Forms of control in physics lessons. Computer control methods in high school physics lessons

The phrase “lesson is the main form of teaching at school” cannot be understood in a simplified and one-sided way, focusing only on the word “lesson” and losing sight of the fact that there can be many types of lessons and each lesson must be unique; its construction must be approached creatively.

The work provides a outline of a model lesson in physics for grade 10 on the topic “Electric current in various media.”

My creative search for non-standard forms and methods of teaching physics has continued for 35 years of working at school. At the very beginning of my teaching career, I realized that it is impossible to achieve high efficiency in a physics lesson if it is carried out according to the usual standard scheme. The phrase “lesson is the main form of teaching at school” cannot be understood in a simplified and one-sided way, focusing only on the word “lesson” and losing sight of the fact that there can be many types of lessons and each lesson must be unique; its construction must be approached creatively.

Reasons for using a non-standard approach in constructing a physics lesson currently are:

1. The country is experiencing a decline in the prestige of education and science, including physics, among young people. This is associated with fundamental social and economic transformations.

2. The introduction of universal education in the country, teaching everyone and everything the same in one class led to the fact that last years The level of teaching for average and strong students was reduced, as a result of which they lost interest in learning. Currently, schools of various types with specialization have been created and are being created to overcome this situation.

3. Currently, there are many poorly prepared students in school; these are usually children from low-income, disadvantaged and single-parent families.

4. Insufficient material resources of schools, since supplies have switched to a commercial basis, and many schools, due to financial difficulties, cannot purchase instruments and equipment, textbooks and manuals.

These and other reasons encourage us to look for special forms and methods of working with students, otherwise the teacher’s activities will be ineffective.

My methodology for searching and then applying effective methods and forms of teaching physics is based on the following principles:

1. They should arouse students’ interest in learning, in the topic of the lesson, since it is the most effective motive for learning. As A. Einstein said: “He who teaches interestingly knows how to teach!”

2. They should help increase the emotionality of physics learning. As is known, elevated emotional condition helps to better assimilate scientific knowledge. It is no coincidence that A. Einstein said: “Where possible, learning should become an experience.”

3. They serve to create “feedback” with students and take their opinions into account. The educational process must be built in accordance with human nature, all this improves learning outcomes and its efficiency. Research by scientists has shown the following: “A person cannot be taught, developed, educated; he can only teach himself, i.e. learn, develop, educate.” First, the student must be taught to learn, and then gain knowledge on this basis.

In my work I pay special attention to effective forms of monitoring students’ knowledge in physics. It is clear to any teacher that the amount of knowledge (information) given by him is not equal to the amount of knowledge received by the student. We need objectivity, which allows the teacher or inspectors to evaluate the lesson; knowledge control plays a special role here, in which main role students play. Students, relying on knowledge of assessment standards, can, under the guidance of a teacher, conduct self-esteem, which eliminates the possibility of conflict between students and teachers over grades. Effective forms of control allow the teacher to check with the help of students all or most of the students. This forces students to repeat educational material and prepare for each lesson, which allows them to acquire good knowledge. From personal experience, the experience of practicing teachers, research by scientists, it is known that a student who is passively in the lesson absorbs 5-10% of knowledge, an actively thinking one in the lesson absorbs 50-60% of the knowledge, and one who actively repeats at home 90-100%.

When self-assessing students, they must know the system of standards and criteria for grading, which I introduce new students to at the beginning of the school year. This assessment system was developed and tested by me during my teaching career. To determine the rating, you need to know exactly what mistakes and shortcomings were made by the respondents and their price scale.

The price of a gross mistake is 2 points.

Errors - 1.2 points.

Gross defect - 0.5 points.

Shortcomings - 0.3 points.

Small flaw (disclaimer) - 0.2 points.

For example: a student made a minor mistake or omission when answering. How should I rate him? According to the standards, we have - the student lost 1.2 + 0.3 = 1.5 points. Since the grade for a complete answer is 5 points, the student’s final grade is 5 - 1.5 = 3.5 points. In this case, the journal is given a grade of 4, warning the student about her “weakness.”

