Formation of the division and its combat path. Formation of the division and its combat path 924th Infantry Regiment


Order of the Headquarters of the Civil Code No. 00100
About formationrifle and mechanized divisions
from the personnel of the NKVD troops June 29, 1941
Proceed immediately to form 15 divisions, of which 10 are rifle and 5 are motorized.
To form divisions, use part of the personnel of the commanding and rank and file of the border and internal troops of the NKVD. The missing personnel will be covered from reserves.
The formation of divisions will be entrusted to the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs, Comrade. Beria L.P.
The Chief of the General Staff of the Red Army must ensure the formation of divisions with manpower and material resources and weapons at the request of the NKVD.

Order of the NKVD of the USSR
June 29, 1941 No. 00837
On the formation of fifteen rifle divisions of the NKVD troops
for transfer to the Active Army
By decision of the Government of the USSR, the NKVD of the USSR was entrusted with the formation of fifteen divisions. In pursuance of this decision, I order:

  1. The leadership of the formation of fifteen rifle divisions of the NKVD troops should be entrusted to Lieutenant General I.I. Maslennikov.
  2. Start forming divisions immediately and deploy: 243rd Infantry Division, 244th Infantry Division, 246th Infantry Division, 247th Infantry Division, 249th Infantry Division, 250th Infantry Division, 251st Infantry Division, 252nd Rifle Division, 254th Rifle Division, 256th Rifle Division, 15th Mountain Rifle Division, 16th Mountain Rifle Division, 17th Mountain Rifle Division, 26th Mountain Rifle Division, 12th Mountain Rifle Division.
  3. To form the above divisions, allocate from the NKVD troops 1000 ordinary and junior commanding personnel and 500 commanding personnel for each division. For the rest of the composition, submit applications to the General Staff of the Red Army for conscription from the reserve of all categories of military personnel.
The concentration of personnel allocated from the NKVD troops to formation points should be completed by July 17, 1941.

RGVA f 38652 - fund of the Secretariat of the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR

14.2 l. 1
Composed of 252 rifle division included:
924 rifle regiment;
928th Infantry Regiment;
932 Infantry Regiment;
277 light artillery regiment (later renamed 787 artillery regiment);
572nd separate communications battalion
420th separate engineer battalion;
anti-tank division(*310 separate fighter ptdn);
separate anti-aircraft artillery battery(*249);
332 reconnaissance company;
250th chemical defense company;
52nd automobile delivery company;
270th separate medical battalion.
1. In other sources, additionally, there are:
a separate reconnaissance battalion (weapons were requested for it);
field bakery;
hiking shoe workshop;
field postal station;
field cash desk of a state bank;
military prosecutor's office;
military tribunal;
special department of the NKVD.
2. Where * - numbers and names in accordance with the nominal lists of irretrievable losses of the 252nd SD No. 0398 dated May 1, 1942.
TsAMO RF in. No. 7464 dated May 12, 1942
3. Joining the 252nd Howitzer Artillery Regiment is not confirmed by documents.
4. The complete staff of the rifle division is given in the appendix.

14.2 l. 1
The main personnel of the formation came from regional military registration and enlistment offices at the expense of conscripts of the Moscow Military District, ranging in age from 20 to 40 years.
The division did not receive units from other units, assembled and prepared in advance.

12 pp. 26-35
The formation of the division took place in the area of ​​​​the village of Luzhki, Serpukhov district of the Moscow region, on the left bank of the Oka River, 15 kilometers from the city of Serpukhov.

14.2 l. 1
The 252nd Infantry Division was included in the top priority and was formed from July 1 to July 11, 1941.
Directly involved in the formation and acting as division commander in the period from June 28 to July 11, 1941, Colonel Martynenko G.Ya.
On July 7, 1941, Colonel Zabaluev Alexander Alekseevich, head of the operational department of the Main Directorate of the NKVD Troops, was appointed commander of the division.
Battalion Commissar Levikov was appointed military commissar of the division.

14.3 l. 4
The following regiment commanders were appointed:
924th joint venture - Major Shapovalov Grigory Mikhailovich
928 joint venture – captain Grushchenko
932nd joint venture - Major Shishikov
787 paws – captain Makarov

4th of July. Friday.
From letter No. 18/948 dated July 4, 1941 to the Deputy Chairman of the State Defense Committee, Marshal Soviet Union Voroshilov:

Subsequently, the time frame for the formation of divisions was reduced, and the personnel allocated for the priority four divisions could not fully arrive at the formation points of these divisions.
In this regard, to ensure the formation of divisions, 90 command personnel, 1,100 private and junior command personnel were sent from the NKVD troops of the Moscow garrison.
The arrival dates for all types of weapons at division formation points have not yet been received from the Main Artillery Directorate of the Red Army.
Information on the progress of staffing the divisions is presented.

From letter No. 18/1022 dated July 8, 1941 to the Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Spacecraft, Lieutenant General Comrade Sokolovsky:

All fifteen divisions are formed by the NKVD of the USSR according to the specified staff of the rifle division, with a total number of 12,271 people.

21 Top secret
State Defense Committee of the USSR comrade. Voroshilov
SNK USSR comrade Malenkov
NKVD USSR comrade. Beria
I am reporting on the progress of the formation of 15 rifle divisions as of 20:00 on July 10 of this year.
... Of the five priority divisions - 3 divisions (252 SD Serpukhov), 254 SD Tula, 256 SD Art. Sofrino) are fully staffed...
These same divisions are fully equipped with small arms (rifles and machine guns) in the following quantities: 252 Infantry Division - 100% (except for light machine guns) ...
To date, artillery weapons have not arrived in the five priority divisions.
Divisions of the first stage are provided with motor transport by 35%.
Thus, of the five priority divisions, the 252nd Rifle Division can be considered formed without artillery weapons.
Four divisions will be fully formed by the end of the day on July 12th. G.
... The supply of artillery and small arms to these divisions is delayed due to the slow progress of transport.

July 11. Friday.
July 10 – 11, German troops, using numerical superiority, broke through the defenses of the Western Front troops and began to move east.

24 page 47 T 4
July 10 - 12. The enemy concentrated attacks by tank groups on narrow areas, broke the resistance of the defending troops in the Vitebsk region, south of Orsha and Mogilev and began to quickly advance towards Smolensk.

24 page 46 T 4
The troops of the Western Front offered stubborn resistance to the enemy, but were unable to stop him in front of the Dnieper.

8; 14.2 l. 2
On July 11, the division received an order to urgently load onto railway trains and go to the disposal of the Western Front.

12 page 30
Parts of the division were alerted. The soldiers hastily loaded their property onto steam-horse carts (there was no other transport) and the units set out on the road.
On the railway tracks near Serpukhov, trains of freight cars and platforms were waiting for them. Quick loading and in the evening of the same day, the trains proceeded through Komsomolskaya Square in Moscow.

