Where is the most lecithin found? Lecithin in foods, the benefits of lecithin, or why do you often need to eat chicken eggs? What is it used for

Many people know that lecithin is found in food. But what it is and why a person needs it is poorly represented. Let's fill this gap with knowledge.
Lecithin is a mixture of many lipid compounds.

For example, phospholipids - they include fatty acids, glycerol, a phosphorus group. And needed by the body choline, inositol or serine.

Other elements of lecithin are glycolipids, there are carbohydrates, triglycerides, there is water. These components do not tell you anything. Go ahead.

Where Lecithin Is Found: Found in certain foods, added to food during cooking. They are rich in soy, rapeseed, egg yolks, nuts, liver, whole grain bread.
In addition, it can also be found in special products - nutritional supplements that can be bought at the pharmacy.

What is it for and what products contain lecithin:

  • It is actively used by the food industry, because it reduces production costs, while improving the quality and durability of finished products.
  • It is obtained mainly as a by-product in the processing of vegetable oils.
  • Lecithin is found in bread, cakes, confectionery, chocolate, margarine, mayonnaise.
  • It is used in products used to decorate or glaze confectionery.
  • Found in fast food, pasta. Marked as E322.
  • Lecithin improves the consistency of the dough, regulates the softness of the crust in bread.
  • Keeps fresh for a long time. Does not allow the dough to stick to the dishes. Helps to mix any ingredients together.
  • It is used in the manufacture of donuts, while making the dough less greasy. During the production of chocolate, it evens out its surface, it becomes smooth.
  • A person does not need to be afraid of this nutritional supplement, our health will only improve from its consumption.

Lecithin in food, content table:

There is not much of it in food, but it is quite common.

Real foods high in lecithin in food:

  • egg yolk,
  • soy, soy products,
  • liver,
  • wheat germ,
  • legumes,
  • sunflower seeds,
  • rapeseed oil, only unrefined by production. When refining, it becomes much less.


  • Any nuts
  • olives,
  • baker's yeast,
  • oily fish,
  • any dairy products
  • green vegetables,
  • avocado.

There is a lot of this substance in baked, ready-made bread or ready-made chocolate. Only 300 grams of bread per day, and the rate of lecithin is replenished. It may not be a healthy way to get lecithin into our bodies, but it's not hard to make up for a deficiency.

Types of Lecithin:

There are several varieties of lecithin - soy, rapeseed, sunflower product.
Oils make up about 30 percent of the dietary supplement composition.

The one made from sunflower or soybean oil contains mostly omega-6 fatty acids.
Rapeseed lecithin contains a higher amount of omega-3 fatty acids. A lot of information has been written about their beneficial properties - first of all, this is the health of blood vessels.

When deciding to buy lecithin in a pharmacy, you should pay attention to what ingredients it is made from.

What is it used for:

Due to the fact that choline is included in the composition of lecithin, it stimulates the nervous system. This improves concentration and memory. Therefore, it is very important in mental work.

Choline is responsible for the restoration of cells, brain tissues. By using it regularly, you will not experience depression.

In addition, lecithin is important for the digestion of fat. Reduces the risk of their deposition in inappropriate places. Prevents the formation of stones in gallbladder protects the liver from cirrhosis. Helps to quickly recover from physical activity.

How much to take:

In order for the body to function properly, a daily dose of at least 2-2.5 grams of lecithin is needed.The best option is up to 6 grams.The addition of lecithin is necessary primarily in states of increased mental work.

With a reduced concentration of attention, that is, when it is impossible to cover his need with just one diet. Usually one tablet of lecithin per day is enough, although you should pay attention to the information contained in the annotation to the medicine or consult a doctor before use.

How to choose in a pharmacy:

Pharmacies sell a lot of supplements with lecithin. They are available in granules, liquid form, capsules, soluble tablets. The release form is absolutely not important to us. It is necessary to look at the percentage of the content of the active substance - lecithin. Focus on that first. The dosage can be 50 mg or 1200 mg. There is a difference?

Choose with the largest amount of active substance - lecithin.Manufacturers of high-dose lecithin advise one dose/day. Take only during meals. If you need a larger dose, then 2 tablets are allowed. The supplement with the highest single dose contains up to 6 g of the active substance - lecithin. Always check with your doctor before using any medication.

Which lecithin supplement to choose:

As I wrote above, you need to choose one of three types - rapeseed, soybean, sunflower product options. In liquid form, they contain the same composition of phospholipids. It is the main component of lecithin. Therefore, there are no significant differences between them in this respect.

About 30% of lecithin consists of oils, in proportions of fatty acids depending on the plant from which the lecithin was obtained. A product made from sunflower or soy is a source of omega-6 fatty acids. They are low in omega-3 fatty acids. In rapeseed oil, the opposite is true.

From this it is concluded that rapeseed lecithin is healthier than soy or sunflower product, which have similar properties.The soy product is suspected of being used in the preparation of genetically modified plants.

When buying, make sure that the product is not made with GMO soybeans.The manufacturer must indicate this marking.

Side effects from taking the supplement:

The product is considered safe, as a rule, does not cause side effects.
Some people may experience nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, or lack of appetite when the dose is increased.

Taking a large amount of the drug with lecithin can lead to a drop in blood pressure, lead to heart problems, excessive anxiety. Usually pharmacy lecithin often contains vitamin E. It should not be taken while taking blood thinners. Choose a drug without a vitamin.Alcohol is added to liquid forms, keep this in mind. Especially those who are driving.

How does lecithin work?

This substance is found in food in small quantities. Pharmacists recommend taking drugs containing lecithin prophylactically, regularly. Due to which there should be a general improvement in memory. This is important before an exam session or any other mental stress. This will improve your learning ability.

Doctors recommend gradual consumption. So start with small doses and then increase them. Take lecithin according to the package insert for the purchased supplement that comes with the product. The daily dose should not be exceeded.

Diet for the brain diversify with natural products. Thanks to this, memory, concentration will improve significantly. First of all, you should eat foods that are rich in health benefits.Eat nuts, oily fish, olive oil, berries, seed pits, fresh green vegetables.

