DIY country house. Small house for a summer cottage How to build a small house with your own hands

Good day, dear users of the site. The warm season is approaching and we cannot sit at home. Either gardening work or cleaning the garden plot. And you never know what worries you have on your plot in a village, town or country house. Sometimes, after righteous labors, you just want to sit down and relax, drink tea or coffee, listen to music, and so on. In your yard, you can simply take out chairs and sit, or it is better to build a structure specially equipped for relaxation. Therefore, I would like to present to your attention another summer guest house. This building is ideal for a summer holiday, and even in the cold season, if you install a stove in it, it will be quite cozy. The assembly process is quite simple and will not be difficult for those whose hands grow from the right place.

To begin with, the author of this building prepared a place for the construction of the structure. I started, as usual in such cases, from the foundation. The author made a columnar foundation. Each column required eight foundation blocks. This is what the finished foundation looks like. Easy to build and not very expensive. Bricks can be used instead of foundation blocks.

The author's next step is tying, i.e. erection of the foundation of a future structure on the foundation. For this, the author used a beam with a section of 150x150 mm. Before installation, treat the timber with fire protection.

After we have tied the foundation, we install more between the main bars. This is for the floor. Next, the author begins to lay the floor itself.

Please note that when making the floor, the author does not place it in the front part of the building, since there will subsequently be a small terrace with a porch there. The author decided to insulate it immediately, without erecting walls. For this I used Izospan B, 5 cm insulation.

Further, after the author has covered the “sub-floor” with insulation, he lays the main floor on top of it.

Next, the wall frame is assembled and installed on the base.

Next, the author installs ready-made doors, upholsters the frame of the walls on the outside with isospan and trims everything with imitation timber.

This is what the walls look like from the inside at this stage of construction.

The next step is preparing the roof. The author puts insulation and sews everything up with boards.

After the author has prepared the ceiling, he assembles and installs skates on the roof. He fastens them with construction corners.

Next, boards are nailed for subsequent installation of insulation and roof tiles on them.

After all the boards are filled, we insulate the roof on top with isospan-D

Now the author begins to insulate the interior of the future guest house. For this, materials such as Izospan A, insulation, and lining are used.

Nowadays it is not at all necessary to chase after prestigious houses when building a palace, because it is difficult to surprise with this now. It’s much more interesting to create a small but cozy and atmospheric house that you won’t want to leave. Having carefully worked on the creation and design of a country house, you can build a place for physical and mental relaxation. Having built a country house with your own hands, you can make all your dreams and childhood fantasies of creating an ideal vacation spot come true.

Choosing the optimal location

If you start building a house on a plot of land, you must follow generally accepted construction rules, so you should not rush to dig a foundation pit ahead of time. According to legal acts, the house must be located in accordance with the following location requirements:

  • no closer than five meters from the street;
  • at least three meters from the roadway;
  • the distance to the neighboring building is 3 meters or more.

Now we need to roughly see what happens, since this should be carefully monitored. If the construction site is in a low-lying area, then you need to look for an alternative option, since it is impossible to build a house in a hole. By placing a house in a low-lying area, you can doom it to constant flooding from melt and rainwater. Ideally, you need to find a place on a hill, preferably on the northwestern side of the land. If the terrain is flat, you will have to build a drainage system.

Options for successful projects

You can build a small house, but this does not mean that it will not be comfortable. Having a small area at your disposal, you can be able to properly manage it so that all the necessary rooms are present in the building. A veranda is one of the obligatory attributes of a country house, because the family will spend all their gatherings there.

The most popular option for a country house is a one-story building with an attic. This option has long been time-tested and has further development prospects. With the help of an attic, you can avoid building additional outbuildings. Houses of this type often have open terraces attached, where you can have a great time in the summer, arranging them as outdoor dining areas.

By building an attic, you can increase the usable area of ​​the house, without the need to build a second floor; it will be enough that the roof is modified and raised slightly. In this case, it is best to place the bedrooms on the second floor, and leave the first floor for the kitchen and living room.

Also, the best option would be a house in a high-tech style. The topic of twin houses also remains relevant. Two houses are built on the plot of land, one of which is a smaller copy of the second. Such houses are especially popular for those who like to relax with a large group, because you can give a smaller part to guests, without embarrassing each other.

