Hedgehog: description and photo. What does the animal look like? Interesting facts about hedgehogs for children and adults What is interesting about the little hedgehog

As it turns out, hedgehogs are quite unusual creatures. Interesting facts about hedgehogs are multifaceted and varied. There are many legends associated with these animals, especially about their needles instead of wool. The long-eared hedgehog is mysterious. Interesting facts about him will interest you and make you think. Read below the most Interesting Facts about hedgehogs.

1.These animals appeared on Earth approximately 15 million years ago.

2.There are approximately 10,000 needles on their body.

3.The needles on the hedgehog’s body are renewed once every three years.

4. The needles on the hedgehog grow for about a year.

5. Facts from the life of hedgehogs also indicate that these animals have 36 teeth, which fall out in old age.

6.Hedgehogs hibernate for 128 days.

7.Many varieties of hedgehogs have a short tail.

8. It is a myth that hedgehogs hunt mice. They will never be able to catch up with the mouse.

9.By nature, hedgehogs are slightly blind, but they distinguish colors very well.

10. In a situation of danger, they have the ability to curl up into a ball.

11. The most powerful and dangerous poisons, for example, arsenic, hydrocyanic acid and sublimate, do not affect hedgehogs.

12. Hedgehogs are immune to the venom of vipers, although they do not hunt them.

13. The hedgehog easily comes into contact with other domestic animals and is tamed to humans.

14. The fast food chain McDonald's was to blame for the death of many hedgehogs. When these creatures licked the remnants of ice cream on the cups, their heads got stuck in them.

15. Fried hedgehog is considered a traditional gypsy dish.

16. There are about 17 species of hedgehogs in the world.

17.Many mites are attached to the spines of hedgehogs.

18. Introducing a hedgehog to a new smell is a funny phenomenon. First, the animal tastes the object by licking it, and then rubs its needles against it.

19.During hibernation, the hedgehog loses a large amount of its own weight, so when it wakes up, it begins to eat.

20. In a situation of serious danger, the hedgehog begins to defecate and roll out in its own feces.

21. Hedgehogs really like milk. It is for this reason that they often settle near the farm.

22.Hedgehogs have excellent hearing and sense of smell.

23. These animals communicate using whistling.

24.When hedgehogs get angry, they grumble funny.

25. A hedgehog’s pregnancy lasts 7 weeks.

26. Hedgehogs are born completely blind and without needles.

27. The eyes of newborns open only on the 16th day.

28.These animals like to live alone.

29.Hedgehogs are afraid of water, but they can swim.

30. The hedgehog is an insectivorous animal.

31.There are more ticks on a hedgehog’s body than on any other animal.

32.The body temperature of a hedgehog is low, and it is only 2 degrees.

33. Hedgehogs see the world in colors.

34. Hedgehogs are not related to porcupines, despite their similarity in body structure.

35.Large hedgehogs live from 4 to 7 years, and small ones - from 2 to 4 years.

36. Hedgehogs are not suicidal.

37. During the day, hedgehogs sleep more time, because they are considered nocturnal animals.

38.To survive hibernation, a hedgehog must weigh at least 500 grams.

39. In a day, a hedgehog covers a distance of 2 km.

40. Male hedgehogs never raise their own offspring.

41. Feeling a strong and pungent odor, the hedgehog begins to cover its own needles with saliva.

42.If danger arises, a hedgehog is capable of eating its own offspring.

44.Hedgehogs have the ability to climb trees.

45.The spines of some hedgehogs can be poisonous.

46. ​​Hedgehogs are afraid of water more than fire.

47. At one time, a female hedgehog gives birth to 3 to 5 hedgehogs.

48. A hedgehog’s hind legs are longer than its front ones.

49. Hedgehogs have the ability to breathe 40 to 50 times in one minute.

50. A hedgehog’s teeth are quite sharp.

The world of “living” and running thorns. Puffing and snorting, fearless and brave, and also constantly hungry.

We present to you interesting facts about hedgehogs.

1 Did you know that more ticks live on the body of a hedgehog than on any other animal? This is all due to the fact that the latter cling to the needles, and the hedgehog is not able to throw them off.

2 Some types of hedgehogs have poisonous spines. However, the “explosive mixture” appears not thanks to their body, but toads.

3 Did you know that hedgehogs have a very low body temperature when they sleep? Only 2 degrees, compared to 34C when they are awake.

4 We all like the pose that the hedgehog so often takes - “curling up into a ball.” However, few people know why this happens. It turns out that under the prickly needles there are longitudinal muscles of the animal and, when they begin to contract, the hedgehog under this action takes the form of a ball.

