Aloe extract (drops) according to Fedorov. Reviews and prices

For those who are looking for a reliable, proven remedy to help relieve eye fatigue after prolonged work at a computer monitor, it is recommended to focus on Filatov’s aloe extract eye drops. This drug, created from aloe juice extract, has a beneficial effect on human visual function. Numerous reviews and doctors confirm that these eye drops can restore poor vision, moisturize the mucous membrane and prevent the development of many ophthalmic ailments. If the recommended method of use is followed, the drug does not cause negative side effects.

Creation technology

According to the recipe created by Academician Filatov, eye drops are a complex composition that includes:

  • 2% aloe-emodia.
  • Hydroxy acids belonging to the fatty series.
  • Aroma additives.
  • Enzymes, vitamin complex, phytocins.
  • Honey collected from high mountain apiaries.
  • Water with added silver ions.

The process of creating drops according to Filatov is quite complex. Therefore, it is not produced at home. Moreover, not all pharmaceutical companies have the ability to produce this drug. Today, the manufacturer of drops according to Filatov - NNPTSTO - is a center engaged in the development and production of rejuvenation products, dietary supplements, herbal teas, and herbal-based cosmetics. The center’s specialists thoroughly studied the complex methodology and implemented it in their production.

Secrets of the drug's action

To produce drops according to Filatov in the photo, the leaves of a fifteen-year-old South American aloe are used. The raw materials undergo a unique type of processing, which results in a substance containing a lot of useful elements. To enhance the therapeutic effect, as well as to extend the shelf life of the substance, water is added to the composition with the addition of silver ions

A competent combination of metal particles, aloe extract, vitamins, honey and antioxidants allows you not only to fight fatigue and dryness of the eye mucosa, but also more serious ophthalmological ailments.

Indications for use

  • Exacerbation of cataracts.
  • Glaucoma of the first stage.
  • Dystrophic changes in the retina.
  • Conjunctivitis.
  • Decreased visual acuity.
  • Prolonged work at the monitor.

How to use

Filatov's aloe extract eye drops are contraindicated for children under 14 years of age. Since the children's body is predisposed to allergic manifestations and unpredictable consequences, the use of drugs containing allergens is not recommended. If necessary for children, doctors select more gentle treatment methods. For adults, therapy with this remedy involves instilling 1-2 drops into each eye three times a day. Instructions for use recommend a course of treatment of at least three months with repetition after 30-45 days.

Negative points

Any remedy used for treatment has its positive and negative sides. Filatov’s aloe extract is no exception. According to the instructions for use, in the column of contraindications and side effects, individual intolerance to the components included in the drug was noted. This means that a patient who is prone to allergic reactions to honey, aromatic additives and other components should use eye drops with great caution. Allergic manifestations of the visual system can lead to vision deterioration, even loss.

Studying numerous reviews, potential clients are wondering: where to buy this product? Manufacturers recommend placing an order on the NNPTSTO website or from official representatives. Please note that prices on official resources are lower than those offered by intermediary companies. Therefore, it makes sense to order products online.

Users of this product are quite rightly interested in what doctors say about Filatov’s drops? It turns out that this drug is a wonderful prophylactic agent and also complements the main therapy. Considering the indications for use, aloe extract eye drops are recommended to be used in combination with stronger medicinal agents.

To summarize, we note that the drug based on aloe extract according to Filatov is a wonderful remedy that helps relieve eye fatigue after prolonged work at the computer. Considering the presence of allergy-causing components in the composition, you should consult a doctor before use. For the treatment of more serious ophthalmic diseases, it is not advisable to use drops alone. The best therapeutic effect can be achieved only by combining strong chemicals with Filatov drops.

As part of materials on company products Fitomax let's talk about a remedy for treating eye diseases called Aloe extract according to Fedorov. These eye drops are not a medicinal product; data on such a medicinal product is not available in registries. state registration. You can buy Aloe according to Fedorov only on Internet sites and from mobile traders at sales advertised in the free newspapers "Bulletin of Health". This product is not sold in pharmacies where there is strict control.

Among the eye diseases for which, according to advertisers, Fedorov Drops are indicated are:

Myopia and farsightedness, hemeralopathy, dry eye syndrome, diabetic retinopathy, retinal dystrophy, conjunctivitis, stye, iritis, vitreous opacities and even cataracts and primary glaucoma.

