Hexicon in the first trimester. Hexicon during pregnancy - treatment and prevention of inflammatory diseases

Every woman, being pregnant, tries to protect the fetus from unnecessary medicinal effects. Therefore, many people try not to take medications during pregnancy. But, according to statistics, in 60 cases out of 100 there is a need for such treatment. After all, most often all the processes occurring in a woman’s body are aimed at holding the unborn baby, at a time when the mother’s body is defenseless. Today, many are faced with diseases associated with the reproductive system. Their reasons are always different:

  • inflammatory process;
  • infection;
  • bacteria that grow in the vagina on different stages pregnancy.

Whatever the reason, all these diagnoses need to be treated, so very often doctors prescribe one of the safest drugs - Hexicon suppositories, because only they can help during pregnancy.

More information about the drug Hexicon

These suppositories have specific properties that allow them to be taken before, after and during pregnancy. The special composition of the drug affects only the vaginal microflora, it is the best option when fighting bacteria. Increasingly, the drug began to be prescribed in the prenatal period, since this time is considered the most dangerous for an accomplished mother, because the immune system is too weak to cope on its own.

A positive feature of the drug is that it is practically not absorbed into the blood, which means it cannot in any way affect the fetus itself.

All protozoa bacteria and microorganisms fall under the spectrum of action of Hexicon: chlamydia, mycoplasma, trichomonas, gardnerella. Many sexually transmitted diseases are also treated with this drug. It is important to note that hexicon during pregnancy can be used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of various diseases. Given the maximum safety of all components, it categorically cannot be used independently, since the attending physician prescribes the period of use and norms, it is important to remember this.

One of the important additional advantages of the drug is its ability to protect a pregnant woman’s body from many sexually transmitted diseases within 2 hours after unprotected intercourse. Local exposure to the main substances of the drug helps to destroy bacteria in a timely manner, which does not lead to consequences.

Does Hexicon have any contraindications?

Despite all the positive qualities of suppositories, they, like many other anti-inflammatory drugs, have isolated cases of incompatibility. In cases where the mother cannot tolerate any element of the composition, they try not to prescribe hexicon suppositories during pregnancy, so as not to put the woman in labor at risk. In such a situation, they find an alternative.

When using hexicon it is prohibited:

  • apply various cosmetics for body care;
  • without consulting a doctor, combine the use of several medicinal formulations at the same time;
  • live a sexual life.

If you follow all the rules, the effect of the medicine will have a positive effect and have maximum effect. Remember that the baby's health depends entirely on general condition his mother. Be healthy and follow all the changes during pregnancy!

Composed of one suppository Hexicon includes 16 mg Chlorhexidini bigluconas

Part Hexicon D candles includes 8 mg Chlorhexidini bigluconas , as well as polyethylene oxide base (polyethylene oxide 1500/Polyaethylenoxydum 1500, polyethylene oxide 400/Polyaethylenoxydum 400).

IN solution for external use contains 0.5 mg solution Chlorhexidini bigluconas with a concentration of 20%, purified water (Aqua purificata).

One hundred grams gel contains 0.5 g Chlorhexidini bigluconas and auxiliary components: Cremophor - RH 40 (Cremophor RH 40), poloxamer 407 (Poloxamerum 407), purified water (Aqua purificata).

One Hexicon vaginal tablet contains 16 mg Chlorhexidini bigluconas (in the form of a solution Chlorhexidini bigluconas with a concentration of 20%) and auxiliary components: microcrystalline cellulose (Cellulosum microcrystallisatum), pregelatinized corn starch (Amylum maidis), low molecular weight povidone (Povidone), stearic acid (Acidum stearicum), lactose monohydrate (Lactose monohydrate).

Release form

The manufacturer produces the drug in the form:

  • vaginal suppositories 8 and 16 mg;
  • solution;
  • gel;
  • vaginal tablets 16 mg.

pharmachologic effect

Hexicon belongs to the pharmacotherapeutic group of drugs antiseptic and disinfectant action . Interacting with structures microbial cell , it disrupts life, inhibits development and provokes death pathogenic .