In my practice, I most often use such effective forms of knowledge control - "self-control", "ring", "expedition", "intellectual battle" and others. I outline some of them in the outline of a model lesson in physics for grade 10.

Outline of a model lesson in physics for grade 10 on the topic "Electric current in various media"

Subject: Repetitive training lesson on the topic "Electric current in various environments."

Objectives and goals of the lesson: systematize knowledge about electric current in various environments; consider the significance of the studied phenomena for the development of technology. Continue to develop the skills to explain phenomena based on electronic representations, highlight the main thing, summarize the studied material, express your thoughts in speech, solve problems on electric current in various environments. Apply methodological techniques and methods for quickly testing students' knowledge, based on feedback from students to the teacher.

Lesson equipment: methodological developments teachers.

During the classes.

I.Organizational moment of the lesson. (1-2 min.)

The teacher informs the students how the lesson will proceed, appoints his assistants, and reminds them of the grading standards and the correctness of questions and answers. Assistants are usually two students, excellent students or students with solid knowledge of “4” and “5”.

Norm of ratings:

1) Gross mistake - 2 points.

2) Error - 1.2 points.

3) Major defect - 0.5 points.

4) Shortcoming - 0.3 points.

5) Disclaimer - 0.2 points.

Initial score - 5 points. For errors, omissions and reservations, the specified number of points will be deducted. Answers and questions must be given clearly, concisely and understandably.

II.Repetition of previously studied material (10-12 min.)

On-line written control of students' knowledge on the topic "Electric current in various media" is used. Used methodological technique “Self-control”. The technique is based on the cooperation of teacher and student, which is where the effectiveness of teaching is demonstrated. As is known, the effectiveness of the educational process is ultimately determined by the nature of the student’s activity; this is not only the teacher’s ability to present educational material in an accessible and understandable way, but also the students’ readiness to perceive, assimilate and reproduce it. Must be and act every day teacher-student feedback. The technique is that students answer questions posed according to the options within a strictly defined time. The answer form is short, apply symbols and reductions. Students write down and remember the answer plan during the first introductory lessons.

Response plan:

1) Definition of a law, phenomenon, concept. Explain them.

2) Formulas and their output (if any).

3) New physical quantities and their units (if any).

4) Drawings, diagrams, graphs.

5) Practical application.

Leaflets are transmitted and collected along the chain with minimal time. When answering in writing, students tend to be more psychologically relaxed and give better answers than those on the board. The second important point is that all students in the class are involved in the work. The third important point is that students conduct self-monitoring of their knowledge; when checking, peeking and turning around is strictly prohibited. And lastly, very important, based on the Ebbinghauss repetition pattern (time-dispersed repetition is more effective than concentrated repetition)- on the same issues, self-control will be repeated after some time (after 1-3 lessons).

Self-control questions:

Option 1 - Electric current in metals.

Option 2 - Dependence of the resistance of a metal conductor on temperature. Superconductivity.

Option 3 - Electric current in a vacuum. Application of current in a vacuum.

Option 4 - Electric current in gases.

Option 5 - Plasma. Practical use of plasma.

Option 6 - Electric current in melts and solutions of electrolytes.

Option 7 - Faraday's Law of Electrolysis.

Option 8 - Electric current in semiconductors.

Option 9 - Electron-hole transition. Semiconductor diode. Transistor.

Checking the answers takes little time; if the course of the lesson allows, they can be announced immediately; if not, then they must be announced at the beginning of the next lesson.

