What is the “affordable housing for young families” program? Programs for purchasing housing for young families.

Thanks to a special loan program, many young families have already purchased their own housing. And what can those who are just planning to buy an apartment or house expect in 2014? What benefits and special mortgage programs have the state and banks provided for them? In this article we tried to answer all pressing questions.

This year, there are 3 ways for young families to purchase residential real estate with a mortgage, which presuppose the presence of any benefits or relaxed conditions:

1. Participation in the federal level program “Affordable housing for young families”, valid from 2011 to 2015.

2. Social mortgage program for those on the waiting list to improve their housing conditions, as well as for state employees.

3. Use of bank loan offers with special conditions.

Let's consider each option in more detail.

Affordable housing for a young family

A family (the age of the spouses is a maximum of 35 years) with a total income sufficient to obtain a mortgage loan on normal terms will be able to participate in this federal program. The size of the living space on which it is registered must not exceed 15 square meters. meters per person. Spouses are also required to stand in line to receive housing. If all these factors coincide, she may well count on receiving a subsidy of no less than 35% of the cost of the housing being financed, and if she has children, its amount will be no less than 40%.

Let us note that in 2014, a young family that has been on a waiting list for improved housing conditions since 2011 will be able to receive a subsidy only for an apartment in a new building. That is, the secondary real estate market is not even worth considering. But at the same time, the full list of areas on which subsidies from the state can be spent is as follows:

Buying a new home;

Construction of your own residential building;

The duration of mortgage programs designed specifically for young families is up to 30 years, so that monthly payments do not place a large burden on the family budget. But interest rates here will be at market levels, which are now 10-12%, and there are no plans to reduce them this year.

Many commercial banks also offer special mortgage programs for young people: VTB24, Gazprombank, Uralsib and others. There are also seasonal promotions for these loan products, under the terms of which the interest rate may be reduced. So, if a young family is definitely planning to acquire their own home next year, bank mortgage loan offers should be reviewed periodically.

The Federal Target Program “Housing” is relevant today. It was founded in 2010 and has a number of effective areas. The immediate task of the subprogram “Affordable housing for young families” is to provide young people with separate affordable housing. The state is interested in this to solve the country's demographic problems. And credit programs will “revive” housing construction.

The essence, timing and main objectives of the Young Family program - program development plan for 2015, 2016 and 2017.

The essence of the program is the opportunity for a young family to benefit from one-time government cash assistance, free of charge, subject to a subsidy as a down payment when purchasing or constructing housing.

Funds to participants of the subprogram are issued in the form of a certificate, according to which money will be transferred to the account of the bank that has entered into a mortgage lending agreement with the owner of the certificate. Young people in need of housing will receive assistance from the state in the amount of 30% of the cost of an apartment or house that meets the need for the required meters. The remaining 70% of the norm and the excess will be paid by the young family itself, by paying the full amount or by concluding a loan agreement or installment agreement.

Although the purpose of all housing programs, both mortgage and social, is to bring the moment of purchasing housing closer, they should in no case be confused. Youth mortgage programs, which have been successfully operating on the market for many years, provide more favorable loan terms for young families, but are not gratuitous assistance, unlike social government projects.

State assistance in the form of a one-time cash subsidy is implemented only through a state program.

The objective of the program is to improve the living conditions of young families. In turn, this will increase the birth rate. Often it is the lack of separate housing that is a serious obstacle for a young couple dreaming of children.

At the moment, the third stage of work 2011-2015 is underway. federal state subprogram “Affordable housing for young families”. A limited number of citizens who strictly meet certain criteria can take advantage of subsidies from the state.

Tasks for the coming years:

  1. It is planned to provide housing for 172 thousand families by 2015.
  2. The amount of the subsidy will not change. The amount of social payment will be 30% of the cost of the entire housing if the family consists of two spouses who have been married for at least two years, and 35% if there is already a child.
  3. Leave the opportunity to use the payment to pay off the debt if the family has previously taken out a mortgage for the construction or purchase of housing.
  4. Spend 313.13 billion rubles on construction.

Important changes in the conditions of the Young Family program in 2014, 2015.

