Job description of a surveyor and his responsibilities. Job description of the chief surveyor Job description of the surveyor engineer

Note: The requirements of the above standard are recommended.
Despite the fact that the recommendations for the development of job descriptions specified in the Letter of the Ministry of Labor dated March 13, 1996. No. 482-VK are not mandatory for commercial organizations; they can be used as a starting point when developing company job descriptions.
The following extracts can be made from the above letter:
1. The manager approves job descriptions:
  • for his deputies,
  • for heads of structural divisions.
For other positions - standard job descriptions.
Based on standard job descriptions, the head of a structural unit approves job descriptions for specific positions in the department.
2. Job descriptions are documents designed to:
  • assist in the correct selection and placement of personnel,
  • improving their business skills,
  • division of labor between managers and specialists,
  • assessment of an employee when conducting certification of employees when hiring them by appointment or by competition.
3. Job descriptions for each position must contain:
  • duties of the position,
  • official positions,
  • necessary knowledge to occupy the position,
  • qualification requirements.
3.1. In responsibilities by position it is necessary to reflect the main functions that the employee performs, as well as the specific responsibilities assigned to him.
3.2. Official powers contain basic job rights that, within the limits of his competence, an employee can use when performing his job duties.
3.3. In the section about necessary knowledge To occupy the corresponding position, the basic requirements for the employee in relation to special knowledge, as well as knowledge of:
  • regulations,
  • provisions,
  • instructions,
  • other regulatory documents in relation to the performance of official duties.
3.4. IN qualification requirements the requirements for the level of professional education of the employee are specified, taking into account his specialization in the position. Such requirements may be established by internal company documents or contained in a specific job description.
The letter from the Ministry of Labor also contains sample job descriptions:
  • Head of department (management).
  • Head of a department within a department (administration).
  • Chief specialist.
When using this document to develop job descriptions for your company, you should avoid excessive length of instructions.
Accordingly, it is necessary to analyze the proposed approach and identify those points that are suitable specifically for your organization.
When drawing up job descriptions, it is necessary to remember that each job description must contain a clear description of the requirements for a specific employee.
However, it is still possible and necessary to apply a “template” to compiling instructions for faster and more complete compilation.
To do this, you can use the following plan for drawing up a job description, consisting of 6 points:
This section may include the following information:
1.1. The name of the organizational unit to which the employee belongs.
1.2. Title of the position held.
1.3. The procedure for reporting an employee to his immediate supervisor. The position of the manager is indicated.
1.4. The order of subordination of an employee to his subordinates. The positions of subordinates are indicated.
1.5. The procedure for replacing and performing the duties of an employee during his absence from the workplace. The positions of the employees replacing him and the document on the basis of which the employee is replaced are indicated.
1.6. Working hours order. The working time mode or the document in accordance with which this mode is determined is indicated.
1.7. Requirements for an employee holding a position. The required level of education is indicated (for example, higher vocational, secondary vocational). The required professional experience may also be indicated (for example, at least 3 years in a similar position).
1.8. Documents used to appoint and remove from position (Order, Decision of the founders, etc.).
1. 9. Legislative acts and internal documents that must be followed by an employee holding a position.
This section specifies the requirements for the qualifications of an employee holding the corresponding position.
The main section of any job description.
It contains information about the employee’s functions, his goals and objectives.
This lists all the job duties that an employee must perform in his position.
At the same time, you should not overload the job description with particularly detailed descriptions of how the employee should perform his functions.
This section must reflect information that is important when an employee interacts with other departments of the company and responsible persons.
The procedure and features of such interaction are indicated (for example, the rights of an employee granted to him in connection with his official position).
This section gives an idea of ​​the exact criteria by which the employee’s performance will be assessed by his management.
This section contains the information that the employer considers necessary to include in the job description and which is not reflected in other sections.
For example, this section may indicate the procedure for making additions and changes to this job description.

Job Description for Surveyor Engineer

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the All-Russian Classification of Occupations OK 010-93 (OKZ) (approved by Resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of December 30, 1993 N 298) and other legal acts governing labor relations .

1.1. The geodesic engineer belongs to the category of specialists and is directly subordinate to the chief surveyor.

A person with a higher technical education and work experience is accepted for the position of surveyor engineer.

1.3. The geodesic engineer is hired and dismissed from work by order.

1.4. The geodesic engineer must know:

— legislative and regulatory legal acts, administrative and regulatory materials on the production of field and desk geodetic work;

— basics of cartography and geodesy;

— engineering geodesy;

— geodetic signs;

— basics of using computer technology in geodesy;

— methods of working with modern geodetic instruments;

— methods of surveying the area;

— construction technology;

— office work standards;

— rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection;

1.5. Professionally important qualities: .

2. Job responsibilities of the employee

The geodetic engineer is assigned the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Carrying out geodetic work that ensures accurate transfer of construction projects into nature, preparation of graphic materials for registration of land allocations for the construction of buildings, canals, roads, etc.

2.2. Carrying out instrumental surveys, calculations related to drawing up plans, and maps of the area.

2.3. Development and application of the latest methods for performing geodetic work.

2.4. Surveying the bottom of seas, rivers and lakes, compiling their descriptions and maps of underwater reliefs for use in shipping and construction of offshore structures.

