What is a non-union complex sentence. Lesson summary "union-free complex sentence" For strong students: B

Lesson summary in problem dialogue technology on the topic: “What is a non-union complex sentence”

1) Find out what a non-union complex sentence is and its distinctive features.

2) Develop the ability to see a problem, develop a hypothesis, observe, and define concepts.

3) Develop the ability to work in groups.

Form organization of educational activities: frontal, individual, group.

You don't learn to work when you're young -
in old age you will be left empty-handed...

During the classes

Prefix in the word restless (un-)

A root is a part of speech with the help of which homogeneous members and simple sentences are connected as part of a complex one (conjunction).

Suffix as in the word sleepy (-N-)

The ending of the adjective in Wed. kind of units numbers

Teacher: did we end up with a word?

Teacher: formulate the topic of the lesson.

Write down a few sentences to observe:

A. Measure twice, cut once.

B. Chin followed him; he suddenly left his service. V. The youth left and the club became boring.

1.What sentences are written down? Prove it graphically. What punctuation marks?

2) What conclusion follows? What can we assume?

3) Try to formulate the purpose of our lesson

Helps formulate lesson goals.

Organizes work in groups (No. 1. work with textbook material: pp. 94-101)

Observes and helps in case of difficulty

No. 2. Create a table about the rules for placing punctuation marks between simple sentences in the BSP:

1 group comma(p. 96, exercise 216,)

2nd group should think about the meaning of simple sentences as part of the BSP and determine when to put semicolon(p. 96, exercise 217)

3 group should think about the meaning of simple sentences as part of the BSP and determine when to put colon(p. 98, exercise 220)

4 group should think about the meaning of simple sentences as part of the BSP and determine when to put dash(p. 101, exercise 229)

Organizes work with this material:

1.specify numbers of non-union complex sentences: (1) It’s fun to make your way along the narrow path between two walls of tall rye. (2) Ears of corn quietly hit you in the face, cornflowers cling to your legs, quails scream all around, the horse runs at a lazy trot. (3) Here is the forest. (4) Shadow and silence. (5) Stately aspens babble high above you; long hanging branches of birches barely move; a mighty oak tree stands like a fighter next to a beautiful linden tree. (I.S. Turgenev)

2.arrange punctuation marks in one of the sentences and prove it graphically.

3. find BSP in OGE texts (V№1-№4)

Appendix No. 1.

1. It began to get dark quickly, summer clouds arrived, and the first thunder struck.

2. The frogs that were in the puddles became so agitated that they caused the water to become agitated.

3. After the pouring warm rain, Petya started fishing: he set nets for crucian carp in a peat pond.
4. There, on the shore, near the nets, there were ten small birch trees, their branches were still bare, without leaves.

5. The sun was setting plump, and when it set, the living night began: all the nightingales sang, all the frogs screamed...

6. But it happens so often in the world that when everyone is happy, a poor thought comes into the head of a poor person and does not allow him to rejoice.
7. Petya also couldn’t sleep, and then it occurred to him that thieves had come and taken away the nets.
8. That’s why Petya runs to his nets at dawn and already from a distance sees that where he set the nets, there are now people standing - probably thieves.
9. In terrible anger, he runs there and suddenly stops, smiles, he is ashamed: these are not people - these are the birches that have dressed in green during the night and it’s as if people are standing.

introduce students to complex sentences with non-conjunctive connections;

Show the difference between allied and non-union sentences, as well as between complex non-union sentences and simple sentences with homogeneous members of the sentence;



Russian language lesson on the topic: "Unionless complex sentences". 9th grade. Introductory lesson.

Lesson objectives:

Introduce students to complex sentences with non-conjunctive connections;

Show the difference between allied and non-union sentences, as well as between complex non-union sentences and simple sentences with homogeneous members of the sentence;

Train mindfulness;

Cultivate a tolerant attitude towards the opinions of the interlocutor;

Develop the ability to work in pairs and in a team.


Technological map of work.

Cards with text for research.


Audio recording of an exercise to determine the type of sentences by ear.

  1. Start of the lesson

Slide 1.

  1. Everything that is beautiful is moral. (... )
    Gustave Flaubert
  2. A person's entire morality lies in his intentions. (... )
    Jean Jacques Rousseau
  3. There are no small feelings in the world - only souls are small.(…)

Dostoevsky F.M.

  1. Only that which coincides with your sense of beauty and with the ideal in which you embody it is moral. (...)
  2. There are people who treat morality as some architects treat houses: convenience is put in the foreground. (... )
    Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues.

Working with proposals, what topic do the proposals cover? What common idea are the sentences united by? (Moral themes)

How do you understand morality? (answers)

Slide 2.

What is morality? - These are norms, principles of behavior, motives for actions. In the short dictionary of philosophy, the concept of morality is equated to the concept of morality. “Morals (Latin mores-mores) are norms, principles, rules of behavior of people, as well as human behavior itself (motives of actions, results of activities), feelings, judgments, which express the normative regulation of people’s relations with each other and the social whole (collective , class, people, society)".

Analysis of proposals. What are these offers? (simple, complex: union and non-union; isolated).

The teacher introduces students to the topic of the lesson and finds out what problems they must solve by the end of the lesson.

II. Main part. Learning new material

1. Students in pairs make a list of what they know or think they know about the topic (5 minutes). Students are offeredmake a syncwine.

Teacher. Let's determine what you know about the topic of the lesson.


Complex sentences are divided into three groups: compound, complex and non-conjunctive.

All complex sentences consist of several simple ones.

In compound and complex sentences, simple sentences are connected using conjunctions and allied words.

The name of the third group indicates that in non-union sentences simple ones are connected without conjunctions or allied words. And how, we don’t know.

2. Reading a new text (pre-printed in the required quantity), trying to find answers to the questions they posed.

Slide 3. The concept of a complex non-union sentence.