Changes to the subroutine were manifested in the following points:

List of participants in the Young Family program and conditions for participation in the program - why can they be excluded from the Young Family program?

The program is designed for young families who have been officially married for at least two years.
years, and at least one year if there is a child.
Spouses must not be older than 35 years. If there is only one parent in the family, then the age norm applies only to him. In some regions, age requirements apply only to one spouse, and the age threshold is 30 years. The family must have a residence permit in the region where it expects to receive assistance from the state, and must also prove, in accordance with local standards, the need to improve living conditions. The subsidy will be calculated based on the square footage required by social standards; if the housing is larger, then you will have to pay extra for the remaining square meters yourself.

The next important condition for receiving a subsidy is employment and solvency.

Why they can be excluded from the program:

  1. If one of the spouses is 36 years old. But according to judicial practice, it was possible to restore the status of a program participant if recognition as a participant was when the age of 35 had not yet been reached.
  2. In the case of purchasing housing when the family has already become a participant in the program. Transactions of purchase and subsequent sale or other alienation of housing, which can be interpreted as a deliberate reduction in living space, are perceived especially negatively.
  3. Annoying loss or lack of documents.

How to 100% become a participant in the Young Family program - list of required documents for participation in the Young Family program

Before you begin collecting the main package of documents, you should obtain a certificate from local government authorities. The document must confirm that the family urgently needs to move from housing that is unsuitable for living, and it is necessary to improve their living conditions and increase the square footage. Those whose living space does not exceed an average of 12 square meters can receive the status of those in need; some regions have different standards. If over the past five years a person has owned housing, then the footage of this housing is taken into account and added to the meters that he is entitled to according to his registration.

What documents are needed:

  1. Copies of spouses' passports and children's birth certificates.
  2. Certificates from the place of work about income.
  3. A document confirming the status of a person in need of additional meters.
  4. Certificates confirming the absence of own real estate.
  5. The limited validity period of many documents is also important, for example, an extract from the State Register is valid for 1 month, and a certificate of family composition is valid for 10 days.

How the Young Family program works - the amount of subsidies and the algorithm for obtaining housing

The subprogram “Affordable housing for young families” operates on the territory of the Russian Federation, namely in 80 of its constituent entities, most often the implementation takes place with the involvement of funds not only from the local budget, but also from the federal one. Only Moscow is limited by the city budget, selling preferential apartments that are in city ownership to program participants. Regions have the right to organize the order of work under the program, taking into account their own capabilities, and preferential priority may be established.

When all stages of registration for participation in the program have been completed, the family waits for its turn to receive funds, followed by the stage of selecting housing from the municipality, applying for an installment plan or applying for a mortgage using a subsidy certificate. Under no circumstances can you receive cash; the certificate is valid for 8 months from the date of issue.

Since 2012, the Government of the Russian Federation has implemented several projects, which are primarily aimed at helping young families.

They include:

  • mortgage credit lending;
  • maternal capital;
  • support for young professionals and so on.

One of these projects is aimed at enabling a young family to acquire their own home in a short time.

The essence of the “Young Family” program and its advantages

Using the “Young Family” program, young families can easily purchase an apartment or house.

In such a program, the State takes on part of the payments for housing. As a rule, the government pays up to 40% of the total cost of housing. The young family pays the rest of the payments on their own.

In addition, to participate in the program the following basic conditions must be met, How:

  • The area of ​​real housing does not exceed 42 square meters. meters (calculated for two);
  • in a family of three people, each of them has no more than 18 square meters. meters.

The program includes many benefits, the main ones of which are considered to be:

  • the opportunity to apply for a deferred payment;
  • the down payment may be from ;
  • The minimum contribution payment is at least 10% of the total cost of the apartment or house.

Amount of assistance

A young family consisting of two people has the right to count on assistance in the amount of up to 600,000 rubles.

If a young family consists of 3 people, the amount of assistance will be 800,000 rubles. If a family of 4 or more people – no more than 1 million rubles.

If the family is large family, the amount of financial assistance is calculated individually.

