Yuri's blog is pronko. Yuri Pronko: Why I decided to break with the liberal opposition Yuri Pronko VKontakte

    For me, Great Victory Day is the time when a lump rolls up in my throat unnoticeably, and my eyes “spontaneously” fill with tears.

    The head of the Federal Property Management Agency has a dacha in Finland, the first deputy prime minister has castles in Austria and luxury apartments in London... Real estate, accounts, offshore companies, children, grandchildren... The current Russian elite has everything “over there”, everything over the hill!

    In Russia they love the “state” very much. It is believed that this institute is a lifesaver from any problems and adversities. Freebies and envy are the most terrible subconscious stereotypes, rooted since the Soviet era, that allow Russians to survive.

    Most, in my humble opinion (no offense), don’t care about what and how it is in the state, economics, and politics. The state guarantees a “bowl of gruel,” but we don’t expect anything more. Paternalism is a terrible force, but when it acquires a universal character, as in Russia, then it is a direct road to the abyss, to the abyss of no return.

    The citizens are partly right. The state has taught us to keep a low profile for a century, why are we scared to change now? Let's become proactive, responsible, and judicious.

    How quickly they pass laws that establish new taxes for Russian citizens! Excise taxes on gasoline will increase from April 1. The State Duma adopted the corresponding law today in three readings at once. According to the new law, taxes on gasoline will increase by 2 rubles per liter, on diesel fuel - by 1 ruble per liter.

    I’m reading the analytics of one respected institute that studies the economy of the Russian Federation and... I’m choking with laughter!

    Quote: “Annual price growth dropped to 9.8%, mainly due to the greatly reduced contribution of changes in food prices, especially for potatoes and fruits and vegetables, which a year ago were about as expensive as they have been recently.”

    We talked about journalistic work in Russia, the peculiarities of political talk shows, etc.

    I will give one, but important fragment:

    Why do you pay little attention to geopolitical topics in your programs?

    Despite the serious drop in global oil prices last year (an ongoing correction), of the major oil-producing countries, only Venezuela and Russia showed sharply negative results!

    Venezuela's GDP fell by 10% (IMF), and Russia's by 3.7% (Rosstat).

    Everyone else has grown up!

    Gentlemen, there are no liberals in the Russian government! There are people who self-proclaimed themselves “liberals”, but in essence their decisions have never been such. Enough of these scams on the part of their “colleagues”, full-time “patriots”.

    So, A. Dvorkovich said that gasoline prices will increase only by 10% this year. Only inflation will “sit” in rising prices, the Deputy Prime Minister emphasized.

    Okay, but I would like to remind the “celestials” that it is time to remember and fulfill their own promises - to cancel the transport tax or cancel the excise tax on the price of fuel. Nowhere else is there such a “social” approach to its citizens! Usually either a tax or an excise tax. But the Russian bureaucracy has long considered the country's citizens a silent "biomass" who will pay for their every whim.

Pronko Yuri- presenter of the Realnoe Vremya program on the Tsargrad TV channel.

Laureate of the All-Russian Business Journalism Competition of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs in the category “Journalist of the Year” (2011), holder of an honorary diploma from the Association of Russian Banks for achievements in the field of financial journalism (2011).

Let me make a reservation right away that I am not against the rich and successful, but I am categorically against those who have turned our country into an “experimental testing ground” where they pump out raw material wealth, sell them overseas, and in return buy “slippers and beads” for the local aborigines.

ABOUT obviously, the Russian “elite” (without quotation marks these people cannot be called such a high epithet) has rotted. She left the country, remaining in it. It is difficult to understand why those who have succeeded in domestic business are so hostile to the place where this success became possible.

You can say that any person has the right to choose the point of application (in this case, the place of residence) where he and his family feel comfortable and convenient. Everything is true, but not so, because we are talking about people who control more than 2/3 of the domestic economy and “fatten” in front of those who eke out a miserable existence. In this category of “spectators” there are at least 20 million people living on incomes below the subsistence level.

The showdown around Norilsk Nickel, when the oligarchs who received a unique asset as a result of the “scam” of the century - the so-called. Loans-for-shares auctions, which then take them offshore, are a striking example of how those who claim to be the Russian elite are outrageous. Or maybe they don’t apply anymore? The same Mr. Deripaska bought himself Cypriot citizenship for “convenience of doing business.”

