Dracaena bamboo is poisonous to pets. Dracaena fragrant: the benefits and harm of an exotic plant for the home

According to Feng Shui, dracaena purifies the air, creates comfort in the house and pacifies raging energies. This plant fits perfectly into the interior of both the living room of an apartment and the office hall. Experts say that it creates harmony and gives vitality to animals and people. The homeland of dracaena is the tropical regions of Asia, Africa and the Canary Islands, and these plants appeared in Europe during the time of Queen Victoria.

The thick, woody stem ending in a crown of long leaves at the top was called the false palm. They actually belong to the agave family. Depending on the variety, the leaves of the plant can be multi-colored or variegated stripes. Dracaena rarely blooms. The old tree has a branched trunk. At proper care Dracaena can grow quite tall.


Not everyone knows that plants distinguish between positive and negative emotions and react sensitively to them. In an unfavorable psychological environment they wither, but in a good one, on the contrary, they burst with health. Therefore, if your flower has withered, think about it, maybe you were the reason? In addition, a plant, like a person, has its own character, aura and creates a special energy. Everyone can feel the plant, you just need to want it.

In general, dracaena has a calm, unhurried disposition, accumulating a fairly strong energy field. However, it is not static - waves bubble in it, like in a fountain, lowering energy down and lifting it up. There is an opinion that the stronger the energy of a plant, the sharper and narrower its leaves. The flower itself, when interacting, pacifies and calms. Dracaena varieties with thick, drooping leaves produce a mild effect on humans.

At work and at home

It is best to place the plant in a place where people are often in a state of stress or excitement, then it will have a calming effect and help gain vitality for those who feel internal constraint and are prone to self-exaggeration and exaggeration of shortcomings.

Dracaena is simply irreplaceable at work, because there you often have to communicate with a large number people and not everyone is in the mood to reach an agreement. The plant will help you maintain balance and calm. If your profession involves activity that creates a difficult atmosphere. The flower will cleanse it and help, so people can quickly find mutual understanding.

If you are in a bad mood, talk to the dracaena and you will quickly overcome the emotional discomfort associated with your subordinates. In addition, dracaena eliminates harmful substances that arise during the operation of photocopiers and laser printers.


According to astrology, dracaena is ruled by two planets Mercury and Saturn. Saturn conducts through itself a pronounced earthly element, which can cause depression and stiffness in a person, but thanks to the relaxed and easy-going Mercury, this state is balanced.

Astrologers also claim that dracaena not only relaxes and pacifies, but at the same time protects household members from joint and muscle pain and osteochondrosis. The plant has the most beneficial effect on those born under the signs of Capricorn and Aries. Feng Shui masters advise placing slides with dracaena in the western part of the room - then it will acquire the greatest protective power.


Bordered, dragon and derem are the most unpretentious species dracaena They don't need a lot of light, strict temperature regime and careful care. The flower will grow best in light shade near windows, when the air temperature is at least +12 °C.

In this case, the variegated variety should be placed in a brighter place, while the single-color varieties tolerate shade well. When it gets warm outside, it is recommended to take pots of flowers outside. fresh air. The plant should be watered regularly and moderately. IN winter time watering is reduced, but so that the soil does not dry out. Spray dracaena regularly.

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Which is often called a palm tree. It is found in many homes, but it is not spared from superstition. Therefore, the main question about how safe the plant called dracaena is, whether it can be kept at home and the consequences of not following a number of growing recommendations remains open.

Dracaena at home: signs and superstitions

When starting a houseplant, people are increasingly looking for information about how safe it is in terms of its energy and magical properties. Dracaena has also acquired a number of superstitions and signs that do not always please the owners. of this plant. To believe in them or not is an individual matter. But everyone needs to know about them.

There are many different beliefs and signs associated with the dracaena plant.

The main signs and beliefs include the following:

There are also sadder signs associated with dracaena:

  1. If the plant dies for no apparent reason, expect the death of one of the spouses.
  2. If you see “bloody tears” on the dracaena during its drying period, then we can say with confidence that one of the spouses will die from violence.

