A wooden turning staircase is a solution for a small room! Turning steps of a staircase: types of products and features of calculations, installation examples Metal turning staircase with winder steps.

Special stair steps placed in a circle are usually called “oblique” or winder steps. Due to their rather unusual shape, these elements can be used to rotate structures on different sections of flights. Mostly craftsmen install them at the bottom, in the middle, and also at the top. Although most often winder steps are used specifically for wooden stairs with a 90-degree turn.

What are standard “oblique” steps?

Considering the installation features of the winder elements, you can understand that one of their ends, located on the inside, is narrower than the other, external. Steps of this type successfully replace more bulky intermediate platforms. But when using them for turning stairs, you need to remember some important nuances:

After watching various specialized videos, it becomes clear that the above steps are best used where there is a shortage of free space for future staircase structures. In addition, these elements allow you to visually expand the existing premises.

Important points that are recommended to be taken into account when making stairs with winder elements

In addition to obvious advantages, “oblique” steps also have a couple of significant disadvantages. For example, the narrow edge of these elements sometimes causes psychological discomfort in people climbing the finished stairs. It seems to them that there is practically nowhere to put their feet. But making rotary structures in general is quite difficult. This is especially true when performing basic calculations.

In order to get rid of the expected troubles that winder steps used for wooden stairs can cause, it is necessary to take into account the following points:

  • the depth of the outer edge of the “oblique” elements should be a maximum of 400 mm, and the inner edge - at least 100 mm;
  • the height of the steps must range from 120 to 220 mm;
  • the existing protrusion of the edge of the tread cannot exceed 40 mm.

Having studied in detail the features of the installation of rotary structures, you can find out that the middle of each winder element created by yourself must be at least 200 mm, this is really important. In addition, when calculating staircase structures, it is recommended to use certain formulas.

If we are talking about L-shaped products, then their comfort level is calculated as follows: a - b = 120 mm. Here “a” is the depth of the indicated steps, and “b” is the optimal height of the riser. There is also a special formula for determining the maximum safety of these structures: a + b = 460 mm.

However, if craftsmen plan to install U-shaped stairs, they need to remember that all space between flights must be equal to a quarter of the width of the “oblique” elements. Otherwise, the inner edges of the finished winder steps, photos of which are in the article, will turn out to be extremely narrow.

Creating a simple L-shaped product: preparing basic tools and materials

From videos posted on the Internet, you can find out that dark oak wood is ideal for making L-shaped stairs with “oblique” steps. But it is very expensive. That is why many experienced specialists give their preference to maple. This material looks really attractive, and its price is quite reasonable.

In addition to wood, craftsmen creating a structure with a 90-degree rotation will need to prepare in advance:

Useful additional information about the future construction

In order to clearly understand how to make high-quality winder steps for wooden stairs, it is necessary to consider in detail the sequence of creating an L-shaped product with a width of 93 cm. The length of the opening of such a design is exactly 2.29 m, and the height of its overlap is 2.68 m.

The staircase includes a couple of flights. The first consists of eight steps, the last of which exactly matches the existing platform of the upper floor of the building, and the second flight is made of only two elements. As for the “oblique” steps, there are exactly three of them. The rotation angle of these parts does not exceed 30 degrees.

For this product, craftsmen will have to make two stringers with their own hands. Their dimensions should be 5x30x300 cm. One part will be securely attached to the nearest wall, and the other will rest on a pillar with dimensions of 10x10x250 cm. The steps of the structure must have dimensions of 90x30x4 cm. But the turntable used for the construction of winder elements must already have dimensions 90x90x4 cm.

Key features of structure installation

The entire process of manufacturing an L-shaped staircase, the photo of which is striking in its beauty, is usually divided into several stages:

  • First, craftsmen make a template resembling a right triangle, attaching it to a guide rail.
  • Then they mark the stringers and cut out these parts.
  • The third stage is the installation of the support pillar.
  • Then it is allowed to mount the base for the “oblique” steps.
  • After this, specialists attach the stringers using metal corners.
  • Then they cut out the winder elements, adjusting them to length.
  • At the end, the steps are varnished and finally secured with long self-tapping screws.

The lower flight of stairs is made on a bowstring, the edge of which is cut at an angle of 90 degrees (to the floor). Then the craftsmen install balusters and handrails. The last mentioned parts are secured using self-tapping screws with countersunk heads. Well, this video will allow you to get acquainted in more detail with the manufacture of winder stair steps.

Aesthetically attractive stairs at reasonable prices

It is quite possible to create durable winder steps for wooden stairs yourself. But for those people who want to save time, effort and money, it will be much more profitable to contact our experienced specialists. With their help, customers can easily purchase ready-made structures in Moscow at the lowest prices.

