Essay my educational institution is my pride. Essay on the topic “My University

>Essays by topic

My university

I study at St. Petersburg State University at the Faculty of Psychology. This is exactly the specialty that I have always wanted to enter, and with which I plan to connect my life in the future.

My university is considered the main higher education institution in the city and one of the largest universities in the world. Today there are more than thirty thousand students from different countries studying there, and I am glad that I was lucky enough to be among them.

St. Petersburg State University is one of the oldest universities in Russia. It was founded in 1724. Now the university has more than twenty faculties, and psychology is considered one of the youngest, since it only turned fifty years old in 2016.

Do I feel like I am studying at one of the largest and most prestigious universities in our country? Of course yes! When I came here for the first time, I was amazed by the scale of this institution, which has several buildings and laboratories in the city.

Later, when I came to class in September, it was as if I had found myself in a new world. In the world of knowledge and science, where lectures are given to students by professors with many years of experience. And some of them are even Nobel Prize winners!

Now in the first year we still have a lot of general education subjects, but there are also specialized courses. In such classes, we get acquainted with the history of psychology and take part in various experiments, which become possible thanks to the excellent technical equipment of the department’s classrooms.

Our university also has a rich library, which contains not only many scientific books, but also works of art. Therefore, during the session we never have problems searching for literature.

I am very proud that I study at St. Petersburg State University in the budget department. I had little chance of entering here given the competition for twelve people per place, but I still managed to do it because I was confidently moving towards my goal.

Learning is a very interesting process that takes away most of time and attention. In addition, training shapes further life path, professional activity and affects the quality of life itself in the long term. Therefore, it is very important to study exactly where it is comfortable and where you can get the necessary professional training.

My university meets all the criteria of the educational process and student life. Firstly, it is of the fourth level of accreditation, which means its high status and the possibility of obtaining master's degrees. Secondly, my university has a very extensive system of academic areas. I think this is very good, because there is a possibility of a suitable choice from many options. In addition, in this case, there is an opportunity to enroll in another direction, while simultaneously studying in the main specialty. This opportunity is very useful, since in our time sometimes one diploma is not enough to get a prestigious job, so more and more students are trying to study in several departments at once.

Another strong argument in favor of my university is the active student life, regular holding of various creative events, conferences, and scientific week. At our university we have our own press center and the radio informs students about the educational process and various competitions, events and the like. Sports and humorous competitions between faculties are interesting, which contribute to better immersion in student life and help to show creative talents, as well as find new friends.

A special word should be noted that my university has several well-renovated dormitories for those students who come from out of town. During their studies, they can live near the university itself in well-equipped rooms.

In general, I believe that my choice of university was correct, and at the moment I have the opportunity not only to receive a quality education, but also to develop creatively.

The winners in the “Literary Debut” nomination were 3rd year student of the direction “Mathematics and Computer Science” Chakibek Almazbekov and 3rd year student of the direction “Physics” Zhakshylyk Orozgeldyev, in the nomination “Best Prose” the winner was a 3rd year student of the direction “Fundamental Informatics and Information Technologies” Alisa Batyreva. I would especially like to note the work of 4th year student of the Physics major Yuliana Zubkova, who won in the Literary Inspiration category.

The winners were awarded certificates and memorable gifts.

E.N. Dzhakhnaeva,

Deputy Dean for VR FMFIT

Essay “My Favorite University”

Summer 2013. For some, the time has come for the long-awaited summer holidays. For me, this summer meant the end of a carefree school life and the beginning of my adult student years. Exams passed and certificate received. We, yesterday's schoolchildren, stand at a crossroads. Now we ourselves must decide where to go and what to do.

My choice came to me easily; I did not consider other options at all. In the 11th grade I knew for sure that I would go to our native university to study the faculty of mathematics, physics and information technology and was confident in my choice. Doubts arose only when choosing a direction: physics or information technology.

On the second day after the presentation of certificates of completion high school I came to the admissions committee of Kalm State University with the original documents and chose only one direction, “Fundamental computer science and information technology.” At the end of July, I already knew about entering the university. This is how my student life began.

Being a sickly child since childhood, I not only often missed classes, but was also homeschooled for a long time, this greatly affected my character. I was a quiet, shy child who had performance anxiety. So I decided that I would fight my fears. The first step in achieving this goal was that I offered myself as a prefect at the first group meeting. Then I became the deputy chairman of the faculty elder, and almost six months later the chairman of the faculty elder. At first I was very scared, but then each time it became easier and easier. Yes, sometimes it was not at all easy and I wanted to give up everything, but I stopped myself and I’m very happy about it.

The university for me became, first of all, a center of study and science. But, in addition to studying, the university hosts many events at various levels, thanks to which I made many friends, not only at the faculty, but also at the university as a whole. Participation in such events allows me to improve both academically and public life. Over the years I have visited St. Petersburg, Maykop, Hohhot (China). This year, together with the guys from my group, I participated in the All-Russian educational camp “Territory of Meaning” on Klyazma. One of the moderators of this forum was Russian President V. Putin. You can talk a lot about trips organized by the university, but now I would like to tell you a little about my faculty. Studying at our faculty is very difficult, but at the same time interesting. We have wonderful teachers at our faculty who are dedicated to their work and to the university. I am very grateful for the knowledge that I receive within the walls of my native faculty. It was this acquired knowledge that allowed me to take part in the “UMNIK-2015” competition last academic year and win a grant. At the moment, together with his leader E.O. Basangova, I am working on the implementation of my project.

Thanks to the fact that our university has an internship program for students at other universities, both in Russia and abroad, I had the opportunity to apply for a scientific internship in another country in order to gain experience.

Thank you very much and happy birthday,

native Kalmyk State University!!!

Alisa Batyreva

Essay “Why I chose KalmSU”

We, Chakibek Almazbekov and Zhakshylyk Orozgeldiev, are originally from Kyrgyzstan. We have been living and studying in Elista for three years now.

After graduating from school, like many applicants, when choosing a university, they thought about their future. Our favorite subjects at school were mathematics and physics. Interest in these sciences became the main guide in choosing a profession and university.

We entered KalmSU because we realized that here we can get a decent education, there are many opportunities for self-realization and self-development. Now we are studying at the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technology. Our department has a strong teaching staff. We are sure that we can still learn a lot from them. Every day teachers try to give us the knowledge that can be useful in life and work. Studying at KalmSU is difficult, but very interesting. In addition to classes, the university hosts various conferences and olympiads, participation in which gives us the opportunity to reveal our potential, develop and demonstrate our skills. The university is our second home, the place where we spend most of our time, the place where our friends study.

We are grateful to our native university for the knowledge gained and the opportunity to learn a lot of new things every day, for happy days full of impressions. There is also the Association of Foreign Students (AIS) and many other organizations where foreigners can develop in different industries. Separately, we would like to thank you for the incentives for good students, excellent students, and activists, namely the provision various types increased scholarships and the House of Excellence - the most comfortable hostel for bright minds. We are very glad that knowledge is valued at KalmSU.

Chakibek Almazbekov and Zhakshylyk Orozgeldiev,

and information technology