What does it affect in the body:

  • Lecithin affects the nervous, digestive, circulatory, immune systems.
  • Participates in metabolic processes, facilitates digestion, and also protects the walls of the stomach.
  • Supports the absorption of vitamins, minerals, all nutrients.
  • In addition, it regulates liver function, thereby cleansing the body of toxins.
  • Doctors say lecithin is good.
  • Prevents the accumulation of adipose tissue, especially in areas prone to it. This is the stomach, sides, buttocks.
  • Supports a healthy lifestyle.
  • In addition, healthy fatty acids improve the body's resistance. They have anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Protect against viruses, bacteria that cause infections.
  • Helps remove harmful substances, increase immunity.
  • Lecithin increases good cholesterol levels. This affects the protection against blockage of the arteries, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis or hypertension.
  • However, what is most important is its effect on the nervous system. Lecithin supplements increase concentration, the ability to remember.
  • This product additionally thins the blood, preventing atherosclerosis, heart attacks.
  • It is especially important to take it during intense mental, physical exertion.
  • Good for recovery from illness, memory problems or fat metabolism disorders.
  • Lecithin improves liver function and at the same time prevents cirrhosis. In addition, it reduces the likelihood of gallstones.
  • Can be taken with vitamins.

Today we learned that lecithin is found in foods in small quantities. We know where and what kind of lecithin can be bought and taken additionally. It remains for me to wish you only health!
Do not be ill!
Sincerely, Svetlana E.

Phosphatidylcholine, or as it is more commonly called lecithin, refers to the phospholipids that make up the cell membranes of animals and plant organisms. This phospholipid can be synthesized in the human body from choline and diglycerides, but this requires its intake from food. Entering the body with food, it is broken down with the help of lecithinases in the intestine. The cleavage products are absorbed in the intestine and can again be used for synthesis.

Lecithin deficiency with a normal diet does not threaten us. There is usually no need to take lecithin supplements because the food provides it in sufficient amounts for a person's health. Let's take a closer look, Which foods contain the highest amounts of lecithin?.

As a rule, all oily substances found in nature are rich in lecithin. It is present in all animal and plant tissues. Lecithin can be found in a variety of foods. Consider three types of sources from which this phospholipid can enter our body:

  1. vegetable,
  2. animal,
  3. industrial.

plant lecithin

  • legumes (soybeans, lentils, peas, beans, beans),
  • nuts (peanuts, walnuts),
  • sunflower seeds.

Foods high in plant-based lecithin

Also good plant sources of lecithin are:

  • whole grains and wheat germ,
  • buckwheat,
  • olives,
  • avocado,
  • cabbage,
  • carrot,
  • yeast.

If we use quantitative units for assessing the content of lecithin, then it is known that 100 g of yeast contains 0.5 g of lecithin, peas - 0.9 g, and sunflower oil 1.4 g. But the leader in this respect is soybean oil. Depending on the variety and production conditions, it can contain from 2 to 4 g of lecithin per 100 g.

Lecithin from animal products

Probably even a schoolboy can correctly answer the question, What foods contain lecithin? Of course, in the yolk of the egg. In general, it is the richest source of this phospholipid. Its content is almost 10 g per 100 g of product. This is 2.5-5 times more than in soybean oil.

Other animal sources include:

  • caviar,
  • meat (beef, chicken),
  • fish and seafood (cod, salmon, shrimp),
  • milk and dairy products (buttermilk).

Caviar, like eggs, contains up to 10-11 g of lecithin / 100 g of product. From the category of meat products, the richest as a source of lecithin liver and brain. The content of lecithin in them is about 1 g per 100 g. In whole milk, lecithin is much less - about 0.06 g.

Industrial lecithin

If it were not for the emulsifying properties of lecithin, it would hardly be so in demand in the food industry. The emulsifier helps dissolve fats and improve their mixing with other ingredients. Lecithin is cheap to obtain, so it is widely used in many food products as a food additive.

When you want to know if a product contains lecithin, what it contains, look for the code on the product packaging E322. As an additive, lecithin is allowed in Russia, the EU countries, the USA. It is usually made from soybean oil.

In industrial food products, soy lecithin is often used in the manufacture of:

  • ice cream,
  • salad dressings, sauces, mayonnaise,
  • candy, chocolate,
  • margarine,
  • cookies, crackers, cupcakes.

Allergy to lecithin is rare. Most people with soy sensitivities need not be concerned that a product contains soy lecithin, as soy proteins, not oils, usually cause allergies. However, when using industrial products with lecithin additives, there are some factors that may affect your health.

Soy lecithin is made from soybean oil, produced by extraction with hexane, which is an organic chemical solvent. The cheapness of soybean is often associated with the use of its transgenic varieties, which have increased resistance and yield. If you are concerned about the presence of GMOs in your kitchen, then remember that soy lecithin can be obtained from genetically modified plants.

The composition of various drugs varies depending on which pharmaceutical company they are produced by.

So, for example, VitaLine Lecithin, produced in granules, contains a natural soy-based lecithin extract. The substance is 98% composed of phosphatides , including including linoleic acid , phosphatidylcholine , phosphatidylethanolamine , linolenic acid , phosphatidylinositol ).

One capsule of Lecithin NSP (NSP) contains 0.52 g of purified lecithin concentrate, which is obtained from soybean oil. Approximately 95-97% of the substance are biologically active active principles - polyunsaturated fatty acids And phospholipids .

One capsule of Nash Lecithin contains 0.45 g of sunflower lecithin, as well as 0.8% monoglycerides and 0.6% moisture. The active component of the drug is produced from sunflower seeds using an original patented technology, which makes it possible to obtain a highly purified (by 98.6%), immunologically and environmentally friendly substance.

Doppelherz Lecithin capsule contains 0.5 g of the active substance, as well as a complex of vitamins (including , RR ).

Coral Lecithin (from the Coral Club) contains 1.2 g of liquid soy lecithin per capsule.

Release form

BAD is produced:

  • in granules;
  • in capsules;
  • in tablets;
  • in powder form;
  • in the form of a gel;
  • in the form of a solution for oral administration.

pharmachologic effect

Dietary supplement Lecithin is a universal food supplement that increases resistance liver to the effects of damaging factors, restores liver and increases its antitoxic activity.

In combination with vitamin complexes, dietary supplement improves functional activity brain and strengthens nervous system .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The main constituents of lecithin are choline And inositol - are substances that are vital for ensuring full-fledged activity brain .

Choline is responsible for intellectual activity, coordination of muscle contractions, and creative activity. In addition, choline contributes to the formation of short-term (operational) memory and its preservation.

Inositol has a beneficial effect on mood, the ability to navigate in space, behavior. The substance helps to reduce nervousness and irritability, has a calming effect.

Sufficient content of lecithin in food can reduce the level and frequency of contractions heart muscle , promotes liquefaction blood , reduces tone walls blood vessels , improve performance blood pressure And blood supply to various organs and tissues .

