Balance sheet description. Balance sheet of the enterprise

The balance sheet is a reporting form in which all information about financial condition company on a specific date. The balance is divided into two parts of equal value. On its left side - “Asset” - grouped data on the availability of property in the enterprise (real estate, financial investments, production assets and inventories, accounts receivable, cash, etc.) at the end of the reporting period, and on the right side - “Liabilities” are combined information about the sources of financing with which existing assets were acquired: capital (own and borrowed), as well as obligations to creditors. Both parts of the balance sheet must be equal, since the value of the property cannot exceed the available capabilities of the company, i.e., the size of its sources. Today, the balance sheet form is in force, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 2, 2010 No. 66n (as amended on April 19, 2019).

Balance sheet structure

Each part of the balance sheet groups assets and liabilities into sections. So, on the left side there are two sections - non-current and current assets, and the right side consists of three sections, separately combining capital and reserves, long-term as well as short-term liabilities.

In turn, positions in each section are encoded with special four-digit ciphers, installed by the application No. 4 to order No. 66n. Encryption of lines is necessary in reporting submitted to regulatory authorities - the legislator approved this procedure in order to systematize statistical data when generating information in general for an industry, region or country. A balance sheet compiled to review results within an enterprise may not contain codes - there is no need for them, but it is more convenient to generate a report and post accounting data, correlating them with the code number. Let's figure out how the current balance line codes are deciphered, what information is grouped in each of them, and how the indicators are formed.

Explanation of the lines of the 2019 balance sheet in section 1

In the current balance sheet form, the asset is allocated lines from 1100 to 1600. Let's start with deciphering the balance sheet lines of the 1st section "Non-current assets", where it is accumulated, incl. information about the presence of assets with low liquidity in the company - fixed assets (fixed assets) and intangible assets (intangible assets). The lines of this section record their residual value, i.e. the difference between the original price and accrued depreciation.



The residual value of intangible assets (patents, licenses, software) is the difference between the debit balance of the account. 04 and the balance on the loan account. 05

D/t 04 (not taking into account R&D) – K/t 05, or D/t 04, if the account is not applied. 05, and depreciation is taken into account on the account. 04

Research and development results

The company's expenses on completed and positive results, but not related to intangible assets, scientific developments (R&D) are taken into account in separate sub-accounts to the account. 04

D/t 04 for R&D expenses

Costs for searching and evaluating mineral deposits - the right to conduct exploration, collecting information about the subsoil, the results of exploration drilling, the cost of assessing the feasibility of development. Accounted for as part of capital investments, indicated in the balance sheet minus accrued depreciation

D/t 08 – K/t 05 for related to search intangible assets

Material prospecting assets (MPA)

Material component of search and exploration costs

D/t 08- K/t 02 in terms of MPA

The residual value of fixed assets (buildings, equipment, tools, machines) is the debit balance of the account. 01, reduced by the amount of accrued depreciation on the fixed assets, i.e. on the credit balance of the account. 02. On line 1150 balance sheet decryption (example) can be as follows: if for an OS object with an initial cost of 100 thousand rubles. depreciation in the amount of 20 thousand rubles is accrued, then in the balance sheet its value will be 80 thousand rubles. (100 – 20)

D/t 01 – K/t 02 (except for wear and tear on fixed assets taken into account on account 03)

The residual value of assets, for example, equipment, listed on the account. 03 and intended for rental/rental

D/t 03 – K/t 02 in terms of depreciation accrued on the property recorded on the account. 03

Information about the company's investments to make a profit. Debit balance on long-term investment accounts:

Loans to personnel (account 73/1),

For deposit accounts (account 55/3) and financial investment account 58. If a reserve was created for the depreciation of investments (account 59), then the balance on account. 58 is reduced by the credit balance on the account. 59

D/t 55/3 + D/t 58 – K/t 59 (when creating a reserve) + D/t 73/1 for long-term interest-bearing loans

Formed if tax accounting does not coincide with accounting, it reduces the amount of income tax.

Other noncurrent assets

Line 1190 of the balance sheet (decoding): indicates property, the value of which is recognized as insignificant, for example, uninstalled equipment, capital investments or expenses that the company will not incur reporting period– sch. 07, 08, 97 (regarding a one-time payment for the right to use an intellectual resource)

D/t 07 + D/t 08 (except for those related to exploration assets) + D/t 97 (for expenses with a write-off period of more than a year)

Total for Section I

Total line by section

Explanation of the balance sheet according to the lines of section 2

In the 2nd section of the balance sheet there are lines reflecting the value of the most liquid assets available in the company at the reporting date - working capital:

Balance sheet line


How is the balance formed and from what accounts is it taken?


Explanation of line 1210 “Inventories” in the balance sheet includes:

    Inventory and industrial raw materials – invoice. 10, indicating the debit balance. If a company reflects the cost of inventory items in accounting prices using accounts 15 “Procurement of inventory items” and 16 “Deviation in the cost of inventory items,” then to the balance of the account. 10 add the debit balance or subtract the credit balance of the account. 16;

    balances of work in progress - the sum of debit balances on accounts 20, 21, 23, 29, 44. This line accumulates all the expenses of the enterprise, i.e. direct and indirect costs, including costs associated with the general functioning of the company and its management – payment of utilities, communications, purchase of office supplies, repair of office equipment, etc.;

    the amount of debit balances on commodity accounts 41 and 43 (minus the value of the trade margin - the credit balance on account 42 and the amount of the reserve created for the depreciation of inventory and materials - the credit balance on account 14);

    debit balance of the account. 45 “Goods shipped”

D/t 10 + D/t 15 + D/t 16 (or – K/t 16) + D/t 20 + D/t 21 + D/t 23 + D/t 28 + D/t 29 + D/ t 41+ D/t 43 – K/t 42– K/t 14 + D/t 44 + D/t 45

VAT on purchased assets

Debit account balance 19 “VAT on purchased MC”

Combine debit balances on settlement accounts with suppliers, customers, employees - 60, 62, 70, 71, 73 (excluding long-term interest-bearing loans on account 73/1), 75, 68, 69.76 (VAT on advances reflected on these are not taken into account). The credit balance of the account is subtracted from the resulting value. 63 “Reserves for doubtful debts”, if a reserve was created

D/t 60 + D/t 62 – D/t 63 + D/t 68 + D/t 69 + D/t 70 + D/t 71 + D/t 73 (except for loans on account 73-1) + D/t 75 + D/t 76 (minus VAT on advances issued and received)

They generate information about the balances of funds in bank accounts and the cash desk of the company, for which they sum up the debit balances on accounts 50 (except for the subaccount for monetary documents 50/3), 51, 52, 55, 57, 58 (in terms of cash equivalents - securities , shares, etc.)

D/t 50 (except 50/3) + D/t 51 + D/t 52 + D/t 55 (except 55/3) + D/t 57 + D/t 58 (for investments in securities)

Other current assets

The value of assets not included in the listed lines, for example, the debit balance of an account. 50/3 (when taking into account monetary documents), the amount of shortages and losses in the account. 94

D/t 50/3 + D/t 94

Total for Section II

Total line by section

Sum of filled section lines

Total for balance sheet assets

Sum of lines 1100 and 1200

Balance lines 2019: decoding of the 3rd section

The third section of the liabilities side of the balance sheet contains information about the presence of equity capital and reserves in the company. The balance breakdown will be as follows:

Balance sheet line


How is the balance formed and from what accounts is it taken?


Amount of authorized capital

Own shares purchased from shareholders

This is a negative indicator on the balance sheet (indicated in parentheses), indicating the balance of the company's shares, which it bought back from participants for intended resale or cancellation

The amount of additional valuation of fixed assets and intangible assets resulting from revaluation (revision of the initial value of property), recorded in the account. 83

K/t 83 (in terms of additional valuation of fixed assets and intangible assets)

The amount of the formed reserve fund or other funds formed by distribution from the company’s profits is the credit balance of the account. 82

Balance sheet line 1370 - decoding reflects the result of the enterprise's activities: the amount of profit remaining in the company after paying taxes or the amount of loss. A credit balance means the presence of retained earnings, a debit balance means a loss.

One way:

    K/t 99 + K/t 84;

    D/t 99 + D/t 84 (loss is indicated in parentheses);

    K/t 84 – D/t 99;

    K/t 99 – D/t 84.

Total for Section III

Total line by section

Sum of section row indicators

Explanation of the balance sheet according to the lines of section 4

This section of the balance sheet reflects the status of settlements on short-term loans, the amount of deferred tax liabilities, estimated and other liabilities:

Balance sheet line


How is the balance formed and from what accounts is it taken?