This is a sentence, parts of whichconnected in meaning and through intonation. The parts of a non-conjunctive complex sentence are in relation to each otherdifferent semantic relationships, which is reflected inplacement of punctuation marksin writing, and in speech - intonation . In a non-conjunction complex sentence it is putcomma, semicolon, dash and colon in writing.
The semantic relations in them are expressed less clearly than in allied ones.

Examples of sentences with different intonation connections:

Slide 4.

1. Evening came, it was raining, and the wind blew intermittently from the north.(Enumeration.)

2. There are no small feelings in the world - only souls are small.. (Contrast.)

3. Echevin understood one thing: fear of independent opinion, fear of taking responsibility for himself became the reason for his actions. ( Explanation.)


What punctuation marks are used in the BSP?

The placement of salary depends on what? (from value)

Slide 5. Punctuation marks in BSP. (Analysis of proposals)

4. Training exercises.

1. Determine by ear whether the sentence is complex or simple with homogeneous members or with isolations. Write down the numbers of non-union complex sentences in a notebook. Check.

Slide 6. Training exercises

1. While you live, hurry to do good.

2. There can be no greater happiness than bringing happiness to the unhappy.

3. Don't dig a hole for someone else - you yourself will stumble.

4. You can’t buy good things.

5. Weak people wait for favorable opportunities - strong-willed people create them.

6. The fruit obtained by patience is like sugar.

7.And the sea has a bottom, and patience has a limit.

8. I know only two real happinesses in life: remorse and illness.

9. Today's zeal is tomorrow's relief.

10. Gold settles at the bottom of patience

11. Friendship came, happiness came, and wealth appeared.

5. Working with the textbook. Performing the exercise

6..Working with State Examination Tasks. AT 9

Find among sentences 26 - 31 difficult sentence with non-union and union coordinating connections.

Var.11(1 gr.); Var.17(2g);Var.20(3g);Var.21 (4g)

Answers: 1gr - 27 sentence; 2 gr -26; 3 gr -22; 4 g -32.

7. Video lesson “Unionless complex sentences”

III. Final part. conclusions

Teacher: Let's review everything we learned in class. Define a non-union proposal.

Non-union complex sentence- This is a sentence, the parts of which are connected in meaning and intonation. The parts of a non-union complex sentence are in different semantic relationships with each other. In non-union complex sentences, a comma, semicolon, dash and colon are used.

Slide 8. IV. Homework

1. Find in any text three non-union complex sentences with different punctuation marks and write them down in notebooks.

3.GIA V9 tasks (var5-10);

4. Exercise No. 195 (Write out the highlighted sentences, indicate the grammatical basics, determine the type by composition); Exercise 194 (y)


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Slide captions:

1. Everything that is beautiful is moral. (...) Gustave Flaubert 2. The whole morality of a person lies in his intentions. (...) Jean Jacques Rousseau 3. There are no small feelings in the world - only souls are small. (...) Dostoevsky F.M 4. Only that which coincides with your sense of beauty and with the ideal in which you embody it is moral . (...) 5. There are people who treat morality like some architects treat houses: convenience is put in the foreground. (...) Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

What is morality? - These are norms, principles of behavior, motives for actions. In the short dictionary of philosophy, the concept of morality is equated to the concept of morality. “Morals are norms, principles, rules of human behavior, as well as human behavior itself (motives for actions, results of activities), feelings, judgments, which express the normative regulation of people’s relationships with each other and the social whole (team, class, people, society )."

Unconjunct complex sentences A non-union complex sentence is a sentence whose parts are connected in meaning and with the help of intonation. The parts of a non-union complex sentence are in different semantic relationships with each other, which is reflected in the placement of punctuation marks in writing, and in oral speech – in intonation. In a non-conjunction complex sentence, a comma, a semicolon, a dash and a colon are used in writing. The semantic relations in them are expressed less clearly than in allied ones.

Examples of sentences with different intonation connections: It was evening, it was raining, and a strong wind was blowing from the north. There are no small feelings in the world - only souls are small. Echevin understood one thing: fear of independent opinion, fear of taking responsibility for himself became the reason for his actions.

Punctuation marks in BSP. Meaning. Enumeration Cause Explanation Addition Condition Consequence Contrast The last snow in the field is melting, warm steam is rising from the ground. It was difficult to get through the thicket: the thorny bushes had grown very densely. My work is completely special: it wants to bring science closer to art, a work of art... But it is known: over the years it is difficult to start a friendship. Once you lie, you become a liar forever. (Proverb) If you see a rook, welcome spring. (Proverb) Summer stores - winter eats. (Proverb)

1. While you live, hurry to do good. 2. There can be no greater happiness than bringing happiness to the unhappy. 3. Don’t dig a hole for someone else – you’ll trip yourself. 4. You can’t buy good things. 5. Weak people wait for favorable opportunities; strong people create them. 6. The fruit obtained by patience is like sugar. 7.And the sea has a bottom, and patience has a limit. 8. I know only two real happinesses in life: remorse and illness. 9. Today's zeal is tomorrow's relief. 10. Gold settles at the bottom of patience 11. Friendship came, happiness came, wealth appeared

Video lesson “Unionless complex sentences”

Answers to GIA tasks. AT 9. 1 group. “For a long time we were enemies: I was the pursuer, you were the victim, but now everything has changed.” No. 27 2nd group. “The baby’s squeak became more audible, more distinct, and Kolya opened the white door: in a large and bright room, wooden cribs stood in rows along the walls, and babies were lying in them.” No. 26 3rd group. “The choice was great, there were more than enough people willing to warm us up, but we gave permission only after a detailed conversation with each of those who came.” No. 22 4th group. “I will tell you this word, but remember: you must say it in a quiet voice, looking straight into your eyes...