For example, the “Prestige” gatefold product has a unique, incredibly stylish design. And it costs only 47,160 rubles.

The same can be said about the modern Evoles Beech staircase. This design will benefit any interior. And its current price is 65,000 rubles.

The “Modern” gatefold product is created from the most exclusive materials. It is distinguished by the highest quality, elegance and increased reliability. The cost of such a staircase is quite reasonable - 125,262 rubles.

If, when building a new house, you are thinking about what type of staircase structure to prefer to connect floors, then you should pay attention to such an option as a staircase with winder steps.

Winders are steps located in a circle, continuously. One of their ends, the one located on the inside, is narrower than the outside. When turning the stairs, they are used instead of an intermediate platform. There are two types of stairs with winder steps:

  • U-shaped - such stairs rotate 180°;
  • L-shaped - such stairs rotate 90°.

Winder steps have a number of advantages, for example:

  • take up less space than marching ones;
  • visually make the room wider;
  • have an aesthetic appearance.

Their disadvantages include the following features:

  • the narrow edge of a step when climbing stairs causes psychological discomfort. It seems like there is nowhere to put your foot;
  • such stairs have a rather complex design and therefore it is difficult to make calculations for them;
  • not as comfortable to use as stairs with platforms;
  • The design of such a ladder must be approached with the utmost care and responsibility, because if it is not designed correctly, the risk of falling and serious injury will increase.

What you need to consider to make the design as safe as possible

To eliminate possible troubles from the shortcomings of winder steps, the staircase must be designed correctly, taking into account the following nuances when calculating it:

  • the depth of the outer edge of the step should be no more than 400 mm, and the inner edge should be no less than 100 mm;
  • the middle of each step must be at least 200 mm deep;
  • in height, each step can occupy from 120 to 220 mm;
  • the maximum protrusion of the edge of the tread should be 40 mm;

  • When calculating an L-shaped staircase, the following formulas must be observed:
    • for comfortable use - a (step depth) - b (riser height) = 120 mm;
    • for maximum safety – a + b = 460 mm;
    • step formula - 2b + a = 620 (600-640) mm.

  • when building a U-shaped staircase, the space between the steps should not be less than a quarter of the width of the steps. Otherwise, the winder steps from the inner edge will be too narrow;
  • the gap between the ceiling and the flight of stairs must be at least 2 m.

How to calculate a winder ladder

To make a calculation for a U-shaped structure, you need to proceed as follows:

  • mark the center of the bend coinciding with the radius of the inner side of the stairs;
  • calculate the number of winder steps: the more there are, the more comfortable you can use the staircase;
  • winder steps, photos of which are given below, from the first to the seventh inclusive. Through the next, eighth step, or rather through its beginning, the line DE is drawn. Straight AB divides the staircase into two sides - right and left. The middle of the march should be marked with a curve ac, which corresponds to the line of movement;
  • On the line indicating movement, from AB we set aside a section equal to half the width of an ordinary step. Thus, we find point 1. From it we draw a segment equal to the width of the step and mark point 2. Using the same principle, we find the remaining points from the 3rd to the 7th;
  • through points 1 and A we draw a line intersecting with DE. We draw another line through 2 and A. On line DE we mark points 1 and 2;
  • on line DE we measure intervals of the same length as 1-2 and designate them with numbers from 3 to 7;
  • then we connect point number 3, located on line AC, to point number 3, located on line DE. We do the same with points 4,5,6,7;
  • the same calculations are made regarding the other half of the staircase with winder steps.

For an L-shaped structure, as in the case described above, find point A and draw a straight line AC. There are two ways to arrange the steps:

  • line AC divides the corner step into two equal parts;
  • line AC coincides with the line of the junction of two corner steps.

If the second option is chosen, then the same as in the case described above, the line of movement ac is indicated. On the curved segment, lines b are indicated, equal to the width of ordinary steps. The number of turning steps is determined. If these are steps numbered 1,2,3,4, as in the figure above, then a straight line EB is drawn through the end line of the 4th step. Point B here marks the intersection of EB and CA. After this, straight line AD is drawn arbitrarily. Points 2,3,4 are marked on it, while segment A-2 should be two parts, 2-3 – three parts, 3-4 – four parts. One part in this case is a segment equal to 1 of any conventional unit, for example a centimeter or decimeter.

Next we draw line 4B. From points 2 and 3 we draw lines intersecting AB, parallel to segment B4. The points obtained on the segment AB are connected by a straight line to the corresponding points on ac. These lines determine the shape of the turning steps.

If the AC line divides the corner step into two equal parts, the winder steps are calculated in a similar way.

