A tire foundation is a more reliable foundation for lightweight buildings. Do-it-yourself foundation from car tires How to make a foundation from tires for a barn

If you have started construction and want to do everything yourself, then you can use one of the many low-cost methods that will help lay the foundation for a future building. A foundation made of tires was invented specifically for this purpose.

Which type of tire construction to choose?

Foundations made from car tires began to be introduced into the construction industry quite recently. Already today such a foundation is known in two variations. The first involves the use of tires as a basis for pouring concrete mixture.

The second design is the laying of car tires to form individual supports. They will be located in the corners and in those places where the expected load will be the most impressive. In this case we are talking about the intersection points of the walls.

Reviews about the budget basis for construction

If you are faced with the task of building a small building, for example, a bathhouse or a garage, then at the first stage you need to decide on the foundation. It is important to calculate what its dimensions will be, and also decide what material you plan to use. This stage usually takes a huge part of the time, and a lot of money is spent on building the foundation.

The base can be created from old tires. This technology is of interest to summer residents, because it is cheap and simple. In order for the structure to be strong and reliable, you will need some tools and materials. But you must remember that using this technique for the construction of massive and block buildings is prohibited!

If you are still in doubt whether it is worth building a foundation from tires, you should evaluate the positive features of this part of the building by reading the reviews of home craftsmen. They claim that with a competent approach to the matter, the foundation will last for several decades.

According to the builders, you will be able to save money, and the tires will act as the basis and act as a waterproofing layer. If you start construction using the described technology, you can avoid problems caused by temperature changes. The tires are resistant to moisture. According to bathhouse owners, such a substrate can withstand high loads. Rubber has a special composition that provides products with the ability to withstand atmospheric influences.

Negative reviews

Before building a tire foundation, you should evaluate some of the disadvantages of this design. For example, when wheels are exposed to direct sunlight, the material can release toxic substances into the atmosphere. You can avoid this trouble if you carry out construction according to the rules.

It is not recommended to use car tires on the soil surface. Among the disadvantages, private builders also highlight the inability to erect a heavy building on the described type of foundation. This type of base does not have a sufficient level of reliability, but it will be an excellent solution for a summer kitchen or bathhouse.

Work technology

The most popular “tire” technology is among those who plan to build a bathhouse or garage on their plot.

First you need to dig a pit, lay tires and install formwork. The next step is filling.

Step-by-step instruction

If a tire foundation is suitable for your future building, then you need to prepare a site for its construction. It is cleared of stones and debris, and then a pit is dug. 20 cm of access must be provided on each side of the trench. The recommended depth is 30 cm or less. The final value will depend on the source material for the fill.

When making a foundation of tires with your own hands, the next step is to lay the wheels, but first you need to level and compact the bottom. The tires are laid one at a time end to end, there should be no gaps. Inside the tires, the space is filled with prepared crushed stone, broken bricks, sand and earth.

The material is well compacted with a hammer. Using the same principle, it is necessary to get rid of the gaps between the wheels. The fill layer should cover the tires completely. The compaction density of the material will ensure the reliability and strength of the structure.

Installation of formwork

After compaction and preparation of the base, you can proceed to pouring the foundation. To do this, waterproofing is installed in the form of sheets of roofing material. At the next stage, the formwork is installed, for which timber and a board prepared in advance are used.

This part of the foundation is assembled in such a way that the result is a monolithic concrete slab. This will become the top part of the base. It is especially important to reinforce the structure using channels and metal, which are connected to each other with wire. Sometimes it will be enough to use a monolithic concrete slab, but in this case its economic feasibility and cost should be assessed and calculated.

Carrying out pouring

The foundation of car tires is filled with concrete mortar, to which a plasticizer is added - this component will ensure the absence of cracks and chips. The poured solution is covered with a rag, which is pre-soaked in ammonia, which saves time on drying.

The slab is left in this state for 10 days to consolidate and ensure the strength of the structure. The formwork is then dismantled.

The most important thing is to ensure that the slab is perfectly horizontal. To do this, when pouring the permanent one, check the building level.

