Photo album for newborns with DIY notes. Album for a baby: necessary tools and materials, design ideas, chronological and thematic design of pages

Photography is a unique thing. This is not just a picture, this is a whole segment of life. When you look at a photograph, your memory brings up a whole heap of memories from the depths.

You can spend more than one pleasant evening looking at a photo album. You can never expect such warmth and impressions from electronic versions of photo collections. In addition, if the gadget breaks down, pictures can be lost forever. Isn’t this a good reason to continue the traditions of our ancestors and make a photo album with our own hands?

Why your own if you can buy it? ready-made options? There are a lot of arguments:

1.​ Because it will be unique.

2.​ It can be made in various styles and themes.

3.​ A piece of your soul will fall into it.

4.​ And simply because it is an interesting activity.

Interested? Let's look at creating a photo album with your own hands step by step.

Scrapbooking Basics

Like any business, scrapbooking requires advance planning. The problem is that it is not enough for a photo album to have an aesthetic appearance; it needs to carry a certain semantic load. To fulfill all the conditions, you need to find the optimal way to implement the idea. And here it is better to stick to already proven techniques and stylistic ideas for designing photo albums.

DIY photo album

It should be noted that scrapbooking is not a cheap hobby, so before you go purchasing supplies, you need to think about the following for your future masterpiece:

  • plot;
  • composition;
  • design style;
  • implementation technique.


It is the plot that will give you the idea of ​​how to make a photo album with your own hands. The design of the product will directly depend on the theme. A photo album can be a family album or a gift album.

The design of a photo album directly depends on the topic


For a do-it-yourself photo album, page design ideas must be correctly positioned. The photos themselves and the design elements should appear in visual unity. Here it is important to determine the semantic center of the composition and, in relation to it, select accents or decorations for the page. The subject of the image will help you choose a title and perhaps even make short description picture.

All pages of the photo album must be made in the same style

Stylistic orientation

“By creating a photo album with your own hands, you are free to choose any style of its design”

Admirers of lush decor should focus on the American vision of a photo book. Connoisseurs of antiquity and those who like to immerse themselves in bygone days will certainly choose shabby chic or vintage. Adherents of minimalism can take a closer look at the European style and one of the most popular ideas for designing photo albums – “clean and simple”.

Design of a photo album in the “clean and simple” style.

When creating a photo album with your own hands, you are free to choose any design style. Other design options can be used, the main thing is that they can present the theme of the album from the best side.

Performance technique

There are many options on how to make a photo album with your own hands. The following help to implement your ideas:

  • stamping;
  • decoupage;
  • journaling;
  • cropping;
  • distress.

There are about a hundred more entertaining techniques that allow you to create magnificent copies of photo albums.

Decoupage technique in photo album decoration

The presented methods are distinguished by relative ease of implementation. Thus, stamping involves the use of applicators and all kinds of impressions. In decoupage, plot drawings and ornaments are used. In cropping, they work with the photo itself. It is trimmed so that only the key points are preserved. Journaling is characterized by adding original descriptions to photographs. Distress is based on the aging of the paper.

Many different types of impressions are used in stamping

DIY photo album: step by step

Stage I

Essentially this is preparation for work. At this stage, we focus on selecting tools and purchasing materials. What will you need?


  • thick (500 gsm; m) cardboard;
  • scrap paper;
  • notebook;
  • padding polyester;
  • adhesive fabric;
  • tapes.


  • awl;
  • ruler;
  • needle;
  • breadboard knife;
  • pencil.

Stage II

We sit down to plan the implementation of our own photo album design ideas. The result will not disappoint if you clearly formulate what you want to see in the end. This is where a notebook comes into play. It is desirable that it be similar in size to the future original. It will become a kind of template for work. On its pages you can experiment with the arrangement of photographs and decorative elements. Most good options are fixed.

Sketch of the location of pictures and decorative elements

Let's start creating a photo album with our own hands by assembling the spines for the pages. To do this, you can use less thick photo cardboard. Strips are cut from it corresponding to the height of the sheets. The width of the stripes may vary. On average, the figure rarely exceeds 3 cm.

Stripes corresponding to sheet heights

Using a ruler, find the center of the narrow part. We set aside 2 mm on both sides of it if the landscape pages have convex decorations and 1 mm in other cases. We proceed in the same way from the opposite side. We connect the outlines with a ruler and draw a strip with a pencil, not writing pen. This photo album design idea will help you bend the sheet strictly along the given lines. We cut off the corners of the workpiece. Now you can put sheets in them and fix them with glue. The outer sheets should not have “partners”. The free part of the spine will be needed for another.

Fix the leaves with glue

Stage IV

Page finishing. Their decor begins with covering them with scrap paper. Select the right colors and create a general background against which the rest of the composition elements will later be located. The decor for a photo album assembled with your own hands can be:

  • applications;
  • vinyl stickers;
  • newspaper clippings;
  • beautiful cords;
  • ribbons;
  • lace;
  • beads.

Decorative materials for photo album design

In general, everything that your fantasy draws. If there is an abundance of volumetric parts, they should be evenly placed on the pages, then the sheets will not be deformed, and the product as a whole will not lose its shape. This is another reason to work on a photo album with your own hands step by step.

Place the decor evenly on the pages

Stage V

We make the binding and attach the cover. We collect the sheets glued into the spines into a book and glue the first ones with a piece of bandage, gauze or adhesive fabric, so that there is one and a half centimeters of free material left at the edges of the binding.

Cover the spine with gauze

From cotton braid with processed edges, we cut out two strips, the same length as the width of the binding. We bend the remaining gauze and glue it exactly along the edge. This idea for decorating a photo album will help hide flaws in the assembly of the end part of the binding and will serve as an additional fixation for the sheets, preventing them from coming off.

Glue two strips along the edge

While the cheesecloth is drying, work directly on the spine for the binding. If the paper for work is not too thick, then the part can be assembled. You will have to cut out two components: one strictly according to the dimensions of the binding, the second with a width allowance of 3 cm. We lay the smaller strip on top of the larger one so that there are even allowances on both sides. Mark the boundaries and glue the parts.

Spine for binding

It would seem that's it? But at this stage there are some secrets. Design ideas from scrapbooking professionals will help you make a high-quality photo album with your own hands. What do they advise? A thick spine will prevent the album from opening. Is it possible to avoid problems? Yes, if you draw longitudinal lines along the inside of the spine with a sharp object (the same non-writing pen) with a step distance of 1 cm. This technique will allow the part to bend smoothly.

