Diploma Design of a washing station for ATP LLC Spektr gor. Perm

Technological process Maintenance determined by the characteristics of each type of impact, the degree of specialization, as well as the number of jobs and jobs.

The degree of specialization of posts and jobs depends on the number of posts required to complete the daily program by type of impact, as well as on the most rational distribution of work among posts, taking into account their possible mechanization.

Depending on the number of posts between which the complex of work of this type of service is distributed, there are two main methods of its organization:

  • on universal
  • in specialized positions

Method of service at universal posts consists in performing the entire range of work of this type of maintenance at one station (excluding cleaning and washing work) by one complex team, including workers of all specialties (mechanics, lubricators, electricians) or highly qualified general-purpose workers. If there are several universal posts, work can be performed by specialized teams or production site workers sequentially moving from post to post. In this case, teams of workers of various specialties or workers of production areas alternately work at adjacent posts, who, after completing their work, move from post to post.

Rice. Scheme of dead-end location of maintenance posts:
I - EO posts; II - TO-1 posts

The location of posts with such an organization of service is predominantly a dead end. Direct-flow universal posts are used in the form of drive-through posts mainly for car washing.

When servicing at several universal posts located in parallel, the length of time vehicles stay at each post may not be the same, but it is necessary that the total productivity of the posts (the number of cars serviced per unit of time) provides the calculation program for this type of service.

This provision allows not only for some deviation of the volume of work from the established standard for a given type of maintenance, but also for different volumes of work, i.e., different types of vehicles being serviced.

The disadvantage of the dead-end location of the posts is the need to maneuver the vehicle when placing it in the post and leaving the post, which causes air pollution from exhaust gases, etc. In addition, it increases the total time spent servicing the vehicle.

Specialized Post Method provides for the implementation of the entire scope of maintenance work of this type for each vehicle at several stations. At the same time, the degree of specialization of posts depends on the nature of the work, which requires homogeneous equipment and corresponding specialization of workers (for example, lubrication, electrical, fastening work.) Specialization of posts may also be limited by the number of operations performed for a given type of work or provide for the combination of homogeneous work.

The method of specialized posts in turn can be:

  • in-line
  • operational guard

In-line method

With the flow method, the volume of work of this type of maintenance, performed simultaneously, is distributed over several posts located in a technological sequence with certain operations and specialized jobs assigned to each post. The posts can be located directly in the direction of vehicle movement or in the transverse direction.

A necessary condition for this method of organizing the service process is the same length of stay of the vehicle at each of the posts, which is achieved by a constant volume of work performed at the posts and the corresponding amount of labor at them.

Violation of established time standards or volumes of work at at least one post can cause unproductive downtime at other posts and disruption of the production line. The amount of work at posts can be changed only if the number of workers at posts of the entire flow changes. The specialization of service posts determines the specialization of workers.

Posts with the line maintenance method are most often located in a straight line, which ensures the shortest path for moving a vehicle from one post to another. The set of posts in the flow method of service is called a service line.

Operational guard method

With the operational-post method of maintenance, the volume of work for this type of maintenance is also distributed among several specialized, but parallel, posts. each of which is assigned a specific group of work or operations. In this case, works or operations are completed according to the type of units and systems being serviced, for example:

  • 1st post - front suspension and front axle mechanisms
  • 2nd post - rear axle and brake system
  • 3rd post - gearbox, clutch, cardan drive

In this case, vehicle maintenance is performed at dead-end posts. The duration of downtime at each of the posts should be the same, with simultaneous independence of the posts.

Organizing work using this method makes it possible to specialize equipment, mechanize the process more widely, and thereby improve the quality of work and labor productivity.

The independence of installing a car at each post (and leaving the post) with the operational-post method makes the organization of the process more efficient. The need to move cars from post to post causes a lot of maneuvering of cars, and consequently, unproductive loss of time, pollution of the room with exhaust gases. Therefore, with this method, it is advisable to organize car servicing in several visits, distributing it over several days.

The main advantages of the in-line maintenance method are a reduction in labor intensity and an increase in labor productivity while simultaneously improving the quality of maintenance, reducing the qualifications of workers, better use of production space and equipment, increasing labor discipline and reducing the cost of maintenance work.

This method of organizing maintenance has found application in large motor vehicles when organizing EO, TO-1 and TO-2.

With the flow method, vehicles can move between service stations periodically or continuously. In the first case, the process is called a periodic flow, in the second - a continuous flow.

Cars on a production line can move from post to post:

  • under its own power (with periodic starting and stopping of the engine);
  • rolling cars on wheels along an inclined plane along which the service line is located;
  • manually rolling cars on roller carts along rails;
  • using conveyors.

Organization of the technological process of maintenance

Maintenance is carried out at posts. A service station is an area intended for performing one or more similar work or operations of the service process, with necessary equipment, devices, fixtures and tools. According to their location, service posts can be dead-end (a car enters the post and exits from the post on one side) or direct-flow. Maintenance is organized primarily in two ways: at universal and specialized posts. The post at which the entire range of maintenance work of this type is carried out is called universal. Specialized is designed to perform part of the work of this type of maintenance (for example, maintenance of the engine and its systems). Several specialized direct-flow posts located one after another form a production line. The method of producing technical equipment is called in-line. It is especially widely used in the production of EO, TO-1, and in large motor transport enterprises and for TO-2. With the flow method of maintenance production, the movement of vehicles from post to post is most often carried out using conveyors.

Lifting and inspection equipment for vehicle maintenance

To perform maintenance work, access to the vehicle is required from the top, side and bottom. For ZIL cars, for example, work on TO-1 and TO-2 is distributed as follows: 40...45% from below and from above and 10...20% from the side. Research has established that a person’s energy consumption largely depends on the posture in which he is located while working. So, with a straight standing posture, energy consumption is 3 times, and when working while standing, bent, 14 times more energy is consumed by a person with a correct sitting posture. Seated work is rational provided that the person’s physical efforts do not exceed 50 N; with large forces, which occurs, for example, when performing fastening work (200 N or more), standing work is rational.

To ensure the most rational position of the worker when performing maintenance work on top and bottom of the car, and therefore to ensure high labor productivity, quality and safety of work, lifting and inspection equipment is used.

In practice, the following types of lifting and inspection equipment have become widespread: inspection ditches, lifts, overpasses, tippers, etc.

Rice. 1 - Classification of inspection ditches

Inspection ditches (Fig. 1) are the most common device, providing the ability to carry out work simultaneously from below, above, and from the side; they are equipped with dead-end and direct-flow posts and maintenance production lines. Due to their simplicity and versatility, the most widespread are narrow inter-track ditches (Fig. 2) with the following dimensions: width - 0.9...1.1 m; length - not less than the length of the car, but not exceeding it by more than 0.8 m; depth 1.4...1.5 m, and for trucks and buses 1.2...1.3 m. However, they are not very convenient for work.

Rice. 2 - Narrow inter-track inspection ditch.

Significantly greater convenience, especially for work from below, is provided by a wide ditch with a track bridge, which is equipped with removable ladders to allow work to be done on the side of the vehicle. The disadvantage of such ditches is that they can only serve vehicles with approximately the same track width. Wide ditches with the vehicle suspended (on carts moving along the ditch on rails under the front and rear axles) do not have this disadvantage; however, they have not become widespread due to the complexity of their design, entry into and exit from the ditch.

The greatest convenience in terms of ensuring the scope of work during maintenance is provided by a combined narrow inspection ditch equipped with a lifting device (Fig. 3).

The overpass (Fig. 4) is a track bridge, raised 0.7...1.4 m above the floor level, with inclined ramps for vehicle entry and exit. Overpasses take up a lot of space, so they are used mainly in the field (mobile) or as auxiliary equipment on the territory of an automobile enterprise.

Rice. 3 - Combined narrow-type inspection ditch with a ditch hydraulic lift.

Rice. 4 - Schemes of overpasses: a - dead-end, b - direct-flow.

Lifts used during maintenance are designed to lift the vehicle above the floor level to a convenient height for work. They can be stationary and mobile, floor and ditch. According to the type of lifting mechanism, lifts are distinguished between mechanical and hydraulic, according to the type of drive - manual and electric, according to the design of the supporting device - with track, inter-track and transverse frames, with support cross-beams.

Stationary floor hydraulic lifts can be single-, double-, triple- and multi-piston with a lifting capacity of 2, 4, 8, 12 tons or more.

Rice. 5 - Double-plunger electro-hydraulic lift.

