What can you do to protect yourself from pregnancy? I’m embarrassed to ask: “How can I avoid getting pregnant without using protection?” Important questions about contraception

We collect questions that Belarusians are usually embarrassed to ask friends and professionals, but often Google. Today we’re asking a specialist about contraception: how to protect yourself correctly and what to do if everything doesn’t go according to plan?

Dmitry Trofimchik

What methods of contraception are there and how do they work?

There is often talk about dividing contraceptive methods into abortive and non-abortive. I’ll say right away: this division is not medical. From the point of view of genetics and biology, as well as in most religions, the origin of life is considered to be the moment when the sperm has already penetrated the egg and the fusion of male and female reproductive cells has occurred. And in clinical gynecology, the fact of pregnancy is either an increase in the specific pregnancy hormone - hCG (but subject to a delay in menstruation), or the detection of a fertilized egg on an ultrasound. Before a missed period, the question of whether a woman is pregnant or not is not even discussed by doctors. So, abortive methods- these are those methods that prevent the already fertilized egg from moving into the uterus and then attaching to the lining of the uterus. Emergency contraception- the same abortive method, when the fertilized egg does not develop and is thrown away. Non-abortive methods- these are hormonal drugs that prevent, in principle, the appearance and development of the egg itself, as well as barrier agents (condom, vaginal caps, suppositories, etc.). This also includes interrupted sexual intercourse and the calendar method.

As a doctor I can name hormonal and non-hormonal methods of contraception, there are also concepts barrier and non-barrier. Non-hormonal methods: calendar method, condom, interrupted intercourse, vaginal creams and suppositories - they do not affect the ovaries, but the sperm (they destroy sperm).

Are there hormonal treatments for men?

No, if they exist, they are not used in practical medicine. Yes, there were developments, but they were not successful and had many side effects. Men can consider 3 ways:

. interrupted sexual intercourse (if it can even be called a method);
. vasectomy, when the spermatic cords are ligated. That is, sterilization.

Are hormonal medications reliable?

In addition to tablets, there are hormonal patches, a ring, and injections. Hormonal pills are a reliable way, but with regular use. Probably every woman at least once missed one pill and forgot. But the main thing here is to remember in time and take the necessary measures.

Do hormone pills reduce libido?

This is common by-effect. And in this case, you can try changing pills on the recommendation of a doctor.

But tablets are more popular than other methods because, firstly, they appeared first, secondly, they are more convenient to use, and thirdly, such tablets usually have many other (medicinal) effects. They can solve the problem of bad skin, excessive hair growth or skin rashes. It happens that they are prescribed not for contraception, but for the treatment of gynecological problems, for example, bleeding. Athletes can regulate their cycle, shift or exclude menstruation - if competitions are scheduled on such days. Some women take advantage of this opportunity while on vacation.

Of course, you need to choose pills with your doctor (yes, they also require prescriptions). There are contraindications: varicose veins, migraine (as a diagnosis), thrombosis, smoking, liver disease, oncology (even through close relatives - mothers, sisters, aunts).

Are vaginal rings and intrauterine devices suitable for everyone?

Hard to tell. The only option is to use it for 2-3 months and observe whether the method is suitable or not, and monitor the discomfort. It happens that a vaginal ring is unpleasant to a woman’s partner.

This principle of selecting a contraceptive applies to other means. For example, the hormonal patch is changed once a week. If you visit the pool several times a week, then this method is not suitable.

Vaginal suppositories can be used for irregular, rare contacts: the vaginal flora suffers from their composition, plus sometimes foaming occurs during sex. And this can confuse your partner.

Special hormonal pills for emergency contraception.

You can also consider another option - inserting an intrauterine device within 5 days after unprotected sexual intercourse. This is suitable if a woman, for example, has contraindications to taking hormonal contraception.

In what cases do “those 3%” occur when the condom does not break, but the woman becomes pregnant?

Logically: when some of the sperm entered the vagina - and both did not notice it. Yes, the condom is popular, but it is less reliable than the pill or IUD.

Is it possible to catch sexually transmitted infections (STIs) with a condom?

When used correctly, it is considered not.

What to do if a guy just doesn’t want to use protection?

