What can you do with fermented jam? If the jam has fermented, what should I do? Processing methods and recommendations

If by the time of the season of new preparations there are a lot of uneaten sweet twists such as compote or jam left on the shelves of your cellar, then do not despair. Moreover, such a healthy delicacy should not be thrown away. After all, wine made from fermented jam will be an excellent addition to the festive table. It will be fragrant, strong and absolutely everyone will like it.

Simplified cooking method

Due to their high complexity, modern methods for preparing a wine drink in production cannot be reproduced at home. But adapting them is quite possible for each person. Following the recipe for making wine from sour delicacies guarantees a product of good quality and taste.

You can prepare such a drink from one type of jam, or you can combine different twists, add fresh fruits and vegetables. It all depends on your taste preferences. But the experience of housewives has proven that when mixing different varieties, the quality of the finished drink is lost. To ensure that the drink has a good color and aroma, it is best to use strawberry, currant and raspberry jam. Wine with excellent taste and color is obtained from blueberry, plum and apple jam. When using cherry preparation, a pleasant strong aroma is preserved.

Not everyone knows how to make wine from old jam. Many people think that this is simply impossible. But the cooking technology does not depend on the variety and type of fruit or berries. The methods for preparing the wort have a distinctive feature. To make wine from jam at home you need:

Wine created using this technology will have approximately 9-11 degrees of alcohol.

Required Products and Tools

To make homemade wine from sour jam, you don’t need many ingredients. You will need an old or sour sweet treat. You need to take a preparation from one type of berry or fruit. This is the only way to achieve a rich aroma and taste. When using sweet and sour berries, they will complement each other.

Instead of yeast, raisins are used: the missing delicacy and yeast will make mash. If the cooking recipe specifies yeast, then you need to use only wine yeast. They are difficult to find in stores, but still real.

To prepare wine, you need boiled water, the temperature of which is 25-30 degrees. There are recipes using a small amount of granulated sugar. Thanks to it, the sweetness of the drink is adjusted. To add strength, vodka or alcohol is added.

During the preparation process you will need glass bottles. They can be 3 or 5 liters in volume. They need to be filled to no more than 4/5 of the volume, and the ideal option for filling is 2/3 of the total volume. The remaining space should be left for the fermentation process. A special water seal is required.

It will require a plastic lid, a needle with a dropper tube, and a container filled with water. The needle is stuck into the lid, and the end of the tube is lowered into the water. This design is called a “hydrolyzer”. If you are unable to make such a device, you can replace it with a medical glove. Such devices must be used to ensure that air does not enter the container with the wort.

You will also need the following devices:

  • Medium size tube.
  • Clean bottles with cork stoppers.
  • Colander.
  • Gauze.

Glass containers must be sterile. Thanks to this you will get the original aroma of the drink and pure taste without impurities.

Cooking rules

Before making wine from an old delicacy, you need to consider some rules. This ensures that the product does not spoil . The main ones include:

How to make wine without yeast

Making this drink requires a lot of time and patience. The product will be ready for use in approximately 4.5 months. The result will exceed all your expectations.

The drink contains the following products:

  • Sugar - 500 grams.
  • Raisins - 100 grams.
  • Old jam - 1 kilogram.
  • Water - 1 liter.

Important! Follow these exact proportions, otherwise nothing will work! Preparation consists of the following stages:

Raspberry or other sweet jam works well for this recipe. It is prepared within 60-90 days. It will require the following components:

  • Granulated sugar - 150 grams.
  • Raspberry jam - 1.5 kilograms.
  • Raisins - 25 grams.
  • Water - 1.5 liters.

Naturally, you can use strawberry jam or some other jam. It all depends on your stock. The cooking method is quite simple and includes the following manipulations:

After this time, you can taste the drink prepared at home.

Yeast production method

If you need to make wine quickly at home, you can use a recipe with rice and yeast. The preparation time will take approximately 15-30 days. The composition of such a mixture will include the following components:

  • Fresh wine yeast - 20 grams.
  • Rice - 1 cup (150 grams).
  • Clean water - 1 liter.
  • Jam - 1 kilogram.