Comparison of columnar and slab foundations made from tires

After reading reviews from experts about tire foundations, you will learn that the structure can be columnar or slab. The installation features will depend on the choice of base type.

For a slab foundation, the tires are placed at the bottom of the pit in two layers. With an increase in the number of tires, the foundation becomes stronger and therefore will last longer.

In this case, roofing felt sheets act as waterproofing and ensure uniform filling. When installing formwork from timber and boards, you must maintain a height of 15 cm. After pouring, the foundation stands for 10 days, but for reliability, the formwork is dismantled after two weeks.

As for the columnar foundation made from wheel tires, the technology involves the construction of pillars of the required height and size. This type of foundation is relevant in regions and areas where there is a high probability of seismic activity. The tire base has high strength characteristics. During construction you will spend more effort and time, but the design will be as reliable as possible.

Features of the construction of a columnar foundation made of tires

Before making a tire foundation, you must decide what type of foundation you will build. For a columnar structure (after preparing the pit), the dimensions are marked with pegs. Car tires are placed on them so that the first layer is in the middle. In this case, it is necessary to strictly observe the horizontal surface.

The tires are covered with crushed stone, broken bricks and filled with concrete mortar. The pouring should sit for about 5 days, then you can begin tying it with timber and boards. Such a foundation for a bathhouse made of tires does not require further special care during operation. This is especially true in cases where all rules and regulations were followed during the construction process.

A layer of sand must be formed in any of the described types of foundation. This part acts as a damper, which stabilizes the load and provides additional waterproofing, retaining moisture.

How to avoid soil heaving

The foundation is shallow. If construction is carried out in a region with severe winters, it is necessary to provide for soil swelling due to frost. In order to eliminate unpleasant consequences during the operation of the building, soil is laid inside the columns formed from tires. But this must be done not to the edge, but only to 80% of the tire volume.

The empty 20% is required as a reserve space in the event that roofing material is laid on top of the received supports. Some builders use linoleum that was left over from renovations - this is an additional saving.


Whatever type of foundation you choose for building a bathhouse or garage, take into account all conditions, from regional weather conditions to soil characteristics.

Once again, we repeat that a tire base is an economical and simple option. This is especially true for those craftsmen who plan to do the work themselves from start to finish, using available tools and materials.

The construction itself depends on the foundation of any building, so the selection and manufacture of the foundation should be taken as responsibly as possible.

Since the 90s of the last century, foundations made of tires have been popular. This is an inexpensive, prefabricated and interesting way to build the foundation of a house with your own hands. To build such a foundation you will need a lot of old tires and a minimal set of tools. As a result, you will receive a reliable and durable base, made by yourself.

Tire foundation: advantages and disadvantages

To build a tire foundation, car tires made of rubber are used. Why rubber? The process of its decomposition takes more than 100 years - this is a fairly good indicator of the service life of the foundation. And given that rubber does not absorb moisture from the soil, a tire foundation has excellent waterproofing characteristics.

If you follow all the rules and technologies for constructing a foundation from tires, you will quickly, efficiently, and most importantly, inexpensively receive a reliable foundation for a house, bathhouse or outbuilding, on a private or industrial site.

The tire base has many advantages:

  • Recessed foundations can begin to crack due to soil vibrations, and a foundation made of tires serves without the formation of such;
  • The tires have excellent shock-absorbing characteristics, so the base can withstand almost all vibration loads;
  • The service life of a foundation on tires is no different from the service life of any other foundation, but the material is much cheaper;
  • The tire base has excellent earthquake resistance;
  • To create such a frame at home, you do not need to have serious knowledge and spend a lot of time;
  • The construction of a house on such a foundation occurs without the use of heavy construction equipment.

However, such a frame for a house also has disadvantages:

  • The base of the tires is quite wide for the load-bearing walls of the building, so difficulties may arise with the cladding;
  • If tires lie on the surface of the ground, they can emit harmful substances, so it is recommended to lay the tires on a waterproofing layer.

Tire foundation: what is it used for?