Tools and materials needed to make stairs

To make your own stairs, you need to stock up on good quality wood. Of course, dark oak is the best choice, but it is very expensive. Maple is also excellent for this purpose - its cost is much less, and finding it in the right quantity will not be difficult.

In addition to the tree, you should prepare:

  • electric jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • fasteners;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • roulette.

DIY staircase with winder steps

Let us consider the sequence of manufacturing a winder staircase using the example of an L-shaped structure with an opening length of 2 m 29.4 cm, a width of 93 cm, and a ceiling height of 2 m 68 cm.

The turning staircase has two flights: one of eight steps, the last of which coincides with the landing of the upper floor, and the other of two. There are three winder steps, with a rotation angle of 30°.

For a turning staircase made of wood, you need to create two stringers 5x30x300 cm. One of them is fixed on the wall, and the second rests on a pole measuring 10x10x250 cm. You will also need steps 90x30x4 cm, a turntable 90x90x4 cm, from which the turning steps and balusters will be made.

The process of creating a winder staircase of this design is carried out in several stages:

  • production of stringers;
  • production of winder steps;
  • assembly of staircase structure;
  • installation of railings.

Consider each stage in detail. The sequence of making stringers is as follows:

  • We make a template in the form of a right triangle. Its legs should be equal to the height and depth of the step. To make the template convenient to use, you need to attach it to the guide rail. Using it, we mark the future stringer and cut it out using a circular saw. At the same time, we must not forget that the thinnest part of the stringer should be at least 150 mm in width;

  • we install a pillar for support, having previously hollowed out a groove in it into which the stringer will be inserted;

  • in the corner we mount the base for the turning steps, which will also expand the stringer located near the wall;

  • We attach the stringers on the top side with metal corners.

The general view of the structure after securing the stringers should be like this:

When installing stringers, you must ensure that they are strictly opposite each other, otherwise the steps will not lie strictly horizontally. In this case, you need to focus not on the floor surface, because... it may not be level, but at the building level.

Now we move on to the second stage of making the stairs - cutting out the winder steps:

  • To turn the stairs 90° you will need 3 steps. We cut them out of a board 90x90x4 cm. To do this, we divide it with lines coming from one corner into three sectors;
  • Having cut out the steps along the lines, we adjust their length to each other;

  • Next we varnish all the steps. Apply the varnish in three layers.

At the next stage, we assemble the staircase structure:

  • To secure the rotary steps in the column, we cut out grooves, the width of which should be slightly less than the thickness of the board. This is necessary in order to securely fix the steps from the inner edge of the stairs;

  • so that the steps from the side of the wall can be placed on the base, we modify it with pieces of wood;

  • we insert the inner sides of the winder steps into the prepared cuts, having previously coated them with PVA glue, and attach the outer sides with self-tapping screws to the base;
  • We fix ordinary steps with long self-tapping screws;

  • to hide the protruding corner of the turning step, we make the flight of stairs located below on a bowstring;
  • We cut the edge of the bowstring at an angle of 90° to the floor to make it possible to install the entrance pillar.

The next stage is the installation of the railings. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • installing balusters. They can be attached to the steps with self-tapping screws, but if you use dowels, the structure will be much more reliable. We make a hole in the baluster and in the steps, slightly smaller than the dowel, and fill it with PVA. The holes must be drilled with maximum precision, strictly vertically and in the center of the balusters so that they take the correct position;

  • We stretch a cord between the first and last pillars, and along it on each baluster we mark the angle at which the railing will be located. Then, focusing on the markings, we cut off the tops of the racks. Now the balusters are ready for the installation of handrails;

  • We secure the handrails with countersunk self-tapping screws.

Such structures can be made of wood, but it is permissible to use metal in the frame, and it is also possible to choose a different angle of rotation of the steps. Designs of staircases leading to the second floor, specifically of a winder type, include such a feature as the fact that the structures are arranged in a circular type and are located almost continuously from bottom to top.

Naturally, the upper part of the structure is much smaller in width than the lower one. This is how you can replace the landing using steps and save space.

There are two types of stairs with winder steps:

  1. Swivel at 90 degrees.
  2. Rotary, in which the angles are 180 degrees.

It is quite possible to do both the design and installation of such a piece of furniture with your own hands, but you should first familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages so as not to be disappointed in the future.

Among the advantages are:

  • The ability to reduce the area allocated for the staircase, making it more compact;
  • Visually increasing the space of the room, which is required even for large-sized cottages, because there is never too much space;
  • Attractive appearance.

Among the shortcomings, experts note:

  • Psychological discomfort that may occur when climbing narrowing stairs;
  • Difficulty in installation and calculations;
  • Lack of comfort, but this is a personal matter for each person, since some prefer to equip stairs with a landing, and others without;
  • There is a risk of injury when lowering if the structure was installed incorrectly, without complying with norms and standards.

