What does it mean to lose working time? Conditions and factors for reducing working time losses

The conditions for reducing the loss of working time is to ensure an effective combination of elements of the production process - means, objects of labor and labor itself. This will be facilitated by a high level of organization of the workplace and its maintenance, as well as the elimination of factors that have a negative impact on efficient use working hours, which are presented below.

Factors influencing the use of effective working time fund

1. Presence of extra-planned unreasonable full-day absences

2. Ineffective use of shift time as a result of violations of labor discipline, poor organization of workplace maintenance and other violations leading to intra-shift downtime.

3. Violation of technological discipline, distraction of workers

performing unforeseen work, which leads to unproductive waste of working time.

4. Irrhythmic work of production, as a result of the lack of effective calendar and operational planning and production accounting, leading to shortcomings in production management and failure to take timely measures to smooth out seasonal fluctuations, which leads to uneven workload of workers and losses in their labor productivity.

Directions for improving the use of working time:

ensuring optimal and uniform loading of the performer;

equipping the workplace with everything necessary and its rational placement;

providing everything necessary for an uninterrupted work process;

improvement of techniques and methods of work;

comprehensive justification of the required labor costs;

Creation favorable conditions labor and maintaining the health of the worker;

employing workers according to their abilities and qualifications;

correspondence of the quantity and quality of labor to its payment.

All of the above conditions can directly or indirectly affect the improvement of the use of working time.

Time management as a time management system

Time management as a time management system includes a number of elements that, when used, together provide a significant reduction in the time required to carry out various production processes. These elements include analysis of the use of working time, setting goals that the manager wants to achieve while using time management, planning working time, developing various methods fighting the reasons is not rational use temporary resource. However, despite such a rather coherent system of time management, one should not take it as an axiom, because each person is the only one who can solve the problem of rational use of time in the best possible way and therefore the most effective is personal time management, which in everyone individual case is individual. However, in general, you can apply the above elements of time management.

Analysis is a process that allows us to identify the irrational use of working time, its causes, and also to isolate from all the reasons the main ones that have the most adverse impact on the use of time.

Setting goals is a necessary stage in time management, during which it is necessary to answer the question of why time management is needed at all for a specific person or at a specific enterprise. Setting goals helps you further navigate which time management methods you should use and which you should not use.

Planning is a process during which a list of tasks is compiled that must be completed in a certain period of time. Working time planning has some specific features.

The development of methods to combat the causes of time loss assumes that during the preliminary analysis these causes were identified and it is necessary to eliminate them. For typical causes, there are various typical ways to combat them, but it should be remembered that each specific case is individual and individual approaches to each cause are required in each case.

Time management is a holistic structure and should be applied without excluding any of its elements. The use of time management requires that a person be creative in its use.

Reasons for lack of time

There are a large number of different factors that lead to wasted time. Some of these factors are a consequence of the manager’s illiterate actions, some occur independently of him, and some are directly related to the leader’s personality, but most of them the manager has the ability to influence or at least reduce the loss of time that occurs due to the influence of these factors. Let's consider these groups of factors.

1) reasons that are a consequence of the manager’s illiterate actions

These include unplanned work, poorly established information exchange in the organization, lack of a clear distribution of work according to their degree of importance, performing tasks that could well be completed by subordinates, and poor labor motivation. The manager can identify these factors and try to eliminate them in some way.

Let's consider these factors.

1) Unplanned work. It is the result of the lifestyle of not only the leader himself, but also the general lifestyle of the organization. Unplanned work leads to constant breaks for various kinds of “clarifications”, explanations necessary for the further work of various departments, divisions and individual workers. At the same time, not only those who turn to information are distracted, but also those to whom they turn for information.

2) Poorly organized exchange of information in the organization. When transmitting information, any person is always sure that its recipient is fully aware and understands its meaning, but this is not always the case. Everyone has their own frames of perception that can distort the information received. Not all modern managers have solved this problem for themselves and their employees and introduced a unified system for receiving and transmitting information at their companies. In many organizations, information exchange between departments occurs in the form of a broken phone, often in the process of informal communication. Another example of the lack of standards for transmitting information is the lack of a uniform standard for explaining the location of an organization to a client over the phone - “everyone explains as best they can.”

