Thesis: Modern technology for preparing vegetable salads. Technology for preparing vegetable salads Technology for preparing and decorating salads

  • Introduction 2
  • 1. The importance of cold dishes in human nutrition. 5
  • 2. Commodity characteristics of raw materials for preparing salads. 7
  • 3. Preparation of raw materials for preparing salads. 10
  • 3.1 Technological process. 10
  • 3.2 Primary processing. 12
  • 3.3 Using dressings and sauces for preparing vegetable salads. 20
  • 4. Development of an assortment and technological process for preparing vegetable salads. 31
  • 5. Rules for storing, decorating and serving vegetable salads. 47
  • Conclusion 49
  • List of used literature: 52

Not thousands, but hundreds of thousands of dishes have been created throughout the history of world cooking! Her greatest achievement, without a doubt, is the salad. It, like a bouquet of flowers, attracts eaters with its aroma and rich palette. And what a great taste it has!

Nutritionists say that those who often eat salads eat naturally, correctly and healthy. A salad can easily replace a whole dinner for those who adhere to the principles of a healthy diet. Its great advantage is that it is served as an appetizer or main course, and for dessert.

Salads appeared in human history many thousands of years ago and played an important role in its menu. The word “salad” comes from the Latin phrase “herba salata,” which means nothing more than “salted greens.” The first salads were prepared from the “ancestors” of today’s vegetable greens, so popular today (basil, chervil, lavender, lovage, coriander), which were made soft and digestible with the help of salt.

Already in the first written sources of the ancient Romans and monastic culinary writings, recipes for delicious salads are listed, which in their sophistication can easily compete with modern ones. Even then, the ideal culinary formula for a salad appeared: “The salad should tickle the tongue without burning it, refresh the palate, but irritate it, stimulate the appetite without overloading the stomach.”

After a long stagnation, at the end of the Middle Ages, thanks to the rapid penetration of spicy and aromatic plants from the eastern colonies into Europe, gourmet cuisine received further development. Italy became its cradle - especially its south and Sicily. This is where the Italian folk wisdom arose, which says that the salad should be prepared by 4 cooks: the miserly cook seasons the salad with vinegar, the philosopher cook adds salt, the spendthrift cook seasones it with oil, and the artist cook designs and decorates the salad. This meant that everyone who prepared the salad had to combine all 4 chef images. Salads from fresh and boiled vegetables of that time captivated gourmets with their delicate “green” sauces and seasonings made from fish extracts.

However, the art of preparing salad reached its greatest flowering in France under King Louis XIV. During his reign, the art of cooking was constantly improved. Not only professional cooks, but also many scientists, philosophers and even statesmen took part in this process. It is known that the inventors of new salads were Richelieu, Mazarin, and Michel Montaigne even wrote the book “The Science of Food”.

At this time, the art of serving and decorating dishes reached its apogee. Not just chefs, but sculptors and artists worked on their design. Descriptions of the salads served on the royal table are akin to poems. Decorations were not limited to vegetable flowers - edible castles and gazebos were erected on the tables, angels fluttered, animals walked...

Russian chefs have enriched world cuisine with their salad recipes. Peter's reforms, as we know, radically changed the entire way of Russian life, including cuisine. Foreigners poured into Russia, Russians began to explore Europe. It was from France that salads came into Russian cuisine.

The 19th century is the apotheosis of Russian culinary art. Any nobleman who had the slightest bit of self-respect had a foreign cook among his servants. Real culinary rivalry arose between aristocratic kitchens. It was then that the “Olivier” salad, beloved by Russians, was born - with potatoes and finely chopped Doctorskaya, which is called Russian salad all over the world.

The authorship of the original “Olivier” belongs to the Frenchman Lucien Olivier. In the early 60s of the 19th century, he ran a restaurant in Moscow, near Trubnaya Square, with authentic Parisian cuisine. The salad quickly became the main attraction for visitors. His recipe was a secret that the restaurateur took with him to the grave. After a short period of oblivion, in 1904, the recipe was restored from the memory of one of the gourmets who were regulars at the restaurant.

The Olivier salad, in its current versions, arose in the 60s of the 20th century as a triumph of the ingenuity of Russian culinary specialists.

In the 20th century, the science of healthy eating significantly changed people's food preferences and brought salads (especially vegetables and fruits) to the forefront of our menus. And today, almost none of our lunch or dinner (and for some lovers, even breakfast) can do without them.

The topic of our thesis is “Modern technology for preparing vegetable salads.”

When researching the topic of this work, we were given the following tasks:

— studying the assortment of cold dishes;

— development of assortment and technology of the cooking process;

— analysis of modern trends in the design of dishes.

In our work, we offer calculations of the composition and energy value of dishes, ready-made technological maps and cooking diagrams.

1. The importance of cold dishes in human nutrition

Cold dishes are a means of stimulating the appetite. They are served before the main meal and sometimes between hot dishes.

There is not much difference between a cold appetizer and a dish, since, served at the beginning of lunch, they play the role of an appetizer, and in a breakfast or dinner menu they can be the main course.

Many cold dishes have a spicy taste, while some have a mild taste.

Cold dishes play a special role in banquet menus, where their number reaches 5-10. Snacks such as salads of green onions, lettuce and fresh cucumbers are low in calories and are primarily an appetite stimulant and a source of vitamins and minerals.

The recipe for many cold dishes includes vegetable oil or sauces and dressings for them. Such dishes are a source of unsaturated fatty acids. In this case, of particular importance is the fact that vegetable oil in this case is not subjected to heat treatment and does not lose its biological activity.

Some cold dishes are prepared from raw vegetables and fruits, so that vitamins and other valuable substances are well preserved.

Cold dishes are served in special dishes: ceramic and metal dishes, glass vases, ceramic vases, caviar bowls, salad bowls, rosettes, bowls.

Considerable attention is paid to the design of cold dishes, since the stimulation of appetite, and therefore the absorption of food, depends on their appearance.

Since the technological process for the production of cold dishes does not provide for their heat treatment before release to the consumer, and also due to the fact that some vegetables are included in fresh cold dishes (lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions and green onions, etc.), a large attention should be paid to strict adherence to sanitary rules during their preparation and storage. Particular attention should be paid to cleaning and cutting boiled vegetables, washing fresh vegetables and herbs (at least 5 minutes). It is advisable to cut vegetables by machine.

Potatoes, carrots and beets are cooked in two ways: first boiled in their skins, then peeled, or vice versa. To improve the sanitary condition and quality of salads and vinaigrettes, potatoes are boiled peeled and cut after cooling. Poorly cooked potato varieties should be cut before cooking, and to better preserve the shape of the pieces, acidify the water during the cooking process.

Beets and carrots are peeled, cut into pieces and simmered. To preserve the color of the beets and the shape of the carrot pieces, the broth can be acidified, and vegetable oil can be added to the carrots for better absorption of carotene.

Salads are classified Salads are decorated with the same products from which they are composed. To decorate, vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, radishes, etc.) are cut into even circles, or stars, gears, flowers, balls, paws are cut out using a knife...

Decorating salads with leaves, sprigs of parsley, and celery gives the dish a beautiful and finished look. The selection of products and the design of salads can be varied depending on taste and ingenuity.

2. Commodity characteristics of raw materials for preparing salads

Vegetables have a pleasant taste and aroma, have a beautiful variety of colors, due to which they are widely used to decorate culinary dishes and products, which gives them an appetizing appearance.

Vegetables are classified into two main groups: vegetative and fruit.

Vegetative vegetables: tubers - potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke (earthen pear), sweet potato (sweet potato); root vegetables - carrots, beets, radishes, radishes, turnips, rutabaga, white roots (parsley, parsnips, celery), horseradish; cabbage - white, red, savoy, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi; onions - onions, leeks (green), garlic; salad-spinach - lettuce, spinach, sorrel; dessert - rhubarb, asparagus, artichokes; spicy - dill, tarragon, basil, marjoram, etc.

Fruit vegetables: pumpkin - cucumbers, pumpkin, zucchini, squash, melons, watermelons; tomato - tomatoes, eggplants, peppers; legumes - peas, beans, beans; cereals - sweet corn. The nutritional value of vegetables is determined by their content of carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and other substances.

Vegetables are rich in carbohydrates (starch, sugars, pectin, fiber, etc.). Vegetables contain almost all currently known vitamins, except vitamins B12 and D.

Products containing a very high percentage of vitamin C include: parsley, dill, green onions, cauliflower, tomatoes, sorrel, etc.

Vegetables colored green or orange-red are rich in carotene (provitamin A): green onions, parsley and dill, carrots, tomatoes, red peppers.

Carrots are rich in vitamin P (flavones and cahetins). Many vegetables contain organic acids (malic, citric, oxalic, tartaric, etc.), various flavoring, aromatic and tannin substances, as well as enzymes.

The mineral composition of vegetables containing potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron and other elements necessary for the normal functioning of the body is very valuable. It is especially important that vegetables contain a lot of alkaline elements (potassium, sodium, calcium), thanks to which the ratio of acidic and alkaline substances required for the body is maintained elements.

Vegetables are rich in microelements (cobalt, manganese, nickel, copper, etc.), also necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Garlic, onions, parsley, celery and others contain flavoring and aromatic substances that stimulate appetite and release digestive enzymes.

Vegetables such as onions, garlic, horseradish and others contain phytoncides that kill microorganisms or delay their development.

The importance of vegetables in nutrition is very great, and their main advantage is that they can be used to prepare a variety of healthy and tasty dishes, side dishes, snacks that are easily digestible by the human body and, in addition, contribute to better absorption of any other food consumed along with vegetables.

Certain types of vegetables vary greatly in their merits, so it is necessary to use not a monotonous, but a varied assortment of vegetables for preparing vegetable dishes and side dishes.

Vitamins are best preserved in fresh, raw vegetables immediately after they are harvested. Therefore, all kinds of salads made from raw vegetables are very useful: cabbage, carrots, radishes, tomatoes, green onions.

The cook should know that vitamin C is destroyed by prolonged heat treatment of vegetables, contact with atmospheric oxygen and improper storage. Therefore, when cooking vegetables, the container in which the vegetables are cooked should be tightly closed with a lid.

Vegetables occupy one of the leading places in the human diet, so catering establishments are obliged to offer consumers the largest possible selection of excellent, tasty dishes made from vegetables.

3. Preparation of raw materials for preparing salads

3.1 Technological process

The technological scheme for processing vegetables consists of the following processes: receiving, sorting, washing, cleaning, washing and slicing.

When accepting, pay attention to the quality and weight of the batch of vegetables. The quality of raw materials determines the amount of waste during processing and the quality of finished dishes.

Vegetables are sorted according to size, degree of maturity, shape and other characteristics that determine culinary use. During sorting, spoiled vegetables and mechanical impurities are removed. Most vegetables are sorted manually. At large enterprises, potatoes are sorted in machines.

During washing, dirt is removed. Vegetables are washed in baths. At large enterprises, tubers are washed in vegetable washing machines. This operation is necessary not only from a sanitary point of view, but also allows you to extend the life of potato peelers, since sand getting into them causes premature wear of the moving parts of the machine.

Vegetables are peeled in special machines or by hand. When peeling, inedible, damaged or rotten parts of vegetables are removed: peels, stalks, coarse seeds, etc. Manual peeling is carried out with special root or groove knives. A large number of potatoes and tubers are peeled in vegetable peeling machines - potato peelers. After mechanical cleaning, the vegetables are manually peeled and washed.

Rice. 1. Special devices for cutting vegetables.

1 - root knife; 2 — groove knife; 3 — knife for final cleaning; 4 — knife for cutting onions; 5 — knife for cutting tomatoes; 6 — corrugated knife; 7, 8, 9, 10 — figured notches; 11 - device for cutting vegetables into shapes.

Vegetables are cut depending on their culinary purpose. Proper cutting gives dishes a beautiful appearance and ensures that different types of vegetables are cooked simultaneously when they are cooked together. For chopping, vegetable cutting machines with replaceable knife discs are used, which cut potatoes and root vegetables into circles, cubes, bars, plates and strips.

In vegetable shops, enterprises allocate lines or areas for processing potatoes and root vegetables, herbs, onions, cabbage and other vegetables.

3.2 Primary processing

Primary processing of vegetables consists of the following operations: sorting by quality indicators, calibration by size, washing, cleaning and slicing. The sequence of operations depends on the type of vegetables. So, root vegetables are first washed and then peeled, cabbage, onion vegetables, and greens are sorted, peeled, and then washed.

Primary processing of vegetative vegetables.

Potato processing. Potatoes are the most common tuber crop in the diet. It is one of the most valuable food products, due to the favorable combination of starch, nitrogenous and mineral substances, sugars, vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, PP.

In catering and food industry enterprises, potato processing (sorting, washing, cleaning) is mainly mechanized. Various types of equipment are used for this. Processing a small amount of potatoes is done manually using special grooved or root knives.

In order to prevent potatoes from darkening, they are stored in water for 2-3 hours at room temperature and up to 24 hours in refrigerators at a temperature of 2-4 °C. Long-term storage in water leads to leaching of starch, loss of vitamin C, i.e., to a decrease in the nutritional value of potatoes. The industry produces the following semi-finished potato products: peeled, sulfated, fried in fat until half cooked, potato crackers, etc.

Processing of root crops. The most valuable root vegetables are carrots and beets. The content of sugars, provitamin A-carotene, sodium salts, potassium, iron determines their high nutritional value. Carotene in carrots is converted into vitamin A in the human body. Carotene is absorbed more fully if it is soluble in fat. Therefore, it is better to season carrot salads with sour cream, and when cooking, saute the carrots with fat. Radishes, radishes, turnips, rutabaga contain glycosides and essential oils, which give these vegetables a specific taste and aroma and therefore they can be used in food in their raw form. White roots are distinguished by a high content of essential oils and vitamin C. They are used to flavor and vitaminize food.

Root crops are sorted, washed, peeled and washed again. The tops of young carrots, beets, and radishes are cut off and then processed.

Beet peelings can be used to make beet paint. To do this, the peelings are washed, crushed, and then boiled in acidified water. Processing cabbage vegetables. White cabbage and other types of cabbage vegetables contain sugars, minerals (potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, etc.), vitamins C, B1, PP, E. Folic acid contained in cabbage reduces the amount of cholesterol in the body. Vitamin U in white cabbage is used in the treatment of stomach ulcers. When processing white, red and savoy cabbage, contaminated and rotten leaves are separated, cutting them at the base of the stalk, and rotten parts are cut out. After this, the cabbage is washed in cold water, the upper part of large heads is cut off by 1/3, and then cut into two or four parts, small heads are cut into two parts. Remove the stalk from each part of the cabbage. The leaves of a head of cauliflower are cut off, the darkened and rotten parts are removed, and the contaminated areas are scraped off with a knife or grater. The stalk is cut off, retreating 1 cm from the beginning of the branching of the head of cabbage.