Calculation and drawing of a staircase with winder steps

To avoid unpleasant and emergency moments after installing a staircase with winder steps, it is worth paying attention not only to their types, but also to how the calculations should be carried out.

It is this stage that is considered especially important, and it must be carried out as carefully as possible. The calculation is carried out when a drawing is created, both in section and as a whole.

When calculating the dimensions, you need to go through the following steps:

  • Calculating the depth along the outer edge of each step, which should not be more than 40 cm;
  • Calculation of the average depth of each step, which is usually 20 cm;
  • Choice of step height, which can vary between 12-22 cm;
  • Selecting the maximum protrusion from the end of the treads, which does not exceed 4 cm.

Basically, the most popular staircase is L-shaped. It is easier to draw, and installation is not difficult.

To determine the size of such an item in the interior, you also need to take into account all the nuances:

  1. To increase comfort, you need to subtract their height (D) from the depth of the steps (C). Basically, it is 12 cm.
  2. To ensure maximum safety, you need the sum of C+D, which equals an average of 46 cm.
  3. To calculate the optimal step, you will need to sum 2D + C, and this is approximately 62 cm.

Angles of stair steps and design standards

The manufacture and installation of stairs, both with a rotary type and ordinary ones, is carried out exclusively in accordance with GOST and SNiP standards, which you need to familiarize yourself with first.

Staircases with winder steps have their own special recommendations:

  1. The maximum depth of the steps in the place where they adjoin the wall is considered to be 40 cm.
  2. The minimum depth of the steps where installation is carried out to the central frame is considered to be 10 cm.
  3. The minimum permissible depth in the central part of the winder steps should not be less than 20 cm.
  4. The height of the steps should not exceed 12-22 cm.
  5. The treads should not hang down by more than 4 cm.

If the staircase turns 180 degrees, then there should be a special gap between the upper and lower flights of no more than a quarter of the distance between the left and right edges of the treads. In height, ceilings should not exceed a height of 2 m.

Convenient L-shaped staircase

Designs of winder stairs and their features

The essence of a staircase with winder steps is to exclude the platform from the design.


  • Replace it on the stage;
  • Make the interior item more compact;
  • Add comfort and convenience.

This is how they save space in private homes, and it is possible to equip even the smallest living spaces. Experts do not recommend making steps deeper than 40 cm. The closer the step is to the wall, the closer it will be to the central supporting part. In this way, you can increase the radius of curvature of the steps and also save space.

When the tread depth is more than 40 cm, the depth of the central frame increases, and thus the structure becomes less safe, which is strictly prohibited. This can lead to broken steps and even emergency situations with consequences in the form of injury.

Winder stairs with steps at 90 degrees

Today you can find ready-made corner stairs of various types, types and heights.

There are two popular types among rotary ones:

  • With a turn of 90 ᵒ;
  • With a 180° turn.

It is worth noting that when calculating the dimensions of the structure yourself, problems may arise specifically with stairs that have a 90-degree turn. The form of attacks cannot be taken arbitrarily; it is necessary to strictly adhere to standards.

In this case, the product will be durable and safe, and it will also be possible to use the object as conveniently as possible and not worry about the consequences, which allows you to maintain all the features and required standards.

By keeping track of the width of each element of the staircase, you can eliminate problems and oversights. Increasing the width from a narrow tread to a wide one should be carried out smoothly and without sudden changes. It is worth noting that the width of the horizontal surface on the largest of the steps should not be equal to a small staircase and should be at least 10 cm larger.

A staircase with a landing is one of the most convenient staircase structures. We will tell you about the advantages of such a staircase in the material: .

Winder staircase with 180 degree rotation

It is important to remember that if you do not have specific skills in installing staircase structures, then it is advisable to choose the services of professional craftsmen in order to be 100% sure of safety and strength.

The main requirements for rotary staircases with an angle of up to 180 degrees are:

  • Maintain the width of the turning steps along the edge of at least 40 cm;
  • Maintain the width of the turning step in the middle of at least 20 cm;
  • Maintain a turning radius of 30 cm.

Execution of all steps, including rotary ones, along one line.

DIY staircase with winder steps (video)

Thanks to this, the staircase will look stylish, fashionable and, most importantly, comfortable. When purchasing ready-made stairs in a store, you need to clearly check the presence of all the necessary components and fasteners during assembly and installation.

Winder staircase design (interior photo)

Winder steps are one of the components of some types of stairs. Thanks to them, it is possible to create not only a certain visual effect, but also completely change the standard design. Let's look at what the essence of such parts is and how to make them yourself.