3) Lack of a clear distribution of work according to their degree of importance. This often leads to the manager first doing things that really don’t matter. of great importance. At the same time, they spend a significant amount of time necessary to solve really important problems.

4) Performing tasks that can easily be completed by subordinates. Most often, a manager performs such tasks if he does not trust his subordinates, believing that they will be able to complete this task as well as he himself, that is, we are talking about a lack of confidence in the proper qualifications of the organization’s employees. An example is the reception of clients by the manager, and not giving any employee the authority to work with clients, personal handling of mail, and not entrusting the secretary with sorting incoming correspondence.

5) Weak work motivation. Weak labor motivation leads to low labor productivity, to a greater extent this concerns not the head of the organization, but his subordinates, however, this problem can occur in an enterprise and low labor productivity will lead to a lack of time.

2) reasons that do not depend on the leader

This is work with correspondence, a large flow of routine tasks, often urgent, the work on which takes a lot of time, as well as “time thieves”. The manager cannot get rid of these factors and can only try to minimize their impact on wasted time.

Consider these factors:

1) Work with correspondence. Research shows that a manager spends 20 - 30% of his time parsing correspondence, looking through up to 100 documents a day, of which only 30 are truly needed. It is estimated that in business correspondence the volume of unnecessary information reaches 15-20%, and through all channels 30% of information comes from internal sources, and 40% from external sources.

2) A large flow of routine tasks, often urgent, the work on which takes a lot of time. Examples include such matters as the design of premises in which repairs are being carried out, the choice of furniture, the need to personally check various parameters of the organization’s activities, often due to the incompetence of subordinates or their reluctance to take responsibility when they themselves turn to the manager with “requests for help” "

3) “Thieves of Time.” “Time thieves” are unforeseen matters, most of which require urgent solutions and cannot be delegated to subordinates. All this takes a lot of time and distracts from really important things. There are many various types"Thieves of Time":

a) telephone calls;

b) people visiting us;

c) problems with computer equipment;

d) change in the order of work imposed by colleagues;

e) lack of organizational planning;

f) inability to listen to other people;

g) unsatisfactory organizational structure;

h) correcting errors that could have been avoided;

i) indecisiveness in business matters;

j) poorly organized and coordinated meetings;

k) distractions in the workplace;

l) excessive office bureaucracy;

m) useless discussions about your work and the work of others;

3) reasons directly related to the personality of the leader

This is a constant rush, constant improvements to the house, fussiness. To reduce the influence of these factors on work time the manager must try to change, otherwise these factors will not allow him to rationally use his working time. In my opinion, this is the most serious group of factors, since in order to effectively manage your opinion, you must first change yourself, and then try to change the surrounding reality, and changing yourself is very difficult, especially for a person who already sees himself as independent, literate and mature in every way.

Consider these factors:

1) Constant rush. In a state of constant haste, the manager does not have time to focus on the task he is performing at the moment. He follows the path that first came to mind, instead of thinking about other, perhaps more rational ways to solve a given problem.

2) Constant improvements to the house. They give rise to a vicious circle, when a person does not have time to complete his business and solve all problems during working hours, as a result he is forced to solve them at home at the expense of his free time, rest and personal life. A person does not have the opportunity to fully live, relax, and as a result, his productivity decreases, which leads to shortcomings and again to the need to improve the house. This vicious circle is a consequence of improperly organized working time, and it can be very difficult to break it.

3) Fussiness. Fussiness is the result of poor organization of the workday, it also depends on the impulsiveness and characteristics of the person. It’s hard for a fussy person to choose which business to take on; he often “throws around” between two things that are equally urgent and equally time-consuming to resolve; he can’t choose which one to take on, and because of this, time is wasted.

The production of products is influenced by a huge number of factors, including the factor of labor costs. At an enterprise, it is necessary to pay attention to the analysis of labor resources, labor costs, productivity in order to increase it, as well as production growth and, of course, with the aim of influencing financial results enterprises - profit.

What affects labor productivity?

Labor productivity determines how much product is produced by one worker per unit of time. The productivity category is directly related to labor intensity, that is, how much labor one unit of production contains, and output - how many units of production are produced per worker.

Work productivity primarily affects the volume of products produced; in other words, the more one employee produces, the greater the volume of products produced by the enterprise as a whole.

