What is a trimester of pregnancy? Trimesters - what are they? How many months and weeks is a trimester? Obstetric pregnancy calendar: what are trimesters

Pregnancy is a time when a woman discovers a new world for herself. In addition to new sensations and anxieties, expectant mothers are faced with previously unknown concepts and terms. Many women know that the period of bearing a baby is divided into trimesters. However, it is not clear to everyone what this means and why pregnancy is conventionally divided into parts.

Pregnancy trimester – what is it, how long does each trimester last?

The obstetric term for bearing a child is 40 weeks, or 280 days, which is approximately equal to 9 calendar months. At this time, the woman’s body undergoes changes, which take on different characters in different periods.

Trimester is one of the 3 stages of pregnancy. Pregnancy trimesters are measured by week. The first trimester lasts 13 weeks. The countdown of the first trimester of pregnancy begins from the first day of the last menstruation. The fertilization process itself takes place at 1–2 weeks of pregnancy.

The second trimester begins from the 14th week. From the 28th week of pregnancy, the third period of gestation begins.

Beginning: first trimester

The first three months of pregnancy are called the most responsible. At this time the body expectant mother adapts to the fact that a new person is growing inside him. Most women at the beginning of the term do not suspect that they are pregnant and continue to lead their usual lifestyle. However, many mothers begin to feel changes already from the 4th week. During the 1st trimester, the baby's systems and organs are formed.

Signs of pregnancy in the first weeks

In most cases, women assume that they are pregnant in the absence of regular menstruation. Expectant mothers also experience the onset of pregnancy through ailments that were previously uncharacteristic for them.

Different women may experience different sensations. However, there are signs by which one thinks about the probable interesting position most expectant mothers:

  • nausea in the morning and at other times of the day;
  • lack or increased appetite;
  • change in gastronomic preferences;
  • frequent urge to urination;
  • swelling of the mammary glands;
  • drowsiness;
  • sudden change of mood;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • breast tenderness or pain in the breast.

How does the baby develop?

Fertilization of the egg occurs within 14 days after ovulation. After the meeting of the egg and sperm, a zygote is formed, which reaches the uterus on the 5th–6th day and is implanted into it. As the zygote moves toward its attachment site, it continually divides.

After the embryo penetrates the uterus, the formation of the placenta and the tube through which the baby will feed (umbilical cord) begins. At about 4 weeks of pregnancy, the embryo looks like a tube with a slight thickening at the end. Its size reaches 1.5–2 mm. During this period, the heart is formed, the brain and spinal cord are formed.

During weeks 5–8 of pregnancy, the embryo grows rapidly. His brain is divided into sections, a respiratory system, gastrointestinal organs are formed, blood vessels appear circulatory system. At week 6, the heart divides into chambers and begins to pump blood. By week 7, limbs are formed, hands and fingers form on the arms.

By the end of the second month of pregnancy, the baby reaches 25 mm in length. The nose and mouth are already visible on his face, and his kidneys are starting to work. In the photo below you can see the embryo at 8 weeks.

At week 9, the embryo becomes a fetus (we recommend reading: external signs of pregnancy at week 9). By this time, he has completed the laying of all internal organs. Formed muscular system and spine. The baby can move his arms and legs.

During the 10th week, the baby's buttocks begin to form. It can move inside the uterus. By the end of the first trimester, the fetus begins to develop future teeth, it can move its fingers, the visual organ improves, and the ears stand out. The child's weight is approximately 7 grams and his height is 8 cm.

What's happening to mom?

During the initial 14 weeks, the mother's body undergoes changes. It begins to intensively produce hormones that contribute to the development of the baby and the maintenance of pregnancy; the internal organs are rebuilt to ensure the vital functions of the mother and the growing baby. The following processes occur:

  • Immunity decreases so that the body does not reject the fetus.
  • The uterus is enlarged.
  • The condition of the mammary glands changes. The hormones produced prepare the mother for future lactation.
  • Blood volume increases. To supply the baby with oxygen it is necessary large quantity red blood cells
  • The vessels of the uterus and pelvis dilate. This is necessary for blood supply to the fetus and relaxation of the uterine muscles.
  • Blood pressure decreases.

Mood changes, weakness and nausea are explained by changes in the body hormonal background. Unusual eating habits appear due to the fact that women subconsciously look for a way to enrich their bodies with the substances necessary for the formation of a child.

Early examinations

Doctors recommend registering before 12 weeks of pregnancy. Early diagnosis allows timely recognition of pathologies that can impede the normal course of pregnancy and the development of the baby. Early examination includes:

  • gynecological examination;
  • visiting an ENT specialist, dentist, ophthalmologist, therapist;
  • interviewing the expectant mother and collecting anamnesis;
  • fixation of weight and height;
  • carrying out laboratory tests.

The expectant mother needs to undergo the following tests:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood test for hCG;
  • general urine analysis;
  • analysis of biomaterial for sugar;
  • establishment of the Rh factor;
  • blood for TORCH infections;
  • vaginal smear to determine microflora and inflammatory processes;
  • Ultrasound at 10–12 weeks.

Dangers of the first trimester

Many women try to hide their new condition during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Many people consider the reluctance to tell others about a joyful event a superstition, but the expectant mother’s fear of losing her child early has a medical basis.

