Are there heated insoles? Heated insoles: varieties, review of store options, how to make it yourself

Feet are very sensitive to low temperatures. Even the warmest and highest quality shoes are sometimes unable to completely protect your feet from the cold. The result of hypothermia in the feet is illness, and most importantly, a decrease in immunity. Therefore, it is very important to keep your feet warm. In winter, heated insoles will do the job perfectly. They can be purchased in stores or made yourself.

Heated insoles

The design of heating insoles is quite simple. There are two types: chemical and with heating element. Each operating principle has positive and negative sides.

Chemical ones are often disposable. Sold in sealed bags. After printing, shake them to initiate a chemical reaction. Then they are put into shoes or glued to socks (if the manufacturer has provided a self-adhesive side). Heating occurs due to the oxidation of iron. To prevent burns, sodium chloride and salt are added, which slow down the oxidation process. Sawdust can also be added to the mixture to absorb moisture and odor.

Chemical heaters operate for up to 6 hours. The main condition is air circulation to supply oxygen for the oxidation process. If the shoes fit tightly, your feet will not feel warm.

Insoles with a heating element are distinguished by the fact that the heat comes from a metal wire or plate. They are connected to a battery, but you can use regular batteries if you wish. Heated insoles are:

  • wired;
  • wireless.

Wired ones are connected to an external battery. Some models have a power regulator. Thickness is standard. The operating time of the wired heater reaches 12 hours.

In wireless ones, the battery is built directly into the heel. Operating time from 3 to 6 hours. There are models with a remote control that allow you to turn it off, for example, when entering a building. Insoles without a remote control will have to be removed.

Manufacturing instructions

The insole with a heating element has a very simple design. Therefore, you can make them yourself. To make heated insoles with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

First you need to connect the nichrome thread to the MGTF wire. You can use hot melt glue for this. Then you should decide where the nichrome wire will be laid. It all depends on which part of the feet freezes the most. Or you can attach nichrome over the entire surface.

Next, you need to lay the wire in a spiral at a distance of 1 cm. To attach nichrome, you just need to sew it with a thick thread. Make stitches at a distance of no more than 3 cm. Solder the selected plug to the second end and insulate it with heat shrink. This will allow you to quickly connect and disconnect from the power source.

For the power source, two AA batteries will be sufficient. The case can be taken from an old radio, flashlight or, for example, Tetris. You need to solder the socket for connecting the nichrome wire and secure it with hot glue. Make two slits in the body. To attach it to the leg, take a strip of fabric with Velcro sewn on and thread it through. Insert batteries.

This electric heating of the feet can be done in 1 hour if all the materials are available. The wire is heated to approximately 35 degrees. If this is not enough, then you can add a third battery to the circuit.

Review of models from the store

Of course, you can make heated insoles very quickly and for little money yourself, but they can fail at the wrong time. And they look much worse than store-bought ones.

Manufacturer: ThermaCELL

ThermaCell heated insoles are designed for winter and any cool weather. Waterproof and have remote control , which avoids discomfort when operating with gloves. The battery is designed for 5 hours of operation and 500 charge and discharge cycles. Fully charged in 3 hours.

They have 3 operating modes:

  1. Off (no heating).
  2. Medium heat (about 39 degrees).
  3. High heat (about 44 degrees).

Country of origin - USA.

Blazewear Company

Simple and comfortable insoles. Easily cut to fit right size shoes The carbon plate emits excellent infrared light, thanks to which heating reaches up to 46 degrees. The plate is located in front of the fingers. You can use both regular batteries and AA batteries. The battery charge lasts for 3-5 hours. They have two control units on which the insoles are turned on and off. The thickness of the insole is 5 mm.

This simple invention will always come in handy winter fishing, while hiking or in cold weather.

Attention, TODAY only!

Forget about the eternal cold in winter! When going for a walk, fishing or hiking, you can simply insert heated insoles into your boots. During the day they will keep your feet warm and help you forget about discomfort. Meanwhile, you don’t need such insoles if you wear high-quality shoes from a manufacturer that has been pleasing its customers with reliable products and flexible prices for many years.

There is a lot of information on the World Wide Web about insoles that protect your feet from the cold. The advantage of these new products is the use of special orthopedic instep supports, and some of them include a control panel.

How does a heated insole work?

The insole is equipped with a heating pad placed in the hollow part. For several hours it effectively protects your feet from the cold. The insole is made of polypropylene material that retains the shape of the foot and evenly distributing heat. In stores today, there are two types of warming insoles: made of genuine leather and made of artificial suede. Its toe section has a perforated surface that helps keep your toes freely warm. The lower part is equipped with pressed channels that distribute warm air throughout the foot.