What it is

By winder step we mean an element of a flight of stairs, which is used on turning sections. In order for an ordinary ordinary element to turn into a winder, you need to change the width of the tread along the entire length of the step. Thus, from the inner edge of the stairs this parameter will be smaller, and from the outer edge it will be larger. The optimal size of the step should be observed along the center line of movement along the stairs.

Advantages of this design:

  • visually it looks original and aesthetically pleasing;
  • allows you to make a smooth turn on the stairs;
  • allows you to diversify the march design;
  • can be made from any material.

Winder steps make climbing stairs smoother

Disadvantages of winder stage models:

  • decrease in design convenience indicator;
  • the risk of tripping when walking up the stairs increases;
  • difficulties in performing design;
  • Precise adjustment of the step dimensions is required during installation.

However, if you have certain knowledge and basic skills, you can make them yourself.

Scope of use

A completely logical question that arises when considering the design of the winder stage is where are such elements used? Several areas can be highlighted here:

  • Turning marches. Thanks to these elements, it is possible to perform a smooth turn on the march. This can be an arbitrary angle, but most often it involves changing the direction of movement by 90 or 180 degrees. Additionally, intermediate platforms can be used. The design can be L-shaped, L-shaped or U-shaped. You can also divide the staircase into 3 straight sections and make a 180-degree turn in two stages.
  • Spiral staircases. Most structures of this type consist precisely of winder steps. Depending on the steepness of the turn, you can adjust their size and position.

Types of stairs that use winder steps

You can place several winder options for steps on a regular straight flight. In this case, they are attached at the bottom, that is, at the very beginning of the stairs. Thus, it is possible to make entering the structure more convenient.

Another question is how to make such an element for a wooden, metal or concrete staircase with your own hands. Let's consider this issue in more detail.


Perhaps we should start with wooden models. In this case, winder steps for turning wooden stairs are made of the same material as ordinary ones. The nuances relate mainly to the design stage and cutting of parts.

The most popular material for making stairs with winder steps is wood

In order to make a wooden winder step with your own hands, you will need a board of a suitable size. To calculate the dimensions of parts, data from formulas and graphic diagrams are combined. A part of the corresponding parameters is cut out from the board.

Scheme for manufacturing a wooden staircase with winder steps

To attach wooden steps of this configuration, two methods are mainly used:

  1. Beam. A vertical element acts as a support. Typically this is a beam with a cross section of 100-150 mm. In order to fix the step on it, the cutting method is used. A recess is cut out in the beam, into which the smaller edge of the winder step is subsequently inserted.
  2. Stringers. Here the installation process is somewhat more complicated. In order for the staircase to have a normal appearance, you need to cut stringers with suitable teeth from the boards. On the inside they will be smaller in size and, accordingly, larger on the outside. After installing the stringers, wooden steps are laid on them in accordance with the grooves made.

It is also possible to combine these two methods: a beam is installed on the inner (narrow) side of the steps, and stringers are installed on the outer (wide) side. Additionally, the distance between the treads is covered with risers.

Stages of installation of winder steps of a wooden staircase with mounting on a beam and stringer


In order to make metal winder steps with your own hands, you can use profiles and sheet iron. First, let's look at the principle of creating a form. The first option is a frame. In this case, it is enough to cut out sections of the required length from corner or U-shaped profiles and weld them together according to the shape of the future element. If you are planning to arrange outdoor or forged interior flights, then the steps themselves can also be made of metal. To do this, it is recommended to use perforated steel or elements with a relief surface.

The second option for making winder models of steps with your own hands is to use fillies and bowstrings. Channels or pipes can serve as strings; their number can vary from 1 to 3, depending on the design of the march and its size. To secure the steps, install fillets that will raise the treads above the supports. Additionally, for greater stability, metal plates can be welded or bolted to them, onto which the casing will later be attached. Usually this is wood or MDF.

Options for manufacturing metal winder steps


Now let's look at how to make a staircase with winder steps from concrete mortar. In this case, formwork is required that will accurately reproduce the shape of the future structure. To create the formwork, plywood sheets and wooden panels are used. Walls are attached from this material to prevent concrete from spreading. In order for a self-built concrete staircase to be strong enough, a reinforcing mesh is placed in it. It should repeat the shape of the platforms, ordinary and winder steps.

The main stages of manufacturing a staircase with winder steps made of concrete

Concrete is mixed from cement, sand, crushed stone and plasticizers with the addition of water. Filling is done from bottom to top. To completely fill the shape of the winder step, the solution must be cut with a trowel and vibrated. Then the surface is leveled and covered with film until dry.

Please note: the height of the winder steps in each case must be the same and coincide with the parameters of ordinary parts.