The substance is actively involved in lipid regulation in the body , stimulating the processes of splitting lipids before simple fatty acids . In the presence of lecithin, fats are more quickly removed from liver and enter the internal organs and fat depots.

In addition, against the background of its use, it accelerates recovery of liver cells damaged when exposed to alcohol, nicotine, narcotic substances, food dyes and preservatives, drugs.

The substance plays an important role in increasing the body's defenses: it helps to restore the function lymphocytes And mononuclear phagocytes , due to the production of antibodies, increases the body's resistance to diseases, stimulates growth and activity phagocytes .

Lecithin activates the reproductive function, improves nutrition and detoxification processes, restores damaged skin cells and stimulates the formation of new ones, protects the skin from the effects of free radicals, helps normalize weight, stimulates the production of bile and prevents the formation of gallstones, prevents the development of alcohol abuse, stimulates the processes assimilation , K and in the digestive tract.

The beneficial properties of the substance make it indispensable for pregnant women. This is due to the fact that it takes part in the formation and normal development of the nervous system of the fetus, has a beneficial effect on the development of the child's mental abilities in the future.

Indications for use

The use of Lecithin is advisable for:

  • fatty degeneration of the liver various etiologies;
  • acute and chronic hepatitis ;
  • hepatic ;
  • food or drug poisoning;
  • alcohol and radiation damage to the liver (including with alcoholic polyneuritis);
  • sclerotic vascular lesions (BAA is indicated for use both in therapeutic and prophylactic purposes);
  • conditions accompanied by a decrease in concentration and / or performance;
  • stress ;
  • psycho-emotional overload;
  • increased nervousness;
  • insomnia;
  • cardialgia ;
  • overwork;
  • neurodermatitis ;
  • kidney disease ;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels ;
  • diseases associated with aging;
  • hyperlipidemia .

In addition, the drug is prescribed to speed up recovery after severe illnesses and more. quick recovery after childbirth (if the woman is not breastfeeding), as well as one of the components of therapy, the purpose of which is the general strengthening of the body.

The tool is also able to increase the effectiveness of therapy, which is prescribed for the treatment of such female diseases as, fibrocystic mastopathy , And uterine cancer .


The only contraindication for use is hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug.

Side effects

Adverse reactions in connection with the intake of Lecithin are quite rare. As a rule, they are associated with increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

In some cases (usually with prolonged use of the drug), violations are possible from the side digestive system , which appear mainly in the form nausea , dyspeptic phenomena , increased salivation .

Instructions for use Lecithin

In accordance with the instructions for use, Nash Lecithin and other lecithin preparations produced in the form of capsules should be taken at a dose of 1.05 to 2.1 grams per day. Divide it into 3 doses.

Granular lecithin, as well as preparations that are available in powder form, take 1-2 teaspoons per day, previously dissolved in water or fruit juice.

The instructions for the oral solution indicate that in this dosage form the drug should be taken orally three times a day, 20 ml each (this corresponds to the volume of 2 dessert spoons).

How to take Lecithin? The remedy is recommended to drink for a long time. Usually the course of treatment is from 1.5-2 months or more (up to several years). In each case, the duration of treatment and the feasibility of repeated courses is determined by the attending physician, depending on the characteristics of the disease.

Age restrictions differ for drugs from different manufacturers. Eg, Lecithin Nash Yuviks-pharm not prescribed to persons under 12 years of age. Some products can be used from 6-7 years of age, and some are recommended exclusively for people over 18 years of age.


There are no data on overdose.


Not known.

Terms of sale

Non-prescription drug.

Storage conditions

In a dry, light-protected place at a temperature below 25 degrees Celsius.

Best before date

special instructions

Lecithin - what is it?

Wikipedia to the question “what is lecithin?” answers that lecithins are a generalizing concept that is commonly used to determine the by-products of vegetable oil refining by the hydration method.

The chemical formula of the substance is as follows:

In a molecule phosphatidylcholine connected phosphoric acid , higher fatty acids And vitamin-like substance , which is the raw material for the synthesis neurotransmitters (transmitters of nerve impulses).

The human body needs polyunsaturated fatty acids And phospholipids from the moment of the beginning of the formation of the embryo and subsequently throughout life.

Phosphatidylcholine belongs to the group complex lipids and is one of the components living cell membranes . Particularly rich in it are the cells that form nervous tissue .

The versatility of lecithin preparations is due to the fact that phosphatidylcholines are the basis of all cell membranes in the human body: insulating and protective tissues that surround nerve fibers , brain and spinal cord , consist of them by about 30%, and liver cells - by 65%.

The body's need for phosphatidylcholines also due to the fact that the latter are used as a building material necessary for the restoration of damaged cells. In addition, they are the main vehicle for delivery to cells. vitamins , nutrients and drugs.

With a deficiency of these substances, the effectiveness of the impact of all drugs without exception is significantly reduced.

In violation in the body hormonal background endogenous , And formed from cholesterol and only if cholesterol is in digestible and transport condition. This state is given to him inositol And choline .

In addition, the substance is an effective form of organic phosphorus, a trace element that is extremely important for dental health.

When taking lecithin preparations, do not exceed the dose recommended by the instructions. Use with caution in patients with cholelithiasis and at the stage of exacerbation.

If it is necessary to use dietary supplements for a long time, it is recommended to introduce foods containing a large amount of calcium into the diet or take additional drugs. ascorbic acid and calcium to neutralize harmful products metabolism lecithin.

The benefits and harms of lecithin

It is impossible to overestimate the benefits of the substance. Its deficiency primarily affects the condition nervous system . The main symptoms of insufficient lecithin in the body are memory disorders, insomnia, mood swings, and decreased concentration.

In addition, a deficiency of a substance in the diet is accompanied by digestive disorders, which manifest themselves in the form of rejection of fatty foods, bloating, frequent diarrhea, impaired renal and / or liver function, increased arterial and intracranial pressure , disease progression hearts , vessels , joints , organs of the digestive system, weight loss, poor speech development in children, mental instability.

Taking the drug, as a rule, does not have any side effects, which distinguishes it from most drugs that are used for treatment brain dysfunction .

What is soy lecithin? Emulsifier lecithin - benefits and harms

Soy lecithin - what is it? This is a substance that is obtained from the waste products of oil and soy products. In the food industry, it is used in the form of additive E322.

The emulsifier soy lecithin is needed in the production of margarine, milk products, chocolate, bakery products. E322 is also often used as an antioxidant. In the product description, the additive may be listed under the name lecithin emulsifier.