The enterprise must organize a timely analysis of labor productivity in order to identify the reasons for deviations from the plan, including identifying factors that reduce labor productivity and taking measures to eliminate them, identifying reserves for increasing productivity efficiency.

How to achieve efficient productivity?

First of all, the introduction of new technologies, the use of scientific and technological progress. In our era of scientific and technological revolution, it is very important to always keep up with the times.

Introduce some new modern equipment, modernize production, thus achieving uninterrupted production. Manual labor has an advantage only in some areas that require excessive attention, accuracy and patience. Innovations and machines are factors in the development of expanded reproduction.

In order to achieve this it is necessary to have qualified personnel. In addition to highly qualified personnel, it is necessary that they have proper rest, because when a person is sleep-deprived, hungry and exhausted, it makes no sense to demand the highest class from him. That is why this factor is also important for improving the efficiency of labor productivity.

The main causes of lost working time.

Losses of working time are periods during which production or other social activities do not occur. useful action, that is, there is neither an increase in production volume nor an improvement in its quality, and time simply passes without any benefit.

The main reasons for lost working time can be identified on the part of production and industrial personnel:

  • being late;
  • absenteeism;
  • various unreasonable interruptions;
  • irresponsible attitude on the part of the employee.

If we consider other factors beyond the control of the employee, these are equipment breakdowns, lack of raw materials and repairs.

Costs of lost working time.

First, overhead costs, that is, the costs associated with producing defective products and correcting them. Such losses are calculated based on the amount of damage to products produced that do not meet the standard.

And general losses due to violations of discipline and for organizational and technical reasons.

Measures to eliminate lost working time.

It is possible to eliminate lost working time, and therefore ensure an increase in productivity, in the following ways:

  • timely monitoring of the condition of equipment, its repair and replacement of outdated equipment;
  • highly qualified personnel, provision of training, social security;
  • clear working hours;
  • strict labor discipline in order to eliminate tardiness, absenteeism and other unreasonable losses of working time;
  • resolving the issue of untimely deliveries of raw materials, for example, indicating compensation for losses on the part of the supplier in supply contracts;
  • minimizing the number of defects, paying special attention to this issue on the part of employees, encouraging them in the event of a complete absence of defects at their individual workplaces, etc.

Summarizing the above, it should be noted that labor productivity is an important factor in the growth of production, increasing profits and, in general, the business reputation of the enterprise, and therefore it is necessary for the management of the enterprise to pay attention to this component of the production of any product.

Work time.

First you need to understand what working time is. Not everyone has the correct understanding of this concept. So, if we turn to the Labor Code Russian Federation, That, work time- the time during which the employee, in accordance with the internal labor regulations and the terms of the employment contract, must perform labor duties, as well as other periods of time that, in accordance with this Code, other federal laws and other regulations legal acts Russian Federation refer to working time. In other words, working time is the time of work, passive and active labor. Working time is calculated in the same way as usual: in minutes, hours, days, etc.

Types of working time.

There are three types of working time:

  1. Normal.
  2. Abbreviated.
  3. Incomplete.

If we are talking about normal working time, then the weekly working time should not exceed 40 hours. The employer must keep records of the hours worked by each employee and ensure that this figure does not exceed the norm. When overworking an employee, it is necessary to make appropriate additional payments, which, of course, are enshrined in the Labor Code and specified in the contract.

Abbreviated working hours apply to the following categories of workers: citizens under the age of 18; for workers with hazardous and unhealthy working conditions; for disabled people, etc.

Working time is called incomplete, if the work schedule is individual. These types include part-time work per day or week. Various part-time jobs combined with the main job.

Lost working time.

Since working time is the same resource of any organization as cash or frames, then it is also subject to various losses. Lost working time, of course, leads to losses in production. The fight against this phenomenon must begin by identifying the causes.

Causes of lost working time.

Identifying the cause of lost working time means solving half the problem. There are four sources of losses:

  1. Reasons related to the structure of the organization, its management.
  2. Reasons related to individual psychological characteristics personnel.
  3. Reasons related to the peculiarities of organizing the organization’s activities.
  4. Reasons related to technical problems.

Example first groups of reasons can be: lack of a clear work plan for employees; bad hierarchy; incorrectly formulated instructions, etc.

