A girl has frequent urges to go to the toilet. What are the causes of frequent urination in women? Preventive measures and physiotherapy

The appearance of frequent urge to go to the toilet at night is a symptom that indicates the pathology of organs and systems.

In medicine, this condition is called nocturia, which means increased frequency of urination at night.

Physiologically, a person should get up to go to the toilet no more than twice during sleep. For men, even two times is considered too much and indicates the development of prostatitis.

Among women, the development of nocturia is caused by various factors. Let's take a closer look at what causes this problem and how to get rid of it.

Possible reasons

When to be wary

Women often wonder why there are more frequent trips to the toilet at night. This problem is relevant for people over 40 years of age. Let us consider separately the group of pathological causes that provoke nocturia.

The first thing that leads to an increase in nocturnal diuresis is infectious lesions of the urinary system. These include pathology of any part: bladder, ureters or kidneys.

Excessive night urination is observed in acute renal impairment at stage 1 and with chronic renal failure at stage 3. Cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis often contribute to increased urination.

The second group of reasons is associated with disruption of the endocrine system. The development of diabetes mellitus is accompanied by this symptom in 20% of cases.

When this disease develops, patients often experience thirst and dry mouth, which causes them to drink large amounts of liquid.

The formation of diabetes insipidus often leads to nocturia. There is an increase in urine output.

Pathology of the heart and blood vessels. The heart is an organ that pumps blood throughout the human body through two circulation circles.

The normal life support of other organs directly depends on the operation of this system. The development of chronic failure leads, first of all, to impaired kidney function. The pressure that is necessary for normal urine formation changes.

We will separately consider the problems of developing frequent trips to the toilet in older women. According to statistics, 60-80% of women after 40 years experience urinary incontinence, and this is not only associated with the onset of menopause.

If we consider the anatomy of the pelvic organs, it should be noted that the muscles of the pelvic floor, or in other words, the perineum, are involved in the excretion of urine.

In older women, weakness of these muscles causes nocturia and urinary incontinence.

Diagnosis and treatment methods

In diagnosis, importance is given to identifying the cause of the development of nocturia. Symptoms that indicate such a problem manifest themselves in the form of frequent nighttime urination, not caused by nutritional factors. Identification of etiology is carried out using the following methods:

  1. Laboratory tests: general urine test, blood test, biochemical blood test. Carrying out tests according to Zimnitsky, Nechiporenko. If necessary, urine is cultured on nutrient media.
  2. Instrumental: ECG, ultrasound of the kidneys. If necessary, resort to echocardiography.

Frequent urination at night is diagnosed using all possible methods. Activities are aimed at identifying the cause.

Treatment includes:

  1. Medication, which is aimed at eliminating the etiology.
  2. Symptomatic, carried out if necessary.
  3. and prevention.

Treatment is carried out comprehensively, especially if the problem is weakness of the pelvic floor muscles.

The physiological factors that contribute to increased urination in women cannot be treated.

The exclusion of nocturia in this case is done by explaining to the patient what led to this condition. If this is a pregnant woman, then all she has to do is wait until she gives birth, and the problem will go away on its own.

Identification of the underlying disease that contributed to the development of nocturia is based on research results. Treatment is selected as follows:

  1. If pathology of the kidneys or bladder is detected, antibacterial therapy is carried out. They resort to the use of NSAIDs and antispasmodics.
  2. If heart damage is detected, glycosides, antihypertensive therapy, and vitamins are prescribed.
  3. Diabetes mellitus requires the prescription of glucose-lowering drugs or insulin.

At night it is treated only by influencing the cause of such a symptom. There is no therapy that would eliminate the problem locally. The doctor will look for a more serious factor.

Preventive measures and physiotherapy

The urge to go to the toilet at night in women is due to a number of reasons discussed above. Based on this, it is necessary to remember the methods of physical therapy in relation to the disease.

Electrophoresis, denas therapy, and acupuncture are used. Sometimes they resort to the use of high-frequency currents, magnetic therapy, and sanatorium-resort treatment.

Prevention is carried out taking into account the state of health. General recommendations which include:

  1. Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. It is necessary to do exercises from a young age, since the problem of urinary incontinence can occur in any woman. For these purposes, special schemes have been developed and exercises have been selected that must be performed every day.
  2. Constant adequate physical activity. Exercise is recommended for 30 minutes every day.
  3. Proper nutrition and good sleep. These are factors that strengthen the immune system.
  4. Elimination of bad habits - drinking alcohol and smoking.

Prevention of frequent urination in women or men is aimed at preventing diseases that cause the unpleasant symptom. It is recommended to follow these tips to maintain your health and quality of life.


There are different opinions about the normal frequency of urination in a person with a healthy excretory system. However, all experts agree on one thing: if the urge occurs more often than ten times a day, and they are uncontrollable, disturbing day and night - most likely we are talking about the occurrence of some pathology.