To date, many articles have been written about the dangers and benefits of soy lecithin. Useful properties of the substance are described above.

As for the question of the dangers of soy lecithin, here all experts agree that if you use it in reasonable quantities, the substance does not cause any harm to the body.

However, when used in high doses, it can cause (especially in individuals with a predisposition to them).

According to most consumers, another danger lies in the fact that the substance can be obtained from genetically modified raw materials. Despite the fact that there is no official data on the dangers of using GM products, today their quantity is strictly regulated.

Additive E476 - benefit or harm?

Another form of lecithin is polyglycerol , which is also known as the E476 stabilizer.

Polyglycerin obtained chemically. The properties of this substance make it possible to use it as a stabilizing agent to maintain the required level of viscosity and improve the consistency of individual food products.

In this regard, the additive is often used in the manufacture of chocolate, mayonnaise and ketchup, margarine, ready-made sauces and vacuum-packed liquid soups.

In comparison with E476 lecithin, it is much cheaper, while such a replacement does not affect the taste of the product.

There is no direct evidence of E476 harm to the body. Conducted studies have not revealed the toxicity of this substance. Their results also made it possible to establish that the additive is not an allergen and does not cause irritation of the skin (including in direct contact with them).

However, it should be borne in mind that since the start of production polyglycerol per stream, GM plants often began to be used for its manufacture. When asked what this is fraught with for the body, scientists still find it difficult to answer.

According to some reports, the abuse of products that contain the additive E476 can cause an increase in size. liver And kidney , as well as violations of the course of metabolic processes in the body. In this regard, you should be especially careful when including them in the diet of people with stomach diseases and young children.

What foods contain lecithin?

The name of the substance has Greek roots. IN literal translation"lekithos" means "egg yolk". Accordingly, it is found in large quantities in eggs.

Other foods that contain lecithin are foods high in fat - chicken and beef liver, nuts, fish, seeds, meat, sunflower oil, legumes (in particular, soybeans).


Coincidence in the ATX code of the 4th level:

Lecithin , Our lecithin , Coral Lecithin , Doppelgerz Active Lecithin , Lecithin , Lecithin NSP , Lecithin Art Life , Buerlecithin , Granular Lecithin Granules , Doppelhertz Vitalotonic .

Lecithin for children

The child's body needs lecithin from the first weeks of fetal development, since lecithin takes an active part in the processes of formation and development CNS . Necessary for the breath of newborn babies, surfactant, which is lined with lung alveoli , 76% consists of this substance.

The baby receives it with mother's milk. Therefore, in cases where for some reason it is impossible, the resulting deficit must be compensated additionally.

This is due to the fact that with an insufficient content of the substance in the diet, the child's attention and ability to learn are significantly reduced.

In addition, it is characterized by the ability to reduce the concentration fatty acids And cholesterol in the blood and cleanse the vascular walls from cholesterol plaques . It improves functional activity kidney and assimilation fat soluble vitamins , which are necessary for the supply of nutrients to all living cells of the human body, stimulates energy production, and also increases resistance to the aging process in adulthood.

The child's body is especially vulnerable during stresses, which he usually encounters for the first time during the period of adaptation to kindergarten and then to school.

Pediatricians note that children who go to first grade lecithin are essential: the substance stimulates activity brain , increases concentration and resistance to stress, improves memory, and also effectively reduces fatigue.

For adolescents, whose body is in a phase of rapid growth, it is the second most important building material after protein.

The optimal form of Lecithin for children is a gel, which, unlike tablets, is not perceived by the child as a medicine and also has a pleasant taste and fruity smell. Another option is soluble capsules that can be used to make a vitamin drink.

Lecithin for weight loss

The tool is often used in weight loss programs. This is due to the fact that with excess body weight, the substance stimulates the processes of splitting fats and prevents their accumulation in tissues.

The beneficial properties of lecithin also make it possible to use it in many anti-cellulite programs.

Lecithin during pregnancy

Despite the fact that lecithin is a non-toxic substance, does not cause mutations and does not have a carcinogenic effect, you should refrain from using it (especially in the first 13 weeks of pregnancy).

At later stages of pregnancy and during lactation, the question of the possibility of its use is decided by the attending physician.

Why is cholesterol in food dangerous? This fatty, wax-like substance is produced by the liver and serves to build cell membranes, help the body produce bile needed for digestion, and hormones.

Your liver produces exactly the amount of cholesterol it needs to correct operation organism. But cholesterol in excess enters the body with food. Excess fats are deposited on the walls of the arteries in the form of plaques, causing their narrowing. In places of vasoconstriction, blood clots form, which can completely deprive an individual organ of blood supply.

When the lumen of the arteries that supply the heart muscle with oxygen narrows, coronary heart disease develops. If a blood clot completely blocks the access of oxygen to the heart muscle, a section of muscle tissue dies off, and doctors talk about myocardial infarction. When a clot blocks blood flow to the brain, a stroke develops, that is, partial or complete death of nerve cells in the brain.

Heart attack and stroke are very dangerous conditions. If medical assistance is not provided immediately, death often occurs. Heart attack, as a complication of coronary heart disease, is the first cause of death in developed countries, stroke is the second most common cause of death.

To understand how diet affects your health, it is important to know how cholesterol works in the body.

Not all lipoproteins are the same

Cholesterol does not dissolve in liquid. Fat molecules are carried throughout the body along with the bloodstream associated with proteins. This combination of proteins and fats is called lipoproteins.

There are several main categories of lipoproteins:

  • High-density lipoproteins (HDL) are considered "good". HDL delivers excess cholesterol back to the liver, which removes the excess from the body.
  • Low density lipoproteins (LDL) are called "bad". These complexes of molecules deliver cholesterol from the liver to various organs in the body. When there is too much LDL, excess cholesterol is deposited on the walls of blood vessels in the form of dense plaques, impairing blood flow. Deposits on the walls of blood vessels cause the disease atherosclerosis and can eventually lead to death.
  • Very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) primarily serve as a carrier for triglycerides, another form of fat in the body. A large amount of VLDL is also associated with the risk of atherosclerosis.

Cholesterol content in various foods

This section provides a table of cholesterol content in foods. Use it to control the amount of this type of fat that comes in daily with food. For healthy people, doctors recommend limiting your cholesterol intake to 300 milligrams per day.

If there is a risk of developing cardiovascular disease, or in cases where the level of unhealthy fats in the blood is elevated, you should reduce your daily intake of cholesterol to 200 milligrams.

