the plant between two sheets of A4 paper. After this, an iron is taken in hand and the samples are ironed on both sides. You will have to iron each plant for 10 minutes, then it will dry evenly. All that remains is to put the samples in the book for a few days, after which further steps can be taken.

    Creating an album. To make a herbarium, you should remove samples from the book and glue them onto A4 sheets. It is advisable to use fish glue for this, but it is quite difficult to get it, so you can try regular PVA or tape. When the samples are completely dry, you will need to collect them into a single album. To do this, you can use a stapler or hole punch. If the second option is chosen, then the sheets will need to be tied with a beautiful ribbon. You can immediately paste the plants into the album and save time on assembling the herbarium.

    Signing samples. It’s not enough to make a herbarium; you should also sign the specimens. It is recommended to write the name of the plants at the top or bottom of the page. It is advisable to find in the encyclopedia not only the Russian name of the samples, but also the Latin one, then the work will become more valuable, the teacher will immediately understand that the student approached the matter responsibly. After that, all that remains is to draw up the title page, writing the last name, first name, class and topic of the herbarium. If possible, it is advisable to describe the purpose of your work and the names of the images on a separate sheet and paste it at the very beginning.

    How we sewed a herbarium) Like a master class.

    Well, the month of November has arrived, the snow has almost fallen, and the school ordered us to bring snowdrops from the forest to build a herbarium.
    Moreover, a branch of spruce or pine, etc. linden with leaves.

    For the life of me, I can only recognize a linden tree when it blooms((
    And wandering through the forest and looking for a linden tree among the black bare trees - no, this activity is clearly not for me.
    Thank God that instead of a linden tree it was possible to bring a poplar tree, which is what we did - we have a poplar tree with leaves under our windows. Yes, yes, in November) With such full green leaves)

    Well, when we were rummaging around Sokolniki in search of spruce branches with cones (!), just in case, we collected something else that we came across along the way, and from which the leaves had not yet fallen.

    Somehow we dried the leaves under newspapers and sewed them onto cardboard (270 g/m2), as ordered, but we are not looking for easy ways! Then it dawned on me that by the time the little one drags these pieces of paper to school, all that will be left of the herbarium will be horns and legs.
    I had to fork out for binding cardboard and sat there gluing the sheets to the cardboard.

    I didn’t intentionally decorate it with pretty things; in general, this is not my thesis work, but if the child needs something, let him decorate it himself. There are materials in the house.
    The child limited himself to modest minimalism - he signed the names of the plants and the title page.

    So that the sheets in the herbarium could be stacked on top of each other without damaging the cones, a simple design was invented - an ordinary cotton rope was inserted into the holes, and a knot was tied between the two sheets - this created a fairly spacious place in the spine.

    Well, to finish, I simply tied the ends of the rope loosely so that the pages could be easily opened.


    Autumn is a very beautiful time of year, golden foliage, deep blue sky, dried flowers and leaves. I want to save some landscapes and place them in my home so that they give warmth and please the eye on long winter evenings. Autumn is the best time to collect and make a herbarium of flowers, spikelets and leaves.

    To make a herbarium with your own hands that will last a long time, you need to know several nuances and rules for its collection and design. Firstly, it is better to collect materials and plants for a future herbarium in dry weather, because wet flowers and leaves are more difficult to store. Secondly, in addition to standard plants that are usually used for flower arrangements, you can also select whole buds and individual petals, spikelets, seeds, etc. Thirdly, it is better to collect already fallen leaves and dried flowers, rather than plucking all the plants in a row, destroying nature. And it’s easier to dry dry materials at home.

    How to make a beautiful herbarium

    If you can find several leaves or flowers that are similar to each other, this can result in a very original symmetrical composition. You can collect everything you catch your eye in the forest, with a little imagination, and every piece and element will take its rightful place in the future herbarium. The best helpers in collecting materials for a herbarium are children - they don’t think about where and what can be used, but take everything in sight. Then you have to invent and find ways to attach all the collected plants, but the result is amazing.

    Leaves and flowers are stored best and longest in dried form. To dry plants correctly, you can use one of the proven methods:

    In addition to the means of drying materials for the herbarium, you need to remember a few more little tricks that will help in creating an original composition. For example, if the plant is dried correctly, it will be level and the top will not tilt down. The leaves can be slightly strengthened to make them denser using a solution of water and PVA glue, which are mixed in a ratio of 1:5.

    You can add any dried flowers to the herbarium, but delphinium and dahlias retain color best and look best in the composition. Flower petals, dried separately from the bud, will last a long time and will decorate the picture.

    Herbarium in the interior

    A herbarium is a flat bouquet that can be stored in several ways: as a decorative panel, in an album, in the form of bookmarks, in a photo album, as a three-dimensional painting and many others.

    Decorative panel of dried plants

    For this option, you need a base, the material of which can be fabric, canvas, or cardboard. The herbarium materials are laid out with the picture that you want to create and preserve, then each element of the composition is glued and left to dry for a day under heavy pressure. The herbarium can be laid out from painted plants and elements, or it can remain in its natural color. After all work is completed, the panel must be inserted into the frame.

