What is femininity and its importance for a girl’s full life? Femininity through the eyes of men: which women are considered attractive. Differences in the way the sexes think.

A feminine woman is able to take care of the family hearth, raise children, greet her husband from work, always be beautiful, be in good mood. This is how many perceive the concept of femininity, suggesting that this is not enough to achieve great success and build a career. Indeed, only a strong woman can be the head of a department or head a branch of a company, but femininity is the main assistant - thanks to her, it is easy to exert the proper influence on the male half of employees, achieving recognition.

Femininity through the eyes of men is determined by a number of factors - external attractiveness and grooming play an important role in this concept. However inner world is also of great importance, which is why young people value girls filled with feminine power. They are the embodiment of femininity.

What it is?

What is femininity? How does it manifest itself? Many girls ask these questions when they experience failures in personal relationships. They want so much to please guys, but they see them only as friends. Perhaps it is femininity that is not enough to seduce the opposite sex?

This happens more often, because the concept of femininity is quite broad. It includes sensitivity, tenderness, honesty, devotion, gentleness, external beauty, harmony, modesty. It is these qualities that help men feel like the stronger sex, understanding that women cannot cope without them. Unfortunately, many representatives of the fairer sex forget about their natural origin, becoming rude and unpleasant, calling it independence. Alas, they are unlikely to achieve happiness in their personal life or great success at work.

What about sexuality?

What does it mean to be feminine? Is sexuality synonymous with this concept? And how to achieve femininity? Of course, these are two interrelated qualities that complement each other. However, sexuality has only one goal - to achieve your partner for intimate relationships, future life together or procreation. Sexual energy has incredible power, but if you use only it, the woman automatically turns into a sexual object.

When femininity awakens, a girl begins to feel different and discover her inner strength. Sexual energy combined with feminine energy produces an incredible effect, helping a woman move forward.

External signs

Femininity through the eyes of men is divided into external and internal, so there is an opinion that they are attracted only to those people who awaken desire. When a girl evokes a certain set of positive emotions in the male sex with just one glance, this is called external femininity.

How to develop femininity? Learn to be attractive in appearance? Is it important to be able to choose clothes and image? What to do if suppressed femininity doesn’t want to come back, and the girl doesn’t know where to start? A feminine girl, first of all, should have beautiful long hair - at all times, women with thick curls aroused male interest. But now you can often see girls with short hair. They can be attractive too. Some rules are outdated, but one thing is firmly established - the main thing is that the hair is clean and well-groomed.

Where does femininity begin? With a slender figure - no matter how much they talk about inner beauty, fat people They look unhealthy, and this is already a minus. It is impossible to cultivate femininity by forgetting about losing weight - it is important not to strive to meet society’s standards. It is better to be at a normal weight, exercise regularly, and eat right. By performing these simple manipulations, the girl will achieve excellent results, while her skin and appearance will be beautiful, healthy, and her energy will help her appear light and purposeful.

Femininity through the eyes of men begins with her wardrobe - each person should have a large selection of dresses, shoes with high but stable heels, skirts and transparent blouses. At the same time, delicate shades of fabrics without a hint of brutality are preferred. The length of the models should not be short, otherwise the girl will seem vulgar and not feminine.

What is femininity through the eyes of men? This is her discreet makeup - no one likes bright colors on the eyes, reminiscent of artists' makeup. From the point of view of men, they like women with makeup that is close to natural.

Figure, manicure, grooming - the concept of femininity is impossible without these factors. Smooth hair, a beautiful, complete image, clean, ironed clothes, a pleasant perfume - all this gives a woman those very notes that under no circumstances will be left without male attention. This is the basis of female beauty.