Homework: Find in any text three non-union complex sentences with different punctuation marks and write them down in your notebooks. Read and remember the rules (pp. 117 – 119). GIA tasks V9 (var5-10); Exercise No. 196 (Write out the highlighted sentences, indicate the grammatical basics in them, determine the type by composition)

    3. Developmental

    1. Write on the board:
      • lesson topic;
      • additional task.
      • table
      • training exercises
    2. Multimedia projector
    3. Presentation for the lesson
    4. Working on a flipchart

    Lesson structure:

    1. Organizational stage.
    2. Checking homework
    3. Working with an epigraph for the lesson.
    4. Summing up the lesson.
    5. Homework

    I Progress of the lesson

    I. Organizational stage

    1. Working with the magazine.

    I want to know

    Found out

    What are they made of?

    2.Working with the epigraph for the lesson

    Whatever your heart responds to.
    Live restlessly, live with toil:
    A person begins with kindness.

    Maeta- actually Russian education from the noun may - “hard work, torment” through the suffix -et-.

    (A person begins with kindness)


    Kindness- responsiveness, emotional disposition towards people, desire to do good.

    Good- everything positive, good, useful (Ozhegov’s dictionary).

    Choose synonyms: kindness - responsiveness, cordiality, sincerity.

    Choose antonyms: kindness - anger, hatred.

    Words - “Friends” - words that also have an abstract suffix -from-: purity, beauty, warmth.

    — We find “relatives” - we select words with the same root:








    good neighborliness


    — Determine the structure of 2 sentences and indicate the punctuation marks in it.
    (The 2nd sentence is a complex non-union: it consists of two parts; a colon is placed between them, since the second sentence explains the reason for what is said in the first)

    - Read the complex sentence expressively without conjunctions, observing the correct intonation.
    (The end of the first sentence is pronounced with a restless lowering of the voice, indicating that this sentence is followed by the second; there is a pause between sentences)

    Unconjunct complex sentences are complex sentences in which simple sentences are connected in meaning and intonation (without conjunctions or allied words).

    I would be glad to serve, but being served is sickening. (Contrast.)
    A terrible thought flashed through my mind: I imagined it in the hands of robbers. (Explanation.)

    4. Training exercises.

    2) Dubrovsky left the room, sat in the carriage and galloped off.
    3) My eyes darkened and my head began to spin.
    4) Touched by the devotion of the old coachman, Dubrovsky fell silent.
    5) The harvest was underway in the field, the leaves on the trees began to turn yellow.
    6) Suddenly I feel: someone takes me by the shoulder and pushes me.
    7) Blame your friend with your own guilt - meanness in a cube.
    8) Alyoshka got up - the dawn had not yet broken.
    9) In his youth he served in the guard, retired at the beginning of 1797, went to the village and since then he has not left there.

    2) The grass was tired, it smelled of hot pine bark and strawberries.
    3) I ran out several times to see if it was snowing.
    4) Alekhine said goodbye and went downstairs, but the guests remained upstairs.
    5) He was silent for a second, his mother looked at him and was also silent.
    6) The air awakened, fresh breezes swirled over the taiga.
    7) Sad thoughts wandered through my head, my father was also sad.
    8) I thought of turning under the shed where our horses stood to see if they had food.
    9) You go for a day, take bread for a week.
    10) Need jumps, need dances, need sings songs.

    (this is a compound sentence)

    2. We know: the main purpose of man is to leave his good mark on the earth. [addition].
    (the second part complements the content of the first part, expanding the predicate - we know)

    (the second sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first sentence; the second part can be preceded by conjunctions because, since)

    4.Working with the textbook

    Exercise 391, p. 176 (learning to prove). Rewrite the sentences. Using the diagram below, prove that all sentences are non-conjunctive complex sentences. Name the “signs” of a non-union complex sentence.

    5.Collect a proverb.

    When you receive something good, remember, when you do it, forget about it.
    Life is given for good deeds.
    The good die, but their deeds live.
    If you wish well, do good.
    Help not with words, but with deeds

    2. The world rests on kindness...
    3. Do you want to change the world for the better...

    I want to know

    Found out

    Complex sentences are divided into three groups: compound, complex and non-conjunctive.

    What are complex non-union sentences?

    BSPs are complex sentences in which simple sentences are related in meaning and intonation

    All complex sentences consist of several simple ones.

    What are they made of?

    All complex sentences consist of several simple ones.

    In compound and complex sentences, simple sentences are connected using conjunctions and allied words.

    How are the semantic relationships between parts of non-union sentences expressed?

    The very name “unionless” suggests that they have no unions.

    What signs do they use to connect the simple ones?

    IV. Summing up the lesson

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"Lesson on the topic: BSP"

Topic: Non-union complex sentences.

The purpose of the lesson: Formation of knowledge about a complex non-union proposal.


1. Educational: introduce students to complex sentences with non-union connections; show the difference between allied and non-union sentences, as well as between complex non-union sentences and simple sentences with homogeneous members of the sentence;

2. Educational:

    form their personal position;

    cultivate aesthetic taste; arouse students' interest in the topic of the lesson; help them realize the essence of true kindness, with which a person begins; fostering conscious discipline.

3. Developmental: development of the ability to logically express one’s thoughts; development of the ability to argue and prove; development of the ability to highlight the main thing, compare, generalize.

Lesson equipment (teaching aids):

    Write on the board:

    • lesson topic;

      poetic text for analysis;

      additional task.

    • training exercises

    Multimedia projector

    Presentation for the lesson

    Working on a flipchart

    On the students' desktop: a textbook on the Russian language; notebooks, pens and pencils.

Lesson structure:

    Organizational stage.

    Checking homework

    Communicating the topic of the lesson and setting goals.

    Working with an epigraph for the lesson.

    Working with homework-based and practice sentences (flipchart)

    Summing up the lesson.


I Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational stage

    Preparing students for work in the classroom.

    Mutual greeting between teacher and students.

