Philosophy of style - brand development and design. Carried away by inspiration: corporate identity for a beauty salon Corporate identity for a beauty studio

Salon image

Illustrations: Beauty Star (Italy)

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Alexey Dmitrienko, General Director of Good Solution LLC,

Let's talk today about the image of a small average beauty salon or hairdresser and the image of employees as a way to influence customers and the success of the business as a whole. After all, as they say, they are met by clothes.

We are accustomed to the fact that the profitability of the salon depends on its location, pricing policy, range and quality of services provided. However, an equally important success factor is the image of the salon in general and the staff in particular. The type of customers that this will attract or, conversely, repel will depend on the appearance of the salon outside and inside, on how the employees look and how they behave.
The most common mistake is the discrepancy between the price level, the level of service and the appearance of the salon as a whole. It's all about the pattern: the higher the cost of services and goods, the more claims and expectations from customers; and vice versa: the lower the prices, the easier the attitude of visitors. You don't expect anything special from a discount grocery store, do you? You calmly buy everything you need at a reasonable price, stand in line at the cashier and come back here again for shopping, despite the fact that the level of service is zero. But once you are in a gastronomic boutique where you can buy delicacies and ordinary products at bargain prices, you will not endure unpleasant smells, queues, expired goods, rudeness of sellers and cashiers.
The same applies to beauty salons and hairdressers, only there is a special nuance: a beauty salon is not a store, but a commercial enterprise in the field of providing beautiful services. This means that most of the time a client spends in the salon is either sitting or lying down. It follows from this that one of the components of the image is the comfort appreciated by the client. After all, he has enough time and, sitting in an armchair, he can see a lot of things.
In fact, I would not like to describe my negative observations now. In the end, as an entrepreneur, I know how difficult it is to raise a business and how many small things and global factors can affect success. And I understand perfectly well: it is almost impossible to change something dramatically at the snap of a finger. Despite this, I propose to think about what can improve the image of an already operating enterprise.

Form style

Have you ever thought about your corporate style? The company name (name), business card, envelopes and letterheads are the minimum set and the first step towards the formation of the image and face of the company, which reflects its philosophy and ambitions. Now sit quietly and think about who your corporate identity might attract. Imagine a beauty salon with a non-standard name "Lighter" (I have not seen such names, so please do not take any coincidences as an attempt at advertising). What category of customers can be "hooked" with such a name? Probably high school girls and students. At least, this is the target audience that corresponds to the name itself, and it makes sense to focus on this category of potential customers when designing a beauty salon, forming a service menu and pricing policy. To do this, you need to spend time studying the target audience, find out its interests, idols, favorite TV shows, fashion, etc. And from here to draw ideas for the design of the salon and a way to promote services. Naturally, the staff should be selected taking into account key customers - the target audience. Masters should be able to make evening hairstyles for proms, student "equators" and creative haircuts. And here it is important to find your chip!


Got the name figured out. How else can you influence the image and style of the salon? Based on my experience and observations, I can say that houseplants give comfort to any room. Even if a pipe braided with green liana runs along the wall, it will look a hundred times better than just a pipe. I do not urge not to spend money on repairs, but if you see some kind of flaw in the rented premises that cannot be eliminated, try to beat it in the interior and thereby show your customers that everything is in order with your creativity!
The images on the walls are perceived very positively and comfortably. Near the workplace of each master, all his letters and certificates should hang, this raises the status of not only the employee, but also the salon. As for posters and reproductions, it is important to understand what meaning they carry. One day, visiting the salon, which was named after a very famous artist, I was surprised to find that nothing inside reminds me of him. I understand that the originals of the paintings are in museums and are very expensive, but at least high-quality reproductions could be hung on the walls? There must be some connection with the name? And it would be possible to go further and supply each reproduction brief description like in museums. What is it for? Just to show your customers that you love them and work hard for them.
Any beauty salon should be a comfort zone. Naturally, you can’t please everyone, but still, focusing on a specific target audience and observing the general design rules will certainly make the salon successful. What are these general rules?
Pay attention to the area of ​​your premises, in particular to the rationality and functionality of its use. For convenience, we will call workplaces stations: a hairdressing station, a nail design and manicure station, a relaxation and waiting area, etc.? It is advisable not to mix them in the same space, but if this is not possible, then mark the boundaries either with special partitions or showcases with related products. In this way, you will add dynamics to the space and emphasize the boundaries of comfort zones for customers who have come to receive different services. However, make sure that there is no feeling of tightness. A comfortable distance for customers between "service stations" should vary between 1.8-3.5 m.
In interior design, use warm colors that do not tire your eyes. Ornaments or decoration with rich, bright colors are acceptable, and the most losing colors for a beauty salon are gray, dull brown and other dark tones.
Create a comfort zone in the customer waiting area. This is your living room, where there should be solid furniture, flowers, lamps, magazines and / or books, a TV, a water cooler. Just be careful when choosing furniture! Sometimes a client “falls” into a chair that is too soft, from which you can barely get up, and a cup of coffee (seemingly good service) becomes “torture”, because when you fall into a chair, drinking and chewing something is extremely inconvenient, and it looks like Not good...
Consider interior lighting. At the workplaces of masters, it should be bright, and in the waiting area, solarium and spa area, the light can be soft, muffled.
Another important element of comfort is the presence of air conditioning. The beauty salon should not be very hot or very cold. And cleanliness in the room and disinfection of instruments are issues that are not discussed.
Compliance with these rules will definitely make your business more successful and attractive to customers, because they will definitely see and feel your care. But no matter how cool your air conditioners and work tools are, everything can be ruined by unfriendly staff.