What foods contain cholesterol? This substance contains all food of animal origin, especially animal fats. The first place in the content of this type of fat is occupied by a delicacy - beef brains. The content of cholesterol per 100 grams of brain can exceed three thousand milligrams - ten times higher than the daily norm. This is not surprising, because the brain of humans and animals mainly consists of a water-fat mixture. The second place is occupied by fish oil - about 760 milligrams per 100 grams. But since fish oil is rarely taken in large quantities, the cholesterol in fish oil usually does not have a serious effect on health.

Among the foods commonly eaten, egg yolk has the highest concentration of cholesterol.

Product Cholesterol content, in mg. per 100 grams
Egg yolk 1085
Chicken liver 550 - 750
Caviar 480 - 580
Kidneys, beef or pork 410
Liver, beef or pork 300
Squid 267
Butter 225
Shrimps 150
Heart, beef or pork 150
Sausages and sausage 150
Bacon 111
yellow cheese 105
Salo 95
Pork 88
Beef 70-90
Chicken 60-70
Sour cream 20% 52
Ice cream 50
Tuna 60
Rabbit 50
Milk chocolate 17
Cottage cheese 15
Milk 3.5% 13

Are there foods that contain good cholesterol? Eating fatty foods in large quantities in any case is bad for health. But if we follow the recommendations of doctors, a small amount of animal fats should be present in our diet. If you are within the range of daily cholesterol intake, you should choose foods with a normal fat content, rather than low-fat foods and foods containing trans fats.

What conclusions can be drawn from the given data?

  • If you are afraid for your cholesterol level, stop eating eggs. Doctors recommend not eating more than seven whole eggs a week, or throwing away some of the yolks. The protein of a chicken egg contains practically no cholesterol.
  • Those who are afraid of heart disease should also give up offal and dishes prepared from them.
  • Limit your consumption of fast food. One Big Mac contains about 85 mg. cholesterol. Especially harmful is chicken or pork breaded in chicken yolks - this combination contains about 225 milligrams of cholesterol.
  • Most meat products can be replaced with fish dishes. Fish contains omega-3 acids that are good for the heart. It is recommended to reduce meat consumption to 140 grams per day. A piece of meat in a serving should not exceed a deck of playing cards in size.
  • Butter and margarine should be replaced with vegetable oil, preferably olive or rapeseed. Useful source of fats - nuts ( Walnut, almonds).
  • Chicken and turkey should be eaten without the skin. The largest amount of fat is in the subcutaneous fat layer.
  • Reduce the amount of salt added to food.
  • Reduce your sugar intake. Replace sweets with fruits.
  • Eat more vegetables, whole grains.
  • Limit your alcohol intake. Alcoholic drinks reduce the amount of bad lipoproteins, but the harm of alcohol blocks it beneficial features. If you already drink alcohol, you should reduce your consumption to moderate levels.

trans fats

Vegetable oils do not contain cholesterol. But when vegetable oil undergoes additional refining, in the production of cooking oil or margarine, trans fats are formed. Trans fat differs from regular fat in the configuration of its molecules. Scientists have found that hydrogenated vegetable oils and margarines can increase the body's cholesterol levels. In addition, this oil, unlike animal fats, reduces the level of "good" lipoproteins in the blood, accelerating the formation of deposits on the walls of blood vessels.

Food producers save - trans fat is cheaper than animal fats in production. Now such fats are found in any baked goods, fast food, used in the production of snacks: chips, popcorn. Vegetable oils replace milk in the production of ice cream. In many countries, the use of trans fats in food is beginning to be restricted or banned.

Palm oil is not a trans fat, but according to some reports, it can also lower the concentration of cholesterol in the body. Scholars are divided on this issue. Palm oil is a safer alternative to margarine and hydrogenated vegetable oil, but baked goods and sweets typically contain both trans fats and palm oil.

Cholesterol lowering food

Are there foods for cholesterol? When cholesterol is high, doctors prescribe drugs that block the production of this substance by the liver. But some foods also have the ability to lower blood fats or harmful LDL lipoproteins.

First of all, these are foods rich in fiber, which is not digested in the stomach and intestines. Cholesterol is used by the liver to make bile, while excess cholesterol is absorbed in the intestines and used to make new bile. Water-soluble plant fiber has the ability to absorb bile, thereby reducing the production of cholesterol.

Foods rich in water-soluble fiber:

  • Oats, oatmeal
  • Barley
  • Beans, peas, lentils
  • Brown rice
  • eggplant
  • Carrot
  • Flax seeds
  • Apples
  • Grape
  • Citrus

In addition, you can take pharmacy food supplements containing water-soluble fiber.

Natural cholesterol blockers:

  • Red onion and garlic
  • Ginger
  • Radish
  • Green tea
  • Cocoa and dark chocolate

Prevention of heart disease

You can:

  • Eat a low-salt, low-sugar diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains
  • Fight the consumption of animal fats in the diet, use vegetable oil in moderation
  • Lose extra pounds and maintain a healthy weight
  • Quit smoking
  • Exercise for at least half an hour a day
  • Drink alcohol in moderation or stop drinking

Foods high in calcium

Foods rich in calcium are very important for the body of any person. Everyone is well aware that calcium helps to strengthen the skeleton, achieve whiteness and strength of teeth. But few people know that in addition to strengthening the skeleton, calcium is necessary for the normal process of blood clotting, helps to saturate the body with nutrients, is important for the normal transmission of nerve impulses and takes part in the process of muscle contraction or relaxation. Therefore, foods high in calcium are so important in the diet of any person.

deficiency or excess

Enriching the body with calcium for health and well-being is extremely important. After all, the lack of this element can lead to a weakening of the immune system, a deterioration in mood, provokes an increase in pressure. A common problem with a lack of a trace element is bone porosity and problems with teeth. The human skeleton does not withstand loads well, therefore, with any careless movement, there is a risk of fractures.

It is also important that the macronutrient helps cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. This again highlights its usefulness in food. Just do not confuse organic and inorganic calcium, which, on the contrary, may be the cause of the development of lime deposits on the walls of blood vessels.

Plant foods will help prevent this, because it is a source of the right Ca, since it is not always subjected to heat treatment.

It is thanks to sports loads that calcium passes from food into bone and muscle tissue. As you can see, a lack does not entail anything good. Therefore, in order to prevent such a problem, people try to eat plenty of foods high in calcium. But at the same time, they forget that an excess of a substance is no better than a lack.

