Dima caressing forms. The meaning of the name Dmitry

the child was named DIMITRY, what can you call him by anything other than DIMA

  1. Dimotya... :))))
  2. How about Mitya?
  3. Mitya!
  4. very beautiful name. except for derivatives from Dima - Dimusya, Dimchik, (my nephew at home is called Dims), I like Mitya and all his derivatives
  5. AS IN "LOVE AND DOVES" - Mityunyushka
  6. You can call him Diamond. That's what a diamond was called in the old days. And another friend of mine, because of his slowness, his relatives call him diphenhydramine... There are many variations. Everything depends on love and attitude towards a person.
  7. Mitya, Mityushka, Dimulka, Dimchik, Dimosha, Mitri...
  8. Dimon Dimka Mityai Mitka Dmitry
  9. Mityai
  10. Dimon, Dimas.. Dinya., Dinya...
  11. Mitya, Mityai, Mityushka, Mityenka, Mitnok, Mityushechka, Dimulka, Dimushka, Dimukha, Dimochka, Dimon, Dimushechka, Dimushenka, etc.
  12. Dimonchik.
  13. Glebom is the best name for a boy
  14. Mitya - the most common option
  15. Dimasya, dimchik, dimulya
  16. Mityarik, Mitya, Mitriy, Dimusya - there are a lot of options, the main thing is how you and he like it
  17. My friend has a son, Dima. Dimon Mitriy Dimas
  18. Dimon, Dimka.
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Dmitry – very common Russian name, which is of Greek origin. This name is popular throughout Western Europe, as it has ancient roots. The ancient Greeks believed that the name Dmitry means "dedicated to the goddess Demeter". As you know, the beautiful Demeter is the ancient Greek goddess of earth and fertility. Due to this Another popular meaning of the name Dmitry is considered to be “farmer”.

The meaning of the name Dmitry for a child

Little Dima is usually more like his mother, but with age this becomes less noticeable. He is a good kid and gets along easily with his peers. The boy is growing up sociable and completely conflict-free. Dislike for conflict situations will be noticeable throughout Dmitry's life. We can also say that Dima is an active and lively child who loves to run and jump. Remember that when choosing a name for your child, you should not rely only on the full name. Rarely will anyone call a little boy Dmitry. Think in advance what you will call him at home. See phonosemantic analysis of the name Dmitry in a separate article.

Dima usually studies well, but not in all areas. Usually he is interested in a couple of subjects in which he becomes the best. He often studies the remaining subjects on a residual basis, although his grades in them are decent. The boy has an excellent analytical mind, which is noticeable already at an early age. school age. He usually loves technical sciences, and also loves to design. This may become his profession in the future.

Many Dimas have problems with the respiratory tract and often suffer from respiratory diseases. He can be capricious beyond measure and have an unstable mood, which, however, is easily neutralized by the care of loved ones and correct mode day. With age, when little Dima becomes an adult, his health problems usually disappear, and his character becomes stronger.

Short name Dmitry

Dima, Dimka, Dimon, Mitya, Mityai.

Diminutive names for Dmitry

Dimochka, Dimushka, Dimchik, Dimonchik, Dimulya, Dimulka, Dimusya, Dimuska.

Patronymic name of Dmitry's children

Dmitrievna and Dmitrievich. Some people also say Mitrich and Mitrivna, but this depends on socio-cultural habits.

Name Dmitry in English

Demetrius - this is how the name is written in English.

Name Dmitry for international passport- DMITRII, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation and spelling of the name Dmitry into other languages

in Belarusian - Dzmitry and Zmitrok
in Bulgarian - Dimitar
in Hungarian - Dumitru
in Greek - Δημήτριος
in Georgian - დიმიტრი
in Spanish - Dmitrio
in Italian - Demetrio
in Chinese - 德米特里
in Korean - Demetriu
in Polish - Demetriusz and Dymitr
in Romanian - Dumitru
in Slovak - Demeter
in Ukrainian - Dmitro, Mitko
in Finnish - Metri, Dmitri (Drimtry)
in French - Dimitri
in Czech - Dimitrij (Dimitri)
in Chuvash - Metri
in Estonian - Dimitri
in Japanese - ドミトリー

Church name Dmitry remains unchanged or Dimitri. There are saints on Christmastide with different forms of their names. Like most popular names now, the name Dmitry entered the Russian language along with the adoption of Orthodoxy.

Characteristics of the name Dmitry

A man named Dmitry will amaze you with his perseverance, ingenuity and original mindset. At the same time, his craving for freedom leads to the fact that Dmitry can hardly tolerate any restrictions. These character combinations make Dmitry interesting and attractive to other people. His persistence is easily conveyed to others, and the originality of his solutions makes him even more popular. Dmitry is reliable and a good friend. He loves to spend time in good company and is not averse to drinking. But Dmitry does not suffer from an addiction to alcohol.

Dmitry is an excellent worker, and his analytical mind and ingenuity often make him simply irreplaceable. Perhaps this is what helps Dmitry quickly advance in his career. At the same time, Dmitry himself does not particularly strive for career advancement, but rather various circumstances push him towards this. Dmitry knows how to make a good impression, which gives him another competitive advantage in life.

He is unusually charming, which helps him attract the fair sex. His reliability and thoroughness make him a good husband and loving father. At the same time, his falling in love may interfere with saving the marriage, although the older Dmitry gets, the more strongly he desires to settle down.

The secret of the name Dmitry

If little Dima causes others a lot of trouble with his capriciousness, then as an adult he turns into an extremely stubborn and strong-willed person. Despite his apparent calmness, it is difficult to communicate with him - he can explode easily and unexpectedly.

Dmitry simply adores beautiful women, comfort and coziness. He tries to get the most out of life, which can lead him into quite difficult situations. He often experiences a state of falling in love and tends to frequently change his partners. At the same time, she continues to take care of children from her first marriages with extraordinary warmth and attention.

Planet- Saturn.

Zodiac sign- Scorpion.

Patron name- Walrus.

Color- Purple.

Tree- Rowan.

Plant- Chrysanthemum.

Stone- Lapis lazuli.

Forms of the name Dmitry

Short form of the name Dmitry. Dima, Dimulya, Dimusya, Mitya, Demi, Dede, Deme, Mikha, Dimsho, Mityai, Mityukha, Mityusha, Mityakha, Mityasha, Mitryukha, Mitryusha, Dimakha, Dimukha, Dimusha, Mityulya, Mityunya.Synonyms for the name Dmitry. Dimitri, Dimitrios, Demetrius, Demetrio, Demetri, Demeter, Dmitro.Short and diminutive options: Dima, Mitya, Mityai, Mityusha, Mityakha, Mitryukha, Mitryusha.

