Petiole juice for chivo is treated. An educational resource for thinking and curious people

We have already talked about how to drink them and whether they need to be diluted. In this article you can learn more about how and what can be treated with fresh juices. In addition, the healthiest vegetable and fruit drinks are described below.

Healthy juices

The name “freshly squeezed” itself already evokes the idea that it is healthy. And in fact, it is better to spend money once on a juicer and prepare drinks, being confident in their usefulness, freshness and naturalness, than to buy boxes in stores with who knows what and with a shelf life of several years. After all, even a fool understands that such “drinks” have zero benefits, but only preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers and a bunch of chemicals.

The main rule for homemade juices is that the raw materials for them must be fresh, not rotten, and ripe. It is better to drink such drinks right away, because they spoil very quickly and all the beneficial substances disappear from them. And there are a lot of them, this is a lot of vitamins, microelements, minerals and salts necessary for the human body.

Regardless of which juice you prefer or decide to experiment with and make, they will all benefit you. In addition, they can be mixed with each other, which will be doubly useful. Which of them are the most useful:

  • from beets;
  • from carrots;
  • from apples;
  • from citrus fruits;
  • from cabbage;
  • from celery;
  • from grapes;
  • from cranberries;
  • from cucumbers and tomatoes;
  • from .

Fresh drinks made from fruits and vegetables should definitely be present in the daily diet of any person. Nutritionists recommend drinking at least 600 ml of natural juice per day. Firstly, it guarantees a good mood, secondly, it has a positive effect on health and helps to cope with some diseases, and it is quite possible to get rid of some juices. Moreover, it must be consumed strictly 30 minutes before the start of a meal, otherwise fermentation may occur and you will not get anything useful.

What is the treatment with juices?

So, what do fresh juices help to heal? Many nutritionists recommend consuming juices for a variety of diets, because many of them contain very few calories, but have many benefits. Doctors recommend treatment with juices:

  • at ;
  • with diarrhea;
  • to eliminate and prevent vitamin deficiency;
  • with an excess of cholesterol and toxins;
  • for gallstones;
  • to cleanse the kidneys and;
  • for allergies;
  • for asthma and arthritis;
  • with leukemia;
  • for infertility;
  • for bronchitis;
  • for hemorrhoids;
  • for problems with menstruation;
  • for hypertension, hernias;
  • for cardiovascular diseases;
  • for gout;
  • when tooth enamel is destroyed and;
  • with cystitis;
  • with poor blood clotting;
  • with anemia;
  • for cancer prevention;
  • for problems with the thyroid gland;
  • for colitis and stomach ulcers;
  • for varicose veins;
  • to get rid of nausea during the period;
  • for infectious diseases;
  • for diseases.

With all the positive aspects, there are also disadvantages that should not be forgotten. Fruit juices from apples and citrus fruits should not be taken by people suffering from gastritis, pancreatitis, or peptic ulcers. Grape juice should not be consumed by diabetics, obese people or people with stomach ulcers. So before self-medicating, it is better to consult a specialist.

Those who consume fresh juices daily do not have problems with hair, skin and nails. No dandruff, brittle or dull hair, flaking or brittle nails, and the skin is clean, without pimples, allergic reactions and dermatitis.

Those who drink carrot juice always have good appetite, digestion, strong teeth, good skin and sharp eyesight, as well as strong immunity.

Beetroot juice, stimulating the formation of red blood cells. Cleanses the kidneys, liver, gallbladder, helps with atherosclerosis and hypertension, insomnia.

Cucumber drink is an excellent diuretic; it improves vision, memory, strengthens blood vessels, and improves skin tone.

Tomato juice stabilizes the performance of the heart by regulating metabolism.

The juice removes waste and toxins from the body, improves the immune system, helps cope with excess weight, increases appetite, vitality and sexual strength.

Pumpkin juice helps with heart disease, obesity, hypertension and cholecystitis.

Citrus juices from orange, lemon and grapefruit cleanse the digestive system, provide the necessary vitamin C, and strengthen the circulatory and immune systems.

Apple juice is rich in folic acid, A and C. So it is very good in the treatment and prevention of colds, and also has a good effect on the condition of nails, hair and skin.

Health improvement with juices according to N. Walker

Dr. Norman Walker spent a lot of time and money researching the healing properties of raw plant foods. In 1936, the book “Raw Vegetable Juices” was published, in which the pioneer of juicing talked about the benefits of freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices, as well as their use for treating specific diseases and cleansing the body.

Conducting his scientific research, Norman Walker found that, in terms of their properties, fresh juices correspond to the “ideal natural medicine” that can maintain the acid-base balance in the human body. Sour foods include all animal products, many grains, especially peeled and dried legumes, cottage cheese, and cheese. Alkaline foods included vegetables, fruits, nuts (except peanuts), herbs, milk, curdled milk, and yogurt. An alkaline internal environment is characteristic of healthy people and ensures effective life activity, reduces the need for proteins, gives strength and longevity. It is believed that maintaining an alkaline internal environment is optimal for the body, which is largely achieved by selecting appropriate products. Prolonged acidification leads to disease and premature senility. Scientists N. Walker and R. Pope evaluated a number of foods for their ability to oxidize or alkalize the body. It turned out that the alkalization of the internal environment is facilitated by acid cations - calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium. Acidification is caused by anions containing phosphorus, sulfur, and chlorine.

An alkaline environment in the body promotes health, but this does not mean that you need to switch to eating only alkaline foods. Harmony is important everywhere, so it is best to stick to the ratio of “one part acidic food - two parts alkaline”! The table below shows which foods are most suitable for the Walker diet. The more advantages a product has, the more alkalization of the body’s environment it causes. And vice versa, the more minuses, the more harmful the product is to the alkaline environment of the body.

The symbols in the table correspond to the following effects:

“+” – weak alkalization; “-” – weak oxidation;

“+ +” – average alkalization; “–” – average oxidation;

“+ + +” – strong alkalization; “–” – strong oxidation;

“+ + + +” – very strong alkalization; “–” – very strong oxidation.

Table 1

Separation of products into acidic and alkaline according to P. Bragg

In addition, Dr. Walker emphasized that fresh juices are rich in structured water. It is believed that it is absorbed by the body faster and more readily, and the only source of living organic water is plants - vegetables and fruits, especially the juices obtained from them. However, juices must be raw in order to retain their live, organic properties. They should not be cooked, processed, canned or pasteurized. Otherwise, all the beneficial substances in them disintegrate. Fresh juices supply biologically active substances in large quantities to the human body, which allows you to quickly achieve a healing effect. Dr. Walker argued that “no other food, even raw food, could do this as effectively as fresh vegetable juices. At the same time, self-medication was pleasant and quick.” Freshly squeezed juices are the most nutritious food, and it is recommended to take them constantly throughout your life.

Principles of falconation

How do our contemporaries advise drinking juices? The recommendations of some of them - to consume juices with all dishes, as well as with mineral water - can hardly be considered reasonable, especially in dietary nutrition. In this regard, nutritionists emphasize that in case of chronic diseases of the digestive system, taking juices (especially those rich in carbohydrates) during and after meals can cause increased fermentation processes in the intestines and provoke an exacerbation of the pathological process. More often, with low and normal acidity of the gastric contents, plant juices are drunk 30–40 minutes before meals, with excess formation of hydrochloric acid in the stomach - an hour and a half after meals.

Usually two modes of using juices are used: fasting days (1.5- 2 l juice per day) and daily preventive use. In the first case, juices quickly reduce weight and cleanse the body. Of course, the use of juices for more than three days should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Preventive consumption of juices in small quantities acts less quickly, but is reliable. Prevention should be carried out systematically for one to two weeks. Sometimes, after making sure that a given combination of juices does not achieve the goal, it is replaced. As a rule, it takes at least 3–5 days to detect the effect.

Unlike other specialists, Dr. Walker believed that “you can drink as much juice as you enjoy drinking without forcing yourself.” In his opinion, the more we drink juices, the sooner we will achieve results. It is advisable to drink them an hour before meals. Always start with small doses of juice - 50-100 g before meals 2 -3 times a day. The dosage is gradually increased. As a rule, you need to drink at least 600 g per day to get noticeable results. For noticeable improvement, adults need to consume about 0.5–1.5 liters of juice per day of one or more combinations (mixtures) for several weeks.

The exact amount of juice depends on the weight of the human body. Let’s say that for a person weighing 45–55 kg, 0.5–0.7 liters of fresh juice per day is sufficient to obtain a pronounced health effect. For people weighing between 60 and 80 kg, it is advisable to consume 1 to 1.5 liters per day. Those who weigh from 80 to 100 kg are recommended to drink more than 1.5 liters of juices per day.

Individual tolerance and some other factors are of great importance in taking juices according to the Walker system. In any case, you must know the criteria for the effectiveness of juices and respect the capabilities of your body! The larger the dose of juice, the faster you will replace contaminated body fluids (including cholesterol-rich blood) with clean ones. As a result, you can for 1- 2 months to completely renew your fluid environment and feel like a truly healthy person, as proponents of Walker’s co-cleaning claim. They also warn that large amounts of juice can cause cleansing reactions. Walker explained the laxative effect of juices by the fact that the body first of all begins to restore order within itself - to throw out all the excess that has accumulated over the years. All this is the norm, the author believes. But toxins and waste accumulated over many years cannot be removed at once. This, of course, will take time - the person will have several cleansing and healing crises.

If you use small doses of juices and do not change your diet and lifestyle, the healing process will be delayed. You must independently find an effective dose of juices for yourself and at the same time not exceed the capabilities of your body! Only in this case the best health and treatment results are observed.

In addition to the overall health benefits of the body, Dr. Walker recommended raw juices for the treatment of many diseases - as a supplement or on their own. Here are some of his tips regarding improving the health of the heart and blood vessels.

Arteriosclerosis of the vessels of the heart and brain:

1) carrots, spinach – 10: 6;

2) carrots, celery, parsley, spinach – 7:4:2:3;

3) carrots, beets, celery – 8:3:5;

4) carrots, celery – 9:7;

5) carrots, radishes or radishes – 1:5.

Heart diseases:

1) carrots, spinach – 10: 6;

2) carrots, beets, cucumbers – 10: 3: 3.

Kidney disease (renal hypertension):

1) carrots, beets, cucumbers – 10: 3: 3;

2) carrots, spinach – 10:6.


1) carrots, spinach – 10: 6;


1) carrots, spinach – 10: 6;

2) carrots, celery, parsley, spinach – 7:4:2:3.

Diabetes mellitus (as a risk factor for heart and vascular diseases):

1) carrots, spinach – 10: 6;

2) carrots, celery, parsley, spinach – 7:4:2:3.

Excess weight (as a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases):

1) carrots, spinach – 10: 6;

2) carrots;

3) carrots, beets, cucumbers – 10: 3: 3.

Let us briefly list the beneficial properties of some fresh juices of vegetables, fruits and juice mixtures.

Beet juice dilates blood vessels well, therefore it is indicated for hypertension. The iron and folic acid it contains stimulates the formation of red blood cells and the supply of oxygen to the muscles. The high magnesium content helps normalize the activity of the nervous system during stress and overload, insomnia, and neuroses.

carrot juice Considered the king of vegetable juices, it is combined with all others. Rich in carotene, vitamins C, P, B, contains large amounts of iron, cobalt, copper, calcium, potassium. Helps normalize metabolism, improve hematopoiesis, and protein synthesis. Especially useful for children and weakened people.

Cabbage juice has a beneficial effect on atherosclerosis. Contains easily digestible carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, sucrose), amino acids, as well as calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, and iron salts. Its greatest value lies in its special vitamin set (ascorbic, nicotinic, pantothenic and folic acids, thiamine, riboflavin, biotin, vitamin K, P-active substances). Cabbage juice has the ability to inhibit the conversion of carbohydrates into fats, so it is necessary for people with excess body weight.

Tomato juice improves heart activity. Contains B vitamins, carotene, vitamin C, mineral salts. Fresh raw tomato juice is rich in sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium. There are many varieties of tomatoes, and all of them are very healthy when eaten raw and fresh. They make excellent healthy juice. A glass of tomato juice a day can provide half of the body's daily need for carotene and vitamin C. The high content of organic acids (lactic, malic) activates metabolism and increases the alkaline reserve of the blood. The significant content of potassium and iron in the juice with a relatively low calorie content makes it useful for people prone to obesity. It is one of the most widely used juices - in canned form. Tomatoes contain a high percentage of citric and malic acids, as well as some oxalic acid. All these acids are useful and necessary for metabolic processes if they are in organic form.

Apple juice used primarily for atherosclerosis. Contains a lot of vitamin C and P, mineral salts of potassium, calcium, iron, copper, manganese, cobalt, zinc, nickel. The high content of sugars and organic acids normalizes metabolism and restores after physical activity. Recommended for athletes and those engaged in mental work.

Cucumber juice enhances intestinal motility, promoting the elimination of cholesterol. With age, a person must take care of unloading his kidneys and heart. Cucumbers contain 97% water, which is easily excreted from the body, but the remaining 3% consists of substances that are extremely necessary for humans. The high potassium content in cucumbers makes them very valuable for high and low blood pressure.

