Pregnancy 13 weeks from conception fetal development. What happens in the thirteenth obstetric week of pregnancy

The first trimester of your pregnancy is ending, anxiety and dangerous periods are behind you. You've probably already registered with antenatal clinic, passed the necessary tests. Toxicosis has become much less pronounced, and, perhaps, has completely disappeared. Hormonal balance is gradually established, you have become calmer and more balanced.

After the end of toxicosis, your appetite has significantly improved, and now is the time to create an optimal nutrition plan so that your baby receives all the necessary substances and you do not gain excess weight.

Your tummy is still invisible, but you already need to remember that tight clothes can squeeze it and interfere with the baby. Therefore, trousers with a narrow belt should be abandoned.

How many months have passed? Week 13 is the first week of the fourth obstetric month of pregnancy, or the last week of the first trimester. You have crossed the barrier, and basically all the baby’s organs are formed. At the 13th week of pregnancy, the baby's weight is about 15-20 grams, and his height is 6.5 - 8 cm.

What's happening?

The size of the uterus has already increased so much that its upper pole can be clearly felt above the pubic bones. If you lie on your back, you can easily feel it in the form of a round formation. The baby is now about the size of a peach. The formation of the placenta continues. Sometimes after long walks you may feel unusually tired and have a feeling of heaviness in your legs. Try to moderate physical activity, but also not to be too passive.

Fetal development at 13 weeks of gestation

Your baby is now developing incredibly actively. Despite the fact that he is still so small, his baby teeth are already forming and are actively forming. bony skeleton, and mommy definitely needs to include additional calcium in her diet.

Pregnancy 12-13 weeks is the period when the baby’s pancreas begins to produce insulin, the most important hormone that regulates glucose metabolism. Other endocrine glands are also formed.

The baby is growing in size every day. His body still looks disproportionate, because his head is much larger than his body. But now the rate of increase in the head does not exceed the growth of the body as much as before. Your baby is already actively moving, despite the fact that you don’t feel any movement yet. Muscle tissue is being formed, and active movements are necessary to strengthen it. While the movements are quite chaotic, however, the baby can easily move in the uterus and swim up to its walls. The periods of sleep and wakefulness alternate quickly, and only during sleep does the baby rest and gain strength.

Development progresses gastrointestinal tract: at this stage of pregnancy, the villi of the mucous membrane are formed - the most important elements of digestion. The baby’s intestines are completely sterile throughout pregnancy, and only after the first breastfeeding will he receive beneficial bacteria that will populate the intestines and promote digestion and absorption of nutrients.

By the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy, the baby develops facial muscles and a sucking reflex. Already now he can move his lips. The formation of the face continues: the eyes gradually move from the sides of the head to the center, and the ears move from the neck.

The baby's brain is improving. Now there are no convolutions on its surface yet, but the places of their formation are already being laid - small grooves.

At this stage, girls lay eggs. Now there are several million of them, but by birth this number will decrease.

The baby's skin is still very thin, pink, through it you can clearly see blood vessels. Subcutaneous fat has not yet accumulated. Only in the third trimester will active accumulation of adipose tissue begin.

At 13-14 weeks of pregnancy, sound-reproducing structures are formed, and the vocal cords are almost formed.

Photo of the baby at 13 weeks, ultrasound

Mom's feelings

Expectant mothers at this stage note a significant improvement in their well-being and mood. Firstly, toxicosis of the first trimester has already passed, and if some of its manifestations remain, they no longer cause such discomfort as before. Your appetite has improved, and you can indulge yourself in culinary delights. Try to make them useful.

Usually by this time a screening ultrasound has already been performed, and you know that everything is fine with the baby. And this is the most important thing for every woman. On early stages Most mothers do not share the details of their situation with others, but now your condition is becoming more and more noticeable. The belly at the 13th week of pregnancy is still unnoticeable, but a change in gait, sometimes facial features, a change of clothes to looser ones, your high spirits, and a refusal to wear heels becomes clear to many.

You may already notice age spots appearing on your face. Don't worry - after pregnancy they disappear very quickly without leaving a trace. Also typical is the darkening of the strip from the navel to the pubic bones, areolas on the mammary glands, and the genital area. Such changes are associated with changes in the synthesis of pituitary hormones.

You listen more and more to your well-being, your connection with your baby is becoming closer. At this stage, children are already forming emotions, and it is very important that the mother talks more to the baby and strokes the tummy, which is already beginning to become round.

Already at this stage, your mammary glands are preparing to feed the baby, and you may notice how they have enlarged. Now you need to wear comfortable underwear without a frame that does not compress your chest and does not interfere with blood circulation. Special underwear for pregnant and nursing mothers is very convenient.

If your health allows, sign up for sports activities for pregnant. You need to maintain a sufficient level of physical fitness in order to be in shape for childbirth, recover well, and avoid unpleasant complications. Also try to walk a lot fresh air, and if your friends invite you to go outdoors outside the city, don’t refuse!

If you are pregnant with twins

A multiple pregnancy at this stage may still be no different. If you have pumped up abdominal muscles, then your tummy may not yet be noticeable, although very soon it will become rounder. A mother expecting twins must also strictly monitor her diet, get enough rest, and go for walks. Enjoy this easy period of pregnancy, because very soon you will fully feel the double load. Your tummy will grow faster than that of mothers carrying one baby, and the load on your back will be felt. Start wearing a support bandage in time - this will help relieve pain in the back and pressure on the bladder.

