What does it mean to give credit where credit is due? The meaning of the word "give"

to whom(in the 1st digit). We must pay tribute to my mother: until the guests left... she didn’t even let me know with a glance that she was dissatisfied with me(V, Aksyonov. Comments on childhood). And we must pay tribute to Varvara: honestly, she conducted her grain business with conscience all these difficult years(F. Abramov. Two winters and three summers). We must give her credit - she did not impose her opinion, dispassionately presenting only bare facts(L. Skorik. Dryness).

Phrasebook Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

See what “Give credit” is in other dictionaries:

    give credit where credit is due- to have a high opinion, to attach great importance, to be valued, to give justice, to recognize merit, to attach importance, to recognize, to value, to give due, to appreciate, to pay tribute, to recognize merit, to appreciate Dictionary ... ... Synonym dictionary

    GIVE AWAY- GIVE, give, give something to someone, give, hand over, provide, allow to take, entrust, give or concede; here from expresses: completely, at all, or back, to return, or the direction of movement. I gave him my notes, to keep, or... ... Dictionary Dahl

    give away- verb., nsv., used. often Morphology: I give, you give, he/she/it gives, we give, you give, they give, give, give, gave, gave, gave, gave, giving, giving, giving, giving; St. give 1. When you give... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    DUE- To render/give (give/give) tribute to someone, to what. Book It is fair to evaluate someone or something on their merits. FSRY, 143; BMS 1998, 164; Mokienko 1990, 83; F 2, 24...

    Give (pay) tribute- Razg. 1. to whom, to what. To give due credit, to fully appreciate someone or something. FSRY, 321; F 2, 23; AOC, 261. 2. what. Follow something, act in accordance with something. FSRY, 322. 3. to whom, to what. Pay attention to who or what. FSRY, 322 ... Big dictionary Russian sayings

    Give / salute- to whom. 1. Unlock Greet someone by placing your hand on your headdress. BMS 1998, 625; F 2, 24. 2. Unfolding. Joking. Give due consideration to someone. BMS 1998, 625. 3. Kar. Name someone l. by name and patronymic. SRGK 4, 287. 4. Psk. Iron. Beat...... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    due- wow, wed. What follows is due. Look at what l. as in d. Perceive what l. how d. Give (give) d. to whom, what l. (evaluate according to merits, merits, deeds). Count as d. (find necessary, necessary) ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    salute- 1. greet by placing your hand on the headdress; 2. joke. give due attention to someone. The expression is a tracing paper from French. The gesture originated in medieval Western Europe, according to one version, from the movement of the hand to raise the visor... ... Phraseology Guide

    due- I see due II th, cf. What follows is due. Look at what l. as in before/false. Perceive sth. as before/false. To give (to render) before/false to someone or what. (evaluate according to merits, merits, deeds) Count as d... Dictionary of many expressions

    GIVE CREDIT TO SOMEONE. GIVE CREDIT TO SOMEONE. Same as Pay tribute to someone (in 1st value). We must pay tribute to my mother: until the guests left... she didn’t even let me know with a glance that she was dissatisfied with me (V, Aksyonov. Comments on childhood). And we must give... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language


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The Dobrynya group of enterprises is once again selling its real estate. Co-owner of the group Konstantin Okunev says that these actions were taken in order to pay off the debt to Sberbank. Previously, the total amount of debt was estimated at 800 million rubles. Kommersant experts believe that this was done in order to demonstrate to creditors their readiness to cover financial obligations.

Real estate properties belonging to the Dobrynya group of enterprises are for sale. Announcement of the sale of the building of the Razgulay shopping center for 508 million rubles. appeared on the website Avito.ru. The founder of the Dobrynya group, Konstantin Okunev, told Kommersant that all the real estate owned by the group is up for sale: shopping centers on Sadovoy and Krasnokamsk, real estate on Serebryansky Proezd, several warehouse complexes with a total area of ​​about 25 thousand square meters. m. It is worth noting that at the end of last year the group closed 10 of the 17 supermarkets of its Dobrynya retail chain, which were located in these shopping centers. “We sell everything. We have concluded agreements with all the leading agencies in Perm, and one of them considered it necessary to place this ad,” he explained to Kommersant. Mr. Okunev clarified that the real estate properties are being sold in order to pay off the debt to Sberbank. “As for repaying the debt to Sberbank, we are guided by the agreement regime,” he clarified.

It is worth noting that at the beginning of March 2015, Sberbank of Russia appealed to the Arbitration Court of the Perm Territory with statements against CJSC Management Company"Ernest" and "Perm Beverage Plant "Dobrynya"", and even earlier a similar application was submitted to LLC "Veteran-2" and CJSC "Wholesale and Retail Enterprise "Merkado"". These companies were close to the "Dobrynya" group. and its co-owners.The Bank requests to issue a writ of execution for the forced execution of the decision of the Arbitration Court at the ANO "Regional Center for Assistance in Resolving Corporate Disputes" dated October 16, 2014 on foreclosure of real estate.