If a guy doesn't want to use protection, he may have a number of reasons. Perhaps he wants his partner to become pregnant, and if pregnancy is not an issue, it means he does not want to use a condom or resort to coitus interruptus.

What's a girl to do? Be prepared for any surprises. Naturally, you need to take care of this yourself: use vaginal creams or tablets before sexual intercourse. There are also emergency methods of contraception.

And if a girl only wants a condom, but the guy “doesn’t shine” in it, what should she do? What if wearing a condom is uncomfortable and the desire goes away?

A girl who insists on using a condom is afraid of unwanted pregnancy or infections. What is he more afraid of? If you are pregnant, you can use vaginal cream (but this is for rare contacts) or choose long-term and reliable contraception, hormonal for example. If she thinks about infections, then you need to prove to her that you are “clean”. Well, if everything needs to be decided this very second, well, then perhaps there won’t be sex.

What tests should I take to be sure that I am a safe partner?

For women and men: for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) - chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, trichomonas. Blood tests for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B and C. For women, standard smears for flora (exclude thrush or gonococci).

For women: there is an extended blood test for the TORCH complex (usually included in the examination during pregnancy) - this checks for toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, and herpes. It is also necessary to be tested for HPV - human papillomavirus. These tests are expensive.

It is wrong if one partner is checked - you need to make sure that everything is fine with both. And if any problem is detected in at least one of the partners, both should be treated at the same time.

Is it possible not to use protection during menstruation?

In short, it is possible. Getting pregnant while on your period is a rare occurrence. I recently read that researchers wrote that some sperm can be preserved in the vagina after sexual intercourse and wait for a favorable moment to then penetrate the uterus, fallopian tubes and overtake the egg at the time of ovulation. But this is unlikely to be true. Spermatozoa live on average 1-5 days, eggs - a day. There is also an assumption that sometimes eggs can mature in two ovaries, but not at the same time, but with a difference of, for example, 2 weeks. And then, theoretically, it is possible to get pregnant during menstruation if unprotected sex occurs. But this is an unproven fact.

Does the calendar method work?And How?

It works, but subject to a regular cycle. The normal menstrual cycle is from 21 to 34 days. The main thing is its regularity. 2-3 days is not a delay. So, with a 28-day cycle, classic ovulation is on the 12-14th day. You can get pregnant at this time. And the closer to ovulation, the higher the chance of getting pregnant. Closer to menstruation the chance is less.

There are various mobile applications, for example Flo (by the way, it was developed by Belarusians). It contains many parameters menstrual cycle. The application itself remembers all this data, then artificial intelligence analyzes them, and the application gives you, for example, the following conclusion: “You are on the 8th day of your cycle - the probability of getting pregnant is extremely low.” Now at my appointment all young girls under 35 years old answer the question “when was your last period?” They immediately take out their smartphone and look at all the information there.

Do folk remedies - lemon, vinegar - not help with conception?

More harmful: an extremely acidic environment has a very negative effect on the beneficial flora of the vagina. No doctor recommends using folk remedies. Then you can undergo treatment for months.

If sperm are in the vagina for several minutes after intercourse, then a significant number of them have already been able to penetrate the cervix and further, it is too late to try to remove them from there. And after 40 seconds, run to the bathroom - why such sex?

Physical exercises - squats and jumping - do not affect anything.

How did you protect yourself before?

Coitus interruptus was the most popular and only method. By the way, according to statistics, it is the most ineffective. They didn’t know anything about the menstrual cycle, but hormones were synthesized in the 60s and 70s. Judging by how the population has grown over the past hundreds of years, people did not protect themselves at all.

Who should use protection better - a woman or a man?

Depending on the health status of the partners. But it is logical that a woman still gets pregnant, and therefore, based on the fact that her body is exposed possible risk, she has to take care of protection first.

Does (women's) orgasm affect conception?

It is believed that orgasm is favorable for conception, but this is unproven. It hardly matters, but in any case an orgasm is preferable.

Are twins always born after stopping taking hormonal pills?

Twins are born only if there is heredity, often through the female line (we are not talking about IVF). Hormonal drugs have no effect on this.