    In album

    The herbarium on album sheets is a mini-guide on botany. A separate plant is glued to each individual leaf. Instead of glue, you can use tape or thread with a needle. The latter option is guaranteed not to affect the evenness of the flower or leaf, and so that the stitches are not so noticeable, you can then carefully tint them with a similar color. To preserve the herbarium for a long time, you can put thin tracing paper between the pages, or even better, place each leaf with a plant in a transparent file. All files can be collected in one folder - it’s beautiful and reliable.


    In order to make bookmarks, you need 2 strips of cardboard, which are glued together, and the ribbon of the future bookmark remains between them. A small composition is laid out on the surface of one of the sides; flowers or spikelets are better suited for such a small area.

    The mini-herbarium is covered with tracing paper on top (parchment paper is also suitable) and greased with a mixture of PVA glue and water in a ratio of 4:1. The composition will be visible through the translucent paper, and the edges can be secured by sewing on a machine with thread of any color.

    Herbarium painting

    A painting using plants is a whole art that looks very unusual and beautiful. Part of the picture needs to be drawn with paints or pencils, and some elements should be laid out with petals, grains, and twigs. A little imagination - and the masterpiece will delight you with its originality.


    Look how many different options there are for designing a herbarium. You might find something you like.

    How to design a herbarium

    Photo album - this will be a mini book with a herbarium. Very similar to the way of storing a herbarium in an album, only the pictures and compositions will be small.

    There is another type of herbarium - a clamshell. Sheets of paper are fastened together in a row, and the desired compositions or simply individual plants are laid out on them. When folded, it will be an ordinary notebook or book, and when unfolded, it will be a long strip with mini-pictures of plants.

    Such a miniature composition looks very beautiful on the cover of a handmade postcard or on your favorite diary. It is best to secure the herbarium to the surface using self-adhesive film, which can be purchased at almost any stationery store.

    If the herbarium is made in an album or photo album, the plants can be labeled: names, a short description, medicinal properties (if the plant has them), where and when it was found. Signatures are best done on small labels, which are then pasted in the lower right corner of the page.

    To interest a child in herbarium, you can offer him to buy a special bright album for this activity and an encyclopedia, where he can find all the names of leaves and flowers. You can search for information about plants on the Internet; here you will need the help of your parents. If a child knows that mom or dad will help in compiling a herbarium, the child’s desire will only increase.

    Children are often asked to prepare materials for a herbarium during the summer holidays. A walk through the forest looking for leaves and flowers, and then working on a sketchbook on a quiet evening is a great time for the whole family. When collecting and forming a herbarium, the most important thing is not the end result, but a leisurely process that will bring pleasure and joy to all family members. And the original composition of flowers and leaves will delight you for a long time and remind you of warm sunny days.

    Video about herbariums

    In these videos you will not only learn how to beautifully make a herbarium, but also learn about unusual types of herbariums.

    Post Views: 1,080

    Literally, “herbarium” is translated from Latin as “grass.” Dried plants are used as visual aids in botany lessons and for making crafts and panels. There are also scientific herbarium collections. They are kept in museums and botanical gardens. In dry rooms, the contents of albums retain their color and shape for centuries without loss.

    Rules for collecting plants for herbarium

    Before going for herbs, decide what kind of herbarium you will make: for school, thematic, decorative. This will determine what herbs, flowers and leaves will be needed.

    To collect plants you will need a spatula, a knife, a herbarium folder, paper sheets for laying out and recording data, and a pen.

    How to choose suitable specimens

    Collect herbs on warm, dry days. You should not do this in the morning and evening - dew will interfere with quality drying. They cut or dig up two or three specimens of the same species, so that later they can choose the best option. Healthy specimens not damaged by insects are suitable. It’s good if they have both flowers and fruits. You cannot collect plants from the Red Book.

    For decorative purposes, young plants should be taken; they will not lose color during processing. But sometimes faded flowers are also used to make the composition picturesque.

    It is easier to create a herbarium from leaves than from flowers. It is enough to clean them with a damp flannel rag from dirt and straighten them. The leaves of plants with a silvery underside look great: coltsfoot, elecampane, poplar, as well as branches of ferns. Before drying, autumn leaves for herbarium are soaked in denatured alcohol or silicate gel to preserve brightness. Ideal flowers include violets, lavender, pansies, calendula, cornflowers, delphinium and yarrow.

    Plants are either dug up by the roots or cut at an angle. The voluminous inflorescences are separated, and the thick rhizomes are cut lengthwise. When placed between paper sheets, the petals are straightened and the long stems are bent. Some of the leaves are turned inside out. Each specimen is marked, noting where and when it was picked. This rough label is used for the final description of the herbarium.

    If you do not have time to process the raw materials, place the plants in water until the next day or wrap them in plastic and place them in the bottom compartment of the refrigerator.