If the cabbage is damaged by caterpillars, immerse it in cold salted water (4-5% solution) for 30 minutes. In this case, the caterpillars float to the surface, and the cabbage is washed again. Cauliflower damaged by caterpillars is treated in the same way as white cabbage.

To avoid wilting, Brussels sprouts are cut off immediately before cooking. Then they, together with the removed cabbage leaves, are thoroughly washed in plenty of water.

Kohlrabi is manually peeled, washed and cut.

Processing onion vegetables. Onion vegetables contain sugars, vitamins C, B1, essential oils, and phytoncides. They are used raw, and sautéed to flavor dishes. The onions are first cleaned by cutting off the lower part - the bottom and neck, then the dry scales are removed, and the onions are washed in cold water. It is necessary to cut it immediately before heat treatment, since when cut it quickly withers and loses essential oils and vitamins.

When processing leeks, cut off the root, remove yellowed, rotten leaves and wash the onion stems well, dividing them lengthwise before washing in order to better remove sand and dirt. The garlic is peeled by cutting off the bottom and head, and then divided into cloves and cleaned of dry leaves.

Processing of salad, spinach and spicy vegetables. Lettuce, spinach and sorrel are sources of vitamins C, P, K, group B, and carotene. During processing, they are sorted out, roots, rough stems and yellowed leaves are separated. The greens are placed in cold water for 20-30 minutes so that the particles of sand and earth adhering to them are soaked. Then rinse several times with plenty of water or under running water to wash off the sand. Salad vegetables (especially spinach) must be washed immediately before cooking, as they quickly deteriorate when wet. Parsley and dill are processed in the same way as salad vegetables. Vegetable stems can be used when cooking broths. It is better to store sorted greens at a temperature of 1 to 7 °C.

Processing of dessert vegetables. Artichoke, asparagus and rhubarb contain vitamin C, minerals, have a delicate texture and excellent taste.

Artichokes are sorted, the stem and sharp ends of the fleshy scales are cut off at their very base, the core is removed and washed. To prevent the leaves from falling apart during cooking, the artichokes should be tied with twine. To avoid darkening, all sections are rubbed with lemon or moistened with citric acid.

The asparagus is peeled, washed, and tied in bunches (the skin must be removed very carefully so that the top, the most delicious and nutritious part of the asparagus, does not break off). The rhubarb is sorted out, the lower part of the cuttings is cut off, the top film is scraped off, washed and cut.

Primary processing of fruit vegetables Processing of pumpkin vegetables. Among pumpkin vegetables, cucumbers are one of the most common vegetable crops and are in great demand. They contain 95% water, minerals, sugars, vitamins C, B1, B2, carotene. Due to their high water content, cucumbers do not have high energy nutritional value, but have a beneficial effect on the digestion process. They have a delicate taste and aroma.

Fresh cucumbers are washed and sorted by size; for garden cucumbers, the skin is cut off completely; for greenhouse cucumbers, only at both ends.

Pumpkin, zucchini, and squash contain sugars, minerals, vitamins, and pectin. They also have a delicate taste and therefore are widely used in cooking. The pumpkin is washed, the sprouts and a thin layer of skin are cut off, cut into several parts and the seeds are removed, then cut into slices or cubes. Young zucchini is washed and the stalk is removed (large zucchini is peeled), cut into pieces, seeds removed, and chopped.

The squash is sorted, cleared of the ovary and washed.

Processing of tomato vegetables. The high nutritional value of tomato vegetables is due to their content of sugars, minerals, and organic acids. They play an important role in maintaining acid-base balance in the body.

Tomatoes (tomatoes) are sorted by degree of maturity and size, bruised, unripe and spoiled specimens are removed, the stalk is cut off and washed. Eggplants contain sugar, starch, and minerals. The bitter taste is due to the solanine content, the amount of which increases when the fruits are overripe. Only unripe fruits with tender pulp are used for food. During primary processing, eggplants are sorted, the stem is cut off, and washed. Large eggplants are scalded and then peeled.

Capsicum peppers are sweet and hot (bitter). It contains a high percentage of vitamin C (especially in red and pink bell peppers). Capsaicin causes a sharp, bitter taste.

Sweet pepper contains up to 4% sugar, so it can be used fresh for preparing salads, soups, and main courses.

During processing, sweet peppers are sorted, washed, then cut lengthwise into two parts, the seed pulp and seeds are removed and washed.

In bitter pepper, only ripe red fruits without grains are used for food. In fresh and dried form, it is added as a seasoning.

Processing of legumes. Beans, peas, beans in a mature state are classified as grain crops. In peas and beans, young pods and seeds are used for food, and in beans, pods and seeds at the stage of milky-waxy maturity are used. Legumes contain easily digestible proteins, sugars, starch, vitamins C, group B, PP, provitamin, A - carotene. In the process of primary processing, green bean and pea pods are freed from the veins connecting the halves of the pod, breaking its ends, and washed. When preparing dishes, pea pods are usually used whole, and beans - chopped.

Processing of grain vegetables. Sweet corn cobs at the stage of milky-waxy maturity are used in cooking. It contains proteins, sugars, vitamins A, group B, PP, starch, fat. When processing corn, the remaining part of the stalk is removed to the base of the cob, the leaves and hairy stigmas are removed, and washed. Sometimes corn is boiled along with some of the leaves.

Canned vegetables Pickled cucumbers are included in first and second courses, sauces, they are used as an additional side dish for second courses, as well as for decorating cold dishes and snacks.

Pickled cucumbers are washed with cold water before processing. For small, strong pickled cucumbers, cut off the stem with part of the pulp.

After removing the skin and seeds, large cucumbers are cut into diamonds, slices, cubes depending on their culinary use.

The sauerkraut is sorted. Coarsely chopped cabbage is chopped. If the cabbage is very sour, then it is washed and squeezed. You cannot store cabbage without brine, as it loses its quality.

Dried vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beets, onions, parsley and celery) are sorted, removing blackened and damaged specimens, washed and soaked in cold water until softened (1.5-2 hours), after which they are sent for heat treatment.

Dry greens should not be soaked - they are immediately placed in the boiler for cooking.

Frozen vegetables Vegetables come in frozen form in the following assortment: green peas, green beans, cauliflower, carrots, tomatoes, bell peppers, mixtures of various vegetables, etc. Quick-frozen vegetables retain their original properties well. They are stored at the factory at a temperature of -18 °C and used without prior defrosting, placing them immediately in boiling water and boiling for 10-15 minutes.

Cutting vegetables The taste of the salad largely depends on the method of chopping vegetables and fruits prepared for salads: from the same products, using different chopping methods, you can prepare salads of various tastes.

Spicy products are cut smaller so that their taste is felt throughout the entire salad, or, conversely, larger than other products to emphasize the spiciness of the taste.

Basically, all products for salads, especially vegetables and fruits, are chopped immediately before preparing salads, since when stored in chopped form they lose their nutritional value.

Do not store chopped vegetables in bright light or in water. Quickly darkening vegetables and fruits (celery, apples, pears, quinces, plums) are lightly sprinkled with lemon juice or salted water immediately after chopping.

To chop vegetables, knives, graters, shredders and various modern kitchen equipment made of stainless metal or plastic are used.

The most delicious salads are obtained when the salad components are cut according to the shape and size specified in the recipe using a large sharp knife. And, although the time required for such cutting is large, it pays off with the extraordinary taste of the prepared salad.

It is recommended to cut the salad ingredients and season them with sauce immediately before serving the dish. Salads left over from lunch or dinner are stored on the shelves of the refrigerator, but it should be noted that even short-term storage of dressed salads worsens their taste.

Methods for cutting vegetables Prepared vegetables are cut depending on their culinary purpose. To do this, simple or complex cutting shapes are used. Simple forms include straws, sticks, circles, slices, slices, cubes, while complex forms include barrels, pears, balls, garlic cloves, spirals, shavings. Vegetables with a delicate texture are cut more coarsely than vegetables with a dense consistency.

Tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, carrots, beets and other vegetables are cut into slices and thin slices, first cut in half.

To cut vegetables into strips, you must first cut them into thin slices and then into strips of the desired thickness. The length of the straw is usually 4-5 cm, and the thickness is 2-3 mm.

To obtain cubes and sticks, first cut 1 cm thick plates from vegetables, which are then cut into cubes. From the same preparations you can also cut into cubes, the length of which for salad is 2-3 cm. The size of the cubes and cubes depends on the type of salad: for hot salads they are larger, and for salads served on sandwiches or as a filling - smaller.

Small round vegetables are cut into slices: tomatoes, radishes, turnips, small cucumbers and other similar vegetables.

Vegetables, which are difficult to give a strict geometric shape, are cut into wedges with one rounded end, since cutting off the roundness will produce a lot of waste.

Onions are chopped in different ways: to obtain cubes or cubes, they are first cut into thin rings or half rings, which are then given the desired shape. If you are preparing a salad with a predominant onion flavor, it is better to grate it or chop it very finely. It is not recommended to cut onions for salad into strips - in this form they are harder. If pickled onions are used for salad, it is better to cut them into rings or half rings.

Cauliflower for salad should be disassembled into inflorescences, which should be cut from the stem without chopping. Remove the hard skin from the remaining stem and then grate or finely chop it.

The rhubarb stems are cut into transverse circles 2-3 mm thick - this way it will be softer and tastier; the rhubarb stems are not cut lengthwise. If the rhubarb stems are very thick, they are first cut in half or into 4 parts.

Leafy vegetables (lettuce, spinach, sorrel) can be left whole, or chopped with your hands or a very sharp knife, not very finely, so as not to squeeze the juice out of the leaves.

Spicy greens of dill, parsley, onion or garlic can be used in whole sprigs if the leaves are young and small. Chop larger leaves with a knife or better with scissors. When cutting greens with a knife, the branches of greens with leaves are first cut in half, then folded and cut again. Only when there are more of them, the greens are finely chopped. Spicy greens can not be chopped, but finely chopped with a large sharp knife or pruning shears.

If asparagus is used for salad, then mainly its heads are used, since they are more delicate in taste.

3.3 Using dressings and sauces for preparing vegetable salads

Dressing is a component added to salads that creates the immediate taste of the dish. Dressings can be vinegar, kvass, vegetable oil, grated cheese, dairy and fermented milk products, as well as sauces of various tastes. The amount of dressing for each serving of salad is determined by individual taste.

At the same time, dressing is a composition that flavors food, improves its taste and is suitable only for certain products. These dressings have a precise recipe and are used with specific salads. For example, it is better to prepare a green salad with a dressing of sunflower oil, vinegar and salt. Mustard with sunflower oil and vinegar, etc. is more suitable for herring salads with onions and potatoes.

Salad dressings can also be complex, containing many components (depending on the composition of the salad and its taste). That’s why recipes for dressings usually only list the necessary components, and the housewife or cook determines their ratio and quantity independently.

For example, a dressing for a meat and vegetable salad should consist of vinegar, sunflower oil, grated horseradish root, salt, sugar, pepper, garlic, celery, tomato paste, and lemon zest. But if you add legumes to this salad, then the horseradish root should be replaced with mint powder, thyme or fried onions.

The taste and quality of prepared salads largely depend on the correctly selected, appetizing, pleasantly spicy and piquant salad dressing. You should know some of the subtleties of using the most popular salad dressings:

Mayonnaise mixed with ready-made table mustard is used to season celery salads, as well as Russian salads and potato salads to which tarragon is added;

Sour cream and vinegar sauces are best for dressing green salads;

A sauce made from vegetable oil and vinegar can be used to season spinach leaves, green lettuce or chicory and onions, potato salads, cucumber salads, white and red cabbage, sweet peppers, white and green beans.

3.3.1 Basic sauces and dressings

The composition of the dressings includes vegetable oil, vinegar, ground pepper, salt; You can add ready-made mustard and mayonnaise sauce to dressings.

Refills are unstable emulsions. In a calm state, the emulsion (dressing) quickly separates, so shake the dressing before use.

Salad dressing

Salt, sugar and ground pepper are combined with vinegar, vegetable oil is poured in and mixed well. Shake before use.

Used for topping salads of cucumbers, tomatoes, green salad, potatoes, as well as vinaigrettes, herring with garnish, etc.

Mustard dressing

The prepared mustard is thoroughly ground with salt, sugar and ground pepper, vinegar is added, and then vegetable oil is added and shaken well.

Used for garnishing herring and salads.

Mustard dressing with mayonnaise sauce

Mayonnaise sauce is added to the prepared mustard, ground with salt and sugar, and then vinegar and ground pepper are added.

Used for garnishing herring, salads and vinaigrettes.

Sour cream sauce for vegetable salads

Stir vinegar, sugar, salt, pepper and combine with sour cream before serving.

This sauce is served with salads of vegetables, fruits, cauliflower, mushrooms and vegetables, etc.

name of raw materials

Gross weight (g)

Net weight (g)

Mayonnaise sauce

Add mustard and salt to raw egg yolks, carefully separated from the whites, and stir well with a spatula. Then, while continuously whisking, pour in sunflower oil, first one at a time, and then two or three tablespoons at a time.

The oil should have a temperature of 25--30°. At this temperature, vegetable oil emulsifies better, that is, it breaks into small balls, which are distributed in the egg yolk without connecting to each other. Pour in each new portion of oil after the emulsification of the previous portion has finished. Once all the butter has been emulsified, the result is a sauce that sticks well to the spatula. Pour vinegar into the prepared sauce, add sugar, stir well; vinegar can be replaced with citric acid or lemon juice; after introducing vinegar, the sauce becomes somewhat thinner and whiter.

If the sauce is not prepared correctly or stored for a long time, the emulsion may collapse: the oil balls will connect with each other, as a result of which the oil will partially be released to the surface, disrupting the uniformity of the sauce - the so-called oiling of the sauce will occur. To restore the consistency of the sauce, you need to break the butter again into tiny balls. To do this, release the egg yolk into a separate bowl and gradually add the oiled sauce, whisking the mixture all the time, i.e. repeat the same operation as at the beginning when making the sauce.

To obtain a more stable emulsion, mayonnaise should be made in a whipping machine. At the same time, the oil is broken into smaller balls, which makes it difficult for them to join and increases the stability of the emulsion.

Mayonnaise sauce and its derivatives are stored in porcelain or enamel containers.

The sauce is used to make some cold dishes, derivative sauces, and salad dressings.

3.3.2 Original sauces and dressings

Fresh mushroom sauce with garlic.

Finely chop the garlic and crush, adding a little salt. Place in a bowl and mix well with vegetable oil. Boil the mushrooms in salted water, strain the broth, cut the mushrooms into cubes and combine them with garlic. Pour the mixture with mushroom broth, season with vinegar or lemon juice, add pepper, bay leaf, salt and stir.

Serve with vegetable dishes.