Why do “infertile couples” sometimes have children in a new relationship without any problems?

In 10% of infertility the cause is unknown. And the diagnosis of “infertility” is made specifically to the couple, and not to the woman or man. In such cases, it is customary to talk about the incompatibility of partners in matters of conception.

There is also a type of infertility called immunological, when in a woman’s cervix there are various components that immobilize the sperm of a particular (this one!) sexual partner, but if you want to get pregnant, this problem is easily solved by IVF methods. And if a couple breaks up, a new partner appears and there is no incompatibility or immunological factor of infertility, then pregnancy does not take long to arrive.

How do I understand that I am infertile and do not need protection?

I have already talked about the fact that infertility is diagnosed in a couple. A clear criterion is if there is regular sexual activity (not every day, but still) for 12 months in the absence of contraception, and pregnancy does not occur.

A man can take a spermogram; if his sperm are “immobilized, deformed, defective,” then an expert’s conclusion will be drawn about infertility.

For women, the test may show, for example, obstruction of the fallopian tubes. But a miracle can always happen here, and everything can be restored.

Is there 100% protection against pregnancy?

In medicine, the very concept of “100%” is used very rarely. In gynecology, such a figure is unacceptable. Moreover, modern advances in medicine allow even women who do not have a uterus but still have at least one ovary to have children. Patients with removed fallopian tubes can also count on a successful solution to the issue of childbearing.

With any method of contraception, there is a chance of getting pregnant, but depending on the method, the likelihood will be different. For example, the highest probability is with interrupted sexual intercourse. And the most reliable way is sterilization. But I will say that there is no one hundred percent method of contraception, and if someone uses such a figure, know: this is a populist move.

Illustrations: website

Answered by Irina Shestakova, gynecologist-endocrinologist, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the department of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive medicine, faculty of advanced training medical workers RUDN University:

According to statistics, Russian girls begin sexual activity at 16-17 years old - much earlier than they get married and plan to have their first child. Between the onset of sexual activity and the first birth, 10-15 years often pass. And all this time they must take care of reliable contraception. Doctors believe that any type of contraception is better than terminating a pregnancy, especially the first one.

Unfortunately, practice shows that the choice falls on methods of protection that do not provide guaranteed protection. An independent research company recently conducted a survey of men and women of the most active reproductive age (20-30 years old) to find out what they use to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy. It turned out that the majority the best way protection considers condoms and interrupted sexual intercourse. Moreover, when choosing a method of contraception, men prioritize the preservation of sensations during intimacy, and women - the opinion of their partner. No wonder there are so many unplanned pregnancies in our country!

Experts consider combined oral contraceptives (COCs) to be the most reliable method of contraception. In Europe, they are used by more than 40% of women of reproductive age. In Russia, this method of contraception is viewed with caution. This is due to the myths that surround this method of protection.

1. Pills make you feel better

The first contraceptives, which appeared in the 60s of the last century, did contain high doses of hormones and components that caused swelling and fluid retention in the body. Therefore, women actually got better.

Since then, the composition of contraceptives has changed significantly - now they contain low and ultra-low doses of hormones, which cannot in any way affect waist size.

Moreover, overweight women who take certain COCs lose weight due to the special properties of the components included in their composition.

2. Hormones cause mustaches to grow.

Hirsutism (excessive hair growth in women in male areas - on the chin, chest and abdomen) is directly related to hormonal disorders.

Hormonal contraceptives contain substances that reduce the concentration of male sex hormones in women. Thanks to this, with long-term (at least 2 years) use of certain COCs, women can get rid of excess hair. True, the effect is temporary (only during the period of taking COCs). And if the problem is severe, you should not rely on hormones - it is better to seek help from a cosmetologist.

3. Taking hormones causes cancer

More than 10 years ago, the first results of the famous Women's Health Initiative study, which was funded by the US government, were obtained in the United States. Doctors observed 15 thousand women taking menopausal hormone therapy (MHT). The I study was paused after cases of cancer, heart attack and stroke were reported in several groups.

After these shocking results were widely reported, menopausal hormone therapy Not only women, but also some doctors began to shun.