21 Order of Headquarters VK No. 00293
Moscow Map - 1,000,000 July 12, 1941
On the formation of the 29th Army and its occupation of the defensive line
1. To cover the direction to Bologoe, form the command of the 29th Army.
To appoint Lieutenant General Comrade as commander of the 29th Army. Maslennikova. Appoint Major General Comrade as Chief of Army Staff. Sharapova.
The administration of the 30th Corps should be turned to the formation of the army administration.
Army headquarters since the end of July 12, 1941 - Bologoe.
2. The army should include: four rifle divisions (256, 252, 254 NKVD and 245 KA), one (69) motorized division, two corps artillery regiments (264 and 644), three anti-tank artillery regiments (171, 753 and 759), one fighter regiment, one bomber regiment and one Il-2 squadron.
3. Deploy the army at the Staraya Russa, Ostashkov line with the task of covering the Staraya Russa, Bologoe directions; Holm, Bologoe; Ostashkov, Vyshny Volochek.
Cover the Valdai, Ostashkov, Bologoe area with fighter aircraft. Have reserves in the Valdai, Bologoe, Vyshny Volochek areas. The army border on the right is Lake. Ilmen, r. Volkhov. The army border on the left is (legit.) Selizharovo, Vyshny Volochek.
4. Prepare the second line of defense along the river. Msta.
By the morning of July 13, the advanced units of the army would reach the front of Staraya Russa and Ostashkov.

14.33 l. 2 Combat order No. 0/1 Transmitted orally 13.7.41 10.00
Storm 29 Art. Bologoe 13.7.41 10.00
1. The 29th Army is deployed at the line of St. Russa, Ostashkov with the task of covering the directions of Art. Russa, Bologoe, Kholm, Bologoe, Ostashkov, Vyshny Volochek.
2. The border on the right is the lake. Ilmen, r. Volkhov. The border on the left is (claim) Selizharovo, Vyshny Volochek.
... 5. 252 SD with 759 AP VET to occupy the defense line - Art. Sysoevo, then to (claim) Selizharovo.

8; 12 page 30
In the area of ​​Bologoye station, the division's echelons were for the first time attacked by enemy aircraft.

12 page 30
In the morning, at the Cherny Dor station, the echelons unloaded and moved in marching columns to the city of Ostashkov. Before reaching which, the division's units were stopped and placed in the forest. The personnel began building anti-tank barriers.

21 Order of Headquarters VK No. 00334
About creating a frontreserve armies July 14, 1941
2. Include in the front:
a) the 29th Army, consisting of five divisions, two corps artillery regiments and three anti-tank artillery regiments, one fighter aviation regiment, one bomber regiment and one Il-2 squadron;
4. The front armies should be given the following tasks:
a) 29th Army. Stubbornly defend the line of Staraya Russa, Demyansk, Ostashkov. Special attention pay attention to organizing the defense of the Staraya Russa and Bologoye directions; Holm, Bologoe; Ostashkov, Vyshny Volochek. Reconnaissance and barrages, primarily against tanks, should be organized from the Soltsy, Kholm, Toropets line to the front line of defense and inside the defensive areas.

14.31 l. 2Order Series "G"
Commander of the Front Reserve ArmiesNo. 001/op Commander 29
Mountain Front Headquarters Mozhaisk 15.7.1941 15.45
2. 29 armies consisting of 256, 252, 254 SD NKVD, 245 SD, 107 TD, 644 cap, 171, 753, 759 AP PTO, 59, 16, 53, 82 armored trains, one fighter aviation regiment, one bomber regiment and one Il-2 squadron stubbornly defend the line of Art. Russa, Demyansk, Ostashkov, Selizharovo.
Pay special attention to the organization of defense in Art. Russa, Bologoe; Kholm, Bologoe, Ostashkov, Vyshny Volochek.
Reconnaissance and barrages, mainly against tanks, should be organized from the Soltsy, Kholm, Toropets line, to the front line of defense and inside the defensive areas.
Prepare the second line of defense along the river. Msta.
The army border on the right is Lake Ilmen, river. Volkhov, left – lawsuit. Toropets, lawsuit. Selizharovo, Vyshny Volochek.

14.33 l. 3 Combat Order No. 02 Series "G"
Shtarm 29 Bologoe 24.00 19.7.41 Map 500,000
1. According to the directives of the General Staff of the Red Army for an operation to encircle the enemy in the mountain area. Smolensk...
3. 252 SD with 759 AP concentrate in marching order in Toropets. Main route: Gorodok, Antufevo, Valueva, Vasilyeva, Lakhovka, Toropets, ready to move to the offensive line.
Traffic in the lane: on the right - Zaborie, Borovoe, (claim) Art. Coverage, Sherekhovo, Orekhovo, Peshkovo; from the left – M. Kotitsy, (claim) Dubrovka, Studova, Pechorina, Khmeleva.
Pass the leveling lines: the first - on the outcome of 20.7.41, the second - on the outcome of 21.7.

21 Commander of the front reserve armies
Copies: Commander-in-Chief of the Western Direction Troops
Commander of front operational groups
VK Betting Directive
On the creation of operational groups of troops,their deployment
for the operation to defeat Smolenskenemy groups
July 20, 1941 21:25
To carry out operations to encircle and defeat the Smolensk enemy group, Headquarters ordered:
1. Maslennikov’s group consisting of 252, 256 and 243 infantry divisions, BEPO Nos. 53 and 82 by the end of 23.07 reach the Chikhachi line (40 km north-west Toropets), lake. Zhizhitskoe at once. Artemovo and prepare the defense, covering the direction to Toropets.
To secure the group's flank in the Knyazhovo area (25 km north of Chikhachey), advance a detachment of no more than a battalion.
6. All groups in the initial position become subordinate to the Commander-in-Chief of the Western Front, Comrade Timoshenko, from whom they will receive tasks.

14.33 l. 5 To the Chief of the General Staff Zhukov
To the commander of the front of the reserve armies Bogdanov
The order to move to the concentration area by divisions was received in the period 3.15 - 4.30 on 20.7.41 through the headquarters communications delegates.
The main forces set out: ... 252nd Infantry Division - presumably 9.00 20.7. I can’t report exactly because there is no connection.
The 252nd Infantry Division is missing: anti-aircraft guns and complete complex machine guns, 12 122 mm mortars, anti-tank guns - 51, 45 mm tank. guns - 10, 12 percent screw cartridge. None at all: signal and lighting equipment and shots for 45 mm guns and for divisional artillery.

14.23 input No. 10 24.7.41Order of the South-Western direction Series "G"
№ 0076 July 21, 1941
… 3. Maslennikov’s group, 22.7, reach the line: Chikhachi, Lake Zhizhitskoye and secure the Toropetsk direction.