However, the pleasant beliefs are much larger than the bad ones. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about this, and know that the plant itself cannot harm a person in any way.

Benefits of dracaena for the home

In addition to how this plant affects the family, many are also interested in the question of what its benefits are for the room. Dracaena is an excellent “producer” of oxygen and destroyer of carbon dioxide. In view of this, the plant is an ideal option for growing not only at home, but also in public places and offices.

Indoor dracaena saturates the air in the room with oxygen.

In addition, this flower also copes with harmful magnetic radiation that is present in our lives thanks to household appliances and computers.

Dracaena and the teachings of Feng Shui

As for Chinese teachings, according to Feng Shui, dracaena is recommended to be placed in different zones, depending on your own needs:

  1. If you place dracaena in the southern, eastern or southeastern sector of the apartment, you can enhance your material well-being.
  2. Placing the plant on the northern part of the home helps get rid of bad energy.
  3. Western stay promises the owner the acquisition of love.

The most optimal option for placing dracaena, according to followers of Feng Shui, is the living room. Family and guests most often gather in this room, which means that there is also the largest accumulation of negative energy.

Useful properties

Dracaena has a number of useful properties:

  • perfectly neutralizes chemicals (formaldehyde, benzene, etc.);
  • makes it easier to tolerate temperature fluctuations;
  • helps maintain health (helps cleanse the body of toxins, tones blood vessels, soothes pain in muscles and bones, helps heal wounds);
  • maintains the condition of teeth;
  • from an astrological point of view, dracaena can “help” see a way out of a difficult situation;
  • helps restore mental balance, thoughts and behavior;
  • has a good effect on people who are not emotionally stable and prone to depression.

Dracaena can and should be planted in the house, especially if the flooring in it is linoleum (this plant is capable of purifying the air from harmful benzene, which it emits).

Dracaena will also become indispensable in offices, since it is capable of neutralizing trichlorethylene and formaldehyde, which are constantly “supplied” by office equipment.

Do you have allergies?

Dracaena cannot be called a plant that causes severe allergies. But, like any living organism, it breathes, releasing into the air substances formed in the process of life.

In addition, a fungus in the soil, small hairs covering the leaves and trunk of a plant, and various chemical fertilizers can become an allergen.

Allergic reactions can be caused by improper care behind dracaena, accumulation of household dust on its leaves, which in itself is an allergen.

That's why it is very important to follow a few rules:

  • be sure to wipe the leaves of the plant, not allowing dust to accumulate on them;
  • if you are prone to allergic reactions, you should not place the dracaena in the bedroom (or place it five meters further from the bed);
  • when using fertilizers, it is better to give preference to those that are diluted with water;
  • all manipulations with the flower using chemicals should be carried out not in the room, but in the open air.

Poisonous or not?

Is Dracaena poisonous or not? Dracaena itself is not poisonous plant. However, the juice contained in its leaves makes it equal to low-toxic plants.

This means that when dracaena gets inside the body, it can cause upset of the digestive system, accompanied by diarrhea, tremors, and weakness.

And, since an adult will not chew dracaena leaves, it poses a danger, first of all, for small children and pets.

To prevent negative consequences, you can either abandon dracaena altogether, or find a secluded place for it where neither kids nor pets can reach it.


For every person indoor plants represent something of their own. For some it is a source of beauty, for others it is a family doctor. But, one way or another, they have long entered our lives, and there is probably not a single person whom they would leave indifferent.

Dracaena is an excellent example of this. Thanks to the magical ability neutralize bad influences, drive away bad thoughts and despondency, this southern beauty can increasingly be found in houses and apartments.

Dracaena is one of the most popular indoor flowers in the world. They decorate homes, offices, shopping areas, medical institutions. This plant is widely used by Feng Shui masters. Dracaena looks harmonious in the interior of a room of any style and purpose. Its most delicate and exquisite varieties are grown in greenhouses and winter gardens.

Dragon, serpent tree, dragon tree - this is also what this flower is called. According to legend, a huge dragon fought with an elephant. In a fierce battle, their blood mixed and watered the ground. Grew up at the site of the battle tall trees, which were given the name Dracaena.