Internal signs

Inner femininity is a more complex concept - everyone may have special requirements for it. In general, they highlight special strength, humanity, understanding, and sincerity. Let's consider the most common signs of femininity, revealing the inner world of the fair half of humanity:

  • Feminine girls are always relaxed, calm, they are not familiar with irritability or nervousness, they never throw tantrums or express anger, even if the opponent deserves it. They are like cats, settled in their place, giving harmony to those around them, but if necessary, they immediately get down to business, without being distracted by unnecessary conversations.
  • The secrets of femininity and attractiveness include fragility - even if a lady can cope on her own, you should not show your independence. A man must think that she is defenseless, and only he can help her. Instructive speeches, instructions, a heavy gaze that embodies the masculine principle are not needed in seduction.
  • Femininity is the ability to listen, participate in conversation, be erudite, be interested in a topic, have normal speech skills, and develop knowledge. It is important to be able to keep trusted secrets.
  • Understanding is also part of the secrets of femininity - men appreciate when they are not just listened to, but understood and supported. It is important to increase your time together.
  • True femininity implies rationality in the expression of emotions - you should not become soulless, nor reach a state of hysteria. Natural emotions always look reasonable and do not raise unnecessary questions and speculation in relation to the girl.
  • What adds beauty? Pregnancy and children - you can be damn sexy, unusually beautiful and well-groomed, but natural instincts and women's destiny cannot be erased by any tricks of cosmetologists, fashion designers and other fashion trendsetters. The opportunity to be a mother increases the power of women.

Ideal image

By combining the signs of internal and external femininity in general, an image is created before a man’s eyes, which is characterized by feminine behavior. Its criteria are:

  • internal softness;
  • respect, trust in a partner;
  • the ability not to provoke conflict situations;
  • affection, inherent only in a gentle character;
  • love for a child;
  • slim figure;
  • long hair;
  • absence of bad habits;
  • desire to improve oneself;
  • clean in every sense.

Femininity is a special feminine energy. And although there are guys who claim that they like daring, hooligan people, they still marry feminine beauties, because they are calmer and more reliable.

How to learn to be feminine?

How to develop femininity in yourself? How to awaken those qualities that characterize femininity and sexuality? In fact, for this it is enough to become familiar with the simple truths available to every woman. After this, the question will not arise, how to cultivate femininity, and what to do to unlock women's potential?

Education of femininity begins with:

  • Feelings of happiness - to develop femininity, you need to learn to smile despite adversity. Men strive for girls who are open, radiant, and do not shoulder a whole mountain of problems at once. It is also important to learn to enjoy little things so that every action brings happiness, even if it is a bouquet of picked daisies or an inscription with a declaration of love under the window.
  • Inaccessibility - the more difficult it is to conquer it, the less you want to let go later. A feminine woman is valued for her inaccessibility, but you shouldn’t get too carried away either.
  • Weaknesses - a feminine girl is weak by nature and needs protection, so the desire to dominate in a couple more often leads to separation.
  • Effectiveness - the development of femininity is impossible without working on your external image. You can do this yourself by studying forums or blogs that describe in detail how to combine clothes, wear them, how to apply makeup correctly, etc. Or you can ask a stylist for help, go to a beauty salon, where specialists will help you create a spectacular look.
  • Romantics - femininity and sensuality mean walks in the park, kisses under the moon, watching melodramas, boat rides, admiring the sunset. The desire to drag a man into an expensive restaurant will definitely not decorate a girl, but an offer to take a walk along the embankment or park will encourage a man to commit a romantic act.
  • The ability to love - a feminine woman becomes even more beautiful when she is in love and the feelings are mutual. Unfortunately, many people believe that they do not need a permanent relationship, for fear of losing their sexuality. They are afraid of the future, because they do not know how to regain femininity later. In fact, constant work on yourself and sincere feelings will not allow feminine qualities and strength to wither.
  • Opportunities to inspire - beauty and femininity can force a man to build a career, you awaken in him the desire to achieve a promotion, write poetry. Therefore, all failures should be forgotten, there is no need to remind about them. Her moderate praise, instilling the idea that everything will work out, leads to significant results. Feminine behavior means inspiring men.
  • Housekeeping - discovering femininity and gaining self-confidence is impossible without accustoming oneself to the maintenance of everyday life and the ability to cook. A woman who has everything perfect in her home, appearance and work is a mega-sexy person.