According to Fedorov, Aloe contains: Vitamin B6, A and C, folic acid, choline, beta carotene, honey, aloe vera extract.

A separate topic for conversation are facts from advertising campaign Aloe according to Fedorov: In many forums and Internet sites, these facts cause bewilderment. In particular, it is not clear what the famous academician Fedorov has to do with these drops, as well as the Helmholtz Institute, from which they allegedly received permission to use the medicinal composition of the drops.

Academician Fedorov

Ophthalmologist Svyatoslav Fedorov, a microsurgeon, was the first in the USSR to perform an operation to replace the lens of the eye and implant an artificial cornea. He created one of the best artificial lenses in the world. He is responsible for the development of the world's first operation to treat early stage glaucoma, this happened back in 1973. At the same time, Fedorov never developed any eye drops or other medications. His name is used for promotional purposes only.

Here's a quote B.K.Gorodetsky, famous ophthalmologist:

Helmholtz Institute

As proof of the scientific basis of their product, the manufacturers of Aloe according to Fedorov report that they have received permission to use the unique composition of drops from the Helmholtz State Institute of Eye Diseases in Cheboksary. Only there is no Helmholtz Institute in Cheboksary; there was a branch there from 1955 to 1965. The advertisers didn't even bother to check the facts.

At the Moscow Helmholtz Research Institute of Eye Diseases, they have not heard anything about “Aloe according to Fedorov.”

Manufacturers and prices

Sales of Aloe according to Filatov are managed by the company Fitomax on behalf of the manufacturer - company " Dream constellation"However, Dream Constellation is only engaged in the distribution of dietary supplements and cosmetics; it does not have its own production. But on the packaging of medicinal drops the manufacturer Apifitofarm is listed.

The price of the drops is standard for Fitomax - 570 rubles per package. The price on various Internet sites ranges from 490 to 600 rubles.

Due to the presence of a number of unique properties and the ability to restore eye health by acting directly on cells, aloe extract according to Filatov is widely used in the treatment of ophthalmological diseases. The medicine was named after Academician Filatov, who studied the properties of aloe for a long time. In the course of his research, he came to the conclusion that the plant, under certain conditions, is capable of concentrating a huge amount of useful components that activate all processes in the body.

Features of the drug

The drug is a complex complex, the components of which are:

  • hydroxymethylanthraquinone-aloe-emodin (2%);
  • nataloin;
  • aloin;
  • fatty aloinoxy acids;
  • aromatic acids;
  • vitamins;
  • enzymes.

The advantage of the drops is their naturalness. The main component is aloe, which produces biochemical substances that stimulate the protective and regenerative functions of the body. That is why drops prepared from aloe extract according to Filatov are called biogenic stimulants, that is, a substance that can activate the internal processes of the body.

In addition to the listed components, it contains a healing agent that contains almost the entire periodic table. It effectively nourishes tissues and helps stop the process of vision deterioration due to cataracts. Also for production, water enriched with silver ions is used, which improves the effect of the drops and extends their shelf life.

For the production of drops, tree-like aloe is used, which grows in South America, and his age must be at least fifteen years. The sheets undergo complex processing, which was described in detail in the works of the academician. It is impossible to prepare such medicine yourself at home. Even pharmaceutical companies cannot do this yet.

The use of aloe according to Filatov

A unique remedy helps patients cope with fairly common pathologies of the visual organs. The drug has a truly healing effect, relieving tension and fatigue from the eyes, improving visual acuity, protecting from negative impact computer radiation and activating restoration processes at the cellular level. In addition, aloe drops according to Filatov help preserve eye capillaries during excessive physical activity, cleanse the eyes and fight infection. The ability of the drug to relieve fatigue, redness, swelling, and prevent the development of pathologies of the organs of vision has made it possible to use it for various ailments.

Assign medicinal product at:

  • myopia of any degree;
  • diabetic retinopathy;
  • inflammation of the eyes (conjunctivitis);
  • problems with adaptation in the dark (hemeralopia);
  • clouding of the lens;
  • retinal dystrophy;
  • inflammation of the cornea;
  • primary glaucoma.

Elderly people and children especially need to take care of their health. The latter is recommended, starting from school age To relieve fatigue and prevent diseases, use aloe drops according to Filatov’s recipe.