Wine prepared according to this recipe is much faster. To receive the product you should do the following:

  1. Cooled boiled water is poured into a sterilized container. Then the remaining ingredients specified in the recipe are added. If there is no rice, then you can use millet. But the result will be slightly different.
  2. All components are mixed well, and then the container is closed with a medical glove with a hole.
  3. Place the workpiece in a dark place with a temperature of 18-25 degrees.
  4. It is necessary to monitor the fermentation process. After sediment has formed, the liquid should be drained. This should be done carefully so that no sediment gets into the bottles.
  5. The finished drink is bottled and placed horizontally in the refrigerator for 4 days.

After this period, the drink can be tasted.

Making a wine drink according to this recipe will require a lot of time and effort. The following ingredients are used:

  • Raisins - 1 heaped tablespoon.
  • Sweet old treat - 1.5 liters.
  • Granulated sugar - 1 glass.
  • Water - 1.5 liters.

As in previous cases, you should strictly adhere to the recommended proportions. Step-by-step preparation of the drink:

The resulting composition is poured into a clean bottle for aging. The bottles are placed in a room with a temperature of 6-12 degrees for 2-6 months. To avoid the formation of sediment, the liquid is poured into a clean container every 15 days. After 30 days, this procedure can be performed once a month.

This wine can be stored in the cellar for 36 months.

Often, neat housewives do not understand what to do with deposits of jam that have been stored for a long time on the shelves of a cellar or closet, being candied and fermented. However, the reserves are used in a non-standard way - wine is prepared from fermented jam. For this purpose, ordinary, candied and fermented jam, confiture or jam is suitable.

Preparation of the constituent components

Before making wine from fermented jam at home, prepare a fermentation tank. The size of the container is determined by the amount of product being processed. Presumably, one liter of jam will require the same amount of water. The container maintains space for the release of foam and carbon dioxide. They choose glass containers because when wine comes into contact with metal and polymer, it absorbs the smell of plastic and iron. The best option is a three or ten liter glass bottle.

Homemade wine from fermented jam is poured into glass bottles or wooden barrels. The wine is sealed with cork stoppers, allowing the drink to “breathe” and infuse wonderfully. Homemade wine is stored in a darkened room, and the finished wine is poured into dark glass bottles.

Water seal: characteristics and types

To make wine from jam, you need a water seal, which:

  • removes carbon dioxide released during fermentation,
  • does not allow oxygen to enter the container,
  • works as a pointer to switch to the next phase of the process.

You can buy the shutter at a department store or make it yourself. Three types of water seals are used: from a rubber glove, industrially made, homemade from a tube and a jar.

Rubber glove water seal

The glove is put on the bottle, a hole is pierced to release gases, and a valve is obtained to reduce the pressure. If the glove deflates and falls, then fermentation is over.

Industrial water seal

This type of water seal is productive and cheap. It looks like a simple lid, but in the middle there is a small depression that is filled with water. Carbon dioxide passes through the water; if there are no bubbles in the water, then the fermentation process is over. A water seal of this design is used many times.

A water seal made from a thin tube and a jar of water

To make it, you will need a lid with a hole into which a plastic or rubber hose is inserted, and a jar of water. One end of the hoses is lowered into water, and the other, 4-5 cm, is passed through the wine must. If the gas stops bubbling in the water, then fermentation has stopped. The main thing is to make a tight connection between the lid and the hoses. The holes around the tube are sealed with plasticine or modeling mass.

If you have prepared the ingredients, then you can think about how to make homemade wine from fermented jam.

Manufacturing stages

Choose jams or confitures from which homemade wine is made, without mold. This is the only strict rule, or the output will not be a product with high-quality properties. Wine is prepared using jams from different varieties of fruits and berries, since such a mixture will add an unusual taste and aroma to homemade wine from fermented jam.

The method of preparing wine is simple and consists of eight steps:

  • Add one glass of sugar per six liters of solution to a solution of equal volumes of confiture and lukewarm boiled water (proportion one to one) and mix thoroughly.
  • Add two handfuls (200-250 grams) of unwashed raisins or grapes to the mixture. The characteristic wine yeasts on the skins of the berries include natural fermentation, which also transfers to the jam.

  • The container with the solution is placed in a dark and warm corner.
  • When the mixture floats to the top, the grounds are carefully separated from the mash, which is then filtered into a bottle or jar. A typical recipe for homemade wine from fermented jam involves adding an identical volume of sugar to the mash at this stage of production.
  • A water seal is placed on the neck of the bottle.
  • Fermentation lasts at a temperature of plus 25-27 degrees and stops when the release of carbon dioxide bubbles is complete.
  • Trying not to stir the grounds, the wine is carefully poured into bottles using a thin hose. For greater purification, use a filter.
  • The bottles are capped and stored in a cool, dark room to mature for 60 days.

