Miraculous power to obtain endless wealth. Joseph Murphy "The Miracles of Scientific Prayer" Unique Features of this Book

Joseph Murphy

Steps to success. Feel rich

To succeed is to live successfully. In this sense, a long life in peace, joy and happiness can be called success. But without peace in the soul there is no success. And if you have an ulcer or high blood pressure, this cannot be called success. This is a failure.

An endless feeling of harmony, health, peace, integrity of existence - this is the eternal life that the Bible speaks of.

The key components of our lives, such as peace, harmony, integrity, confidence and happiness, are not tangible. They come from within. The outside world does not give them to you. They arise from the depths of the essence of man himself.

By focusing on these qualities, you will acquire them on a subconscious level. There they are not afraid of either moth or rust, and thieves will not steal them.

You are only 3 steps away from success.

First– find what you like to do and do it. Nothing complicated.

Success is loving your job, because if you don’t like it, it’s definitely a failure, not a success at all. However, to be, for example, a psychiatrist, it is not enough just to get a diploma and hang it on the wall. You need to constantly improve, go to conferences, and continue to study how the brain works.

A successful psychiatrist visits clinics and reads the latest scientific articles. In other words, he understands the latest treatment methods. A successful doctor genuinely cares about his patient with all his heart. If he doesn't do this, it's a failure.

You may be asking, “How do I take that first step? I do not know what to do". In this case, ask for guidance. It's very simple:

My limitless subconscious mind shows me my true place in life - where I do what I love to do, and where I am incredibly happy and successful.

Repeat this prayer quietly, sincerely and confidently, turning to your inner Self. Don't give up, hope and believe, and the answer will definitely come. It will be a feeling, a push, or will manifest itself as an inclination towards something else. This happens with students - in search of their true place in life, a young man suddenly leaves the faculty of philosophy and goes to medicine or some other.

The answer will come to you calm and clear, like a hidden inner understanding, like an awareness of your soul, as if you have known it for a long time.

Second step to success– focus on a specific area of ​​activity and understand it better than anyone else. For example, if you decide to make chemistry your profession, specialize in one of its many branches. For example, in operational or analytical chemistry, biochemistry or others. And you need to devote all your time and effort to your chosen specialization.

Are you studying electronics? Well, you have a lot of choice in what you can specialize in. You need to get excited about the idea, become a real enthusiast of your business and try to learn everything you can about it.

You need to passionately love your work and strive to benefit all humanity.

“Let the greatest among you be your servant.” There is a big difference between this point of view and a situation where a person simply wants to earn a living and make ends meet. This is not real success. A person's motives must be grander, they must be noble and selfless. You need to benefit others by letting your bread flow through the waters of your mind.

All that remains is third step– the most important of all. Your desires should not be selfish - they should benefit not only you, but all of humanity. Your path should create a whole cycle. Vicious circle. In other words, your ideas must move forward for the benefit of the whole world. Then they will come back to you, accumulate and overflow in the form of an inspiring book you write, or a great piece of music... Or maybe you will have an idea like Edison's that will light up the whole world.

If your thoughts and deeds benefit you exclusively, the cycle will not form, and a short circuit may occur in your life, which will result in restrictions or illnesses.

Someone might say, “Okay, but Mr. James made millions, or John Jones made a fortune by fraudulently selling crude oil.” For a while it will seem that this person is doing well, but money earned through fraudulent means usually evaporates quickly.

When we steal from someone else, we steal from ourselves, since our moral failings can affect our health, family life and work.

By stealing something, we become poorer, and we ourselves attract all kinds of restrictions into our lives. People in their ignorance do not realize that they are robbing themselves. We create what we think and feel. We create what we believe in. Even if someone succeeds in making a fortune through fraud, he will not succeed in the end.

There is no success without peace in the soul. Suppose a person suffers from stomach ulcers, high blood pressure, migraines, arthritis, cancer or other ailments, but he has fifty million dollars, can he be called successful? What a success this is: he failed to succeed in the art of living!

You were born to live an incredible life, to feel peace and love in your soul, to communicate with friends and act correctly, to release your spiritual powers, to experience inner peace, balance and poise, calm and serenity.

You are here to strive for God every day. What good is accumulated wealth if you can't sleep at night, are sick, or are tormented by guilt?

Wealth is not a hindrance to happiness, success, a sense of peace in the soul, or anything else. A person can have millions and still be godlike, generous and magnanimous.

Many multimillionaires in this country and other parts of the world are successful and famous. They do good - they spend millions on treating people for malaria, on building hospitals, etc. And they can safely count on the fact that these millions will return to them.

At the same time, some so-called poor people are very bitter and envious. They envy those who have managed to become successful. By envying, they harm themselves. I knew a man in London, he told me about his life. He was a professional pickpocket and accumulated quite an impressive amount of money. He had a summer house in France, and in England he lived like a king. The problem was that he was constantly tormented by the fear of being arrested by Scotland Yard. Once I visited him in one of the quarters of London, where he taught young guys to steal. Needless to say, he was full of internal problems, obviously caused by constant fear and a feeling of guilt hidden deep inside. He knew what he was doing was bad, he knew he was poisoning the minds of these young guys. He knew that eventually they would all end up behind bars. But, you see, he was full of disgust and greed. He didn't care about the future of his students; he was only interested in the money they stole, from which he received a certain percentage of the profit. His deep sense of guilt attracted all sorts of problems to him. In the end, he voluntarily surrendered to the police and ended up in prison.

After leaving prison, he sought psychological and spiritual advice and began to change. He went to work and became an honest, law-abiding citizen. He was able to help others, found something he loved and became happy. He was transformed by changing his thinking.

A successful person loves his job and expresses himself fully. Success is more than just accumulated wealth. A successful person has been able to achieve deep understanding on the psychological and spiritual levels. And if you don't have enough money to do what you want, when you want to do it, it definitely cannot be called success, because you have to have enough money - both for your desires and for your family. If your wife wanted a new car, you, as a man, should buy her a car. If your son wants to go to Paris to study music, you should give him the opportunity.