According to the instructions, aloe extract according to Filatov can be used starting from the age of twelve, one or two drops three times a day for a course of two to three months. After a short interval, you can repeat the course. To prevent age-related changes in the organs of vision, it is recommended to carry out treatment courses two to three times a year.

There were no side effects when using the medicine. Caution should be exercised by persons who have hypersensitivity to the components.

The juice of succulent plants capable of accumulating moisture in their cells (for example, aloe, colanchoe, euphorbia) has long been used in cosmetology and pharmacology, where its biostimulating and regenerative properties are used. But despite the claimed naturalness of the product, aloe cannot be considered a completely safe product and should not be used at your own discretion without the consent of a doctor. Today, the trend of consumer interest is the so-called aloe extract according to Fedorov, which was allegedly developed by “leading experts scientific institutes in the field of ophthalmology." But let's figure out what this remedy actually is.

In contact with


First, let’s take a look at the description of the “drug” offered by the manufacturer, the Fitomax company. The “abstract” attributes to the product not only anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antibacterial properties, but even antiviral ones, which cannot be considered true. But we still respect what the manufacturer writes next.

There is actually little reliable information about the effectiveness of these drops


The main ingredients of the product “Aloe extract according to Fedorov” (eye drops) are also the extract (a concentrated extract from the same juice). The following is a list of components, the presence of which buyers will have to take at their word, since the product is not registered in the Russian Federation as a medicinal product.

In addition to aloe juice and extract, the drug allegedly contains:

  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • bee honey (remember, it can be an allergen);
  • adenosine - belongs to the pharmaceutical group of reparants and regenerators; in ophthalmology it is used to treat cataracts;
  • silver ions – exhibit an antibacterial effect;
  • pyridoxine (vitamin B6) has a complex effect and is used in the treatment of dermatitis, toxicosis of pregnancy, radiculitis and other diseases;
  • benzalkonium chloride - in ophthalmological practice it is often used in combination with hypromellose, an antifungal and antiseptic agent, and not an antiviral agent, as indicated by the annotation for aloe drops for the eyes.

As you can see, the “Aloe extract according to Fedorov” is not such an absolutely natural remedy. And most importantly, its effect is ensured not so much by aloe, but by auxiliary components.

In what cases can it be used?

The list of indications for the use of aloe extract for eye treatment can be said to be staggering. Because the list includes serious and even intractable diseases. But the abstract suggests treating with aloe eye drops:

  • primary glaucoma (damage to the retina and optic nerve) as part of complex therapy;
  • cataracts (deterioration of vision due to complete or partial clouding of the lens);
  • myopia and farsightedness of any degree;
  • iritis and keratitis (inflammation of the iris and cornea, respectively);
  • Sjögren's syndrome (“dry eyes”);
  • “night blindness” (hemeralopia);
  • conjunctivitis (inflammation of the outer membranes of the eye);
  • diabetic retinopathy (severe complication diabetes mellitus with damage to retinal vessels);
  • destruction of the vitreous body, observed by the patient as dots, nodules or threads “before the eyes”;
  • central and peripheral retinal dystrophy;
  • myopic chorioretinitis – focal inflammatory lesion of the posterior part of the eyeball;
  • blepharitis and chalazion (chronic inflammation of the eyelids and meibomian gland).

In no official protocol for the treatment of the above diseases you will not find recommendations to use aloe vera for the eyes, even as part of complex therapy. So it is unreasonable to hope for some super-healing properties of the extract.

Important Notes

Every self-respecting instruction for the use of a medication must contain information regarding important points when using it - for example, compatibility with other medications, possible side effects. This also includes contraindications.

Manufacturers of aloe extract according to Fedorov claim that the product is completely safe (since it is supposedly made entirely from natural ingredients) and therefore believe that it is only contraindicated for any ingredient. This is, of course, a correct, but insufficient warning.

Main important note regarding this product, it is not a medicinal product, has not undergone scientific tests proving its effectiveness, and has no connection with academician S.N. Fedorov.

Svyatoslav Nikolaevich was an outstanding ophthalmologist-surgeon and in development medicines did not participate.

Review of treatment reviews

Can patient reviews change my opinion about aloe extract for eyes? It depends where you read these reviews. As a rule, on the manufacturer’s website you can see a considerable number of touching stories, ending with gratitude to the creators of “such a wonderful product.”