For taking part it is necessary to contact the executive body at the place of residence to clarify the addresses for the construction of new buildings. After the final decision has been made about which new building specifically we are talking about, the young family begins to implement collection of all necessary documentation.

It is worth noting that the executing body has the right to offer another new building if the cost of the desired one is significantly higher than that of another.

Conditions for receiving a subsidy

Without any doubt, not all young families living in the Russian Federation can take advantage of this program. There are certain conditions, subject to which, you can take part in this government program.

Basic conditions include:

A young family that fully meets all of the above criteria can receive a subsidy only if it uses her for such needs, How:

  • acquisition of real estate ownership (required in a new building);
  • self-construction of your own home;
  • down payment according to the signed mortgage agreement;
  • contribution to a housing construction cooperative.

In the event that the inspection body reveals that the allocated funds are being used for other purposes, the mortgage lending is suspended and the case is referred to the court for an administrative violation.

List of documents

Provided that the young family fully meets all the specified requirements, they need to bring and fill out a number of documents, which include:

If the entire package of documents is collected, the young family is sent to the city (district) administration to put their family on the waiting list. It is worth noting that the submission of this package of documents can be either joint, or it can be entrusted to one of the spouses.

The authorized person who receives the documents is obliged to conduct a consultation on the further actions of the young family to receive the subsidy as quickly as possible.

Despite the fact that under the “Young Family” program all registration conditions are more than transparent, all families must be prepared to overcome various difficulties.

Often difficulties arise due to bureaucratic delays.

The entire process of collecting the necessary documentation, including the timing of their consideration, takes a huge amount of time. Moreover, the application may take several months to be considered.

In addition, there is a limit on the number of young families who are eligible to take part in this program, and it is also worth noting that there is a waiting list.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that such a program is not able to provide assistance to low-income families, therefore all young families must be financially secure.

Registration procedure

Based on the submitted required package of documents, the housing fund issues its final verdict.

It can be of several types, namely:

  • a young family is allowed to take part in the program, and soon they will receive financial assistance to improve their living condition;
  • a young family is not eligible to take part in this program.

Reasons for the decision refusal can be:

After accepting the entire package of documents, the housing fund is obligated to make its decision on participation in the young family’s program within the first 10 days and send its decision by mail to their temporary residence address. The letter must arrive no later than 5 days from the moment the decision is made.

Together with the decision, the total amount of financial assistance that will be allocated for a particular family must be determined. It is worth noting that the amount is different for everyone.

After approval of the amount of assistance, during the first few months, local authorities issue an appropriate certificate according to which the payment will be made.

Financial assistance is paid by bank transfer to one family member. All funds are credited to a bank card.

In the process of purchasing housing, a young family must provide documents to the executive body that confirm intended use allocated funds, namely:

  • certificate of purchase of housing (usually this is a purchase and sale agreement);
  • the account number to which the funds were transferred (with a full indication of all the details of the developer company from whom the housing was purchased).

What documents are needed and the conditions for participation in the “Young Family” program are discussed in the following video:

At all times, young people belonged to the socially vulnerable segments of the population. Professional and life experience is small, salaries and savings usually want to be much better (if they exist at all). And if a marriage has been concluded and even, perhaps, a child has been born, then, of course, she simply needs help and support!

The most pressing problem for some, a very significant problem that a newly created family first faces, is the housing issue, and to put it bluntly, it is the lack of their own housing. The reason for such circumstances is banal - the modest financial capabilities of the young spouses. What kind of assistance from the state can young spouses expect?

Supporting a young family with special programs

At the moment in Russia, fortunately, there are several government programs aimed at providing financial support to young spouses (with or without children), and their implementation is a significant help to young married couples in solving the housing problem.

It is no secret that young people have the most difficulty understanding the intricacies of laws and regulations due to their inexperience. In this material we will try to highlight the state federal program “Young Family” and help young spouses become participants in this program, which is valid until 2020.

The purpose of this program is to pay its participant a subsidy of a fixed amount for the purchase of housing. In each region, regional or regional administrations issue decrees (orders) that regulate the actions of the Program in a specific locality. Since the amount of the subsidy due is “tied” to the average market value of a square meter of living space, its value is not constant throughout the Russian Federation. In addition, factors such as childlessness or the birth of a child (children) in a young family are taken into account.