Patronymics: Dmitrievich, Dmitrievna.

Name Dmitry in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 梅德 (Méi dé). Japanese: ドミトリー (Domitorī). Armenian: Դմիտրի (Dmitri). Nepali: दिमित्री (Dimitrī). Ukrainian: Dmitro. Greek: Ντμίτρι (Ntmítri). English: Dmitry (Dmitry).

Origin of the name Dmitry

The name Dmitry is a common one, meaning “dedicated to the goddess Demeter.” Demeter is the ancient Greek goddess of earth and fertility, so the name Dmitry is often given the meaning “farmer.”

Folk forms of the name Dmitry in Russian: Mitriy, Mitrey. The diminutive Micah is also used to address Mikhail.

Every time you find out that your new acquaintance is named Dmitry, know that in front of you stands an unusually kind, active person who has the will to live.

There are definitely many Greek names in Russian culture, and Dmitry is one of them. Literally, this name means a person belonging to Demeter, one of the most revered goddesses in ancient greek mythology. This resident of Olympus essentially personifies the fertility and love of Mother Earth for her children. It is she who is responsible for harvests and flowering, for resurrecting life in spring and putting it to sleep in winter.

Dmitry's character

Although it is difficult to break Dmitry in life, he can withdraw into himself under the weight of the problems that have piled up. He is not able to put himself in the position of another person and can be overly harsh. Dmitry looks at all events “from his bell tower,” and if he doesn’t like what’s happening, Dmitry’s reaction may be too explosive.

Dmitry is loyal to friendship, but living with him is not easy. You can communicate with him at a distance for a long time, but his strong will and stubbornness will not give you peace at home. Dmitry may be very talented, smart and quick-witted, but he will not be able to achieve anything in life until he calms down his characteristic talkativeness. For mothers, Dmitry is the embodiment of their dreams and an object for pampering.

Dmitry falls in love just as quickly as he cools down. In relationships, he boldly moves towards his intended goal and often achieves success. But successes in this man’s life are usually followed by failures, and after ups, downs. Stability is not characteristic of men with this name.

The secret of the name Dmitry

Find mutual language It’s quite difficult with Dmitry. He has a strong-willed character, but can easily explode over any trifle. Dmitry is not afraid of work, he is persistent and inventive, he can easily make friends with any person and become good friend. Dmitry should choose a profession where it is necessary to communicate with many people. In addition, such men love a variety of pleasures, beautiful women, comfort and coziness.
Dima can easily rush into battle without thinking about the consequences. He is amorous and devotes himself to a new romance with all passion. This is what allows him to change his partner without remorse. Dima often remarries, but he retains affection and love for all his children. In the family, Dmitry is grouchy, likes to drink, a little jealous, and romantic. An authoritative person for him is his mother.

Astrological characteristics of the name:

Color Name: tan, silver
Radiation: 93%
Planet: Pluto
Stone-talisman: black and fire opal
Plant: chrysanthemum
Totemic animal: walrus
Basic Dmitry's character traits: explosive, stubborn, strong-willed

Additional characteristics of the name:

Vibration: 113,000 vibrations/s.
Self-realization(character): 95%
Psyche: very stubborn, hard to prove anything
Health Dmitriy: laryngitis and tonsillitis

Numerology of the name Dmitry

The earth, nature’s mother, is also her grave:

What she gave birth to, she buried.

William Shakespeare

The name Dimitri comes from the name greek goddess Demeters.

There are many memorial days, including 01/04, 02/09, 02/17, 02/24, 08/14, 09/13, 09/24, 11/14, 08/12, 12/14.

Personality. Fertile field.

Characteristics of the name Dmitry by letter:

D - sense of duty;

And - love of art;

M - peacefulness, peacemaking;

And - repeat;

T - sacrifice;

P - professionalism;

And - repeat;

Y - impulsiveness.

What does the name Dmitry mean in numerology:

DEMITRIY = 51512912 = 8 (Uranus).

The purpose of life is determined by the vibrations of Uranus, the planet of great transformation through a flash, an impulse, a brilliant insight.

What does the name Dmitry mean in astrology:

5-1 (Jupiter - Sun), the aspect is strengthened - an exaggerated opinion of oneself, the need to develop patience;

1-2 (Sun - Moon) - successful marriage, excellent relationships with others, excellent health;

9-1 (Neptune - Sun) - evolution of personality development;

8-2 (Uranus - Moon), line of the White magician, activities in the present.

Karmic lessons of the name:

3 (Mars) - pronounced self-criticism, pessimism, sometimes inappropriate seriousness;

4 (Mercury) - chaos in business, lack of methodology and discipline;

6 (Venus) - lack of warmth in relationships with people;

7 (Saturn) - lack of will to implement best qualities personality.

Characteristics of the name Dmitry, taking into account the analysis

Dimitri is endowed with “imperial” qualities by nature. He is inclined to change his mind, making contradictory decisions, but this is not his fault - he is karmically dependent on higher powers. Often they are the ones who allow you to show your best qualities.

Can succeed in literally anything. Areas of activity: theater directing, film studies, film business, drama, writing, in general - creativity, jurisprudence, military affairs, sports, religion. It's a shame, but Dimitri's excellent data is often not used.

Average sexuality. Faithful husband, caring father. Women's names: Daria, Maria, Marina. Names don't have much meaning.

Positive traits of the name

Love of life, optimism, sociability, friendliness, quick-wittedness, erudition, creative imagination. The adult Dmitry is smart, patient, persistent, does not give up when he fails, easily navigates a new environment, and knows how to establish relationships with the people he needs.

Negative traits of the name

Impulsivity, self-will, selfishness. As a child, Dmitry is capricious, touchy, needs protection, but at the same time he is cruel towards those he does not love. Dmitry will not miss out on anything. Wants to get everything from life at once. He turns communication into a monologue, does not know how to listen to his interlocutor, is verbose, tries to say everything at once, and gets confused in his thoughts. A disposition to adventure and risk often leads to success, but Dmitry is severely punished for failure.

Choosing a profession by name

Dmitry often visits creative inspiration and the inspiration of a great idea. He can be a talented writer, artist, composer, scientist. When necessary, he shows amazing endurance and performance. But monotonous work is not for Dmitry. He can realize himself in social and political activities thanks to his intelligence, eloquence, and originality of ideas. Capable of making a breakthrough in an effort to get quick results. These qualities predispose Dmitry to entrepreneurship, organizational activities, and leadership in social movements.

