What can people with diabetes eat. What foods can not be eaten with diabetes (list)

What can you eat with diabetes? This question is asked by each patient who is recommended to adjust his menu. After all, it is diet that is the basis of therapy that helps to avoid jumps in glycemia in the body.

Diabetes mellitus is called an endocrine pathology, due to the course of which glucose metabolism is disturbed. Treatment is focused on the normalization and stabilization of blood sugar levels through changes in diet, physical activity, and medication.

Many underestimate the importance of nutrition in the face of a "sweet" disease, and this is fundamentally wrong. In the case of a disease, especially of the second type, this should not be disputed at all, since it is based on a violation of metabolic processes, which is primarily provoked by wrong eating habits.

Let's find out what you can not eat with type 2 diabetes, and what is allowed? We will make a list of products that should be discarded, as well as announce a list of acceptable foods.

It is important to reduce the consumption of provisions abounding big amount easily digestible carbohydrates. In the presence of excess weight, it is necessary to reduce the intake of calories per day, ideally up to 2000 kilocalories. Calorie content may vary depending on the physical activity of the patient.

Due to the restriction of many products in the diet, the patient should additionally take vitamin or mineral complexes that make up for the deficiency of the necessary substances for normal life.

Type 2 diabetes requires certain dietary changes:

  • Reducing calories while maintaining the energy value of food for the body.
  • The energy value should equal the amount of energy spent.
  • To normalize metabolic processes, it is recommended to eat at the same time.
  • In addition to the main meals, you need to have a snack in order to prevent feeling of hunger and a possible breakdown with overeating.
  • In the second half of the day, the intake of carbohydrates is reduced to a minimum.
  • To quickly get enough on the menu, include as many vegetables and fruits as possible, rich in dietary fiber (choose food from the list of allowed foods).
  • To withdraw excess liquid from the body reduce salt intake to 4 grams per day.
  • When choosing bakery products it is recommended to choose products from rye flour with the addition of bran.

Rational nutrition helps to neutralize the negative symptoms of a hyperglycemic state, helps to reduce glucose levels and improve overall well-being. And also, getting rid of bad eating habits normalizes metabolic processes in the body.

It is necessary to focus on fruits, vegetables, dairy and sour-milk products, lean meat.

After all, the absolute exclusion of glucose as the only source of energy is a rapid depletion of natural energy reserves.

What can you eat with type 2 diabetes?

Sugar level

What to eat for patients with diabetes, how to make your own daily menu and many other questions are of interest to diabetics when compiling a diet. If patients of the 1st type on insulin can eat almost everything, with the exception of fried and fatty, then with the second type everything is somewhat more complicated.

When compiling the menu, one should take into account the glycemic index of the product - an indicator of how the concentration of sugar in the body increases after eating a particular food. The Internet presents a complete table even with exotic products.

Based on the table, the patient will be able to compose his diet so that it does not affect glycemia. There are three types of GI: low - up to 49 units, medium ranges from 50 to 69 units, and high - from 70 and above.

What can you eat with type 2 diabetes:

  • Bread is better to choose in the department for diabetics. The daily norm does not exceed 300 grams.
  • The first courses are prepared on vegetables, as they are characterized by a lower calorie content, have a small number of bread units. It is permissible to use first courses based on the second fish or meat broth.
  • Diabetics are allowed to eat only lean meat or fish. Steamed, baked. The main thing is to exclude frying.
  • Chicken eggs are allowed, but in limited quantities, due to the fact that they increase the content of bad cholesterol in the blood. We are allowed to eat one a day.
  • Dairy products should be low fat. As for fruits / berries, then give preference to raspberries, kiwi, apples, which not only help reduce sugar, but also reduce cholesterol in the blood.
  • Vegetables such as tomatoes, tomatoes, radishes, parsley can be eaten without restrictions.
  • It is allowed to use butter and vegetable oil, the norm for people with diabetes is 2 tablespoons per day.

Regardless of the type of diabetes, the patient is advised to control his sugar several times a day - after waking up, before breakfast, after meals / physical activity, and so on.

Medical practice shows that already on the fifth day of proper and balanced nutrition, the symptoms of hyperglycemia subside, general well-being improves, and glucose approaches the target level.

The following drinks are allowed for consumption: homemade fruit drinks with cranberries, lingonberries, compote with dried apples, weakly brewed tea, mineral water without gas, decoctions with the addition of medicinal herbs to reduce sugar.

What can not be eaten with diabetes?

When compiling a diabetic menu, one should take into account the list of products that negatively affect the course of the pathology, increase the harmful symptoms of the disease, as a result of which its progression is observed.

Along with categorically prohibited foods, there are foods that can be consumed in limited quantities. It includes hard salted cheeses, fatty milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, fatty fish. It is recommended to enter the menu no more than 2 times a month.

If a patient with an endocrine disease of the second type is prescribed insulin therapy, then it is necessary to take into account the dosage of the hormone with the nutritional characteristics of a diabetic. With a competent approach, it is possible to significantly reduce the doses of medicinal substances, while achieving stable compensation for the pathology.

So, if a patient has diabetes, what can and cannot be eaten? The food table will tell you what is prohibited:

  1. Pure sugar. With an irresistible craving for sweets, it can be replaced with sweeteners, presented in a wide range in the pharmacy network and specialized stores.
  2. Baking can not be eaten, it is under a strict ban. First of all, due to the high content of granulated sugar, and also because of the high calorie content of provisions. Therefore, you will have to forget about buns and cakes.
  3. Fatty meats and fish. In principle, it is recommended to completely abandon fatty foods, as it contributes to weight gain, exacerbates the course of the pathology.
  4. Smoked and canned foods. Despite the low glycemic index, such food is replete with fats and calories.
  5. Refuse mayonnaise, mustard, various fatty sauces, etc.
  6. Exclude semolina and all food that includes it in the composition from the diet. Limit pasta consumption.

What not to eat with type 2 diabetes? It is necessary to abandon sweet fruits - bananas, watermelon, fig tree; sweets - cakes, pastries and sweets, ice cream, caramel; exclude fast food - potatoes, hamburgers, chips, snacks.

The use of alcoholic beverages should be controlled, as unlimited consumption can lead to a severe hypoglycemic state.

Nuts and Diabetes

As you know, it is impossible to cure a “sweet” disease, the only way to live a normal and fulfilling life is to achieve stable compensation for an endocrine disease. In other words, normalize glucose values, maintain them within the target level.

Allocate certain food, which literally abounds in useful components, vitamins and minerals. In particular, we are talking about nuts. In the treatment of pathology, they occupy not the last place, as they ensure the normalization of metabolic processes in the body, help to reduce blood sugar.

In addition, it is noted that the use of nuts helps to inhibit the progression of the disease, so any type of product is vital.

Consider the most healthy nuts for diabetes:

  • Walnut contains a lot of alpha-linolenic acid, manganese and zinc - these components help to reduce the concentration of glucose. The fatty acids present in the composition significantly slow down the progression of diabetic angiopathy and prevent atherosclerotic changes. It is permissible to eat 1-2 nuts a day, or add to ready meals.
  • Consumption of peanuts helps to fill the daily deficiency of proteins and amino acids in the body. Ingredients contained in the composition cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, contribute to the normalization of blood circulation. They eat 10-15 nuts per day.
  • Almonds are the “champion” in terms of calcium content. If sugar has become high, then eating 5-10 nuts will normalize glycemia. In addition, almonds have a positive effect on metabolic processes.

All the nut products listed above are an indispensable food supplement in the menu of each patient. By the way, they will also be useful.

Their composition is represented only by proteins and minerals that contribute to the prevention of diabetic complications.

Features of proper nutrition

Rational nutrition of the patient is a guarantee full life without complications. With a mild degree of the disease, it can be compensated by one diet. Against the background of moderate and severe, it is recommended to take medicines, the introduction of insulin.

Bad eating habits lead to the fact that the signs of an increase in glucose in the body increase, the general state of health worsens, while the risk of developing acute complications such as increases significantly.