Green onion sauce

Wash the green onions, dry and finely chop. Grind the yolks with mustard and sugar until smooth. Continuing to grind, gradually add sour cream.

Season with salt, lemon juice and mix with chopped green onions.

Serve with vegetable salads.

Green spinach sauce

Rinse the greens. Boil sorrel, spinach and dill in a small amount of water and rub together with the broth through a sieve. Add very finely chopped green onions, salt, sugar and mustard powder to the mixture, mix and beat with a mixer.

Serve with vegetable salads.

Kefir sauce (Hungary)

Lightly salt raw egg yolks, add lemon juice, oil and stir. Then add kefir, black pepper, sugar, mustard, parsley. Mix everything well into a homogeneous mass.

Serve with vegetable salads.

Curd salad sauce with herbs

Mix the cottage cheese thoroughly with milk until smooth. Add leeks and parsley, garlic, mustard and lemon juice to the mashed mixture. Mix everything.

Serve with vegetable salads.

Yogurt sauce with citrus fruits

Gently mix yogurt with mustard and honey, pour in lemon juice and add orange zest, grated on a fine grater.

Avocado and sour cream sauce with garlic

Wash the avocado, peel it, rub it through a sieve, mix with sour cream and beat with a whisk. Peel and crush the garlic. Wash the dill and finely chop it, add it to the beaten mass along with mashed garlic. Mix everything thoroughly. Serve with meat, poultry, boiled vegetables.

Oil dressing with soy sauce

Pour soy sauce into sesame oil, mix well, add lime juice and peanut butter. The dressing is suitable for vegetable salads.

Creamy cheese dressing

Mash the cheese, mix with cream, pour olive oil into this mass and mix everything well. Add wine vinegar, pepper and finely chopped herbs.

Salad dressing with sesame seeds

Grind sesame seeds in a coffee grinder. In a small bowl, use a fork to beat all ingredients until smooth. Suitable for dressing salads with chicken.

name of raw materials

Gross weight (g)

Net weight (g)

Soy sauce

Yogurt dressing with herbs

Mix yogurt with mayonnaise, add finely chopped parsley, season with salt and pepper. Cool. Suitable for dressing vegetable salads.

Yogurt dressing with vinegar

Add chopped garlic, melted honey to the yogurt, pour in apple cider vinegar and season everything to taste with salt and pepper. Beat lightly and cool. The dressing is suitable for meat and vegetable salads.

4. Development of an assortment and technological process for preparing vegetable salads

A salad is a cold dish consisting of one type or a mixture of various vegetables, usually without beets, dressed with mayonnaise sauce, dressing or sour cream.

There are several types of salads:

Mixed salads.

The products included in the salad are mixed with each other, as well as with salad dressing or sauce.

Professionals mix green salads with their hands: this way the salad sauces better absorb the ingredients and the delicate leaves are not damaged. For this mixing you need to take a large wide bowl or pan. In general, it is better to prepare such salads in a large wide bowl or pan, and then transfer them to a decorative salad bowl.

If the salad ingredients only need to be sprinkled with sauce, they must first be beautifully laid out on a flat dish.

The products are mixed together with part of the sauce or dressing in a separate bowl - preferably with two large forks or a special salad spoon and fork, so that the pieces of the constituent products retain their cut shape as much as possible.

The finished salad is transferred to a dish or salad bowl so that the edges remain 2-3 cm free and always clean. The salad is poured with the rest of the sauce and the surface is decorated with various products or food figures that are eaten along with the salad.

Unmixed salads.

The products from which the salad is prepared are laid out on a large dish in separate portions or in different dishes. Salad dressing or several different sauces are served in gravy boats or small bowls.

This type of serving is convenient because it allows you to choose products and salad dressings to suit your own taste.

Unmixed salads with dressings.

The chopped products prepared for the salad are placed on a dish in which the salad is served on the table, mixed, in layers or in separate (according to the type of product) portions.

The salad is poured with sauce on top and not mixed, which allows you to preserve the integrity of each type of product. Such salads are prepared from delicate, easily disintegrating products: soft vegetables, boiled or hot smoked fish, green peas. You can prepare this type of salad from any other product.

Green salad with nut sauce

Chop the savoy cabbage thinly, put it in a bowl, add a little salt and knead it a little with your hands.

Wash young fresh small cucumbers (with small seeds) and cut into thin crescents. Add to cabbage.

Peel the celery root, grate on a coarse grater and add to the vegetables. Place the bowl of salad in a cool place for about an hour to allow the cucumber to release its juice.

For the sauce, grind the nuts in a blender or grind with a pestle. You should end up with a homogeneous paste. Add finely chopped garlic to the nut paste and grind it with the nuts.

Add olive oil to the nuts, continuing to grind the pulp with a pestle to form a thick mass.

Add the resulting sauce to the vegetables and stir. Let the salad brew a little and serve.

Green salad

Place lettuce leaves in a vase and place chopped cucumber on top. Cut the avocado into quarters, then into cubes. Add to salad and sprinkle with nuts.

For the sauce: mix olive oil with vinegar and apple juice, add mustard and seasoning. Mix thoroughly.

Salad with dried apples

Mix honey with lemon juice. Cut the apples into thin slices crosswise. Dip each piece into the lemon juice mixture and place on a wire rack over a baking sheet. Let dry for 40 minutes. in the oven. Apples should be soft and dry. They will become crispy as they cool.

Mix vinegar and nut oil with chopped onion, salt and pepper, add chopped herbs, dried apples, stir.

Salad from greens, pomegranate and pistachios

Prepare salad dressing: whisk olive oil, salt and vinegar.

Place lettuce and herbs in a salad bowl, sprinkle with a small amount of salad dressing and stir. Add pomegranate seeds, tangerine slices, remaining salad dressing and stir.

Before serving, sprinkle with finely chopped pistachios.

Corn and potato salad

Boil the potatoes, cool, peel and cut them into thin slices. Cool the boiled corn and mix with potatoes. Season the salad with vegetable oil, vinegar, salt, sugar and pepper, put in a heap in a salad bowl and sprinkle with green onions.

Green bean salad

Peel the bean pods by tearing off the stems along the entire pod. Finely chop diagonally. Immerse in cold water until cooking, but for no more than 20-30 minutes.

Pour cold water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, add salt. It is recommended to lower the beans into boiling salted water gradually and in small portions. Cook for 15-20 minutes without covering. When the beans are ready, rinse with cold water.

Transfer the beans to a salad bowl. Add vegetable oil, vinegar, sugar, pepper and salt.

Salad with pear, cheese and walnuts.

Whisk the oil, vinegar and salt in a bowl, add the grated cheese and mix thoroughly.

Mix the greens with fried walnuts, place on a salad bowl, add finely chopped pears. Pour over the prepared sauce. Sprinkle with remaining grated cheese.

Celery salad

Peel the celery stalks, wash them, add cold water and let it brew. Then put in a saucepan and cook until soft without salt for 1 hour.
When the celery becomes soft, drain in a colander and rinse with cold water.

Cut each celery stalk into 4 parts, then cut each part into slices and place in a salad bowl. Chop the onion. Sprinkle celery onion and season with pepper and salt. Pour in vegetable oil and stir.

Serve with crusts of rye bread rubbed with garlic.

Potato salad with beets

Wash the potatoes and beets, put the vegetables in a saucepan, add water and cook until tender. When cooked, cool and peel. Cut into slices. Boil the beans. Place all ingredients in one salad bowl.

Season the prepared salad with salt and pepper, pour over vegetable oil and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Salad "Gourmand"

Wash the fruits, peel them, cut into large cubes. Stir and place the salad in bowls. Drizzle with liqueur.

Beat sour cream with sugar and vanilla. Carefully place the prepared cream on the fruit and sprinkle with walnuts.

Lettuce with mustard sauce

Combine Provençal oil with vinegar and mix thoroughly. Combine the mustard mixture with the oil mixture. Stir. Rinse the lettuce leaves with cold water and chop. Place in a salad bowl. Season with prepared mustard sauce.

Salad "Table"

Mix chopped orange slices, cabbage, raisins, crushed walnuts and mayonnaise and sprinkle with parsley.

Salad "Paradny"

Cut peppers and onions into rings. Boil hard-boiled eggs - finely chop the whites and leave the yolks for dressing. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater and mix everything. Dressing: mash the yolks, grate the apple, mix everything with mayonnaise, add mustard, sugar and lightly beat with a whisk or in a mixer until smooth. Season the salad with the resulting mixture.

Vegetable and fruit salad

Peel the cucumbers, cut into slices, add citric acid, olive oil, sugar and mix. Place in a heap in a salad bowl and garnish with fruit slices and lemon.

name of raw materials

Gross weight (g)

Net weight (g)


Preparation of control color standards for butter and butter paste, their fat phase To 5 g of butter, melted as indicated in paragraph 3.2.6, add 20 cm of a neutralized mixture of alcohol and ether and 1 cm of cobalt sulfate solution. The mixture is stirred. Preparation of control color standards for plasma of butter and butter paste To 10 cm of plasma prepared as indicated in...


Packaging, transportation and storage. Raw smoked semi-dry sausages are packaged and transported like raw smoked sausages. Raw smoked semi-dry sausages are stored at a temperature not exceeding 15? C and relative air humidity 75...78% no more than 15 days from the end of the technological process. Shelf life of raw smoked semi-dry sausages vacuum packed in povidene bags...

Scraps of cheese are a wonderful living medium for microorganisms that are not safe for humans, one of the purposes of packaging with a created bar is for the penetration and development of third-party microflora in the product. The creation of sealed packaging became a necessary solution for the first time and preserving its integrity right up to the point of survival. What, in addition to high deformation characteristics with...

For the smoothness of juices with pulp, it is important to preserve the pulp in the right place. To make juices with pulp, it is important to ensure that the size of the cups is sufficient to ensure the stability of the system. It is necessary to store in the charge a portion, the thickness and viscosity of the rare phase, the interaction of the rare and solid phases. The size of the bowl is replaced by a path of fine detailing - homogenization for help...


All bakery industry workers must undergo mandatory preliminary (upon entry to work) and periodic (during employment) medical examinations. Medical examinations are organized by the employer. Employees employed in jobs with harmful and unsafe labor conditions must undergo mandatory preliminary tests (upon admission...

  • The kitchen area should be kept clean and tidy. Do wet cleaning regularly.
  • Store clean dishes in closed cabinets or on closed shelves.
  • Collect food waste in a tank or bucket with a lid and remove it promptly.

To persons preparing food.

  • Food is prepared in special clothing.
  • Hands must be thoroughly washed. Hair must be hidden under a scarf or cap.

To cooking.

  • Use only fresh products.
  • Cutting boards must be labeled.
  • Before heat treatment, the products are thoroughly washed, peeled and cut.
  • Do not use cookware with damaged enamel or oxidizing metal.
  • For storing food and prepared meals.
  • Products and ready-made meals are stored closed and no longer than required.
  • Perishable foods are stored in the refrigerator.
  • You should not eat food that is not fresh or has expired. This may lead to poisoning.

Slide 2


Salad is a dish of one or more products seasoned with sour cream, mayonnaise, sauce, vinegar, and vegetable oil.

Salads are used as a cold appetizer, as well as a side dish for various meat and fish dishes. Salads are prepared from fresh and cooked products. Vinaigrettes are a special type of salad made from boiled vegetables. The main component in them is boiled beets.

Slide 3

History of salad

Salads came to international cuisine from ancient Rome, and were one single dish made only of raw green leafy vegetables and garden herbs. This salad was seasoned with honey, pepper, salt and vinegar. In France, the salad was prepared from green onions, garlic and mint, and parsley leaves. It went well with the meat. Then the French introduced lettuce into the salad - leaves without taste. And in this composition, the salad began to be called French, and this plant received the name lettuce all over the world, after the dish that was prepared from it. At the very end of the 18th century, cabbage of all types began to be added to salads. Later, fresh cucumbers, asparagus, and artichokes were added to the salad. Delicate French salads with a neutral taste required a spicy dressing of salt and pepper, dry wine or wine vinegar. And sometimes it was lemon juice with olive oil and fragrant and spicy seasonings.

At the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, salads began to include not only green vegetables, but also root vegetables. Salad dressings have become more complex. When boiled, salted or pickled vegetables began to be added to salads, and later fish, meat, eggs and game, they turned into independent dishes.

A modern dictionary explains the concept of salad as a dish of finely chopped pieces of vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, mushrooms, and cold fruits. Thus, two features of this dish are emphasized: crumbled and cold

Today, a salad is called any edible mixture prepared quickly, in a hurry.

Slide 4

History of vinaigrette

In some countries, vinaigrette is called Russian salad, considering it rightfully a national Russian dish. The origin of the word is related to the Latin word "vinos" - sour, which indicates the taste of this dish.

The history of vinaigrette.

Slide 5

Nutritional value of salads

  • Salads are rich in carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins.
  • Adding eggs, meat and fish products to salads increases their nutritional value
  • Slide 6

    According to the main product, salads are:

    • Vegetables;
    • Meat;
    • Fish;
    • Fruit;
    • Mixed - assorted.
  • Slide 7

    Salad preparation technology

    • All products undergo primary and some heat treatment.
    • All products are prepared 2 hours before serving.
    • Do not combine hot and cold foods.
    • Season and decorate salads immediately before serving.
    • Store salads undressed for no more than 12 hours, dressed for no more than 6 hours.
    • Greek salad.
    • Salad "Genghis Khan".
    • Salad of sauerkraut and pickled mushrooms.
    • Salad with nuts and prunes.
    • Vinaigrette with meat.
    • Mimosa salad".
  • Slide 8

    Salad quality requirements

    1. Boiled foods are soft, but not mushy.
    2. The products are cut into equal parts, not very large and not very small. The taste of the salad depends on the thickness of the food slices.
    3. To taste, salads are spicy, sour, sweet.
    4. The color and smell correspond to the products that make up the salad.
  • Slide 9

    Making salads and serving them to the table

    1. Salads are served in salad bowls.
    2. Salads are decorated only with the products that are included in it.

    Salad decoration

  • Slide 10

    Greek salad

    Recipe: 4 tomatoes, 1 yellow bell pepper, 1 green bell pepper, 150 g pitted olives, 200 g feta cheese, 4 tbsp vegetable oil.

    For decoration: green onions, parsley, several olives.

    Cooking technology:

    • Wash the tomatoes, yellow and green peppers.
    • Cut tomatoes, peppers, and some olives into large pieces.
    • Place the chopped ingredients in a beautiful vase.
    • Add the diced cheese to the vase.
    • Pour vegetable oil over the contents of the vase and stir.
    • Garnish the salad with parsley, green onions and remaining olives.
  • Slide 11

    Salad "Genghis Khan"

    Equipment and utensils: OS cutting board, chef's knife, table spoon, dishes made of non-oxidizing material, salad bowl.