Each option is quite feasible to implement. To do this, you need to additionally familiarize yourself with the rules for calculating the design of a staircase with turning steps. Otherwise, you can find a ready-made project or order it from specialists.

When planning to make a wooden or metal staircase with your own hands, you need to pay a lot of attention to calculations. Despite its apparent simplicity, the staircase is a very complex engineering structure, each node of which must be thought out, and all together they must create a single ensemble.

The design of a metal/wooden staircase must take into account its functional and decorative components. This will be more difficult to do, the less experience you have in this type of work. Since we don’t do calculations every day, we need to describe in detail how to calculate the stairs to the second floor of a private house. The general principles for constructing wooden and metal stairs are no different. As they say, “the devil is in the details.” We will consider them in detail.

It is worth noting that the arrangement of stairs in apartment buildings or administrative buildings is regulated by many documents. The main ones are GOST 23120-78 Flight stairs, platforms and steel fences and SNiP IV-14-84 Collection 1-14 Stairs.

However, in private houses, the height of which is often limited to two floors, the owner is free to choose the configuration. Although, of course, the basic rules for constructing stairs must be followed.

Rule 1 - Choosing the location of the stairs in the house

Making a straight staircase in accordance with the standards in a private house is hampered by limited space. Therefore, many owners give preference to complex structures: a staircase with a turn or a spiral one. Professionals put forward several recommendations regarding where and how to place the staircase in the house so that it takes up little space.

  • It is better to place the stairs in the part of the house that is least used. The staircase in the living room creates certain inconveniences;
  • provide free access to the stairs;
  • landings are preferable to winder steps. Especially if independent construction is planned;
  • consider simpler options first, and only then more complex ones;
  • Keep in mind that you will need to not only walk up the stairs, but also bring in/take out furniture and equipment. It should be easy to use for all family members;
  • if you plan to use the space (place) under the stairs in the house, it is better to choose a closed structure. And, conversely, an open staircase makes the space more spacious, so it is advisable to use it in rooms;
  • Keep in mind that the installation of a metal staircase in a wooden house can be done after the house shrinks. That is, in 1-1.5 years. Otherwise, shrinkage of the house will lead to a violation of the integrity of the structure.
  • make sure that you can make an opening in the ceiling (ceiling) for a staircase to provide access to the attic or attic. For example, in a monolithic slab, the construction of a staircase opening creates significant difficulties.

How to reduce the size of the opening for the stairs to the second floor?

Useful tips from experienced professionals:

  • 20% is possible if a staircase with 180 degree winder steps is installed;
  • Installing a staircase with two flights and a platform will help by 30%. Space saving is achieved due to the fact that the movement changes by 180°;
  • by 60% by installing a staircase with “duck step” steps;
  • 80% is achieved by installing a spiral staircase. In this case, the movement changes 360°.

Rule 2 - Shape and types of stairs

In a private house, it is possible to not follow standards and GOSTs so strictly. However, the basic principles of staircase arrangement must be observed, since neglecting them may result in a decrease in the safety of this engineering structure.

Before you start making calculations, you need to know that there are two important factors that will affect the result.

Firstly, this is a design feature.

From a design point of view, all stairs can be divided into three types:

  • marching. Consist of separate marches. They, in turn, are divided into single-flight, two or more - multi-flight. In addition, the flight of stairs can be straight, with a landing or with turns (winder steps).

In private homes, wooden and metal staircases with winder steps (rotated 90, 180, 360 degrees) are popular.

  • screw (spiral). In stairs of this type, the steps are twisted around an axis. They are convenient when there is no free space in the room for a marching structure. But the construction of a spiral staircase is much more labor-intensive and requires more careful calculations.
  • folding. They relate to portable structures, so we will skip them, since we will do the calculation for a stationary staircase.

Secondly, this is the shape of the frame.

The frame of a metal and wooden staircase can be made in three options:

  • staircase on stringers. The basis of the frame is one or two solid beams, on which steps are laid on top.
  • ladder on a bowstring. The frame consists of two support beams that support the steps from the sides
  • staircase on rails(from German “pin”). The steps are fastened directly to the wall.

Rule 3 - Calculation of staircase parameters

Many users do not know what needs to be taken into account in order to calculate the stairs correctly. Professionals say that taking into account three main parameters will make the design safe, beautiful and easy to use.

The parameters of the stairs are shown in the figure

Stair height

Height - the distance from the floor of the first floor to the floor (not ceiling) of the second. Often the upper end of the staircase rests on the ceiling of the first floor. For ease of movement, there is a gap above such a staircase.