In the first trimester, there is a possibility of rejection of the fertilized egg. Miscarriage can be caused by:

  • strong emotional and physical stress;
  • poor nutrition;
  • smoking and alcohol;
  • mother's illness;
  • genetic pathologies of the fetus;
  • insufficient production of progesterone;
  • Rhesus conflict between mother and child.

In order for the pregnancy to develop safely, a woman needs to monitor her health and nutrition, follow the recommendations of her gynecologist, and undergo the necessary examinations on time. During pregnancy, experts recommend staying away from stress and taking frequent walks. fresh air. You should immediately consult a doctor if the following symptoms occur:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • bleeding from the vagina;
  • high body temperature.

Features of the second trimester

The second trimester of pregnancy is considered the calmest period. By this time, the mother’s condition has stabilized and the process of forming the unborn baby ends. It is in the second period of pregnancy that most women begin to feel the joy of expecting a child and a surge of strength. The baby in the womb continues to develop. For its growth, the body requires more and more resources.

Formation and growth of the baby

In the 2nd trimester, most of the child’s organs and systems are already functioning. On at this stage they are improving. By the second period of gestation, the fetus begins to receive full nutrition through the umbilical cord and placenta. The table describes the features of the child’s development by week and its expected parameters during this period.

A weekHeight from head to tailbone, cmWeight, gDevelopment
14 9 25 The chin and cheeks appear, the genitals are formed, and urine is released.
15 10 75 Eyelids and eyebrows differ, ears take on their usual shape.
16 11 100 Facial muscles are improved.
17 12 140 Your own immunity begins to work. Vernix lubrication and subcutaneous fat appear.
18 14 up to 200The child begins to respond to external sounds.
19 19 240 Sex hormones are produced.
20 22 270 The skin becomes less transparent.
21 27 300 Taste perception appears.
22 28 400 The baby plays with the umbilical cord, the digestive system is trained.
23 29 500 Movements become conscious.
24 31 530 The lungs produce the substance necessary for breathing.
25 34 700 Improves bone marrow.
26 35 750–850 New hormones begin to be produced.
27 36 900 Subcutaneous fat accumulates.

How does the woman feel?

In the second trimester, a woman’s toxicosis goes away and balances out. emotional condition. From 16 to 20 weeks, expectant mothers begin to feel the baby's movements. The belly continues to grow, and the pressure of the uterus on the internal organs increases.

A woman gains weight weekly. The main reasons for the increase are the growth of the baby and an increase in the amount of amniotic fluid. The expectant mother may be concerned about the following phenomena:

  • Back pain. By the end of the sixth month, many women begin to experience back pain due to increased stress on the spine.
  • Constipation. Intestinal dysfunction is associated with increased stress on internal organs.
  • Haemorrhoids. It is a consequence of changes in the functioning of the vascular system and rapid weight gain, frequent constipation.
  • Frequent urination. Associated with pressure from the uterus on the bladder.

Tests and ultrasound

During this period, the woman must visit the doctor monthly and donate blood and urine for a general analysis. The doctor also prescribes a biochemical blood test, and at 16–21 weeks, tests are done to identify genetic pathologies and determine hormone levels, and a repeat ultrasound.

During the examination, the specialist examines the size of the fetus and compares it with the norm. Ultrasound also allows you to assess the condition of the placenta and see the level of development of the child’s internal organs. Future parents can be told the gender of the baby.

Childbirth is coming soon!

The last stage of pregnancy is the most exciting for the expectant mother. In addition to new sensations, the woman develops fear of childbirth and excitement about the upcoming meeting with the child. Pregnant women are prescribed new examinations. Some women last weeks before childbirth is carried out in the hospital due to late toxicosis. However, many expectant mothers are constantly surrounded by family.

Baby development and behavior

In the last trimester, the baby's lungs prepare for breathing, and the brain improves the necessary life reflexes. It is believed that a child born after 28 weeks is fully viable with proper care. However, early birth is highly undesirable. The table describes the features of the baby's development in the last months of gestation.

Week of pregnancyHeight, cmWeight, gDevelopmental features and behavior
29 38 1100 Actively pushing. All organs and systems are working.
30 39 1300 The amount of protective lubricant in the lungs increases. Limbs lengthen, bones become stronger.
31 40 1500 A sleep and wakefulness pattern is developed. The color of the iris is formed.
32 42 1750 The baby begins to suck his thumb.
33 43 2000 The baby is less active due to the lack of space in the uterus.
34 44 2500 Hair is actively growing.
35 45 2700 The amount of subcutaneous fat increases. The nails on the fingers are different.
36 up to 48up to 3000The skin is smoothed and brightened. Organs are prepared for life outside the womb.
37 49 3000–3100 The lungs are completely ready for birth. The skeletal system becomes stronger.
38 50 3100 The baby is completely ready for birth. It sinks into the pelvis.
39 from 50from 3100

Mom's feelings, risks and examinations

In the 3rd trimester, the mother feels active movements of the baby, which subside in the last month of pregnancy. The belly is getting bigger. Due to the increasing load on the kidneys, edema may appear. A pregnant woman may be concerned about the following:

  • dyspnea;
  • heartburn;
  • lower back pain;
  • constipation;
  • frequent urination.