Later, when the results were sorted out, it turned out that stroke, cancer and heart attack were recorded only in the group of women who first started taking MHT over the age of 60 years. After this study, recommendations in Europe were revised - postmenopausal therapy was no longer prescribed to women over 60 years of age with cardiovascular diseases (this practice has never existed in Russia).

Unfortunately, data on menopausal hormone therapy were transferred to any hormonal drugs, including COCs.

There are a number of studies that prove the protective properties of COCs against cancer of the reproductive organs (in particular, ovarian cancer). The exact causes of this disease are unknown, but doctors suspect that it is provoked by regular biological trauma to the ovaries (which occurs monthly during ovulation). In any case, this explains why ovarian cancer is more common in nulliparous women whose menstruation began early (before age 12) and ended late (after age 52). Since combined oral contraceptives simulate the state of pregnancy, they are considered as one of the means of protection against cancer of the uterus and ovaries.

4. Hormones lead to infertility

The fact that the ovaries are resting while taking contraceptives does not mean that they have fallen asleep. 94% of women are fully ready for successful conception within one year after stopping taking birth control pills, obstetricians and gynecologists explain. And 50% of women can become pregnant within three months after stopping contraception.

There are many ways to reduce the risk of unwanted pregnancy without using a condom. You can consult with your doctor to discuss (and get a prescription for) various medical options, or you can opt for natural methods. But keep in mind that the benefits of condoms are not limited to contraception alone - they are also a means of preventing STIs (sexually transmitted infections). In addition, the only way to prevent pregnancy that is 100% guaranteed is to abstain from sex. All other options significantly reduce the risk of pregnancy, but do not guarantee pregnancy prevention.


Medical options

    Take hormonal birth control pills. If you are a woman and are looking for a way to prevent pregnancy without using a condom, one of the most common options is to take hormonal birth control pills. You can get a prescription from your family doctor or gynecologist. The pills consist of either a combination of estrogen and progesterone or pure progesterone. Typically, you need to take one a day for 21 days, and then you take seven days of “dummy sugar pills” (during which time your body experiences a “continence bleed” instead of a period).

    • There are different formulations of birth control available, and you can discuss the different options with your doctor to determine which is best for you.
    • The benefit of taking birth control pills is that they are 91% effective at preventing pregnancy (and even more effective if taken at the same time every day without missing a dose).
    • If you are a man having sex with a woman and don't want her to get pregnant, ask her if she takes birth control pills regularly. However, the disadvantage of this method of contraception for men is that in this case you can only rely on the woman's word, and you are also sure that she does not forget to take the pills every day.
  1. Insert an IUD (intrauterine device). The IUD is a small T-shaped device that is inserted through the vagina into the uterus (where it remains for the next few years and acts as a contraceptive). Such IUDs are more than 99% effective in preventing pregnancy.

    • Available IUDs include: Mirena, Levonova and Multiload.
    • Mirena and Levonova are hormonal-based IUDs. They are more expensive than copper-containing ones and can last up to five years, but their advantage is that they reduce the intensity of menstrual pain and bleeding.
    • Copper IUDs are not hormone based. Their advantage is that they are cheaper and last up to 10 years. But the downside is that the intensity of pain and bleeding during menstruation may increase.
    • You can get a prescription for an IUD from your family doctor or gynecologist. The doctor will then schedule an appointment to insert the IUD, which usually only takes a couple of minutes.
    • Inserting the IUD can be a little painful as it passes through the narrow opening of the cervix. But once the coil is in place, you should not experience any pain.
  2. Try other hormonal birth control options. Other hormonal birth control options include the vaginal ring, Depo-Provera injections, and birth control patches. They are available with your doctor's prescription.

    Try spermicide. Spermicides are gels or foams that are inserted into the vagina. They engulf and subsequently kill sperm using chemicals that are toxic to sperm. They can be purchased at any local pharmacy. The failure rate of spermicides is about 22%.

    Use a barrier method such as a uterine cap or diaphragm. Both the uterine cap and the diaphragm are devices that a woman inserts into the vagina to close the cervix. This prevents sperm from entering the uterus. Additionally, the uterine cap and diaphragm typically contain chemicals that kill sperm, further reducing the risk of pregnancy. The failure rate is about 14% in women who have never been pregnant and 29% in women who have previously been pregnant.