The use of various dosage forms of Hexicon in gynecological practice allows not only to successfully combat pathogenic microorganisms , but also to prevent PP-transmitted infectious diseases.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Hexicon, which is part of the active component, is a strong disinfectant, the sensitivity to which shows a wide spectrum microorganisms , including including Gram (+) and Gram (-) bacteria , protozoa , herpes viruses .

Hexicon is effective against:

  • gonococci (Neisseria gonorrhoeae);
  • treponema pallidum (Treponema pallidum);
  • chlamydia (Chlamydia spp.);
  • gardnerell (Gardnerella vaginalis);
  • ureaplasma (Ureaplasma spp.);
  • Bacteroides fragilis (Bacteroides fragilis);
  • trichomonas (Trichomonas vaginalis);
  • herpesvirus type II (HSV-2).

Some strains are characterized by low sensitivity to the drug pseudomonas (Pseudomonas spp.) and protea (Proteus spp.). They are resistant to its effects viruses , mushrooms , bacterial spores , acid-fast bacteria .

Thanks to Hexicon, which is part of chlorhexidine the drug has a number of advantages over others antimicrobial And antiseptics . He:

  • does not violate natural microflora of the female genital tract and has no effect on activity lactobacilli ;
  • does not cause addiction and resistance to its action in those sensitive to it microorganisms (even with repeated use);
  • approved for use for treatment pregnant and lactating women ;
  • remains (albeit to a lesser extent) active in the presence of bloody discharge and pus.

The effectiveness of suppositories is also ensured by the properties of polyethylene oxide 1500 (Polyaethylenoxydum 1500) and polyethylene oxide 400 (Polyaethylenoxydum 400) included in their composition. These substances provide more uniform distribution active substance on the surface mucous membrane and its deeper penetration into tissues.

In addition, the polyethylene oxide base dehydrates pathogenic microorganisms and cleanses the mucous membrane from waste products accumulating on it.

Hexicon vaginal tablets were developed as an alternative to suppositories. For some women, they are somewhat more convenient than candles, since they do not increase the volume of discharge and, therefore, do not require the use of additional hygiene products.

Practically not absorbed from Gastrointestinal tract , as well as through the skin and mucous membranes when applied topically. Systemic absorption when using Hexicon tablets intravaginally is extremely insignificant.

If 0.3 g is inadvertently ingested, Cmax is reached after half an hour and is 0.206 µg/l.

The drug is eliminated from the body mainly with the contents of the intestines (90%), less than 1% is excreted by the kidneys.

Indications for use

Hexicon candles - what are they from?

Hexicon suppositories are indicated for prevention sexually transmitted infectious diseases caused by activity sensitive to the action of the drug microflora , for treatment inflammation of the genital organs in women, to prevent the development of the inflammatory process and infection of the genital tract before childbirth, gynecological operations, abortion procedures, intrauterine examinations, etc.

Indications for the use of Hexicon D suppositories are pediatric gynecological diseases .

Indications for the use of solution, gel and vaginal tablets are the same as for suppositories.

Additional indications for use of the solution

The solution is used as a disinfectant for treatment purulent wounds And infected burns . In gynecology, surgery and urology it is used to treat infectious skin lesions And mucous membranes .

Dentists prescribe rinsing with Hexicon when aphthous stomatitis , gingivitis , inflammatory lesions of periodontal tissues and terminal respiratory tract .

Additional indications for use of the gel

Hexicon gel is used for treatment inflammatory diseases in gynecology , dentistry And urology . In addition, it is used to treat infected areas of the skin.


Contraindications to the use of Hexicon are: increased sensitivity to its components.

An additional contraindication for the solution is.

Gel and suppositories are used with caution to treat children. The optimal dosage form for a child is Hexicon D suppositories.

Side effects

Most Frequent side effects candles is, itching And burning in the vagina. These symptoms do not require specific treatment and go away on their own after stopping the course of treatment.

Vaginal suppositories Hexicon D provoke unwanted side effects in less than 0.1% of cases.

Adverse reactions to the use of the solution also occur extremely rarely. Typically they are expressed in the form allergy symptoms And itching occurring after cessation of treatment.