III.Improving knowledge and skills. Knowledge control based on student initiative. (15-20 min)

At this point in the lesson, use "Ring" method which is an effective form of “teacher-student” feedback and is used to check the assimilation of the material of the covered topics or group of questions, serves to improve the knowledge and skills of students. The important thing about it is that the main role in testing knowledge lies with the students themselves (under the control of the teacher), who analyze and evaluate the answers of their friends. The second, valuable aspect of it is the development of students’ active speaking. Research by scientists has shown that on average a student's active speaking time for an entire school day is 2 minutes, which is very little. Increasing this time - the most important problem pedagogical science. Students know the grade standards, which are communicated to them in introductory lessons at the beginning of the school year. Thus, each student, if he knows the lesson well, knows exactly what grade the answer should be given. With this approach to setting grades, the basis for conflict between students and teachers over grades disappears. Using "Ring" method The teacher appoints 2-3 students as teaching assistants who will listen, analyze and evaluate the answers of their comrades; these are usually the strongest students. A group of students is called to the board - 3, 4, 5 or more, depending on the scope of the topic being tested. The technique is as follows: the first student asks a question to the second, the second answers and poses a question to the third, the third answers and poses a question to the fourth, etc., the last answers and poses a question to the first - the “ring” is closed. Further, all this is repeated, the number of questions and answers depends on the scope of the topic being tested, the “ring” is stopped by the teacher. The class also participates in the work; all textbooks, notebooks and other aids are closed. If any student in the “ring” cannot pose a question or answer, the teaching assistant asks the class. If no one can cope with this, the assistant teachers themselves are responsible. The main thing when posing and answering a question is correctness, clarity, brevity, speech development is underway, knowledge and skills are tested. After the “ring” stops, the teaching assistants, analyzing the answers and questions specifically for each person being tested, give grades. The class also takes part in this, in which case the assessment is adjusted. For participation in the work of the “ring”, students in the class, if they gave at least three questions and answers, are also given a grade. Teacher assistants are graded by the teacher, taking into account the opinions of the class. With this method, at least 10 assessments with analysis are usually given, there are no conflict situations, active mental activity students, which contributes to deep and strong knowledge of students.

IV.Solving calculation and qualitative problems. (10-12 min)

This part of the lesson is devoted to solving repetition problems. A problem book and didactic material are used. The work can be done individually or with the whole class, it is carried out at the board and on the spot. You can use the following tasks:

1. Determine the average speed of ordered movement of electrons under the influence of an electric field in copper wire area cross section 1 mm 2 with a current equal to 10 A.

2. Determine the speed of electrons with which they reach the anode of the two-electrode vacuum tube, if the voltage between the cathode and anode 100 V.

3. Explain why the electrometer discharges if you bring a burning match to its cathode. (You can conduct an experiment)

4. Why wire lines high voltage not covered with an insulating shell?

5. Determine the electric field strength at which ionization of air molecules can occur. Ionization energy of air molecules W=15eV, length is 5 ·10 -4 cm.

6. Calculate the electrochemical equivalent of silver.

7. What valence must an impurity have in a germanium semiconductor for it to have electronic conductivity?

8. Will current flow in the circuit?

9. How does the dissociation of electrolytes differ from the ionization of gases? Why doesn't electrolysis require high voltage?

10. What happens to the electric arc if you cool the negative electrode too much; positive electrode?

When preparing tasks for at this stage The lesson uses the following literature:

1) G.Ya. Myakishev, B.B. Bukhovtsev, Physics - 10, Moscow, “Enlightenment”, 1990.

2) A.P. Rymkevich, P.A. Rymkevich, Collection of problems in physics for grades 8-10 of secondary school. Moscow, “Enlightenment”, 1988.

3) I.M. Martynov, E.N. Khozyainova, Didactic material on physics, grade 9. Moscow, “Enlightenment”, 1978.

4) M.E. Tulchinsky. Qualitative problems in physics. Moscow, “Enlightenment”, 1972.

5) G.I. Ryabovolov Collection of thematic works on physics. Publishing house “Higher School”, Minsk, 1973.