Along with the use of exclusively permitted products, the diet is also of no small importance.

Peculiarities proper nutrition are in the following points:

  1. To maintain normal blood sugar levels throughout the day, a balanced and nutritious breakfast is a prerequisite.
  2. Each meal begins with the consumption of vegetable-based salads, which helps to restore lipid metabolism and normalize body weight.
  3. It is recommended to stop eating 2 hours before bedtime, as metabolic processes slow down at night. Therefore, an evening snack is 250 ml of kefir, 100 grams of cottage cheese casserole or a sour apple.
  4. It is recommended to eat food warm, as it takes a longer period of time to digest such food.
  5. Each serving should have an optimal ratio of protein and fatty substances, which slows down the digestion and absorption of components in the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Drinks should be drunk 20 minutes before a meal, or half an hour after it; It is not advised to drink during the meal.

If, against the background of a “sweet” pathology, problems with the digestive tract are observed, the stomach does not “accept” fresh vegetables in the required quantity, they can be baked in the oven or microwave.

For all patients, the endocrinologist selects a specific menu, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and the severity of the disease, but the basis of the diet is always table number 9. Compliance with all rules guarantees long-term compensation. Eat right and be healthy.

The allowed and prohibited foods for diabetes are described in the video in this article.

Pancreas. The main reason for it is overeating and consuming large amounts of fats and carbohydrates. This forces the pancreas to “work to the limit”, which is subjected to a “carbohydrate attack”. When sugar levels rise after a meal, iron increases the release of insulin. The disease is based on disorders of carbohydrate metabolism: a violation of the absorption of glucose by tissues and its increased formation from fats and glycogen .

The most common is type 2 diabetes , which develops more often in adults over 40 years of age and in the elderly. Especially increases the number of patients after 65 years. Thus, the prevalence of the disease is 8% at the age of 60 years and reaches 23% at 80 years of age. In the elderly, reduced physical activity, decreased muscle mass, which utilizes glucose, and abdominal obesity exacerbate existing insulin resistance. In old age, glucose metabolism is determined by the sensitivity of tissues to insulin and the secretion of this hormone. Insulin resistance is more pronounced in the elderly with overweight, and reduced secretion dominates in non-obese individuals, which allows for a differentiated approach to treatment. A feature of the disease at this age is an asymptomatic course until complications appear.

This form of diabetes is more common in women and is more likely to occur with age. The overall prevalence of the disease among women aged 56-64 years is 60-70% higher than among men. And this is due to hormonal disorders - the onset of menopause and a lack of estrogen activates a cascade of reactions and metabolic disorders, which is accompanied by weight gain, impaired glucose tolerance, and the occurrence of dyslipidemia.

The development of the disease can be represented by the scheme: overweight - increased insulin resistance - increased sugar levels - increased insulin production - increased insulin resistance. It turns out such a vicious circle, and a person, not knowing this, consumes carbohydrates, reduces his physical activity and gets fat every year. Beta cells work to the bone, and the body stops responding to the signal that insulin sends.

Symptoms of diabetes are quite typical: dry mouth, constant thirst, urge to urinate, fatigue, fatigue, unexplained weight loss. most main characteristic disease is hyperglycemia - high blood sugar. Another characteristic symptom is the feeling of hunger in diabetes mellitus (polyphagia) and is caused by glucose starvation of cells. Even after a good breakfast, the patient feels hungry in an hour.

Increased appetite is explained by the fact that glucose, which serves as a “fuel” for tissues, does not enter them. Responsible for delivering glucose to cells insulin , which in patients is either not enough, or the tissues are not receptive to it. As a result, glucose does not enter the cells, but enters the blood and accumulates. Cells deprived of nutrition send a signal to the brain, stimulating the hypothalamus, and a person develops a feeling of hunger. With frequent attacks of polyphagia, we can talk about labile diabetes, which is characterized by a large amplitude of glucose fluctuations during the day (0.6 - 3.4 g / l). It is dangerous for development ketoacidosis And .

At diabetes insipidus e, associated with disorders in the central nervous system, there are similar symptoms (increased thirst, an increase in the amount of urine excreted up to 6 liters, dry skin, weight loss), but there is no main symptom - an increase in blood sugar.

Foreign authors tend to believe that the diet of patients receiving replacement therapy should not limit simple carbohydrates. However, domestic medicine retains the same approach to the treatment of this disease. Proper nutrition in diabetes mellitus is a therapeutic factor in the initial stage of the disease, the main point in diabetes while taking oral hypoglycemic drugs and is necessary for insulin-dependent diabetes.

What diet should patients follow? They are assigned or its varieties. This diet food normalizes carbohydrate metabolism (allows you to reduce blood sugar and stabilize it at a level close to normal, and prevents fat metabolism disorders. The principles of diet therapy of this table are based on a sharp restriction or exclusion of simple carbohydrates and the inclusion of complex carbohydrates up to 300 g per day.

The amount of proteins is within the physiological norm. The amount of carbohydrates is adjusted by the doctor depending on the degree of sugar increase, the weight of the patient and concomitant diseases.

Diet for type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes develops after age 40 and is usually associated with being overweight. One of the most important conditions effective treatment is to conduct self-monitoring, which allows you to maintain normal blood sugar levels. This is a reliable means of preventing diabetic complications. Treatment for type 2 diabetes begins with diet therapy, which manages to normalize weight and control sugar levels.

What should be the diet for type 2 diabetics? Usually, with normal weight, the main one is prescribed with a calorie content of up to 2500 kcal and an amount of carbohydrates of 275-300 g, which is distributed by the doctor between bread, cereals and vegetables.

Preference is given to foods with a low glycemic index, high fiber content, and preferably uncooked or minimally processed. The main table is indicated for permanent use in type 2 diabetes of mild to moderate severity in patients with normal weight.

Nutrition in the presence of obesity is of great importance, since weight loss has a positive effect on the course of the disease. For obesity, varieties are prescribed - reduced diets (with reduced calorie content) containing 225 g, 150 g or 100 g of carbohydrates per day.

First of all, the 9th diet for type 2 diabetes excludes the use of easily digestible carbohydrates, which are quickly and easily absorbed (after 15 minutes), sharply increase sugar and do not create a feeling of satiety:

  • sugar;
  • jams, preserves, marmalade;
  • confectionery;
  • syrups;
  • ice cream;
  • White bread;
  • sweet vegetables and fruits, dried fruits;
  • pasta.

There are restrictions on the use of:

  • potatoes, as a highly starchy product;
  • beets, which have a high glycemic index;
  • bread, cereals, corn, pasta and soy products.

For weight loss, the calorie content of the diet is reduced to 1700 kcal by limiting carbohydrates to 120 g per day, with a norm of protein (110 g) and fat (70 g). Recommended unloading days. In addition to the above recommendations, high-calorie foods are excluded:

  • oils (butter and vegetable), sour cream, margarine, mayonnaise, spreads;
  • lard, sausages, sausages, sausages, smoked meats, fatty meat and fish, chicken with skin, canned food in oil;
  • fatty cheeses, cottage cheese, cream;
  • nuts, seeds, pastries, mayonnaise, alcoholic beverages.

The consumption of vegetables in the form of side dishes is increasing:

  • eggplant;
  • cucumbers;
  • cauliflower;
  • leafy greens;
  • red lettuce pepper (high content of vitamins);
  • turnip, radish;
  • pumpkin, zucchini and squash, which favorably affect carbohydrate metabolism.

The diet should be varied, but contain fewer calories. This is doable if more high-calorie foods (for example, sausages or sausages) are replaced with an equal amount of boiled lean meat, and butter in a sandwich is replaced with cucumber or tomato. Thus, the feeling of hunger is satisfied, and you have consumed fewer calories.