For some, the Hexicon solution causes dry skin on the hands, sticky hands (usually no more than three to five minutes), photosensitivity . Rinsing the mouth with it leads to staining of tooth enamel, tartar deposits, and taste disturbances. Gel can also provoke similar phenomena.

Instructions for use of Hexicon

Hexicon candles: instructions for use

The suppositories are intended for intravaginal use.

For medicinal purposes, one suppository is administered intravaginally twice a day for 7-10 days. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after 20 days.

For warning venereal diseases It is recommended to administer one suppository no later than two hours after unprotected intercourse.

The instructions for using Hexicon D are similar to the instructions for using 16 mg suppositories.

Gel Hexicon: instructions for use

For treatment of inflammatory urological And gynecological diseases the gel should be applied to the affected surfaces twice a day. The duration of treatment can vary from 7 to 10 days.

Infectious dermatological diseases Treat by thinly applying the gel to the affected surfaces two or three times a day. How long the treatment will be depends on the clinical situation.

In dental practice, the ointment is used in the form of applications 2-3 times a day. The duration of one procedure is from one to three minutes. The duration of the course is determined depending on the clinical situation.

Instructions for use of the solution

The solution is used externally and locally in the form of applications, irrigations and rinses. To carry out one procedure, it is necessary to apply five to ten milliliters of the product to the affected surface of the skin or mucous membranes with an exposure of one to three minutes, 2 or 3 times a day (the solution can be applied on a tampon or by irrigation).

For prevention infections , which are transmitted by PP, Hexicon is advisable to use if the procedure is carried out no later than two hours after sexual intercourse.

Using a nozzle, the liquid contained in the bottle is injected into urethra (both women and men) or in vagina . The dose for administration into the urethra for men is from 2 to 3 ml, for women - 1 or 2 ml. In vagina inject from 5 to 10 ml of solution. The nozzle is held for 2-3 minutes.

The solution should also be used to treat the genitals and the skin of the inner thighs and pubic area. It is not recommended to urinate for two hours after the procedure.

At inflammation of the urethra (including complicated ) complex therapy is proposed, which is supplemented by injecting a solution of 2-3 ml into the urethra for ten days once or twice a day (it is recommended to carry out the procedure every other day).

At diseases of the oral cavity Prescribe rinses with a solution of the drug. The frequency of procedures is 3-4 per day. The amount of solution required for one procedure is from 5 to 10 ml.

Instructions for use of vaginal tablets

Before use, the tablet is moistened in water and injected into vagina .The daily dose, depending on the diagnosis, is 1 or 2 tablets. Treatment is carried out for 7-10 days.

For infection prevention , which are transmitted by PP, the tablet, like suppositories, is recommended to be administered within two hours after unprotected sexual intercourse.


Since the drug is practically not absorbed from Gastrointestinal tract and is not absorbed when applied topically through skin covering And mucous membranes , the likelihood of an overdose is considered unlikely.

To date, there is no information about cases of overdose with Hexicon.


The effectiveness of the drug is enhanced when used simultaneously with ethanol .

Hexicon should not be used with intravaginally administered drugs that contain iodine.

Sanitation external genitalia does not affect the effectiveness and tolerability of suppositories, since they are used intravaginally.

Pharmaceutically incompatible with anionic detergents (saponins, Sodium lauryl sulfate, Sodium carboxy methyl cellulose) and soap. Chlorhexidine is inactivated in the presence of soap, therefore, before using the drug, it is necessary to thoroughly wash off any remaining soap from the skin and mucous membranes.

It is allowed to combine Hexicon with drugs containing a cationic group.

Terms of sale

Over-the-counter release

Storage conditions

In a dry place, at a temperature not higher than 25°C for tablets, solution, suppositories and not higher than 20°C for gel.

Best before date

special instructions

Hygienic procedures do not affect the effectiveness and tolerability of vaginal tablets and suppositories, since the drug in these dosage forms is administered intravaginally.

When using the solution in patients with head injuries and spinal cord , as well as in patients with perforation of the eardrum , you should avoid getting it inside the wound.

If the solution accidentally comes into contact with mucous membranes of the eye , it is recommended to rinse them quickly and very well with water.