Balance of outstanding long-term loan taken out for a period of more than 12 months

Postponed tax obligations(IT)

Formed if tax accounting in a company differs from accounting - the differences are formed according to the account. 77, the balance of outstanding obligations is the credit balance on the account. 77

The amount of reserves for upcoming expenses planned in the long term, for example, for reconstruction - the credit balance on the account. 96

K/t 96 in terms of reserves formed for events that will occur no earlier than in a year

Other obligations

Reflect borrowed (not own!) funds that are not indicated in line 1410. This may be long-term debt to a counterparty or the budget, incl. on bills of exchange, target receipts with a long-term perspective of coverage

K/t 60 + K/t 62 + K/t 68 + K/t 69 + K/t 76 + K/t 86 (for long-term debt)

Total for Section IV

Total line

Sum of partition rows

Interpretation of individual balance sheet indicators - section 5

Section 5 of the liabilities side of the balance sheet combines the company’s liabilities that require repayment in the short term:

Balance sheet line


How is the balance formed and from what accounts is it taken?


Borrowed funds

Balance of outstanding short-term loans provided by banks or other companies

For balance line 1520, the breakdown includes debt balances (credit balances), the repayment period of which is no more than 12 months, to various counterparties:

Suppliers (account 60), customers (account 62);

Founders (account 75);

Various debtors/creditors (account 76);

Personnel for salaries (account 70), reporting (account 71), other operations (account 73);

Budget (account 68) and funds (account 69)

K/t 60 + K/t 62 + K/t 68 + K/t 69 + K/t 70 + K/t 71 + K/t 73 + K/t 75 + K/t 76 (for short-term debts minus appearing on the accounts for VAT calculations on advances issued/received)

A credit balance against deferred income, for example when a company has received several months' rent in advance.

Estimated liabilities

Amounts of reserves for upcoming expenses in short-term periods (less than 12 months), for example, for the payment of vacation pay - credit balance on the account. 96

Other obligations

Other obligations not included in the listed lines, for example, the balance of target funds on the account. 86

K/t 86 regarding short-term debt with a maturity of less than 12 months

Total for Section V

Total line

Sum of rows by section

Total balance sheet liabilities

1300 + 1400 + 1500

Definition 1

Basic form of financial statements– this is a balance sheet, according to which you can assess the state of the organization as of a certain date: the property and financial position of the company.

There are separate positions in the balance sheet that show what and in what quantity is on the balance sheet of the enterprise at a certain moment. For convenience, all these indicators were combined and assigned to one or another section.

Note 1

The balance sheet is usually divided into two parts: assets and liabilities. It is important to note that the sum of the assets of the enterprise’s balance sheet is always equal to the sum of its liabilities, i.e. balance is maintained.

The balance sheet asset consists of two sections:

  • section I – “Current assets”;
  • Section II – “Non-current assets”.

The passive includes three sections respectively:

  • section III – “Capital and reserves”;
  • section IV – “Long-term liabilities”;
  • Section V – “Short-term liabilities”.

Any section of the balance sheet consists of groups of items (subsections), each of which reflects the types of assets and other liabilities of the company.

Definition 2

Articles- these are separate lines with which you can figure out the balance.

Section IV of PBU 4/99, which is called “Accounting statements of an organization,” is devoted to the structure of the Balance Sheet. A breakdown of the balance sheet items is also presented there.

It would seem that everything is simple, but how to figure out which of the articles to assign certain operations to, what is needed to decipher them correctly. To do this, you need to understand the meaning of all balance sheet items. Whether it is necessary to decipher such a concept as a balance sheet asset directly depends on how much of an accountant you are by nature.

What is included in the Balance Sheet Asset?

Definition 3

Balance sheet asset- these are things, means or money from which our financial income grows and increases. By the usual definition, this is precisely the left side of the balance sheet. The accountant includes material assets and intangible assets, company property, and also, do not forget about the composition and placement of existing assets.

When filling out this part of the balance sheet, you need to present and take into account the residual value of fixed assets, intangible assets, and profitable investments in tangible assets, because this is what is taken into account.

The next nuance: the amount of reserve for reducing the value of material assets. It must be deducted from the cost of remaining goods and other inventories, naturally, when an inventory has been carried out, the results of which require the creation of this reserve.

Next, accounts receivable, in other words, money that is owed to us. Let's say a company has taken an inventory of payments and debts of customers and buyers to us, its management creates a reserve for doubtful debts. Then we add the amount without this reserve to the balance sheet (subtract it).

Note 2

And one more thing, financial investments are shown in the asset balance sheet without a reserve created for their depreciation, i.e., minus it.

The first asset section of the Balance Sheet

The first asset section of the Balance Sheet is called “Non-current assets”. It contains:

  • various non-current assets,
  • Deferred tax assets,
  • financial investments,
  • profitable investments in material assets,
  • fixed assets,
  • intangible assets.

When creating a company, the founders pursue certain goals, one of which is to generate income from their activities. To make a profit over a long period of time, any enterprise uses certain assets of the organization. We'll look at which ones below.

Line 110 “Intangible assets” takes into account the amount that is obtained from the interaction of two accounts: 04 “Intangible assets” (debit balance) – 05 “Amortization of intangible assets” (credit balance). The resulting residual value of intangible assets is indicated in this line. When a company, based on accounting policy considerations, accrues depreciation for all intangible assets without account 05, then the balance sheet line will reflect the debit balance of account 04.

It is also necessary to understand that in situations where the useful life of an asset cannot be determined, then it (the asset) is called intangible with an indefinite useful life and is not depreciated. Previously, in such situations, the organization independently determined the useful life of either longer than the life of its activities or longer than twenty years. Now, for the reliability of calculating the economic benefits that will be received in the future, a depreciation method is selected that is based on them. Simply put, the old practice gives way to the new practice for natural reasons because the unreliable calculation of future economic benefits takes away the firm's discretion and it must amortize intangible assets on a straight-line basis.

Accounting and valuation of intangible assets is carried out based on the Regulations on accounting“Accounting for intangible assets” (PBU 14/2007), which the Russian Ministry of Finance approved on December 27, 2007 No. 153n (hereinafter referred to as PBU 14/2007).

Line 120 “Fixed assets” contains information about the company’s fixed assets (fixed assets), which are accounted for in account 01 “Fixed Assets”.

Definition 4

OS objects– material assets that are used as means of labor during the manufacture of products, in the process of performing work, providing services and managing an organization. These include:

  • buildings and constructions,
  • cars and equipment,
  • Computer Engineering,
  • vehicles,
  • productive and breeding livestock,
  • perennial plantings,
  • on-farm roads,
  • other relevant objects.

Also taken into account:

  • capital investments for radical improvement of land (drainage, irrigation and other reclamation works);
  • capital investments in leased fixed assets;
  • land plots, environmental management facilities (water, subsoil and other natural resources);
  • specialist. tools, special devices, special equipment, special clothing (if provided for by the organization’s accounting policy).

They are accepted for accounting on account 01 and are part of the operating system.

Here we also indicate the leased property on the balance sheet of the lessee, which is taken into account by agreement of the parties, the fixed assets of the leased enterprise (if the company is leased as a property complex).

The organization takes into account all of these assets as fixed assets if they simultaneously meet the following conditions:

  • the object is suitable for use in creating a product, is necessary for performing work or providing services, as well as for the needs of the organization related to management;
  • the object can be used for a long time, in other words, for a period of more than 12 months, or the normal operating cycle, if it is more than 12 months;
  • the organization does not plan to resell this object in future activities;
  • the object will bring economic benefit (income) to the company in the future.

There are objects that are not written off from account 01. If an object is transferred for rent or free use, it is transferred for conservation, it is designated for completion or additional equipment, and also, the object is in the process of restoration, then it is not written off from account 01.

Fixed assets are entered into accounting based on their residual value. Based on accounting purposes, an enterprise has the right to independently choose the useful life of the property, and depreciation will be calculated in the chosen method, which it cannot change during the service life of the property. Only if the fixed asset is changed in any way, for example, modernized or reconstructed, its life useful can be changed.

In accordance with ext. 15 Accounting Regulations “Accounting for Fixed Assets” PBU 6/01 of the company at the beginning of the reporting year is allowed to revalue fixed assets at current (replacement) cost.

It is necessary to revaluate fixed assets by recalculating their value: initial or current (replacement). You will also have to recalculate the depreciation amounts that were accrued for the entire period of use of the objects. In accounting, the results of the revaluation of fixed assets carried out as of the first day of the reporting year are reflected separately from each other. The results of such revaluation are not included in the financial statements of the previous reporting year; they are accepted when generating the Balance Sheet data at the beginning of the reporting year.

Line 130 “Unfinished construction”.

The amount of the organization's investments in unfinished construction (except for fixed assets that were put into operation before state registration) of the Balance Sheet is entered on line 130.

