What should be on the bedside table? Feng Shui of the table: what absolutely cannot be placed on the table Desk - rules for organizing space.

Many people believe that the Russian language is logical. But try to explain, for example, to a Frenchman why the glass is on the table, the fork is lying, and the bird is sitting on the tree... Or stun him with a simple and understandable phrase - “I can’t get around to look”...

For example, there is a table in front of us. There is a glass and a fork on the table. What are they doing? The glass is standing, but the fork is lying down. If we stick a fork into the tabletop, the fork will stand. That is, vertical objects stand and horizontal objects lie? Add a plate and a frying pan to the table. They seem to be horizontal, but they stand on the table.

Now put the plate in the frying pan. There it lies, but it was on the table. Maybe there are items ready for use? No, the fork was ready when it was lying there.

Now the cat climbs onto the table. She can stand, sit and lie down. If in terms of standing and lying down it somehow fits into the “vertical-horizontal” logic, then sitting is a new property.

She sits on her butt. Now a bird has landed on the table. She sits on the table, but sits on her legs, not on her butt. Although it seems like it should be standing. But she cannot stand at all. But if we kill the poor bird and make a stuffed animal, it will stand on the table...

It may seem that sitting is an attribute of a living thing, but the boot also sits on the foot, although it is not alive and does not have a butt. So, go and understand what is standing, what is lying down, and what is sitting.

And we are also surprised that foreigners consider our language difficult and compare it with Chinese.

One can deduce a theory: that which is more vertical than horizontal – it stands; that which is more horizontal than vertical - it lies. But this theory immediately breaks down on the plate - it is more horizontal than vertical, but it stands. Although, if you turn it over, it will lie down.

Another theory is immediately deduced on the fly: the plate stands because it has a base, it stands on a base. The theory immediately breaks into rubbish on a frying pan - it has no basis, but it still stands. Miracles.

Although if you put it in the sink, it will lie there, taking on a more vertical position than on the table. This suggests the conclusion that everything that is ready for use is worthwhile (at this point I would like to say vulgarity).

But let’s take another object - an ordinary children’s ball. It is neither horizontal nor vertical, but is completely ready for use. Who will say that there is a ball there in the corner?

If the ball does not act as a doll and is not punished, then it still lies there. And even if you move it to the table, then it will lie on the table (lo and behold!). Let's complicate the task - put the ball in the plate, and the plate in the frying pan. Now we still have the ball (in the plate), the frying pan is still standing (on the table), the question is, what does the plate do?

If the Frenchman listened to the explanation to the end, then that’s it - his world will never be the same.

It now has plates and pans that can stand and lie down - the world has come to life! It remains to add that the birds are sitting with us. On a branch, on a windowsill and even on the sidewalk.

The Frenchman will picture in his imagination a tit sitting on a branch at the fifth point and dangling its paws in the air, or a homeless crow sitting, with its paws outstretched and its wings outstretched, near a metro station.

“Russians – you are crazy!” - the Frenchman will say and throw a textbook at you.

Try to explain to a foreigner the phrase “You can’t get around to looking” or the usual Russian evasive answer - “No, probably...”

A complete sentence of five verbs without punctuation or conjunctions: “We decided to send them to go buy a drink.”

To have a wife who is a bank director and to have a wife of a bank director. One line, what a difference it makes!!!

A huge part of our life is occupied by work. Therefore, of course, work should bring satisfaction, it should be to your liking.

And this depends not only on whether we like the work we are doing or not, but also on whether our workplace. This is what we'll talk about.

Properly organizing your workplace is important not only for those who work in offices, but also for those who work at home. Working on the sofa will quickly tire your back, and the habit of working in a dressing gown will certainly not contribute to the emergence of fresh, extraordinary ideas and work ethic.

Shelves hanging over the table, all sorts of furniture corners pointing directly at you and the door right behind you - it would be good to get rid of all this by redesigning your workspace. Let's make sure that work time was maximally fruitful and brought joy and satisfaction.


In the house

The Chinese believe that there are no small things in life. According to experts, the location of your desktop is very important great importance. It is best to sit so that your table is visible directly from the front door, but located as far away from it as possible.
In other words, try to place your desk so that you can see the front door (but not directly in front of it). If this is not possible, place a mirror in your field of view that would reflect the entrance to the room or office.