Due to the different physical structure of men and women, the reasons for the appearance of this symptom are clearly different. Frequent urge to urinate in women with the release of a small amount of urine can occur not only as a result of the development of pathology of the excretory system, but also as a result of gynecological and even endocrine problems.

Due to a malfunction, the body signals its needs much more often. That is why frequent urination in a woman is a serious reason to consult a doctor for medical care.

We can talk about frequent urination when a person feels the need more than 10 times a day. In some cases, a small amount of urine is released, which indicates a lack of physiological need.

If you feel the urge to urinate more frequently, you need to understand why this is happening. In many cases, there is nothing unnatural about this, and even if you feel the need several times in a couple of hours or more than 10 times a day, this can be explained by ordinary physiological reasons.

However, there are a number of characteristic features that may indicate the pathological nature of your condition. These include:

Pain. If a woman experiences frequent urination in women with pain, this is a sure sign that she should consult a doctor for medical help.

Temperature increase. An increase in temperature above normal indicates the presence of some infectious or inflammatory process in the body. If this occurs against the background of painful urination, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Additional symptoms. Since frequent urges in themselves are a symptom of a pathological condition, other symptoms of this condition should also appear along with it, which are difficult not to notice.

Physiological reasons

As mentioned above, there are physiological reasons that explain this condition. If frequent urination is caused by one of them, there is nothing to worry about, since it is of a normal physiological nature.

Let's name the main ones:

  • Drinking large amounts of water or other liquids. It's quite simple: the more you drink, the more often you will need to remove this liquid.
  • Use of diuretics. Diuretics are substances that have a distinct diuretic effect. In addition to specific pharmaceutical drugs, we can highlight products that also contribute to the removal of water from the human body and can cause frequent urination: alcohol, coffee, soda and other liquids, as well as many vegetables.
  • Pregnancy. During pregnancy, a woman’s body, especially her hormonal system, is rebuilt to perform maternal functions. Such changes can cause incontinence and many other symptoms.
  • Menopause. As women age, they also experience hormonal changes, which can also make them want to relieve themselves more frequently.
  • Physiological characteristics of the body. There are cases when a person often goes to the toilet without any obvious reason.

At the same time, medical diagnostics also do not find any pathologies. If such a condition does not cause discomfort, then in such cases they talk about the physiological characteristics of the body, including muscle weakness.

Pathological causes

However, if you have any suspicions, you should still seek medical help, since this symptom may indicate the development of many serious ailments. This is especially true in cases where a woman experiences frequent urination in women with pain.

The reasons for frequent urination in women can be very diverse. However, one way or another, about the problems associated with:

Excretory system. This includes the kidneys, bladder and urethra. Problems associated with dysfunction of these organs will inevitably affect the frequency of urination and may also cause pain.
Gynecology. It's no secret that, like men, the female urinary system is connected to the genitals.

Problems in the gynecological area often lead to problems with urination. This condition can be caused by infections transmitted through sexual contact and poor hygiene. Diseases of the genitourinary system often have symptoms similar to these: vomiting, rapid pulse, nausea.

Endocrine system. the main role endocrine system in the human body - the production and maintenance of normal hormonal levels. In many cases, a malfunction of the endocrine system is a pathology that causes frequent urges. It is worth remembering that pregnant women and women going through menopause also experience problems with their urinary system.

This is precisely due to hormonal changes that affect the woman’s genital organs, which, in turn, affect the kidneys, bladder and other excretory organs.
Frequent urination in women caused by pathological reasons, often accompanied by elevated temperature.

Diseases of endocrine origin

The endocrine system is responsible for all metabolism occurring in the human body. Any malfunctions in the functioning of the endocrine apparatus lead to the formation of pathological conditions, many of which pose a serious danger to human health and even life. Among the endocrine diseases that can cause the symptom in question are the following:

Diabetes. A serious chronic disease known to everyone. It is caused by a violation of carbohydrate metabolism in the human body.

Non-sugar forms of diabetes. More rare, but no less dangerous disease. Caused by problems with the synthesis of the hormone vasopressin.

At diabetes mellitus Frequent urination in small portions occurs in women without pain. Most often this symptom occurs at night. During the day he suffers quite rarely. The amount of fluid consumed also increases. As a rule, with a pathological condition associated with diabetes, the patient suffers from severe thirst. Other symptoms include:

Decreased performance. It is worth remembering that carbohydrates are the main source of human energy, so people who have problems with carbohydrate metabolism often experience a loss of strength, especially in the absence of adequate treatment.

Itching of the skin. Patients often experience itchy areas on the skin, which are usually red. Most often they appear near the genitals. Women may develop vulvitis.