Let us recall that at the end of 2011 Sberbank went to court with a demand to repay the group’s debts to the bank in the amount of 800 million rubles. Then the co-owner of the group, Konstantin Okunev, ran for deputy of the legislative assembly on the list of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, and some observers associated this appeal with political reasons and an attempt to put pressure on his business. In 2012, the bank and a group of enterprises entered into a settlement agreement, which was not implemented.

Yesterday, the West Ural Bank of Sberbank of Russia did not comment on the submitted applications. Konstantin Okunev says that the claims were filed within the framework of relationships and in accordance with banking regulations. Kommersant Bank clarified that the Razgulay shopping center, like other real estate properties in the network, are not pledged to the bank. According to Kommersant, the capital companies Sberbank Capital and SBK Uran are collecting the debt; the latter bank assigned the debts of the Perm group to the latter.

SBK Uran, according to the decision of the arbitration court dated February 16, 2015, issued a writ of execution to recover 45 million rubles from Pivoopttorg LLC. and land plots owned by the company through their sale at public auction. In the same way, to pay off debts to the bank, the Voznesensky shopping center and the shopping center at Yursha, 62 must be sold.

In addition, according to the file of the regional arbitration court, in July the group's enterprises must pay more than 150 million rubles. as part of a settlement agreement with Sberbank concluded back in 2010. We would like to remind you that last year, Perm Cold Storage Plant Sozvezdie OJSC (part of Komos Group) obtained through the court a recovery of 22 million rubles from Dobrynya CJSC (former network operator).

“The fact that a shopping center is put up for sale does not mean anything. After all, the sale of such large objects takes quite a long time. In my memory, one similar object was sold on the Perm market - the Zemlyanika shopping center. Moreover, the sale process took several years. Such transactions require significant emotional, mental, physical and other costs. In the situation with Razgulyay, it is possible that this was done, for example, in order to demonstrate to creditors the readiness to cover some financial obligations,” suggests Alexey Ananyev, general director of the Respekt Academy of Sciences . “In any case, the circle of buyers for large commercial properties is very limited. Moreover, in a difficult economic situation, when the real estate market has no understanding of where it will develop. Buyers today are in a wait-and-see position and prefer to stay with money,” the expert adds .


[V.P.; subj: human; often infin with necessary, necessary; fixed WO]

⇒ to appreciate s.o. or sth., acknowledge s.o."s merit, abilities, skills etc:

- X gives Y-y his due(())≈ X gives Y Y"s due;

- X has to hand it to Y;

|| I have to give Y-y his due(())X has to give person Y credit ;

- (Y is...,) you"ve got to X must grant him that ;

- in all justice (fairness to Y)... ;

- [usu. when contrasted with the preceding statement] ... (but) to do Y justice;

|| can't X can't help but give Y-y his due(())X cannot but recognize thing Y (person Y"s abilities, achievements etc).

♦ Hartwig is a special person. In some ways I envied him, in some ways I deeply despised him... But, of course, I also gave him his due: he knows his subject perfectly, and, most importantly, he knows what you need to know, and he trained Kirill well (Trifonov 5). Gartwig was no ordinary individual. There were some things about him I envied, and other things I was deeply contemptuous of. ...But I did of course give him his due: he knew his subject inside and out, and more to the point, he knew what it was necessary to know and did a fine job of coaching Kirill (5a).

♦ Marlen Mikhailovich... carefully watched the faces of the entire company... Most often, Marlen Mikhailovich’s gaze lingered on the “Prominent Person” and every time he gave him his due - there is no way you can penetrate this mask (Aksyonov 7). Marlen Mikhailovich...kept close tabs on the faces of the entire crew. ...The Important Personage received more than his share of attention, of course, and Marlen Mikhailovich had to hand it to him; that mask of his was impenetrable (7a).

♦ Taking all this into account, Tyufyaev, and here it is impossible not to give him justice, presented to the ministry about giving them benefits and deferments (Herzen 1). Taking all this into consideration, Tyufayev - and one must give him credit for it - asked the Ministry to grant postponements and exemptions (1a).

♦ [Dorn:] Yes, her daddy is a decent brute, we must give him complete justice (Chekhov 6). Yes, her papa is rather a beast, I must grant him that (6d).

♦ It all ended with Ivanov building a camera and actually catching a red beam through it. And to be fair, I caught it masterfully: the beam came out thick, about 4 centimeters in diameter, sharp and strong (Bulgakov 10). This all ended with Ivanov finishing the construction of a chamber and actually capturing the red ray in it. And in all justice, it was an expert job: the ray came out thick,-almost four centimeters in diameter-sharp and powerful (10b).

Efremova's Dictionary

Give away

owls trans. and uninterrupted.
see give (1-6,8-10).

Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary

Give away

1. Syn: submit, give, convey, hand over (raised)

2. Syn: return

Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

Give away

Give a visit- make a return visit

Give away (give away) due(or justice) - to fully evaluate, according to the merits of someone, something

Give away (give away) ends simple joking -

1) die

2) flee, get away, run away, hide, etc.