Contact of bleaching substances containing bleach on clothing that was previously in contact with the preparations chlorhexidine , provokes the formation of brown spots on them.

An increase in the temperature of the solution causes an increase in its bactericidal action . However, at temperatures exceeding 100°C, partial decomposition of the drug occurs.

How to administer suppositories?

To prevent the contents from leaking out after inserting the suppository, the woman should lie on the bed with her bent legs apart. knee joints legs. The suppository is inserted as deeply as possible into vagina index finger (to the depth of your finger if possible).

If the suppository is not inserted deeply enough, it may fall out after the woman stands up, without having time to dissolve.

The principle of action of Hexicon is similar to the principle of vaginal baths. The peculiarity of these suppositories is that they are used several times a day, as a result of which the amount of discharge increases significantly. Taking this into account, panty liners should be changed as often as possible during the treatment period.

Another feature of suppositories is that before their administration there is no need to prescribe additional sanitation vagina or douching, which makes their use more convenient compared to other vaginal suppositories.

An important recommendation for the period of treatment is the exclusion of sexual intercourse. If therapy is carried out against the background of regular sexual activity, a positive result will not be achieved. There remains a risk of re-infection and, as a result, it may be necessary to prescribe drugs not only local, but also systemic.

Using Hexicon during menstruation

Quite often questions arise whether it is possible to use suppositories during menstruation and whether it is allowed to be treated with vaginal tablets during menstruation.

The instructions for Hexicon indicate that the use of suppositories and tablets during menstruation is acceptable. This is due to the fact that the active substance of the drug retains (albeit to a slightly lesser extent) pharmacological properties in the presence of pus, bloody discharge and other biological fluids.

Hexicon's analogs

Level 4 ATX code matches:

Analogues in composition for Hexicon in the form of a solution and gel are preparations Amident (solution for topical use) and Chlorhexidine in the form of an alcohol solution, solution, concentrate for preparing a solution, spray.

According to the mechanism of action, the closest are (cream), (cream), Lavasept (concentrate for preparing a solution), (solution).

Hexicon suppositories and tablets have a similar composition to, respectively, suppositories and tablets Chlorhexidine . Similar drugs according to the mechanism of action for suppositories are (suppositories), Hyposol (aerosol), Yodovidone (suppositories), (suppositories), (cream, capsules, tablets, suppositories), vaginal suppositories with trichomonacid, vaginal suppositories with eucalymin, Trichomonacid (tablets), (powder, tablets, granules for suspension), Vagiflor (capsules), (suppositories), (cream), (capsules).

Hexicon during pregnancy

All dosage forms produced under the Hexicon brand, with the exception of vaginal tablets, are allowed to be prescribed during and during the period. In the instructions for Hexicon candles when pregnancy And lactation it is indicated that this remedy is considered not only effective, but also safe for both mother and child.

As for vaginal tablets, their use is possible if the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus.

Hexicon candles pregnancy are one of the most frequently prescribed drugs for treatment and prevention gynecological diseases . The safety of the drug is ensured by its local effect and is confirmed by many years of experience in use.

Acting locally, its active substance practically does not enter the systemic blood flow and thus does not pose a threat to the normal development of the child. Therefore, suppositories can be used at all stages of pregnancy.

Hexicon effectively affects pathogenic , which are the cause of female diseases, but do not provoke any violations of their own vaginal microflora .

In the 1st and 2nd trimesters, this allows you to prescribe a preventative agent infectious diseases

During pregnancy Hexicon is most often prescribed for bacterial vaginosis when in vagina prevail pathogenic bacteria , and the quantity lactic acid bacteria (lactobacteria) - reduced or these bacteria are completely absent.

Decrease in quantity lactic acid bacteria a pregnant woman in the background bacterial vaginosis may cause the development candidal vulvovaginitis (or, in other words, ).

As practice shows, every year there are cases of combination And is getting bigger. For this reason, there is a very widespread opinion about the effectiveness of Hexicon candles in thrush .

Hexicon candles for thrush

Provokes development candidal vulvovaginitis, a yeast-like fungus of the genus Candida , who, like many viruses , bacterial spores And acid-fast bacteria , immune to influence chlorhexidine .