In non-insulin-dependent diabetes, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of foods that contain "hidden fats" (sausages, sausages, nuts, seeds, sausages, cheeses). With these products, we quietly get a large number of calories. Since fats are high in calories, even a tablespoon of vegetable oil added to a salad will negate your weight loss efforts. 100 g of seeds or nuts contain up to 600 kcal, but we do not consider them food. A piece of high-fat cheese (more than 40%) is much more nutritious than a piece of bread.

Since carbohydrates must be present in the diet, slowly absorbed carbohydrates with a high content of dietary fiber should be included: vegetables, legumes, bread coarse grinding, whole grain cereals. Sugar substitutes can be used xylitol , stevia, fructose or sorbitol) and count them into total carbohydrates. Xylitol is equivalent to ordinary sugar in terms of sweetness, so its dose is 30 g. Fructose is enough for 1 tsp. to add to tea. It is worth giving preference to the natural sweetener stevia.

It is very important for patients to know the glycemic index (GI) of all foods. When eating foods with a high GI, hyperglycemia appears, and this causes an increased production of insulin . Foods with medium and low GI are broken down gradually and almost do not cause an increase in sugar. You need to choose fruits and vegetables with an index of up to 55: apricots, cherry plums, grapefruits, lingonberries, cranberries, peaches, apples, plums, sea buckthorn, red currants, cherries, gooseberries, cucumbers, broccoli, green peas, cauliflower, milk, cashews, almonds , peanuts, soybeans, beans, peas, lentils, lettuce. They are allowed to be consumed in limited quantities (fruits no more than 200 g per serving). It must be remembered that heat treatment increases the GI. Proteins and fats reduce it, so the nutrition of patients should be mixed.

The basis of nutrition should be vegetables and low-fat foods. An exemplary diet includes:

  • Fresh vegetable salads, boiled or baked vegetables. Try to limit beets and potatoes (you can completely exclude).
  • Lean meat and boiled fish, since the calorie content of fried foods increases by 1.3 times.
  • Wholemeal bread, a moderate amount of cereals (rice and wheat groats are excluded).
  • Low-fat dairy products.

Sugar is excluded with a mild disease, and against the background of insulin therapy for moderate and severe disease, 20-30 g of sugar per day is allowed. Thus, the doctor's dietary therapy varies depending on the severity of the disease, weight, intensity of work of the patient and age.

Patients are also advised to increase physical activity. Physical activity is mandatory, as it increases the sensitivity of tissues to insulin, reducing insulin resistance, as well as lowering blood pressure and reducing blood atherogenicity. The load regimen is selected individually, taking into account concomitant diseases and the severity of complications. by the most the best option for all ages there will be walks for an hour daily or every other day. Proper nutrition and an active lifestyle will help fight increased hunger.

Diet for type 1 diabetes

This form of diabetes is more common in young adults and in children, characterized by sudden onset with acute metabolic disturbances ( acidosis , ketosis , dehydration ). It has been established that the occurrence of this type of diabetes is not associated with a nutritional factor, but is due to the destruction of pancreatic b-cells, which leads to an absolute deficiency of insulin, impaired glucose utilization, and a decrease in the synthesis of proteins and fats. All patients need lifelong insulin therapy, if the dose is insufficient, ketoacidosis and diabetic coma develop. No less important is the fact that the disease leads to disability and high mortality due to micro- and macroangiopathic complications.

Diet in type 1 diabetes is no different from normal healthy eating and it has an increased amount of simple carbohydrates. The patient is free to choose the menu, especially with intensive insulin therapy. Now almost all experts believe that you can eat everything except sugar and grapes, but you need to know how much and when you can eat. Strictly speaking, the diet comes down to correctly calculating the amount of carbohydrates in foods. There are several important rules: no more than 7 bread units can be consumed at a time and sweet drinks (tea with sugar, lemonade, sweet juices) are categorically excluded.

Difficulties lie in the correct calculation of bread units and determining the need for insulin. All carbohydrates are measured in bread units and their amount taken with food at one time is summed up. One XE corresponds to 12 g of carbohydrates and is contained in 25 g of bread - hence the name. A special table has been compiled on the bread units contained in different products, and it can be used to accurately calculate the amount of carbohydrates consumed.

When compiling the menu, you can change products without exceeding the amount of carbohydrates prescribed by the doctor. For processing 1 XE, you may need 2-2.5 units of insulin for breakfast, 1.5-2 units for lunch, 1-1.5 units for dinner. When compiling a diet, it is important not to consume more than 25 XE per day. If you want to eat more, you will need to inject additional insulin. When using short insulin, the amount of XE should be distributed over 3 main and 3 additional meals.

One XE is contained in two tablespoons of any porridge. Three spoons of pasta are equal to four spoons of rice or buckwheat porridge and two slices of bread and all contain 2 XE. The more the foods are boiled, the faster they are absorbed and the sugar will rise faster. Peas, lentils and beans can be ignored, since 1 XE is contained in 7 tablespoons of these legumes. Vegetables win in this regard: one XE contains 400 g of cucumbers, 350 g of lettuce, 240 g of cauliflower, 210 g of tomatoes, 330 g of fresh mushrooms, 200 g of green pepper, 250 g of spinach, 260 g of sauerkraut, 100 g of carrots and 100 g beets.

Before you eat sweets, you need to learn how to use an adequate dose of insulin. Those patients who can control blood sugar several times a day, know how to count the amount of XE and, accordingly, change the dose of insulin, can allow sweets. It is necessary to control the level of sugar before and after taking sugary foods and evaluate the adequate dose of insulin.

Number Diets 9B is indicated for patients with severe disease receiving large doses of insulin, and it is distinguished by an increased content of carbohydrates (400-450 g) - more bread, cereals, potatoes, vegetables and fruits are allowed. Slightly increases the amount of proteins and fats. The diet is close in composition to the general table, 20-30 g of sugar and sweeteners are allowed.

If the patient receives insulin in the morning and afternoon, then 70% of carbohydrates should be in these meals. After an injection of insulin, you need to eat twice - after 15 minutes and after 3 hours, when its maximum effect is noted. Therefore, in insulin-dependent diabetes, fractional nutrition is given great importance: second breakfast and afternoon snack should be done 2.5-3 hours after the main meal and it must necessarily contain carbohydrate foods (porridge, fruits, potatoes, fruit juices, bread, bran cookies). When insulin is administered in the evening before dinner, some food should be left overnight to prevent hypoglycemic reactions. The menu for the week for diabetics will be presented below.

The two largest studies have convincingly proven the benefits of controlling carbohydrate metabolism in terms of preventing the development of microvascular and macrovascular complications. If the sugar level exceeds the norm for a long time, then various complications develop: fatty degeneration of the liver, but the most formidable - diabetic nephropathy (kidney damage).