Apparently, they are no longer ours, they are already “their boys” for the West. There are their accounts, real estate and wealth, and here is the industrial zone and its inhabitants, who allow them to lead a comfortable existence and participate in oligarchic wars. They have long since moved their legal disputes, some to London, some to Stockholm, “forgetting” about the Russian legal system.

I already wrote that

The Russian elite has become a laughing stock for the West. Her behavior causes bewilderment even among our geopolitical opponents: they do not observe such corruption among their own, those who are considered the “master of life” there.

Here are a few examples that confirm this thesis. Hundreds of wealthy Russian citizens, including Boris Mints (O1 Properties), Arkady Volozh (Yandex), Pavel Grachev (Polyus), etc. each paid at least €900 thousand and received Maltese citizenship.

Further - more: in a new report on the distribution of wealth in the world, the World Wealth Report, by the consulting company Knight Frank, it is noted that Russian multimillionaire citizens are among the leaders among the world's super-rich in terms of having a second citizenship.

58% of the rich and wealthy from Russia already have a second passport (dual citizenship), 45% are considering moving from Russia to another country for permanent residence.

At the same time, more than 70% of Russian large-scale industry belongs to foreign offshore companies. This fact has a direct correlation with another indicator - the annual increase in millionaires in Russia. The World Wealth Report shows that

the number of our compatriots with a capital of more than $50 million was 2,620 people. They own $1.2 trillion, which is 73.5% of the country’s GDP in 2017.

It turns out that almost the entire domestic economy is managed “from over the hill”, while its wealth is controlled by a narrow group of influential and wealthy who live there and work here. They control more than 2/3 of the national wealth, but are not the national Russian elite. The elite is not in patriotic praise, but in real deeds and investments.

The current federal government considers this fact normal. How else can one explain the decision of the “Shuvalov Commission” that it is impossible to carry out forced deoffshorization, because it will lead to a systemic crisis in the Russian economy?! Shuvalov is right:

now existing system, which he and his brothers (Kudrins, Dvorkovichs, Grefs, etc.) implemented in Russia, will literally collapse. The system, which is designed only for pumping money out of Russia, but not for its breakthrough industrial growth, will collapse.

These gentlemen don’t care about the development of the economy, the impoverishment of the country’s population, what is important for them is to get cash here and send the “earned” billions there.

How long can this situation continue, when the “elite” openly despises Russia, but, receiving foreign citizenship, does not forget about its assets in the hated country? How can I explain from the side of the “successful and accomplished” in the 90s, and it is this factor that I explain their actual betrayal of the Motherland, the sectarian worship of the so-called. Western values ​​and showcases?

The answer is obvious - to send these figures to the mother of history in March 2018, when each of us will come to our polling station and support the national sovereignty and national interests of Russia through personal voting.

The time has come for the nationalization of the elite: if you don’t want to be with Russia, work for its benefit, get over the hill, the borders are open.

If you stay in your country, if you want to join the cohort of successful and rich people working for the good of the Fatherland, no problem. Earn honestly, invest in business development in your own country. It is precisely for this group - the real, not the ephemeral elite - that the most comfortable (“greenhouse”) conditions should be created. Conditions for the prosperity of Russia and its people.

I think many of you have noticed two events that, it seems to me, will have (and already have!) far-reaching consequences. The first news: Alfa Bank openly announced its accession to anti-Russian sanctions, announcing that it would no longer lend to enterprises of the military-industrial complex. Second news: more than 700 famous Russian citizens also received Maltese citizenship, just in case. They exchanged the money they earned “by the sweat of their brow” in Russia for island citizenship. In total, about 700 million euros were withdrawn from our country only through the “Malta Citizenship by Investment” program.

The behavior of Fridman and Co. does not surprise me personally, because this successful and accomplished businessman was initially not a Russian resident, but an Israeli citizen. All his activities are aimed at one thing - pumping out financial resources from Russia with further investment in Western assets. Read Friedman’s latest interview with Forbes magazine, where he frankly says: “Our projects in the West are completely new life". The man does not hide his position, he publicly declares that there (in the West, specifically in London) there is life, and here (in Russia) there is a testing ground for pumping and withdrawing money.