2.5. Performing surveying work and calculations to create a support network, surveys and dimensions of mine workings, desk processing of survey materials, drawing up drawings of mining graphic documentation.

2.6. Development of technologies for designing and manufacturing maps, methods of their use.

2.7. Geodetic control of industrial, residential, hydraulic structures during construction and operation.

2.8. Consulting on the application of geodesy methods.

2.9. Interaction and consultation in the process of activity with other specialists.

2.10. Preparation of scientific documentation and reports.

2.11. Perform related duties.

3. Employee rights

The geodesic engineer has the right:

3.1. For all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.2. Demand from the management of the organization or enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their professional duties and the exercise of rights.

3.3. Get acquainted with draft decisions of the management of an organization or enterprise concerning its activities.

3.4. For advanced training.

3.5. For the issuance of special clothing.

3.6. For an additional vacation to the main one.

3.7. Request personally or on behalf of your immediate supervisor documents, materials, tools, etc., necessary to perform your job duties.

3.8. To other rights provided for by labor legislation.

4. Responsibility of the employee

The surveyor engineer is responsible for:

4.1. For exact adherence to the design dimensions, shapes and location of the structures being built.

4.2. For timely provision of construction work with geodetic data.

4.3. For failure to perform or improper performance of one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.4. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.5. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal, and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Head of structural unit


Head of the legal department

I have read the instructions:

Chief Surveyor

JOB DESCRIPTION Chief surveyor 00.00.0000

1. General Provisions

1.1. The chief surveyor belongs to the category of managers.

1.2. A person with a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in senior positions in the field of geodesy in construction for at least 5 years is accepted for the position of chief surveyor.

1.3. The chief surveyor must know:

— legislative and regulatory legal acts, administrative and regulatory materials on the production of field and office topographic and geodetic works;

— prospects for the technical and economic development of the organization;

— production capacity and human resources of the organization;

— methods of geodetic research;

— engineering geodesy;

— geodetic signs;

— geodetic instrumentation;

— basics of using computer technology in geodetic production;

— means of automation of topographic and geodetic works;

— theory of mathematical processing of geodetic measurements;

— fundamentals of economics, scientific organization of labor, regulation, organization of production and management;

— basics of management and marketing;

— construction technology;

— standards and other regulatory documents on certification of workplaces, operation, verification, adjustment and storage of measuring instruments;

— means of computer technology, communications and communications;

— standards of office work (classification of documents, procedure for execution, registration, passage, storage, etc.);

— requirements for environmental protection;

— basics of labor legislation;

— Internal labor regulations;

— rules of labor protection, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene, fire safety;

The chief surveyor in his activities is guided by:

— Charter (Regulations) ________________________________________________; (name of organization) - Regulations on the geodetic service __________________________________;

— _____________________________________________________________________. (other acts and documents directly related to the labor function of the chief surveyor) 1.5. The Chief Surveyor reports directly to _____________________________________. (name of manager's position)

1.6. During the absence of the chief surveyor (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a deputy (an employee appointed in the prescribed manner, who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for failure to perform or improper performance of the duties assigned to him in connection with the replacement).


2. Functions

2.1. Technical and methodological management of the work of the organization’s geodetic service.

2.2. Monitoring the implementation of geodetic work.

3. Job responsibilities

The Chief Surveyor performs the following duties:

3.1. Provides technical and methodological management of the work of the organization's geodetic service.

3.2. Organizes and coordinates work on geodetic support of construction.

3.3. Ensures the use of effective methods and means of measurement and control, planning of field and office work, compliance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents on geodetic support.

3.4. Monitors the implementation of geodetic work (keeping field journals, timeliness and quality of as-built surveys, including underground communications in open trenches, execution and storage of as-built documentation).

3.5. Takes direct part in performing the most important and complex geodetic work.

3.6. Keeps records of geodetic measuring and control instruments, determines the need for them, organizes their timely repair and verification.

3.7. Carries out selective control over the work of production line personnel in terms of ensuring the accuracy of the geometric parameters of the project during the construction of buildings and structures and notifies the head of the organization by entering information in the general work log about violations of the requirements of technical regulations, SNiP or the project to geometric parameters.

3.8. Introduces new methods and means of geodetic work into production.

3.9. Participates in the acceptance of the geodetic alignment base from the customer.

3.10. Develops measures to improve the activities of the geodetic service, its organizational structure and logistics.

3.11. Carries out activities for annual training and advanced training of geodetic service personnel.

3.12. Supervises employees of the geodetic service.

3.13. _______________________________________________________________. (other duties)

4. Rights

The chief surveyor has the right:

4.2. Sign and endorse documents within your competence.

4.3. Initiate and conduct meetings on production, economic and financial-economic issues.

4.5. Conduct quality checks and timely execution of orders.

4.6. Demand cessation (suspension) of work (in case of violations, non-compliance with established requirements, etc.), compliance with established norms, rules, instructions; give instructions to correct deficiencies and eliminate violations.

4.7. Submit for consideration by the organization's management proposals on the hiring, transfer and dismissal of employees, on the encouragement of distinguished employees and on the application of disciplinary sanctions to employees who violate labor and production discipline.

4.8. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.