    Recipe: 2 tomatoes, 1 tbsp. wheat cereal, 1 sweet pepper, 2 apples, 1 clove of garlic, 4 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil, parsley, green onions, ground black pepper, salt, 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice.

    For decoration: parsley, lettuce, apple slices.

    Cooking technology:

    • Soak wheat grits for 1 hour in cold water, then place in a deep plate.
    • Wash tomatoes, peppers and apples, cut into small pieces and mix with cooked cereal.
    • Add finely chopped garlic, parsley and green onions to the salad
    • Salt, pepper and season with vegetable oil.
    • Garnish the finished salad with lettuce, parsley and a few pieces of apple, sprinkle lemon juice on top and refrigerate for 1 hour.
  • Slide 12

    Sauerkraut and pickled mushroom salad

    Equipment and utensils: OS cutting board, chef's knife, table spoon, dishes made of non-oxidizing material, salad bowl.

    Recipe: 200 grams of pickled mushrooms, 100 grams of sauerkraut, 2 pickled cucumbers, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 sweet pepper, 1 tsp. Spoon of sugar, 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil.

    For decoration: parsley.

    Cooking technology:

    • Cut the mushrooms into small pieces.
    • Cut pickled cucumbers into half rings.
    • Rinse the sauerkraut under cold water and chop.
    • Peel and chop the garlic.
    • Wash the pepper, remove seeds.
    • In a deep bowl, mix mushrooms, cabbage, cucumbers, chopped bell pepper, season everything with vegetable oil, sugar, salt, mix.
    • Before serving, place the salad on a plate and garnish with parsley.
  • Slide 13

    Salad with nuts and prunes

    Equipment and utensils: OS cutting board, chef's knife, table spoon, dishes made of non-oxidizing material, salad bowl.

    Recipe: 1 beet, 200 g prunes, 100 g walnuts, 1 tbsp canned horseradish, 50 g mayonnaise, salt.

    Cooking technology:

    • Wash the prunes and soak in hot water for 2 hours. Then drain in a colander. When all the excess water has drained, cut the prunes into small pieces.
    • Wash the beets, boil in salted water, then cool, peel and grate.
    • Mix beets with prunes.
    • Using a knife, cut the walnuts into small pieces.
    • In a deep dish, mix beets, chopped prunes, walnuts and put everything in a salad bowl.
    • In a separate bowl, mix mayonnaise and horseradish, pour this mixture over the salad.
    • Top the salad with whole prunes and walnuts.
  • Slide 14

    Vinaigrette with meat

    Recipe: 300 g beef fillet, 3 potato tubers, 3 carrots, 1 beet, 2 pickles, 100 g sauerkraut, 100 g sour cream, 50 g mayonnaise, salt, ground black pepper.

    To decorate the salad: lettuce, green onions.

    Cooking technology:

    • Boil the beef in salted water, cool, and cut into strips.
    • Boil potatoes, carrots, beets, cool and peel.
    • Cut carrots and beets into small cubes.
    • Cut potatoes and pickles into small cubes.
    • Place the prepared ingredients in a deep bowl, add sauerkraut.
    • Season the vinaigrette with pepper, salt, season with a mixture of sour cream and mayonnaise and stir.
    • Transfer the finished dish to a serving bowl lined with lettuce leaves, sprinkle with finely chopped green onions, and garnish with slices of pickled cucumber.
  • Slide 15

    Mimosa salad"

    Cooking technology:

    • Place lettuce leaves on a flat bottom. Place canned fish on lettuce leaves, mash it with a fork and brush with mayonnaise.
    • Boil potatoes and carrots and grate them on a coarse grater. Finely chop the onion
    • Hard-boil the eggs, separate the whites from the yolks and grate.
    • Place on top layers of coarsely grated potatoes and carrots, finely chopped onions, separated from each other and grated egg whites and yolks. Coat each layer with mayonnaise.
    • Garnish the finished salad with parsley and curly slices of boiled carrots.
    • Equipment and utensils: OS cutting board, chef's knife, saucepan, table spoon, dishes made of non-oxidizing material, salad bowl.
    • Recipe: 200 grams of canned fish in oil, 2 onions, 2 potato tubers, 2 carrots, 6 eggs, 200 grams of mayonnaise.
    • To decorate the salad: lettuce, parsley, boiled carrots..
  • Slide 16

    Salad decoration

    • Bow lily
    • Rose. Mouse
    • Palm.
    • Decorating dishes with herbs

  • Ministry of Education of the Komi Republic

    State educational institution of secondary vocational education "Syktyvkar Trade and Economic College"

    Subject-cycle commission of technological disciplines and management

    Course work

    Topic: “Technology for preparing imitation salads”

    Discipline "Technology of public catering products"

    Specialist. 260502 “Technology of catering products”

    The work was carried out by student gr. TP 41

    Krivtsova Anna Ivanovna

    Head of work: Kobalova N.I.

    Syktyvkar 2013


    The topic of this course work is “Technology for preparing imitation salads.” This topic is very relevant, because... many ordinary salads are no longer so interesting and there are many new original recipes made both for simple family holidays and for special banquets.

    Salad is a table decoration, a cold appetizer before a second hot, hearty dish. Accordingly, the salad should be beautifully, originally decorated and prepared piquantly and tasty!

    Purpose: To talk about the range of imitation salads, their preparation technology and design.

    Objectives: Analyze the ways of designing imitation salads, study the need, evaluate their relevance.

    The first chapter discusses the technology of preparing salads. As well as the concept of imitation salad, the history of its creation and classification. The useful properties and methods of cutting vegetables and decorations from them are also indicated.

    In the second chapter you can see an assortment of imitation salads and their preparation technology and decoration. Also in this chapter there is a table of calculations for one of the salads.

    To write this work, a collection of recipes, the SMAK magazine, as well as sources from the Internet were used.


    Chapter 1: Salad preparation technology.

    1.1 The concept of salad. The concept of imitation.

    1.2 History of salad creation. Classification.

    1.3 Vegetable decorations

    1.4 Methods for cutting vegetables

    Chapter 2: Designing Imitation Salads


    Used sources

    Technology for preparing imitation salads

    1.1 The concept of salad, the concept of imitation

    In a modern dictionary, the concept of salad is explained as a dish of finely chopped fresh or boiled vegetables, various types of meat and fish, as well as eggs, mushrooms, and fruits. In a word, cold and crumbled - this is a salad. Initially, the word salad meant an exclusively vegetable dish, moreover, made from green leaves and garden herbs, which until the 20th century were called salad plants.

    Salads are considered one of the most common dishes in cooking, as they are easy to prepare and also have beneficial properties for humans. Lettuce leaves are beneficial for vision, normal development and growth of skin cells, mucous membranes, blood circulation, helps normalize metabolism and restore bone tissue, as it produces structural and regulatory proteins in the bones.

    Imitation - from the Latin word (imitatio) meaning imitation. To imitate means to imitate. In art and in life, imitation occurs very often. This is the creation of an artificial model of a real process. Imitation is very often found in our diet, in the design of various dishes. For example, in cakes, sandwiches or salads. You can imitate many things in dishes - animals, flowers, architecture and much more.

    1.2 History of the creation of the salad. Classification

    Salads entered international cuisine as a dish of Ancient Rome, which were known there two and a half thousand years ago, and they consisted of endive, parsley and onions, seasoned with honey, pepper, and salt. Salad came beyond the Apennine Peninsula and, above all, into France only at the beginning of the Middle Ages, as an exquisite dish served with roast meat. The high level of French art, a climate that gave abundant succulent vegetation - this helped the salad find a second home.

    The same French included lettuce in the salad - a plant with a neutral taste, consisting of only leaves. This plant was named lettuce in honor of the dish prepared from it. Then other herbs began to be included in the salad: dandelion, chicory, quinoa, etc. At the very end of the 18th century, cabbage, as well as celery and pepper, were included in salads. And only after them - fresh cucumbers, asparagus, artichokes, plants of the same green color.

    At the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, non-green plants and root vegetables began to be added to salads, salad dressing became more complicated, sauces were introduced, and primarily mayonnaise. Beets, potatoes, carrots - all underground vegetables, they did not dare to add raw to salads, they began to boil them. This is how a special subtype of salad appeared - vinaigrette. Grosser, it also required new dressings that could drown out the earthy taste of root vegetables that irritated gourmets. Then salted and pickled vegetables began to be introduced into vinaigrettes, and in Germany and Russia - salted mushrooms and herring.

    Two main advantages of the salad remain captivating today: firstly, the speed of preparation and the lack of heating; and, secondly - the magic word vitamins! Salads still remain a popular dish on our table today. Diverse in appearance and flavor combinations, salads contain minerals and nutrients so necessary for our body, fiber and, of course, vitamins.


    The history of salads is so broad and multifaceted that nowadays salad recipes number in the thousands.

    According to the method of preparation, salads are divided into the following groups:

    Simple and complex (depending on the number of products included in the salad)

    Cold and hot

    Mixed and layered (as a rule, salads consist of chopped products mixed together, but there are also recipes according to which the salad is prepared in layers)

    According to the ingredients:

    Vegetable salads (from different varieties of vegetables)

    Fruit salads (dessert or dietary types)

    Mushroom (prepared from fresh boiled or pickled mushrooms)

    Legumes (including peas, beans or lentils. Considered filling as they contain a lot of protein)

    Meat (they are considered the most common, used meat products)

    Fish (they are prepared from different varieties of fish)

    Seafood (squid, shrimp and other seafood are widely used)

    From cereals and pasta (use Italian pasta, rice or buckwheat)

    With dairy products (these salads are considered dietary because they contain cottage cheese or cheese)

    1.3 Vegetable decorations

    The salad should not only be tasty and beautifully presented, but also well balanced!

    Greens are low in calories and are a source of fiber, vitamins and microelements.

    Vegetables - their usefulness is so obvious that it’s not worth talking about.

    Fruits are excellent sources of vitamins and antioxidants.

    Cheese, eggs, fish, meat are sources of protein.

    Nuts - polyunsaturated fatty acids, vegetable protein.

    As they have long said, food can become not only pleasure, but also medicine! And combining business with pleasure is the perfect salad. Imitation salads, interesting and original in their own way, should also be tasty and healthy. You can come up with great ideas for their design yourself. There are many decorations made from vegetables and fruits, made simply and tastefully. Eg:

    Tomato rose

    Cut off the top and bottom parts of the tomato, using a very sharp and thin knife, cut off the skin in a spiral. Then roll it into a rose shape. Place on the “pedestal” from the bottom of the tomato. The same roses can be made from boiled carrots or beets.

    Cucumber decorations

    Cucumber slices can be given a variety of shapes: “legs”, “hearts”, “flowers”, “triangles” and so on.

    Radish decorations

    The decoration of the salad bowl, made from radishes, cut in the shape of a flower with a cranberry in the middle, looks original.

    Boiled carrots make wonderful flowers. They need to be made as follows: peel the prepared carrots and cut into longitudinal slices 3 mm thick. From the plate, cut out an isosceles triangle with sides of 2 cm. Make cuts on one side of the triangle to make teeth. Place the four resulting pieces with the cloves facing outward to create a flower. Drop mayonnaise into the center of the flower and place a pea. Instead of a pea, you can put beet puree or drip ketchup into the center of the flower.

    Stars and gears made from carrots and cucumbers

    Cut curly grooves along the carrot or cucumber, and then cut crosswise into thin slices.

    Water lilies and onion lilies

    Look at the picture and cut the same way through the onion from the surface to the center. Separate the halves and disassemble them into scales. The result is “water lily flowers.” And if you insert one scale into another, the “lily” is ready. The core can be a circle of carrots.

    1.4 Methods for cutting vegetables

    imitation salad cutting vegetable

    To chop vegetables, knives, graters, shredders and various modern kitchen equipment made of stainless metal or plastic are used.

    If possible, vegetables for any heat treatment should be cut to the same thickness, then they will be ready at the same time. Do not store chopped vegetables in light or water. Therefore, they are cut immediately before cooking. Quickly darkening vegetables and fruits (celery, apples, quinces, plums, pears) are lightly sprinkled with lemon juice or salted water immediately after chopping.

    Round or oblong vegetables are cut into circles: tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, carrots, radishes. Tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, radishes, beets and other vegetables, initially cut in half, are cut into slices and thin slices. To cut vegetables into strips, you must first cut them into thin slices. The cubes are cut the same way, only thicker, and if you cut them crosswise, you get cubes. Small round vegetables are cut into slices: tomatoes, radishes, turnips, small cucumbers and others. You can cut onions and bell peppers into rings and half rings. Onions can be cut in different ways. To obtain cubes or sticks, it is first cut into thin half rings, which are then given the desired shape. Leafy vegetables (lettuce, spinach, sorrel) can be left whole, or chopped with your hands or a very sharp knife to avoid loss of juice.

    Making imitation salads.

    Salad "Snake's Nest"

    Red onion 2 pcs

    Quail eggs 10 pcs

    Spinach leaves 50 gr

    Hard cheese 50 gr

    Canned pink salmon stew 1 jar

    Cucumber 1 piece

    Mayonnaise 50 gr


    Place the spinach in a circle on the dish, then place the canned food in the center. We place the pickled onions along the edge of the canned food, imitating a nest. Apply a layer of mayonnaise in the middle, then grated cheese. Place the cucumber on top, again apply a layer of mayonnaise, then the remaining spinach and cilantro, and quail eggs in the center of the nest.

    Salad "Orange slice"

    Boiled chicken 300 gr

    Canned corn 3 tablespoons

    Pickled cucumbers 2-3 pcs


    Boiled carrots 1-2 pcs


    Place boiled chicken in a semicircle shape and make a mesh of mayonnaise on top. Place the cucumbers, then the mushrooms and again make a mesh of mayonnaise. Place the corn, finely chop the eggs and mayonnaise mesh on top. Cover the salad with grated carrots, divide into slices with mayonnaise and sprinkle with cheese.

    Chamomile salad

    Daikon or radish

    Boiled chicken fillet 150 gr

    Corn 3 tbsp. spoons

    Champignons 100 gr

    red onion

    Sour cream Art. spoon

    Mayonnaise Art. spoon


    Mix finely chopped onion, chicken, daikon, mushrooms and cucumber with mayonnaise and add salt. Place on a round dish. Dry the soaked daikon petals and place them in a circle. Cover the core with corn.

    Salad "New Year's Bunny"

    Chicken fillet 300 gr

    Mayonnaise 200 gr

    Prunes 150 gr

    Walnuts 100 gr

    Processed cheese 100 gr

    Hard cheese 100 gr

    Chinese cabbage 1

    Carrots 2 pcs


    Break the boiled chicken into fibers and grate the eggs. Cut the boiled carrots and prunes into strips. Finely chop the nuts. Mix everything, add mayonnaise. Divide the resulting mass into two parts. A smaller one will go on the head, the rest of the body. From the solid base of Chinese cabbage, cut out the shape of a rabbit ear. We place the soft base of Chinese cabbage on a dish and shape the resulting salad into the shape of a rabbit. We insert ears and make eyes from prunes. You can place small carrots nearby for decoration.