Second the group may be represented by reasons such as: excessive sociability with colleagues on unrelated topics; failure to prepare the workplace for the necessary activities; conflicts in the team.

For reasons related to feature of the organization's activities should include: a large unstructured flow of tasks; parallel execution of several tasks; communication interference; working with unscheduled tasks.

The last one The group of reasons for loss of working time are represented by such reasons as: the occurrence of malfunctions various equipment; Internet and telephone interruptions.

Finding lost working time.

There are many ways to find lost working time. We will consider only some common ones. These include:

  1. Timing
  2. Working day photo
  3. Photochronometry
  4. Momentary Observation Method

Timing working hours. The concept of timing should be familiar to many. It involves conducting a certain number of observations in which it is necessary to measure the amount of time allocated to the same operations. At the end of the observations, it is necessary to summarize, structure and analyze all the data obtained.

Photo working day is monitoring the activities of workers throughout the day and identifying possible losses of working time. A working day photograph is called a group photograph if three or more employees are observed.

Photochronometry, as the name suggests, combines workday photography and timekeeping. During observations, the time to complete each operation is measured for its individual elements by timekeeping, the time for all other actions is measured using photographs of the working day.

Momentary Observation Method. The method is used as follows: assigned types of tasks are recorded at certain intervals.

Thus, we studied the concept of working time and its types. We learned to find the reasons for lost working time.


  1. Lost working time: main problems social management. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://portal-u.ru/monobokargl1/poterrabvr
  2. Timing of working hours and how to use it? [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

In addition, the vacation schedule must be agreed upon with the trade union, and the employee must be notified of the vacation date no later than two weeks in advance. But if the optimal vacation schedule is nevertheless drawn up and approved, it becomes binding, including for the employee. A number of additional holidays, benefits and regulated breaks during the working day can be canceled if they are not guaranteed by law. Often an analysis of benefits shows that holidays and breaks were once introduced for certain purposes (for example, performing additional work), which are no longer relevant. Some “historically established” benefits are generally absurd, for example, the establishment of a shortened working day not only for preferential categories employees, but also for all personnel of the enterprise (including managers).

Labor productivity and lost working time

  • ZPR / SP * 100% = 20150 / 161200 * 100% = 12.5%;
  • we determine the amount of wages in the costs of producing defective goods: SB * 12.5 / 100 = 1000 * 12.5 / 100 = 125 million rubles;
  • ZPR / (SP - MZ) * 100% = 20150 / (161200 - 85000) * 100% = 26.44%;
  • remuneration to employees for correcting substandard conditions: IS * 26.44 / 100 = 160 * 26.44 / 100 = 42.30 million rubles;
  • average earnings of one worker per hour: ZR/FRV = 33,064 million rubles. / 270,270 person-hours = 122,337 rubles;
  • non-productive working time = 42,300,000 / 122,337 = 345.76 man-hours.

Planned Regulated costs include the time interval provided for the completion of a production task, adjusted for the actual number of workers.

Non-productive loss of working time

In the process of analysis, it is necessary to establish the degree of fulfillment of the task for increasing labor productivity, the intensity of this task, factors influencing changes in labor productivity indicators (output), reserves for increasing labor productivity and measures for their use. At enterprises, to assess labor productivity, the average output per 1 worker in monetary terms is planned. The dynamics of the average annual output of workers and workers over a number of years is studied (table).
Table 3.4 - Analysis of the dynamics of labor productivity Indicators Years A 1. Volume of production in comparable prices, million rubles. - growth rate, % 2. Average number of workers, people - growth rate, % 3. Average number of workers, people - growth rate, % 4. Average annual output, million rubles/person.

Procedure for calculating lost working time


As an example, let's also take a company that actively encouraged employee training, as a result of which management was faced with almost complete absence of people from work during the regular session. Absences due to temporary disability are unplanned and therefore can only be influenced indirectly. However, by analyzing sick leave, it is possible to identify a group of employees who abuse their “right to sickness.”


For example, at a mechanical engineering enterprise, about 25% of employees systematically increase the duration of vacations and “long weekends” due to periods of temporary incapacity for work. Moreover, this trend is equally characteristic of all analyzed groups and categories of personnel. Ways to combat “chronic” temporary disability of individual employees are very diverse.


