What do crafts smell like? Class hour on the topic “only a slacker doesn’t smell at all” What a painter smells like with turpentine and paint.

Valuyskaya comprehensive boarding school No. 1

“What do crafts smell like?”

Goal: to show students the variety of professions.


Correction of thinking and ideas about professions,

To develop children's interest in the world of professions;

Develop attention, logical thinking, speed of reaction, ingenuity;

Development of positive emotional state children.

To instill in students a respectful attitude towards work and towards representatives of various professions.

Equipment: drawings depicting crafts, list of professions, coloring books, pencils, hoops, boxes with sticks, envelope with letters.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Introductory part

Guys, today we will talk about what is most important in the life of every person. Even you, who are not quite adults yet, have probably already thought about what you want to become, namely, what profession or craft to choose? And craft is a profession, only craft is an outdated word, now it is rarely used in speech, more often profession.

Crafts appeared a very, very long time ago in ancient settlements. Each person was engaged in some kind of craft, which he learned from his parents from childhood. The well-being of his family depended on the skill of the artisan. Crafts, like professions, had their own names. Look at the blackboard. Who knows the name of the crafts shown in the pictures? (potter, blacksmith, shoemaker, weaver)

II. Main part

Now let’s think with you, what crafts and professions do you encounter every day here at our school?

Who is teaching you? (teacher)

Who helps you do your homework, conducts interesting class activities, holidays, puts you to bed? (educator)

Who cooks and feeds? (cook)

Who washes the dishes? (kitchen staff)

Who brings the food? (chauffeur)

Who washes clothes? (laundress)

Who fixes the taps? (locksmith)

Who cleans the area? (street cleaner)

Imagine what would happen if there were no, well, at least a janitor? (Everything would be littered with garbage.) Well, now let’s think together, did we help our janitors?

Did they collect papers on the territory? (Yes)

Did you sweep the paths? (Yes)

Did you collect grass and leaves? (Yes)

You see, it turns out that you also know how to work as janitors.

And now we will play the game “Janitor”. After all, you and I know how to put things in order. I will need 2 teams of 3 people.

The first players have a matchbox with 30 sticks in their hands. At a signal, they run to the hoop, pour sticks into it from a height of at least 50 cm, and then return to their teams. The second and third players run to the hoop, collect the sticks and quickly return to their team. The best “janitors” will be those who complete the task first.

And now I want to introduce you to other professions. We will recognize these professions if we solve the riddles. You are ready to do this, then listen carefully and answer!

1. Hairdryer, brush and comb

I'll deftly do my hair (hairdresser)

2. I lay brick by brick,

It grows floor by floor.

And every hour, every day,

Higher, higher new house(mason)

3. You need a hammer for your work.

And the master is friendly with the saw.

He sawed the boards

And he made a birdhouse (the carpenter)

4. Master, master, help-

The boots are worn out!

Drive the nails in harder

We'll go visit today! (shoemaker)

5. He is not a pilot, not a pilot,

He's not flying a plane,

And a huge rocket.

Children, who, tell me, is this? (astronaut)

6. There is a plane in the blue sky,

It is controlled by ... (pilot)

7. I drive diesel locomotives,

I serve passengers.

I'm not a turner, not a bugler.

I'm cheerful... (driver)

8. Under the spring bird whistle

Plowing the land... (tractor driver)

9. The elephant and the mouse have a fever,

They will be saved...(veterinarian)

And for birds and animals.

He has a special gift

This doctor...(veterinarian)

11. Guess now,

Who enters the classroom with a pointer? (teacher)

12. Now we need to guess,

Who leads the herd to the meadow? (shepherd)

13. Guess quickly,

Who grows flowers for us? (florist)

14.I build floors from bricks.

What is my name, tell me? (builder)

15. Who puts it in the mailbox

Is our new magazine brilliant? (postman)

16. He wears a vest and a shirt with an anchor (sailor).

Well done guys, we learned so many new professions! Let's read these words in chorus (the names of professions are written on the board).

Guys, do you know that the Italian writer Gianni Rodari knows what crafts smell like and what color they are. Now our participants will read his poem to us.

Children read a poem:

Each case has a special smell:

The bakery smells like dough and baked goods.

Past the carpenter's shop

You go to the workshop -

Smells like shavings

And a fresh board.

Smells like a painter

Turpentine and paint.

Smells like a glazier

Window putty.

Driver's jacket

Smells like gasoline.

Worker's Blouse -

Machine oil.

Smells like a pastry chef


Doctor in a robe -

A pleasant medicine.

loose earth,

Field and meadow

Smells like a peasant

Walking behind the plow.

Fish and sea

Smells like a fisherman.

Only a slacker

Doesn't smell at all.

No matter how much you smell

Rich lazy man

Very unimportant

It smells, guys!