Wine made from candied and fermented jam

To make wine from fermented jam you will need:

  • Missing jam - 1.5 liters.
  • Boiled water - 1.5 liters.
  • Sugar - 200 grams.
  • Raisins - 1 tbsp. heaped spoon.

Raisins are not washed or soaked. Boil water, cool to 40 degrees. Pour into a five-liter jar, add a liter of jam, half the sugar and raisins. Mix thoroughly. Place a glove on the neck of the bottle, which is securely fastened. On one finger of the gloves, a hole is pierced with a needle to allow gas to escape.

If you don’t have one large jar, then take two three-liter jars, having mixed the ingredients in the pan in advance. The container with mash is placed in a warm, dark place for 14 days. Then the bottle is opened, the mixture is expressed through a filter and another half of the sugar is added. The wine is poured into a clean five-liter container and again left for 90 days for final fermentation.

The finished wine is bottled without shaking the sediment. Bottles of wine are stored in a cold basement or pantry. This wine is stronger than in the previous recipe, due to the sugar added during the preparation of the drink.

As it turned out, stale jams and confitures are turned into glorious home-made wine, which is not inferior in taste to store-bought drinks made in factories. In addition, no material investment is required. The price of raisins and sugar is low compared to expensive, sometimes not natural, wines.

Wine made from jam with cane sugar

Let's consider, if the jam has fermented, how to make wine with cane sugar. Adding cane sugar when making wine gives an aromatic and funky flavor to the drink. For a good fermentation process, voluminous containers are prepared in order to obtain an aromatic and high-quality wine as a result.

Take the following ingredients: 1 liter of jam or confiture, 1 liter of boiled water and 100 grams of cane sugar.

Cooking method with cane sugar:

  • Mix jam and water in a container, then pour cane sugar into the resulting mixture. The solution is thoroughly stirred and covered with a plastic lid or rubber glove.
  • The container is placed in a dark corner for 60 days.
  • Then the mash is cleaned of the settled jam mixture and filtered through multilayer gauze.
  • Then the liquid is poured into clean bottles and stored for another 40 days in a darkened room. When the wine has aged, try the resulting alcohol.

Wine made from jam with yeast


  • Dry yeast 10 grams.
  • Jam or confiture from berries or fruits 1 kg 300 grams.
  • Boiled water 2.3 liters.
  • A handful of raisins.

The jam is collected from different types of jars and a mixture of berries and fruits is obtained, as long as it is sweet. Such wine does not last for a long time; the taste of alcohol gradually only worsens, not like wines made from grapes.

How to make wine from fermented jam with yeast:

  1. Pour water and jam into a container, mix thoroughly and taste to obtain a strong sugar solution. If the concentration is insufficient, add more sugar.
  2. Place the container on the fire, wait until it boils and remove from the stove.
  3. Cool to 20 degrees and filter through a fine mesh or gauze. Filtering is necessary so that the mixture of berries and fruits does not litter the water seal.
  4. After filtering the mash, pour two ladlefuls of mash into a cup. Slowly add dry yeast, mix thoroughly until smooth, cover with a lid and place in a warm place for 20 minutes to activate the yeast.
  5. Pour the infused mixture from a cup into a glass container, add filtered mash into the bottle and mix thoroughly. The bottle is not filled to the neck, but rather retains space for the liquid to ferment.
  6. Place a lid with a water seal and a tube on the bottle, lower the edge of the tube into the water in the plastic bottle.
  7. Cover the constructed device with cloth and place it in a place where the temperature of the surrounding atmosphere is 25 degrees.
  8. After three days, watch how the fermentation procedure develops. If air bubbles rise continuously, the mixture is still vigorously fermenting and the alcohol is not ready. Typically, wine made from jam is usable after 7 days.
  9. If the movement of bubbles stops and grounds fall into the bottom of the bottle, then taste the drink. The wine comes out sweet and sour, low-carbonated and with a hint of alcohol.
  10. Cool the drink, filter out the settled grounds and pour into bottles. Throw five raisins into each bottle and refrigerate for 24-48 hours.

How to store wine

To ensure that homemade wine from fermented jam does not disappear, you need to properly preserve the drink. This is not only to preserve taste, but also to preserve alcohol for a long time.