4.9. _________________________________________________________________. (other rights)

5. Responsibility

5.1. The chief surveyor is held accountable:

— for violation of the Charter (Regulations) of the organization;

- for causing damage to the organization - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

Final provisions

6.1. This job description has been developed on the basis of the Qualification Characteristics of the position “Chief Surveyor”, approved by Decree of the USSR State Construction Committee dated 06/03/1987 N 131, taking into account the specifics of construction work, ___________________________________________. (details of other acts and documents) 6.2. The employee is familiarized with this job description upon hiring (before signing the employment contract). The fact that the employee has familiarized himself with this job description is confirmed by ____________________________________________________________ (by signature on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral ___________________________________________________________________________ part of this instruction (in the journal of familiarization with job descriptions ___________________________________________________________________________); in a copy of the job description stored _________________________________________________________________________ by the employer; in another way)

In our time geodesy- one of the most high-tech industries of modern production.

Not a single construction site is complete without a professional surveyor with modern laser and electronic equipment and a powerful personal computer with expensive software installed on it.

What does geodetic work at a construction site consist of?

A surveyor is a specialist who solves various problems. Geodetic work may include accompanied by construction, observations of settlements and deformations of buildings. Facade surveys with 3D modeling of buildings, topographic surveys for drawing maps and plans, measurements of buildings, calculations of the volume of pits and embankments during soil development, as well as more specific geodetic work can also be performed.

The most common type of geodetic work is support for the construction of buildings.

What does construction support work involve? Before the start of construction work, that is, before foremen, equipment and workers of various specialties arrive at the site, it is necessary to prepare project documentation. In order to correctly draw up a project for development, landscaping, vertical planning (ground slopes), etc., a so-called geobase is required, where all existing buildings and structures, underground and surface communications, relief and other necessary information will be plotted. This topographic plan is created by the geodetic team.

After the developer receives all the necessary permits and necessary projects, the geodetic team begins preparing geodetic work at the construction site. For this purpose, a geodetic alignment network is being created - the future basis for geodetic work.

Geodetic work to create a plan-altitude geodetic justification is quite labor-intensive and requires not only going out into the field, but also working in the office (desk work) at the computer.
The geodetic network consists of several points securely fixed next to the object, and geodetic work consists of determining the exact coordinates and heights of these points from the already existing State Geodetic Network, which covers the cities. Special computer programs (for example, Credo, RGS, etc.) allow you to equalize measurements obtained during geodetic work and obtain accuracy in determining the coordinates of the alignment network.

After creating a geodetic basis for construction, geodetic work begins on setting out the main axes of the building, sheet piling lines, securing temporary roads on the ground with stakes - all this by the geodetic team.

The surveyor constantly monitors the development of the pit, calculates the excavation volumes, and controls the depth of the excavation, since in construction there is a rule: it is better not to dig a little than to dig up (filling soil costs much more than excavation).

After the concrete work stage has begun, the surveyor works to lay out all the main structures of the building (columns, pylons, walls). This is the so-called alignment work. Layout is one of the main types of geodetic work in construction; without it, builders would not know exactly where to place a column, wall, staircase, to what height to raise this or that structure, ceiling, etc. Of course, workers could install reinforced concrete structures “by eye,” without the participation of a full-time surveyor or a specialized surveyor. But then the builders would not be able to comply with the geometric standards of SNiP and GOST, and this, in turn, would lead to the possibility of the building collapsing, precipitation, and deformations.

But geodetic work does not end at all when the project is carried out into reality, but on the contrary - after the workers have installed the new structure, the surveyor will check its deviations from the project and record them on the as-built diagram, which then goes to the regulatory authorities (for example, the State Construction Supervision Inspectorate). Often surveying firms offer executive surveying as a separate type of service. For example, this may be useful for the customer if he did not hire a specialized company to provide construction, but preferred a full-time surveyor from the contractor's company.

Why? A full-time surveyor of a construction company may understate in his as-built documentation and reports about very gross deviations from the project, because this may entail large costs for the organization “feeding” it to redo the work. A surveying firm independent of the builders will be able to monitor the work of the builders in the most impartial and high-quality manner.

Well, when the construction project is ready, it is necessary to create a topographical plan (executive master plan), on which the new object itself, its communications, roads, entrances, etc. will be plotted.

As you can see, a construction site without the participation of a specialist who carries out high-quality geodetic work may have succeeded, but the result of the work of the workers and foremen would not have been at all what the designers and customers of the construction and installation work were counting on.

Surveyor technician

(name of organization) APPROVED JOB DESCRIPTION 00.00.0000 N 000 ─ ──────── ───────────────────── (signature) (initials, surname) Geodetic technician 00.00.0000

1. General Provisions

1.1. A geodesist technician belongs to the category of specialists.

1.2. For the position:

— as a surveyor technician, a person with a secondary vocational (geodetic) education is accepted without presenting requirements for work experience;

— a category II surveyor technician is accepted (transferred) by a person who has a secondary vocational (geodetic) education and work experience as a surveyor technician for at least two years;

— a category 1 surveyor technician is accepted (transferred) by a person who has a secondary vocational (geodetic) education and has worked as a category 2 surveyor technician for at least two years.