14.22 Top secret
To the commander of the 252nd division Zabaluev
To the commanders of units on the move from the Ostashkov area to Andreapol
Immediately go to the nearest railway station for the purpose of loading into trains for transfer to the Skvortsovo and Kosygino stations.
Report the exit to the station and the number of covered cars and platforms needed immediately, via railway communications, to the station commandant, Captain Comrade Kostin, in Ostashkov. Report the time of loading, departure and arrival at the unloading station to me at the Skvortsovo station.

14.33 l. 9Combat Order No. 5
Shtarm 29 Martyukhovo 23.7.41 21.30 Map 500,000
The army commander ordered:
1. There is no enemy army directly in front of the 29th front.
2. Since the morning of July 24, 1941, the 29th Army has been defending the Chikhachi line, Art. Nazimovo, Artemovo junction and the western shore of Bezymyanny Lake, which is 15 km southwest of Toropets.
... 6. 252nd Infantry Division in the second echelon, line for defense - Ladygovo, Art. Skvortsovo, Sementsovo, Yarshevo.

14.34 l. 3Operational report No. 6 Series "B"
Shtarm 29 Selishche (10 km southwest Toropets) 7/27/41 9.00 Map 500,000
1. There is no enemy army in front of the front. According to aerial reconnaissance data on July 24, 1941, in the area of ​​Sevostyanovo, Ilyino, Petrovo, as a result of the actions of our aviation, 31 tanks and vehicles were burning in the direction of Velizh.
...5. 252nd Infantry Division in the second echelon in the Ladygovo area, Art. Skvortsovo, Zueva, Selishche (10 km NW Toropets).
a) 928 joint venture Ladygovo, art. Skvortsovo, Vesnitsy.
b) 924 joint venture Kuzmino, Zuevo, Kostino.
c) 932 joint venture Selishche (10 km NW Toropets and forest west.
One battalion of the same regiment from 3.30 25.7 is concentrated for the active defense of the north. banks of the river Western Dvina on the Petrovo-Sevostyanovo section.
Stadiv – Art. Skvortsovo.

14.22 Series "G"
To the Commander of the Western Front, Marshal of the Soviet Union, Comrade Timoshenko
To the member of the Military Council of the Western Front, Comrade Bulganin
1. the period from 26.7 to 10.8.41.
4. The enemy is forced to hold significant forces against the right wing of the army, where one 924 infantry regiment with 2/932 infantry regiments (four battalions) pinned down units of the 78th and 79th infantry regiments (over two infantry battalions, reinforced by the Finns transferred here by the Germans).
According to reliable and verified data, the Germans transferred 500 Finns with bloodhounds to the forested, lake and swampy area of ​​the army front; The Finns, as in the fight against us in 1940, widely practice the method of firing at machine gunners from trees ("cuckoo"), among them the "Shutskorites" predominate.
Shackled by our 1/932nd Regiment at the crossing in the Ustye area, the enemy is transferring significant forces to the crossing area near the Petrovo, Vypolzovo, and Vekishkino farms.
In this area, units of the 252nd Rifle Division, not expecting enemy actions, begin to actively attack, suddenly crossing the Western Dvina River. As a result of an unexpected strike, enemy units flee, throwing away their weapons and only much later, they organize a retaliatory strike, taking advantage of their numerical superiority.

14.33 l. 12, 26Combat Order No. 3 Series "G"
Shtarm 29 Selishche (10 km southwest Toropets) 7/26/41 13.00 Map 500,000
1. Over the past 3 days, enemy motorized mechanized units have made a number of attempts, with the assistance of artillery, to cross the river. Zap. Dvina on the Petrovo-Sevostyanovo section. Grouping of separate tank groups in areas 10 km northwest of Velizh on the road to Nevel, 8 - 10 km north of Velizh in the direction of present. Toropa and 10 km southeast of Velizh on the road to the city of Zap. Dvina
On July 24 and 25, 1941, movement of tank columns from the southwest in the general direction of Sevostyanovo and some regrouping of mechanical units were noted.
On July 26, 1941, separate columns of tanks retreated in the general direction to Ilyino and a breakthrough of about 20 tanks reached a company of motorcyclists in the city of Zap. Dvina, r. Velizh (3 – 4 km south of Zharka).
2. To the left the Toropetsk direction is covered by the cavalry regiment 53 cd, to the right in in this direction there are no adjacent parts. In the Petrovo, Sevostyanovo sector, since July 25, 1941, 1 MRP with 1/932 rifle regiments has been actively defending.
From 21.00 on July 26, 1941, units of the 243rd Infantry Division took over the defense of this line, covering the concentration of the 252nd Infantry Division and ensuring the crossing of the river.
In the area of ​​​​Zhuki, Navoloka, the action of our partisan detachments.
3. The 29th Army, with the aim of eliminating the Yartsevsko-Dukhovshchina enemy group, is deployed at the turn of the river. Zap. Dvina in the section Olenitsa, Sevostyanovo and, crossing the river. Zap. Dvina, advances in the directions: Velizh, Ilyino. Later on Demidov.
4. 243rd Rifle Division leave the occupied defense zone and, concentrating in marching order in a new area, actively defend the northern bank of the river. Zap. Dvina on the Olenitsa, Sevostyanovo front, replacing 1 SME with the task of covering the concentration of 252 infantry rifle divisions and ensuring the crossing of the river. Zap. Dvina by army units.
Reach the line of defense by 16.00 on 26.7.41. Readiness of defense by 19.00 on 26.7.41.
Further along the passage of the Western line. Dvina with units of the 252nd Infantry Division crossed with one regiment in the Petrovo area, the second regiment in the Sevostyanovo area 6 - 7.00 on July 28, 1941, and the third regiment of the division, transferring to the army reserve from 7 to 8.00 on July 27, 1941, developing the success of the division units in their directions of movement Olenitsa, Ilyino, Demidov; Petrovo, Ilyino, Demidov; Sevostyanovo, Demidov, striking with his left flank.
5. 252 sd 21.00 26.7.41 three routes: 1. Vysokoe, Khmelevo, Sokhi, Olenitsa; 2. Kostino, Tsarevo, Zavisyach, B. Napolki, Olenitsa; 3. Kryukovo, Babkona, Star. Toropa, Olenitsa concentrate on the border of the river. Zap. Dvina in the Olenitsa region at no less than 3 crossings.
Advance: with one regiment in the direction of Velizh for 1 SME, developing and ensuring the capture of Velizh; force the West with two regiments. Dvina in the indicated area, simultaneously with 1st SME to advance in the direction of Ilyino with the task of capturing it, and then to attack Demidov.
6. 1 SME with the 1/932nd rifle division, upon surrender of the defense of the 243rd infantry division, concentrate by 24.00 on 26.7.41 in the Olenitsa area and at 3.00 on 27.7.41 advance on Velizh after capturing it on Demidov, placing a reinforced side detachment, the saddle road on Nevel and Vitebsk and covering the left group of the army from Velizh.
... 10. CP - the first echelon of the field headquarters - until 4.00 27.7.41 Selishche, from 4.00 27.7.41 Bentsy, later Ilyino.
Second echelon of field headquarters – Selishche