Juice Recipes

Cucumber carrot juice: 100 g carrot juice, 50 g cucumber juice; 100 g carrot, 50 g cucumber, 50 g beetroot. As you get used to it, Walker recommends increasing the amount of cucumber juice. To improve the taste, you can add a spoonful of honey.

Grape juice Recommended for nervous exhaustion and loss of strength. The richness of grape sugar determines its antitoxic properties and a positive effect on muscle tone, especially the heart muscle. Typically, red grape juice is fortified with vitamin C, contains a lot of potassium, and also contains a substance that reduces the risk of heart disease. Reduces cholesterol and blood pressure. It should not be used if you are prone to indigestion, diabetes, obesity, ulcers, or chronic inflammatory processes in the lungs.

Citrus juices useful for preventing heart disease. Rich in vitamin C, potassium, folic acid, thiamine, carotenoids. Grapefruit may interact with medications, so do not take them with the juice of this fruit.

The choice of juices and the options for mixing them are endlessly diverse. A delicious green smoothie is made from tomato, cucumber and one clove of garlic. You can even sprinkle it with dill. Many people like the combination of cranberry, lemon and apple. A cocktail of beets, carrots and orange tones up the activity of the kidneys. Apple, carrots, celery and cucumber go well together. Modern nutritionists repeat after N. Walker - experiment boldly!

When using juices as a means of treating and healing the body, you should remember some of the features of their action, which N. Walker warned about. Many people are now writing about this, but let’s not stray too far from the original source – the works of the doctor himself.

First, he wrote, have patience. When restoring the body in a natural way, it is very important to remember that natural food taken in the form of juices cleanses the entire body. This process may be accompanied by pain in the part of the body where cleansing occurs. Sometimes this condition can be very painful.

Walker warned that “we should never think that juices have a negative effect on us if these juices are fresh and consumed on the day of production. On the contrary, we should rejoice that the cleansing process is in full swing and that the sooner these unpleasant sensations occur after drinking a large amount of juices, the better, because in this case we will get rid of them sooner and the restoration of health will come sooner.”

Secondly, many people, both in Walker’s time and today, fear that carrot juice will turn the skin yellow. But that's not true. When, after drinking juices, the skin turns yellow or brownish, this is nothing more than a sign of cleansing of the liver: it removes stagnant bile and accumulated toxins in quantities larger than the excretory organs. As a result, some of them come out through the pores of the skin, which is completely normal. The unpleasant effect will go away if you continue to drink juices.

Attention! If you suffer from diabetes or simply have high blood sugar, then juices should be used with great caution, especially potato, beet, and carrot juices. It is advisable to consult your doctor before using them.

As in any case of transition from the usual to the unusual, changing eating habits requires courage and willpower from a person. Dr. Walker and his followers unanimously claim that this will pay off with interest. But whether you switch to juicing or abstain, raw vegetable juices are a necessary addition to any meal. This is especially important for people who eat a mixed diet, since they are the ones who have a lack of those microelements and vitamins that the body receives from natural fresh juices.

From the book Vitamins and Minerals in Everyday Human Nutrition author Gennady Petrovich Malakhov

Juice therapy according to N. Walker N. Walker has been treating vegetables and fruits with raw juices since 1936. Based on the scientific and practical work done, he proposed combinations of various juices for the treatment of a particular disease. Combinations (recipes) of juices are given under

From the book Therapeutic and separate nutrition author Gennady Petrovich Malakhov

List of juice recipes according to N. Walker 1. Carrots.2. Carrots – 150 g, celery – 120 g, parsley – 60 g, spinach – 90 g.6. Celery.10. Green pepper.11. Mix the juice of one lemon with 120 g of grated horseradish.15. Spinach.22. Grapefruit.23. Lemons.24. Oranges.27. Carrots – 210 g, apples – 180 g, beets – 90

From the book Juice Treatment author Gennady Petrovich Malakhov

Juices according to N. Walker Since 1936, N. Walker has been treating vegetables and fruits with raw juices. He studied juices in a scientific laboratory, determining their composition and effect. Based on his scientific and practical work, he recommends combinations of various juices for treatment

From the book Cleansing the Body. The most effective methods author Gennady Petrovich Malakhov

Cleanse yourself with juices Tomato juiceTomato juice has low acidity and has a pleasant, refreshing taste, quenches thirst. Contains vitamins C, group B, carotene, mineral salts. A glass of tomato juice a day can provide half of the body's daily requirement for

From the book How I Cured Obesity author Tatyana Fedorovna Plotnikova

Holidays with juices Hello, my name is Marina, I am a student. Classes at the institute take up so much time that there is almost no time left for normal nutrition. My friends and I constantly grab something on the go, especially since there is a stall next to the institute where

From the book Diabetes Mellitus. The most effective treatments author Yulia Popova

Treatment with juices Vegetable and fruit juices contain many vitamins and natural sugars. They have a beneficial effect on the pancreas, normalizing its activity. Of course, juices are not hypoglycemic agents, but they improve your overall condition

From the book Cleansing the body with folk remedies author Yuri Konstantinov

Juice cleansing It is recommended to use strawberry or strawberry juice prepared as follows: rinse the peeled berries well through a colander with boiled water, cool, put in a glass jar and sprinkle each layer of berries with a small amount

From the book Cleansing the body. Best practices author Elena Zhukova

Enema according to N. Walker In 2-3 liters of boiled water, add 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice (or dissolve a pinch of citric acid), if desired, add garlic water, which has an antimicrobial effect. It's easier to prepare garlic solution

From the book Treating Diabetes with Natural Remedies author Lidia Sergeevna Lyubimova

Method of cleansing the liver and gall bladder according to N. Walker Walker’s method consists of drinking plenty of choleretic juices and mixtures. No active intervention from oils or choleretic drugs is provided in this technique. We can say that this is the most

From the book Natural cleansing of blood vessels and blood according to Malakhov author Alexander Korodetsky

Treatment with juices Vegetable and fruit juices contain many vitamins and natural sugars. They have a beneficial effect on the pancreas, normalizing its activity. Of course, juices are not hypoglycemic agents, but they improve your overall condition

From the book The best cleansing techniques according to Bolotov author Gleb Pogozhev

Juice cleansing Blood cleansing To cleanse the blood of harmful substances, I really like to use vegetable juices, and in different combinations. But we must also remember which juices should not be consumed, which are undesirable, and which can only be consumed in small quantities. Cleansing with

From the book Eco-Friendly Food: Natural, Natural, Living! by Lyubava Live

Clearing mucus according to Walker Due to poor nutrition and consumption of large amounts of mucus-forming products (meat and dairy products, animal fats, bread, canned food, marinades, refined, heat-treated foods, alcohol, tobacco) accumulation in the body

From the book The Best for Health from Bragg to Bolotov. Large reference book of modern wellness author Andrey Mokhovoy

Table of alkalizing and oxidizing products according to N.V. Walker Legend: 0 - weak oxidation or alkalization, 00 - medium; 000 - strong; 0000 - very strong, Ш - alkalizing, O -

From the author's book

Juice therapy according to N. Walker Freshly squeezed juices from vegetables and fruits are used to maintain health and treat many diseases. But they have different effects on the body: fruit juices cleanse it, while vegetable juices “build” and restore it. Juices contain everything

From the author's book

Cleansing the body according to Walker N. Walker paid great attention to the proper functioning of the intestines, in particular the colon. His statement that “the elimination of undigested food and other waste from the body is as important as proper digestion, and

From the author's book

Eating according to Walker Dr. Walker believed that the cells of the human body need living food, and therefore it depends only on the person whether our food will benefit us or not. N. Walker’s “mechanism of proper nutrition” is based on the following principles: Health and longevity

Treatment and cleansing of the body with juices

Drinking juices is good for you! This truism is known to everyone. Juices retain all the nutrients found in fresh and healthy fruits, berries and vegetables; they are easily absorbed by the body. The healing power of juices has been known since ancient times and is widely used in both folk and traditional medicine. The complex of nutrients they contain makes them an excellent dietary food, helping to restore strength and health.

The best juices are freshly prepared “cloudy” ones, i.e. juices containing a large number of raw material components. (Juice is filtered only for certain disorders of the stomach and intestines, as well as for certain respiratory diseases).

The first section talks about fruit and berry juices, which can be obtained from fruits and berries that are easily accessible to almost everyone and grow in the territory of the former USSR. This list does not include undoubtedly useful, but exotic fruits, such as pineapple, feijoa, etc., but watermelon and melon are included, although they belong to vegetables (botanists perceive watermelon and melon as berries, and their fruits are called false berry), as well as a birch tree, which had no place anywhere.

Freshly prepared juices are not always available. Therefore, canned juices are very popular. Prepared using proven technology, they almost do not lose their healing properties. Therefore, where appropriate, methods for making juices at home are provided. To prepare juices, use enamel or stainless steel utensils, wooden pestles or masher, and various juicers and presses. Juice cookers are successfully used for preparing juices.

Juices are preserved in three ways: hot filling, pasteurization and sterilization.

During hot bottling, freshly squeezed juice is heated to a temperature of 70-750C and filtered through boiled flannel or gauze folded in several layers. After this, it is heated to a boil, boiled for 2-3 minutes, poured into sterilized glass jars or bottles, sealed tightly, the jars are turned upside down, and the bottles are placed on their sides for additional sterilization of the upper part and checking the quality of the closure.

During pasteurization, freshly squeezed juice is heated to a temperature of 800C and filtered while hot. Then the juice is heated again to 80-900C, poured into prepared containers and pasteurized at a temperature of 850C.

During sterilization, freshly squeezed juice is heated to a temperature of 800 C, filtered, brought to a boil, poured into prepared containers and kept in boiling water: half-liter jars - 10 minutes, liter jars - 12-15 minutes, two-liter jars - 20 and three-liter jars - 25-30 minutes, counting from the moment the water boils. The jars are then hermetically sealed.

The canned juice is left for 8-10 days at room temperature, and if it does not begin to deteriorate during this time, it is stored in a cool, dry place.

You need to know that not all types of fruits and berries give off juice equally well. For better juice extraction, the fruits are blanched, i.e. immerse them in a pan of boiling water for several minutes, or keep them in a sieve over steam.

In addition to natural juices, blended (mixed) juices are prepared. By mixing the juices of various fruits and berries, you can significantly improve their taste and nutritional value. For example, apple juice goes well with the juices of most fruits and berries. Raspberry juice and red currant juice are often blended.

Vegetable juices are increasingly becoming part of medical practice (and they have been used in folk medicine since time immemorial). The second section is devoted to vegetable juices and their properties. At the same time, attention is paid to the availability of fruits to every person.

What should those who are planning to be treated with juices remember? The effect of many of them on the human body has not yet been fully studied. Therefore, you should not self-medicate. In all cases, you should consult your doctor and carry out treatment only under the supervision of specialists.

From the book Healthy Heart. Formula for activity and longevity author Alexandra Vasilyeva

Juice cleansing The use of raw vegetable juices will help restore normal intestinal functions, which, due to their amazing energy properties, are excellent cleansers, builders and restorers of the body. With the help of juice therapy

From the book Cleansing for Beauty and Youth author Inna A. Kriksunova

Cleansing with carrot, beet and cucumber juices Health and beauty are nearby - in the garden beds! How to cleanse I have already said that natural vegetable and fruit juices perfectly wash and cleanse the lymph. This time we use carrot, cucumber and

From the book Diabetes Mellitus. The most effective treatments author Yulia Popova

Cleansing with vegetable juices and celandine What happens during cleansing For this cleansing, a mixture of carrot and beet juice, as well as celandine infusion, is used. I have already said that natural vegetable and fruit juices cleanse the lymph well. Celandine also has powerful

From the book Juice Treatment by Norman Walker

Treatment with juices Vegetable and fruit juices contain many vitamins and natural sugars. They have a beneficial effect on the pancreas, normalizing its activity. Of course, juices are not hypoglycemic agents, but they improve your overall condition

From the book Cleansing the body with folk remedies author Yuri Konstantinov

Treatment with pills or cleansing and healthy nutrition of the body: what do you choose? Those who adhere to a strict vegetarian diet, which excludes dairy products, flour products and foods high in sugar, suffer practically no diseases

From the book Treatment with enzymes and juices according to Bolotov author Gleb Pogozhev

Juice cleansing It is recommended to use strawberry or strawberry juice prepared as follows: rinse the peeled berries well through a colander with boiled water, cool, put in a glass jar and sprinkle each layer of berries with a small amount

From the book Treating Diabetes with Natural Remedies author Lidia Sergeevna Lyubimova

Part II. Juice treatment

From the book Natural cleansing of blood vessels and blood according to Malakhov author Alexander Korodetsky

Treatment with juices Vegetable and fruit juices contain many vitamins and natural sugars. They have a beneficial effect on the pancreas, normalizing its activity. Of course, juices are not hypoglycemic agents, but they improve your overall condition

From the book Beetroot. Recipes for health and youth author Victor Borisovich Zaitsev

Juice cleansing Blood cleansing To cleanse the blood of harmful substances, I really like to use vegetable juices, and in different combinations. But we must also remember which juices should not be consumed, which are undesirable, and which can only be consumed in small quantities. Cleansing with