V. Homework. (1-2 min)

a) Brief summary of Chapter X - p. 200

Physics - 10 G.Ya. Myakishev, B.B. Bukhovtsev

Moscow, “Enlightenment”, 1988.

b) No. 845, No. 861

A.P. Rymkevich, Collection of problems in physics for grades 8-10 of secondary school. Moscow, “Enlightenment”, 1988.

c) ex. 12 (1,5,9), textbook, p. 200.

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2.2 Types of control and forms of its organization

At various stages of training they are used different kinds control: preliminary, current, thematic and final (Table 2).

Preliminary control is aimed at identifying the knowledge, skills and abilities of students in the subject or section that will be studied. Students with different levels of preparedness come to grades V and X. To plan his work, the teacher must find out who can and knows what. This will help him determine what students should focus on, what questions require more time, and what he should just stop at, and will help him approach each student individually.

Current control is carried out in daily work in order to check the assimilation of previous material and identify gaps in students’ knowledge. It is carried out primarily through the teacher’s systematic observation of the work of the class as a whole and of each student individually at all stages of learning.

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Methods and forms of control in physics lessons

(from the experience of teacher Miroshnichenko V.V.)

Nizhnevartovsk 2015

In modern didactics, control, on the one hand, determines the organization of the learning process at its final stage, and on the other, the relationship between the achieved results and the set learning goals.

Control in the educational process performs various functions: testing, teaching, educational and methodological. The most important and specific is the verification function, which states the results and assessment of the educational activities of individual students and teachers, the state of educational work of the entire educational institution, as well as measures to improve it.

During the learning process, repetition and consolidation occur, improvement of previously acquired knowledge by clarifying and supplementing it, students rethink and generalize the material covered, and use knowledge in practical activities. The practical significance of control contributes to the formation of skills and the ability to rationally organize educational activities and independently acquire knowledge.

The developmental function of control is implemented by creating conditions and opportunities for intense mental activity of students, which manifests itself in the development of their cognitive abilities.

The methodological control function allows you to rationally build and improve methodological work both the teacher himself and the teaching staff as a whole, since properly organized control shows the advantages and disadvantages of the teaching methods used by teachers, its strengths and weaknesses.

To achieve the set training goals when planning the organization and conduct of control, it is necessary that it be:

    Planned and systematic, that is, it was carried out in accordance with the planned course of the educational process, constituted its organic part and was built on the basic issues of education. Regular monitoring allows you to timely identify and correct errors and shortcomings, and take measures to eliminate them by appropriately improving the educational process;

    Objective, allowing a realistic and comparable assessment of the successes and shortcomings of students’ educational activities, correctly establishing the degree of mastery of knowledge and skills, excluding subjective value judgments based on insufficient study of students. The objectivity of the test is determined by many factors: the scientific validity and elaboration of the goals and content of training, the requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities of students, the selection of objects and content of the test, the correspondence of the content of the test knowledge to the goals of the test;

    Comprehensive, that is, to most fully identify the actual level of learning by students educational information, cover all sections of the program, providetesting not only subject knowledge, but also the assimilation of ideological ideas, general educational and special skills and abilities. Control should not be limited to identifying whether students know and canreproduce the information they have learned, but also whether they know how to use this information to solve educational and practical problems. In this case, control will ensure verification of the content of the students’ education. professional activity(the level of formation of the foundations of this activity);

    Individual. Mastering knowledge and skills is an individual process. Each student acquires knowledge and skills in accordance with his psychological and physiological characteristics. All students are subject to the same requirements in terms of volume, quality of knowledge, level of skills, but in some cases it is necessary to take into account such individual qualities of students as natural slowness, timidity, shyness, excessive self-confidence, physical disabilities;

    Economical in terms of time spent by teachers and students, providing analysis of test work and their thorough assessment in a relatively short time;

    Pedagogically tactful, carried out in a calm, business-like environment. Students should not be rushed to answer or interrupted with questions. All comments, instructions and assessments must be made in a tactful and friendly manner.

According to the frequency, purpose and place of checking the mastery of educational material, the following types of control are distinguished: preliminary (auxiliary), current, milestone (periodic), final. The listed types of control emphasize the specifics of didactic tasks at various stages of learning and follow the logic of the educational process.