The nature of femininity is not so complicated - the manifestation of gentle qualities, regular exercises for development (yoga and meditation), studying educational resources, the desire to learn how to cook and take care of oneself can awaken femininity and elegance. Even a wild and closed person can awaken the qualities of femininity in herself.

In fact, most of the skills are instilled in girls in childhood, teaching the basics of cooking, good manners and manners, so every girl has a base. It is important not to ignore them as an adult, to work on your own complexes and shortcomings, so as not to look for the answer to the question “how to reveal your femininity.”

Today, they often conduct lessons and seminars on this topic, they discuss psychology, relationships with men, they look for the answer to what femininity is and how to discover femininity and tenderness in yourself. However, no matter how much is said at such lectures, psychological counseling is based on the basics mentioned above. The revival of femininity is possible in any case and is available to every woman!

17.04.2018 10:30:13

About femininity

Girls - change your idea of ​​femininity! After all, these are not “snot in sugar”, not pink unicorns and dresses with ruffles.

Femininity, first of all, is wisdom! This is the ability to adapt to the circumstances of life, and to adjust this life to yourself. This is the talent of understanding what you can put up with and what you cannot put up with under any circumstances.

This is the ability to be interesting to your husband all the time. family life, and always remain a mystery to him. These are the very roles that I have written about a hundred times - wife, girlfriend, colleague, business partner, passionate lover... After all, a feminine woman is constantly developing and changing. She is growing as a person.

Femininity is the ability to create an atmosphere around yourself to which people are drawn, and first of all, your husband. And in order to create something so beautiful, you must first settle it in yourself, in your soul...

A feminine woman knows her strengths and talents, and constantly develops them in himself. Femininity is not about piercing your navel or stitching your eyelids in order to become a beauty. This is, first of all, the development of communication skills and the ability to create your own unique image and style.

A feminine woman primarily improves her brains, not her appearance. That is why she always stands out in the crowd of other ladies, and always remains above competition.

A feminine woman knows how to value herself and knows how to set boundaries for people. She is able to calmly tell any person on what conditions she agrees to coexist with him - and he will fulfill these conditions.

Femininity is strength and magic. This is the ability to delight. And not pink cutesy faces, good wishes for everyone and snotty stories...

Qualities of a feminine woman

1. She is the one who knows how to build her life the way she likes it. And not the way her mother-in-law or anyone else wants it.

2. She knows how to be, and not seem. And she will never buy boots or a fur coat that she doesn’t need just because her boss or friend has them.

3. She knows and understands everything about herself. (Temperament, character traits, your strengths and weaknesses).

4. She knows HER needs, wants and dreams. Not those that someone imposed on her, but her own.

5. Knows how to thank this world and everything that is in it.

6. Knows how to see the good in people, knows how to praise them and give compliments.

7. Knows how to forgive and understand people. Do not hold evil and resentment in your heart.

8. If there is a need, she can ask for help, and will calmly accept it. And most importantly, she knows how to THANK for services.

9. She calmly says “NO.”

10. Knows how to forgive himself for mistakes, and does not hold grudges against himself. She is capable of loving herself.

11. Knows how to express his feelings. Including competently getting rid of anger and aggression (Art therapy can help her)

12. She will calmly apologize if she hurt someone. But he won’t blame himself for it for months. After all, the ability to forgive is, first of all, the ability to forgive yourself.

13. Knows how to refuse unnecessary things. (From toxic friends, useless relationships and other excesses of life).

14. Knows how to take care of himself.

15. She is not bored being alone. Even to be alone for a long time. Because she lives COMFORTably in this world, and first of all, in her society.