But the nuances of the topic “how to make a photo album with your own hands” do not end there.

The spine is fixed under the cover

The spine must not be glued to the binding. It is fixed on the cover. The structure is allowed to dry, after which the sheets collected on gauze are placed in it. We fix the free ends of the fabric and the part of the sheet spine that was prudently left when assembling the photo album with our own hands to the inside of the cover. It’s better to make it a transparent “Moment”. It holds more firmly and marks are removed more easily. The drips are simply erased with an eraser.

Inside cover

The creation of the photo album is complete. All that remains is to decorate the cover and fill it with content.

Thematic ideas for designing a photo album

Pleasant memories require beautiful cutting. Selfie, which has become fashionable, allows you to make photo albums with your own hands for almost every occasion, but still more often they are created for more global reasons.

Family Chronicle

It can look like a full-fledged photo book. Its contents will include not only interesting and memorable photographs, but also newspaper clippings, postcards dear to the heart, and things closely related to family history. It’s a good idea to write a motto on the title page that reflects the credo of the family.

DIY family photo album

How to make a photo album about your family with your own hands? For example, in genealogical chronology. Dig into the family archives. There will probably be many photographs of your ancestors that you remember and will be able to tell something to your descendants. These photos will appear on the first pages of the chronicle. The story should continue right up to the present day. In the future, your creativity can lay the basis for a whole galaxy of similar photo albums.

Make a series of family photo albums

If a family leads an active lifestyle and does not forget to record everything that happens in it on camera, then it will be difficult to fit everything into one album. In this case, you should divide all the photos into thematic groups and try to assemble a photo album with your own hands for each occasion.

If you love to travel, take a selection of photos from your most memorable trips. Additional decor for such albums can be postcards depicting excursion places of countries or trophies obtained, such as a dried leaf. exotic plant. The epic of a sea holiday is perfectly decorated with sand, pebbles, shells from the beaches, seagull feathers, and sprigs of seaweed.

DIY photo album about travel

Don't be lazy to describe what is shown on the pages. It will be interesting for your descendants to read about your adventures.

Start working on a photo album with your own hands, and design ideas will appear in your head. All relatives can be involved in the case. Give them a page and ask them to decorate it as they wish. You can ask them to compose a poem or write down a life story, or make a drawing with their own hands. In a family photo album, any illustration will be significant.

Make a photo album for the whole family

“Don’t think that the time it takes to create a child’s photo album with your own hands will be limited to one day - it will be a long process.”

The birth of a child is probably the most important event in the life of every family, overshadowing even a wedding, so the desire to immortalize every minute of the child’s life is quite natural. How to make a child’s photo album with your own hands so that what is reflected in it evokes affection even years later? Pay attention to details and wisely plan the sequence of filling with photographs. From the heap of photographs, try to select symbolic images that tell about a new milestone in a child’s life.

DIY children's photo album

You can start the story from afar. Let a photo appear on the first page last days pregnancy. An excellent addition to them would be ultrasound printouts. The logical continuation will be shots from the discharge photo shoot in the celebration hall of the maternity hospital. Next will be pictures with relatives. Later they will paste into the photo album with their own hands: the first smile, the first tooth, the first independent breakfast, the first steps. For every mother, these events are simply etched in her memory, and a desire is born to share her happiness with the whole world.

Ultrasound printouts would be a great addition.

There are a lot of ideas for designing baby photo albums. They can be made into a repository of children's heirlooms by gluing inside a strand of the first hair, ribbons from a cap, or a piece of a bow that was used to tie a blanket. Over time, it will be possible to add children's drawings, crafts and greeting cards brought from the garden and school. Then they will be replaced by artifacts of achievements in the form of certificates and awards.

An example of the design of pages for a children's photo album

Don’t think that the time it takes to create a child’s photo album with your own hands will be limited to one day - it will be a long process. Its contents will be replenished as the object grows.

One more thing. Children often delight us with pearls. Don't be lazy to record them in the same album. This will be a great reason for fun years later and will decorate the pages well if it appears on them in color.

Wedding photoalbum

The wedding day is special for both newlyweds. Naturally, you want to save every moment of it in your memory. A huge number of photographs from the celebration will require systematic storage in a decent design. So how can you make a photo album with your own hands as unusual as the event itself?

DIY wedding photo album

It's not trivial to decorate it. The bride's accessories, lace, ribbons, and elements of wedding paraphernalia will help with this. Photos can be decorated with dried flower buds from wedding bouquet young. Over the years, such little things will become incredibly valuable and touching. Here are some more photo album design ideas.

1.​ Recreate the historical accuracy of the wedding celebration by grouping photos according to the chronology of its course.

Recreate the chronology of events on the pages of the album

2. Don’t be afraid to put so-called reportage and staged photographs in the album. They can be quite funny.

3.​ Try to give the design of the photo album a specific stylistic direction. It can be retro or something more modern.

Give the album a general stylistic direction

4. Create personal pages for portraits of heroes of the occasion and VIP guests.

5. When making a photo album with your own hands, supplement it with images of landscapes that served as the background for the wedding event.

Complete the album with landscape images

6.​ Multi-colored pages in the album will look original.

7.​ Bet on the originality of the photographs themselves. Let them be highlighted in sepia or decorated like a painting. Dilute color photos with black and white.

Dilute color photos with black and white.

8.​ In the wedding album, you can use several photos of the newlyweds taken on the eve of the wedding, as well as those telling about the ups and downs of the preparations for it.

9.​ Separate the official part and the party. This way you will have two albums with photos at once.

10.​ A photo collage of small-format photographs is also interesting.

Photo collage of small format photographs

Design ideas used when creating a photo album with your own hands can cause a certain imbalance in the perception of compositions due to the overload of frames with characters. When placing close-up group photographs in a photo album you created yourself, try to place them on the spread so that the views of the guests captured in them are directed in one direction. Then you won't get the impression that they are looking at each other. Also, a spread literally “littered” with small photos is not perceived in the best way. Use a compositional approach to their arrangement, dilute the pictures with texts and decorative elements. Let your design talents make a splash!

Dilute your photos with text and decor


The proposed options for creating and filling photo albums are just the tip of the iceberg called scrapbooking. Knowing how to make a photo album with your own hands, you will ensure that it excites memories of bygone days and helps bring loved ones closer together.