1.3. A surveyor technician must know:

— regulatory legal acts in the field of geological study, use and protection of subsoil and the environment;

— organizational and administrative documents and methodological materials relating to the production of geodetic work;

— prospects for the development of geodetic work in the study area;

— organization and technology of geodetic work;

— types, purpose and designs of the equipment, equipment, devices used, as well as the rules for their technical operation and storage;

— the procedure for checking instruments and instruments;

— procedure and rules for preparing geodetic documentation and reports;

— procedure, methods and means of processing field materials;

— methods and means of performing technical calculations, graphic and computational work;

— requirements for the quality of geodetic work and materials;

— basics of planning and design of geodetic work;

— basic economics of geological exploration and mining;

— advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of geodetic work;

— basics of labor legislation;

— Internal labor regulations of the organization;

— labor protection and fire safety rules;

— ______________________________________________________________________.

1.4. A surveyor technician in his activities is guided by: - ​​Charter (Regulations) _______________________________________________; (name of company)

— this job description;

— _____________________________________________________________________. (other acts and documents directly related to the labor function of a surveyor technician) 1.5. The surveyor technician reports directly to _____________________ (name of ______________________________ manager position)

1.6. During the absence of a surveyor technician (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by an employee appointed in the prescribed manner, who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for failure to perform or improper performance of the duties assigned to him in connection with the replacement.

1.7. ___________________________________________________________________.

2. Functions

2.1. Participation in field geodetic work.

2.2. Maintaining primary geodetic documentation.

3. Job responsibilities

The surveyor technician performs the following duties:

3.1. Participates in the implementation of geodetic work, including linking existing and transferring design objects (buildings, structures, boreholes, geophysical profiles, mine workings, etc.) during geological exploration, construction, installation and other work .

3.2. Participates in the organization, conduct and liquidation of field geodetic work, receipt and storage of necessary instruments, tools and field equipment.

3.3. Fixes points on the ground with long-term and temporary geodetic signs.

3.4. Carries out the breakdown of profiles and exploration lines and links them to the starting points.

3.5. Sets the directions for cutting clearings and sight lines.

3.6. Determines the planned coordinates and heights of points in accordance with the work project and the established task.

3.7. Performs desk processing of field measurement materials.

3.8. Maintains primary geodetic documentation and carries out its processing, recording and storage.

3.9. Participates in the preparation of text, tabular and graphic materials for geodetic work.

3.10. Participates in the preparation and execution of design estimates and production documentation, reporting and preparation of operational information on the progress of geodetic work.

3.11. Monitors compliance with the requirements for the quality of geodetic work, measures for the protection of subsoil and the environment, labor protection rules, fire protection by workers engaged in geodetic work.

3.12. _______________________________________________________________. (other duties)

4. Rights

The surveyor technician has the right:

4.1. Participate in the discussion of draft decisions of the organization's management.

4.2. In agreement with the immediate supervisor, involve other employees in solving the tasks assigned to him.

4.3. Request and receive necessary information and documents from employees of other structural divisions.

4.4. Participate in discussions of issues related to the duties performed.

4.5. Require the organization's management to provide assistance in the performance of official duties.

4.6. _________________________________________________________________. (other rights)

5. Responsibility

5.1. The surveyor technician is held accountable for:

- for improper performance or failure to fulfill their job duties as provided for in this job description - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

- for offenses and crimes committed in the course of their activities - in the manner established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

- for causing material damage - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. ___________________________________________________________________.

Final provisions

6.1. This job description has been developed on the basis of the Qualification Characteristics for the position of “Geodesist Technician” (Qualification Directory of Positions for Managers and Specialists of Geology and Subsoil Exploration Organizations, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 20, 2002 N 82), _______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________. (details of other acts and documents) 6.2. The employee is familiarized with this job description upon hiring (before signing the employment contract). The fact that the employee has familiarized himself with this job description is confirmed by ____________________________________________________________ (by signature on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral ___________________________________________________________________________ part of this instruction (in the journal of familiarization with job descriptions ___________________________________________________________________________); in a copy of the job description stored _________________________________________________________________________ by the employer; in another way)

6.3. ___________________________________________________________________.

Many people have heard about the profession of “surveyor”, but do not fully understand what its representatives do. If you are planning construction, you need to get to know the responsibilities of a specialist to find out whether you need one.

Who is a surveyor?

If we talk about the profession of surveyor as a whole, then he deals with measurements on the ground and in space. But the industry is divided into several specializations, including an engineer-geodesist and a specialist who studies the subsoil of our planet.

Surveyor within the scope of his profession:

  • measures the territory and explores it;
  • calculates the exact coordinates of a location or a specific point (for example, a building);
  • graphically scales the terrain;
  • works with level;
  • defines and marks state borders;
  • takes measurements on the surface of the earth;
  • creates a cadastre;
  • measures the distance from one object to another.

The main places of work of professional surveyors are construction and architectural companies and research institutes.

A good surveyor must have an excellent memory, an analytical mind and powers of observation.

An important advantage for the master will be physical endurance: a professional must cover long distances while carrying equipment for measurements.

Why do you need the services of a surveyor in construction?

The services of a surveyor in everyday life are most often required in construction or land leveling. To put it simply, a specialist measures the boundaries of the site. The services of a professional may be required if you want to determine the exact boundaries of your land to install a fence.