An organism enriched with calcium reacts to an excess of a microelement by excitability of the nervous system and dehydration of the connective tissue. The formation of magnesium and other salts is observed with an excess, which leads to the development of gout. So you do not need to strive with all your might to enrich the body with a substance. It is important to find that "golden mean" in which a person will protect bones and teeth from destruction, but will not allow the development of health problems.

Norm for the body

Nutritionists note that the norm for an adult per day is 1 mg. Up to 0.8 mg of a microelement is quite enough for a child. The norm is calculated on the condition that in the human diet there are additional products containing Ca.

In addition, in order to consume a lot of calcium, one must not forget about other elements that help it to be absorbed.

What are these elements:

  1. Vitamin D makes a significant contribution. It helps to absorb calcium, prevents the development of rickets in children, osteoporosis, and has a positive effect on the nervous system. The body receives most of its vitamin D from sunlight. No need to take complex drugs, look for special medicines- spend a few hours in the sun, and you will get a very great benefit from such an activity.
  2. Phosphorus - helps to quickly absorb calcium. We get phosphorus from food - fish, oatmeal, peas, cucumbers and other products will help the body get a sufficient dose of this trace element.
  3. Magnesium - helps to balance the amount of calcium that we supply through nutrition. With a lack of magnesium, calcium is also absorbed much less.

Where is calcium found

Now consider the issue of calcium content in foods. For those who want to know the exact number of trace elements in food, nutritionists create special tables. A detailed table will help you understand which foods contain more calcium, which ones contain less and make your optimal diet. Most do not use complex calculations, but simply try to enrich the entire diet. useful products. You just need to know which among the huge list of foods contain calcium.

Plant foods are a source of calcium

A considerable dose of the element is found in plant products:

  1. Legumes - peas, lentils, beans, soybeans.
  2. Poppy and almond, sesame. The calcium in them is easily digestible. True, few people want to constantly eat poppy seeds or sesame seeds to saturate the body with important trace elements. Therefore, the percentage of saturation due to such food is minimal.
  3. Vegetables and fruits are not high in calcium. But these are foods that can supply many other vitamins. Vitamins help trace elements to be absorbed by the body much faster.
  4. We do not miss the opportunity to introduce such a plant as celery, leaf lettuce, cauliflower, broccoli and other greens. Thanks to such an extensive list of greens, a person on a diet can easily choose the optimal menu for weight loss.

The main route to calcium saturation is milk

Even a child knows which foods have the most calcium - milk and derivatives from it.

Indeed, dairy products are the best way saturate the body with it, especially since for our country this is a familiar menu, for which you don’t need to go anywhere. A large selection of "milk" allows you to choose a diet to your taste. But this assortment also entails some dangers, because milk-based foods do not always contain calcium.

So, the high content of calcium in the products was noted:

  • milk;
  • kefir products;

  • sour cream;
  • cottage cheese (preferably with normal fat content);
  • hard cheese;
  • yogurt without additives.

But before buying, be sure to carefully study the composition of dairy products, as modern manufacturers today sometimes offer very tasty, unusual, but completely useless products for the body. And you need to clearly understand which foods contain calcium, and which ones will not bring any benefit at all.

This is in most cases only delicious dessert. There is practically no calcium in foods of this kind.

Animal products

In addition to milk and plant food You can not ignore the products of animal origin, especially since there are options among them that can enrich the body with calcium:

  1. Fish - to a greater or lesser extent, calcium is contained in different varieties fish. But most of the trace element contains salmon and sardines. Fish has another value - it is a source of phosphorus, which is needed for the normal absorption of calcium.
  2. A small amount of calcium is found in meat dishes prepared from any meat. It cannot be said that such dishes will be the main way to enrich the diet with a trace element, but they will make their contribution.
  3. Eggs are an excellent source of trace elements and vitamins that promote their absorption. This product is very useful, so get used to eating fresh eggs needed from childhood.

The list of products once again confirms that for normal health, good health and getting rid of many problems, you just need a balanced diet.

In what form should the products be used?

Heat treatment of foods containing calcium converts the organic form of the trace element into an inorganic one. And in this state, calcium is not absorbed and gradually turns into stones in the bladder, gall or kidneys.

The inorganic form is also found in dairy products placed on store shelves. They are often subject to pasteurization, which converts the useful organic form into the harmful inorganic form.

Unfortunately, this problem concerns not only milk and sour cream, but infant formulas, which are advertised as the most useful and indispensable for the health of the child.

Do not believe advertising posters and manufacturers' promises. Try to saturate the body with useful trace elements yourself, for this, introduce more fresh vegetables and fruits into the diet in the form of salads, cuts, desserts that do not require heat treatment.

Buy fresh fresh milk and homemade sour cream, learn how to cook cottage cheese or hard cheese yourself. Instead of spices, use cumin and sesame seeds more often, and in your free time, do not deny yourself the pleasure of eating sunflower or pumpkin seeds. All this will help to make your diet as correct and healthy as possible, which will allow you to look great and feel great!

Foods with different levels of cholesterol

Every day on our tables there are dishes from products containing cholesterol. Meat, offal, eggs, whole milk, butter, cheese are all sources of animal fat, which are absorbed into the bloodstream during the digestive process, saturating it with lipids. An excess of foods with cholesterol is a risk factor for serious metabolic disorders and obesity.

Human health is inextricably linked with nutrition. Below we will consider the use of which foods that contain cholesterol should be limited. Can they affect the development of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, cause disorders of fat metabolism in the body? We will also determine the champions in terms of cholesterol content in products: the table will help identify "leaders" who are contraindicated to appear on the tables of patients with dyslipidemia.

The Great and Terrible Cholesterol

So why can eating cholesterol-rich foods be dangerous to your health? This is due to the complex biochemical regulation of life processes.

Cholesterol (cholesterol) is a monohydric fatty alcohol that can bring both benefits and irreparable harm to the body. More than half (70-80%) of this substance is produced by hepatocytes (liver cells), and is used to:

  1. Giving strength and selective permeability to bioplasmic membranes that cover every cell of the human body.
  2. Synthesis of steroid hormones (glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, sex hormones).
  3. Synthesis of vitamin D, necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system, strong healthy bones.
  4. normal operation gastrointestinal tract(a certain amount of cholesterol is part of the bile involved in digestion).