Varieties of home dracaena

In nature, there are about 150 species of this plant. But only a few of them are used for landscaping rooms in the house:

  • Dracaena marginata (or Marginata) is the most common type of this plant. It has a bare, gnarled stem and long, narrow leaves at the crown. In appearance it resembles a palm tree. It reaches a height of three meters. Dracaena Marginata fits perfectly into the interior of offices and shopping centers. And in any apartment such a plant will look very impressive.
  • Dracaena Sandera (Sanderiana, bamboo of happiness) is the second most popular type of dracaena. Apart from the external resemblance, it has nothing in common with bamboo. Sandera can grow up to a meter in height and even higher. The top of this type of dracaena is often twisted into a spiral. This amazing looking flower can decorate any room in the house. It is often used in interior design by Feng Shui practitioners.
  • Dracaena fragrant (Fragrans) is a plant with fragrant flowers, wide and long leaves. Depending on the variety, this flower can have different leaf colors - plain, variegated or striped. Dracaena blooms in an apartment extremely rarely. The tree of happiness is also called the fragrant dracaena. It is believed that this flower can feel good only in an atmosphere of peace, silence and tranquility. And if he is surrounded by a tense situation, scandals and conflicts, then he begins to get sick and gradually dies. A kind of natural indicator of emotions in the house.
  • Dracaena Derema is an unpretentious plant with tricolor leaves. The long leaves of Dracaena Deremskaya curl slightly along the edges, and this gives it grace. Dracaena blooms very rarely in an apartment, and it’s not scary. After all, the flowers of this plant, dark red on the outside and white on the inside, have a disgusting smell.
  • Dracaena Godsefa (Surculosa) is very different from other dracaenas. On its thin branching stems there are ovoid leaves, which have an unusual color for this plant - white-cream or pale green spots and specks. Surculosa flowers have a pleasant aroma, but it rarely blooms indoors.

The benefits and harms of dracaena

The use of dracaena in the interior brings not only aesthetic pleasure. The real benefits of this plant for others have been proven:

  • Being a natural filter, dracaena absorbs and processes harmful substances such as benzene, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene, xylene, ammonia, and carbon oxides.
  • The benefit of this plant is that it absorbs pathogenic microparticles and dust, and in return ionizes the air in the house.
  • Dracaena harmonizes the psycho-emotional state, creates a healthy and favorable microclimate around itself.

Like any plant, dracaena can cause harm to the people around it:

  • If people have a tendency to allergic reactions, then dracaena, like any other plant in the house, can cause them.
  • Eating dracaena leaves can cause harm by causing digestive system upset. This is a low-toxic plant.

The benefits of dracaena are incomparably greater than its possible harm, which, moreover, can be easily prevented. To do this, you just need to follow simple rules:

  • Do not allow dust to accumulate on the leaves of the dracaena, wipe them in a timely manner.
  • Do not place dracaena in the bedroom of a person prone to allergies.
  • Do not eat parts of the plant and keep it out of reach of small children and animals.

Dracaena in Feng Shui

Feng Shui is the art of controlling the invisible and tangible flows that fill any space in order to create energetic harmony.

Dracaena Sandera (bamboo of happiness) according to Feng Shui is a symbol of masculinity, prosperity and success, inflexibility and will. Sandera's presence in the house ensures its inhabitants happiness, longevity, health, luck, and wealth. Dracaena in an apartment is a source of positive energy.

  • compositions from Sandera should be placed in the eastern part of the house to harmonize the space.
  • In the south-eastern part of the house - to attract wealth and prosperity to the house.
  • The slides with dracaena in its western part are a powerful protection against negative energy.

For greater effect, Sandera bundles are tied with red or gold ribbons, talismans are hung on them and placed in glass vessels with water. With the help of tubes and wire, Sander's dracaena is given unusual look and weird shape. Why compositions from this plant look very interesting and beautiful in the interior.