This type of foundation is used in the construction of small buildings: garages, bathhouses, small houses, outbuildings. For large buildings with several floors or houses made of heavy materials (brick, blocks, etc.), you need to use classic types of foundation.

You should not risk building a large house on such a foundation with your own hands. If you try to save money, you will incur more significant losses.

Tire base: tools and materials

When thinking about building a base from tires, you need to prepare all the necessary materials and tools, namely:

  • Car tires;
  • Rake or pipe for compaction;
  • Crushed stone;
  • Construction levels;
  • Sand;
  • Whole and broken bricks;
  • Shields or boards to create a frame for pouring mortar;
  • Ruberoid or linoleum;
  • Shovels;
  • Metal fittings.

How to make a foundation from tires

There are many ways to build a base from waste tires with your own hands; we suggest you familiarize yourself with the most popular and proven methods.

Tiled method of constructing a frame for a building

This is a frame for construction, erected using old tires in the form of a foundation slab.

Construction process:

  • The process of laying tires is carried out in 2 layers, tires need to be laid as many as possible, the strength of the frame for the building depends on this;
  • The voids between car tires are filled with gravel and brick and compacted;
  • Ruberoid or thick linoleum is laid over the tires for uniform filling;
  • Next, formwork is installed from panels or boards around the laid tires;
  • Before pouring, reinforcement is laid on roofing felt or linoleum to give strength to the cement structure;
  • Next, a solution of cement, sand and water is poured;
  • The frame for filling with mortar can be removed no earlier than seven days.

Columnar method of constructing a base from tires

A frame for a building made of tires in the form of pillars is also very popular. This method takes longer than the tiled method, but its reliability and stability are higher.

Construction process:

  • A significant layer of turf is removed;
  • Next, a hole of the required dimensions is dug and filled with crushed stone;
  • Crushed stone is compacted tightly;
  • The area allocated for construction is marked with wooden pegs;
  • Car tires are laid out on pegs so that the pegs are in the center;
  • The distance between the tires is filled with pieces of brick or crushed stone;
  • Next, cement mortar is poured;
  • After a week, you can begin installing the strapping beam.

Method of tying tires with a channel

This is a fairly simple and labor-intensive way to build a reliable and strong foundation with your own hands.

Construction process:

  • The area allocated for construction is cleared of debris;
  • The top (fertile) layer of turf is removed;
  • Car tires are laid around the perimeter of the future building;
  • Each tire is filled with stone or pieces of brick and filled with mortar;
  • An anchor is inserted inside each tire;
  • Next they are tied with metal channels.

This method is not used to build heavy houses made of bricks or slabs. It is used only for small houses, garages, small bathhouses and outbuildings.


What frame to build for the building is up to you to decide. If you are thinking about building a foundation with your own hands, but do not have the necessary knowledge to build a strip foundation or any other foundation that requires precise calculations, a tire foundation is perfect for you.

Despite certain problems with protruding automobile rubber, it can be easily decorated with any facing material.

Foundation made from car tires updated: February 26, 2018 by: zoomfund

An original way to build a strong and reliable foundation for any type of building on heaving soils is a do-it-yourself foundation made from tires.

This technology has become popular due to its low financial costs and its simplicity.

The foundation made from car tires has its own design and operational features.

The use of old car tires to build the foundation is a unique development of Mikhail Semykin, who first implemented it during the construction of a 3-story private house with an area of ​​260 sq.m.

Advantages and disadvantages of the foundation

Each material used to build a foundation has its own advantages and disadvantages.


The key advantage of a design made from car tires is its affordable cost: used tires can be purchased at any service station, auto repair shop, or from fellow motorists.

In addition, such a base has the following advantages:

  • high load-bearing capacity - the finished structure can withstand a load of several tons;
  • reliability and strength - support from truck tires prevents subsidence, deformation and overturning of the structure when the ground is moving;
  • high waterproofing properties - the base provides reliable protection of the structure from the negative effects of groundwater and high humidity;
  • depreciation during sudden changes in temperature conditions;
  • seismic resistance to ground vibrations, which prevents the formation of cracks and splits in the finished structure;
  • simplicity and accessibility of arranging the foundation yourself, without involving expensive specialists;
  • light weight of the material and ease of transportation;
  • long service life.