In other words, you don't succeed if you can't do all the things you really want, when you want them - if you weren't as rich as Croesus. You need to realize that God is the source of everything you need and that all your needs will be met regardless of time and place. Keep this in your subconscious and you will no longer lack for anything throughout your life.

Many industrialists today rely for their success on the proper use of the power of their subconscious mind. Many of the largest institutions in this country follow the golden rule. These are multi-million dollar corporations that many of you are very familiar with. Many years ago I came across an article about a man named Flagular, an oil magnate.

He admitted that in his youth he was poor and lived in poverty. But the secret of his success lay in his ability to foresee the outcome of a job or project. For example, when he closed his eyes, he imagined the largest oil industry, saw trains running along the rails, heard their whistles and saw smoke, and at that time he had no money at all - this is what he told the Electrical Experimenter journalist. He was a poor boy, but he knew that there was oil hidden in these fields, and in those too. His subconscious helped his ideas come true. He gathered around himself investors, engineers, chemists, physicists, oil industrialists - everyone and everything that was needed to make his dream come true.

It is like a seed planted in the ground. It opens up, and the wisdom hidden inside begins to attract phosphates, sulfates, calcium and other substances from the soil. It then emerges from the ground and, through photosynthesis, receives from the atmosphere and sunlight everything it needs to create incredibly complex chemical compounds. Such wisdom is contained in the grain, it is beyond the knowledge of the smartest of people.

Once you have a clear vision of your goal, you will not only get everything you need, but you will also learn ways to achieve it that you never thought possible, thanks to the miraculous power of your subconscious.

As you think about the three steps to success, you must not forget the fundamental force behind the creative powers of your subconscious mind, the ability of your thoughts to materialize.

Thoughts mixed with feelings become a personal belief or belief, and they determine how you will be treated.

Many great men who influenced the development of their country began, as you know, penniless in New York, Boston or other cities. They didn't even know the language. One of them was named Giannini. He happened to be a drug dealer, a seller of fruits, pencils and groceries, and worked whatever he had to, running from house to house. He studied at night; studied the language; became interested in economics, started helping farmers, lending them money and things like that, and then he founded the largest bank in the whole world, called Bank of America.

I think the reason why many people envy him is because he was successful. He rolled up his sleeves, went to work, pored over books at night, listened to his teachers and did good. And many farmers, being on the verge of bankruptcy, were able to save their farms thanks to the fact that he lent them money.

The bank, founded by a penniless immigrant, has now become the largest in the world. Giannini had a dream; he had a plan. This is what unites thousands and thousands of people, great physicists, scientists, doctors, surgeons - such as the great Albert Einstein and many others. They gave something to the world, didn't they?

So, realizing the great power hidden within you, capable of realizing all your desires, will give you confidence and a sense of peace. Whatever you do, you should first study the laws of your subconscious.

Several years ago I wrote a book in Honolulu. I had a chance to talk to an old friend whom I met in India. Let's call him Harry. He practiced clairvoyance and astral travel for many years. His daughter was studying in Honolulu and was very ill, almost on the verge of death.

A telegram was sent to him in Calcutta. Having received it, he assumed a yoga pose, slowly closed his eyes, and switched his mind to passive, calm perception. He imagined his fourth-dimensional or astral body emerging from his head, with all its abilities, and said clearly, with confidence and deep conviction: “I want to be with my daughter right now and look after her.” I can only add that, of course, astral travel and movements in four dimensions have been going on since the beginning of time. In other words, a person can live outside his body. Modern science knows this for sure. But the average person does not know this; he lives as if in the Middle Ages. You can see, hear, feel, smell, travel, regardless of your physical body. You can see without your eyes; you don't need ears to hear. You can do all this anyway - nature leaves no gaps and makes no mistakes. You are meant to use all these abilities, abstracting from your surroundings.

“So,” he said, “I want to be with my daughter right now and look after her.” He repeated this command six times and then fell into a deep sleep.

Notice what miracles your subconscious mind is capable of. At that same second, he realized that he was next to his daughter’s bed. She was sleeping, but immediately woke up and exclaimed: “Father, why didn’t you tell me that you were coming? Help me". He put his hands on her and chanted certain prayers, and then told her: “In a few hours you will get up and be healthy.”

She was miraculously healed, her fever subsided, and now she was shouting to the nurse: “I’m healthy! My father was here and healed me." She thought that the girl was delirious. But the doctor on duty confirmed that now she was indeed healthy. However, both laughed at her vision of an Indian father.

The nurse was confused and didn’t know what to believe, she said to the girl: “How could your father, or anyone else for that matter, come up here through closed doors? I didn’t see anyone enter the room.” She explained: “Ah, my father visited me in his fourth-dimensional body. He put his hands on me and prayed with me.” To which the nurse replied: “I don’t believe in ghosts, ghosts or voodoo.” The girl realized that it was useless to continue explaining.

Harry said he was fully aware of what was happening all along. Taking into account the distance between the cities of Calcutta and Honolulu, as well as the difference in time zones, he calculated that he left his physical body in only ten minutes.

Harry, as a physician, believed passionately in the power of spiritual healing. He was familiar with various treatment methods. He realized that his presence would give his daughter a surge of faith, confidence and courage that would fill her subconscious and, according to his faith and his daughter's faith, would turn on her. This is a miracle that your inner assistant, your inner “I”, can create.

Your subconscious mind is filled with an infinite number of plans ready to flow into your consciousness and materialize as money in your wallet in countless ways.

This process will continue in your mind regardless of the rise or fall of stocks on the stock exchange, the exchange rate of the pound sterling or the dollar. Your wealth will not depend on stocks, bonds or a bank account. All these are just symbols, necessary and useful, but still only symbols.

So, at night, before going to bed, you repeat to yourself: “ »

Do you accept that there is such a thing as wealth?

Do you believe that success is possible?

You were born to win, to be successful. Just accept these two words. What will happen? They will help you activate the hidden power of your subconscious, which will lead you to success and wealth.

