Do they make cabbage rolls with buckwheat? Lenten cabbage rolls with buckwheat

Cabbage rolls are a traditional Ukrainian dish. There are perhaps even more varieties of Ukrainian cabbage rolls than there are varieties of Ukrainian borscht. They are prepared in the leaves of fresh white and sauerkraut, in the leaves of Savoy and Chinese cabbage, in the leaves of rhubarb and beets, in grape leaves. They are prepared with rice, buckwheat, corn grits, millet, porcini mushrooms, cracklings, and potatoes. And each version of cabbage rolls is very tasty, satisfying and interesting.
Today I propose to cook cabbage rolls with chicken and buckwheat in tomato and sour cream sauce. We will prepare them by wrapping them in young beet leaves, since it is very summery, and you want to cook such a dish in the summer, when you have access to such a delicacy as tender, young beet leaves.
Since the leaves of young beets are very tender and cook very quickly, the filling for such cabbage rolls (buckwheat) should be almost ready, and from the meat we will choose chicken, which cooks very quickly. We will also cook these cabbage rolls in the oven so that the heat treatment is as uniform and gentle as possible.
If you wish, you can replace the beet leaves in the recipe with young leaves of Chinese cabbage.

Cooking time: 2 hours
Preparation time: 5 min.
Number of servings: 10 pcs.

Beet tops - 40 pcs.
Water - 150 ml
Buckwheat - 0.5 cups
Chicken fillet - 400 g
Onions - 2 pcs.
Refined sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. l.
Butter - 2 tbsp. l.
Carrots - 1 pc.
Ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp.
Sour cream - 200 g
Salt - 1.5 tsp.
Tomato paste - 3 tbsp. l.

For work we will need young beet leaves, chicken fillet, buckwheat, onions, carrots, butter, sunflower oil, salt, ground black pepper, sour cream, tomato paste, water.

Wash the leaves of young beets (40 pieces), after cutting off the petioles. Bring a small amount of water to a boil in a saucepan. In portions of 3-4 pieces, immerse beet leaves in hot water for 15-20 seconds, remove and immediately plunge into ice water. Then place the leaves in a colander and let the water drain.

Peel 1 onion, cut into cubes and fry in butter (2 tablespoons) until golden.

Sort out 0.5 cups of buckwheat, rinse and boil until almost done.

Cut 400 grams of chicken fillet into pieces, place in the bowl of a food processor and grind until minced.

Combine minced chicken, prepared onion, buckwheat porridge, salt (0.75 tsp), ground black pepper (0.2 tsp). Mix.

Peel the second onion and 1 carrot. Cut the onion into cubes and fry in sunflower oil (3 tablespoons) until lightly golden. Add carrots grated on a coarse grater and mix. Cook for 2-3 minutes.

Lightly beat off the thick stalks of each beet leaf so that they become soft. Place the minced meat on a sheet and wrap the cabbage roll.

Place young beet stalks on the bottom of the dish, and fry carrots and onions on top. Place cabbage rolls tightly onto the grill.

Combine 200 g sour cream, 150 ml water, salt (0.5 tsp), ground black pepper (0.3 tsp) and tomato paste (3 tbsp). Mix. Check the mixture again for salt and pepper.

Pour the sour cream and tomato filling over the cabbage rolls.

Cook in an oven preheated to 180°C for 30 minutes. Turn off the oven, cover the pan with foil and let the cabbage rolls brew in the oven for another 10-15 minutes. Stuffed cabbage rolls with meat and buckwheat in tomato-sour cream sauce are ready. Serve the cabbage rolls hot, pouring over them with the sour cream and tomato sauce in which they were cooked.

Bon appetit!

Buckwheat, mushrooms and cabbage are valuable products for lean and dietary nutrition. Why not combine them together and make delicious cabbage rolls? This lean option will no doubt please all family members. And in order for the cabbage rolls to be even tastier, I suggest not stewing them, but baking them in the oven - the buckwheat will steam, the mushroom aroma will be fully revealed, and the cabbage will be better soaked in the vegetable dressing. They will be juicy inside and golden brown on top, very tasty, satisfying and nutritious!


  • cabbage head about 1 kg
  • buckwheat 1 tbsp.
  • champignons or oyster mushrooms 400 g
  • carrots 3 pcs.
  • large onion 3 pcs.
  • vegetable oil 5 tbsp. l.
  • tomato paste 2 tbsp. l.
  • water 2 tbsp.
  • salt and black pepper to taste

How to cook lean cabbage rolls with buckwheat and mushrooms

  1. I take the cabbage head apart into leaves and cut out the stalk. Then I blanch the cabbage leaves in small portions in boiling salted water - about 3 minutes each. Place in a colander to drain all the liquid. As soon as they cool down, I cut off the hard thickenings at the base of the leaves.

  2. I peel several large onions and cut them into small cubes. I chop the peeled and washed carrots on a coarse grater. Heat vegetable oil (3 tbsp) in a frying pan and fry the onion and carrots for about 10 minutes.

  3. As soon as the vegetables become soft, transfer half of the mixture to another bowl (it will go into the filling), and add tomato paste to the rest, pour in 2 cups of water, bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes. Salt and pepper to taste. It makes an excellent sauce for cabbage rolls.

  4. I wash the mushrooms and trim the stems, cut them into large pieces and fry until golden brown, stirring, in vegetable oil (1 tbsp.). Add salt and pepper to taste.