    1. To the commander of the 243rd and 252nd rifle divisions

USSR To the Head of the Personnel Department of the 29th Army
NPO Head of the Department of Staffing and Troop Services of the 29th Army
Operations Department of the 29th Army Headquarters Copy: To the Head of the Political Department of the 29th Army
July 27, 1941
№ 05
1. In accordance with the decision of the Military Council of the Army, the commanders of the 243rd and 252nd infantry divisions are to send mounted platoons of rifle regiments in full combat readiness, to form the 29th cavalry regiment, to the Staraya Toropa station, at the disposal of the VrID regiment commander, senior lieutenant Comrade V.D. Kirichenko.
Deadline: July 29, 1941
Together with the platoons, send all available horse equipment (saddles) and baggage, with the exception of the horse equipment of artillery units.
... 3. Form the third infantry battalion for the 1st motorized rifle regiment. Formation point Toropets.

July 27. The concentration of individual tank groups, infantry and motorcyclists continued on the southern bank of the Western Dvina River. A large concentration of motorized infantry and tanks, reconnaissance units, was discovered at crossings in the Sevostyanovo area and in the forests 1.5 km east of Sevostyanovo.
On the night of July 27, separate enemy groups crossed the Western Dvina River 1.5 km east of Sevostyanovo, attempting to bypass the flank of 1st MRR.
A cluster of vehicles containing enemy infantry was dispersed by artillery fire. Taking advantage of the enemy's confusion, when there was a traffic jam on the road and enemy infantry surrounded their vehicles, 1st Motorized Rifle Regiment launched a counterattack, putting up to a regiment of enemy motorized infantry to flight. In this battle, up to an infantry battalion was destroyed and 23 enemy vehicles were burned. The enemy hastily began to bring in fresh forces from the depths, opening strong artillery and especially mortar fire on the location of the 1/932nd infantry regiment and 1st infantry rifle regiment.
By the end of the day, 1 SME and 1/932 Rifle Regiment went on the defensive in the area of ​​the Petrovo, Sevostyanovo, and Belyankin farms, in readiness to transfer the defense to the 243rd Rifle Division and regroup in the Olenitsa region.
... By 6.00 27.7 ... 252nd Infantry Division reached the line of Plosha, Sokhi, Stepankovo, Bolshiye Napolki.
From the march, the division's reconnaissance units came into contact with the advanced units of the 13th infantry division.

14.33 l. 18 To the commander of the 252nd infantry regiment, Major General Comrade Zabaluev. To the commissar of the 252nd infantry regiment, regimental commissar Comrade Rostovtsev.
To the commander of the 243rd Rifle Division, Major General Comrade Parkhomenko, to the Commissar of the 243rd Regimental Commissar, Comrade Borsky
To the commander of the 31st SAD To the commissar of the 31st SAD
To the commander of the 1st SME To the Commissioner of the 1st SME
The enemy continues to defend the southern bank of the river. Zap. Dvina According to reports from the NSh 243rd Infantry Division of Major Senchillo, units of the 252nd Infantry Division concentrated in the Olenitsa area and crossed the river with one regiment. Western Dvina.
I order:
1. 252nd Rifle Division immediately continue to carry out army order No. 3 dated July 26, 1941 to destroy the enemy located in Ilyino.
2. Simultaneously with the movement to Ilyino, send along the road parallel to the river. The Western Dvina along its left bank to the Kresty area is reinforced by a rifle battalion in vehicles with the task of capturing the crossing at Kresty and ensuring the division's actions from Velizh and Usmyn.
After capturing the enemy crossing at Kresta, the battalion prepares to destroy this crossing and, in the event of large enemy forces appearing, destroy the crossing.
The battalion should conduct reconnaissance separate machines within 10 – 15 km in the direction of Usman and Velizh. In the event of large enemy forces appearing from Ilyino in the direction of Velizh and the battalion is unable to contain and prevent the enemy from crossing to Kresty, the battalion, conducting mobile battles with the enemy, will retreat north to join the division.
3. The commander of the 243rd Infantry Regiment, located in the Olenitsa area, cover the actions of the 252nd Infantry Division, organizing defense in the Lyubovitsa, Glisno area, holding the ferry behind him, and also conducting surveillance along the roads towards Krasnye Sosny, keeping in mind the possibility of enemy groups appearing from the direction of Priluka , Pukhnovo, Usmyn. The rest of the division, conducting intensive monitoring of the enemy’s behavior, be ready to cross the river. Western Dvina. If the enemy retreats to Ilyino as a result of the 252nd Infantry Division's operation, immediately force the river. Western Dvina and pursue the enemy, having fire contact with him with the goal of destruction in the Ilyino area together with the 252nd Infantry Division.
Since the enemy is mobile, the commander of the 243rd Infantry Division should have from each regiment no less than a reinforced rifle company mounted on vehicles to pursue the enemy.
8. After destroying the enemy in Ilyino, 252nd Infantry Division reach the river line. Border, occupying the area for defense: Dorozhkino, Gluzdy, Orekhovo, Yagodnik, Usodishche, securing themselves from the Kresta side.
The border for the 252nd Rifle Division is Lake Usodice, (claim) Orekhovo, Gluzdy, (claim) Kaltanovo, Vaskino, Malinovka, Baklanovo.
With access to the river line. Between conducting reconnaissance to the border of Lake Lososno, Sopshe.

14.33 l. 25General T. Zabaluev
The commander of the 29th Army, Major General Maslennikov, ordered:
1 SME – perform the task of mastering Velizh independently. Regiment 252 SD, which, according to the order of headquarters 29 No. 3 dated 26.7.41 (clause 5) was supposed to advance behind the 1st Small Rifle Regiment, developing and ensuring the capture of Velizh, was left in the army reserve in the Olenitsa region.

14.22 Combat operations of the 29th Army for the period from July 26 to August 10, 1941.
July 28. At dawn, 4 battalions of the 252nd Infantry Division crossed the Western Dvina River in the Olenitsa, Bayevo area, providing a bridgehead for the division to cross.
Having crossed the river, unexpectedly for the enemy, the battalions, advancing in a southern direction, collided with units of the enemy’s 26th Infantry Division. As a result of short battles, up to two enemy companies were destroyed, and the Germans cleared the bank of the Western Dvina River.
At 14.00, the 252nd Infantry Division crossed the Western Dvina River in the Prikhaby-Medvedka sector, advancing its first echelons by 2 - 3 km, in readiness to attack on Ilyino in the morning of July 29, 1941.

based on materials

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Let's get in touch, I'm very interested in how many relatives I have! Write! The cigarette and nickel from the newspaper are kept in my possession.