I would like to emphasize that if you are confident on a subconscious level in the abundance and achievability of wealth, you will always be rich, regardless of the form in which it will be expressed. Wealth may take the form of an alloy of copper, tin or zinc or something else. Wealth does not have any mandatory component. You can use paper and pen, right? All the value will be in what you write on it. The government says that ten dollar bill will buy you a bunch of oranges, but right now it's just paper—not gold or silver.

There are people who spend their entire lives desperately trying to make ends meet. They seem to have to work incredibly hard to pay their bills. Did you listen to their conversations? As a rule, they are directed in the same direction: constant accusations of those who have succeeded more than them in life and rise above the crowd. Perhaps they will say: “He is a swindler and a fraudster! He’s worthless!” That is why they are constantly in need. They judge what they really want to achieve. They criticize those who are more successful because they envy them and secretly desire to achieve or even appropriate their success.

The fastest way to lose wealth is to become envious, greedy and start criticizing and blaming others who were more successful.

I dare to assure you, this will ruin you and bring more and more losses to your life.

The reason for the lack of wealth in most people's lives lies in one single reason - envy. Most learn this the hard way. If you find out that your competitor deposits a large amount of money in the bank, and you have very modest funds, will this make you feel jealous? To overcome this feeling, tell yourself: “How wonderful! I rejoice at this man's prosperity. I wish him to gain more wealth." And by saying this, you will act selfishly, because what you wish for another, you create in your own mind, body, life.

Indulging in envious thoughts is self-harming because it puts you in an extremely destructive position. Wealth slips away from you instead of flowing into your hands. If you have ever felt irritated or annoyed at the prosperity, wealth, or success of others, declare now that you sincerely wish for them greater wealth and success in every way. This will neutralize negative thoughts and help attract even more wealth to you - this is the law of the subconscious.

If you criticize someone who you say got their money through ill-gotten means, stop worrying about them. You understand that such a person turns the laws of reason against himself. They will do their dirty deed.

Be careful not to criticize people. Remember, all the obstacles to wealth lie only in your head. Right now you can destroy what is stopping you. You just have to start treating everyone well, wishing for others what you wish for yourself, and your life will be filled with miracles if you do this.

You know, being rich is your right. You were born to live life to the fullest, to be happy, brilliant and free. So you should – of course you should! – have all the means necessary to make your life exactly the way you want.

You were born to grow, develop and unfold spiritually, mentally, financially and professionally. You have the inalienable right to develop fully and express yourself in various areas. You can surround yourself with beauty and luxury. Why be content with what you have when you can enjoy the riches of your subconscious?

It's very simple: make friends with money, and you will always be in the black. Your desire to get rich is nothing more than a desire for a fuller, happier and better life. Your motivation. Money is a symbol. It implies not only freedom from want, but also beauty, luxury, abundance and purification. It is a symbol of the economic health of the nation.

When your blood circulates freely throughout your body, you are healthy. When money flows freely in your life, you are economically healthy. Turn to your friend the subconscious mind, which can give you all the richness you need to do what you want to do, when you want to do it.

When people start hoarding money, putting it in tin boxes and worrying about it, they are economically sick. Over the centuries, money has taken many different forms as a medium of exchange - salt, beads, various trinkets. In earlier times, a person's wealth was determined by the number of sheep or bulls he owned. Now we use currency, another means of exchange - after all, it is much more convenient to simply write a check than to drag sheep or oxen around to pay bills.

So, before going to bed, every night, use one very simple technique: repeat the words: “ Wealth, success! Wealth, success!» Admit that there is such a thing as wealth - go outside, go out of town, will you be able to count the stars or grains of sand on the seashore? After all, you were born to win, to succeed, and infinity cannot fail, it is hidden inside you. So: " Wealth, success!“Speak quietly, easily and freely. Repeat day after day, like a lullaby.

You will be amazed by the results. Wealth will rush over you like an avalanche. This is an example of the miraculous power of your subconscious.

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Appendix 5 – Feel the taste of India If you want to spend an unforgettable evening, organize a business meeting or just have lunch, then we invite you to our cozy restaurant in the center of Moscow. The quiet Darbars restaurant will always delight you with its exquisite menu and new dishes.

Joseph Murphy (May 20, 1898 – December 16, 1981) was a writer, philosopher, and teacher.

Murphy has lectured and trained hundreds of thousands of people around the world for over 50 years on the power of the subconscious mind.

Joseph Murphy was born in Ballydehob, Ireland. He was educated in England and Ireland. After receiving a degree in chemistry, he emigrated to the USA.

Murphy's most popular book is The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, in which he describes in simple terms how a person can use his thoughts to change circumstances and achieve certain goals in life. The book has been translated into 17 languages.

Joseph Murphy hosted a daily radio program and is the author of more than 30 books: “The Miraculous Power to Get Infinite Wealth,” “The Amazing Laws of the Cosmic Mind,” “Discover the Divine Power Within You.” As a rule, his books are full of stories about how a person who applied his method of persuasion and imagination achieved the desired results.

Books (10)

Collection of books

Murphy led the Church of Divine Science in Los Angeles for 28 years, where his lectures were attended by approximately 1,300 to 1,500 people each Sunday. His daily radio program was also broadcast for a long time, which was very popular throughout that time.

Live life to the fullest

A decent and happy life. Isn’t this what all people on the planet strive for? But are we doing anything to get one step closer to our cherished goal?

Many people tend to blame circumstances, others, fate, and God for their failures. In fact, everything depends only on us. Yes, there are things that are beyond our control: the movement of the planets, the change of seasons, the ebbs, flows and currents in the oceans, the rising and setting of the sun. We cannot change another person's thoughts either, but we can change ourselves. Each of us has unlimited power that can replace negative beliefs with positive ones and thus give us the key to a new life.

How to become confident and increase self-esteem

The world-renowned author, in How to Become Confident and Raise Self-Esteem, shows how prayer can help you program your mind to overcome negative feelings about yourself and rebuild self-esteem, and with it, self-confidence.