Phraseological Dictionary (Volkova)

Give away

Pay your last debt- to honor the memory of someone. deceased, to attend someone's funeral.

He was so far away that he could not pay his last debt to his father.

Pay tribute to- appreciate fully.

We couldn't do him justice during his lifetime.

Give your soul to God (outdated) - die.

He moaned for a long time, but became weaker and gradually calmed down and gave his soul to God. Lermontov.

Be aware what- to understand, to realize something.

A person must feel respect for himself, must be aware of all his actions. Turgenev.

Give justice to whom; to what (book) - to fairly admit something. for someone, to pay tribute to someone.

Although a crappy little man, he is hospitable, we must do justice. Chekhov.

Salute to whom; to what

1) greet someone in a military way, putting a hand to the headdress (military);

2) show (provide) due respect, honor (honor) attention someone or something. (joking).

The guests took turns saluting each dish..

Give it all, yeah (And) few (vernacular fam.) - used to express the highest praise.

What a guy! give everything, and even a little.

Give the blame to whom (outdated) - forgive someone.

I would like to give him the blame, but I can't.

No recoil (decomposition) - in order not to return.

I didn’t borrow it, but without paying back.

Ozhegov's Dictionary

OTD A TH, am, ash, ast, adim, adite, adut; al And(colloquial) al, ala, alo; ah; fallen; given away (an, ana And decomposition ana, ano); aw And avshi; owls

1. someone or something Give back, return. O. debt. O. library book.

2. someone or something Give, provide (someone's own commun.). O. mother's salary. O. all the best for children. O. city to the enemy (pass).

3. whom (what) for whom. To marry off (obsolete). O. daughter for the old man.

4. someone or something Hand over for what targets, place where. O. bound book. O. child to kindergarten.

5. What. Pay upon purchase (colloquial). Oh, a lot of money for a dacha.

6. someone or something Same as (in 1 value) (colloquial). O. thing for next to nothing.

7. What. Produce something (in accordance with the meaning of the following noun). O. order(to order). O. order (dispose of). O. military honor (salute, as well as provide military honor). O. bow(bow; obsolete).

8. (1 and 2 l. not used). Make a sharp, short movement back (eg about the weapon when firing). The gun hit his shoulder. Gave away (no word) in the back(translated: about sudden pain).

9. What. Release, untie (special). O. anchor. O. mooring lines, ends.

Give your lifefor what(high) sacrifice your life. Give your life for your homeland.

Give yourself away 1) to whom; to what, to devote oneself completely to someone else. Give yourself to your children and family. Give yourself to science; 2) to whom, the same as (in 3 digits). Give yourself to your lover.

Give everything, but not enough!(simple) about what. very good.

| nesov. give away, I give, you give; Let's.

| noun giving, I, Wed(to 7 digits; obsolete and special) And return, And, and.(to 1, 7 and 8 values). Giving military honor. Give money without return. Recoil when fired.

Ushakov's Dictionary

Give away

give away, I will give, I will give, I will give, I will give, I will give, I will give, led give it back past vr. gave, gave, gave; who gave away Sovereign To ).

1. someone or something Return (taken) to the one from whom it was taken; hand it back. “If they gave us two altyns or eight kopecks, they won’t be lost after us, we’ll give them our people.” A.N. Tolstoy. To repay a debt. Give a book to the library. Give the dog to the owner.

2. someone or something To place (one's own) at the disposal of another, to give in, to give. “I would be ready to give everything to you.” Pushkin. “I had to pay off the mill and the jewelry store for debts.” A.N. Tolstoy.

| To use for something, to dedicate to something, to spend for something. “Give your younger years to love.” Pushkin. “I gave him my youth, happiness, life.” Chekhov. Give your all to the cause.

| whom to whom ( outdated) or for whom. Make someone's wife, marry her off. “I was given to another; I will be faithful to him forever.” Pushkin. “We won’t give Sanka to a village serf, an indentured servant; we’ll find a merchant’s son in Moscow.” A.N. Tolstoy.

3. someone or something Transfer somewhere, leave somewhere for some purpose. Give things away for storage. Give your passport to the registration office.

| Place, send somewhere for training, work and so on. Send children to school. “They took Vanka the drunkard to the city and recruited him.” Pushkin. “Isolate him, depersonalize him, send him to hard labor.” Chekhov. “I, seeing that he was still young and foolish, gave him under the command of Father Pimen.” Pushkin. Bring to trial ( cm.). Submit something for trial ( cm. ).

4. What. Sell ​​( decomposition). I gave the item away for forty rubles.

| Pay for what you purchased ( decomposition). I paid a hundred rubles for the suit.

5. What. With many noun, preim. meaning action, forms *****

(lower). Give up the ends, the rope (untie). Give away the boat (set sail). Let go of the sails (unfurl). Give the reins (loosen).

| Turn to the side ( mor.). Give up your nose. Give the food back.

10. without additional Step back ( simple). “- Give it back, give it back! Besiege! Chekhov.

Pay your last debt - cm.. Pay tribute to - cm.. Give your soul to God - cm.