Photo gallery – DIY photo album

Once you try this activity, it is impossible to stop, because the desire to create beauty is indomitable. Even a beginner can make an album for newborns using scrapbooking technology. To work, a talented craftsman will only need a basic set of knowledge, a boundless flight of imagination, materials and tools, as well as a sunny mood.

Decorating tradition

The name of the original technique was given to the English words scrap and book, which translated means “clipping” and “book”. From the title, even a beginner understands that the book should contain clippings from newspapers or magazines that emphasize the topic. The tradition of beautifully decorating an album with your own hands was born in the 15th century. In Europe, it was considered fashionable to collect books with records of poems, quotes, drawings, and sketches. The advent of printing made it possible to make scrap, supplementing albums with lithographs, images, and engravings. Fans of this unusual hobby decorated their products with personal items, labels, travel tickets, and invitations to attend social events. The more varied the scrap, the more luxurious and interesting the book looked. As children, we all loved to leaf through old grandmother’s albums, full of secrets, personal memories, and our imagination painted us pictures from the past.

Today, scrapbooking masters are actively searching for new creative forms for their masterpieces, decorating chocolate bowls, tea houses, and miniature birdhouses in unusual ways. But a scrapbooking album for newborns is a valuable gift for parents and a memory for a child, an unchanging classic of touching design.

Children's album design

Album content

With the advent of a baby, we become more sentimental, look at the world in a new way, and appreciate every moment of life. By creating an album for a newborn with our own hands, we are writing history, because even after many years these events will not lose their value.

Description of errors in work

What does the baby album contain?

  • Photo before the baby was born. Touching pictures of mommy tenderly stroking her belly, listening to the kicks and movements in anticipation of a miracle. Let such photographs decorate the first pages.
  • A photo of a young mother and baby immediately after birth, when there is happiness in the eyes, a glimpse of jubilation and something elusively new.
  • Touching photos of a baby sleeping serenely in his crib. You can capture the moment a newborn wakes up with a sleepy face and a cautious smile.
  • Category “We eat!” The most fun section: dirty baby and mother, joyful laughter and happiness in the eyes.
  • First walks. Young children are first introduced to big world around. Bright moments in the photo will remind you of a happy time for many years.
  • First baths. It is during bathing, according to psychologists, that complete agreement occurs and the baby learns to trust its parents. Photos of a baby in a fluffy towel after bathing are one of the most touching and sweetest.

Baby album pages

When creating an album using scrapbooking technology for newborns, ideas for filling and decorating can be very different. A smile, first steps, games and getting to know the outside world - all this is so significant during the development of the baby for parents. Each photograph requires a special treatment, the decor must be thematic, and the journaling must hit the bull’s eye, complementing and revealing the deep meaning of the memorable image. Many years will pass, the events will fade and be forgotten. But as soon as you pick up the album, the unforgettable moments that its pages so carefully preserve will flash through your memory in a bright series.

What do you need for work?

If you decide to create an album for a newborn using the scrapbooking technique with your own hands, then you should get acquainted with the basic rules of design. Popular materials and tools:

  • Rings and brads. The function of the rings is to securely fasten the album pages. Brads are shaped like a nail but have two flat legs. If you decorate the hat with a bead or flower, it will turn into a trendy decor.

Fastening materials

  • Stamping. Ready-made stamps with an applied pattern or inscription will give the product an aesthetic and noble look. Stamps can be acrylic or rubber.

Stamps for decoration

Stamps should be stored in special packaging containers with a tightly closed lid. To wash the stamp, use a regular soap solution, after which the stamp is wiped dry.

High-quality care of stamps will allow them to serve the scrapbooking business faithfully for a long time.

  • Ink. They are applied to the stamp and are responsible for the bright colors in the composition. When choosing, you should know that they can be alcoholic, chalky, or based on water-soluble dye. It is important to make sure what surfaces they are intended for.

Various inks

  • Figured hole punch. Such tools are needed for punching shaped holes, creating carved borders and rounded corners. If you don’t have such equipment at hand, you can use thin nail scissors the old-fashioned way.

Tools for punching shaped holes

  • Stationery set. While a craftsman can do without specialized tools, he is unlikely to do so without standard office supplies. Several scissors, glue, a pencil and a ruler are essential tools, without which work is almost impossible.

Useful tools for beginners part 1

Useful tools for beginners part 2

Useful tools for beginners part 3

Useful tools for beginners part 4

In addition to equipment for scrapbooking, there is all kinds of decor. The industry suggests using metal pendants, cardboard cut-outs, ready-made paper or fabric flowers, cardboard chipboards, and plaster frames. Glitters, paints, structural pastes, patina, pastels will help create unusual effects on paper. When listing the decor for a newborn’s album, one cannot fail to mention lace and ribbons. An ideal addition to the photographs will be the first cut strand of hair, the imprint of a tiny hand and foot. It is the decor that will help you create an exclusive product, and your heart will tell you the theme of the album!

We create with our own hands

There are many master classes on creating albums for newborns. Anyone who takes the first steps in a creative direction must learn to express themselves and develop their own individual style, which is easily “readable” in each product. Children's themes are the most fertile.

Such an album can be filled with all the important moments of the first year of life.

When creating cute things, your imagination does not need to be limited by choosing touching decor or the semantic content of the composition. A master class on creating an album is needed for understanding basic principles work, and you just have to choose the most suitable one for yourself beautiful way registration

A series of master classes on creating an album for a baby:

Making a children's album part 1

Making a children's album part 2

Making a children's album part 3

Making a children's album part 4

Making a children's album part 5

Album for a boy

As you know, blue is considered a classic “boy” color. In Soviet times, those around him could only understand his gender by the color of the bows on the envelope. Since then, little has changed, so when decorating an album for a newborn boy, it is the soft blue color that is at the peak of popularity.

Album for a boy of the first year of life

Beginning artists mistakenly believe that it is more difficult to design an album for a boy, because flowers, butterflies and other “cutes” have no place here. The scrapbooking industry is replete with a variety of decor, and right choice your imagination will tell you.

A few design rules:

  • Cover the cardboard for the cover with fabric, wrapping it inside and gluing the edges securely.

The cover is the “face” of the album, so the choice color range extremely important. Check, stripes of blue and white, bright check - all this is relevant for a boyish theme.