Business card

The first person a client sees upon entering the salon is the receptionist. He is obliged to meet with a smile everyone who comes to you. There are plenty of cases when a person, having opened the salon door, sees a “brick” on the face of a meeting employee. It repels and extinguishes any feelings, emotions and desires. It is very easy to describe the ideal administrator, but it would be an absolutely fantastic character. Here you can give only one recommendation - look for a friendly and intelligent employee. By the way, this also applies to masters. If you feel that a person is trying to work correctly, motivate him and improve his skills. If you do not feel and do not see positive potential in an employee, look for a replacement and leave without regret.
Speaking about the image of masters and administrators, one cannot fail to say that they - constituent element overall image of the salon. The staff is largely calling card institutions. Of course, you can dress everyone in the same uniform: at least a T-shirt with the logo of the salon is quite acceptable. But in general, it is enough that all employees look neat and well-groomed; the most important thing is that the clothes of the staff should not be too revealing and defiant. Although if the hands of the master are in place, it is comfortable in the salon and the client is satisfied with the result, then frivolity in clothes can be forgiven.


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"Philosophy of Style" is a beauty and style studio in the center of Moscow for modern business people living in the rhythm of the metropolis. The brand was designed with the expectation of creating express studios located in high-class business centers or near office buildings of a similar level. That is why the copywriters of the branding agency put in the brand name a sense of a highly professional approach, but with an acceptable price positioning. At the same time, the important requirement for the development of the name was the clarity of the content of services for consumers, as well as its law enforcement. The task was implemented taking into account these requirements, and the selected Brand Name was registered as a trademark.

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As you name the ship, so it will sail - the famous saying works the same way with respect to corporate identity. A legend told at the right time and in right place, determines half the success.

The name and slogan set the tone. Add to this the correct perception of graphic symbols, signs, colors, shapes, collected in a bouquet of emotions - and the company's image is set. This happened during the development of the corporate identity of the ARIA CLUB beauty studio.

The desires of the owner of the future ARIA CLUB salon, located on the Petrograd side, were not limited to standard ideas about a luxury class place. Glossy surfaces and the usual “sleekness” of the premises looked like the boring outlines of a thousand changing salons and boutiques. The previously coined name ARIA CLUB by itself set the high level of the institution, intended for wealthy people, not without good taste and appreciating high quality. “My salon should be fashionable. Nothing to do with standard establishments. Visitors, getting here, should feel that they have come to an art gallery or a photo exhibition,” said the owner of the future beauty studio.

Word and sign

The concept of the institution determined the features of the corporate identity. The logo symbolizes beauty and luxury - it is both a precious stone and an open flower.

The unexpected combination of these associative elements most fully expressed the very idea of ​​the institution as a luxurious premium beauty salon. The laconic form of the logo was complemented by a simple text style. A calm, simple font was the ideal solution. The use cases presented in the brand book clearly demonstrate the harmonious perception of the font on any background. Regardless of the texture, be it simple brickwork or noble crocodile skin, the text style looks stylish and restrained.

Colors and textures

In the corporate style, mostly cold shades are used - velvety blue, magical dark purple, which give business cards, letterheads and booklets a strict, elegant and attractive look. All elements of corporate identity emphasize the status of the institution. The excessive severity of business cards and letterheads is "diluted" with various background textures - leather or wood. By the way, it was leather and wood of natural natural colors that were eventually used in the interior solutions of the salon after the creation of the corporate identity.

From business cards to interiors

The defining decision for the interior design was the corporate identity. The concept of interior design of the cabin was also dictated by the desire to surprise an already demanding audience. Space of 300 sq. m. allowed to realize the most original ideas. So, the beauty studio has the features of a loft. The brickwork of the walls, massive dark wood parquet, exposed ceiling beams and ventilation pipes were intentionally exposed as part of the visual scene.

“The austerity of the space helped to focus on the details of the interior. Expensive upholstered furniture of noble tones, massive mirrors, exquisite lamps and other decor items are more like art objects than functional necessities. The bright accents were the famous lamp by the English designer Tom Dixon in the form of clusters of large electric bulbs above the reception area, the white Nemo chair in the form of a mask from the Fabio Novembre factory, says Anton Varzin, art director of ART Studio Design & Construction.

The feeling of presence in the gallery does not leave at the sight of huge mirrors, made in different styles, and as if immersing the audience in different eras. Decorative items such as handmade clocks and a collection of antique dolls reveal the theme of art. The interior is dominated by dark colors - rich brown, purple, gray. The combination of different textures - brick, wood, glass, velvet, leather - leaves a feeling of novelty, while the appeal to the target audience remains the same. The colors of the corporate identity in the interior, the logo, which is used not only above the reception desk, but also, for example, in the decoration of wall panels, make up a complete picture of the ARIA CLUB premium class salon.