From the book Rules of Purification by Nishi Katsuzou

Cleansing blood vessels with juices in the treatment of atherosclerosis One-day cleansing with various juices is an excellent means of cleaning blood vessels. Cleansing lasts only one day, it is used once a week, and the course of vascular cleansing itself lasts one month. After one month break

From the book Complete Medical Diagnostics Guide by P. Vyatkin

Treatment and cleansing of the body with beet juice Cleansing with beet juice is an effective way to get rid of a number of diseases, improve metabolism, the condition of the skin, hair and nails, feel cheerful and full of energy. Vegetable juices have a high

From the book Hypotension author Anastasia Gennadievna Krasichkova

Cleansing with juices Juices have a beneficial effect: potatoes - for inflammation of the respiratory tract; carrots (especially with honey) – for sore throat; beets – for diseases of the lungs and pleura; fresh cabbage - for pneumonia and colds; apricot – with

From the author's book

Spiritual cleansing of the body. Purification of thoughts, emotions and feelings Purification of emotions In addition to cleansing the body on the physical plane, it is imperative to cleanse it on the spiritual plane. First of all, I advise you to learn to take control of your own emotions and feelings. Easier

From the author's book

From the author's book

From the author's book

Treatment with juices Treatment with juices is an alternative to traditional medicinal methods of treating and preventing diseases. In the juice therapy technique, the emphasis is on restoring the functions of organs and systems in a natural way. To get rid of ailments it is proposed

Everyone knows that the human body is 70% liquid. Our body is like a factory in which there is no process that occurs without the participation of water. Water is more important than food, and natural fruit and vegetable juices are like two in one: it quenches thirst and satiates, and also lifts your spirits and supplies the body with the energy necessary for life. If you want to be healthy, start your day with a glass of natural freshly squeezed juice. Vegetable and fruit juices are restorers and beneficial healers for the body. Natural juices also help cleanse the body by removing waste and toxins. They contain a large amount of mineral salts, various enzymes, enzymes and vitamins necessary for humans. Juices are more effective if they are prepared from fresh and raw vegetables or fruits and consumed immediately after preparation. Whatever your main diet consists of, nutritionists recommend freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices as an addition to it. Juice treatment has been used in folk medicine since ancient times. With the help of natural juices you can carry out a harmless body cleansing at home. Freshly squeezed juices are a natural remedy for the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

Treatment and cleansing of the body with juices

Drinking juices is good for you! This truism is known to everyone. Juices retain all the nutrients found in fresh and healthy fruits, berries and vegetables; they are easily absorbed by the body. The healing power of juices has been known since ancient times and is widely used in both folk and traditional medicine. The complex of nutrients they contain makes them an excellent dietary food, helping to restore strength and health.

The best juices are freshly prepared “cloudy” ones, i.e. juices containing a large number of raw material components. (Juice is filtered only for certain disorders of the stomach and intestines, as well as for certain respiratory diseases).

The first section talks about fruit and berry juices, which can be obtained from fruits and berries that are easily accessible to almost everyone and grow in the territory of the former USSR. This list does not include undoubtedly useful, but exotic fruits, such as pineapple, feijoa, etc., but watermelon and melon are included, although they belong to vegetables (botanists perceive watermelon and melon as berries, and their fruits are called false berry), as well as a birch tree, which had no place anywhere.

Freshly prepared juices are not always available. Therefore, canned juices are very popular. Prepared using proven technology, they almost do not lose their healing properties. Therefore, where appropriate, methods for making juices at home are provided. To prepare juices, use enamel or stainless steel utensils, wooden pestles or masher, and various juicers and presses. Juice cookers are successfully used for preparing juices.

Juices are preserved in three ways: hot filling, pasteurization and sterilization.

During hot bottling, freshly squeezed juice is heated to a temperature of 70-750C and filtered through boiled flannel or gauze folded in several layers. After this, it is heated to a boil, boiled for 2-3 minutes, poured into sterilized glass jars or bottles, sealed tightly, the jars are turned upside down, and the bottles are placed on their sides for additional sterilization of the upper part and checking the quality of the closure.

During pasteurization, freshly squeezed juice is heated to a temperature of 80 0 C and filtered while hot. Then the juice is heated again to 80-90 0 C, poured into prepared containers and pasteurized at a temperature of 85 0 C.

During sterilization, freshly squeezed juice is heated to a temperature of 80 0 C, filtered, brought to a boil, poured into prepared containers and kept in boiling water: half-liter jars - 10 minutes, liter jars - 12-15 minutes, two-liter jars - 20 and three-liter jars - 25 minutes. 30 minutes, counting from the moment the water boils. The jars are then hermetically sealed.

The canned juice is left for 8-10 days at room temperature, and if it does not begin to deteriorate during this time, it is stored in a cool, dry place.

You need to know that not all types of fruits and berries give off juice equally well. For better juice extraction, the fruits are blanched, i.e. immerse them in a pan of boiling water for several minutes, or keep them in a sieve over steam.

In addition to natural juices, blended (mixed) juices are prepared. By mixing the juices of various fruits and berries, you can significantly improve their taste and nutritional value. For example, apple juice goes well with the juices of most fruits and berries. Raspberry juice and red currant juice are often blended.

Vegetable juices are increasingly becoming part of medical practice (and they have been used in folk medicine since time immemorial). The second section is devoted to vegetable juices and their properties. At the same time, attention is paid to the availability of fruits to every person.

What should those who are planning to be treated with juices remember? The effect of many of them on the human body has not yet been fully studied. Therefore, you should not self-medicate. In all cases, you should consult your doctor and carry out treatment only under the supervision of specialists.

Juices from fruits and berries

APRICOT. Apricot fruits contain sugar (up to 20%); organic acids – malic, citric, salicylic, tartaric; vitamins B1, B2, B15, C, carotene, folic acid; pectin substances; starch; enzymes; mineral salts of potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, cobalt, copper, iodine.

Fresh apricot juice is prescribed for coronary heart disease, arrhythmias, cardiovascular failure, hypertension, anemia, hypokalemia.

Apricot juice with pulp

Sort the ripe fruits, rinse, blanch for 10 minutes in boiling water to soften (be careful not to overcook them), remove the seeds and rub through a sieve. Prepare sugar syrup using blanching water and mix with the pureed apricot mass. Preserve the juice using the hot pour method.

For 1 kg of apricot puree, 0.5 liters of 15% sugar syrup.

QUINCE. Quince fruits contain sugars, mainly fructose (5-12%); organic acids: malic, tartaric, citric (up to 1%); vitamins of group B, E, P, PP, C; carotene; folic acid; catechins and leukoanthocyanins; pectin substances; essential oil; mineral salts of iron, manganese, copper, cobalt, potassium, as well as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and tannins.

Quince juice combined with honey and vinegar stimulates the appetite. Poultices made from juice, which retains astringent properties, are used in folk medicine for anal fissures and rectal prolapse.

Quince juice

Rinse the quince, which has reached consumer maturity after storage, remove the core and damaged areas, and grind in a shredder or meat grinder with large holes in the grate. Squeeze the juice from the resulting mass, heat it to 80 0 C, filter through flannel or gauze folded in 4 layers, add a little sugar and preserve.

ACTINIDIA. Actinidia fruits contain 10-15 times more ascorbic acid than lemons, oranges, black currants and other known vitamin plants. It contains various sugars, organic acids, tannins and dyes, mineral salts and a number of other compounds beneficial to humans.

Actinidia juice is used as an antiscorbutic agent, as well as for removing worms, pulmonary tuberculosis, and uterine bleeding. It is recommended for weakening and exhaustion of the body as a result of infectious diseases, physical and mental fatigue, and some acute and chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Since during storage of actinidia fruits the vitamin C content in them quickly decreases, it is customary to prepare canned juice. This juice allows you to maintain the activity of vitamin C for many months.

Actinidia juice

Collect actinidia berries selectively, as they ripen unevenly. Prepared berries are pressed cold - using a manual juicer or press. The squeezed juice is heated in an enamel container to 80 0 C, poured into sterilized jars or bottles and hermetically sealed with boiled lids or stoppers.

CHERRY CHRISM. Fruits contain up to 10% sugars; up to 4% organic acids (mainly malic and citric); vitamin C; carotene; pectin substances.

Cherry plum juice has a mild laxative effect and is recommended to drink for constipation.

Cherry plum juice

The prepared berries are placed in a steam pressure cooker, and after about 40-45 minutes, juice separation begins. Hot juice (the temperature of which is about 75 0 C) is poured through the outlet tube into clean bottles or jars, which must be pre-pasteurized and heated, and hermetically sealed. You can add sugar or sugar syrup to the juice to taste.

ORANGE. Orange fruits contain sugars - fructose, glucose, sucrose; organic acids, mainly citric acid (up to 2%); vitamins B1, B2, PP, C, carotene; pectin substances; lipotropic substance inositol; phytoncides; mineral salts of potassium, calcium, iron and phosphorus.

Orange juice is prescribed to patients with Achilles gastritis, chronic constipation, flatulence, hypo- and avitaminosis, hypertension, atherosclerosis, gout and liver diseases.

As an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal agent, orange juice is used in the treatment of infected wounds and ulcers.

Orange juice

The unpeeled orange is washed, cut in half (crosswise), half is placed on the cone of a citrus juicer and turned (pressing) in both directions until all the juice is squeezed out. The juice is collected in a substitute container.

Orange juice is drunk fresh.

WATERMELON. The watermelon fruit contains fructose, sucrose, glucose (6-12%); amino acids; vitamins B1, B2, PP, C; carotene and carotenoids; folic acid; pectin substances; mineral salts of potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, cobalt; fiber.

Watermelon juice is a valuable dietary product. It enhances diuresis with the release of excess salts, regulates acid-base balance, helps normalize intestinal function, remove cholesterol from the body, and stimulate the process of hematopoiesis.

Watermelon juice is prescribed for liver diseases, endo- and exogenous intoxications, fever, uric acid diathesis, liver diseases and calculous cholecystitis, obesity, anemia, atherosclerosis, hypertension, gout, arthritis, diabetes.

For anemia and to stimulate hematopoiesis, it is recommended to drink watermelon juice without restrictions.

Watermelon juice

The watermelon pulp is peeled from the seeds and squeezed using a juicer or press. Drink fresh.

ARONIA (CHARONY). Aronia fruits have a pleasant sour-sweet taste due to the presence of sugar and organic acids. They contain vitamins B1, B2, C, PP, carotene, folic acid, minerals, as well as various bioflavonoids - substances with a polyphenolic type of structure that have the activity of vitamin P. Vitamin P activates the activity of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and other endocrine glands, stimulates the regeneration processes of muscle and bone tissue, makes the walls of blood capillaries more elastic, relieves mental and physical fatigue, has a protective effect against bacterial and viral diseases and radiation injuries, and increases the tone of the body.

The fruits of chokeberry stimulate appetite, increase acidity and digestive ability of gastric juice. Chokeberry juice is useful for people suffering from gastritis with low acidity, as well as patients with hypertension and atherosclerosis.

Chokeberry berries should not be consumed by patients suffering from peptic ulcers.

Aronia juice

Aronia berries have a high juice yield capacity - up to 75% of the weight of the processed fruit.

To obtain juice, the berries are sorted, cleared of twigs, unsuitable ones are removed, washed with cold water and thrown into a sieve. When the water has drained and the berries have dried, they are kneaded with a wooden pestle or passed through a meat grinder or juicer such as a meat grinder and squeezed using a press or manual juicer.

Chokeberry juice can be taken either fresh or canned.

Natural juice

Heat crushed chokeberry fruits at 60 0 C for 10 minutes. Before heating, add half a glass of water per 1 kg of pulp.

Squeeze out the pulp. Place the remaining pulp in an enamel pan, add boiled warm water (1 glass of water per 1 kg of pulp), let stand for 3-4 hours, stirring occasionally, and squeeze again.

Mix the juice of the first and second pressings, filter, heat to 80-85 0 C, pour into sterilized jars or bottles and pasteurize at 85 0 C: half-liter jars - 10, liter - 10-15 and three-liter - 15-20 minutes.

Sweetened juice

Add sugar syrup to the juice prepared as described above at the rate of 400 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice (sugar syrup is prepared using second-press juice). The resulting solution is heated to 80-85 0 C, filtered and poured into hot sterilized jars or bottles. Pasteurize like natural juice.

Juice with pulp

Grind the chokeberry berries, heat at 80 0 C for 15 minutes and rub through a sieve. Mix the resulting mass with hot sugar syrup, heat to 80 0 C and immediately pour into hot sterilized jars or bottles. Sterilize in boiling water: half-liter bottles - 10, half-liter jars - 15, liter jars - 25, three-liter jars - 50 minutes.

For 1 kg of pureed chokeberry, 1 liter of 35% sugar syrup is required.

BARBERRY. Barberry berries contain up to 7% sugars (fructose and glucose); up to 7.5% organic acids (malic, tartaric, citric); up to 53 mg% vitamin C; up to 750 mg% of flavonoids, as well as pectin, tannins and dyes and a certain amount of alkaloids, the main of which is berberine. It is associated with a stimulating effect on the muscles of the uterus, it causes a decrease in blood pressure, increases the secretion of bile, and increases the amplitude of heart contractions.

In folk medicine it is used as a choleretic, diuretic and laxative, for scurvy, loss of appetite, and also for uterine bleeding.