The actual costs of the company for the construction of facilities incurred before the completion of these same works, as well as before the implementation of these facilities in operation, must be entered into account 08 “Investments in non-current assets” subaccount 08-3 “Construction of fixed assets”, they must be taken into account as part of unfinished construction.

Equipment for installation is also accepted for accounting at its actual cost at the time of receipt, taking into account delivery costs.

It must be reflected in the debit of account 07 “Equipment for installation”, and you need to understand that equipment that requires installation includes objects that can only be used after all its parts have been assembled, as well as those attached to anything: supports, the foundation of a building , to the floor, floors between floors, in a word, to any load-bearing structures of buildings and structures. It also includes sets of spare parts for similar equipment.

Line 135 “Profitable investments in material assets” includes property purchased for temporary use for the purpose of generating income (for leasing). Here the accountant will show the debit balance on account 03 minus the depreciation that has accumulated on the credit of account 02 subaccount “Depreciation of property related to income-generating investments.”

Let's figure out what investments can be called profitable.

Definition 5

Profitable investments can be considered property that an organization bought for the purpose of renting out and uses specifically for this purpose. In cases where property was acquired for one’s own personal use, even if it is rented out from time to time, it cannot in any case be classified in this category.

Line 140 “Long-term financial investments”.

In line 140 of the Balance Sheet Asset, it is necessary to enter all types of financial investments that are made by the organization for a period of more than a year. It shows the sum of the balances of account 58 “Financial investments” and account 55 “Special accounts in banks” subaccount, indicating subaccount 3 “Deposit accounts” in terms of amounts that relate to long-term investments. They need to be calculated taking into account the reserve for depreciation of financial investments, that is, reduce the credit balance of account 59 “Provision for depreciation of financial investments” in relation to financial investments for a period of more than a year.

To recognize an asset as a financial investment, it must meet all of these conditions simultaneously:

  • documents that confirm his right to financial investments, as well as the opportunity to receive funds and other assets derived from this right, must be properly executed.
  • transition to the organization of financial risks that are associated with financial investments, such as: the risk of price fluctuations, the risk of debtor insolvency, liquidity risk);
  • the opportunity to bring in the near future economic benefits (income) such as interest, dividends or an increase in their value (as the difference in the sale (redemption) price of a financial investment and its purchase value, as a result of its exchange, use to pay off the organization’s obligations, growth of the current market value and etc.).

Financial investments do not include issued interest-free loans or purchased interest-free bills, because then the investments do not provide economic benefits, income either in interest form or in the form of an increase in their value, and accordingly, they cannot be indicated as financial investments.

Clause 3 of the Accounting Regulations “Accounting for Financial Investments” PBU 19/02, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 10, 2002 No. 126n (hereinafter referred to as PBU 19/02), provides the main accounting objects considered to be financial investments. So, in more detail, these could be:

  • state or municipal securities;
  • securities of other organizations, these include debt securities that indicate the date and cost of repayment (bonds, bills);
  • contributions to the authorized (share) capital of other organizations, including subsidiaries and dependent business companies;
  • loans issued to other organizations;
  • deposits in organizations related to loans;
  • receivables received taking into account the agreement for the assignment of the right of claim;
  • contributions, taking into account the simple partnership agreement of the enterprise - partner;
  • other similar assets.

When purchasing securities with an unspecified maturity, you need to consider them as long-term in the case when the company bought them with the aim of generating income on them for more than a year.

Financial investments are taken into account in the amount of the investor's expenses upon their fact.

In accordance with the Chart of Accounts, the financial investments made by the organization are shown by the debit of account 58 “Financial Investments” and the credit of those accounts where the values ​​​​that are subject to transfer towards these investments are taken into account.

Line 145 “Deferred tax assets”.

On line 145 of the balance sheet we show the debit balance of account 09 “Deferred tax assets”. If our organization is a small enterprise, then it can declare in its accounting policy that it will not apply the Accounting Regulations “Accounting for Income Tax Calculations” PBU 18/02, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 19, 2002 No. 114n (hereinafter referred to as PBU 18/02).

Deferred tax assets are reflected precisely by those organizations that apply this accounting standard.

It is interesting that account 09 may show a very small balance. However, this amount is significant. It shows the amount that will reduce income tax in subsequent reporting periods. Judging from this, deferred tax assets in the balance sheet must be reflected as a separate line, since we cannot take this amount into account as part of other non-current assets.

Generating profit in accounting is not the same as generating it in taxation; it is calculated differently. From this it turns out that the conditional tax on accounting profit differs from the amount of profit tax that the company must pay to the budget. This leads to the fact that the (conditional) tax on accounting profit diverges from the amount of profit tax that the organization needs to pay to the budget.

Whatever one may say, in accounting we must show the conditional tax, and along with it all the differences between this conditional tax and the real income tax.

Definition 6

Differences can be temporary or permanent. These result in permanent tax liabilities, deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities.

Definition 7

Deferred tax asset can be calculated as the product of the deductible temporary difference and the income tax rate. In accounting, the deferred tax asset is reflected in the following entry:

DEBIT 09 “Deferred tax assets” CREDIT 68 subaccount “Calculations for income tax” – deferred tax asset has been accrued.

When expenses are accepted in parts for tax purposes, deductible temporary differences are obtained. In accounting they arise immediately if:

  • the amount of depreciation accrued in accounting exceeds the amount calculated according to the rules of Chapter. 25 PCs of the Russian Federation;
  • for tax and accounting purposes, a company writes off commercial and administrative expenses differently;
  • in accounting, a loss is carried forward to the future, reducing income for taxation in subsequent reporting periods;
  • the overpayment of income tax is not returned to the organization; instead, it is counted against future payments;
  • In accounting, the enterprise included still unpaid costs in the cost of materials, although it uses the cash method of accounting for income and expenses in tax accounting.

When the deferred tax asset is determined, it must be entered into the balance sheet, in other words, it must be reflected in accounting - in the analytical accounting of the corresponding account for assets and liabilities, in the valuation of which the deductible temporary difference emerged.

Paragraph 19 of PBU 18/02 gives organizations the right to show in the balance sheet the balanced (collapsed) amount of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities. For this purpose, you need to find out the difference in the balances of accounts 09 “Deferred tax assets” and 77 “Deferred tax liabilities”. If the debit on account 09 is higher than the credit balance on account 77, then we will show their difference in line 145 of the balance sheet. This time, line 515 “Deferred tax liabilities” (balance sheet liability) remains blank. This scheme also works in reverse: if the balance on account 77 is greater than the balance on account 09, then this difference between must be reflected on line 515. Then, in this particular case, line 145 is not included in the balance.

Line 150 “Other non-current assets”.

Where can we include assets that are inexpensive and generally insignificant? All indicators that do not find a place in other lines of the “Non-current assets” section must be included in line 150. Other non-current assets usually include those whose cost and value can be considered insignificant. In other words, indicators that do not provide value to those who use these reports.

Such assets may include research, development and technology (R&D) expenses. They cannot be recognized as objects of intangible assets, but they are entered into account 04 “Intangible assets”.

What does Section II “Current assets” include?

In accounting, current assets include those that are relatively quickly able to transfer their value to costs. Let's include here:

  • inventories (raw materials, supplies, goods, costs in work in progress, deferred costs, etc.),
  • VAT on purchased assets,
  • long-term and short-term accounts receivable,
  • short-term financial investments,
  • cash.

Line 210 “Inventories”.

It is logical that the information that we provide in the balance sheet about inventories (MP) is a copy of inventory data taken from inventories and acts; they must be 100% identical. Accordingly, the inventory itself must be carried out before preparing annual reports.

On account 10 “Materials” we enter data on materials that are the property of the enterprise at the end of the period. We do this based on the cost at which they were originally purchased.

In the case when the cost of materials has changed significantly, decreased significantly, the company needs to create a reserve (fund) for reducing the cost of material assets and apply account 14 “Reserves for reducing the cost of material assets.” This requirement is conservative and clearly demonstrates the principle of prudence.

If the values ​​have partially lost quality due to: a decrease in price during the reporting year, obsolescence, partial loss of their original quality, they must be shown in the balance sheet at the end of the reporting period at the price of possible sale. This is done when it is lower than at the beginning of the purchase. We will attribute the difference in prices to financial results. The same mechanism of action must be applied to finished products and goods, and not just to materials alone.

Line 210 is the summary of all the others, as follows:

  • 211 “Raw materials, materials and other similar values”;
  • 212 “Animals for growing and fattening”;
  • 213 “Costs in work in progress”;
  • 214 “Finished products and goods for resale”;
  • 215 “Goods shipped”;
  • 216 “Future expenses”;
  • 217 “Other inventories and costs.”

These lines decipher line 210 “Inventories” and do not require significant decoding; their meaning is in the name itself.