The distance from the step to the ceiling can be calculated as follows: take the height of the tallest family member and add 100 mm. The recommended clearance value (working height of the stairs) is 2 m. This value must be constant throughout the entire flight.

Note. You can place a staircase in living rooms only if the rooms on the first and second floors are heated. Otherwise, it should be placed in a non-residential area.

Stair length (flight length)

For a traditional flight design, the length of the staircase is equal to the length of the flight or the sum of the lengths of the flights plus the landing between them.

When calculating the length of a spiral staircase or a staircase with winder steps, the average length of the flight is calculated. In this case, the measurement is performed at a distance of 50 cm from the railing (edge ​​of the span).

Width of stairs in a private house

Width - the distance of the stairs from the wall or between two handrails. Recommended parameters are shown in the diagram.

Width of the flight of stairs:

  • 1.5 m - increased level of comfort;
  • 1-1.2 m - comfort zone;
  • 0.8-1 m - only permissible for a flight of stairs located along the wall;
  • less than 0.8 m. is only suitable for auxiliary stairs.

Width of a flight of stairs with winder steps:

Spiral staircase width:

  • 1.4 m - comfort zone;
  • 1.1 m is the minimum allowable width.

This is due to the fact that the winder steps taper towards the central element of the staircase.

Stair inclination angle (steepness)

The angle of inclination determines the ease of use of the stairs. A staircase that is too steep allows you to save useful space, but a flat one makes moving along it more comfortable.

The type of staircase depending on the steepness is shown in Fig. Here you can clearly see at what angle the staircase in a living room should be.

The most comfortable option for movement is in the green zone of the picture.

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Note. When the angle of inclination is over 45°, you can only go down the stairs with your back forward.

As practice shows, most often combined options are used in the house. To understand at what angle to place the handrail on the stairs, you need to draw a parallel between the base of the stairs (stringer, bowstring) and lay the handrail along it. Mathematically, this is a simple calculation of the angle using the Pythagorean theorem.

Number of steps of the staircase

The number of steps is not regulated and depends on the height of the stairs and the height of the tread (riser). In double-flight staircases, it is recommended to have the same number of steps in both flights, but in practice the steps are distributed unequally between the flights.

Note. For multi-apartment residential buildings, the number of steps is regulated and is 9-11 steps.

Tread height (distance between stair steps)

Users found the distance between adjacent steps to be 150 mm most convenient for movement.

Note. For those who make their own stairs, the excess height can be easily removed by adjusting the height of the tread between the last and penultimate steps or between the first and second.

Stair step (step width)

You need to rest your full foot on the stair step. Therefore, the optimal width of the stairs should be at least 230 mm. (size 35). The minimum acceptable width is 100 mm. But frequent walking on such steps is fraught with injury.

Note. If you increase the width of the steps beyond 650 mm (the average step length of an adult), then when walking on such stairs you can get confused and stumble.

You can increase the width of the step by extending the step. In this case, the step should not overhang the previous one by more than 50 mm.

Note. When calculating the width of the stairs, do not forget that the distance between the balusters should be within 100-150 mm. Otherwise, such a fence will be unsafe. In turn, the balusters are installed so that the aesthetics of the fence are maintained - one per step, two per step, or otherwise.

Stair step length

The length of the step is determined by the design of the staircase. If two strings are used as the main structural element, the length of the step corresponds to the distance between them. If there is a stringer (one or two), then the length of the step is determined by the customer.

Rule 4 - Accurate calculation of the dimensions of the stairs

Since all parameters are interconnected, to calculate them, it is enough to have basic knowledge of geometry. We will show you how to calculate a staircase using an example.

Example 1. Calculation of the length of the stairs and the width of the opening

In this case, the calculation is simple and suitable for those who have a lot of free space in the room.

How to calculate the length of stairs in a house

Defined as follows. To the room height of 3000 mm, a ceiling width of 200 mm is added. The resulting value is 3200 mm. divide by 160 mm (recommended riser height) and we get the number 20. That is. the staircase will contain 20 steps.

Based on the fact that the recommended step width is 300 mm, the length of the stairs should be 6000 mm (20 steps of 300 mm each). Or, if the step is extended by 50 mm, then the length of the staircase will be 5000 mm (20 steps by 250 mm (300 mm - 50 mm)).

How to calculate the width of a staircase opening

It is determined as follows: 1900 (recommended clearance value) is subtracted from 3000 mm (room height). We get 1100 mm. We divide this value by 160 mm (step height) and get the number of steps over which the ceiling can be located. The calculation result is 6.875, i.e. 7 steps.

The remaining 13 of the 20 steps must be located in an area free of overlap. Otherwise, walking under them will be uncomfortable. The width of the step is 300 mm, then the width of the opening will be 13x300 mm = 3900 mm.