So why are these suppositories prescribed for pregnancy from thrush ? The whole point is that the reason thrush is uncontrolled growth Candida fungus colonies , which can be provoked, among other things, by the activity of infectious pathogens - gonococci , trichomonas and others bacteria and protozoa .

In such cases when infection wears mixed fungal-bacterial nature , the advisability of using Hexicon is due to its ability to effectively relieve signs of inflammation, reduce swelling of tissues and significantly reduce the severity of pain.

To combat the overly multiplied fungus , which is the direct source of the disease, is used antimycotic drugs in the form of gels, creams and vaginal tablets (for example, or).

It is important to remember that self-medication - especially during pregnancy - is unacceptable, and Hexicon from thrush prescribed only on the basis of a medical examination and completion of all necessary tests.

Thus, Hexicon candles are effective and safe antibacterial agent for local use, however for treatment candidiasis It is recommended to choose drugs that can actively suppress the main culprit of the disease.

A prerequisite for successful treatment is compliance with personal hygiene requirements and, in some cases, drawing up a special diet menu, which involves limiting the amount of food high in carbohydrates and introducing a sufficient amount of fermented milk products into the diet.

A woman experiences changes in hormonal background, the microflora of the genital organs changes, immunity decreases. Due to these changes, microbes are activated, delivering to the expectant mother a lot of troubles. Hexicon suppositories will help cure infections during pregnancy and serve as a preventive measure for certain ailments.

What do they help with?

Hexicon copes with many fungal infections and protozoan pathogenic microorganisms that are sexually transmitted. P assistance for the use of "Hexicon"for pregnant may be like this:

  1. Necessary restoration of vaginal microflora after treatment of various infections.
  2. Prevention of inflammation.
  3. Purulent processes.

The drug is also used for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • vaginitis;
  • exocervicitis;
  • endocervicitis.

In addition, Hexicon is used as a preventive measure for the following diseases that are sexually transmitted:

  • chlamydia;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • genital herpes;
  • gonorrhea;
  • syphilis.
Hexicon is allowed throughout pregnancy, and in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters this medicine is prescribed for the prevention of diseases of the reproductive system.

Safety of use for the fetus

Manufacturers of Hexicon (suppositories) state in the instructions for use that during pregnancy the drug is not dangerous for either the woman or the fetus. Vaginal suppositories have a local effect, they are not absorbed into the blood and do not upset the balance of microflora in the vagina, and the medicine also bypasses the digestive system. That is, the drug does not affect the formation or development of the fetus in any way.

Did you know? During excavations in Pompeii, archaeologists discovered an instrument that is still used in gynecology - albeit in a slightly modified form. It was a mirror, manual, with three doors. It opened with a screw.

Dosage and mode of application

To use, the suppositories are removed from the packaging and inserted vaginally as deeply as possible. For treatment, depending on the diagnosis, it is prescribed one or two candles a day, the duration of treatment is from seven to ten days.

To prevent postpartum inflammation closer to the date of birth, it is recommended to use one suppository per day (at night) for five days.

As a prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, one suppository is indicated after unprotected contact (no later than 2 hours).

Important! It should be noted that a pregnant woman must be confident in her partner or use contraceptives.

Hexicon suppositories are practically the only antiseptic medicine that is not prohibited during early pregnancy (namely in the first trimester). Moreover, the use of the product improves the vaginal environment, which is extremely important in an interesting position.

When the vaginal microflora changes, and this can happen for many reasons, the woman is attacked by yeast fungi that provoke candidiasis, or in common parlance. They can be caused by:

  • change (this happens often in pregnant women);
  • use of any medications;
  • stress or ;
  • shortage in the body and so on.

Thrush is an extremely unpleasant disease; it causes burning, itching, discharge with an unpleasant odor and cheesy inclusions. "Hexicon" for thrush will not get rid of the disease itself, but it can kill the fungi that provoke it during pregnancy. For these reasons, the drug is prescribed in combination with others.

Side effects

Action of the medicine may provoke. If a woman experiences discomfort, burning or unbearable itching during treatment, then treatment should be stopped. Hygiene products used for intimate hygiene can provoke irritation from the drug. You should not use them during treatment.