The impact of a name on business

Dmitry is ready to take risks in financial matters. Ups and downs usually alternate, money melts in Dmitry's hands. He may show extraordinary business abilities if he does not allow himself to be carried away by pipe dreams and scams.

The influence of a name on health

In childhood, he often suffers from colds and viruses, laryngitis and tonsillitis. Adult Dmitry is suspicious about his health and loves to be treated. He does not refuse to drink alcohol, but does not have a strong addiction to it.

Psychology of a name

As a child, Dmitry needs to be taught to be systematic in his studies and other activities, his energy needs to be directed in a constructive direction - more action and less words. Sports activities are recommended. Dmitry the partner is a generator of ideas, but you need to stop him in time, otherwise he will waste his energy.

Sexuality of the name Dmitry

Dmitry meets his first woman quite late. He is a little impractical, delicate (especially “summer”), and if he commits adultery, it is after living with his wife for many years. It happens that only by the age of forty does he begin to fully understand his sexual capabilities and comprehend what other men knew in their youth. Having discovered for himself the full range of sensations that sex can give, he gets rid of his previously characteristic idealization of intimate relationships and begins to engage in intense sex life. However, it may also happen that his extraordinary temperament remains unrealized.

Dmitry often finds himself unable to free himself from prejudices and misconceptions about sexuality. In this case, disappointment and regret about the lost years of youth await him. Such Dmitry becomes a good and faithful husband in marriage. “September” Dmitry loves his wife, helps her, but his inner isolation and inconsistency never leave him until his old age. With his cold reserve, he tries to express his disdain for sex, but romantic dreams occupy him for a long time.

Dmitry has no natural instinct to do anything. He will not take risks; the unknown and uncertainty frighten him. He tries to moderate his passions, suppress them with reason. Dmitry strives to bring his own sexual behavior into line with generally accepted moral standards. Many Dmitrys never get married, remaining old bachelors. Dmitry, as a rule, tries to organize his personal life himself, and in adulthood he feels comfortable. He treats sex with caution; if he has a mistress, she is very experienced in this area.

Dmitry is a man of moderate temperament, but he talks a lot about sex and listens about it with undisguised pleasure. For “winter” Dmitry, love and sex are inseparable. The more sensitive his partner, the more frank he is in his erotic caresses. He is familiar with violent hobbies, he does not tolerate his girlfriend’s infidelity, he is jealous and suspicious. He skillfully calculates his strength in sex and tries to avoid difficult situations.

The mystery of the name Dmitry according to the theory of Father Pavel (P.A. Florensky)

His character and entire appearance are significant; he is a nature with powerful inclinations, but extremely inconsistent with each other. Dmitry is passionate, and his passions are not superficial attractions and hobbies, but deep feelings. Dmitry is proud, and this pride entails directness and truthfulness. He is attached to food and drink, to luxurious surroundings, is inclined to value external honor, then he wants money, which gives both power and various pleasures. This is a difficult start for Dmitry. Such heaviness makes him generally difficult in everyday relationships and, together with his internal inhibition, serves as an obstacle to the full disclosure and implementation of his abilities. Dmitry is gifted significantly above average, but pride forces him to demand more from himself than he is capable of, and, realizing his insufficiency for this, he prefers to completely abstain even from what he is capable of.

Characteristics of the name Dmitry according to P. Rouge

Character: 98%

Radiation: 97%

Vibration: 114,000 vibrations/s

Color: red.

Basic traits: will - activity - sexuality - health.

Type: men named Dmitry are very inclined to withdraw into themselves and look harshly at others. They are overly subjective, rarely try to put themselves in the place of another person.

Psyche: guided by logic, they lack diplomacy somewhat. Favorite saying: “It’s either hit or miss.” Pride is their vulnerable trait, and it is quite possible to play on their desire to always and everywhere be the best and unsurpassed.

Will: very strong, even despotic.

Excitability: weak, but gives them some warmth.

Speed reactions: These are choleric people, but they are in complete control of their reactions. They carefully select smart and intelligent friends to whom they remain faithful, but they cannot imagine friendship without the complete subordination of their friends to their will. Very sensitive to defeats and failures.

Activity: No comments needed!

Intuition: more or less listen to her voice.

Intelligence: have a lively, cold analytical mind. Without thoroughly studying the situation, they do not draw conclusions.

Susceptibility: strong, although they try to hide their sensitivity. They have a merciless memory, never forgetting either the good they have done or the evil they have caused.

Moral: high morality is one of their main features; They don’t accept jokes on this topic.

Health: have enormous vitality! Healthy, resistant to disease, but must take care of the circulatory system and heart.

Sexuality: very sensual. They reach sexual maturity early, but do not know or understand female psychology at all. Instead of trying to seduce a woman, they behave like cavemen...

Field activities: achieve success easily. They have been accustomed to discipline since childhood and demand the same from others. They work to achieve a specific and clearly defined goal, and not for the sake of unexpected discoveries. They like medicine and achieve great success in trade.

Sociability: it's theirs weak side. Lack of tact leads to the fact that those around them begin to experience antipathy towards them.

Additionally: there is no need to make “evil wolves” out of them, as this gives them great pleasure, while those around them develop an inferiority complex. Do not forget that from childhood they need to be put in place; later this will be much more difficult... if not completely impossible!

Compatibility of the name Dmitry and patronymic

Dmitry Alekseevich, Andreevich, Artemovich, Valentinovich, Vasilyevich, Viktorovich, Vitalievich, Vladimirovich, Evgenievich, Ivanovich, Ilyich, Mikhailovich, Petrovich, Sergeevich, Fedorovich, Yuryevich is prudent, knows the value of money, knows how to earn money. However, you cannot call him stingy, he does not waste time on trifles, and loves to give gifts. He is caring in the family, values ​​good relationships, loves children. Secretive, rarely shares his problems at work with his wife. He loves unexpected trips, business trips, is easy on ideas, always achieves positive results, which is why he is sent more often than others. Jealous, especially when drunk. In such a state he can be abrupt, unbalanced, you cannot object to him, it is unsafe. He is a freedom-loving man, does not allow his wife to control him, and reserves the right to have a private life. Married has sons.

Dmitry Alexandrovich, Arkadyevich, Borisovich, Vadimovich, Grigorievich, Kirillovich, Maksimovich, Matveevich, Nikitich, Pavlovich, Panteleevich, Romanovich, Tarasovich, Timofeevich, Timurovich, Eduardovich, Yakovlevich is impulsive, unbalanced. Very amorous, highly sexual. He often changes partners, does not strive for other relationships with women, easily evades responsibility, and avoids complications. He doesn’t let his lovers get close to him, he’s secretive, it’s impossible to look into his soul. Cunning, calculating and careful. Does not marry for a long time or is married several times.