    Salad “Hedgehog in the Fog”

    Chicken leg 1 piece

    Pineapples (canned) 1 can

    Hard cheese 150 gr

    Walnut 100g

    Garlic 2 cloves

    Olives 1 jar


    Chop walnuts, add mayonnaise and garlic. Cut the boiled chicken meat into cubes, place on a dish and brush with dressing. Chop the pineapples, put them on the salad and brush with dressing. Grate the cheese, place it in a third layer on the salad and also brush with dressing. Grate the boiled eggs, lay them out in a fourth layer and grease them with mayonnaise. From olives we make a hedgehog’s nose, eyes and spines.

    Salad "Snake"

    Peeled shrimp 200 gr

    Apple 2 pcs

    red onion

    Canned corn 300 gr

    Hard cheese 100 gr

    Olives 70 gr

    Lemon juice

    Sugar 1 tea. spoon


    Finely chop the onion and marinate for 30 minutes with lemon juice and sugar, a little water. Finely chop the shrimp. Grate the cheese. We also finely chop the peeled apples. Drain the marinade from the onions and dry. Mix all ingredients with mayonnaise. Place the salad in the shape of a snake on a flat dish, marking the head and tail. We spread the corn shells. Cut the olives in half and place them lengthwise in the middle of the salad. We make eyes from olive circles, and a tongue from a piece of onion. Sprinkle the free space on the dish with herbs.

    This salad will perfectly decorate the holiday table, but it can cause bad associations, so it is not recommended.

    Salad “Winter Well”

    Ham 200 gr

    Hard cheese 150 gr

    Canned champignons

    Crackers with cheese flavor


    Chop the ham and mushrooms into strips. Grate the cheese. Separate the yolks from the boiled egg and leave the whites for now. For the dressing, grind the yolks with mayonnaise. Mix all ingredients and season with mayonnaise and yolks. Place on a plate in the form of a square. Cover the salad with croutons on four sides to form the walls of a well. Grate the egg white and sprinkle the well and the area around it, lightly apply mayonnaise in strips. You can make a cheese tree nearby. To do this, insert a toothpick into half an egg, string cheese on it, cut into small triangles and garnish with pomegranate seeds.

    Salad "Turtle"

    Chicken fillet 200 gr

    Apple 200 gr

    Hard cheese 100 gr

    Walnuts 100 gr

    Lettuce leaves

    Pickled cucumber


    Finely chop the boiled chicken fillet. Chop the onion, pour boiling water over it and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse in cold water. Separate the whites from the yolks. Grate the whites finely, grate the yolks finely. Chop walnuts. Grate the peeled apple. Grate the cheese. Place lettuce leaves and whites in an oval shape on a dish, add salt and grease with mayonnaise. Place the fillet on the whites and brush with mayonnaise. Place onions on top. Then place the apple on top of the onion and spread with mayonnaise. Set aside a tablespoon of grated cheese, and cover the rest with a layer of apple and grease with mayonnaise. Place the yolks on the cheese and brush with mayonnaise. Sprinkle with whole nuts. Use slices of pickled cucumber to make legs for a turtle and eggs for a head. Eyes can be made from black peppercorns.

    Salad “Pink Bouquet”

    Herring 1pc

    1 small potato

    Beetroot 1pc

    Hard cheese 100 gr

    Garlic 3 cloves

    Pickled cucumbers 3 pcs

    Pancakes 2 pcs

    Green peas 50 gr


    We cook vegetables separately. Cool and rub. Mix half the beets with cheese, add mayonnaise and garlic. Spread the prepared pancakes thickly with this mixture, roll up the roll, and cut it crosswise into small rolls. The roses are ready. Place lettuce leaves, pieces of herring fillet on the dish, then grated boiled potatoes and diced cucumbers. Carefully lay out a bouquet of roses and sprinkle peas in the free spaces.

    Rubik's Cube Salad



    For refueling:

    Lemon juice

    Olive oil 100 gr

    Garlic 1 small clove

    Green peas 100 gr

    Salt to taste


    Boil vegetables in their skins, separately.

    Cut the boiled, cooled vegetables into cubes (identical). Separately, spray each vegetable with olive oil so that they do not stain each other when stacked. Take a flat plate and place the cubes in a four by four square. Then add three more layers of the same type. To make the dressing, place all ingredients in a blender and add some salt. Add the dressing to the cube and garnish with herbs.

    Salad "Corn"

    Potatoes 4 pcs

    Carrots 2 pcs

    Crab sticks 150 gr

    Egg 3-4 pcs

    Cucumber 1 piece

    Canned corn 100 gr

    Green onions for decoration

    Salt to taste


    Grate the boiled potatoes coarsely. Form the potatoes into a base for corn cobs on a platter. Add a little salt and spread with mayonnaise. Grate the boiled carrots, place in a second layer, and brush with mayonnaise. The third layer is crab sticks, then a little mayonnaise. Place fresh grated cucumber on crab sticks and spread with mayonnaise. The last layer is boiled grated eggs and mayonnaise. Garnish the salad with corn kernels and green onions in the middle.

    Salad “Watermelon slice”

    Chicken leg 1 piece

    Canned champignons 1 jar

    Fresh cucumber 1 piece

    Hard cheese 50 gr

    Tomato 2 pcs


    We tear the boiled chicken leg into fibers. Chop the champignons and fry with onions. Boil chicken eggs and crumble. Mix everything with mayonnaise and place it on a dish in a crescent shape. Chop the cucumber into strips and mix with dill. Grate the cheese. Cut the tomatoes into cubes. We put the cucumber skin on the slice, a layer of cheese, and then the core of the tomato and the seeds of the olives.

    Salad “Fish in the Pond”

    Carrots 2 pcs

    Potatoes 2 pcs

    Sprats 1 jar

    Chicken egg 2-3 pcs

    Hard cheese 100 gr


    Boil carrots, potatoes and eggs. We cut the sprats into the body and tails. We leave the tails for decoration, and knead the rest. Grate the cheese. Layer layers of potatoes, carrots, sprats, eggs, greasing with mayonnaise. Then cheese and sprat tails. Decorate with egg lilies and green onions.

    Canned fish 1 can

    Potatoes 2 pcs

    Carrots 2 pcs

    Onion 1 piece


    Boil vegetables and eggs and chop finely. Lay out the salad in layers in the shape of a figure eight: fish, grated whites, carrots, onions, potatoes, grated yolk. Spread a little mayonnaise on each layer. Garnish with herbs and green onion flowers and eggs.

    Pine cone salad

    Boiled potatoes 2-3 pcs

    Smoked chicken 1 piece

    Onion 1 piece

    Canned corn 1 can

    Egg 2-3 pcs

    Processed cheese


    Almonds for decoration


    All ingredients are laid in layers, smeared with mayonnaise. Boiled potatoes, grated. Then finely chopped chicken, onion, corn, chopped boiled eggs, grated processed cheese with nuts. Place the salad in the shape of cones on a plate and place almonds on top. You can insert almond kernels at a slightly angle, simulating cones. Decorate with greens.

    Salad "Monomakh's Hat"

    Pork 300 gr

    Potatoes 4pcs

    Eggs 3-4 pcs

    Beetroot 1 piece

    Carrot 1 piece

    Hard cheese 150 gr

    Walnuts 80 gr


    Garlic 2 cloves

    Pomegranate 1 piece

    Green peas 1 tea. spoon


    Boil the meat and cut into strips, grate the boiled potatoes coarsely. Boil the beets and grate them coarsely. Grate raw carrots. Boil the eggs and chop the yolks separately with a knife, and grate the whites finely. Grate the cheese. Grind the nuts in a blender. Finely chop the greens. Squeeze out the garlic. Place in layers on a plate. Half a potato with salt, pepper and mayonnaise. Then beets, a little garlic and nuts. Top with mayonnaise and cheese. Then half the meat with mayonnaise and salt. Sprinkle with herbs. Egg yolks, salt, mayonnaise. Then carrots, salt, mayonnaise, garlic and pepper. Top with grated cheese and walnuts. Remaining meat, salt, mayonnaise, nuts and herbs. Cover the salad with the remaining potatoes mixed with mayonnaise, forming a mound, covering so that the multi-colored layers are not visible. Using hands moistened with water, shape the salad into a hat. Cover the salad with a thin layer of mayonnaise. Cover the top of the hat with grated egg white. Sprinkle the edge with the remaining nuts, imitating fur. You can decorate the hat with pomegranate seeds and peas. The top of the hat is crowned with a crown of onions filled with pomegranate seeds.


    In my course work, I presented a topic about the technology of preparing imitation salads. The properties of the lettuce were analyzed, as well as the classification. The work contains the history of the creation of the salad, the concept as a whole and the design. Of course, design is of great importance, since there are an innumerable number of ways. I analyzed the methods and rational methods for decorating salads, and talked about the types of vegetable decorations. Also, methods of cutting vegetables were considered using the main types as an example.

    For the work, recipes for imitation salads with illustrations were selected. Including different ingredients and different dressings, the range was reviewed.

    Salad is a table decoration. Therefore, it must correspond to its purpose, but, nevertheless, be tasty and properly prepared. There are many traditional and modern recipes. We can turn even an ordinary salad into an original table decoration. You just have to imagine. I have selected several of the most modern recipes to show that salad should decorate the holiday table and delight us with its unusual decoration.

    My work uses illustrations, the number of which is 23 pieces. Bright, colorful and creative salads are very relevant today, since ordinary salad designs are not so interesting.

    Used sources

    Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products (Moscow 1983)

    N.I. Kovalev, L.K. Salnikova “food preparation technology” Moscow 1988

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    • Introduction 2
    • 1. The importance of cold dishes in human nutrition. 5
    • 2. Commodity characteristics of raw materials for preparing salads. 7
    • 3. Preparation of raw materials for preparing salads. 10
    • 3.1 Technological process. 10
    • 3.2 Primary processing. 12
    • 3.3 Using dressings and sauces for preparing vegetable salads. 20
    • 4. Development of an assortment and technological process for preparing vegetable salads. 31
    • 5. Rules for storing, decorating and serving vegetable salads. 47
    • Conclusion 49
    • List of used literature: 52


    Not thousands, but hundreds of thousands of dishes have been created throughout the history of world cooking! Her greatest achievement, without a doubt, is the salad. It, like a bouquet of flowers, attracts eaters with its aroma and rich palette. And what a great taste it has!

    Nutritionists say that those who often eat salads eat naturally, correctly and healthy. A salad can easily replace a whole dinner for those who adhere to the principles of a healthy diet. Its great advantage is that it is served as an appetizer or main course, and for dessert.

    Salads appeared in human history many thousands of years ago and played an important role in its menu. The word “salad” comes from the Latin phrase “herba salata,” which means nothing more than “salted greens.” The first salads were prepared from the “ancestors” of today’s vegetable greens, so popular today (basil, chervil, lavender, lovage, coriander), which were made soft and digestible with the help of salt.

    Already in the first written sources of the ancient Romans and monastic culinary writings, recipes for delicious salads are listed, which in their sophistication can easily compete with modern ones. Even then, the ideal culinary formula for a salad appeared: “The salad should tickle the tongue without burning it, refresh the palate, but irritate it, stimulate the appetite without overloading the stomach.”

    After a long stagnation, at the end of the Middle Ages, thanks to the rapid penetration of spicy and aromatic plants from the eastern colonies into Europe, gourmet cuisine received further development. Italy became its cradle - especially its south and Sicily. This is where the Italian folk wisdom arose, which says that the salad should be prepared by 4 cooks: the miserly cook seasons the salad with vinegar, the philosopher cook adds salt, the spendthrift cook seasones it with oil, and the artist cook designs and decorates the salad. This meant that everyone who prepared the salad had to combine all 4 chef images. Salads from fresh and boiled vegetables of that time captivated gourmets with their delicate “green” sauces and seasonings made from fish extracts.

    However, the art of preparing salad reached its greatest flowering in France under King Louis XIV. During his reign, the art of cooking was constantly improved. Not only professional cooks, but also many scientists, philosophers and even statesmen took part in this process. It is known that the inventors of new salads were Richelieu, Mazarin, and Michel Montaigne even wrote the book “The Science of Food”.

    At this time, the art of serving and decorating dishes reached its apogee. Not just chefs, but sculptors and artists worked on their design. Descriptions of the salads served on the royal table are akin to poems. Decorations were not limited to vegetable flowers - edible castles and gazebos were erected on the tables, angels fluttered, animals walked...

    Russian chefs have enriched world cuisine with their salad recipes. Peter's reforms, as we know, radically changed the entire way of Russian life, including cuisine. Foreigners poured into Russia, Russians began to explore Europe. It was from France that salads came into Russian cuisine.

    The 19th century is the apotheosis of Russian culinary art. Any nobleman who had the slightest bit of self-respect had a foreign cook among his servants. Real culinary rivalry arose between aristocratic kitchens. It was then that the “Olivier” salad, beloved by Russians, was born - with potatoes and finely chopped Doctorskaya, which is called Russian salad all over the world.

    The authorship of the original “Olivier” belongs to the Frenchman Lucien Olivier. In the early 60s of the 19th century, he ran a restaurant in Moscow, near Trubnaya Square, with authentic Parisian cuisine. The salad quickly became the main attraction for visitors. His recipe was a secret that the restaurateur took with him to the grave. After a short period of oblivion, in 1904, the recipe was restored from the memory of one of the gourmets who were regulars at the restaurant.

    The Olivier salad, in its current versions, arose in the 60s of the 20th century as a triumph of the ingenuity of Russian culinary specialists.

    In the 20th century, the science of healthy eating significantly changed people's food preferences and brought salads (especially vegetables and fruits) to the forefront of our menus. And today, almost none of our lunch or dinner (and for some lovers, even breakfast) can do without them.

    The topic of our thesis is “Modern technology for preparing vegetable salads.”

    When researching the topic of this work, we were given the following tasks:

    Studying the assortment of cold dishes;

    Development of assortment and technology for the cooking process;

    Analysis of modern trends in food design.

    In our work, we offer calculations of the composition and energy value of dishes, ready-made technological maps and cooking diagrams.

    1. The importance of cold dishes in human nutrition

    Cold dishes are a means of stimulating the appetite. They are served before the main meal and sometimes between hot dishes.

    There is not much difference between a cold appetizer and a dish, since, served at the beginning of lunch, they play the role of an appetizer, and in a breakfast or dinner menu they can be the main course.

    Many cold dishes have a spicy taste, while some have a mild taste.

    Cold dishes play a special role in banquet menus, where their number reaches 5-10. Snacks such as salads of green onions, lettuce and fresh cucumbers are low in calories and are primarily an appetite stimulant and a source of vitamins and minerals.