Country house made of timber

An excellent option for building a country house, as it is economically beneficial, and in addition, the construction of such a structure will not require global finishing work. In addition, it will be environmentally friendly, which means it will always be comfortable inside. However, despite this, there is a significant drawback - the complexity of construction. That is why it is unlikely that you will be able to build it yourself; you will have to resort to the help of professional builders.

Stone country house

A country house built of stone is an unaffordable luxury. Naturally, this is the most durable and durable option, but it is also the most expensive. Whether it is worth it or not is up to those who want to start building a personal country house for a holiday with the whole family to decide. The material can be used:

  • brick;
  • gas and foam concrete blocks;
  • shell;
  • natural stone.

It is almost impossible to build such a house on your own and quickly. If you don’t delay construction for decades, leaving an incomprehensible structure on the site, then you should turn to specialists (masons) who will do the work for the owner many times faster.

Prefabricated structure

Recently, these houses have ceased to be unattractive and boring, because now manufacturers offer original architectural buildings on one or two floors with an improved layout. Building such a house is a pleasure. In fact, this is an original and large construction set, which is easy to assemble and does not require special skills and knowledge.

On the plus side, communication systems are already in place, including:

  • electrical wiring;
  • ventilation and air conditioning systems;
  • water pipes.

Thanks to this, the beginner avoids various mistakes that would be possible and will be able to build a house with his own hands. There are also built-in ones:

  • kitchen;
  • bathroom;
  • rest room.

Due to the fact that there is electricity and heating, the house can be used even in winter. Having filled the house with the necessary plumbing and furniture, you can safely move into it and live at any convenient time or on a permanent basis.

Frame house

Frame country houses are a low-budget option that you can build yourself. The construction technology is simple, which means you can do it yourself. Although, sometimes you still have to use a couple more free hands, but for this you don’t need to hire specialists, just ask 1-2 friends for help. If you get involved in construction headlong, then in 2-3 weeks the house will be completely ready.

Building a frame house with your own hands


If it was flooded by the previous owners, then you are lucky and all that remains is to adjust the required perimeter using columnar technology. The old foundation needs to be protected; to do this, you need to dig a trench half a meter deep around it and apply a waterproofing compound to the foundation walls, and then cover it with hydroglass insulation.

If the foundation is laid from scratch, then it is necessary to clear the construction site of fertile soil, moving it to the city in order to use it in a rational way. Instead of soil, you need to fill it with sand, after which you can dig a ditch, filling it with the necessary material. The frozen foundation must be waterproofed and covered with hydroglass insulation. For the basement floor, vents are made in the foundation for anchors with studs (9-12 pieces). The base must be made of brick, its height is 1 meter.

After the foundation stage has been completed, it is necessary to start assembling the basement floor; it is best to do this according to the “platform” scheme, which is made from beams or wooden beams.

Walls and their output

The walls are assembled on the surface of the finished floor; the modules must be fixed to the bottom of the timber frame. Frame walls are quite large, so it is better not to install them yourself, but to ask the help of your friends to do it collectively. The total installation time for all walls of the house is 1 week. The main thing here is to correctly connect the corner zones with the transverse strappings and secure them securely with spikes or staples. After the walls have been erected, it is necessary to start strengthening the frame with the help of braces and struts, which plays an important role.


The roof structure of a frame house consists of a rafter system and a roofing part, the second part includes:

  • rough coating;
  • layers of vapor and waterproofing;
  • decorative coating.

The rafter system must be assembled according to a carefully developed project, the height of the attic is 1.5 meters. The optimal roof shape is 4-slope; roof installation time is 5-7 days.

Wall cladding

The frame of the house must be covered with inch boards. In order to give the structure additional reliability, part of the skin is attached at an angle. A more expensive option is to use cement particle boards instead of boards. Cladding work should begin with the facade, continue with the side walls and end with the back of the house.

This is followed by the final work on the exterior of the country house, which includes:

  • roofing;
  • removal of pipes and chimneys;
  • installation of a ridge aerator;
  • wall cladding and decor;
  • fixation of facing panels.