But not all heated insoles can clearly perform their functions: often the consumer pays for a low-quality product that does not at all meet his expectations. It turns out that the money is spent, but your feet continue to freeze. Therefore, in order not to make a mistake in choosing, let's get acquainted with TOP manufacturers insole for heated shoes and with the characteristics of this product.

With the products of this company, you are guaranteed a comfortable microclimate in your boots. Your thoughts are no longer occupied with the problem of heating your feet when walking. Despite the use of electricity, there are no wires in this model. The ThermaCELL device works as follows: it is inserted into the charger for 3 hours (the first charge is 6 hours), then placed in a boot or boot. The heated insole is powered by a lithium-ion battery that lasts for 5 hours. The total resource is 3000 hours per 500 recharges. The heating is turned on or off using remote controller a, which fits conveniently in your pocket. There are three heating modes and 5 size adjustment options.

The product of this British company can be cut to fit shoes of any size. Inside the insole there is a carbon plate that heated by infrared radiation to almost 46 degrees. The radiation helps improve blood circulation and distribute heat evenly throughout the foot. A heating element is right under your fingers. The control unit for each insole is attached to the shin or to the outside of the shoe. As in the first option, the insole runs on batteries, and the heating is controlled by a switch on the power supply.

Another company produces high-quality heated insoles that perfectly keep your feet warm during skiing or a long walk. Modern DiClime models have no disadvantages. They are equipped with a built-in battery, which, thanks to its shape, can be discreetly attached to the ankle and does not interfere with walking. They work using infrared heating elements, which have a beneficial effect on the human body and support natural heat exchange. A special sensor allows you to save battery charge.

The advantage of products from this company is their ability to take on a physiological form, which the same instep support has. The heat from the device affecting the foot can even cure leg pain X. A powerful battery is built into the heel area, where the input for charger and a button, when pressed, the insole begins to emit heat. The built-in microcircuit and thermoelement maintain a high temperature for a long time, and the device charges in 2 hours. 2 indicators show the battery charge level.

The heating area of ​​HeatFabric warming insoles is located under the toes that require the most heat. Like all other models, these insoles can also be cut along the marking lines to obtain the required size. The insoles of this company are made of dense EVA foam material: this is the basis softens the blows and at the same time provides a high level of comfort, and high-quality fabric on top provides an optimal microclimate for the foot. The heating element distributes heat evenly and continuously over the entire surface of the feet for almost 8 hours, providing comfortable heating V. Electric wire, which is located on the inside of the insole in the center, eliminates rubbing of the feet.

The catalog of our online store includes socks and insoles with electric heating. They provide heating of the feet up to +40°C, while being able to maintain heat for 4 hours.

Features of heating products

The ortholite mixture is used as the main material for the manufacture of shoe inserts. Heating of socks and insoles is achieved using regular batteries or a battery. On average, their resource lasts for 3-4 hours of device operation.

To maintain optimal temperature, the design includes flexible heating elements. On the insoles they are located in the center, between the arch of the foot and the toes.

The power source is embedded in a plastic container and attached to the leg using an elastic cover. There are models of insoles and socks that are equipped with remote controls. This makes it easier to control the device and allows you to change heating modes even while moving.


The standard kit includes the following elements:

  • a pair of insoles/socks;
  • 2 lithium-ion batteries/AA battery packs;
  • charger (for products with a battery);
  • attaching the power source to the leg.

The battery capacity is in the range of 2600-3400 mAh.


Heated shoe insoles are universal. The size of shoe inserts ranges from 36-46 cm, and the user can independently adjust their parameters.

To do this, you just need to place your foot on a thermal insole or take measurements using a ruler. Then all that remains is to put a mark and trim the excess fabric along the dotted line.

Winter can be very cold and harsh. This is especially true for places close to the Arctic Circle. Regardless, everyone experiences a cold month or few days from time to time. At this time, your feet can become very cold, and then you are not far from getting sick. Heated insoles can help you cope with frost.

Who will benefit from insoles?

In addition to cold days and very harsh living conditions, there is also simple everyday life. Such a device will not be superfluous for people whose feet are simply cold. They are mandatory for people who spend a long time on the street, whether for work or vocation. I am now talking about sellers at open markets, for whom the working day involves being in different conditions, especially in winter.

In addition, battery-powered heated insoles can help fishermen, for whom this is, if not a mandatory attribute, then desirable and recommended. Hunters also fall into this category, along with people who also work outdoors, regardless of the time of year. These could be farmers, builders, drivers.

How the insoles work

The overall design always consists of several unchanged parts. We are talking about the insole itself, the heating element, which is usually a thin thread of conductor, and the power source.

You've probably already guessed that you can make heated insoles yourself. To do this, you need to select the components yourself. There may be some improvements that depend more on the craftsman who makes the insoles.