When eliminating the causes of irrational use of time resources, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • At some enterprises, rewarding employees for production achievements can cause undesirable reactions in the form of negligent attitude to labor standards. Sometimes an employee can increase the productivity of his activities only by ignoring occupational safety. As a result, the business will eventually suffer losses, for example due to illness or injury to an employee.

    With a material bonus system, it is important to monitor the situation and, if necessary, conduct conversations with staff about labor safety standards.

  • The economic damage from lost working time due to temporary disability of employees can become enormous.

An example of calculating unproductive losses of working time

Lunch and technological breaks, preparing the work place and cleaning it, maintaining production equipment in normal technical condition are initially included in the planning of working time and are standardized time expenditures. Types of working time losses Whole-day Loss of a working day (shift). They arise due to non-supply of resources, accidents at the enterprise, vacations, sick leave, maternity leave. Intraday (intra-shift) Time irrationally used within one workday: frequent smoke breaks, conversations not related to production issues, preoccupation with personal problems. Planned Planned consumption of working time, regulated by management. For example: assigning the responsibilities of an employee who did not show up for duty to the rest of the team members; an increase in the number of rest breaks due to changed working conditions.

Algorithm for calculating unproductive costs of working time

This indicator indicates a low level of discipline at the enterprise. The time spent on eliminating organizational and technical reasons was 25 minutes. or 5.2% of the shift time, which indicates a low level of organization and maintenance of the workplace at 000 Elegant. Based on the identified losses and unproductive costs of working time, the coefficient of compaction of the working day is calculated: Buy - Bvn / T * 100 = 65/480 * 100 - 13.54% Bvn - intra-shift losses The increase in labor productivity due to the compaction of working time is calculated using the formula: | PT = (OP n - OP f) / OP f * 100 | PT = (420 - 331) / 331 * 100 = 26.9% The possibility of increasing labor productivity as a result of increasing working time by 26.9% indicates a low level of efficiency in the actual use of working time.

Lost working time

Kpt = (Top.n – Top.f.)/ Top.f.*100 Kpt = (6580 – 6104) / 6104*100 = 7.798% Labor discipline coefficient before the event: Ktd1 = (1 – 149/480*1 ) * (1 – 33/251*21) = 0.685 Labor discipline coefficient after the event: Ktd2 = (1 – (149 – 9.5)/480*1)*(1 – 16/251*21) = 0.707 V As a result of the implementation of measures related to improving the use of working time, the coefficient of labor discipline increased by 0.022. 2.3 Analysis of the state of organization and maintenance of the workplace To identify the reasons for the ineffective use of working time, it is necessary to conduct an analysis of the organization and maintenance of the workplace, the main task of which is to determine the compliance of the state of all elements of the organization of the workplace with standard solutions, design standards, reflecting the latest achievements of science and technology, advanced experience.
Table - Balance of working time Indicators Plan Report Deviations per 1 worker for all workers A 1 Calendar fund of working time, days - - 2 Number of holidays - - 3 Number of days off - - 4 Number of days off (Saturdays) - - 5 Nominal time fund , days, (item 1-item 2-item 3-item 4) — — 6 Quantity non-working days per year, including: 6.1 regular and additional vacations. 6.2 leave for students. 6.3 maternity leave. 6.4 sick leave (certificate of temporary incapacity for work). 6.5 vacations with the permission of the administration. 6.6 absenteeism and other absences for unexcused reasons. 6.7 strikes.

Non-production loss of working time coefficient

Inappropriate waste of time resources: telephone conversations on topics not related to production needs; communication in in social networks; conversations with employees on abstract topics Absenteeism, unauthorized reduction of working hours. Correction of production equipment breakdowns (equipment downtime). A manufacturing defect, the correction of which will require additional time, and the profit from defective products will not be received or will be received in a smaller amount.

The duration of the work shift has been reduced in accordance with regulatory documents: employee going on maternity leave, hiring a minor, vacations, sick leave, etc. Loss of working time coefficient To determine whether an employee effectively uses regulated labor time, the coefficient of lost working time is calculated.