According to Feng Shui, the number of shoots in a composition is of no small importance:

  • Three shoots are a talisman of happiness, peace and prosperity.
  • Five escapes - financial stability and material well-being.
  • Seven escapes - health and longevity.
  • Twenty-one escapes are a symbol of good luck and success. Talisman of the “common good”.
  • Twenty shoots of Sandera in the composition - “Tower of Love” - a symbol of care, love, compassion.

According to Feng Shui, it is good to place Sander at the entrance to the house. Then she will greet guests, demonstrating the owners’ respect for those entering, and giving them a charge of positive energy.

The best place for dracaena

The benefits of dracaena for the health of people around, for their aesthetic satisfaction and for the general harmonization of space are now clear. It remains to find out where it is better to place the plant for a more comfortable stay indoors.

Dracaena is relatively easy to care for. Straight lines are contraindicated for her. sun rays, and therefore the pot with this plant should be placed in light shade, at a distance of a meter or two from the window. The most comfortable temperature for dracaena is from +12 to +22°C. This plant tolerates shade and artificial light well. True, variegated species may lose the brightness of the pattern. It is best if the lighting is bright and diffused.

Dracaena should be watered moderately, but do not allow the soil to dry out. It is necessary to spray the leaves regularly and often. In the warm season, it is advisable to take the dracaena out into the fresh air, excluding direct sunlight.