At the end of pregnancy, many women experience so-called false contractions. Unlike the real ones, they quickly subside. In the last trimester there is a risk of premature birth. They can happen due to the following factors:

  • chronic diseases of the mother;
  • gestosis;
  • high blood pressure;
  • late or early pregnancy;
  • improper formation of the fetus;
  • lack of nutrition;
  • emotional stress;
  • genital tract infections;
  • intrauterine infection of the fetus;
  • lack of hormones.

To monitor the condition of mother and child, doctors prescribe blood and urine tests. The mother is retested for TORCH infection. An ultrasound at 34 weeks allows you to assess the condition of the placenta and find out how much time is left before birth.

How to prepare for childbirth?

There are many tips for preparing for childbirth. Women attend special courses and learn how to breathing exercises, preparing things for themselves and the future baby. However, it is necessary to take into account that every woman’s body is individual.

Knowing what happens to the baby in the belly in each trimester and being aware of the characteristics of her body at a particular stage of pregnancy, the expectant mother will be able to prevent complications during childbirth and spend all 9 months in a positive mood.

Trimesters of pregnancy (by weeks, doctors and gynecologists decided to classify the process of a woman carrying a child in the last century) is the result of a conditional division of 9 months of fetal formation in the mother’s womb into periods, each of which lasts 3 months.

During all 3 trimesters, not only the physical development of the little person occurs, but also the constant transformation of the pregnant woman’s body. To make it easier to monitor the condition of expectant mothers, gynecologists have developed a number of standard indicators by which they assess the health of a woman and her child during a scheduled weekly examination.

The trimesters of pregnancy by week are shown in this table.

Such assessment factors include:

  • fetal weight (determined by ultrasound);
  • body weight of a pregnant woman;
  • child's body length;
  • the volume of the expectant mother's abdomen;
  • the woman has swelling, pain of various types, insomnia, and so on;
  • results of general urine and blood tests;
  • visual examination of the condition of the cervix (in the absence of complaints from the expectant mother, performed by gynecologists only in the first and third trimester);
  • the heart rate of a small person in the womb;
  • blood pressure of a pregnant girl.

Thanks to generally accepted indicators, based on deviations from them in each trimester, doctors can timely diagnose the onset of pathology and prevent it without causing harm to the health of the mother and child. The most dangerous is the first trimester.

It is during this period that there is a high risk of sudden termination of pregnancy due to the inattention of the expectant mother to her body (pregnant women do not always find out about their situation from the first days, they continue to lead a normal lifestyle, lifting weights, not devoting the proper amount of time to sleep, neglecting the principles proper nutrition and so on).

Dividing pregnancy into trimesters, months, weeks

During these few weeks, ovulation occurs, fertilization of the egg, as well as its “implantation” into the uterine wall, followed by laying the foundation for the further construction of the human body. The first trimester lasts until 12-13 weeks.

If no termination of pregnancy occurs during this period, then, provided there are no pathologies in the woman’s health, sudden loss of the child before the expected date of birth is unlikely. From the 13th week the second trimester begins, which, by analogy with the first, has a duration of 3 months. At this time, the child is actively gaining weight and increasing in height, acquiring a human appearance.

At the second stage of pregnancy, a woman begins to feel the first movements of her baby, and also, in some cases, after a routine ultrasound examination, she can already find out his gender (in the second trimester, the child’s reproductive system is already fully formed, which allows the ultrasound doctor to visually guess who the woman is expecting - boy or girl).

From the 28th week of pregnancy the third trimester begins.

At the final stage of bearing a child, a woman usually begins to experience discomfort associated with a sharp increase in the load on her body (the weight of the child at the period in question already exceeds 2 kg, and the volume of blood required for normal nutrition of the placenta, which nourishes the baby’s vital systems inside the womb, extremely large).

To simplify the perception of information about dividing pregnancy into periods, gynecologists recommend that expectant mothers use a generally accepted table.


Trimester Months weeks
  • first;
  • second;
  • third.
  • from 1 to 4;
  • from 5 to 8;
  • from 9 to 12-13.
  • fourth;
  • fifth;
  • sixth.
  • from 14 to 17;
  • from 18 to 21;
  • from 22 to 27.
  • seventh;
  • eighth;
  • ninth.
  • from 28 to 31;
  • from 32 to 36;
  • from 37 to 40.

Changes in the body of the expectant mother and child during each trimester

The trimesters of pregnancy (week by week the child not only increases in size and weight, but also acquires new skills necessary for subsequent life outside the mother’s womb) determine the condition of both the fetus itself and the pregnant woman.

Understanding what changes in the body are coming during the next trimester, expectant mother will be able to mentally prepare himself for possible difficulties and make every effort to prevent discomfort.