In Fig. Figure 5 shows a double-plunger electro-hydraulic lift with a lifting capacity of 16 tons, intended for the maintenance and repair of heavy-duty trucks. From the reservoir of pumping station 2, oil is pumped through hose 6 and pipeline 12 into hydraulic cylinders 8 and 13 and moves upward their plungers 14, which, resting through cross-beams 15 and grabs 16 into the frame or axles of the car, lift it. The movable hydraulic cylinder 8, using the carriage 7, moves along the guides 4 along the trench, which is closed by the shifting deck 5. The carriage is moved from the electric motor 9 through the gearbox 10 and the chain drive 11, which consists of sprockets 3 and a roller chain. The presence of a movable hydraulic cylinder allows servicing vehicles with different bases on this lift. Using handle 1, by changing the flow area of ​​the hydraulic system, you can regulate the lifting speed of the hydraulic cylinder plungers and ensure the synchronization of their lifting.

Stationary floor electromechanical lifts can be one-, two-, three-, four- and six-post with a lifting capacity of 1.5...14 tons or more. They are driven from electric motors by means of screw, chain, cable, cardan or lever-joint power transmissions.

In Fig. Figure 6 shows a two-post mobile lift with a lifting capacity of up to 2 tons, consisting of two posts 2, attached using adjustable struts 10 to steel support strips 15, and a cross member 1. A lead screw is mounted in each post, along which the lifting nut moves. A carriage with a console 7 and rotating beams 8 with tie-backs 9 under the car body is attached to the nut. The lift provides a lifting height of 1.6 m, a full lift time of 1.6 minutes.

Rice. 6 - Two-post electromechanical lift for passenger cars.

1 - cross member; 2 - stand; 3 and 5 - gearboxes; 4 - cardan transmission; 6 - electric motor; 7 - carriage console; 8 - swivel beam; 9 - pickup; 10 - strut; 11 - plumb line; 12 and 14 - limit switches; 13 - push-button station; 15 - support strip.

The advantage of floor-mounted hydraulic and electromechanical lifts over inspection ditches is that they provide greater convenience when performing car maintenance and repair work (work is performed from the floor level of the room with sufficient natural light and freedom of movement for workers). However, they also have a significant drawback: you cannot simultaneously perform work on top and below the car. Balcony-type lifts do not have this drawback, in which the working platform (balcony) is raised together with a track frame, which makes it possible to carry out work simultaneously from below and from above.

Ditch lifts are also used, designed for hanging vehicle axles, mounting and dismantling transmission units when working on ditches. Such lifts can be hydraulic (one- and two-post), stationary or mobile along the ditch (see Fig. 3).

Lifting and transport devices

To lift and transport various loads during maintenance and repair, various mobile cranes, trolleys, electric hoists, and beam cranes are used.

The movement of cars from post to post with the in-line service method is carried out using garage conveyors. Continuous (used for EO) and periodic (EO, TO-1, TO-2) conveyors have become widespread.

Conveyors are also divided according to the method of transmitting movement to the vehicle into pushing, carrying and pulling. In Fig. Figure 7 shows a diagram of a pushing garage conveyor. Fundamentally, its design includes a drive 1 and tension 4 stations, a traction element (chain, cable) 3 and guide tracks 5. The drive station, designed to drive the traction element, consists of an electric motor, a gearbox, a V-belt drive and a drive sprocket 6. The tensioner serves to regulate the tension of the traction element. The latter carries pushing carriages that roll on rollers along guide tracks. In this case, the pushers, resting on the front or rear axle, on the front or rear wheel, move the car from post to post. They are installed hingedly, and when a wheel or low-lying part of the car passes over them, they can tilt in the direction of the conveyor movement. The pushers are returned to their original (working) position by springs.

Rice. 7 - Schematic diagram of a push-type conveyor.

1 - drive station; 2 - pushing carts; 3 - chain; 4 - tension station; 5 - guide paths; 6 - drive sprocket.

Push-type conveyors provide movement speed: for EO - 4.7...6.35 m/min, for TO-1, TO-2 (periodic action) - 9.25 m/min.

The traction element of load-bearing conveyors is an endless transporting chain belt on which the vehicle is mounted with wheels or supported by axles while in a suspended state. Carrying conveyors can be one- or two-strand; on the latter, cars can be installed across the axis of the conveyor. Carrying conveyors are used for EO production lines.

In pulling conveyors, the traction element is an endless chain, to which the vehicle is connected by a towing grip on the front towing hook.

These conveyors are not widely used due to the fact that the towbar must be manually installed on the vehicle.

The control of modern garage conveyors is usually automated.

Cleaning and washing work

This type of work performed during EO includes cleaning the car, preliminary rinsing, washing with a special composition, then with water, final rinsing, drying or wiping, applying a protective layer of wax, polishing painted surfaces, applying an anti-corrosion coating, and disinfecting special-purpose vehicles.

Car cleaning involves removing debris, dust, dirt from the bodies of cars and buses, cabins and platforms of trucks, wiping windows, instrument panels, cleaning seats and their backs. The interior of the body of buses, ambulances, cars, and vehicles for transporting food products is disinfected and washed with soap.

Harvesting work is still poorly mechanized. When performing them, electric vacuum cleaners and dust suction installations of stationary, mobile, portable (manual) types, various brushes, scrapers, and cleaning materials are used.

Washing a car is carried out to remove various contaminants from its surfaces, which, according to the difficulty of washing off, are divided into three groups:

  • loosely bound contaminants that do not contain organic impurities. These contaminants contain up to 83% sand particles. They are washed off relatively easily with a stream of water under a pressure of 0.15...0.2 MPa, but after drying a matte film remains on the surface;
  • loosely bound contaminants containing impurities of organic substances. Dust and dirt deposited on the lower parts of the car include up to 35% of such substances. They are much more difficult to wash off (with a stream of water under a pressure of 0.3...0.5 MPa), and after drying they leave on the surface a film of a dark dirty color (due to the presence of organic substances) of considerable thickness (up to 100 microns). Removing this film presents significant difficulties and is only possible with the use of solvents
  • contaminants, including, in addition to dust and dirt, cementing and adhesive substances (cement, alabaster, slaked lime, etc.). They are not washed off with a stream of water even at a pressure of 1.5...2 MPa. Removing them requires special chemical solutions and at the same time mechanical impact.

Car washing can be done at low (0.2...0.4 MPa), medium (0.4...2.5 MPa) and high (2.5...8 MPa) pressure. Depending on the production conditions, manual, mechanized, automated and combined washing is used.

Manual washing with a low-pressure jet is carried out using a hose with a fire nozzle or a brush. For washing with a medium and high pressure jet, washing units are used that allow increasing the pressure of water coming from the water main, hoses with washing guns that provide control of the water supply and the shape of the jet: for the lower, more contaminated parts of the car, a concentrated (dagger) jet is used, for the upper ones - cone-shaped (fan-shaped).

Manual washing requires a lot of labor (it takes 10...20 minutes for a passenger car) and is carried out in unsatisfactory sanitary and hygienic conditions.

Mechanization of washing operations eliminates the heavy manual labor of washers and helps to increase productivity and occupational hygiene. The time spent on mechanized washing of one car is reduced to 1.5...3 minutes. With mechanized washing, the washing installation is controlled manually, with automated washing - automatically. Combined washing combines mechanized and manual methods (for different parts of the car).

Structurally, washing installations are divided into jet (brushless) and jet-brush with movement of the car or carriage along the car.

Rice. 8 - Jet installation for washing trucks

A mechanized jet installation for washing trucks (Fig. 8) consists of tubular frames 7 and 4, four side swinging tubular collectors 1, 3, 8, 11 and two lower swinging collectors 5 and 12, into which hoses with nozzle attachments are screwed. Water is supplied to the collectors from pumping unit 2. They are driven by electric motor 9. In this case, the lower collectors, rotating around their own vertical axis, simultaneously perform rocking movements relative to the horizontal axis, and frames 6 and 10 of the side collectors swing relative to the vertical axes. As a result of the complex movement of the collector nozzles, a large spread of water jets is created, which ensures high cleaning efficiency.

An automatic installation for washing buses (Fig. 9) has four paired vertical rotating brush drums 3 and 5, mounted on swing arms, for washing the side surfaces and one horizontal 2 for washing the roof of the bus. In addition, there are frames for pre-wetting 1 and rinsing 4 of the body.