The Magic of Extrasensory Perception

The book “The Magic of Extrasensory Perception” tells how, with the help of extrasensory perception, people managed to save their loved ones, prevent various troubles in their own lives, miraculously heal incurable diseases, and much more.

She will teach you to face any problems, difficulties, challenges and provide you with special techniques and techniques to make your psychic abilities work for you.

Control your destiny

In the West at one time this book became famous as a bestseller. It presents to a wide circle of readers the opportunity to master a power that evokes awe, is capable of working miracles and at the same time is completely accessible to every reasonable person, since it is located not outside, but inside each of us.

Learn from Dr. Murphy to manage the resources of your personal psyche - and then for the rest of your life, excellent health, true prosperity, and true happiness will become your inseparable companions.

Miraculous power to obtain endless wealth

The book is intended for people who want to become rich. You live to lead a fulfilling and happy life, and have the wherewithal to do what you want, when you want.

Money should have free circulation in your life.

The miraculous power of the Universe

Try, using the mental and spiritual formulas offered in this book, to establish conscious contact with Cosmic energy - the power of the Infinite - and allow it to operate in your business and your family life.

The results can be amazing!

Reader comments

Konstantin/ 07/24/2013 Guest, this is what Christ said about the incompatibility of money and God:
“You cannot serve God with wealth” and those who crucified Him laughed at Him.
And here’s another: “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a coal than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” To the apostles’ question, “Who will be saved then?”, He answered: “What is impossible with men is possible with God” (Luke 18:27)
And just as in the time of Christ there were righteous and unrighteous priests, so there are now.

Salkynay/ 07/22/2013 I call Joseph Murphy my Teacher. Thanks to him, my life has completely changed. Yes. I never thought and could not that a person who passed away in the last century could put me on the true Path. I am simply GRATEFUL in my heart for his books that got me back on my feet.

Simone/ 06/23/2013 This is super!!!


Andrey/ 05/22/2013 Please tell me how to find the book of the secrets of the I Ching. Thanks in advance!

Guest/ 05/18/2013 Murphy is a great man. Thank him very much for his work. He opens his eyes to many things. And about “the incompatibility of money and God,” haha ​​three times. Go to any Christian church, find the coolest jeep near the door, it will belong to the priest. Outrageous? Nothing like that, everyone is born to live in abundance. “Give us this day our daily bread,” and why do church ministers tell us that we should so disbelieve in God and his capabilities as to imagine this bread as a stale crust, and not as a fat, delicious pie. And another simple example. The Lord is our father. So, for those who have children, what do you want to give them that they ask for? For a normal parent, the answer is ALL THE BEST! And what is the reward for any parent for what they give - when your child is happy and happy, or when he suffers? The answer is obvious, with his joy he pays you for all your efforts in full, and you are happy. We remember “OUR FATHER”, our father i.e. Conclusion, the more things in our lives that please us and make us happy, the more we honor God.

Antar/ 02/25/2013 Thanks to Joseph Murphy for his amazing books. He truly was a man of God.

Novel/ 02/14/2013 Alice, do you want a miracle in one day? Or maybe it’s God testing your faith, because you even write the word God with a small letter.

Victor/ 01/29/2013 Alice, there are simply dark forces at work in our world that don’t want you to change anything in your life.

Rodion/ 01/28/2013 Alisa, in a year I have more than 400 clients and various situations. I teach a neurobiological approach to changing reality, the "Information Funnel Concept". What you write about, I have observed both on myself and on many clients. Whenever you strive to change your not very interesting and even chaotic reality, resistance arises first of all. It always happens when reality changes. And if this happens, it is important to be sure that this only means that your practice had an effect. It’s just important not to get emotionally involved in an unpleasant event and continue the practice, then within a few days everything will get better! This is not only theory - it is observations from long-term practice!

Alice/ 01/14/2013 I’m reading the book “You Can Become Rich”, I began to apply the techniques from it, i.e. I work at work, and I say to myself, “God provides me with everything I need now,” when there are few clients, “Thank you God for the fact that I have many customers and excellent revenue,” “Thank you God for the fact that I have all the benefits which I need for happiness.." And that evening, after all these statements, my aunt printed 60 sheets of copier and refused them, and at the same moment the goods were stolen... I was in shock... It seemed like I was radiating all day positive energy, thanked God, and imagined myself happy in abundance... How to understand this?!

Montmorency/ 01/14/2013 who can tell me the book “The Magic Power of the Mind” is the same thing as “The Power of the Subconscious”, it seems not, but I can’t find the first one ANYWHERE! Can anyone post a link where I can download it?

Svetlana/ 12/17/2012 Thanks to Joseph Murphy's book "The Power of Your Subconscious" I was able to change my life for the better during a difficult period of my life!!! The main thing is not to be lazy to put what you read into practice. Thank you Joseph Murphy for my happy present!!!


Convincing a wide range of readers that each of them has the right to be rich, the author talks about the roads that, in his opinion, will lead you to the realization of this right.

Joseph Murphy
How to attract money

Being rich is your inalienable right

You have every right to be rich, to live in abundance, radiating happiness and success. We need money in order to free ourselves from the burden of poverty and limitation.

There is really no virtue in poverty. It is like a mental disorder that needs to be treated just like any other illness. We came to earth to reveal our own capabilities and talents, as well as to grow and develop not only spiritually and mentally, but also materially. Everyone is given the inalienable right from birth to express themselves in all directions, to surround themselves with beautiful things and luxury items.

Why be content with little and live from paycheck to paycheck when you can discover endless sources of wealth. In this book I will tell you how to make friends with money so that you never have a shortage. There is nothing wrong with your natural desire to become rich, happy and successful; on the contrary, it is given from above, sent by cosmic power.

Look at money in a new way, learn its true function - to serve as a unit of exchange. You can exchange money for freedom from poverty and poverty, buy beautiful things and luxury items with it.

Now, as you read these lines, you may have thoughts like this: “I wish I had more money” or “I deserve a higher salary than I receive.”