  • 1 Useful properties
  • 2 Do you have allergies?
  • 3 Poisonous or not?
  • 4 Conclusion
  • 5 Varieties of home dracaena
  • 6 Benefits and harms of dracaena
  • 7 Dracaena in Feng Shui
  • 8 Best place for dracaena
  • 9 Useful properties
  • 10 Are there allergies?
  • 11 Poisonous or not?
  • 12 Conclusion
    • 12.1 10 useful plants for a children's room
  • 13 Useful plants in the house for everyone
    • 13.1 Plants that will help purify and humidify the air at home
      • 13.1.1 We have chosen for you 6 plants that can give not only beauty and harmony, but also purify the air from harmful impurities and microbes, moisturize it and have a beneficial effect on human energy.
  • 14 What are indoor flowers for? Indoor plants for human health. Benefits and properties of indoor plants (flowers)
    • 14.1 What are indoor flowers needed for? The benefits of indoor plants
    • 14.2 Houseplant chlorophytum: health benefits
    • 14.3 Houseplant dracaena: health benefits
    • 14.4 Houseplants Dieffenbachia and Ficus: health benefits
    • 14.5 Houseplant geranium: benefits and properties of geranium
    • 14.6 Dracaena
    • 14.7 Houseplant laurel: beneficial properties
    • 14.8 Houseplant cactus: benefits of cacti
    • 14.9 Houseplant peperomia: health benefits
    • 14.10 Properties of indoor plants (flowers)
      • 14.10.1 Etymology
      • 14.10.2 Types and varieties of dracaena
      • 14.10.3 Dracaena deremensis
      • 14.10.4 Fragrant dracaena (Dracaena fragrans)
      • 10.14.5 Dracaena godseffiana, Dracaena surculosa
      • 10/14/6 Dracaena sanderiana
      • 14.10.7 Dracaena reflexa
      • 14.10.8 Dracaena marginata
      • 10/14/9 Dracaena canarian, or dragon tree(Dracaena draco)
      • 10/14/10 Dracaena care
      • 14.10.11 Practical advice for purchasing dracaena
      • 10/14/12 Dracaena propagation
      • 10.14.13 Advice from the designer on the formation of dracaena
      • 14.10.14 Ecology of the home
      • 14.10.15 Medicinal properties dracaena
      • 10/14/16 Energy of dracaenas
      • 10/14/17 Legends and myths about dracaenas
      • 14.10.18 Interesting facts about dracaenas
      • 10/14/19 Dracaena in history
      • 10/14/20 Comments on Dracaena
      • 14.10.21 See also
  • 15 Homeland of dracaena and what it brings to the house
    • 15.1 History and homeland of origin of the plant
    • 15.2 What comes into the house with a dracaena flower
    • 15.3 Is it useful? indoor dracaena Houses?
    • 15.4 Does it bring benefit or harm to humans? Is it needed in the bedroom?
    • 15.5 Diseases and pests. Methods to combat them
  • 16 Dracaena: can you keep it at home? Signs and superstitions
    • 16.1 The effect of dracaena on human health
    • 16.2 Signs about dracaena
    • 16.3 Dracaena in Feng Shui
    • 16.4 Animals and indoor plants
  • 17 dracaena benefits and harm for the home
    • 17.1 What ensures the ecology of the house and what harms it
    • 17.2 Air conditioning will not help
    • 17.3 We have chosen for you 6 plants that can give not only beauty and harmony, but also purify the air from harmful impurities and microbes, moisturize it and have a beneficial effect on human energy
    • 17.4 Houseplants. Just decoration or health benefits.
    • 17.5 The following plants can be used for decoration and aesthetic pleasure:
    • 17.6 The following plants are beneficial for health and for your home:
    • 17.7 Houseplants that may be harmful or dangerous:
    • 17.8 Dracaena: beneficial properties
    • 17.9 Are there allergies?
  • 18 Useful plants in the house, benefits of dracaena for the home
    • 18.1 Similar posts on the topic “Useful plants in the house”
  • 19 Sign “dracaena in the house”
  • 20 What does the dracaena flower bring into the house: benefits and harm for cats
    • 20.1 Dracaena: benefits and harm for the home
    • 20.2 Is it possible to give dracaena as a gift?
    • 20.3 Dracaena in the house according to Feng Shui
    • 20.4 Signs associated with dracaena
  • 21 Signs about dracaena in the house
    • 21.1 Dracaena in legends
    • 21.2 Home Welfare Advocate
    • 21.3 Dracaena for good luck and bad luck
    • 21.4 Home healer
    • 21.5 10 useful plants for a children's room
  • 22 Useful plants in the home For everyone
    • 22.1 Plants that will help purify and humidify the air at home
      • 22.1.1 We have chosen for you 6 plants that can give not only beauty and harmony, but also purify the air from harmful impurities and microbes, moisturize it and have a beneficial effect on human energy.
  • 23 What are indoor flowers for? Indoor plants for human health. Benefits and properties of indoor plants (flowers)
    • 23.1 What are indoor flowers for? The benefits of indoor plants
    • 23.2 Houseplant chlorophytum: health benefits
    • 23.3 Houseplant dracaena: health benefits
    • 23.4 Houseplants Dieffenbachia and Ficus: health benefits
    • 23.5 Houseplant geranium: benefits and properties of geranium
    • 23.6 Dracaena
    • 23.7 Houseplant laurel: beneficial properties
    • 23.8 Houseplant cactus: benefits of cacti
    • 23.9 Houseplant peperomia: health benefits
    • 23.10 Properties of indoor plants (flowers)
      • 23.10.1 Etymology
      • 23.10.2 Types and varieties of dracaena
      • 23.10.3 Dracaena deremensis
      • 23.10.4 Fragrant dracaena (Dracaena fragrans)
      • 10.23.5 Dracaena godseffiana, Dracaena surculosa
      • 10/23/6 Dracaena sanderiana
      • 10/23/7 Dracaena reflexa
      • 10/23/8 Dracaena marginata
      • 10.23.9 Dracaena Canarian, or dragon tree (Dracaena draco)
      • 10/23/10 Dracaena care
      • 10/23/11 Practical advice on buying dracaena
      • 10/23/12 Dracaena propagation
      • 10.23.13 Advice from the designer on the formation of dracaena
      • 23.10.14 Ecology of the home
      • 10.23.15 Medicinal properties of dracaenas
      • 10/23/16 Energy of dracaenas
      • 10/23/17 Legends and myths about dracaenas
      • 10/23/18 Interesting facts about dracaenas
      • 10/23/19 Dracaena in history
      • 10/23/20 Comments on Dracaena
      • 10/23/21 See also

Let's talk about dracaena: the benefits and harms of this plant. What is the harm from dracaena? Can I keep it at home? Dracaena = allergies?