The disadvantages of the material include the susceptibility of rubber to the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation and elevated temperatures.

When heated, car tires can release toxic substances and a synthetic odor.

The only measure to eliminate this deficiency is to reliably isolate tires from the negative impact of environmental factors. For example, painting with heat-resistant paint or covering with corrugated board around the entire perimeter of the base.

Scope of use of the foundation

Tire foundations are successfully used for the construction of buildings on heaving soils and in seismically active zones. The foundation is provided for the construction of:

  • private frame houses. Tires are installed in several rows in a pre-prepared pit;
  • outbuildings - garages, sheds, gazebos. A columnar base made of tires is installed at the outer corners of buildings;
  • baths and saunas. For wooden baths, a foundation made of car tires does not require additional backfill;
  • fencing. Tires are installed in one row along the entire perimeter of the site.

The most popular is the foundation made of tires for bathhouses and houses.

Types of tire foundations

Due to their high load-bearing capacity, foundations made from car tires are recommended for the construction of lightweight objects. Based on the installation method, there are two types of base:

  • columnar. It is represented by separate support pillars, which can consist of 4-5 tires. Concrete mortar or soil is used as filler;
  • slab. To construct the slab, the building material is installed in two rows and reinforced with a special reinforced belt made of metal rods.

Important! It is recommended to use large-diameter tires for the foundation of a house, which have increased strength and wear resistance. In addition, all elements must be the same size and brand, this will ensure the construction of a reliable and durable structure.

Arrangement of a slab foundation

Attention! Sand cannot be used as a void filler in tires. This is fraught with excessive shrinkage of the base and deformation of the finished structure.

Construction of a columnar foundation

A foundation made of automobile rubber in the form of pillars is relevant for the construction of lightweight frame buildings, be it a bathhouse, a country house, a garage or an outbuilding.

Such a foundation is resistant to soil mobility, so it is recommended to build it in seismically active regions.

A columnar foundation made of tires for a gazebo or bathhouse is erected as follows:

  1. Preparing a foundation pit at a construction site. Leveling the bottom, filling with sand or fine crushed stone. Carefully compact the waterproofing pad.
  2. Marking the area around the perimeter of the base in accordance with the construction plan using pegs.
  3. Installing car tires so that the peg is located in the center of each element.
  4. Leveling the height of the supports using a building level.
  5. Filling the formed voids with fractional material - crushed stone or broken bricks.
  6. Moistening and filling each element with concrete mixture.
  7. Installation of the timber frame after the concrete has completely hardened.

A foundation made from old car tires is an affordable and reliable way for the construction of lightweight buildings - residential buildings and outbuildings in areas with moving soils.

Let's start the story about the foundation made of tires with the fact that it was decided to build a bathhouse (5*5 meters) on a suburban plot. Since the structure of the walls of the bathhouse consisted of timber (light material), they initially decided to make the foundation light and shallow. The owner of the dacha is a person of creative nature (programmer), and accordingly, he also approached the construction of the foundation from a creative side. On the way to the summer cottage there was a tire shop, around which there were piles of old tires. After some negotiations (with gratitude from the tire shop), these tires were moved to a summer cottage, causing bewilderment to neighbors and friends.

The tire foundation was created by people who are very far from the construction industry, but the ability to find the necessary information on the Internet bore fruit.

So, how to make a foundation from tires with your own hands! First, a layer of chernozem, about 400 mm thick, was removed. Thus, we reached the clay layers, which were superior in hardness to chernozem layers and made it possible to carry out initial work. At a height of about 100 mm, ropes were pulled along the perimeter of the future foundation, maintaining the horizontal, which was determined using a level attached to the rope (primitive, but effective). An additional layer of clay (100 mm) was poured onto the bottom of the pit and crushed stone was scattered. After this, the pillow was compacted with a hand tamper made from a piece of log with handles attached. When tamping, the pillow was lightly watered with water.