  5. Boil buckwheat in salted water in a ratio of 1:2 until half cooked, about 15 minutes from the moment of boiling. I combine boiled buckwheat, onions fried with carrots, and mushrooms. I stir and adjust the amount of salt to taste.

  6. I spread the resulting filling onto cabbage leaves and roll each one into a triangle or envelope. In a large frying pan, heat the remaining oil (1 tbsp) and fry the cabbage rolls on all sides until golden brown.

  7. Place the cabbage rolls in a heat-resistant baking dish. Top with vegetable sauce and tomato paste. Place in a preheated oven and bake for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.
  8. Lenten cabbage rolls with buckwheat are ready, bon appetit!

The Russian word cabbage rolls has the same root as the word dove. Although this name is not entirely justified, because in their shape and composition, cabbage rolls with buckwheat, rice or other cereals are completely different from this bird.

There is a version that the name came from France in the 18th century. Hunting for wild pigeons was popular in this country. Young birds that had just flown from the nest and were caught in set snares were considered especially valuable prey. They were immediately plucked, gutted and wrapped in pieces of lard. Grape leaves were slipped under the lard. All this was put on a spit and fried over an open fire. Half an hour later the dove in leaves and lard was ready.

Perhaps chopped meat wrapped in cabbage leaves replaced French pigeons on the Russian table and was called cabbage rolls.

Stuffed cabbage rolls with buckwheat

Modern recipes for cabbage rolls involve the use of a wide variety of minced meat or poultry and a wide variety of grains:

  • corn;
  • pearl barley;
  • rice;
  • buckwheat;
  • wheat

It is believed that cabbage rolls with buckwheat are most often prepared in the Poltava region, adding fried pork cracklings to the composition. Very often, cabbage rolls are prepared from cabbage leaves that have been fermented in the fall. This dish was served after the end of the Nativity Fast and was considered festive.

Whatever the story behind this popular dish, any housewife can prepare cabbage rolls with buckwheat.

To prepare 5-6 servings of cabbage rolls you will need:

Cooking recipe


Cookman to help

Stuffed cabbage rolls with buckwheat have their own secret:

  • tasty and tender cabbage rolls are obtained from early varieties of cabbage, its forks “undress” well, and the leaves are very elastic and roll up well.


It takes about an hour to prepare cabbage rolls if you follow these steps:

Stuffed cabbage rolls with buckwheat are suitable for a second meal for lunch or dinner. They can be prepared for future use for a couple of days. They do not lose their taste even after reheating.

November 24, 2017 No comments

Having heard for the first time about cabbage rolls with buckwheat, many housewives wrinkle their noses with displeasure and say “ugh!” In fact, cabbage rolls with buckwheat turn out much tastier and more satisfying than similar ones with rice! And that's a fact. Today I am sharing a unique recipe for a simple dish that is sure to become one of the favorites on the holiday table.

Required ingredients:

A small head of cabbage, minced meat with bacon, buckwheat, herbs, spices, salt, tomato paste, onion, vegetable oil.

The traditional holiday dish on our tables can be transformed and decorated by replacing traditional rice, for example, with brown rice. However, it will be much tastier and healthier if you replace rice with buckwheat.

To keep the cabbage rolls small and beautiful, use small heads of cabbage weighing 1.2-2 kg. The larger the cabbage, the larger the leaves will be, and the less likely it is to carefully remove the leaves and roll them into beautiful doves.

We remove the top leaves from the cabbage, cut the head of cabbage at the leaves - this will allow you to remove them without difficulty. Place in a large container of boiling water. Every 3-5 minutes, remove the head of cabbage from the water and remove the stray leaves. If necessary, cut the head of cabbage again. The leaves should remain elastic and strong. If they are overcooked, the blueberries will begin to fall apart! Dip the top sheets, removed first, into boiling water for a few minutes.

Delicious minced meat for cabbage rolls

Before you start processing the cabbage, pour the buckwheat group into a container with a tight lid. Add a little salt, a little sugar and pour boiling water over it. Cover with a lid and leave for 30-40 minutes. The buckwheat will steam to the desired consistency and will not boil into a shapeless porridge during the stewing process. Drain off excess water and leave to cool.

Salt and pepper the minced meat, add cooled buckwheat. Mix everything up thoroughly. Don't forget about greenery. Instead of minced meat, you can just take chicken breast or minced meat. Then the cabbage rolls will be more dietary, but not so juicy.

How to form cabbage rolls with buckwheat?

There are many ways to prepare beautifully shaped cabbage rolls. I suggest the simplest one! Carefully take the sheet, lay it out on your hand, put in the filling, roll it up with a roller and gently push the ends of the sheet inward towards the filling with your finger. The juice from the filling will remain inside, and the cabbage roll itself will be neatly shaped. In this way you can prepare cabbage rolls even from very small cabbage leaves.

Place the formed cabbage rolls into a pan, place them tightly and fill with hot water. Simmer until done. As a rule, 40 minutes is enough if the leaves were not too hard.

Preparing the dressing

To highlight the unique taste of cabbage rolls and make the dish brighter, let's prepare a delicious tomato paste dressing.

If you want to cook lean cabbage rolls, then this dressing is ideal as an addition.

Three onions on a coarse grater or cut in a convenient way. Place it in a heated frying pan with oil. Sauté the onion until done. Add a few tablespoons of tomato paste. The quality of the product greatly affects the final taste. Therefore, when choosing tomato paste, be very careful!

Coat the finished cabbage rolls with dressing and serve.