A surveyor can also measure the slope of the terrain, which is important when creating a residential building project. In particular, a specialist will be able to give recommendations regarding the elimination of height differences and carry out control measurements to ensure that the construction site is truly level.

The services of a master will be required if you want to calculate the exact amount of materials for laying a pipeline - he will be able to measure the distance between two designated points.

Many regulations and legislative acts provide for the direct participation of a surveyor in the preparation of construction and the development of project documentation.

By calling a specialist, you can avoid problems associated with the “subsidence” of the building due to changes in height on the site, as well as prevent many other troubles.

Where to find a good surveyor?

Do you require the services of a surveyor? Our portal helps customers and performers find each other! Just select the ad category you need. There you can find a surveyor in Chelyabinsk without making much effort. Just study several proposals, choose the best one and start building!

The most trusted specialists are those who:

  • have a relatively high rating on our portal;
  • can provide a portfolio (photos of previously completed work or buildings, compiled taking into account their measurements);
  • have positive reviews from clients;
  • practice contractual relations (a formal contract always protects you from force majeure situations).

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the proposals of both private specialists and construction companies.

Don't want to look through a lot of ads?

Create your project and wait for responses! In its description, indicate all types of work you need. All you need to do is choose the most suitable candidate.

The portal will help you find the services of a surveyor in Chelyabinsk or get a good job if you yourself are a representative of this profession.

1.5 The surveying engineer must know:
— legislative and other regulatory legal acts, normative and methodological
materials relating to the production and economic activities of the site; — technical characteristics and requirements for the work performed by the site, the technology of their production; — labor legislation and the procedure for charging work; — standards and prices for work; — current regulations on wages and forms of material incentives;
— internal labor regulations; — rules and regulations of labor protection.
1.6. During the absence of an engineer-surveyor (vacation, illness, business trip, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by order of the General Director of the enterprise, who is responsible for their proper execution.

1.3 The surveyor engineer reports directly to the General Director of the enterprise.
1.4. A person with a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in production of at least 3 years or secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in production of at least 5 years is appointed to the position of surveyor engineer.

Responsibilities and job description of a surveyor

A surveyor engineer occupies an important position in production related to construction, road work, and the mining industry. The procedure for his work, rights and obligations are regulated by the job description of the surveyor. Every employee entering work as an engineer must familiarize himself with it.

  • execution of a complex of geodetic works with fulfillment of the set requirements: accuracy of measurements, compliance with the developed project, etc.
  • carrying out marking work on the terrain provided by the customer (laying out areal and linear structures in accordance with the established plan and regulations);
  • monitoring possible violations during the construction of the facility and timely reporting of identified inconsistencies to the chief engineer of the organization;
  • monitoring of deformation of buildings and structures;
  • immediate notification to management about identified emergency situations on the territory of the structure that occurred as a result of non-compliance with the main geometric conditions during their construction;
  • carrying out as-built surveys of structures and open underground objects, as well as preparing documentation necessary for presentation to the customer upon completion of work;
  • selective control over the correct execution of construction work during the construction of linear structures;
  • monitoring the proper condition of geodetic instruments and tools, performing checks to identify possible errors and malfunctions;
  • participation in the delivery of the object to the customer;
  • monitoring geodetic signs, ensuring their safety and unchanged position over time.

Pay attention to shortcomings and make proposals to improve the quality of construction and installation work performed. Give engineering, technical and line workers mandatory instructions on geodetic support of construction work and elimination of violations during installation and formwork work. Submit proposals to the management of the enterprise to reward measuring workers for high-quality work and to impose penalties for violation of labor and production discipline. Participate in meetings at which issues related to the activities of the geodetic service are discussed. Responsibility. The surveyor is responsible. For the timely and high-quality implementation of a set of geodetic works that ensure exact compliance with the design of the geometric parameters, coordinates and elevations of buildings and structures during their placement and construction.

It is prohibited to carry out work that interferes with geodetic control of previously completed work (backfilling communication trenches, foundation pits, cable trenches, etc. The construction company is obliged to carry them out. They can only be canceled by a written order of the chief engineer of the company.

3.17. Immediately notifies the management of the organization in the event of a threat of failure of a building or structure caused by violations of the project requirements in terms of the accuracy of geometric parameters, which is recorded in the general work log. 3.18. Monitors the condition of geodetic instruments, linear measuring instruments, the correctness of their storage and operation.3.19. Ensures the safety of accepted geodetic signs on the construction site and the invariance of their position during the construction process. 3.20. Performs other related duties. 3.21. _. (other responsibilities) 4. Rights A surveyor in construction has the right: 4.1. Entered into force from the city. The status of the document is ‘valid’. Preface 0.1. The document comes into force from the moment of approval. 0.2. Document developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Issue 64. Construction, installation and repair work. (Taking into account the additions approved: by order of the State Committee on construction and architecture N 25 from the city, N 218 from the city, N 149 from the city, letter of the State Committee for Construction and Architecture N 8 / 7-1216 from the city, order of the Ministry.