Brushes are made from nylon threads or other synthetic material. The end of the threads is sometimes cut into a fringe, which ensures more efficient washing and color preservation. The vertical brush drums are pressed against the side surfaces of the bus using a pneumatic system 6.

Water is supplied to the brushes and to the nozzles of the tubular frames from the water supply network. In case of heavy contamination of the surfaces, a supply of cleaning solution from tank 7 is provided to the brushes.

In Fig. 10 shows an automatic production line for washing cars. The horizontal brush in this unit is used to wash the radiator trim, hood, windshield and rear windows, roof and trunk of the car. Two blocks of vertical brushes are designed for washing the side, front and rear vertical surfaces. The line includes an installation for washing car wheel rims, which includes five brushes on each side, which are driven by an electric motor through a gearbox and chain drives.

The line includes an air blower for drying the car after washing. Passenger cars are usually dried by blowing cold air. Centrifugal fans force air into air distribution pipes with slot diffusers directed at a certain angle to the blown surface and forming an air flow in the form of fan-shaped jets. This ensures high drying efficiency.

Rice. 9 - Automatic installation for washing buses (top view)

Rice. 10 - Automatic production line for washing cars

1 - equipment cabinet; 2 - operator's cabin; 3 - command controllers; 4 - traffic light; 5 - installation for mechanized wheel washing; 6 and 9 - rinsing frames; 7 and 8 - frames of vertical and horizontal brushes; 10 - installation for drying a car.

One of the factors on which the quality of cleaning and washing work and its labor intensity depends is the adaptability of the vehicle design to carry it out. To facilitate cleaning and improve its quality, the vehicle design must provide for: free access to cleaning areas in the cabin and body; rounding the joints of walls, partitions and floors; laying easily removable rubber mats on the floor of truck cabins, as well as in cars; easily removable seats and their backs in passenger cars to ensure ease of cleaning underneath them and cleaning their upholstery from dust and dirt outside the car; upholstery of seats and their backs for buses and passenger taxis made of material that allows frequent wiping and washing with soap and disinfection.

The quality of washing depends not only appearance car, but also its service life, especially the cab of a truck, the body of a bus and a car. When washing cars, especially mechanized ones, there is high consumption water. In order to ensure high-performance, high-quality washing, the following basic requirements must be taken into account when designing a car. The external shape of the car should ensure not only minimal aerodynamic resistance, ease of use of the overall dimensions of the car, but also the least amount of pollution when driving. There should be no places in the lower parts of the car where dirt, ice, or hard-to-reach places during washing can accumulate (deep niches under the wings, various pockets, etc.). Dirt accumulating in these places contributes to intense corrosion of the metal and reduces the service life of parts. Elements of a box-shaped structure with internal closed cavities provide for the possibility of drainage of water entering the internal space and the possibility of air circulation, accelerating the evaporation of moisture. For example, the lack of drainage and the possibility of rapid evaporation of water from the internal cavities of body doors leads to intense corrosion from the inside.

The body and cabin, if possible, should not have parts, elements protruding above their main surface (headlights, sidelights, various shaped trims, etc.) and making it difficult to use mechanized washing with brushes, wiping surfaces, and should be reliably protected from water getting into them. This also applies to the engine compartment, since when water gets on the engine and ignition system devices, failures occur in their operation.

Refueling works

Vehicles are refueled at gas stations equipped with high-performance automatic dispensers. Refueling is a frequently repeated operation, so it is important that the vehicle design is designed to perform it with little time. It is equally important to ensure that when refueling there is minimal fuel loss due to spills and evaporation. Finally, regular measurements of the remaining fuel in tanks must be carried out with sufficient accuracy, which is not provided by the electric fuel level indicators used in modern cars.

Satisfying these requirements largely depends on the suitability of the vehicle design for refueling operations. For example, the location of the filler necks of fuel tanks on one side for all cars makes it possible to unify the entrances to gas pumps, optimally organize traffic on the territory of a gas station, thereby reducing wasted time for refueling. This is also facilitated by convenience, ease of access to the filler neck, and its sufficient throughput, ensuring refilling from high-performance dispensers. In the design of the tank, it is desirable to provide for the possibility of monitoring its filling, which would reduce fuel losses due to overflow. You also need a simple, reliable device that provides sufficient accuracy (0.5 l) when measuring the volume of fuel in the tank.

During daily maintenance, the oil level in the engine crankcase is monitored (usually using a rod indicator with marks on it) and topped up if necessary. The requirements for the design of the car, aimed at ensuring the cleanliness and convenience of performing these operations, are as follows: placement of the oil level indicator in an easily accessible place, allowing it to be easily inserted into the hole in the block; ease of access to the oil filler neck; sufficient capacity of the neck and the tightness of its plug.

Deviation of air pressure in tires from the norm is one of the main reasons for their premature wear. When operating tires with reduced pressure, due to the so-called “bridge effect”, uneven wear of the tread occurs (the edges of the tread wear out more intensively), which leads to a reduction in the total mileage of the tire. In addition, this increases the rolling resistance of the wheels, resulting in increased fuel consumption, deterioration of vehicle handling, increased tread slippage relative to the road surface, which leads to overheating of the tire, reducing its elasticity and strength. With increased air pressure, due to the rounding of the treadmill and the reduction in the area of ​​the contact patch with the road, the tread also wears unevenly (the middle part of the treadmill wears out much more intensively). Stresses in the cord threads increase (the tire carcass deteriorates more quickly), the tire becomes less elastic, dynamic loads increase when hitting uneven roads and the carcass can be damaged by sharp obstacles. As a result, the service life of tires operated at elevated pressures is reduced. Running dual tires with unequal pressures causes overload and faster wear on the one with the higher pressure.

In order to prevent premature tire failure and ensure traffic safety, it is prohibited to release rolling stock onto the line with tire pressures that do not correspond to the standard. It is measured and brought to the norm at each maintenance, and in the periods between maintenance - after 5...6 days for passenger cars and 10...11 for trucks.

The convenience of performing and the quality of operations to control the internal pressure in tires and bring it to normal are determined by: the suitability of the vehicle design for carrying out these works and, in particular, the availability of free access to tire valves (in this regard, the internal tires of the dual rear wheels of trucks and buses); installing a tire pressure equalizer for dual wheels. This also helps to increase their service life.

Fastening works

Threaded connections of car parts make up 80...90% of the total number of connections. Their gradual weakening during operation due to metal deformation, gasket compaction, spontaneous unscrewing under alternating loads and vibrations leads to the appearance of gaps between mating parts and the occurrence of dynamic loads, which in turn causes an increase in the wear rate of mating surfaces. This explains the need to perform fastening work during maintenance, which consists of inspecting connections, checking their tightness, tightening loose connections, and replacing unusable fasteners.

According to their purpose and operating conditions, fastening connections are divided into three groups. The first includes connections that ensure traffic safety. When introducing fastening work on these connections into the list of operations of one or another type of maintenance, they are based primarily on the condition of ensuring trouble-free, safe operation of the vehicle. During maintenance, these connections are checked most carefully, using special devices and tools. The second group includes connections whose purpose is to ensure the strength of structures. They are checked by external inspection of fasteners and locking devices, and test tightening with a tool. The third group consists of connections designed to ensure tightness (connections of oil and fuel lines, fastening the cylinder head, etc.). These connections are checked visually based on fluid leaks, pressure drop, etc.

Fastening work accounts for a significant share of maintenance labor intensity: up to 30%, depending on the type of maintenance and the type of rolling stock.

To perform fastening work, universal and special tools and torque handles are used. Fastening work that requires tightening forces of 500...800 N/m or more (tightening the nuts securing wheel disks and spring ladders) is carried out using electromechanical and pneumatic garage wrenches - manual and mobile (on carts rolled on the floor or moved on guides on rollers in inspection ditches). The use of impact wrenches allows you to increase the productivity of fastening work by 3...4 times. In general, the level of mechanization of fastening work is low, since the complexity of vehicle designs makes the use of power tools difficult.

The volume of fastening work and its labor intensity are largely determined by the design of the vehicle and its adaptability to their implementation. In order to reduce the labor intensity of fastening work when designing a car, it is necessary to: strive for the maximum possible reduction in the number of threaded connections that require systematic monitoring and tightening; exclude connections that are characterized by spontaneous unscrewing of parts and loosening, which can be achieved by the widespread use of self-locking nuts, spring nuts with through slots in the upper part, etc.; provide ease and convenience of access to threaded connections that require control and tightening, the ability to tighten a threaded connection without the use of a second tool to prevent turning of a bolt, screw, nut; use sufficiently strong fasteners that allow repeated tightening without damaging the threads or edges (in particular, their anti-corrosion protection helps to increase the durability of fasteners); to unify fasteners as much as possible in terms of their main dimensions and turnkey dimensions both for one model and for different car models.