Pain and discharge in the 13th week of pregnancy

Most mothers define the end of the first trimester of pregnancy as an easy and pleasant period, not overshadowed by painful sensations. At this stage of pregnancy, any painful sensations should alert the expectant mother.

The uterus is not yet large enough to cause pain due to compression of adjacent organs. Sometimes you may experience a nagging painful sensation in the lower abdomen. Lie down for a while, rest, and if the sensations do not go away, be sure to consult a doctor. At this stage, increased uterine tone occurs quite often.

During pregnancy, a short-term increase in uterine tone is normal. However, constant hypertonicity is dangerous for the baby. If you experience sensations similar to period pain, consult your doctor. You will be prescribed appropriate treatment that will help prolong the pregnancy and prevent miscarriage at 13 weeks of pregnancy.

Proper diet

The manifestations of toxicosis have already noticeably decreased, your appetite has improved, and despite the fact that you want to eat a lot and not always the healthiest thing, you need to control your diet very carefully. First of all, you need to create a diet so that your baby gets everything he needs. nutrients, while preventing you from gaining excess weight. In fact, everything is very simple. You need to remove “unnecessary” foods from the menu as much as possible: those that contain light carbohydrates and at the same time have a minimum of nutritional value. Eliminate or limit as much as possible White bread, replace it with whole grain. Remove pasta from your diet, preferably potatoes. Side dishes that are familiar to many should be replaced with healthier cereals and vegetable dishes.

Your diet should be rich in protein products, because it is the amino acids that make up proteins that are the basis for the construction of all cells of the body. The source of protein is not only meat (and now you should give preference dietary meat– poultry, rabbit, veal). Protein is found in large quantities in dairy products, especially cottage cheese, in combination with valuable microelements and vitamins.

Constipation is a common problem in pregnant women. They mainly occur in the second trimester, when the uterus puts pressure on the intestines. But it is advisable to start preventing them now. Make it a rule to start your breakfast with a glass of kefir with prunes. Many people neglect this simplest method, but it really significantly improves the condition of the intestines. Your diet should include foods such as dried apricots, bananas, kiwi, and bran. Be sure to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Necessary examinations and examinations

Usually, at this stage of pregnancy, a woman is already registered at the antenatal clinic, and now she needs to visit a doctor once a month. At this time, an ultrasound can be performed. The first screening ultrasound examination should be carried out at 11-13 weeks of pregnancy, the optimal period is 12 weeks. An ultrasound scan at 13 weeks of pregnancy is performed to exclude gross malformations and chromosomal pathologies. At this time there is still an opportunity to conduct genetic research. If severe pathology is detected, pregnancy may be terminated.

The second reason that ultrasound is optimally performed at this particular time is the fact that now, with an ultrasound examination, a specialist will determine the gestational age of the fetus with an accuracy of 2 days. In some difficult situations, it is this age that obstetricians rely on. After all, there are situations when the mother cannot name the exact date last menstrual period, for example, in the case of certain diseases, or if there was spotting in the early stages of pregnancy.

The study at this stage is carried out with a vaginal sensor. On the monitor you can already see your baby, distinguish where his head, body, arms and legs are, the doctor will show you how his heart beats. But the sex at 13 weeks of pregnancy cannot yet be determined with 100% accuracy. The genitals are still developing. But at the second ultrasound they will tell you exactly who you are expecting - a boy or a girl.

Useful video

Questions - answers

What does brown discharge mean at 13 weeks of pregnancy?

This is an alarming symptom that indicates a threat of miscarriage. Brown color discharge is caused by leakage of blood, and if such a symptom is detected, it is necessary to urgently seek medical attention medical care to prescribe treatment to prevent miscarriage.

I’m 13 weeks pregnant and my stomach hurts – not too much, but periodically after exercise I feel like my uterus is getting very tense. This is not dangerous?

The sensations you describe are characteristic of increased myometrial tone. This may be normal if such sensations are not too intense and pass quickly when you lie down and rest. However, to exclude the threat of miscarriage, it is better for you to get examined.

I developed an unpleasant pulling sensation in the lumbar region and a fever at 13 weeks of pregnancy. What does it mean?

Such symptoms are characteristic of pyelonephritis. This disease very often occurs in pregnant women, since immunity is somewhat reduced and the risk of bacterial inflammation is high. You should definitely consult a doctor, since pyelonephritis requires timely and adequate antibacterial therapy.

After exercise, my lower back hurts very much at 13 weeks of pregnancy. This is my second pregnancy, and during the first I also had pain, but closer to the middle of pregnancy. How can you relieve the pain? Can I take painkillers?

Pain in the lumbar region during pregnancy is not always associated with stress on the back. This may be a symptom of an inflammatory process in the kidneys, so you need to see a doctor to rule out such a pathology. Pain may be a symptom of inflammation of the nerve roots, and in this case, special treatment is also indispensable. You cannot take painkillers on your own - only those prescribed by the doctor that are safe for the baby. If such causes of pain are excluded, you need to try to rest more. However, you should absolutely not lie down all day. Go to gymnastics for pregnant women - you will be shown special stretching exercises and strengthening your back muscles, which you will need to do regularly. A light massage also helps. You can ask your relatives to massage you daily or sign up for a massage course at a clinic.