Surveyor job description 2.3. If necessary, checks the accuracy of manufacturing and installation of mounting equipment. 2.4. Monitors the movement and deformation of structures and elements of buildings and structures during construction and installation work. 2.5. Leading surveyor surveyor job description has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the course of its activities and make proposals for their elimination. 3.9. The leading surveyor has the right to familiarize himself with documents defining the rights and responsibilities of the position held, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties (details of other acts and documents) 6.2. The employee is familiarized with this job description upon hiring (before signing the employment contract). The fact that the employee has familiarized himself with this job description is confirmed by _ (signing on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral _ part of this instruction (in the employee familiarization log.

Functions of a surveyor in construction

position of points on the earth's surface.
Geodesy is divided into higher geodesy, topography and applied branches of geodesy.
Geodetic work is usually carried out by government agencies. International geodetic research is organized and directed by the International Association of Geodesy, acting on the initiative and within the framework of the International Geodetic and Geophysical Union.
With the help of geodesy, designs of buildings and structures are transferred from paper to nature with millimeter precision, volumes of materials are calculated, and compliance with the geometric parameters of structures is monitored.
The position of a point on the earth's surface is determined using three coordinates: latitude, longitude and altitude (for example, mean sea level).

Features of the profession
Geodesy is the science of studying and measuring the earth's surface, as well as the entire Earth as a planet as a whole.
Geodesy is related to astronomy, geophysics, cosmonautics, cartography, etc., and is widely used in the design and construction of structures, shipping canals, and roads.

Functions of a surveyor in construction

Category I for at least 3 years; legislative and regulatory legal acts, having a higher vocational technical education and work experience as a surveyor of at least 3 years; surveyor in construction of the first category, a person who is transferred to the field, has a higher vocational technical education and work experience in the specialty of at least 3 years; a surveyor in construction of category II is accepted as a person responsible for the adjustment and storage of measuring instruments; other acts and documents, administrative and regulatory materials on the production of field and desk topographic and geodetic works; standards and other regulatory documents for certification of workplaces, having a higher vocational technical education and work experience as a category II surveyor of at least 3 years; The leading surveyor in construction is accepted as a transferred person. Rosarchive solutions from 2. The real standard describes the multifunctional duties, rights and responsibilities of the organization’s working personnel. List of standard management documents generated in the activities of organizations, edited, indicating storage periods. The development of automatically generated backlinks to the source of information will bring pleasure to your recipients. A surveyor in construction reports to the position of manager. The procedure for temporary replacement by position: during the period of temporary absence of an employee, illness, who bears full responsibility for their proper implementation, vacation, business trip, his duties are assigned to a person appointed in the prescribed manner.

Job descriptions engineer surveyor » » application forms. Job description of a surveyor in construction, engineer - surveyor, surname of surveyor in construction 0. N 0. 00 - signature initials. Divisions, employees and workers, organizing work and being responsible for its implementation by subordinate specialists, organizations: responsible person. Dokipedia impressively asks users to use copied parts of the texts of regulatory documents in their own electronic correspondence. During the absence of a surveyor on vacation during construction, who acquires the appropriate rights and bears responsibility for failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations assigned to him in connection with the replacement of illness, his duties are performed by an employee appointed in the prescribed manner. A surveyor in construction is a person specifically related to the labor function of a surveyor in construction 1.

Functions of a surveyor in construction

works, report to the chief engineer about all violations of the project requirements. In the event of a threat of failure of a building or structure caused by violations. project requirements in terms of geometric parameters, immediately. notify the organization's management about this. Carry out executive surveys, compile executive documentation.

Document forms: Job description of a surveyor Form: Job description of a surveyor in construction (surveyor engineer). Forms: Job description for surveyor lays out the basis and performs alignment work during the construction of buildings and structures. SNiP, legislation, GOSTs, regulations, Surveyor, acts, instructions. This job description defines functional GOSTs and regulatory documents on construction issues.

Surveyor - who is this? Let's figure it out

To apply for a job as a mine surveyor, a person must meet the qualification requirements: have a higher or secondary specialized education in the specialties “Mine surveyor worker”, “Transport construction”, “Topographic and geodetic work”.

The meaning of the word “mine surveyor” means the profession of a mining engineer, who is a specialist in geodetic surveying of mines and underground workings. This profession is multifaceted and includes several industries: construction, oil, gas and mining.

Information and documents on labor protection and industrial safety

This job description has been developed and approved on the basis of an employment contract with __________ (name of the position of the person for whom and in accordance with this job description) provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation.

1.7. During the absence of the chief surveyor (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his official duties are performed by an employee appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for failure to perform or improper performance of the duties assigned to him in connection with the replacement.

Functions of a surveyor in construction

Job description of an engineer-surveyor: precise alignment work during the construction and installation of engineering structures. Quote RSS writes: surveyor JOB DESCRIPTION for surveyor General provisions. A surveyor belongs to the category of specialists. To perform the functions assigned to him, the geodesic engineer is obliged to: Carry out selective instrumental control c.

Road construction. Job descriptions in construction. Leading engineer of the estimate department; Chief Accountant; Chief surveyor . Job responsibilities. Geodetic support of road construction, preparation of as-built documentation. A geodesic engineer with his own geodetic equipment is required! Job description of a surveyor in the construction of an engineer-surveyor, - name of the organization I approve job description - name of the position 00.00.0000 N 000 - - signature initials, surname of the surveyor in construction 00.00.0000. Job description for surveyor engineer. Added to the site: November 30, 2014. Type: Job description. 2.7. Geodetic control of industrial, residential, hydraulic structures during construction and operation.