Trimester Changes in the body of a pregnant woman Changes in the child's body
  • the appearance of signs of toxicosis, most often manifested already at 5-7 weeks of pregnancy (nausea, vomiting, changes in taste preferences; dizziness);
  • increase in breast size;
  • increased sensitivity of the mammary glands (in some cases, at this stage of pregnancy, pregnant women complain of pain and a feeling of fullness in the breasts);
  • increased urge to urinate (the uterus with the “implanted” fetus puts pressure on the bladder);
  • drowsiness;
  • excessive fatigue;
  • excessive emotionality caused by hormonal changes.
  • formation of the neural tube (the basis for the future central nervous system);
  • the heart muscle begins to function;
  • the beginning of the formation of the spinal column, the brain and its hemispheres, in particular;
  • laying the foundations for the future formation of eyes, ears, limbs, organs gastrointestinal tract and thyroid gland;
  • formation of genital organs, fingers on the upper and lower extremities;
  • the beginning of the production of hormones by the endocrine system, as well as the formation of the rudiments of baby teeth in the gums;
  • the baby begins to move inside the mother's womb.
  • increase in abdominal size;
  • possible occurrence of pain in the lumbar and thoracic spine;
  • discomfort in the hip joints;
  • the likelihood of developing varicose veins (due to rapidly growing weight).
  • increase in height and body weight;
  • completion of the formation of the reproductive and skeletal systems of the child’s body;
  • active development of muscles and brain;
  • increase in physical activity.
  • increasing the size of the uterus to its maximum size;
  • difficulty breathing associated with increased pressure from below on the organs of the respiratory system;
  • sleep disorders;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • excessive fatigue;
  • the occurrence of “false contractions” (a kind of preparation of the uterus for the upcoming labor).
  • final formation of all vital organs and systems of the body;
  • improving the ability to perceive information through hearing and perform breathing movements;
  • the appearance of taste perception;
  • active hair growth on the head;
  • the formation of lubricant throughout the body, designed to facilitate the baby’s passage through the birth canal during birth.

Fetal development by weeks and months

Keeping track of how the fetus is developing each month or week of pregnancy helps reduce the overall anxiety of the expectant mother, as well as strengthening her parental feelings towards her child.

First trimester


A week
1 — 2 Based on the fact that the beginning of pregnancy is considered to be the first day menstrual cycle, then the first two weeks of bearing a child are conditional, since actual conception has not yet occurred.
3 Fertilization of the egg occurs, as a result of which the color of the eyes and hair of the unborn child is determined at the genetic level. The egg begins its division and moves towards the uterus.
4 (end of 1 month of pregnancy) The fertilized cell implants in the uterus and grows to the size of a poppy seed.
5 The embryo grows up to 2-3 mm in length, while acquiring two poles, where the lower and upper limbs will subsequently begin to form. 3 functional layers are formed, which are the basis for the further formation of the vital systems of the little person’s body. The neural tube appears.
6 Formation of the upper and lower limbs of the child and increased growth of the embryo.
7 Increasing the size of the embryo to the proportions of a black currant or raspberry. Division of the child's brain into 3 functional sections. Active formation of limbs and laying the foundations for the formation of ears and nose.
8 (end of 2 months of pregnancy) Formation of external facial features, limbs and vital organs. Beginning of fetal motor activity.
9 Increasing the size of the embryo to the size of a plum tree fruit. Formation of the reproductive system of a small person.
10 Active brain development. The film membrane between the fingers of the upper and lower extremities disappears. Increasing the strength of the skeletal system.
11 Increase in fetal size and weight. The gradual acquisition by his body of a human proportional appearance.
12 The child grows to the size of a small orange. External genitalia are formed. Nail plates appear on the fingers and toes.
13 (end of 3 months of pregnancy and first trimester) The child’s brain and visual organs are actively developing. The rudiments of baby teeth appear in the baby’s gums. Hair slowly begins to grow on the head.

Second trimester


A week Fetal development at a specific stage of pregnancy
14 The endocrine system begins to produce hormones. The strength of the chest increases. As the upper palate completes its formation in the child’s mouth, he acquires a sucking reflex.
15 The production of specific proteins of a particular blood group begins. The emergence of skills to change facial expressions. Motor activity increases (the expectant mother most often does not yet feel the movements of the fetus).
16 Active weight gain occurs and mucous membranes are formed. If the fetus carried by a woman is a girl, then at week 16 the little person will begin to form her own eggs - the basis for the reproductive system.
17 (end of 4 months of pregnancy) The first fat deposits appear under the baby’s skin. He is actively increasing his height and weight while continuing to practice high physical activity.
18 The emergence of the ability to perceive the world through the organs of hearing. The formation of an emotional connection between the little person and his parents begins (the child gets used to their voices, hears the mother’s heartbeat, and so on).
19 Molars begin to form under the rudiments of baby teeth. A special mucus appears on the child’s body, which promotes proper thermoregulation.
20 The final formation of the child's facial features. The emergence of taste perception.
21 (end of 5th month of pregnancy) The skeletal system actively develops and the bone marrow begins to function.
22 Change in skin color (becomes whitish). Hairs on the face (in particular, eyebrows and eyelashes) are formed.
23 The brain and central nervous system are actively developing. Completion of the formation of vital organs.
24 The formation of the organs of visual perception is completed, despite the continued absence of pigment (colorless eyes). The child begins to practice various movements, thus studying his body.
25 (end of 6 months of pregnancy and 2 trimesters) Maturation of the gastrointestinal tract and the formation of meconium in the intestines.