I agree with those people who believe that their work is often undervalued. But why does this happen? One of the reasons is the wrong attitude towards money, or rather, secret or obvious neglect of it. Many consider money to be “a base metal” or believe that “the love of money is the root of all evil” (1 Timothy 6:10). Sometimes thoughts creep into the subconscious that poverty is still a virtue, which also become a stumbling block on the path to prosperity. Such an incorrect attitude can be imposed on a person from childhood, based on prejudices or an incorrect understanding of the Holy Scriptures.

Poverty is not a virtue, but a mental illness. Agree, if you feel physically unwell, you begin to worry and try to find the causes of the illness. You see a doctor or try treatment on your own. In the same way, you need to seek help if you begin to notice that there is no abundance in life. This is an alarming symptom, meaning that something is wrong with you.

Money is only a symbol. Over the centuries, they took a wide variety of forms: salt, beads, all kinds of trinkets. At the very beginning of our era, wealth was measured by the number of sheep or bulls. But over time, the form of calculation became more and more convenient. Agree, it is much easier to write a check for the required amount than to lead a flock of sheep.

This book presents accessible, easy-to-use subconscious programming techniques that each of you can use in your daily life. It is designed to draw from your Infinite Treasury the eternal riches you need—spiritual, mental, material, and financial—and enable you to live a fulfilled and happy life.

* * *

The given introductory fragment of the book Miracle Power for Infinite Riches (Joseph Murphy, 1972) provided by our book partner - the company liters.

Translated from English L. A. Babuk by edition:

MIRACLE POWER FOR INFINITE RICHES by Joseph Murphy, D. D., D. R. S., Ph. D., LL. D., Fellow of the Andhra Research University of India - Paramus, NJ 07652: Prentice-Hall, 1974.

© 1972 by Parker Publishing Company, Inc.

How this book can bring you wealth

Have you ever asked yourself these questions:

● Why is one person very rich and the other poor?

● Why does one succeed in business while another fails in the same business?

● Why does one person pray for wealth and get no answer, but someone else in his family prays and gets immediate results?

● Why does one person try to sell his house or some other property for a year - and fail, while his neighbor sells his house and property in a few days?

● Why does one person achieve great success as a sales agent in a particular territory, while another fails in the same territory?

● Why does one person rise through the ranks while another spends his entire life working hard and achieving nothing worthwhile?

● Why does one person have the means necessary to achieve his goals, while another cannot make ends meet?

● Why are so many religious, good, kind people short of money, while other religious people have enough money and use it wisely?

● Why do so many atheists and agnostics succeed and become incredibly rich, while so many good, kind, moral, honest, religious people suffer from illness, deprivation, grief and poverty?

● Why do some give but never receive, while others give and receive beyond measure?

● Why does one person have a big, luxurious house, while another lives in a dilapidated shack?

● Why do the rich get richer and the poor get poorer?

● Why does one sister get happily married and live in wealth, while the other remains lonely and frustrated?

● Why is it that one person's faith makes him rich, while another person's faith brings him poverty, illness and failure?

This book provides answers to all these questions. It is intended for people who want to become rich. You live to lead a fulfilling and happy life, and have the wherewithal to do what you want, when you want. Money should have free circulation in your life.

You can get immediate results by using the laws of your mind correctly. Each chapter of this book provides simple, practical methods and easy-to-follow programs that will enable you to live your life well. You will find detailed instructions on how to become rich. In this book there are many examples of how men and women who did not have a penny, who were in despair, learned to use the treasury of their minds, found their true place in life and thus gained the ability to attract all the necessary wealth in order to lead a fulfilled life. and a happy life.

In numerous chapters of this book, I write about a salesman, a housewife, a stenographer, a businessman, a clerk, a young doctor - about everyone who needs money to realize their dreams, aspirations and ambitions. Each chapter is filled with simple and extremely effective techniques. Introduce them into the subconscious, and incredible riches will open to your eyes. It's so easy to become wealthy!

All the many stories in this book tell of people living both in the United States and in other countries overseas (my books have been translated into many foreign languages) who became incredibly rich and successful using the mental techniques described in detail in this book. and spiritual laws. I would like to add that these men and women belong to different religious denominations and some of them are atheists. However, by harnessing the powerful forces that this book emphasizes, they have prospered in the most amazing ways, completely transformed, and enjoying their prosperity.

As far as I know, these people belong to different social groups. All of them accumulated wealth and achieved their cherished goals in life, correctly using the power of their minds. Thus, they were always focused on moving forward, on overcoming any obstacle.

Unique features of this book

You will be amazed at the simplicity and practical usefulness of this book. It presents accessible, easy-to-use schemes and methods that each of you can use in your daily life. The special techniques described in this book will reveal to you the reason why many people do not get what they wanted.

Many people often ask, “Why do I pray but don’t receive any answer?” This book answers this question. Numerous simple programs, formulas and methods for saturating the subconscious and obtaining the right answers make this book extremely valuable. It is designed to draw from your Infinite Treasury the eternal riches you need—spiritual, mental, material, and financial—and enable you to lead a fulfilling, happy, and wealthy life. "<…>and trusted<…>on the living God, who richly gives us all things to enjoy” (1 Timothy 6:17).

A few highlights from this book

● An engineer, who was in a deep financial crisis, got out of a difficult situation in a short period of time and received an advance of 25 thousand dollars. This solved his problems.

● A woman unlocked the riches of the Infinite Healing Presence for her mother by giving her a “transfusion” of strength and self-confidence that restored her mind and body.

● A young female broker achieved incredible results using her mental picture of success and wealth.

● The young banker, with the help of his subconscious, drew up a successful financial plan.

● A female psychologist who lost almost everything in a legal battle got her due by channeling her subconscious into the right direction.

● A sailor with uncertain future prospects became a retail manager with a salary of $30,000 plus bonuses. He practiced the thought-imagination method proposed in this book.

● A young Spanish woman used one of the methods described in this book and found an envelope on the street containing 2 thousand dollars, which gave her the opportunity to travel with her mother to Mexico City.