If you set a goal for yourself and quickly move towards it, then in 3-4 weeks you will be able to admire your finished work in the form of your own country house, built with your own hands. Now you can do the interior work and fill the interior to your taste. Here you can realize all your ideas and desires by filling the house with original furniture, stylish decorative items and other things that seem necessary.

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City dwellers usually try to get away from the dusty city and city worries to their country houses. If your choice is to live in a dacha only in the summer, then there is no need to build a house using expensive materials and equipment.

Before starting construction, you need to consider all the options for country houses, so as not to later regret the time and money spent.

Material selection

On the construction market there are proposals for the construction of country houses from solid logs, from profiled and laminated veneer lumber. They require a strip, pile or column foundation.

The choice in favor of one or the other is made based on the load on the foundation and the characteristics of the soil. Ultimately, houses made of logs and beams turn out to be not a cheap and labor-intensive option for building a country house.

Most summer residents dream of a cheap summer house with minimal losses for the budget and in a short time. A house made of wood will meet these requirements, since this material is natural and, accordingly, environmentally friendly.

For a small summer cottage, the best option would be a frame-panel house, which is cheaper among frame structures. Even non-professionals in construction can build such a structure.

The most favorable location for the house will be the north-eastern part of the site. Thanks to this position, the house will be maximally protected from the cold wind and will receive a sufficient amount of sunlight. It is better to place windows on the south and south-west sides.

Construction stages

If you are wondering how to make a summer house, we recommend paying attention to the following features. Small buildings with dimensions of no more than 36 square meters without a basement are built using a columnar foundation.

Its obvious advantage is ease of installation and relatively low cost. The disadvantage of a columnar foundation is that it can only be used on stable soils. Only then will such a foundation be stable and durable and become a reliable support for the structure. Otherwise, the entire structure may be distorted.

In addition, the support-column foundation has low load-bearing capacity, and therefore is recommended only for one-story buildings. Among the significant disadvantages is the impossibility of arranging a basement.

Door and window openings should be provided for in advance by constructing a sheathing of timber, since panel materials may not support their weight. When fastening pre-prepared panels with nails (during the construction of walls), we recommend using connecting plates. Sheets are nailed to the frame as the first layer, followed by insulation and the second layer is sewn up.

In order for a summer house for a summer house to be resistant to moisture, it is necessary to include waterproofing of the floors and roof into the project, and sheathe the façade of the building. Covering with plastic panels and siding, for example, with imitation wood, brick, or natural stone, will significantly decorate the appearance of the house.

The only drawback of such a structure is that it needs insulation if you plan to live there in the winter. The advantages are the simplicity and speed of construction, literally within a week, and the variety of architectural solutions.


When planning to create a place where the family can relax in nature, a veranda is included in the house design. Those who prefer to make preparations for the winter need an attic and a basement. It is worth considering in advance a storage room for storing garden tools.

Having decided to build a summer house with a veranda, place it along the facade of the building so that the front door of the house is protected from bad weather and the rays of the sun. The size of the veranda is usually selected based on the personal preferences of the owners.

The structure is supported by foundation columns located under the corner posts of the frame. A concrete foundation for the posts is placed in pre-dug trenches.

Ready-made country houses

Most country houses are small summer houses, a photo selection of which you can see above. They are economical and require minimal effort and time to build. They are delivered to the site ready-made and assembled in just a few days, and the next day the house is ready for occupancy.

The house does not need a capital foundation, since wood is a lighter material compared to concrete or brick. Wooden houses are recognized as environmentally friendly. In addition, they perfectly retain heat, maintain optimal humidity and create a favorable microclimate in the room.

Photos of summer houses with your own hands

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Many residents of megacities dream of purchasing a plot of land and a comfortable house outside the city, albeit a small one. In some cases, it is easier and cheaper to build a house yourself than to buy a ready-made one. Projects of country houses for 6 acres will help you make the right choice, photos of which are presented in large numbers in our review. It is believed that building a house is very difficult. But some projects of country houses are distinguished by their extraordinary simplicity.