Third trimester


A week Fetal development at a specific stage of pregnancy
26 The child develops his own daily routine, which does not depend on the time of wakefulness and rest of the expectant mother. The respiratory organs are actively forming, preparing to function outside the womb.
27 The child learns to open and close his eyes in response to bright light. The baby calms down and falls asleep when gently rocked (the pregnant woman at this time can be on public transport, walking or doing household chores). The amount of hormones produced increases.
28 Increase in height and weight.
29 (end of 7 months of pregnancy) Active brain development. During sleep, a child begins to dream, he develops emotions - he learns to be scared and enjoy.
30 The child begins to actively convey to the mother his attitude towards external circumstances. For example, he may start kicking if a woman is near the source of noise.
31 The child increases in all parameters, while at the same time reducing his motor activity.
32 The fetus is positioned as it will lie in the mother's belly until birth, which determines the type of labor that will occur (natural birth or Caesarean section).
33 (end of 8 months of pregnancy) The child begins to adapt to his mother’s daily routine, repeating periods of activity and rest after her.
34 Completion of the formation of the respiratory organs.
35 Significant increase in the child's weight. The lubricant on the body acquires a thicker consistency, which will help the little person pass through the birth canal less painfully.
36 The final stage of formation of the nervous and immune systems. Subcutaneous fat accumulates.
37 Completion of the formation of all systems and organs of the child’s body.
38 – 40 (end of 9 months of pregnancy) With cephalic presentation, the baby's head drops into the pregnant woman's pelvis, which is a sign of the body's readiness for the upcoming birth.

A woman’s feelings as the fetus develops

The trimesters of pregnancy according to the weeks of child development determine not only the physical, but also the emotional state of the expectant mother. In the first trimester, a pregnant woman is overcome by manifestations of toxicosis (nausea, vomiting, dizziness). Most women lose a lot of weight in the first months and do not yet feel an emotional attachment to their child.

Due to hormonal changes in the body, they often cry, laugh for no reason, become more irritable and require increased attention.

As the fetus develops, by the second trimester, toxicosis ends, and the stomach becomes rounded and increases in size, which allows the woman to begin to enjoy her position. The psychological background is leveled out and an emotional connection with the little person in the stomach is born (usually it is especially intensified after the first mother feels the kicks of her baby).

In the third trimester, despite the re-emerging physical discomfort (swelling, insomnia, frequent urge to urinate), the expectant mother is stable in her emotions, looking forward to meeting the baby and enjoying her pregnancy. At this stage, girls usually attend a 3D ultrasound in order to take a photo of the child as a memory of the period it was in the womb.

Possible deviations

Pregnancy lays the foundation for the future health of the little person. Knowing what abnormalities can be identified in a specific week of fetal life, the expectant mother will be able to prevent their occurrence by adjusting her lifestyle at each trimester.

Most often doctors diagnose during pregnancy:

  • Down syndrome(chromosomal mutation leading to dementia and serious developmental delay in the child);
  • Patau syndrome(a genetic mutation, the owners of which rarely live longer than a year. It provokes deafness, mental retardation and a number of other serious pathologies);
  • heart disease(some of them are subject to surgical correction, others allow a person to live, forgetting about their existence);
  • pathologies of the development of limbs or vital organs(they are not congenital and arise at the stage of laying the foundations of the body systems during pregnancy).

First trimester

If the expectant mother leads an incorrect lifestyle, the foundation for the subsequent development of diseases is laid in the first trimester.

They are:

Second trimester

The second trimester is dangerous for a little person in terms of development:

  • pathologies of the brain and organs of vision (with a deficiency of lutein entering the mother’s body);
  • disturbances in blood circulation (in the absence of routine-containing foods or synthetic vitamins in the mother’s diet);
  • dysfunction of the mucous membranes (to prevent this, a pregnant woman should take vitamin complexes with a high content of vitamins A);
  • infertility (if the fetus carried by a woman is a girl);
  • pathologies bone marrow and the skeletal system of the body as a whole.

Third trimester

During the third trimester, an incorrect lifestyle or insufficient vitamin enrichment of a pregnant woman’s diet can lead to the development of certain pathologies in the child’s body.

For example:

  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • pathologies of the respiratory system (for example, insufficient amount of surfactant - a substance that prevents the lungs from sticking together);
  • disorders of the circulatory system;
  • diseases of the central nervous system.

Despite the almost complete formation of the child’s body and its partial readiness to function outside the mother’s womb, a pregnant woman during the third trimester should still be extremely attentive to her health.

Premature birth in the last months of pregnancy is rarely fatal, but can predispose the child to serious diseases in the future (for example, lung pathologies or heart disease).

Features of the lifestyle of the expectant mother in each trimester

The trimesters of pregnancy determine the lifestyle of the expectant mother week by week. Despite the presence of peculiarities in the formation of a child’s body at each stage of intrauterine life, gynecologists recommend that pregnant women, in order to avoid the development of pathologies in the fetus, adhere to standard recommendations throughout the entire period of bearing a child.

They are:

The trimesters of pregnancy determine the condition of not only the little person in the mother’s womb, but also the condition of the pregnant woman herself.

By carefully studying the changes in her body during each week of pregnancy, the expectant mother will be able to think in advance about options for alleviating possible physical and moral discomfort in a way that is safe for herself and her baby.