The requirements that determine the suitability of the structure for fastening work must be taken into account in the design assignments for the development of new car models.

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Methods and organization of maintenance

Depending on the work program, maintenance is carried out on the production line or at dead-end posts, and Maintenance- at universal or specialized positions.

Maintenance can be organized on production lines with a shift program of at least: for TO-1 - 12-M5; and for TO-2 - 54-6 for servicing technologically compatible vehicles (in the presence of diagnostic complexes t2-M6 and 74-8, respectively).

In addition to maintenance, low-labor routine repair operations are performed.

Dead end method of car maintenance. A feature of the dead-end method is that the entire range of work of this type of service is performed at a dead-end universal post by groups of workers of various specialties. The positive properties of the dead-end maintenance method are the independent entry and exit of vehicles from posts, which allows the posts to be used for servicing various car models. However, this method of maintenance makes it difficult to use specialized equipment, requires large production areas for posts, as well as highly qualified workers engaged in maintenance (Fig. 1 and 2).

Rice. 1. Scheme of the technological layout of the universal dead-end post TO-1 for ZIL-GZO: 1 - metalworking workbench; 2 - chest for cleaning materials; 3 - cart for transporting batteries; 4 - three-phase plug socket; 5 - mobile post for an auto repairman; 6 - automatic air dispensers; 7 - spinner rack for normals; 8- wrench for wheel nuts; 9- hydraulic mobile lift; 10-footrest for working in the inspection ditch; 11- box for tools and fasteners; 12 - mobile post, electrics; 13 - installation for exhaust gas suction; 14 - transition bridge

At such a post, inspection, adjustment and fastening work is performed on the units and mechanisms of the vehicle, as well as electrical work and work on the power supply system and tires. Lubrication, filling and cleaning work is supposed to be carried out at a separate specialized lubrication station. Cars are placed and removed from dead-end posts under their own power.

In-line method of vehicle maintenance. With the flow method, all work of this type of service is performed at several specialized posts located in the technological sequence, which form a production line. The production line posts are located in a straight line, which ensures the most shortcuts moving vehicles from post to post, and also allows the use of mechanical traction.

The location of cars at production line posts can be longitudinal (the axis of the car coincides with the axis of the production line) and transverse (the axis of the car is perpendicular to the axis of the production line).

When cars are arranged transversely at posts, the length of the production line is reduced, and it is also easier, if necessary, to remove the car from any post.

Due to the different volume and nature of work, production lines are organized separately for each type of service. In some cases, the TO-1 production line can be used to perform daily maintenance or TO-2 work.

The movement of cars on production lines can be carried out under their own power, manually (on special trolleys) or using mechanical conveyors (intermittent or continuous).

For TO-1 and TO-2, only discontinuous conveyors are used. For EO, ​​discontinuous and continuous conveyors can be used.

Below are approximate diagrams of the organization of the technological process of vehicle maintenance using the in-line method.

Daily maintenance. Depending on the type of vehicle and the level of mechanization of the work, the EO can be organized at 2-3 posts. For trucks, a typical production line with three posts is: post 1 - mechanized car washing, post 2 - wiping or blowing air onto cars, post 3 - refueling cars with oil and water, monitoring tire pressure and pumping air to normal.

Rice. 2. Scheme of the technological layout of the universal dead-end post TO-2 for ZIL-130: 1 - lift for inspection channel - rack for cleaning materials; 3 - metalworker's rope; 4 - brake fluid tank; 5 - cart for transporting batteries; 6 - carburetor electrician's station; 7 - spinner rack for normals; 8 - auto repairman's station; 9 - trolley for removing and installing wheels; 10 - electric impact wrench for truck wheel nuts; 11- installation for exhaust gas suction; 12 - electric impact wrench for spring ladder nuts; 13 - stand for working in the inspection ditch; 14 - box for tools and fasteners; 15 - air dispensing column; 16 - compressed air supply; 17-oil dispensing tank

Rice. 3. Technological layout diagram 1 - guide rollers; 2-office desk; 3- metalworking workbench; 4 - c - transition bridge; 7 - mobile electrician's station; 8 - trolley for parts; 10-hydraulic mobile lift; 11 - wrench for automatic column nuts; 14 - oil dispensing column; 15 - mobile exhaust gas station; 18 - chest for cleaning materials; 19- mechanisms with oil; 22-funnel - for draining used oils; 23-mobile solid oil of an auto repairman; 26 - wrench for stepladder nuts;

First maintenance. Can be organized at 3-5 posts. In Fig. Figure 3 shows a diagram of the technological layout of the production line for three posts: post 1 - control, fastening and adjustment work and maintenance work on the power supply system; post 2 - control, fastening, adjustment and electrical work; post 3 - control, fastening, tire, lubricating, filling and cleaning work.

Adjacent to the production line on the entry and exit sides are vestibules each sized for 1 car space. The vestibule, located at the beginning of the production line, is intended to be used as a support structure, i.e., a parking space for a car awaiting service on the production line. The vestibule, located at the end of the production line, is intended to perform those works that were not completed during the post cycle.

Second maintenance. In Fig. 4. shows a diagram of the technological layout of the production line for four posts: post 1 - control, fastening, adjustment work and maintenance of the power supply system; post 2 - control, fastening; adjustment work, as well as maintenance of electrical equipment; post 3 - maintenance work on the brake system, steering and chassis; post 4 - for performing lubrication, filling and cleaning work.

Near dead-end posts and the production line, it is necessary to place an intermediate warehouse and production areas that provide the production line with the parts and mechanisms necessary to carry out routine repair work. Equipment for dead-end posts and production lines is selected taking into account the developed maintenance technology and vehicle models.

Organization of maintenance and current repairs at ATP. The organization of these works is based on the technological principle of forming production units, in which each type. technical impact (TO-1, TO-2, TP, etc.) is carried out by specialized units. Divisions (teams, sections and performers) performing homogeneous types of technical impact are combined into complex production areas (production complexes).

The TOD complex (maintenance with diagnostics) performs technical maintenance itself, related repairs and vehicle diagnostic work.

The complex includes specialized teams performing:
— daily maintenance (EO teams);
— first maintenance (TO-1 team);
- second maintenance, routine maintenance and related ongoing repairs (TO-2 teams);
— diagnostic work (team D).

The TP (current repair) complex unites divisions that carry out work on replacing faulty units, components and parts of cars with serviceable ones, as well as fastening, adjusting and other routine repair work directly on cars.

Rice. 4. Technological layout diagram 1 - gate drive mechanism; 2 - installation for thermal protection of gates; 3 - 5 - installation for exhaust gas suction; 6 - metal workbench; 7 - electric ditches; 9 - trolley for removing wheels; 10 - air dispensing column; 11 - brake fluid; 14- table for processing and storing documents; 15-post dispensing tanks; 18 - oil dispensers; 19 oiler-refueler station; truck; 22 - box for tools and fasteners; 23 - supply of hinged funnels for draining used oils; 26 - mobile with solid oil; 28 - transition bridges

The RU complex (repair section) combines sections that carry out work on. maintenance and repair of units, components and parts removed from vehicles, manufacturing of parts, as well as other work not related to their direct implementation on vehicles.

Cars returning from the line are inspected by the mechanic on duty. Serviceable vehicles are sent to the EO and storage areas. Cars that are subject to regular maintenance and that are faulty before washing are sent to the appropriate diagnostic, maintenance and repair stations or to the waiting area (if the posts are occupied).

Control and inspection work is carried out by the control and technical station mechanic and the driver. Washing and cleaning work - by a specialized team, which includes cleaners, washers and wipers. Refueling work - by the driver. Acceptance of completed work is carried out by the driver or ferryman. Selective control by OTK employees.

At the beginning of the shift, the driver inspects the vehicle, makes sure it is in good condition and performs EO operations.

TO Category: - Car maintenance

Car washing equipment is divided into general and special.

TO general include platforms and various types of ditches (lateral and inter-track narrow type, wide with a track bridge), overpasses and lifts. The posts are separated by a waterproof partition. The doorway can have a flexible curtain to automatically enclose the washing chamber after the vehicle enters and exits.

Special equipment is divided depending on the washing method and the type of car. Washing can be manual (hose), mechanized, automated and combined.