16. She does not shift responsibility for her life to others. Her problems are not to blame for her husband or children, nor is her work to blame.

17. Her misfortunes are not the fault of her parents, who, as we know, raised everyone incorrectly. If necessary, she will be able to get rid of the destructive programs of the past.

18. She knows how to change her habits. And this is her inexhaustible power!

19. She does not play the role of Savior, Persecutor or Victim (from "Karpman Triangle")

20. When she is not satisfied with something in life or people, she does not seek to change or remake them. She is looking for what needs to be changed in herself.

21. She knows how to give love. Because she herself is filled with it.

22. Knows how to “separate the wheat from the chaff.” She knows what is most important in her life. She knows how to set goals and achieve them.

23. Knows how to correctly prioritize in life. "First I, and then others."

24. She is an adult. And he understands that life is not sugar. And he knows how to overcome any setbacks and crises with dignity.

25. She has a source of wisdom and faith. She understands how this world works and is constantly developing as a person. She is an adult and calmly copes with any difficulties.

26. A feminine woman is a DAO woman. The one who is constantly moving upward along the path of her self-actualization.

And I have said many times:
This woman is amazing! And her man is happy to be next to her.

Self-sufficiency of a woman

The DAO woman sacredly and carefully treats her internal ecology. She doesn’t let any nasty things into herself: she doesn’t like gossip, tries not to judge anyone, and avoids empty chatter. She doesn't have sex just because it's expected of her.

If a woman values ​​herself, she cannot allow herself to scream, she cannot endure humiliation.

Can't stand being persuaded. Persuading is the same as raping.

She does not allow rudeness in her society. Activities for self-development and creativity are as important to her as air - thanks to this, she does not feel lonely either in a crowd or at home...

Self-esteem helps her take care of her health. She enjoys sports activities, facial and body care procedures. And she can always find time and allow herself to rest...

The feeling of inner self-worth and self-sufficiency helps her to surround herself with beautiful and pleasant things, and, of course, to take care of her appearance. This feeling allows her not to beg for attention - I repeat, she is comfortable even alone.

She does not tolerate trash and garbage in any form, and easily removes all this rubbish from her life - old and unnecessary things, poisonous relationships, uncomfortable activities...

The DAO woman knows how to instill healthy habits in herself! And he does it purposefully and competently.

By the way, you can do this with us on the course "DAO: The Way of a Woman"- set goals, go towards them, and share your achievements, conclusions and discoveries.

Do you consider yourself a feminine and self-sufficient woman? Are you doing well? Or are there still gaps that need to be addressed?

Tell us in the comments.


18.04.2018 14:27:01

I have a question. I don’t quite understand how to set boundaries and explain to any person under what conditions you are going to coexist with them? What does this look like in examples? in family? with friends? with your loved one? and what does it mean, femininity is not wishing well to everyone. . those. Don’t you need to give out your kindness left and right? I have been very kind since childhood, many people say all my life that I am too kind. I can’t understand what kind of person to become, and my ex said that you are extremely kind - you can’t be like that and a kind son (all of you is bad). And it fosters in him anger, stinginess, and insolence. I do not like it. I want to return a person who believes that being kind in our world is bad, although at heart he himself is very kind and gentle. But for some reason he tortures his son and builds barriers for himself and others. How to set boundaries here? and is it possible? after all, when you want to get your ex and the father of your child back, you can’t even talk about the child until you ask. but only about himself, but this upsets me terribly.. The rest of the article is all clear. There are even advantages (or rather results). I have become more feminine, and I notice it from my surroundings, and not just from my own conclusions) nice)

18.04.2018 15:06:59

And another gap I have is that many people constantly point out my thinness and I let them say it, and once a driving instructor said: “You’re so skinny, it’s just a nightmare, are you on a diet or something.” But in fact, my child and I eat meat three times a day and are constantly hungry. We have such an increased metabolism, this is our physiology. I used to try to explain it to everyone. Who thinks it's unhealthy? I’m no longer offended, but the residue remains. Sometimes it seems to me that they are jealous. because, despite my thinness and small breast size, I have a very slender figure and a waist like a wasp. But so far it is not always possible to find answers and reactions. Once I told a toxic friend, in response to her words about my thinness (and she doesn’t leave the gym), that she was simply jealous of me and suggested that she not be jealous. And she has her own beauty in another way. She fell behind and for some reason didn’t really want to communicate further. And I'm glad. I left toxic friends at a distance. It worked.