Line 210 displays expenses for the purchase of inventories, to which it is possible to include assets if their cost does not exceed 20,000 rubles. The funds spent on the acquisition of such assets are shown in account 10 “Materials”.

There are three ways to evaluate inventories in accounting when they are introduced into production (or otherwise written off):

  1. at the cost of each unit;
  2. at average cost, when assessing the inventory for each type, when the total cost of all stocks of one type is divided by the number of types.
  3. according to the FIFO method (first arrival - first release). Here, inventories are written off at the cost of inventories that were received first. Accordingly, it is believed that those stocks that are received first will be sold first.

Line 213 “Costs in work in progress”.

Line 213 of the Balance Sheet asset shows the costs of work in progress (WIP) and unfinished work (services), which are the cost of products that have not gone through all stages of processing, although technological process are provided for incomplete products that have not yet passed testing and technical acceptance.

In mass and serial production for WIP accounting, the following are reflected:

  • according to actual or standard (planned) production cost;
  • by direct cost items;
  • at the cost of raw materials, materials and semi-finished products.

In the case of production of one unit of product, the PPP is reflected at the costs that are actually incurred.

The company issues an order on accounting policy, according to which the chosen method of assessing work in progress is fixed.

In the balance sheet, work in progress is reflected at the same valuation as in the accounting records. The amount of work in progress is confirmed by the necessary calculations (relevant accounting statements).

When we consider an organization whose activities are not trade, but have discovered that it divides business expenses into sold and unsold products (goods, services), then when filling out line 213, we do not take into account the entire balance of account 44 “Sales expenses”.

Undescribed costs for packaging and transportation, if they are included in account 44 as part of business expenses, are reflected in line 217 “Other inventories and costs” of the balance sheet. Various organizations that have the right to make payments to customers in stages (recorded in the contract), on line 213 can reflect the cost of work that is at least partially accepted by the customer (debit balance of account 46 “Completed stages for work in progress”). These can be construction, scientific, design, geological and other organizations.

The cost of completed stages of work, indicated in forms No. KS-2 and KS-3, which are signed by the customer, is reflected in the debit of account 46 in correspondence with account 90 “Sales”.

Line 214 “Finished products and goods for resale” reflects the actual or standard cost of products that are already ready. For trading companies, here it is possible to provide the purchase price of their goods, which consists of the costs of their acquisition.

On line 214 we reflect the sum of all debit balances on accounts 41 “Goods” and 43 “Finished products”. If the company is engaged in trade and indicated goods at the selling price, then the balance on account 41 must be reduced by the amount of the credit balance on account 42 “Trade margin”.

Firms that produce goods, on line 214, take into account the cost of unsold products that have not passed all the stages intended by the technological process, in the right situations - having passed testing and technical acceptance. The accounting policy determines the actual or standard (planned) cost.

From time to time, companies purchase components (finished products) for their products, and their cost is not taken into account when determining the cost of the goods sold. The customer pays for these components separately. Such products are accounted for as goods in account 41 “Goods”. They need to be entered in line 214 of the Balance Sheet, where we reflect their value.

Trade organizations show on line 214 the cost of remaining balances of purchased goods.

Organizations Catering, they also show the remains of raw materials in the kitchens and pantries, and the remains of goods in the cupboards.

Any remaining goods are reflected in the balance sheet precisely at the cost of their purchase, which is formed according to the rules of the accounting policy approved by the company.

The indicator in line 214 of Section I increases (decreases) by the debit (credit) balance of account 15 (in the part related to the cost of purchased goods) if the organization uses account 15 “Procurement and acquisition of material assets” when accounting for purchased goods.

In addition, on line 214 you need to reflect the cost of finished products or goods, which will be reduced by the amount of the created reserve for reducing the cost of material assets.

Line 215 “Goods shipped” shows the debit balance of account 45 “Goods shipped”, which takes into account all information about products that have already been shipped, but not sold. Profit from the sale of these products by the seller is not yet recognized in accounting, since the ownership of this product has not passed to the buyer. Situations when this happens:

  • if the seller company sells goods (products) using an intermediary - commission agent or uses an agent who has the right to act on his own behalf at a time when the intermediary has not yet sold the product;
  • according to an exchange (barter) agreement, if the goods have already been shipped, the ownership right to the transaction participant comes precisely at the moment of fulfilling his obligations for the counter-delivery.

As long as ownership of the goods with the completed shipment has not yet transferred to the buyer, the cost of such products is indicated on line 215. This happens when, for example, the contract itself states that the buyer receives ownership rights not at the time of shipment, but at the time of payment for the products .

The main feature is the reflection of the shipment and sale of goods in the accounting of the supplier when a purchase and sale agreement is concluded with a special procedure for the transfer of ownership - this is the reflection of transferred goods that have not yet been paid for by the buyer on account 45 “Goods shipped”.

Line 216 “Deferred expenses” records the debit balance of account 97 “Deferred expenses”.

Definition 8

Future expenses– represent expenses that the company incurred in the reporting period, but they relate to the following reporting periods.

Each enterprise determines the moment of writing off these expenses to cost accounts, in other words, the period for recognizing deferred expenses, based on specific documents. The company can also independently determine this period if the documents cannot specify the period when these expenses will be recognized. Such decisions are issued in an order or directive of the manager. And then, the expenses of future periods are written off as expenses in equal shares at the time approved by the order.

When considering this cost item in accounting, it should be noted that if you receive periodicals through a subscription, they will not be deferred expenses. It is better to consider these amounts as advances issued, and then write them off to accounting accounts according to the periodicity of receipt of these publications. It is convenient to reflect the balance of the cost of a paid subscription for which newspapers, magazines and any other periodicals have not yet been received as an advance paid to the supplier as part of short-term receivables.

When a company has a non-exclusive right to use other people's intellectual property (innovations in computer programming, databases and information), payment for such services occurs as a one-time payment. This fixed amount is paid as a one-time royalty and is also included in deferred expenses.

Again, when the contract itself contains a condition under which the organization undertakes to pay for the use of intellectual property for a certain period, in this case the user company is obliged to reflect these amounts as expenses of the current period, and account 97 “Deferred expenses” is not touched. You should also do this when the amount of a one-time payment cannot be written off at a time. It is written off as expenses over the period of use of the object fixed in the contract (clause 39 of PBU 14/2007).

Line 220 “VAT on purchased assets.”

Line 220 reflects the debit balance of account 19 “Value added tax on acquired assets.” It characterizes the amounts that are allocated in invoices that are received, but not presented for deduction from the budget or not recorded in the purchase book. This line indicates the amounts of VAT that were not accepted for withholding as of January 1 of the year following the reporting year.

This is the balance of “input” VAT on purchased inventories, intangible assets, capital investments, works and services, not accepted for deduction. You need to know that due to the absence or incorrect execution of documents, amounts of “input” VAT may remain unaccounted for on account 19. This is at the end of the period, but in subsequent periods these nuances should be taken into account.

Amounts of “input” VAT that have already been deducted must be written off from the credit of account 19 to the debit of account 68 of the “VAT Calculations” subaccount. If we understand that it is not possible to recover “input” VAT from the budget, these amounts must be written off from the credit of account 19 to the debit of account 91-2 subaccount “Other expenses”.

Amounts of “input” VAT that have already been deducted must be written off from the credit of account 19 to the debit of account 68 of the “VAT Calculations” subaccount. Understanding that it is not possible to recover “input” VAT from the budget, these amounts are written off from the credit of account 19 to the debit of account 91-2 subaccount “Other expenses”.

In the absence of VAT payer status, a company or when it has been released from its duties as a tax payer under Art. 145 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the amount of “input” tax must be included in the cost of purchased goods (work, services).

We do the same in the case of purchasing products for transactions that are not subject to VAT in accordance with clauses 2 and 4 of Art. 170 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. At this point, we write off VAT from account 19 to the debit of the property accounting accounts that correspond to it or from the cost accounting account (accounts 08, 10, 20, 26, 41, 44, etc.)

“Input” VAT, when it relates to expenses, which in turn are standardized for the purposes of determining income tax (advertising expenses, entertainment expenses), must be deducted in the part that relates to expenses within these standards.

When preparing annual reporting, when the total amount of normalized expenses in tax accounting has already been calculated, the amount of VAT not accepted for deduction, if they relate to excess expenses, must be written off from account 19 to the debit of account 91 “Other income and expenses.”

It should be taken into account that amounts in tax accounting are not included in expenses.

In tax accounting, we do not consider the amount of “input” VAT when it is not included in the cost of acquired property (work, services) and is not accepted, and is written off in accounting to account 91.

Lines 230 and 240 “Accounts receivable”.