Question 5 (Equipment for cleaning and washing work - classification)

Cleaning and washing equipment is used to remove contaminants from the surface of cars. For this purpose, there are a large number of washing installations, which are classified according to the method of execution, the pressure developed, the design of the working body, the degree of mobility and mutual movement

6. Mechanized car washing equipment - jet, brush, jet-brush.

is carried out using special installations, which, according to their design and conditions of use, are classified: according to the design of the working body of the installation - into jet, brush and jet-brush; according to the relative movement of the vehicle and the working parts of the installation - into travel and mobile ones; according to the conditions of use - stationary and mobile; according to the control method - manually controlled and automatic installations.

Mechanized car wash has great advantages over a hose wash, since it: a) ensures simultaneous washing of the entire car, while with a hose wash this process is carried out in parts; b) allows you to free up labor for other work; c) provides high quality washing.

Mechanized car wash carried out using special installations with a large number of directed jets of water (or washing solution), as well as rotating cylindrical brushes and other devices.

Brush equipment– provide mechanical contact with the car, for washing cars, buses, vans. The advantages include improved washing quality and a 2-3 times reduction in water consumption. Disadvantages: design complexity and lack of versatility.

Jet high water consumption and insufficient cleaning quality.

In large ATP mechanized car wash carried out in washing plants jet-brush type, equipped with a conveyor for automatic movement of the car during washing, a system of nozzles for directing jets of water onto the body and washing the bottom, upper and side rotating brushes.

7. Schemes of cleaning equipment at car washes

8. What to do with inspection equipment. Construction of ditches and overpasses.

The examination is divided into:

Lifting inspection (lifts, tippers, jacks)

Inspection (ditches, overpasses)

Ditches The width is divided into narrow and wide. The design is wheeled and side mounted. The length of the ditch is not less than the length of the car, but does not exceed 0.8 m. The width is not more than 1.1 m. The length of the wide ditch is 1-1.2 m longer than the vehicle being serviced.

Overpasses They are a track bridge at a level 0.7-1.4 m above the floor with floor ramps for vehicle exit and entry with a slope of 20 -25. They are divided into dead-end and direct-flow. Material steel and reinforced concrete.

The wash is designed to thoroughly remove dust and dirt from the outer parts of the chassis and body of the car. The car is usually washed with cold or warm (20 - 30 ° C) clean water and less often with the use of washing solutions. To avoid damage to the paint of the car body, the difference between the temperatures of the water and the surface being washed should not exceed 18 - 20 ° C. In connection with this, in winter, before washing, the car should be placed in a heating room.

Depending on the water pressure, washing is distinguished at low pressure equal to 196 133 - 686 466 n/m 2 (2 - 7 kg/cm 2) and at high - 980 665 - 2 451 660 n/m 2 (10 - 25 kg/cm 2).

According to the method of execution, washing can be manual, semi-mechanized and mechanized.

Hand washing is done using a hose; with a semi-mechanized wash, one part of the car (chassis or body) is washed manually, and the other - mechanized; When mechanized washing, jet or jet-brush installations are used, operating automatically or controlled by the operator.

Car washing is a labor-intensive process (accounts for 30 - 40% of the labor intensity of daily maintenance), therefore, in large automobile fleets, mechanization of washing operations is widely used, which makes it possible to reduce their cost and improve the working conditions of workers. Washing installations must provide high productivity, good cleaning quality and minimal water consumption. The last requirement has great importance, since the cost of water consumed during mechanized washing of cars and buses constitutes a significant part of the main washing costs. Therefore, it is planned to collect used water, purify it and reuse it. The quality of washing depends on the pressure of the water jet, the angle of its inclination to the surface being washed (the angle of attack of the jet) and the distance of the nozzles from it. In Fig. 48, a shows the water consumption and time spent on washing depending on the pressure of the water jet at the outlet of the nozzle.

From the graphs in Fig. 48, b it can be seen that the total water consumption for washing a car is noticeably reduced with increasing jet pressure, as well as with decreasing nozzle cross-section.

It is most advisable to use installations with movable nozzles, which provide the necessary change in the direction of the water jet during the car washing process in combination with its movement through the washing installation.

mm; 2 - nozzle with a diameter of 3.5 mm ">
Rice. 48. Dependence of water consumption and washing time on the pressure of the water jet: a - water consumption and washing time of 1 msup2/sup of a flat contaminated surface depending on the jet pressure at the nozzle: 1 - water consumption; 2 - washing time; b - water consumption depending on the jet pressure: 1 - nozzle with a diameter of 2.5 mm; 2 - nozzle with a diameter of 3.5 mm

To destroy and remove contaminants when washing car chassis, a concentrated jet of water is effective, having sufficient kinetic energy and maintaining its compact shape over a long distance. Washing the chassis and the lower part of the body facing the road surface is successfully carried out using jet systems.

Cars sent daily to TO-1 and TO-2 (approximately 20% of the operating fleet) require thorough washing from below. Depending on climatic conditions and time of year, such a daily wash may be required for all vehicles in a given household. Therefore, the washing process must provide the ability to turn on car washing devices from below as needed. This not only saves water and energy consumption, but also preserves lubricant in the components and mechanisms of the vehicle's chassis, which is washed out to a certain extent during daily intensive washing, especially with warm water. At the same time, the anti-corrosion coating of the lower body panels of frameless cars is also better preserved, due to which the service life of the bodies is significantly increased.

From the polished outer surfaces of buses and cars, a stream of water does not wash away the smallest dust particles, which are retained in a thin film of water and, when it dries, leave a matte coating on the surface. The use of washing solutions and warm water does not give the full effect, but only partially improves the quality of washing. Trying to improve the quality of washing by increasing the pressure of the water jet is unacceptable, as this leads to damage to the paint layer. Therefore, when washing the bodies of buses and cars, it is necessary to apply mechanical action to them using cleaning material or special drum-type brushes, first supplying washing solutions and then water to the brushes.

When brush washing, the car body is usually wetted with water from the nozzles of the tubular frame when entering the washing installation, which helps to pre-soften the dried dirt and makes it easier to remove. At the end of the brush wash, the car is rinsed with water when leaving the washing plant. The water pressure in the brush installation pipeline is maintained within the range of 294,200 - 392,266 n/m 2 2 (3 - 4 kg/cm 2).

Brushes are usually made from nylon or nylon thread with a diameter of 0.5 - 0.8 mm. The direction of rotation of the brushes should be opposite to the movement of the vehicle through the washer.

On oily car surfaces, when dust and dirt get in, deposits form that are difficult to wash off with a jet. cold water. Therefore, in these cases, washing is carried out with warm water using washing solutions. Do not use cleaning solutions containing alkalis, as they cause rapid fading and destruction of the paintwork.

Currently, a special synthetic powder for car washing has been developed (VTU No. 18/35 - 64), consisting of a synthetic detergent (DS-RAS) - 40%, sodium tripolyphosphate - 20%, sodium sulfate - 30% and water - 10% .

The washing solution for mechanical washing installations should contain 7 - 8 g of synthetic powder per 1 liter of water. The solution should be prepared in a clean container. It is advisable to use the washing solution when washing heavily soiled cars. The use of washing solutions increases the productivity of the washing installation and improves the quality of washing.

Labor intensity standards for cleaning and washing work for basic cars: 0.2 - 0.35 man-hour for passenger cars (depending on displacement); 0.33 - 0.85 man-hour for buses (depending on capacity) and 0.2 - 0.4 man-hour for trucks (depending on load capacity).

Labor costs for cleaning and washing work are distributed approximately in the following ratio: for passenger cars for cleaning - 45%, for washing - 55%; for buses, respectively - 65% and 35%; for trucks with carburetor engines - 35% and 65%, with diesel engines - 27% and 73%.

The given time standards for performing cleaning and washing work can be used when planning and designing vehicle maintenance lines. In motor vehicles, these standards must be clarified by timing the time of work on specific equipment.

Equipment for manual washing station. A manual (hose) washing station is equipped on an area with a waterproof floor that has a slope of 2 - 3% towards the drainage hole in the center of the area. To facilitate washing from the sides and bottom of the car, half-racks, trestles or lifts are installed on washing platforms. If the post is intended for washing trucks that have relatively free access to the lower parts, then these devices are not necessary. The dimensions of the site should be 1.25 - 1.50 m larger than the overall dimensions of the cars.

At the washing station, narrow or wide side ditches with track bridges are also used. The bottom of the ditches is made with the same slope as indicated above.