Name of the organization APPROVED JOB Title of the position INSTRUCTIONS of the head of the organization _________ N ___________ Signature Explanation of the signature Place of compilation Date TO THE SURVEYOR


1. A surveyor belongs to the category of specialists, is hired and dismissed from work by order of the head of the organization.

2. A person is appointed to the position of surveyor who has a higher technical education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary specialized education and work experience as a technical surveyor of the first qualification category for at least 3 years or other positions filled by specialists with secondary specialized education for at least 5 years.

A person with a higher technical education and work experience in the position of a surveyor or other engineering positions filled by specialists with a higher technical education of at least 3 years is appointed to the position of surveyor of the II qualification category.

A person with a higher technical education and work experience as a surveyor of II qualification category for at least 3 years is appointed to the position of surveyor of the 1st qualification category.

3. In his activities, the surveyor is guided by:

Regulatory documents on the work performed;

Methodological materials relating to relevant issues;

Charter of the organization;

Labor regulations;

Orders and instructions from the head of the organization (immediate supervisor);

This job description.

4. The surveyor must know:

Resolutions, instructions, orders of higher authorities, methodological, regulatory and other guidance materials relating to the implementation of geodetic work;

Geodetic instruments and rules for their technical operation;

Regulations, instructions, requirements of normative and methodological documents for the production of geodetic works;

Fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;

Fundamentals of construction technology;

Advanced domestic and foreign experience in geodetic work;

Fundamentals of labor legislation;

Norms and rules on labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection when performing geodetic work.

5. During the absence of a surveyor, his duties are performed in the prescribed manner by an appointed deputy, who bears full responsibility for their proper performance.


6. To perform the functions assigned to him, the surveyor is obliged to:

6.1. Carry out a set of geodetic works that ensure exact compliance with the design of the geometric parameters, coordinates and elevations of buildings and structures during their placement and construction.

6.2. Accept a geodetic alignment base from the customer and carry out alignment work during the construction of buildings and structures (alignment of on-site linear structures, except for main, temporary buildings, structures, creation of an internal alignment network on installation horizons, alignment of intermediate axes).

6.3. Notify the chief engineer of the unit and the chief surveyor of the construction organization about all violations of the project requirements.

6.4. Monitor movements and deformations of structures and elements of buildings and structures during construction and installation work in cases provided for by the work project.

6.5. Immediately notify the management of the construction department with a corresponding entry in the general work log about the threat of a building or structure failure caused by violations of the requirements of the design documentation in terms of the accuracy of geometric parameters.

6.6. Conduct as-built surveys in a timely manner, including surveying of underground communications in open trenches, with the preparation of the necessary as-built documentation, which is used when handing over completed construction projects.

6.7. Carry out selective control of work performed by production line personnel in terms of compliance with the accuracy of geometric parameters.

6.8. Monitor the condition of geodetic instruments, linear measuring instruments, the correctness of their storage and operation.

6.9. Participate in the delivery of completed construction projects to the customer.

6.10. Monitor the safety of accepted geodetic signs at the construction site and the invariance of their position during the construction process.

6.11. Perform alignment work only if there is a work plan and permission to carry out the work.

6.12. Provide assistance and cooperation with the employer in ensuring healthy and safe working conditions, immediately report to the immediate supervisor about each case of industrial injuries and occupational diseases, as well as emergency situations that pose a threat to the health and life of him and others, discovered deficiencies and violations of safety labor.

6.13. Take the necessary measures to limit the development of the emergency situation and eliminate it, provide first aid to the victim, take measures to call an ambulance, emergency services, and fire brigade.


7. The surveyor has the right:

7.1. Get acquainted with draft decisions of the organization’s management relating to its activities.

7.2. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by management.

7.3. Receive from heads of structural divisions, specialists information and documents necessary to perform their job duties.

7.4. Involve specialists from all structural divisions of the organization to resolve the responsibilities assigned to him (if this is provided for by the regulations on structural divisions, if not, with the permission of the head of the organization).

7.5. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.

7.6. Take part in the discussion of labor safety issues submitted for consideration at meetings (conferences) of the labor collective (trade union organization).

8. The surveyor reports to _____________________________________________________. 9. The surveyor interacts on issues within his competence with employees of the following structural divisions of the organization: - with _________________________________________________________________: receives: __________________________________________________________________________; is: __________________________________________________________________________; - from _________________________________________________________________: receives: ________________________________________________________________________________; is: __________________________________________________________________________.

10. The work of the surveyor is assessed by the immediate supervisor (other official).

11. The surveyor is responsible:

11.1. For failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s job duties as provided for in this job description, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

11.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

11.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

11.4. For failure to comply with the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection - in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus and local acts in _____________________.

Name of the position of the head of the structural unit _________ _______________________ Signature Explanation of signature Visas I have read the instructions _________ _______________________ Signature Explanation of signature _______________________ Date

A surveyor engineer occupies an important position in production related to construction, road work, and the mining industry. The procedure for his work, rights and obligations are regulated by the job description of the surveyor. Every employee entering work as an engineer must familiarize himself with it.