When suffering from diabetes insipidus, which is associated with hormonal imbalances, the patient goes to the toilet in large portions. Often up to 5 liters of urine can be excreted per day. The patient is constantly thirsty. When he drinks, he cannot get drunk; the water simply does not stay in the body. The disease quickly leads to a state of dehydration. Other symptoms include:

  • Loss of body weight (occurs due to the removal of a large volume of fluid from the body).
  • Dry mucous membranes.
  • The occurrence of nausea or vomiting.
  • Muscle weakness and depression.
  • Diseases of the urinary system

The most common cause of frequent urination is diseases of the urinary organs. In such cases, a woman may urinate with pain and other painful sensations. You may also often notice bloody discharge in the urine; in such cases, the person is said to be urinating blood. Among the diseases of the urinary system, one can identify such common ailments as cystitis, urethritis and pyelonephritis. There are other similar diseases, but they are quite rare in specific conditions.


An increased urge to urinate is in most cases a symptom of a chronic form of the disease, but in exceptional cases it can also indicate an acute form.

This disease is popularly called kidney inflammation. Indeed, the disease is characterized by damage to these organs, which causes symptoms such as lower back pain. Other signs of the disease include increased blood pressure and general weakness.

Pyelonephritis is characterized by exacerbations. As a rule, they are associated with climate change: deterioration is felt in autumn and winter. During exacerbations, the temperature rises sharply, sometimes to dangerous levels (above 38 degrees Celsius).


The most common cause of urinary problems. The disease is an inflammatory process that occurs in the urinary organs as a result of an infection. In addition to frequent urination, the disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • discomfort in the genital area;
  • feeling of bladder fullness;
  • increased body temperature (up to 37.5 degrees Celsius);
  • urinary incontinence.

There may also be blood in the urine. This suggests that the disease has developed to the stage of complications.


Urethritis, as its name suggests, is a disease that affects the urethra. A woman feels a burning and itching sensation in the genital area, which manifests itself especially clearly directly during urination. Other symptoms include:

  • mucous discharge from the urethra;
  • absence of general symptoms characteristic of infections (fever, weakness, etc.);
  • diseases of the reproductive system.

Gynecological problems also often lead to frequent urination. This is due to the structure of humans and, in particular, women. The reproductive system is located next to the urinary system, which is why damage to one system inevitably leaves its mark on the other. Often, women feel pain in the lower abdomen.

Another sign that the cause of the problem is white discharge during urination. The following gynecological diseases can lead to the problem: uterine fibroids and uterine prolapse. It is worth noting that the absence or untimely treatment of these diseases is a threat to the woman’s reproductive system and can lead to infertility.

Uterine fibroids

The disease is a benign tumor that forms from the tissues of the upper muscle layer. The first stages of the disease are asymptomatic in most cases. In some cases, a woman can live her entire life with the disease without feeling any discomfort. However, when fibroids develop to large sizes, symptoms appear.

The main one is diuretic disorder. This happens due to the fact that the enlarged uterus begins to put pressure on nearby organs. Other signs of the disease include:

  • disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • uterine bleeding.

Uterine prolapse

In some women, due to weakness of the ligaments and pelvic muscles, uterine prolapse may occur when it is below the normal level. If a girl feels a frequent urge to “small”, this may indicate serious prolapse of the organ. Other symptoms of the disease are:

  • lower abdomen hurts;
  • sensation of a foreign body inside;

Other reasons

However, it is worth noting that other diseases can cause similar symptoms. The list of possible ailments in which the urge to urinate becomes more frequent is very long. For example, frequent urination can be caused by weakness of the pelvic muscles. This is often accompanied by incontinence. Only a highly qualified doctor can correctly diagnose the disease.

Why does pregnant women urinate more often?

As mentioned above, during pregnancy a significant transformation of the female body occurs, which allows her to bear and give birth to a healthy child. During pregnancy, when the uterus increases significantly (tens of times!), a girl may go to the toilet especially often.

The reason for frequent urination is that the uterus puts pressure on the bladder, resulting in irritation. However, if you are bothered by an excessively frequent urge to go to the toilet, you should go to the doctor; perhaps, as a result of examinations, another cause of the disease will be revealed.

Which doctor should I go to?

The abundance of possible causes of the disease rightly raises the question, which doctor should I contact if this symptom appears? To begin with, you should definitely contact a therapist who can determine the specifics of your condition. He will prescribe general tests for you, on the basis of which it will be possible to draw conclusions about the nature of the disease and further treatment.

If the symptom is caused by a gynecological disease, then the therapy will be carried out by a gynecologist. Frequent urination due to various diseases is often accompanied by pain. If this is caused by problems of the excretory system, a urologist will treat it. If you often want to urinate due to endocrine disruptions, further therapy will be carried out by an endocrinologist.