This record was checked by a gynecologist-endocrinologist, mammologist, and ultrasound specialist.

The child’s age is the 11th week (ten full), pregnancy is the 13th obstetric week (twelve full).

The period of 13 obstetric weeks corresponds to the 11th week from conception. If we consider ordinary months, then you are now in the third month, or the beginning of the fourth lunar month.

This is the calmest period in the life of the expectant mother and her baby.

Feelings in a woman at 13 weeks of pregnancy

Like the previous ones, the thirteenth week brings mixed feelings to a woman. On the one hand, the sensations are pleasing and filled with incredible anticipation, but on the other hand, you begin to understand that your carefree life has passed, and now you are constantly responsible for your baby, which makes it a little difficult to feel completely free.

The path to motherhood is filled with challenges and excitement. It is especially difficult for women who are expecting their first child. Thoughts are constantly spinning in my head: will I have enough strength and health to bear and give birth to a healthy child?

And then, as luck would have it, all my friends begin to talk about various complications that can arise during pregnancy and childbirth. These stories cannot leave even a mentally balanced person indifferent, and they often bring expectant mothers to tears and nervous breakdowns.

But still, emotional condition pregnant woman on this line becomes more stable and positive. This is due to the fact that toxicosis of the first half bothers her less and less. Manifestations of autonomic dysfunction, which affected mood stability in the first three months, gradually disappear. The woman feels more comfortable and has an incredible surge of strength.

Quite often women at this stage are concerned about:

  • Constipation, the cause of which is a violation of intestinal peristaltic function, which occurs against the background of hormonal changes. The uterus is constantly growing and leaves less and less space for the intestines, which also causes constipation;
  • Convulsions in the calf muscles, which most often appear at night. The cause of this condition is a lack of calcium in the woman’s body.
  • Hypotension(decrease in blood pressure), which can occur after the formation of the placental-uterine circulation. Most often, a woman suffers this disease without obvious discomfort. But if the pressure drops significantly, then it is better to resort to drug treatment. With very low pressure, peripheral blood vessels contract, including in the uterus, which can cause insufficient blood supply to the fetus.
  • If on this line blood pressure rises, then most likely this is due to kidney disease, and not a predisposition to hypertension.

Forums: What do women write about their well-being?


Hooray! I feel great, in a week I’ll go for an ultrasound, I’ll finally see my baby.


The tummy has grown a little. The clothes no longer match. Need to go shopping.


My toxicosis will not go away.


I feel great, just a little irritable, and I start crying for any reason. But I think this will pass soon.


I feel great. There was and is no toxicosis. If I hadn’t seen my baby on an ultrasound, I wouldn’t have believed that I was pregnant.


The tummy has become slightly rounded. Toxicosis is no longer a concern. I'm expecting a miracle.

What happens in a woman's body?

  • Your body has already produced enough hormones that are responsible for maintaining the child. Therefore, soon you will no longer be bothered by morning sickness. You will no longer worry about a possible miscarriage, and you will become less irritable;
  • The uterus is increasing in size, and now it is about 3 cm high and 10 cm wide. Gradually it begins to rise into the abdominal cavity from the pelvic floor. There it will be located behind the anterior abdominal wall. Therefore, your relatives and friends may notice a slightly rounded tummy;
  • The uterus becomes more elastic and soft every day. Sometimes a woman notices minor vaginal discharge that is not cause for concern. But if they have an unpleasant odor and a yellowish color - be sure to consult a doctor;
  • You've probably already noticed that your breasts began to increase in size, this happens because milk ducts develop inside it. In the second trimester, with a light massage, a yellowish liquid may appear from the nipples - colostrum.

At 13 weeks, the 2nd hormonal screening is carried out.

Fetal development in the 13th week

For your unborn baby, the thirteenth week is very important. This key moment in the formation of the relationship between mother and fetus.

The placenta completes its development, which is now fully responsible for the development of the fetus, producing the required amount of progesterone and estrogen. Now its thickness is about 16 mm. It passes through itself all the microelements necessary for the child (fats, carbohydrates, proteins) and is an insurmountable barrier to many toxic substances.

Therefore, it is possible to treat the mother’s disease, for which it is necessary to use medications (antibiotics). The placenta also protects the fetus from influences from the mother’s immune system, preventing the occurrence of Rh conflict.