Article format: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about the features of the trimesters of pregnancy

To understand and correctly monitor changes in the body, a woman needs a pregnancy calendar. In such a calendar, each week is scheduled, what changes occur in the body and you can track your weight gain, the weight of the baby and see ultrasound readings.

Carrying a child under your heart is an important event in the life of any girl. Pregnancy is always a mysterious and at the same time frightening event with the unknown, and it is also a period of waiting for a miracle. From this article you will learn what a trimester is and the features of each of them.

Terms by week

On average, pregnancy lasts about 38-40 weeks and there are two designations for gestation periods: obstetric and embryonic. The first definition is used most often and is exactly 40 weeks, since tracking the date of conception is sometimes very difficult.
To understand and correctly monitor changes in the body, a woman needs a pregnancy calendar. In such a calendar, each week is scheduled, what changes occur in the body and you can track your weight gain, the weight of the baby and see ultrasound readings. It is very good that in our modern world, there are a great variety of electronic pregnancy calendars and you can choose the most comfortable calendar for yourself.

How are the trimesters of pregnancy divided by week?

The entire gestation period is divided into three trimesters. A trimester is three months. In weeks 38 to 42, that's 9 months. The first trimester ends at 12 weeks, the second at 24 weeks, and the third lasts until the approximate date of birth. When determining the period, gynecologists are guided by the obstetric period, that is, the countdown begins from the last menstruation.

Features of each period

  • The first trimester is very important, since at this time the body begins to rebuild itself to bear the baby. At this time, toxicosis often appears, hormonal imbalance, mood swings and increased fatigue are possible. During the first trimester, the fetus develops its nervous system.

  • The second trimester is special in that at this time the signs of toxicosis disappear, and the stomach takes shape and begins to round. This trimester is considered the calmest.

  • The third trimester is the hardest of all. The baby already sees, hears, waves his arms and legs with redoubled force, as if showing that he is tired of being locked up. The baby has already become very heavy and it is difficult for his mother to carry him - his back and legs begin to hurt, and the fatigue sets in many times more. The mood is often decadent and mommy prefers to stay at home or sleep than go out in public - and this is normal.

Child development by trimester of pregnancy

After the female egg has merged with the male one, a clot of cells is created in one membrane; within a week this clot must reach the uterus and take hold there. This entire process occurs during the first month of pregnancy. When the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, the embryo begins to develop at an accelerated pace. At week 7, he already outwardly resembles the outline of a man, although he is still very tiny. Until the end of the first trimester, that is, up to 12 weeks, all organs and systems are formed. On days 21-22, when the embryo is approximately 3 weeks old, its heart begins to beat. It does not yet look the same as in adults, but it already performs its function. By the end of the second trimester, the baby receives the status of a fetus and is already completely human-like, all its organs and systems are formed, they gradually begin to work. During the third trimester, the unborn baby is only growing, gaining weight and “ripening.” The nervous system, digestive system and brain continue to improve after birth.

Changes in the female body by trimester

Immediately after conception, female body begins to change in such a way that the baby survives and can be born. For this, a hormonal boom occurs, the level of progesterone in the blood increases, which throughout pregnancy “adjusts” the female body to the presence of the fetus and suppresses the immune system so that it does not get rid of the child.
The most striking reaction to hormonal changes is nausea and vomiting. Toxicosis usually begins at the end of the first trimester. Each woman experiences toxicosis individually, but for most it stops by the second trimester. By the end of the 2nd trimester, the belly already becomes noticeable, the breasts increase several times.
The third trimester - it is already difficult for a woman to move around much, it is difficult to get enough sleep, she wants to be relieved of the burden as quickly as possible. Throughout pregnancy, the body prepares for labor. In the last trimester, training contractions occur, which resemble real ones, but are not as painful and do not last long, only from time to time. The uterus has increased in size by more than 500 times compared to the first weeks of pregnancy. Pigment spots appear, areolas darken, skin dries and itches, hair, nails and teeth deteriorate. All because the baby needs a lot nutrients and he takes them from the mother's body. Therefore, during pregnancy you need to eat well, and most importantly, eat right. If the deficiency of certain vitamins and microelements is too noticeable, then you need to add vitamin complexes, which are prescribed by your doctor.

Prohibitions in each trimester of pregnancy

Why is the 1st trimester dangerous?

At this stage, the most dangerous thing is miscarriage and infectious diseases. At the beginning of pregnancy, it is important to give up bad habits. Go to balanced diet. During toxicosis, drink more fluids, consume quality products, eat in small portions, but more often than 3 times a day, do not overeat at night, it is generally not advisable to overeat. Monitor your well-being and immediately respond to heavy bleeding and severe pain. Try to spend less time in crowded places and use all precautions during epidemics of colds.

Why is the 2nd trimester dangerous?

In the second trimester it is necessary to pay Special attention on the:
  • Discharge, if its character changes, pain appears when urinating, itching, swelling of the genitals. The color turns green, brown or yellow. Curdled discharge is also a deviation from the norm and requires intervention. Help is needed urgently if blood appears, even in small quantities.
  • Severe pain. In the head, stomach, legs, pelvis.
  • Visual impairment.
  • Swelling. Your legs or face began to swell greatly.
  • Excessive weight gain.
  • Frequent nausea or vomiting.
  • Fever, chills, significantly increased body temperature.
You should also consult a doctor if you cough up blood and it becomes more difficult to breathe.