  • #34

    I am the grandson of Pyotr Pavlovich Kosolapov, I live in Moscow.

  • #33

    how to clarify in which unit he fought and where he died Lyskov Afanasy Mikhailovich, a native of Kueda, Molotov region.

  • #32

    Hello. My grandfather is Semyon Ivanovich Doronin, born in 1903, drafted on September 9, 1941, by the Kaganovich RVC of the Molotov region. From the moment of conscription until his death on August 3, 1942 near the village of Timontsevo, Rzhevsky district, Kalinin region. fought in the 1198th infantry regiment, 2nd battalion, 4th company as a platoon commander. There is not a single photograph left in the family in military uniform.
    Alexander, if there is such a possibility, help me find the ZhBD for August 3 or, please, give me a link. Thank you in advance.

  • #31

    I am helping my friends find their grandfather. My grandfather was drafted in 1941, the village of Elan-Koleno, Mikhail Ivanovich Dunaev, born in 1901, p. Elan-Koleno, st. New Village. We found the following information on him: Date of birth __.__.1901 Place of birth Voronezh region, Elan-Kolenovsky district, village. E.-Kaleno Date and place of conscription Elan-Kolenovsky RVK, Voronezh region, Elan-Kolenovsky district View on the map Military transit point 24 zsp Arrived at the unit Not earlier than 12/20/1941 Military unit Vereshchaginsky RVK, Molotov region, Vereshchaginsky Source district information TsAMO Fund number ist. information 8303 Inventory number source. information 163223 Case number ist. information 3.. At this time, the 359th division was being formed in this area. Maybe you can help with something, maybe there are lists of fighters, or something else. Email [email protected]

  • #30

    Dear Lyubov, brief information about Lomov S.T. 1913 platoon commander 1196 joint venture 359 SD is on the portal about front-line soldiers Victory 1945, look... I would be grateful for a photo of your great-grandfather and a short story about his life, then you can place material about the front-line soldier in the exhibition of the Museum of 359 SD. You can contact me on Odnoklassniki and VKontakte, email [email protected]

  • #29

    Hello! my great-grandfather Lomov Stepan Timofeevich (Trofimovich, they write in the book of memory. but this is incorrect) junior lieutenant platoon commander of the 8th company, 1996 Red Banner Infantry Regiment. Born in 1913 in the village of Leshchinovo, Nizhne-Lomovsky district, Penza region. He was awarded the Order of the Red Star and medals, unfortunately they are lost, but I would like to know the data. Was awarded for the capture of Breslau (German name Breslau)

  • #28

    brief information about Khoroshikh Alexey Denisovich, 1925, a native of the Irkutsk region, intelligence officer 423 ORR 359 SD, has been available since 2015 on the portal about front-line soldiers Victory 1945. There you can also read about Efremenko Yakov Davydovich 1921, captain Ustenko Vitaly Porfirievich 1915...

  • #27

    Gordeeva Olga [email protected] Penza (Sunday, 17 June 2018 12:33)

    My grandfather, Red Army soldier Stepan Grigorievich Shcherbakov, born in 1904, went missing on February 15, 1942. as part of 1194SP 359SD near the village of Nelyubino, Rzhevsky district. I wanted to know the exact place of his burial and other details of his life and death during his service. Maybe there are photos left. He was called up from the village of Ternovka, Penza region in 1941. Wife - Shcherbakova Alexandra Ivanovna .

  • #26

    Scout of the 423rd separate reconnaissance company

  • #25

    Hello! My grandfather Adyev Akat, born in 1904. Molotov region, Shchuchye-Ozersky district, s/s Savarov, called up to the front in 1941, Shchuchye-Ozersky RVK, Molotov region, Shchuchye-Ozersky district. He fought as a private rifleman in the 1198th Infantry Regiment, 359th Infantry Division, last place of service in the 359th Infantry Division. Killed in action on December 17, 1941. in the Kalinin region, Kalininsky district, Tsvetkovsky s/s, Tsvetkovo village. I would like to know more about his military path and find at least some information about who he fought with, photographs, not a single one has survived in the family. Sincerely
    grateful for your work and any help. My email: [email protected]

  • #24

    Hello. My great-grandfather Lobastov Alexander Dmitrievich Date of birth/Age__.__.1901 Place of birthKirov region, Sharangsky district, Starorudinsky s/s, village of Sysuika Date and place of conscription: 09/21/1941 Sharangsky RVK, Kirov region, Sharangsky district Last place of service: 1198 joint venture 359 rifle division Military rank: private Reason for retirement: wounded Date of retirement: 01/30/1942 (Missing) According to the latest documents, he was sent to the rank of unit, but was not found in the register of the dead. I would like to know in more detail his battle path or his fate. Unfortunately, there is only one photo. Thank you in advance. Contact Email: [email protected]

  • #23

    I would like to tell you about my great-grandfather - Matvey Yakovlevich Gorokhov. His last place of service was 359sp.

  • #22

    My great-grandfather Ivan Grigorievich Trubitsin, born in 1902, served in this regiment and died on January 20, 1942, but my grandfather said that he died on January 19, 1942.

  • #21

    Hello! My grandfather Sheremet Moisey Sidorovich, born in 1904. drafted to the front in January 1942 by the Priishimsky RVC of the North Kazakhstan region. He fought as a rifleman in the 1196th infantry regiment of the 359th infantry regiment from March 30, 1942; on September 29, 1944 he was seriously wounded and was treated in a hospital. He was transferred to the reserve on March 30, 1945. I would like to know more about his military journey and find at least some photographs; not a single one has survived in the family. I am sincerely grateful for your work and any help. My email: [email protected]

  • #20

    Hello! I would like to find photographs (unfortunately, none of the families survived. Only the funeral remains) and information about my great-grandfather - Vitaly Parfiryevich Ustenko, he served in the 1196th infantry regiment of the 359th infantry regiment, deputy commander for political affairs, rank - captain. He died on February 19, 1943 near the city of Rzhev in the village of Kharlamovo. Thanks in advance for any information and help. My mail - [email protected]

  • #19

    I'm looking for my grandfather's brother Efremenko Yakov Davydovich served in the 359th rifle division, 1196th rifle division, and was the commander of the 5th rifle squad. In 10.1944 he received the Order of Glory, 3rd degree, in the Krakow region. I do not have his further fate.... If you have information about him, please contact me by email. Mail [email protected] thank you very much in advance

  • #18

    Thank you, Sanya, for your help. You are always a welcome guest in the school museum)

  • #17

    Thanks for the work

  • #16

    It’s good that my efforts to create this site were not in vain. How much work was invested by me and E.M. Drobysheva. Well done for continuing to promote the site. You are already top 1 in Yandex.