You should not place the table on the same line between the door and the window opening - this will, as it were, “blow” all your plans, endeavors, new projects and profits out of the room

Also an important point: there should be no open passages behind your back, otherwise you risk constantly experiencing a feeling of anxiety. In addition, it is better not to sit with your back to the window or door, so as not to provoke an outflow of energy and trouble.

If you are a budding businessman, then ideally your desk should be oriented towards the east.
The north-west is a favorable direction for people with the makings of a leader, the south-east will attract the energies of creativity and creation, and the west will make your position reliable and stable.
However, the southern direction should be avoided by everyone without exception - it introduces disharmony, adds tension and increases stress.

Try to ensure that there are no sharp corners pointing towards you in your workplace.
Make sure that your workspace is not blocked by any large objects, and especially not that you should squeeze your desk into the space between cabinets. There should be no overhanging structures above your head a la the “sword of Damocles” - this is a sure sign of illness or injury. All telephone and computer cables must be carefully hidden behind special panels - Feng Shui explains this by saying that all visible tubes and wires mean an outflow of money.

The light next to the desktop should not be harsh or dim. It's good if the light flux is soft. This can be achieved with the help of general light, as well as a table lamp with an adjustable leg.

In the office

If you work in an office, then you do not always have the opportunity to choose your own workplace. But even in such a situation, you can take steps to rearrange it according to Feng Shui, for example, your desktop.

The table is an important element.
Most of your working time is spent at your desk, so it should be in an optimal position.
Unless you work alone, it is strongly discouraged to place desks face to face with co-workers. This provokes the “division” of territory and frequent conflicts.
If the table is in a straight line between the windows and the entrance, be sure to try to change seats or turn the table itself around. If you are sitting facing a wall, decide how to position it differently, or you will block the path to new ideas, as well as the strength to implement them.
Do not sit close to the window or with your back to it.
The correct location of the window is on the side of the table. Do not position yourself too close to the door or with your back to it. It is better to position yourself diagonally.

Do you want to ensure yourself the support and understanding of your superiors? Position your desk so that you are facing your boss, even if he is sitting across the wall or on a different floor altogether.
If you don’t want to lose your job, don’t sit in front of the opening mirrored or polished surfaces of cabinets and doors.

If your job involves money, you should avoid mirrors behind, in front and on the sides of your desk. If you still sit with your back to the window, and there is no way to change seats, you must definitely cover the window with blinds or curtains.
You can’t sit under the air conditioner - it “blows” thoughts out of your head and dissipates energy, and from a health point of view it’s not healthy.
Stairs near your desk and even within your sight should also be avoided.
If the office door opens onto a long common corridor, do not sit facing it. In general, try to stay away from such corridors. It is important that there is no corridor behind you. This is especially true for managers.

Create a positive attitude.
Place slogans, inspirational items and sayings within sight. For example, by placing a personal photo of yourself speaking at a prestigious conference in front of you, you will activate your luck in your career. Place an image of a rising staircase or road in the northern sector of your workspace - and brilliant career growth is guaranteed.
Unfortunately, some company policies prohibit the use of personal desk items. No problem! You can simply put them in the top drawer of your desk. Every time you take out the things you need for work, you will see photos of loved ones or favorite trinkets.
You can also decorate your desktop background with screensavers of distant landscapes or family photos.

Surround yourself with objects of pleasant colors
What to do if the color scheme of the office does not suit you, and its furnishings do not make you feel comfortable? Use a complementary color in your workspace to counteract the overall tone of the office that doesn't match the style of work being done. For example, if personal work requires energy and the office is decorated in blue, add a few splashes of orange. You can put an orange rug under your arm or hang a picture in orange tones.

According to Feng Shui, there are five fundamental elements: fire, water, wood, metal and earth. Each element has its own color.

✅FIRE - RED. This is a color for dynamic and successful people. However, too much of this element can lead to exhaustion and anger and you will always have a lot to do.
✅WATER - BLACK, DARK BLUE. The more symbols of this element in your work, the calmer, more creative and flexible you are. But be careful: too much water can turn you into a vulnerable and indecisive person.
✅TREE - GREEN AND BLUE. This is the color of unhurriedness, caution, but at the same time, confident steps towards victory. Too much green and blue can make you boring and bilious.
✅METAL - SILVER, GOLD, WHITE AND GRAY. Metal colors attract wealth and success, and in large quantities- greed and despondency.
✅EARTH - BROWN OF ALL SHADES, UP TO PALE BEIGE. This is the color of stability and confidence. However, its excess leads to stubbornness, self-criticism and weakness.