He feels more confident around women than around men. IN family relationships complex, unyielding, selfish, although very attached to children. He chooses a wife who is energetic, independent, cheerful, and witty. Reliable in matters concerning family well-being, home improvement.

Dmitry Bogdanovich, Velyamovich, Vilenovich, Vyacheslavovich, Gennadievich, Georgievich, Danilovich, Egorovich, Konstantinovich, Robertovich, Svyatoslavovich, Yanovich, Yaroslavovich, as a rule, gifted, musical, has a subtle sense of humor, a wonderful storyteller, a dreamer. He devotes a lot of time to his appearance, is selfish and selfish. He is prone to high self-esteem and is very vulnerable. He does not tolerate a monotonous life, loves cheerful companies, and often organizes holidays in his home. He marries late and never decides to divorce on his own initiative, no matter how difficult the relationship with his wife may be. It is difficult to get used to new circumstances and living conditions. Attached to his family, although he is rarely at home. He often spends time with friends playing preference, goes to the hippodrome, and enjoys fishing and hunting. He often cheats on his wife. Has children of different sexes.

Dmitry Antonovich, Arturovich, Valerievich, Germanovich, Glebovich, Denisovich, Igorevich, Iosifovich, Leonidovich, Lvovich, Mironovich, Olegovich, Ruslanovich, Semenovich, Filippovich, Emmanuilovich has a strong and firm character. He does not succumb to the influence of others, he himself is able to influence others. He is a good diplomat and psychologist. Enjoys increased attention from women. Charming, knows how to impress, unusually sexy. He always leaves only good memories of himself, although, not wanting to complicate his life, he never makes long-term ones. love relationship. In no hurry to start a family. He chooses a sexy, outwardly attractive, intellectually developed woman as his wife and becomes a good family man: he knows how to provide a comfortable existence for his family, and helps with housework. Most often he has daughters whom he simply adores. But in old age he becomes grumpy, capricious, and annoying.

Dmitry Alanovich, Anatolyevich, Veniaminovich, Dmitrievich, Nikolaevich, Rostislavovich, Stanislavovich, Stepanovich, Feliksovich has a complex, unyielding character. Hot-tempered, does not tolerate objections. Jealous, emotionally unbalanced. He is cheerful in company, but until he gets drunk. After drinking, he argues endlessly and can cause a scandal. His first marriage is rarely successful, and he will not marry a second time soon. Among these Dmitrievs there are many convinced bachelors. He loves women very much, although relationships with them do not last long.

Dmitry does not like to make promises. The undisputed leader in the family, a good father. Even if he divorces his wife, he never forgets about the children. He gives birth to boys.

Famous people named Dmitry

Demetrius of Thessalonica (Christian saint of the 3rd-4th centuries)
Dmitry Donskoy ((1350 - 1389) Grand Duke of Moscow and Vladimir)
Dmitry Shostakovich ((1906 - 1975) Soviet composer, pianist, teacher and public figure. People's Artist of the USSR (1954), Hero of Socialist Labor (1966). Laureate of five Stalin Prizes and one State Prize of the USSR.)
Dmitry Pozharsky ((1578 - 1642) prince, Russian national hero, military and political figure, head of the Second People's Militia, which liberated Moscow from the Polish-Lithuanian occupiers)
Dmitry Laptev ((1701 – 1767) navigator, participant of the Great Northern Expedition, the strait is named after him - the Dmitry Laptev Strait)
Dmitry Mendeleev ((1834 - 1907) Russian scientist-encyclopedist: chemist, physical chemist, physicist, metrologist, economist, technologist, geologist, meteorologist, teacher, aeronaut, instrument maker. Professor of St. Petersburg University; corresponding member in the category “physics” of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences Among the most famous discoveries is the periodic law chemical elements, one of the fundamental laws of the universe, integral to all natural science.)
Demetrius I Poliorcetes ((336 - 283 BC) king of Asia, king of Macedonia)
Demetrius I Soter ((c.187 - 150 BC) king of Syria)
Demetrius II Nicator ((161 - 125 BC) king of Syria)
Dmitry Sautin ((born 1974) Soviet and Russian diver, two-time Olympic champion, the only winner in history of 8 Olympic medals in diving. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2000).)
Dmitry Sychev ((born 1983) Russian football player. Bronze medalist of the 2008 European Championship, champion of Russia in 2004, in the same year he was recognized as football player of the year in Russia both in a survey of players and in a survey of journalists. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2008) According to a poll by VTsIOM, he twice became the most popular football player in Russia (2005, 2006).)
Dmitry Kabalevsky ((1904 - 1987) outstanding Soviet composer, conductor and pianist, teacher. People's Artist of the USSR (1963). Hero of Socialist Labor (1974). Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1972), three Stalin Prizes (1946, 1949, 1951) and the State Prize USSR (1980). Doctor of Art History (1965). Full member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR (1971).)
Dmitry Malikov ((born 1970) Soviet and Russian composer, pianist, singer, producer and TV presenter. People's Artist of Russia (2010).)
Dmitry Kharatyan ((born 1960) Soviet and Russian actor, Honored Artist of Russia (2000), People's Artist of Russia (2007), also awarded the Professional of Russia medal.)
Dmitry Bibikov ((1792 - 1870) Russian statesman, member of the State Council, Minister of Internal Affairs Russian Empire(1852 - 1855), participant in the Russian-Turkish and Patriotic War 1812, Governor General, Freemason)
Dmitry Merezhkovsky ((1866 - 1941) Russian writer, poet, critic, translator, historian, religious philosopher, public figure. Husband of the poetess Zinaida Gippius. D.S. Merezhkovsky, prominent representative Silver Age, went down in history as one of the founders of Russian symbolism, the founder of the new genre of historical and philosophical novel for Russian literature, one of the pioneers of the religious and philosophical approach to the analysis of literature, an outstanding essayist and literary critic. Merezhkovsky (since 1914, when academician N.A. Kotlyarevsky nominated him) repeatedly applied for the Nobel Prize; was close to her in 1933 (when I.A. Bunin became the laureate). Controversial philosophical ideas and radical Political Views D.S. Merezhkovsky evoked sharply mixed responses; nevertheless, even his opponents recognized him as an outstanding writer, genre innovator and one of the most original thinkers of the 20th century.)
Dmitry Nelyubin ((1971 - 2005) famous Soviet and Russian cyclist, Olympic champion)
Dmitry Alenichev (footballer, midfielder)
Dmitry Likhachev ((1906 - 1999) Russian philologist, art critic, screenwriter, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (until 1991 - USSR Academy of Sciences). Author of fundamental works devoted to the history of Russian literature (mainly Old Russian) and Russian culture. Author of works (including more than forty books) on a wide range of problems of theory and history ancient Russian literature, many of which have been translated into different languages. Author of 500 scientific and about 600 journalistic works. Likhachev made a significant contribution to the development of the study of ancient Russian literature and art. Circle scientific interests Likhachev’s work is very extensive: from the study of icon painting to the analysis of the prison life of prisoners. Throughout all the years of his activity, he was an active defender of culture, a promoter of morality and spirituality. He was directly involved in the preservation and restoration of various cultural sites of St. Petersburg and its suburbs.)
Dmitry Astrakhan (theater and film director, Honored Artist of Russia)
Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak ((1852 - 1912) real name - Mamin; Russian novelist and playwright)
Dmitry Kryukov ((1960 - 2009) creator of the first Russian search engine Rambler)
Dmitry Ustinov ((1908 - 1984) Soviet political and military leader, Minister of Defense of the USSR, Marshal Soviet Union, Hero of the Soviet Union)
Dmitry Ilovaisky (historian, author of a popular pre-revolutionary textbook on the history of Russia)
Demetrio Aguilera Malta ((1909 - 1981) Ecuadorian writer and film director)
Dyome Stojai (real name - Dimitrije Stojakovic, Hungarian politician of Serbian origin, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Hungary (1944))
Dimitrios Kalergis ((1803 - 1867) Greek military and political figure, general)
Dmitry Medvedev ((born 1965) Russian statesman and political figure, tenth Prime Minister Russian Federation(since May 8, 2012), third President of the Russian Federation (2008 - 2012). Candidate of Legal Sciences.)
Dmitry Karbyshev (Lieutenant General of the Engineering Troops, victim of the Mauthausen concentration camp)
Dmitry Ushakov ((1873 - 1942) Russian philologist, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1939), editor and co-author of one of the main explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language - “ Explanatory dictionary Russian language".)
Dmitry Pevtsov (theater and film actor, People's Artist of Russia)
Dmitry Kholodov (Soviet and Russian journalist)
Dmitry Furmanov (Russian prose writer, author of the novel “Chapaev”)
Dmitry Senyavin ((1763 – 1831) naval commander, admiral)
Demetrio Paernio ((1851 - 1912) Italian sculptor)
Demetrio Albertini (Italian football player)
Demetrio Alonso Castrillo ((1841 - 1916) Spanish politician)
Dimitar Dimov ((1909 - 1966) Bulgarian writer)
Dumitru-Dorin Prunariu (Romanian astronaut)
Dumitru Braghis (Moldovan politician)