When choosing a conductor, be sure to take into account the resistance; you can’t go wrong with it. Calculations play a very important role when working on insoles.

A simple system, a photo of which can be easily found on the Internet, provides for the presence of several power sources. Usually they use simple batteries, which are installed from three pieces. Why? It's all about the several modes of operation of such insoles.

In the first, the batteries will operate at 2/3 of their capacity. This mode ensures that the insoles are constantly kept warm. The second uses the full power of the power source, while the insoles heat up much more and become hot.

It is stipulated that in this mode they should not cause burns or severe discomfort. This is needed more for very low temperatures. Both of these modes should be tested several times before using the insoles personally.

There is no need to save time on this process, as faulty insoles can cause serious harm to your feet.

Materials for making insoles

Nichrome is a good conductor of heat. A thin thread of 2 tenths of a millimeter will be enough, which will reach 25-30 centimeters. After connecting it to the power system, you should check the conductor. This is necessary in order to find out how homemade heated insoles will behave.

To do this, take a not very thick cloth, place the thread connected to the batteries in this cloth, and hold it tightly in your hand. The temperature should be high enough to heat your hand, but not too high so as to burn it. Based on the results obtained, we adjust the temperature.

Let's return to the power source. As mentioned earlier, simple AA batteries will do. Two of these batteries can provide you with a charge of just over 250 milliamp hours. At the same time, three batteries contain up to 400 milliamp hours. Next, we select the required battery volume, which will determine the operating time of the insoles in heating mode.

The instructions on how to make heated insoles at home will tell you more situational components. These include additional conductors that will connect the nichrome thread and other consumables.

Manufacturing process

First you need to connect a nichrome thread with a wire that will lead to the batteries. To do this you will need contact sleeves. The cable should be at least 45 centimeters longer than needed to reach the insole.

How and where the thread will be laid is something everyone will decide for themselves. Most often it is concentrated in the front part of the insole, which freezes the most.

Next you will need to work with a simple needle and thread. Yes, the heating element needs to be fixed, and almost nothing is better for this than a simple thread. At the same time, the other end of the wire will receive a 3.5 mm plug that will connect to the battery system.

Next comes the power source. it will be attached to the leg, and therefore it needs a body. it is selected based on batteries with one condition - no matter how many of them you take, the case must accommodate one more. This is needed for the controller and the connector that will work with the mini jack.

Having finished working with the soldering iron, you will need to secure the whole thing, for which you will need hot glue. To prevent batteries from falling out, take two simple elastic bands, and place them on top and bottom of the device.

Everything that we have now needs to be somehow secured to the leg. A simple Velcro tape works well for this. It will require holes in the body that will need to be drilled. Then we connect the two parts with threads and the device is ready for use.

Photo of heated insoles

Do-it-yourself heated insoles will be a good find for people who, due to circumstances, are forced to stay outside for a long time in winter. This simple device will help keep your feet warm when fishing, hunting, hiking, market sellers, etc. In addition to the cold season, insoles will come in handy in spring and even summer, in rainy weather.

One of the parts of the body that is sensitive to cold is the feet. If they freeze, the whole body begins to freeze, which causes us great discomfort, not to mention the risk of catching a cold. Heated insoles will help keep you warm in severe frosts.

There is nothing fancy about heated insoles. Depending on the type of product, the operating principle will differ. The products are made of several layers:

  • bottom layer - insulating material in the lower part, which retains heat well and does not allow moisture to pass through;
  • Next comes the pressure sensor, connector for the charger, battery and electronic elements, a heating element is located in the toes or throughout the foot;
  • the penultimate layer is a polyurethane absorbent and synthetic insulating layer;
  • The last layer is a non-fabric lining.

High-quality heated insoles should distribute heat evenly over the entire foot and follow its shape. It is advisable to have perforations in the toe area. Thanks to it, they will warm up faster.

Insoles often have heating mode indicators. Can be powered by regular or rechargeable batteries. The design of the products is made in such a way that they are very easy to put into shoes, and several size options allow you to choose individual insoles for each person.

Types of heated insoles

There are three types of “warm” insoles: rechargeable, battery-powered and chemical. The first two types have a heating element in their design and are divided into wired and wireless.


The insoles have an external battery and a heating element inside the structure itself. Even if this is your first time using such a thing, you will not notice any discomfort while wearing it; your leg will quickly get used to it.

The battery and the heating element are connected to each other with a 40-60 cm wire. The batteries themselves are attached to the shin, and the change temperature conditions occurs using the control panel. Although main element is outside, there is no risk of injury. All live wires are hidden in a plastic, tightly closed box.

Wired insoles can work for a maximum of 12 hours, which is quite enough to spend the required amount of time in the cold or in cold water. You can make battery-powered heated insoles with your own hands, and they will turn out no worse than the purchased version.