● A young secretary drew up a treasure map and unexpectedly received 50 thousand dollars. She went on a cruise, married a wonderful man and now has a magnificent house.

● A widow who had been trying unsuccessfully to sell her house for a year followed the instructions in this book and within three days received $100,000 for her house.

● The actress, who had not had a job for a long time, unexpectedly received an invitation to act in films, and also won the heart of a rich man and got married.

● A man, using his creative imagination, discovered an oil well, bought a beautiful mansion, four cars and in three months became the owner of half a million dollars.

Here is a simple, practical, logical and scientific way that always works for you so that you have all the good things in life, plus the funds you need for yourself and your family. I want to say positively, definitely, unconditionally, and emphatically that by following the guidelines in this book, you will reap a rich harvest of the fruits of the happy and successful life you desire.

Let this book guide you. Refer to it again and again, do everything exactly as it says, and you will open the doors to the magical riches that await you, as well as to a more rewarding life. From this page onwards, let us move forward towards true, real knowledge, until a new day dawns and all the fears and failures that you may be experiencing disappear without a trace. And then - oh miracle of miracles! – you will become the rich man you always dreamed of becoming.

Joseph Murphy

© Bronstein A., 2014

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2014

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet or corporate networks, for private or public use without the written permission of the copyright owner.

© The electronic version of the book was prepared by liters company (www.litres.ru)

A very useful book for those who want to have enough money to realize all their dreams, but are not going to spend their whole life earning it. This training completely restructures your consciousness - you begin to understand that money can literally appear out of thin air, the main thing is to learn to accept it. Incredible, but it's a fact! I tested it on myself and was convinced that it works!

Timur N., Moscow

This book opened my eyes to my true attitude towards money - while dreaming of wealth, I was, in fact, terribly afraid of becoming rich. Having overcome these false attitudes, I was able to open up to the abundance of the Universe. Now I know for sure - I can get everything I need at any time!

Alina R., Kirov

This is not the first book by A. Bronstein that I read, and I must note: all of them are excellent guides for those who want to succeed. It doesn’t matter in what area - in work, in love, in communication, in sports. If you strive for success, these books are for you!

Max Yun., St. Petersburg

Having become acquainted with Joseph Murphy’s methodology and undergoing the training of the author of the book, I truly discovered myself. Your true self. It feels like I've been asleep for 27 years of my life. And now I'm awake.

Alexey N., Ulyanovsk

Great exercises! Simple and clear! You feel the effect literally from the first day of classes. And not only in terms of finances - health, relationships with loved ones, mood, and attitude improve. You change yourself and change the world around you, and that’s wonderful!

Daria M., Ekaterinburg

A few important words about Joseph Murphy and his method of working with the subconscious to attract wealth

Since childhood, many of us have been told by our parents and teachers that money is not the most important thing in life, that money cannot buy health and happiness, love and friendship. Of course, you can't argue with that. Prosperity and wealth do not always make people happy. But why does everyone so want life to be a full cup, so that there are no financial problems and worries in it?

And why, although we all dream of a beautiful and big house, a decent salary, annual bonuses, winnings in the lottery, in the end, we don’t always get this? Perhaps precisely because somewhere deep down we remember that money is not the main thing?

And it is this internal contradiction between what we want and what was instilled in us in childhood that prevents wealth from coming into our lives.

Many people think that dreaming about money is wrong, that such dreams are somehow unworthy, that dreaming about wealth is bad manners.

And what happens? We all want this: happiness and prosperity, beauty and harmony, a comfortable existence and wealth, but consciousness, but someone or something seems to prohibit us from fully dreaming about it!

Who or what is stopping us?

We, of course, dream, but as if with an eye on someone, as if in make-believe, not in full force, without understanding the most important thing - a person must be rich!

This is good, correct and natural! You just need to accept and understand this! We must have as much money as we need for the very happiness that cannot be bought with it!

We just need to have money so as not to think about it, in order to live and create freely!

We must recognize this fact, and then money will flow to us like a river!

There is really no virtue in poverty. It is like a mental disorder that needs to be treated just like any other illness.

What's it like, huh? Good comparison. Murphy himself was a rich man. His main wealth is more than thirty books that he wrote. Every Sunday at the Church of Divine Science in Los Angeles, thousands attended his lectures and listened gratefully. Well, isn't this true wealth?

His wealth-attracting practices helped many people bring wealth into their lives, and also taught them the art of living in harmony with the world and themselves.

Murphy discovered new laws of life, following which you can create an ideal, bright and happy life for yourself. Murphy was able to uncover the secrets of the universe and put them into practice, thereby helping millions of people recover from illnesses, learn to love and become rich.

If you want to find information about Joseph Murphy on the Internet, you are unlikely to succeed. No, of course, any search engine will give you many links to his books and a short biography, but you most likely will not find any details of his life. Do you know why? Murphy himself forbade the dissemination of information about himself, believing that no one could tell about him better than his books, and he wrote more than thirty of them. And all of them, one way or another, reveal the limitless possibilities of our subconscious. Having overcome an incurable disease with the power of his thoughts, Murphy, for fifty years, used simple and understandable examples to prove to people that they were creators of their own lives that it depends on their desires and thoughts how they will go their way.

In his books and lectures, Murphy showed that a person can do anything, the main thing is to use his capabilities correctly, learn to work with the subconscious and feel that same harmony with the Universe.

One of Murphy’s most important postulates is a person’s recognition of the fact that consciousness And subconscious- two components of our “I”. All his books teach us the art of combining the power of consciousness and the power of the subconscious together, and getting rid of internal contradictions and conflicts with ourselves. Only by learning this will we be able to comprehend the power of our own “I” and learn with its help to create miracles with our own lives.

Thanks to his practices, the secrets of preserving vitality and health, knowing happiness and love, attracting and increasing wealth are revealed to us.

Murphy's attitude towards money is quite understandable. According to Murphy, every person should have money to the extent that he needs it. After all, according to the author of the unique technique, The natural state for a person is prosperity and success. This is the only way a person moves forward and achieves harmony with the world.