    • The diaphragm or uterine cap can be installed in the doctor's office.
  3. Consider sterilization. One of the most reliable ways to prevent pregnancy is through a sterilization procedure for either the man or the woman (or both). But it is important to know that this procedure is irreversible. This option should only be considered if you are absolutely sure that you do not want to have your own biological children in the future.

    • For men, this procedure is called a vasectomy. During this procedure, the man's vas deferens, that is, the tubes through which sperm are excreted, are cut. This prevents a man's ability to become fertilized.
    • For women, the procedure is called tubal ligation. The fallopian tubes (which carry unfertilized eggs from the ovaries into the uterus) are cut. This prevents the eggs from being fertilized and thus prevents pregnancy.

Natural Methods

  1. Try the coitus interruptus method. One way to reduce the chance of pregnancy without using a condom is to try the method of coitus interruptus. Its essence is that the man must remove his penis just before ejaculation so that the sperm does not have the opportunity to enter the woman's vagina in a way that could lead to pregnancy.

    • The problem with this method is that some of the sperm may leak out prematurely (before ejaculation and thus before removal of the male penis), making this method only 78% effective in preventing pregnancy.
  2. Use the “calendar method”. Technically, there are only a few days a month when a woman can actually get pregnant. For most women, the cycle lasts 28 days and begins on the first day of menstruation. On average, ovulation occurs on the 14th day, but a woman can be fertile for several days before and after ovulation.

    • If a woman has sex long before or after her most fertile days, her chances of getting pregnant are much lower.
    • The disadvantage of the calendar method is that not all women have a cycle that lasts exactly 28 days. All women are different, and not everyone always has a constant cycle, month after month. It is for this reason that this method of preventing pregnancy is only 76% effective without using a condom.
    • If your cycle is regular but lasts less or more than 28 days, subtract 14 days from the END of your cycle and consider this the beginning of your most fertile days. The second half of a woman's menstrual cycle (after ovulation) tends to be much more constant than the first half (before ovulation).
  3. Track your fertility using physiological indicators. One way to track fertility is to use physiological indicators (such as basal body temperature and/or cervical mucus) to determine specific days when a woman is most fertile. To reduce the likelihood of pregnancy, you should abstain from sex these days.

    Understand that natural methods still pose a risk of pregnancy. Both the coitus interruptus method and the calendar method are much less effective than medical methods of contraception. You can't rely on these methods if you're really trying to avoid pregnancy. That's why:

    • If you are a man and you accidentally get a woman pregnant, the decision whether to carry the pregnancy to term or have an abortion is entirely up to her (unless the laws of your country provide otherwise).
    • This could mean that if you become pregnant and if she decides to keep the child, you are responsible for financial support and can take on co-parenting responsibilities.
    • Unplanned pregnancy affects both men and women. Incurring child care responsibilities before you're ready can significantly impact (and potentially interfere with) your other plans for your career, relationships, or any other area of ​​your life.
    • If you are a woman and you accidentally become pregnant, you may be faced with a difficult decision: keep the baby or have an abortion (if it is legal in your country).

Additional benefits of using a condom

  1. Reducing the risk of contracting STIs. Before you decide to stop using condoms, be sure to consider the role they play in reducing the risk of STIs as well as preventing pregnancy. Even if you use other birth control methods, such as hormonal contraceptives, other birth control methods do not protect you from STIs (sexually transmitted infections). That's why condoms have important advantage, when it comes to practicing safe sex.

    • Condoms protect you from STIs by reducing contact between the genitals and by preventing ejaculatory fluid from passing from a man's penis into a woman's vagina. Both of these types of contact are ways in which infection can be passed from one person to another.
  2. Use a condom if you cannot completely trust your sexual partner. If you're in a long-term, committed monogamous relationship, you know whether your partner uses alternative forms of contraception, such as hormonal pills or an intrauterine device, because you've built a trusting relationship with that person and presumably discussed the contraceptive strategies that are best for both of you. But if you have a new sexual partner who you don't yet know well enough to trust completely, it's important to understand that a condom can be one of the most reliable methods of contraception.