The initial diagnosis of frequent urination is carried out by a therapist. Frequent urination with pain in women is a common reason for visiting, and first you will have to undergo blood and urine tests. In addition, the nature of the disease can be determined by secondary symptoms. If you experience discomfort in the lower abdomen and a frequent urge to urinate, you will be referred to a gynecologist who will conduct further diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

To diagnose the causes of the disease, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, including the bladder, and kidneys can be performed. With such a symptom as constant thirst, an endocrinologist can take on the diagnosis. In such cases, a blood sugar test may be needed.


Frequent urination is only a symptom, so treatment is carried out for the underlying disease. However, it is also possible to use medications to combat secondary symptoms. So, for example, in case of inflammation of the kidneys, and related hypertension and edema, drugs that lower blood pressure are prescribed. In general, treatment for pyelonephritis is very long-term. It includes a whole range of drugs, including antispasmodics and analgesics.

If urinary problems are caused by endocrine problems, treatment with hormone replacement drugs should be given.

It is also better to combine drug therapy with physiotherapeutic methods: UHF and iontophoresis. They are especially effective in the treatment of cystitis.


Prevention should be comprehensive:

  • proper healthy eating;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • drinking the required amount of fluid per day;
  • compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • wearing weather-appropriate clothing to prevent hypothermia.

By following these rules, you will not only be able to avoid diseases that lead to frequent urination, but in general you will be able to significantly improve your well-being.

Thus, in this material we talked about what causes frequent urge to urinate, how to deal with this disease and how to avoid it.

A good half of the fairer sex in the world is familiar with frequent urination (pollakiuria). The process may be accompanied by a painful syndrome or without it. But here’s the paradox: mostly those patients who have this unpleasant condition accompanied by pain turn to a doctor for help, while the rest take a wait-and-see attitude. This approach to the problem is completely unacceptable, since in the future it may result in the development of completely undesirable consequences.

Let's consider the reasons for frequent urination without pain in women - when pollakiuria is a physiological manifestation, and when it is a consequence of pathological processes.

Frequent urination - how often?

How many times is considered normal?

Since each person is individual, it is difficult to say how many trips to the toilet for minor needs are considered normal for a particular person. There are only averages, which range from 6 to 10 urinations per day.

On different days, their frequency may be different, since the process itself depends on many factors - individual physiological feature body, personal eating habits, amount of fluid drunk and other factors.

At the beginning, women do not attach much importance to such changes, since they do not experience much discomfort, but when “physiological need” gets them out of bed several times a night, the search for the cause begins. It should be noted that if the “inconveniences” of this kind are short-term, appearing within 1 or 2 days, such symptoms should not be particularly alarming. But when the pathological process worsens and prolongs, you should think about why urination so often bothers you?

Possible causes of frequent urination without pain

The manifestation of frequent, painless urination in women is due to processes occurring in the body - physiological, not causing concern, and pathological, requiring urgent examination and treatment.

  • Physiology

Physiological problems that cause frequent urination include:

1) A large amount of provocative food in the diet (sour, spicy, or salty) and the consumption of alcoholic beverages, which themselves have a diuretic property. A single volume of urine excreted can exceed 200 ml. In this case, pain does not appear and the color of urine does not change; slight discomfort in the urethra in the form of tickling may be felt.

2) Stressful conditions, excitement and tension - the number of urinations per day increases significantly, but a one-time discharge does not exceed the usual amount. In this case, there is a feeling that the bladder is not completely emptied and a desire to go again.

3) Effect of hypothermia. The effect of cold on the body is the most common reason for going to the toilet for several hours in a row, which is caused by spasm of the detrusor - the muscle layers covering the walls of the bladder.

4) Taking some medicines, prescribed against edema and hypertension, also causes painless pollakiuria, which is considered a normal manifestation in this situation. Many people can provoke an unpleasant condition medicinal herbs. Especially when in women the desire to quickly lose weight prevails over common sense, and the desire to get “everything at once” pushes them into treatment with diuretic herbs in an arbitrary course.

You can normalize urination completely independently if you eliminate the influence of provoking factors on the body. But there are situations when violations are caused by the development of internal pathologies. At the same time, frequent desires to “urinate” exhaust women not only during the day, but also at night, even if they are not accompanied by pain.

Women wake up unrested, nervous and even more tired. It is possible to develop depressive states, depression, their memory and performance decrease. Only early identification of the root cause of such disorders will give hope for quick and effective treatment.

  • Pathology

What pathologies can provoke frequent night urination without pain in women?

1) Diseases of the vascular and cardiac systems. The most common causes include acute and chronic processes in cardiac and vascular functions. Their functional insufficiency provokes the development of pathological processes in the kidneys, caused by a lack of blood supply, which is manifested by disturbances in the processes of urination, the formation of swelling in the limbs and lower abdomen, shortness of breath, pain in the heart and cardiac arrhythmia.