Non-standardized costs r.v. Deciphering the PP + Preparatory and final actions - preparing the equipment and the employee himself to perform production actions. OP + Operational work OBS + Maintenance of the place of work OTL + Rest POT + Lost time due to the fault of the organization NTD + Lost time due to the fault of the employee

  1. Timing is a method of selective observation. The report indicates the time spent on a specific operation.

The difference between the timing method and working time photography is that the actions on the observation sheet are not indicated in direct sequence, but more attention is paid to the time spent on cyclic actions.

Example. For example, let’s take a sheet of timekeeping for the working hours of a promoter conducting a promotion in a shopping center. Date Action Index Duration, min. % of working time 08/21/2017 1).

Replenishment of stocks at the promotional counter 2).

We are sure that in your company labor process carried out effectively?

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If in doubt, first of all it is worth analyzing the totality of resources in terms of their use and distribution by type of cost.

Thus, it is possible to find out whether the causes of losses depend on the team or are not due to its activities.

What it is?

The time allotted for the performance of an employee’s direct duties can be divided into a productive and irrational part. The first includes the period of creation of an economic product and regulated pauses.

Lost working time at an enterprise is considered to be intervals spent on activities that do not provide an increase in the quantity of goods or an improvement in their properties.

In addition, this includes unauthorized interruptions due to a violation of the sequence of technological operations due to a failure or neglect of established standards of behavior.


Factors causing unreasonable expenditure of working time:

  • being late;
  • absence from one's place;
  • leaving service earlier than the established period;
  • absenteeism;
  • downtime of equipment due to the fault of the employee;
  • conversations whose topics are not related to the production process;
  • smoke breaks.

In addition, the grounds for losses include:

  • hardware inactivity due to lack of raw materials or energy resources;
  • breakdowns;
  • unplanned repairs;
  • study leave;
  • production of substandard products.

What kind of damage do they suffer?

Irrational use of working time leads to negative consequences:

  • profit lost due to low labor productivity;
  • violation of the norms of behavior established by the laws of the Russian Federation and local regulations;
  • loss of customers and suppliers;
  • decreased staff motivation.


To build a cost-effective time management system, you will need:

  • draw up a scientifically sound scheme for designing, assessing and determining the resources necessary to obtain the result, the ideal ratio between the number of employees of various categories and tools;
  • draw up time sheets, assignments, determine cost research methods;
  • determine which costs are considered losses.

The combination of the above conditions allows us to correctly evaluate the reserve - part of the interval for subordinates to perform their immediate functions, which is not used for its intended purpose.


Periods of production of substandard goods, correction of defects or failures in technological process, refer to unproductive costs.

Such losses are calculated based on data on damage caused by the release of products that do not meet established standards.


To demonstrate the calculation of the parameter in question, we will use the numbers from the table below:

Index Designation Value (million rubles)
Current production costs JV 161200
Salary Total staff ZR 33064
Workers directly related to production ZPR 20150
Costs for the purchase of raw materials, basic and auxiliary materials, fuel, energy MOH 85000
Cost of resources used to produce defects SB 1000
Rework costs IS 160

Let the working time fund (WF), which is defined as the product of the total number of employees, the average annual number of days of direct functions performed by each of them and the average shift duration, be equal to 270,270 man-hours.

  • ZPR / SP * 100% = 20190 / 161200 * 100% = 12.5%;
  • we determine the amount of wages in the costs of producing defective goods: SB * 12.5 / 100 = 1000 * 12.5 / 100 = 125 million rubles;
  • ZPR / (SP - MZ) * 100% = 20190 / (161200 - 85000) * 100% = 26.44%;
  • remuneration to employees for correcting substandard conditions: IS * 26.44 / 100 = 160 * 26.44 / 100 = 42.30 million rubles;
  • one worker per hour: ZR/FRV = 33,064 million rubles. / 270,270 person-hours = 122,337 rubles;
  • non-productive working time = 42,300,000 / 122,337 = 345.76 man-hours.


Regulated costs include the time interval provided for completing the production task, adjusted for the actual number of workers.

Above plan

If one employee actually worked fewer days and hours than planned by management, then two more types of downtime can be defined.


Costs of this type are typically associated with factors such as:

  • repair of mechanisms and assemblies;
  • shortened working hours for persons for whom benefits are established by law (minors, disabled people);
  • a regulated break for feeding an infant.
  • planned (TP) and actual (TF) average working day;
  • the nominal number of shifts for one labor unit during the year (DF);
  • total number of employees (RS);
  • duration of overtime performance of duties (OT).