    • If you are a man, you will never know for sure whether your new sexual partner is actually taking birth control pills (or using another form of birth control) or whether she is taking them consistently.
  3. Use a condom as extra protection if getting pregnant would be unthinkable. Because each method has a failure rate, it would be wise to combine a couple of methods—for example, using both condoms and birth control pills—in situations where pregnancy is absolutely not desired. It's better to be careful than to risk getting pregnant and then deal with the potential consequences.

Today, every girl has the opportunity to choose: to get pregnant or not. This choice was made possible thanks to the availability of modern world many types of contraception. Knowing how to protect yourself from an unwanted pregnancy, you will not be afraid of its unexpected occurrence.

Ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy:

  1. Barrier
  2. Rhythmic
  3. Chemical
  4. Installation of an IUD (spiral)
  5. Hormonal contraception
  6. Emergency methods

Barrier method of protection

Protecting yourself from unwanted pregnancy in this way means using means that prevent the penetration of seminal fluid into the cervix.

These include the use of:

  • condoms;
  • vaginal caps;
  • diaphragms;
  • contraceptive sponges.

The first method is considered male, the other three are female.


This protection option is considered the most effective among all those used. The peculiarity of this method is the need to use it for every sexual contact. When using a condom, it is unacceptable to use additional lubricants (creams, gels, etc.), as this reduces its effectiveness as a method of contraception. At correct use protective properties reach 98%. We can also mention female condoms, but they have proven themselves less well, their contraceptive ability reaches 80-90%, so they are not widely used.

Disadvantages of using condoms:

  • possibility of rupture;
  • allergic reactions are possible;
  • decreased sensitivity during sexual intercourse.


Diaphragms are dome-shaped objects that are made of latex or rubber and have a springy rim around the perimeter. It is not difficult to understand how to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy with the help of a diaphragm: it must be placed inside the vagina so that in front it rests on the pubic joint, and in back on the posterior fornix of the vagina. With this placement, the diaphragm closes the cervix and prevents sperm from entering there.

Disadvantages of using aperture:

  • low contraceptive protection (up to 19 women out of 100 become pregnant per year);
  • the need to combine the use of a diaphragm with a chemical method;
  • the need to insert a diaphragm before sexual intercourse;
  • Possibility of allergies to materials.

Cervical caps

The caps are rubber thimbles about 3 cm in size that cover the cervix, preventing sperm from penetrating further through the woman’s genital tract. There are varieties of thimbles that can only be inserted by a doctor; such caps can be worn throughout the month, except for menstruation. There are also caps that are inserted at home by a woman for a period of up to 48 hours.

Disadvantages of using cervical caps:

  • low protective properties (about 83%);
  • Difficulty of use: you can put it on incorrectly and injure the vaginal mucosa;
  • the need to insert the cap almost before sexual intercourse;
  • need to be used in combination with chemical methods contraception.

Contraceptive sponges

These sponges are made of parallon, which is impregnated with nonoxynol. It is very simple to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy in this way: shortly before the intended sex, and it is removed 8 hours after it. While in the vagina, the contraceptive sponge closes the entrance to the cervical canal.


  • low protection (75-86%);
  • the need to carry out manipulation before sexual intercourse.

Rhythmic or biological method of protection

They imply natural protection from conceiving a child without the use of any mechanical or medicinal means.

Includes such varieties:

  • calendar method;
  • temperature method;
  • cervical method;
  • interrupted sexual intercourse.

Calendar method

Thus, the beginning of the fertile period will be a day equal to the difference: the duration of the shortest cycle is 18. The end of the period dangerous for conception will be a day equal to the difference: the duration of the longest cycle is 11. An example for clarity: for Last year the girl’s shortest cycle was 27 days, the longest was 32. Thus, the period from the 9th to the 22nd of the menstrual cycle will be dangerous.


  • cannot be used in women who have menstrual cycles of varying duration;
  • low reliability.