Let's call our beloved affectionate. Variants of names in diminutive form.

You want to constantly see, cherish and cherish your dear and beloved person. Let's remember how we address our loved ones in an affectionate manner.

The article will present diminutive forms of the most common names. We will also explain and tell you how to call a man, child, girlfriend, and so on with a gentle word.

How to affectionately call your beloved man

If you are eager to call the man you have chosen in your heart not just by name, but somehow affectionately and unusually, then we offer the following options:

  • zushnya;
  • my knight;
  • super man;
  • my hero;
  • darling;
  • my dear;
  • my macho;
  • little leopard;
  • bead;
  • hamster.

How to affectionately call a guy list

If you have found a boy who is simply crazy about you, then he will probably be pleased to hear such delightful messages from you:

  • sweeties;
  • my Hercules;
  • kitty;
  • slutulik;
  • relative;
  • my sugar;
  • my chipmunk;
  • rabbit;
  • tiger;
  • fluffy.

How to affectionately call your husband

If you want to somehow diversify your relationship with your rightful gentleman, that is, your spouse, then try starting with affectionate words addressed to him. For example, name the permanent resident of your heart like this:

  • my wall is made of stone;
  • assistant;
  • support;
  • My little Hermes;
  • Apollonushka;
  • my lion;
  • papulik;
  • murzichek;
  • donut;
  • my light is clear.

How to call a girl affectionately and originally

The boy will need this list of sweet words addressed to his beautiful girlfriend:

  • little star;
  • my marmalade;
  • pretty pet;
  • fox;
  • my dawn is clear;
  • my sunbeam;
  • my tenderness and fluffiness;
  • forget-me-not;
  • queen;
  • cutie.

How to call a guy affectionately and unusually

If you want to call the boy in a special way, then this list of cute addresses will be useful to you:

  • pampusichek;
  • beauty;
  • cute;
  • darling;
  • hero;
  • affectionate;
  • clear falcon;
  • mosaic bunny;
  • defender;
  • music

How to affectionately call your wife

It is useful for men to keep in stock such a mini-arsenal of tender addresses to their beloved wife:

  • bead;
  • sugar cranberry;
  • panther;
  • button;
  • my strawberry;
  • fun;
  • pulp;
  • beauty;
  • matryoshka;
  • My beloved minx.

How to affectionately call a friend

Surely you have bosom girlfriends, and they will undoubtedly be pleased if you call them something sweet and gentle. For example, this is how you can call your girlfriend:

  • Masyanya;
  • old lady;
  • mother;
  • Sun;
  • darling;
  • dear heart;
  • my soul;
  • darling;
  • girlfriend;
  • lighter.

How to affectionately call a friend

Praise your family and favorite people more often, because this only has a strengthening effect on relationships. For example, you can affectionately call a friend:

  • dear;
  • friend;
  • my right hand;
  • buddy;
  • friend;
  • Handsome;
  • a man with a capital “H”;
  • awesome guy;
  • my goldenrod;
  • started it.

How to affectionately call a boy

If you need to find the most pleasant reviews about a certain boy, then we offer the following list to help you:

  • kitty;
  • Baby;
  • mischievous;
  • naughty girl;
  • little baby;
  • bunny;
  • kolobocha;
  • sweet pie;
  • klopenok;
  • little doll.

How to affectionately call a girl

You can caress a girl with these unusual words:

  • Musenka;
  • sweetie;
  • little one;
  • bunny;
  • little girl;
  • little fish;
  • little daughter;
  • girl;
  • princess;
  • fashionable girl.

How to affectionately name a child

If you have children in your family or your friends already have children, then you can address them with these kind words:

  • baby;
  • Puska;
  • little bunny;
  • Kisulka;
  • cubs;
  • my little bird;
  • little baby;
  • yuushenka;
  • little son;
  • daughter.