In this article you will learn:

According to esotericists, dracaena must be placed correctly according to Feng Shui. Only then evergreen will create a special calming atmosphere in the room, purify the air and create energy harmony, which it will use for the benefit of people. The tree will decorate your home or office interior and give the room a complete look.

The connection of a flower according to the teachings of Feng Shui

Dracaena belongs to the category of plants that attract energy. It is believed that the flower protects the owner from evil spirits and brings good luck and longevity. Sandera is especially popular, 3 stems of which will bring happiness, 5 - wealth, 7 - health, 9 - success. Prosperity will come if you put 21 stems in a floor vase.

Some varieties with flexible stems are used to form various compositions and decorative braids.

The location of the flower in the house also matters:

  • a composition from Sandera, placed in the eastern part of the house, harmonizes the space;
  • in the southeastern sector of the home - will attract prosperity;
  • Dracaena, placed in the western wing, is a strong protection against negativity.

The best option for placing a flower is the living room, since people are most often in this room, which means it is a source of accumulation of negativity.

What are the benefits of dracaena for the home?

Dracaena has several types, and each of them benefits the house and the people living in it:

  1. Draconic - protects home peace, attracts love, wealth and prosperity and actively fights negativity. The dragon tree will help family members to be more attentive and pay more attention to each other. The presence of a plant in the house will help people prone to dictatorship learn to empathize with people.
  2. Fragrant - fights failures and illnesses. The benefit of dracaena is that it does not allow destructive energy to merge with the atmosphere and cause failures for the people living in the house.
  3. Deremskaya - cleanses the home of negative energy, promotes relaxation after a hard day. Reduces stress, soothes joint and muscle pain and bone aches.
  4. Godsefa - this rare and unusual variety enhances the flow of thoughts, heightens sensuality and reduces the number of family conflicts. Dracaena brings peace to the home atmosphere, helps to find harmony between the mind and emotions, and smoothes out the conflict of opposing energies.
  5. Bent back - will help schoolchildren and students fall in love with studying. This variety is recommended to be placed in a children's room.

All varieties of dracaena actively produce oxygen, so the tree is the best option for city apartments. In addition, the flower copes well with harmful radiation emanating from household appliances, especially from computers and televisions.

Signs and superstitions associated with the flower

Before purchasing a flower, the future owner is advised to pay attention to some superstitions associated with it. Common beliefs:

  1. The plant fills the house with love, brings material and family well-being. Prevents the emergence of conflicts, extinguishes family quarrels.
  2. Creates a positive aura, with which it destroys negative energy and cleanses the room.
  3. Improves mood and relieves prolonged depression, and also helps to achieve your goal.
  4. It will help single people meet their soulmate.
  5. It will relieve indecisive people from an inferiority complex and increase self-esteem.
  6. Blooming dracaena will lead to rapid career growth or material success. It is possible to win big money in a casino or lottery.
  7. The death of a flower foreshadows the imminent death of a relative or other irreparable loss. If, when dying, a flower “cries tears of blood,” a loved one will die a violent death.

Some people doubt whether it is possible to keep dracaena at home, but there will be no harm from it.

“Dragon tree”, “Dragon”, “Dragon’s tail” - this is what people call dracaena. This plant is a common indoor plant. The evergreen dragon tree with its extravagant appearance and long lifespan is loved by amateur flower growers in our country.

Signs and superstitions

There are many signs and superstitions associated with dracaena. If you believe them, then it attracts happiness, prosperity and love to the home. Unpretentious in care, dracaena has miraculous properties.

Despite the terrifying name, this culture is endowed with an easy-going character and is harmless to humans and domestic animals. Able to create and maintain positive energy in the home.

According to legend, dracaena was given this name because of a dragon that fell in battle with a large elephant.