Natural barberry juice

Wash ripe barberry fruits, separate them from the brushes, and boil them in water (0.5 liters of water per 1 kg of fruits). Cook for 15 minutes and then squeeze under pressure. Pour the resulting juice into sterilized glass jars or bottles and sterilize for 15 minutes.

Sweetened juice

Add 50% sugar syrup to the barberry juice prepared as described above at the rate of 1 liter of syrup per 1 liter of juice.

BIRCH. Birch sap is a health-improving multivitamin drink that has valuable preventive and therapeutic properties. It contains 1-1.2% sugars, including glucose, sucrose and fructose; vitamins C, B1, B6, PP, H; macroelements: potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium; trace elements: copper, manganese, iron, aluminum, silicon, nickel, titanium, etc.

Birch sap has a hematopoietic and regenerating effect, stimulates metabolism in the body. In folk medicine, it is drunk for joint diseases, gout, eczema, and lichen. It is used in some lung diseases, bronchitis and tuberculosis as a general tonic. Use birch sap to wash your face for age spots and acne.

Healthy people can drink fresh juice without restrictions instead of water, tea, etc. within one to two months.

Birch juice

Fresh birch sap is harvested in the spring with the beginning of sap flow in the trees. Stores well in the refrigerator or on the icebox.

Birch sap with sugar

The juice is heated in an enamel container to a temperature of 80-85 0 C, 5-10% sugar syrup is added and poured into sterilized jars or bottles (citric acid can be added). The juice is sterilized in boiling water: half-liter jars - 10, liter - 15, three-liter - 20-25 minutes.

The jars are hermetically sealed and the juice is stored in a cool, dry, dark place.

HAWTHORN. Hawthorn fruits contain ascorbic acid, carotene, choline, acetylcholine, essential oil, fructose, tannins, sorbitol, amygdalin, organic acids, including crategusic acid, vitamin E, etc.

The effect of hawthorn preparations on the heart is determined by flavone glycosides. In scientific medicine, preparations from hawthorn are used as a cardiotonic and blood circulation regulating agent for atherosclerosis, cardiac neuroses, atrial fibrillation and tachycardia and other heart diseases.

Hawthorn juice

Grind the hawthorn fruits, place them in a juicer and extract the juice for an hour. The resulting juice is poured into sterilized jars or bottles and sterilized at 80 0 C: half-liter jars and bottles - 10 minutes, liter jars - 15 minutes and three-liter jars - 25-30 minutes.

COWBERRY. Lingonberries contain up to 8.6% sugars (mainly fructose), as well as vaccinin glycoside, carotenoids, anthocyanin compounds, tannins, organic acids (benzoic, citric, oxalic, malic, acetic, quinic, pyruvic, glyoxylic, ketoglutaric), carotene and vitamin C.

Lingonberry juice is used for medicinal purposes for gastritis with low acidity. Fruit juice made from lingonberries is drunk during feverish conditions and as a diuretic. Lingonberry juice is also recommended for high blood pressure.

Lingonberry juice

Pour the prepared berries with chilled boiled water (2 liters of water per 1 kg of berries) and leave for 10-12 days, after which the juice is ready. Drain the juice, and the berries can be used to prepare compotes and jelly.

GRAPE. Grape fruits contain on average up to 20% sugars; organic acids: malic, tartaric, citric, succinic, oxalic, glucuronic, glycolic, salicylic; vitamins A, group B, C, P, PP, E, K; carotene; folic acid; biologically active macro- and microelements, such as potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, rubidium, manganese, fluorine, boron, bromine, nickel, molybdenum, barium, radium, strontium, etc.; essential oils, coumarins; resins; fiber, etc.

The presence of such a rich composition of substances beneficial to the human body determines the high importance of grapes in the treatment of various diseases. Grape juice acts like alkaline water and is recommended for removing uric acid from the body, dissolving bladder stones, and regulating blood pressure. Grape juice is prescribed for functional disorders of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract, uric acid diathesis, vegetative neuroses, as well as nervous exhaustion. Pasteurized grape juice is taken for high blood pressure, and grape juice, boiled to a thick syrup (bekmes), is given to depleted and weakened patients, as it has a high energy value. In addition, grape juice increases metabolism.

Grape juice

Crush the prepared berries in a saucepan with a wooden masher, press the raw pulp 2-3 times. Mix the juice obtained from all pressings, strain through a cloth, heat to a boil and immediately pour into the prepared container. Seal bottles or jars and further sterilize for 10-15 minutes.

Option. Mash the prepared berries. Immediately place the pulp of white varieties under a press, heat the pulp of red varieties, stirring, to 60-65 0 C, allow to cool to 40 0 ​​C and press. In order for the juice to become clarified, it must be allowed to settle, and to prevent it from fermenting, it must first be heated to 90 0 C and kept at this temperature for 5 minutes. Pour the hot juice into prepared sterilized containers, seal tightly and place in a cold place with a temperature of +2 0 C. After two months (if stored at +10 0 C - after three months), remove the clarified juice from the sediment and preserve again.

CHERRY. Cherry fruits contain up to 15% sugars; organic acids (mainly malic and citric); vitamins B1, B2, P, PP, C, E, carotene, folic acid; catechins and leukoanthocyanins; pectin substances; inositol; mineral salts of iron, potassium, manganese, copper, cobalt, calcium, iodine; tannins.

Cherry juice is prescribed as a mild laxative for chronic constipation, as well as anemia and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Cherry juice with milk is used in folk medicine for arthritis, bronchitis, fever, epilepsy and mental disorders.

Cherry juice

The prepared cherries are placed in an enamel pan and mashed with a wooden masher without removing the seeds. The juice is immediately squeezed out. For better juice separation, crushed cherries can be preheated (stirring constantly) to 60 0 C and the juice can be squeezed out without disturbing the integrity of the seeds. Pour cold or hot juice into jars or bottles and heat-treat.

You can add sugar or sugar syrup to improve the taste.

BLUEBERRY. Blueberries contain sugars, mainly fructose (up to 7%); organic acids (mainly citric acid); B vitamins; ascorbic acid; carotene; tannins and dyes; minerals, as well as anthocyanin compounds.

Blueberry juice is successfully used as an excellent thirst quencher for feverish conditions. It has antiscorbutic and restorative effects. It is used for gastrointestinal diseases, inflammation of the bladder, and anemia. Blueberry fruits are close in chemical composition to blueberries and are in no way inferior to them.

Blueberry juice

Sort the ripe berries, wash, mash, squeeze out the juice and preserve by hot filling, pasteurization or sterilization.

Blueberries in their own juice

Pour the prepared berries with blueberry juice, heat to 65 0 C, place in clean jars boiled in water, pasteurize in boiling water for 20 minutes and close with lids. Store in a cool place.

POMEGRANATE. Pomegranate pulp contains sugars - fructose and glucose (up to 14%); B vitamins, vitamin C; tannin; organic acids: citric, malic; folic acid; nitrogenous substances; pectin substances; catechins and leukoanthocyanins; starch; tannins; phytoncides; resinous substances.

Pomegranate juice lowers blood pressure and has an antispasmodic effect. It increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases and has a tonic and general strengthening effect. In folk medicine it is used as a diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys, liver, stomach, and intestines. Pomegranate juice is used to rinse the mouth for stomatitis, tonsillitis, and laryngitis. Pomegranate juice is widely used in the treatment of burns. The burn area is moistened with juice diluted with water and then sprinkled with powder from the dry pericarp.

Pomegranate juice

Fresh pomegranate juice is obtained using a juicer. Preserve the juice in the usual way.

GRAPEFRUIT. Grapefruit fruits contain sugars: fructose and glucose (up to 7.3%); vitamins B1, B2, C, PP; organic acids (mainly citric acid); minerals.

In terms of its properties, grapefruit is similar to lemon; we can say that they are interchangeable.

Grapefruit juice

The fruit is cut crosswise, the core with the part of the films adjacent to it is removed, and sugar is poured into the resulting hole. After the sugar has dissolved, the juice can be squeezed out with a teaspoon. To obtain pure, fresh juice, you can use a cone juicer.

PEAR. Pear fruits contain sugars: glucose, fructose, sucrose (up to 20%); organic acids (malic, citric); vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, P, PP; carotene; mineral salts of iron, manganese, calcium, cobalt, potassium, iodine, copper, molybdenum; folic acid; catechins and leukoanthocyanins; nitrogenous substances, as well as pectins and tannins.

Pear juice is used for colds, to quench thirst and increase diuresis. It is especially effective for inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract - cystitis, pyelonephritis, since the diuretic effect of the pear is combined with a detrimental effect on the microflora that affects the urinary tract. Pear juice is also used for kidney stones.

Pear juice

The prepared fruits are cut into pieces and grated. The resulting pulp is placed on sieves over specially prepared dishes, into which the juice flows. The remaining pulp is pressed. Then the juice is filtered several times, heated in an enamel container to 80-85 0 C, poured into pasteurized bottles or glass jars and hermetically sealed. After this, the bottles and jars are kept in water at a temperature of 85 0 C for pasteurization for 15-20 minutes. Then the jars are placed upside down for 30 minutes, and the bottles are placed on their sides. Store the juice in a cool place.

MELON. The fruit contains sugar, mainly sucrose (up to 21%); vitamins P, C; carotene; mineral salts of iron, potassium, calcium; folic acid; nitrogenous and extractive substances; aromatic compounds, as well as fats.

Thanks to the large amount of ascorbic and folic acids and carotene, it is a valuable vitamin product.

Melon juice

The fruits are cut and the pulp is separated. The juice is squeezed out using a press. Drink fresh.

BLACKBERRY. Blackberries contain sugars - fructose and glucose (up to 5.3%); organic acids: malic, citric, tartaric; vitamin C, B vitamins, vitamin E; copper, manganese, potassium salts; carotene; flavonoids; nitrogen, pectin and tannins.

Blackberry juice is an excellent multivitamin tonic. It is used to quench thirst at high temperatures, has a diaphoretic and diuretic effect, and regulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Blackberry juice

Blackberry juice is prepared in the same way as raspberry juice (see Raspberries). It should be borne in mind that blackberries are a very delicate berry: they should be picked in dry weather, they are stored under normal conditions for 1-2 days, at a temperature of 0 0 C - up to a week.

HONEYSUCKLE. Honeysuckle fruits contain up to 3.2% organic acids; vitamin C; carotene; catechins; Sahara; flavonoids; anthocyanin compounds; microelements.

It has a tonic, diuretic, astringent and anti-inflammatory effect. Honeysuckle juice has a beautiful violet-red color, the intensity of which remains even with repeated dilution.

Honeysuckle juice

Sort the berries, sort, rinse and boil in a saucepan with added water (1 glass of water per 1 kg of berries) for 5-10 minutes. Press the hot pulp three to four times, adding boiling water to the pulp. Heat the resulting juice to a boil and pour into prepared containers, seal tightly and store in the refrigerator or on an icebox.

FOREST STRAWBERRY. Strawberries contain up to 10% sugars; organic acids, including ascorbic, malic, citric; vitamins B1, B2, E, PP; folic acid; pectin and tannins. Particularly rich in iron in the form of phosphate salt.

Strawberry juice is used for medicinal purposes for atherosclerosis, hypertension, kidney stones and cholelithiasis, anemia, stomach ulcers, constipation, as well as osteochondrosis and polyarthritis. It perfectly regulates metabolism, has an anti-sclerotic effect and improves blood composition. Due to the high content of phytoncides in the juice, it is recommended as an effective rinse for inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

Drinking strawberry juice in the form of lotions or face masks is extremely valuable: the skin becomes elastic and fresh, soft and clean, wrinkles are smoothed out, freckles, birthmarks and acne disappear.

Strawberry juice

Fresh juice is prepared from sorted berries, from which the stalks and sepals have been removed, using the pressing method.

To prepare juice for the winter, place the prepared berries in an enamel pan, mash with a wooden masher, cover with a lid and let stand for 3-4 hours at room temperature. Then add water to the pulp (0.5-1 cup per 1 kg of pulp), stir and squeeze out the juice. If the juice is difficult to squeeze out, the pulp needs to be heated to 60 0 C, stirring constantly, let stand for several minutes and squeeze out. Pour the finished juice into prepared containers and pasteurize at 85 0 C.

GARDEN STRAWBERRY. Garden strawberry fruits contain up to 12% sugars; organic acids (mainly malic acid); iron salts, phosphorus; vitamins B1, B2, E, PP, C; folic acid; carotene.

Garden strawberries are inferior in their healing qualities to wild strawberries, but they are an excellent multivitamin remedy used for vitamin deficiencies and normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Strawberry juice

The prepared berries are placed in a juice cooker and the juice is distilled off. The juice is poured into prepared containers and pasteurized at 85 0 C.

IRGA. Serviceberry fruits contain sugars; organic acids; vitamins A, B2, C; flavonoids; many microelements.

Serviceberry juice is used as a tonic and restorative drink.

Serviceberry juice

Ripe fruits are collected, laid out on cardboard or plywood in a layer of 2-3 cm and kept in the shade at room temperature for 5-8 days. After such aging, the juice from the fruit will be easier to squeeze out and will become sweeter and more aromatic. Then the shadberry is washed, mashed with a wooden masher or crushed in a mixer, placed under a press and the juice is squeezed out. The resulting juice must be heated to 85 0 C, poured into hot sterilized bottles or pasteurized and sealed.