2) Endocrine disorders, manifested by diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus. In the first case, symptoms are added by xerostomia (dry mouth), dry skin, itching and poor healing of wounds and cracks. With diabetes insipidus there are no such symptoms, but in both cases the woman is tormented by constant thirst. To suppress it, you can drink a huge amount of liquid, which is manifested by pallakiuria during the day, and nocturia (nocturnal diuresis) at night.

3) Prolapse of the bladder. Nocturnal diuresis is common in women who have given birth frequently. It is a consequence of constant stretching of the ligamentous apparatus that holds the bladder in its anatomical position, as well as its excessive strain caused by childbirth. The descent of the bladder leads to shortening of its neck and the formation of a sac-like cavity into which the remaining urine is collected, which provokes in women a frequent urge to urinate without painful symptoms.

4) Weakening of the muscle tissue of the bladder leads to weakening of its walls. Pathology can develop during puberty and even earlier, due to injuries or the development of tumor processes. Changes in urination are manifested by the release of a small amount of urine and strong false urges “in a small way.”

Why does pollakiuria bother women over 50?

  1. Physiological aging of the bladder is a deterioration in tissue regeneration (restorative functions), a decrease in its elasticity and muscle activity, functional changes as a result of thinning of mucous tissues, atrophy, degenerative processes of nerve fibers and roots, and deterioration of blood flow.
  2. All these processes, against the background of the general aging of the female body, lead to an increase in the activity of the bladder organ - this is manifested by frequent deurination, false (imperative) urges and even urinary incontinence.
  3. The normal functions of the urinary system can be disrupted by many pathological processes, which more often appear in old age. Signs of frequent urination appear in “mature ladies” with strokes and heart attacks, in patients suffering from dementia syndrome and having in their arsenal diseases (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s) that affect the brain functions that control the processes of urination.
  4. Diabetes, which is common among older women, is no exception. An uncontrolled increase in blood glucose causes the formation of large amounts of urine (polyuria and diuresis) and forced frequent trips to the toilet.

In women over 50 years of age and older, urinary problems are often caused by:

  • Changes in the anatomical position of the vaginal walls, uterus or bladder as a result of prolapse (prolapse, prolapse).
  • Long-term estrogen deficiency during menopause, causing disturbances in the muscular contractility of the bladder membrane.
  • “Rich baggage” of diseases that have accumulated over the years, affecting the functions of the central nervous system and blood vessels - pathologies of cerebrovascular disorders or atherosclerotic processes in large vascular branches.
  • Various medications that, with age, women have to take simply as needed. Certain groups of medications (diuretics, sedatives, sleeping pills, narcotics containing and many others) affect the contractile function of the bladder, causing women to urinate frequently without pain or manifest as a complication in the form of increased urge.

Among other pathologies that provoke disturbances in the functioning of the urinary organs in old age, the influence of an infectious lesion should also be noted, regardless of where in the urinary system the infection is localized. In any case, urination processes will be disrupted. The immune system, weakened over the years, is not able to properly resist a harmful infection, so it easily settles in female body, causing urological pathologies.

Many of them can proceed secretly, without pain or particular discomfort, but if the process worsens, additional symptoms may appear in the form of pain, burning, nagging and sharp pain in the pubic and lumbar area, disruptions in menstrual cycles and hemorrhages.

It is these signs that you should pay attention to in order not to miss the development of more serious diseases and to prevent them from becoming chronic.

Physiological and anatomical reasons

For a woman, pregnancy is a special condition that is accompanied by additional stress on the body. After all, he is now responsible for the life support of not only the woman herself, but also her fetus. During the period of bearing a child, many expectant mothers may experience special, unusual signs that cause concern. One of them is frequent urination.

There may be several reasons for this. Some relate to physiological factors associated with metabolic processes, others are caused by anatomical changes in the configuration of organs and their relative position.

Changes in the frequency of urination are observed in pregnant women in the first period (trimester) and in the last.

Physiology. As for the physiological factor, the main reason lies in the increase in general metabolic processes. After all, for the development of the fetus, the body requires more expenditure, both energy and substances, to ensure the life activity of the future person.

At this time, there is an increased load on the female kidneys. Despite the fact that the fruit is still absolutely tiny, its biological activity is at a high level. This requires rapid cleansing of the environment in which it is located, from the waste products it secretes, and renewal of the amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid).

In addition, pregnancy is accompanied by an increase in blood volume in the female body, which affects the functioning of the kidneys, which are forced to increase the filtration rate. The result is an increase in the amount of urine to maintain the level of concentration of released harmful substances (waste) and prevent them from damaging the walls of the urethral system.

