Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes. from self-raising pastry flour s.pudov recipe book

Pancakes are perhaps the simplest, almost primitive dish of Russian national cuisine. They are quite often confused with pancakes, which is completely wrong. Pancakes are small fried flatbreads made from batter. The dough for them can be kneaded with both water and milk. It also contains eggs and, of course, flour. Unlike the traditional pancake recipe, the pancakes are more fluffy and airy. This is achieved by adding a small pinch of soda to the dough, or by using yeast.

Pancakes made from pancake flour- not the most common recipe option. More often, ordinary flour is used to make pancakes, and the splendor of the dough is achieved with the help of soda or yeast. Pancake flour differs from regular flour in its composition. It contains some additives that greatly facilitate the process of preparing dough for pancakes or pancakes. At the same time, this flour is not suitable for preparing other dishes - casseroles or dishes based on meat or fish - since it interrupts the aroma of the main products and does not allow them to fry properly.

It doesn't take much time to make pancakes from pancake flour. Even a novice cook can cook them. Since this flour is a ready-made flour mixture, its composition includes ordinary premium baking flour, baking powder, salt, sugar, whey powder and dry egg powder. After its appearance on store shelves, this flour quickly gained popularity among consumers, as it helps save time on preparing the Russian national dish.

Pancakes made from pancake flour They are simple in their preparation. Simply add the required amount of warm milk to the flour mixture. The amount of milk depends on the amount of flour, but the resulting dough should be the right consistency - not too thick, but not too runny. In addition to milk, in order to cook delicious pancakes From pancake flour you will need eggs and granulated sugar. These ingredients are also added to the resulting dough and mixed.

The pancakes turn out small in size, rosy and moderately fluffy. They are served hot. As a pleasant addition to the pancakes, various fillings are served - sour cream, black or red caviar, baked pumpkin. Pancakes made from pancake flour can also be served as a sweet dessert. Then there must be a bowl of jam, condensed milk or canned fruit nearby - cherries, apricots, plums, pineapples or berries.

Pancakes made from pancake flour can be prepared not only according to the traditional Russian recipe. IN different countries There are dishes in the world that are very similar to Russian pancakes. They may be with with different fillings and different shapes, but their cooking principle is very similar to Russian.

Pancake flour is not very high in calories. Pancakes made on its basis cannot harm the figure, therefore they remain an accessible dish for everyone who is losing weight or simply watching their diet.

Every housewife in the countries of the former USSR knows at least one recipe for making delicious pancakes. Now such an interesting thing as pancake flour has appeared on supermarket shelves. It differs from the usual one in that it already contains everything necessary for a full test.

Therefore, there are absolutely no difficulties in how to bake pancakes from pancake flour. But even with the presence of such a miracle product, it cannot be denied that the dish will turn out tastier if you add natural dairy ingredients to it. Therefore, today I advise you to read about how to make pancakes from pancake flour.

Recipe for pancakes made from pancake flour on water

Kitchen utensils and equipment: plate; non-stick frying pan; mixer or whisk; shoulder blade; deep plates and bowls; sieve.


How to choose the right ingredients

  • The dough made from this special flour makes the work of housewives easier, since it already contains some ingredients. The manufacturer placed egg powder, milk powder, sugar, salt and some other ingredients in one package. But this does not limit you in any way, and you can add any ingredients to the dough at your discretion.
  • But before you cook pancakes from pancake flour, you need to know a few secrets that will help you prepare a very tasty dish.
  • If you add eggs to the dough, then only the freshest ingredients are used for cooking, and they need to be beaten separately from all the ingredients.
  • Also, when adding salt and sugar, dissolve them in water or milk before adding them to the dry ingredients. This way you can avoid sugar or salt crystals getting into the dough structure.
  • Don't put it into the dough granulated sugar. If there is a lot of it, it will caramelize and burn during the frying process.

Cooking sequence

Video recipe

Be sure to pay attention to the video, which shows how to prepare a very tasty and simple dish - pancakes using water. But according to the same recipe, you can make pancakes from pancake flour with milk.