We check 1100 (overlap width) + 3900 (opening width) = 6000 (staircase length)

However, not everyone has the opportunity to leave 6 or 5 meters under the stairs. In this case, it is worth playing with the width of the step or the height of the tread. Or you can make a staircase with a turn or with “duck step” steps. Such structures are more complex, which means the calculation will also be more complex.

An example of a drawing of a metal staircase on one stringer

Example 2. Calculation of the angle of inclination of the stairs and parameters of the steps

These calculations are more complex and can be performed using several methods. Among them the following are known:

  • computer method;
  • Danish method;
  • line lifting method;
  • sweep method;

What these methods have in common is the need for basic design knowledge. The diagram of the staircase in a graphical interpretation obtained using the methods described above is shown in the figure.

  • method of proportions.

Suitable for a beginner in the field of design and allows you to easily calculate both a straight line and stairs with winder steps or a spiral one. After all, there is a peculiarity here, namely, the steps narrow towards the center.

Calculation of a metal or wooden staircase with winder steps of 90 and 180 degrees using the proportion method is based on the uniform distribution of space on the turning section. The calculation is performed as follows:

  1. a sketch of the stairs is made in horizontal projection;
  2. a line is indicated showing the average length of the march. For convenience, we will place it in the middle;
  3. a line indicating the middle of the staircase turn is indicated. The place where the longest step will be located.
  4. We plot the width of the steps on the middle line. Thus, their number can be calculated. The calculation is carried out from the turning line.
  5. We determine the points where the last identical steps will end. There should be two such points - at the beginning and at the end of the stairs. In rare cases, stairs begin or end with winder steps;
  6. in the place where the step will have a minimum width (near one of the stringers, a bowstring or a screw pipe, we set aside 50 mm from the turning line. In total, 50+50 will give us 100 mm. Which is the minimum allowable width of the step;
  7. we connect the marked points with the previously marked points that show the width of the step and extend them to the opposite side (the second stringer, bowstring or railing of a spiral staircase).
  8. set aside the remaining steps. Approximate proportion 1:2:3. One mm on the narrow part of the staircase is equal to 2 mm on the center line and 3 on the wide part of the turn.

The data from the sketch is transferred to the staircase blanks in accordance with the scale.

The diagram of a staircase with winder steps and a 90-degree turn is clearly presented in the drawings

A staircase with winder steps with a 180-degree turn is calculated in a similar way.

The diagram of a staircase with winder steps with a 180 degree turn is presented below

This method of calculation cannot be called ultra-precise, but calculations sufficient to build a staircase with your own hands can be obtained. If you don't trust him, you can contact a specialist or use a computer program.

Calculation of stairs on bolts

The process is similar to calculating a staircase with winder steps. The only difference is in the method of fastening. The option of mounting on a wall string or without it is possible.

Calculation of a spiral staircase

The calculation of a spiral-type staircase is carried out similarly to the calculation of winder steps. But in this case, you need to accurately determine the configuration. From a design point of view, there are four types.

Note. The spiral staircase is considered the most dangerous in terms of movement.

Drawings of spiral staircases

Duck step ladder calculation

This configuration is good because it takes up minimal space, but such stairs are very troublesome to manufacture and operate. A duck step ladder is installed if the slope angle exceeds 45 degrees, and there is no desire to use an extension ladder. The peculiarity of this design is that only one leg rests on one step. However, despite this, the design of the frame of such a staircase is no different from the frame of a marching staircase. The only difference is in the shape of the steps.

Goose step staircase diagram

Note. According to the standard, the number of steps in a duck step staircase should be odd. Moreover, it is preferable to do the first step on the right. This is because most users have their dominant foot on the right. The maximum tread is also set to the right.

Computer programs for calculating stairs

The software method allows you to create a 3D project, visualize the project and obtain a drawing of the staircase with an accurate indication of all parameters. The most widespread programs are:

  • “Compass” (as practice shows, most craftsmen are familiar with this program);
  • SolidWorks - allows you to create the design of various engineering structures, not just stairs;
  • Consultec Staircon - makes it possible not only to create a staircase project, but to calculate an estimate for its construction. A complete three-dimensional model allows you to get a complete picture of the future design.

Rule 5 - Detailed drawing or sketch

Calculation using a computer method or the method of proportions already presupposes the presence of a drawing of the future staircase. However, even those who make a simple staircase should create a sketch with dimensions marked on it.

Note. On the sketch you need to put not only the parameters of the staircase, but also indicate the main parameters of the room. For example, the presence and size of a window, a protruding part of a window sill, columns or other objects that can be placed change the configuration or parameters of the staircase during work.

Having thus prepared, you can begin building the stairs with your own hands.