    The recipe for many cold dishes includes vegetable oil or sauces and dressings for them. Such dishes are a source of unsaturated fatty acids. In this case, of particular importance is the fact that vegetable oil in this case is not subjected to heat treatment and does not lose its biological activity.

    Some cold dishes are prepared from raw vegetables and fruits, so that vitamins and other valuable substances are well preserved.

    Cold dishes are served in special dishes: ceramic and metal dishes, glass vases, ceramic vases, caviar bowls, salad bowls, rosettes, bowls.

    Considerable attention is paid to the design of cold dishes, since the stimulation of appetite, and therefore the absorption of food, depends on their appearance.

    Since the technological process for the production of cold dishes does not provide for their heat treatment before release to the consumer, and also due to the fact that some vegetables are included in fresh cold dishes (lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions and green onions, etc.), a large attention should be paid to strict adherence to sanitary rules during their preparation and storage. Particular attention should be paid to cleaning and cutting boiled vegetables, washing fresh vegetables and herbs (at least 5 minutes). It is advisable to cut vegetables by machine.

    Potatoes, carrots and beets are cooked in two ways: first boiled in their skins, then peeled, or vice versa. To improve the sanitary condition and quality of salads and vinaigrettes, potatoes are boiled peeled and cut after cooling. Poorly cooked potato varieties should be cut before cooking, and to better preserve the shape of the pieces, acidify the water during the cooking process.

    Beets and carrots are peeled, cut into pieces and simmered. To preserve the color of the beets and the shape of the carrot pieces, the broth can be acidified, and vegetable oil can be added to the carrots for better absorption of carotene.

    Salads are classified

    Salads are decorated with the same products they consist of. To decorate, vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, radishes, etc.) are cut into even circles, or stars, gears, flowers, balls, paws are cut out using a knife...

    Decorating salads with leaves, sprigs of parsley, and celery gives the dish a beautiful and finished look. The selection of products and the design of salads can be varied depending on taste and ingenuity.

    2. Commodity characteristics of raw materials for preparing salads

    Vegetables have a pleasant taste and aroma, have a beautiful variety of colors, due to which they are widely used to decorate culinary dishes and products, which gives them an appetizing appearance.

    Vegetables are classified into two main groups: vegetative and fruit.

    Vegetative vegetables: tubers - potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke (earthen pear), sweet potato (sweet potato); root vegetables - carrots, beets, radishes, radishes, turnips, rutabaga, white roots (parsley, parsnips, celery), horseradish; cabbage - white, red, savoy, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi; onions - onions, leeks (green), garlic; salad-spinach - lettuce, spinach, sorrel; dessert - rhubarb, asparagus, artichokes; spicy - dill, tarragon, basil, marjoram, etc.

    Fruit vegetables: pumpkin - cucumbers, pumpkin, zucchini, squash, melons, watermelons; tomato - tomatoes, eggplants, peppers; legumes - peas, beans, beans; cereals - sweet corn. The nutritional value of vegetables is determined by their content of carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and other substances.

    Vegetables are rich in carbohydrates (starch, sugars, pectin, fiber, etc.). Vegetables contain almost all currently known vitamins, except vitamins B12 and D.

    Products containing a very high percentage of vitamin C include: parsley, dill, green onions, cauliflower, tomatoes, sorrel, etc.

    Vegetables colored green or orange-red are rich in carotene (provitamin A): green onions, parsley and dill, carrots, tomatoes, red peppers.

    Carrots are rich in vitamin P (flavones and cahetins). Many vegetables contain organic acids (malic, citric, oxalic, tartaric, etc.), various flavoring, aromatic and tannin substances, as well as enzymes.

    The mineral composition of vegetables containing potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron and other elements necessary for the normal functioning of the body is very valuable.

    It is especially important that vegetables contain a lot of alkaline elements (potassium, sodium, calcium), thanks to which the ratio of acidic and alkaline elements necessary for the body is maintained.

    Vegetables are rich in microelements (cobalt, manganese, nickel, copper, etc.), also necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

    Garlic, onions, parsley, celery and others contain flavoring and aromatic substances that stimulate appetite and release digestive enzymes.

    Vegetables such as onions, garlic, horseradish and others contain phytoncides that kill microorganisms or delay their development.

    The importance of vegetables in nutrition is very great, and their main advantage is that they can be used to prepare a variety of healthy and tasty dishes, side dishes, snacks that are easily digestible by the human body and, in addition, contribute to better absorption of any other food consumed along with vegetables.

    Certain types of vegetables vary greatly in their merits, so it is necessary to use not a monotonous, but a varied assortment of vegetables for preparing vegetable dishes and side dishes.

    Vitamins are best preserved in fresh, raw vegetables immediately after they are harvested. Therefore, all kinds of salads made from raw vegetables are very useful: cabbage, carrots, radishes, tomatoes, green onions.

    The cook should know that vitamin C is destroyed by prolonged heat treatment of vegetables, contact with atmospheric oxygen and improper storage. Therefore, when cooking vegetables, the container in which the vegetables are cooked should be tightly closed with a lid.

    Vegetables occupy one of the leading places in the human diet, so catering establishments are obliged to offer consumers the largest possible selection of excellent, tasty dishes made from vegetables.

    3. Preparation of raw materials for preparing salads

    3.1 Technological process

    The technological scheme for processing vegetables consists of the following processes: receiving, sorting, washing, cleaning, washing and slicing.

    When accepting, pay attention to the quality and weight of the batch of vegetables. The quality of raw materials determines the amount of waste during processing and the quality of finished dishes.

    Vegetables are sorted according to size, degree of maturity, shape and other characteristics that determine culinary use. During sorting, spoiled vegetables and mechanical impurities are removed. Most vegetables are sorted manually. At large enterprises, potatoes are sorted in machines.

    During washing, dirt is removed. Vegetables are washed in baths. At large enterprises, tubers are washed in vegetable washing machines. This operation is necessary not only from a sanitary point of view, but also allows you to extend the life of potato peelers, since sand getting into them causes premature wear of the moving parts of the machine.

    Vegetables are peeled in special machines or by hand. When peeling, inedible, damaged or rotten parts of vegetables are removed: peels, stalks, coarse seeds, etc. Manual cleaning is carried out with special root or groove knives. A large number of potatoes and tubers are peeled in vegetable peeling machines - potato peelers. After mechanical cleaning, the vegetables are manually peeled and washed.

    Rice. 1. Special devices for cutting vegetables.

    1 - root knife; 2 - groove knife; 3 - knife for final cleaning; 4 - knife for cutting onions; 5 - knife for cutting tomatoes; 6 - corrugated knife; 7, 8, 9, 10 - figured notches; 11 - device for cutting vegetables into shapes.

    Vegetables are cut depending on their culinary purpose. Proper cutting gives dishes a beautiful appearance and ensures that different types of vegetables are cooked simultaneously when they are cooked together. For chopping, vegetable cutting machines with replaceable knife discs are used, which cut potatoes and root vegetables into circles, cubes, bars, plates and strips.

    In vegetable shops, enterprises allocate lines or areas for processing potatoes and root vegetables, herbs, onions, cabbage and other vegetables.

    3.2 Primary processing

    Primary processing of vegetables consists of the following operations: sorting by quality indicators, calibration by size, washing, cleaning and slicing. The sequence of operations depends on the type of vegetables. So, root vegetables are first washed and then peeled, cabbage, onion vegetables, and greens are sorted, peeled, and then washed.

    Primary processing of vegetative vegetables.

    Potato processing. Potatoes are the most common tuber crop in the diet. It is one of the most valuable food products, due to the favorable combination of starch, nitrogenous and mineral substances, sugars, vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, PP.

    In catering and food industry enterprises, potato processing (sorting, washing, cleaning) is mainly mechanized. Various types of equipment are used for this. Processing a small amount of potatoes is done manually using special grooved or root knives.

    In order to prevent potatoes from darkening, they are stored in water for 2-3 hours at room temperature and up to 24 hours in refrigerators at a temperature of 2-4 °C. Long-term storage in water leads to leaching of starch, loss of vitamin C, i.e., to a decrease in the nutritional value of potatoes. The industry produces the following semi-finished potato products: peeled, sulfated, fried in fat until half cooked, potato crackers, etc.

    Processing of root crops. The most valuable root vegetables are carrots and beets. The content of sugars, provitamin A-carotene, sodium salts, potassium, iron determines their high nutritional value. Carotene in carrots is converted into vitamin A in the human body. Carotene is absorbed more fully if it is soluble in fat. Therefore, it is better to season carrot salads with sour cream, and when cooking, saute the carrots with fat. Radishes, radishes, turnips, rutabaga contain glycosides and essential oils, which give these vegetables a specific taste and aroma and therefore they can be used in food in their raw form. White roots are distinguished by a high content of essential oils and vitamin C. They are used to flavor and vitaminize food.

    Root crops are sorted, washed, peeled and washed again. The tops of young carrots, beets, and radishes are cut off and then processed.

    Beet peelings can be used to make beet paint. To do this, the peelings are washed, crushed, and then boiled in acidified water. Processing cabbage vegetables. White cabbage and other types of cabbage vegetables contain sugars, minerals (potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, etc.), vitamins C, B1, PP, E. Folic acid contained in cabbage reduces the amount of cholesterol in the body. Vitamin U in white cabbage is used in the treatment of stomach ulcers. When processing white, red and savoy cabbage, contaminated and rotten leaves are separated, cutting them at the base of the stalk, and rotten parts are cut out. After this, the cabbage is washed in cold water, the upper part of large heads is cut off by 1/3, and then cut into two or four parts, small heads are cut into two parts. Remove the stalk from each part of the cabbage. The leaves of a head of cauliflower are cut off, the darkened and rotten parts are removed, and the contaminated areas are scraped off with a knife or grater. The stalk is cut off, retreating 1 cm from the beginning of the branching of the head of cabbage.

    If cabbage is damaged by caterpillars, immerse it in cold salted water (4-5% solution) for 30 minutes. In this case, the caterpillars float to the surface, and the cabbage is washed again. Cauliflower damaged by caterpillars is treated in the same way as white cabbage.

    To avoid wilting, Brussels sprouts are cut off immediately before cooking. Then they, together with the removed cabbage leaves, are thoroughly washed in plenty of water.

    Kohlrabi is manually peeled, washed and cut.

    Processing onion vegetables. Onion vegetables contain sugars, vitamins C, B1, essential oils, and phytoncides. They are used raw, and sautéed to flavor dishes. The onions are first cleaned by cutting off the lower part - the bottom and neck, then the dry scales are removed, and the onions are washed in cold water. It is necessary to cut it immediately before heat treatment, since when cut it quickly withers and loses essential oils and vitamins.

    When processing leeks, cut off the root, remove yellowed, rotten leaves and wash the onion stems well, dividing them lengthwise before washing in order to better remove sand and dirt. The garlic is peeled by cutting off the bottom and head, and then divided into cloves and cleaned of dry leaves.

    Processing of salad, spinach and spicy vegetables. Lettuce, spinach and sorrel are sources of vitamins C, P, K, group B, and carotene. During processing, they are sorted out, roots, rough stems and yellowed leaves are separated. The greens are placed in cold water for 20-30 minutes so that the particles of sand and earth adhering to them are soaked. Then rinse several times with plenty of water or under running water to wash off the sand. Salad vegetables (especially spinach) must be washed immediately before cooking, as they quickly deteriorate when wet. Parsley and dill are processed in the same way as salad vegetables. Vegetable stems can be used when cooking broths. It is better to store sorted greens at a temperature of 1 to 7 °C.

    Processing of dessert vegetables. Artichoke, asparagus and rhubarb contain vitamin C, minerals, have a delicate texture and excellent taste.

    Artichokes are sorted, the stem and sharp ends of the fleshy scales are cut off at their very base, the core is removed and washed. To prevent the leaves from falling apart during cooking, the artichokes should be tied with twine. To avoid darkening, all sections are rubbed with lemon or moistened with citric acid.

    The asparagus is peeled, washed, and tied in bunches (the skin must be removed very carefully so that the top, the most delicious and nutritious part of the asparagus, does not break off). The rhubarb is sorted out, the lower part of the cuttings is cut off, the top film is scraped off, washed and cut.

    Primary processing of fruit vegetables

    Processing pumpkin vegetables. Among pumpkin vegetables, cucumbers are one of the most common vegetable crops and are in great demand. They contain 95% water, minerals, sugars, vitamins C, B1, B2, carotene. Due to their high water content, cucumbers do not have high energy nutritional value, but have a beneficial effect on the digestion process. They have a delicate taste and aroma.

    Fresh cucumbers are washed and sorted by size; for garden cucumbers, the skin is cut off completely; for greenhouse cucumbers, only at both ends.

    Pumpkin, zucchini, and squash contain sugars, minerals, vitamins, and pectin. They also have a delicate taste and therefore are widely used in cooking. The pumpkin is washed, the sprouts and a thin layer of skin are cut off, cut into several parts and the seeds are removed, then cut into slices or cubes. Young zucchini is washed and the stalk is removed (large zucchini is peeled), cut into pieces, seeds removed, and chopped.

    The squash is sorted, cleared of the ovary and washed.

    Processing of tomato vegetables. The high nutritional value of tomato vegetables is due to their content of sugars, minerals, and organic acids. They play an important role in maintaining acid-base balance in the body.

    Tomatoes (tomatoes) are sorted by degree of maturity and size, bruised, unripe and spoiled specimens are removed, the stalk is cut off and washed. Eggplants contain sugar, starch, and minerals. The bitter taste is due to the solanine content, the amount of which increases when the fruits are overripe. Only unripe fruits with tender pulp are used for food. During primary processing, eggplants are sorted, the stem is cut off, and washed. Large eggplants are scalded and then peeled.

    Capsicum peppers are sweet and hot (bitter). It contains a high percentage of vitamin C (especially in red and pink bell peppers). Capsaicin causes a sharp, bitter taste.

    Sweet pepper contains up to 4% sugar, so it can be used fresh for preparing salads, soups, and main courses.

    During processing, sweet peppers are sorted, washed, then cut lengthwise into two parts, the seed pulp and seeds are removed and washed.

    In bitter pepper, only ripe red fruits without grains are used for food. In fresh and dried form, it is added as a seasoning.

    Processing of legumes. Beans, peas, beans in a mature state are classified as grain crops. In peas and beans, young pods and seeds are used for food, and in beans, pods and seeds at the stage of milky-waxy maturity are used. Legumes contain easily digestible proteins, sugars, starch, vitamins C, group B, PP, provitamin A - carotene. In the process of primary processing, green bean and pea pods are freed from the veins connecting the halves of the pod, breaking its ends, and washed. When preparing dishes, pea pods are usually used whole, and beans - chopped.