Why is the 3rd trimester dangerous?

Can be dangerous in the last trimester premature birth, especially in the first half of the trimester up to 36 weeks. Early labor is indicated by a short cervix, leakage of amniotic fluid, increased uterine tone, labor pains, and heavy bleeding. You should also monitor the baby’s activity; if he is overly active or vice versa, you need to undergo an examination.

Nutrition during pregnancy by trimester

  • 1st trimester - When a woman finds out that there is a “belly” inside, she needs to immediately reconsider her diet and habits. Quit smoking and alcohol, not to mention other psychotropic substances. If the expectant mother is taking serious medications, then she needs to determine the risks and what is best to avoid - medications or pregnancy. In case of toxicosis, food should be light and well digestible, containing all the necessary vitamins and microelements. Eat meat and fish correctly, especially low-fat varieties. Chicken eggs, a variety of cereals, vegetable salads, seasoned vegetable oils, dairy products, fruits and berries. Drink water, compotes, fruit drinks, natural juices.
  • 2nd trimester - Maintain the same diet. You can add more nuts, seeds, bran. Prepare various dishes from cottage cheese, add grated hard cheese to soups. All dishes should be consumed boiled or steamed. Avoid fast food, smoked meats, pickled foods, sweet soda, fatty sweets, and fresh baked goods. Drink enough fluids.
  • 3rd trimester - Continue to eat properly, do not increase portions. If you are worried about toxicosis again, then switch to lighter meals. If you feel normal, cook food in the oven, steam, or boil. Eat some vegetables, fruits, herbs, and berries raw. Porridge is a must to minimize the risk of constipation. Drink enough fluids to avoid causing swelling, but at the same time maintain a drinking regime.

Each trimester has its own characteristics. The baby develops gradually. The mother’s task is not to harm the fetus while it is maturing inside, to think not only about herself, but also to take into account the needs of the unborn child.

Tests and procedures by trimester

You need to register with the women's office in the first trimester, preferably before 10 weeks of pregnancy. From the moment of registration until childbirth, a woman visits a gynecologist at least 2 times a month, if there are no problems with pregnancy. Over the entire period, the following studies are carried out by trimester:
  • In the first trimester, a blood test is taken for sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS/HIV, a general blood test, and a urine test. A vaginal swab is also taken for tank tests. Blood for biochemistry and hormones, clotting tests. Double test for hCG and PAPP-A. Tests for antibodies to rubella and toxoplasmosis. An ultrasound examination shows where the fertilized egg has attached, whether the embryo is developing correctly, whether its development meets established standards and whether there are any deviations.
  • In the second trimester, an ultrasound is performed - it will show how the baby is developing, and biochemical screening to identify diseases of the baby, if any. Are his organs forming correctly? general state placenta and uterus. Urine and blood are given - general analysis. Blood for biochemistry, sexually transmitted diseases, hepatitis. Smear for infection. Triple test - hCG, AFP and the hormone estriol.
  • In the third trimester, a repeat blood and urine test is taken at each doctor’s appointment, ultrasound and CTG are performed. Before 36 weeks, a smear test for sexually transmitted infections. Blood for HIV, hepatitis and syphilis. Biochemistry up to 30 weeks. Coagulogram and blood test for antibodies to toxoplasmosis and rubella as recommended by a doctor. With the help of ultrasound, you can see the gender of the unborn child. How does he feel, is there any entanglement in the umbilical cord?

With the help of ultrasound, young parents can see the child in motion, examine every detail of him and, subsequently, save these frames for a long memory. And the doctor will make sure that the fetus is developing correctly.

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Calculation based on the last monthly period using an online calculator
Gestational age calculator

How women's bodies change week by week

In the images you can see an approximate illustration of the baby's development inside the womb for each week. To the left of the images is short description fetal growth for a given week. You can find more complete and detailed information by clicking on the “More details” link, which is located under each description.

The pregnancy calendar by week is very convenient.

Knowing how pregnancy progresses week by week is not only interesting, but also very useful! The pregnancy calendar will help you with this. It is designed to keep the mother informed of all events in intrauterine development and help adjust nutrition and lifestyle during different periods of pregnancy. In addition, the pregnancy calendar allows you to calculate the expected date of birth.

Pregnancy calendar by week

It will facilitate medical supervision of the expectant mother and her baby, and will also provide answers to the most important questions that will certainly confront you: when the belly begins to grow, why you feel sick during pregnancy, how to recognize the first movement of the fetus.

Thanks to this calendar, you will not forget that the time has come to undergo screening, take tests, or go for a routine ultrasound. And as the due date approaches, such a weekly calendar will help you best prepare for the long-awaited event.

This pregnancy calculator will allow you to calculate how far along you are now, the date of future birth, the date of conception, and even the zodiac sign of the unborn baby and its zodiac animal according to the Eastern calendar. You will also be able to determine the age of the fetus, its weight and height, and how much time is left before birth. To do this, you need to enter the date of the first day of your last menstrual period and the length of your menstrual cycle. In addition, our calculator generates a very convenient and practical pregnancy table by week. Using it, you can figure out what week of pregnancy you are currently in, as well as track the height and weight of your unborn child.