Comfortable small-sized country house

Country house projects for 6 acres: photos, options and construction requirements

To create a good-quality and durable building, you need to select a high-quality design for a country house for 6 acres. Photos of the best options can be seen in the interior. Before choosing, you should decide on the materials and a convenient place for the future structure.

First of all, you need to decide whether the building will be intended only for summer living or whether it will be a capital country house with your own hands. Projects, photos and recommendations for choosing a suitable structure can be found in this material.

A functional and comfortable home must meet certain requirements:

  • Construction is carried out in a short period of time, since until the house is built, there is nowhere even to hide from the rain.
  • The structure must be erected taking into account all the rules of manufacturability of the process.
  • For such a construction, you should not spend a lot of money and purchase expensive materials.
  • Construction is carried out in such a way that it remains possible to add additional premises.
  • If the house is intended for temporary residence, then in the future it can be converted into a bathhouse or structure into a summer kitchen.
  • The building must be durable. Even with a shorter service life than permanent housing, the house should last at least 25-35 years.

What building materials are used during construction?

A wide range of different materials can be used for the construction of country houses. The most commonly used options are:

  • The most popular is. Such buildings are erected over a season and are distinguished by simple technology. The frame system is assembled from timber, which is sheathed with special plywood or clapboard. Refers to the best options in terms of quality and price. This material is also characterized by a long service life.

  • Some buildings are made from profiled timber. The construction of the structure takes several months. Also, about six months are allotted for shrinkage. Such structures do not require exterior finishing.

  • Stone buildings are made from and cinder blocks. Such structures require long construction times, since a powerful foundation is used and the walls are built in rows. Before construction work, it is necessary to prepare a detailed project. Houses made of stone and brick are characterized by increased strength and reliability.

Helpful information! The choice of building material is influenced by its cost in a particular region, personal preferences and the type of foundation. Frame buildings and timber structures are mounted on screw or columnar bases.

Video: small houses for a plot of 6 acres

How to build a turnkey country house inexpensively: prices

For those who do not want to spend a lot of time on construction work, the best option may be an inexpensive turnkey country house. Prices for structures can be seen in a special catalog of the selected construction organization. A suitable option can be selected to suit any budget. The cost of the structure is influenced by the type of structure, material and dimensions of the structure.

A house measuring 5*5 m made of clapboard and timber will cost about 100 thousand rubles. A structure with a porch and a canopy or veranda will require an investment of a larger amount, more than 200 thousand rubles.

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Features of installing a house with your own hands

Features of installation work depend on the choice of specific material. A timber structure has many positive qualities. Such material is treated with stain and various protective compounds. A lightweight version of the foundation can be used for the structure. In this case, the roof can be gable.

How to make a foundation?

Due to the optimal weight of timber structures, the bases can be used uncomplicated and light.

The following options are worth considering:

  • Columnar is created from brick supports, which are dug in at 30-50 cm.

  • A strip foundation is a reinforced concrete strip laid to a certain depth.

  • The pile foundation is mounted on screw piles. A similar structure can be erected on unstable soils. Pile and columnar foundations require a grillage. In this case, a certain timber is used.

It is laid between the wood and the foundation. You can apply a layer of roofing felt. Then the floor beams or joists are installed.

Expert's point of view

Dmitry Kholodok

Technical director of the repair and construction company "ILASSTROY"

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“If the dimensions of the building are more than 6*6 meters, then additional support will be required for the floor beams. In this case, the foundation is supplied not only under the external walls, but also under columns and partitions, which bear a large load.”

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Methods of constructing walls and roofs

The timber is laid in a certain way. In the corner parts, the ends should be installed in a checkerboard pattern. During installation, jute is used, which ensures a tight fit of the joints. Installation of timber on dowels is used. These are vertical rods that connect 2-3 crowns. The dowels are driven into pre-drilled holes. These elements are made from steel rods or wood.

Ceiling beams are mounted on the upper crowns. After installing the ceiling beams, special wooden gables can be installed. The following types of roofing are often used for timber houses:

  • Straight gable.
  • Broken.

An unedged board is used as a sheathing structure under the roof. The main material used is tile material or ondulin. A waterproofing layer is installed under the roof.