Another question, How a person achieves wealth and receives money.

Why is there an ambivalent attitude towards money in our society? On the one hand, everyone understands that money opens up certain opportunities for a person, but on the other hand, it often interferes with him, corrupts him, and pushes him to do terrible things. In one of his books, Murphy gives this example.

A boy from a poor family dreamed of going to school like his friends from a wealthy family. The desire to learn is a wonderful desire. The child understood that teaching would give him the opportunity for spiritual growth, a path to the future. But the boy’s family had no money for education. And what does the child do? He steals money for tuition.

But his ill-gotten gains do not bring him happiness. Having learned, for the sake of a seemingly good goal - study, a dishonest way to get money, the boy violates cosmic laws, and his life now follows a different scenario. Having received money in an easy way, he even forgets what he was going to spend it on. He liked the process of easily extracting them. Now he no longer wants to study, he just wants wealth.

With this example, Murphy shows how the desire to have money, without being embodied in the correct form, disrupts the proper course of life and crosses out the future in one fell swoop.

If this boy had transformed his desire into internal energy and directed all its power into the Universe, if he had sincerely wanted to receive money for his studies, if he had dreamed about it and daily asked God to send him funds for his studies, his prayers would certainly have been answered, and he would get the coveted chance to attend classes. But the boy did not suspect the power of prayer, did not hear anything about the power of the subconscious or about the Universe, did not believe in himself, was angry at fate and his parents who could not pay for his education, and ultimately chose the wrong path in life.

There are many such examples in Murphy’s books, but our book is not about that. We will not understand why people go astray, why they strive to get easy money, why with the advent of money the character of some people deteriorates, why people turn into arrogant snobs or irritated misers.

We will look into something else:

How to become rich and happy, attracting material well-being in the most honest, brightest and most correct way;

How to learn to earn a lot doing what you love and enjoy your work;

How to create a beautiful and cozy home, build a happy family and never worry about the financial well-being of your loved ones.

Joseph Murphy, whose teaching we are focusing on, described this in detail in his books. We offer you a kind of practical guide for putting the master’s lessons into practice.

This book contains Murphy's various techniques for working with the subconscious, supported by exercises that you can easily use in everyday life. After reading this book, you will realize that simply obliged to be rich and happy, and as soon as you understand and believe in this, wealth will not matter - it will definitely come into your life.

And you can take the first step towards gaining wealth and happiness now! Before we move on from the introduction to the book itself, we suggest you do a short exercise. It will help you create the necessary psychological mood and prepare your consciousness for a meeting with the subconscious.

Exercise 1

1. Sit or lie down comfortably, relax and close your eyes. Take ten deep breaths and even, slow exhalations.

2. Imagine that you are now lying on the seashore or at the edge of a forest on warm sand or earth warmed by the summer sun. There is silence all around. And only the singing of birds or the sound of the surf disturbs it. This is your world alone, and no one can enter it without your permission. You feel warm and comfortable. You feel peace and security.

3. Let thoughts about finances enter your consciousness and try to hear yourself. Take your time, don't try to think “right.” There are no good or bad answers here. The main thing is to be honest with yourself. Listen to your feelings. It is important not only WHAT you think, but also HOW. If you think about money calmly and peacefully, then it means that you are basically satisfied with your financial situation. Then this book will help you strengthen your financial position and maintain stability forever, and will also teach you how to increase your funds.

4. If you feel anxious when thinking about tomorrow, if you have fear of the future, if thoughts about lack of money bother you, then it’s time to change something in your life.

5. Take a deep breath, imagine that all the disturbing thoughts are gathering inside you into a dark lump and as you exhale, push it out of yourself.

6. Say – out loud or to yourself: “ Money is already coming to me, and I’m going out to meet it! I am full of strength and energy to create my life! I'll start right now!»

7. Take five deep breaths in and out, maintaining a state of confidence and calm.

Now open your eyes, turn the page, and welcome to the world of Joseph Murphy, to the world of happiness, wealth and success!

Chapter first
“Your life is in your hands”

You came into the world to win and overcome all difficulties on the path to success, to fully develop your abilities and talents. Therefore, if you feel that you are constantly short of money, do not sit idly by – it’s time to act.

J. Murphy. How to attract money

There are two “I”s living inside me

Two old friends and classmates met ten years after graduation. It turned out that one is a successful lawyer, his career is going uphill, his income is growing, he has a happy family, a big house, in a word, success and prosperity. But the second one is not doing so well. He also works in his specialty, he is also a lawyer, he also conducts business and also earns money, but for some reason there is not enough of it. He doesn’t have a home, he’s divorced from his wife, and his career is stalling. Moreover, during their student years, both of them were predicted to have a happy future as lawyers, both were given honors diplomas and both were sent to practice in large law firms. Why did fate turn out so differently? Why, under the same conditions, did two undoubtedly capable, intelligent, educated people get such different results?

Of course, the easiest way is to blame everything on circumstances. Maybe a less successful and wealthy lawyer has family problems, or maybe he had a failed case through no fault of his own that left a mark on his career. There can be as many options as you like - you can choose any one. It doesn’t even matter which one, because soon you yourself will understand that the responsibility for failure lies only on himself.

On himself.

And no one else!

After all, problems in the family (like any other) can be solved, and a failed business can be turned to your advantage if you know how - attention! – work correctly with your SUBCONSCIOUS!

Have you ever thought that inside each of us there live, as it were, two "I"s? No, don't be alarmed, we're not talking about split personality. And these two “I”s should not be taken literally. We will talk about such concepts as “consciousness” and “subconsciousness”. Joseph Murphy insisted that it is necessary to accept the fact of the existence of two components of our “I” that lead us through life. After all, our well-being depends on their correct, full, productive interaction. Yes, that's exactly why! That is, you can work, toil, try, strain yourself, but if you don’t have this very interaction, then you will not have a cloudless and rich life.

Wealth is a state of consciousness, the confidence that God's grace will never cease.