Temperature method

To use this method as contraception, it is necessary to measure the temperature in the rectum. All measurements must be carried out strictly at the same time, in the morning, in a lying position. The results obtained from daily measurements are recorded in a graph. How to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy using the data obtained? The fact is that the first half of the monthly cycle is characterized by a low temperature (below 37 ° C), within about a day the temperature drops slightly (to 0.5 ° C), and after ovulation, on the contrary, it rises to 37 and even higher, such and remains until the onset of menstruation. You cannot have sex 6 days before ovulation and 3 days following it.


  • low contraceptive effectiveness;
  • cannot be used in women who have cycles of different lengths;
  • inconvenience of daily temperature measurement for a long period;
  • possibility of incorrect interpretation of the received data.

Cervical method of contraception

It consists of changing the consistency of mucus in the cervical canal. So, about a day before the release of the egg, it becomes more viscous and lighter, and its number increases. However, the period when an unwanted pregnancy is possible includes another 4 days after that.


  • low efficiency;
  • not applicable for representatives of the fair sex with an irregular monthly cycle;
  • subjectivity in assessing the nature of discharge;
  • not suitable for women with colpitis or cervicitis.

Coitus interruptus


  • contraceptive protection is not great (about 80%);
  • psychological factor – the need for constant monitoring;
  • the presence of a small amount of sperm in male lubricant, the ingress of which can lead to pregnancy.

Chemical methods, or spermicides

They include the use of gels, creams, suppositories, foams, which have the property of “neutralizing” sperm in a short time (from a few seconds to 2 minutes). As a rule, they are used in combination with female mechanical methods of contraception.


  • not effective enough as a stand-alone contraceptive method (70-75%);
  • the need for manipulation before sexual intercourse;
  • teratogenic effect on the fetus if a woman takes contraception without knowing that she is pregnant.

Intrauterine device


  • risk of inflammatory pathology in the female genital organs;
  • there is a danger of uterine rupture;
  • heavy menstruation;
  • probable development of ectopic pregnancy. This article will tell you about this condition.

Hormonal agents

Reliable and effective method, which will help solve the issue of how to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy for a long time. Its effectiveness is more than 99%.

There are several types of hormonal contraceptives.

Combined oral contraceptives

Monocomponent oral contraceptives

Mini-pills - contain only progestogen, therefore they only affect the nature of the mucus in the cervical canal, as well as the processes after ovulation (impossibility of implantation of the fertilized egg);

Subcutaneous implants

Long-acting hormonal contraceptives

Injectable forms of gestagens, which for a long time are capable of releasing a substance into the blood that prevents conception.

How to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy after sexual intercourse.

The following methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy are emergency, as they are carried out after sexual intercourse itself. These include taking hormonal medications or emergency installation of an IUD.

Hormonal drugs

There are various drugs designed specifically for “morning” contraception. Among them is the famous postinor, as well as danazol, escapelle. The most modern is gynepristone, which is safer. Hormonal emergency contraceptives should be taken no later than 72 hours (3 days) after sexual intercourse, preferably no later than 24 hours.

The mechanism of their contraceptive protection is to prevent the attachment of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity due to altered hormonal levels. This way, you can’t protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy more often than once every 6 months, since a hormonal imbalance occurs in a woman’s body, which can lead to serious health problems.

Emergency IUD installation

This method will be effective if the installation of the spiral is carried out within 5 days after unprotected contact. The mechanism of action does not differ from planned contraception using an IUD, so this device can subsequently be left as a further method of contraception. Every girl should know how to protect herself from unwanted pregnancy.

Today there are many methods of contraception with different effects. The most effective are condoms, hormonal contraceptives and the installation of an intrauterine device. However, you should always remember about contraindications and possible consequences when using a certain method. In addition, the choice of contraceptive method will depend on the presence of a permanent or non-regular partner, the regularity of sexual intercourse and the age of the patient. For example, for young girls it is best to use hormonal contraceptives (COCs), and for women who have given birth, it is best to install an intrauterine device.