  • #15

    Sorry, I forgot to write my grandfather's name. Stepanov Nikolay Stepanovich, born in 1906

  • #14

    My grandfather served in the 359th Infantry Division. Called himself to the Bolsheuchinsky RVC. Sent from Perm region. He died on December 4, 1942 near Rzhev near the Podkova Grove, where he was buried. In 1954-56 he was reburied in the village of Kokoshkino under number 2915. I would like to know in which regiment he served. Help me find information. I can't find it in the lists. Thank you in advance.

  • #13

    We are looking for Melnik Emelyan Klementievich, born in 1899. .20.07.41. was sent from Klin station towards Smolensk. from 21.08. 41 there is no further information. Missing. Using the Memorial database, I found Melnik Emelyan Dmitrievich, born in 1900, served in the 1194th Regiment. Maybe a typo? And this is our Melnik E.?

  • #12

    Write an email to me [email protected]. Where he was born? If you have any documents, please send them. We will see.

  • #11

    My father Gulyanov Sergei Evgenievich! 923 year lieutenant served 1194 s n wounded four times twice considered dead was the commander of a PTR platoon awarded the Order of the Red Star, there were probably other awards, but we don’t know about it, he returned from the war, got married, had six children with his mother, died early in 1973 he was not even 50 years old. If you can get information about your father about his military exploits, a very big request and many thanks to YOU ​​for future information

  • #10

    My great-grandfather served in the 1198th joint venture. Trofimov Dmitry Andreevich, born in 1904 Awarded the Order of Glory, 3rd degree, for the assault on Breslau. I'm looking for information about him. [email protected]

  • #9

    Hello, Alexander Vasilievich. I am the head of the Museum of Military Glory in Moscow. Email me your contact information. I will connect you with Kosolapov’s relatives who live in Moscow. Email: [email protected]

  • #8

    Years pass, time cannot be turned back. But I would like to know if any of P.P. Kosolapov’s relatives are alive. If these are grandchildren, then we are second cousins ​​to them. And there are already 17 of us from his two nephews and two nieces. And of course I would like to meet. We would be very glad to meet you!

  • #7

    Thank you very much for preserving the memory of the soldiers and officers of the Second World War. This is very important for our descendants. Eternal memory and glory to the warriors who liberated our Fatherland.

  • #6

    Many thanks to the museum for the memory of my father, Sheinson Avsey Rakhmilovich (Romanovich). He has not been with us for more than 30 years. We have the brightest memories of him as a man of crystal clear soul and an excellent radiologist. My mother and I always remember him. Thank you very much again

  • #5

    I am the son of Sergeant Fayaz Mukhametdinovich Gainetdinov, born in 1926 from the 359th Rifle Division, who fought in Breslau. father was wounded in March-April, he said he was a scout and lived to see 40 years of victory

  • #4

    kim gutin (Thursday, 01 September 2016 19:02)

    HOW to contact the museum. There are photos and documents.

  • #3

    Kotov Alexander Vasilievich 61 Orenburg region. (Sunday, 08 November 2015 13:42)

    Division commander P.P. Kosolapov. Brother to our grandfather Egor Pavlovich Kosolapov. Eternal memory to the heroes of the Second World War.

  • #2

    In contact there is a small group -359 Yartsevskaya division. There I posted front-line and post-war photos from meetings of division veterans, about 30 in total. With comments, from Korsun-Shevchenkovsky, Vereshchagino, Moscow. Please take a look, maybe they will be useful for the Museum Fund...

  • #1

    It’s good that the school has a museum dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, because it is a memory of the difficult times that the Russian people were able to survive. It makes us closer to our grandparents and talks about how people in critical times remained human and fought not only for their freedom, but also for the freedom of future generations. Thank you very much to the museum team! The excursion turned out to be very informative and literally passed in one breath! I wish you prosperity and all the best!

  • Fedor Andreevich was born on April 20, 1909 in the village of Kotoraevo, Berezovsky district, Ryazan region (now Lipetsk region), near the Don. His father, Andrei Komogorov, was a hereditary wheelwright, he made wheels for carts, a very important profession in the village at that time (comparable to a tire workshop now). Therefore, the family was considered wealthy. The eldest brother in the family inherited the craft and workshop, the rest of the children worked in the field and at home. The Ryazan region had fertile soils, there were nice gardens. Peasants were never serfs. This was the area where state peasants lived. There were 8 children in the family of Andrei and Alexandra Komogorov (the eldest - Andrei, Fedor, Mikhail, Grigory, Maria, Evdokia, Nikolai, Praskovya, Alexandra). Fedor was second. He graduated from the 4th grade of the parochial school in his village. The family was very hard-working. They grew grain and kept livestock. They chose his bride - Evdokia Ivanovna Novichkova, born in 1910. - an orphan from the neighboring village of Streshnevo, saying only that the girl was very hard-working and unspoiled, who grew up in an aunt’s family, where there were 10 children the same age, and she was a nanny. They married in 1927.
    In 1928, dispossession and collectivization began in the village, which hit the wealthy farms, to which the Komogorovs belonged, hard. Although they never had hired workers. Families like them were subject to special resettlement to camps in remote areas of the North and Siberia.
    Fyodor Andreevich and Evdokia Ivanovna were able to leave Kotoraevo and settle down near Moscow in the village of Golovino (now a district of Moscow in the northern district). In 1934, their son Nikolai was born, and in 1938 another son, Victor.
    In 1932, Fedor was called up for military service. And he turns out to be a private, and then an assistant commander of a platoon of the 18th railway regiment of the OGPU troops.