With food, only 20% of fatty alcohol normally comes in, which is spent on the current needs of the body. It has been proven that a balanced plant-based diet low in animal fats does not lead to health problems for a long time: the body finds reserves for an independent increase in the production of essential fatty alcohol. If the diet is based on foods high in cholesterol, the excess of the substance accumulates in the bloodstream, is deposited on the inner surface of the vessels, forming voluminous plaques. They interfere with normal blood supply, and above all, organs that need a constant supply of oxygen and nutrients suffer. Cholesterol plaques are the main point in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and its life-threatening complications - myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke.

Therefore, it is important to be aware of foods that contain high amounts of cholesterol and limit their consumption.

Foods high in animal fat

A healthy person needs to consume 300-400 grams of cholesterol per day. With atherosclerosis and other metabolic disorders, this figure should be reduced to 150-250 g. Animal fat is the record holder for cholesterol. As a result of evolution, the cells of living beings have acquired a strong, but at the same time permeable to useful substances and essential ions wall, which includes this monohydric fatty alcohol. Especially a lot of this substance is found in fatty, "heavy" dishes for digestion. A table of cholesterol content in food products, including meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, is presented below.

All products with elevated cholesterol levels can be conditionally divided into 3 groups according to their effect on the formation of atherosclerosis:

  • high risk;
  • medium risk;
  • insignificant risk.

For example, beef tallow or chicken thighs with skin are considered “undesirable” products in terms of the formation of fat metabolism disorders, not only because they have a lot of cholesterol. Another problem with these products is the refractory, poorly soluble saturated fats in the blood. Sea fish, on the contrary, despite the presence of fatty alcohol, is considered useful due to the content of anti-atherogenic acids omega-3, omega-6. Consider which foods contain the highest amount of cholesterol, the use of which of them is associated with a high risk of cerebral and cardiovascular complications of atherosclerosis.

Meat and offal

Meat and “near-meat” products (liver, kidneys, brains, pies, etc.) are one of the main allies of atherosclerosis. The content of cholesterol in fatty meats can reach significant values.

The table shows that most cholesterol is found in by-products - brains, kidneys. In daily diet modern man dishes from them appear quite rarely (or are absent at all), but in restaurants they can be served as an exquisite delicacy.

As for meat dishes, an excess of them in the diet can not only provoke lipid metabolism disorders and atherosclerosis, but also cause intestinal problems caused by stagnation, protein rotting, impaired immunity, and even such a serious disease as gout. With an increased level of cholesterol, doctors recommend abandoning fatty meats, offal, pates, and sausages. Per day, it is allowed to consume 150-200 g of lean beef, rabbit, lamb or horse meat in boiled, steamed or stewed form. Two to three times a week is useful to arrange fasting days eating mainly fruits and vegetables.


Chicken, duck, turkey appear on our tables quite often: poultry is cheaper than meat, it is easy to cook, and dishes from it have excellent taste. Is there a lot of cholesterol in the bird: full list products with indication of its concentration is presented in the table below.

To reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, doctors recommend eliminating from the diet chicken hearts, liver and stomachs, eat mainly white breast meat without skin. Due to the high fat content, duck is a product that raises cholesterol levels, so it is allowed to eat it no more than 2-3 times a month.

Back in the 80-90s of the last century, a lot of information about the dangers of chicken eggs appeared in the public domain. Indeed, 100 grams of the product contains a record amount of cholesterol - 500-600 mg (of which almost 97% is in the yolk), and it would be logical to ban it for all patients with impaired fat metabolism.

However, modern research has proven that moderate consumption of eggs (3-4 times a week for 1-2 eggs) cannot increase cholesterol levels. "Protects" the body from excessive intake of fatty molecules lecithin into the blood. It is a biologically active substance found in egg yolk, which:

  • able to reduce the "bad" fractions of cholesterol and increase the good ones;
  • improves digestion;
  • normalizes fat metabolism;
  • restores cells and prevents their destruction under the influence of adverse factors (lecithin is a powerful natural antioxidant).

Thus, lecithin not only suppresses the negative effect of cholesterol, but also has positive influence on the organism as a whole.

Fish and seafood

Despite the high cholesterol content, fish should appear in the diet of a patient with atherosclerosis at least 1-2 times a week. Most of the members of the family help fight metabolic disorders. The polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary for the body contribute to an increase in the concentration of “good” fats and a decrease in “bad” fats. The balance established between them will help to remove excess cholesterol from the body and ensure the prevention of vascular diseases. A list of useful fish with an indication of the concentration of fatty alcohol contained in it is presented in the table below.

Try to buy fresh fish in large stores where sanitary control of products is regularly carried out. Preferred cooking methods: boiling, baking in the oven, stewing with vegetables.


Doctors call cholesterol in dairy products the most inconspicuous: in many respects, the content of this substance depends on the fat content of the raw materials, the conditions of the animal, and the technology of preparation. Whole milk with rich creamy foam and products made from it contain several times more cholesterol than skimmed fermented milk drink. The main representatives of the group with an indication of the content of cholesterol are presented in the table below.

Thus, the most dangerous for patients with atherosclerosis are butter, hard cheeses, cream. Eliminating them from the diet will achieve excellent results. In the diet, experts recommend moderate consumption of milk and dairy products. The main thing is that they are low fat.

Is there cholesterol in plant foods?

Is there cholesterol in plant foods? No, this substance is found only in animal fat. Therefore, the inscription "Does not contain cholesterol" on the labels sunflower oil- nothing more than a publicity stunt. Not a single vegetable oil has it in its composition.

Consider the difference between vegetable and animal fats in addition to the absence or presence of cholesterol:

  • vegetable oils are better absorbed by the body;
  • due to the content of useful polyunsaturated fatty acids, vegetable oils regulate fat metabolism and prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques;
  • vitamins A, D, E contained in sunflower and other vegetable oils, positively affect the work of all organs and systems;
  • Some vegetable oils (sunflower, peach, grape seed) contain a complete set of antioxidants that protect the body from premature aging and the development of cancerous tumors.

By replacing animal fat (butter, margarine, lard) with vegetable oil, one can observe a decrease in the concentration of cholesterol by 10-15% of the original. Also, experts recommend drinking 1 tsp in the morning on an empty stomach. linseed oil in the absence of contraindications (chronic destructive liver disease, kidney stones, ulcerative gastritis or enteritis).