The final formula looks like this:

(TP - TF) * DF * RS + TS.

All day

The main reasons for such losses are:

  • problems in providing raw materials and energy resources;
  • bringing substandard products to proper form;
  • absence from work during vacation, sick leave, or other objective reasons.

Costs are calculated using the formula:

(DP - DF) * RS * TP, where

DP is the planned number of working days.

Are common

Costs are defined as the difference between the planned number of working hours required to manufacture products, multiplied by the number of the entire workforce, and the actual amount of time spent on production without taking into account overtime.

For 1 person

Any work process can be divided into several intervals used for certain purposes:

  • preliminary stage allocated for receiving the task, materials, tools, familiarization with the documentation, instruction, adjustment of mechanisms;
  • final, necessary for the transfer of finished products, tools, plans, disassembly of equipment;
  • operational, spent directly on performing a specific procedure;
  • auxiliary, used to load raw materials, remove the finished product, control product quality;
  • service, designed to maintain the workplace in proper condition, ensuring the proper level of labor productivity.

Thus, the production of goods occurs only at the operational stage, but at the same time it is also impossible to do without other components.

Loss of working time for a particular employee includes downtime due to violation of discipline and for organizational and technical reasons.

To calculate costs per employee, you will need to collect information on actual costs and compare it with planned values.

Estimation and calculation methods

An important indicator of the use of the interval allocated for the implementation of labor functions is its balance.


Let's consider the structure of this parameter relative to the activities of one employee during the year:

  • calendar fund (FC) is the number of days in the billing period, which includes all holidays and weekends (PV);
  • nominal reserve (FN) is defined as the difference between FC and PV;
  • the useful component (FP) is calculated by the formula: FN - N, where N is the number of no-shows;
  • to calculate the FP in hours, you need to substitute the corresponding values ​​into the expression: FP * (PPD - PR), where PPD is the planned duration of the shift, and PR is the costs associated with reducing the working day.


The indicator of rational use of the labor measure (CI) is the result of division:

KI = ROTR - RPOTR, where ROTR is the actual number of hours or days worked, and RPOTR is the planned number. The best result is CI = 1.

Analysis methods

To measure labor, various techniques and types of observations are used. They can be classified according to several criteria.

Research methods:

  • direct measurements;
  • momentary.

Purpose of study:

  • photographic timing;

Monitoring tools:

  • visual;
  • automatic;
  • special devices.

Principle of data recording:

  • digital;
  • index;
  • graphic;
  • photo, film recording;
  • mixed.


This is a way to study a separate labor procedure or its components. The time spent on completing each element from a list compiled in advance is measured and recorded. For accurate counting, use a stopwatch.

Objectives of the test:

  • set cost standards;
  • checking applied standards;
  • studying employee techniques with the best results.

Working day photo

It is used to study the costs of labor measures and organize loss management. Observations are made according to the current time, all results are recorded. The photographing process is not interrupted until it is completed.

Purpose of the event:

  • determine the degree of efficiency of using the gap;
  • balance sheet rationalization;
  • comparison of actual and possible staff load.


Analysis of the cost structure of working time throughout the day, using different ways(photo or timing) for individual elements of the procedure.

Momentary Observation Method

This is the recording and accounting of expenses of the same name at randomly selected points. The method is based on the law of large numbers. He argues that the whole can with high probability be judged by its part.

How are they paid?

In some cases, the employee is entitled to a monetary reward, even if he did not produce the established norm or did not complete the task at all.

Paid losses include:

  • non-performance job responsibilities through the fault of the employee or his management;
  • downtime due to the employer’s miscalculations or for a reason independent of the behavior of each party.

How to reduce lost working time?

First, it is necessary to identify the reasons for unreasonable expenses and determine their source. Special attention It is worth paying attention to work discipline.

Reduction measures carried out in the organization

To increase the efficiency of using working time, adhere to the following algorithm:

  • analyze the organization of production;
  • expand equipment service areas;
  • determine the percentage of losses associated with inconsistencies in qualifications and operations performed;
  • improve working conditions;
  • install automated systems control.