There are office equipment that you use most often. Mostly most spend your days at the computer. How dull your workplace would look if it didn’t carry the imprint of individuality! A favorite painting - as a background for the monitor, a desk calendar with joyful emoticons, a bouquet of flowers - all this sends a life-affirming message: “I am,” and, of course, inspires you to work.

Cleanliness in the workplace
For some reason, people quickly get used to chaos. Cleaning begins only when clients or big bosses are about to visit the office. You may not pay any attention to it, but dirt and clutter in the workplace negatively affect your work efficiency and accumulate bad energy. To ensure clarity in your affairs, clean your workplace after a working day and make sure that there is no dust on table surfaces and other places.


As already mentioned, the first and most basic rule is that your personal desktop should always be in order. No rubble, no dumps of unnecessary papers, old magazines, newspapers and other rubbish. Cleanliness and order are the cornerstone of success, according to the laws of Feng Shui. This, however, also applies to the office or office as a whole.

Now more about the zones. Here's what the experts advise.

  • Career area is right in front of you. It should be empty, providing convenience for working at your desk and symbolizing the endless possibilities for your career growth.
  • Creative area located by right hand from you. Place a folder there with things that have already been completed. Under no circumstances should you put unfinished projects or letters here that are long overdue for an answer. Give preference to photographs of children and favorite images that symbolize the creative process (for example, lyres)
  • Health area is on your left hand. There should be a folder with unfinished tasks or projects that you are currently working on or about to start.
    The materials and documents you use most often should be placed within reach—say, from your chair. This way you can save a lot of time, energy and effort without running to cabinets and distant shelves for them. If it is not possible to ensure this condition, then at the beginning of each working day, assessing the upcoming tasks, you should lay out the necessary materials on the table or nearby.
    A figurine of a crane, a bamboo shoot or a wooden bowl with nuts will protect you from health problems.
  • Middle of the table - this is his spiritual and physical center, the focus of beneficial Qi energy, which must also be free. This can be easily achieved by moving the keyboard away from the monitor or moving the laptop towards you.
    An uncluttered center of the table will provide you not only with ease of work, but also with a free flow of beneficial energy.
    Keep a crystal crystal next to your keyboard, and the positive charge will not pass you by.

  • Behind the Qi zone is located island of glory. Place here a portrait of Bill Gates, Madonna or any other person who personifies success for you. This is how you take your step towards recognition.
  • Help area and look for patronage in the lower right corner of the table. He associated with travel and support received from outside.

    Decorate it with pictures from travel brochures, postcards or photographs of friends living in other countries, and the possibilities for adventure can be right at your fingertips.

    It's good if you have a phone there.

  • Field of knowledge is located in the lower left corner of the table. Put something there that symbolizes knowledge - an owl figurine or a reference book, a favorite book.
  • Area of ​​relationships, marriage located in the upper right corner of the table. Place fresh flowers there. It’s also a good place to keep photos of your loved ones and happy couples.
    It is good to keep a couple of elephants there, facing each other. You can also put your phone and pen holder there.
  • Wealth area- in the upper left corner of the table. Place a pot with a money tree or a three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth - an amulet that attracts wealth.
    Use it to attract love, money, friends - everything you need now. Double your wealth with a mirror that will reflect the contents of the corner.
  • In the wealth zone, you can place a living plant or its imitation.
  • Earth symbols - pebbles or shells - are placed in the health zone.
  • There should be metal objects in the creative area.

"Tabletop" accessories

Try to quickly find required document in a heap of papers randomly piled on the table. And at the same time, be so clever as not to get your finger caught in the cup of soot-like slurry that was once coffee, and the bouquet of daisies that Vasya presented from the neighboring department last week. Hop, you didn't succeed!

Not in vain Business Etiquette against...