Manual washing can be done with a low pressure water jet (196 133 - 392 266 n/m 2) (2 - 4 kg/cm 2) from the water main or high pressure jet (980 665 - 1 471 000 n/m 2) (10 - 15 kg/cm 2) from the washing installation.

Manual washing with low pressure water jet carried out from a hose with a fire hose or a washing gun, as well as using a brush (model 166), shown in Fig. 49. The brush consists of a duralumin tube 4, which is a handle, onto which, on one side, a plug valve 5 with a nipple for connecting the hose is screwed, and on the other, a head with a nylon replaceable brush 3 attached to it. The water supply to the brush is regulated by a tap. Water hose 6, 4 m long, makes it possible to wash cars and buses. To make cleaning work easier, the brush hose is sometimes attached to a rotating tubular boom 2, to the support 1 of which, mounted on the ceiling, water is supplied from the water main. Brush weight 1.72 kg. Washing with a hose from the water supply network in most cases does not give good results and is ineffective.

Manual washing with high water jet pressure is carried out using pump washing units that increase the pressure of the water supplied to them. According to the design of the pumps, these installations are plunger, vortex and centrifugal. The most widespread are washing plants with vortex-type pumps.

For hose washing of cars in stationary and field conditions with pump power supply from the water supply network and from reservoirs washing unit 5ВСМ - 1500 (model 1112) mobile type. It consists of a five-stage self-priming vortex pump connected by a coupling to an electric motor with a power of 6 kW at

8 m long suction hose with filter and check valve, two 10 m long injection hoses with pistols, a bypass valve, a pressure gauge and two valves mounted on a three-wheeled mobile cart.

Maximum pressure developed by the pump, 1 372 930 - 1471000 n/m 2 (14 - 15 kg/cm 2), productivity at this pressure is 75 - 80 l/min, maximum self-priming height 5 m.

A longitudinal section of the pump is shown in Fig. 50. Each stage of the pump is a chamber limited by the internal surfaces of the suction 9 and discharge 10 disks, between which the impeller 13 mounted on the shaft 3 rotates.

The operating principle of a vortex pump is as follows. The impeller of each stage, rotating in a chamber filled with water, develops centrifugal force. Under the influence of this force, the water located between the blades is thrown from the center of the wheel to its periphery and is forced into the semicircular guide channel 16 of the discharge disk. In the channel, water makes a circular movement from the periphery to the center and again enters the lower part of the blades. Thus, the water makes a circular motion between the blades of the rotating impeller and the guide channel of the disk and at the same time moves along with the wheel, forming a kind of vortex rope of water flow. The guide channel, which has a variable cross-section, is not closed (made on an arc of 330°) and ends with a hole. Therefore, water moving through the channel is compressed and through the pressure hole is forced into the next stage of the pump. As a result of the vortex movement, the water pressure increases when moving from stage to stage.

In a five-stage pump, the guide channel ends with two holes 27 and 26, of which the second, additional, is located along a smaller radius than the main one. The presence of two pressure holes creates a self-priming effect when operating the pump, and it operates stably when air enters it, which occurs at the beginning of the pump when sucking water from a reservoir; for the first start of the pump, it is enough to fill only its body with water.

To prevent water from freezing in winter, the pump is equipped with drain holes that are closed with drain plugs 24.

When a vortex pump operates, its performance varies in inverse proportion to the pressure. Maximum performance is achieved with minimal pressure.

When the discharge line is blocked, the water supply decreases, the jet pressure increases significantly and at the same time the power consumed by the electric motor increases.

To regulate the pressure developed by the pump and the amount of water supplied to the discharge hoses, as well as to automatically prevent overload of the electric motor when the discharge line is closed, the flanges of the discharge and suction housings of the pump are connected by a bypass valve adjusted to a maximum pressure of 1,471,000 n/m 2 (15 kg/cm 2).

Installation weight 216 kg.

Washing unit 1NVZS-1500 (model 1100) with a three-stage vortex pump is designed similarly to an installation with a five-stage pump and is intended for hose washing of cars in stationary conditions with water intake from the water supply network. The installation does not have a self-priming effect. The three-stage vortex pump is driven by a 2.8 power electric motor. kW at

and supplies water at a maximum pressure of 980,665 - 1,078,730 2 (10 - 11 kg/cm 2) through one hose with a gun. Pump capacity 50 - 60 l/min.

The unit is mounted on a foundation with a slab. When starting the unit for the first time, it is necessary to fill the pump and suction pipe with water. Installation weight 110 kg.

During operation vortex pumps It is necessary to monitor the lubrication of the bearings and the condition of the seals. US grease should be added to ball bearings once every two months, and the grease should be changed and the bearings should be washed twice a year. Water leakage through the seals is eliminated by tightening them; When completely worn out, the seals are replaced with new ones. Once a year, the pump housing and chambers must be purged. To do this, unscrew the drain plugs, disconnect the hoses and start the installation for 1 - 1.5 minutes. The same operation is performed at the end of the installation during the cold season.

The bottom of the car is washed with a concentrated (dagger) stream of water, which can knock off dirt. To wash polished body surfaces, a sprayed (fan-shaped) stream of water is required to avoid damage to the paint. Changing the shape of the jet from fan-shaped and dusty to solid dagger-like is achieved with a washing gun.

The washing gun (model 134 - 1) consists of a body 2 (Fig. 51), into which a sleeve 3 is pressed with eight holes around the circumference for the passage of water and a threaded central hole for tightening screw 1. At the front end of the screw there is a hole in the walls of which four through oblique slots 6, and at the opposite end there is a deep axial hole, with which four radial holes are connected. In the front part of the body, a nut 4 secures a replaceable nozzle 5 with a conical inlet and a cylindrical outlet.

Water enters the internal cavity of the gun from the hose through the axial and radial holes in the screw and through the holes in the sleeve passes into the front part of the gun body and into the nozzle. Depending on the position of the screw relative to the bushing and the hole in the front of the housing, different jet shapes can be obtained.

If you turn the gun body and screw the screw all the way in, the water outlet from the gun will be blocked. If the screw is unscrewed a little, the slanting slots of the screw will not be completely blocked, and water will pass through them into the nozzle. At the same time, flowing through oblique slits with. at high speed, the water will receive rotational movement, and at the exit from the nozzle, a stream of water will be sprayed in the form of a cone with a large angle at the apex.

When unscrewing the screw and increasing the flow area of ​​the oblique slots, the speed of water flow through them will decrease until a continuous dagger stream is obtained.

The approximate water consumption for manual washing using washing installations is given in table. 3.

Note. The first column in the column is the cost of washing in summer and winter, the second - in autumn and spring.

By using a high-pressure water jet with a hose, you can achieve good quality, but this cleaning method is quite labor-intensive.

Equipment for mechanized washing stations. For mechanized car washing, stationary installations are used, which are divided into jet and brush.

With the help of jet installations, the car can be washed both from below and completely. Installations with brush drums are used for external washing (external surface of the body and fenders) of passenger cars and buses. They are usually used in combination with jet systems for washing cars from below.

Bottom Car Wash Unit (Model 1104). The installation is intended for jet washing of cars from below at washing stations with a through passage, as well as on conveyor lines with a continuous flow service system.

The washing installation (Fig. 52) consists of segner wheels, a pipeline and a pumping station. The four lower segner wheels 1 rotate in a horizontal plane and wash the lower surfaces of the car. Two side segner wheels 2 rotate in a vertical plane and wash the wheels, fenders and side surfaces of the car.

The rotation of the segner wheels occurs due to the reactive forces that arise when water under pressure flows out of the nozzles (with a diameter of 3 and 4.5 mm), screwed onto the bent ends of the pipes.

Pumping station 3 consists of a two-stage centrifugal vortex pump type 2.5-CV-1.1 connected to an electric motor with a power of 14 kW at

Pump capacity - 18 m 3 / h. At the end of the suction line there is a filter 8 with a check valve. The water pressure in the discharge line 4 is measured by pressure gauge 5.

In this installation, it is possible to tilt and move the rack plates on which the side segner wheels are mounted in the clamps, which allows it to be used for washing different types of cars with different wheel sizes and tracks. The height of the wheel center from the floor can vary between 360 - 550 mm. Segner wheels must be installed at the height of the vehicle wheel axis so that the distance from the plane of the nozzles to the sidewall of the tire is 150 mm. To avoid hitting side racks Segner wheels are flanged along the washing station.