    Processing of grain vegetables. Sweet corn cobs at the stage of milky-waxy maturity are used in cooking. It contains proteins, sugars, vitamins A, group B, PP, starch, fat. When processing corn, the remaining part of the stalk is removed to the base of the cob, the leaves and hairy stigmas are removed, and washed. Sometimes corn is boiled along with some of the leaves.

    Canned vegetables

    Pickled cucumbers are included in first and second courses, sauces, they are used as an additional side dish for second courses, as well as for decorating cold dishes and appetizers.

    Pickled cucumbers are washed with cold water before processing. For small, strong pickled cucumbers, cut off the stem with part of the pulp.

    After removing the skin and seeds, large cucumbers are cut into diamonds, slices, cubes depending on their culinary use.

    The sauerkraut is sorted. Coarsely chopped cabbage is chopped. If the cabbage is very sour, then it is washed and squeezed. You cannot store cabbage without brine, as it loses its quality.

    Dried vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beets, onions, parsley and celery) are sorted, removing blackened and damaged specimens, washed and soaked in cold water until softened (1.5-2 hours), after which they are sent for heat treatment.

    Dry greens should not be soaked - they are immediately placed in the boiler for cooking.

    Frozen vegetables

    Vegetables are supplied frozen in the following assortment: green peas, green beans, cauliflower, carrots, tomatoes, bell peppers, mixtures of various vegetables, etc. Quick-frozen vegetables retain their original properties well. They are stored at the factory at a temperature of -18 °C and used without prior defrosting, placing them immediately in boiling water and boiling for 10-15 minutes.

    Vegetable cutting

    The taste of the salad largely depends on the method of chopping vegetables and fruits prepared for salads: from the same products, using different chopping methods, you can prepare salads of various tastes.

    Spicy products are cut smaller so that their taste is felt throughout the entire salad, or, conversely, larger than other products to emphasize the spiciness of the taste.

    Basically, all products for salads, especially vegetables and fruits, are chopped immediately before preparing salads, since when stored in chopped form they lose their nutritional value.

    Do not store chopped vegetables in bright light or in water. Quickly darkening vegetables and fruits (celery, apples, pears, quinces, plums) are lightly sprinkled with lemon juice or salted water immediately after chopping.

    To chop vegetables, knives, graters, shredders and various modern kitchen equipment made of stainless metal or plastic are used.

    The most delicious salads are obtained when the salad components are cut according to the shape and size specified in the recipe using a large sharp knife. And, although the time required for such cutting is large, it pays off with the extraordinary taste of the prepared salad.

    It is recommended to cut the salad ingredients and season them with sauce immediately before serving the dish. Salads left over from lunch or dinner are stored on the shelves of the refrigerator, but it should be noted that even short-term storage of dressed salads worsens their taste.

    Ways to cut vegetables

    Prepared vegetables are cut depending on their culinary purpose. To do this, simple or complex cutting shapes are used. Simple forms include straws, sticks, circles, slices, slices, cubes, while complex forms include barrels, pears, balls, garlic cloves, spirals, shavings. Vegetables with a delicate texture are cut more coarsely than vegetables with a dense consistency.

    Tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, carrots, beets and other vegetables are cut into slices and thin slices, first cut in half.

    To cut vegetables into strips, you must first cut them into thin slices and then into strips of the desired thickness. The length of the straw is usually 4-5 cm, and the thickness is 2-3 mm.

    To obtain cubes and sticks, first cut 1 cm thick plates from vegetables, which are then cut into cubes. From the same preparations you can also cut into cubes, the length of which for salad is 2-3 cm. The size of the cubes and cubes depends on the type of salad: for hot salads they are larger, and for salads served on sandwiches or as a filling - smaller.

    Small round vegetables are cut into slices: tomatoes, radishes, turnips, small cucumbers and other similar vegetables.

    Vegetables, which are difficult to give a strict geometric shape, are cut into wedges with one rounded end, since cutting off the roundness will produce a lot of waste.

    Onions are chopped in different ways: to obtain cubes or cubes, they are first cut into thin rings or half rings, which are then given the desired shape. If you are preparing a salad with a predominant onion flavor, it is better to grate it or chop it very finely. It is not recommended to cut onions for salad into strips - in this form they are harder. If pickled onions are used for salad, it is better to cut them into rings or half rings.

    Cauliflower for salad should be disassembled into inflorescences, which should be cut from the stem without chopping. Remove the hard skin from the remaining stem and then grate or finely chop it.

    The rhubarb stems are cut into transverse circles 2-3 mm thick - this way it will be softer and tastier; the rhubarb stems are not cut lengthwise. If the rhubarb stems are very thick, they are first cut in half or into 4 parts.

    Leafy vegetables (lettuce, spinach, sorrel) can be left whole, or chopped with your hands or a very sharp knife, not very finely, so as not to squeeze the juice out of the leaves.

    Spicy greens of dill, parsley, onion or garlic can be used in whole sprigs if the leaves are young and small. Chop larger leaves with a knife or better with scissors. When cutting greens with a knife, the branches of greens with leaves are first cut in half, then folded and cut again. Only when there are more of them, the greens are finely chopped. Spicy greens can not be chopped, but finely chopped with a large sharp knife or pruning shears.

    If asparagus is used for salad, then mainly its heads are used, since they are more delicate in taste.

    3.3 Using dressings and sauces for preparing vegetable salads

    Dressing is a component added to salads that creates the immediate taste of the dish. Dressings can be vinegar, kvass, vegetable oil, grated cheese, dairy and fermented milk products, as well as sauces of various tastes. The amount of dressing for each serving of salad is determined by individual taste.

    At the same time, dressing is a composition that flavors food, improves its taste and is suitable only for certain products. These dressings have a precise recipe and are used with specific salads. For example, it is better to prepare a green salad with a dressing of sunflower oil, vinegar and salt. Mustard with sunflower oil and vinegar, etc. is more suitable for herring salads with onions and potatoes.

    Salad dressings can also be complex, containing many components (depending on the composition of the salad and its taste). That’s why recipes for dressings usually only list the necessary components, and the housewife or cook determines their ratio and quantity independently.

    For example, a dressing for a meat and vegetable salad should consist of vinegar, sunflower oil, grated horseradish root, salt, sugar, pepper, garlic, celery, tomato paste, and lemon zest. But if you add legumes to this salad, then the horseradish root should be replaced with mint powder, thyme or fried onions.

    The taste and quality of prepared salads largely depend on the correctly selected, appetizing, pleasantly spicy and piquant salad dressing. You should know some of the subtleties of using the most popular salad dressings:

    Mayonnaise mixed with ready-made table mustard is used to season celery salads, as well as Russian salads and potato salads to which tarragon is added;

    Sour cream and vinegar sauces are best for dressing green salads;

    A sauce made from vegetable oil and vinegar can be used to season spinach leaves, green lettuce or chicory and onions, potato salads, cucumber salads, white and red cabbage, sweet peppers, white and green beans.

    3.3.1 Basic sauces and dressings

    The composition of the dressings includes vegetable oil, vinegar, ground pepper, salt; You can add ready-made mustard and mayonnaise sauce to dressings.

    Refills are unstable emulsions. In a calm state, the emulsion (dressing) quickly separates, so shake the dressing before use.

    Salad dressing

    Salt, sugar and ground pepper are combined with vinegar, vegetable oil is poured in and mixed well. Shake before use.

    Used for topping salads of cucumbers, tomatoes, green salad, potatoes, as well as vinaigrettes, herring with garnish, etc.

    Mustard dressing

    The prepared mustard is thoroughly ground with salt, sugar and ground pepper, vinegar is added, and then vegetable oil is added and shaken well.

    Used for garnishing herring and salads.

    Mustard dressing with mayonnaise sauce

    Mayonnaise sauce is added to the prepared mustard, ground with salt and sugar, and then vinegar and ground pepper are added.

    Used for garnishing herring, salads and vinaigrettes.

    name of raw materials

    Gross weight (g)

    Net weight (g)

    Vegetable oil

    Ready mustard

    Sour cream sauce for vegetable salads

    Stir vinegar, sugar, salt, pepper and combine with sour cream before serving.

    This sauce is served with salads of vegetables, fruits, cauliflower, mushrooms and vegetables, etc.

    name of raw materials

    Gross weight (g)

    Net weight (g)

    Mayonnaise sauce

    Add mustard and salt to raw egg yolks, carefully separated from the whites, and stir well with a spatula. Then, while continuously whisking, pour in sunflower oil, first one at a time, and then two or three tablespoons at a time.

    The oil should have a temperature of 25--30°. At this temperature, vegetable oil emulsifies better, that is, it breaks into small balls, which are distributed in the egg yolk without connecting to each other. Pour in each new portion of oil after the emulsification of the previous portion has finished. Once all the butter has been emulsified, the result is a sauce that sticks well to the spatula. Pour vinegar into the prepared sauce, add sugar, stir well; vinegar can be replaced with citric acid or lemon juice; after introducing vinegar, the sauce becomes somewhat thinner and whiter.

    If the sauce is not prepared correctly or stored for a long time, the emulsion may collapse: the oil balls will connect with each other, as a result of which the oil will partially be released to the surface, disrupting the uniformity of the sauce - the so-called oiling of the sauce will occur. To restore the consistency of the sauce, you need to break the butter again into tiny balls. To do this, release the egg yolk into a separate bowl and gradually add the oiled sauce, whisking the mixture all the time, i.e. repeat the same operation as at the beginning when making the sauce.

    To obtain a more stable emulsion, mayonnaise should be made in a whipping machine. At the same time, the oil is broken into smaller balls, which makes it difficult for them to join and increases the stability of the emulsion.

    Mayonnaise sauce and its derivatives are stored in porcelain or enamel containers.

    The sauce is used to make some cold dishes, derivative sauces, and salad dressings.

    3.3.2 Original sauces and dressings

    Fresh mushroom sauce with garlic.

    Finely chop the garlic and crush, adding a little salt. Place in a bowl and mix well with vegetable oil. Boil the mushrooms in salted water, strain the broth, cut the mushrooms into cubes and combine them with garlic. Pour the mixture with mushroom broth, season with vinegar or lemon juice, add pepper, bay leaf, salt and stir.

    Serve with vegetable dishes.

    Green onion sauce

    Wash the green onions, dry and finely chop. Grind the yolks with mustard and sugar until smooth. Continuing to grind, gradually add sour cream.

    Season with salt, lemon juice and mix with chopped green onions.

    Serve with vegetable salads.

    Green spinach sauce

    Rinse the greens. Boil sorrel, spinach and dill in a small amount of water and rub together with the broth through a sieve. Add very finely chopped green onions, salt, sugar and mustard powder to the mixture, mix and beat with a mixer.

    Serve with vegetable salads.

    Kefir sauce (Hungary)

    Lightly salt raw egg yolks, add lemon juice, oil and stir. Then add kefir, black pepper, sugar, mustard, parsley. Mix everything well into a homogeneous mass.

    Serve with vegetable salads.

    Curd salad sauce with herbs

    Mix the cottage cheese thoroughly with milk until smooth. Add leeks and parsley, garlic, mustard and lemon juice to the mashed mixture. Mix everything.

    Serve with vegetable salads.

    Yogurt sauce with citrus fruits

    Gently mix yogurt with mustard and honey, pour in lemon juice and add orange zest, grated on a fine grater.

    Avocado and sour cream sauce with garlic

    Wash the avocado, peel it, rub it through a sieve, mix with sour cream and beat with a whisk. Peel and crush the garlic. Wash the dill and finely chop it, add it to the beaten mass along with mashed garlic. Mix everything thoroughly. Serve with meat, poultry, boiled vegetables.

    Oil dressing with soy sauce

    Pour soy sauce into sesame oil, mix well, add lime juice and peanut butter. The dressing is suitable for vegetable salads.

    Creamy cheese dressing

    Mash the cheese, mix with cream, pour olive oil into this mass and mix everything well. Add wine vinegar, pepper and finely chopped herbs.

    Salad dressing with sesame seeds

    Grind sesame seeds in a coffee grinder. In a small bowl, use a fork to beat all ingredients until smooth. Suitable for dressing salads with chicken.

    name of raw materials

    Gross weight (g)

    Net weight (g)

    Soy sauce

    Yogurt dressing with herbs

    Mix yogurt with mayonnaise, add finely chopped parsley, season with salt and pepper. Cool. Suitable for dressing vegetable salads.

    Yogurt dressing with vinegar

    Add chopped garlic, melted honey to the yogurt, pour in apple cider vinegar and season everything to taste with salt and pepper. Beat lightly and cool. The dressing is suitable for meat and vegetable salads.

    4. Development of an assortment and technological process for preparing vegetable salads

    A salad is a cold dish consisting of one type or a mixture of various vegetables, usually without beets, dressed with mayonnaise sauce, dressing or sour cream.

    There are several types of salads:

    Mixed salads.

    The products included in the salad are mixed with each other, as well as with salad dressing or sauce.

    Professionals mix green salads with their hands: this way the salad sauces better absorb the ingredients and the delicate leaves are not damaged. For this mixing you need to take a large wide bowl or pan. In general, it is better to prepare such salads in a large wide bowl or pan, and then transfer them to a decorative salad bowl.

    If the salad ingredients only need to be sprinkled with sauce, they must first be beautifully laid out on a flat dish.

    The products are mixed together with part of the sauce or dressing in a separate bowl - preferably with two large forks or a special salad spoon and fork, so that the pieces of the constituent products retain their cut shape as much as possible.

    The finished salad is transferred to a dish or salad bowl so that the edges remain 2-3 cm free and always clean. The salad is poured with the rest of the sauce and the surface is decorated with various products or food figures that are eaten along with the salad.

    Unmixed salads.

    The products from which the salad is prepared are laid out on a large dish in separate portions or in different dishes. Salad dressing or several different sauces are served in gravy boats or small bowls.

    This type of serving is convenient because it allows you to choose products and salad dressings to suit your own taste.

    Unmixed salads with dressings.

    The chopped products prepared for the salad are placed on a dish in which the salad is served on the table, mixed, in layers or in separate (according to the type of product) portions.

    The salad is poured with sauce on top and not mixed, which allows you to preserve the integrity of each type of product. Such salads are prepared from delicate, easily disintegrating products: soft vegetables, boiled or hot smoked fish, green peas. You can prepare this type of salad from any other product.

    Green salad with nut sauce

    Chop the savoy cabbage thinly, put it in a bowl, add a little salt and knead it a little with your hands.

    Wash young fresh small cucumbers (with small seeds) and cut into thin crescents. Add to cabbage.

    Peel the celery root, grate on a coarse grater and add to the vegetables. Place the bowl of salad in a cool place for about an hour to allow the cucumber to release its juice.

    For the sauce, grind the nuts in a blender or grind with a pestle. You should end up with a homogeneous paste. Add finely chopped garlic to the nut paste and grind it with the nuts.