How to serve and how to complement the dish

  • You can complement this dish in a variety of ways. You can prepare it with sweet or savory toppings. Eat pancakes as a snack with preserves, jams, sauces, condensed milk.
  • For example, a very tasty option are. I'm sure you've never tasted such a taste before. And salty ones—pancakes with ham and cheese—can become a chic breakfast and a hearty dinner for the whole family. You can also prepare hearty ones. Well, the younger inhabitants of your home will be delighted.
  • The options for preparing this dish are not as varied as the options for serving and complementing it. For example, you can use a simple recipe for kefir pancakes with pancake flour. Or make pancakes from pancake flour with milk. In any case, the cooking sequence will not change much. In these cases, you simply need to replace the water with your desired dairy product.
  • But to prepare thin pancakes from pancake flour, you must use milk or kefir in the recipe. If you add water, you shouldn’t expect a thin and delicate dish.

  • Be sure to sift the flour immediately before preparing pancakes. This is necessary not only to cleanse it of unwanted impurities and particles, but also to saturate it with oxygen and make it airy.
  • In order for you to get proper, tasty, thin and delicate pancakes, you must first mix all the liquid ingredients, and then pour them into the sifted flour in a thin stream. This way you can control the process of dough formation and prevent the appearance of a large number of lumps.
  • To make lacy pancakes easily and simply, you need to separate the egg whites from the yolks and beat them separately.
  • If you add vegetable oil or butter to the flour earlier than the other ingredients, the dough will be elastic and dense.
  • If a recipe calls for slaked soda, be sure to ensure that it is all dissolved and dissolved correctly. Otherwise, the pancakes will end up tasting like soda. Excessive amounts of vegetable oil in the dough will provide high fat content and calorie content.
  • Also, if you add more eggs than necessary, you will end up with an omelet rather than a pancake. Well, if there are no eggs or there are few of them, then the dish will tear.

Today I shared with you my little secrets and talked about how to bake pancakes from pancake flour. In fact, this simple recipe is so simple that even a novice cook can handle it. Therefore, share this recipe, cook for health and make your loved ones happy. Write your recipes in the comments, leave reviews, and be happy. Bon appetit!

In the section for the question: Can you tell me the recipe for pancakes made from pancake flour? given by the author Neurologist the best answer is pumpkin 1kg
pancake flour 3 cups
milk 2.5 cups
eggs 2 pcs.
sugar 1 tbsp. spoon

Bake the pumpkin in pieces.

They eat pancakes made from pancake flour with sour cream, jam, canned fruit, condensed milk or yogurt.

Answer from able-bodied[guru]
Pancakes made from pancake flour
You can quickly and easily make pancakes from pancake flour. A recipe with the addition of baked pumpkin pieces will make pancake pancakes even tastier and healthier.
pumpkin 1kg
pancake flour 3 cups
milk 2.5 cups
eggs 2 pcs.
sugar 1 tbsp. spoon
How to cook pancakes with pancake flour:
Bake the pumpkin in pieces.
Dilute pancake flour with warm milk until thick as sour cream, add pumpkin to the dough, add salt, add eggs beaten with sugar. After stirring, fry the pancakes.
They eat pancakes made from pancake flour with sour cream, jam, canned fruit, condensed milk or yogurt.

Answer from Metin Ciftci[guru]
Read the ingredients of pancake flour carefully! Usually there is already salt, sugar, egg powder and milk powder! So you shouldn’t add even more salt, if you like sweets - only half the sugar, it makes sense to reduce the number of eggs to two, replace part of the kefir with water and not add soda at all.
Read the composition! Very often they write that you only need to add water there. Well, still growing. oil - so as not to grease the pan.
Before kneading the dough, sift the flour: this will enrich it with oxygen and loosen it, resulting in fluffy and soft pancakes. When kneading the dough, do not pour flour into the liquid, but rather pour the liquid into the flour in a thin stream. With this kneading, fewer lumps will form, which will save time and reduce losses. Pancakes will be tastier and fluffier if you first add yolks, mashed with sugar, into the dough, and only then add whipped whites. When kneading the pancake dough, you need to beat it a little, keeping in mind that the better the dough is beaten, the tastier the pancakes. Vegetable (butter) oil must be poured into the dough at the end of kneading, otherwise the foaming ability will decrease and the dough will be dense. Salt and sugar can be added to the dough or aqueous solution, or when grinding the yolks, so that they are evenly distributed throughout the mass of the kneaded dough. To make baked pancakes sweeter, you need to add more sugar, but you need to remember that the color of the product will depend on the amount of sugar. If you add too much fat (butter, vegetable oil, ghee) to the dough, the pancakes will be dense and elastic. If the dough contains soda, then it can be extinguished as acetic acid, and citric acid dissolved in water, or you can add these components to the dough separately. If the dough is prepared with sour milk, then soda is diluted separately in water and added to the dough during kneading. Fry the pancakes on a very hot frying pan, which you have previously greased with vegetable oil. Turn the pancakes over only when bubbles appear on the surface and brown on the bottom side, and the pancakes should easily separate from the frying pan. Bake pancakes on one side for 30 seconds.