Pregnancy calendar by month.

By month

The monthly pregnancy calendar will become your guide to all 40 weeks of pregnancy. Every expectant mother will be able to leave her reviews, observations, share experiences and useful information here. Together we will watch how quickly our babies grow and develop! And give advice on the right lifestyle, diet and safe treatment of all sorts of ailments.

Each month of pregnancy is characterized by serious changes in the development of the child: he achieves greater success in physical and mental development, the baby’s brain grows rapidly, becomes stronger muscle mass, vital organs and systems and even the first natural skills are formed! The pregnancy calendar by month will familiarize you in detail with these events at each stage.

Personal pregnancy calendar

Every woman can keep a personal pregnancy calendar. Moreover, it is welcomed and recommended. After all, now you are in a very special state. Many sensations are new to you, and can even cause worries and fears - the body of a pregnant woman undergoes enormous changes, both in the physiological sense and in the psychological sense.

The pregnancy calendar by week and month is compiled with an attempt and purpose to explain each of them.

You can keep a personal pregnancy calendar in a separate notebook, which you decorate in accordance with your mood, tastes, experiences, as well as whether you are expecting a boy or a girl. Such an album will be an excellent start to a family chronicle or a chronicle of the life of your heir.

Interactive pregnancy calendar

But in addition, modern expectant mothers resort to the Internet and choose an interactive pregnancy calendar for observations. It is convenient, easy to use, accurate, practical, informative and completely free!

You can resort to its help when you need to quickly determine the date of birth or accurately determine the current stage of pregnancy (using a special calculator for this), divide your pregnancy into trimesters, months or weeks.

Online pregnancy calendar is becoming increasingly popular. Women want to know more about this special period: what are the first signs of pregnancy, how to avoid miscarriage, what to do with increased uterine tone, how to recognize the first warning signs of labor, how to determine the sex of the child. The calendar will contain articles, tips, explanations, as well as a calculator for determining the duration of pregnancy and the expected date of birth.

You can conduct personal monitoring of your own pregnancy, your condition and that of your child, and carry out calculations that interest you.

Online pregnancy calendar - at your service! Keep your finger on the pulse of the most important events in your life!


How to correctly calculate the gestational age by weeks and days

Obstetricians-gynecologists begin counting the pregnancy period from the first day of the last menstruation. Usually the actual period is 13-16 days less, since conception occurs approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle, i.e. at the time of ovulation. However, to avoid confusion, doctors start counting the gestational age 2 weeks before the date of conception.

Even the most inexperienced mother knows that in general the pregnancy period is divided into three trimesters. After all, this way not only specialists, but also expectant mothers can navigate with special convenience. It should be clearly understood that each period will be different.

Of course, those women who are not giving birth for the first time know how the trimesters of pregnancy are actually divided by week, but as for inexperienced mothers, this question remains a mystery to them.

Trimesters of pregnancy: features

It should be clearly understood that every mother should know that if she familiarizes herself with this information as a whole, thereby understanding what needs to be paid attention to, then she can always use her time wisely. Moreover, it becomes possible to avoid certain complications that sometimes have to be encountered.

First trimester

The first trimester is the very period of time when new life. Naturally, here a woman should take special care of herself, protecting herself from various negative external factors. As a rule, there is no pregnancy yet, but the body is preparing for the fact that this will happen very soon.

Attention: This time is different in that a woman may not know that a new life is being born in her body. Thus, sometimes various disruptions occur in the process of cell division, which leads to such a sad process as miscarriage.

In addition, the unborn baby is faced with certain congenital pathologies.

But of course, you shouldn’t be negative; in practice, everything usually happens well.

Attention: Main feature The first trimester is that it is at this moment that the baby’s organs are formed. Therefore, it is necessary to forget about bad habits, you cannot take the medications that were allowed before pregnancy, etc.

Second trimester

As for the second trimester, it differs in that the woman’s condition changes dramatically. As a rule, at this moment the figure does not yet suffer any significant changes, and if you do not tell others about your pregnancy, no one will know.

But a hormonal storm occurs in the body, which leads to unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis. This is explained by the fact that metabolism undergoes such changes so that the child’s nutritional needs can be met.

Trimesters of pregnancy by week: table

Trimesters of pregnancy by week table

Naturally, during this period, immunity also decreases, which means that the body requires as many vitamins, bright and positive emotions as possible, remember this. In general, the second trimester is associated with a calm period for women.

This is explained by the fact that the baby’s organs are already formed, which means there is no need to worry about the appearance of certain disorders in the development of the baby. This period is also different in that the woman’s tummy is now rounded.

Third trimester

The third trimester is the final stage of pregnancy. Now a woman’s figure is changing dramatically; it will not be possible to hide her belly from others, as it will reach its maximum size. Even if it were possible to do this or that work, a woman cannot do it, which means she should rely on the support of her family.

The baby begins to gain weight, thereby taking up free space in the mother’s belly. It should be noted that for the expectant mother this period can be dangerous, because sometimes various complications arise, for example, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, etc.

To avoid such ailments, it is so important not to ignore the examinations prescribed by a specialist, paying special attention to yourself, not forgetting about proper rest and quiet time.