    Preparing flowers for drying

    It is more difficult to make a herbarium from flowers than from herbs and leaves. But if you know the nuances, the flower album will remind you of the sweet days of summer for a long time:

    • To preserve the shade, blue flowers are placed in denatured alcohol for 30 seconds before drying.
    • For luxurious dahlias, roses, asters, peonies and chrysanthemums, some of the petals are dried separately, otherwise they will fall off. They are placed under a load weighing 7 kg. And the rest are laid with cotton pads so as not to stick together.
    • Tulips are dried either individual petals or whole. But they need to be laid under pressure slightly wilted. The same goes for rose buds.
    • The juicy stems of crocuses, daffodils and tulips are cut lengthwise and the core is removed.
    • The inflorescences of chamomile, marigolds, and gerberas are covered with cotton wool on all sides and placed in a “shirt” made of several layers of soft paper, and then under a 15 kg press.
    • Small flowers (jasmine, marigolds, forget-me-nots, yarrow) are dried together with a twig, first lined with paper, then with cardboard. The required load is at least 15 kg.

    Enthusiasts manage to dry the heads of ripe dandelions and other fluffy flowers for decorative purposes. To do this, thread a wire through the stems and lower the flower head into boiling water for ten seconds.

    Methods of pressing raw materials

    Drying technology has been supplemented with modern methods, but classic ones are still used. How to make a herbarium is chosen by the future owner of the collection:

    Drying method


    How to dry a herbarium

    Time required


    A flower press consisting of two flat boards. They are fastened at the corners with screws. Paper sheets.

    The plants are placed between paper sheets, a folder is inserted between the boards of the press and tightened tightly with screws. For succulent herbs, you need to change the paper after a couple of days.

    2-4 weeks

    Quick iron dry

    Sheets of paper and iron with steam function turned off

    Leaves in a paper “shirt” are pressed down with a book. After a couple of hours, the structure is pressed with an iron (heating is minimal). Hold for 15 seconds, remove the device until the paper cools. The procedure is repeated until the moisture has completely evaporated.

    Drying in a book

    Thick book.

    The straightened flower is laid out between the pages of an unnecessary book and pressed down on top with thick volumes.

    3-5 weeks

    Using a microwave oven

    Two flat ceramic tiles or plates, paper and cardboard sheets.

    The selected copy in a paper folder is placed between cardboard sheets and then between tiles. Fastened with threads. Dry in the oven at low power for minutes, allow to cool, then repeat the process. Carry out several similar cycles until dry.

    2 days (their plants, after treatment in the oven, are held under pressure).

    You can only dry leaves and herbs with an iron, and even then they may slightly change color. This method is not used for flowers other than cornflowers.

    How to install a herbarium?

    Dried flowers are mounted on separate paper sheets or in an album for a herbarium. In the latter case, a careful approach is required: when turned over, the fragile petals may fall off. Between the pages of the album there should be inserts made of tracing paper to prevent abrasion on a hard surface.

    How you can attach dried flowers to paper:

    1. With threads. The method is labor-intensive, but worth the time. The threads of the desired shade are almost invisible and provide slight movement to the plant, helping to avoid deformation.
    2. Transparent tape or adhesive tape. Low-cost and fast method, but short-lived. The tape dries out quickly and the plant moves away from the paper sheet. Regular strips of paper coated with glue will last longer.
    3. Glue. Plant parts are glued to cardboard using PVA, paste, or decoupage glue. The disadvantage of the technique is that the adhesives make the sample hard, brittle and brittle. This method is suitable for creating decorative panels for varnishing. Only fish glue provides elastic adhesion, but it is expensive.

    In a proper herbarium, specimens are placed with the rhizomes down, thin branches and leaf tips are not fixed. Protective envelopes made of tracing paper are sometimes put on the inflorescences. And the fruits are glued nearby in a transparent bag.

    Creation of a herbarium album and decorative items

    The design of the herbarium requires the presence of a label in the lower right corner of the sheet. Its size is usually 10 by 8 cm. It indicates the type and type of sample, time and place of collection. Similar labels are even made on decorative panels.

    Using dried flowers for decoration

    A do-it-yourself herbarium does not have to be done in the classical style. Dried leaves and flowers give room for imagination. From them you can make panels, elements of decoupage, scrapbooking, and applique.

    Features of a herbarium for school

    A collection of dried flowers for school activities requires a special approach. Botany teachers often give students similar tasks. How to design a schoolchild's herbarium? Attach plants to sheets using any of the above methods. Don't forget about the label.

    In a school herbarium, a title page is required. It should indicate the name of the meeting and information about the student who compiled it.

    Sheets with samples are placed in transparent files and combined into a folder. Experience in collecting and drying plants is useful for a child: clarity allows you to better remember information.

    Children's crafts from dry leaves

    Dried flowers are often used for children's creativity. For example, bright autumn leaves become a three-dimensional part of the picture, and the stems are used to create an image on a postcard or bookmark. You can decorate a box, pencil case, or notebook cover with flat petals. The plants are glued onto PVA and the surface is covered with acrylic varnish or decoupage glue.

    Herbarium in the interior

    A beautiful herbarium will be a good gift for a loved one who is passionate about botany or simply appreciates an elegant retro style in interior design.