KALINA. Viburnum fruits contain one and a half to two times more vitamin C than raspberries; up to 32% sugars; vitamins C, substances with P-vitamin action; organic acids; fatty oil; iron salts, phosphorus; carotene.

The juice of the fruit with honey is drunk when blood pressure rises, and is taken as a prophylactic agent to prevent the appearance of malignant tumors. In folk medicine, it is believed that it helps with colds of the upper respiratory tract, including coughing, hoarseness (taken warm) and bronchial asthma.

Viburnum juice

Separate ripe berries from the branches, sort and rinse. Place the prepared berries in a saucepan and add water (one glass of water per 1 kg of berries) and heat almost to a boil, but do not boil. Then squeeze and strain the juice, heat it again, pour into jars, roll up the lids and pasteurize for 15-20 minutes.

Juice with pulp

To remove bitterness, place viburnum fruits in the oven at 110-120 0 C for 1-1.5 hours. After this, rub through a sieve or pass through an electric juicer. Mix the pureed mass with sugar syrup, pour into prepared jars and pasteurize at 95 0 C for 20 minutes. For 1 liter of viburnum juice add 1 liter of 35% sugar syrup.

DOGWOOD. Dogwood fruits contain sugars - glucose and fructose (up to 9%); organic acids (mainly malic acid); vitamin C, carotene; pectin and tannins.

Dogwood fruit juice is widely used in folk medicine as an astringent for stomach and intestinal disorders, as well as for hypovitaminosis, metabolic disorders, anemia, colds, and as an excellent antipyretic for malaria. It has an astringent, bactericidal, analgesic, restorative and tonic effect.

Dogwood juice

Add water to selected ripe large fruits (1 glass of water per 1 kg of berries), heat to a temperature of 60°C and mash with a wooden masher. Transfer the resulting pulp into a juice cooker, separate the juice and pour into prepared bottles or jars, pasteurize at a temperature of 80-85 0 C for 10-15 minutes.

CRANBERRY. Cranberries contain the glycoside vaccinin; acids (citric, benzoic, quinic and ursolic); vitamin C; sugars (glucose and fructose); pectin, tannins and dyes.

Cranberry juice is used mainly as a vitamin drink for inflammatory diseases, rheumatism and hypertension. In folk herbal medicine, berry juice is widely used for feverish conditions, sore throat, dropsy, skin diseases (dry eczema, scrofula, exudative processes), gynecological, and colds. It heals wounds and burns.

Cranberry juice

Sort out the ripe berries, put them in a saucepan and mash with a wooden masher. Heat the resulting mass to 60 0 C, maintain at this temperature for 5-10 minutes, and then squeeze out the juice. Preserve the juice. Before use, dilute with sugar syrup to taste.

STONE BERRY. Drupe fruits contain up to 20% vitamin C; there are acids - folic and nicotinic; salts of iron, manganese and copper.

In folk herbal medicine it is used for anemia, colds, gout and joint inflammation.

Drupe juice

To obtain juice, grind the berries in an enamel bowl and let stand for 1-2 days. Then strain without squeezing, heat the juice, pour into jars and roll up.

Bone compote

1 kg of drupes, 500 g of sugar, 2 glasses of water. Pour 50% sugar syrup over the prepared berries, bring to a boil, pour into baked jars and store in a cool place without additional pasteurization.

GOOSEBERRY. Berries contain up to 9% sugars (sucrose, glucose); organic acids; vitamins C, B1, P, E; carotene; pectin and tannins; mineral salts of iron, calcium, potassium, copper.

Gooseberry juice has a mild laxative effect, so it is recommended to take it for constipation. It also has a diuretic and choleretic effect; recommended for diseases of the kidneys, liver, bladder.

Natural gooseberry juice

Wash the gooseberries and grind them in a meat grinder with large holes in the grate. Place the pulp in a saucepan, add hot (80 0 C) water, stir, heat to 60 0 C, keep at this temperature for 30 minutes and squeeze out the juice. Pour the pulp with warm water (1 glass of water per 1 kg of pulp) and squeeze again. The juice from the first and second pressings can be mixed or canned separately. You can add sugar syrup to the juice to taste.

Juice with pulp

To prepare it, rub the pulp heated to 80°C through a sieve, add sugar syrup and preserve using the hot pour method.

LEMON. The pulp of the fruit contains sugars - fructose, sucrose; organic acids (mainly citric acid); vitamins A, B1, B2, P, PP, C; mineral salts of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus; pectin substances; flavonoids; phytoncides, coumarin derivatives.

In folk medicine, lemon juice is used in the treatment of scurvy, as an additional medicinal component for jaundice, urolithiasis, edema, rheumatism, and hypoacid gastritis. An aqueous solution of juice is used externally as a mouth rinse for sore throat and stomatitis. In the form of lotions, the juice is used for eczema and fungal skin infections.

Lemon juice is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and is given to patients with high fever. In combination with other medicines, lemon juice is used for vascular sclerosis.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice is prepared in the same way as orange juice (see).

Lemon juice can be prepared for future use. To do this, the squeezed juice is filtered through a layer of thin gauze. Then it is quickly heated to 85 0 C, immediately poured into a sterilized hot glass container and sealed. Due to the fact that the taste of the juice may change during pasteurization, it can be frozen by pouring it after squeezing and filtering into prepared glass jars, leaving 1/10 of the volume empty so as not to burst during freezing. Then seal the container with the juice tightly and place it in the freezer.

LEMONNIK. Schisandra fruits contain organic acids (especially citric and malic); Sahara; essential oil; vitamins; ascorbic acid; protein substances; salts of calcium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, as well as polyoxyphenol esters - schisandrin and schisandrol. Apparently, the presence of the latter determines the stimulating and tonic effect of lemongrass.

Lemongrass juice

The juice is immediately squeezed out of freshly picked berries and sterilized in small bottles for 50 minutes.

Natural juice

Rinse the lemongrass fruits with running water, dry them on a towel, mash them in an enamel pan with a wooden pestle and squeeze out the juice. Pack the resulting juice into prepared bottles and pasteurize.

Sweetened juice

Add sugar to the squeezed juice, heat over low heat, stirring until completely dissolved, or mix the juice with sugar syrup (for 1 liter of lemongrass juice, 1 kg of sugar or 75% sugar syrup to taste). After this, heat the mixture to 90 0 C, pour into hot, sterilized bottles and seal hermetically.

RASPBERRIES. Raspberries contain sugars; organic acids (salicylic, malic, citric, formic, caproic); vitamin C, traces of B vitamins; mineral salts of potassium, copper; carotene; tannins, pectin and nitrogenous substances, as well as essential oil.

For medicinal purposes, only wild raspberries are used. Raspberries have excellent antipyretic and diaphoretic properties. It has a tonic effect on the body, improves appetite, and normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Raspberry juice is used for atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Raspberry juice

Peel the raspberries from the sepals, put them in a saucepan, add a little water, heat with stirring to 85 0 C and maintain at this temperature for 10-15 minutes. Then press the berries, heat 2-3 more servings of berries in the remaining water, squeeze again, add water to the resulting juice. After straining, pasteurize the juice at 85 0 C for 15-20 minutes.

Option. Mash the prepared berries with a wooden masher, add water (1 glass of water per 1 kg of pulp) and, stirring, heat the mass to 60 0 C, keep at room temperature for 15 minutes, squeeze out the juice under a press or by hand. Preserve by hot filling or pasteurization.

MANDARIN. The fruit contains sugars: fructose, glucose, sucrose (up to 10%); organic acids (mainly citric acid); vitamins B1, B2, PP, C, carotene; pectin substances; phytoncides; mineral salts of iron, calcium.

Tangerine juice is used for decreased appetite, metabolic disorders, hypo- and avitaminosis, and gastrointestinal disorders.

Tangerines have a strong fungicidal (antifungal) effect due to the high activity of phytoncides contained in tangerines, so tangerine juice is rubbed into the skin affected by the fungus.

Tangerine juice

High-quality fruits are peeled and pressed. The juice is drunk fresh.

SEA ​​BUCKTHORN. Sea buckthorn fruits contain sugars; organic acids; vitamins C, groups B, E, P-active compounds; carotene; catechins and coumarins; microelements; essential oil (up to 8%); tannins.

Due to its unique chemical composition, sea buckthorn juice is a valuable vitamin supplement. It is prescribed for hypo- and avitaminosis A, C and E, and for general malaise. In combination with honey, sea buckthorn juice is an excellent antitussive remedy.

Sea buckthorn juice

Natural juice can be obtained from both freshly picked and frozen berries. The berries are washed, crushed, added 1 glass of water per 1 kg and heated to 80 0 C. Then the hot mixture is rubbed through a sieve. The juice is sealed and stored as apple juice.

Option. Sea buckthorn fruits are sorted, washed, squeezed out the juice and filtered through gauze folded in 2-3 layers. Pour into sterilized jars and pasteurize at 85 0 C: half-liter jars - 15, liter - 20 minutes. In jars with a capacity of 2-3 liters, sea buckthorn juice is preserved using the hot pour method: bring to a boil, boil for 2-3 minutes, immediately pour into hot sterilized jars and seal tightly.

Sweetened juice

After the first squeeze, add boiled water to the pulp (1 cup per 1 kg of pulp), stir, let stand for 30 minutes and squeeze again. Add sugar to the second-press juice, stirring, bring to a boil and filter through cheesecloth. Mix the resulting syrup with first-press juice, pour into prepared jars, pasteurize and seal.

Juice with sugar

Pour 2 kg of granulated sugar into 1 kg of juice and dissolve while stirring, pour into prepared jars and store in a cool place.

Juice with pulp

Steam the berries for 2-3 minutes over boiling water and rub through a sieve. Add hot, freshly prepared sugar syrup or sugar to the pureed mass. With constant stirring, heat the resulting mixture to a temperature of 60-65 0 C, pour into hot sterilized jars and pasteurize at 90 0 C for 25 minutes.

For 1 kg of pureed sea buckthorn - 1.2 liters of 45% sugar syrup or 300-400g of sugar.

PEACH. The fruits contain sugar, mainly sucrose (up to 15%); organic acids: malic, tartaric, citric, chlorogenic; vitamins A, group B, E, P, PP, C; folic acid; catechins and leukoanthocyanins; mineral salts of iron, cobalt, potassium, copper, nickel, chromium, molybdenum, vanadium, strontium, iodine; pectin substances; essential oils; coloring matter.

Peaches contain nicotinic acid, which is necessary for the functioning of all organs, primarily the liver. Peach juice enhances the secretory activity of the glands of the gastrointestinal tract; it is recommended for kidney, liver, and cardiovascular diseases. Its action is very similar to apricot.

Peaches juice - see Apricot.

ROWAN. Rowan fruits contain 1.4% protein; 12.5% ​​carbohydrates (8.5% of which are glucose, fructose, sucrose, sorbose); 3.2% fiber; 2.2% organic acids (citric, tartaric, succinic); vitamins C, P, B vitamins; carotene; phospholipids; riboflavin; microelements; pectin and tannins.

In medicine, rowan is used as a medicine for diseases associated with vitamin deficiency, in particular anemia. In folk herbal medicine it is used for diseases of the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, for colds, women's and heart diseases.

Rowan juice

Pour the prepared berries with water (1 liter of water for 1 kg of rowan) and cook until softened, rub through a sieve, squeeze (you can get the juice in a pressure cooker), then pasteurize in glass jars or bottles.

Sweetened juice with pulp

Blanch the prepared berries in steam or boiling water for 2-3 minutes, rub them hot through a sieve and mix with boiling sugar syrup. Bring the resulting juice to a boil and preserve using the hot pour method.

For 1 kg of rowan puree - 1 liter of 20% sugar syrup prepared in blanching water.

PLUM. Fruits contain sugar (up to 20%); organic acids – malic, citric; vitamins B1, B2, P, C; carotene; folic acid; catechins and leukoanthocyanins; nitrogenous substances; mineral salts of iron, manganese, cobalt, copper, potassium, calcium, iodine; pectin, coloring and tannins.

Plum juice is considered a dietary product and is used in the diet to improve appetite, increase the calorie content of food, normalize digestion and provide the body with vitamins in winter. Thanks to its range of useful substances, plum juice has the ability to disinfect the intestines, enhance peristalsis, and improve digestion. Drinking plum juice in the morning (on an empty stomach) perfectly cleanses the body, helping to remove excess sodium salts and water, which plays a supporting role in the treatment of hypertension, other cardiovascular diseases, and kidney failure.

Natural first-press plum juice

Ripe plums are washed and pits removed. Then the fruits are heated at a temperature of 60-70 0 C, after which the juice is squeezed out using a juicer or the fruits are crushed with a wooden pestle. A bag is sewn from two layers of gauze or other rare but durable material and crushed plums are placed in it, the bag is hung in a cool place, and clean dishes are placed under it to drain the juice. From time to time the bag is squeezed to speed up the release of juice. The squeezed juice is poured into glass bottles or jars and pasteurized.

Unclarified juice

Steam the prepared plums for 3-4 minutes until the skin is covered with a network of small cracks and droplets of oozing juice. After this, remove the seeds, chop the fruits and place under a press. The resulting juice can be preserved by hot filling or pasteurization.