Preliminary (auxiliary) control serves as a necessary prerequisite for successful planning and management of the educational process. It allows you to determine the current (initial) level of knowledge and skills of students in order to use it as a foundation and focus on the acceptable complexity of the educational material. Based on the data from the preliminary control carried out at the beginning of the school year, the teacher makes adjustments to the calendar and thematic plan, determines which sections of the curriculum should be given more attention in classes with a specific group, and outlines ways to eliminate identified gaps in students’ knowledge. This type of control It is impossible to allocate a lot of time, and its results must be obtained immediately after the control. Therefore, for preliminary (auxiliary) control, methods are used in which classroom time is used most effectively and the efficiency of obtaining results is ensured.

Leading taskcurrent control – regular management of students’ educational activities and their adjustment. It allows you to receive continuous information about the progress and quality of learning the educational material and, based on this, quickly make changes to the educational process. Other important tasks of current control are stimulation of regular, intense and purposeful work of students, activation of cognitive activity; determining the level of student mastery of skills independent work, creating conditions for their formation.

Conducting ongoing monitoring is a continuation of the teaching activity of the teacher, since it is an organic part of the entire educational process and is closely related to the presentation, consolidation, repetition and application of educational material. Current control is carried out in all organizational forms of training. Moreover, it can be a special structural element of the organizational form of training and can be combined with the presentation itself, consolidation, and repetition of educational material. This control can be individual or group.

When organizing ongoing control, it is necessary to achieve conscious, rather than formal, mechanical assimilation of educational material by students. The most suitable methods for ongoing monitoring are those that ensure coverage of a significant portion of students, the ability to repeat and consolidate educational information while activating all students.

Periodic(terminal) control is used to check the assimilation of the completed part (volume) of educational material and allows you to determine the quality of students’ study of this material by sections and topics of the subject. Such control is usually carried out several times a semester. An example of boundary control can be test papers, control-accounting and accounting-generalizing lessons, tests on laboratory work.

Periodic control allows you to check the strength of assimilation of acquired knowledge and acquired skills, since it is carried out over a long period of time and not in separate doses of educational material, therefore, students are required to have a lot of independent constructive activity. With the help of periodic (midterm) control, an entire section (topic) is summarized and assimilated, logical relationships with other sections and other subjects are identified.

Midterm control covers students of the entire group and is carried out in the form of an oral survey, small written, graphic, and practical work. Its implementation is usually provided for in the calendar and thematic work plans of teachers.

Final control is aimed at checking the final results of learning, identifying the degree of students’ mastery of the system of knowledge, skills, abilities acquired in the process of studying a separate subject or a number of disciplines, therefore it is integrative in nature. In preparation for the final control, a more in-depth generalization and systematization of the learned material occurs, which contributes to the intensive formation of intellectual skills and abilities. Final control is carried out at transfer and semester exams, qualifying tests, state exams, and the defense of a diploma project. For this type of control, it is necessary to use methods that ensure reliability, objectivity, versatility and independence of students.


“Knowledge control in physics in the classroom”

Yanushevskaya Natalya Anatolevna ,

Physics teacher

Municipal government educational institution secondary school No. 1 in Dubovka, Volgograd region

The issue of increasing the efficiency of studying physics has become particularly acute in recent years, since society living in the age of scientific and technological revolution, to a greater extent than before, needs highly qualified specialists in the field of exact sciences. Therefore, our task is to give students deep knowledge of physics, to educate a creative person who is able to work independently to study the subject.