  • ...spread paper debris on the table. Digging through mountains of papers will take up a lot of your time and nerves and, as a result, will make your life simply unbearable. Clean up your desk. Place documents that do not require an urgent decision in places specially designated for them - in folders or drawers of bedside tables;

  • ... to grow flower beds on the table, and especially to keep flowers that are not the freshest. There can be one bouquet, and even then a small one, and its place is on the bedside table near the table or on the shelf.
    However, plants, both artificial and natural products, can be grown on a windowsill, floor, wall or shelf. As soon as a worker, tired from backbreaking work, fixes his gaze on the velvet greenery, he will feel a surge of fresh strength and Have a good mood;
  • ..."open" a cosmetic store. Powder, lipstick, mascara should be in a cosmetic bag, a cosmetic bag in a purse, a purse in a closet;
  • ...keep cups, spoons and plates on the table, otherwise your reputation as a slob will be guaranteed. The best office utensils are “invisible” utensils that hide somewhere in the depths of the nightstand.

Get rid of old unnecessary things
This is simply necessary in order to make the workplace comfortable. And it is important not only from the point of view of aesthetics, but also psychology and health. Throw away any accessories that you never use and have accumulated dust over the years. Transfer folders and documents that have been unclaimed for a long time to the archive. Then you will not only free up space, but also gain the mental clarity and wisdom you need to succeed in your career. In order for something new to appear in life, it needs to make room.

What should be on the table? In the background there is a table lamp, a clock, a monitor (send the system unit under the table!). On the front there is a keyboard, a mouse with a pad, a telephone and office supplies. This organization of space is called “everything at hand” and allows you to receive and process maximum information while making a minimum of body movements.

Finance zone

The south-eastern part of the office is an area that attracts cash. Therefore, this part of the office should not be empty. You can activate it using a home aquarium or a decorative fountain.

The main thing is that these items are life-giving sources of the necessary energy. There may be a fireplace in this place. One of the talismans can stand on the mantelpiece - for example, a toad that sits on money.

The office finance area must be kept clean at all times.

Love zone

The office should also have a love zone. In the lives of many women, personal life and career occupy equal positions. Therefore, when a representative of the fairer sex arranges her office, she should also remember about the love zone. The energy around the desktop should be organized in such a way that it has a positive impact on a woman’s personal life.

The love zone should be located in the northwestern part of the room. In this place there may be joint photographs of spouses or lovers, the main thing is that these photographs are new. This sector can only be decorated with paired items. You can use two bowls - one will contain water and rose petals, and the other will contain stones.

Feng Shui symbols and objects

In the practice of Feng Shui, various talismans are used to attract good luck. Choosing “your” souvenir is a purely personal matter; no clear recommendations can be given as to which particular talisman will be most effective.

In Feng Shui, the figurine of the Indian elephant god Ganesha symbolizes an advisor and ally who helps to successfully run a business and increase income. The best place for Ganesha on the desktop - the area of ​​relationships, best material- bronze.

Another popular Feng Shui talisman is a three-toed toad with a coin in its mouth, a symbol of monetary well-being. It is better to place it in the upper left corner of the table - in the area of ​​​​wealth.

Chinese coins, which are also often used as a talisman in Feng Shui, are universal symbol the unity of the energies of yin and yang, as well as all the elements. They help to harmonize life in all its manifestations. Most often, coins are combined with a red cord, usually in the amount of three pieces.

The pyramid is used as a powerful talisman not only in Feng Shui. True, only a pyramid whose edges are related according to the “golden ratio” principle can be effective. This figurine is a kind of energy accumulator and can increase performance.

As you can see, Feng Shui is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. And it’s certainly no more difficult than mastering Chinese literacy. Start by doing the simplest and most general recommendations, and you will see how your life will be transformed.
You don’t have to believe in it to change the interior of your workplace or home. He will act anyway. And then - who knows, maybe you will become another guru in the field of Feng Shui?
based on materials from bonicasl.gorod.tomsk.ru, persona-l.pp.ua

Good luck and prosperity to you!

Suddenly I wanted changes in my office. What is the most common and affordable way produce them? That's right, move the table to another place.

After 2-3 attempts, he took a non-traditional position - I had to sit facing the door, located diagonally, and with my back to the wall. “Oh, how well you placed the table, right according to Feng Shui!” exclaimed a colleague who came to evaluate the rearrangement. To be honest, it never even occurred to me to think about Feng Shui on my desktop.

The main motive for such changes was the desire to disguise attempts to sometimes escape from everyday life and walk around with a thoughtful facial expression, personifying global busyness. social networks. No, no, it never occurred to me to abuse this, play solitaire, read articles about fashion trends.

I managed to do everything and was even considered a very promising employee in the office, but sometimes I needed a distraction, and a change of environment should have boosted my productivity. A colleague’s statement about Feng Shui in the workplace interested me; I wanted to decorate the table so that the beneficial energy of Qi would be a frequent guest not only in this office, but throughout the entire office.