Your baby continues to form and develop all the systems necessary to support life:

  • Begins to develop rapidly brain. The baby begins to develop reflexes: his hands clench into fists, his lips curl, his fingers reach into his mouth, he grimaces, he shudders. Your baby spends some time actively, but still sleeps more. Fetal movements can only be detected using instruments;
  • Continues to be actively formed fetal skeletal system. The thyroid gland has already developed sufficiently and now calcium is deposited in the bones. The bones of the limbs lengthen, the first ribs form, and the bones of the spine and skull begin to ossify. The baby's head is no longer pressed to the chest and the chin, brow ridges and bridge of the nose can be clearly identified. The ears are in their normal position. And the eyes begin to come closer together, but they are still closed with tightly fused eyelids;
  • Develops very tender and thin skin covering, there is practically no subcutaneous fatty tissue, so the skin is very red and wrinkled, and small blood vessels appear on its surface;
  • Respiratory system The baby is already quite well formed. The fetus is breathing, but the glottis is still tightly closed. His breathing movements train the muscles of the diaphragm and chest more. If the baby suffers from a lack of oxygen, a small amount of amniotic fluid may enter the lungs. Therefore, if a pregnant woman is sick and there are pathogenic bacteria in the amniotic fluid, this can cause an intrauterine infection;

At the end of the 13th week your baby's length will be about 10-12cm, and the head has a diameter of approximately 2.97 cm. His weight is now about 20-30 g.

Ultrasound at 13 weeks, photo of the fetus, photo of the mother’s abdomen, video

On this line, the 2nd hormonal screening is performed.

Ultrasound at 13 weeks Photo of the belly at 13 weeks
This is what a fetus looks like at 13 weeks

Video: What happens in the thirteenth week of pregnancy?

Video: 3D ultrasound, 13 weeks

Video: Determining the sex of the fetus at 13 weeks of pregnancy (boy)

At this stage, the threat of miscarriage is significantly reduced, but there are still cases of spontaneous abortion. Therefore, the expectant mother should monitor her health, since the flu and even a common cold can harm your baby.

  • Avoid heavy physical activity;
  • Do not self-medicate;
  • In the autumn-winter period, use natural methods to prevent colds and flu: hardening, wash your hands after going outside, do not visit crowded places;
  • Don't forget about proper nutrition: eat more fermented milk products, fresh vegetables and fruits. To avoid constipation, eat foods that have a laxative effect: prunes, beets, plums and bran. Don’t get carried away with rice, pears and poppy seeds, they strengthen;
  • Spend more time outdoors, walk, communicate with people you like;
  • Do not use industrial cosmetics, better use natural ones.
  • Wear compression hosiery to eliminate heaviness and swelling in the legs, as well as to prevent varicose veins.

The most detailed pregnancy calendar by week

The 13th week of pregnancy is most often the beginning of a calmer time. Even the most severe toxicosis passes or has already stopped. You probably have time to take care of yourself. For example, update your wardrobe, because your waist has become rounder and your tummy has grown along with your baby.

Calculations by time:

The thirteenth obstetric week is equal to the eleventh from conception. To avoid confusion, check out the methods for calculating gestational age.

Feelings and well-being

Many mothers at the thirteenth week feel that they are literally coming to life. All unpleasant sensations gradually pass:

  • the intensity of nausea decreases;
  • vomiting practically stops;
  • irritability is replaced by a feeling of peace and joy;
  • there is more strength;
  • drowsiness subsides.

In rare cases, toxicosis does not go away. If this is the case, continue to fight it (see how).

At the end of the first trimester, many women especially suffer from flatulence and constipation. The grown uterus seems to “press down” the intestines and reduces its muscle contractions (peristalsis).

What's happening to my mom's figure?

It is at the 13th week that many women notice how much their belly has rounded. It seems that nothing is noticeable from the outside, but only if the clothes are loose-fitting. Nowadays, even loose jeans can be uncomfortable in the waistband. So, it's time to go to the store for special maternity pants. They are very comfortable and adjustable at the waist - you can wear them for several weeks or even months. Depends on your figure in the next two trimesters.

Photos of bellies:

If twins or even triplets grow up under the mother’s heart, there is no way to hide the pregnancy, except perhaps under outer clothing. Prepare for the curious glances of others and don’t be embarrassed.

The breasts may still increase slightly. As soon as your bra becomes too tight, get a new one. Stock up on bra pads if you are already leaking colostrum.

It is important. You cannot walk in tight, constricting clothes. Choking and even fainting may occur.

Complications of pregnancy

A pregnant woman's uterus is constantly growing. At the same time they move apart internal organs, the nearest ligaments and muscles are under load. Because of this, heartburn occurs and the stomach hurts at times. The sensations should be tolerable and cause only slight inconvenience.

Any severe, unpleasant pain in the abdomen, side or lower back is an alarming symptom and a doctor is needed urgently. Especially if the pain causes a feeling of strong tension in the entire abdomen.

Watch your vaginal discharge. The norm is white or transparent mucus, without a strong odor and in small quantities. Everything else (brown, yellow, reddish discharge) already indicates some kind of disease or threat of miscarriage.

Infections, no proper nutrition, Not healthy image life can cause a missed abortion. This is the death of the fetus and a serious threat to the health of the woman. Only hospital doctors can cope with this condition.

With a lack of potassium and calcium in the blood, pain and cramps in the legs may appear.

Medical supervision

Surely you are already registered at the antenatal clinic. Then you already have a plan for examination and testing. Visit the necessary doctors regularly. When donating blood, be sure to follow the preparation conditions, otherwise the result may be incorrect.

If you have not yet had your first scheduled ultrasound, you will be scheduled for one. You will be able to look at your baby, but you are unlikely to find out the sex of the child.

Ultrasound photo:

If you are diagnosed with a serious illness that can be treated with antibiotics, your doctor may prescribe them. The placenta is so developed that it protects the baby from side effects this group of drugs.