Name the crafts whose names appear in the poem and say what they smell like (children remember from the poem).

Who has no smell and why? (loafers)

Guys, now let’s not be lazy, dream a little and imagine what these professions smell like and why you decided so.

On the board - a hairdresser, a milkmaid, a cook, an artist, a carpenter, a salesman.

And Gianni Rodari said that crafts not only smell, but also have color, I will read you an excerpt from his poem “What color are crafts.”

Its special color

Everyone has something to do.

Here in front of you

The baker is white.

White hair,

Eyebrows, eyelashes.

In the morning he gets up

Earlier than the birds.

Black at the firebox

The fireman is standing.

All colors

The painter sparkles.

In blue overalls

The color of the sky

A worker walks

Under the vault of the factory.

Workers' hands

In oil and soot.

Let's also choose colors for crafts in the "Draw It" competition. Two people go to the board and color the pictures. While they are coloring, we will play a little. The game is called "Say the Word." I will read a poem to you all, and you all must finish it in unison.

The train is driven by... (driver).

Plowing in the field... (tractor driver).

The plane is controlled by... (pilot).

Glues books... (binder).

At school he teaches us ... (teacher).

Builds buildings... (builder).

Paints the walls for us... (painter).

He sings songs to us... (singer).

Busy with trade... (seller).

Treats diseases... (doctor).

Medicines will be given to us...(pharmacist).

Bread is baked in the bakery...(baker).

He will draw for us... (the artist).

He will sew boots... (shoemaker).

He will put down our stove for the winter... (stove maker).

Will put out the fire in an instant... (firefighter).

The watch is repaired...(watchmaker).

Loading with a crane... (crane operator).

Catches fish...(fisherman).

Serves at sea... (sailor).

He works in the mine... (miner).

In a hot forge...(blacksmith).

Who knows everything - ... (well done)!

Summing up the results of the “Draw it” competition.

Now let's play the game "Collect the word." Teams receive 5 letters, from which they must assemble a word, the name of a profession (cook, painter, driver, pilot).

III. Final part

What did we talk about in class today? That's right, about crafts, namely, about professions. Look how many professions we remembered, and also met new ones. And finally, I want to play a game with you. The last task will be more difficult. Anyone who was attentive during the lesson will be able to tell what people in this profession do. We will play the game “Flower of Seven Flowers”.

The names of professions are written on the petals of this flower. You need to tear off a petal, read the names of the professions and tell those present about this profession.







Street cleaner


Well done boys! And in conclusion I would like to read a poem:

There are many professions on earth,

There is a carpenter, there is a painter.

And the chimney sweep is always in ashes,

And in the soot - a steelmaker...

Who to be? There's always a question

And then, one day.

Everyone will need to answer:

To you, and to me, and to her!


1. Potter is the name of a profession that produces pottery.

2. Blacksmith - a craftsman engaged in metal processing.

3. Weaver - a worker who produces fabric on a loom.

4. Carpenter - a professional worker, artisan, working with wood, turning and making wood products or products on a wooden base. A carpenter is engaged in carpentry work: making complex furniture, doors, windows, arches.

5. Carpenter is a profession, one of the most ancient crafts, which is associated with the mechanical processing of wood and the transformation of raw wood into parts, structures and building materials. The carpenter profession is one of the construction professions.

I think you guys have already thought about everything and decided what profession you like, and what you want to be when you grow up. And I wish you that your dream comes true. And for this you need to study and work hard!

(Summing up, rewarding more active participants)

Lymar Lyubov Nikolaevna

Every business has a special smell:
The bakery smells of dough and baked goods.
The painter smells like turpentine and paint.
The glazier smells like window putty.
The confectioner smells like nutmeg.
A doctor in a robe is a pleasant medicine.
Loose earth, field and meadow
It smells like a peasant walking behind a plow.
The fisherman smells of fish and sea.
Only the slacker doesn't smell at all.

Original by D. Rodari:
(translated by B. Zakhoder)

What do crafts smell like?

The bakery smells like burnt baked goods...
The butcher smells like rotten meat.
The stove smells like carbon dioxide.
The milk jug smells like sour cream.
The miners smell of burnt methane.
The newsboy smells like a dead duck
Like a perfume department - a prostitute.
The surgeon smells like unsuccessful anesthesia.
The milkmaid smells like evening manure.
The furrier smells of flayed skin.
Vacuum cleaner... You know how.
The cook smells of sour cabbage.
The nurse smells like a medical enema.
Mothers-in-law usually smell like pancakes,
Everything at customs costs a lot of money.
The party smells like red flags.
Nanny smells like Huggy's diaper.
The shoemaker smells like thick shoe polish,
And the popular singer uses cocaine.
The English consul smells like oatmeal,
The school teacher reeks of valerian.
It smells like a stale soldier's boot.
Smells like a hot iron, bro.
Rheumatic ozokerite smells.
The lover of jerks smells like dynamite.
The tourist smells of sprat in the tomato,
Iodine with brilliant green - an athlete climber.
The priest smells like holy water.
Rabbis smell like kosher food.
The radio operator smells like Morse code.
And the heroin smuggler.
The sailor smells like spilled oil.
Only programmers... don't smell at all

What does Artemy Lebedev Studio smell like...