    OGPU employee uniform

    In June 1941, he began the war as part of the 924th Infantry Regiment of the 252nd Infantry Division of the 41st Kalinin Front, and from December 1941 - the 41st Army of the Kalinin Front.
    If we briefly outline the path of his regiment from December 41. to June 42, then this is participation in the Battle of Moscow, access to the Volga, the battle for Rzhev and in February 1942 the army is surrounded.
    During the breakthrough, the division lost 2,185 people missing in action, so the division numbered several more than one and a half thousand people.
    As of December 1941, Fyodor Andreevich was first an assistant commander and then a rifle platoon commander. In August 1941 he was shell-shocked, but remained in service.
    Fyodor Andreevich was surrounded, and he was able to fight 6 privates of his platoon out of the encirclement. He said that they went out for 42 days and ate aspen bark. Komogorov was wounded on January 24, 1942 in the hand, and they returned to their people only in June 1942. After which he ends up in an evacuation hospital for two months. And after recovery, by order of the military court, he ends up in the 46th separate penal company, in pursuance of the order
    But none of us knew, and his son Viktor Fedorovich still does not know, that the unit in which Fedor fought before the encirclement was part of the NKVD. And before the penal battalion, he fought in the Zagrad battalion (formations created according to the same 227 order, designed to stop the retreat of units).
    After his heroic escape from encirclement, it was not a reward that awaited him, but a penal battalion; he didn’t even think about betrayal. And he never stopped serving his Motherland. His entire track record testifies to this. Fyodor Andreevich was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, II class, and the Red Star - twice in 43 and 44. , Order for Military Merit. By the end of the war, my great-grandfather was awarded the rank of Senior Lieutenant. He remains a penalty prisoner until March 1943. Then, as having “atonement” for his guilt, he is returned to a regular combat unit. Since March 1943, Fedor Andreevich has been the commander of the transport company of the 262nd Infantry Division of the 3rd Belorussian Front. Fedor also received a medal "For the capture of Keninsberg". After the end of the Great Patriotic War part of Komogorov was transferred to the Far Eastern Front.
    In June 1945, the unit was transferred to Mongolia, to Ulaanbaatar. She marched through the Gobi Desert, overcame the Greater Khingan mountain range and fought into the Manchurian Valley. The first battle during the campaign is for the Boltai station, then liberates the city of Tanan, passed through Mukden and Harbin, at the end of the journey reaching Port Arthur,
    He said that it was a multi-day exhausting trip. One part of the army advanced through Ussuriysk. Fyodor Andreevich ended up on a march through the Gobi Desert. It was a hot summer, monstrous heat, horses were given 1 liter of water per day, people less. The technology couldn't handle it. People fell from heatstroke, and there was nowhere to send them to the rear. Their comrades could not carry them. He spoke disparagingly about the battles. After the victory over Nazi Germany, the Japanese army was not a serious opponent for our soldiers. He survived these trials and was awarded the medal "For Victory over Japan" in April 1946. The division was disbanded in 1947.
    Fyodor Andreevich returned from the front in 1948. My grandfather built his house in Golovino, grew a garden, worked at a defense plant in Koptevo, and his eldest son Nikolai later worked there. He had another son, Sergei. One child - Leonid - died during the war. His wife, Evdokia, is a quiet, meek, heroic woman, working 2 shifts at a fine cloth factory, where they made material for overcoats, leaving two older ones.
    But Fedor did not forget anything. When in 1964, 10 years after Stalin’s death, the Soviet government decided to award Fyodor Andreevich an order for his participation in the Rzhev operation, Komogorov, already suffering from cancer, officially refused. This meant trouble. He persuaded him. He was adamant.
    He died of cancer in 1965 at the age of 65.
    Eternal Memory to them.