After two days of drying the base, we began to work with the tires. To make this foundation, we used tires that were different in inner diameter but always identical in outer radius. First, we tried filling them with clay near the place where it was dug. But the tires turned out to be too heavy, and during transportation, some of the clay fell out. Therefore, we decided to deliver clay to the construction site and fill the tires directly at the work site. It should be noted that all actions were carried out exactly according to the technology described on the Internet, which stated that the tire should be filled with clay as densely as possible. This turned out to be not a simple and time-consuming task.

The entire process of laying the first row went like this: first, we raised the rope to the height of the tires and pulled it horizontally in the previously described way. Then the empty tires were put in place, carefully filling them with clay. The tire was not placed in the place where it was planned to install the future stove, since they decided to install the stove on a separate (classical) stove. Thus, it took four days to prepare the foundation pad and lay the first row of tires.

Installing tires on the second row differed little from the first, except that a backing was laid under the tires (plastic tape from insulation packaging, which is usually thrown away).

Also, the tires in the second row were fixed to each other with metal brackets, which gave the foundation additional rigidity.

After filling the entire area with tires, formwork was installed on them (strictly maintaining the horizontal), made from 150-gauge edged boards, which were fixed on the outside with spacers. The boards were mounted on the tires in such a way that the future monolithic slab would extend 2/3 onto the tire.

Next, inside the formwork, roofing felt was laid in two layers (crosswise) to act as waterproofing, which was sprinkled with clay on top and compacted as best we could.

Then polyethylene was laid on this structure. A reinforcing belt with a rod thickness of 10 mm was laid on top.

To pour the monolithic slab, we used imported concrete (B-20, flow class P-4), in a volume of 2.5 cubic meters. meters. After the concrete was stretched and set, the slab was covered with film and left for 20 days to gain strength, moistened with water every two days. It took 29 days to make the foundation (including concrete curing).

Now we should talk about this design from a practical point of view.

The construction of the foundation did not require any major excavation work and was made from waste materials, which resulted in significant cost savings. Such a foundation is not afraid of dampness and its service life is practically unlimited. Separately, we note that it is resistant to winter heaving of the soil due to the fact that the tires easily tolerate deformation, working well in bending. Structures whose foundations are made in this way can be safely included in the register of “Green Houses” that protect the environment.

And now we can answer the question that was posed at the beginning: is this an adventure or a smart choice? You decide…

The foundation is the basis of any building. Its construction is the most expensive part in the cost of building a house. That is why tire foundations are attracting an increasing number of developers who want to reduce construction costs and reduce work completion time.

A foundation made from car tires can withstand enormous loads.

However, it should be noted that it is better to build small structures on a tire foundation. These can be lightweight frame-type houses or buildings made of timber.

Pros and cons of using

The idea of ​​using old car tires has been known for a long time. The construction technology is simple; no special knowledge or skills are required. Finding “building” material is easy. The future owner of the house will be able to do all the work himself.

The construction of foundations on tires has a number of positive aspects. First of all, it should be noted the low cost of such “building” material. Many service stations will be happy to part with used tires, thereby saving a significant amount of money on their disposal. It is better to choose specimens with a large diameter, which are characterized by increased strength. Fewer such tires will be needed for the foundation. For the construction of load-bearing wall structures, specimens that are too wide should not be used. This will complicate the finishing work.

Layout of the foundation on tires: 1 - concrete slab;. 2 - linoleum (roofing felt);. 3 - tires.

The second positive point is the long service life of the tires, provided that they are reliably protected from exposure to sunlight. Tires can act as waterproofing. They will become an obstacle to the penetration of moisture into the foundation and lower parts of the building.

Thanks to the tire foundation, loads will be softened and uneven deformation that can occur during seasonal fluctuations in ambient temperatures will be significantly reduced. If we compare such a foundation with another type of foundation, for example, one built using asbestos-cement pipes, then the first is more stable.