Coders smell like jasmine and spruce.
Accountants smell like Chanel.
Having returned from negotiations tired,
The manager smells like white sandalwood.

Designers smell like wood and leather
And art directors smell similar.
If you sniff the technologist's neck -
The technologist's neck smells like sage.

Tobacco smoke, grass and absinthe
Customers who are satisfied with the site smell like it.
The studio cat smells like Santos
(Someone sprayed the animal a little).

With unfading daring strength
Voronezh smells like fresh tequila.
(You can sniff the display: subtly
Even the icon smells of tequila.)

At night, bending over the press release,
The press office smells like “Brown Forest.”
Tasty, quiet and ghostly-secret
The studio smells like an industrial design department.

Lebedev just doesn’t smell at all,
Gloomily looking at this mess.

To the last day of the system administrator))

It smells like yesterday's store-bought noodles,
An unfed cat, two-day stubble,
An untidy sock, expired vodka,
Coffee grounds, burnt out wiring,

It smells Soviet, hundred-year-old, vigorous
Triple and killer cologne,
Crumpled paper and dusty floppy disk,
Four hundred and forty-eighth cigarette,

But still naive and pristine
Our dear and kind programmer friend,
When a mine is drawn next to him
A little offended system administrator

Only programmers... don’t smell at all ?

“Only programmers don’t smell at all,”
Only a fool could think such a thing.
"C" encoder smells of structure,
Visual Basic smells like hackwork.
C++ smells like polymorphism,
Oracle smells like bureaucracy

The DBA reeks of a boring rally,
Main Frame smells like an old Jew.
A web programmer smells like a random connection,
COBOL programmers smell like despair.
PASCAL smells like something forgotten,
ACCESS developer is a broken trough.

Together everyone smells like a mess -
The testers just don’t smell at all!
It is not true! Smell it yourself
Testers always smell like bedbugs...
Just go to them and look around -
So some beetle is scurrying around.

The programmer is buzzing like a fly.
- It doesn’t work here, it’s not worth it there...
Even the admin won’t be able to shrug it off,
The smell of a beetle will cost him more.
Without knowing the code or the system,
Testers smell a common problem!

Class teacher: Slobodina E.A.

Class: 3

Class hour “Only a slacker doesn’t smell at all”

Target: expand students' understanding of working people.

Planned results:


Use examples to show that everyone’s work is useful and necessary for all people; remember what professions there are on earth and who the slackers are.


In collaboration with the teacher, set new creative and educational goals and objectives.

Ability to plan your activitiesand group activities.


Listen,hearand understand the speech of the teacher and classmates;

Ask questions, formulate your own mopinion;

Ability to work in pairs and groups.


Cultivate pride in the work of loved ones, a conscientious attitude towards work and a desire to work.

During the classes

I. Org. moment.

Hello guys.

Imagine that you have a little sun in your palms. Give someone in your class your sunny friend and wish them luck.

II. Self-determination for activity

(Photos of students’ parents are posted on the board where they are at work)

- What do you see in the photographs?

Why do you think children should know about their parents' profession?

Do any of you want to be like your parents?

Tell us what are your parents' names and where do they work?

How is their work useful?

This means that we can say that all professions are very important and necessary.

What will we devote our class hour to today?

Today in class we will learn a lot of interesting things about professions.

III . Work on the topic class. hours

What do you call someone who doesn't like to work? (slacker) (picture)

Are there such people among you?

Guys, maybe a profession or a person smells like something? Let's listen to the poem.

1. Reading a poem by J. Rodari “What crafts smell like”

Everyone has something to do
Special smell:
The bakery smells
Dough and baking.
Past the carpenter's shop
You go to the workshop -
Smells like shavings
And a fresh board.
Smells like a painter
Turpentine and paint.
Smells like a glazier
Window putty.
Driver's jacket
Smells like gasoline.
Worker's Blouse -
Machine oil.
Smells like a pastry chef
Doctor in a robe -
A pleasant medicine.

loose earth,
Field and meadow
Smells like a peasant
Walking behind the plow.
Fish and sea
Smells like a fisherman.
Only idleness
Doesn't smell at all.

No matter how much you smell
Rich loafer, -
Very unimportant

It smells, guys!

