Elite Kuban rice. What varieties of rice are grown in Kuban, how sowing, irrigation, care and harvesting of rice are done - all about the products - how to choose equipment for a hike, organize outdoor recreation, choose household equipment and the right products

For the first time in its history, Kuban harvested a record rice harvest - more than a million tons. As of October 28, the gross rice harvest on farms Krasnodar region amounted to 1026.5 thousand tons (+81.5 thousand tons compared to 2015). The average rice yield was 75.3 c/ha.

Kuban rice farmers completed the entire cycle of technological work on the crops on time; there were no interruptions in the water supply to the rice systems this season. Both Kuban breeders and seed growers worked highly professionally, providing the region's rice growing industry with highly productive domestic rice varieties.

On October 28, 2016, in Sochi, Vladimir Putin met with leading rice farmers of the Krasnodar Territory. The Minister also took part in the conversation with farmers Agriculture Russian Federation Alexander Tkachev, Presidential Plenipotentiary Representative in the Southern Federal District Vladimir Ustinov, regional governor Veniamin Kondratyev. The meeting was attended by the Deputy Director for Science of VNII rice dr agricultural Sciences Viktor Kovalev, director of the Krasnoarmeysky Republican Plant named after. Maistrenko, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Science Sergey Kizinek.

The head of state emphasized that the million tons of rice harvested in Kuban is a significant figure. “Over the past 20 years, rice harvest in our country has increased 2.5 times, mainly due to the production that is carried out here in the Krasnodar Territory,” noted Vladimir Putin. The head of state added that the agricultural sector as a whole is showing good results.

This year, 116 million tons of grain will be harvested; the country has taken first place in the world in wheat exports, Vladimir Putin emphasized.

Veniamin Kondratyev, in turn, thanked the president for his unprecedented support for agriculture. According to the governor, today it is felt by all residents of rural areas. The head of the region emphasized that the record harvest of rice would have been impossible without the 10 thousand hectares of land transferred into the ownership of the region, with the assistance of the president, which had not been used for about 12 years. These fields were simply overgrown, and today they have contributed a significant share to our common “rice pie,” the governor noted. Kuban farmers agreed that good results in the Krasnodar Territory are achieved through high-quality breeding work, modern technology and financial support at both the federal and regional levels.

The best indicators in rice production per hectare were: Kalininsky district - yield 83 c/ha, Krasnoarmeysky district - 76.8 c/ha, Slavyansky district - yield 76.2 c/ha.

A million tons of Kuban rice is not the limit, said Veniamin Kondratyev. The industry's potential is much greater. But this requires systematic work: modernizing the land reclamation infrastructure, updating equipment, monitoring the maintenance of rice paddies. Among other things, the governor proposed developing programs for the utilization of rice stubble at the federal level.

Kuban can rightfully be called the rice capital of Russia. 80 percent of this cereal in the country is grown in the Krasnodar region. Kuban varieties are also popular abroad. Rice is exported to Turkey, Syria and Kazakhstan.

Short grain rice of domestic selection contains a large amount of protein. Boils quickly. Often used in therapeutic diets, recommended in baby food. Kuban rice is especially good for making milk porridges and puddings.

The nutritional value per 100g of product

  • Proteins 6.5 g
  • Fat 0.5 g
  • Carbohydrates 75 g
  • Energy
    1380 kJ
  • Calorie content 330 Kcal

Storage and packaging

  • Shelf life 18 months.
  • Pack weight 900 g
  • Group
    12 pcs.

The history of rice growing in the south of Russia goes back to the 60-70s of the last century. Despite the fact that rice is not an original Russian food product, over the past few decades it has firmly established itself in the structure of cereal consumption by Russians. In 2008, rice accounted for more than 40% of the total consumption of cereal products; its leading position in the overall structure of cereal consumption remains to this day.

Rice is grown in Chechnya, Dagestan, Kalmykia, Rostov and Astrakhan regions, in the Primorsky Territory, but the largest amount of rice (80% of the gross harvest) falls on the Krasnodar Territory (Kuban). Back in Soviet times, more than 200 thousand hectares of natural areas were allocated for rice systems in the Krasnodar Territory and Adygea, a special reservoir was built on the Kuban River, and an entire water management complex with canals, locks, and waterworks was created. The state created the largest rice-growing complex in Europe.

In cooperation with the State Scientific Research Institute of Rice, the Agro-Alliance company was one of the initiators and developers of the Federal Project for the Development of the Rice Growing Industry. Since 2003, with the coordination of the Administration of the Krasnodar Territory, the Rice Committee and the State Scientific Institution “VNII Rice”, the company has been implementing its own program for growing and processing the most promising domestic varieties of Kuban rice at enterprises in the Krasnodar Territory.