The main signs regarding dracaena are as follows:

  1. The dragon in the house is like a tree of love. People who believe in omens and folk superstitions believe that the dragon tree brings prosperity to family relationships. For this reason, many people plant dracaena at home.
  2. According to folk signs, the plant helps increase income. And since many people strive to increase their income, they buy dracaena precisely for these purposes.
  3. Dragonwood has a calming effect. Those who have dracaena in their home claim that the plant helps overcome prolonged depression and improves mood.
  4. Gives strength. The plant helps overcome an apathetic state, charging household members with favorable, positive energy.
  5. Popular signs say that the growth of leaves is a kind of indicator of love among a married couple. The more magnificent the foliage, the more of it on the trunk, the stronger and stronger the love of the partners. The flower is recommended for those families where discord occurs frequently.
  6. Signs recommend this flower to those people who cannot find a soul mate.
  7. Dracaena marginata, like other varieties, can rid a home of negative energy. This is evidenced by both esotericists and reviews of cultural owners.
  8. Receiving a flower as a gift, according to signs, is a sign of an early meeting with your future partner. This means it can be considered an ideal gift for a friend or girlfriend, especially if they are single.
  9. The dragon is like the guardian of the family hearth. That's why our ancestors gave it to newlyweds for their wedding. They kept it in the bedroom - this is the optimal location for dracaena.
  10. If you are lucky and the dragon tree blooms (a rare phenomenon), then in the near future, according to signs, its owner or owner will be lucky both in career terms and financially. People say that the flowering of dracaena is a sign of fate. For those who play gambling or the lottery, success is guaranteed.
  11. If the owner of the plant is indecisive in life, is unable to make friends, and is timid by nature, then he needs to get a dracaena.

There is also an unfavorable omen: if a dragon tree begins to get sick for no apparent reason or even dies, the omen indicates the illness of one of the family members.

Is it possible to keep dracaena at home?

The dragon tree serves as a kind of talisman and protection of the family from unpleasant and unfavorable moments in life. It is not only possible, but also necessary to keep this plant at home, because it attracts good luck and has a beneficial effect on the health of humans and pets.

In China, it is still given to newlyweds on their wedding day. According to Feng Shui, it should be present in every home.

So that dracaena can ward off evil forces and spirits, it is placed directly at the entrance to the house.

The number of stems on the plant also influences the interpretation of signs:

  • according to signs, a plant with 3 stems serves as a talisman, promising well-being and happiness to family members;
  • a dragon tree with 5 stems will bring an increase in financial income, improving the well-being of the family.
  • 7 stems on a plant will improve your health, improve your well-being, and energize you.
  • 21 stems promise wealth to the family.

Dracaena is indicated for both active people and indecisive people with low self-esteem. According to superstitions and signs, it is endowed with positive energy that affects all areas of a person’s life and even his health. This is considered a good property and not all indoor plants have it.

Benefits and harms

There are a lot of signs associated with this plant. But not all gardeners and people attach importance to them. List of the main positive signs associated with dracaena:

  1. Dracaena is a plant that combines two functions: exotic and attractive. appearance, and a flower that, absorbing negative energy, releases positive energy, charging apartment residents or office employees with it.
  2. According to esotericists, this flower helps to find the right decision in difficult life situations, it will restore mental balance and put thoughts in order.
  3. Dracaena will save the owner’s house from disagreements in the family and protect the home from external negative energy.
  4. If a person touches its leaves with his palms, he will be charged with positive emotions, his mood will improve, depression and irritability will pass.
  5. Dracaena will make it easier for the body to tolerate temperature fluctuations, including sharp jumps.
  6. This is a natural filter that cleanses the house from harmful substances emitted by building materials, detergents and other compounds that humanity uses every day. The flower absorbs them and processes them.

There is also a belief associated with the negative properties of the dragon tree. Florists involved in breeding and growing this indoor flower, they claim that she is quite jealous. In their opinion, dracaena may not take root well with male flower growers who have a tough character, since it has feminine energy.

When choosing this flower for your home, do not forget about its needs, namely high-quality and sufficient lighting, complete and timely irrigation, and appropriate air humidity. This is the only way it will grow and develop well. If all these requirements are met, then the dragon tree will definitely respond to your care with all its magical and healing properties.