How the baby grows

The size of the fetus in the thirteenth week will reach 65-78 mm, weight - 14-20 grams.

The baby grows and develops very quickly:

  • the heart makes 140-170 beats per minute, for the fetus this is a normal rhythm;
  • there are more and more individual features in the face;
  • facial expressions develop, the baby learns to smack his lips;
  • in the tiny gums the rudiments of twenty milk teeth are “hidden”, which will gradually erupt within two years after childbirth;
  • the brain is actively developing and “commands” the reflex movements of the fetus;
  • the pancreas begins to produce insulin, and gallbladder produces bile;
  • vocal cords continue to develop;
  • bone tissue is strengthened, especially on the ribs;
  • head growth slows down slightly (now it occupies almost half the body length);
  • The body begins to grow a little faster;
  • the placenta reaches a thickness of about one and a half centimeters;
  • the eyelids remain tightly compressed;
  • due to the development of the neck muscles, the fetal chin is no longer pressed against the chest;
  • the skin develops, but remains very thin, it is penetrated by blood vessels;
  • the chest rises and falls as if the baby is breathing, but this is also a reflex (oxygen enters through the blood);
  • special digestive villi are formed in the intestines;
  • boys develop the prostate gland, and girls develop the ovaries;
  • The sense of smell gradually begins to “work.”

There is an untested theory: amniotic fluid smells like what a pregnant woman eats. When breastfeeding, the milk will also have the smell and taste of your mother's diet. To prevent newborns and infants from refusing mother's milk, it is recommended not to change their diet immediately after birth.

It is important. In the early stages of pregnancy, illnesses or stress of the mother affected the entire body of the baby. Nowadays, every health problem can lead to pathology of the organ that develops most intensively.

The main advice now is to love yourself, your body and your child. During your term, you need to become even more careful in everything.

  1. Meat or fish, eggs, fruits, vegetables, cereals and dairy products - this is your daily diet.
  2. It is advisable to have four or five meals a day.
  3. Remove the skin from the chicken and do not eat it.
  4. If you have a sweet tooth, buy marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows (without dyes), dried or dried fruits. Forget about buns and cakes. If you really want chocolate, eat one or two slices.
  5. Try to 100% avoid fried foods, smoked foods, canned foods, and spicy foods.
  6. Don't drink strong tea and coffee if you love these drinks and can't give them up. But if you have low blood pressure, your doctor may recommend coffee.
  7. There is an opinion that the expectant mother should definitely get calcium from vegetables, and not from animal products. It is argued that animal calcium causes early ossification of the fontanelles on the fetal head and then complicates childbirth. This is just another myth. During pregnancy, it is very difficult to oversaturate the body with calcium, since you really need a lot of it. The source of this microelement does not matter at all. And the fontanel in children closes only closer to the age of one.
  8. If you have constipation, give up rice and be sure to include dried apricots and prunes in your diet. Dried apricots will also help with cramps, as they contain potassium.
  9. As always, alcohol and smoking are prohibited.
  10. Walk more often in parks, near rivers, ponds and fountains. There is an opportunity to travel outside the city - just wonderful.
  11. At the dacha or personal plot Of all agricultural work, you can only pick berries, and not for long and while sitting.
  12. If your legs hurt from long walks, walk more slowly and for short distances.
  13. Do yoga, swimming or special gymnastics. You need to prepare for the upcoming birth now.
  14. Join any club for pregnant women, communicate, share experiences, help each other, at least via the Internet.
  15. Talk to your baby, stroke your belly and think about good things.
  16. If you feel stuffy at work or at home, ventilate the rooms or go outside when possible.
  17. If you have a blood pressure monitor at home, measure your blood pressure in the morning and evening and write down the readings. If there are deviations from your individual norm, show the records to your doctor.
  18. Lubricate your chest, stomach and thighs with stretch mark creams or just olive oil.
  19. Dress so as not to freeze or overheat. If the weather outside is unstable, use several layers of clothing. During warmer months, carry an umbrella with you.
  20. There are no restrictions on sex if you have one fetus and there is no risk of miscarriage.

13 weeks of pregnancy is a time of joy and positive emotions. Be calm and happy - the second trimester awaits you.

Video guide: 13th week of pregnancy: what happens, fetal size, sensations, proper nutrition and much more

From this time on, the proportions of the fetus change significantly. His torso and limbs grow, and his head becomes not as disproportionately large as it was in the early stages. The baby is very active, but it is still difficult for the mother to feel his movements. Women in their second pregnancy may already feel slight tremors.

This is the time when the child’s internal organs and systems continue to actively develop, and the volume of a woman’s tummy can grow. Normalization hormonal levels leads to improved well-being of the expectant mother. Nausea and vomiting, as well as odor intolerance, practically cease to be felt.

Thanks to the cessation of active production of the hormone progesterone by the corpus luteum, a woman’s emotional state improves. Mood swings become less sharp and noticeable. The placenta takes responsibility for the production of progesterone and estrogen, thereby ensuring the viability of the baby.

The child spends almost half of his time sleeping, and the other half in a state of wakefulness. It actively moves in the uterine cavity and moves, while the movements become more orderly. He even has a reaction to external stimuli - cold, heat, darkness and light.