Important! If the medicine was not taken according to the instructions, or in violation of the dosage, pink or bloody spots may appear. This may indicate the development of bacteria or placental abruption, especially if the color takes on a darker shade. This situation can lead to miscarriage. In these cases, you should immediately contact your gynecologist.


The drug has only one contraindication - intolerance or special sensitivity to the composition of the drug. The main active component of Hexicon is chlorhexidine bigluconate.

Did you know? The first manual for obstetricians was written by Professor Killian in 1800. The first operation to remove an ovary was performed in 1809 by E. McDowell. The modern cylindrical speculum was invented in 1818, and its design is still in use today.

Pregnancy is an important period for women, but some diseases can overshadow it, bringing their own fly in the ointment to the expectation of a baby. Vaginal suppositories "Heksikon" are recommended for use by gynecologists and are safe for the health of women and children. Please remember that before using any medicine, you should consult your doctor.

Hexicon is a safe drug that is prescribed for identified infections. During pregnancy, conditionally pathogenic microflora, in conditions of weakened immunity, begins to actively multiply, provoking inflammatory processes, both new and those that were not treated before conception. Hexicon is on the list of drugs that are allowed to be used at any stage of pregnancy.

During pregnancy, women very often suffer from sudden onset infectious diseases. Treatment is complicated by the search for safe drugs. One of the remedies that can be used during pregnancy is Hexicon.

Hexicon is an antiseptic whose active substance is chlorhexidine. The product is effective against the vast majority of pathogenic microflora. main feature drug - it is not absorbed into the blood and does not affect the fetus.


What is the advantage of Hexicon over antibiotics?
An antibiotic eliminates the cause of the disease - kills the bacteria. An antiseptic stops the proliferation of pathogenic microflora in the body, preventing the development of the disease. The advantages of Hexicon are as follows:

  • the drug affects only the area of ​​application and is not absorbed into the blood;
  • To date, not a single fact of the drug’s effect on the fetus has been recorded;
  • has a wide spectrum of action, the antibiotic is effective against a certain range of bacteria;
  • Chlorhexidine accumulates in the mucous membranes and continues to affect pathogenic microflora even after the end of the course of therapy;
  • allowed at any stage of pregnancy, unlike antibiotics, the use of which is prohibited in the first trimester, and subsequently they are prescribed with great caution;
  • does not affect the beneficial microflora of the vagina;
  • the antiseptic has no contraindications other than allergic reactions; antibiotics are contraindicated for kidney and liver pathologies.

Indications for use

For what infections is Hexicon taken?
The antiseptic does not cure, but prevents the development of infection and cleans the area treated with the drug. It is often used in obstetrics and for treating wounds in surgery. Hexicon is effective against the following microbes:

  • causative agent of gonorrhea;
  • gardnell;
  • chlamydia;
  • ureaplasma;
  • bacteroides;
  • gram-negative anaerobic rods.

If the disease - gonorrhea, chlamydia or ureaplasmosis - has already been identified in a pregnant woman at the time of Hexicon's prescription, therapy will not contribute to recovery. Treatment with Chlorhexidine stops the spread of the infection, however, the bacteria will remain in the woman’s body and over time their number will begin to increase, spreading over the entire surface of the mucosa. With gardnellosis (bacterial vaginosis), the vaginal mucosa is affected. The disease can be treated with Hexicon, and recovery can be achieved for many years.

The drug is often prescribed during pregnancy; the therapy is preventive in nature. Indications for use of Hexicon:

  • gardnellosis therapy;
  • therapy for vulvovaginitis;
  • suturing the uterus;
  • placement of the uterine ring (obstetric pessary);
  • the need for vaginal sanitation during pregnancy;
  • sanitation before childbirth, the procedure helps prevent infection of the fetus;
  • after an unprotected act in order to prevent infection;
  • after childbirth with heavy bleeding.

Note: to prepare for childbirth, suppositories are prescribed several weeks before the due date. Taking vaginal tablets is possible only after consultation with your doctor. If there is a threat of miscarriage, therapy with Hexicon suppositories and tablets is prohibited, as this can cause premature birth or miscarriage.