18.04.2018 17:29:45

I sincerely congratulate you, Love! It's really right to get out of those relationships that are toxic for you. And answer such attacks boldly, do not make excuses and do not be afraid to disturb someone’s pride, because such “advisers”, “appraisers”, “judges” and other “Experts” do not think about your pride and dignity. Let them envy themselves as much as they want, but silently.

19.04.2018 07:04:43

Love, I have the same problem. I'm slim, too thin. And people allow themselves, being overweight, to lament - like how thin you are, what do you eat, etc. The last time I answered - envy silently) People just stood there and blinked...) For some reason, it is not customary for us to emphasize and tell a person that he is fat and needs to lose weight... It’s kind of ugly, and it will offend the person. And it’s normal to point out that you’re thin. She began to say, “everything suits me and envy me in silence.” It's better to be thin than fat or plump. You just need to develop a strategy for yourself on how to respond to this. And love yourself as you are.

24.04.2018 15:41:51

Good afternoon. “It’s okay to tell your husband that you won’t tolerate his sarcastic remarks” - with both hands “FOR”. I told my husband that I would not tolerate his rudeness and cruelty towards children. How can you not endure it? What if he shows his cruelty again? And I’ll say right away that “hard deletion” is not my option. I have four children, my father is paralyzed, my mother and brother are disabled. Even the two of us can hardly cope with it; I can’t handle it alone. And the husband, if he is “removed”, simply lives with his mother. And he doesn’t even communicate with me on the phone. Accordingly, it does not bear any burden on family and everyday life. He's just offended that he was kicked out. I thought I would hold out until the last. But he only lasted a week and returned. It happened. better. He tries harder to work, implements some of his ideas, but is still impatient with children and at times very rude. In general, he doesn’t want to delve into such a thing as child psychology.
Having four children is my biggest problem. Okay, calm one down, explain that dad loves him, he just doesn’t know how to communicate. But four means running from one to another all weekend days and evenings.
I try to keep in my mind the image of a husband, the way I want to see him - sensitive, caring, attentive to children, etc. I instill in myself the state of “this is impossible in my life”
Is there anything else that can be done?

To be feminine - what does it mean?

We are constantly told to “be feminine.” What is it anyway - femininity? The combination of what qualities, external and internal, distinguishes a feminine woman from an unfeminine one? And is it really possible to be unfeminine in principle, having two normal X chromosomes in your genetic arsenal?

True, attempts are being made to define femininity in terms of its external manifestations. Probably not the worst way - after all, the external is a reflection of the internal. And so we are told that a feminine person necessarily grows long hair, wears pink dresses with frills, and puts on numerous bead earrings. Her behavior is silent and unprovocative, sometimes she chats sweet nonsense in a quiet, melodious voice and often smiles. Well, nothing antisocial or unnatural is being imposed on us by this. A charmer that meets these requirements is an undoubted decoration of any interior.

But a woman, especially a Russian one, as a rule, is not very comfortable living up to this Barbie image, or she doesn’t have too much time when she can look like that. And even if it appears occasionally, the habit of “feminine” behavior has not been developed. A modern woman must earn a living, fight to maintain a certain social level, ensure order in the house... A pink dress is not always appropriate here, and you can simply forget about trinkets in the turmoil.

Okay, it's external, it's secondary. But a feminine person is also obliged to observe the written (it is unknown, however, by whom) moral canons, failure to comply with which would deprive the disobedient woman of the right to be called a woman. What moral qualities are we destined to possess in order to be called feminine?