What happens in a woman's body

During pregnancy, the uterus enlarges, it gradually extends into the abdominal cavity and reaches a width of 10 cm and a length of 13 cm. The height of the fundus of the uterus during this period reaches 11 cm, it can already be palpated through the abdominal wall. Not only does the uterus increase in size during the thirteenth week, it also becomes more elastic, allowing it to stretch to its maximum, but it also “shrinks” briefly.

Such contractions feel like a “petrification” of the abdomen. But if the processes do not bring pain and discomfort to the woman, there is no need to worry. After 13 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the abdomen increases, the uterus grows, as a result of which discomfort may appear in the lower abdomen due to stretching of the walls of the uterus and the ligaments that support it.

The changes occurring during this period cause displacement of internal organs, which often causes heartburn and shortness of breath. After long walks, a woman may feel heaviness in her limbs and experience increased fatigue. How long to walk and what intensity of sports should be - all these issues need to be discussed with a specialist. If a pregnant woman often experiences a feeling of tension in the uterus (due to increased tone), you should consult a doctor. At the first signs of “petrification” of the abdomen, you need to avoid any stress and lie down.

Signs of pregnancy

  • increased sensitivity and breast enlargement;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • swelling of the legs and the appearance of varicose veins;
  • formation of hyperpigmentation on the face, chest;
  • darkening of the areolas and nipples;
  • the appearance of a dark stripe running from the navel to the pubic bone.

During the thirteenth week of pregnancy, sensations in the abdomen change, all external signs are caused by hormonal imbalance, after childbirth they completely disappear. Colostrum may already begin to be released from the breast - a colorless liquid containing a large amount of nutritional and biological active substances. It will be the main food for the baby in the first days after birth.

The size of the uterus at the 13th week of pregnancy is increased, which causes its pressure on the organs located inside the abdominal cavity. As a result, a woman may experience intestinal disorders and problems with bowel movements. They are mainly caused by muscle contraction. During pregnancy, you should not use laxatives, it is better to drink more water, eat foods rich in fiber, and also move more.

Feelings in the stomach

Stabilization of hormonal levels in the thirteenth week leads to improved well-being and increased appetite. Mood swings, emotional outbursts and anxiety go away because the body has already adapted to the changes taking place. Frequent urination ceases to bother the pregnant woman, and the uterus gradually begins to emerge into the abdominal cavity.

The sensations in the abdomen at 13 weeks of pregnancy are characterized by “tightness” in the lower region, while the usual clothes become tighter, even though there is no stomach yet. From this period, a pregnant woman should buy special trousers with an elastic insert that will not squeeze the stomach.

Discharge from the genital tract

Discharge of yellow, transparent and white color with a uniform consistency and without a specific unpleasant odor is normal - at thirteen weeks of pregnancy they can increase significantly in volume. For hygiene purposes, a pregnant woman can use panty liners, but tampons should be avoided.

If the color of the discharge changes, the appearance of blood, green and yellow pus, as well as pain, itching, burning and any discomfort, you should immediately see a gynecologist. These symptoms may indicate an inflammatory process or a threat of miscarriage.


At 13 weeks of pregnancy, an ultrasound examination is performed, the purpose of which is a screening examination that was not carried out in the previous week.

During the examination, the doctor evaluates:

  • size and weight of the fetus;
  • attachment to the wall of the uterus - anterior, posterior, lateral;
  • determines the amount of amniotic fluid;
  • reveals the correct position of internal organs and brain structure.

Based on these data, the doctor can determine the presence or absence of pathologies and abnormalities that may cause the procedure. additional examinations and analyses.

Fetal development

What happens to the fetus at the 13th obstetric week of pregnancy? The baby continues to gradually grow and develop, and at the thirteenth week it reaches the size of a nectarine. Its height varies between 65-78 mm, and its weight is only 14-20 g. Throughout the second trimester, it will actively grow, increasing body weight, since all important organs are already formed.

The child’s torso, as well as the upper and lower limbs, noticeably grows, so the head no longer looks so big. The baby is actively developing bone tissue, which is becoming stronger. This is why consumption from female body calcium.

The 13th week of pregnancy is characterized by the strengthening of the bones of the skull, as well as the formation of the rudiments of future ribs. The child's face has already acquired human outlines. He has eyes covered with thin skin of the eyelids, ears, a nose and a mouth where the rudiments of all twenty milk teeth are laid. At the end of the first trimester, the fetus's facial muscles are formed and he can already actively move his lips.

The intestine develops and takes its normal position in the abdominal cavity; previously, part of it prolapsed into the umbilical cord. Villi form within the intestinal epithelium, which have great importance for digestion. During this period, the spleen begins to produce B-lymphocytes, which are involved in protecting the body from infections.

The child already feels the taste and smell of amniotic fluid, which depends on the food consumed. This is due to the appearance of the olfactory epithelium in the sinuses and taste buds on. In boys and girls, the external genitalia form at the end of the first and beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy.

How many months are 13 weeks pregnant? With the beginning of this time, the second trimester of gestation begins, since obstetric month is four weeks. On this period The baby is 11 weeks old. The second trimester is considered one of the calmest - the construction of the child's systems and internal organs is almost behind, the birth is far away, and the woman is practically no longer bothered by toxicosis.