Physiological factors also include changes in hormonal synthesis. With the onset of pregnancy, the women's body synthesizes a very important hormone (chorionic hormone), the level of which in the body of pregnant women is a very important indicator of the successful development of the fetus. But it has a great effect on increasing the frequency of urination.

Anatomy. Anatomical factors include an increase in the size of the uterus and the nature of its location. In the first period of pregnancy, the uterus increases slightly, since the size of the fetus is not yet large. In this case, its pressure falls on the neck of the bladder (its back part), bringing reflex mechanisms into action - this is reflected by frequent urination or tenesmus (false urge).

With the enlargement of the fetus - in the second trimester, the body of the uterus moves into the peritoneal cavity, reducing pressure on the bladder tissue. In the last period (third trimester), the child, who has grown greatly in the womb, already squeezes the top of the bladder, again provoking increased urination. If this is also accompanied by his movements, the urge to urinate may be sudden.

Such changes in the condition of pregnant women are not accompanied by pain, causing only some discomfort, as they are a natural process. What should cause concern is the addition of other pathological symptoms, the elimination of which and the solution of all problems is only within the competence of the doctor.

What situations require urgent medical attention?

Frequent daytime or nighttime painless urination is a signal of a change in the usual rhythm of life. And the addition of other pathological symptoms is a good reason for emergency examination and treatment. The indications for visiting a urologist are very clear:

  • sensations of burning and cutting during urination;
  • pain in the pubic area;
  • loss of strength or inability to fully empty the bladder;
  • detection of hemorrhagic vaginal discharge;
  • severe indifference to food.

The combination of any of these symptoms with repeated visits to the toilet may indicate the development of a serious pathological process. Delay in treatment can have serious consequences on women's health and negatively affect reproductive functions, depriving a woman of the opportunity to become a mother.

Treatment is based on the identified root cause.

  1. Inflammatory processes require individual selection of antibiotic therapy, taking into account the detected pathogen.
  2. For endocrine disorders, hormonal and sugar-lowering drugs are prescribed.
  3. Drugs that activate blood flow and improve the adaptive and contractile muscle activity of the bladder may be required.
  4. The diet is being adjusted.
  5. Exercises are prescribed to help strengthen the muscles of the pelvic organs and train the bladder organ by setting a schedule for urinary processes, which helps control urination.
  6. Physiotherapeutic treatment in the form of UHF procedures, electrophoresis and therapeutic mud.

If urination is not painful, patients receive a number of recommendations from the doctor:

  • in order for urination to be complete, during the act of urination it is necessary to slightly tilt the torso forward;
  • limit drinking regime in the afternoon;
  • remove urine at the first physiological need;
  • exclude from consumption dishes that cause a strong need to quench thirst;
  • limit intake of foods and liquids that have a diuretic effect.

Frequent urination processes should not be ignored, even if they are not accompanied by a painful syndrome. Any problems that cause imbalances in health should be carefully considered. Only timely identification of pathologies will help find an effective solution.

Problems with urination are a delicate, subtle and intimate matter. And it is especially unpleasant when the frequent urge to urinate disrupts the usual rhythm of life, interferes with work and sleep peacefully.

Some People When they notice that one of their friends or colleagues often runs to the toilet to pee, they immediately conclude that he has a small bladder capacity. However, this opinion is erroneous. A decrease in bladder volume is observed only in older people. In men and women of working age, the bladder has approximately the same volume. Its wrinkling and, as a consequence, a decrease in volume can only occur in the presence of some kind of pathology. For example, with long-term chronic cystitis or after radiation therapy.

Frequent urination does not always indicate the presence of pathology in the genitourinary system. It is possible when eating a large amount of watermelon, drinking a lot of water, hypothermia, taking a number of medications and under stress. Normally, a healthy person urinates every 3-4 hours.

Not considered a deviation from norms, if an adult woman pees 5-8 times a day. If the desire to go to the toilet in a small way occurs more than 8 times, then she needs to examine the genitourinary system and exclude diseases such as cystitis, diabetes mellitus, cholecystitis, pyelonephritis, cardiovascular and gynecological diseases. To do this, you need to undergo examinations by a therapist, gynecologist and urologist. In some cases, the doctor gives a referral to a neurologist to exclude the diagnosis of “urinary” neurosis.

It is important to determine cause of frequent urination. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to take it and have it cultured for the presence of infections in the urinary tract. Then undergo an ultrasound of the bladder to identify pathologies and determine the volume of urine that remains after urination. To complete the picture, the urologist may suggest keeping a urination diary for 10-15 days, in which you will need to write every day how often and in what volume you urinated during the day.