In order to improve the working conditions of washers, barrier shields measuring 2000 X 3000 should be installed behind the side segner wheels. mm .

The ball bearings of segner wheels are lubricated monthly.

Clogged nozzles lead to a decrease in the number of revolutions of the segner wheels (their normal speed is 100 - 150 rpm ) and to the deterioration of the installation. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically clean the nozzles and suction filter.

Before starting the installation after a long break in operation, you should first fill the suction line 7 of the pumping station with water through the hole closed with plug 6.

If the installation is used on a conveyor line, the distance between the centers of the lowermost segier wheels must be chosen such that the time between wetting and washing off the dirt is 5 - 7 minutes.

Installation weight - 435 kg.

Installation for washing trucks (model 1114). The installation is designed for jet washing of GAZ, ZIL and MAZ trucks, as well as two-axle trailers with the same track dimensions on washing production lines with a through passage.

The installation (Fig. 53) consists of two pairs of tubular welded frames for preliminary 5 and final 9 washing, into which water is pumped by pumps 6 and 10, an equipment cabinet 2, a conveyor 13 with a drive station 14, a tension station 1 and a guide 12.

The working bodies are swinging collectors with nozzles: side Zi6 (Fig. 54), lower 4 and upper 5 (on the final washing frame). The pre-wash frame has an adjustable manifold with directional nozzles 4 (Fig. 53). The swing angle of the collectors is 75°, the number of swings is 34.6 per minute.

The drive for swinging the collectors is carried out from electric motors 1 (Fig. 54) with a power of 0.6 kW at

through worm gears 2 and a system of rods and hinges.

Centrifugal vortex pumps type 2.5-CV-1.1 driven by electric motors with a power of 14 kW at

supply water under pressure 784 532 n/m 2 (8 kg/cm 2). Pump performance at this pressure is 18 m 3 / h.

Electrical equipment (magnetic starters, relays, switches, light alarms, etc.) is installed in the equipment cabinet.

For installation, a conveyor of any design can be used, allowing you to adjust the speed of movement of vehicles within 2.8 - 4 m/min. The model 4002 conveyor is recommended.

The installation can operate in intermittent mode in the case of washing individual cars arriving at the wash with an interval of 2 - 3 min or more, or in continuous mode when washing a stream of cars, when the interval between cars does not exceed 30 seconds,

When the installation is operating in intermittent mode, the vehicle, driving its front wheel onto pedal 3 (Fig. 53), turns on the conveyor, pumping station and an electric motor that drives the swing of frame collectors 5. Then, moving with the help of a conveyor along the washing station, the car drives its front wheel onto pedal 7, which turns on the pumping station and the drive of frame collectors 9.

When the rear wheel hits pedal 8, all drives of the preliminary washing frame are switched off, and when pedal 11 is hit, the final washing frame is switched off and the conveyor stops. The installation cycle is repeated when the next car passes.

In continuous operating mode, the first car turns on the unit (as mentioned above), and it runs continuously until the entire flow of cars has passed.

The installation capacity is 20 - 30 cars per hour, water consumption per car is 1700 - 2300 liters. To reuse water, it is necessary to equip a reservoir with settling tanks and treatment facilities.

Before starting work, check the tightness of fasteners, the tightness of hydraulic system connections, the condition of the nozzles and the operation of the pedal mechanism, and also lubricate all bearings.

At the end of the work, it is necessary to wash the pedal frames and the conveyor chain. The lubricant in the gearboxes should be checked periodically and replaced once every 3 to 4 months.

The movement of cars through the wash station when the collectors are not working is prohibited.

Installation weight 1488 kg.

Equipment for washing cars. For exterior washing of passenger cars in large fleets, a five-brush mechanized washing system is used. washing unit (model 1110M). It consists of a horizontal 5 (Fig. 55) and two double vertical 17, 21, 25 and 29 drum brushes made of nylon threads, shower frames 1 for wetting and 7 for rinsing, a washing solution supply system, a cabin with a hardware cabinet in which control devices are located installation.

The upper ends of the frame and brush stands are connected by longitudinal and transverse pipes, forming a closed ring system through which water is supplied to the brushes and frames from the water supply network under pressure 196 133 - 392 266 n/m 2 (2 - 4 kg/cm 2). Each shower frame consists of horizontal and vertical pipes with nozzles, two of which can be adjusted to direct the jet to hard-to-reach areas of the vehicle's buffer.

Each drum brush is driven by an individual electric motor with a power of 0.6 kW through a worm gearbox.

The horizontal brush, designed for washing the hood and roof of a car, is made in steps to better fit the roof surfaces. To balance the brush, a counterweight with a load 3 consisting of ballast is provided. By changing the amount of ballast, you can adjust the position of the brush in height and change the angle of inclination of the frame 4.

Vertical brushes wash the front, side and rear surfaces of the car, which is achieved thanks to the large radius of rotation of the brushes. The frames of the double brushes in the free state are set at an angle of 90° using tension springs 19 and 27, and during operation they diverge by 180°.

When a car arrives at the washing station, it is first wetted with water from frame 1, then the horizontal brush comes into operation, and as the car moves further, the vertical brushes work. No longer in contact with the car, the brush drums, under the influence of weights 9 suspended on cables through blocks, return to their original position, and the car moving further is rinsed from the frame 7.

(150 rpm π rad/sec.

For more thorough washing, a washing solution is used, which at certain intervals can be supplied from tank 11 under compressed air pressure 392 266 - 490 332 n/m 2 (4 - 5 kg/cm 2) through the nozzles in frame 10 onto the surface of the car body. Tank volume 50 l.

The washing station must be equipped with a conveyor that allows vehicles to move at a speed of 4-5 m/min. The productivity of the installation is 40 - 45 cars per hour, water consumption per car is 400 - 500 liters. Installation weight 1522 kg.

To wash cars from below, a model 1104 or 1134 unit must be additionally installed at the wash station.

Installation for washing the underside of passenger cars (model 1134) Designed for jet washing of the underbody, surfaces under the wings and chassis of passenger cars. The main working parts of the installation are two washing mechanisms 8 (Fig. 56) with oscillating nozzles. The collectors of the washing mechanisms perform a double movement: rocking and circular.

The rocking motion of the collectors is ensured by a mechanical drive from an electric motor 1 (power 1.7 kW at 1440 rpm), connected to gearbox 2, which through the crank and rod 7 transmits force to the levers and rods connected to the collectors.

The collectors receive circular motion from hydraulic motors connected by an oil injection line 6 to an oil pump 3, which is rotated by an electric motor 1. To drain the oil back into the tank 4, a pipeline 5 is used. The hydraulic motors located in the centers of the washing devices rotate the interconnected nozzles from flexible hoses with nozzles.

The commutator swings 28 times per minute, the swing angle is 60°, and the circular motion speed is

(100 rpm π rad/sec

To wash the car under the wings, there are two pairs of devices, which are cantilevered pipes with nozzles, which, when the wheels hit them, rotate around vertical axes and return to their original position under the action of springs. These devices are installed before the vehicle enters the washing facility.

The installation is fed with water from a centrifugal vortex pump type 2.5-CV-1.1 with a capacity of 18 m 3 / h at pressure 784 532 n/m 2 (8 kg/cm 2).

The car must be forced to move around the washing station at a speed of 4 - 6 m/min. The installation capacity is 40 - 50 cars per hour, water consumption for washing one car is 450 liters.

Installation weight 653 kg.

Installation for washing wheels of passenger cars (model TsKB1144) used for external wheel washing. The working parts of the installation are two washing mechanisms equipped with rotating nylon brushes 2 (Fig. 57), which are supplied to the car wheel using a pneumatic drive.

The brushes rotate at a speed

(100 rpm π rad/sec

from an electric motor with a power of 0.6 kW connected to a gearbox 5, the housing of which is mounted on a carriage moving along the base of the washing mechanism on rollers. A pneumatic brush drive cylinder is mounted inside the base.

The spherical base of the brushes is mounted on the hollow output shaft of the gearbox. Water from the water supply network through patra-bsk 1 flows through the hollow gearbox shaft to the brushes and wheel of the car.

To turn on and off the electric motor and the magnetic water supply tap, there is a limit switch, which is actuated by the stop of the mobile carriage of the washing mechanism.

The car wheel is blocked during the washing process using a pneumatically driven gripper. The pneumatic cylinder 7 of the gripper is connected to the pneumatic cylinder of the left washing mechanism.