A drink made from fermented jam or confiture is preserved according to the following principles:

  • Prepared alcohol is poured only into clean bottles. It is better if the containers are made of dark glass.
  • The ideal temperature for storage is considered to be 10-12 degrees.
  • To produce truly appetizing and fragrant wine alcohol, the wine is subjected to mandatory aging. Usually the procedure takes 1.5-3 months.
  • It is important that during storage the bottles are placed in a horizontal position. Protect bottles from sudden temperature changes and vibration.

Having learned everything about making delicious homemade wine from candied and fermented jam, housewives apply a variety of recommendations based on their cooking experiments using all kinds of spices. Having studied the recipe for wine from fermented jam, make a fermentation solution from simple or fermented jam and jam, infuse under a water seal, filter and store the prepared jam product at home.

Even a good housewife can have jam that ferments. There can be many reasons, but you always want to save a sweet product, because it’s incredibly sad to throw away lovingly cooked confitures. Therefore, if you don’t know what to do with sour jam, read the article carefully. We will suggest suitable recipes and ways to use the product to its maximum benefit.

Method 1. Digestion

If the jam has just begun to sour and foam, then it can be overcooked. To do this, add 100 grams of sugar for each liter of jam and boil the whole mass over low heat for 5 minutes. Then the jars for the product must be thoroughly sterilized and the jam must be poured into them while still hot.

Important! Overcooked jam should only be stored in the refrigerator, as it may begin to deteriorate again in warm conditions. Therefore, eat it quickly or use it for home baking.

Method 2. Homemade wine from fermented jam

Wine for home gatherings and welcoming guests can be made at home without any problems. Moreover, for cooking you can use sour jam, which has already thoroughly fermented. For this you will need:

1.5 liters of jam;

1.5 liters of water;

200 grams of sugar;

A handful of raisins.

The water is slightly heated (no more than 40 degrees). Jam, raisins and half a portion of sugar are mixed into it. At the same time, do not wash the raisins before storing them, because you will remove the yeast fungus from their surface, which will serve as a catalyst for intense fermentation. The resulting mixture must be poured into a glass container, filling it a little more than halfway. During the fermentation process, the future wine will foam and if you fill the container more, the foam will periodically “run away”. Put rubber medical gloves on the jars and pierce a small hole in your little finger with a needle. Gas will escape through it.

This is how your homemade wine will wave its gloves optimistically.

The finished pieces are placed in a warm place for two weeks. After this, the wine is filtered and the remaining sugar is added to it and poured into bottles. However, do not rush to immediately lower the product into the cold underground. You need to keep the bottles warm for another three months and only after that the wine from the fermented jam can be filtered again and poured into permanent containers.

As you can see, the recipe for wine from fermented jam is completely simple and can be used for any jam or confiture.

Method 3. Baking from fermented jam

A small amount of fermented jam can be used for baking. They turn out fluffy and not at all sour.

Cake “Negro in foam”

To prepare the dough you will need the following ingredients:

2 cups of flour;

1 glass of sour cream or kefir;

1 cup of sugar;

2 eggs;

1 glass of any fermented jam;

1 tsp. soda;

Optional: dried apricots, walnuts or prunes to add to the dough.

Cake cream

1 cup powdered sugar;

2 cups sour cream.

First knead the dough. Add jam, eggs and sugar to the container. Add baking soda and mix thoroughly. You will see that the mixture instantly foams, turns white and increases in volume. Quickly add flour and sour cream and pour the dough onto the sheet.

The cakes are baked at a temperature of 220 degrees for 15 minutes. Then reduce the degrees to 200 and bake until fully cooked.

The cake layers will be dark, as it should be. After all, the dough is colored with jam.

Spread the finished, cooled cakes with sour cream and serve. The delight of the family is guaranteed.

Five-minute pie

In principle, the recipe for baking from fermented jam can be simplified and use only those products that are on hand. If you don’t have sour cream and kefir, then take:

1 glass of jam;

2 eggs;

1 cup of sugar;

1 tsp. soda;

Flour (just enough to make the dough like thick pancakes).

First mix the jam with soda to allow the reaction to occur. We recommend doing this in a wide bowl as the mixture foams very much. Once the reaction is complete, add the remaining ingredients and bake the pie in the oven.

You can coat the cakes with anything: condensed milk, jam (not sour), sour cream, etc.