Conditions for participation in the popular state program “Young Family” for 2015, 2016, 2017

Young spouses can become participants in this program, that is, receive a subsidy (subsidy) to improve their living conditions, if the following requirements are met:

  1. The young spouses are citizens of the Russian Federation.
  2. The age of the husband and wife must not exceed 35 years of age.
  3. The family in question must be recognized by the relevant authorities as needing to improve their current living conditions in the prescribed manner, that is, they are or will be re-registered (in line for the said improvement of living conditions), respectively, with the administration of their locality.
  4. Neither of the young spouses should have their own home.
  5. The family's income or savings must be sufficient to pay part of the cost of the purchased housing (in excess of the subsidy amount).
  6. The amount of the subsidy due will be higher if there is a child(ren) in the family.

Methods to confirm solvency

It is important to emphasize that the subsidy is issued free of charge. However, young spouses must confirm that they have sufficient income or other funds necessary for the subsequent (in excess of the subsidized amount) payment of the cost of the purchased housing.

You can do this in the following ways:

  1. or providing a copy of the bank account of one of the family members (from any bank), this can also be a certificate issued by the bank;
  2. or provision of a guarantee, notarized, obligation of an individual or legal entity to issue the required amount after participants in the program receive a certificate (certificate) of the right to receive a subsidy;
  3. or providing a copy of the agreement on the loan of funds and a copy of the receipt for the payment of borrowed funds by legal entities or individuals.

How to use the subsidy received under the program

The financial assistance provided by the program is targeted. It is aimed at improving living conditions, so it can only be used to solve a housing problem:

  • building a house or buying an apartment;
  • participation in shared construction of residential premises;
  • down payment to a housing construction cooperative (HCB) and registration of ownership of an apartment;
  • repayment of debt on a housing loan (including mortgage) that was issued earlier;
  • down payment when taking out a mortgage loan for a home.

Procedure for young spouses

To find out all the requirements necessary to apply for a subsidy in your region, you need to contact the administration of the locality where the young spouses are registered and live.

  • Stage 1. The program participant (family) undergoes the procedure for being recognized as needing to improve the quality (i.e., improvement) of their current living conditions. The application and certificates of Form No. 9 must be reviewed by employees of the housing registration and distribution department of the locality administration. Those young families who were previously put on a waiting list for improved housing conditions are being re-registered.
  • Stage 2. Registration and receipt of the relevant certificate.
  • Stage 3. The procedure for confirming the solvency of a young family. Of course, both spouses must have stable incomes or accumulated funds, since the amount of subsidized assistance does not allow them to completely solve the housing problem.
  • Stage 4. Submitting an application and a package of necessary documents for participation in the state. program with the self-explanatory title “Young Family”.
  • Stage 5. Selecting a residential premises, as well as a partner bank.
  • Stage 6. Obtaining a subsidy certificate and concluding a purchase and sale agreement for residential premises.
  • Stage 7. Providing the received certificate to the bank. The partner bank, in turn, opens a bank account where funds will be received for program participants.

If the due subsidy (social payment) to the young spouses is transferred from her bank account to the account of the seller of the residential premises, then from that moment the family is considered to have taken part in the Program and is excluded from the queue for improving the quality of housing conditions in the administration of the locality.

Package of documents for participation in the program

At stage 4 you will need a package of the following documents:

  1. Application in standard form in two copies.
  2. Copies of spouses' passports.
  3. Copies of birth certificates (if they exist, of course) of children.
  4. A copy of the marriage certificate (there must be one).
  5. Certificate of registration of persons for the necessary registration (queue) regarding the improvement of living conditions.
  6. Bank certificate about the balance of debt on a housing loan or mortgage agreement, if any agreements were concluded previously.

Copies of documents are presented along with the originals.

After choosing a residential property and a partner bank (stage 5), the young spouses present copies of documents for housing under construction and a copy of the agreement with the bank.