If after examinations by a urologist No pathologies or reasons have been found that could contribute to frequent urination, we recommend that you try to apply a set of measures to help reduce the desire to pee frequently:

1. Diet. There are foods that irritate the walls of the bladder and stimulate its activity. These include spicy and sour foods, coffee, green tea, watermelon, melon, cucumbers, mineral water, beer and all alcohol-containing drinks. Their use should be limited or better yet completely abandoned.

2. Taking medications. Some drugs have a strong diuretic effect, for example, for diabetics and against hypertension. You must inform your doctor about their use so that he can identify the cause of frequent urge to go to the toilet and prescribe the correct treatment.

3. Exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor. You cannot hold back the urge to urinate for 1 hour or more. An overfilled bladder can cause urine to back up into the ureters and kidneys, leading to a urinary tract infection. But the most common reason for frequent urination is the habit of emptying the bladder at every opportunity, even if it is not yet completely full.

In this case, it is necessary to train the bladder to be patient a little, that is, wait until more urine accumulates in it and thus gradually increase the intervals between urinations. Special exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor will help with this. You can find a set of such exercises on the Internet or use the services of an experienced sports trainer.

Creating a urination schedule will also help you get rid of the habit of running to the toilet unnecessarily, where you write down a specific time when you should visit the toilet and try to strictly adhere to it. If you had to empty your bladder unplanned, be sure to note this in your schedule and try to avoid such cases next time.

4. Drug therapy. To treat frequent urination, your doctor may prescribe anticholinergic medications, which relieve bladder muscle spasms and reduce the urge to urinate. For example, Atropine and Scopolamine. But these drugs have side effects, therefore, you cannot take them on your own without consulting a doctor.

5. Traditional methods . Folk remedies for frequent urination can also be effective if taken for a long time. The most popular among women suffering from frequent urge to go to the toilet are a decoction of boron uterus, rosehip roots, infusion of yarrow, lingonberry leaves and corn pollen.

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Often, women begin to suffer from such a problem as a constant and painless urge to visit the toilet “in a small way.” This may indicate the presence of a disease or a certain physiological state. In medicine, this phenomenon is called Pollakiuria. And with such symptoms, ladies do not always go to see a doctor, without considering it a special problem. So today we will find out in detail about possible reasons frequent urination in women without pain.

What are the reasons for frequent painless urge to urinate in women?

This delicate problem is a common phenomenon in our time that the fair sex faces in their lives. If you go to the toilet 10 to 13 times during the day, then this is considered normal. More frequent visits to this establishment should cause concern, especially if pain occurs in the lower abdomen.

But by and large, each body is individual and the amount of urination depends on many factors.

And if the following symptoms are present simultaneously with frequent visits to the toilet, we can talk about the development of pathological processes:

  1. Emptying the bladder is accompanied by pain and burning or itching in the urethral area.
  2. Small amount of urine excreted.
  3. Disruption of the usual way of life, discomfort.

The absence of pathologies in the body will be indicated by the following factors with frequent urination:

  • if you have drunk a large amount of liquid;
  • if you take diuretics or other medications that make you go to the toilet frequently;
  • if you drink herbal infusions or decoctions that have a pronounced diuretic effect;
  • if you have reached menopause or are of advanced age;
  • if you are stressed or very worried.
  • during pregnancy and hypothermia.

The development of any disease can also cause a frequent urge to visit the toilet.

What diseases does it indicate?

Such symptoms occur with diabetes mellitus, when blood sugar reaches a high level, and for a long time. This pathology is also accompanied by a feeling of thirst, forcing the woman to drink a lot and, accordingly, to visit the toilet frequently.

The acute form of cystitis also has similar symptoms, but with pain in the perineum and bladder, and also with particles of blood in the urine. The same manifestations of the disease also occur in the chronic form, the cause of which is E. coli.

With pyelonephritis, you will not only visit the toilet frequently, but also experience aching pain. Another illness will lead to general weakness, chills, nausea and increased body temperature.

Small changes in the regularity of going to the toilet also occur with neurological disorders, for example, dysfunction of the pelvic muscles. This is explained by problems with the muscle innervation that regulates bladder emptying.

The formation of urolithiasis also leads to frequent urination as they increase in size.

Such manifestations often accompany illnesses of cardio-vascular system, worsening at night. Swelling may appear during the daytime.

A common gynecological pathology that forces frequent visits to the toilet is considered to be uterine fibroids in women over 35 years of age, especially in advanced forms. Young girls may suffer similar symptoms from vaginitis, STDs and other similar problems.

Important: the lack of timely and proper treatment of emerging symptoms can lead to the development of a chronic disease, and subsequently to serious consequences for the entire body.

Due to chronic diseases of the urinary system, kidney failure may develop, which will result in a frequent urge to go to the toilet.

With severe bruises of the spine, a similar problem may also appear.

Any infection of the genital organs can lead to frequent urination during the day and at night, even simple thrush.