    Political instructor Aksyonov Alexander Petrovich. Deputy company commander for political affairs. 277th Infantry Regiment of the 243rd Infantry Division of the 29th Army of the Kalinin Front. Died of wounds on October 26, 1941 in MPG (mobile field hospital) -178.
    Private Aleshin Isaac Kornilovich. Died on October 25, 1941. Bullet blind penetrating wound of the abdomen, wound of the spleen, wound of the intestines, peritonitis. Brought to BCP-178 dead.
    Private Antufeev Vasily Fedorovich, born in 1913. 227th Infantry Regiment of the 183rd Infantry Division of the 29th Army of the Kalinin Front. He was wounded and died from wounds in the gluteal region on November 22, 1941 at PPG-178. Place of birth: Arkhangelsk region, Krasnoborsky district, Permogorsky village council, village. Small Zaborie. Called up on August 14, 1941 by the Krasnoborsky district military registration and enlistment office.
    Private Barabanov Ivan Nikolaevich. 227th Infantry Regiment of the 183rd Infantry Division of the 29th Army of the Kalinin Front. He died from a wound to the right hip on November 14, 1941 at PPG-178. Place of birth: Yaroslavl region, Danilovsky district, Viktinskoe village, village. Tishevinskaya.
    Private Borisov Grigory Ivanovich, born in 1918. 183rd Rifle Division of the 29th Army of the Kalinin Front. Died of a head wound on November 2, 1941 at PPG-178.
    Private Vitvinov Ivan Ignatievich. 54th Cavalry Division of the 29th Army of the Kalinin Front. Died of wounds on October 27, 1941 at PPG-178.
    Private Volkov Egor Kondratievich, born in 1916. 295th Infantry Regiment of the 183rd Infantry Division of the 29th Army of the Kalinin Front. He died from wounds in the left shoulder on November 9, 1941 at PPG-178.
    Private Gamayunov. 119th Cavalry Regiment. Died of a head wound on November 1, 1941 at PPG-178.
    Private Dobryakov Alexey Alexandrovich, born in 1908. 285th Infantry Regiment of the 183rd Infantry Division of the 29th Army of the Kalinin Front. Died from a chest wound on November 2, 1941 at PPG-178. Place of residence: Arkhangelsk, ave. Stalinskikh Udarnikov, 121, wing 3, apt. 1.
    Sergeant Pyotr Ivanovich Zaitsev. Entered PPG-178 on October 22, 1941, died on October 23, 1941. Death resulted from damage to the gastric mucosa caused by the chemical solvent. package. Poisoning.
    Sergeant Zakharov Georgy Vladimirovich. 777th Artillery Regiment. Entered PPG-178 on October 18, 1941. A bullet wound to the left iliac region penetrating the abdominal cavity and a wound to the spleen. Died of blood loss on October 21, 1941.
    Private Ivanov Alexey Fedorovich, born in 1909. 227th Infantry Regiment of the 183rd Infantry Division of the 29th Army of the Kalinin Front. He died from a wound in the right buttock on December 5, 1941 at PPG-178. Place of birth: Kalinin region, Novotorzhsky district, village of Bolshaya Vishnya.
    Private Karmanov Modest Grigorievich, born in 1906. 227th Infantry Regiment of the 183rd Infantry Division of the 29th Army of the Kalinin Front. He died from a wound in the stomach on November 1, 1941 at PPG-178. Place of residence: Komi Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Ust-Kulomsky district, Pomozdinsky s/s, village. Sordyiv.
    Private Karchagin Mikhail Mikhailovich. 285th Infantry Regiment of the 183rd Infantry Division of the 29th Army of the Kalinin Front. Died from wounds in the chest, neck and left shoulder on December 4, 1941 at PPG-178.
    Private Kokarev Andrey Mikhailovich, born in 1897. Tractor driver of the airfield service battalion of the 36th long-range Smolensk aviation division. Hanged himself on May 1, 1944. Place of birth: Yaroslavl region, Poshekhon-Volodarsky district, village. Selino.
    Private Korobanov Ivan Petrovich, born in 1913. On October 24, 1941, he received a shrapnel penetrating wound to the chest with damage to the right lung, injury to the right buttock and soft tissue of the right thigh. Shock, large blood loss, purulent pleurisy. He was treated at the 370th Motorized Infantry Brigade of the 179th BCP, and from October 25 - at the BCP-178. Died October 28, 1941.
    Private Kudryashev Nikolai Alexandrovich, born in 1903. 252nd Rifle Division of the 29th Army of the Kalinin Front. Died of wounds on October 23, 1941 at PPG-178. Place of residence: Kuibyshev region, Bogdashkinsky district, Krestinovsky village.
    Private Kucherov Ivan Vasilievich. 924th Infantry Regiment of the 252nd Infantry Division of the 29th Army of the Kalinin Front. Died from an abdominal wound on November 2, 1941 at PPG-178.
    Private Maslennikov Nikolai Petrovich, born in 1918. 227th Infantry Regiment of the 183rd Infantry Division of the 29th Army of the Kalinin Front. Died from a stomach wound on December 6, 1941 at PPG-178. Place of residence: Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Ichasovsky district, village of Populevo.
    Private Molodykh Nikolai Ivanovich, born in 1907. Called up June 28, 1941. Died of wounds on October 27, 1941 at PPG-178. Location: Altai region, village Manzherok.
    Private Petrov Nikolai Petrovich, born in 1922. 295th Infantry Regiment of the 183rd Infantry Division of the 29th Army of the Kalinin Front. Died from a chest wound on November 13, 1941 at PPG-178. Place of residence: Mari Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Lukolsky district, Markinsky village council.
    Junior military technician Mikhail Vasilyevich Pokrovsky, born in 1909. Chief of ammunition supply of the 15th separate security battalion of the field directorate of the headquarters of the 29th Army of the Kalinin Front. Died of wounds on November 2, 1941. Place of residence: Moscow region, Belkovsky district, village of Gus.
    Private Ryabukhin Dmitry Alekseevich, born in 1918. 295th Infantry Regiment of the 183rd Infantry Division of the 29th Army of the Kalinin Front. Died from a chest wound on November 2, 1941 at PPG-178. Place of residence: Vologda, st. Lansada, 6, apt. 4.
    Private Silaev Anatoly Ivanovich, born in 1925. Died of wounds on March 9, 1944. Place of birth: Ulyanovsk region, Cherdaklinsky district, Malaevka village. Called up in 1943.
    Private Smirnov Viktor Pavlovich, born in 1918. 295th Infantry Regiment of the 183rd Infantry Division of the 29th Army of the Kalinin Front. Died of a head wound on November 2, 1941 at PPG-178. Place of residence: Yaroslavl region, Soligalichsky district, Ilyinsky village council, village. Golodneva.
    Private Dmitry Mikhailovich Starostin, born in 1905. 227th Infantry Regiment of the 183rd Infantry Division of the 29th Army of the Kalinin Front. He died from a wound in the stomach on November 6, 1941 at PPG-178. Place of residence: Vologda region, Vokhomsky district, village of Konury.
    Private Stepanov Alexander Sergeevich. 777th Artillery Regiment. He died from a bullet wound to the right hand and forearm on December 17, 1941 at PPG-178. Place of birth: Omsk region, Kazansky district, Dubensky village council, Zarechnoye village.
    Private Stepanov Vasily Ivanovich, born in 1916. 227th Infantry Regiment of the 183rd Infantry Division of the 29th Army of the Kalinin Front. Died from wounds in both lower extremities on November 10, 1941 at PPG-178. Place of residence: Kalinin region, Martynovsky district, Martynovsky village council.
    Private Tikhoobrazov Pyotr Ivanovich, born in 1922. 910th Infantry Regiment of the 243rd Infantry Division of the 29th Army of the Kalinin Front. Died of a head wound on November 8, 1941 at PPG-178. Location: Krasnoyarsk region, Yeniseisk.
    Private Usov Pyotr Kuzmich, born in 1908. 914th Infantry Regiment of the 246th Infantry Division of the 29th Army of the Kalinin Front. Died of a head wound on November 6, 1941 at PPG-178. Place of residence: Ryazan region, Izhevsky district, village. Makeevo.
    Private Fidyukov Pyotr Gerasimovich, born in 1921. 285th Infantry Regiment of the 183rd Infantry Division of the 29th Army of the Kalinin Front. Died of a chest wound on December 2, 1941 at PPG-178. Place of residence: Gorky region, Arzamas, st. Kommunistov, 21.
    Veterinary paramedic Shatrov Ivan Petrovich, born in 1919. Veterinary instructor of the 4th squadron of the horse depot of the 27th Army of the Kalinin Front, military unit 4165. Killed at Spirovo station during an air bombardment on October 11, 1941. Place of birth: Ivanovo region, Seredsky district, Maryinsky village council, village. Demshchikovo.
    Sergeant Shulepov Sergei Semenovich, born in 1916. 227th Infantry Regiment of the 183rd Infantry Division of the 29th Army of the Kalinin Front. Died from an abdominal wound on November 22, 1941 at PPG-178. Place of birth: Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Yakobodinsky district, Milotic village council, village. Big Ita.
    Red Army soldiers buried in Babye, not included in the list, not mentioned on the gravestone:
    Private Simonenko Vasily Nikitovich. Died of a head wound on November 12, 1941 at PPG-178. Location: Krasnodar region, Ust-Labinsky district, Voronezh village council.
    Junior political instructor Stepan Ilyich Romanov, born in 1917. 227th Infantry Regiment of the 183rd Infantry Division of the 29th Army of the Kalinin Front. Died from wounds to the chest and jaw on December 11, 1941 at PPG-178. Place of birth: Altai Territory, Tanchinsky district, Makarovsky village council, Alekseevka village.
    Deputy Political instructor Voitsekhovsky Kazimir Stefanovich, born in 1921. 924th Infantry Regiment of the 29th Army of the Kalinin Front. Died from a shrapnel wound to the left hip on December 20, 1941 at PPG-178. Born in Mogilev.
    Senior Sergeant Boyanov Nikolai Romanovich, born in 1909. 54th Cavalry Division of the 29th Army of the Kalinin Front. Died from wounds in the head and chest on November 2, 1941 at PPG-178. Place of residence: Tashkent region, Begovazh district, village of Dilselvir.
    Private Avakumov Serafim Semyonovich. 227th Infantry Regiment of the 183rd Infantry Division of the 29th Army of the Kalinin Front. Died from wounds in the stomach, lower limbs and shoulder on November 8, 1941 at PPG-178. Place of residence: Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Iyarsky district, Nizhnesyursky village council, village. Zyakino.
    Lieutenant Ivashchenko Emelyan Semyonovich, born in 1918. Chief of ammunition supply of the 15th separate security battalion of the field directorate of the headquarters of the 29th Army of the Kalinin Front. Died of wounds on November 13, 1941 at PPG-178. Place of residence: Chernigov region, st. Balmach, Kurek village.
    Private Yahil Zakrat. 912th Infantry Regiment of the 252nd Infantry Division of the 29th Army of the Kalinin Front. Died of wounds on October 20, 1941 at PPG-178.