The 4 operating mode regulator serves to maintain operating pressure (392 266 n/m 2, i.e. 4 kg/cm 2) in a pneumatic system, as well as for distributing air among pneumatic cylinders and switching on the electrical system using a pressure sensor with a microswitch. Air is supplied to the regulator when the car wheel hits pedal 6,

The electrical equipment is mounted in equipment cabinet 5. The installation diagram is shown in Fig. 58.

The unit simultaneously washes the wheels of one vehicle axle. The time for washing all the wheels of one car is 30 - 50 seconds, the water consumption is 60 - 70 liters. This unit must be used in conjunction with the washing unit model 1110M and installed in front of it.

Installation weight 560 kg.

Bus washing equipment. A three-brush installation is used to wash the side surfaces and roofs of carriage-type buses in large fleets. for bus washing (model 1129).

The main units of the installation (Fig. 59) are: shower frame 1 for pre-wetting, horizontal brush drum 5, vertical brush drums 16 and 17, shower frame 10 for rinsing and cabin 6 with a control panel.

The brush drums are mounted on tubular stands connected from above by longitudinal and transverse pipes, forming a closed ring system through which water is supplied to the brush drums and shower frames.

Water enters the installation from the water supply network at a pressure of 294,200 - 392,266 n/m 2 (3 - 4 kg/cm 2).

Vertical brush drums are mounted in rotating frames, to which cables are attached over rollers. A weight 13 suspended from a cable sets the frame in such a position that the bus, passing the washing station, moves the brush drums apart, causing the frames to rotate. At the same time, the loads rise and with constant force press the brush drums to the body.

The horizontal brush drum is also mounted in a frame having a horizontal swing axis and is under the action of a counterweight 2.

Each brush drum has an individual drive consisting of an electric motor with a power of 1.7 kW at

All brush drums have a stepped shape for better adhesion to all surfaces of the bus body. The gradation is achieved due to different lengths of nylon threads.

The electrical equipment is mounted on a control panel in a cabin with glass walls.

During the washing process, buses move under their own power at a speed of 7 m/min. Installation capacity is 30 - 40 buses per hour; water consumption for washing one bus is 400 liters. Installation weight 1411 kg.

The front, rear and side surfaces, as well as the roofs of carriage-type buses in large parks, are washed using a five-brush automatic installation for bus washing (model 1126).

The working bodies of this installation are five brush drums, one of which is located horizontally.

Vertical brush drums are paired. When free, they are at an angle of 90°, and during operation they can diverge by 180°. In the retracted state, the brush drums are held by the main pneumatic drive operating under pressure 392 266 - 490 332 n/m 2 (4- 5 kg/cm 2), and are returned to their original position by a pneumatic return drive under pressure 147 100 - 196 133 n/m 2 (1,5 - 2 kg/cm 2).

To ensure trouble-free operation of the pneumatic drives of the vertical brushes, there is an air distribution device consisting of a reservoir, an oil filter and a cabinet in which a pressure gauge, pressure reducing and safety valves are placed.

The brushes rotate at speed and

Before entering the zone of action of the brushes, the bus body is wetted, and when leaving it, it is rinsed with water from shower frames, the action of which is synchronized by magnetic valves.

Water is supplied to the installation from the water supply network under pressure 294 200 - 392 266 n/m 2 (3 - 4 kg/cm 2): the installation provides the ability to supply the cleaning solution using a tank and pipelines. Electrical diagram installation allows you to set adjustment, single and continuous operating modes.

The movement of the bus through the washing station is carried out forcibly using a conveyor at a speed of 6 - 9 m/min. The installation capacity is 30 - 35 buses per hour, water consumption for washing one bus is 500 liters.

The considered installations for external washing of buses should be used in conjunction with an installation for washing cars from below (model 1104).

Purification of used washing water. Water after washing a car contains a lot of dirt, oil and fuel. To purify water, washing stations are equipped with dirt sedimentation tanks and oil and gasoline traps, the operating principle of which is based on the difference in the specific gravities of water, dirt, oil and fuel. Suspended solids settle at the bottom of the sludge sump, then water enters a trap, at the top of the well of which oil and fuel float and are discharged into an oil sump, which is periodically cleaned, and the water is sent to the sewer system or collected in settling tanks for reuse (Fig. 60 ).

Clarification of water in settling tanks occurs slowly, since medium and small particles are suspended for a long time. Performance treatment facilities can be increased by increasing the surface area of ​​settling tanks, but this significantly increases their size and cost.

Therefore, to speed up the purification of water for the purpose of its reuse, the coagulation method is used - a method of coagulating into flakes substances that are in a colloidal state in water, which, when settled, capture polluting particles and carry them into sediment. Aluminum sulfate or ferrous sulfate is used as a coagulant. For repeated purification, the water must be alkalized with slaked lime or soda ash. The dirt sump and oil and gasoline trap are located near the washing station in a place accessible for their periodic cleaning.

A dense mass forms at the bottom of the sedimentation tank, which must be turned into pulp to be removed. Mud sumps are cleaned using pumps, injectors, grabs, excavators with a bucket capacity of 0.25 m 3 and other devices.

Mud pump-mixer (model 9002) centrifugal type, multi-stage, sectional, portable, designed for pumping pulp consisting of 65% water and 35% sand or crushed soil. The pump is a shaft consisting of separate elements - sections 1, 2, 6 and 12 (Fig. 61). The lower part of the pump ends with a receiver with a mesh. An electric motor 5 with a power of 14 is mounted on the upper section. kW at (1460 rpm) rad/sec, connected to a common transmission shaft made up of four sectional shafts 8 with bladed propellers.

To create slurry in the sedimentation tank, lever mechanism 4 raises the dampers 10 and opens the windows of the resuspension chamber 9. Then use the “Left” start button. turn on the electric motor. In this case, the lower bladed propeller 11 stirs up the mud mixture and lifts it into the resuspension chamber, from where the mixture is poured through the open windows back into the settling tank, thereby accelerating the process of resuspension of the entire mass of sediment. The stirring process takes about 5 minutes. Then stop the electric motor, close the windows of the agitation chamber and start the electric motor with the "Right" button. In this case, the pulp will be supplied by bladed screws to the outlet pipe 7.

Pump capacity 35 m 3 / h, maximum pulp lifting height is 5 m. Pump weight is 620 kg.

All shaft bearings should be lubricated once a month using a grease nipple 3.

Wiping and drying. After washing the car, it is recommended to blow off the engine and ignition system devices with compressed air using a special gun (model 199).

When you pull the trigger, compressed air flows to the nozzle of the gun. When the diffuser is removed, a concentrated stream of air is obtained, which is used to blow hard-to-reach parts. Air is supplied under pressure 980 665 n/m 2 (10 kg/cm 2), its consumption is 0.25 m3/min. Gun weight 0.7 kg.

The lower parts of car chassis are usually not wiped down. The outer surface of the cabin is wiped dry with wiping material, and the polished surface of the body is wiped with suede or flannel to a mirror shine. In addition, they wipe the windows, engine hood, radiator trim, fenders, headlights, sidelights, turn signals, taillight, brake light and license plates.

To dry cars, compressed air can be used, which is supplied at a pressure of 196 133 - 392 266 n/m 2 (2 - 4 kg/cm 2) through pipes and hoses to posts.

The process of removing moisture from a car after washing can be mechanized using car blower units. There are units similar to jet washers that use compressed air. In Fig. 62 shows a stationary arched installation for blowing cars after washing (model 1123) another type. Three centrifugal fans of the EVR-6 type are mounted on the welded spatial truss 1. The top fan 7, intended for blowing the hood and roof of the car, is driven by an electric motor with a power of 20 kW, and two side fans 2 and 5 - for blowing the side surfaces from electric motors with a power of 14 kW each. kW at

(1460 rpm π rad/sec.

Each fan is covered by an air duct

(4, 6 and 8) of a volute type with a slotted outlet section, from which the air flow exits at an angle of 65° to the direction of movement of the car. Devices for controlling the installation are located in equipment cabinet 3.

The car at the blowing station is forced to move using a conveyor at a speed of 4 - 6 m/min. The installation capacity is 30 - 40 cars per hour. Installation weight 1450 kg. There must be a gap of at least 4.5 m between the washing and blowing installations.

In order to speed up the process, car air blowing installations can be supplied with air preheated in a heater to 40 - 50° C.

Drying a car using lamps with infrared rays, as well as thermoradiation drying with dark infrared panels, used when painting cars.

And all the characteristics of the beam crane can be found here www.btpodem.ru.