Table position

Having become acquainted with the basic provisions, I realized that I had done everything correctly - the desk of an employee of any status should be located diagonally from the entrance. If you place it opposite the entrance, the Qi energy will not linger in the office.

It’s even worse if you have to sit with your back to the door or window, and you won’t lose your health for long. And the one who sits with his back to the door is the first candidate for dismissal. Sitting facing the wall means acquiring some narrowness of thinking.

Feng Shui of the workplace suggests that the best protection is a wall behind your back. It is advisable to hang a landscape with images of mountains on the wall, but only if they do not have sharp peaks. Any peaks or connections of straight lines are poisonous arrows that affect human well-being.
For the same reasons, bookshelves and filing cabinets should not be hung above your head or behind your back.

Desk - rules for organizing space

Before I started organizing my desktop according to Feng Shui, I got rid of the scribbled pens, unnecessary papers in the drawers, a broken stapler and a tattered computer mouse pad.

All things of this kind, broken and unused, should be thrown away immediately. One of the tenets of the teaching says that junk and old things are an obstacle to the circulation of beneficial energy.

Pretentious tables decorated with complex decorative elements, especially metal, with sharp corners and asymmetrical motifs are not welcome. Natural materials, especially wood, according to the fen shei of the workplace, help stimulate the work process in the office.

Octagon Bagua

Like many spaces organized according to Feng Shui, the desktop space in the office is oriented towards zones distributed along the Bagua octagon.

Its 8 sectors cover everything that is dear and important to a person. I visually divided the table into three parts: center, right and left sides, and then these parts into 8 zones:

  • Directly in front of the person sitting, according to Feng Shui, the desktop is located quarry area. This is where my assistant on the path to a career stands - a computer. It is believed that ideal order should reign here, and it is better to completely free this place from unnecessary objects.

    A desktop screensaver is important. I placed a picture of a waterfall there, because water brings money, and why do you need a career that is not accompanied by financial incentives?

  • Further beyond the career zone in a straight line is located future plans area, development prospects. I planned to continue working in this office, so I put a folder there with our working group’s plan for a new project.
  • Even further, and also straight - glory zone. The company's achievements in general and yours in particular, the company logo - that's what should be there. There are no such attributes, which means you need to put a jade pyramid there, which is what I did. And again, there should not be anything superfluous that obscures the perspective. Purity and emptiness are your sign to the Universe that you are ready for fruitful work.
  • Top right - family zone. Two children's faces with a serious dad between them smile cheerfully at me from the photo, adding motivation to work and positive emotions.
  • Middle right - creativity zone. There should be already completed projects or things that embody creativity for each individual person.
  • Bottom right - according to Feng Shui, the workplace should be occupied helpers and patrons. A work phone, a diary, a notebook, a business card holder are the inhabitants of this place. I have a list of telephone numbers of business contacts in our office and beyond.
  • Top left - wealth sector. This is where a pot of water would be useful money tree or a three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth. But as soon as I imagined the face of the head of the department looking at these attributes, I somehow didn’t want to bring the fat plant in a pot and the toad here. It turned out that they can be replaced with a table clock and a table lamp, and if these items purple– a bonus or salary increase is just around the corner.
  • Middle left - health and physical activity zone. This is where what you would like to spend your energy in the near future should be – projects, articles, coursework, dissertation. Place them there in a neat pile, and the strength will appear on its own.
  • Bottom left - knowledge zone. Reference books or other items that are sources of knowledge for you are appropriate there. You can keep a notepad and pen there as a symbol of openness to gaining knowledge. If there is nothing like that, then a rock crystal would be appropriate in this zone.
It is absolutely not necessary to clutter all the tables in the office with crystals and pyramids with table lamps. The main thing is to choose what is relevant for everyone at the moment and activate this particular area of ​​the desktop.

Organizing your computer desktop

A three-legged toad, a crystal and a jade pyramid are symbols of successful work.

Wise teaching is universal, like many things and concepts that have stood the test of time. It also paid attention to the organization of the computer desktop. Its screensaver will be selected in accordance with Feng Shui if it contains views of nature that have a perspective. A flat pattern is considered a deviation from the canons of Feng Shui.