Helpful information! The best material to protect against drafts is profiled timber. Grooves and ridges provide a reliable seal.

The dacha building is divided into two parts. More than 70% goes to living space, and the remaining area contains a bathroom and storage room.

To insulate the building, mineral wool and vapor barrier are used. Linoleum can be used as flooring, and lining or plasterboard can be used for interior decoration. When using plasterboard for cladding, it is worth making a stronger foundation. When living in a house for a year, you need to take care of heating. The water heating system and design with.

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Buying a summer cottage is a joyful event in the life of every person. And it’s good if there is already a good house on the site. However, even in the absence of a residential building, you can easily solve this problem by doing the construction of the house yourself. It doesn't have to cost a lot of money. There are interesting designs for country houses that allow you to build full-fledged residential buildings with your own hands from available materials.

The simplest country house can be built from logs, cement and sawdust. Even these basic materials make it possible to build a beautiful, reliable and warm structure. Moreover, such a house will be completely environmentally friendly and safe for human health. Instead of cement, you can use a mixture of clay, straw and sand.

First step

Make a foundation. The structure will weigh quite little, so a simple strip foundation or a columnar foundation, which is more preferable in such situations, will do.

Second step

Prepare the base for the house. For the bottom trim, it is recommended to use the highest quality timber possible. Before laying the timber, you need to lay reliable waterproofing on the foundation. Also, the beam of the lower trim must be waterproofed on top.

For additional rigidity, the strapping beam should be braided with wire. The load-bearing walls of the house are made of wooden pillars. At the end you should have a stable frame structure.

Third step

Place rollers of cement or clay-sand mortar on top of the waterproofing of the lower trim. Fill the gaps between such rollers with sawdust and begin laying out the firewood. Before laying, it is recommended to soak the firewood with an antiseptic composition.

Fourth step

Take a round knife and use it to spread the solution between the stacked firewood. Over time, the wood will dry out, and you will need to fill the gaps with mortar as they appear.

Fifth step

Lay the walls out of wood in layers. They laid a layer - filled all the existing gaps with sawdust - laid a new layer and so on until the end. As a result, you will have already insulated walls.

Sixth step

Sand the edges of the wood with sandpaper. Any kind of burrs will additionally retain moisture, so you need to get rid of them especially carefully.

At the end, all you have to do is assemble a simple rafter system and install the selected roofing material. Give preference to lightweight materials. For example, bitumen is well suited for the roof of such a house.

The inside of the wall can be plastered, lined with clapboard or finished at your discretion. The outside walls are usually left unchanged. In any case, it is recommended to carry out finishing work no earlier than after 1-2 years, because During this time the wood will shrink. You will have to fill all the cracks that appear with the previously mentioned materials.

The simplest hut house can be erected with minimal financial investment.

First stage. Make a standard pile foundation and tie it with prefabricated beams.

Second phase. Install the house floor beams. The basis of such a structure is represented by rafters in the form of the letter “A”. The rafters are installed on a pre-insulated floor. If the house has a large height, the elements of the rafter system are spliced ​​in height.

Third stage. Cover the outside walls of the house with OSB boards.

Fourth stage. Stretch wind- and moisture-proof material such as isospan over the sheathed walls.

Fifth stage. Cover the roof slopes with the OBS boards you are already familiar with. This cladding will be a good basis for rolled roofing material. If desired, you can install a standard sheathing on the roof and use other finishing materials - corrugated sheets, metal tiles, etc.

Before laying the finishing roofing material, the roof must be insulated. Typically, mineral wool is used for insulation. While performing this work, do not forget about the need to create ventilation gaps. To organize them, a counter-lattice is installed - it is enough to nail the transverse strips to the elements of the sheathing to create a small gap.

Install ventilation grilles from the bottom of the roof that will allow air to circulate normally in the under-roof space.

Excellent DIY earthen house

A house made of earth is one of the most ancient types of residential buildings known to mankind. If you follow the technology, you can get a durable, fire-resistant and fairly warm building from ordinary soil, which does not require virtually any financial investment for its construction.

First stage

Prepare the foundation for your future home. At the same time, prepare the main building materials for the construction of the house in question - bags filled with compacted earth. For the foundation, dig trenches about 50-60 cm deep. Select the width individually - it should correspond to the width of the bags of earth.