Approved Products

  • The basis of the diet is fresh vegetables: cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes, eggplants, bell peppers, onions, herbs, mushrooms, lemons, cranberries, sauerkraut, garlic, asparagus beans. Vegetables are used raw or stewed. Rarely for a side dish you need to choose boiled or baked potatoes in their skins. French fries and croquettes are not acceptable as they are cooked with fat.
  • Potatoes are allowed with a restriction and most often up to 200 g in all dishes. You need to remember the high content of carbohydrates in carrots and beets and include them in the diet is limited. Sometimes you can enter rice, legumes, pasta.
  • Preference is given to products with a high fiber content (vegetable fibers reduce the ability of starch to increase sugar): bakery products from wholemeal flour, grain and bran bread. Use is provided rye bread and with bran up to 200 g per day. However, there is no difference between white and black bread. The same can be said about buckwheat, which is not much different from other cereals.
  • The absorption of starch facilitates grinding, kneading and long-term processing, so its sugar-boosting effect can be reduced if the products are not crushed and boiled. To do this, cook the potatoes whole in their skins, and choose large-grain cereals for cereals, do not overcook them.
  • First courses can be cooked in meat or vegetable broth. Preference should be given to vegetable soups, okroshka, mushroom soup. Potatoes in first courses may be limited.
  • Lean meats and chicken are allowed. All meat dishes should be cooked boiled or baked, which reduces the calorie content of dishes. From the fish you need to choose dietary varieties: pike perch, pollock, pike, cod, hake, navaga. Give preference to fish and seafood, not meat.
  • The amount of cereal is limited by the norm - usually 8-10 tablespoons. It can be buckwheat, barley, barley, whole oatmeal. If you have used pasta (occasionally), then you need to reduce the amount of bread. Legumes (lentils) are allowed.
  • Low fat fermented milk drinks, milk and semi-fat cottage cheese should be in the diet daily. Cheeses with a fat content of not more than 30% can be consumed in small quantities, low-fat sour cream is added only to dishes. It should be noted that milk also belongs to carbohydrate-containing products (they contain milk sugar), but it does not cause such a pronounced increase in sugar, since lactose absorption is inhibited by milk proteins and fats.
  • Eggs can be eaten once a day (3-4 per week) - soft-boiled or in the form of an omelet.
  • A variety of vegetable oils in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. (for the whole day) you need to add to ready meals.
  • Fruits and berries contain simple carbohydrates, but at the same time contain fiber, which inhibits their absorption. They should be consumed raw, not juices, which are absorbed very quickly. The recommended fruit is grapefruit. Apples, oranges, tangerines are used to a limited extent. If you want to make compote, then it is prepared without sugar, you can sweeten it with sorbitol. Sweet fruits should be avoided: grapes, pears, plums, and dried fruits.
  • Drinks are used unsweetened or with sugar substitutes: coffee with milk, tea, vegetable juices. Useful herbal teas for which it is recommended to use blueberry shoots, bean pods, strawberry leaves, nettle, rosehip, hazel leaf, dandelion roots and leaves, or ready-made antidiabetic drug preparations.
  • You can use sweets, waffles, cookies for diabetics. But in this case, there should be a norm - 1-2 sweets once or twice a week.

Table of allowed products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

zucchini0,6 0,3 4,6 24
cabbage1,8 0,1 4,7 27
sauerkraut1,8 0,1 4,4 19
cauliflower2,5 0,3 5,4 30
cucumbers0,8 0,1 2,8 15
radish1,2 0,1 3,4 19
tomatoes0,6 0,2 4,2 20
pumpkin1,3 0,3 7,7 28


apricots0,9 0,1 10,8 41
watermelon0,6 0,1 5,8 25
cherry0,8 0,5 11,3 52
pears0,4 0,3 10,9 42
nectarine0,9 0,2 11,8 48
peaches0,9 0,1 11,3 46
plums0,8 0,3 9,6 42
apples0,4 0,4 9,8 47


cowberry0,7 0,5 9,6 43
blackberry2,0 0,0 6,4 31
raspberries0,8 0,5 8,3 46
currant1,0 0,4 7,5 43

Cereals and cereals

buckwheat (ground)12,6 3,3 62,1 313
oat groats12,3 6,1 59,5 342
corn grits8,3 1,2 75,0 337
pearl barley9,3 1,1 73,7 320
millet groats11,5 3,3 69,3 348
barley grits10,4 1,3 66,3 324

Bakery products

Rye bread6,6 1,2 34,2 165
bread with bran7,5 1,3 45,2 227
doctor's loaves8,2 2,6 46,3 242
whole grain bread10,1 2,3 57,1 295


crackers diabetic10,5 5,7 73,1 388

Raw materials and seasonings

xylitol0,0 0,0 97,9 367
honey0,8 0,0 81,5 329
fructose0,0 0,0 99,8 399


milk3,2 3,6 4,8 64
kefir3,4 2,0 4,7 51
sour cream 15% (low fat)2,6 15,0 3,0 158
curdled milk2,9 2,5 4,1 53
acidophilus2,8 3,2 3,8 57
yogurt4,3 2,0 6,2 60

Cheese and cottage cheese

cottage cheese 0.6% (low fat)18,0 0,6 1,8 88
cottage cheese 1.8% (low fat)18,0 1,8 3,3 101
cottage cheese 5%17,2 5,0 1,8 121

Meat products

beef18,9 19,4 0,0 187
beef tongue13,6 12,1 0,0 163
veal19,7 1,2 0,0 90
rabbit21,0 8,0 0,0 156


chicken16,0 14,0 0,0 190
turkey19,2 0,7 0,0 84


chicken eggs12,7 10,9 0,7 157

Fish and seafood

herring16,3 10,7 - 161

Oils and fats

butter0,5 82,5 0,8 748
corn oil0,0 99,9 0,0 899
olive oil0,0 99,8 0,0 898
sunflower oil0,0 99,9 0,0 899

Soft drinks

mineral water0,0 0,0 0,0 -
coffee0,2 0,0 0,3 2
instant chicory0,1 0,0 2,8 11
black tea without sugar0,1 0,0 0,0 -

Juices and compotes

carrot juice1,1 0,1 6,4 28
plum juice0,8 0,0 9,6 39
tomato juice1,1 0,2 3,8 21
pumpkin juice0,0 0,0 9,0 38
rosehip juice0,1 0,0 17,6 70
Apple juice0,4 0,4 9,8 42

Wholly or partially restricted products

  • Pastries, sweet desserts, honey, confectionery, jams and jams are excluded (you can prepare blanks for xylitol ), sugar, ice cream, curd mass, sweet curds, sweet juices, sweet drinks, beer.
  • Flour products (dumplings, dumplings, pancakes, pies).
  • Sweet fruits and dried fruits: raisins, dried apricots, bananas, dates, figs, grapes, pineapple, persimmon, apricot, melon.
  • Semolina and pasta.
  • You can not eat fatty broths and fatty meat, fatty sauces, smoked meats, bacon, ham, sausages and cream. Limited liver, egg yolks, honey are allowed.
  • It is better to give up fried foods, eating spicy and too salty foods, spicy sauces.


  • Potato, wheat groats, White rice.
  • Beets and carrots.
  • The consumption of fats, even vegetable, is reduced as much as possible.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

beet1,5 0,1 8,8 40
horseradish3,2 0,4 10,5 56


apricots0,9 0,1 10,8 41
pineapples0,4 0,2 10,6 49
bananas1,5 0,2 21,8 95
melon0,6 0,3 7,4 33
mango0,5 0,3 11,5 67


grape0,6 0,2 16,8 65

Nuts and dried fruits

raisin2,9 0,6 66,0 264
dried figs3,1 0,8 57,9 257
dates2,5 0,5 69,2 274

Cereals and cereals

semolina10,3 1,0 73,3 328
rice6,7 0,7 78,9 344
sago1,0 0,7 85,0 350

Flour and pasta

pasta10,4 1,1 69,7 337
noodles12,0 3,7 60,1 322

Bakery products

wheat bread8,1 1,0 48,8 242


jam0,3 0,2 63,0 263
candies4,3 19,8 67,5 453
confectionery cream0,2 26,0 16,5 300

Ice cream

ice cream3,7 6,9 22,1 189


chocolate5,4 35,3 56,5 544

Raw materials and seasonings

mustard5,7 6,4 22,0 162
mayonnaise2,4 67,0 3,9 627
sugar0,0 0,0 99,7 398


baked milk3,0 6,0 4,7 84
cream2,8 20,0 3,7 205
sour cream 25% (classic)2,6 25,0 2,5 248
sour cream 30%2,4 30,0 3,1 294
fermented baked milk 6%5,0 6,0 4,1 84
airan (tan)1,1 1,5 1,4 24
fruit yogurt 3.2%5,0 3,2 8,5 85

Cheese and cottage cheese

glazed cheese8,5 27,8 32,0 407
curd7,1 23,0 27,5 341

Meat products

salo2,4 89,0 0,0 797


smoked chicken27,5 8,2 0,0 184
smoked duck19,0 28,4 0,0 337

Fish and seafood

smoked fish26,8 9,9 0,0 196
canned fish17,5 2,0 0,0 88
sardine in oil24,1 13,9 - 221
cod (liver in oil)4,2 65,7 1,2 613

Oils and fats

animal fat0,0 99,7 0,0 897
culinary fat0,0 99,7 0,0 897

Soft drinks

lemonade0,0 0,0 6,4 26
pepsi0,0 0,0 8,7 38

Juices and compotes

grape juice0,3 0,0 14,0 54
* data are per 100 g of product

Menu (Power Mode)

The diet should include up to 60% carbohydrates, 25% fats and 25% proteins. In the nutrition menu for diabetics, the amount of carbohydrates should be evenly distributed, which is determined by the doctor for each patient individually. The daily menu needs to be adjusted taking into account the allowed amount of carbohydrates and calories, which must be counted daily.