Let's get acquainted with a recipe for baking from store-bought pancake flour. We can say that this product greatly facilitates the process of preparing pancakes. After all, you no longer need to select the proportions of ingredients for the dough, just pour liquid to your taste into the bulk mixture. Pancakes made from pancake flour with milk are a simple and quick option for home baking. But you need to know about some nuances in working with such flour.

There is pancake flour on sale to which you don’t need to add anything at all - no additional ingredients. It already contains sugar, dry egg powder, salt, dry milk or cream, starch and, of course, baking soda with citric acid. For this option, you only need a little water and a few minutes to knead a homogeneous mass. And you will have ready-made pancake dough excellent quality. All that remains is to bake the pancakes in a frying pan. This option saves not only time for kneading, but also money.

We use Skyfood “Pyshechka” pancake flour, which contains: premium wheat flour, sugar, salt, baking powder, egg powder and citric acid. To quickly prepare pancakes from this flour, you can simply dilute the pancake flour with warm milk. For 500 grams of pancake mixture, approximately 700 ml of milk will be needed to prepare thin pancakes and 600 ml to prepare thicker pancakes. But I still find these pancakes a little bland, so I add an egg and a little sugar.

Taste Info Pancakes


  • Pancake flour – 600 g;
  • Milk – 750 ml;
  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • Vegetable oil – 1-2 tsp;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. l.

How to make pancakes from pancake flour with milk

Take a bowl to mix the ingredients.

Break an egg into it. Add a little sugar, but keep in mind that there is sugar already in the mixture, so don't add too much.

Beat the mixture with a whisk, regular fork or blender. The last option will speed up the test preparation process.

You can also skip adding sugar altogether and skip straight to step two.

Pour in slightly warmed milk, you can heat it to a temperature of 36-38 degrees, so it will quickly “make friends” with flour.

If desired, instead of milk it is permissible to take liquid kefir, whey from the curd mass, mineral or ordinary boiled water.

Regarding the amount of milk. Very often the proportions of liquid to flour are written on pancake flour. Typically, less liquid is added to this flour than regular flour, since it contains other additives.

Mix the mixture with a whisk. If you are using a blender or mixer, turn on the first speed, otherwise the mixture will splash in all directions.

Sift all the flour and pour into the liquid part in portions.

Mix well. The mixture should be homogeneous, without lumps of unmixed flour. Now, if you wish, you can add a little vegetable oil to the dough, just a couple of spoons. But this is optional.

If you feel that the pancake flour batter is thick, you can add more milk. But don’t rush to do this, first bake one pancake, and then add flour if necessary.

Now get to the frying pan. Heat it over moderate heat. Grease with vegetable oil. If desired, you can lubricate with any fat. Even a piece of salty lard or butter. Pour some of the runny batter onto the hot surface. Distribute it evenly using a circular motion of the pan or a special wooden stick.

When the bottom side is golden, turn the pancake over to the other side. On average, one pancake takes about 2-3 minutes. And when the frying pan warms up well, the time will decrease to 1 minute. For the second and subsequent pancakes, you no longer need to grease the pan; they won’t burn anyway.

This way, bake all the pancakes. The amount of flour used will determine how thick the products will be. In this case, they are thin. If you use more flour and prepare a thick dough, the pancakes will come out thick.

Tips for the hostess

  • The same recipe is suitable for making pancakes or pancakes with seasoning.
  • For sweet pancakes, you don't need to have sugar or honey in your pantry. A little fruit preserves or jam will make the pancake dough sweeter and more flavorful. And the baked goods themselves will be more original and more interesting in taste.
  • In addition to pancakes, pancake flour can be used to make batter for meat, vegetables or fish.

Pancake flour is regular wheat or other flour with various additives. As the name implies, it is used to prepare pancakes, as well as pancakes and other products made from batter in oil. Before making pancakes from pancake flour, you need to understand all the features of this product.

So, pancake flour is made in such a way that it only requires the addition of a liquid base to obtain ready dough. It can be milk, water, whey or kefir. Pancake flour usually already contains egg powder, salt, sugar and baking powder. Moreover, all these components are included in certain proportions, so you only need to add the portion of liquid indicated on the package to get a high-quality balanced pancake dough. The recipe for pancakes with pancake flour is the simplest, since you just need to pour in the liquid, knead the dough and bake the pancakes.