5 Did you know that when sleeping, hedgehogs spend a lot of energy acquired while awake? That is why, when they wake up, they experience a wild feeling of hunger that does not give them peace.

They quickly retreat and go in search of something edible for themselves.

6 Did you know that newborn hedgehogs do not have quills? Their body is covered with soft pink skin, and the spine appears much later. Their eyes are also closed at birth; they open only by the 16th week of life. By the way, hedgehogs do not have good eyesight, but they see the world not in “black and white,” but in color.

7 Hedgehogs love to feast on milk from the cow. That is why they adopt a wait-and-see approach: they come to the farm at milking time, hide and wait for drops of this drink to fall on the floor.

8 These little “balls of needles” are very resistant to all kinds of poisons. So, for example, they are not afraid of viper venom, arsenic, or cyenelic acid. Moreover, not finding anything edible for itself, the hedgehog may even feast on a viper.

9 One of the types of hedgehogs is the long-eared hedgehog. Its distinctive feature comes from the name itself - such representatives have quite large ears, 3-5 cm. In addition, they are faster and more aggressive than ordinary hedgehogs.

10 These wonderful animals, unfortunately, cannot be tamed and domesticated. They carry bacteria and mites that are deadly to humans.

But nothing can stop you from admiring them in nature and observing their life activity.

You can find other interesting facts about hedgehogs on the Internet.

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Interesting facts about mammals

If you brush up on your school biology course, mammals are vertebrates that typically feed their young with milk. At the highest level of this class is man. This one of the largest biological groups includes approximately 5,500 species of fauna, widely distributed throughout the entire planet. Their appearance, size, lifestyle are strikingly different from each other, which allows us to draw a conclusion about the richest diversity of mammals. Also striking and a source of surprise is the abundance of interesting information about these animals.

The amazing world of mammals

We highlight everything unusual, inexplicable, mysterious from the life of mammals and tell it in a variety of aspects. Here we will look at the lifestyle of mammals, their habits, diet and much more, such as. methods of animal communication and movement.

Mammals are distinctly different from other land animals such as birds, insects, slugs and frogs, although they have many similarities. All mammals, like humans, are warm-blooded animals, they breathe air and in most cases are covered with fur or hair. Mammals give birth to live young (with the exception of two species of mammals that lay eggs), and their females nurse their offspring with milk. Many mammals are very smart and resourceful animals, capable of using various available means, switching to new types of food and adapting to new conditions. You will also learn here about the various features of the life of mammals, interconnected with each other. Special attention devoted to those secrets and mysteries that often surround the life of mammals in wildlife.

You will not believe! It turns out that even before Groundhog Day there was such a thing. folk holiday like Hedgehog Day. It was celebrated annually in Ancient Rome, and based on whether the awakened hedgehog sees his shadow, a meteorological forecast was built. In Western Europe, the tradition continued into later times. Then she was transferred to New World, but since hedgehogs are in North America were not found, their role was assigned to marmots.

So we found a reason to present interesting facts about these amazing prickly, but so cute animals.

What you didn't know about hedgehogs

There are about 15 species in the world wild hedgehogs. The animals are native to both Europe, Asia and Africa.

Of course, everyone knows that the hedgehog, like the porcupine, has quills. But, unlike his “relative,” the hero of our article does not know how to shoot them for his own defense. However, if any inexperienced predator decides to feast on the animal, tempted by its difference in size, he will be bitterly disappointed: the hedgehog has approximately 6,000 sharp spines on its body! And their “taste” is unlikely to satisfy such a “gourmet”.

When a hedgehog is in danger, it curls up into a tight ball that simply cannot be unwrapped by force. When the animal calms down, its muscles weaken and it returns to its normal appearance.

Hedgehogs camouflage themselves with their own saliva. When they encounter a new smell, they begin to bite and lick the object until its taste is firmly reflected on their tongue. They then sneeze and lick their needles, thus masking themselves with a new scent.

They are insectivores. But beetles are not a mono diet for them. In the wild, snails, amphibians, lizards, snakes, bird eggs, fish, carrion, mushrooms, grass, roots, berries and melons are also eaten for lunch. House hedgehogs eat crickets, mealworms, earthworms, waxworms, and kibble.

Hedgehogs tend to be more active at night. If such a pet lives in your home, then get ready for its nocturnal adventures, which may disturb your sleep.

They love to eat very much. If they are not restricted in their diet (especially when fed pelleted food), they can gain an unacceptable amount of weight, which can lead to obesity. Animals that are too well-fed will not be able to curl up into a ball when danger approaches. However, this is also harmful for general condition health.