    Visual control of readiness for the lesson.

    Working with the magazine.

II. Checking homework

Make a background summary on the topic “Complex Sentences”; using Ozhegov’s Explanatory Dictionary, find the meaning of the word kindness, select synonyms and antonyms for it; choose statements from famous people about kindness, short stories or parables, poems.

Homework is checked while working on the lesson topic.

III. Communicating the topic of the lesson and setting goals.

Unconjunct complex sentences (The topic of the lesson is written on the board)

1. Updating existing knowledge about a complex sentence.

Teacher. Let's determine what you know about the topic of the lesson and fill out the table, which consists of three columns.

I want to know

Found out

Complex sentences are divided into three groups: compound, complex and non-conjunctive.

What are complex non-union sentences?

All complex sentences consist of several simple ones.

What are they made of?

In compound and complex sentences, simple sentences are connected using conjunctions and allied words.

How are the semantic relationships between parts of non-union sentences expressed?

The very name “unionless” suggests that they have no unions.

What signs do they use to connect the simple ones?

2.Working with the epigraph for the lesson

No, the big one doesn’t die in life
Whatever your heart responds to.
Live restlessly, live with toil:
A person begins with kindness.

Are all the words familiar and understandable to you?

Maeta- actually Russian education from the noun may - “hard work, torment” through the suffix -et-.

Formulate the main idea of ​​the poetic stanza.
(A person begins with kindness)

Write down the last line of the epigraph in your notebook.

1. Pay attention to the spelling of the word,

2. Let’s delve into the mystery of the word “kindness” - how do you understand its meaning?

Kindness- responsiveness, emotional disposition towards people, desire to do good.

Good- everything positive, good, useful (Ozhegov’s dictionary).

Choose synonyms: kindness - responsiveness, cordiality, sincerity.

Choose antonyms: kindness - anger, hatred.

3. Finding relatives and friends:

Words - “Friends” - words that also have an abstract suffix -from-: purity, beauty, warmth.

We find “relatives” - we select words with the same root:








good neighborliness


Determine the structure of 2 sentences and indicate the punctuation marks in it.
(The 2nd sentence is a complex non-union: it consists of two parts; a colon is placed between them, since the second sentence explains the reason for what is said in the first)

Read the complex sentence expressively without conjunctions, maintaining the correct intonation.
(The end of the first sentence is pronounced with a restless lowering of the voice, indicating that this sentence is followed by the second; there is a pause between sentences)

3. The concept of a complex non-union sentence

A unionless complex sentence is a complex sentence in which simple sentences are connected in meaning and intonation (without conjunctions or allied words).

Semantic relations in non-union complex sentences depend on the content of simple sentences in their composition and are expressed by intonation (in oral speech) and punctuation marks (in writing).

Examples of sentences with different intonation connections:

Evening came, it was raining, and the wind was blowing intermittently from the north. (Enumeration.)
I would be glad to serve, but being served is sickening. (Contrast.)
A terrible thought flashed through my mind: I imagined it in the hands of robbers. (Explanation.)

4. Training exercises.

1. Determine whether this sentence is complex or simple with homogeneous members or with isolations. Write down complex sentences without conjunctions in your notebook. Build circuits 1,5,8

1) Sparks flew like a fiery blizzard, the huts caught fire.
2) Dubrovsky left the room, sat in the carriage and galloped off.
3) My eyes darkened and my head began to spin.
4) Touched by the devotion of the old coachman, Dubrovsky fell silent.
5) The harvest was underway in the field, the leaves on the trees began to turn yellow.
6) Suddenly I feel: someone takes me by the shoulder and pushes me.
7) Blame your friend with your own guilt - meanness in a cube.
8) Alyoshka got up - the dawn had not yet broken.
9) In his youth he served in the guard, retired at the beginning of 1797, went to the village and since then he has not left there.

Non-union proposals: 1,3,5,6,8.

2. Determine which proposal is non-union and which is union. Write down the non-union people in your notebook. Build circuits 1,2,10.

1) Marya Dmitrievna soon dozed off, the girls and the maid fell asleep too.
2) The grass was tired, it smelled of hot pine bark and strawberries.
3) I ran out several times to see if it was snowing.
4) Alekhine said goodbye and went downstairs, but the guests remained upstairs.
5) He was silent for a second, his mother looked at him and was also silent.
6) The air awakened, fresh breezes swirled over the taiga.
7) Sad thoughts wandered through my head, my father was also sad.
8) I thought of turning under the shed where our horses stood to see if they had food.
9) You go for a day, take bread for a week.
10) Need jumps, need dances, need sings songs.

Non-union proposals: 2,5,6,9,10.

3. Construct sentence diagrams, determine the types of sentences.

1. Each time has its own cruelty, but kindness is the same for all times.
(this is a compound sentence)

2. We know: the main purpose of man is to leave his good mark on the earth. [addition].
(the second part complements the content of the first part, expanding the predicate - we know)

3. Good deeds should never be delayed: any delay is unwise and often dangerous [reason].
(the second sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first sentence; the second part can be preceded by conjunctions because, since)

4.Working with the textbook

Exercise 391, p. 176 (learning to prove). Rewrite the sentences. Using the diagram below, prove that all sentences are non-union complex sentences. Name the “signs” of a non-union complex sentence.

5.Collect a proverb.

When you receive something good, remember, when you do it, forget about it.
Life is given for good deeds.
The good die, but their deeds live.
If you wish well, do good.
Help not with words, but with deeds

6. Continue each of the sentences so that it becomes a non-union complex; add punctuation marks.

1. From childhood we comprehend the truth...
2. The world rests on kindness...
3. Do you want to change the world for the better...

7. After these proposals, it is proposed to fill out the “Learned” column, placing the answers opposite the questions in the “I want to know” column.

I want to know

Found out

Complex sentences are divided into three groups: compound, complex and non-conjunctive.