The all-knowing Wikipedia lists these qualities: tenderness, fragility, sincerity, loyalty, sensitivity, compassion, tolerance, caring, modesty... That is, before us again appears the image of a “Turgenev girl”, a “muslin young lady”, looking at those around her with gentle, understanding eyes and in addition to this, she manages to take care of others without demanding anything in return. She humbly endures reproaches, obeys unquestioningly - first to her parents, then to her husband... Oh, yes, understanding and condescension towards the weaknesses of others are also necessary! Femininity also implies softness and unobtrusiveness. God forbid you ask someone for something - help with housework and regular income. Never! This is unfeminine! Online well-wishers claim that a real woman can inspire a man to heroic deeds with just her appearance and will certainly never demand anything, much less forcefully “nag.” Well, then, lightly and casually, he will reproach that, they say, “you shouldn’t have made debts on the side, you shouldn’t have left your job without finding a new one... Yes, dear, yes! But what can I do? I’ll get a second job myself...”!

Femininity is often (and willingly!) identified with forgiveness and sacrifice. Every time, after having a good time, no one knows where or with whom, a man (husband, brother, son - it doesn’t matter) collapses home with a swollen, unshaven face and penniless in his pocket, his feminine wife will not stun him with a frying pan, will not stomp her feet, but will gently accept him , will carefully wash you, feed you deliciously, put you to bed and will never scold you for anything. Happenes… Real woman- she will handle everything. She herself is underfed - she feeds others, she doesn’t get enough sleep - and she does all the housework. In short, a universal housewife, daughter, wife, sister and mother...

That is, a woman’s positive qualities include those that are convenient for those around her, primarily men. A feminine woman is essentially a universally reliable, deaf-and-mute kitchen laundry complex in a bright, festive package. So that it is not only useful, but also fully pleasing to the eye. A bow on the lid is desirable...

No, no, ladies, something is clearly wrong here. It’s scary to imagine a society, and even more so the Russian one, in which at least half of the women are so feminine that they would allow something like this.

In a word, all this “femininity” is a terrible falsehood, an absurd prejudice that requires women to work hard from morning to evening, not to notice humiliation, to forgive insults and at the same time not to give the appearance that it is difficult, painful and there is no time for her to take care of her own life. person... Otherwise, suddenly her lover will be upset, fall into the blues, and cease to feel like a man, which will lead to the most undesirable social consequences!

But just the opposite!

The widespread introduction of forced femininity - what a blessing that this will never happen!!! - would lead to the extinction of the human population. After all, in order for a woman to fulfill her main biological purpose - procreation - she needs to be healthy, calm, well-fed and confident, and for the next 20 years, until her offspring can take care of themselves. How does this fit with tolerance, sacrifice and compliance? Almost nothing. Thinking about others more than about herself, she will be constantly nervous, hungry and tired... Well, the offspring will be corresponding.

...By the way, some specialist in gender psychology said that a feminine woman should - well, she simply must! - have... long nails. Apparently, in order to scratch the face of the one who composes and brings to the masses all this nonsense about “femininity”.

Dear women, have you ever thought seriously and deeply about the question of what femininity is? I bet that most of one of you will answer “no,” and this is understandable, since the question itself is trivial, every woman has femininity by nature, and it simply exists in each of us, and, accordingly, it does not occur to us to think about it.

But at the same time, it’s no secret to anyone that precisely because her femininity is not revealed in a woman, she does not have relationships with men, everything she achieves in life, she gets with great difficulty, in her soul she she experiences inner emptiness, she is constantly missing something, she cannot find peace and harmony in life.

It is quite difficult to give a clear definition of what femininity is. Every person, both man and woman, puts something of their own into this concept.