This line is for filling and displaying the actions between the buyer and the customer. It takes into account the debts that the company will receive within 12 months (line 230) and the debt of debtors for a period of more than 12 months after reporting date(line 240). This is the debit balance of accounts 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers” and 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors”.

When a company has a claim against a customer, the debt must be recorded as an asset. Despite the fact that the limitation period begins after 3 years and if a statement about it is expressed in a dispute before the court makes a decision (Article 196 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), the debtor can fulfill his obligations even after the established period. It is possible to issue an order to write off such debt if there is a claim in court, a written refusal of the debtor and his exclusion from the register.

This operation is done by wiring:

  1. DEBIT 91-2 “Other expenses”.
  2. LOAN 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers” – the amount of debt is reflected.
  3. The debtor's debt written off at a loss is recorded for another five years in off-balance sheet account 007 “Debt of insolvent debtors written off at a loss.”

If there is a high probability of non-repayment of the debt, you need to create a reserve for doubtful debts by writing:

  1. DEBIT 91-2 “Other expenses”.
  2. LOAN 63 “Provisions for doubtful debts” - for the amount of debt, indicating the reason in the explanatory note.

Line 250 “Short-term financial investments.”

Financial investments, the accounting of which is regulated by PBU 19/02, include securities, contributions to the authorized (share) capital of other organizations, loans provided, deposits, receivables acquired under an assignment of claim, contributions under a simple partnership agreement, etc.

Financial investments are considered short-term if their maturity does not exceed 12 months.

It should be taken into account that organizations do not include their own shares purchased from shareholders for subsequent resale or cancellation as part of short-term financial investments. Own repurchased shares are reflected in the liability side of the balance sheet on line 411 of the “Capital and Reserves” section.

Line 260 " Cash».

The entire amount of funds (in cash, in bank accounts, in transfers) that the organization has is indicated here.

In the standard form there are no separate lines for deciphering line 260, but an enterprise can include the necessary lines in the balance sheet and separately indicate in them data on the availability of funds.

Cash in foreign currency accounts (line 263) is converted into rubles at the Bank of Russia exchange rate on the date of the currency transaction, as well as on the reporting date. This is stated in paragraph 7 of the Accounting Regulations “Accounting for assets and liabilities, the value of which is expressed in foreign currency” (PBU 3/2006), approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 27, 2006 No. 154n (hereinafter referred to as PBU 3/2006) .

Line 300 “Balance”.

Line 300 of the balance sheet initially reflects the amount of all assets of the organization - both non-current and current. The indicator of line 300 is formed as the sum of lines 190 “Total for section I” and 290 “Total for section I”.

It should be noted that the total amount of the organization's assets, reflected on line 300 of the balance sheet asset, must be equal to the total amount of the organization's liabilities - the indicator of line 700 of the balance sheet liability.

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Form 1 of the balance sheet, valid as of 01/01/2020, with a breakdown of the items, was approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 07/02/2010 No. 66n. From 2020 to accounting forms reporting, by order of the Ministry of Finance dated April 19, 2019 No. 61n, the following changes were made:

  • The unit of measurement in million rubles has been excluded. Indicate all accounting indicators in thousand rubles.
  • OKVED has been replaced by OKVED 2.
  • Code 385 has been removed.

A field has been added to the balance sheet to display information about whether the company is subject to audit and the name of the company that conducted the audit.

In the financial results report, there have been changes in the tabular part, mandatory for use from the reporting for 2020. But if desired, taxpayers have the right to use the updated form when preparing the report for 2019.

You can download current forms of the balance sheet and financial statements using the links below

Small businesses have the right to submit simplified financial statements to the tax authorities. You can download the simplified accounting form below.

Read about the criteria for classifying a business as small.

Basic requirements for preparing financial statements

With the exception of cases specified in the Law “On Accounting” dated November 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ, financial statements consist of a balance sheet and a statement of financial results. They are often called forms 1 and 2 (forms 1 and 2 of the balance sheet).

Financial statements for 2019 can only be submitted electronically. The exception is small businesses. They have the right to choose between paper and electronic reporting.

Annual reports are submitted to users no later than 90 days from the end of the reporting year, unless a different procedure is provided for by the laws of the Russian Federation (clause 86 of Regulation 34n). Thus, you need to report for 2019 no later than March 31, 2020.
Interim reporting (if it is mandatory for the organization) is provided no later than 30 days after the end of the quarter.

Forms 1 and 2 of the balance sheet allow users to assess the state of the organization’s assets and liabilities, the sources of formation and the structure of its profit, as well as their dynamics. They are the main sources of data used for economic analysis financial position of the organization.

All companies, regardless of their legal status and taxation system, are required to submit a balance sheet. The article contains Form 1 with line codes (can be downloaded in Excel), as well as a sample for filling it out.

Attention! You can fill out a balance sheet online and print it in the BukhSoft program. Try it for free:

Fill out your balance online

When preparing on your own, you will definitely need a form and a sample to fill out:

Balance sheet form

This document characterizes the financial position of the company at the reporting date. The Ministry of Finance approved the standard form of the balance sheet on July 2, 2010 by order No. 66n (see Appendix 1). It consists of two parts.

  1. Assets. Designed to reflect all property owned by the company, as well as debts of counterparties (for example, fixed assets, intangible assets, inventories, accounts receivable, cash and other assets).
  2. Passive. Designed to reflect the sources of assets (for example, authorized or additional capital, raised funds, external liabilities).

Convenient accounting in . It is suitable for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs. The program includes uploading transactions into 1C and automatically generating all tax and accounting reports. Try it for free:

Totals for assets must always be equal to totals for liabilities.

The indicators of the balance sheet form are divided into groups of items (for example, “Fixed assets”, “Accounts receivable”). The company has the right to independently detail these indicators depending on their significance.

An indicator is considered significant if without information about it it is impossible to correctly assess the financial position of the company. The company also has the right to determine the level of materiality independently. Its meaning must be fixed in accounting policies for accounting purposes.

When detailing an indicator, additional lines are entered below it. They must contain numerical values ​​that are included in the indicator provided for in the standard balance sheet form.

Non-essential indicators can be indicated in the balance sheet as a total amount on one line and deciphered in the notes to the balance sheet.

A typical balance sheet looks like this:

In addition, there is a simplified form. It may be used by:

  • small businesses;
  • companies that have the status of a participant in the Skolkovo project;
  • NPOs (except for those recognized as foreign agents.

She looks like this:

Attention! An accountant's calendar will help you submit your accounting and tax reports on time.

Check reporting deadlines

Sample balance sheet

Fill out Form 1 as follows:

Where to get the indicators to fill out the balance sheet form

In the table below we have collected the data to fill out the balance sheet.

Balance sheet item

Standard form line code

Information to fill out

I. Non-current assets

Intangible assets

Difference in account balances:

  • 04 (excluding R&D costs)
  • 05 (excluding R&D costs)

Balance on account 08 (based on the costs of accepting intangible assets for accounting)

Research and development results

Difference in account balances:

  • 04 (for R&D costs with exclusive rights and (or) subject to legal protection)
  • 05 (for R&D costs with exclusive rights and (or) subject to legal protection)

Intangible search assets

Account balance 08 for the costs of developing mineral resources (in the future, such costs may be qualified as intangible assets)

Material prospecting assets

Balance of account 08 for the costs of developing mineral resources (in the future such costs may be qualified as fixed assets)

Fixed assets

Difference in account balances:

  • 02 (except for depreciation amounts on objects of profitable investments in material assets given on line 1140)
  • account balance 07 (for costs of construction in progress)
  • account balance 08 (for costs of construction in progress)

Profitable investments in material assets

Difference in account balances:

  • 02 (depreciation accrued on such objects)

Financial investments

Account balance:

  • 58 (for long-term investments minus the balance in account 59 “Provisions for depreciation of financial investments”, which relate to long-term financial investments)
  • 55 subaccount 3 “Deposit accounts” (for long-term investments and deposits for a period of more than one year, from which interest is accrued)
  • 73 (settlements with personnel for interest-bearing loans whose repayment period begins 12 months after the reporting date)

Deferred tax assets

Account balance 09

Other noncurrent assets

Account balance:

  • 07 (except for costs of construction in progress)
  • 08 (except for costs of construction in progress and intangible assets);
  • other non-current assets that were not reflected in other groups of Section I

Summary of Section I

1110 + 1120 + 1130 + 1140 + 1150 + 1160 + 1170 + 1180 + 1190

II. Current assets

Account balance:

  • 10, 11, 20, 21, 23, 29, 41 (minus the credit balance in account 42 “Trade margin”, if goods are included in sales prices), 43, 44, 45, 46, 97, 15
  • plus (minus) debit (credit) balance on account 16 “Deviation in the cost of material assets”
  • minus the credit balance on account 14 “Reserves for reduction in the value of material assets”