One of the ways to improve the quality of education is knowledge control, presented in the form of a didactic system. By using various methods knowledge tests can provide complete information about the level of results achieved; readiness for further study of new material, as well as for its repetition, consolidation and systematization; about memory, thinking, speech of students; about understanding general approaches to teaching; effectiveness of teaching methods. Testing can also stimulate learning: a positive assessment aims for successful further study; fair criticism makes you want to pull yourself up. It is known that the more interesting and varied the forms of knowledge control, the more firmly the studied material is consolidated and retained longer; visual-figurative control components are extremely effective; the control technique must correspond age characteristics students' thinking. In practice, separate fragments of this system are used, which represent both traditional methods of control - tests (tests, problem solving), and non-traditional ones - physical dictations, crosswords, oral questioning on topics, conducting non-standard lessons.

Let's focus on non-traditional forms of control.

    Incoming control.

The purpose of the entrance control is to establish the level of preparedness of students in physics. It is carried out at the beginning of the school year in the first lesson. Based on the results of the entrance control, one can judge the specific knowledge in physics, the intellectual level of students, their culture and outlook. It is better to conduct it in test form and include questions or tasks containing interdisciplinary connections.

    Organization of current control.

Any academic work- this is serious and hard work, which is fruitful and brings joy if the student knows how to work. In what ways can this be achieved?

The system of educational space created on the basis of modular technology helped me.

The basis for my use of a modular program in teaching is the principle of “Teaching the student to learn,” that is, independently acquiring knowledge according to the proposed plan, taking into account personal characteristics, taking into account the personal pace of learning and to the extent that the student determines for himself. Various ways self-control will help the student to objectively assess his knowledge and skills, predict the result, and the combination of individual and group forms of work will help relieve anxiety and create psychological comfort in the lesson.

The development of students’ cognitive activity is greatly facilitated by properly organized testing of learned material. The proposed annual control consists of separate modules, the boundaries of which are determined by the main topics of the courses. The module is completed by each student at an individual pace. Completion of the course is counted only when the student has mastered and reported to the teacher for each module of the course.

Working using this method, I overcome many problems. One of them is the small number of hours spent studying physics. In this case, it is necessary to conduct not only a written survey, but also interview each student orally on this topic. I also try to ensure that every student covers all the paragraphs of the topic. There are students who study only for the sake of assessment (they learn one lesson, answer, get a mark - and relax). Therefore, I create a situation in which it is necessary to learn all the paragraphs of the topic. To do this, I introduce my own survey system: “mini-exam”. To conduct it, it is necessary to give students questions for control before studying the topic. The questions are written in such a way that the student not only reads, but studies and works through every line of the textbook. Questions are posted on a stand in the physics classroom. The time for studying is long (control is carried out in the last block). During the test lesson, as in an exam, tickets are laid out (each with 1-2 questions from the list). To avoid printing tickets for each topic, I created cards with numbers. These are the ones I lay out on the teacher’s desk, and the students take them as exam papers.

The guys come out one by one. In front of the teacher’s desk there is a desk with test questions, at which there are two students during the test: one answers, and the other prepares. I give each person 1-3 minutes to prepare and the same amount to answer. Depending on the set of questions and the number of students in the class, the time varies.

Students' answers should be short and concise, expressing the very essence of the physical phenomenon. If necessary, the teacher has the right to ask an additional question if he is not satisfied with the answer or if the question is not fully covered.

The questions held by the teacher and on the desk for control are numbered. The student answers the question with the number that corresponds to the number on the card taken. After answering, the student takes his place in the class. The second student begins to answer, and the next person takes the vacant seat and, while his friend is answering, prepares to report on the chosen question. Therefore, the composition of students at the control desk changes throughout the lesson. At this time, the rest do written work (a test or a test). During the time allotted for the lesson, I have time to interview all the students in the class and at the end of the lesson I also check a number of problems. Notebooks can be collected and all students will receive a second grade for their written work.

This survey technique I created allows you to survey all students in a short time, and at the same time I am convinced that the children do not selectively read the textbook, but study the topic completely. I do not give negative marks for the oral answer on the first test; you are allowed to report at another time.

This approach relieves tension and allows students to believe in themselves and assert themselves. An increased level of training is also possible, which consists of a larger volume of acquired knowledge and skills and is determined by their depth.