In such insoles, the batteries are placed inside the product, most often in the heel area. The heating element is located in the toes, because... They are the ones who start to freeze first. Specially selected materials allow heat to be retained inside the insole: artificial plastic and natural rubber.

If you prefer wireless heated insoles, then immediately select your size taking into account your height, because... It is not possible to “tailor” the product to suit you. The operating time of the insoles is also quite long - up to 11 hours, with 4 hours until fully charged. Some models are equipped with a remote control. This allows you to turn them off when you enter the room.


Another type of heated insoles is chemical. Mostly produced disposable. Sold in hermetically sealed bags. To make them work, you need to shake or rub each insole with your palms after printing. This will start chemical reaction. After the insoles begin to heat up, they are inserted into the shoes. There are models that can be glued to socks using self-adhesive tape located on one side.

Heating of the insole occurs due to the oxidation of iron. To avoid burns, manufacturers add sodium chloride and salt, which reduce the oxidation process. Some products also add sawdust or charcoal to eliminate odor and moisture.

Chemical insoles are designed to last 6-7 hours. They heat up no more than 45 0 C. For a short walk this is quite enough.

Advantages and disadvantages of wireless insoles

Heated insoles have both their pros and some cons. The advantages of the products include:

  • keep feet warm even in severe frosts;
  • wireless insoles can be adjusted to size;
  • chemical products have children's sizes;
  • adjustment of temperature and heating modes;
  • fast charging from a regular network;
  • comfortable to wear;
  • can be turned off upon entering the building.

The disadvantages of insoles are as follows:

  • not all budget models are able to retain heat for a long time;
  • the high position of the heel in wireless insoles gives the feeling as if you are on a heel;
  • in battery models you have to attach the battery to your leg;
  • there is a risk of the wire breaking or breaking at the most inopportune moment.

After weighing all the pros and cons, you yourself make the decision to purchase “warm” insoles. If you don’t want to waste money, you can make heated insoles for fishing or just walking with your own hands from scrap materials.

Instructions for making homemade heated insoles with your own hands

How to make heated insoles with your own hands? Everything is very simple. To make heated insoles, it is important to pay attention to the selection of materials so that heat loss below is minimal and heat transfer to the feet is maximum. You will need materials and tools such as:

  • a pair of felt insoles;
  • material for the front layer of the insole (you can take genuine leather, denim, leatherette);
  • nichrome wire approximately 60-70 cm;
  • battery case (4 compartments);
  • batteries;
  • switch for 2 or 3 modes;
  • MGTF wire 4 m;
  • crimp sleeve S = 0.2 mm 2 4 pcs;
  • set of socket and plug 2 pcs;
  • heat-resistant tube 1.5-2 m;
  • strips of fabric Velcro;
  • pliers.

The manufacturing process at home consists of simple steps that even a non-professional can perform.

  1. Using crimp sleeves, the MGTF wire is attached to the nichrome wire. First, the sleeve is put on the wire, the end of which is then inserted into the cleaned wire. The joint is covered with a sleeve, which is then crimped. The wire should protrude no less than 50 cm beyond the insole for convenient attachment to the foot. The wire on the insole is arranged in any order, as you prefer. You can attach it using thread and a needle.
  2. A plug from the headphones is soldered to the free end of the wire to connect the insoles for recharging. Hanging stranded wire sewn to the side of the insole approximately to the middle.
  3. Cut from a piece of leather top part insoles and applied to a felt base with wire.
  4. Now the arrangement of the battery is underway. A plug socket is mounted in one of the four compartments in the battery housing.
  5. There is Velcro on the back of the battery compartment. Two batteries are inserted from the front side. In this case, the heating temperature will not exceed 35 0 C. If this is not enough, you can insert a third battery.

Thus, in just an hour you can make battery-powered heated insoles with your own hands and feel comfortable in any weather.

The nuances of making heated insoles for fishing

Homemade heated insoles for use on fishing must be made taking into account environmental conditions. If there is a risk of water getting into your shoes, the insoles should be waterproof. All wires must be carefully hidden inside. It is better to make wireless insoles so as not to get the batteries on your feet wet. Switching modes should also be convenient. It would be better if it was a remote control. Then, even while wading waist-deep in water, you will be able to regulate the heating temperature.

Features of using heated insoles

Using homemade products is more than easy. The main thing in the product is that it fits the size of your shoes, otherwise it will fidget inside. Follow the rules for using insoles so that they serve you for a long time:

  • the integrity of the protective casing must not be damaged;
  • wet the products;
  • bend insoles;
  • stretch, press the wire;
  • dry immediately upon arrival home.

Charge your wireless insoles in a timely manner so that you don’t suddenly find yourself without a heating pad when outdoors.