How to affectionately call Sasha

Sashas are avid workaholics. They are always at work. It’s just a pity that they don’t value their work at all and allow themselves to be manipulated by careless bosses. There are quite a lot of Alexandrovs now divorced. If you think about it, every person has at least one Sashka in their family or circle of friends. So, if you want to please a person with that name, then first try to address him affectionately, for example, like this:

  • Sashok;
  • Sandro;
  • Sanyok;
  • Sashulik;
  • Shurik;
  • Sancho;
  • Sasha;
  • Sashik;
  • Sashenka;
  • Xandric.

How to affectionately call Dima

Dmitry - very beautiful and clean male name. Men with this name adore everything luxurious, including beautiful women. The justice of this guy is off the charts and from a young age he gives out not at all childish sayings and opinions about life. If there are Dimochkas in your circle, then try to paraphrase his name in these gentle ways:

  • Dimonchik;
  • Dimik;
  • Mityushechka;
  • Dimon;
  • Dimasik;
  • Mityai;
  • Dimusik;
  • Dimochka;
  • Dimoska;
  • Mityukha.

How to affectionately call Maxim

Maxims really don’t like it when people argue with them. If you make this man angry, you might really regret it. When enraged, he becomes almost uncontrollable. Nowadays there are still families who call their sons Maxim. If you have a friend whose dad and mom named him this way, then gently address him, something like this:

  • Maskyush;
  • Masya;
  • Maxik;
  • Maxonchik;
  • Masik;
  • Max;
  • Maksimushka;
  • Maksimchik;
  • Maksyunchik;
  • Masya.

How to affectionately call Denis

The Denises carefully monitor their appearance and from the very beginning early age, while still in kindergarten, choose their outfits and fashionable things. Sometimes they grow into handsome men who are fixated only on themselves. If you know Denisa among your circle, then take a look at the list of endearments for their names:

  • Denyushka;
  • Dinya;
  • Denisushka;
  • Denchik;
  • Denisik;
  • Denyukha;
  • Dinyushka;
  • Dinechka;
  • Disa.

How to affectionately call Nikita

A guy named Nikita is not used to losing at anything. He tries at all costs to achieve his plans and turn all his crazy ideas into reality. For comrades with the name Nikitka, this list of affectionate addresses is suitable:

  • Nikitushka;
  • Nikitochka;
  • Nikitos;
  • Nikitosik;
  • Kityulik;
  • Nikitusik;
  • Nikitik;
  • Nikityashka;
  • Nikituska.

How to affectionately call Andrey

Andrei is cunning and perspicacious. They are always immersed in some kind of dreams and peculiar plans for life. There are also a lot of Andreevs in our environment, and sometimes we don’t have enough imagination to somehow address them affectionately. This list of the most tender names will certainly be useful to you if you have Andryushka among your friends and relatives:

  • Dusha;
  • Andryusik;
  • Andreyka;
  • Andronchik;
  • Drone;
  • Andryushenka;
  • Dushenka;
  • Andrik;
  • Dryusya;
  • Dronchik.

How to affectionately call Matvey

Matveys are gentle and romantic men. They will try to constantly pamper their beloved and indulge her in everything. Matveyka always carefully calculates all her steps in advance. For those who were given the beautiful name Matvey from birth, the following list of affectionate addresses is suitable:

  • Matyusha;
  • Motya;
  • Matveyka;
  • Matveyushka;
  • Matveychik;
  • Motik;
  • Matyunya;
  • Motenka;
  • Motka;
  • Motyusya.

How to affectionately call Mark

Brands have their own view on everything and try to impose it on everyone, which sometimes makes others angry. Mark is not a very common name in our country, but still, if you know Mark, you can treat them as follows:

  • Marik;
  • Marochka;
  • Marushka;
  • Markusik;
  • Maricek;
  • Makusha;
  • Markushechka;
  • Mara;
  • Maryusik;
  • Markusechka.

How to affectionately call Sergei

Seryozha is a man you can safely rely on in everything. He will not let his friends down under any circumstances. Usually men with this name are talented and creative individuals. Almost any of us can find Sergeev among our friends, so the list of touching addresses to men with that name will be useful to many. Here is the list of pet names:

  • Seryozha;
  • Serezhenka;
  • Seryozhechka;
  • Serezhik;
  • Sergusha;
  • Sergunchik;
  • Sergusik;
  • Sergunya;
  • Sergunechka;
  • Gunya.

How to affectionately call Roma

Roman is a beautiful and sonorous name. This guy has a cheerful disposition, loves to relax for health benefits and hates when depression creeps up on him. The man who was given this name by mom and dad can be affectionately called as follows:

  • Chamomile;
  • Romochka;
  • Chamomile;
  • Romik;
  • Romantic;
  • Romanka;
  • Romichek;
  • Chamomile;
  • Romushechka;
  • Romasya.

How to affectionately call Alexey

Lech, in the minds of many, is a guy with an open soul and a kind heart. Alexey will never be afraid to stand up for the humiliated and insulted, because he cannot stand injustice. Here's how to access it:

  • Alex;
  • Alexyusha;
  • Leshik;
  • Leshechka;
  • Leshenka;
  • Alexeyka;
  • Alekseyushka;
  • Alekseenka;
  • Lesik;
  • Lelya.

How to affectionately call Yulia

Julia's character is very soft. She hates getting into arguments with anyone, but still she always has her own opinion in everything. Girls are called Julia no longer as often as, say, in the late 80s. Back then this name was quite common and fashionable. If you have Yulka in your circle of girlfriends, then you can gently address her like this:

  • Yulenka;
  • Yulyashka;
  • Julek;
  • Yulechka;
  • Yulik;
  • Yulyakha;
  • Yulyushka;
  • Yulyashechka;
  • Yulcha;
  • Yulyashik.

How to affectionately call Veronica

Veronica knows how to be affectionate and fluffy only with those whom she completely trusts. In general, this woman is not used to giving in to anyone and will not mince words in an argument. If you have a friendship with some Veronica, then call her like this:

  • Nika;
  • Nikushka;
  • Veronica;
  • Veronichechka;
  • Nikusya;
  • Nikushechka;
  • Nikulka;
  • Veronicushka;
  • Veronicochka;
  • Nikulenok.

How to affectionately call Zhenya

Evgenia is a girl who is used to achieving everything herself. She has a cache of masculine character traits, which she displays at every opportunity. If there is Evgenia in your circle, then you can love her with one of the following affectionate addresses:

  • Zhenyok;
  • Evgeshka;
  • Evgesha;
  • Evgenka;
  • Gesha;
  • Geshulka;
  • Zhenyulka;
  • Geshechka;
  • Zhenyushka;
  • Zhenechek.