    Physical dictations.

Physics dictations test students' knowledge of the formulas of a given section of physics. Done on half a notebook sheet. The teacher makes 10 questions, students must write 10 formulas in a column.

Grading criteria: 0-4 correct answers correspond to “2”, 5-6 – “3”, 7-8 – “4”, 9-10 – “5”.

Questions may include the definition of units of measurement of physical quantities and numerical values ​​of physical constants. If the section contains mainly theoretical material, then you can use a question, the answer to which will be 1-2 words. Such dictations are called mixed. Students must be informed in what form they will be controlled: by formulas, by definitions, mixed dictations, etc.

    Physical tests or graphic dictations.

Physics tests play an important role in monitoring knowledge in physics, as they allow us to assess the depth of students’ understanding of theoretical material. They should be carried out in parallel with physical dictations, since physical dictations test knowledge of formulas and definitions, and physical tests test the depth of understanding of the theoretical material of the topic.

To conduct a physical test, the teacher makes a series of statements, some of which are both true and false. The student, after listening to the statement, must either agree with it or disagree. If the statement is true, then the student writes “+”. If the statement is incorrect, completely or partially, then he writes “-”. The result should be a chain of “+” and “-”. It is very convenient for the teacher to check such work by comparing the resulting chain with the correct option.

The graphic dictation differs from the physical test in that if students agree, they draw an arc two cells to the right. If the statement is incorrect, then there is a dash in two cells. The result will be the following: . This work is very convenient to check on the workpiece.

The evaluation criteria are the same as in the physical dictation: 5-6 correct answers – “3”, 7-8 – “4”, 9-10 – “5”.

    Physical crosswords.

This section offers crossword puzzles for final control in thematic blocks. For example, the names of the physics course topics are encrypted vertically, and the answers to the questions posed vertically. Crosswords add an element of variety and unusualness. Students enjoy solving them. This relieves tension. The teacher, in turn, receives information about the level at which the topic has been mastered by the students.

The time allocated for filling out the crossword table varies, depending on the number of questions and the level of preparation of the class. You can also fill out a crossword puzzle with the whole class if you display the table through a multimedia projector on the board.

A didactic knowledge control system can be useful for a teacher working in any textbook and for any program.

Learning control methods

In the learning process, methods of oral, written, practical (laboratory), machine control and student self-control are used in various combinations.

Oral questioning is carried out in individual and frontal forms (Figure 2).

The purpose of oral individual control is for the teacher to identify the knowledge, skills and abilities of individual students. The student is asked to answer a general question, which is subsequently broken down into a number of more specific, clarifying ones. Usually, students are called to the board to answer. Additional questions during individual control are asked if the answer is incomplete, if it is necessary to clarify details, check the depth of knowledge, or if the teacher has hesitations when assigning a mark.

Figure 2. Forms of oral control

Oral frontal control (survey) requires a series of logically interconnected questions on a small amount of material (Figure 3). During a frontal survey, the teacher expects students to give short, concise answers from their seats. It is usually used for the purpose of repeating and consolidating educational material covered in a short period of time. In relation to an individual survey, a frontal survey has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are that it activates the work of the whole class, allows you to ask many students, and saves time. During a frontal survey, all students are given the opportunity to participate in supplementing, clarifying, confirming, and correcting a friend’s answer. The disadvantages of a frontal survey are obvious: it does not test the depth of knowledge; random successful answers from students are possible.

Written control is rarely individual, when individual students are offered test tasks on cards. Usually these are front-end tests in mathematics, physics, chemistry, Russian language (dictations, presentations, essays), etc. Frontal and individual work can be designed for the entire lesson or part of it. In the second case, verification is carried out, as a rule, after completing the task. Written work can also be offered in the form of reports, graphic constructions, drawing up cards (for example, when systematizing plants). For control activities of a written nature, there is a wide arsenal of collections of dictations, tasks and exercises, which can also be used for individual testing of students’ knowledge, skills and abilities in cases where the student missed a topic, so as not to interrupt the whole class from work, or if the student has speech impediments (speaks poorly), or if he is embarrassed to answer publicly.