  • From cardboard or fabric letters we attach the classic inscription “Our Baby”. You can title your album in a similar way, putting the baby’s name on the cover.
  • Choosing decor. A win-win decoration option is a picture or appliqué of a baby looking out of a blue stroller. You can complement the cover with miniature knitted booties, bright satin ribbons and matching lace, and a scattering of blue, light blue or turquoise buttons. You can choose from ready-made chipboards, cuttings or metal pendants in a children's theme that will decorate the composition in an original way.
  • In order to decorate the pages of the album, we first cover them with scrap paper. The edges of the pages can be processed with a figured hole punch, giving them a delicate openwork.
  • As decoration for the pages, you can use ready-made pictures or stickers depicting cars, trains, and cartoon characters. To emphasize the baby theme, you can use stamps depicting pacifiers, onesies, bottles and other baby accessories.

Interesting album option for my son

The choice of decor for the cover and pages is a matter of taste and desire of the artist. When creating your masterpiece, you should not think about strict principles and rules; it is important to be guided by tender feelings for your child.

Album for baby

When creating an album for a newborn girl, a bright pink color scheme, delicate shades of lilac, creamy peach or purple come to mind. You can use mono colors, but it is more interesting to organically combine all the shades with each other.

Scrapbook for a baby in the form of a dress

To work on an album using the scrapbooking technique for newborns you will need:

  • prepared binding;
  • white office paper;
  • pastel and scrap paper;
  • glue, tape, several scissors;
  • hole punchers.

For decoration we use cardboard cut-outs of flowers and butterflies, satin ribbons and lace. Work algorithm:

  1. To begin, we cut out the backgrounds for the pictures from white paper, and trim the edges of each with a border hole punch.
  2. Cut out squares and rectangles from colored paper. The quantity must match the number of photos. We carefully tint the edges of the squares with an ink pad, and process the rectangles with a border hole punch.
  3. We cut out squares from scrap paper and cut the corners with a figured hole punch.
  4. We cut out the pages of the album from beer cardboard or textured white wallpaper. To prevent the pages from curling, iron each sheet through a thin fabric.
  5. On a white background we randomly glue all the individual elements and stitch them with a sewing machine. The backing should be on top, on it we will place photographs of the little princess.
  6. We decorate the pages with bows from satin ribbons, cutouts of butterflies and flowers or chipboards painted to match.
  7. For the cover, choose a soft pink or lilac fabric and cut out two identical squares. Separately, we will cut out two squares from padding polyester so that the cover is pleasantly soft. Let's put the padding polyester on cardboard sheets, cover it with fabric and glue it on the inside.
  8. To decorate an album for a girl, you can use a pre-embroidered picture of an angel. A princess girl, Cinderella or Snow White will decorate the album fabulously. We will sew the picture with a machine.
  9. Separately sew satin or lace ribbon ties. We will make several roses with pearls inside from lace ribbons, decorate the cover with rhinestones and a metal pendant in the shape of a stroller, pacifier or bottle.
  10. Separately, you can prepare an envelope using the scrapbooking technique for a disk on which an extract from the maternity hospital and other memorable events from the child’s life are recorded.

An interesting version of an album for a girl

The fountain of ideas for creating an album for a newborn is inexhaustible. It all depends on imagination, the wishes of the parents and the master himself. A baby diary made using scrapbooking technique or an album with photographs of the baby with original design will be the best gift for happy parents.

In the article you will find tips and ideas for creating a children's photo album with your own hands.

Photo albums for newborn boys and girls “Our baby is the first year of life” with inscriptions: scrapbooking, master class

Every person who becomes a parent definitely wants to remember the warm and joyful moments of their child’s infancy. Therefore, mothers and fathers collect photographs of the baby, putting them in albums. By the way, you can make an album with your own hands and decorate it to your liking.

The most suitable technique for work is scrapbooking, which includes cutting, gluing, combining, and creating compositions using decorative materials: designer paper, lace, mesh, dried bouquets, leaves, pearls, rhinestones, cut-outs and ribbons. Depending on whether you have a girl or a boy, you can choose colors and styles.


  • You can make the album yourself by sewing or knitting thick sheets of cardboard. You can also use a ready-made store album, which can simply be covered with fabric or decorated with various finishing materials.
  • For girls, it is customary to choose pink, beige and purple colors for decoration. For boys, decorations and materials in blue, light blue and gray shades are selected.
  • In a craft store you can find a lot of ideas for decorating an album, both the cover and each page. If you don't want to buy material, use buttons, embroidery, dried twigs, clippings and prints.

An interesting idea is to use bookmarks made of satin ribbons in the album. You can leave bookmarks on those pages that contain especially dear and favorite photographs of your child. Along with the photographs, place in the album also photographs from an ultrasound scan during pregnancy, prints of the child’s hands and feet, and his first drawings.

Wallpaper decorated with buttons looks very beautiful and delicate. They should be matched to the color of the entire album and combined with other decorations. You can also use buttons to make a word or picture, or the child’s name.

You can sew or glue each decorative detail, creating multi-layered decorations on the cover. You can also cut out pictures from old postcards, print out poems or beautiful sayings about children, love and family.

INTERESTING: In modern handicraft stores you can easily find decor in the form of patterns and figures cut out of plywood. These are gentle and beautiful jewelry for any craft, including a photo album.

IMPORTANT: If you know how to crochet, you can make a few yourself beautiful elements to decorate an album, for example, knit voluminous flowers, a stroller, mittens or socks, and then glue them.

INTERESTING: The album itself can be made in such a way that it is fastened with a button, latch, button, or simply tied with a ribbon and a bow. This looks very cute and elegant, and will also not allow the album to open up, even if a child picks it up.

Photo albums for newborn boys: design ideas, sheet templates

To make your photo album look organic, you can use ready-made templates to decorate its pages. These are backgrounds or cutouts that should be printed on a printer and glued to sheets (before or along with photographs). Some are great for signing photos, while others can be used as borders or frames.

IMPORTANT: Templates or “tags” will help identify each photo, for example, remind you exactly what moment the child in the photo was experiencing, for example, “my first step” or “my first tooth.”

Templates and tags:

Background “elephants” for decorating a children's photo album

Photo albums for newborn girls: design ideas, sheet templates

A photo album for a girl should be especially elegant and delicate. To do this, you will need not only tags with signatures, but also beautiful feminine backgrounds, pictures, frames and frames.


background for baby girl photo album

DIY photo album title options for newborn boys and girls

In addition to the fact that all the decor, and the photo album itself, can be made with your own hands, you can also name it as you wish. To do this, you don’t have to use only the child’s name (that’s quite boring). Remember what you called your baby at birth, for example, “our little bead” or “Princess Elizabeth”).