Additional information about the Young Family program

Within the federal state program "Young Family" Regional and city programs with the promising title “Affordable Housing for Young Families” have been developed and are operating. The terms of these documents have some differences, primarily related to the amount of the subsidy due. Be careful, as banks began to create similar Programs, but without government support, trying to increase the number of their clients.

It should also be emphasized that the Young Family program does not provide a mortgage loan! It provides for the issuance of subsidies and material assistance intended to improve living conditions. This assistance is targeted and cannot be used to purchase a car, household appliances, etc.

Under no circumstances (this is very important to understand) is a free subsidy given to a young family given in person (cash), but transferred to the family’s bank account.

Quite often, this program is confused with the “Young Family” mortgage programs that are currently in effect. These are completely different events, so be careful, a mortgage means a loan - a targeted long-term loan with subsequent payment on time. This article was about a free subsidy (subsidy) to a young family from the state to improve their living conditions.

Persons who live in a so-called civil marriage that does not have official registration cannot rely on subsidies intended for young families. Single-parent families (with one parent and a child) can take full advantage of this program.

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As for choosing a partner bank that will help you take advantage of government financial assistance, we would recommend Sberbank of Russia, which has been working reliably in the interests of a young family in recent years.

On the last day of July 2012, the deadline for submitting applications for participation in the state program providing affordable housing to young families in 2013 ended. This is the next stage of the state project “Young Family”, which operates during 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015.

The main goal of this social program is to provide state support to the young population when receiving their first home or expanding an old one that is insufficient in size. Participants in this housing program can receive compensation from the state in the amount of 35% to 40% of the price of the purchased housing.

Provided that the housing does not exceed the standard indicators in area:

  • For a family of two people – 42 square meters;
  • For a family of three or more people - 18 square meters per family member.

Such state assistance can significantly reduce the financial burden on the budget of young people when solving the housing problem.

The federal program Young Family from February 8, 2011 to the beginning of 2013 has already helped more than 100 thousand families. There are still two years ahead of this state initiative with a general plan to provide housing for 170 thousand Russian families.

Conditions for participation in the Young Family program in 2013

The conditions of the state program Young Family in 2013 were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1050 of December 17, 2010. Taking into account the experience of the first year of implementation of this project, on 10/06/2011 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 825 was adopted, correcting some aspects of the provision of subsidies.

Young families are eligible to participate in this program, which the government includes:

  • Spouses under 35 years of age and their children;
  • Single-parent families, in which there is only one parent and children.

Under this state program in 2013, housing will be provided to young families if:

  • They stand in the housing queue as those in need of housing;
  • Documented family income allows you to obtain and pay a loan, or make other payments necessary for the purchase of housing, in addition to the subsidy provided by the state.

If a family's participation in this program is confirmed, it must receive notification within 15 days from the date of submission of documents. After this, a cash certificate is issued for the family. Within 1 month after notification of the issuance of the certificate, it must be obtained by writing a special application and taken to one of the banks that service this program.

A special bank account is opened for the bearer of the certificate, money from which can be spent on payment:

  • Residential purchases;
  • Construction of a private residential building;
  • The final share contribution to the cooperative, after which the apartment becomes the property of the family;
  • Down payment for housing that will be purchased with a mortgage for a young family in 2013;
  • The main part of the debt on housing loans issued before 01/01/2011.

Documents for participation in the Young Family program in 2013

From 01/01/2013, families registered in 2012 will begin to receive money under state certificates. Those wishing to receive government assistance in purchasing housing in 2014 must submit the required set of documents to the municipalities from 01/01/2013 to 07/31/2013.

To receive a positive answer, the documents listed in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation are required:

  • 2 copies of the application written in the approved form;
  • Copies of passports for adult family members;
  • Copies of children's birth certificates;
  • A copy of the marriage certificate;
  • A photocopy of title documents for housing purchased on credit or under construction (if any);
  • A copy of the loan agreement, if it was concluded before January 1, 2011 (if any);
  • Certificate stating that the family is on the housing waiting list;
  • A certificate from the bank about the debt under the mortgage agreement (if any).

You can submit a set of documents in person or by mail. To do everything right in 2013, keep an eye on changes in the described Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, as they can be introduced at any time.