Possible problems

This period is not dangerous, the risk of miscarriage in the second trimester is minimal, but a woman needs to be careful about her health. Any negative external factors can lead to the formation of pathologies that subsequently affect the growth and development of the baby.

Possible problems during this period of pregnancy include:

  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency, which is caused by a slight opening of the cervix and can lead to the penetration of pathogens, infections and microbes;
  • primary placental insufficiency, the cause of which is a disruption in the formation of the placenta in the previous weeks of pregnancy, as a result of which it cannot perform its functions of providing the fetus with necessary substances and oxygen.

What should you pay attention to?

The thirteenth week of pregnancy is the most favorable time, but a pregnant woman should still follow some recommendations:

  • The belly and breasts increase in size, so the expectant mother should pay attention to the condition of the skin. To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, it is necessary to use special creams, oils and preparations to increase its elasticity, since it is very difficult to get rid of stretch marks later. If necessary, you can wear a support bandage so that the abdomen causes less trauma and tension on the skin when walking. You should also take care of supporting your enlarged bust.
  • A pregnant woman's diet in the second trimester should be balanced and contain a minimum amount of sweets and starchy foods. Under the influence of hormonal changes, subcutaneous fat fiber begins to actively increase in a woman’s body, so poor nutrition can lead to sudden weight gain. The recommended meal option is four meals a day, while dinner should be light and no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. The body especially needs folic acid and vitamin C during this period, so it is very important to make proper diet nutrition. Today detailed description All products that are beneficial and harmful to the health of pregnant women can be easily found on any specialized forum. Weekly weight gain should not exceed 300-450 g.

At the beginning of the second trimester, star patterns begin to appear under the skin on the legs, indicating the development of varicose veins. From the gestational age of 13 weeks the disease will progress. If a woman had problems with veins even before pregnancy, it is necessary to visit a phlebologist to draw up a list of exercises to strengthen the veins and get a prescription for anti-varicose tights that have a special gusset on the tummy.

Very useful and effective are contrasting washes from the ankle to the knees, regular raising of the legs - they can be placed on a bolster or on a chair. It is very important not to gain excess weight if you have varicose veins.

The increased size of the uterus after thirteen weeks also requires careful treatment. You should not lift weights, be nervous or worry, as this can lead to tension in the uterus and a feeling of “petrification” in the abdomen. A woman should get more rest and lead a healthy lifestyle, get rid of bad habits, which ideally should be done before becoming pregnant.

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What does the baby look like (weight and size of the fetus)

Your little happiness has grown to the size of a peach. His height is sixty-one millimeters and his weight is thirteen grams. All organs and systems have already been established and formed over the past 12 weeks. They just have to grow up. However, let's take a closer look at what new skills and capabilities the baby will acquire in the next seven days. Believe me, there are quite a lot of them, and you can safely be proud of your baby.

  • The pancreas, in tandem with the adrenal glands, begins to project a substance such as insulin.
  • The bones and muscles of a little person develop without stopping for a second.
  • The gastrointestinal tract is already capable of digesting what the baby swallows - amniotic fluid.
  • The baby's vocal apparatus and milk teeth are already embedded in his body.
  • A child’s tiny heart works like an ant: in twenty-four hours, this miniature, tiny organ pumps twenty-three liters of child’s blood.
  • From now on, the baby’s torso grows much faster than his head. But until recently, my head was outweighed.
  • The baby not only begins to move actively, he begins to do it consciously, and gains the ability to control his movements.
  • The baby begins to react to what annoys him and what he likes. It could be too bright light, loud music, street noise, mother's voice, ultrasound machine sensor. By the way, not a single kid has ever liked the last one. An irritant is an irritant even in Africa, not like in the mother’s womb.

Dear mom, it's time to establish a psycho-emotional connection with your baby. Talk to him, sing him songs and lullabies, read poetry, listen to music together. It may seem very strange now, but all these actions will have a positive impact on your relationship in the future.

Determining the sex of the child

The genitals of your prince or little princess become visible and visible. If you have not done an ultrasound earlier, if this examination took place precisely at the 13th week of pregnancy, you can safely ask the doctor about the gender of your child. If the baby’s position at the time of the examination is successful, the doctor will tell you with high accuracy who to expect and what colors to buy.



It is absolutely stupid to be afraid of an ultrasound at 13 weeks of pregnancy. This research can and should be done at the period under discussion. And of course, it will show pregnancy, because the baby in your tummy has grown noticeably, it is no longer possible not to see it. And taking into account all the skills acquired up to this point, he is even able to wave his hand at you.

An ultrasound examination performed at week 13 is part of the first screening. The specialist who will conduct the ultrasound will pay attention to the following points:

  • position of the placenta (if the doctor determines the presentation, he will definitely indicate how many centimeters the placenta is from the uterine os);
  • baby's heart rate;
  • activity of the baby's movements;
  • measuring the collar area of ​​a small person.

It is the collar zone that is the main target of the medical specialist who conducts the study. By measuring it correctly, you can make an objective conclusion about the risk of having a baby with developmental anomalies. Don't worry, everything will be fine for you and your baby. However, we cannot afford not to provide you with this information. It does not apply to your situation, but every pregnant woman who is interested in her health and the health of her unborn child should know about the purposes of measuring the collar area. The doctor makes conclusions about possible anomalies in the development of the fetus only after the expectant mother donates blood from a vein for analysis, and the doctor receives the results of this laboratory test in his hands.