The diet provides for 5-6 meals, small in volume. This is due to the fact that hypoglycemic drugs act for 24 hours, and in order to avoid hypoglycemia , you need to eat often and preferably at the same hours.

An approximate diet for each day may include: bread - 150 g, cereals - 50 g, potatoes - 70 g, other vegetables 550 g, meat - 110-130 g, eggs - 1-2 pieces, milk and sour-milk drinks 400-500 g, apples - 200 g, butter - 10 g, cottage cheese - 150 g, vegetable oil - 2 g, sour cream - 10 g, xylitol - 30 g. One serving of soup - 0.25 l.

Below is a menu according to generally accepted dietary recommendations. When compiling a menu for a week for yourself, try to diversify it more and include your favorite vegetables and fruits, meat and fish dishes, the allowed amount of sweeteners in jelly, drinks and casseroles. The menu for type 1 diabetes may look like this:


Diet meals should be low in calories and foods such as mushrooms, leafy greens, cabbage, cucumbers, radishes, lemons, grapefruits, bell peppers, eggplants, onions and garlic have almost no effect on blood sugar levels. Therefore, they can be included in food recipes when diabetes mellitus 2 type. From vegetables, you can cook puddings, meatballs, casseroles, cabbage rolls, cucumbers, tomatoes and zucchini can be stuffed with meat, eggs, spinach.

Considering that many have accompanying illnesses gastrointestinal tract, most the best way cooking for the sick will be steaming, boiling or baking. Since dishes should be less high-calorie, frying and baking with oil is completely excluded. The taste of unsalted food can be improved with various seasonings: dill, cumin, marjoram, thyme, basil, onion, garlic, lemon juice.

First meal

Borscht with prunes and mushrooms

Mushroom broth, tomato paste, mushrooms, beets, cabbage, carrots, roots, onions, potatoes, herbs, prunes, salt.

Wash dried mushrooms and leave for 3 hours to swell, then boil until tender. The broth is filtered and used to make borscht. Potatoes, white roots are lowered into the broth. Beets, carrots, onions are sautéed with the addition of tomato paste and added to potatoes. 5 minutes before readiness, chopped cabbage and chopped mushrooms are introduced, salted. Separately, boiled prunes, sour cream and greens are added to the plate.

Mixed vegetable soup

Broth, onions, carrots, vegetable oil, different types of cabbage, potatoes, bell peppers, green beans, greens.

First, dip the potatoes into the boiling broth, after 10 minutes add carrots, cabbage and green beans. In a frying pan with oil, add the onion and send it to the vegetables, bring to readiness. Sprinkle the finished soup with herbs.

Braised cabbage with apples

Vegetable oil, onion, peeled apples, cabbage, 1 tbsp. lemon juice, salt, pepper.

Heat vegetable oil in a saucepan. Add onions, shredded cabbage and apples. Simmer until cooked, at the end salt, pepper and add lemon juice.

Hake baked in sour cream

Hake, vegetable oil, onion, sour cream, salt, herbs.

Cut the fish into portions and place on a baking sheet. Put onion rings on top, salt, pepper, drizzle with oil and brush with a small amount of sour cream. Bake 20 min. Serve with lettuce and tomatoes.


Cottage cheese and pumpkin casserole

Pumpkin, cottage cheese, egg, sour cream, semolina, xylitol, butter.

Prepare the pumpkin by cutting it into cubes. Mix cottage cheese, butter, sour cream, egg, xylitol and semolina. Then add pumpkin. Put the curd-pumpkin mass into a mold and bake in the oven.

During pregnancy and lactation

Separately allocated gestational diabetes found during pregnancy. It does not develop in all pregnant women, but only in those who have a genetic predisposition. Its cause is reduced sensitivity of tissues to insulin (the so-called insulin resistance) and it is associated with a high content of hormones. Some ( , lactogen , ) have a blocking effect on insulin - this "counter-insulin" effect appears at the 20-24th week of pregnancy.

After delivery, most often carbohydrate metabolism is normalized. However, there is a risk of developing diabetes. Hyperglycemia is dangerous for mother and child: the possibility of miscarriage, complications in childbirth, pyelonephritis in a woman, complications from the fundus of the eye, so the woman will have to strictly monitor her diet.

  • Simple carbohydrates are excluded and complex carbohydrates are limited. It is necessary to exclude sugary drinks, sweets, pastries, cakes, white bread, bananas, grapes, dried fruits, sweet juices. Eat foods containing a large amount of fiber (vegetables, unsweetened fruits, bran), which slows down the flow of glucose into the blood.
  • In small quantities, women should have pasta and potatoes in their diet.
  • Fatty and fried foods are excluded, it is recommended to abandon semi-finished products, sausages, smoked meats.
  • You need to eat every two hours (3 main meals and 2 additional). After dinner, if there is a feeling of hunger, you can drink 150 g of kefir or eat a small apple.
  • Cooking food for a couple, you can stew or bake.
  • Drink up to 1.5 liters of liquid.
  • During the day, measure the level of sugar after meals.

Compliance with these recommendations is necessary after childbirth for 2-3 months. After that, you should examine your blood sugar and consult an endocrinologist. If, after childbirth, fasting sugar is still high, then diabetes mellitus is diagnosed, which was hidden, and appeared for the first time during pregnancy.

What foods can not be eaten with type 2 diabetes? How to make a menu for every day with diabetes, suspicion of it or obesity? Endocrinologist Olga Demicheva talks about nutrition in type 2 diabetes mellitus, which is an important component of treatment, in the book "It's time to be treated properly."

In contrast to type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM1), a bright debut accompanied by thirst, profuse urination, weight loss, and a sharp onset in type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2), as a rule, does not happen. Usually the disease is almost asymptomatic for several years, so more than half of the patients with diabetes in the world are unaware of their disease. And they don’t know about it either until the first complications appear, or until the accidental detection of elevated blood glucose levels.

With a thorough survey of patients with newly diagnosed diabetes, it is possible to find out that in recent months (years) they note rapid fatigue, some decrease in muscle strength, a tendency to urinate at night; in addition, women may be disturbed by itching in the perineum, and men - erectile dysfunction. But all these symptoms are often not considered by patients as a reason to see a doctor.

The criteria for diagnosing DM2 by blood glucose analysis do not differ from those for DM1, but age over 40 years, the presence of visceral diabetes, poor symptoms of diabetes, and normal (and sometimes moderately elevated) levels of own insulin can confidently distinguish DM2 from DM1.

The main thing is not to starve! Nutrition for type 2 diabetes

A patient with type 2 diabetes should ensure the normalization of body weight, not cause hyper- and hypoglycemia, and reduce the risks of atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension.

Meals should be frequent, fractional, small portions (usually 3 main meals and 2-3 intermediate ones) with a daily calorie content of about 1500 kcal. The last meal is taken 40-60 minutes before a night's sleep.

The basis of nutrition - low glycemic index (GI) complex carbohydrates, i.e. slowly increasing blood glucose levels; they should make up to 50-60% of the nutritional value.

Most confectionery products, sweet drinks, muffins, small cereals have a high GI; they should be eliminated or reduced to a minimum. Low GI have whole grains, vegetables, fruits rich in dietary fiber.