It’s not hard to guess why Fedorov’s aloe extract received so many positive ratings. Reviews on manufacturers’ websites are usually written either by company employees or by “specially trained people” for whom writing reviews is a regular job.

But let’s see what patients of the Moscow Eye Clinic write. Here the picture is exactly the opposite.

  1. Not a single patient reported the effectiveness of the extract according to Fedorov.
  2. There are those who did not even try to be treated with it, realizing that it was not a cure.
  3. But there are also those who are openly disappointed in the drug, having spent six months on useless “treatment.”

The drug has not received a single positive rating from either real patients or doctors.

Is it possible to instill aloe juice into the eyes at home?

Either due to the special mentality of our fellow citizens, or because of extreme reluctance to sit in line to see an ophthalmologist, many people are interested in whether it is possible to get by with an even more natural remedy and use aloe as a treatment for the eyes at home - it’s not for nothing that the window is growing? We were not too lazy to interview ophthalmologists and pediatricians about possible consequences such self-medication, and this is what we can say.

  1. The eyes are a very sensitive and vulnerable organ into which only sterile substances can be dripped. Aloe juice obtained at home can hardly be called sterile, and this is one of the first reasons why it should not be dripped into the eyes.
  2. Aloe juice has a biostimulating, regenerating, like all succulents, and trophic (nourishing) effect, but for the mucous membrane of the eye it is overly aggressive.
  3. The effectiveness of aloe juice in the treatment of serious eye pathologies has not been scientifically proven. And the cataract mentioned in the indications for use, according to experts, can only be treated surgically.
  4. Aloe can cause a serious allergic reaction. This means that you risk not only wasting time on illiterate treatment, but also getting an extremely undesirable side effect.

We think this is quite enough to make you no longer want to experiment.

Useful video

Improving and preventing vision with homemade drops of aloe and honey. Before use, consult your doctor, as there are contraindications and an allergic reaction is possible:


  1. Aloe is without a doubt beneficial in some ways. But not from all diseases.
  2. In ophthalmic practice, the effectiveness of aloe has not been proven.
  3. It is not recommended to use aloe juice for eyes at home. Get your eye diseases treated by an ophthalmologist, it definitely won’t get any worse.

In contact with

A natural remedy for preventing the development of ophthalmic diseases and strengthening vision, “Aloe extract according to Filatov” is a biologically active drug in the form of eye drops. Although not a medicine, this product nevertheless has a pronounced therapeutic effect, confirmed by numerous positive user reviews.

Composition of the drug

The drops are a sterile solution containing strong nutrients:

  • water enriched with silver compounds;
  • aloe extract: hydroxymethylanthraquinone, aloin, homonataloin, fatty hydroxy acids, phytoncides;
  • Bee Honey;
  • vitamins A, group B, ascorbic acid;
  • enzymes;
  • phytoncides;
  • potassium, magnesium, zinc and other minerals.

The extract is packaged in opaque plastic bottles with a capacity of 10 ml, equipped with dispensers for convenience and tightly closed. The cost is about 400–500 rubles, you can buy or order it in pharmacy chains and online stores. The only manufacturer of the drug is Russian company health products NNPTSTO.

Action of drops

Academician N.V. Filatov, whose name this product bears, was the first to propose a method of processing aloe, thanks to which the plant accumulates valuable unique biostimulants necessary for tissue regeneration and elimination of inflammatory reactions. It was subsequently recommended for strengthening therapeutic effect succulents both at home and in the preparation of raw materials in the pharmaceutical industry. The method involves placing fresh cut parts of agave or aloe vera in a dark, cool environment and allowing air to enter. Over the course of several days, the gelatinous pulp, through complex reactions, synthesizes valuable substances, the purpose of which is to restore damaged living tissues.

In a simplified version, biostimulation can be carried out independently by cutting off and thoroughly washing the lower thick leaves with water. house plant, wrapping them in cloth or paper and putting them in the refrigerator for 12 days - the period necessary for the formation of stimulants in the aloe pulp. After this, you can squeeze the juice out of the succulent and use it for medicinal purposes.

For Filatov's aloe eye drops, biogenic aloe compounds are isolated using complex, integrated methods that can only be reproduced in the laboratory. The raw materials used are special - 15-year-old South American succulents, which contain incomparably more useful substances than those grown in other climates.

Honey contains a wide range of amino acids, organic acids, minerals and vitamins and is one of the best natural medicines that complements and enhances unique properties aloe.

The combination of aloe juice and honey drops has a disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect on eye tissue, nourishes them, protects them from damage by free radicals, strengthens the capillary network, normalizes blood circulation, cleanses and moisturizes the mucous membrane, replenishes the deficiency of minerals and vitamins, and improves microcirculation. As a result, many pathological processes are prevented and slowed down: clouding of the cornea, lens, vitreous body, retinal dystrophy, the adaptive abilities of the eyes are improved, and vision loss stops.

Indications and method of use

List of indications for use of drops:

  • retinopathy (including diabetic);
  • rhythmic chorioretinitis;
  • all degrees of myopia (including complicated forms);
  • central and peripheral retinal dystrophy;
  • cataract;
  • primary glaucoma (as part of complex therapy);
  • iritis - inflammation of the iris;
  • blepharitis - diseases of the ciliary edge of the eyelids;
  • keratitis - diseases and injuries of the cornea;
  • conjunctivitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the front part of the eyeball;
  • “dry eye” syndrome - chronic dryness, irritation, feeling of sand and pain in the eyes caused by high visual loads, working at the computer, reading;
  • prevention of fatigue and decreased vision in any adverse conditions;
  • post-operative care.

The result obtained will depend on the severity of the existing disease or eye condition. According to user reviews, such an effect as the disappearance of dryness, itching, burning, and the sensation of sand in the eyes is observed after the first use of the biologically active product. Improvements in vision, performance, relief of inflammation, and long-term disappearance of discomfort occur within 2–3 weeks.

The product can be used from 12 years of age. The solution is instilled 1-2 drops into the eyes 2-4 times a day, depending on the purpose. The duration of the course is from 1 to 4 months. After a 2-3 month break, therapy can be repeated.

Before using eye drops, you must remove water-soluble cosmetics and be sure to wash your hands.

After the first instillation, minor discomfort is possible, especially if the mucous membrane of the eyes is very dry. It is recommended to blink, stay in the shade or in a dark room for a few minutes, close your eyes, and rest. As a rule, the product does not cause any inconvenience subsequently.

The opened bottle of drops should be stored in the refrigerator, and be sure to screw the cap on after use.

When using any other ophthalmic solutions or ointments, aloe extract according to Filatov is used first, then a 15–20-minute interval is maintained and other medications are started. Additional tip Your doctor can advise you on this matter.

Contraindications to the use of drops: allergy to the components of the drug.

An overdose of aloe extract when applied topically is impossible: the product is non-toxic, in addition, excess liquid after instillation into the eye it will simply flow out.

Alternative options

A worthy alternative to Filatov’s extract can be considered Professor Fedorov’s eye drops, which also contain an extract of aloe juice, silver water and honey.

You can prepare eye drops yourself if you have adult aloe at home. To do this, the juice squeezed from the biostimulated leaf must be dissolved in distilled water in a ratio of 1:10. This composition can be instilled or washed into the eyes for irritation, dryness, fatigue, and conjunctivitis. Undiluted aloe juice should not be dropped into the eyes - the liquid can cause severe irritation of the mucous membrane, pain and lacrimation.


I used these drops for internal styes on the eyelid. The eye was very painful, it was very inflamed, it was impossible to blink. After a week of use, the redness completely disappeared, the swelling resolved, and there was no need to open it. There is no discomfort left.

I use drops according to Filatov to reduce eye fatigue. They help quite well, however, the result did not appear immediately, but after 4-5 days. They are good for removing sand from the eyes and irritation due to sitting at the computer for a long time.

Filatovsky aloe extract was used for prevention of progressive myopia - while preparing for exams, my vision went downhill. After six months of use, the result was pleasing: the dioptres did not increase and the eyes tired less.

Author of the article:

Certified general practitioner, certificate No. 5293/15. IN given time Nadezhda Aleksandrovna works as a kinesio-therapist and at the same time is training as a physical therapy doctor. Mother of many children and just good man. Nadezhda Aleksandrovna, conducts free and paid consultations by phone, helps people find the cause of the disease and possible ways recovery.