And the most amazing thing

Hedgehogs are sensitive to the voice and appearance of their owner (like cats and dogs). The bond between a person and their pet is very strong. When a hedgehog is nervous and covered in its “armor”, it can only turn around if it sees or smells its owner!

According to legends, the hedgehog owes its origin to the devil. Here is how it was. The devil, sitting on a stump, was putting his skin in order - combing it. He threw his hair to the ground. It was from these hairs that the hedgehog emerged.

In Bulgarian myths, the hedgehog is a sage and a long-liver, never aging, as he uses rejuvenating herbs.
According to Serbian beliefs, the face of a hedgehog is a talisman against the evil eye, the heart is a talisman against diseases, and urine is an anti-alcohol remedy.
In the ancient period, hedgehog skins were dried by stretching them onto planks. They made excellent combs for sheep's wool.
For a long time, hedgehogs were eaten: they were baked in clay to get rid of thorns. And the gypsies preferred fried urchins. This was their national dish.

Hedgehogs, as a species, have existed for 15 million years. There are 17 known species of hedgehogs. They live in a variety of habitats, from forests to deserts. The hedgehog's body is covered with 7,000 to 10,000 spines. The hedgehog's spines are constantly renewed, old ones fall out, and new ones grow to replace them. It is noted that out of three needles only one changes in a year. The needle grows for a long time - more than a year.
Hedgehogs are born naked. Only on the second or third day after birth does their body begin to become covered with needles.

It’s interesting that hedgehogs become familiar with new smells. First, the animals taste the object and lick it. At the same time, fragrant saliva appears in the hedgehog’s mouth. But the acquaintance does not end there. Now needles are used - hedgehogs rub against an object with an unfamiliar smell. This behavior of hedgehogs was noticed when they were introduced to cigarettes - hedgehogs stuck cigarette butts on their needles. They did not pass by handkerchiefs emitting the smell of perfume and showed interest in coffee beans. Scientists still don't know why they do this.

Hedgehogs are nocturnal and hibernate from November to March. They hibernate for the winter for 128 days. At this time, hedgehogs are cold-blooded animals, because... body temperature is only 2 degrees. Normal body temperature is 34 degrees (during wakefulness).
The breathing frequency of hedgehogs during hibernation and wakefulness is different: in hibernation it is 6-8 times per minute, and when awake - 40-50 times.

During hibernation, a lot of weight is lost, so after waking up, the first thing they do is go for food.

In moments of serious danger, hedgehogs not only defecate, but also fall out in their feces. Obviously, this behavior of the animals is their way of protection.

Most hedgehogs have tails. They are short (about 3 centimeters) and hidden under the needles, so the tail is not visible from afar.

Hedgehogs are immune to poisons that are fatal to humans (arsenic, potassium cyanide, hydrocyanic acid and similar substances).

Hedgehogs have 36 teeth, which tend to fall out as they age.

Hedgehogs are easily tamed. They coexist well with cats and dogs. But there is one drawback - at night they stomp loudly.

Hedgehogs love milk. Because of this, they often settle near farms, waiting for the milk to spill and for them to lick it.

Hedgehogs communicate by whistling, and when they get angry, they grumble funny. Also, in search of food, they grumble loudly and rustle leaves.

Hedgehogs have not very good eyesight, but excellent sense of smell and hearing. Hedgehogs are believed to distinguish colors.

We have all seen pictures of a hedgehog carrying apples and mushrooms on its thorns. But in reality, hedgehogs physically cannot curl up enough to attach these things to their spines.

Hedgehogs love milk. Therefore, they prefer to settle near farms. They remember the time of milking, appear at the farm at this time, and hide in anticipation of milk spilled on the floor.

It is not true that hedgehogs catch mice. There is no way a hedgehog will keep up with a mouse. It is also not true that they hunt vipers, although hedgehogs do, on occasion, eat them. But hedgehogs actually really love milk. Some of them specifically settle near farms. The hedgehog knows the milking time very well, comes to the farm and hides in the corner, waiting for the milk to spill on the floor.

The venom of vipers does not affect hedgehogs, just as other poisons do not: arsenic, opium, hydrocyanic acid.
But the needles of some types of hedgehogs are poisonous. Although hedgehogs themselves do not produce poison, it remains on the needles after encounters with poisonous toads.

The gestation period of a hedgehog is 7 weeks. There is one litter per year, from 3 to 6 (sometimes up to 7-8) cubs.