The total amount of fat should not exceed 30% of the total calories, saturated fat - 10%. Saturated fats are easy to distinguish from unsaturated ones: unsaturated fats have a liquid consistency at room temperature, while saturated fats are solid, they can be cut with a knife and spread on bread.

Every meal should include adequate amount of protein to stabilize glycemia and ensure satiety. It is recommended to eat fish at least 2 times a week. Vegetables and fruits should be present in the diet at least 5 times a day. Sweet fruits (grapes, figs, bananas, dates, melons) should be limited.

Starvation in diabetes mellitus is contraindicated, as it is a severe stress and, with existing metabolic disorders, can lead to acute vascular complications, depression, and breakdown into a "food binge".

Don't oversalt food. Try not to exceed 5 grams of salt per day (1 teaspoon).

Alcohol, as a source of "empty calories", an appetite stimulant, a destabilizer of glycemia, should be excluded from the diet or minimized. If it is impossible to refuse alcohol, preference should be given to dry red wine. Try to limit alcohol to one dose per day for women or two for men (1 dose = 360 ml of beer = 150 ml of wine = 45 ml of spirits).

Usage antioxidants (vitamins E, C, carotene) are not recommended, since there is currently no evidence base for their use, but there is a possibility of long-term adverse effects.

Important give up smoking to reduce the risk of cardiovascular and oncological complications.

At the same time, it should be noted that 2–3 weeks after smoking cessation, the function of olfactory receptors, which are partially suppressed in smokers, is restored. As a result, it is possible to increase appetite due to the "enhancement" of food flavors. This fact requires special self-control to avoid overeating.

This is what the "nutrition pyramid" looks like with DM2.

Menu for a week with type 2 diabetes

It is recommended to exclude simple carbohydrates from the diet: sugar (including fructose), confectionery (cakes, sweets, sweet buns, gingerbread, ice cream, cookies), honey, jam, fruit juices, etc. All these products dramatically increase the level blood sugar and contribute to the development of obesity. In addition, to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, which progresses rapidly in T2DM, it is recommended to exclude animal fats: fatty meat, lard, butter, sour cream, fatty cottage cheese, cheese, etc.

The consumption of vegetable fats and oily fish should be reduced: although they do not increase the risk of atherosclerosis, they contribute to the progression of obesity. In type 2 diabetes, obesity is a serious problem complicating the course of the disease. If additional nutritional advice is needed, such as those related to impaired kidney function or an increased risk of gout, these points should be discussed by the attending physician.

I breakfast
wake up
II breakfast Dinner afternoon tea Dinner Late
(for 30-60
min. before
Mon Oatmeal in water without oil and sugar or grain bread with dehydrated
curd cheese. Coffee or tea without sugar.*
Tomato juice with biscuits. Salad of fresh cabbage (cucumbers, tomatoes) with lemon
juice. Vegetable soup. Bread. Fish with rice. Miner-
al water.
Apple, unsweetened biscuits, tea without sugar.* The vinaigrette. Lean beef with maca
ronami from durum wheat. Tea without sugar.
neva porridge without oil (3-4 hundred
fishing spoons) or cereal loaves. A glass of 1% kefir.
Tue Capus-
thick meatballs, grain bread. Coffee (tea) without sugar.*
Low-fat drinking yogurt with biscuits. Fresh cabbage salad (cucumbers, tomatoes, Bulgarian-
paprika) with lemon juice. Tomato soup. Bread. Chicken breast with vegetable stew. Mine-
real water.
Peach, unsweetened cookie. Pickles. Veal with Greek
porridge. Tea without sugar.
Oat flakes with a hundred
kanom milk or 1% kefir.
Wed Soft-boiled egg. Potatoes, baked
baked in the oven (2 pcs.). Coffee (tea) without sugar.*
Apple. Greek salad. Lenten borscht. Grain bread. minced meat
roved pepper (with beef and rice). Mine-
real water.
Crackers from grain bread with fruit drink.* Turkey breast with cauliflower. Tea without sugar. Muesli with a hundred
kanom 1% kefir or milk.
Thu Cheesecakes with xylitol jam. Coffee (tea) without sugar.* Vegetable juice with unsweetened biscuits. Salad from fresh cucumbers with lemon juice. Lenten cabbage soup. Grain bread. Bakla-
women with meat. Mine-
real water.
100 g cherries Wine-
gret, chicken cutlets (steam). Tea without sugar.
2 slices of any bread. A glass of 1% kefir or milk.
Fri Millet porridge on water without oil and sugar or grain bread with dehydrated
cottage cheese (brynza). Coffee (tea) without sugar.*
Berry knot with biscuits. Sauerkraut salad. soup vermicelli
left on chicken broth. Bread. Chicken breast with rice. Mine-
real water.
Pear, savory biscuit. Fresh cabbage salad. Low-fat fish with
boiled potatoes. Tea without sugar.
neva porridge without oil (3–4 hundred
fishing spoons). Sta-
can 1% kefir or ayran.
Sat One egg omelet. Grain bread with cheese. Coffee with milk without sugar or tea. Obezzhi-
raw yoghurt without sugar. Unsweetened cookies.
Salad of tomatoes with onions, 1 teaspoon of olive-
cow's oil, salt. Solyanka soup on lean broth. Bread. Veal with vegetables. Mine-
real water.
Watermelon (1 slice). Veal cutlets with lentils. Fresh vegetables. Unsweetened tea with marma
fret on xylitol.
Cereal loaves. A glass of 1% kefir.
Sun Pearl barley. Low-fat cottage cheese. Coffee with milk without sugar or tea. Green peas with 1 piece of any bread. Bakla-
zhany with garlic (low-fat). Chicken soup with noodles. Bread. chicken giblets from Greek
neva porridge and vegetables. Mine-
real water.
Apple or beetroot slices, baked
baked in the oven (no sugar).
Lean fish with rice. Tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs. Oat flakes without sugar with fermented baked milk.

* with sweetener

Physical activity in T2DM

Low physical activity (physical inactivity) is a mortal enemy of civilized mankind. Regular exercise is important for treating obesity, reducing hyperglycemia, normalizing blood pressure, and preventing coronary heart disease.

In DM2, the fight against hypodynamia is especially relevant. The fact is that with hypodynamia, the muscles stop actively using glucose, and it is stored in the form of fat. The more fat accumulates, the lower the sensitivity of cells to insulin. It has been proven that 25% of people leading a sedentary lifestyle can detect insulin resistance.

By itself, regular muscle activity leads to metabolic changes that reduce insulin resistance. To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is enough to practice daily 30-minute intensive walking or jogging 3-4 times a week, preferably 1-1.5 hours after eating, which helps to reduce insulin resistance and improve glycemic control.

You can conduct an independent "experiment" using a household glucometer, and observe how glycemia decreases after 15 minutes of physical activity.

Read what you can eat with diabetes, and then cook delicious and healthy meals from approved products. This page provides lists of foods that can be eaten with impaired glucose metabolism. The information is intended for patients with the following diseases:

  • type 2 diabetes;
  • autoimmune diabetes in adults;
  • type 1 diabetes in children;
  • gestational diabetes in pregnant women;
  • prediabetes, impaired glucose tolerance;
  • insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome.

What can you eat with diabetes: lists of allowed foods

Many favorite foods will have to be eliminated because they raise blood glucose levels too quickly and too much. However, there are also enough allowed products. Nutrition for diabetics can be healthy, yet varied, tasty and satisfying.

The main approved foods for diabetics are:

  • meat;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • bird;
  • eggs;
  • cabbage and greens;
  • hard cheese;
  • butter 82% fat;
  • vegetable oil, preferably olive;
  • white thick Greek yogurt without sugar and fruits;
  • nuts - hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts, as well as pumpkin and sunflower seeds;
  • of fruits, only avocados are allowed, as well as olives and black olives.

Meat, fish and poultry - eat whatever you like. This is the base. Dairy products always choose normal fat content, never buy or eat low-fat ones.