Undoubtedly, pancakes made with milk turn out more juicy, since they not only have an appetizing golden brown crust, but also a rich milky taste. To prepare you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 cup special pancake flour;
  • 220 milliliters of milk;
  • one egg;
  • a little salt if desired;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar (you don’t have to add it, especially if you plan to stuff the pancakes with unsweetened filling).

Preparing these pancakes using pancake flour is also the easiest. Depending on the amount of flour you add, they can be thin, or you can make them fluffier by adding more flour.

So, we make pancakes from pancake flour with milk as follows:

  1. In a large bowl, mix one egg, at the end of beating, add salt, sugar and dilute with slightly warmed milk (its temperature should not exceed 40 degrees).
  2. Pancake flour, like any other flour, must be sifted before adding to the dough. Thus, sift the flour and add it in parts into the resulting dough. Mix until smooth; you can use a mixer for this purpose.
  3. The dough should not be too dense, but not too runny. Cover it with film and let it rest for about 20 minutes.
  4. Now grease the frying pan with fat, for example refined vegetable oil, and heat for several minutes over low heat. Bake the pancakes for two minutes or less depending on the thickness on each side.

The dough must be stirred periodically during frying so that it becomes a uniform consistency. Pancakes are served with any fillings you wish; in structure, color and aroma they are no different from those prepared with regular white flour.

On the water

Water pancakes are the most budget-friendly option, because if you have special pancake flour, all you have to do is add water and, if desired, a few more ingredients to get pancakes of an acceptable taste. In addition, water pancakes are suitable for consumption during Lent, as long as you do not add eggs or other animal products to the dough.

Prepare the following products:

  • a full glass of pancake flour with a small slide;
  • 1–3 tablespoons sugar;
  • 2 glasses of regular or sparkling mineral water;
  • a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • a pinch of salt to taste;
  • To make the pancakes more fluffy, you can add half a teaspoon of soda.

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Sift the pancake flour into a large bowl in advance. Make a depression in the center and pour in clean boiled or carbonated water in a stream. mineral water, stir the mixture periodically. Your task is to knead the dough thoroughly so that not a single lump of flour remains.
  2. Now the soda, if you decide to add it, quench it with a few drops of vinegar and pour it into the mixture. Now add granulated sugar and a little salt and mix well again.
  3. At the end of the process, pour in refined sunflower or other oil and finally knead the liquid pancake dough, similar in consistency to low-fat sour cream.
  4. Next, we do everything as usual - oil the frying pan, heat it up, pour a small portion of dough into the center and distribute it over the frying surface. Fry on each side until golden. If you have a good frying pan, you do not need to use additional oil for greasing, since it is already included in the dough.

You can serve these pancakes after greasing them with soft butter, as well as with sour cream or honey.

On kefir

Kefir is a beneficial base for baking, including pancakes. Firstly, it gives the dough thickness, and secondly, a rich milky taste and characteristic sourness. Depending on the fat content of the kefir, you may need more or less flour. The fattest kefir makes the dough very thick, so it is recommended to dilute it with water or milk.

So, for pancakes made from pancake flour with kefir you will need the following ingredients:

  • one and a half tablespoons of sugar;
  • 50 grams of butter and a couple of tablespoons of odorless vegetable oil;
  • 200 grams of pancake flour;
  • 3/4 cup water;
  • 2 glasses of kefir;
  • 2–3 eggs;
  • If desired, you can add flavorings, for example, a bag of vanillin.

We prepare these pancakes as follows;

  1. Sift the flour immediately into a dry deep bowl. When all the flour has been sifted, collect it in a high mound and make a small depression at the very top.
  2. Break the eggs into this well and mix thoroughly with the flour.
  3. In a separate bowl, mix and beat kefir with sugar and slightly warmed water. Pour this liquid mixture into the egg-flour mixture in a thin stream.
  4. Beat the dough well with a mixer and leave it to sit for about 15 minutes.
  5. After this time, add vegetable oil and mix thoroughly again. Now you can start frying the pancakes.
  6. To do this, grease a frying pan with oil or lard, heat over medium heat and fry each pancake on both sides until lightly browned.

These pancakes are good on their own, but to make them even tastier, coat each one with butter, jam, or serve with honey, sour cream, fruit and berry sauce.