Instructions for use of candles

Suppositories are the most convenient form of the drug for therapy during pregnancy. Suppositories must be administered in a lying position. The procedure is carried out twice a day – in the morning and at night. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor, but on average it is ten days, and in special, most severe cases – twenty days.

Suppositories are often prescribed before childbirth to disinfect the birth ducts in order to protect the baby from infection. Suppositories are administered for five days, one per day. For preventive purposes, Hexicon is continued after childbirth.

Features of use by trimester

Throughout the course of therapy, it is necessary to limit the toilet of the genitals. The drug should not be used in combination with soap or any other surfactants. Otherwise, the effectiveness of Chlorhexidine is completely neutralized. Also, you cannot use brilliant green and iodine-containing substances together with suppositories, otherwise the risk of irritation increases.

1st trimester
Most often, Hexicon is prescribed in the first trimester, when the immune system is most suppressed and the risk of infection sharply increases. Today, Chlorhexidine is recognized as the safest and gentlest drug that can be prescribed in the first trimester.

Note: on early stages the gel is the least dangerous for the body of a pregnant woman and does not cause allergic reactions, like other forms of the drug. In the first trimester, Hexicon is prescribed for the treatment of dysbiosis, sexually transmitted diseases and inflammatory pathologies.

2nd trimester
Prescribed for genital infections and inflammatory pathologies. The drug is also used to treat the vaginal mucosa before gynecological examinations and surgery.

3rd trimester
During this period, the drug is prescribed to eliminate the risk of infection of the fetus during labor.

Note: the instructions indicate that the drug in the form of suppositories is not effective against viruses, fungi and spores, as well as lactobacilli. Hexicon solution is effective against fungal microflora, but it is not prescribed during pregnancy due to the presence of auxiliary components in the composition.

Release forms

Hexicon is produced in several forms:

  • candles;
  • vaginal tablets;
  • gel;
  • solution.

Suppositories are available in two types – Hexicon and Hexicon D. The letter “D” means a smaller dosage of the active substance in one suppository; the product is prescribed to pregnant women whose symptoms of the disease are minor.

Vaginal tablets are used for infection of the vaginal mucosa. The tablet must be pre-wetted with water and then administered inside the body. The daily dosage is one or two tablets. The duration of treatment is from a week to ten days.

Gexicon gel is prescribed for infection of the external genitalia. The drug is used to treat the labia minora and the vestibule of the vagina. The product is applied two to three times a day for ten days.

Hexicon solution – universal remedy, since it acts against viruses and fungi, but it is quite rarely prescribed during pregnancy. Douching with the solution can lead to miscarriage. Treatment with Hexicon solution is carried out in one case - before an examination by a gynecologist, and this is done by the doctor himself. In some maternity hospitals, the birth canal is treated with an antiseptic solution.

Overdose and interaction with other drugs

No cases of overdose with Hexicon have been identified, since chlorhexidine, the main component of the drug, is not absorbed into the blood. Even with long-term therapy, no traces of chlorhexidine are found in the blood.

For thrush

The drug is effective against many infections that spread in the genitals, however, chlorhexidine does not act on yeast-like fungi. Hexicon, like all antiseptics, if the drug is used thoughtlessly, it is possible to disrupt the natural, beneficial microflora, which means that the treatment will provoke the development of thrush.

However, gynecologists still prescribe Hexicon for thrush, since the presence of the fungus Candida albicans indicates the presence and development of other bacteria. If a mixed bacterial-candida vaginal infection is detected, Hexicon helps eliminate swelling and inflammation.

To eliminate the direct source of the disease - yeast-like fungi - drugs such as Fluconazole, Duflocan, etc. are used.

Note: the treatment regimen, combination of drugs, and duration of treatment are determined by the doctor. It is important to follow the rules of hygiene and diet plan - limit the amount of carbohydrates and diversify the diet with fermented milk products.

Bloody issues

Many patients note that while taking Hexicon during pregnancy, pink or brownish discharge begins. The basis of the suppository is polyethylene oxide - this substance softens the vaginal mucosa and removes pathogenic microorganisms that acquire a pinkish or brownish tint. Such discharge is not dangerous to the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus, but it is necessary to consult a gynecologist.