Don't worry about the fats you'll be eating, as long as it's not margarine. Natural saturated fats raise cholesterol, not bad LDL, but good HDL. Thus, the coefficient of atherogenicity is improved. A low-carbohydrate diet not only normalizes blood sugar, but also protects against a heart attack. Watch a video about how protein, fat, and carbohydrates you eat affect blood sugar and cholesterol.

A low-carbohydrate diet to control diabetes can be supplemented with blood sugar-lowering medications.

And another helpful video.

It is advisable to take tests for cholesterol and other cardiovascular risk factors before switching to a new diet, and then again after 6-8 weeks. The results should improve significantly. If they do not improve, it means that the diabetic violates the diet or his impaired glucose metabolism is complicated by a concomitant lack of thyroid hormones. It needs to be treated separately.

Read about products for diabetics:

Healthy vegetables:

  • cabbage;
  • cauliflower;
  • seaweed without sugar;
  • fresh greens;
  • zucchini;
  • cucumbers;
  • spinach;
  • avocado;
  • mushrooms;
  • green string beans;
  • green onions;
  • tomato juice - up to 50 g per meal;
  • salt, pepper, mustard, herbs and spices.

Fiber-rich vegetables and greens are essential for proper diabetes nutrition, along with protein sources. They protect against constipation. Feel free to cook and eat them. The less heat treatment vegetables and herbs undergo, the better.

  • water;
  • coffee (possible with heavy cream);
  • dry wine and 40-degree alcoholic drinks.

Some products are desirable to test - using a glucometer to determine how they affect your blood sugar. For example, eggplant, tomatoes,. You also need to test all new foods that a diabetic is going to include in his diet.

Print out the approved food lists above. Keep them in the kitchen and also carry them with you. grocery store and to the market.

Diet options depending on the diagnosis:

What are the dietary habits of pregnant women diagnosed with gestational diabetes?

Pregnant women can and it is useful to use the products listed above, except for alcoholic beverages. With a high probability, with the help of gestational diabetes, it will be possible to control it without resorting to insulin injections. However, this does not work in all cases, depending on the severity of the metabolic disorder in the patient.

What can you eat with type 2 diabetes? Is the diet different from that of people with type 1 diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes is a milder disease than type 1 diabetes. Theoretically, the diet could be less restrictive. You may find that eating a few grams does not raise your blood sugar.

In that case, why not allow yourself to enjoy your favorite sweets or fruits little by little from time to time? Because you may have an uncontrollable bout of binge eating. With such an attack, people do not eat a few grams, as planned, but hundreds of times more. And this is really harmful.

Most people with type 2 diabetes experience dietary carbohydrate cravings that are similar in strength to alcohol and drug addiction. As alcoholics know from their own experience, complete abstinence is easier than moderation. Therefore, you better not eat a single gram of forbidden foods, just like type 1 diabetics.

What can a child with diabetes eat?

A child with diabetes can and should eat the foods listed on this page. How earlier child switches to , the easier it will be to control the disease. Significant experience has already been accumulated in the treatment of diabetes in children by restricting dietary carbohydrates, not only in the United States, but even in Russian-speaking countries. Excellent results, no side effects not visible.

The site site promotes methods for controlling impaired glucose metabolism that it has developed. These methods are in conflict official instructions, but really help adults, as well as diabetic children. See the video for more details.

As long as the child is on a diet and has normal sugar, he will not lag behind his peers either in growth or in mental development. The child may have ketones in the urine. This is not harmful, nothing needs to be changed in the diet. Ketones are best not measured at all. Instead, check your blood sugar frequently, especially during colds and other infectious diseases.

Read also the detailed article "".

What can be included in the diet?

Patients with type 1 diabetes can use sweeteners, the main of which is stevia. Patients suffering from type 2 diabetes are better off without sugar substitutes at all. Because all these funds interfere with weight loss, even if they do not contain calories.

Abuse of sugar substitutes is harmful. People who have a strong craving for sweets, a painful addiction to dietary carbohydrates, need to take a supplement - chromium picolinate. It can be easily bought at a pharmacy. After a few weeks of taking it, you will feel better. Another option is chromium polynicotinate. It is about as effective as picolinate.


50 comments on "What can you eat with diabetes"

  1. Elena
  2. Arkady
  3. Alexander
  4. Elena
  5. Natalia
  6. Sergey
  7. Irina
  8. Irina
  9. Oksana
  10. Ilya
  11. Katarina
  12. Victor
  13. Ludmila
  14. Catherine
  15. Maria
  16. Irina
  17. Valery

When blood sugar is regularly elevated, it is necessary to radically change the nutrition system. For type 2 diabetics, the diet will serve as the main therapy and in old age will save a person from the negative consequences of a "sweet" disease. Often, a person encounters this type of diabetes after the age of 40, and then the question arises - what to eat with diabetes? First you need to know the principle of choosing products.

There is a special table of products with a low glycemic index (GI), which do not affect the increase in blood glucose concentration. The GI measures how quickly glucose enters the body from eating a food or drink. The list of products allowed in the patient's menu is extensive, which allows you to prepare a variety of delicious dishes every day.

Since diet therapy plays an important role in the life of a diabetic, you should thoroughly study the information about what to eat with type 2 diabetes, the list of allowed and prohibited foods, which menu will help reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood.

Glycemic index of foods

If you have diabetes, you need to eat foods with a glycemic index of up to 49 units inclusive. It is these products that should be included in the daily menu of the patient. Food and drinks, whose index ranges from 50 to 69 units, are allowed in the diet up to three times a week, and not more than 150 grams. However, if the disease is in the acute stage, then they will need to be excluded until the state of human health stabilizes.

It is strictly forbidden to eat foods with diabetes mellitus 2 with a high glycemic index, from 70 units and above. They dramatically increase blood sugar, provoking the development of hyperglycemia and other dangerous complications in various body functions.

In some cases, the GI may increase. For example, during heat treatment, carrots and beets lose their fiber, and their index increases to a high one, but when fresh, they have an index of 15 units. It is contraindicated for diabetics to drink fruit and berry juices and nectars, even if they had a low index when fresh. The fact is that with this method of processing, fruits and berries lose fiber, and glucose enters the bloodstream very quickly. Just 100 milliliters of juice can increase performance by 4 mmol / l.

But GI is not the only criterion for choosing products on the patient's menu. So, you need to pay attention to:

  • glycemic index of products;
  • caloric content;
  • content of nutrients.

The choice of products for diabetes according to this principle promises the patient to reduce the disease to “no” and protect the body from negative impact failure of the endocrine system.

Choice of cereals

Sugar level

Cereals are healthy foods, saturating the body with a vitamin-mineral complex and giving a feeling of satiety for a long time, due to the presence of complexly digested carbohydrates. However, not all cereals can benefit a diabetic.

You also need to know how to cook them properly. First, the thicker the porridge, the higher its glycemic value. But it rises by only a few units from the declared indicator in the table.

Secondly, it is better to eat porridge with diabetes without butter, replacing it with olive. If milk cereals are being prepared, then the ratio of water and milk is taken one to one. This will not affect the taste in any way, but the calorie content of the finished dish will decrease.

The list of varieties of croup acceptable for SD:

  1. barley grits;
  2. pearl barley;
  3. buckwheat;
  4. bulgur;
  5. spelt;
  6. wheat porridge;
  7. oatmeal;
  8. brown (brown), red, wild and basmati rice.

Corn porridge (mamaliga), semolina, white rice will have to be abandoned. These grains have a high GI and can cause an increase in blood glucose.

Pearl barley has the lowest index, about 22 units.

The rice varieties listed in the list have an index of 50 units, while they are much healthier than white rice due to the fact that such a cereal contains a grain shell rich in dietary fiber and minerals.

Meat, fish, seafood

These products for diabetes are important due to the content of easily digestible animal proteins. They give the body energy, contribute to the formation of muscle mass and are involved in the interaction of insulin and glucose.