That's all. Now you know what to make from fermented jam and you won’t have any of it go to waste. It is possible that I have not collected all the recipes and you know some other ways to process an acidic product. Share your knowledge in the comments? We will be very grateful for original recipes).

Review of recipes for making Oksana Artemenko

If the jam prepared for the winter has fermented, do not get excited and throw it away immediately. You can make delicious wine from this raw material. The recipe is simple and does not require rare ingredients. I'll tell you how to make wine from fermented jam at home. Not only fermented jam, but also just old jam from previous years will do. Separately, we will consider the issue of producing wine from compote; both technologies are very similar.

Attention! You cannot use spoiled jam that has become moldy; it is better to throw it away immediately. This also applies to compote. To prevent contamination of the wort by pathogenic microorganisms, all containers must be sterilized with boiling water and dried.


  • old or fermented jam (apple, cherry, blueberry, etc.) – 1.5 kg;
  • water – 1.5 liters;
  • sugar – 250 grams (optional);
  • unwashed raisins - 1 tablespoon (optional).

The amount of sugar depends on the initial sweetness of the jam; if it is very sweet (sugar content 40% or higher), additional sugar is not required. Raisins are needed for fermentation; on the surface of the berries there are wild wine yeasts that will start the process. This is very important in the case of old jam.

Recipe for wine from fermented jam

1. Mix jam and warm water (25-30°C) in a one to one ratio. Add raisins. The wort should be sweet, but not cloying. If there is not enough sweetness, add 50-100 grams of sugar.

A glass bottle of 5 liters or more is ideal as a fermentation container. You can also use three-liter jars, but then the portion will have to be divided into several parts, and the jars themselves will have to be filled to no more than 2/3 of the volume, so that there is room for foam and carbon dioxide.

2. Put a regular rubber glove on the neck of the container or install a water seal. If you are using a glove, use a needle to make a small hole in one of the fingers to allow gas to escape.

The gloves are inflated - fermentation is underway

3. Transfer the container to a dark (can be covered) warm place (18-29°C) for fermentation. After 4 days, add a second portion of sugar (50-75 grams). You need to remove the water seal, pour 100 ml of fermenting wort through a thin tube, and dilute sugar in it. Pour the resulting syrup into a container with wine and reinstall the water seal. After another 4-5 days, repeat the procedure of adding sugar (50-75 grams) using the technology described above.

Fermentation of wine from jam lasts 25-60 days, the time depends on the sugar content in the wort, temperature and yeast activity, it is difficult to predict.

If fermentation does not stop after 55 days from the moment the water seal is installed, in order to avoid bitterness, you need to drain the wine from the sediment into another container and place it under the water seal to ferment.

4. After the wine has fermented (the glove is deflated or the water seal stops gurgling), the drink must be strained through cheesecloth or drained from the sediment.

If desired, you can add sugar for sweetness or fix it with vodka (40-45% alcohol) in an amount of 2-15% of the volume. Fortified wine stores better, but has a harsher taste.

5. It is advisable to fill the containers with the filtered drink to the top (so that there is no contact with oxygen), close the cap tightly and leave for 2-6 months in a dark, cool (6-16°C) place - a basement or refrigerator. If sugar was added at the previous stage, it is better to keep the wine under a water seal for the first 7-10 days.

The longer the exposure lasts, the better. First, every 10-15 days, then as it appears, for example once a month, remove the wine from the sediment by pouring it through a straw into another container.

6. The finished drink can be poured into bottles and hermetically sealed.

Strawberry jam wine after fermentation

If stored in the refrigerator or basement, the shelf life of homemade wine made from jam is 2-3 years. Strength – 8-12% (without fixing with vodka).

Wine from fermented compote

The cooking technology is identical to the previous method, so there is no point in describing it again. Only the proportions of sugar and the ripening time will change. You can add all the sugar to an unsweetened compote at once, rather than crushing it into parts. Then proceed by analogy with jam wine.

1. Pour 3 liters of compote into a fermentation container, add 150-300 grams of sugar (depending on the initial sweetness) and a few raisins (optional).

2. Put on a glove (water seal) and leave for several weeks in a warm, dark room.

3. After fermentation is complete, filter the drink by removing the sediment. After 2-3 months of aging in the refrigerator (basement), the wine from the compote will be ready for consumption.

Cherry compote wine

Strength – 8-12%. Shelf life – 2-3 years.