Figure 3. Forms of written control

Physical dictation is a form of written control of students' knowledge and skills. It is a list of questions to which students must give immediate and concise answers. The time for each answer is strictly regulated and quite short, so the questions formulated must be clear and require unambiguous answers that do not require much thought. It is the brevity of the answers of physical dictation that distinguishes it from other forms of control. Using physical dictations, you can test a limited area of ​​student knowledge:

letter designations of physical quantities, names of their units;

definitions of physical phenomena, formulations of physical laws, connections between physical quantities, formulations of scientific facts;

definitions of physical quantities, their units, relationships between units.

It is this knowledge that can be tested in students' quick and concise answers. Physical dictation does not allow testing the skills that students have mastered while studying a particular topic. Thus, the speed of conducting a physical dictation is both its advantage and disadvantage, because limits the scope of knowledge being tested. However, this form of monitoring students’ knowledge and skills removes some of the burden from other forms, and can also be successfully used in combination with other forms of control.

Physical dictations as a form of written knowledge testing allow you to control a large number of students at the same time. Physical dictations provide an opportunity to prepare students for mastering new material, for problem-solving lessons, to generalize what they have learned, and are one of the means of testing conscious performance homework, allow us to identify the ability of schoolchildren to apply knowledge in educational practice when solving problems, and their preparedness to perform an experiment. With the help of physical dictations, the following didactic tasks of teaching physics are solved: diagnosing students’ knowledge, preventing the occurrence of gaps, adjusting the learning process, checking the achievement of the final learning result. Physical dictations represent a list of questions that the teacher dictates to students and to which they must immediately write an answer.

Example. “Physical dictation: Archimedes’ power.

Archimedes' force is directed in the direction opposite to gravity

The greater the volume of the immersed body, the greater the Archimedes force acting on the body.

A body sinks in a liquid if the force of gravity acting on the body is greater than the Archimedes force

A body floats on the surface of a liquid with density c if the density of the body is less than the density of the liquid

Lead in mercury will float on the surface (the density of lead is 13600 kg/m3, the density of mercury is 13600 kg/m3)

A balloon filled with oxygen will fall down. (oxygen density is 1.43 kg/m3 air density is 1.29 kg/m3)

Practical control is used in drawing lessons (in primary school), labor, physical education, mathematics, physics, chemistry. In high school, it is carried out in laboratory classes. In mathematics, this is associated with measuring work, in other lessons - with testing the ability to use instruments such as ammeter, voltmeter, micrometer, etc. In other words, this control method is necessary, and therefore, is used when it is necessary to identify the maturity of certain skills and abilities practical work or motor skills, such as in physical education and fine arts classes.

With development information technologies machine control is increasingly being used in teaching. The most widespread are various types of programmed control, when students must choose the correct one from several possible answers. The advantage of machine control is that the machine is impartial. At the same time, this method does not reveal the method of obtaining the result, difficulties, typical mistakes and other nuances that do not escape the teacher’s attention during oral and written control.

The possibilities for using control devices in schools are great. However, they are not always used effectively, in part because students are not trusted to work independently. This limits the possibilities of self-control.

Self-control using machines is similar to machine-free control in terms of the final result, which should be combined with self-control as the task progresses. Students specifically need to be taught to independently find errors, analyze the reasons for the incorrect solution of a cognitive task, and eliminate discovered gaps in knowledge.

The combination of various control methods is called combined, or compacted, control. This is usually a combination of oral and written interviews. Its peculiarity is that several students are called to the board to answer, one of whom answers orally, two or more prepare to answer on the blackboard, some complete written assignments on cards, and the rest participate in a survey.

The advantage of this method is that it allows a thorough examination of several students in a short period of time. This type of control is used when all the material has been mastered and there is a need to test the knowledge of several students at once.