Organizing your computer desktop - basic rules:

  • Clutter is not welcome there either; a chaotic arrangement of shortcuts without any system does not add organization to such a user’s everyday life.
  • All elements need to be arranged according to Feng Shui, focusing on the Bagua map. The top of the screen is the zone of reputation and fame, the bottom part is career and life path, the right side is family, the left side is creativity, the center represents health and well-being.
  • It is best to hide unnecessary icons in folders or delete them completely, leaving only the main shortcuts on the screen.
  • The “Trash” icon cannot be placed in the center of the screen, otherwise your well-being will flow into it along with your health. Its place is in the northwestern corner of the desktop.
To be honest, the chaos on the computer desktop was subconsciously annoying even without the teachings of Feng Shui. After spending half a working day, I put everything in relative order. Why does everything go back to normal so quickly?

One thing is good, there is something to strive for. I don’t know how to activate the necessary zones, but as for organization in the workplace, Feng Shui helped a lot here. It turns out that traditional teaching can also be used in the modern world.

The ancient Chinese technique of Feng Shui states that correct location objects in the house can influence our lives, attracting only positive events into it. If you strive to improve your financial situation and fill family relationships with harmony, then it is important to adhere to the basic rules of this teaching.

By following the advice of Feng Shui, you will be able to create a favorable atmosphere in your home and feel a constant surge of strength and vitality.

Getting rid of unnecessary things

According to Feng Shui, before you fill your home with positive energy, you need to get rid of the negativity. To do this, it is enough to reconsider household items that you have not used in everyday life for a long time. By getting rid of unnecessary junk, you clear the way for new energy that will bring good luck and prosperity.

Feng Shui purified living room

Cleanliness in the house

Your relationships and mutual understanding between family members depend on the cleanliness and conditions in the house. Do general cleaning regularly, clearing saws and dirt from the most inaccessible places in the house. It is believed that this is where all the negative energy accumulates.

Protection from negativity

To protect your home from negativity, you need to hang a mirror opposite the front door. It is desirable that this item be round or octagonal in shape. According to Feng Shui, mirror reflection can prevent the spread of negative energy from an entering guest.

Octagonal feng shui mirror

Expanding the space of the rooms

Bulky furniture not only visually makes the apartment smaller, but according to the rules of Feng Shui, it has a bad effect on family well-being and the success of all family members. When arranging rooms, make sure that one or two walls are not filled with wardrobes, cabinets and other pieces of furniture.

Vintage and antiques

Feng Shui warns fans of vintage furniture and other antiques that these items can bring negative energy from their previous owners. Therefore, before filling your apartment with such items, ask an antique shop about their history.

Rule for the front door

In Feng Shui, there is a belief that financial success comes into a home through the front door. In order not to feel a lack of money, you need this door to be made of wood. But if a metal one has already been installed, then you need to hang any wooden accessories in the middle.

Meaning entrance doors according to feng shui

Lighting in the house

An important aspect for attracting good luck to your home is lighting. If you have large windows, you don’t need to cover them with curtains or blinds during the day. Let the rays of light penetrate your home and fill the room with positive energy. In the evening you need to take care artificial lighting. Lamps should hang not only in living rooms, but on the outside of the front door.

Sunny lounge


Feng Shui great attention devotes itself to the room where you sleep. In the bedroom, the bed should be positioned with the head of the bed facing the wall. Avoid placing your bed near a window, as the space opening in front of you deprives you of confidence in difficult situations. In addition, Feng Shui rules strictly prohibit buying a bed that is not new. Sleeping area must have only one owner.

Ideal bedroom according to feng shui

Window location

It is believed that if the window is located immediately opposite the door, then positive energy does not linger in your home. To correct this situation, Feng Shui advises placing houseplants. It is advisable to give preference to large-leaved flowers, for example, ficus or crassula. This simple method will allow you to retain good energy in your home.

Home flora that complies with the rules of Feng Shui

Dinner Zone

There should be a mirror hanging in the kitchen or living room, where you often set the table when you receive guests. According to Feng Shui, a mirror can double positive energy. Mirror reflection will double not only the wealth on your table, but also your finances.

Dining area with mirror


To prevent omissions and disagreements in the family, it is forbidden to store broken dishes in the house. If it happens that your cup falls and breaks, then you need to get rid of it. No matter how dear this item is to you, cracks in the dishes are projected onto family relationships.