Juice with pulp

The juice with pulp is prepared as described above, only the plums are blanched longer until they become soft, and instead of pressing, the softened fruits are rubbed through a sieve.

CURRANT (black). Currant fruits contain up to 16% sugars; organic acids (up to 4%); vitamins A, groups B, E, K, PP, P and especially a lot of vitamin C; macro- and microelements: potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, manganese; pectin and tannins.

The rich chemical composition of black currant fruits determines their beneficial effects on humans in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases. In medicine, the juice of black currant fruits is used for hypo- and avitaminosis, and also as a general tonic after suffering from chronic diseases. It helps tremendously as a gargle (diluted with water) for sore throats, is used as an antipyretic, diaphoretic, tones the cardiovascular system, and is also used for stomach ulcers and anemia. The juice increases the body's performance and resistance to adverse factors.

Blackcurrant juice

Black currants are difficult to press, so the prepared berries must first be boiled for 5-8 minutes at a boil (0.5 liters of water per 1 kg of berries). Press the hot pulp three times, adding water to the pulp. Mix the resulting juice, heat to a boil, pour into bottles and seal without additional pasteurization.

Option. Place the prepared ripe berries in an enamel pan, add water (0.5 liters of water per 1 kg of berries), heat to a boil, boil for 5 minutes and squeeze out the juice. Pour the marc with hot water (1 cup per 1 kg of marc), stir, heat with constant stirring to 90-95 0 C and immediately squeeze again. Combine the juices of the first and second pressings, filter and heat treat. Before bottling, you can add sugar to the juice (200-300 g per 1 liter of juice).

Juice with pulp

Place the prepared fruits in an enamel pan, pour in water, heat, stirring, to 65 0 C and rub through a sieve. Add sugar syrup to the resulting thick mass, heat to a boil, boil for 2-3 minutes and preserve using the hot pour method.

For 1 kg of currants – 1 glass of water, 40% sugar syrup (to taste).

Red currants). Red currant berries contain up to 10% sugars; organic acids (mainly citric acid); vitamins C, A and P; pectin, tannins and dyes; microelements.

The juice of the fruit quenches thirst well in feverish patients, has a beneficial effect on diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - improves appetite and activates digestion. Red currant juice is indispensable as a valuable dietary product, especially in baby food. Red currant juice is used for spastic colitis and removes uric acid salts from the body. It is popularly known for its antipyretic and diuretic properties.

White currants are not much different from red ones. White currant fruits contain sugar (up to 8%); organic acids (up to 2%); vitamin C; carotene, as well as pectin, coloring and tannins.

Redcurrant juice

Wash the berries, separate from the bunches, mash, squeeze out the juice and preserve. Before bottling, you can add sugar (150-200 g per 1 liter of juice). Bring the mixture to a boil and immediately pour into hot, sterilized jars. If the juice is extracted using a juicer, then it is poured directly into prepared glass jars.

Option. Red currant berries along with the stalks are kneaded in a saucepan with a wooden pestle or large spoon. The pulp is squeezed out in a press, then it is mixed and pressed a second time. The juice is filtered and heated in a basin at a temperature of 100 0 C for 1-3 minutes, while the juice is sweetened to taste by adding 100-200 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice. Hot juice is immediately packaged into hot glass jars or bottles.

White currant juice is prepared in the same way.

It should be borne in mind that at room temperature the collected berries are stored for no more than 2-3 days, at a temperature of about 0 0 C - up to 15-25 days.

TURN. The fruits contain up to 8.3% sugars; organic acids (up to 2.5%); vitamin C, carotene; minerals; a large amount of tannins (astringents) and pectin substances.

Sloe juice is a strong astringent and is used for intestinal disorders and diarrhea.

Sloe juice

Sloe juice is prepared in the same way as plum juice (see Plum). However, thorn fruits are harvested after frost, and when producing juice, the prepared fruits are heated for a little longer (up to 10-12 minutes) at a temperature of 60-65 0 C.

BLUEBERRY. Blueberries contain sugar (up to 30%); up to 7% organic acids, the main ones of which are citric, malic, succinic, quinic, oxalic, lactic; vitamins C, B1, B2, PP, carotene; flavonoids; pectin and tannins.

Blueberries are recommended for stomach and intestinal disorders, rheumatism, gout and other inflammatory diseases. Blueberries are indicated for kidney stones. Blueberries contain one of the rarest organic compounds – succinic acid. Opinions have been expressed about the enormous role of this acid in maintaining the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. It is known that spasms of cerebral vessels are relieved by taking 2-3 mg of succinic acid. This berry is of exceptional importance for improving vision and maintaining eye health in general.

Blueberry juice

Sort out the ripe berries, rinse, mash (for better juice extraction, boil in a saucepan with added water - 2 cups per 1 kg of berries - for 5 minutes), squeeze out the juice and preserve by hot pouring, pasteurization or sterilization.

ROSE HIP. Rose hips contain sugar (up to 21%); mineral salts of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium; pectin and tannins; organic acids. In terms of vitamin composition, only actinidia and black currant can compete with it.

At home, rose hips are usually used dried (the content of vitamins in dried rose hips increases 2-3 times) to prepare infusions, decoctions and vitamin tea. But you can also prepare rosehip juice and use it as an excellent multivitamin.

Rosehip juice with pulp

Rinse the ripe fruits, remove sepals, seeds and hairs, blanch for 2 minutes in boiling water and rub through a sieve or pass through a juicer. Mix the pureed mass with hot sugar syrup prepared in blanching water, heat, stirring, to 70 0 C. Immediately pour into hot sterilized jars and sterilize in boiling water: half-liter - 15, liter - 22 and three-liter - 50 minutes, then seal immediately. During storage, the juice may separate. Therefore, it is recommended to shake it before use.

For 1 kg of rosehip puree - 1.2 liters of 30% sugar syrup.

APPLE. Apple fruits contain sugar - mainly fructose (up to 15%); organic acids (malic, citric, tartaric); vitamins A, B1, B2, E, K, P and P-active compounds, PP, C; proteins; salicylic, chlorogenic and benzoic acids; essential oil; fats; carotene; pectin substances; catechins and leukoanthocyanins; phytoncides; nitrogen-free extractives; tannins; mineral salts of iron, manganese, cobalt, potassium, calcium, copper, molybdenum, magnesium, sodium, iodine, zinc, nickel; fiber.

Apple juice is a good thirst quencher. It is used for atherosclerosis, diseases of the bladder, kidneys, liver, and kidney stones. Pectin from apple juice with pulp has a normalizing effect on the gastrointestinal tract; it is used in therapeutic and preventive nutrition under particularly harmful working conditions.

Freshly prepared apple juice has a high choleretic, socogonal and diuretic effect; it is drunk for gastrointestinal diseases, hepatocholecystitis, metabolic disorders (obesity, arthritis).

Apple juice

Wash the apples, cut into pieces and pass through a meat grinder to obtain pulp. Extract the juice from the pulp using a manual juicer or press. Place the juice in a saucepan, add a little water, stir and squeeze out the juice again. Filter the resulting juice. Heat the clarified juice in an enamel pan to a temperature of 80-85 0 C and pour into prepared glass bottles or jars. Bottles should be filled almost to the top. Seal the bottles with corks and the jars with lids and pasteurize at 85 0 C for 15-20 minutes.

Preparatory work and squeezing the juice should be done as quickly as possible, since raw apples contain oxidative enzymes that cause the juice to darken.

Natural unclarified juice

Apples are passed through a shredder or placed under a press. (You can use a juicer or electric juicer.) Pour the unclarified juice into a sterilized glass container and pasteurize.

Juice with pulp

Wash the apples, peel and core them, cut into slices, place in an enamel pan, add water and boil for 10-15 minutes. Pass the boiled fruits through a meat grinder with a fine grid twice. Add sugar syrup to the resulting puree, stir, bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from heat, rub through a fine sieve twice, bring to a boil again and boil for 5 minutes, pour hot into prepared jars and seal. Juice with pulp can be preserved without sugar.

Vegetable juices

SWEDE. Root vegetables contain up to 10% sugars; up to 2% protein; up to 1.5% fiber; mineral salts, especially potassium; vitamins B1, B2, PP, C, carotene; essential oils.

Rutaberry juice is recommended as a vitamin, diuretic, antiseptic, analgesic, sputum thinner, and wound healing agent. It is used for a number of diseases: dropsy, cardiac edema, pyelonephritis, laryngitis, severe colds, bronchial asthma, insomnia.

CABBAGE. The leaves of the head of cabbage contain vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, PP, K, U, biotin, provitamin A; bactericidal substances – phytoncides, lysozyme, glucobrassidin; tartronic acid; nitrogenous substances; nitrogen-free substances; sugar (up to 2%); fats; enzymes; mineral salts of potassium, phosphorus, sulfur; fiber and ash.

Freshly prepared cabbage juice can be recommended for certain pathological conditions or processes: for vitamin deficiency, drink cabbage juice without restriction; for atherosclerosis, the dose of fresh juice is 1/2 glass of juice three times a day 20 minutes before meals; for peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, cabbage juice is taken daily, 3-5 glasses for a month or more, with the course of treatment repeated after 4-6 months; for gastritis against the background of reduced secretory function of the stomach with severe dyspeptic symptoms, for chronic hepatitis and cholangitis, as well as for chronic ulcerative colitis, take fresh cabbage juice 1/2 cup three times a day 20-30 minutes before meals; for cholecystitis, take 1/2 cup three times a day 20 minutes before meals; for acute catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, take warm fresh juice with sugar for 5-6 days, 1/2 cup several times a day at the rate of 1-2 teaspoons of sugar per 1 glass of juice; For stomatitis, fresh cabbage juice is diluted with warm water to rinse the mouth.

A contraindication for the use of cabbage juice is the high acidity of gastric juice.

POTATO. Potato tubers contain protein (2%); carbohydrates, mainly starch (14-24%); fats; vitamins B1, B2, B6, B9, E, D, K, PP, C, vitamin U, carotene; pectin substances; organic acids (malic, citric, oxalic, etc.); minerals: potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, nickel, cobalt, iodine; glucoalkaloid solanine; fiber.

Natural potato juice is popularly used for a number of diseases as an enveloping, sputum-thinning, diuretic.

Fresh potato juice from tubers of red varieties is prescribed for gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers with high acidity of gastric juice. Take 1/2 glass a day on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals and before bed. Potato juice is great for constipation. Raw potato juice cleanses the body well and is especially useful when mixed with carrot juice.

LAGENARIA. Lagenaria fruits are a valuable dietary and healing product. Fresh juice squeezed from lagenaria is used in the treatment of diseases of the liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines, prevents atherosclerosis, obesity, and helps remove toxins from the body.

ONION. Onions contain nitrogenous substances, sugar, fiber, ash, fats, vitamins, phytoncides, essential oil, mineral salts and other useful substances. Onions have disinfecting (bactericidal) and antiscorbutic properties, increase appetite and increase the secretion of gastric juice, improve the functioning of the liver and gall bladder, increase body tone and stimulate the nervous system. Thanks to its unique chemical formula, it has the widest medicinal application.

Fresh onion juice is used as a general tonic for sore throat, intestinal disorders, hemorrhoids, and constipation. Drink it 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day. In the same dosage, but with more frequent administration (4-5 times a day), it is prescribed for chronic bronchitis and persistent cough.

To strengthen the roots and improve hair growth, rub onion juice with your fingers into the scalp, one to three tablespoons 1-2 times a week.

CARROT. Carrots contain sugar (up to 15%); vitamins B1 and B2; acids: ascorbic, nicotinic, folic, pantothenic; vitamin D; flavonoids and anthocyanins; salts of potassium, calcium, sodium, manganese, phosphorus; fatty oil; phytoncides.

Carrots are a unique medicinal plant, the diverse medicinal properties of which were known already in ancient times. Fresh carrot juice is used for the treatment and prevention of hypo- and vitamin A deficiency, manifested by a decrease in visual acuity. Carotene and vitamin A formed from it increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases, promote the growth and development of the child's body, have a beneficial effect on the health of pregnant and lactating women, and enhance lactation. Carrot juice improves appetite, digestion and teeth structure. It is used for vitamin C and B vitamin deficiencies, as well as for constipation as a mild laxative, metabolic disorders, liver diseases, kidney stones, and cardiovascular disorders. In case of myocardial infarction, carrot juice is prescribed from the first days. Gargling with carrot juice stops inflammatory processes in the mouth, and carrot juice mixed with honey or sugar is useful for catarrh of the upper respiratory tract (1 tablespoon of honey or sugar per glass of juice; take 1 tablespoon several times a day). Carrot juice is believed to have significant effects against cancers and ulcers.

CUCUMBER. The fruit contains water (up to 97%); vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, PP, C, carotene; pantothenic acid; nitrogenous, non-nitrogenous and ash substances; mineral salts; fiber; tartronic acid.

Fresh juice is prescribed for the acute stage of gastritis and peptic ulcers, as well as during remission (high acidity) 1/2 cup 2 times a day an hour before meals.

Fresh cucumber juice in a dosage of 1/2 cup per day is drunk on an empty stomach for liver diseases, including jaundice.