Hedgehogs are born blind and without needles. Needles (soft at first) begin to appear a few hours after birth. Hedgehogs' eyes open only on the 16th day.

Hedgehogs are easy to tame. They are great at finding " mutual language"with dogs and cats.

The common hedgehog is useful for destruction harmful insects: among the insects it eats are May beetles, hairy ground beetles, nun caterpillars and gypsy moths. At the same time, the hedgehog destroys the chicks and eggs of small birds nesting on the ground. Hedgehogs also rob the clutches of ordinary chickens and kidnap chicks.

When in danger, hedgehogs curl up into a ball, exposing their spines to the enemy. The exception is the long-eared hedgehog, which flees from its enemies. He runs faster than other hedgehogs, and often tries to escape, while hissing and jumping.

How do hedgehogs curl up into a ball? Under the skin, covered on top and sides with a needle-like shell, they have an almost continuous layer of longitudinal and circular muscles. When they contract, the hedgehog curls up, taking the shape of a prickly ball. By the way, some animals have found a way to “unfold” hedgehogs. The fox, for example, in order for the hedgehog to turn around, carefully rolls it into the water.

Hedgehogs are very close to people. But the person himself doesn’t know much about his neighbors. They live their quiet nightlife, almost invisible and invisible. Perhaps in the evening a rustling sound in a flower bed or a pile of leaves under a tree will remind you of yourself. This animal with thorns instead of fur in the imagination seems to be moderately well-fed, cheerful, carrying a ruddy apple. What are they like, these familiar strangers?


This prickly lump cannot be confused with any other animal: its fur coat is woven from ten thousand grayish needles. They grow slowly, each needle protects the owner for three years, then changes to a new one. The hedgehog seems to have a tail, but it is not easy to see it among the needles due to its small size. The hedgehog's thirty-six teeth are very sharp, but begin to fall out as they age. And old age for an animal begins at the age of 4-5 years, and if in captivity, then at ten years.

You can meet a hedgehog everywhere: in the yard, in the forest, and even in the desert. These creatures are sociable by nature and communicate with each other by whistling. They coexist peacefully with domestic animals. If the prickly ball snorts, it means it’s angry; feeling hungry, grumbles and rustles leaves.

Living in ready-made holes and voids, hedgehogs do not want to equip their own burrow. If they do not find a home before hibernation begins, they may die from frost. The father does not take part in raising the little hedgehogs, and the mother leads her children with a string; it is very interesting to watch how the little balls with needles try to keep up with their mother.

To survive, spiny buns had to learn:


Interesting facts about hedgehogs - nutrition. These mammals are very voracious; each of them needs about 200 grams of food per day. But they don’t carry apples and mushrooms on thorns, as we can see in the pictures; sometimes something gets stuck on a prickly coat, and the hedgehog cannot or does not want to throw it off, it seems that the animal is deliberately carrying food on itself. Sometimes they eat fruit, but in small quantities.

Their food is frogs, insects, worms, eggs and chicks, and chafers. They would love to eat mice, but they can’t catch up with them. Well, if they catch a snake or a viper, they eat it; it is difficult to bite a hedgehog and they are immune to snake venoms.

Do hedgehogs drink milk? I guess it's yes. They often settle near farms, appearing during milking to feast on freshly milked milk. If we had ice cream, we wouldn't refuse. By winter, the needle-shaped lumps definitely need to “get fat”, otherwise they will die.


What hedgehogs can do:

  • drive away rats and mice from the yard, they move further away from unwanted acquaintance;
  • can run at speeds of up to 3 kilometers per hour;
  • have a developed sense of smell, they can smell tasty prey several meters away;
  • actively cover the needles with saliva, feeling some strong odor, at first
    lick an unfamiliar object, then rub their needles against it (they probably do this for camouflage so that the predator does not hear their smell);
  • have good hearing, long-eared hedgehogs have large ears, but they not only look like they have lop-eared ears, but also hear well;
  • they know how to sleep well and hibernate for 128 days;
  • in the warm season they sleep during the day and go out at night to look for food;
  • they even move through a swamp, they can swim well, but long swims are dangerous for them, since in the water they quickly get tired and can drown;
  • easily cover a distance of 2 km per day;
  • control their territory, and a considerable one, it can reach up to 20 hectares.

People are not alone in this world. Animals live with them, adapt, survive and breed. Nature never ceases to amaze people with the beauty, perfection and diversity of the animal world. And hedgehogs, these prickly creatures that appeared about 500 million years ago, are also interesting and unique. Their way of life, behavior and habits still remain not fully understood.