Household items

Feng Shui states that there should be no broken or broken items in the house. So that incidents do not occur in your life, and success and luck become constant companions, you need to monitor the serviceability of all the items with which the apartment is filled. If a light bulb burns out, replace it with a new one, and repair the faulty clock immediately.

Distribution of rooms between family members

Feng Shui rules state that the largest room in the house should belong to the main breadwinner in the family. Thanks to this distribution, a balance is created in mutual understanding between all family members.


Fung Shui prescriptions pay great attention to the plants that are in your home. If the plant is healthy and has large leaves, then it will help strengthen your well-being. Having noticed that the flowers have begun to fade for no particular reason, you need to urgently pay attention to your health. In this way, plants indicate internal ailments of the apartment owner. It is also important to avoid flowers from the cactus family. Thorns and sharp leaves will prevent you from stopping your career and spiritual growth.


Feng Shui rules state that rooms should contain photographs only of those people who live there. It is not recommended to post photos of distant relatives. To create a favorable environment in family relationships, it is necessary to place romantic and memorable photographs of the loving couple in the bedroom.

Smells in the apartment

According to Feng Shui, the apartment should smell fresh and essential oils. This aromatherapy has a beneficial effect on the entire body, energizing and positive for the whole day. Diffusing scents of lavender, lemongrass, mint or rosemary will also be helpful.

Feng Shui aroma lamp

Family relationships

Feng Shui pays attention not only to additional attributes that can normalize family relationships. By using simple rules prohibiting scandals, quarrels, raising your voice, it will be possible to achieve harmony and tranquility.

Changes in the house

It is believed that by deciding to radically change the decor in your home, you can introduce new events into your destiny. This is precisely what worries Feng Shui adherents, since innovations can be both good and bad. Therefore, you need to refrain from sudden changes. Everything should be smooth and measured so that positive energy can adapt.

Raising money

The northern part of the apartment is the section responsible for good luck in career and finance. Therefore, it is in this zone that it is necessary to place an aquarium with small goldfish. In addition, a turtle will also be a favorable inhabitant of the aquarium. In Feng Shui, this is the most powerful sign, symbolizing good luck and fortune.

Pendants "Feng Shui Wind Chime"

How many seconds or minutes do you need to stand in the plank for the exercise to bring the desired result? What plank time would indicate that you have excellent physical fitness?

Athletes who have recently mastered the plank are often interested in the question of how long they need to stand in the plank for it to be effective - it strengthens all the muscles and helps to tighten the stomach. Most trainers agree that 30 seconds of planking per set will be enough to get you started. Many people start with 15-20 seconds, as poor physical fitness does not allow them to withstand longer.

In your first workouts, you should aim for 30 seconds of planks in four approaches with short breaks, then you will need to add a few seconds to each approach.

From the point of view of benefit and achievement of results, the time spent in the plank is not as important as the ability to maintain the correct position. When performing a plank on your elbows, they should be located strictly under your shoulders, the same applies to the plank on your wrists. The legs and back should be straight, it is especially important to control the lack of arching in the lower back, it not only reduces efficiency, but also increases the load on the spine. There should be strong tension throughout the body, the most noticeable tension will be in the abdomen and buttocks, the pelvis should be slightly twisted forward, that is, towards the arms.

Observe your feelings and you will understand how much time in the plank will be enough for you. If after 20 seconds you understand that some muscles cannot withstand the tension and relax, and your back begins to sag, then holding something like a plank no longer makes sense. It would be more advisable to rest for about a minute and do another approach with renewed vigor and correct technique.

Based on an experiment among participants with average physical fitness, it was found that the average time in a plank with the correct technique is 1 minute 30 seconds for girls and 1 minute 46 seconds for guys. From this it follows that the time to which you need to strive is two minutes. Once you can hold a basic plank on your forearms for two minutes, this means that your core muscles can withstand the load, that is, your physical fitness is at a normal level.

Of course, in the world of professional sports and people with high physical fitness, the record time in the plank will be much higher. The world record for men's plank time was set by the Chinese athlete Mao Weidong in 2016, he spent 8 hours 1 minute. A similar record among women was set in 2015; Maria Kalimera spent 3 hours and 31 minutes in the plank position.

For an amateur level, two minutes in the plank will be quite enough; once this result is achieved, you can set new goals for yourself. Setting a goal of increasing your plank time to more than two minutes is only advisable in a situation where a person is trying to set a new world record. If training is carried out for the purpose