What are complex non-union sentences?

BSPs are complex sentences in which simple sentences are related in meaning and intonation

All complex sentences consist of several simple ones.

What are they made of?

All complex sentences consist of several simple ones.

In compound and complex sentences, simple sentences are connected using conjunctions and allied words.

How are the semantic relationships between parts of non-union sentences expressed?

By meaning (in writing) and intonation (in speech)

The very name “unionless” suggests that they have no unions.

What signs do they use to connect the simple ones?

8. Guys, let's check your latest homework. Read poems, sayings of famous people, short stories or parables about kindness.

IV. Summing up the lesson

V. Homework. Exercise 17, learn the rule, exercise 394

Tarmakova Elena Vladimirovna
Job title: teacher of Russian language and literature
Educational institution: MAOU secondary school No. 8
Locality: Bor city, Nizhny Novgorod region
Name of material: methodological lesson development
Subject: Lesson on the topic "Union-free complex sentence" with elements of the Federal State Educational Standard
Publication date: 07.12.2016
Chapter: secondary education

Russian language lesson in 9th grade (with elements of the Federal State Educational Standard) Teacher: Tarmakova E.V. Lesson topic: “The concept of BSP. Intonation in BSP.” Lesson type: Lesson on discovering new knowledge UUD L- personal P- cognitive R- regulatory K- communicative No. Stages of the lesson Purpose and content of the educational material. Functions and types of activities of the teacher Forms and types of activities of students Planned results of educational activities Assessment of the results of student activities 1
Motivation to



develop internal readiness for learning activities at a personally significant level - Hello, guys! Check if you have everything ready for the lesson: writing materials, textbook. - Are you ready to go? Creates conditions for the emergence of internal needs for inclusion in activities (I want!) Activates demands on the student from educational activities (- must!) - establishes the thematic framework of educational activities (I can!) Students got up, got ready for work, checked the availability of educational subjects, shared emotions . Self-determination for activity – (L); Planning educational collaboration with the teacher and peers (K);
2 Updating knowledge and fixing individual difficulties in a trial action 1. Comparative analysis of sentences. 2. Self-test
: prepare students’ thinking and organize their awareness of internal needs to build a new way of action - Guys, today in the lesson we have to discover a lot of new things. This material is included in the exam tasks. And I suggest you start your discoveries by working on previously studied material. (Slide 2) Distribute the sentences depending on their type: PP, SSP, SPP. Which of the sentences do not belong to any group? Why? - Check yourself. (Slide 3) And rate it. Activates all mental operations, cognitive processes (attention, speech, memory, thinking) and provides individual tasks for repeating the studied material. Organizes preparation for learning new material. They reproduce and record ZUNs sufficient to build a new method of action. They update previously studied material (I know, I can) They try to independently complete individual repetition tasks necessary for learning new material in this lesson. -Cental operations (generalization, analysis, synthesis, comparison)-P; - conscious and voluntary speech utterances – K; -volitional self-regulation in difficulty – P; -expression of one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy – K; -argumentation of your opinion and position in communication- K. Oral assessment of the teacher. Student self-esteem. 3 Identifying the location and cause of the difficulty.
set the goal of educational activity and, on this basis, choose the method and means of its implementation. The teacher acts as an organizer. After the children’s answers, he clarifies the goal and puts forward hypotheses for solving the problem. Formulate a specific goal Self-determination - L; Sensemaking –L; Thinking
Write these sentences in a notebook, underline the grammatical basics, and indicate the predicative parts. How are they connected? - Conclude what sentences we will study in class today? (Slide 4) - formulate your own, important for you, goals of the lesson. Use supporting words: 1) Get acquainted with ... 2) Learn ... (Slide 5) - Communicating the objectives of the lesson by the teacher. - Write down the topic of the lesson in your notebook. (What spelling rule must be repeated in order to correctly write the word “unionless”?) (Slide 6) topic of the lesson. their future educational actions that eliminate the cause of the difficulty that has arisen (what to learn) They propose and agree on the topic of the lesson. Keep notes in notebooks. operations – P; Independent identification and formation of goal-P; They put forward hypotheses and justify them - P; Development of monologue speech -K 4 Construction of a project for getting out of a difficulty. Working with theoretical material from the textbook.
build a new way of action and develop the ability to apply it when solving a problem that caused difficulty. - Where can you and I get more detailed information? The teacher acts as an organizer. Keeps track of lesson time. Students work with theoretical material from the textbook using the sign system. Trying to solve the cause of the problem. Mental operations – P; -search and selection of necessary information- P. Establishment of cause and effect relationships Oral assessment of the teacher
information about BSP? From what sources? (from the book) - I suggest you work with the theoretical material of the textbook.). p.94-95 - What will you find out? (what is BSP). - We divide into groups - experts - poets - artists - cartographers - symbolists - navigators - planners Present their “projects” -P; 5 Initial consolidation with pronunciation in external speech.
determine the role of intonation in BSP, implement a new method of action and develop the ability to use it both when solving a problem that caused difficulty, and when solving a task of the same type. - In the BSP, as in allied sentences, simple sentences are combined into one complex one in order to establish certain semantic relationships between them. The teacher acts as an organizer. Organizes the process of joint creativity. Organizes student discussions. Monitors the timing of the lesson Fixes a new method of action (algorithms) on the board Based on the material studied by students, they develop an algorithm for applying new knowledge, using diagrams, drawings, etc. Apply a new method of action to a task that caused difficulties. Overcoming an early difficulty is recorded. They work in groups. Formation of critical and creative thinking The ability to compare one’s actions with the goal - P Development of coherent speech, the ability to defend one’s point of view, arguing it, the ability to learn to confirm arguments with facts - K Independent creation of ways to solve problems Oral assessment of the teacher
-Convert simple sentences into complex non-conjunctive ones. Say with different intonations. (Slide 7) Grandma was angry. The granddaughter did not obey. (Slide 8) Conclusion: In a non-union connection, the semantic relationships between the parts of the joint venture are not clearly expressed and must be extracted by the addressee of the speech from the content of the parts, relying on the general knowledge of the listener and speaker. Scheme: (Slide 9) Types of intonation and semantic relationships in BSP. Types of intonation and semantic relationships in BSP

with connecting relationships between parts of the BSP
explanatory intonation
with causal-explanatory relationships between parts of the BSP


in opposition or time, condition and consequence of a creative and exploratory nature
6 Independent work with self-test according to the standard. Formation of adequate self-esteem and self-control.
students' learning of new ways of acting.
(Slide 10) Algorithm