Who is a surveyor

A surveyor is a specialist who holds a position of the same name in production and performs various geodetic works. These include staking out designed objects with the required accuracy, creating graphic data for the construction of buildings, roads, various linear structures, etc.

Depending on the type of manufacturing plant, the responsibilities of a surveyor may vary. In any company, the surveyor's scope of activity is centered around the main industrial site. For construction companies, this is the implementation of the project, control over the correctness of construction, for the mining industry - monitoring the condition of mineral deposits.

At the enterprise, the employee reports directly to the chief engineer of the organization. Functionally, the surveyor can carry out orders from the head of the construction site where the work is being carried out, if they do not contradict the instructions of the enterprise management. An assistant surveyor may be subordinate to the employee. He ensures that work is completed efficiently and on time.
The basic rules and responsibilities are regulated in the job description of a surveyor.

Requirements for appointment to a position

A person with a higher technical education in a specialty without work experience or a person with a secondary specialized education with at least three years of work experience in a similar position is appointed to the position of surveyor without a category.

According to the job description in a construction organization, a surveyor of the first and second categories must have both higher education and work experience. For a specialist of the second category, at least three years of experience as a surveyor without a category or a similar engineering position is required. To be appointed to the position of an employee of the first category, a person must have at least three years of experience as a surveyor of the second category.

Required Qualifications

When appointed to the position of surveyor, a potential employee must have knowledge in the following areas:

  • regulations, codes, orders and rules for the production of geodetic work in force on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • rules for working with geodetic instruments and performing their verification;
  • requirements of regulatory and methodological documents for performing geodetic surveys;
  • the use of computer technology in processing the received data;
  • theory of mathematical measurements of geodetic work;
  • basics of engineering geodesy, methods of surveying terrain, as well as rules for installing geodetic signs;
  • basics of economic support for construction work;
  • the basics of labor legislation adopted in the country;
  • labor protection regulations and fire safety rules for the execution of geodetic surveys;
  • charter and work rules in force in the organization.

When performing work on the territory of the enterprise, the employee is guided by government acts, the charter of the organization, the job description of a construction surveyor and orders of management.

Responsibilities of a surveyor in production

The main responsibilities of a surveyor engineer according to the job description in production are:

  • execution of a complex of geodetic works with fulfillment of the set requirements: accuracy of measurements, compliance with the developed project, etc.
  • carrying out marking work on the terrain provided by the customer (laying out areal and linear structures in accordance with the established plan and regulations);
  • monitoring possible violations during the construction of the facility and timely reporting of identified inconsistencies to the chief engineer of the organization;
  • monitoring of deformation of buildings and structures;
  • immediate notification to management about identified emergency situations on the territory of the structure that occurred as a result of non-compliance with the main geometric conditions during their construction;
  • carrying out as-built surveys of structures and open underground objects, as well as preparing documentation necessary for presentation to the customer upon completion of work;
  • selective control over the correct execution of construction work during the construction of linear structures;
  • monitoring the proper condition of geodetic instruments and tools, performing checks to identify possible errors and malfunctions;
  • participation in the delivery of the object to the customer;
  • monitoring geodetic signs, ensuring their safety and unchanged position over time.

Failure to comply with job descriptions may result in a surveyor being reprimanded, demoted, or fired.

Employee rights

According to the job description, the surveyor has the right to:

  • obtaining information about the documentation necessary to perform geodetic work or prepare for it;
  • compliance with the rules and regulations specified in job responsibilities and in the organization’s charter;
  • obtaining equipment, tools, as well as special clothing and footwear necessary to perform the work;
  • making proposals for improving and modernizing the activities of the enterprise;
  • participation in resolving issues directly related to the field of work;
  • training.

What should an employee do?

In addition to rights, an employee has responsibilities that must be fulfilled. These include:

  • responsibilities listed in government acts, the organization’s charter, employment contract and other documents regulating the employee’s activities;
  • execution of orders and instructions from immediate and functional superiors;
  • timely provision of geodetic data for construction and other work;
  • accuracy of measurements, drawing up projects and staking out objects;
  • compliance with the rules of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Responsibilities of the chief surveyor

The chief surveyor is an employee belonging to the management of the organization. He performs the functions of monitoring the execution of geodetic work and managing employees directly subordinate. The chief surveyor is appointed and removed only by the head of the enterprise.

Along with all the above points, the job description of the chief surveyor includes the following responsibilities:

  • conducting methodological coordination of the organization’s employees;
  • exercising control over the execution of work;
  • taking into account the equipment, tools, and personal protective equipment available at the enterprise and maintaining them in proper condition;
  • drawing up a program to increase the efficiency of work in the organization;
  • delivery of the finished project or facility to the customer;
  • management of employees who are directly subordinate.

Features of job descriptions of a surveyor in road construction

When constructing linear structures, a surveyor accompanies the construction process to monitor the correctness and accuracy of the work. If violations are detected, the employee is obliged to report this to management. In addition, the surveyor must selectively monitor the execution of the project to find possible inaccuracies in the construction of the facility. Responsibilities during road construction are similar to the general employee regulations.

The job description of a surveyor in construction includes the basic rules and regulations governing the work process, duties, rights and responsibilities.