If you look at the dictionary, then femininity(femininity) is an ethical category that means a set of qualities expected from a woman, such as emotionality, tenderness, fragility, sincerity, fidelity, which makes a man want to protect and protect a woman.

“...For some, femininity is associated with Chekhov's "darling". She is helpful, sweet, meek and not obstinate, pleasant in all respects. The main thing is that she does not have herself! She is submissive and pliable, she does everything to serve the man with whom fate brings her. She has no interests of her own, no life of her own, she disappears into the lives of the men she marries. Perfect wife! She changes her worldview every time, based on the interests of her husband. But often the men of such women die or leave them. Because a free soul cannot exist next to an unfree one...” (A. Nekrasov “Love and Freedom”).

So what is it really? What makes a woman a Woman? Special behavior? Any external data? State of mind? Something inexplicable and elusive? How do we understand this mysterious state of “femininity”?

In each of us there live two principles - male and female. These are two types of energy that flow in both a woman and a man. In ancient Vedic treatises these two types of energy are called solar and lunar.

Masculine energy is the energy of the sun. Energy of activity, risk, courage, strength, aggressiveness. This energy heats up and can burn. This is the energy of achievement, great achievements, leadership.

Feminine energy is lunar energy. It is distinguished by softness, tenderness, peace, it cools.

In life, the manifestation of these two types of energy looks like this.

Manifestation of masculine energy: goal setting, competition factor, problem solving ability, risk, danger, ability to dominate or the right to dominate, success, efficiency, urgency, urgency factor, money, achieving results. A clear form of projects, a clear definition of the beginning and end of a task, a clear line, a limit to the activity or the time allotted for it. And finally, influence or power.

Manifestation of feminine energy: the ability to share with others, share your problems, your responsibilities, share something interesting, the desire and ability to communicate, the ability to create beauty and comfort, the ability to trust and feel safe, cooperation, the ability to do something together, the desire to take care of someone then, the ability to decorate, feed and treat, the ability to provide support in any form. And also delicacy, politeness, tact, tolerance, compliance, gentleness, tenderness, poise, calmness, measuredness.

Both energies are good. Both have their own point of application. But what is even more important is that both have a “main carrier”.

But in the modern world, it turns out that masculine energy is much more familiar to modern women and time and effort are spent on its development, while the “female part” receives attention mainly only from the outside - appearance, figure, clothes, cosmetics. Deep femininity, which is so highly valued by men, remains “behind the scenes.”

Well, what should we do? How to make your femininity “sound”?

Turn inside yourself, to your feminine essence!

Because femininity is the meaningful disclosure and development of one’s feminine principle.

But what if you look inside, and that very feminine state is not there? And instead of the Garden of Eden, in your heart you find complete weeds or a wasteland that for several years has not known rain moisture or the care of caring hands?

To change something, you first need to realize what is happening in life now. Answer the questions: what am I? How do I feel here and now? And if I do something, then why? Does this help me discover my femininity or take me into the world of masculine energies? What should you do if you look inside and there is not that very feminine state there? And instead of the Garden of Eden, in your heart you find complete weeds or a wasteland that for several years has not known rain moisture or the care of caring hands?

These questions are not needed to delve into psychoanalysis or the search for the meaning of life. They help you understand how long ago you looked into your inner garden and see what you filled it with (if it is not empty at all, as often happens). As a result, you will receive answers to the questions of what the condition is and how it can be changed.

How can we create the very state in which a woman’s soul, her inner garden, blossoms? Very simple! After all, if a woman is the owner of her garden, then she herself must choose what to fill it with: flowers of joy or weeds of sadness and doubt.

The trouble is that a woman forgets that the female condition is not only about beauty or sexuality. It is who you are, what you think, what you worry, what you do, how you act. In the past, now. And what you will be like in a minute! All this is your female state - your femininity!

What is femininity? What does it mean to be feminine?

Many of you, dear women, are mistaken about true meaning concept of "femininity".