2. Conversation based on content

How can you distinguish between people of different crafts?

How to distinguish slackers and quitters?

How do you feel about them? Why?

3. Work in a group.

Let's work in a group. (Each group receives an illustration from the folder “Professions of our parents”, which depicts a person of some profession). You need to determine your profession. (2 min.) One person from the group will tell everyone about this profession.

4. Game “Guess who we are talking about...”

(The teacher reads excerpts from poems. Finds out what professions are being talked about.)

He waves a thin stick -

The choir on stage will sing.

Not a wizard, not a juggler.

Who is this?(Conductor)

He's the funniest guy in the circus.

He has great success.

All that remains is to remember

He's a merry fellow, as he's called.(Clown)

He's at work role

And his skill amazes us.

We are looking forward to that day

When we go to the theater to see him.(Actor)

He's not an artist, but he paints

Always smells

He is not a master of paintings -

He's a master of walls!(Painter)

Doctor, but not for children,

And for birds and animals.

He has a special gift

This doctor is...!(Vet)

He's sitting on the bus

And watches closely

So that everyone has tickets,

So that you don’t forget to buy them.(Conductor)

Teacher. Well done, you know a lot of professions. Today we have thousands of professions, each of which is necessary and interesting in its own way. Only idle people are not interested in this.

It is an honor to be a scientist, builder, doctor, teacher and, of course, a grain grower.

Tell me, what is there that no table can do without? (bread)

5. “Creating a cluster”

What professions had to work hard to get bread on the table?

( combine operator, tractor driver, agronomist, driver...)

Why do you need to save bread?

How should you treat bread?

Remember the proverbs about bread?

Bread is the head of everything.

If there is bread, there will be lunch.

Work until you sweat, eat bread when you want.

6. Work in groups. Game “Name the professions”

- Each group receives cards with letters.Remember and write down three professions with the following letters:A, B, C, D, D, F, Z, I, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, F, X, H, W, E, S. Time for this task is 3 minutes.

Those who complete the task most quickly win.

A – agronomist, actor, architect

B – librarian, banker, accountant

B – teacher, doctor, diver

G – make-up artist, gas welder, loader

D – trainer, janitor, doctor

F – journalist, railway worker, livestock breeder

Z – cutter, livestock specialist, zoologist

I – engineer, collector, historian

K – astronaut, dresser, cashier

L – pilot, forester, elevator operator

M – painter, driver, manager

N - porter, notary, nanny

O – waiter, ophthalmologist, security guard

P - postman, hairdresser, programmer

R – traffic controller, radio operator, director

S – builder, mechanic, gardener

T – taxi driver, telephone operator, dancer

U – teacher, cleaner, manager

F – photographer, pharmacist, paramedic

X – surgeon, artist, choreographer

Ch - watchmaker, cleaner, draftsman

Sh – miner, driver, seamstress

E – ecologist, economist, electrician

Yu – lawyer, jeweler, cabin boy

Teacher: Well done, you completed this task. Now guys listen to the poem

V. V. Mayakovsky “Who to be?” (read by prepared students)

What professions did you learn about from this poem?

What do you want to be when you grow up?

7. Physical education minute

8. Work in groups “Collect a proverb” ( (Each group receives an envelope with proverbs. The sheets on which proverbs are printed are cut into parts according to the number of words. Children make up a proverb from the parts and explain its meaning)


Patience and work will grind everything down.

Time for business, time for fun.

Labor feeds, but laziness spoils.

Who does not work shall not eat.

Without good work there is no fruit.

A small deed is better than a big idleness.

(One person comes out from each group, hangs a sign with a proverb and explains its meaning)

    Crossword “Guess the profession”

Each group is given a crossword puzzle sheet and given 5 minutes to solve it.

    A person who cooks healthy and delicious food.(Cook)

    A theater worker who does makeup for performers.( Make-up artist)

    Specialist with higher technical education.(Engineer)

    Artistic director of a play or film.(Director)

    Specialist,whichcalculates salaries and taxes. (Accountant)

    Specialist in the design and construction of buildings.(Architect)

Who managed to solve the entire crossword puzzle? (the best group is noted)


The main thing is the work that each person performs with full responsibility.

Today you have learned a lot about the world of professions. And no matter who you dream of becoming, what profession you choose for yourself, everyone should know their job well, do it honestly and skillfully, like your parents do. I hope you will never be idle. Today your main profession is a student. And you must be worthy of this title.

І V . Bottom line

What new and interesting things did you learn in the lesson?

Which of the professions we talked about today seemed the most necessary and important to you? Why?

Why doesn't the slacker smell at all?

You see, all professions are important and necessary in their own way.

I hope that in the future you will all choose interesting and useful work and become masters of your craft and none of you will be a slacker.