Kuban rice is the choice of supporters of an active lifestyle and healthy eating. Rice is rich in complex carbohydrates, which provide long-lasting energy. The carbohydrate content in rice reaches 75-78%. Moreover, almost all of them belong to the right carbohydrates, which provide a long-lasting feeling of fullness. According to the latest research by nutritionists, published in AiF No. 18-19 05/08/2014, rice carbohydrates have a positive effect on mood: “Carbohydrate deficiency leads to a decrease in the level of insulin, a substance that transports the amino acid tryptophan to the brain, from which serotonin is then synthesized.” .


Rice is important source B vitamins: thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), vitamin B6, as well as trace elements. B vitamins are responsible for the condition of the skin, hair and nail plate, which is why they are called beauty vitamins.

Kuban rice is an excellent remedy for removing toxins and excess salt from the body. It does not contain sodium salts, but is rich in potassium, which neutralizes sodium, which helps remove excess fluid and relieve swelling.


Unlike other grains (such as wheat), Kuban rice is gluten-free, making it an ideal food for people with celiac disease and intolerance to grain proteins. Rice porridge is recommended by the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences as a starter in the nutrition of babies, starting from 4 months of age.

In medicine, rice has long been used to treat digestive disorders. Round-grain and medium-grain varieties are especially valuable for patients with gastritis and stomach ulcers: tender rice porrige envelops the stomach and protects it well.

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor G.L. Zelensky in the book “Why rice grain is a dietary and medicinal product” (Kuban State Agrarian University, 2010) writes about the undeniable advantage of Kuban rice: “We state the fact that after grinding the grain from domestic rice is clean! And this has been confirmed repeatedly by special chemical analyses.”

The fact is that the rice grain has a layer of special cells between the germ and the endosperm, which play the role of a biological filter. Any chemicals used during the growing season of plants, entering the grain germ through the conductive bundle, cannot penetrate further into the endosperm due to specific features shield of rice grain. When grinding the grain, the germ is knocked off from the rice grain, and the purest grain goes on sale.

From all of the above, it is concluded that rice is an irreplaceable food product that can easily and for a long time satisfy hunger, be a valuable source of vitamins, and help maintain immunity and good mood.

Rinse the cereal thoroughly with water.

Use a ratio of 1 part rice to 2 parts water.

Cooking time is 20-25 minutes after boiling.

Rice is a daily food for more than half of the world's population. In addition, rice grains are very often used in various diets, and even in desserts. The popularity of this product is explained by its special qualities. 8% of grains consist of protein. Moreover, the product, unlike most cereals, does not contain gluten, a protein that can cause an allergic reaction. 78% of rice cereals are carbohydrates, providing the body with the necessary energy. Among other things, rice is rich in B vitamins, which help strengthen nervous system, improving the condition of hair, nails, skin. The fiber and starch contained in rice help normalize gastrointestinal tract. Due to its high potassium content and low salt content, rice helps cleanse joints.

Kuban rice especially good for making milk porridges, puddings, soups, pies, casseroles and all kinds of desserts.

Beauty. Rice is an important source of B vitamins: thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), vitamin B6, as well as trace elements. B vitamins are responsible for the condition of the skin, hair and nail plate, which is why they are called beauty vitamins.

Elite Kuban rice "Treated with oil - KAMOLINO"
"Kuban Valley"
Polished short grain rice
"Kuban Valley"
Round grain rice "Kamolino"
"Kuban Valley"
broken rice
"Crimean South"
coarse grain rice "OSMAN"
"Crimean South" large grain rice "OSMAN Kamolino" "Kuban GOST"
short grain rice

Varieties of short grain rice:

Short grain rice grows in the rice fields of Italy, Russia, China and Japan. Short grain rice is almost opaque and contains more starch than long grain rice.

Arborio (or risotto). A variety of short grain rice characterized by large, short and round grains with a characteristic white core. Suitable for preparing risotto, paella and pilaf due to its exceptional ability to absorb the taste of other ingredients in the dish.

Krasnodar rice belongs to the short-grain types of rice, grown in Kuban in Russia. Its properties correspond to Japanese rice, which is used to prepare sushi in most sushi bars in the world.;

Rice grain - rice - comes from Asia. More precisely the north of Vietnam and Thailand. Long before our era, rice cultivation became common in India, China, Indonesia and Malaysia. During the first millennium AD, rice won the love and recognition of the population of the Middle East, seriously displacing wheat and millet in the fields. Unlike Asian peoples, Europeans did not immediately accept rice as a nutritious grain for cooking. The Greeks and Romans, who knew about the existence of rice even before the beginning of our era, treated it only as medicine. For one and a half thousand years, rice made its way to the European market.

History of Kuban rice

Main rice varieties in the 9th Five-Year Plan these are: Krasnodarsky 424, Kuban 3, Dubovsky 129.