I don’t know what this is connected with, maybe it’s just that modern world puts forward quite strict requirements for the weaker sex.

However, it is worth noting that the norms of behavior that have already become commonplace for representatives of the fair half of humanity were not considered such at all some time ago.

Very often we hear complaints from many women about the behavior of their men, who behave “unmanly.” However, have these women ever wondered if they behave “like women”?

Can we say that modern women are able to distinguish between the concepts of male and female behavior? After all, what usually distinguishes all men is strength, confidence, zeal and perseverance in overcoming life's difficulties.

What has distinguished women from time immemorial is warmth, care, cooking, support for their man.

And in no case were the list of characteristics of such postulates of modern women as “to be strong”, “to defend one’s own position”, “to prove one’s leading role in the family”.

It is not surprising that divorce statistics have increased so much. After all, why should a man live with another man, if you look from the point of view of character?

Isn’t it better to find yourself a true woman somewhere on the side, who will truly cherish her breadwinner and completely admire his skills, even if she is quite capable of taking care of herself.

That is, one that will meet all the parameters of femininity. To prevent this from happening, you need to take action as quickly as possible and stop unfeminine character traits and unfeminine behavior.

There are several clear examples of women behaving completely incorrectly with their husbands. During an argument, they try to defend their opinion and try their best to prove their dominant position in family affairs.

But excuse me, dear ladies, why do you need someone around if you yourself cope well with all the household chores and issues that arise?

With such a dialogue in a raised voice, the man begins to argue not with his beloved, but with the man who has hidden inside his wife and is trying with all his might to defeat him in virtual arm wrestling.

A real woman would simply relax her hand and let her man win.

Because its original task is to maintain harmony in the family and home, and not to incite conflicts in this field.

One more a clear example Women's tactlessness and masculinity in actions is a manifestation of excessive emotionality.

Screams that border on hysterics and periodic sobs do not solve the problem at all, but, on the contrary, violate the established canons under the roof of your home.

If a woman does not yet understand that her leading role in the family is to control the balance within the family hearth, then perhaps she just needs to grow up?

Or it may be that she has simply lost her femininity and now needs qualified help if she really wants to get it back.

The third point is the irrepressible desire to correct the shortcomings of the husband, which is inherent in many women.

You need to understand that shortcomings are one of the manifestations of individuality. Everyone has them and in some ways can even be considered additional traits of charm.

So you shouldn’t try so zealously to adjust your lover to yourself. It is better to give him the opportunity to understand for himself what exactly needs to be changed in himself.

A constant race with her husband for skills and achievements in different areas of life is also not a manifestation of femininity.

By showing others and once again proving to yourself that you can do a man’s job better than your man, you first of all humiliate yourself for the choice you once made in his favor.

And secondly, you simply force him to give " reverse"and try to find the place where his, albeit not the most majestic, but personal achievements, will be truly appreciated and respected.

The manifestation of maternal care for her husband is also not always a sign of femininity, oddly enough.

After all, you can spoil your man so much that he completely refuses to feel the desire to achieve new heights.

And this is a direct path to depression and blues. So you need to be a loving mother exclusively for your child, and not for your mother-in-law’s child.

But if suddenly things in the family are not going as we would like, then reproaches and unsuccessful teasing begin with the help of such caustic words as “you are not able to earn money,” “if you don’t know how, don’t bother,” and “I’ll do it myself a hundred times better.” "!

Our advice is unlikely to help such women, because their goal is by no means to remain feminine...

Another common phenomenon in the philistine environment is female selfishness.

Sometimes wives themselves don’t notice how they impose their opinion on everyone at home or simply do not take into account the point of view in matters of apartment design after renovation or preparation for children’s birthdays.

Manifestations of such character traits also entail a loss of femininity in actions and decisions.

So, watch yourself more closely, dear ladies - perhaps you have already lost the thread with which you once managed to hook your beloved man!

Women! Be more feminine, try to be more feminine! And you will be happy!