Juice with honey is drunk in unlimited quantities for persistent (chronic) constipation.

A juice mixture of cucumbers and lettuce helps with heart disease. Mix both juices in equal quantities and drink 1 glass in the morning on an empty stomach.

PARSLEY. Contains sugar; vitamin C, folic acid, carotene; essential oil; fatty oil (fruit).

Parsley juice is one of the most potent juices, its use is very limited, and parsley juice is usually used in combination with other juices. Fresh juice helps dissolve kidney stones and is useful for acute and chronic inflammation of the bladder. Fresh root juice is taken 1-2 teaspoons 3 times a day for uterine bleeding, intestinal and bladder atony, as a diuretic, for cardiac and renal edema. It is also effective for all diseases of the eye and optic nerve system. Ulceration of the cornea, cataracts, conjunctivitis, ophthalmia in all its stages or sluggish pupils have been successfully treated by drinking parsley juice mixed with carrot juice and with the juice of celery and endive.

RADISH. Root vegetables contain carbohydrates, proteins; organic acids; vitamins C, B1, B2, PP, carotene; mineral salts of potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron; essential oil; glycosides, as well as fiber.

Radish juice causes a strong reaction, so you should not drink it alone. In combination with carrot juice, it helps restore the tone of the body's mucous membranes. For colds, radish juice in combination with onion juice and honey is useful.

Consumption of radishes is contraindicated for peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, hyperacid gastritis, enterocolitis, liver and kidney diseases.

RADISH. Radish tubers contain sugar (up to 7%); organic acids; vitamins C, B1, B2, PP, carotene; amino acids: adenine, arginine, histidine; fats; protein (up to 2%); essential sulfur-containing oils; mineral salts of potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, iodine, bromine; phytoncides, enzymes: diastase, catalase, oxidase, glucosidase; purine bases and a number of other substances. In terms of the content of potassium salts, radish ranks first among vegetables.

The substances contained in radish juice cause a variety of effects on the body as a whole and on individual systems. Radish juice is used as a stimulant, irritant and stimulant to affect the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system; it enhances the secretion of gastric juice, stimulates appetite, activates the outflow of bile, enhances intestinal motility, and increases diuresis.

For gallstone disease, an old folk remedy is used: black radish juice is taken for 2-3 weeks before meals in gradually increasing doses from 100 to 400 ml per day, starting with a single dose of 100 ml, or a course of treatment is carried out for 6-8 weeks with a single dose of 50 ml, gradually increasing it to 400 ml per day.

In the complex treatment of chronic cholecystitis, it is recommended to take one tablespoon of fresh juice three times a day for a long time.

The advisability of using radish juice for pulmonary diseases is due to the fact that it thins mucus, reduces cough, relieves inflammation of the mucous membrane, being a good symptomatic remedy for diseases such as whooping cough, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis. For chronic pulmonary diseases, as well as whooping cough and hemoptysis, drink red juice 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day (for adults) and 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day (for children). For pulmonary tuberculosis, the best effect is obtained from radish juice, half and half with honey, 50 g three times a day before meals.

As an antianemic agent, radish juice is included in the juice mixture, which includes juices from carrots and beets. Freshly prepared juices are mixed in equal quantities and poured into a dark glass bottle, loosely capped (to evaporate the liquid), coat the bottle with dough and put in the oven for three hours. The resulting infusion is taken one tablespoon three times a day before meals. The duration of treatment is 2-3 months.

Externally, radish juice is very effective for rheumatic and gouty joints. For rubbing in the joint area, prepare the following composition: 1.5 cups of radish juice, 1 cup of honey, 1/2 cup of vodka and 1 tablespoon of salt. All this is mixed well.

Pure radish juice is indicated for neuralgia, radiculitis, and sciatica as a pain reliever if rubbed along the affected nerve.

Applications or dressings using juice can speed up the cleansing and epithelization of purulent wounds and burns.

TURNIP. Root vegetables contain carotene, vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, provitamin A, pantothenic acid; carotenoids and anthocyanins; organic acids; sterols, essential oils; proteins; fats; carbohydrates (up to 7%); sugar (up to 5%); mineral salts of potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium; nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous substances; phytoncides.

Fresh juice is indicated for gastritis and gastric ulcers with reduced secretory function, 100 ml per dose once or twice a day, 20 minutes before meals.

Boiled juice in any dosage is effective as an expectorant for bronchial asthma, cold cough, acute laryngitis and hoarseness, and as a sedative for insomnia and palpitations.

Turnip juice can be used as a gargle for toothache, stomatitis, laryngitis and sore throat.

SALAD. The leaves contain sugar (up to 4%); a large set of vitamins, including vitamin C and carotene; organic acids; nitrogenous substances; mineral salts.

Fresh salad juice successfully treats chronic gastritis and peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.

BEET. Contains sugar (up to 12%); vitamins C, groups B, P, PP, pantothenic acid, carotene; organic acids; nitrogenous substances; mineral salts of iodine, potassium, calcium, iron; microelement cobalt, as well as fiber.

It is recommended to drink fresh beet juice to stimulate gastric secretion, for peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum with low acidity, 1/2 cup 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals, as well as for pneumonia, pleurisy, acute colds, 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day. As a folk remedy for cancer, drink warm beet juice for a long time, 100-200 ml per day.

Beetroot juice is the most valuable juice for the formation of red blood cells and for improving blood composition in general. It is especially useful for women during menstrual disorders (take 50-100 ml 2-3 times a day), as well as during menopause.

Beetroot juice with an equal amount of honey is useful for high blood pressure and as a sedative, 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day.

As an expectorant for pulmonary diseases, a mixture of the following composition is prepared: 1 glass of beet juice, 1 tbsp. spoon of purified glycerin, 5 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 5 tbsp. spoons of vodka. The mixture is taken one tablespoon 3 times a day.

For anemia, a juice mixture of equal volumes of beet, carrot and radish juices is recommended. The mixture is poured into a dark bottle, sealed tightly, the bottle is rolled into dough and simmered in the oven for 3 hours. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals for a long time.

CELERY. All parts of the plant contain essential oil, fresh leaves also contain vitamin C, carotene, folic acid; root vegetables - mannitol alcohol, protein, mineral salts and other beneficial substances.

The juice of the roots, petioles or leaves is taken to stimulate appetite and as a desensitizing agent for allergic urticaria, 1-2 teaspoons twice a day 30 minutes before meals. In the same dosage, it is used for pyelonephritis and cystitis as an anti-inflammatory and diuretic.

TOMATO. The fruit contains sugars: fructose, raffinose, verbascose, sucrose (up to 6.5%); organic acids: citric, malic, oxalic, succinic, tartaric, etc.; vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, K, P, C, carotene; phytoncides; pantothenic and folic acids; pectin substances; mineral salts and other beneficial substances.

As a dietary product, tomato juice is prescribed for diseases accompanied by metabolic disorders, cardiovascular diseases and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. For gastric and duodenal ulcers, kidney stones, and exhaustion of the body, fresh tomato juice should be taken regularly.

Tomato juice with parsley is an effective remedy for vitamin A deficiency.

PUMPKIN. The fruit (false berry) contains sugar, mainly sucrose (up to 14%); vitamins A, B1, B2, PP, C, E; carotene, pectin substances; phosphoric and silicic acids; proteins and fats; mineral salts, as well as fiber.

Pumpkin juice (1/2 cup) has a good effect on intestinal disorders (dyskinesia, colitis, constipation), and taking 1/2-1 cup of juice at night has a calming effect on insomnia.

HORSERADISH. Horseradish root contains carbohydrates (15%); vitamins C, B1, B2, PP; mustard glycoside – sinigrin; resinous substances; essential oil; alkaloids; phytoncides; nitrogenous substances; mineral salts.

Pure horseradish juice is used to rinse the mouth for toothache, sore throat, and inflammation of the nasopharynx.

The juice of the whole plant (root and leaves) has a stone-dissolving effect and is indicated for kidney stones and bladder stones. Take 1/2 cup morning and evening.

To treat hypertension, a two-month course of treatment is carried out with a juice mixture of the following composition: 1 glass of horseradish juice, 1 glass of carrot juice, 1 glass of honey, juice of one lemon. Take one tablespoon three times a day an hour before meals and 2-3 hours after meals.

GARLIC. The garlic bulb contains vitamins C, B vitamins; polysaccharides; carbohydrates, starch, inulin, fructose, mineral salts, fatty oil, essential oil, iodine; pyruvic acid; nitrogenous substances; alliin and other beneficial substances.

In terms of its effect on the body, garlic is in many ways similar to onions. It has the property of stimulating appetite, improving the digestion process, toning and stimulating the nervous system, increasing the body's resistance to infectious diseases, while exhibiting bactericidal and antimicrobial properties.

Garlic phytoncides have the ability to reduce the activity of certain tumor enzymes; preparations composed of a number of bioactive substances contained in the garlic bulb are successfully used in the treatment of severe forms of atherosclerosis.

Garlic juice, like onion juice, is a means of strengthening and stimulating hair growth.

Garlic juice with vinegar is used externally for snake bites and for old festering ulcers.

Garlic is contraindicated for patients suffering from inflammatory kidney diseases.

Co-cleaning according to the system of Dr. Norman W. Walker

American doctor Norman W. Walker developed his own system of effective falconation. To make juices, he recommends using the roots and tops of beets, dandelions, radishes, radishes, rutabaga, turnips and turnips. Carrots for making juice should be cut 1 cm below the ring, where the greens begin, and not peeled.

All vegetables must be washed with cold running water and a brush.

The best fresh juices are made with a masher type juicer, but you can use a press or a regular centrifugal juicer.

N.V. Walker recommends taking juices no later than 15 minutes after they are prepared. When treating with juices, it is necessary to periodically consult with doctors. We must also keep in mind, warns Dr. N.V. Walker, that at the beginning of treatment there may be various exacerbations, but one should not be afraid of them. This is usually an indicator of the effect of juices.

Diseases and juice formulas

I. Numbers of juice mixtures used for certain diseases:

1. Adenoids: 61, 1.

2. Albuminuria (protein in urine): 61, 30, 29, 40, 1, 59.

3. Anemia: 61, 2, 30, 28, 25, 29, 31, 46, 55, 48.

4. Angina pectoris: 61, 2, 30.

6. Apoplexy (stroke): 61, 2, 28, 39.

7. Appendicitis: 1, 2, 30, 61.

8. Arthritis: 22, 61, 6, 37, 30.

9. Arteriosclerosis: 61, 2, 28, 55.

10. Asthma: 61, 11, 37, 60, 41.

11. Carbunculosis: 61, 30, 55.

12. Bronchitis: 61, 30, 45, 11, 1, 37, 60, 41.

13. Cataract: 61, 50, 1, 40, 30, 59.

14. Qatar, cold: 61, 60, 11, 30, 41.

15. Conjunctivitis: 61, 50, 1, 59.

16. Cystitis: 30, 61, 40, 29, 51.

17. Diabetes: 61, 2, 57, 50, 40, 88.

18. Diarrhea (diarrhea): 1, 2.

19. Dysuria (urinary retention): 30, 1, 40, 59.

20. Eczema: 61, 2, 30, 15.

21. Epilepsy: 61, 15, 2, 30, 40.

22. Fatty tissue degeneration: 61, 15, 30, 42.

23. Gallstones: 30, 61, 40, 29.

24. Gastritis: 61, 15, 30.

25. Graves' disease: 61, 59, 2 (take juices with the addition of a quarter teaspoon of seaweed).

26. Gonorrhea: 61, 15, 30, 40, 76, 59.

27. Joint swelling, gout: 61, 2, 30, 29, 15, 40, 59.

28. Sand in the kidneys: 30, 40, 59.

29. Hay fever: 61, 11, 30, 40, 15, 50, 41.

30. Headaches (chronic): 61, 2, 30, 55, 15.

31. Heart troubles: 61, 2, 30.

32. Hemorrhoids (bleeding): 62, 61, 1.

33. Hypertension: 2, 62, 15, 30.

34. Impotence: 15, 1, 30, 27, 40, 31, 59.

35. Indigestion: 61, 1, 30, 15.

36. Influenza (flu): 61, 11, 2, 30, 41, 45.

37. Mental disorders: 61, 37, 30, 1, 15, 2, 40, 59.

38. Insomnia: 61, 37, 30, 22.

39. Itching: 61, 30, 15, 1.

40. Kidney diseases: 30, 61, 40, 29, 59.

41. Laryngitis: 61, 1, 30, 15.

42. Leucorrhoea: 61, 11, 30, 2.

43. Liver diseases: 30, 61, 1, 29, 40, 46.

44. Hypotension (low blood pressure): 2, 61, 15, 30, 29.

45. Measles: 61, 6, 30, 1, 47.

46. ​​Melancholy: 61, 7, 23, 15, 37.