BSP analysis:
find grammatical basics; determine intonation and determine semantic relationships between parts of the BSP; add the required punctuation mark; build a BSP circuit.
For weak students:
sign the card; emphasize the grammatical basics, build a diagram, indicating the semantic relationships between the parts of the BSP. For strong students: Replace SSP and SPP BSP. (See Appendix) Organizes work on a new way of action Organizes self-testing of educational solutions according to the standard. Creates (if possible) a situation of success for each child, for those who have made mistakes. Provides the opportunity to identify the causes of errors and eliminate them (individual correction activities) Students step by step check their actions on an independent task. Evaluate their results in mastering a new method of action. Complete the tasks suggested by the teacher. Conscious and voluntary speech utterances – K; Construction of a logical chain of reasoning and evidence - K, R Ability to overcome difficulties in implementation - L. Mental operations –P All cognitive UUD + control, correction, assessment –P + all LUUD: ability to overcome difficulties Self-esteem. Teacher's oral assessment. 7 Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.
include a new method of action in the knowledge system, while repeating and consolidating previously learned methods of preparing for the study of the following sections. - Let's summarize our lesson. What topic are we Organizing tasks in which a new method of action is connected with previously learned ones. Organizes training for previously formed students; identifies and records the boundaries of applicability of new knowledge. Complete the tasks suggested by the teacher. Evaluate their results in All cognitive UUD + control, correction, assessment -P, formation of critical and creative thinking, Self-esteem.
Task similar to 13 in the OGE Self-test tests. have you studied? What did we try to find out in class? - Where might we need this topic? - And now I suggest you work on the proposals. (Slides 11 -15) (SLIDE 16) - What conclusion can you and I draw about the work done? bringing them to automaticity. mastering a new way of acting. 8 Homework - Guys, what will you work on at home? Learn the concept of BSP, exercise 214 (A), 215 (B) Slide 17 Instruction Defines homework for independent work with elements of choice and creativity. Selecting a task Planning, forecasting – P Assessing the difficulty of execution – L. Self-assessment 9 Reflection on learning activities 1.Exchange of opinions 2.Evaluation Purpose: students’ assessment of their own learning activities, awareness of the methods of construction and the boundaries of application of a new way of action - Now let’s share Organizes reflection (on questions) and self-assessment of their own learning activities. What was the goal? Correlate the goal and the result of the educational activity. Record the degree of compliance. Outline goals for further Reflection on methods and conditions of action - P; Monitoring and evaluating the methods of one’s activities -P; Self-assessment based on success criteria - Self-assessment. Teacher's oral assessment.
activities with impressions from today's lesson. I understand…. I found out…..etc. What could have been done differently? - Guys, what did you experience difficulty with? - What did we do best? (slide 18) - And now I suggest you think a little and evaluate your work in class. (Evaluation sheets on desks) - Who got 5? Why? 4. Why?......lesson? Did the lesson achieve its goal? What new did you learn? activities. L; Adequate understanding of success or failure; Expressing your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy - K; Planning for successful cooperation - K Following moral standards and ethical requirements - L

Working on cards.
A Last name, first name
________________________________________________Option 1.
Read the sentences. Emphasize grammatical basics. Construct a sentence diagram, determine the semantic relationships between the parts of the BSP. Place commas where necessary. SAMPLE:

sequence of events

, , .
1. Birds rustled under the window, the fog left the garden, everything around was illuminated with spring light. 2. The king stepped into a wide courtyard, there, under a tall tree, a squirrel sings songs and gnaws on a golden nut. 3. Behind the village the distant forest was blue, the rye was swaying, the ear was ripening. 4. They were silent the whole way from the station to the farm: the bumpy ride made it difficult to talk. A Last name, first name
________________________________________________Option 2.
Read the sentences. Emphasize grammatical basics. Place commas. Construct a sentence diagram, determine the semantic relationships between the parts of the BSP. SAMPLE:
Evening came, it was raining, and the wind was blowing intermittently from the north.

(sequence of events)

, , .
1. My eyes grew dark and my head began to spin. 2. The ice cracked, the snow rustled against the stone wall of the lodge and creaked underfoot. 3. The snow blinded his face and dusted his eyes; the wind turned him in gray whirlwinds around the pipes of the destroyer. 4. The faint rustling of falling pine cones and the sighing noise of the forest.