Author of the publication: Valeria Konstantinova

But if in the animal world sex, or rather mating, is caused by the need to procreate, then for people this need can arise only a few times throughout life. The other side of sex is much more attractive - sensuality. Today sex is an important aspect of life. For some, sex is a fashion, a sporting interest, a way of life, a cult, a goal for self-affirmation, a manifestation of strength. For others, it is an expression of love, and for others, it is a marital duty, a means of earning money..... In other words, sex is that side of life that is equally interesting to everyone. Attitudes towards sex depend on upbringing, lifestyle, culture, and morality. Sex can be both beautiful and ugly, with violence and cruelty. But no matter what a person is, no matter what environment he grows up and is brought up in, the first sexual experience is always exciting for him. Having sex for the first time can have both positive and negative effects on your entire life. Negative experiences can lead to promiscuity, frigidity and even mania.

During the Soviet era, our fellow citizens who entered into adult life, had no idea how to properly protect themselves for the first time. Modern teenagers have long known almost everything about sex. Any information is available. They are well aware that in addition to the pleasant side, sex can also bring problems. The first problem is unwanted pregnancy. This is exactly the pitfall that people don’t think about during their first sexual experience. Many girls and guys quite sincerely believe that it is impossible to “get pregnant” for the first time, especially during coitus interruptus. But young people are very mistaken. Moreover, there are cases where pregnancy occurred during foreplay during ejaculation near the female genital organs, bypassing the act of defloration. The hymen has a porous structure, and sperm are so small that they penetrate through the pores completely unhindered. The next pitfall is sexually transmitted infections. In order to avoid the unpleasant side of sex, you need to know how to properly protect yourself for the first time.

Before giving advice, I would like to remind you that the first sexual intercourse should be your conscious decision. No drunk company. So, do not agree to have sex without a condom under any circumstances. Despite the fact that today's youth are sexually savvy, approximately 70% of teenagers who are active sex life, purposefully neglect condoms. But this is one of the most accessible, safest and most effective means. Among the male half there is an opinion that a condom reduces sensual sensations. But modern condoms are made of the thinnest material - latex, the thickness of which is measured in microns. Yes, there are also those with all sorts of additional “troubles”, the effect of which is aimed at obtaining new sensations. And some minor inconveniences can be tolerated, but sex will be protected. After all, an unwanted pregnancy brings problems not only to the girl, but infections undermine health, lead to infertility and even early impotence in the future.

The condom is put on before sexual intercourse and removed after completion, avoiding direct contact with the vaginal mucosa. Moreover, they do not pull it tightly, but leave room for sperm. Don't buy condoms big size with a small penis, otherwise it may slip off and remain in the vagina and, conversely, a small condom with a large penis may break at the wrong moment. The defloration process is somewhat painful. It all depends on personal pain threshold, compatibility of partners, elasticity of the hymen, amount of lubrication and other reasons.

Normally, a girl should secrete lubricant during foreplay, which protects the vaginal mucosa from injuries, tears, cracks, and also ensures sliding, making sex enjoyable. But sometimes the lubrication is not abundant enough due, for example, to psychological problems. Then, especially during defloration, to protect against microtrauma it is worth resorting to artificial lubrication. On pharmacy counters you will find special gels and lubricants.

If your young man is too categorical about “rubber protection”, then at the first intimate intimacy you can resort to such means as Patentex Oval or Pharmatex, Contraceptin. These are pharmaceutical chemical spermicides - contraceptives that are placed in the vagina before sexual intercourse in order to immobilize and destroy sperm. The preparations form a protective foam, which can also replace its own lubricant, and therefore reduce discomfort during defloration. They are inserted easily and painlessly. The hymen consists of one or more holes through which menstrual blood flows out, so a suppository, a pill, and even more so a cream will enter unhindered. The above chemicals will not save you from the threat of infection, so you can resort to them only in complete confidence in the “purity” of your partner; their effectiveness in this case is 80%. But, if you have doubts about your partner, and used these very means as a contraceptive, then there is another “lifesaver”, hexicon. An effective, reliable and convenient preparation in suppositories for the prevention and treatment of many genital infections. Just remember that you can use it no later than two hours after sex; to do this, it is enough to insert just one suppository of the drug into the vagina. Hexicon is active against many pathogens. These include: spirochete pallidum, which causes syphilis, chlamydia - chlamydia, gonococci - gonorrhea, trichomonas - trichomoniasis, and genital herpes is generally reduced to zero. Hexicon is well tolerated and is even prescribed to pregnant and breastfeeding women.