Also suitable names:

  • "Our little prince"
  • "Restless Legs"
  • "The cutest girl in the world"
  • "Our happiness"
  • "Gift from Heaven"
  • "Our kids"
  • "My heart"
  • "Little Princess"
  • "Our sunshine"
  • "This is a boy!" (“It’s a girl!”)
  • "Our Treasure"
  • "The Most Expensive Treasure in the World"
  • "Sweet face"
  • "Pearl"

Inscriptions on photo albums for newborns with photos of a boy and a girl

Don't know what to write next to your baby's photos? Then you can print (if you don’t know calligraphy) tags, poems or inscriptions that will very emotionally and accurately convey the mood to those who are looking at the photo album.


Inscriptions on photo albums for newborns with mom and dad

The children's photo album will definitely contain photographs of the child with his parents and they should also be signed emotionally.


  • My mom and dad
  • I love parents!
  • I love my family!
  • I look like mommy! (I'm like a mom!)
  • I look like daddy! (I'm like dad!)
  • My parents
  • Friendly family!
  • Family on a walk!

Inscriptions on photo albums for newborns with grandparents

In a photo album you can paste photographs not only of mom and dad, but also of other close relatives, for example, grandparents.

Signature options:

  • My beloved grandmother
  • My beloved grandfather
  • I'm like a grandma!
  • I'm like a grandfather!
  • And I love my grandmother!
  • And I love grandpa!
  • I'm visiting grandma!
  • I'm visiting grandpa!
  • My big family!
  • My loved ones and loved ones
  • Beloved granddaughter!
  • Dear grandson!

Poems in a photo album for newborns for a boy and a girl

You can also complement photographs of your baby with beautiful poems.


Photo album-diary, questionnaire for a newborn: how to keep it - tips

A questionnaire for a newborn is a kind of list of characteristics and personal information about the baby, for example, his height and weight at a certain age. Such a questionnaire will a great addition for a children's photo album.

Questionnaires and inserts:

Beautiful photo albums for newborns: samples, photos

You can get an idea for creating your own personal photo album for your baby by looking at ready-made versions of works in different techniques. Before you start creating, decide what style you like and what album design is right for your child. Children's photo album No. 4 Here we sell only high-quality products and always a wide range of styles, shapes, colors, and sizes.

But on the pages of the Aliexpress store you can find not only photo albums, but also decorations for the design of your own works(lace, beads, rhinestones, pictures, ribbons). In addition, the site offers the lowest and most affordable prices for all products, which means you can save money by purchasing quality products.

Video: “How to make a photo album for a child with your own hands?”

Taking photographs is a unique activity that is not only popular these days, but also helps a person to open up and show himself. Modern technology makes it possible not only to take high-quality photographs, inventing and improving modern technologies, but also to share them instantly.

Every day, every second person shares their personal or other people’s photos on in social networks, by mail. However, it is much more pleasant to sit back and look through the album. Especially if it is decorated with clippings, quotes and interesting thoughts. Undoubtedly, you won’t find a second one like it.

Quite a few articles have been written about how to make a photo album with your own hands, and a lot of videos with master classes have been filmed. It is quite difficult to make a choice. However, there is basic knowledge and invaluable tips that are worth learning when getting started.

Choosing the theme of the future album

Of course, the idea of ​​creating a unique photo album with your own hands does not just arise. Perhaps a person is driven by the thought of making money on such things. However, most often the decision comes suddenly, after a significant event in the desire to preserve every bright moment.

Creating an ordinary classical album will not be difficult. It is enough to have a few hours of free time and a rich imagination. You can decorate an ordinary photo album, or you can create your own album from scratch.

The most frequently requested photo albums are:

  • Wedding theme. A wedding is a wonderful moment for a new beginning. family life. The mass of events on this day exhausts the newlyweds, depriving them of the opportunity to enjoy this day and simply contemplate each other. Having a professional photographer at a wedding is no longer a new thing. Beautiful photographs that convey every emotion of this day simply must be framed accordingly.
  • Photo album for the birth of a baby. The appearance of a child in the family important stage. And every parent strives to remember everything and display it in a photo. However, even the most attentive mother is not able to remember every important moment, because there are so many of them. A photo album with quotes will help you remember the most important things even after many years.
  • Album with a school, educational plot. The first day of kindergarten, first grade, graduation party, college are stages of growing up, which are accompanied by wonderful memories.
  • Capturing a bright moment in life. This is not only a vacation or a trip. You can also create an album as a gift, for example, for an anniversary, or for a memorable date. Thematic albums for loved ones are popular.

The reason for creating a photo album can be anything. The main thing is creative inclinations and the availability of tools.

Tools and materials needed to create a photo album

An original handmade album is quite an expensive thing. Its cost will include not only the price of the materials used, but also the dignity of handmade work. But this does not make such a photo album inaccessible. On the contrary, everyone can make it with their own hands, using their talent and imagination.

In order to make a photo album yourself at home you need to have:

Required tool:

  • miniature scissors;
  • simple hole punch;
  • knife-cutter;
  • pencils;
  • paints;
  • markers;
  • glue stick;
  • curly scissors;
  • figured hole punch;
  • Double-sided tape.

Necessary materials:

  • paper. It should be quite dense. You will also need paper for supporting photographs; its density should be lower than the density of the main sheet;
  • thick cardboard (2 sheets). It is needed to create the cover. You can use old unnecessary ones carton boxes;
  • the material with which the cover will be wrapped. For this you can absolutely use different material. Old pieces of fabric, jeans, decorative colored paper, to create a soft cover you will need thin paralon;
  • decorative material (depending on the overall idea: fur, leather, wood, iron, beads, buttons, ribbons and other decor). You can make small decorative details yourself: knit, sew, mold, dry.

You can find interesting details for your creation both at home and in a scrap booking store.

Making an album cover

When all materials and tools are prepared, you can begin to work. When making a photo album with your own hands, you often start with the cover.