For strong students: B

Replace SSP and SPP BSP.
Last name, first name________________________________________________
Option 3.
Read the sentences. Determine their type. Replace SSP and SPP with non-union complex ones. Think about what sign should be placed between the parts of the BSP. Emphasize the grammatical basics in the written sentences, make diagrams, indicate semantic relationships between parts. Sample
: If with

Life is boring for you, do something. (SPP). - Life is boring for you -

do something.
– .
1. My eyes grew dark and my head began to spin. 2. However, it’s time to go to bed, because it’s already a quarter to six. 3. When I came here, the rye was just beginning to turn yellow.
(last name, first name)

1 task:
Distribute proposals into groups.
Task 2:
Individual task.
Task 3:
Finding the BSP.
For the lesson I

I'll put it

to myself


« »
Today in class: I understood…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………….. I found out)…………………………. …………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………… ………………………………… …………. What I did best was…………………………….. ………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………….. I experienced difficulty in… ………… …………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… I think that this material will be useful to me…………………………. ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… …………

1. Textbook for 9th grade of general education institutions. M., Education, 2008. Authors: L.A. Trostentsova, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, A.D. Deikina, O.M. Aleksandrova. Scientific editor: - Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Philology N.M. Shansky. 2. Voiteleva A.D. Russian language. Didactic materials. 8-9 grades. - M.: Bustard, 2005 3. G.A. Bogdanova. Russian language lessons in 9th grade. M.: Education, 2010. 4. Kapinos V.I. and others. Collection of test tasks for thematic final control in the Russian language, grade 9. - M.: Intellect-Center, 2000. 5. Russian language. Lesson plans. 9th grade. T. I. Ermolenko. Publishing house "Teacher", Volgograd 2007

Lesson topic: Concept ofnon-union complex sentence. 9th grade

Lesson objectives:

    Creating conditions for independent search and “discovery” of knowledge.

    Formation of a general concept of a non-union complex sentence.

    Familiarizing students with all punctuation marks in a complex non-union sentence (block presentation of material)

    Involving students in different types of activities (subject, activity, meta-subject)

Lesson type: explanation of new material using ICT;

activity approach with elements of mental activity pedagogy (task-based form of teaching in the classroom).

Form of work: collective, independent individual.

Technical equipment: multimedia projector, laptop.

What students can do (tools required for work):

1. Highlight the grammatical bases of sentences.

2. Distinguish between simple and complex (union and non-union) sentences.

3. Qualify BSC and SPP.

What students should learn:

1. The concept of a non-union complex sentence.

2. Learn to distinguish the nature of semantic relationships between simple sentences as part of a non-union complex sentence.

3. Pronounce constructions expressively, paying significant attention to intonation.

4. Correctly place punctuation marks in the indicated constructions.

5. Work interactively.

6. Independently obtain information, develop communication and reflection skills.

What methods of action do students master:

1. Establish semantic relationships between parts of a complex non-union sentence by substituting coordinating and subordinating conjunctions (comparison technique with synonymous complex and complex sentences).

2. Understand that in oral speech the dash sign corresponds to the intonation of raising the voice, the colon corresponds to warning intonation, and the comma corresponds to enumerative intonation.

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment.

Teacher's opening speech. Motivation.

Good afternoon. Each lesson - I hope so - gives you the joy of new discoveries, you are enriched not only intellectually, but also spiritually. I think that today's lesson will be no exception for you. What do you think is your main goal at this stage of your studies? (pass the State Examination Test well). What skills do you think will help you do this? (the ability to write a concise presentation, an argumentative essay, to be literate, to know theoretical issues). Today we will continue to develop these skills, but a new topic awaits us, which will be opened a little later.

2. Updating knowledge.

Vocabulary and spelling Job.

Write down words in which prefixes change spelling depending on which letter in the word they appear before. (slide)

United friends, pushed off with his hands, lost his way,silently crying , spreads out on the ground , moves far away,count time , bake a pie , do well,silent motor .

Write down words with alternating vowels: (slide)

K..to sleep , touch..attach , k..sogor;

p..stet , r..stock , r..bargain;

adj..live , complicated,adjective ;

G. .pa, g..ret , mature ;

lock up ; spreads out , fuck (friends).

Make a simple sentence, by using a word with alternating

vowel in the root; emphasize the grammatical basis. (slide)

Checking progress.

Read the words in which the prefixes change spelling depending on which letter in the word they appear before.

Formulate a rule.

Read the words with the spelling alternating vowel at the root of the word, explain the spelling of the words.

Read the composed sentence, name the grammatical basis, give an oral description of the sentence.

Now read the following statements: (slide)

1. Your well-being depends on your own decisions. (John Rockefeller, first dollar millionaire

2. The secret of success in society is simple: you need a certain cordiality, you need goodwill towards others. (Ralph Emerson, American poet and philosopher)

3. People are not born, but become who they are. (French writer Helvetius)

4. If I work fourteen hours a day and seven days a week, then I definitely start to get lucky. (L. Hammer)

5. Work is work, but you also have to do something useful. (Satirist Henryk Jagodzinskij)

What theme unites these statements? (to achieve success, you have to work)

Which one did you like?

What do you think Helvetius meant?

If you want to make yourself a Person with a capital P - knowledgeable and capable, honest, kind, independent, capable of achieving your goals, you need to be persistent and patientwork on yourself

Our lesson today will not be an exception; each of you will continue to work on yourself.

Determining the type of proposals.

Now let's remember what types of proposals you know.

What characteristic corresponds to this type of proposal? Write it down as follows: 1-a, 2-b, etc. (slide)

Let's check. Who has everything right?

Determine the type of sentences presented on the slide.

What type of proposals do we know the least about? (Yes, the second sentence is a non-union sentence)

3. Statement of the educational task.

What is the topic of our lesson?

Non-union complex sentence.

What is the purpose of the lesson?

Define a non-conjunctive complex sentence.

Find out what punctuation marks are placed between simple sentences in the BSP and determine the reason for their placement.

Learn to find these sentences in the text.

4. “Discovery of new knowledge”

Write down a non-union complex sentence.

The secret of success in society is simple: you need a certain cordiality, you need goodwill towards others.

Although we are just starting this topic, you already have an idea of ​​what BSP is. What do you know about BSP? Prove that this proposal is non-union.

Let's compare the possibilities of union and non-union proposals.


Read it. How are these offers different? Which sentences do you find more expressive and why?

1. The cold winter will pass, and spring days will come. - The cold winter will pass, and spring days will come. (I. Drozhkin) 2. When they plow the arable land, they don’t wave their hands. - They plow the arable land, they don’t wave their hands. (Proverb) 3. I know that in your heart there is both pride and straight honor. – I know: in your heart there is both pride and direct honor. (A. Pushkin)

Which sentences seem more expressive to you?