How to affectionately call Marina

Marina is a woman with an assertive disposition and stubborn character. If she doesn’t like you, then no matter how you approach her, your attempts will not be crowned with success. If you are in good relations with some Marina, then you can affectionately call her like this:

  • Marisha;
  • Marishka;
  • Marinushka;
  • Marinochka;
  • Marinusik;
  • Marishechka;
  • Marie;
  • Mary;
  • Marinchik;
  • Marinushechka.

How to affectionately call Katya

Ekaterina is a name that carries the spirit of a confident woman; she will not be afraid of difficulties and obstacles in her life. life path. If there is at least one Katyukha among your close associates, then try to affectionately call her one of the options proposed in the list:

  • Katie;
  • Katyusha;
  • Katyunechka;
  • Katenok;
  • Katenka;
  • Katyushka;
  • Katyulya;
  • Katyushechka;
  • Katyunyashka;
  • Katechka.

How to affectionately call Dasha

Daria tries her best to please everyone and always. She is very sweet and extremely courteous. At the same time, she has an inner core that will help her achieve unprecedented heights in business and career. You can address a girl with the expressive and gentle name Daria like this:

  • Dashenka;
  • Dashulik;
  • Dasha;
  • Dashik;
  • Daryushka;
  • Daryasha;
  • Dashulya;
  • Dashulka;
  • Daryashechka;
  • Dashulenok.

How to affectionately call Milana

The girl who is named Milana will go towards her goal, even if those around her suffer. She is overly selfish and loves to boast about herself. This character trait can do a lot of harm to her in life. Milanese can be affectionately addressed by one of the following names:

  • Cutie;
  • Mila;
  • Milanochka;
  • Milasik;
  • Sweetheart;
  • Milanushka;
  • Milusik;
  • Milanchik;
  • Darling;
  • Milanusya.

How to affectionately call Diana

Diana is a girl with a soft character. She simply cannot pass by if someone has grief. As a child, her mother often scolded her for bringing abandoned puppies and kittens into the house. If you have a Dianka friend among your friends, then you can call her affectionately like this:

  • Dianochka;
  • Dinochka;
  • Dinusik;
  • Dinushka;
  • Dianusya;
  • Dinulechka;
  • Dinusya;
  • Diasha;
  • Dianchik.

How to affectionately call Alina

Alina always tries to be ahead of the rest in everything. She is such a self-confident person that sometimes her friends simply cannot cope with her and try not to even argue. Who has in a family circle or in friendly company a girl with a lovely name Alina, they can call her like this:

  • Alinushka;
  • Linusechka;
  • Alinusya;
  • Linushka;
  • Alinya;
  • Alinochka;
  • Alinusechka;
  • Alinchik;
  • Linux;
  • Alinyashechka.

Video on how to affectionately call your loved one

We offer a short video for viewing. It clearly and clearly shows how you can affectionately call your lover.

Now you know what abbreviated affectionate names you can use to address your family and friends. Surely you yourself will like it if they call you something special, tenderly and with ardent love in your heart.

Short form of the name Dmitry. Dima, Dimulya, Dimusya, Mitya, Demi, Dede, Deme, Mikha, Dimsho, Mityai, Mityukha, Mityusha, Mityakha, Mityasha, Mitryukha, Mitryusha, Dimakha, Dimukha, Dimusha, Mityulya, Mityunya.
Synonyms for the name Dmitry. Dimitri, Dimitrios, Demetrius, Demetrio, Demetri, Demeter, Dmitro.
Origin of the name Dmitry. The name Dmitry is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Dmitry is a common Russian name of Greek origin meaning “dedicated to the goddess Demeter.” Demeter is the ancient Greek goddess of earth and fertility, so the name Dmitry is often given the meaning “farmer.”

Folk forms of the name Dmitry in Russian: Mitriy, Mitrey. The feminine form of the name is not often used - Demeter, Demetrius, Demetria. The diminutive Micah is also used to address Mikhail.

Every time you find out that your new acquaintance is named Dmitry, know that in front of you stands an unusually kind, active person who has the will to live. Although it is difficult to break Dmitry in life, he can withdraw into himself under the weight of the problems that have piled up. He is not able to put himself in the position of another person and can be overly harsh. Dmitry looks at all events “from his bell tower,” and if he doesn’t like what’s happening, Dmitry’s reaction may be too explosive.

Dmitry is loyal to friendship, but living with him is not easy. You can communicate with him at a distance for a long time, but his strong will and stubbornness will not give you peace at home. Dmitry may be very talented, smart and quick-witted, but he will not be able to achieve anything in life until he calms down his characteristic talkativeness. For mothers, Dmitry is the embodiment of their dreams and an object for pampering.

Dmitry falls in love just as quickly as he cools down. In relationships, he boldly moves towards his intended goal and often achieves success. But successes in this man’s life are usually followed by failures, and after ups, downs. Stability is not characteristic of men with this name.

In business, Dmitry relies on logic and completely forgets about diplomacy. He is ready to take risks, his main goal is to be the best, not to be surpassed. Although Dmitry is not devoid of intuition, he sometimes forgets about it. His main assistant in business is his cold and rational mind.

Dmitry belongs to men with a heightened sense of morality. He will not allow anyone to joke about this topic. It is not surprising that the first woman in his life does not appear early.

With women Dmitry behaves like a real man, although he sometimes lacks seductive abilities. Dmitry gets married more than once.

Dmitry has a good chance of achieving a lot in the technical field. He can be both a researcher and a programmer. At the same time, he is a very businesslike person. He is quick to make decisions and always remembers the necessary things to do. Dmitry easily fits into any team and knows how to communicate well with people. Although he does not strive to become a leader, he advances through the ranks quite quickly.

Sound. Dmitry is a name of average length, consisting of two syllables. The vast majority of people pay attention to his masculinity. In addition, the strength (91%), beauty (90%) and majesty (86%) of the sound of the name are often noted. Names similar in phonosemantic profile are Ruslan, Alexander and Vladimir.

Dmitry's name day

Dmitry celebrates his name day on January 4, January 8, January 21, January 31, February 7, February 9, February 11, February 17, February 19, February 24, March 22, March 25, March 28, March 31, April 1, April 23 , April 26, May 2, May 28, June 1, June 5, June 10, June 15, June 16, June 18, June 26, July 3, July 17, July 21, August 1, August 14, August 17, 20 August, August 25, September 8, September 9, September 13, September 19, September 24, September 28, September 30, October 4, October 10, October 17, October 21, November 1, November 3, November 8, November 10, November 14, November 22, November 25, November 27, November 28, November 29, December 2, December 14, December 17.