VAT on purchased assets

Account balance 19 “VAT on purchased assets”

Accounts receivable

Debit account balance:

  • 60 (receivables from suppliers in terms of advances paid by the company are reflected minus VAT), 62, 71, 73 (except for interest-bearing loans), 75, 76 (VAT amounts on advances are not taken into account), 68, 69
  • minus the balance of account 63 “Provisions for doubtful debts”

Financial investments (excluding cash equivalents)

Account balance:

  • 58 in terms of short-term investments (minus the balance of account 59 “Provisions for impairment of financial investments” in terms of short-term financial investments)
  • 73 (regarding interest-bearing loans with a repayment period of less than 12 months after the reporting date)

Cash and cash equivalents

Account balance:

  • 50 (except for the balance of the “Cash Documents” subaccount), 51, 52, 55 (except for amounts included in financial investments), 57

Other current assets

Debit account balance:

  • 50 (balance of the “Cash Documents” subaccount), 79 (regarding settlements under property trust management agreements), 94
  • other current assets that were not reflected in other groups of articles in Section II

Summary of Section II

1210 + 1220 + 1230 + 1240 + 1250 + 1260

1100 + 1200

III. Capital and reserves

Authorized capital, as well as share capital, authorized capital, contributions of partners)

Account balance 80 “Authorized capital”

Own shares purchased from shareholders

Debit balance of account 81 “Own shares (shares)”

Revaluation of non-current assets

Account balance:

  • 83 (in terms of revaluation of fixed assets)
  • 84 (in terms of revaluation of fixed assets)

Additional capital (without revaluation)

Account balance 83 “Additional capital” (revaluation is not taken into account)

Reserve capital

Account balance 82 “Reserve capital”

Retained earnings (uncovered loss)

Account balance 84 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)” (revaluation is not taken into account), account balance 99 “Profits and losses” (interim reporting data)

Summary of Section III

1310 + 1320 + 1340 + 1350 + 1360 + 1370

IV. long term duties

Borrowed funds

Account balance 67 (the amount of principal and interest that accrued. Except for interest with a payment period as of the reporting date of less than 12 months. Interest can be reflected separately as a breakdown of lines 1410 or 1510)

Deferred tax liabilities

Account balance 77

Estimated liabilities

Account balance 96 (for reserves created for events that will occur no earlier than in one year)

Other obligations

Account credit balance:

  • 60, 62 (creditor to buyers for advances that the company received is reflected in the balance sheet without VAT), 73, 75, 76 (for long-term creditor; VAT amounts on advances are not taken into account), 86 (for long-term creditor)

Section IV total

1410 + 1420 + 1430 + 1450

V. Current liabilities

Borrowed funds

Account balance 66 (sum of principal and accrued interest. Interest can be shown separately (if necessary) as a breakdown of line 1510)

Accounts payable

Account credit balance:

  • 60, 62 (creditor to buyers for advances received by the company are reflected in the balance sheet without VAT), 70, 68, 69, 71, 73, 75, 76

(for a short-term creditor; VAT on advances is not taken into account)

revenue of the future periods

Account balance 98, account credit balance 86 (targeted budget financing, grants, technical assistance, etc.)

Estimated liabilities

Account balance 96 (for reserves created for events that may occur during the year)

Other current liabilities

Account balance:

  • 79 (under property trust management agreements), 86 (under short-term creditor)
  • other short-term liabilities that were not reflected in the groups section V

Summary of Section V

1510 + 1520 + 1530 + 1540 + 1550

1300 + 1400 + 1500

You may also need:

  • More information about non-current assets of the enterprise >>
  • Find out how to fill it out correctly

The general form of the balance sheet is given in Appendix No. 1 to Order No. 66n.

You cannot remove any lines from the approved form, but you can enter additional ones if you wish.

For example, if an organization wants to separately show deferred expenses in the balance sheet, then you can independently add a special line to the “Current assets” section.

The balance sheet in its general form has columns in which the following indicators are given for each item:

  • as of the reporting date (when filling out the balance sheet for 2016 - as of December 31, 2016);
  • as of December 31 of the previous year (when filling out the balance sheet for 2016 - as of December 31, 2015);
  • as of December 31 of the year preceding the previous one (when filling out the balance sheet for 2014 - as of December 31, 2014).
Column 1 of the balance sheet is intended to indicate the number of the corresponding explanation to the balance sheet (if an explanatory note is drawn up).

Organizations add column 3 independently to enter the line code in it.

The balance sheet contains two parts - assets and liabilities, which must be equal to each other.

The asset reflects the amount of non-current and current assets, and the liability - the amount of equity capital and borrowed funds, as well as accounts payable.

The codes of indicators that are indicated in the balance sheet are given in Appendix No. 4 to Order of the Ministry of Finance dated July 2, 2010 No. 66n.

Rules for filling out the balance

The balance sheet is always drawn up for a specific date (clause 18 of PBU 4/99).

In addition, the balance sheet provides similar data as of December 31 of last year and the year before (clause 10 of PBU 4/99).

This data must be taken from the balance sheet for the previous year.

To fill out the balance sheet, you must create a balance sheet for all accounts for the year.

Based on the balances of accounting accounts (subaccounts) from the turnover balance sheet, balance sheet lines are formed.

If the balance sheet does not contain data to fill out any lines of the balance sheet (for example, line 1130 “Intangible exploration assets”, line 1140 “Tangible exploration assets”), then in this case a dash is added (Letter of the Ministry of Finance dated 01/09/2013 No. 07 -02-18/01).

The procedure for filling out individual balance lines

Now let's look at the procedure for filling out individual balance lines.

Section I. Non-current assets

Intangible assets. The residual value of intangible assets is reflected on line 1110. Clause 3 of PBU 14/2007 “Accounting for intangible assets”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 27, 2007 No. 153n, allows you to find out what belongs to this group. Thus, in order to accept an object for accounting as an intangible asset, it is necessary that the following conditions be simultaneously met:
  • the object is capable of generating economic benefits in the future, and the organization has the right to receive them;
  • the object can be separated or separated (identified) from other assets;
  • the object is intended for use for a long time, that is, its useful life exceeds 12 months;
  • it is possible to reliably determine the actual (initial) cost of the object;
  • the object lacks a material form.
For example, if the specified conditions are met, intangible assets include works of science, literature and art, programs for electronic computers, inventions, utility models, selection achievements, production secrets (know-how), trademarks and service marks. Intangible assets also take into account business reputation arising in connection with the purchase of an enterprise as a property complex (in whole or part thereof).

Intangible assets do not include expenses associated with the formation of a legal entity (organizational expenses), intellectual and business qualities of the organization’s personnel, their qualifications and ability to work (clause 4 of PBU 14/2007).

Results of research and development. Research and development expenses recorded on account 04 “Intangible assets” are reflected on line 1120.

Intangible and tangible search assets. These two indicators are given in lines numbered 1130 and 1140. They are intended for organizations - users of subsoil to reflect information on development costs natural resources(PBU 24/2011 “Accounting for costs for the development of natural resources”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 6, 2011 No. 125n).

Fixed assets. For depreciable objects, the residual value of fixed assets is recorded in line 1150. If we are talking about non-depreciable property, then indicate it in the line initial cost. Assets classified as fixed assets must comply with the conditions of clause 4 of PBU 6/01 “Accounting for fixed assets”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 30, 2001 No. 26n.

Objects must be owned by the organization or have the right of operational management or economic management. It is also allowed to include property received under a leasing agreement as fixed assets if it is taken into account on the balance sheet of the lessee.

Objects subject to mandatory state registration of property rights are considered fixed assets from the moment they are registered, that is, like all other objects. The fact that documents are submitted to the appropriate authority does not matter.

In Sect. Form I of the balance sheet does not have the line “Construction in progress”.

The question arises: Which balance sheet item should be used to record expenses for the construction of real estate?

Answer: on line 1150 “Fixed assets”. This is stated in paragraph 20 of PBU 4/99, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 6, 1999 No. 43n. It’s best to add the decoding line “Unfinished construction” to line 1150, according to which you can record the named expenses.

Profitable investments in material assets. Data on profitable investments in material assets corresponds to line indicator 1160. This is the residual value of property intended for rent (leasing) and accounted for on account 03. If the property was first used for production and management needs, but was later leased out, it must be reflected in a separate subaccount of account 01 as part of fixed assets. This is due to the fact that the transfer of the value of fixed assets into profitable investments and back is not provided for in accounting (Letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated May 19, 2005 No. GV-6-21/418@).

Financial investments. For long-term financial investments, that is, with a circulation period of more than a year, line 1170 is allocated (for short-term ones - line 1240 of section II “Current assets”). Investments in subsidiaries, affiliates and other companies are also shown here. Financial investments are taken into account in the amount spent on their acquisition.