There are two options for creating a cover:

  • Use a ready-made one: buy a new one, or remove it from an old album. This method is the easiest. All that is required from the master is to decorate it beautifully using decorative material. You can cover such a cover with any fabric (depending on the idea), use colored paper, and various decor. Often this option does not require gluing the inside.
  • Create a new one. This option is already more complex. Because it requires certain knowledge. In order to make a cover, you need to decide what shape the future album will be, how many photos to fit on 1 page. Having decided, we need to cut out a page from cardboard to the size we need. It’s worth doing the same with the second sheet of cardboard. Next, you need to draw 2 lines on each sheet (2.5 and 3.5 cm from the left edge of the sheet). After this, cut with scissors along 2 lines.

To decorate top part covers with colored paper you need:

  • take a sheet of colored paper, 4 cm larger than a cardboard sheet on all sides;
  • place the album sheet in the middle and circle it with a pencil;
  • coat a sheet of colored paper or both parts of the cover sheet well with glue;
  • place the cut sheet of cover in a drawn square on a colored sheet of paper so that its edges clearly coincide with the drawn lines;
  • Wrap the remaining edges of the colored paper over the cover, gluing them tightly. It is important to try to do this carefully so that the waters come out as smooth and beautiful as possible;
  • The same must be done with the finishing of the inside of the cover. You can use colored paper to cover unsuccessfully glued corners.

When making your first albums, you should pay attention to ready-made covers. Creating new ones from scratch can be a bit challenging.

To work less on the cover design, you can use designer cardboard rather than ordinary cardboard.

Useful page design tips: how to fill out the page correctly

It will be easier to fill out the pages of the album if it is disassembled. Having completed each sheet, you can begin assembling the album.

Album design is a whole science. Therefore, when filling out the page, you should adhere to certain rules:

  • Initially, you should determine the semantic center of the page.
  • Choose suitable colors that will complement the photo without straying from the overall color scheme.
  • Choose decor for the pages that will match in color and meaning.
  • Choose captions for photographs that will definitely correspond to the overall meaning. These can be quotes from famous people, aphorisms, or your own thoughts. You need to write down words in the album based on the harmony of color.
  • Large and small details should be placed on the page based on balanced proportions.
  • Each page of the album should have a bright accent. However, you should make sure that the page is not reloaded. It's hard to watch an album like this.
  • Each page should visually resemble a triangle “photo - title - signature”.

It's good if there is an odd number of details on the page.

In order for the page to be balanced, you should try to follow the rule: a large item - several small ones. For example, in the upper corner you can place a large volumetric part, and in the opposite corner below there are several small ones.

Family Album Ideas

Creating a family album is quite a fun activity that can be a great project for the whole family.

A family album is not only a collection of family photographs in one book. With this album it is important to convey the history of the family, its spirit, collecting all the memorable moments in one photo album.

A family album can consist of named pages:

  • Little dad with grandpa or little mom with grandma and vice versa. This interesting idea, which will help determine the similarities between all generations.
  • The birth of a new family or wedding. Here you can also host not only the wedding of mom and dad, but also grandparents. Scanned documents, their clippings, newspaper clippings made in vintage style look original.
  • The birth of a baby in a family. How to design this page is up to each mother to decide individually. After all, everyone has their own ideas about the importance of this or that moment in a child’s life. However, experience shows that a couple of pages are not enough for this event. Sometimes one album is not enough. The creation of mini photo albums made in the style of diaries looks original. This can be a whole series from birth to the right moment. Such an album is filled not only with photographs, but also with important notes.
  • First year of life.
  • First time in first grade and beyond.

The pages that are intended for the baby can be supplemented with envelopes that will help preserve the child’s first curl, a tag from the maternity hospital, or the child’s first lost tooth.

A mother can add her own thoughts and memories to a children's album. Appeals to your child, which he will be happy to read when he grows up. Here you can also write down all memorable dates: the first sound, laughter, the first word, the first step, the first tooth. Such records will be an excellent addition to the corresponding photographs.

Another great family album idea is to create a family tree.

When choosing a style for creating a family album (any other one too), it is important to maintain this style in the smallest detail. So old photographs, children's pictures will go perfectly with retro and vintage style. The decor for such an album can be found in grandma's things.

Original ideas for decorating a photo album with your own hands

Before you start work, you need to sketch it. On a regular sheet of paper, outline everything, down to the smallest detail. This way you can not only visually evaluate the final result, but also not forget anything. It is worth doing this with each sheet. Their number, by the way, must be calculated in advance at the rate of 1-2 photographs per sheet.

A photo album page must have 5 elements:

  • photo title;
  • caption for each photo: when and under what circumstances the photo was taken. Perhaps there is something important in the photo that you would not like to forget over time;
  • page background;
  • decorations;
  • additions.

Blank pages of the album should be marked with a simple pencil, so after completing the design, it will not be difficult to erase the extra lines.

You need to fill out the page from top to bottom. The likelihood that paints and colored work will smudge will decrease to 0. First, it’s worth doing the work with a felt-tip pen and paints so that they have time to dry before gluing the photo.

Inscriptions and quotes are written in the album using ink, felt-tip pen or helium pen. The color of ink, font size and inclination of letters should also be thought out in advance. You can use newspaper clippings to beautifully lay out the necessary words. Only after this the album is decorated with flat decorations. They are glued and sewn. It is recommended to attach voluminous parts of the decor at the very end. This is done with glue, thread and needle, and nails.

It is better to glue the album parts using a special glue gun.

Regarding the decoration of the album cover, the cover design looks beautiful using small photographs collected in mini collages. These collages can be given completely different shapes, from banal geometric shapes to more artistic ones.

You can attach album pages in a variety of convenient ways:

  • using massive rings. Then each sheet of the album must be processed with a hole punch, making a hole in the right place;
  • Using the same hole punch, make holes on each page and fasten them together with beautiful ribbons. In this case, you can use different weaving techniques: from the simplest, all in to more complex;
  • album pages can be stitched;
  • You can glue the album.

Today, in the world of digital technology, it is much easier to save your life in photographs. There is no need to sit for hours waiting for results. Just a second and the perfect shot is ready. Most people store their photos on gadgets and on the Internet. It’s much more pleasant to look at photos and touch them with your fingers. It’s even nicer if it’s an album with a unique decor, where there’s something to remember and touch. This album is captivating, and every detail evokes its own emotions.

If you have a great desire, but no imagination, you can use ready-made ideas, of which there are quite a lot on the Internet. Quite a few articles have been written about how to make a photo album with your own hands, and a lot of master classes with detailed instructions have been filmed.

Time flies so quickly with your baby! Here's yesterday's baby, who couldn't even hold his head up, is already taking his first steps. A children's album will help leave this in the memory of every family member.