Diagnostic measures

The appearance of a constant urge to urinate in a woman, more than usual, should give her a reason to first visit a urologist, who, if necessary, will refer her to a gynecologist, endocrinologist, neurologist and oncologist.

All these specialists will interview the patient, examine and prescribe diagnostic methods:

  1. To identify inflammatory processes and blood sugar levels, a general blood test is performed.
  2. Blood donation for biochemistry indicators - urea, creatine and uric acid. This analysis shows abnormalities in the kidney area.
  3. A urine test determines the presence or absence of inflammatory diseases in the urinary system.
  4. Blood testing for tumor markers allows us to determine the development of malignant tumors.
  5. Women over 45 years of age are prescribed blood tests for hormones to determine their levels.

A vaginal smear is examined by a gynecologist to determine the presence of urogenital infections. All these laboratory tests are necessary to make a correct diagnosis, which will allow you to select the necessary drugs to get rid of the problem.

Pregnancy and frequent urination

During pregnancy, the urge to go to the toilet “in a small way” is considered one of the constant companions of this period of a woman’s life. But there are cases when this may indicate the development of some kind of inflammatory process.

Here are the main factors that in one way or another affect the work and condition of the genitourinary system of the expectant mother:

  • serious changes in hormonal levels;
  • decreased tone of muscles located in the genitourinary organs;
  • increased kidney activity due to the increased needs of the body;
  • an increase in the volume of blood and fluid in the body of a pregnant woman;
  • uterine growth;
  • the presence of amniotic fluid with its constant renewal;
  • problem in the form of fluid stagnation in tissues;
  • in the third trimester, the baby’s kidneys begin to work in the womb;
  • the descent of the fetus closer to the pelvis before birth, which puts additional pressure on the bladder.

Another reason for frequent urges in pregnant women can be the abundance of spicy, salty and meat dishes, as well as iron deficiency, making the mucous membranes vulnerable and quickly irritated.

Causes of illness at night

Frequent urination at night is mainly associated with inflammatory processes in the kidneys or bladder, as well as nephrosis caused by improper protein metabolism.

Infectious lesions can also cause uncomfortable symptoms at night:

  1. Venereal diseases.
  2. Kidney tuberculosis.
  3. Malaria.

The development of problems in chronic heart failure develops due to blood stagnation and disruption of the urinary system. When a person lies down, there is an increase in blood supply to the kidneys, which promotes greater urine output.

Due to the fact that the organs cannot cope with their function, the load on the kidneys is reduced due to more frequent urination.

If the cause of the problem lies in heart failure, then additional symptoms such as swelling of the arms and legs, shortness of breath, wheezing in the lungs, cardiac cough and increased sweating will appear.

Methods for treating frequent urination in women

The treatment regimen is prescribed depending on the diagnosis based on the examinations performed. For example, cystitis, urethritis and pyelonephritis are treated in approximately the same way, prescribing a 10-day course of antibiotics, getting rid of inflammation, including drugs that increase immunity and restoring the urogenital microflora.

Antibacterial drugs also relieve sexually transmitted diseases. It is important to choose them correctly. Frequent visits to the toilet during menopause can be corrected with HRT.

Drugs to lower blood sugar levels have a healing effect on the problem of diabetes. Bladder stones are removed using shock wave therapy, dissolving small stones and painlessly removing them.

Traditional medicine

They have proven themselves well and folk remedies to get rid of the problem. For example, in order to quickly remove harmful microorganisms from the body, it is recommended to drink a lot during the day - up to 3 liters of water, or better yet, herbal drinks.

Rosehip root, lingonberry leaves and yarrow with heather fight against cystitis and urethritis. A collection of chamomile, black poplar buds and peppermint with horsetail. Preparing a medicinal decoction is simple - pour boiling water (1 glass) into a couple of spoons of the mixture, leaving for a couple of hours.

An effective product that removes toxins and sand from the body is watermelon, which also has a pronounced diuretic effect.

Drops of boron uterus or red brush help normalize the level of hormones at the onset of menopause.

But despite all the usefulness of the above recipes, it is not advisable to prescribe medications yourself - contact a specialist who will competently select the right prescription and prescribe the dosage specifically for your case.

Preventive measures

To avoid the development of pathologies such as pollakiuria and possible other diseases, you just need to follow certain recommendations:

  • basic hygiene of the external genitalia comes first;
  • timely examination, meaning regular, will detect the problem in its bud;
  • Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages leads to dehydration, therefore, you should avoid them;
  • compliance with the drinking regime;
  • if you are diagnosed with diabetes, you will need to adjust your diet;
  • Avoid hypothermia by always dressing appropriately for the weather.
  • And taking diuretics, and other medications to get rid of a painful problem, is possible only if prescribed by your doctor. By doing these simple rules, you will always feel and look great. Health to you and your loved ones!