Principles of a diet that normalizes fat metabolism in the body

Prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis always starts with diet. It is important to limit cholesterol-rich foods and replace them with healthy polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Cook food with a small amount of vegetable oil, not butter. Eliminate offal (including liver), lard, fatty meat, hard cheeses, etc. from the diet. It is desirable that fresh vegetables and fruits are always on the table of a patient with atherosclerosis. Meals from lean beef, rabbit, lamb, as well as legumes - chickpeas, beans, peas will help replenish energy reserves and protect the feeling of satiety for a long time. Pour 1-2 cups of water and simmer, then add spices and grind with a blender. It turns out a tasty and healthy pate that can be eaten with bread or as a "meat" dish.

Carbohydrates also provide a lot of energy: cereal cereals, muesli, durum pasta. It is good if their reception will fall in the first half of the day. However, those who seek to reduce body weight should not get carried away with carbohydrates: their excessive intake with food can lead to obesity.

The resulting deficit of fat entering the body, it is important to replace the right products, which will help the body in the fight against atherosclerosis. Unsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6 are found in almost all vegetable oils (olive, sunflower, peach, linseed). When dressing fresh vegetable salads, you should use one of them.

Also, a high content of "useful" fats is observed in fatty marine fish, such as salmon, chum salmon, mackerel, herring. By including them in the diet, it is possible to establish disorders of fat metabolism without taking pills (for mild and moderate dyslipidemia).

Fruits and vegetables not only saturate the body with essential vitamins and minerals, but also help to reduce body weight, reduce the concentration of "bad" cholesterol and cleanse the walls of blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques. Experts recommend eating these products fresh, vegetables can also be boiled, stewed, grilled (but not fried in a large amount of fat).

Nuts also become useful for patients with atherosclerosis. Despite their high calorie content, 1 small handful of nuts should accompany one of the meals in the morning. Regular consumption of peanuts, walnuts or pistachios (unsalted) has been shown to lower total cholesterol by 10-15% of baseline. And tasty almonds, due to the content of a unique complex of vitamins and minerals, prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases. Only 150 grains per week will provide the patient with the prevention of a heart attack or stroke.

Dairy products should be limited. It is better to refuse whole milk (its fat content can exceed 8-9%) and all its derivatives (sour cream, cream, yogurt, kefir, hard cheese). Read the information on the packaging carefully and try to choose a product with the lowest fat content.

Butter, margarine and the so-called spread are bad allies in the fight against atherosclerosis. It is better to completely abandon their use for the entire period of treatment. Since these foods contain high amounts of cholesterol, it is better to replace them with healthier vegetable oils.

Doctors also recommend limiting salt intake to 3 grams per day. The ability to influence electrolyte metabolism, retain water in the body and provoke arterial hypertension makes salt a product that can cause cardiovascular and cerebral pathologies, a complication of atherosclerosis. Follow simple rules:

  • during cooking, do not add salt to it;
  • do not put the salt shaker on the table during dinner;
  • Check the sodium content on the label of the foods you buy.
  • to make the taste of food more vivid, use spicy herbs or ready-made salt-free seasonings.

After 1-2 months of such nutrition, patients get used to the new taste of food. Previously familiar food begins to seem too salty and tasteless to them. Many people notice positive changes in the body caused by salt restriction: blood pressure normalizes, excess weight and swelling go away, cholesterol levels decrease by 5-10%.

Are errors in nutrition with atherosclerosis acceptable?

Diet is one of the main methods of treating atherosclerosis and normalizing fat metabolism. Of course, it is desirable to observe it throughout the entire therapeutic course. In practice, such strict adherence to the rules of therapy is not always possible: often patients “break down”, finding themselves at a magnificent feast, or cannot deny themselves the pleasure of eating their favorite meat delicacy.

Any malnutrition can negatively affect the current level of cholesterol in the blood. Therefore, it is important to pull yourself together and return to a healthy balanced diet as soon as possible. But starving, hoping to lose weight faster, is also dangerous. Refusal of food is perceived by the body as a stressful situation, and rebuilds the work of the digestive tract, slowing down the metabolism and trying to accumulate emerging cholesterol.

Thus, the entire diet of patients with atherosclerosis (or a predisposition to it) should be based on the principles of hypocholesterol nutrition:

  1. Reducing the amount of foods saturated with cholesterol for the entire period of treatment.
  2. A balanced diet with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits.
  3. Eating small meals every 2-2.5 hours. Eating often and fractionally is necessary to normalize the metabolism in the body and suppress the production of endogenous cholesterol in the liver.
  4. The use of a large amount of liquid (2-2.5 liters) during the day.

In addition, it is important to observe non-drug methods of treating the disease: an active lifestyle, practicing a sport approved by the doctor, walking in the fresh air and psycho-emotional peace. Cholesterol reduction should be comprehensive, aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease and normalizing metabolism.

Lecithin are a type of fat called phospholipids, which consist mainly of various saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, phosphoric acid, and choline. It is contained in cell membranes all living beings, and due to the fact that this fat is present in both animal and plant tissues, its sources are very numerous. Some of the very best food sources of lecithin are egg yolk, liver, peanut, whole grains, milk And soya beans. Lecithin is also often used as a food additive in the production of foods such as ice cream and salad dressings. Such lecithin, sometimes referred to as industrial lecithin, is usually derived from soybeans.

Lecithin is not only found in food - it is also produced by the human body itself.

It is present in the bile produced by the liver, which is involved in the absorption of fats. There is usually no need to take lecithin supplements, since the lecithin produced by the body and the lecithin obtained from food is sufficient to maintain human health. There is no official recommended intake for lecithin, although some dietary studies suggest that men should consume 550 mg of lecithin per day and women should consume 425 mg per day. Too much large quantities lecithin can lead to nausea, bloating and diarrhea.

The best food source of lecithin is egg yolk.

Other animal sources include liver, milk, fish, fish roe, chicken, and meat. Brain is another excellent source of lecithin. Good plant sources of lecithin include various seeds, peanuts, wheat germ, olives, avocados, and cabbage.

As a food additive, lecithin is used as an emulsifier, allowing oils and fats to mix with water. It is also used to prevent sticking of foods, such as in non-stick cooking sprays, to give certain pasty foods a nicer texture, to extend the shelf life of foods, and as a replacement ingredient to reduce fat and egg content in baked goods.

Candy, ice cream, margarine, and salad dressings almost always contain lecithin.

For use as a dietary supplement, lecithin is often obtained from soybean oil. This lecithin is also called soy lecithin. Sunflower oil is often used for the production of industrial lecithin.

Some people believe that lecithin has beneficial effects on the body. They believe that lecithin supplementation may improve brain function, help fight Alzheimer's disease, lower blood cholesterol, improve immune system function, and improve heart and liver health. However, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims.