Wood wool how to make a loom. Wood wool (packing shavings)

There are many packaging and decorative items available today. We had never even heard of some of them and had no idea that familiar material could be used in this way. For example, tree wool. Even this phrase is puzzling. So let's figure out what's hidden behind it!

Wood wool - what is it?

Another common name is packaging shavings. So why the name? As you will see in the photo, the wood fibers of this material resemble tangled thick yarn in their appearance. Based on this association, the name was formed.

Wood wool is definitely an environmentally friendly packaging product. It consists of 100% natural wood. It would be a mistake to consider it waste from wood processing. The latter include simple sawdust. Or wood shavings, which in no way relate to the packaging we represent.

Wood packaging wool is a specially manufactured product. It is produced on wood-processing machines. The wizard sets all the parameters of the future product for the device - width, length, fiber thickness. It is made from various types of wood - linden, birch or coniferous species.

Wood wool is a collection of thin wood fibers that are specially twisted and bent on a machine to produce a kind of tangled mass. What is important is that all the “threads” in the bundles have the same length, width and girth. This is why the attractive appearance of wood wool is guaranteed. Many people note that it is very pleasant to the touch.

It is incorrect to assume that such “wool” is used only as bedding for the chicken coop. This is a very multifunctional product. Its main use is decoration and packaging, padding material. Wood wool is indispensable when transporting goods that require careful handling.

As it was before

Do not think that wool from wood is a modern innovation. This type of packaging was known back in Soviet times. Moreover, almost every timber industry enterprise necessarily had a wood-processing machine. He produced this product in thousands of tons! After all, the fact was that production waste was not processed into sawdust, as it is now, but into high-quality wood wool.

Now, unfortunately, the number of factories producing this product can be counted on one hand. What was its main use in the Union? Zoos were primarily supplied with tree wool. After all, this is the highest quality and most comfortable bedding for animals kept in captivity. For example, coniferous wood shavings remind them of the forest with their structure and smell. And the phytoncides it secretes kill harmful microorganisms. And wool from deciduous trees was used for rodents and small animals, since it does not emit phenols and resins harmful to these inhabitants.

Another important application is as filler when shipping valuable fragile goods. Today, this purpose of wood wool is forgotten. After all, there are cheaper fillers made of foam plastic.

Main Application

The name "packaging shavings" speaks for itself. Wood wool is used as follows:

Additional uses

Based on this, the following methods of application can be distinguished:

  • Litter for chicken coop, incubator.
  • Aviary filler for dogs.
  • Bedding for stables, etc.

Wood wool does not cause any discomfort to the animal; it is easy to remove and replace with fresh hair. In addition, it is absolutely safe. Another significant advantage is that the animal physically will not be able to consume it as food, unlike the same sawdust.

The following applications are also great:

Characteristics of "wool"

Wood wool for packaging is usually manufactured according to GOST 5244-79. It is a wood product of the highest quality. If “wool” is made and stored correctly, then it has an aesthetic appearance, curls beautifully and does not darken over time. Its color varies from white, straw to light brown. Some manufacturers make colored wood wool specifically for packaging.

The standard parameters are usually the following:

Main properties of the product

Stored in bags or special compressed bales. The remarkable properties of wood wool are as follows:

  • Excellent air flow.
  • Poor thermal conductivity.
  • Guaranteed environmental friendliness.
  • The ability to carefully store the item clean.

Product cost

Such packaging shavings, of course, will be much more expensive than regular chicken coop bedding. Let's imagine average retail prices:

  • 0.5 kg - 200-250 rubles.
  • 1 kg - 400 rubles.
  • 5 kg - 1500 rubles.

Basically, wood wool is sold at retail in ordinary polypropylene bags. Buying it in bulk is much more economical:

Of course, it turns out to be more expensive than usual. In this case, the “wool” is supplied in packing bales, often in compressed form.

Where can I buy it? You will find a large number of offers on the Internet. Virtual stores offer both delivery and pickup.

Wood wool is a product with a huge variety of uses. The leading ones will be packaging and decoration. It is also widely used as bedding for pets. Wool from wood is environmentally friendly, unpretentious, and aesthetically pleasing.

- What is this?

Many shrug their shoulders in bewilderment, apparently imagining something like “Mom sewed me pants from birch bark.” This wool is not used for knitting or weaving, although it has many uses!

Wood wool is simply long, narrow and thin shavings produced using specialized equipment.. Unlike the times of the USSR, Now its production in Russia is very limited. While, there was a need for this product so great that machines were developed that, in the manufacture of the main products, produced waste in the form of wood wool, and not in the form of sawdust. Not to mention the fact that There were wood-processing machines in almost every timber industry enterprise. The total volume of produced chips amounted to thousands of tons. Now, to count the manufacturers of these products in the Russian Federation, the fingers of one hand are enough. However, wood wool, due to its qualities, does not lose relevance in our age of nanotechnology and spaceships. It is beautiful, versatile, and in some cases simply irreplaceable! And of course it is environmentally friendly -P When disposed of, it decomposes naturally without polluting the environment. .

The use of wood wool as bedding when keeping animals provides comfortable living conditions, ease of cleaning, and safety. It is important that the size of the shavings does not allow animals and birds to eat them, unlike sawdust. If sawdust is most often just a production waste, mainly obtained from sawing and planing wood, then wood wool is a specially produced product. According to specialists from the Leningrad Zoo, with which we cooperate, shavings are often indispensable for ensuring comfortable living conditions for animals in captivity. Thus, the structure and smell of wood wool from coniferous trees reminds animals of the forest, has a positive effect on their behavior and well-being, and releases phytoncides that inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria. And shavings from deciduous trees are good for rodents and small predators, as they contain almost no resins and phenols, which can be harmful to small animals.

For a long time, there was no alternative to wood wool as a filler for packaging when transporting fragile and valuable goods. With the development of the chemical industry, shavings were replaced by cheaper solutions based on foamed plastics. However, in recent years, there has been a tendency to return to classic packaging solutions, in the form of wood chips, precisely because of its naturalness and the resulting environmental friendliness. As for the decorative design of packaging, wood wool generally has no competitors in this regard. You can, of course, place a bottle of expensive alcohol, a Damascus steel blade, a beautiful handmade Christmas ball in a box with cut paper or foam balls, but how can they compare with the beauty and elegance of packaging with high-quality wood shavings!

  • Wood wool, possessing excellent heat-insulating and absorbent properties, Excellent for use as bedding for cage housing of rodents, fur-bearing animals and poultry, enclosures for dogs, for stables, incubators.
  • Wood wool is an excellent filler for various kinds of gift boxes, drawers, and baskets. Any gift acquires a special aura and chic if surrounded by airy curls of wood shavings.
  • Wood wool is an excellent packaging material, for example for transporting fragile items and fruit. The shavings look much more aesthetically pleasing than various polyethylene-based packaging solutions and are an order of magnitude more environmentally friendly.
  • Wood wool is a wonderful material for stuffing soft toys, and despite the dominance of artificial stuffing on the market, it still enjoys well-deserved popularity among craftsmen.
  • Wood wool is an excellent decorative material. With its help, you can create an original and impressive display window, and colored shavings can successfully replace plastic grass or snow.Display on a counter covered with wood wool, will allow highlight the advantages of the product, its nobility and quality.
  • Wood wool is successfully used in construction. As a basis for the production of fiberboard boards, which have no equal in a number of properties. As insulation in frame house construction - impregnated with fire-bioprotective agents, wood shavings will keep heat in the house for many years.
  • Wood wool serves as the basis for the production of a variety of fire starters that combinesafety, undemanding storage conditions, environmental friendliness, ease of use and low price .
  • Wood wool is used in homestead farming and ecological agriculture. For example, for mulching when growing strawberries, area cover for fruit trees. This allows you to avoid damage to berries and fallen fruits, retain moisture in the soil and inhibit the growth of weeds.

And this, of course, is not all the possibilities for using this wonderful natural product. Every year, various creative ideas for using wood wool appear. Not to mention those areas where shavings have been used for a long time. For example, a braid woven from wood wool has long been used in wooden shipbuilding. It was used to caulk the cracks between the boards and, swelling with water, it reliably prevented leaks. And in Europe, the same scythe was used to fill cracks between logs during the construction of wooden houses and outbuildings.

Management and employees of the company "Vostok-Les" LLCput a lot of effort into restoring the production of wood wool in the Leningrad region. Almost from ruins, we have completely restored two SD-3 wood wool machines, and another one is in the process of being restored. It's not easy because the factory that produced them is closed and sold out. But the desire to bring domestic wood wool back to the market helped us in difficult times. Much has been redone, much has been improved, a special machine was invented and built for sharpening original SD-3 knives, tunnel drying, pressing and packaging areas were made. And now we can offer our customers

Wood shavings for packaging (packaging wood wool) is a decorative filler for boxes used in a wide range of production areas. English name - Wood Wool. The product is made on special equipment from aspen, birch, spruce, pine or other tree species (the main criterion when choosing raw materials is the absence of characteristic and noticeable odors).

The production technology of decorative packaging shavings is classified. Such wool is classified as planed timber. It is environmentally friendly, provides an optimal level of heat transfer, is breathable, and is very good in terms of aesthetic appeal and practicality. Usually has a light brown uniform shade without inclusions.

It is important not to confuse packaging wood shavings with sawdust. The first and second are identical in raw materials, but different in manufacturing technology and properties. Wool, also known as decorative packaging shavings, consists of long and thin fibers (but having sufficient width), usually having separate average parameters of length 25-45 (50) cm, width 0.3-0.7 cm and thickness - no more than 0.4 mm.

Such indicators ensure the lightness of the material combined with volume, guaranteeing impressive moisture absorption and excellent breathability. In addition, with such a fiber length, it is almost impossible to eat wood wool (shavings). This is successfully used by zoos, livestock farms, incubators, pet stores and other organizations that deal with keeping animals in confined spaces. Pleasant, soft material (wood filler) with virtually no resins, but with a slight smell of wood, successfully has a calming effect on any living beings and does not harm them.

In painted form, such packaging can be used as decorations: snow, earth, artificial grass. Decorating your window with such fibers means being at the peak of modern fashion and attracting the attention of a very wealthy audience. Originally and laconically colored wood hairs from wool will set off watches, soaps and other handmade goods. They are the perfect backdrop for any gift box. Thanks to its special structure, it does not split into small pieces and holds its shape well; there is practically no risk of clogging high-precision mechanisms. The practice of transporting exotic fruits and wines in wood shavings is widely known.

Photo for reference:

Due to the bulk of the material, it is supplied in bags or compressed bales. Before use, straighten it slightly. Packaging wood shavings (wood wool) as a decorative filler in a box perfectly holds its shape and protects the entire surface of the product packed in the container from impacts and shaking.

The emphasized natural origin of such packaging shavings is an excellent opportunity to raise the level of products to an elite level in the eyes of the buyer, which is successfully used by producers of wines and handmade souvenirs. Alcohol products, balms, soaps, cosmetics, and olive oil are placed in it with constant success. In short, fragile goods that need to be delivered from point A to point B without being damaged. Of course, they can all be transported in polystyrene foam or paper, but a new level solution is packaging wood chips. When opening the package, the buyer will immediately see the level of care taken. Aesthetically attractive and non-toxic decorative filler (packaging shavings) is a new way of development for a professional, an essential element of caring for the consumer.

Wood wool has a pleasant but not intrusive smell; there is no need to retrain personnel to work with it. Fits comfortably in your hands, pliable packaging shavings are often used even for stuffing soft toys. Recently, it has also begun to compete with the classic floral material - sisal - for the right to add additional pomp and elegance to floral arrangements.

If you use wood packaging shavings (wool) as a filler, it can take any shape: cardboard boxes, wooden boxes, tubes, bags, bags, balls, vases, decorative elements. The advantage of its versatility is that it can fill a space of any shape, reliably fixing and protecting an object placed in packaging shavings from moisture. Plus - environmental friendliness. Wood fibers, when wet, easily decompose within a year, unlike their artificial “brothers”. This plays into the hands of companies wishing to gain an image of environmentally friendly producers. The buyer’s association is simple: natural packaging (and there is no doubt about this, since the smell, appearance and tactile sensations speak very eloquently about this) should contain the same contents.

In a word, packaging wood shavings (wood wool) are an excellent decorative filler for a box with all the necessary optimal qualities. Call and check delivery conditions with our managers. We invite major partners to personally verify the quality of the goods by arriving at our warehouse by appointment.

This insulation is made from wood using special equipment. It is a fiber up to 250 mm long, 1 to 8 mm wide, and 0.2 to 0.5 mm thick. Wood fiber is used as a filler in the manufacture of boards. This insulation has the natural qualities of an environmentally friendly material due to the large amount of wood contained in the slabs.

Wood wool boards contain grade 500 Portland cement, which provides the material with additional strength, frost resistance, water resistance and durability.

Wood fibers are mineralized with a low concentration of liquid glass solution. When wood is treated with liquid glass, a thin film is formed on its surface, preventing the release of moisture from the fibers. This is done in order to reduce the setting time of the cement and for better adhesion of wood and cement.

Properties of wood wool insulation

  1. Safety and environmental friendliness. The boards contain material that is environmentally friendly and does not contain harmful substances that adversely affect human health.
  2. Strength and durability. The slabs are not subject to chemical and biological destruction even during the reconstruction of the building. Thanks to the carbonization process, the strength characteristics of the insulation improve over time. Therefore, the service life of the insulation is unlimited.
  3. Humidity and temperature. A person’s well-being depends on the indoor microclimate. Wood fiber boards have high heat transfer resistance and high thermal inertia. The material of the plates easily releases and absorbs moisture. Due to the capillary effect, the surface of the insulation remains dry, and the plates do not deform. This allows you to use slabs with wood wool for finishing in rooms with high humidity, as well as store them outdoors.
  4. Fire resistance. The wood-fiber filler of the slabs is saturated with cement. Therefore, insulation is a low-flammable material. When there is an open fire, the panels do not burn, but smolder and become charred. The insulation is low-flammable (G1), difficult to ignite (B1), does not spread flame (RP1), has low toxicity (T1), and has low smoke-generating ability (D1).
  5. Acoustics. Insulation boards are an excellent soundproofing material due to a combination of properties (sound absorption and cellular structure, specific gravity and elastic modulus).
  6. Frost resistance and crack resistance. The slabs have high crack resistance, since the fibers in the slab material are quite long and form a branched structure within the volume of the material. The panels are not susceptible to frost, since the Portland cement included in the boards is resistant to moisture.
  7. Moisture resistance. Insulation does not crumble, swell or deform when exposed to moisture.
  8. Biological resistance. The slabs are not susceptible to insects, rodents, fungi and bacteria.

Wood wool boards can be used as insulation for walls, ceilings,

We offer wood wool (packing shavings) produced on our own equipment from a minimum quantity of 0.5 kg.

Wood wool, or as it is also called packaging shavings, is an environmentally friendly packaging material made from natural wood. Unlike ordinary shavings (or sawdust, which are just industrial waste resulting from sawing wood), wood wool is a specially produced packaging material, made on a special machine with certain specified parameters of fibers, thickness, width, length.

Wood wool is used for decoration, as padding and packaging material, when transporting goods that require careful handling. Wood wool is also used in the transport of food products such as fruit. The shavings are pleasant to the touch and give an impressive appearance to the goods packaged in them.

Wood wool consists of thin tufts of wood fibers (hence called wood wool) that have been bent or twisted to form a tangled mass. The fiber bundles have the same size and thickness and a significant length, because Packaging shavings are produced on special debarking machines.


Qty Price Package Delivery method
0.5 kg. 220 rub. Polypropylene bag Russian Post / TK
1 kg. 390 rub./kg. Polypropylene bag Russian Post / TK
5 kg. 295 rub./kg. Polyethylene bag / Polypropylene bag Transport company
15 kg. 250 rub./kg. Compressed bale (tied with wire), wrapped in stretch film Transport company
50 kg. 200 rub./kg. Transport company
100 kg. 155 rub./kg. Bales (16-22 kg.), wrapped in stretch film Transport company
200 kg. 105 rub./kg. Bales (16-22 kg.), wrapped in stretch film Transport company

What is it used for:

  • decorative and souvenir design;
  • as packaging and stuffing material (for example, for soft toys);
  • serves as a good packaging material for fruits;
  • as a filler for boxes and baskets;
  • in natural farming, excellent for bedding for animals;

The highest quality wood wool is always available.
Color from white to straw. It curls wonderfully, does not darken and has the most attractive appearance.
The thickness of the proposed chips is 0.07-0.15 mm, width 1.5 - 2 mm, length at least 50 mm.
Wood shavings are made from GOST 5244-79.

Approximate packaging size 1 kg. - 50x30x30 cm (slightly compressed)

When purchasing from 15 kg. chips are sold compressed bales weighing 16-22 kg. Bale size 60x60x55 cm.

1 m3 = 5 bales (approximate weight 90-110 kg).

At the request of the customer, the shavings can be made from linden, birch and coniferous trees.

The shavings have the following properties:

  • poor thermal conductivity;
  • air capacity;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • ability to keep items clean.

Wood wool is usually stored in compressed bales or bags.

Wood shavings can also be used in subsistence farming, because Since it has excellent absorbent and heat-insulating properties, it is excellent for bedding for animals: for stables, incubators, for dogs, etc. It provides comfortable living conditions, ease of cleaning, and safety. The size of wool fibers prevents animals and birds from eating it, unlike sawdust.