Tires are able to protect the walls of buildings from critical impacts, acting as a kind of softening pillow. This is important for areas characterized by high seismic activity.

When using tires instead of a foundation, you should remember that with significant temperature changes they can release harmful substances if they are on the surface. Therefore, before using this material, you need to carefully think through everything, analyze the condition of the soil under the future structure and the operating conditions of the foundation.

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Main types of foundations on tires

When starting construction work, you should learn more about the type of soil on the site and all its characteristics. In addition, you need to ask what the groundwater level is, to what depth the soil freezes, and what the terrain is like. All this data will make it possible to more accurately calculate the loads of all parts of the future structure on the foundation and through it on the ground.

Tire foundations can be of two types. In the first case, a foundation slab is constructed from the material, the second type is the construction of pillars under the future building. As a rule, such poles are installed in the corners of the house and at several other points around the perimeter. Tires are stacked on top of each other and filled with different fillers. Concrete is most often used, but they can also be filled with soil.

As for the slab, the work on constructing such a tire foundation can be divided into several main stages. First, the site for future construction is prepared and carefully leveled. Then the tires are laid in two rows and covered with earth. Formwork is installed around the perimeter of the structure. A channel is laid on the tires, and a metal frame is made. The resulting structure is filled with concrete.

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Main stages of work

Before making a foundation from tires, you need to prepare all the necessary materials and tools:

  1. A shovel.
  2. Construction level or level.
  3. Backfill material (gravel, broken brick or other material).
  4. Ruberoid.
  5. Metal channel or wooden boards for formwork.
  6. Metal fittings.

The pre-selected area is cleared of debris, stones, roots and tree branches are removed. Then you need to remove a layer of soil, at least 200-300 mm. The surface must be perfectly flat. To achieve this, you can use a special device - a level.

Then the tires are laid. Better in 2 layers. The more material is used in the construction of foundations on tires, the stronger the foundations are. After installation, all voids are filled with prepared filler, such as crushed stone or other available material.

A layer of roofing material is placed on top of the resulting structure. Thanks to this, the concrete pouring will be completed more evenly.

Formwork is constructed along the perimeter of the tire foundation, that is, sides made of wooden boards or metal channels are installed. The sides must be at least 100 mm higher than the entire structure. Reinforcing bars are laid inside the resulting box. Afterwards everything is filled with concrete. The formwork must remain in place for at least 7 days after pouring. The walls of the future structure can begin to be erected after the concrete has completely dried.

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Another way of construction

There is another way to build a foundation from a tire. Work begins with preparing the site, where a pit of the required size is dug. The site is carefully compacted. To do this, you can use a roller or a heavy metal barrel. Then the area is filled with small crushed stone, which also needs to be well compacted.

If you don’t want to dig a pit for foundations on tires, you can do it differently and build supports from them. To do this, dig a hole large enough to put a tire in it. Each support will consist of 2-3 tires, everything will depend on the planned height of the base of the future building.

To make it easier to work, you should mark the area and drive stakes in the places where the tires are installed so that they are in the middle of the laid tires. You can make sure that the markings are done correctly using a tape measure. The rectangle obtained for the future base should have diagonals of the same size.

Tires are mounted on driven stakes. The horizontality of the future tire foundation is checked by the building level. To make it more convenient, you can use a long board.

The next step on tires is filling the tires. Inside each tire you need to lay a layer of waterproofing material, such as waterproofing. Crushed stone is suitable as a filler, which must be filled in gradually, lightly compacting each layer. Filling is done so that there is about 5 cm left to the top.

Then the crushed stone needs to be moistened, and each tire can be poured with concrete. At the same time as pouring, crushed stone should be carefully added. Thanks to this technique, the concrete will rise to the top and better fill the tires. Excess solution should be removed using a board.

The next stage of construction work can begin in at least 5 days. During this time, the concrete will gain the necessary strength. The filler in the tire foundation will evenly distribute the load, and the tires will compensate for fluctuations when the soil freezes and thaws.

The foundation on tires has a significant advantage over other methods of constructing the foundation of a building - minimal time and money spent on excavation work.