J. Murphy. How to attract money

Before we begin to figure out how these two “I”s should interact in order to bring prosperity into our lives, let’s figure out what it all is – SUBCONSCIOUS. If consciousness is even more or less understandable, then the subconscious is a strange beast for many.

Consciousness and subconsciousness, reason and intuition, rational and irrational - these two components can be called differently.

Consciousness, using experience and knowledge, selects, evaluates and makes decisions. Subconscious he receives answers to any questions directly from the Universe, simply because he is inextricably connected with it.

The subconscious, like a unique computer, can receive information about everything in the world and display it on the display of Consciousness. And here it is important for Consciousness to correctly accept this information, understand it and apply it in practice.

Agree, we often argue with ourselves, we can’t decide on something, we think one thing and do something completely different, we dream about something and get the exact opposite. All this happens because the conscious and subconscious are not friends with each other, do not hear each other and do not help each other in making decisions. This is where all our problems come from.

Here's a simple example.

In the morning, getting ready for work, the girl looks at the cane umbrella that hangs in the hallway. The sun is shining outside, and the day promises to be wonderful like summer, but for some reason an inner voice tells the girl that it wouldn’t hurt to take an umbrella with her. The girl seems to be stretching out her hand to take the umbrella, but then changes her mind. Why take it if the weather forecasters didn’t promise rain?

Once again, looking out the window through which sunlight pours into the apartment, the girl makes a conscious decision to ignore the thought sent to her from somewhere in the subconscious about possible rain, and, pleased with herself, goes about her business, and the umbrella-cane remains on in its place.

When, after a working day, the girl leaves the subway and heads along her usual route towards home, she finds herself caught in a real downpour, which only happens on warm July evenings.

This is where the girl remembers how in the morning she was wondering whether to take an umbrella or not, and what arguments she gave to justify the decision not to listen to the voice of intuition: it’s inconvenient, dragging around with it all day, it won’t rain anyway.

And, of course, as often happens, the girl once again thought that she should have listened to herself, her inner voice. After all, she had a thought about rain, which no one predicted, because she reached out for an umbrella...

This example illustrates the confrontation between consciousness and subconscious. Of course, this example is insignificant. Nothing bad happened to the girl: she got wet a little, and that’s all, but if you imagine that in the more important decisions that we make, exactly the same mechanisms work, you can’t help but think.

Obviously, the thought of rain was sent by the subconscious; it received information from the Universe and transmitted it to consciousness. But consciousness did not listen to this information and put forward its own arguments against it, relying on information received from the outside. Forecasters with the weather forecast, a sunny day and the weight of the umbrella outweighed, and the consciousness made its verdict - don’t take the umbrella, it won’t rain. But if consciousness worked in tandem with its second self, the verdict regarding the umbrella would be different - take it with you.

The inexhaustible supply of wisdom in your subconscious will give you any necessary knowledge at any moment, but on one condition - you must be ready to perceive it, you must open your mind and soul to it, believe that this miracle is possible. Then you will be able to receive exactly the information that you vitally need right now, in a specific situation.

J. Murphy. The power of your subconscious

The power of the subconscious

The subconscious has enormous power, and that person will be able to move mountains and make his life happy who learns to hear his subconscious and makes sure that the consciousness and his second “I” keep pace and interact with each other. To learn this, like everything else in the world, is quite simple, you just need to really want it.

The very first thing you need to learn is that everything that the subconscious mind says DEFINITELY happens. And the thought that YOU put into your subconscious will ALSO DEFINITELY materialize.

Just imagine - the subconscious is directly connected to the Universe and can receive information from there. And if it can receive, then transmit information can too. In other words, if your consciousness (that is, you yourself) transmits some information to the subconscious, it immediately enters the Universe.

It turns out to be a kind of information cycle. And if the consciousness sends the “correct” information to the subconscious, then the Universe receives it in the proper form.

What does “correct” information mean:

Information that contains a positive charge

Information you would like to receive feedback on

Information that multiplies goodness, makes life better, fills it with benefits

Information that you can repeat several times and it will not change

That is, if you constantly repeat to yourself that you are incredibly rich, and believe it yourself, sooner or later you will certainly get rich.

However, you shouldn’t take all this literally and nervously whisper the cherished words. Although even such a primitive method is not without meaning, in reality everything is somewhat more complicated. How much more difficult it is and how to master all these “difficulties” - you will learn from the following chapters. In the meantime, remember - you need to be careful when pronouncing any words. After all, each of them can become reality. Each!

The subconscious is soil, fertile and fertile. If you sow positive thoughts and constructive ideas into this soil, they will certainly germinate, sprout and blossom in it very quickly. But here’s the problem: if you sow negative thoughts, you will also get sprouts.

If your consciousness sends “wrong” information to your subconscious, then the Universe pays you in the same coin, and you receive a negative response.

A simple test will demonstrate to you the quality of the information that you usually send to your subconscious, and will show whether you formulate your thoughts correctly, and therefore, what kind of “harvest” you should expect.

Imagine a situation: in a store you saw a thing that you really liked and that you had dreamed of for a long time, but you were not going to make purchases that day, especially since at the moment you are quite strapped for money.

Your actions? Choose one of three answer options:

I'm buying this thing! I feel like she was “waiting for” me, and it was no accident that I ended up here! And the money will definitely come soon, I can feel it! And I will also have what I have dreamed of for so long.

I don’t buy this thing, I decide to come for it another time. It's a shame, of course, but next time I'll definitely buy it!

I leave the store in a bad mood. Well, why don’t I have money for what I need! Why is there no money all the time?

1. If you chose the first answer, you sent the subconscious the information that you can afford to buy the thing you liked. This means that you are not afraid of financial difficulties that may arise due to unexpected expenses. And if you are not afraid of them, then you will not have them, because fear was not sent into the subconscious. This means that the subconscious will not transmit this fear to the Universe, and, accordingly, the Universe will not send financial difficulties in response. Your subconscious “broadcasts” a positive attitude to the Universe - the money will come soon! And, for sure, in the coming days you will receive unexpected profits.