Genetic screening No. 1 is a comprehensive study that involves performing an ultrasound and analyzing the venous blood of the expectant mother. The purpose of screening is to exclude genetic abnormalities and developmental defects that can be identified at the end of the first trimester. If chromosomal abnormalities occur, doctors will identify them with the help of the first genetic screening. However, in the vast majority of cases, mothers have nothing to worry about, because they carry healthy, rosy-cheeked babies without any abnormalities.

It is important to understand that the result of double screening cannot be positive or negative. This study can only suggest the risk, the possibility of developing abnormalities in the baby. The doctor can tell the final answer only after amniocentesis (sampling of amniotic fluid for analysis) and chorionic villus biopsy. We've probably completely confused you, so let's start with more understandable language. So, the pregnant woman takes both tests, which constitute double screening. If both studies show the possibility of abnormal fetal development, the doctor sends his patient for clarifying studies - a villous biopsy and an analysis of the amniotic fluid. And only after this the doctor will be able to accurately inform his pregnant woman whether she should worry.

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What's happening to your body - sensations

Starting from the 13th week, your pregnancy is an indisputable fact. And if previously men did not give up their seat to you on public transport due to their bad manners, then from now on they will have no choice: their belly becomes very noticeable, so don’t worry about the fact that you will have to stand while moving on the bus. They will start giving you a place in line at the supermarket and at the bank teller. Everywhere you appear, people will react to you with a smile.

If there is still no prominent sign of pregnancy, don't worry. Physiological features The organisms of each of us are different. For some representatives of the fair sex, their tummy remains so small until the very last moment that many are genuinely surprised when they meet an already established mother with a stroller in the park or on the street. It often happens that the fetus is pressed against the far uterine wall, so the pregnant belly appears somewhat later than the period under discussion. But even if your tummy is not yet visible, you can definitely recognize your waist by your waist. interesting situation. It becomes expanded and with its entire appearance indicates that a real miracle is growing inside you.

By the way, you can determine whether your weight gain is normal. For this . Set your deadline, personal details and get an individual result! And also find out how weight gain is distributed in the body at a given time.

The height of the uterus this week will reach 13 centimeters. It grows in proportion to how the baby grows. Gradually in charge female organ fills all the free space available to it, beginning to put pressure on nearby internal organs. The breasts become larger and fuller. You've probably noticed that the old bras in which you easily fit all your wealth before pregnancy have become incredibly small for you. Well, a comfortable bra with wide straps, and better yet more than one.

Nagging pain in the abdomen

The nagging pain associated with pregnancy should go away by this time. If you notice at 13 weeks that your lower abdomen is tight, don’t panic. Just call your OB/GYN and find out what it might be. Expectant mothers often confuse pain in the lower abdomen with intestinal sensitivity, which during this period actually becomes a little sluggish due to the pressure of the uterus.

Back pain

Due to the growth of the uterus, the abdomen begins to shift relative to the center of gravity. This process can cause pain in the lumbar spine. Insignificant, but quite noticeable. In order not to take the situation to the extreme, when your back will ache unbearably (and this often happens in the later stages of pregnancy), organize yourself a comfortable place in advance. sleeping area. No sagging sofas or mattresses with old springs sticking out. There should be at least one place in your home where you can fully relax and rest your back. More information about the health of expectant mothers at the period under discussion can be found here Woman's health at 13 weeks of pregnancy.


At week 13, the risk of miscarriage is significantly reduced. Instead, the sensitivity of the erogenous zones increases, and you yourself may want intimacy, even if you were previously afraid of it like fire. Your loved one will probably be surprised by the change in mood, but will definitely note for himself that these are changes for the better. Some of the fair sex, who had never experienced an orgasm, noted that they first became acquainted with this sensation in the middle of pregnancy. Everything is logical: after all, the hormonal changes in your body have already completed, which means you can safely discover new horizons of intimacy. And don’t be afraid to harm the baby, because it’s impossible. But your positive emotions received through sex will probably be passed on to your baby. And this is not to mention how grateful and appreciative your man will be to you, whom you have kept at a distance for so long.

Proper nutrition

At week 13, among the foods that you can eat, you should place special emphasis on those that are high in vitamin E. If a blood test shows a low hemoglobin level, include more buckwheat porridge, pomegranates and beef in your diet. No buns or cakes. No, if you really want it, then, of course, you can. But in limited quantities. In general, the desire to eat something sweet should automatically transform into a desire to treat yourself to fruits or berries. Especially if it's the right season. Read more about the rules for creating a “pregnant” diet this week.


Reception folic acid extended for another week. However, already from the 14th week of pregnancy the need for this medicine you won't have. If you have been taking iodine until recently, ask your doctor if you need to continue. Only your doctor knows which vitamins you should take. In addition, an excess of iodine is no less dangerous than its lack in a pregnant body. Do not take any vitamin complexes without first consulting your doctor. If mommy eats a varied, nutritious and healthy diet, then perhaps she won’t need any vitamins.