Patients eat lean meats and fish, after removing the remnants of fat and skin from them. Seafood should be eaten at least twice a week - there are no restrictions on their choice.

For the preparation of broths, it is better not to use meat, but to add it already ready to the dish. If, nevertheless, soups are cooked on meat broth, then only on a lean second, that is, after the first boil of the meat, the water is drained and already on the second the process of preparing the soup begins.

The permitted types of meat include the following:

  • chicken;
  • quail;
  • turkey;
  • beef;
  • rabbit meat
  • veal;
  • venison.

Meat products excluded from the diet of patients with diabetes mellitus:

  1. pork;
  2. duck;
  3. mutton;
  4. nutria.

An adult with a "sweet" disease needs to fully saturate the body with iron, which is responsible for the process of hematopoiesis. This element is found in large quantities in by-products (liver, heart), which are not prohibited in diabetes.

In type 2 diabetes, the body receives less vital vitamins and minerals due to metabolic failures. Fish will help you get saturated with phosphorus and fatty acids.

It is boiled, baked, used for cooking first courses and salads. Although endocrinologists insist on choosing lean varieties, fatty fish is occasionally allowed on the menu, as it is rich in fatty acids, therefore it is indispensable for women's health.

  1. limonella;
  2. perch;
  3. pollock;
  4. pike;
  5. flounder;
  6. cod;
  7. saithe;
  8. mackerel;
  9. zander.

It is useful to eat boiled seafood at least once a week - shrimp, mussels, squid.


What to feed a diabetic is not an easy question, but patients need to know for sure that vegetables should take up to 50% of the total amount of food. They have a large amount of fiber, which slows down the absorption of glucose.

You need to eat vegetables for breakfast, lunch and dinner, fresh, salted and thermally processed. It is better to choose seasonal products, they contain vitamins to a greater extent. With diabetes, the table of vegetables with a low index is extensive and this allows you to cook a lot delicious meals- salads, side dishes, stews, casseroles, ratatouille and many others.

What is forbidden to eat with diabetes is pumpkin, corn, boiled carrots, celery and beets, potatoes. Unfortunately, the favorite potato is unacceptable for a diabetic diet due to an index of 85 units. To reduce this indicator, there is one trick - cut the peeled tubers into pieces and soak in cool water for at least three hours.

List of allowed products:

  • zucchini, eggplant, patisson;
  • leeks, onions, purple onions;
  • all varieties of cabbage - white, red, Chinese, Beijing, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kohlrabi;
  • legumes - peas, beans, asparagus, chickpeas;
  • garlic;
  • green, red, Bulgarian and chili peppers;
  • any varieties of mushrooms - oyster mushrooms, boletus, chanterelles, champignons;
  • radish, Jerusalem artichoke;
  • tomato;
  • cucumber.

You can add herbs to food, their index is not higher than 15 units - parsley, dill, basil, cilantro, lettuce, oregano.

Fruits and berries

What to feed those with type 2 diabetes for dessert? Fruits and berries will help solve this issue. They are used to prepare the most healthy natural desserts without sugar - marmalade, jelly, jam, candied fruits and much more.

Patients with diabetes must be fed fruits daily, they will increase immunity, help normalize work gastrointestinal tract. But with this type of product, be careful, because with their increased consumption, blood glucose can rise.

In type 2 diabetes, a number of berries and fruits should be excluded due to their high GI. It is also necessary to know how many times, and in what quantity, these products are allowed to be taken. The daily norm will be up to 250 grams, it is better to plan a meal in the morning.

A complete list of "safe" foods for diabetes:

  1. apples, pears;
  2. blueberry, blackberry, mulberry, pomegranate;
  3. red, black currant;
  4. strawberries, strawberries, raspberries;
  5. Cherry;
  6. plum;
  7. apricot, nectarine, peaches;
  8. gooseberry;
  9. all types of citrus fruits - lemon, orange, tangerines, grapefruit, pomelo;
  10. rosehip, juniper.

What foods cause an increase in blood glucose:

  • watermelon;
  • melon;
  • persimmon;
  • banana;
  • a pineapple;
  • kiwi.

All allowed and prohibited foods for diabetes of any type are described above.

Healthy Recipes

These recipes for diabetics with the first and second type can be prepared daily. All dishes consist of products with low GI, which made it possible to use them in diet therapy.

The most common question is if diabetes is what to eat for snacks, because food should be low-calorie and at the same time, satisfy the feeling of hunger. Usually, they eat vegetable or fruit salads for an afternoon snack, fermented milk products, sandwiches from diet bread.

It also happens that all day there is no time to fully eat, then high-calorie, but at the same time low GI nuts - cashews, hazelnuts, pistachios, peanuts, walnuts and pine nuts will come to the rescue. Their daily rate up to 50 grams.

Salads that reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood can be prepared from Jerusalem artichoke (earth pear). For the salad "summer mood" you will need the following ingredients:

  1. two Jerusalem artichokes, about 150 grams;
  2. one cucumber;
  3. one carrot;
  4. daikon - 100 grams;
  5. a few sprigs of parsley and dill;
  6. olive oil for salad dressing.

Rinse Jerusalem artichoke under running water and rub with a sponge to remove the peel. Cucumber and Jerusalem artichoke cut into strips, carrots, rub the daikon like Korean carrots, mix all the ingredients, salt and season with oil.

Having made such a salad once, it will forever become a favorite dish of the whole family.


Back in Soviet times, endocrinologists developed a special diet therapy for diabetes mellitus, it was followed by people prone to high blood glucose and already suffering from type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Described below indicative menu from diabetes, which should have a beneficial effect on the course of the disease. Vitamins and minerals, proteins of animal origin play an important role in protecting the endocrine system. All these criteria are taken into account when compiling the menu.

Also, these diets are suitable for those whose non-insulin-dependent type of diabetes was caused by the presence of overweight. If the patient still feels hungry, then you can expand the menu with light snacks (food attachments), for example, 50 grams of nuts or seeds, 100 grams of tofu cheese, tea with diet bread will be a good option.

First day:

  • for breakfast, serve a slice of rye bread, coffee with cream.
  • snack - tea, two dietary loaves, 100 grams of tofu;
  • dinner - pea soup, boiled chicken, barley, cucumber, jelly on oatmeal;
  • snack - two dietary loaves, 50 grams of slightly salted red fish, coffee with cream;
  • dinner - dairy oatmeal with dried apricots, 150 grams of sweet cherry.

Second day:

  1. breakfast - braised cabbage, liver cutlet, tea;
  2. snack - fruit salad (apple, strawberry, orange, pomegranate), serving will be 200 - 250 grams;
  3. lunch - soup wheat groats, durum wheat pasta casserole with chicken, tomato, coffee with cream;
  4. snack - 50 grams of walnuts, one apple;
  5. dinner - steamed limonella, buckwheat, tea.

The third day:

  • breakfast - seafood and vegetable salad, a slice of rye bread, tea;
  • snack - 200 grams of any fruit, 100 grams of fat-free cottage cheese;
  • lunch - borsch on tomato without beets, basmati rice pilaf, herbal decoction;
  • snack - vegetable salad with Jerusalem artichoke, coffee with cream;
  • dinner - an omelette with vegetables, a slice of rye bread, tea.

Fourth day:

  1. breakfast - barley porridge, boiled beef, cabbage salad, tea;
  2. snack - 150 grams of cottage cheese, pear;
  3. lunch - hodgepodge, vegetable stew, turkey cutlets, a slice of rye bread, tea;
  4. snack - an apple, two fructose cookies, coffee with cream;
  5. dinner - milk oatmeal with prunes and dried apricots, a handful of cashews or other nuts, tea.

In order to bring blood sugar back to normal, in addition to the nutrition properly selected by the endocrinologist, take time for any of the types. Regular moderate physical activity perfectly fights high concentrations of glucose in the blood. If there is an exacerbation of the course of the disease, then sports should be agreed with the doctor.

The video in this article provides information on diet #9 for high blood sugar.