    Add olive oil to the nuts, continuing to grind the pulp with a pestle to form a thick mass.

    Add the resulting sauce to the vegetables and stir. Let the salad brew a little and serve.

    Green salad

    Place lettuce leaves in a vase and place chopped cucumber on top. Cut the avocado into quarters, then into cubes. Add to salad and sprinkle with nuts.

    For the sauce: mix olive oil with vinegar and apple juice, add mustard and seasoning. Mix thoroughly.

    Salad with dried apples

    Mix honey with lemon juice. Cut the apples into thin slices crosswise. Dip each piece into the lemon juice mixture and place on a wire rack over a baking sheet. Let dry for 40 minutes. in the oven. Apples should be soft and dry. They will become crispy as they cool.

    Mix vinegar and nut oil with chopped onion, salt and pepper, add chopped herbs, dried apples, stir.

    Greens, pomegranate and pistachio salad

    Prepare salad dressing: whisk olive oil, salt and vinegar.

    Place lettuce and herbs in a salad bowl, sprinkle with a small amount of salad dressing and stir. Add pomegranate seeds, tangerine slices, remaining salad dressing and stir.

    Before serving, sprinkle with finely chopped pistachios.

    Corn and potato salad

    Boil the potatoes, cool, peel and cut them into thin slices. Cool the boiled corn and mix with potatoes. Season the salad with vegetable oil, vinegar, salt, sugar and pepper, put in a heap in a salad bowl and sprinkle with green onions.

    Green bean salad

    Peel the bean pods by tearing off the stems along the entire pod. Finely chop diagonally. Immerse in cold water until cooking, but for no more than 20-30 minutes.

    Pour cold water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, add salt. It is recommended to lower the beans into boiling salted water gradually and in small portions. Cook for 15-20 minutes without covering. When the beans are ready, rinse with cold water.

    Transfer the beans to a salad bowl. Add vegetable oil, vinegar, sugar, pepper and salt.

    Salad with pear, cheese and walnuts.

    Whisk the oil, vinegar and salt in a bowl, add the grated cheese and mix thoroughly.

    Mix the greens with fried walnuts, place on a salad bowl, add finely chopped pears. Pour over the prepared sauce. Sprinkle with remaining grated cheese.

    Celery salad

    Peel the celery stalks, wash them, add cold water and let it brew. Then put in a saucepan and cook until soft without salt for 1 hour.
    When the celery becomes soft, drain in a colander and rinse with cold water.

    Cut each celery stalk into 4 parts, then cut each part into slices and place in a salad bowl. Chop the onion. Sprinkle celery onion and season with pepper and salt. Pour in vegetable oil and stir.

    Serve with crusts of rye bread rubbed with garlic.

    Potato salad with beets

    Wash the potatoes and beets, put the vegetables in a saucepan, add water and cook until tender. When cooked, cool and peel. Cut into slices. Boil the beans. Place all ingredients in one salad bowl.

    Season the prepared salad with salt and pepper, pour over vegetable oil and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

    Salad "Gourmand"

    Wash the fruits, peel them, cut into large cubes. Stir and place the salad in bowls. Drizzle with liqueur.

    Beat sour cream with sugar and vanilla. Carefully place the prepared cream on the fruit and sprinkle with walnuts.

    Lettuce with mustard sauce

    Combine Provençal oil with vinegar and mix thoroughly. Combine the mustard mixture with the oil mixture. Stir. Rinse the lettuce leaves with cold water and chop. Place in a salad bowl. Season with prepared mustard sauce.

    Salad "Table"

    Mix chopped orange slices, cabbage, raisins, crushed walnuts and mayonnaise and sprinkle with parsley.

    Salad "Paradny"

    Cut peppers and onions into rings. Boil hard-boiled eggs - finely chop the whites, and leave the yolks for dressing. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater and mix everything. Dressing: mash the yolks, grate the apple, mix everything with mayonnaise, add mustard, sugar and lightly beat with a whisk or in a mixer until smooth. Season the salad with the resulting mixture.

    Vegetable and fruit salad

    Peel the cucumbers, cut into slices, add citric acid, olive oil, sugar and mix. Place in a heap in a salad bowl and garnish with fruit slices and lemon.

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    Raw vegetable salads

    Salads are prepared from leafy vegetables, pickled onions, radishes, radishes, tomatoes and cucumbers, white and red cabbage, carrots, as well as apples and other fruits. Their importance in nutrition is very great, not only as a means of stimulating appetite, but also due to the content of chain mineral salts (macro- and microelements), vitamins and other biologically active substances. Vegetables that have not been subjected to heat treatment retain to a large extent the flavoring and aromatic substances they contain.

    Salads made from raw vegetables are an important source of vitamin C. To reduce the loss of vitamin C when preparing salads and to protect green onions, lettuce, parsley and dill from rapid withering and loss of vitamins, greens prepared for salads are stored in the refrigerator (3-4 0 C) . This reduces the loss of vitamin C by 2-3 times compared to storing vegetables at room temperature.

    Sunlight also contributes to the destruction of vitamins. Leaf lettuce loses 3 times more vitamin C and 6 times more thiamine when stored in sunlight than when stored in a darkened room. Therefore, it is necessary to protect prepared vegetables and ready-made salads from direct sunlight.

    Wound biosynthesis in vegetables used for preparing salads is extremely slow and does not compensate for the oxidation of ascorbic acid, especially in cucumbers and radishes. Therefore, vegetables are cut immediately before making salads. As already noted, salts of many metals, and in particular iron, catalytically accelerate the oxidation of ascorbic acid. Tools for cutting vegetables should be made of stainless steel. In a humid environment, the destruction of vitamin C occurs more slowly, and wound biosynthesis accelerates. Therefore, prepared vegetables and herbs are moisturizing. The shelf life of salads should be minimal.

    Green vegetable salads. Salads from green vegetables are of great importance in nutrition as a source of vitamins, biologically active substances and mineral salts, especially biogenic microelements, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels, strengthen them, and make them more elastic. Therefore, green salads should be included in the diet of people of any age, but they are especially important for people engaged in mental work and the elderly. Green vegetables contain, in addition to vitamin C and carotene, vitamin B 9 (folic acid), B 12 (cyanocobalamin), K (phylloquinone), choline (vitamin B complex).

    Green lettuce and green onions are sorted, stems and onions are removed, washed and chopped several times (the onion is chopped and the lettuce is cut into large pieces). Season with sour cream or dressing (sour cream or vinegar). You can add boiled chopped eggs.

    Tomato and cucumber salads. Tomatoes contain vitamin C, folic acid, easily digestible carbohydrates and organic acids, mainly malic and citric, and oxalic acid in small quantities. Therefore, tomato salads are acceptable in the diet of people of any age, especially since tomatoes have very few purines (about 4 mg%), and alkaline elements predominate in the ash residue.

    The tomatoes are washed, the stem is removed along with the dense part of the pulp and cut into circles or slices. Cucumbers are also an important source of alkaline elements. At the same time, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus are present in them in a favorable ratio. Peel the row cucumbers for salads. Cucumbers contain less vitamins and carbohydrates than tomatoes, so cucumber and tomato salads are prepared. Onions, cut into rings, are added to salads. Season with salad dressing and sprinkle with parsley or dill.

    Radish and radish salads. The nutritional value of radish salads is determined by their mineral composition, content of vitamins (C, thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic acid) and pectins. The pectin content in radishes reaches 12% (in dry matter). The pungent taste of radishes and radishes is due to the presence of a glycoside such as senigrine. To prepare salads, white radishes are peeled, and red radishes are cut into slices without peeling. Season with sour cream, mayonnaise or dressing. The radish is peeled, cut into slices or grated and seasoned with vegetable oil, vinegar and salt.

    Salads from white and red cabbage. Cabbage salads are a significant source of vitamins C, K, folic acid, and a number of minerals in ratios most favorable for the manifestation of their biological effects (alkaline elements, microelements). There is data on the content of tartronic acid in cabbage, which delays the transition of carbohydrates to fats in the body and thereby prevents obesity (tartronic acid is destroyed during heat treatment).

    There are two ways to prepare cabbage salads. In the first method, the cabbage is finely shredded, ground with salt, and then seasoned with vegetable oil, vinegar and sugar. When grinding cabbage, a large amount of juice is released (up to 30% of the cabbage weight). Sugars, mineral salts, and vitamins are lost along with the juice.

    In the second method, the cabbage is chopped, placed in a non-oxidizing container, vinegar and salt are added, stirred and heated until the taste of raw cabbage disappears. It is then quickly cooled. The loss of nutrients in this case is much less, the loss of vitamin C is also small, since heating is carried out in an acidic environment. The yield of the finished salad increases by 25-30%. You can add finely chopped carrots, apples, cranberries, and lingonberries to cabbage salads. When leaving, sprinkle with herbs.

    Red cabbage salads are prepared in the same way. Its color is due to the pigment rubrobrasyl chloride. The color changes depending on the reaction of the environment. This is what causes the salad to change color when dressed with vinegar (purple turns red).

    Salads from various vegetables. There are many varieties of salads, which are prepared from several types of raw vegetables and fruits (vitamin). For these salads, raw carrots, celery, cucumbers, peeled apples are cut into thin strips, tomatoes into slices. All products are mixed, sour cream, powdered sugar, and lemon juice are added.

    Salad "Spring". Chopped green lettuce leaves are placed in a salad bowl, and sliced ​​fresh cucumbers, red radishes, boiled potatoes and carrots, and green onions are placed around in slides. Place mugs of boiled eggs on top. Decorate with lettuce leaves, sprinkle with salt and dill. Sour cream dressing is served separately. You can prepare this salad in another way: chop radishes, cucumbers, lettuce, green onions and boiled potatoes, season with salt, pepper, sugar, vinegar, sour cream, Yuzhny sauce, garnish with egg slices and circles of cucumbers and radishes.

    Vitamin salad. Raw carrots, celery or root parsley, fresh cucumbers and apples (without skin and seeds) are chopped into strips. Tomatoes are cut into slices. All vegetables are mixed, sour cream, powdered sugar, salt, lemon juice are added, placed in a salad bowl in a heap and decorated with the products included in the salad.

    Carrot salads. Carrots are an important source of carotene, which is well absorbed in the presence of fat. Peeled carrots are grated and seasoned with sugar, salt, sour cream or mayonnaise.

    Fruit salads. Prepared from fresh apples, pears, apricots, plums, peaches and seasoned with mayonnaise, sour cream and powdered sugar. Salads are also made from watermelons, melons, plums, green salad and seasoned with sour cream and fruit juice.

    Boiled vegetable salads and vinaigrettes

    A large group of cold appetizers consists of potato salads and vinaigrettes.

    A wide range of salads are prepared from boiled potatoes with the addition of raw, pickled, salted and boiled vegetables. These include: “Summer” salad, potato salad with pickled cucumbers and herring, with pickled cucumbers and sauerkraut, with salted and pickled mushrooms, with apples and celery. Vinaigrettes include: boiled beets, carrots and potatoes, raw onions, sauerkraut or pickles. All these products are cut into slices or cubes and mixed. Dress potato salads and vinaigrettes with vegetable oil, vinegar, salt and pepper or dressings with vegetable oil.

    There are two main technological schemes for preparing salads and vinaigrettes from boiled vegetables. In the first case, the process of processing vegetables is structured as follows: washing, cooking, cooling, peeling, cutting, mixing the components and dressing. In the second - washing, peeling, rinsing, cutting, cooking, cooling, mixing the ingredients and dressing.

    According to the first scheme, potatoes and root vegetables are boiled in their skins, which are poorly permeable to mineral salts, sugars and water-soluble vitamins. This helps reduce their losses during heat treatment. Thus, when cooking unpeeled and peeled carrots (Leningradskaya variety), calcium losses are 11.4 and 28.3%, respectively, potassium - 23.6 and 43.0, phosphorus - 6.3 and 15.3%; losses of microelements in the first case are practically absent, and in the second they are: copper - 45.6%, manganese - 33.8, zinc - 35.8 and cobalt - 33.2%.

    However, the traditional scheme for preparing salads from boiled vegetables has two significant drawbacks: the cleaning of boiled vegetables practically cannot be mechanized and it is done manually, which leads to secondary microbial contamination. Thus, studies show that after manual cleaning, the number of microorganisms in boiled vegetables increases by 20-30 times. Therefore, the new technology has undeniable advantages, making it possible to mechanize the process of preparing vegetable salads for mass demand. At the same time, the loss of nutrients during heat treatment of peeled chopped vegetables can be significantly reduced by replacing cooking in water with poaching or steaming. When poaching, the amount of water is only 25-30% of the mass of vegetables, so the loss of soluble substances due to diffusion is reduced, the heating rate increases, and therefore the loss of vitamin C and other heat-labile substances is reduced.

    There is even less loss when steaming chopped vegetables. Thus, when poaching and steam cooking (pressure 0.2 atm) of chopped beets, the losses are respectively: copper - 20.0 and 8.7%, manganese - 36.9 and 3.23, zinc - 31.8 and 17.6 , calcium - 21.2 and 8.3%, etc. When poaching, a significant part of the nutrients is lost due to their transition into liquid. Since the amount of this liquid is small, it can be used to dilute vinegar when making dressings and thereby further reduce the loss of soluble substances.

    Poaching chopped vegetables is advisable when making vegetable salads in small quantities directly in canteens. In centralized production, steaming and poaching can be used. For this purpose, mechanized production lines have been created. Processing of vegetables on these lines is carried out as follows: potatoes, carrots, beets are washed, peeled, cut into cubes and steamed or poached, after which they are quickly cooled; onions are peeled, chopped and hot pickled; pickled cucumbers are chopped, and sauerkraut is separated from the brine and, if necessary, additionally chopped. All these processes are carried out on mechanized continuous production lines. Then the prepared vegetables are sent to batch mixers. The resulting mixture (salads, vinaigrettes) is packaged and sent to the expedition. The line provides two modes of operation: the production of ready-made seasoned salads and vinaigrettes and the production of semi-finished products for vegetable salads.

    Potato salad. Boiled cold potatoes are chopped, chopped green onions are added, sprinkled with salt, pepper, sprinkled with salad dressing (vegetable oil) and stirred. The salad is placed in salad bowls and decorated with herbs.

    Vinaigrettes. I cut boiled potatoes, beets and carrots into thin slices. Peeled pickled cucumbers are also cut. Green and onions are chopped. The sauerkraut is sorted and squeezed. The beets are seasoned with some vegetable oil. Then the vegetables are mixed, seasoned with oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, and mustard. In summer, you can add fresh tomatoes and green salad to the vinaigrette, and replace the sauerkraut with pickled beets. You can prepare a vinaigrette with the addition of chopped salted mushrooms, with fish (add pieces of poached fish and put slices on top), with herring (a piece of herring fillet is placed on top), with meat (add pieces of boiled or fried meat), fern, squid, seaweed.