The cost of own shares purchased from shareholders for resale or cancellation, and interest-free loans issued to employees are not considered financial investments (clause 3 of PBU 19/02 “Accounting for financial investments”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 10, 2002 No. 126n). For the first indicator, line 1320 is provided. The second indicator is reflected as part of accounts receivable, namely, long-term loans are shown on line 1190, short-term loans - on line 1230.

Deferred tax assets. Line 1180 “Deferred tax assets” is filled in by income tax payers. Since “simplified people” are not included in their number, it must be marked with a dash.

Other noncurrent assets. Here (line 1190) shows data on non-current assets that are not reflected in other lines of section. I balance sheet.

Section II. Current assets

Inventories. The cost of inventories is reflected on line 1210. Previously, this indicator had to be deciphered. In the current form, decryption is not required. However, it is needed if the indicators included in line 1210 are significant. In this case, you should add decryption lines, for example:
  • raw materials and materials;
  • costs in work in progress;
  • finished products and goods for resale;
  • goods shipped, etc.
“Simplers” can fill out this line with code 1220 if, according to the organization’s accounting policy, the amounts of “input” VAT are reflected in account 19 “Value added tax on acquired assets.”

Accounts receivable. This line 1230 is intended for short-term receivables, that is, repayment expected within 12 months after the reporting date.

Financial investments (excluding cash equivalents). For these assets, line 1240 is provided, which, in particular, shows loans provided by the organization for a period of less than 12 months.

If you define the current market value financial investments, use all sources of information available to you, including data from foreign organized markets or trade organizers. Such recommendations are contained in the Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated January 29, 2009 02/07/18/01. If at the reporting date you cannot determine the market value of a previously assessed object, reflect it at the cost of the last assessment.

Cash and cash equivalents. To fill out the line, you need to sum up the cost of cash equivalents (the balance of the corresponding subaccounts of account 58) and the balances of cash accounts (50 “Cash”, 51 “Cash accounts”, 52 “Currency accounts”, 55 “Special accounts in banks” and 57 “Transfers” on my way").

The concept of cash equivalents, we recall, is contained in the Accounting Regulations “Cash Flow Statement” (PBU 23/2011), approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 02.02.2011 No. 11n. Cash equivalents may include, for example, demand deposits opened with credit institutions.

Other current assets. Here (line 1260) shows data on current assets that are not reflected in other lines of section. II balance.

Section III. Capital and reserves

Authorized capital (share capital, authorized capital, contributions of partners).
Line 1310 of the balance sheet reflects the amount of the company's authorized capital. It must coincide with the amount of the authorized capital, which is recorded in the constituent documents of the company.

Own shares purchased from shareholders. We have already said that if an organization purchased its own shares (shares of founders) in the authorized capital not for sale, then their value is entered in line 1320. Such shares are supposed to be canceled, which automatically leads to a decrease in the authorized capital, therefore the indicator in this line is given as a negative value in brackets. But if own shares are repurchased and resold, they are already considered an asset and their value must be entered in line 1260 “Other current assets.”

Revaluation of non-current assets. This line is assigned the number 1340 (there is no indicator for line number 1330). It shows the additional valuation of fixed assets and intangible assets, which is taken into account in account 83 “Additional capital”.

Additional capital (without revaluation). The amounts of additional capital are reflected on line 1350. Note that the indicator for this line is taken without taking into account the amounts of revaluation, which should be reflected in the line above.

Reserve capital. The balance of the reserve fund is indicated on line 1360. This reflects both reserves formed as required by law and reserves created in accordance with the constituent documents. Decoding is required only if the indicators are significant.

Retained earnings (uncovered loss). Retained earnings accumulated for all years, including the reporting one, are shown in line 1370. It also reflects the uncovered loss (only this amount is enclosed in brackets).

The components of the indicator (profit (loss) for the reporting year and (or) for previous periods) can be written down in additional lines, that is, a breakdown can be made based on the received financial results(profit/loss), as well as for all years of the company’s activity.

Section IV. long term duties

Borrowed funds. Line 1410 is reserved for the debt of the organization itself on long-term (with a repayment period of more than 12 months as of December 31, 2015) loans and credits.

Deferred tax liabilities. Line 1420 is filled in by income tax payers. “Simplers” are not included in their number, so they put a dash in this line.

Estimated liabilities. The specified line 1430 is filled in if the organization recognizes estimated liabilities in accounting in accordance with the Accounting Regulations “Estimated Liabilities, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets” (PBU 8/2010), approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 13, 2010 No. 167n. Let us remind you that small businesses, which are the majority of “simplified” ones, may not apply this PBU.

Other obligations. Here (line 1450) other long-term liabilities are shown that are not reflected in other lines of section. IV balance. Please note that Order No. 66n does not provide an indicator for line 1440.

Section V. Current liabilities

Borrowed funds. Line 1510 indicates debt on short-term loans and borrowings taken out for a period of no more than 12 months. In this case, the amount should be reflected taking into account interest due at the end of the reporting period.

Accounts payable. The total amount of accounts payable is recorded in line 1520. And this should only be short-term debt.

Please note that there is no separate line for debt to participants (founders) for payment of income. The amount of such debt should be included here and deciphered on a separate line, since this indicator is always significant.

Revenue of the future periods. Line 1530 is filled in when the accounting provisions provide for the recognition of this accounting object. For example, if your organization receives budget funds or targeted funding. Such funds are precisely subject to accounting as part of deferred income in accounts 98 “Deferred Income” and 86 “Targeted Financing” (clauses 9 and 20 of the Accounting Regulations “Accounting for State Aid” (PBU 13/2000), approved Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 16, 2000 No. 92n).

Estimated liabilities. The explanations that we gave for line 1430 apply here: line 1540 is filled out if the company recognizes estimated liabilities in its accounting. Only line 1430 reflects long-term liabilities, and line 1540 - short-term liabilities.

Other obligations. Line 1550 shows other short-term liabilities that are not reflected in other lines of section. V balance.

So, we have looked at the balance sheet items.

Now we offer a scheme, which will help determine its indicators (we denote the debit and credit balances of the accounting accounts as Dt and Kt, respectively).