47. Migraine: 61, 2, 30, 15, 47, 37.

48. Jade: 30, 61, 40, 29, 59.

49. Neurasthenia: 61, 37, 2, 30, 40, 55.

50. Nymphomania: 61, 2, 30, 15, 29, 40.

51. Obesity: 61, 1, 30, 15, 34.

52. Paralysis: 61, 40, 30, 6.

53. Paresis: 61, 2, 40, 30, 6, 47.

54. Peritonitis: 61, 30, 50, 15.

55. Phlebitis: 61, 2, 30.

56. Pleurisy: 30, 61, 40.

57. Pneumonia: 61, 30, 11, 41.

58. Prolapse (prolapse of organs): 61, 2, 30, 40, 15.

59. Psoriasis (skin disease): 61, 30, 15, 1, 2.

60. Pyelitis (kidneys): 30, 61, 1, 40, 29, 28, 59.

61. Rickets: 61, 1, 48, 37, 60, 30, 46.

62. Kidney stones: 30, 61, 40, 29, 28, 52.

63. Rheumatism: 30, 61, 37, 31, 40, 28, 59.

64. Rhinitis (runny nose): 61, 30, 40, 11.

65. Sexual disorders: 61, 3, 2, 15, 40, 29, 28.

66. Sinusoiditis (nasopharynx): 61, 11, 30, 1.

67. Infertility: 61, 30, 1, 2, 29, 40, 48.

68. Thrombosis: 2, 61, 30.

69. Tonsillitis: 61, 30, 1, 2.

70. Tuberculosis: 61, 45, 1, 30, 2, 11, 37, 40, 41.

71. Tumors of the brain, bones: 61, 30, 40.

72. Cancer: 1, 61 (plus drug treatment).

73. Stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer: 61, 1, 30.

74. Gout: 61, 2, 30, 15, 1.

75. Varicose veins: 61, 2, 30, 62, 15.

II. Juice formulas (ratio of components)

1. Carrots.

2. Potassium vegetables: carrots, celery, parsley, spinach – 7:4:2:3.

3. Beets (roots along with tops).

End of introductory fragment.

It is quite widely used directly in traditional as well as alternative - folk medicine around the world.

Treatment with Brussels sprouts juices.

Brussels sprouts juice mixed with lettuce, carrot, and green bean juice forms a combination of elements that allow you to absorb and effectively restore the functions of the pancreas. Such juices are very beneficial for diabetes.

Thanks to cabbage juice, duodenal ulcer is well treated. However, when consuming it, gas will often disturb you. Cabbage juice is an excellent cleanser action. It helps to lose weight. A mixture of carrot and cabbage juices forms an excellent source of beneficial vitamin C, which is a means of cleansing, especially during periods of gum infection, which can cause periodontal disease.

Cabbage juice is used very effectively during tumors and constipation. Constipation is the main cause of skin rashes. By drinking cabbage juice, this rash disappears. It is worth noting that adding salt to cabbage destroys its value.

Cabbage juice is used during the period of chronic gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, obesity, various diseases of the liver, and spleen. This juice should be consumed an hour before the start of the meal, in three warm doses, two glasses each.

Raw potatoes contain easily digestible sugar. When potatoes are cooked, they turn into starch. Potatoes should not be consumed by people who are prone to sexual arousal, as well as suffering from sexually transmitted diseases.

Raw potato juice perfectly cleanses the entire body. This juice, mixed with carrot juice and celery juice, is an excellent remedy for indigestion and nervous disorders. In these cases, taking 500 grams of beet, carrot, cucumber, and potato juice every day often brings positive results in a short period of time. In this case, it is necessary to exclude all fish and meat products.

Alfalfa is very rich in chlorophyll. Consuming alfalfa gives people health, energy, and strength into old age. The body also acquires phenomenal resistance to infections.

Fresh alfalfa juice is very strong, so it is best taken together with carrot juice. This combination is excellent for most heart diseases and arterial diseases. Chlorophyll is a good helper in case of respiratory system disorders.

Juices of alfalfa, carrots, and lettuce replenish the substances necessary to nourish the hair roots.

Treatment with raw carrot juices.

Depending on the general condition of a person, raw carrot juice can be consumed from one and a half liters to four liters per day. Carrot juice can bring the entire human body back to normal. Carrots are the richest source vitamin A. This vitamin is instantly absorbed by the body. This juice contains a large amount of vitamins K, D, B, E, C. Carrot juice increases appetite, improves teeth structure and digestion. To improve the quality of milk, a breastfeeding mother should drink a lot of carrot juice every day.

Carrot juice is a natural solvent for ulcers as well as cancers. It increases resistance to infections. It works quite effectively in conjunction with the pancreas. Carrot juice increases the resistance of the glands, sinuses of the facial part of the skull, as well as the respiratory organs of the body. It perfectly protects the nervous system. This juice gives a lot of strength and energy.

Raw carrot juice perfectly fights against ulcers and cancers. However, it should be prepared correctly. In this case, it is necessary to exclude from the diet any food containing grain flour, starch and concentrated sugar. Among other things, carrot juice perfectly nourishes the optical system.

Cucumbers are an excellent diuretic. Cucumber juice improves hair growth, strengthens blood vessels, as well as the heart. Cucumbers contain over forty percent potassium, ten percent sodium, over seven percent calcium, twenty percent phosphorus, and more than four percent chlorine.

Cucumber juice together with carrot juice helps with rheumatic diseases. Adding beet juice to this mixture will speed up the overall process of action. Due to the high potassium content in cucumbers, the vegetable is very valuable during times of low blood pressure. Cucumber juice helps well during periods of gum and tooth ailments. The elements found in cucumber juice are very necessary for nails and hair. These elements prevent hair loss and splitting.

Cucumber juice is useful as a prevention of myocardial overstrain. The juice strengthens and also calms the nervous system, increases memory levels and prevents atherosclerosis. You can consume up to 100 milliliters of pure juice.

This juice is a very valuable tonic and strengthening agent. Dandelion juice neutralizes hyperacidity, and also normalizes the alkaline composition of the body. Obtained from the roots and leaves, raw dandelion juice, together with juice from turnip leaves, as well as carrot juice, helps well during diseases of the spine and bones. It gives strength to teeth, thereby preventing their destruction, as well as periodontal disease.

Treatment with green pepper juices.

This juice contains a large amount of silicon required for hair with nails. It helps the sebaceous ducts and glands well. Together with carrot juice it gives excellent results in clearing skin spots. In case of formation of gases in the intestines, colic, spasms, it is necessary to consume half a liter of this juice daily.

Since parsley juice is potent, it should not be consumed alone in more than fifty milliliters at a time. It is better to mix this amount of juice with celery, lettuce, spinach or carrot juice.

Parsley juice has the properties required for proper oxygen metabolism, as well as maintaining normal function thyroid glands and adrenal glands. Elements of parsley help to quickly strengthen blood vessels.

This juice is an excellent remedy for diseases of the genitourinary tract. It helps with kidney stones, stones in the bladder and gall bladder, nephritis, the presence of protein in the urine, as well as other kidney diseases. Excellent parsley juice can be used for dropsy.

Parsley juice is effective for diseases of the optic nerve system, eye diseases, ulceration of the cornea, ophthalmia, cataracts, conjunctivitis. Pupil sluggishness at all stages is quite effectively treated with parsley juice mixed with the juices of endive, celery and carrots.

A mixture of parsley and beet juices has been successfully used for menstruation. In this case, meat, sugar and starches should be excluded from the diet. To quickly restore vision, you need to take parsley and carrot juices in a 1:3 ratio. This juice improves cardiac activity and respiration. Parsley juice should not be consumed if you have kidney inflammation. It is taken in case of hypertension.

This juice is extracted from the roots and leaves. It should not be used separately, because it causes quite strong reaction. Together with carrot juice, it helps restore the tone of the mucous membrane of the entire body. The maximum effectiveness of this juice is manifested when consumed an hour after taking horseradish juice.

Radish juice soothes, treats a number of diseases, and cleanses the body of mucus that was dissolved by horseradish juice. This juice restores mucous membranes.

The turnip leaf contains the highest percentage of calcium of any plant. Thus, this juice is an excellent option for children and people suffering from severe softening of bones and teeth. A mixture of turnip leaf juice with carrot and dandelion juice is the most effective remedy for strengthening teeth, as well as other bone tissues of the body. Onion juice is an excellent way to reduce acidity. Onion leaves have a high content of iron and sodium.

Beetroot juice is the most valuable juice in creating red blood cells and also for general blood improvement. This juice is beneficial for women if they consume it at least half a liter per day. In this case, it should be mixed with carrot juice.

Drinking a glass of beet juice triggers an excellent cleansing reaction. This causes nausea and dizziness. For the first time, it is better to use a mixture with a predominance of carrot juice. Next, you should gradually increase the amount of juice beets until the body can better tolerate the cleansing beneficial effects of beets. Drinking one glass of juice in two doses per day is enough.

Juice is very useful during menstrual disorders. In this case, it is better to drink beet juice per day, one hundred milliliters in three doses. Beets contain over fifty percent sodium and five percent calcium. This ratio is valuable for maintaining calcium solubility.

A mixture of beetroot juice and carrot juice is the best natural builder of all blood cells. This is especially true for red blood cells. Beetroot juice stimulates the formation of red blood cells, dilates blood vessels, and improves memory. For hypertension, this juice is the best natural remedy. Beetroot juice is indispensable for anemia. In this case, the juice perfectly improves well-being. Beets strengthen the nervous system during insomnia, as well as during neurosis.

It is better to leave beet juice in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Then you should skim off the foam and consume it with carrot juice. In this case, the ratio should be 1:4. Most scientists believe that the condition of patients with various malignant tumors can be improved by fresh beet juice. It is recommended to consume it no more than one hundred milliliters per day. This juice can be obtained from root vegetables, as well as from young tops of the crop.

Hot, dry weather will be easier to bear if you drink a glass of celery juice in the morning. The same amount should be consumed during the day between meals. This juice normalizes body temperature. At the same time, the person begins to feel great.

Celery juice mixed with other juices is very useful. This mixture gives phenomenal results during periods of vitamin deficiency, as well as other diseases. For nervous disorders due to degeneration of the nerve sheaths, the use of celery and carrot juices helps restore them.

Celery juice improves laxative and diuretic effects, increases appetite and tone. This juice should be consumed by people suffering from metabolic disorders and people with fatigue. The juice contains vitamins PP, C, B. For prevention, one teaspoon of juice in three doses, half an hour before eating, will be enough. It is better to drink up to one hundred milliliters of juice per day.

It is worth noting that treatment with asparagus juice is very effective in the case of a diuretic. This is especially true together with carrot juice. If asparagus juice is drunk alone, it can have a pretty powerful reaction on the kidneys. Treatment with asparagus juice is very effective for kidney diseases, as well as in the case of restoration of diseased glands. This juice, together with other juices, is useful for diabetes and anemia.

Asparagus juice promotes the breakdown of oxalic acid crystals directly in the kidneys, as well as in the intestinal system. In this regard, it is useful for neuritis, rheumatism and other diseases. A mixture of cucumber, carrot and asparagus juices helps well during prostate diseases.

Treatment with green bean juices.

This juice is especially useful for diabetics. It has been established that the juice Brussels sprouts, as well as green beans, contain elements that ensure the normal release of insulin, necessary for the normal maintenance of the digestive organs.

Raw fresh tomato juice is one of the healthiest juices that is alkaline. In this case, tomato juice should not contain concentrated starches, as well as concentrated sugar. Otherwise, the reaction will be definitely acidic.

Tomatoes contain a large percentage of malic and citric acid. In addition, tomato contains a small percentage of oxalic acid. These acids are useful. They are necessary for the body's metabolic processes. However, for this they must be in organic form. When tomatoes are boiled or preserved, these acids become inorganic. At the same time, they will be harmful to the body. The appearance of kidney stones, as well as bladder stones, may be a consequence of eating canned or boiled tomatoes, especially when they contain sugar or starches.

Tomato juice is an excellent stimulant for the formation of gastric juice. Treatment with tomato juices helps improve heart function. When drinking a glass of tomato juice, half the daily requirement of vitamins C and A is provided. This juice is often used in conjunction with apple, pumpkin, and lemon juices. This is especially true for people who want to lose weight.

Horseradish juice is not used, since essential oils are very strong. It is recommended to consume horseradish in the form of a paste, adding lemon juice to it. This mixture is taken on an empty stomach, half a teaspoon in two doses. Treatment with horseradish juice in this form helps to effectively decompose mucus in areas where it accumulates. This prevents damage to the mucous membrane. Treatment with horseradish juice is also effective as a diuretic.

Treatment with chicory-endvidia juices.

Chicory has nutrients that are constantly needed optical system of the eyes. By mixing this juice with the juices of celery, carrots and parsley, the muscular system of the eyes is supplied. Thanks to this, vision defects are amazingly restored.

Treatment with sorrel juice is especially important for restoring sluggish intestines. This vegetable contains a lot of potassium oxalate, which is very valuable for the human body in its organic condition. Sorrel should not be consumed boiled. Sorrel contains a large amount of magnesium as well as iron. Blood really needs these elements. Also, sorrel juice contains many important cleansing elements for the whole body: sulfur, magnesium, silicon, phosphorus

Treatment with mixed juices - beets, cucumbers and carrots.

Treatment with the juices of this mixture is healing and effective. the effect of cleansing the liver, gall bladder, prostate gland, and other sex glands. It is worth noting that treatment with juices must be carried out very carefully so that stones in the liver and kidneys do not move. In some cases, traditional treatment calls for abstaining from eating meat, concentrated starches, and sugars for a certain period, giving the body the opportunity to return to normal.