Famous people named Dmitry

  • Demetrius of Thessalonica (Christian saint of the 3rd-4th centuries)
  • Dmitry Donskoy ((1350 - 1389) Grand Duke of Moscow and Vladimir)
  • Dmitry Shostakovich ((1906 - 1975) Soviet composer, pianist, teacher and public figure. People's Artist of the USSR (1954), Hero of Socialist Labor (1966). Laureate of five Stalin Prizes and one State Prize of the USSR.)
  • Dmitry Pozharsky ((1578 - 1642) prince, Russian national hero, military and political figure, head of the Second People's Militia, which liberated Moscow from the Polish-Lithuanian occupiers)
  • Dmitry Laptev ((1701 – 1767) navigator, participant of the Great Northern Expedition, the strait is named after him - the Dmitry Laptev Strait)
  • Dmitry Mendeleev ((1834 - 1907) Russian scientist-encyclopedist: chemist, physical chemist, physicist, metrologist, economist, technologist, geologist, meteorologist, teacher, aeronaut, instrument maker. Professor of St. Petersburg University; corresponding member in the category “physics” of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences Among the most famous discoveries is the periodic law of chemical elements, one of the fundamental laws of the universe, integral to all natural science.)
  • Demetrius I Poliorcetes ((336 - 283 BC) king of Asia, king of Macedonia)
  • Demetrius I Soter ((c.187 - 150 BC) king of Syria)
  • Demetrius II Nicator ((161 - 125 BC) king of Syria)
  • Dmitry Sautin ((born 1974) Soviet and Russian diver, two-time Olympic champion, the only winner in history of 8 Olympic awards in diving. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2000).)
  • Dmitry Sychev ((born 1983) Russian football player. Bronze medalist of the 2008 European Championship, champion of Russia in 2004, in the same year he was recognized as football player of the year in Russia both in a survey of players and in a survey of journalists. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2008) According to a poll by VTsIOM, he twice became the most popular football player in Russia (2005, 2006).)
  • Dmitry Kabalevsky ((1904 - 1987) outstanding Soviet composer, conductor and pianist, teacher. People's Artist of the USSR (1963). Hero of Socialist Labor (1974). Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1972), three Stalin Prizes (1946, 1949, 1951) and the State Prize USSR (1980). Doctor of Art History (1965). Full member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR (1971).)
  • Dmitry Malikov ((born 1970) Soviet and Russian composer, pianist, singer, producer and TV presenter. People's Artist of Russia (2010).)
  • Dmitry Kharatyan ((born 1960) Soviet and Russian actor, Honored Artist of Russia (2000), People's Artist of Russia (2007), also awarded the Professional of Russia medal.)
  • Dmitry Bibikov ((1792 - 1870) Russian statesman, member of the State Council, Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire (1852 - 1855), participant in the Russian-Turkish and Patriotic War of 1812, Governor-General, Freemason)
  • Dmitry Merezhkovsky ((1866 - 1941) Russian writer, poet, critic, translator, historian, religious philosopher, public figure. Husband of the poetess Zinaida Gippius. D.S. Merezhkovsky, a prominent representative of the Silver Age, went down in history as one of the founders of Russian symbolism , the founder of the new genre of historical and philosophical novel for Russian literature, one of the pioneers of the religious and philosophical approach to the analysis of literature, an outstanding essayist and literary critic.Merezhkovsky (since 1914, when his candidacy was nominated by Academician N.A. Kotlyarevsky) has repeatedly claimed competition for the Nobel Prize; was close to it in 1933 (when I.A. Bunin became the laureate). D.S. Merezhkovsky’s controversial philosophical ideas and radical political views evoked sharply mixed responses; nevertheless, even his opponents recognized him as an outstanding writer, genre innovator and one of the most original thinkers of the 20th century.)
  • Dmitry Nelyubin ((1971 - 2005) famous Soviet and Russian cyclist, Olympic champion)
  • Dmitry Alenichev (footballer, midfielder)
  • Dmitry Likhachev ((1906 - 1999) Russian philologist, art critic, screenwriter, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (until 1991 - USSR Academy of Sciences). Author of fundamental works devoted to the history of Russian literature (mainly Old Russian) and Russian culture. Author of works (including more than forty books) on a wide range of problems in the theory and history of Old Russian literature, many of which have been translated into different languages. Author of 500 scientific and about 600 journalistic works. Likhachev made a significant contribution to the development of the study of Old Russian literature and art. Likhachev's range of scientific interests is very extensive: from the study iconography to the analysis of the prison life of prisoners. Throughout all the years of his activity, he was an active defender of culture, a promoter of morality and spirituality. He took direct part in the preservation and restoration of various cultural objects of St. Petersburg and its suburbs.)
  • Dmitry Astrakhan (theater and film director, Honored Artist of Russia)
  • Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak ((1852 - 1912) real name - Mamin; Russian novelist and playwright)
  • Dmitry Kryukov ((1960 - 2009) creator of the first Russian search engine Rambler)
  • Dmitry Ustinov ((1908 - 1984) Soviet political and military leader, Minister of Defense of the USSR, Marshal of the Soviet Union, Hero of the Soviet Union)
  • Dmitry Ilovaisky (historian, author of a popular pre-revolutionary textbook on the history of Russia)
  • Demetrio Aguilera Malta ((1909 - 1981) Ecuadorian writer and film director)
  • Dyome Stojai (real name - Dimitrije Stojakovic, Hungarian politician of Serbian origin, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Hungary (1944))
  • Dimitrios Kalergis ((1803 - 1867) Greek military and political figure, general)
  • Dmitry Medvedev ((born 1965) Russian statesman and political figure, tenth Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation (since May 8, 2012), third President of the Russian Federation (2008 - 2012). Candidate of Legal Sciences.)
  • Dmitry Karbyshev (Lieutenant General of the Engineering Troops, victim of the Mauthausen concentration camp)
  • Dmitry Ushakov ((1873 - 1942) Russian philologist, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1939), editor and co-author of one of the main explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language - “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language.”)
  • Dmitry Pevtsov (theater and film actor, People's Artist of Russia)
  • Dmitry Kholodov (Soviet and Russian journalist)
  • Dmitry Furmanov (Russian prose writer, author of the novel “Chapaev”)
  • Dmitry Senyavin ((1763 – 1831) naval commander, admiral)
  • Demetrio Paernio ((1851 - 1912) Italian sculptor)
  • Demetrio Albertini (Italian football player)
  • Demetrio Alonso Castrillo ((1841 - 1916) Spanish politician)
  • Dimitar Dimov ((1909 - 1966) Bulgarian writer)
  • Dumitru-Dorin Prunariu (Romanian astronaut)
  • Dumitru Braghis (Moldovan politician)