Alpha’s statement about joining anti-Russian sanctions - how else can one interpret the refusal of very, I emphasize, very profitable ones (the state is the guarantor for these contracts, i.e. the banker will most likely get his money back, even if the products are not manufactured ) credit transactions with defense industry enterprises - this is an actual loyal kneeling before the West and its intelligence services, which are very well aware of the accounts, assets and other interests of the so-called. Russian elite. Friedman decided to receive indulgence from Western “legal” pressure (there is no doubt that it is being implemented), forgetting about the main thing: not there, but here, in Russia, he is replenishing his financial “barns.” Yes, he has been withdrawing money from the country where he was born for a long time, but each of us is aware that without constant financial support, the wallet becomes empty.

Friedman and Co. are already there, not here! The billions of dollars that they “earned” in Russia are already outside its borders. This successful businessman shining example when the Western showcase becomes more expensive than the homeland. Although is Russia a homeland for such people? The question is not rhetorical.

Many were shocked by Alfa’s statement regarding the domestic defense industry, but why aren’t you surprised by the behavior of the top management of the largest state-owned bank in Russia, Sberbank? Gref openly, like Friedman, joined the anti-Russian sanctions of the West, refusing to open branches of the state-owned (!) Sberbank in Crimea and Sevastopol. This position surprises even Western politicians. Remember the words of the head of the IMF (Rothschild Fund), Mrs. Lagarde, who, in a fit of revelation, said: “If your largest state bank does not recognize that Crimea is Russia, then why do you demand this from us?”

The Russian elite has rotted to the core. So the second news, discussed everywhere, became a clear confirmation of my thesis. Hundreds of wealthy Russian citizens, including Boris Mints (O1 Properties), Arkady Volozh (Yandex), Pavel Grachev (Polyus), etc. each paid at least €900 thousand and received Maltese citizenship.

The publication turned out to be scandalous, and some of the people on the list rushed to say that they needed a Maltese passport for the convenience of traveling around the world. They didn't buy it for anything else. Here, as in the case of Fridman and Co. (by the way, among those who have island citizenship is Alexey Mareya, who until November 2017 held the post of chief managing director and deputy chairman of the board of Alfa Bank), the principle is the same: on In the West - life, in Russia - “work by the sweat of your brow” and transferring money to European “safe havens”.

I have already said that the Russian elite has become a laughing stock for the West. Her behavior causes bewilderment even among our geopolitical opponents: they do not observe such corruption among those who consider themselves the “masters of life” among them.

I've been wondering lately: why the Russian so-called. Does the elite despise Russia so much? The answer was given to me by one of my interlocutors, Vasily Moskovets, the leader of the Chelyabinsk StopGOK movement, who at the end of last year received a personal call from the president and expressed his support to social activists advocating environmental safety in his city. Moskovets compared his native Chelyabinsk, neighboring Yekaterinburg and Kazan, where he personally visited and saw how people live and what the local authorities are doing. Kazan won by a large margin. To my question why the capital of Tatarstan became a leader, Vasily answered the following:

Yuri, you understand, the elite of Tatarstan connects its future fate with its region. They were born there, studied there, began to work, rose to the pinnacle of power, but remained their own. They are not going to leave anywhere, they are not withdrawing money from the republic, they are interested in one thing - to leave a prosperous republic for their descendants. What do we have in Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburg? Who really owns enterprises, plants, factories? Offshore! Where is our former governor Yurevich? In London! Here is your answer why Kazan has bypassed the largest industrial centers of Russia.

My interlocutor is right! More than 70% of Russian large-scale industry belongs to foreign offshore companies. Consider that almost the entire domestic economy is managed “from over the hill.” And in the current federal government this fact is considered normal. How else can one explain the decision of the “Shuvalov Commission” that it is impossible to carry out forced deoffshorization, because it will lead to a systemic crisis in the Russian economy?! Shuvalov is right: the system that he and his brothers (Kudrins, Dvorkovichs, Grefs, etc.) implemented in Russia will literally collapse. The system, which is designed only to pump money out of Russia, will crumble. They don’t care about the development of the economy, the impoverishment of the country’s population, what is important for them is to receive cash here and send it there.

How long can this situation continue, when the “elite” openly despises Russia, but, receiving foreign citizenship, does not forget about its assets in the hated country? How can I explain from the side of the “successful and established” in the 90s, and it is this factor that I explain their actual betrayal of the Motherland, the sectarian worship of the so-called. Western values ​​and showcases? The answer is obvious: we will be able to send these figures to the mother of history in March 2018, when each of us will come to our polling station and support the national sovereignty and national interests of Russia through personal voting.

It's time to live and work in Russia, for the sake of Russia, for the sake of the future of our country!