  • Section I “Non-current assets”
Line 1110 “Intangible assets”= Dt 04 (without R&D expenses) - Kt 05.
Line 1120 “Results of research and development”= Dt 04 (analytical account for accounting for R&D expenses).
Line 1130 “Intangible exploration assets”= Dt 08 (analytical account of expenses for intangible search costs).
Line 1140 “Tangible Exploration Assets”= Dt 08 (analytical account of expenses for material search costs).
Line 1150 “Fixed assets”= Dt 01 - Kt 02 + Dt 08 (analytical account of expenses for construction in progress).
Line 1160 “Profitable investments in material assets”= Dt 03 - Kt 02 (analytical account for accounting for depreciation of property related to income-generating investments).
Line 1170 “Financial investments”= Dt 58 + Dt 55, sub-account “Deposit accounts”, + Dt 73, sub-account “Settlements for loans provided” (analytical accounts for long-term financial investments), - Kt 59 (analytical account for accounting for reserves for long-term financial investments).
Line 1180 “Deferred tax assets”= Dt 09.
Line 1190 “Other non-current assets”= value of non-current assets not taken into account in other indicators Sec. I balance sheet.
Line 1100 “Total for Section I”= sum of line indicators 1110 - 1190.
  • Section II "Current assets"
Line 1210 “Inventories”= sum of debit balances of accounts 10, 11, 43, 45, 20, 21, 23, 28, 29, 44 + Dt 41 - Kt 42 + Dt 15 + Dt 16 (or Dt 15 - Kt 16) - Kt 14 + Dt 97 (analytical expense account with a write-off period of less than 12 months).
Line 1220 “VAT on purchased assets”= Dt 19.
Line 1230 “Accounts receivable”= Dt 62 + Dt 60 + Dt 68 + Dt 69 + Dt 70 + Dt 71 + Dt 73 (except interest-bearing loans) + Dt 75 + Dt 76 - Kt 63.
Line 1240 “Financial investments (except for cash equivalents)”= Dt 58 + Dt 55, sub-account “Deposit accounts”, + Dt 73, sub-account “Settlements for loans provided” (analytical accounts for short-term financial investments), - Kt 59 (analytical account for accounting for reserves for short-term financial investments).
Line 1250 “Cash and cash equivalents”= Dt 50 + Dt 51 + + Dt 52 + Dt 55 + Dt 57 - Dt 55, subaccount “Deposit accounts” (analytical accounts for accounting for financial investments).
Line 1260 “Other current assets”= value of current assets not included in other indicators in section. II balance sheet.
Line 1200 “Total for Section II”= sum of line indicators 1210 - 1260.
Line 1600 “Balance”= line indicator 1100 + line indicator 1200.
  • Section III "Capital and reserves"
Line 1310 “Authorized capital (share capital, authorized capital, contributions of partners)”= Kt 80.
Line 1320 “Own shares purchased from shareholders”= Dt 81. Enclose the indicator in brackets.
Line 1340 “Revaluation of non-current assets”= Kt 83 (analytical account for accounting for amounts of additional valuation of fixed assets and intangible assets).
Line 1350 “Additional capital (without revaluation)”= Kt 83 (except for amounts of additional valuation of fixed assets and intangible assets).
Line 1360 “Reserve capital”= Kt 82.
Line 1370 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)”= Kt 84 (Dt 84). If there is a debit balance, the indicator is negative (that is, there is a loss), enclose it in brackets.
Line 1300 “Total for Section III”= sum of indicators of lines 1310 - 1370. If the result is negative (if there are negative indicators for lines 1320 and 1370), show it in parentheses.
  • Section IV “Long-term liabilities”
Line 1410 “Borrowed funds”= Kt 67. In this case, accrued interest, the maturity of which as of the reporting date is less than 12 months, should be excluded and reflected on line 1510 (preferably with a breakdown).
Line 1420 “Deferred tax liabilities”= Kt 77.
Line 1430 “Estimated liabilities”= Kt 96 (only estimated liabilities with a maturity period of more than 12 months after the reporting date).
Line 1450 “Other obligations”= long-term debt that is not included in other indicators in section. IV balance sheet.
Line 1400 “Total for Section IV”= sum of the indicators of the above lines 1410 - 1450.
  • Section V “Short-term liabilities”
Line 1510 “Borrowed funds”= Kt 66 + Kt 67 (in terms of accrued interest, the repayment period of which as of the reporting date is not more than 12 months).
Line 1520 “Accounts payable”= Kt 60 + Kt 62 + Kt 76 + Kt 68 + Kt 69 + Kt 70 + Kt 71 + Kt 73 + Kt 75. In this case, take into account only short-term debt.
Line 1530 “Deferred income”= Kt 98 + Kt 86 in terms of targeted budget financing, grants, technical assistance, etc.
Line 1540 “Estimated liabilities”= Kt 96 (only estimated liabilities with a maturity date of no more than 12 months after the reporting date).
Line 1550 “Other obligations”= amounts of debt on short-term obligations not taken into account when determining other indicators Sec. V balance.
Line 1500 “Total for Section V”= sum of line indicators 1510 - 1550.
Line 1700 “Balance”= row indicators 1300 + 1400 + 1500.

If all business transactions are reflected correctly and correctly transferred to the balance sheet, the indicators of lines 1600 and 1700 will coincide. If this equality is not observed, an error has been made somewhere. Then you need to check, recalculate and adjust the entered data.

Example. Filling out the balance sheet

The LLC, registered in 2016, applies a simplified taxation system.

Balances (Kt - credit, Dt - debit) in the accounting accounts of the LLC as of December 31, 2016

BalanceAmount, rub.BalanceAmount, rub.
Dt 01600 000 Dt 58150 000
Kt 02200 000 Kt 60150 000
Dt 04100 000 Kt 62 (sub-account "Advances")505 620
Kt 0550 000
Dt 1010 000 Kt 69100 000
Dt 1910 000 Kt 70150 000
Dt 4390 000 Kt 8050 000
Dt 5015 000 Kt 8210 000
Dt 51250 000 Kt 84150 000

Based on the available data, the accountant compiled a balance sheet for 2016 in a general form:
ExplanationsIndicator nameCodeAs of December 31, 2016As of December 31, 2015As of December 31, 2014
- Intangible assets1110 50 - -
- Research and development results1120 - - -
- Intangible search assets1130 - - -
- Material prospecting assets1140 - - -
- Fixed assets1150 400 - -
- Profitable investments in material assets1160 - - -
- Financial investments1170 150 - -
- Deferred tax assets1180 - - -
- Other noncurrent assets1190 - - -
- Total for Section I1100 600 - -
- Reserves1210 107 - -
- Value added tax on purchased assets1220 10 - -
- Accounts receivable1230 - - -
- Financial investments (excluding cash equivalents)1240 - - -
- Cash and cash equivalents1250 265 - -
- Other current assets1260 - - -
- Total for Section II1200 375 - -
- BALANCE1600 975 - -
ExplanationsIndicator nameCodeAs of December 31, 2016As of December 31, 2015As of December 31, 2014
- Authorized capital (share capital, authorized capital, contributions of partners)1310 50 - -
- Own shares purchased from shareholders1320 (-) (-) (-)
- Revaluation of non-current assets1340 - - -
- Additional capital (without revaluation)1350 - - -
- Reserve capital1360 10 - -
- Retained earnings (uncovered loss)1370 150 - -
- Total for Section III1300 210 - -
- Borrowed funds1410 - - -
- Deferred tax liabilities1420 - - -
- Estimated liabilities1430 - - -
- Other obligations1450 - - -
- Total for Section IV1400 - - -
- Borrowed funds1510 - - -
- Accounts payable1520 765 - -
- revenue of the future periods1530 - - -
- Estimated liabilities1540 - - -
- Other obligations1550 - - -
- Total for Section V1500 765 - -
- BALANCE1700 975 - -

Column 4 is the only one that requires filling out by the newly created organization. This column reflects data as of December 31 of the reporting year, that is, 2016.

Column 3 is also added to indicate line codes.

Index lines 1110 The accountant defined “intangible assets” as follows: the credit balance of account 05 is subtracted from the debit balance of account 04.

In total we get 50,000 rubles. (100,000 rubles - 50,000 rubles). All values ​​on the balance sheet are in whole thousands, so line 1110 shows 50.

The indicator of line 1150 “Fixed assets” is defined as follows: debit balance of account 01 - credit balance of account 02. Result—400,000 rubles. (600,000 rub. - 200,000 rub.). 400 is recorded in the balance sheet.

IN line 1170“Financial investments” the debit balance of the account is entered 58 - 150 thousand rubles. (that is, it is considered that all investments are long-term).

Total for summary line 1100: 827 thousand rubles. (97 thousand rubles (line 1110) + 580 thousand rubles (line 1150) + 150 thousand rubles (line 1170)).

Now it’s the turn of current assets. The value of line 1210 “Inventories” is defined as follows: debit balance of account 10 + debit balance of account 43. The result is 100 thousand rubles. (10 thousand rubles + 90 thousand rubles).

The indicator in line 1220 “Value added tax on acquired assets” is equal to the debit balance of account 19, therefore the accountant added 10 thousand rubles to the balance sheet.

Index lines 1250“Cash and cash equivalents” was found by adding the debit balance of account 50 and the debit balance of account 51. The result is 265 thousand rubles. (15 thousand rubles + 250 thousand rubles). The line contains 265.

Summary result line 1200: 378 thousand rubles. (107 thousand rubles (line 1210) + 6 thousand rubles (line 1220) + 265 thousand rubles (line 1250)).

According to the final line 1600 the sum of the indicators of lines 1100 and 1200 is shown. That is, 1205 thousand rubles. (827 thousand rubles + 378 thousand rubles).

The remaining lines of column 4 are filled with dashes.

Let's move on to the balance sheet liability. Indicator for line 1310“Authorized capital (share capital, authorized capital, contributions of partners)” is equal to the credit balance of account 80, that is, the balance sheet costs 50 thousand rubles.

Line 1360“Reserve capital” is the credit balance of account 82. In our case, it is 10 thousand rubles.

IN line 1370“Retained earnings (uncovered loss)” shows the balance of account 84. It is a credit balance. This means that the organization has a profit at the end of the year. Its value is 150 thousand rubles. There is no need to put the indicator in brackets.

The summary line indicator 1300 is equal to 210 thousand rubles. (50 thousand rubles (line 1310) + 10 thousand rubles (line 1360) + 150 thousand rubles (line 1370)).

Indicator for lines 1520“Accounts payable” (the accountant considered that all debt is short-term) is defined as follows: credit balance of account 60 + credit balance of account 62 + credit balance of account 69 + credit balance of account 70. The result is 765 thousand rubles. (150 thousand rubles + 500 thousand rubles + 100 thousand rubles + 15 thousand rubles).

IN line 1500 The accountant transferred the value from line 1520, since the other lines of section. V balance sheets were not filled out.

Final indicator lines 1700 equal to the sum lines 1300 and 1500. The resulting value is 975 thousand rubles. (210 thousand rubles + 765 thousand rubles).

The remaining liability lines are crossed out due to the lack of relevant data.

The indicators for the total lines 1600 and 1700 are equal. In both lines the value is 975 thousand rubles.