Fill the prepared trenches with crushed stone. The backfill must be thoroughly compacted. Cover the entire area under the future earthen house with approximately a 20-centimeter layer of crushed stone.

Second phase

Place waterproofing material on the backfill.

Third stage

Draw the circles of the future walls using a construction compass. It is desirable that the house have a round shape. Of course, you can build an ordinary rectangular building from bags of earth, but it is the round walls that are characterized by the highest strength.

Fourth stage

Place the first layer of pre-prepared bags on top of the previously laid waterproofing material. The mixture in these bags should include soil, sand, cement powder and crushed stone.

Fill the bags to approximately 80-85% of the volume and compact them as thoroughly as possible. Each bag used should be shaped like a rectangle, like a brick. For better compaction, the mixture in the bag should be slightly moistened with water. Sew the valves of the bags with ordinary wire.

Be especially careful when laying out the first row of bags. Everything must be done in strict accordance with the previously applied markings. Compact the bags and moisten them a little with water.

Fifth stage

Lay 2 rows of barbed wire on the first layer of masonry. In this case, the barbed wire will take on the functions of a reinforcing layer. Immediately seal all punctures and tears in the bags with gray adhesive tape. This is waterproof plumbing tape.

Sixth stage

Start laying out the walls. Install door frames and window frames immediately. Line each row of earthbags with a double layer of barbed wire. Additionally, you can secure the wire using staples.

Seventh stage

Fill the seams between the individual bags with a mixture of sand, cement, chopped straw and lime.

The bags need to be laid with some displacement of the seams, approximately the same as with traditional brickwork.

Having reached the height of a person, you can begin to shift each row of laid material to increase the strength of the walls being built.

The laid walls are plastered. Before applying the plaster, the bags should be treated with cement laitance and allowed to dry. Plastering is carried out using a steel painting mesh.

At the junctions of the walls, perform additional reinforcement with the same barbed wire.

The interior decoration of an earthen house is usually limited to simple plastering.

Finally, all that remains is to arrange the roof of the earthen house. First install the beam supports - they need to be securely clamped between the bags. Cover the floors with OSB boards and lay the finishing material on top. The optimal coating option for this case is bitumen.

After completing all the basic work, you can cover the walls of your earthen house with finishing plaster or paint.

If desired, even an ordinary change house can be converted into a completely comfortable country house.

First stage. Prepare a strip concrete foundation. It is also possible to use a columnar foundation, but you must first make sure that the soil in the area is not subject to severe frost heaving.

Second phase. Allow the base concrete to gain at least half its original strength, and then install the cabin on the foundation. A crane will help you with this. Adjust the position of the change house using boards. Pre-treat the boards with an antiseptic and place them under the runners of the building.

Third stage. Assemble the frame of the extension to the shed. To do this, use a 10x5 cm beam. Install supports on the veranda and triple the horizontal purlins under the rafters.

Fourth stage. Sew siding or other selected material onto the outside of the cabin walls. For additional insulation, insert mineral wool into the sheathing and cover it with plastic film.

Insulate the floor and walls of the extension. The inside of the insulation must be covered with a vapor barrier material.

Fifth stage. Complete the exterior cladding of the house. It is more convenient and efficient to use vinyl siding for this.

Sixth stage. Lay out the roof. Metal tiles are best combined with siding. Otherwise, when choosing a finishing coating, be guided by your preferences and financial capabilities.

Seventh stage. Attach snow guards to roof slopes. Insulate the attic as desired.

Eighth stage. Finish the interior of the house. For example, the walls can be covered with plasterboard, covered with a couple of layers of putty and painted. Level the floors and install your preferred flooring.

As a result, after adding an additional room and simple finishing work, the old change house turns into a very comfortable house with a separate bedroom and a large living room-kitchen.

Thus, a wide variety of materials can be used to build country houses. Craftsmen have adapted almost everything found in nature, and even straw, for such work!

Now you know how to build from available and inexpensive materials, and you can build a reliable, safe and comfortable house on your summer cottage.

Good luck!

Video – DIY country house projects