A normal reaction to taking Hexicon is colorless vaginal discharge and pink and brownish discharge. If heavy bleeding begins, you should immediately stop taking the drug and notify your gynecologist. Doctors explain the bleeding by individual intolerance to the drug. That is why, before prescribing treatment with a drug, it is important to ensure that there is no hypersensitivity to its components. After all, it is easier to prevent dangerous consequences than to eliminate them.

Other causes of discharge:

  • failure to comply with the instructions for use of the drug;
  • non-compliance with the prescribed course of therapy.

Protection from sexually transmitted infections is always an important issue for women. But during the gestation period, due to the increase in all the risks (both for the mother and the fetus), it becomes even more relevant.

For the treatment and prevention of sexually transmitted infections during pregnancy, doctors often prescribe Hexicon. It is active against all pathogens sensitive to chlorhexidine biogluconate. This substance acts as an antiseptic, killing pathogenic bacteria and disinfecting.

Hexicon during pregnancy: instructions Hexicon is used for the treatment and prevention of syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis, endocervicitis, vaginitis and other infections of the urogenital tract and inflammatory diseases of the vagina. During pregnancy, the drug is also prescribed to restore the vaginal microflora and prepare the birth canal before childbirth. Also after childbirth, Hexicon can be prescribed to prevent the development of infectious and inflammatory processes.

Administration of Hexicon suppositories to pregnant women with therapeutic purpose(and for prevention in the postpartum period) is usually prescribed twice a day - morning and evening - for 7-10 days. It is best to insert the suppository (deeply enough) while lying on your back, and then do not get up for an hour. Be careful when taking iodine supplements at the same time as using Hexicon - consult your doctor about this. Also, you should not insert other suppositories into the vagina along with these. During the course, you must refrain from shower gels and intimate hygiene products containing soap. In any case, when performing a toilet there is no need to touch the internal genital organs.

Can Hexicon be used during pregnancy?

Hexicon is considered a safe drug that has shown some effectiveness in obstetric practice. In addition, it does not disturb the vaginal microflora, but rather, on the contrary, restores it. Therefore, it is safely prescribed to pregnant women and nursing mothers. Suppositories act only locally, practically without entering the bloodstream.

The instructions for the drug say that treatment with Hexicon during pregnancy is possible at any stage. However, the safety of Hexicon for a developing fetus has not been fully proven, so the drug can only be used according to indications and as prescribed by a doctor.

As in any other case, an allergic reaction in the form of itching, rash or irritation of the vagina is not excluded. If you observe this in yourself, stop administering Hexicon.

How to replace Hexicon during pregnancy?

If signs of intolerance to Hexicon appear during pregnancy, the woman will have to replace this drug with an alternative one. Only the doctor who prescribed these suppositories can make a complete, safe replacement. The thing is that, firstly, you need to know for the treatment of what disease they were prescribed and, secondly, almost all alternative drugs are prohibited for use during pregnancy, since they bad influence clinically confirmed for the fetus. There are cases when Hexicon during pregnancy can be replaced with Miramistin, Nystatin, Pimafucin, Terzhinan or use Epigen spray, but this should only be decided by a specialist! Doctors say that there is no alternative to Hexicon, especially in the early stages.

If you are concerned about the unproven safety of Hexicon and similar drugs during pregnancy, then all that remains is to wait for the birth and start treating the underlying disease after the birth of the baby. But at the same time, the risk of infection of the baby during passage through the birth canal will increase disproportionately.

So called folk remedies Treatment of colpitis, vaginitis and other urogenital infections is ineffective, doctors assure. However, you can still try to address your problem to an experienced homeopath or naturopath.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

From Guest

I only know that this medicine is strong; I was once specifically prescribed Ecofemin after it to restore the microflora. It’s probably even dangerous for pregnant women to use it

From Guest

My vagina reacted very sharply to this drug; it never itched or burned like that before. You know, I just wanted to stick my hand in there and tear everything apart with my nails. By-effect It lasted for about 2 hours, then, thank God, it calmed down. In general, as it turned out, the drug is possibly effective and works well, but alas, it is not suitable for everyone!