M.V. Lomonosov said this well: “Unions are nothing more than the means by which ideas are united; So, they are like nails or glue, with which the parts of such a colossus are held together or glued together. And just as those colossuses that have less glue and are visible have a very better appearance than those that have a lot of soldering and gluing, so a word is more important and more magnificent the fewer conjunctions it contains.”

Let's write it down in the BSP notebook. (each sentence on a new line)

Let's compare the offers:

The parts of the BSP are in different semantic relationships with each other, which is reflected in the placement of punctuation marks in writing, and in oral speech – in intonation. In the BSP, a comma, semicolon, dash and colon are used.

The cold winter will pass, spring days will come.

What is the semantic intonation in this sentence? (listing intonation)

Rearrange this sentence into a complex conjunction. (SSP with union and)

They plow the arable land without waving their hands.

What is the semantic intonation in this sentence? (intonation of opposition)

Replace with synonymous SPP. (When they plow the arable land, they don’t wave their hands).

I know: in your heart there is both pride and direct honor.

What is the semantic intonation in this sentence? (intonation of explanation)

What complex sentence does it correspond to? (SPP with appendix will explain.)

So, how can you determine which sign needs to be placed in the BSP?

1. Determine the semantic relationships between sentences.

2. Determine into what synonymous sentence it can be rearranged?

Read the sentences (projected on the screen, no punctuation marks). Is it possible to use different punctuation marks in them?

The sun will rise, everything will come to life.

The sun will rise: everything will come to life.

When the sun rises, everything will come to life.

Students read sentences, try to catch different intonations, convey different meanings of sentences. After intonation, they come to the conclusion that punctuation marks will also depend on the intonation with which the sentence is read:

1st sentence –enumerative intonation , it requires a comma.

2nd sentence –warning intonation with a lower voice in the first sentence - a colon is placed.

3rd sentence –intonation rises easily in the first sentence Anddecreases in the second - dash. (The teacher reports about punctuation marks).

- What else dictates the need to place a certain punctuation mark in a non-union complex sentence?

+ Intonation, which, like punctuation, varies from semantic relations between sentences.


In a non-conjunctive complex sentence, simple sentences are connected only in meaning and intonation, without the participation of special words, therefore the semantic relationships between its parts are not as clear as in a conjunctive sentence. To clarify them, you can replace the non-union complex sentence with a synonymous compound or complex sentence: Everyone flaps their wings - not everyone flies. -. (Wed. Everyone flaps their wings, but not everyone flies. , but.) - opposition.

I immediately went to Ivan Ignatich and found him with a needle in his hands: on the instructions of the commandant, he was stringing mushrooms to dry for the winter. :.

(Wed. I immediately went to Ivan Ignatich and found him with a needle in his hands, because on the instructions of the commandant he was stringing mushrooms to dry for the winter. , (because...).) - in the second part the reason for what is said in first.

Semantic connections between the parts of a non-union complex sentence are expressed by intonation, and in writing using various punctuation marks: comma, semicolon, colon, dash.

5. Consolidation of what has been learned.

Stylistic experiment.

Determine the lexical meaning of the word experiment.

An experiment (the same as experience) is an attempt to do something new, not previously tested.

Who conducts the experiments? (scientists)

This means that we will now be in the role of scientists.

Assignment for the experiment: Write down, replacing complex conjunctive sentences with non-conjunctive ones (where possible), put the appropriate sign between the parts of the complex sentence. Compare this text and the one obtained as a result of synonymous replacement. Which version of the text is more economical in the use of language means and is closer to the conversational style?

Imagine a big puddle in the yard that bothers everyone. How to get rid of it?

Dig a groove through the puddle, and the water will go away and the puddle will dry up. Reclamation agents work in much the same way. They build canals in marshy lands.But the trouble is that the swamps began to drain, and the rivers began to become shallow. This cannot be allowed, because rivers, like the earth, must be protected; they will dry up and we will be left without water. But you know that without water, neither humans, nor animals, nor plants can live.

Checking progress:

Read the BSP, what sign was placed, explain.

Dig a groove through the puddle, the water will go away, the puddle will dry up. (listing)

But here’s the problem: the swamps began to drain and the rivers began to shallow. (explanation, contrast)

This cannot be allowed: rivers, like the earth, must be protected; If they dry out, we will be left without water. (reason, listing)

But you know: without water, neither humans, nor animals, nor plants can live. (explanation)

Compare this text and the one obtained as a result of synonymous replacement. Which version of the text is more economical in the use of language means and is closer to the conversational style?

When using conjunction sentences, the expressive side of speech weakens and the pace slows down.

Which sentences are more expressive? (BSP)

6. Reflection. Lesson summary

- WhatDid you learn something new in class today?

+ We learned about a complex non-union sentence that a period, a semicolon, a colon, a dash are placed between its parts .

- What difficulties did you encounter during the lesson?

+ How to determine when a particular sign is placed.

- What helped you get out of the situation? What is the method of action?

+ Determining semantic relationships between parts of a sentence by substitution of coordinating and subordinating conjunctions and using intonation.

- Unconjunct complex sentences are widespread both in works of art and in colloquial speech. The non-union constructions of poetic speech give special conciseness and expressiveness. In proverbs and sayings, they help to briefly and concisely express various semantic relationships between sentences.

7. Homework.

For general education. class:

Write an essay based on the aphorism we wrote down at the beginning of the lesson (“The secret of success in society is simple: you need a certain warmth, you need affection for others.” (Ralph Emerson, American poet and philosopher), provide at least two proofs.

For correction class:

Select proverbs, sayings, aphorisms, lines from poems that represent a non-union complex sentence. (at least 6 sentences)