The birth of rice growing in Kuban dates back to the late 20s and early 30s of the 20th century and is associated with the name of the hero of the civil war, former commander legendary Steel Division, and later a prominent business executive D.P. Rednecks(). Managing the construction organization "Plavstroy" and the Azov-Black Sea Soyuzrisotrest, he did a lot for the development of rice growing in the region. At that time, the first rice-growing state farms "Tikhovsky", "Cherkessky" and "Krasnoarmeysky" arose in the region.

The professors did a lot for rice sowing P.A. Witte and B.A. Shumakov. The first was involved in the development of agricultural technology and selection of varieties, the second was in charge of design and survey work.

In 1931 it was opened in Krasnodar All-Union Research Institute of Rice Farming.

At the beginning of 1941, rice fields occupied more than 12 thousand hectares of the recent Kuban floodplains. In 1937, 37 thousand tons of rice were harvested in the region.

In 1967, the Main Directorate for Water Management and Construction of Rice State Farms was created in Krasnodar - Glavkubanrisstroy. At that time, Glavk united 5 trusts with 30 thousand hydraulic builders.

Irrigation systems of Kuban(as of 1980): Maryano-Cheburgolskaya, Chernoerkovskaya, Fedorovskaya, Varnavinskaya, Temryukskaya, Kryukovskaya, Azovskaya, Ponuro-Kalininskaya, Adygeiskaya, Psekupskaya.

Krasnodar reservoir often called the sea - and this is not an exaggeration! Its length is 42 km, its width is almost 20 km, and it holds over 3 billion cubic meters of water. In place of Krasnodar it was Tshikh Reservoir, which was 10 times smaller.

By the end of the 8th Five-Year Plan, 40 collective farms and 17 state farms were engaged in rice growing in the Krasnodar Territory. Rice sown area by year (in thousands of hectares): 1966 - 55.8; 1970 - 86.2; 1971 - 94.2; 1972 - 100.5.
Gross rice harvest by year (in thousands of tons): 1966 - 192; 1970 - 389; 1971 - 454; 1972 - 478.

According to the All-Union Rice Research Institute, an average of 18 thousand cubic meters are consumed to irrigate each hectare of rice in the Petrovsko-Anastasievskaya and Kuban systems. meters of water, at Afipskaya up to 13 thousand cubic meters. meters.

In 1971, the Krasnoarmeysky state farm applied 14.5 centners of mineral fertilizers for each hectare of rice crops.

In the 9th Five-Year Plan, 900 SKD-5R combine harvesters were delivered to the region.

A million tons of Kuban rice - this is the plan set for farmers for this year. Sowing in the fields has already begun. They plan to complete it by May 5th. What technologies are rice farmers using to achieve this record? In terms of last season's harvest, Kuban overtook Italy, the largest European rice supplier. The third part was exported. This year, farmers face another task - to collect a million tons. Find out how the product is produced for preparing many of your favorite dishes in the report of our correspondent Vasily Shirokikh. Tasty and healthy. Nutritionists recommend rice as the first porridge for little ones. It is absorbed quickly, and kids eat it with pleasure. The choice of rice manufacturer is not important - the difference, by and large, is only in the packaging. However, despite all the variety of goods, Kuban residents give preference to local cereals. “Perhaps the difference lies in pricing because imported rice is more expensive than local rice. The quality of the local one is no different from the foreign one,” commented Anastasia Zvyagintseva, a store salesperson. Kuban scientists have been developing new varieties of rice for three years now. The harvest, however, is still only enough for seeds. But this is not a problem - the gross harvest of popular short-grain crops exceeded 60 centners per hectare last year. Oddly enough, the crisis helped in this. There weren’t enough funds for the equipment for issuing checks - we remembered old way disembarkation Now the grains are at a depth of 3 centimeters in the ground, and not on the surface. Without additional processing, rice does not float after pouring water. And seed consumption per hectare has decreased by about one and a half times. This method of sowing rice can rightly be called an old-fashioned method. They forgot the old agricultural school back in 1984. Now we're back to it again. In this case, the rice does not even blow out of the ground. strong wind. Birds do not peck the grains, and the harvest can be harvested earlier than usual. However, not all disadvantages can be turned into advantages. Growing rice is becoming increasingly expensive. At the same time, profits from grain sales are not growing. “The costs associated with cultivating the soil, increasing prices for water, for everything - the cost of all services increases, but the price of rice remains the same,” commented the agronomist Sergey Fomenko. Last year, despite all the difficulties, Krasnodar region In terms of gross harvest, it surpassed Italy, Europe's largest rice supplier. A third of the Kuban harvest was exported, which is planned to be further developed. “We must try not to trade in raw materials, but in finished products, so that the cost of export remains in Russia,” said Sergei Garkusha, Minister of Agriculture of the Krasnodar Territory. This year, farmers hope for a yield of 70 centners per hectare. If the weather permits, by the fall the long-awaited record of a million tons of Kuban rice will be set.