The first few months of a child’s life are full of different events: first words, smiles, hesitant steps. There are also often situations when a camera is simply necessary. After all, I really want to relive these moments in a few years!

In the first few months you will be busy with your baby, but when he is 6 months old, you can already take some time and start making his first photo album. In addition, by this age there are already many photographs.

Children's stores offer a variety of photo albums of various sizes and thicknesses with blank cardboard sheets or sheets with magnetic film, which will allow you to make your baby's album unique and unlike any other.

What items can be pasted into a children's album?

. Tags from the maternity hospital
Greeting Cards
Photo ultrasound
Names and surnames of doctors and midwives
Baby's first hair (cut lock)
Labels from baby's first clothes, fruit puree or mixture
1. The album can contain information about the baby’s horoscope, as well as a description of the animal in the year in which he was born
2. You can trace the newborn’s leg and arm and paste this sheet into the album
3. Any information related to the baby will be interesting - write the date and time of birth, weight and height, weather on the baby’s birthday, etc.
4. Maintain a consistent design style for your children's album.
5. If you know how to draw, you can dress each photo in a unique picture
6. If you have problems with drawing, borrow drawings from good quality magazines and newspapers.
7. Try to place at least a few portrait photographs in the album - they are more expressive
8. It will be interesting if, along with photographs of the baby, you paste photographs of the first feeding, first clothes, favorite toy, etc.
9. Try to experiment - place photos in places other than chronological order, but with the same objects and people. For example, on one of the pages place a photo of the baby with his grandmother at 1 month, at 6 months and at one year. There you will clearly see the growth and weight gain of the child.

Poems for the design of the baby's first album

This album brings together
First (name) days and months:
How he was born, how he grew up,
What toys did our baby play with?
Words and smiles - like every hour
Little (name) made us happy.

I'm in the hospital, I'm not sick:
I was born, I am happy!
I'm so glad that mom is happy
Do not need anything else.
I don't understand your faces
After all, I was just born.
But I know a delicious color
There is no better color in the world.
This color is the most reliable:
This is the color of mom's robe!

Poem for the ultrasound image:

The first photo is mine,
Guess where I am?
Looked closely once, twice,
I covered my face with my hand.

When I saw you, baby,
In just one moment, the whole world turned upside down.
You seemed to smile too,
Shyly, he brought his fists to his lips.

Even though the sprout is still very small,
But already dear and beloved to me.
A unique moment will soon come,
When I can hold you in my arms.

And, peering at the screen monitor,
Guessing your contours,
I dream of being just like your dad
And know that we are looking forward to seeing you! Grow!

A poem about mom's belly

Why at mom's
Has your belly suddenly grown?
Maybe my mom
Does he eat and drink a lot?

Maybe she swallowed it
Inflatable ball?
Or he's just joking
So is she with me?

But this morning
I found out the truth -
I have her in my ear
Dad told me.

He revealed today
It's a big secret to me.
Can I tell you secrets?
I'm already five years old!

And now I know
What is the belly for?
There inside mom,
My brother lives.

There's probably a lot
It's boring to be alone.
Let him come out soon
I will be glad to see him.

Rhyme about the tag

(Name) was born at this moment
They gave him the first document.

Baby was born today
And she couldn’t be cuter!
The sun looks out the window,
Sending her regards.
Let this ray of goodness
It shines for many years!
The girl will be healthy
And always happy

The daughter has arrived!
Everyone around is moved:
Well, how sweet
What a beauty!

May she give you joy
For loving parents,
Growing up happy
And the most amazing!

Happy parents!
In honor of an important event
We want it immediately, this very hour,
Congratulations on your heiress!

Let it grow for sure
Healthy, wonderful,
Beautiful and sociable
To your delight, parents!

The eyes shine clearly and the clear voice is heard,
The greatest happiness is the birth of a child!
Adorable little girl! The only mystery is where?
Or maybe there was such a miracle in cabbage?

We all know this for sure
There is no mystery here:
A thousand sons a day
Is born...

The only interesting thing is this:
If we go around the light,
Better than your son
We can't find anyone!

A baby is born!
A little boy is born!
A cheerful and playful boy was born!
Let the centimeters and grams grow quickly,
There is no more joy for dad and mom!
Let the stork rest a little now...
And again he will bring you someone!
Your son is still in diapers,
But day after day, year after year
Wonderful, joyful child
Let him grow up without worries.

May life give him happiness,
Health, mind and long life,
So that you have wonderful parents
He has grown into a wonderful man!


Our expectations are long
The precious hour has struck.
With a loud sweet voice
You made us all happy!

The child is lying

I like to lie on my back
Put your foot in your mouth.
Baba, look.
Well, repeat it!

I'm lying on my tummy, looking in all directions,
I won't say a word to you -
I can't talk
just puff out your cheeks!

Placed on tummy
you need to hold your head
I'm tired... unhappy...
It's better to just lie down!
We follow the pen

I'm lying in a crib
and I watch the pen -
Whose fingers are these?
soft like bunnies?
I barely understood, friends,
this is my little hand!!!

We're sitting

I'm already big!
I'm sitting by myself!
And like a girl from a fairy tale
I'm looking far away

I sat down well
and learning to pose.
Run here quickly
Take pictures of me!"
Look quickly, parents,
Look, grandma and grandpa;
You haven't seen this yet:
I learned to sit!
First steps

Stomp with one foot, stomp with another,
I'm big already like this,
And they walk on their own
Feet straight to mom.

About legs

What kind of legs? What kind of legs?
You, our baby!
Neither dog nor cat
We won't give you your legs.
These legs, these legs
They will run along the path

First steps

Our girl is gone!
The room has become small
Training every hour
Our legs are getting stronger!

I'm not going yet.
I'm lying. I’m still sitting.
And I can still stand.
And one day I will run.
I can train.
If you hold hands,
Then I go step by step.
I'm big already - that's it!

Learning to walk

Stomp with one foot, stomp with another,
I'm already big
And they walk on their own
Feet straight to mom!

And these are my first steps
In a huge, interesting world
Parents call that world “apartment”
I'll run, try to catch up!

I'm crawling

I crawled to the kitchen.
I want to play here.
Please, I don't need you
Close all the cabinets.
There are so many interesting things there:
Pots, lids, bowls.
Well, let me play
A little bit for your Dasha.

Leg, arm, leg again
How difficult it is to control your body
But you won't turn back time
Look, mom, I'm growing
And now I’m already crawling!

I don't sit still
Although I’m not going yet!
If something is far away
Not easy to reach
I get on my knees
And I crawl there!
13 August 2010, 15:26
Baby eats
Porridge was cooked on the stove,
Where is our big spoon?

I chew everything at home,
Everything that is even unfamiliar
Everything that is tasty and tasteless -
If only I wasn't sad.

From an egg, like from a diaper
A little chicken got out
Look how he looks!
Feed me semolina porridge!

One - chamomile, two - chamomile!
Mom's cup is covered in flowers.
And there is a flower on the teapot,
Oh, and our delicious tea.

What's for breakfast? Porridge again!
Oh, (Name) doesn’t like her.
You fill your mouth full
But everything doesn’t go to the stomach.

What to do? How to be?
You can't live without her:
Gives agility and strength.
So, go to your mouth!

This spoon gives me strength
This one to be beautiful
This one, to be smart...
What else should I not forget?

A spoon so it doesn't hurt,
To be able to do everything.
I think I said everything.
And there was not enough porridge.
If you crush it with a spoon,
I ate everything, one might say.

I eat lunch myself.
I open my mouth and AM!
So that there is strength
They cooked some soup for me.

What's for lunch today? -
Milk soup and omelet.
How big Nikita: himself
Holds a spoon: YUM-YUM-YUM!

Smeared with chocolate
Round cheeks.
And it's so delicious to kiss them
With my beloved daughter!!!

Chocolate, chocolate -
I'm incredibly happy to see you!
While mommy doesn't see,
I eat 5 pieces in a row!!!

Our favorite little one
I tried watermelon today
Ears, nose and cheeks
Everything in watermelon juice

Ice cream

If the day is very hot,
There is ice cream in the park.
Here's a glass, here's a horn.
Choose any, my friend!

What is juice?
Uh! And it's delicious!
Let's knock over the cup!
It won't be sad with me!
The cup flew to the floor.
Don't be angry mommy.
You can't swear at me
I'm your sweetheart!

A chef walks around in a cap
With a ladle in hand
He's cooking us lunch
Porridge, cabbage soup and vinaigrette.

This is the kind of watermelon we have -
Tastes wonderful!
Even the nose and cheeks
Everything is in watermelon juice...

As if smeared with honey
Round cheeks
And it's so delicious to kiss them
With my beloved daughter!

If you were found in cabbage,
You have no reason to be sad
Because then you
Food provided.

About carrot juice

You've already grown up, son,
try carrot juice
try, try, don't be shy,
get some vitamins!!!

Baby is crying

In a barn where there is no light,
I entered bravely!
Crow from the yard
drove away bravely!..
But suddenly I dreamed at night,
what am I
completely alone.
And I cried.
I became so scared.

The guests have arrived

I'm cheerful and happy.
These guests are drinking tea,
eat marmalade.
But they don’t give me marmalade...
I don’t want to cry, but I have to!

When will I grow up big?

Tired of being a baby.
Rattles rattle idlely,
They play with me like a toy.
They kiss, pinch and tickle,
I’m lying there angry, and everyone is laughing.
What kind of attacks and manners,
You need to have nerves of steel.
I don't want to endure it anymore
Well, everyone, hold on, I shout:

I was seriously offended
Streams of tears running down my cheeks.
What if I spend them all?
How will I pay then?


Your first laugh, wow!
Faster videos and photos!
Well.., we were late, as always -
Already sobbing to the point of hiccups.

« Amazing child»
Everyone is talking about me.
Because I'm from the cradle
I smile at everyone.

I'm a laugher, I'm a merry fellow.
Everything in this life is okay for me.
I open my mouth wider and wider,
I live without hassle and worries.

And today I'm just
Smiled for the hundredth time

We dance, we sing

Fidgety baby
Light head,
He pours out, sings,
Just like the nightingale!
It doesn’t matter that there is no skill,
Much joy from singing!

I sat and was sad,
Mom turned on the music -
Immediately hands, head
They started dancing for me!

Walk, sandbox, beach, garden

Everyone is laughing!
Sleigh down the hill, ski down the hill,
I'm climbing up the mountain - closer to the sun!
And without skis and without sleigh
I'll go down the hill faster than everyone else.
Funny! Funny!
I keep my balance.
But I couldn’t resist below,
My head hit a snowdrift.
One leg, two legs,
From the snowdrift, like horns.
What fun! What fun!
Everyone is rolling around laughing.


So beautiful in winter!
I don't want to go home.
Fun, laughter and closeness
It's icy on the hill.
The mittens have long been wet,
But we don't freeze.
And we're in the snow,
And we're in the snow,
And we play snowballs!

We sit on the sleigh
And we quickly rush downhill.
Snow, snow, white snow -
We are racing faster than anyone!

We'll go for a walk now
But let's not freeze.
To make us warmer,
Let's wrap ourselves in a blanket!
The ribbon is bright!
The blanket is hot!
Just eyes and nose!
For a walk! Out in the cold!


When I walk down the street with my mother,
I hold mommy's hand tightly.
Why should she go and be afraid,
How can she get lost?!

Don't let your parents get angry
That the builders will get dirty,
Because he who builds
He's worth something!
And it doesn't matter what for now
This house is made of sand!


And we went to the beach.
And I swam in the river.
And I ran on the sand
And I wasn’t afraid of the sun!


The swing is flying up,
I'm holding on tight there.
Rock it dad
Higher to the skies.

Football player

I hit the ball with a running start,
The ball lies, and I fly.
Goal disallowed - in goal
Turned out to be only bots

Eh, the days are good
I'm shopping with all my heart!!!
I'll splash in the water
And try to pull it away!!!

Summer, summer has come to us!
It became dry and warm.
Straight along the path
The feet walk barefoot.

Children are walking

There is noise and din on the site
Cheerful chatter!
And what is there just not -
Motorcycle, bicycle!
Get on your rollers and skate!
Go play badminton.
Whatever you want to do.
You can do anything! But don't be bored!


The gentle sun shines from above,
Illuminates the earth, grass and flowers.
And the sun came into our yard on time
And the sand in the yard turned golden.
A little girl went out for a walk:
There's a lot of sand, you can play!

Curly curls and flushed cheeks,
There is an embroidered flower on the elegant dress.
Golden curls, golden sand,
Golden sun, golden day!